The Goderich Star, 1899-02-17, Page 5.. . No w " 'e vanced so or lr>�a>l dOtly 10 delxartment `. -- _— •�---�.._.�.,-..- q2», g ..-yj-,, — �r�+p �_+.p-�yv-,-l- �_7I���_r�!_ - -- -- spa y�,-�,��-t - -" - _ Uk � l'9E}5 •"'^ -#Si. `a,=':y •` �5�,'te+%,vr i�.w:�.�j,w •- Y„F�,. C "�#t irlii47 l.' V :i�tiiGlrf. Y� NI `" �R ttrr 4.e thati0�.� �J ; a ko I z - ,1� - t g� • hax}dful p �eoj? ON lta.rti yo¢r dta•t. r Lai,. + . 9 o S!a itT&7�>>alep Tya.It sa{►:3aTrr•Drr.,.• tor- qp� epc ,fp'r1R hall last I - I avn I euyrzoae tlpltsup tv thin you ever ai#llt: '�� rk leered of rn13. 1 YOU lit 40t -the rAAsen• Y ,3 r'^ Y�'•,1¢�,, wall t i+iaaeettcitsbt•vd take tyry'aon to •t��,� Rte., �RoR A- i for r V tr • nand 6q H Tito F Ilievil$ tflQ 2?4 iliam 4 Vvytor 1n the u: roti o ^h4(co • t ,, An tell Yon' I apQprove your �ourae an pblitilsbYilteto k gf't`hls a n. EmuSion t tktlnh you're deinJuke to knew tpha$ ytyn'ra driving uHgbal4 hap wto,. '•l Ugly -worth - Y at. Raw aid 14syo oWhing to do with Iu,rL n1y ,rant l0(:. WT5u. An also le roquci;t you, pleSt�e, SQ 4>; to , I'ncle sem icer � I through the winter? I[ to, we ,;,,,,,, t•, .vd til ,_r tow p, le s. 1'd Hite to b'e appointed as the governor •� don't IGQod th•1 7oA did pereonaliy, are sure it quieted your. cough, qt Guam. but it was rill outrage nevertbeless. The py i, t efts healed the rawness in your ;y ��XU ��j��[( They tell me Guam to one of them there hall w++e packed of people and Mor;- throat, increased your weight, N U ,e peaceful kind of land$ gleson had just starve oft In his most 810- 10 lo- � gave you more cOlpr, and tilide Io yo:1 ;tbuut Near atria's sunny fottnWns, 'cross from ququb >auagper wh4li W1nO tgUoWt who of Q j .. _.� l � Hlcy4e,.. tt'ntch tuts i:yaaw. i Injin's coral strands• course was acting for your candidate, 1 Oil eel better In every way. G Ap ev'rybody apeako about the place In stuck his head into the place and yelled I Balt perhaps your cough has pleuala tones, that a oblation 000p around in the next Em ;rs��'s iiG lGle Inti Mut iG I $•• I Jas' wish you'd keep your eye on Pe- alley was afire. Of oourp nobody atsdd to 1 come back again, or you are get - le Junes, boar national questions disqussed atter ting a little this and pale. Which sante Is me, an, u you plasse, jus' q y not continue the, Thenwh � I nay to Uncls gum that, and now your party papers malls Rt .e„tic I lFiu ruse t'i nu I'm w,llln to be billeted as governor'of Capital of it. Fine pass things we coming same helpful remedyright 111.,,i. I r „ostu. Guam. to Ind I"'-Ohloago News. `N� ,, a 4 through the summer? It will do _ I They tell me Guam is dif'rent from this you as much d as when the great his U. S. A. They Cleanse The 6ve1'•em Thorough- y . :� The bunko gent is quite unknown, an, fur- IV.-Parmelee's Vegetable Pills clear weather is cold. + t `t thermore, they say the stomach and bgwefs of bilious Its persistent use will certainly t. 1` 'y N ��`t➢:•�� 1`A ♦ The [lghtnin rod man never lights on that matter, cause the excretory vessels I. To m there blessed sell throw off impurities front the blood give yOtt a better appetite,g�ld a TELfi11110NL CALL 71 To pester nn intimmydate the trustin son into the hovels and expel the deleteri- stronger digestion. of toll ous mans from the body. They do It will cure your The thought is pleasant. So, air, please, this without pain or inconvenience to weals throat and heal FRIDAY. I` E 31tt'ARY 17, IAK). Jus' say to Uncle Sam the anent. who apeedilv realizes theft You've picked a tugs minas man to go ON p Our Inflamed lungs. - - - - governor of Guam. Rood offices pR seen as they begin to m C ii 1 C . _T U B i'1 L