The Goderich Star, 1899-02-17, Page 1, . - - 4 n - q iw, (�yp�a y ► a 90 �tf>F1fPli 1 ," s p a �r �� � � �� , � �� 'w`ho, � h�� d � �u��d up' Town and Country nod Eli - - - - .._w - - . . _-- ;� 1 _.-._w.___._, ," .r s, w r f s The Starrves the 1 ° ° • t . 6 , ` ` a tar 9�i n-� , .i very b®st ,res"sits for a You tri ua.lilty. ►u t ' , actvctitisers I� titer, Circulation."M.4.�+ y s _ BJP f .� � F. - --- __ _ - - --- _ ____ - -- - --- _.-__ _ - -_ -- -- _— - - - ---------•— —_-- — — -� - , __ _ i VOL. xxxylt U1103111 R TOAD, pL•DLIa1'iSJii3 %yHGLE N°, 1088 --` G©DERICti, ONT•, FR1pAY,`FEBRUARX �7, 1 399 tt at gleno, IN AlnvAnlek t, • =�— T , r OW<v I.OT,- FUR SALE.- THE FuLLOW- husheta of oats and peas b admittiq want laces, He claimed that t•huturh J' P-'ei Mr+ R• CamPlun acting as chair- rElf ASSAULT ON WEST' Ttm STAR Is authorized to eaaphatf- 3 - 1 ins Drupartle.. for a¢le !h Che Towo oP i W68t JIU I 14Q�i fiati6fl 6,�p,()(p bus4ela of corn a of dut R the party to ppower had' been doing man, HURON NOTION; TO Ali V uTRTISER Godorlch: V, tho vilest of deeds, that there were ( t the O ra Hnr,"e Mr. Beck, r Dally contrrcdtct a despylch to tl1Ct a,x tura on B+'ItEun'a•at- 1 Iaktl Preuc, No Hari. Mr. Mn1oCk, P.i11. General• te- PL' p asl- 1115} 116. 140 15: 151, t52, well Punted, In groes, Thu resence ip Lhis rktin o IA ll a1Sp ay a i vert lsin g on the I (/a L hiltousnt,t., opposits ten market lots HOLMES AND MoLEAN ARE IAT qrelied that the three would not allots tndependant LibrrnlR who collie not dent of Che 1tLdilrq Aamucttat{on, uccu- P R t so large Globe tIv Mr, A, Nacliderit, impeach,• • eS I lrSt 1 a� a of Thd . tar mu - L So. pt. �.1, 66, 6 n and 6 b, with comfortable, THE FIELD. tim to fully discuss matters epnnacted tie fo+ced to vote for them. and the Aled the chair, and All. E. B. Older, rd. and motley a crowd of workers on he- Ing Mr. Geo. Taylor, U. P., with the y" C.mn000tLage, outnutldfn •a waa storehouse. tyith the Gavernment, and this"' be a pe,aier hare, rpenttnned prnnlinnnL ls, :orTowato, showed his loyalty to e�be Yrea Prem cuts and w.:l b� rwetutn ou $arbor fin%, tui,, 1Qlt anal of r Liberals. Includin Mr. ar•tin, of the (ild Iijh, iet rand the Uonseryative half of tnu Govoromunt is a meunce to statumoat that the Gunaervative, •art B! AftIL A LARGE (iATIIIfiLING, GOOD ORDER Pade lltpoly n)entdnq of the lateZtP%ith fi' P• ik . obar:ed for at 2C) cents an x Glov amera». He rid culed a slate- lanlpeg, who etronKly opposed the caudle, by coming from Toronto aped• public Laurels and the freedun► of the If Ill power. woult) rulso the duty on s( Lu id, Con. G, enntaining ten nerea, in AND (#UOD BPtiW18LNG. kk inch, running' measure, 04th irraa�, and well 6mc(d \vlLh barn and%Vells meat of Mr. Taylor, which proved to be u aq deal, and t(1 support th[e part ally to attend this meeting. An ad• electorate that cannot be Luo aeverel agricultural implements to 4G per rC These propertieR wilt be wta nt brYrgailul, simply, a elip of the tong�tue. that Ger- of his arrEaignment of the government dress of ,Welcotpe on behalf of the Con• y rind every 1nSeTLIOn. Apply co T$OMA3U.NAITEI.,Bo(tth-sL AtnaenonTuesda Returnin Officer man took 19000O,OOU bt►ahelsof o.ur the speakerqIitoted the Montreal Wit- aecvxtivt�sof,ths R1ding was read to cent•, and that there would ire no flee �,{ _ Y R Y condemned, Let silty honest and un• ec - n� 11►nde took hfs sent in the (ourtBouse Krale; then 1)e fttliuittatd that he tntt0• eels aL Bogle length. He thea repeated 91r filen%tt by J4r. Mltotiett, as eecre- binder twine or bads wire. 9dr, xEty- __ �!i ORTGAGE VALE OF VALU- duced a bill against appointing mem- Mr. Holmes' s!aatement that the Sen• tory of tale Association. and Miss Pearl Prejudiced man read over the following tar was seen in Toa onto before leavin -. M ABLE FARM PROPFRTX and after the usual formalitiesut2p.m. 1ers of Paellament to office, but said' aro must go. and remarked that had Evans i•if{selhted the old warrior with R ., Reward. A fist, and then silk hlaiaetf how fnr he for rho aunt and ho given rho e�ate- nomivatlons worn+ declared closed, the tent the bill did nut require any party it not been for that end the couptry a handsomf] ttbquet of hu»utiful Bow• IN THE TOWNSHIP'OF COLBORNE. - to follow !t. He contended that the would have been saddled with the ern, which was most courteously and run approve ,P such w combination by latent a must emphatic deniial. All __ c4andidates named, the polling places ��f� 1113:WARD. The Town of Godertch (•odor and by vfrtuo o[ he power of Hate t'e+ad out, and the Hn+tttciA( agents oP Government had carried out every Drummond and Yukon deals, the ons gracefullyt't:eelved, voting for their cuodidnte. Wo leave TUE STAR need say is thrat Mr. Taylor romise made excePt one that of Jen• costing this country 87•(10(1,000 and Lhe ,, - V anA C1Uzuu'a Cumnli•tea will pay coeur sp In tele° ce 51b Mm f OoLa r. 1801 the Candidates appointed, A. M. Todd P n ' S}r Qharlea ut onto hegaa a eontlnu + Lepresouta one of rho finest apricu}tui' '1',cunty Utdiara rownr.