L E WILL SHINE take effect. They have strong recotu- It will cure every ease They tell me Guam is peaceful an the pa- inendations from all kinds of people. of consumption when SHOES, I urea like to set a cure Is possible. Around In clothes which over here we'd A Woodstock gran wants to abolish , call quite dee-o-tet: curling -at least he has brought an ac- Dont be persuaded 111,48 1'HonAHI•u HTAHTH A PttuTTY IC8' I They never saw no trolley care tier air- TAnLIBn 1IICNT FGR WIISILN, cuses atietch, tlOtl against LI7H local curling club ho- t0 take SOfnethinQ they say I8 just An ev'ry feller with two bits Is looked up- - cause of the Noise it makes. What as good. ---- on is rich; a'tould be the use of furling if one AllAruigists, 1x. and $.. 'I'ht' following from the Detroit They's fascinatin In that thought, so say couldn't talk it, and that, pretty loud- SCOTT h B�waa,Ghamists,Toroata f Fell. 3rd will be read to Uncle Sam ly? E-nin News o + - - , K You're able for to and a man for governor A Relay of {lelatlowa. will, Itllt•i•est in Uuderlch by ninny of Guam. They Advertise Themselves. - Ian. friend,) of the voutig Isdv and her fain. I mediately they were offered to the 1'ii promise you, dear William, that ell public, Parmel0e's Vegetable Pills be11, - lle, will) Wer,• fe,lttler resi(dentg here: make no changes there. A pretty Kenwood gn•I has Iti sen its I'll tet the natives dread themselves In I came popular because of the +rood re- 4 smiles an fine fresh air. port they made fill themselves. Thac til+ h(.netIu•tor of her vex. }ler flaunt re utation hasgrown, and they now isle Sliµs }+; v+u lgeliuu YI•oha-C'o, and she I'll tnterduce no novelties, an politics will n )` i, the .la E VILIl li Nl r. u.nd 511 x. U d site e he rank among the Hi so, medicines. for use !, Unknown, unhonored an unsung— jun in attacks of dyspepeiaaud biliousness, Al. 1) e, of 1500 Oakf-11WAl(I avenue. ; leave It all to me. coniplaints of the liver and kidneys, Site in liret.I.y rtud taienLed Mild has 1'110 An whisper soft an easy to our friend, r•heurnatism, fever and agate and the f + good Ineediffg atod m,tnflers of a true ` t•nele Sam, innunlerahle complications to which 1 gruI I(•w, nun,. M,sv I'robaseu lav beta) iI That you have found the proper man for these ailments glue rise. \ M lit' tit(. belles of Kellwood's smart governor of Guam. _ I + vet fart' Lbe past fico sen Kon,-. Her till- Them simple minded natives I'll not try At 11 o'clock last Friday night, when ' llvu,tl beauty and#4er quick repartee to r,lilize- the temperature was nto,und 130 below alth( m rh the • ,n mhlr or • bel �, ,i t, in the second story ail( t f. < r brisket 1 have tit { That l+ to sl) I'll never try to make them zea fl e y excellent standing of her f:unily Mone ol,rwise. y of L'ick's Central hotel, Seaforth. The - wuuld give hel enirance to n�+uly of I'll let them lead their quiet lives without building, being frame, very rapidly "Look beret Dad savewe'veall tiotdour the Lest hnnlvs of Chicago }int even no cares ner clothes, succumbed to the flames, and together rattlers. I wonder It Its• true?' the censeles+ t Hund tit society affair- Without no rarest ner goff an other With the contents, was almost totally "I don't know, but I do know that My proves a bore Son,etimes, rind bliss modet•n woes. destroyed. The resent to tieior, Probavro had hopes and aspirations I'm very sure this plan of mine will please p p p dad's gob ten aunts in every house he peg - that were Hone f,u ae:acI.: than ger- our uncle Sam Mr, Kling; had been in possessdpn only "use.” -Ally Sloper. irlans and t.VILA. She, wanted it musical education and a chance to study the modern btiiguil.ges. J,,or' a long tittle holy she haw been seeking it Held fill- money making, her titain desire being t.o strike something entirely new which wu,d(1 be such ,t sllt'ces• that, atter. a t•Mav yesirs site would be in it tilrlm'ial c•onditinn I.hiat ,vmlltI w,ur;tttt her in indtilLnog in tb(. wishes that. shM lilts cuddled since v ass - Ing out of the-chnolgirllage, Anll oue day she Itis neon Lhis phan--ia shoe- eleaninic estahli-liuu'nt, wh(a•o,ti Gni)' the p,•tl.iro,tted hying+ or Lite world would he admit.ted. No udor of nasty enluke oozing over it cnrt,tin, no chillwo of n mall peeping about. to gaze upon Ill" 111111 -toll Iighl of n wntnau Itayuig her Shows black -ed. }int sitrply a clrnn, itrtistically arriy,liged little cor- ner to which woolen cliff run wish their Illoddy hon la. l f --le'a lin • .-tab When you Inform.him that you have a governor for Guam. go. W, McKinley, Esquire an LL. D., Jus' make a memorander of this letter ' writ by me! I know that you are certain for to feel 1t In your bones That no one slue could fill the job like Pe- lerbcrry Jones. I'll thank you, then, If you will hint at once to Uncle Sam I'd like to take my clothes an go as gov- ernor of Guam: —Baltimore AmerlcaiL WHEN YOU'RE' IP TROUBLE. A Few Axises For tie Recent of the Unlucky. It is always a more or less difficult mat- ter to know what to do when you 88qqt into trouble. In truth, so great is the It that it is questionable it 1t Is not simpler to keep outof the trouble In thefirst place. Some men no sooner get into a an ­— two months. Insurance $3,0110, in too Waterloo Mutual. Tho great dggmand for a pleasant, safe and reliahre antidote for all affec- tions of the throat and lungs is fully tuet with in Bickle'a Anti-Consutnp Uvs Svt•up. It is purely Vegetable Com- pomid, and acts promptly and magical- ly in subduing tall coughs, colds. bron- chitis, inflammation of the lungs, etc. It is so palatable that a child will not refuse It, and is put at it price that will not exclude! the poor trnm its heneHts. (t•ulte Another ^. hrnin roti remember your college days? s Jill -Can't any that I do. but I remem- ber lay college nichts all rtirllt.-Youk rs t3t,i&,Rrnnn WHA1 DID 1,,T. MERRILL CHALLENGES THE WORLD. Morrill. the Druggist, of Brantford. offers $11100 reward to anyone whc will mske a better cure of constivat•lon than Merrill's System Tonic. This mediotne Is nots, -ample cathertie, but a positive and pleasant to take cure for habitual constipation. In this way i+ euros dy7ppsia, impure blood and nervous trouble. 5o doses -price 50c. at Dunham's DruggidL gene to Keep slevtat. Parker -One place Is Just" goodas •p- other for o man without money - Tucker -Yes, and 1t is fortunate, too, for a roan without money can't stay In the same place long. -New York Truth. LObK OUT FORTH E ENGINE. We mean your heart. Keep it Along. Don't let it, flutter or heat with a weak stroke. Seutt's Emul- sion feeds the blood, It makes the heert beat ptent)�t'•,.t4tld SrowtiY -int; 4#"� o�•,��: ,� _ .-..T ;.... _.. .,-w- _.. . ;.•-...T.-�3•. :eo•"tom"..� wr•:-:--r„w•+e,r :.r7T Thi People hatvc m de 'the ;Star ,st Altholq$4 ibis. $t90 glwpya given City k�ay beat value in the mark4t, bigger bprgaiail than ever 411011? 