� for i'.furmat,00 that L data rrapautiv°Iyy, rho 5tb day of ooto��gr, 18t1( ate reform, "and t at will anon he t•e• other (ving owuv neat iv 4.000,000 ation of hitt com rison of this records tt Mr, Holmes h1luRelf Lhe questuu of w,, load to [be dlnw%tlr and au„v(ctlou ut Lhu IStA day of i\t¢y, Ls1rJ, and rho 14th day oil of Goderich being named for Rnbt. Me• furrned.” Ae to the tariff. the ehan a tures of gold land, now valued at 810 al dlslrlets In Ontwrto, and hfs word Ie y Juno, 199E, and whfeh Mortgragea win bo ro- R at the two part ea, espeeiallV in rho how [ar ilia skirt of olitica) InLluH11a- atxiva re rnneli. A s the denial will We person ur penmus who have been pu,auning Lean, and Jas. Scott of Clinton, for, last year reduced the duty on 107 art!• an +acts, far a tramway that could q , P P 1�• do u, the cud own, By ,.rdtI oP tbo couael .� duved at the tlmn oP gale, here will be ao111 by tpatttfr O� en( gAVOrin Ln adJjnet the %ygAi. MIr(HELL,'Cuwa Clork. nbuu nucLldn nt BvxruN's HOTIcr hl rho ttubt. Hulmea, cleR and increased the free list, The built for 81,000,000. Here Mr. Ben• ueatipns llettveen Cnaada and the U. tion. much of it by u gong whom he uppenr'{n the Mull and Empire. own of Ouderioh, lu Eha Connt9 of Horan on extra duty on cattle Imposed by 'the hat asked are these men to he (allowed „and thetievelopment of an imperial would not be seen ou the sL1•t'0Lm with, - -- A'rt111DAY, THE 1ITn DAY ov MaRCH, IiA at The meeting was then organized for U. s. was not imposed because of tiny tog 1 all and hand nut their coptractA Conservatives and Independent elec- 1'L oclock noon, by Joh° Knox, Aucclouoer, s eakin ur tit their friends? If these rues were preferegtlal pcilioy. In snppnrt o[ kits hurnlonlzoe with hfelwusts of pei•monal Pub.,C Notice. the following valuable farm property, namaly: P R P Poses, Joseph Berk benig acWon oP the Laurier goverpuient. and urgnrnauLs a"tl a tattling arraignment tars should promptly report the known iu answer to the mtratentet t, that a few right, scald the speaker, why did they of Sir Wilfrid's tortuous tourer, he hunur, or hov fur he could, if elected, cr IrtttnrJ uela u( thH Crit lwodlf All and vmgulnr tent oorGtln parcel ur tenet of elected chairman, Tho presiding of- ; ng gan HYSICAL CULTURE ANI) DANCING. land and premise-, Willow. lymg and being 1n + business men could have done iu a few not go to the country when the Senate he independent uC a Otivernmetit that R rho T'own"hf of 4lolborno, n the County dt ffeer delivered a short address, stated quoted from Hansard and the publivh- - - D hours what the Washin ton commis threw out these bills, Mr. Bennett wh.c•h is swarming West Huron• (and Hnrou, sed I'rovinoo oL ontnrlo, Delng oma- K ed reports of Liberal ntternllceR, luclud• resorts W such weans to secure iiia MISS DCUIT „-ed of the arovince Dart of io. sing c 28 that there would be three speakers on I sinners had been wel,ka trying to do, said in Simcoe Mr. Mulock had spoken lug the now nottirlous h,ti,rview oC the elrcti4> Lucy will be placed Cn safe keeping. w ill bold ClILAH08 on Atond,.ys In the Tnwn Hall, �„ the Maitland concessb,n of the said Lown• each side, witb'+a tittle+allowance of one euid that the Canadian dele ation had against hint, but in ail his speeches hH t � Uudertch, beginui g MONp-,y Nux•r, Feu. 2uth. ship of I olborne, whish may be oettorknown g Nervier with a Ohleugo reporter. tlnWl "y 1 done all it wits possible He held that had never mentioned the Mamtohu How LONG will it he before call our (.hlldre u's cls.`", 4.3U w 8.30 p.ny nn, desrribod ia" h,llow,e: That is In eay.tom. tl.nd a half enure Lhnt could he divided I It would seem ae though tett Govern• Hon• MC MUlOCk, P,M, General. Adults ,•lass, - - - 8 Lu LC p. m, nu•ucing '+t Lhu Routh «est nngtc of the said ,ty the s e,aher•s t hue ht, bust, and hav- this cuunt[y could not prevent regu- school questrion, because Simcoe voters meat could y Sion. Mr, f]1'te, Public WOCkS. P R were All Protestants, and he could nut have no ode outs word oP small 1[ulueriea ore closed tf leu plci lot unnwr twenty-otght, chance in an eaatorly ing asked tut f.ur play for rill, he lotions befog made by Britain for the defnpca. and theft this was tbH vi(+w of Hon. MC. FItZ a gresslve uvernnlunt continues u Address, - - :tl•ItArvouo, ON r., inderatatid its mention in Httrnn, 8 trick• Solicitor K t "r H(.T1SL HIMPORo, Uouaalun, dl, o, Ilan toiluw! K Lhe southerly boandary of called nil Roht, McLean, who was loud- importation of cattle, and that anf the targe majorit of the it[1dleace wits nlln\v ivuut i i sic safe lea a dlstunue l tthey e n rt and I now iu force could only be altered h unlela9 it \vias to influence the Roman General• R c cc ulhinPs to tllx these 'T OTICE. - Wo want l,ll(x) Ibs, butter In 2 -Ib u1g1Hy-five !lake Lo an angio, thenen northerly ly cheer•e(i nn rising• He explained Y evidenced by the early applause. Tho v, right angi s, ,wd parallel with flip conces- diet he waN the candldate of the Con- 1 an met of the Ihlporlal parliament. Catholic voters, and it was to catch speaker ointed out, what was emptta- HOn. `Mr. Patterson, Customs. a+Htabllabmerits a+ s i, doing tP- '.