111,441111k'�a� .00, swo SWUM of the dissolu- tion ul partltatship of FdAnger do Rot),iue911. pi UM stook of btoves, mobile they last, must Ko wt g$Mptlred aced prices. No bet- ter ebgnee wAl ever offered tot (iepl%pis IDargalns-Bargains in wLat you really need. Stoves, Tiaw*ri®, Lamp', &o„ at Bargain prices. Come here for lour Cosi'011- Plumbing, hestiog slid Tinsmithing at the lowest possible priers. H• Ce lb"ILSINGER, O,ornOr Wvst-St• and Square. SPRING SNAP. eke room for Spring Goods we are offering our LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 6AMPS at prices that will astonish you. Call and examine Goods and be your own judge. LEE & SHEPH. D• redo all kilds of MOULDING AN,) REPAIR MACHINERY of any desoription at akort notice and for Ul le money Tho WHOM BIGUM Go., L10601 GodeflGh IN) Ids L el). tam 'N tut t F lisholent will be ll) the helot of Ih., than they proceed to expt. A _� ,•. stow it's entirelysomsbod else's fau11 � 1. � � y for a�numnrr N^,i.�rs. It af�fiCt� riot • The Tfirnttats"Bert:Qt•Son.AlatdtttnacLrcr . gl'e,Lt tlh(, Illg ill-LIaC't. 1)Il t\•a-hing' pp - that they got there. This Is amistake and oniv my head and face, but my -stomach Ing Co., of Wingham, are seeking in - 0)" stT V between State \V;abaa-h. ,� uses a valuable ener fns to no end, for g p g and hack. After Lakin Hood's. Sar- corporation for the mitnufacture and j.'n111• sChrdy stiffs of ILltly, in clean ilrtt_-1, the world as it rule is altogether too much saparilla a short time I was relieved. sale of furniture, capital $Bike is ol1iLd of gilig+lloln. 'Villsl't'apt' and taken up with the delight of seem them 1 B B I have now taken six or eight bottles, shares of $1W each, head otlflce at nal lullsh all the IitClO ,hoes Lhat trip { Ih,u, u•,ty. 'I'hrra will he a platfmnl iii In trouble to care a fig how they got fund seldom feel any symptom of new there. M.H.Mincher, Eismote, Oali. Wingbam, and provincial director's H. Osbert Bell and Fred pure white narhl(., and on this will ralgia." Grin and look happy in a piece of advice o Thos. Bell, Johnston. stand four hitndsome chairs of ;olid pot Sillberally bestowed upon a man that --'-'--- oak and heitvy leather. A drainty kgs coma to grief In some way or another --?Sire lreoelt. B. Fisher,Bridge Contractor, Mt. eewill sepiLLe thiv hu -tiles frLm rcrn ,ar of the numerous modes open to us in this Mrs. Gaddington-I don't Ilk" her at geA. t save. "f took M}Com- t lie -h(le -tore which will divide rooul winked world. The advice is sound, and all, dear. She is a deoettful -woman. The t pound Iron Pills for sumacchh trouble. poun ,pill'(. with it. you have only to keep out of trouble to other day Ithe tried to gat me to say eons• from which I suffered for two years, + Thoro will hr arti,t.iv etclyillg, (Ili i,he I recognize the full beauty of It. You have thing against yon- and anon felt like a new man." walls, while a big lihl•at'v table covered also only to got into trouble to recognize I Mrs. Babbington -She did? How} will, t,hn IILIe-t, magazines and perio'l its full futility. I Mrs, daddington-Why, she asked me Farmers throughout Kingston dis- iv,tlu will furnish Hite -re -t, and atnaive There is another olass of man that no, to tell her confidentially what I really trict are being victimized by men who .Item gal Ibose pati -ons who will have' Bonner gets into troublethan he layedown Ctlough' of yon. -Nuggets, take advantage of the credulity of n ;iw tit t hell' mirii. The orlgin,atol' his arms, abandons h"1s'• gone, and waits ---- those with whom they are dealing to of t hie height• s(•henle will herselt hr' for his friends to come along and get him THE NEW TREATMENT. pass off an inferior article at the pace nuuingel-anif cashier.-Chicitgo'IiulPs- out. The exasperating part about it is Hundreds of people who have ggoonetherounde of the superior. Farmers are buying 11(.rnld_ that the frtends sometimes do so. Then of physicians pod atent medielneii have found h nitro in MerrillA System Tonic. This new what, is represented to them as being _-- -- ---- hr you moot, have gnarl rip- the than arises refresbed and with grateful medicine cares -disease by toning all the heart, and looks around for the moat trou- principal orltana in the body. thus enabling fodder ensilage or white ear corn. but which in reality Is nothing more than To strong pet U e, gond digevt inn, rt,111 g,, (I ns lite to fell into. As a rule he doesn't have ,naturest t k o tioffthe did Boa per bottle a ` ordinary common white corn. Gen• fifty lttinn Miller'- ('o.fliruunl Iran to look long. Dunham'sDrugStore. uineensdagecornwill yield per ..ennLv wonoe... OUR NEW SPRING HATS.._x . Every mild day sug t:siN 11 new Felt Hat, and as we nave I ready received a large stOLk I..I spring styles in haid and soft Fe.t Hats in all the leading shades we invite inspection. The vales are better than ever this dear, as we placed our order before the advance in furs, and can offer you good Fur Felt Hats for $1.50,191.75, $2, , 2.25, $2.50 and $3. AI, P. MOLEAN, Art Tailor, Natty Hatter and Gents' Furnisher, Goderich. _ FERFEGT_ I l _ A Patfect Bath 1L,0m menus a grtat ll -y deal to a fiuoly fttdniehed house• lnferior t - I c, PiulHbirg may last for a year or so in orber �'e L parts of the houae, and "do just as well" lur that length of lit e. But Pl linbitg is Oheapest wlieu it is perfect. We have done plumbieg in some of tho beet residences in Oudolioh, and do noth ug but first class work. Call at Cattle Bros. for estimates of coat, wc., for zood material and plumbing work. In announcing to the public his resumption of business at the old , stand, begs leave to state that the new stook is daily being added to, and will soon be complete in everything usually kept in a first class Drug Store. l The Dispenslnig Department always receives the most careful attention. F. JORDAN, Corner Colborne fat. and S(luare 11USICAL INSTRUI'IENTS FOR THE HOLi DAYS_/'% AT THOMSON'S M'USIO STORF CATTLE BROS) West Slde of Square, next Sturdy Bros., Goderich, Out. G. A. Humber & Sons for H(11 tnIv r4,Fvle) S 1n RNFIL UOR :.�. N. .. WATCHES At greatly reduced prices. 1✓LOCKS, Cbina and other lines. J EWEL,,RV9 Bracelet- and Rings a specialty. STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES At special value SIM Then, again, there are some men---chief- Pills bring till th(.µ,r. ly Lhn kind that dwell on this planet-thsb cent better results and nature from x almost Invariably begin to lie the moment she Chess Stwveity. three to six weeks earlier than the lir• 119a I The t . 1 with I Ethel -I have the oboieeof being an old dinar- corn, which is a very important The "WORMWORTH" Piano, manufactured by Ono of the oldest pinna The xoa. they get into dt n ty. considerations for the farmers of this Ilrowns--Now that the horselese oar- these is that they don't always stop when I man's darling or a young man's slay country. who are very often eufYerete firms it, Canada. For beauty of finish, purity of tone an honesty o1 rings hell proved successful, what do yon• they get out again. And while the world and I've deafd•d t• bs •young sea's by early frosts. Genuine ensilage corn eonat.rnoUon, has few equals and iso superiors. u suppose will follow? will always tolerate a man that. lies when , slave. is worth from sixty to Seventy cents a The "CELEBRATED OODF.RICH ORGAN," which now cote the pane for Towne -'the wheelless bicycle probably. I he gets into a box it to apt to make it 4 I Clara -My dear, I think you ate tool- bushel, which in the price demanded Olhet makes, from $45 00 up. Brooklyn LIN. hot box for the man that gets into 1t be- I fsb, but I wish you h•pplueee, for