` ,nils Nbr A 1 nutter wn will par the "lou road, sixteen chains to an antrie, and the( He raised the UahihPt tOr the Settle• Lbette Vutera wylth Lhe it.i•bor thio tvn p h ghe.t rash price, hive fresh eggs, I%t the eervative party, through the ap Dint- P sized and confirmed by Mr, Osler, that dIa •, s"all, sato of pnratn rand, thenoo woRterty Irlunt to hi H p queston, ill. The aPeaker Hnid the Hera ur•e fuul•JLnislwm oP iwportant ) Ifumllion $L, Pro,iuoe Mule. -W. J. MOAaow. mout of the ManiLobaochool present con• _ along ten swath RSdn oP prfvnte road fifty Rh ofiic0 of Lhe 11LLe un. M. u man of Mr. MOLean'a lona ux ,eri0nce -�--- - for the reSnm of the tariff and claim• test wras a contest fur print{ le, thrat Uep,irtntentm who leave thuh' duLins to - - ,. chains and uf,rh,y..flvo )inks b' the.eaet Rldtl of Cl. (�anlet•on, Aod paid a teelintr tribute P in thH lice etuek !shipping trn(H could Nn To\ex i 1 Lhe Dominion should PPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT concession ro.,d. thence southerly along Rnld ed that the hatter waw lar el inetHaR- the eyes of the Duwtinlon were on take Part In n hve-election when their to thH eerie tient. Governor, Mr. g V nut but he n valued acquisition Lo Uu' f stand by n cltfz0n mora faithfully than e ncession rand Nlxloea onnu„1 to cho south In 'trade of !tap cuunit He Weat Huron, sod clot le(T un by LBP wtla angle or s�ld lel and the Iaaoof begin• McLean then spoke of the promisee gi �o Y• House, and of greatserv+c•it inAssisciog Onvernment has Low to Majority of should Gotlerich h Robert• M , '• ' ;.!i Notice is hrtire Riv,n tent of the tion of Wa •; tho whole oonta•etnrr by admeasure• 11,11110 b Lila Refor•ni ailt� o:11, fn ant that there wits such an Witness independent Ltbetah; "bot (I le islation fm• cite benefit of Lhat trade y altas- he notch by the lurporutfun of ht 'lemon of Y p y pruviuus to rebuke the ,resent R ovt•r' !0, 1VhM's ler grant duugnr Iht•Y Thu Po lie and -rich. iu the County of Huron, to tho moot eti(licy-ono acres of Lund, bn Rama the late general election, And showed neraaamg desu•e to tr.id0 w(th Ortn- { ROyHprl[11C'nt. Irl ,t„d the ngrtetilturu[ roter(•sLa, P 1 know �hini, noel if ave anis- ruuelumlon Mr. lienuett earned the fear? Hns out their tulminiatiatlun, '' Legislature "f t, o P,ovin,e of Ontario at ILI, more nr IaFH. The above is ° flrat•rlusa ada, through the preferential nct, Mr, Osler n oke lint briefl , owin to Lake not will In ally i.ol t., d that not one of them end been carried v \ his ataud- enrm ou w•fr,,t is a good ono na one HlecLdt'a that own were In the rirlin P Y, K nccurdih Lu tte0lr un•n claims, hel'fl the aux spss,us. for +u, AoL to aptncrize cho Rald hvlf story from° ho ( first-o1,aeR bank out. He Rrtid that though he had Ino LhaE Lhe 'llituchPSter Canal had been K Ile lRteneH9 of the hour•, pointing nut g nal n4•xl 'I'n(•xdn c. carpo, allow to issue dvbout.'os to Lhu amount. Ju”' R built to facilitate the new hu inesa, tar uo good our OHP, he refert•c11 t, of .23,0 0.00 for the purposo of puyyhl,z orf t barn, ,;wao foundation 45x60. Tho place is been tan exporter of cattle• it •vas only P +canons other ter"ge that but fur our hest that Can,ulu hats ecce end ? And _ `+` ' 1• ill,°ting d, bt .Q 20,000.u0 Innurr,•d In 'enact- well watered, there being two wen¢ and a w en the p,esent Great credit, wits t"ken for the intro- West Elgin, and said that he hnd that if h , g Part iJ ower oh di1V aCPn IL Ills❑ WhOlt1 he bile Rle It NNLIIrnal Policy the {mlltPl,He Lf eatlH nP ,l I•H otic Lhe PI•rrl•I11. I1PglltlRtlUttr 111 tl, Il(pinaeR la I( bt' jltdgetl �/y Lhe y,>• Lion with eh° \6'aWr and Light. Plant and rnnning,iprinsr. 'lherehiealso betw,•en 3and '3 y P duction of 0nagr:ants, rand the Ilan. 1 nL works owned b the Rat„ ,K t.+utted ofilce that he end been called 0n Lhe Yukon district mince Its o coin n tier Ferman° y I arros of good bearlr orchard and about 3 P K r • d u 1,« r stereo[ good hush. 't'herearo 12 ncraR of Pall hY Uur•Ih Sxtn to pay over 20 per cent.. +tentlemnn acid 1f39f3 was thH Hest year be�ure, and he ndvisud LhP electors 1t WnshVngton to folio t110 /'tLpetollH lu it11Pu1'Led '•cump,uly" he has lu Weat icor oras too, cud to prof 1 e u Irl r sun oP would have been lost tl Canadian nuan ' pp that Britsh emi runts t, Uanadn they wet these intlividurLla ou the Rlde this unpnrAllelyd record? Huron, thou it's no wonder h0 ?Puts -'' i4. s5.ixxs.00 to en'arge and complete the Rival vheat In ho ground. 'Cho. soil is a good olay hilt now he had to pay Mi because the R afneturers and merchants, He end, tie loam. The farm is wail tenved with ppatent exceeded those to ant- ol.her British lines t) run them (itit of the county said, entered Parliament with the idea' Then wit have the followi, " : Ru often coni elle t ,old, 1( necessary, i waa, exist the eaid Fro• ,vire fencaa. The above ropert.y is Rltuste ount•Ir The speakers ruled the I iq M.l " p d 11 give himself tt ,;�,, ensue ubtlgatfon won ch oxisdng debenu,re p colony. Th® canalis were then dealt even if clay had to use vlotence. Dr. „now 9 mute hem Clodenub, abouts nilles c'ountty. 1'hP speaker then handled that Lhu Lihertals really hHlleved th0 (•0rt111catti nC debt of Lhe said ('urperntfon• with and the Minister etited thrU, in Landerkin followed and mad0 u R each Dr. LandeCkln, t)f South (3•rey. good chnrnrtrr-curd hove from Clinton, and 2 miluR rrom Reumtlter. Lhe rl•eferent,iat t trl}i, and showed P promiscs they head made, and intended 1.' arcd at Galerlch, Lhle Ilth January, 1800. TTFtIMS OF SALF.-Ton par cent. of the chat end a preferential ,arran empnt 1hP coring there will he a fourteen that, kept the audience In roars of to cart y them out, but they had vio- James MoMull9m, or North Wel- +t preacher ut t1w t.ospel. tau. . ;r, s GARROyM1' & P1tom)I,OOT• purchme money down at. thettmnofmale,and been Inxde with the mother and it foot waterwx from Montretal to Little laughter• until the nleetinq wras closed rated their routines +and uhanduned lin Lon. 1693--6 Solicitors for the Arplicantit the balance within 3e days thereadLer. For y wlLII cheers for Lhe P g wrw}d h+eve real! nn Owed the fano- superior, The hxrb0r "neaten wne Queen, the condi• their princi los In a In+annex that dr IN 1ct.rt(-rLNo Nohrrt 41cLe,en cho �,n,,,' fnrlher I,tu•I icul%rR apply to lne Auotioneur or Y P P O. E. Ta1bUC, Of B0110ChR.esP, QUe- rlot in lir, Muloc6'9 de xrLmetit and dates ind aperakers and Lhe chairman. 1�TOTICE TO CREDITORt3. to the uudors,9ne1, Hrs' position. At t.h0 Ponclusion of Mr. p - RPrvpd the condempatiun of 0vnry right bee. I euple of tu\vn rued ro,mt y will aerce• l� he then ht that ubhc works should CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES. McLeau's riddr•ess W.G,Sialth rose And g p „ thinking main. t heir•uwn hest Interests. lie thorough- _ he considered on their• merits, never Dr, McDonald, of East Huron. Voodor's Soh/:, tore, asked whit he, Mr. McLean, would du OoAL oIL is makm tl um no%v Mr. Bennett and Me, Clance •, who Jn the matter of the Estate rjf Eliza- JORN &NUJ(, Aucttonecr• it a motion wits moved {n the House tbelesa," said Lhe Minleter. ' humin R j P 3 IV undPl•stan(im Lhl• rey'irenients of C had by this time returned tion! the B Heyd. oC tiOut•h Brant. beth Hennessey, late of the Town- DuLCd at Ooderfah this 7th day of February. ro ardin combines, xrd the candidate nature iR human nature the world that Mr. Holmes' progressive govern- Toth, anti well he well In harness for 1,±06. q g overHuw meeting, both spnk0 brief! v, V. Rat Z, Of North MlddleseX. Ili(+ overt hr,,w of the 1.+ulr(er Gururtt- ship of Ashfield, in the County of _ wits understood to say that he would Deur'' The gnyernmeut is not nn its meat has allowed the United SGLtes +and were well received, The former 'these honorvable gentienren are help Huron, widow, deceased. - __ --- - '---•- -_ vote for the enforcement of the low, trial, said the speaker, rand of its pope• 1'uxeaf S'1ncicti IN UNE.• -R. H. Smith brought down the house wilh a hit un n.....t At. the gent•ral e•lec•tion. Notice la hereby gtcon .th;.t pursnapL to IarU.y there was no doubt, us In the staandai•d Oil Combine to net It grin on oRtenminly to nddrosm puhhc nnOeLingm, « ,� bus purch,lsed at a low late un the 8 a AIr, Holwem was then called nn and the breakwater Contract. He wits re i 1997? halII P ur onx hxning annlaimO.ae�ilnxi tock oY euerxl dr Duda destined q hat Al r. McLean seemed recent election in Lamblon the rte- Canmdimos, a grip that is worse than Pnrl in W tau+ tsEoets hero mule to To this there can hP uo exctgpl inn Lnkeu. + s xttet• statin t R tt IY A f°AN' a10NTlla we shall have to `'�'� P y R y K form candidate obtained Lhe largest the resent epideaa,lc• influence electors with the j,arbor nil- hilt, while some of them hal a (little mo the E,.late of Elizabeth