common white corn that can be caugo he ling. Clara (a few years after) --What bw•me A large stock of Violins, Guitars, Mandoline, Accordions, ko., to make a laid down in Kingston front forty-six choice from. The Cnn,mltus•tlle Satre. I Lastly, there are some men -about nine of that meerschaum pipe brother John to fifty cents a bushel. Only nn expert •'It cony he truethat netirmR speak louder; out of every ton -that pre never happy nn- gave your husband Christmas? can detect the difference between hock In Sewln'• Meohinee we have the Leaders. Canada's favorite, the •'Ni':W then words," Flnld theCnmilli nsville Flags,' less they aro gutting into truuble. As 4 Ethel -I burned it tip, -New York g g being sold as ensilage cora and the WILLIAMS," manutaoteied i1 Montreal. The 'WHITE," the "ing "hut thny don't Rpeak an often, by a long consequenne they are generally perfectly Weekly. _ genuine article. of msollines, manufactured in Cloveland, Ohio. Each with a 10 years chalk."-(Ineinnatt Enquirer. happy. An a still further eonsnquenee,• everybody else around them is generally Where can i get some of Hollowtay's } guarantee and an enviable reputation.Vocal Unkind, perfectly miserable. This, so far as hos Corn Cure? i wag entirely Cased of iMN14 � 9,500 Sheets of Music, 850 at half plies, 10 Cent poltll a Music rFolios, receive ilo-I think your sister tins excellent been noticed, does not tend materially to I iffy corns by this remedy and I wish or Instrumental. Any song not in stock will be ordered, and receive taste. lessen their enjoyment. soille more of It for my friends. 8n llilade a ll Sh, - Oh, has she refused to mn you? Anil the moral of the whole thing? Ma Ot our prompt and caIL RAC tion. Try y tvritRa Mr. .1.1 W. Brown, Chicago, Cell and See the "VIR(lIL 1'ItA('TICI+: CLAVIER, 'the first and only one '-Yonkors Statesman. Don't get Into trouble if you con help It, I —_ -� , Or and If you nan't help it got as muoh fup in Goderich. Trtfllnsr. ant of it as you can. When yon've got as ' Nete: Frere )<(ives In �• GEO. v v . TH OMSON• Dyer -Did berfnther intorpnso any serf- much fon out of it as you can the next One of our twpresentativea in the legis• nun objections? hest thing to get out of It is yourself.-+ iatnre is doing tine work. Ae passed over INDA 0 � WERT SIDE OF SQUARr, GODERICH, Duell-No; Jost an ordinary kick.- Brooklyn Life. 1-c n, two t}10 bills on Mbnday. We are ?aaeaaaT Brooklyn Ltte. sur« this will be a lively Newlon. Moth Of Fp1aN0�0Os0a R r �8r O� Fl. w- Too smooth. our representative@ went fully armed. We ge in 8e E B R'Y DG E S L •---r--•r-S am sure that Billvtile will bold her own .li tisno�I nt's°n 0� Mother Greve»' Nvoiln HOPT-ininntn• I Arld whv, .}-nnlo, did you tell Willie P•re.fa ieeplee,a r is pleavnnt •n Inky ; doer and rlfrrl lull tlhn wouldn't ha big little awevtheart?" with the beet of then. She never turns, /toa.,stq rt's name, esq J. E. n loose when she gets her arms around man as w' nken ° 4 avf°ktr a►t GODERIOH. ONT. CHARCOAL ' 'Tnnse ho didn't net till he knowed I jug wqt11.. f natures �e°iat. in drstrnvmg worm Many ha„' ft. hinny of 6he masher@ are Triestine __��aa ss�trspsssTei Is ratppp fed o box of chorolntes."