Hennessey, )ate of the fur Ailsa Craig-, hilt stopped in transit. to have hat one phtnk and that a pre- mA orit ever iv P Township of Ashtleld, fn the county of Huron, The Halpan stock .)f ent's furnish- fepeuti+al urian anent with the old Y R en in that rnuntV, pay ten or 1wi4ve cents dnty on our , widow, %rho 4104 on or about Lha Lwout y R an because of its worthiness, said Mr, --but not all --we nlav fairly risk why, sevu, l.n do of December, 1908, are rr uh•ud- lags, and bahtnc•e Of •L London whole cunptry, praise the Laurier govern cess Nug,%r has !leen taxed half a cent y q Mulock, people are flocking to the in Lhis riding whsle cheer ,ue not u to send by post, prepaid, or Otherwisetodeliver sale stock, huve also been purchased mPnt, which he claimed %vas the most country from all lands, As the Hnn, iClark , +( potind slid luhncco 20 per cent. extra �.''c+ to Movers. U¢rr•ow & Proudtoot, of the Town, Yale counmencea Nltturday m0ming. progresdlve the c•ount•v had ever had. c nUemen eat down Mr. Smith nuked Your Ballot Next Tuesday Thus dozen French voters, n French AL{ . and we would rack thH working men of of Uodurich, Solicitors for the Execntore of the I g -ald decensed, on or before the Illi, day of Everything to lie sold ,it 50 cents on He then spoke of the positions he held a question atiout combines and said comes all the way froill near the An• (;,,tlu1 ice if ore can ,iy thPRe exWraS March. ISiNJ, Ihpi( namtlR, eddrosxes, and I he R. H. SINITH. in Clinton, and defied anybody t0 pmol t xt a' eti`ion on the uestion that tient (Capital to take part in .a W'e+ate! n Y P f' I P q uuLof the Inisr in price of lahcrthat .A aridoftilen, ature of parttoulnrs of any, clno„s � _ W anything Ir► his life that would bear lied (leen sent to Ottawa sir mouths Ontario etecti,,n ? The following ,are• then11C tlAnd if ori her'ltakunwen lila nfteatho Dila has been received from Port reproach. Air. Holuies then noted the pcn. Mr. 1 ,he advent of the+pr'ogreasive govern• . _- ' ag o had not earn noted u graph t,11 this point we clip flout the said 11th dap of March, 1891),,he Raid 9xocnlo,R fatrmerH puattion and insisted that the Mi,lock had heard nothing about --Lav _ �,,. -• --, - Ineul h,1an gjvuu thori. _. _ p b w•Ill proceed to dlatr,bnto Lha (assets of ho Iber•L that Gluvernment work un Lhe refuovttl of the quarantine waa a hope• •, - Mail i. < weld decuxeod anlbhR the, pfirtArw rnlltted harbor ther0 has been conuiceoced and fit to the farmrra, as was alHo free corn. rrHtition, and rets! a CIal1RC tl'011l flip rc • ,.,�, rd+'t'd'a;,t� — — - Customs Act beano on the uestion,, "Qne of Me, ti,ings thiwt (iloderioh AT the nnn,inntt,n lue0ting Post . t, , thrrow, park>g regard only to the rinlms-"f H0 then s f It•"- R q Robert Hol Inert, u,'v,r9Town'orC?(tntdV '' - peoole find it, dif suit t, underst nd ill `lilst'.r Gene • I,�.y, ' kii they shall I en have ro •vived notice, that the fort is Lo hP .rills! a euco"d _. $9.ite q �YU\ZZ $• Priced which ave the Ministers id e, .� - R Power unos 0- tnl :!!slot PuP@'t+ l iu• and isle RH F.xooutars ehNl anises "able <•,- }tire, and sae, (•ertiain conditnnR to. act Editor. � "`' - �,; \lint Mr•. TalhOt im dnin in the rirlh, k _:i.: -•-• theasaetaofthemaidERtare'oranypartthert:nt -- I 111 ileac .,, a K W ea,$e upheld Elie ,nxttere. Hr lm the rr nHRPntitive oP a far uw,4 dignatiun ut Ili vn. to any person or persons of whose Clabu Lho)- the rankest dece tion and fmurl on the thafa Orrntment, itnd that he did not - f y . ' " - . -.„a, ..� 0hall notl,ave recolved notice at the time of p PP , Mi. Bennett, M. P., of Simcoe, then constituency nn Qnebec, unit Isnotgift- Ills (•uulpany,,;-.Grit hundlars, iiut a• r, ort of the >owers that he, and the want. the town rnnve11 to Clinton. His di9tributloa. P 1 nok cite stand, and after a feeling ed with env PsperiAt ability ns A puhlir nuan la always jn(�-sed by the cutupany ;�;st4,.,r_,,,,, GARROW & PROUDFOOT, lectors, if we mistake not, wi:l resent platform, he said, was freedom of t•nd. 'efHrenc•e to the title A1. C. Cameron. ml+Poker. It iv thererPure surrnlmotl that he kPP )s, ,old o - " yollottore for tho'Executore. 'rnrLe's bribe aL the ballot box next with all countries, tad the best, we c•at• .,,aid that If any m,an at Ottawa dP he has he•en deviled up by els lNenit I n Ie1mL \'%'edneadny it , „_ Datodul. Goderloh talo 27th clay of Jnnnary. 'fuesdx do With the Slates, He would pate Ln Mr. 'Cart• in order Io see the nlpthntlm Iouk'it rather had lu see tate BritiHh ,, n. D., t99v. Y' __- _ �__� sprvPd a cabinet position Mr. C. was A7(LF:AN. dct away with the �Senate As it was nae- the mean, its he was R fighter from with whit h the Ooveronit•nt carries Exchange hot Pi mheltering beneath its ti " t J': NTUTICE 1;U UREDITURN. Mm. ,TARTF.'9 NSETING here nn Frl tela, and asked support hecliuse be had hPgimm�z to end. IFIa then AHked the Plectinna in Ontuin•" hospitable roof ter 1'. AI. llenerxl and 'na -" day evening augurs well far Conservfa• not been an offensive politician, ridin to send a man to Ottawa to Robert McLean, of the Town o1 _ + , ,j. Geo. Tx lor, M.P., Leeds, chief whi R A10R- Sizers per oho llZer. moll well knnav, gentry ns "('t,p" Sul- yw 4:i. In Lhe matter of the estate of Eliza cove success The Upertt Houses er Y P tyinlheHous . v etaaitng the Lnblipc dobttand had not Goderioh, Cattle Dealer. Org+ulirory apprvar Ln bH veers"sly In,tll. Did the P. M, O, and the Cap ;_r;'; of the Conservator ar Pvily in lint h p+u f irs, and wP rli,ty t acre- flit%e a f1 ienmv interview? Nh,aw. inl.e of thH Tmvn of Oode- con,fnrtxhly Hllpd, bat there waa very said he had tttavelied over $00 miles Ln cartiPdgout aiy of its ante electirttt little etiLhuvinsnn. Fully ILOO ?lectors " eak on behalf of the Conservative promises. He said that Mr. Mulock'" for'. excnsn Mr. Sloith. V�? rich in the Uount,\ of HIL(Al. P - LVidow, Deceased. Inure --including th'A101werflow meet nominee. He drew attention to the charge against Mr. Taylor waw that B. MacCOrmrt(, Inspector oC Mlll- Mlt. iluLytFs pr•omisem tit Ile very ;:.i Notice Is hereby given, ureunnt tnC] a ter in reeted Sir Charles Tu er the Reform cry about appointing memher•s he had a oken of 4mKII thin s, and tart' Clothing, Ottawa. �; P D K- g pp P R .' tlrlt'n,v for the welhue Ot Gnderich, 129, oP rho Ilov s.•d Statutes oP Opra la, 1897, of Parliament, to office and contrasted Aril" It the Su erannut,tfon of ever• if hr is sent Lo Ctttwu. For Ca,s Mr. )revlolls eveniti . Holmes, Tarte and P that all par90 ru havinH any clahn against Ih, # the promises wvith their works. He getic nff}c•ials that increased the Mr, Nia(Vol-dune. rt for•rine•r long time Y r`''` eAlate of lLlfza Shaw, into of tha Town of Gone Paterson spoke, while Mr. Sauu,lers held that Tarte ruled the Cabinet and char es on the mu erannuALlnn ac -`-'----- - -_ resident Of Ibis lawn ,old an active Ilo1111- has 1-1-iudic•nlly, thruu h tris r%' rich, In the County of Huron, w4doa•, who died ,i R P I K _ is �i nn orabouL cho 13rd day o Denemheq 1999, aro presided consequently an Irishman could not he count to the extent of 840,000 was a HE OLD LEADER'> VISIT, provement question, when soma• nnv party war kel, is now n (Joverollle,lt I,r11,1.1', tried t„ belit LIP, if nt t to injure required G, send by post, prepaid, or otherwise — s0l.eetetl, su Devlin, nu able son of Erin small thing. He noticed thH super I cnllPd ant, "What, about Lhe break• 1;,,,lrrie h. )lis +t•naeh•ss ,uPl nn Not elate the Iasi visit of the lite Nil enlpiot•ve, ,Intl its mot-li has no right to called the IwrofL4o�dorich. St linitworm forth ii(Cxecut T1IE PRtPaENaI?:. in tr•%vn at Lhie par- was pAa-ed over and se"nice Scott, n annuation of the P. M. of Kingatrnl, water jnh?" '•I rant(,,� tell you juar now, i�,',,,, t1c1liar time of contractor Madi ,icotchman, held the Irishman's port- a man raged 00, and the appointinent John Macdonald to this riding, some but i wee my friend Mc(iillicnddy her„, take poll in illy c+unvnlRn, IC hP env fui cl,ntter about the nP P.,+I % oP rv- Inr. of sold de: nnRod. ou or before (.hc• I:,TTn wen fortn,•rly Itra11 LhP hrenkwxter gun, '� nu,yin Lhe ('Dunt, f�.,,-f:!.. f)AV OP FEBRVAmY, 1800, (heir names, addros"- 1 folio, Mr, Taylor then noted a number Of a man over I(1, and asked ten years ago, has a political lead I, re• I wait till yon Hoe hie bill of extras I" wits nut hien sent. up her'. Cur 1 hr• poi post•, R y ,1111411119 , f tl Clin- _,,;��, e•, sad description ami full pariloalars of Lhe'r of kieking M. P s, all of whom had 1f that was a small thin and the c uick re I too is not adnue41 even in lir mvn clnimsand of the nature of thesevu,ity. it' tiny, tact, has elmsed enqui r'y lea to what is kicked themselves into office, among said khe s coker•, iR the Rection ceived such n wPlcmne in Huron ns Thi+ meet ny closed n his visit nt lenvt is •Bogie ulv coinci hctd b ',hem. And tactile ink, noL,ee that P R with r using to%vn, whnve litiz«•na, while dol active ' y his nIISSIOU. Is he •the silent partner whom tie mentioned Matters' Lister, of n Minister of the crown tellin Mr•. that accorded Sir Charles Tupper this cheers for the Il('nl, And he 11111v1. keep out of the Y neer lice Rnld 13th day , P February, 1890, [ho g Queen, $ir Chat IPm anal ,,'�� aid Executor will proceed to distribute the whom the `signal [tial) lilts claimed t) Langolior and Cho uett.e. In anRwer Io McLt•an that ho cannot get. A vote for week in (Tinton and Ooderich. The i the Conservative candidate, who %vn. K+tog if hr• enols to esexp'. critieivti,, rr!heir awn interests• have t/xt unlch asset• of the Raid doevaved, among ht part.ieR Mr. Holmes remark that the Laurier the harbor here a small thin ? fhe Grand Uld Man. now in his 78th year, absent at Dun¢annon, holdlh(; x nn,n- ••Cay(," Sullivan, of Lhe l,'nLaClp "'`n"e and hunur t0 uphold hill, in him .""