—Tit-Bite �or•a•.t epr• � O 11 led il. with hent. resells. I with high prates from the oorre@pondenLs, w"e � ,ser >•. D A driller a line for praise fe certainly high. nac ori heeled �• res ' "' and t w tl @end tt reps A (lonrgln exchange says abet "the leRfs- �°fj �e aa�iit•t co» rP.,e� to •r ww as.sir WOOD C L. E A R A N C E S /� LE I latero is wooing into work• but that 11 ha. Aottl In Goderich 6y James WU@on. druRgis KINDLING. v G �•+tt iia hoed pbave w•Ler, "-Atlrmtn Conetl- Ai•'TFR STOCK TAKING. i tutlon. --- All imn in the b10 d I.neceseary, &tiller's E are still aft theold gland, Nelson ('ompound inn ills contain that ale NOT Nt.. where we have been supply In ardor to considerably reduce several linea, I have decided to offer the follow- I Mont. in the Most assimilable form. Ing our cuslnmrrg for a number ins indenements: LOOSELY MANIIPACTURER OF Wyears. \\'p know lhrt fuel that snits j you. 325 Gloth BOW Books, Ae aseevs /roe o., FINE CARRIAGES Orders loft with our delivery riles coked t0 make the Package look I or tit \\'orsell'g alnvn and tin shop M1ml Tho (',cunt --Ah, ss Englbh Wages, p P g bow eat am drolel W'ea a man weest to big OF A1.1,RTYLFR. at oar oflt,-e will receive prompt at 20G a vol., or 3 vols. for 50G. I rove hopes love for se lady, he swear to pp Also Mil factoryTy wort In ltn�,(I(u, r`nrrlagsa tpnlion Those books are by the foilowing popular anthers: Qaott, Dtnkenn, Thackery, bar. 7e first yare of marriage be swear and Lumbef Wratroina. Repainting. mirimm All cool tveighed nn mat•Aot scnlev C'o,ppr, Marrynt, King.t m, Doyle• Kingsley, E. P. tic., Charlotte Drente and others. by her and afteire, parblen, he swear at BUT Ing. ►oyeaR nahlom. y . All sd'rknwa rmntnd.nd I Hole•-- of het wise Ili dered. r herl-Brooklyn Lite. R.epalrl 1 A line of Paper Nnvpla at Jena then American publishers' wholesale price, iso. CLOSELY hand rigs of nearly all ktnda for ants rhrtny. \\•,. ran sovrrnl drays in conn0r- each, At the above prix -9 thane books should all he sold in a few days. The only Way. DOMINION CARRIAGE WORKS "on' — — perry -Do you believe that @tatesenl that a man can live like a gentleman to peeked to retain the aroma aOPPOafTF,COLBf>RNF.HOTEL nd rtloNR fel II STORE I Japan on$60ayearl I l'AitTAOK ANDFIiRLCO. PORTERS BOCK Hargreaves. -He would have to do an the moisture. C +'` ' awful lot of dining not to snake Il, -Cin- T & B. MYRTLE CUT MerehanG who do not adrartise Jr. Tits Rr to John S. Pla tt elnnstl EnQalrer • loge more moose than w. ail. —_ ttSA 2Q Af3F 1eR (M - A I_I"I—hI.1= 13r�lvl�rl� _MAN -1,1 I I- .. - The "Maple Leaf," "ltacor,'• and "Premier" Saws are a little better than the best. I have joist rey,•ived a now shipment of those nelebrattd Saws, and would p invite your inspection before buying; other saw@. .moi I hove a tine band mode Axe tit $1 00. This Axe fortrleily sold for $1 25, and Is very rlu'up at the pace. ►� heat values in ( ioderlch, from I0,• to 85c. encla. N. D. ROUGVIE. V, rlh -i11(• of `,lune,, (7ODER1('ll A1-' M LTNRC) �. Sennonable floods to every variety, Ruch as Men's, Women's and Qlldnn's Undmlot4ing, (N Slffy and Gloves, all of which will be Rold tit greatly redneed prices before stock taking, A few Taney Travelling lings will be gold at enat and under. As usual a largp stock of 1•arns and Fine Wonig. Aslt to sea our :eerieas (otlon Rat- ting. Small wares complete in ovary line. 1 "ur patronage kindly solicited. A. M U N Ro. Draper. Oar Telephone No. Is 100. (onrt }lonsp Rgnaro, GODERiCH i' tr ».at- -. u, .�.,as,A.alt,ML .,::.a ,wla it s°at. at.M's .s w a w a s x y.,e,�t„e,+a,,r:ac�ti:"y1;Wb:L..,,a.aa a a, �a e,�.w.s..ayat•.m?.�•t1.► ,.:A.,w x u4a�4 a e a% +7e.+rt1! -G -e o 3 - .ca. � ., ... V. .. .....a, . •- t ,,., .. _.....,...j,Y r�,.;a..s„r... �., k,.:.,Tau.�.,.....,.y....-r..a�.c,soL,.,....a.,a...n.�,.,.,,..vc..ra.....�...,..:.,av,.a:..•or.l,rc�',-�LC Jitl4til',4,.. ,,.a w.,........-,.. �.w. 1.,r,.lir:�.,�.Ja..Y,r�.r.�.i..,..,_,..:�•�...r...._.-...a�...a.��..,rr.r„�,a�"y....r•.atom„r,r.rir��.r����.�.�,►���.��a�a4..... ,. ��������"�a�� '.'.. . U