��� ,•nt bled hereto, havi„g rognr(i only to the have secured in place of Mr. Srneeth R , IaimR of which to "hall then have. recolved , Government was et progressive one. he member for Simcoe then asked where step meeting with the assistance o} itl,ituitou" and meumelesR clanui•it. fur ' untlrI and Lhe said Executor ,vill not be liable who refused to roc•eed with the work, w,ae to splendid form far t he Pnmpaiga• Pub.lc WorkB. R :;,. P staid it, was so in one instance, and one will Mr. McLean he If the Yukon dPAI, Hun. lies Montague, ler flu ho' cho ays,La of the sold °,:uua or an -y Fart or is Nfi. M. looking for the chances of instance only, and that was when the Crow's Nest deal, or the Drnn) anti his keenneam of debate, his mental _ McDonald, Crown Timber Agent. Pt,sviblr• and uu nel•PRsaa. ,!"•leaf to any person or parson of whoa° Mese r•a. Mills, Fleldlll T� --- clah„ ho shall not have roceiv,.it notice at tltking t be jnh off the Signal's hands? g, Blair, Tarts mond Ft. R, scandal comes tip, and vigor And wouderfut activity and en- IN Mr, Mc•Lean's cam ai there is Three uu•il, writ, heave no t i hL to u,c,,, of di•Lr Dation. and Sffton, met the Washington Com- wvhere will Mr. Ho1meH hP? the durance were a dull ht oven Lo aim P K A r«liable rorrempondent writes TnE - Ot cndrse JL•ctig,tn ns not lee on An R no sectionalisru. He asks fur snppnrt take part in PlcctiunR, were I.vt(liog yTart teen! Uun 4y. GA KU It & PROCDF,dOT, lnrssioners And under the prestdencF eutleman who has stated that political opponents, Rannun to Ray thnt one on the broaul rind le of a ualit for workers in the hast Local lye- Im-L(on' y "fling moi the rs b,dav fJantoi. Plert.ion nnissioln• of the Premier held a Cnhin,+t, roancil e J aurier aldmihistration is the AT CI.INTnN P P q V of the inan notor(ona Grit ho, 7I r. M at Gtxlorlch the loth duv oP Januar➢, meet.in m t e cit of New York on a most erfect the county has all people and rill interests. nild 1 heir ,resr•Ire in I his rldrn iv ,tn ,, A D. IK(,J. _ g h Y p y 1 K leu v which ,.%'` ThP other env Yostrnaster-GenerAl NundA The orches? of the Urum• evil had, the he was Invnlly recrlved by Lhe local K u. nt present u, W'pst -_---- Y• P government tent Conservative itasoeiation, nnrl the de - „'ding,• im puhim dec•'.nc) ,and I,ihrr'+l Ilur n. Inndr•d nl tluu haw nt>idtn %il- Mnlock leinatked to a Rtatlnc-h leading mond Railway was dealt with, the has violated nearly every romise Oris ionnv of tire Orit cnndid,,t•, ir ,,;,I' MUBiCal. p nu,ost•etinn nt isle wumlPrful meeting pi"b+.n,n.• They haw,• th'. !'.pain Lag,• le.l "1'n'•.dnw. I1 w,t..non kn„a%n __ _____ Onderich Grit : "Nell, i prPsu'n0 you aPPitkOr cl[uminq that the Cabinet It made t, the people. He said in the Tnwn Il all wA” +111 Ihat nu ant• Mr. Holmes, is to hoslobher himaPlf ,,II „t I -in "hrk t Deny f,n' ou t v '' '� rISS EMMA ANUR!%A S, TF..4OHra1t OF hitt? fee ellen eat. rnnthdnte in the Pledged the country t0 pay $70,000 the government end given free Y It, n, K I Ihnl h'• %,n. p!%•,rrg hi. r+v..tll(- a'nr•k 't i R Parl for f)9 pPAr", when the nvern ( trade In c/n n. a mist.nkP that ?van (•(",tri %vivh for. Oh tho platform were I over a1 public nlcetin'ts, give himself Ia ghl f -'' ,, 1'!4110. Orgnu, I hear)'. HIghL Ratding Y Y g' a%ul k I hal w'lll n"t I,wu• 1 hr Il , a nt Ear Tralningv % "pevinitZ of,hr Virgil H'.Id.' '•Not by any nienns," came earnings of Obe road waa only 30,000. that free trader•, Nlr. (Charlton, h,ui Dr. Montague, M:I ., Lhe 1.1".foyLim. g,,,,d n+unP, and Point to kits having ,L4y. n b'.h,Ilf, f 11 r. Iloun, \ t r,f ,1.•pu- $` orator; Jin or Bent Lte, M.I . for leen• g"r•. "I'l,lb•° it 0. r . h m 'rhe 1min a t' orllc(• ler prompt. reply, "wif-h nnP exception Mr. Tnytor then hnndlect the Minister written strongly ag,un91, and, said 1 ,, hero mayor of Clinton 1'or five year.. Inrmn w:nl,•,I �.I Ili.• H,:u, Ill,t the (•u,cicr nt tis. W.Ti,om on'sn,n"item orlon, of A riCUltitre, boldin that end Mr. Lha a Baker, wP cannot d'u; :11,•x. Mrl.nren, F Irth'm scout! 'i'h,•n %%r !sate n nIi"tr•il(t:Ir,.n+ n., ,,,,,,,,,,,,li", w'•r'. n,l,lm•d lel ter L"fl may be used by PUPiIs.11su lifndergnrti„ w'. h;t%-r velected lire weakest candi- R R P got pr•Pferen- I ,t• NnldentR will rppreaPntativP, iiul otherH. NL•. Thos. This nuly bP all vervgood according to v„rt•nt•ni ..f h(•rlrrs, nun r,•.itt«•niv „.r,• I , „ ".. `: wt rthod for 1.-oung children. ,o •K y Laurier wanted to merve the farmers, Ice i tial tr ade with the aid county bPCauRP ,f nclw'n made n cn itis! c•hnirnuul, and I'w 4 1 n 1 t t y ord'.t ton, t h«• I(,yxl ' ,nr.0 the 1'monto Uens.n',n,ery a ursa, tintrl•' Who tel htthat be?" uoriecl would have RPIe(ted .Ino. Mclliillnn, oP.t+hr WIItr1d had publicly sfAtPd islet p Mr. Holm014, iden Of polities, hilt the ,%,th„'f %,d'.s,n' pinp.iI%, „I .Ink,• "f-"�":;' Ur. Bruce end nn els seal auldresm oC I „n.,•r♦ntivrs Ili It i,l. hevl non•«• 'rrmR on npplfcntion at Ihr re,irlrncc, 3M, tlln 3L'ni-h "NVhv.' replied the tep• ,youth Huron, for t.hr osition. The Canada did not wan; it. lie Rhowed y rlecis iinRt hear in mind that Mr• ,try krod ill tills ('ou11ty. nn, All Hritatima Ruad. P wPiconie tit rile vetPrnn leader. Mr. A l(t K ,K w„nal be 1,. 1ca%'. th'• 1„11,1• an,l by ;.o'(I -- _ reveal ,live Grit, "Dan McOnlhcuddY•” Temperance uestion then r•ame to that the int orts tp Canada from McLean, the Conservative eandidntP, Holme" im vnptiorling - i stdlshonemt s„1- f n"nn•v, and Ind ,. -, f• (,ovPr 1 :/•I t c, O p I11 n n j� f'ai AL INSTT2UCTOR. 1:r FrndcrlCk And t u tit 1 cntract r was U,oPront,l.hP ,uebec yoLPnn the PIPh- Britain haul Fallen ofY tour millions " 9 K r un I ,,,u, ,lu•,I. \ ..•\,v,• r+t,o” I ,bosh! °' r lel O. Rimpwan, t rgnntst Nortn Nl. A.''th„ tim-, nt, Mr. Holmes' weakness n,ny isc•ite heing the Lupi(• t the vet res in under the new Gtrifl, and hiUl rPAtl was Riven an ovation, ,aod him timst pal- I Oover'nnient, and that hill intere"Ls „" .r„•.•1 , ",,,rev, .u1P line., ,,,,I ,,,,,,, It I i' •• dl•1 Church, late of Notional foo"ervnrnr!. R y thumlRwLlc wn +riot could not will far and'. ,.f .(,nu• (•f th'..'. 9„airy, and nrrnnuit far• the prPserlce in WORt that Province, said Mr. Tit )r•, Nein i"cren.sed from the United Ntatem, and pP( nrr being srrced by unP of the moV try 1.,%. rn-. 4„ far .w %s,• „ul I,:,ul Nr•w York. wit! reool ro Daplls 1<domontary null ) K a better au n,trnn ork w Plan n, Urgnn ,%n(1 Hormone'. liiron of the "gang” of polit.icai crier allowed to %'ill*- many rimes, whin In th+it. through it we were shut runt Of Rury of him Hll('rH99 in Inc 1 di,reputAhle Noodling g. 1, s Ihwt ever ". 1 11•s w,ly t„'I” ,t „In,-, .,, (i n•• them street, 1n,t1R who It e rndeavonln to Leitch the present. fight. R lhrv,� ,u.• .t"ne of th'. gang. %ih'.!h'r 1,. hurl ,oven b:uv. ?"' Nlndlo, The 8t Lawron(w. Mmttronl g Untarl0 and other prnvinrPR exrh man tae GPrrPan market. HPFP the apPnk- lnfevted any liidin i Und,rieh. 'lir Charles Tti , er s poke for ovP.' g. I';Ier•tor•m ahotild rh,• n.un'•. nrr nuan.. t"' wit Rood lint r,Indid,ate hnwv to wen tin end (may ono vote. The red uc ton nn er Rnid that German im orted 11A),• I P I K'' __-._-..__. __. ___ ....- - election all Kodiv principlesl Shame! t_hP rice Of osta e, the s pertser held (0),000bushe)s of `y P cine and n half hours, revlewilig thea beware of Politkinrna as ho preach Pur rime shoo �it,fL,m \% H %T It tut(• ,,,,,ern., ,r(,Av •n the �-.. p P g { I grRln attnu+111v fmn, T r.t . t'pn• FOr Sale Or 'lb LPL. - - to he cleisis legis'atlon, for white in hiR n!I cnttntrieR, not frnm (`nnad,t, as the hi.tory of the t.wo Philip. dnrinq the I ity and wink at corruption• n, t n•fl- „t t 11, 1.• it a tv 'I \\',•.I If,ir- M•til mild Empire: "Jim" McMulleft business it uleaut as saving of 8100a Postmaster General had stated Mr. Pry,iaatSpyrnr•. And els Arlivenuur Lhu ` I,"w hLrter,(1er. !'• nl st he hits inside si itce the c•Inse of Inst MI;. ''.. a; ht ling r„(1 -L t•;tnan. ”" and \Drib Hittu•uP' In Iht• !%leer, - ANDS NOR 9ALPa, And alae to louao, rinse is (.,ani ,ti wing in WPRt F7uroa, Let, Year, and Lo bankR of $fi(10 to 81(X10, but Taylor end FnPPr•red. The itPntlP- Mn. Hor.ares HA R t lint Jfr. MrFRnn n,or 1"the PlPctt,n held n ►.• / tnmiarkets. %Je+ttersall around. Term. p K aessu,n supPlempntP11 by ,i, Pqunlly ) o -al, ln)(,k-k,•t•1wr i w nnn,lhv Pew 4nrinerawrnnld R»vP over ton penrR, man in nnawver tA, Mr. MulOck's ) At racy. Might takeocher ppropertyy it, part pay us hope that he will he careful Jim notenhfe speech tat Oodericn, It Arkvi tilts ,nly ane plank. (flat of freer trade ago. Mr. Janos M, )11111.`1,. Jl. 1. for . . meal -T. A, HAUGLiTOiV, `int fo•d. yet to make up the lrirty f.h0 t.illPr of remark that Lnmhton bred given the clPRrly and h, Idl the issue Por the' in rvilrlr M1. Ilulrnl•R iR wren nn/t •111 ..II, g,•d r.. hr ff,ul 1. ,neon makPa It A point t0 smt hiH apPHrhea the sail would rmakP up nlmnat all lhP IArgamt mnjorlty at the bee PlPct.lOn R• \,,, l h \v ell ngf.,n. wen i. ,,,,,v .,,,,,, ,. FOR8A1.E.-Inthematter of the estate of to hill nlldienr•e- At a hve-election loss, for it was certain that the hanks that. had ever been given in that. coaling general P Pctinn. With Phar• ,,h,,,,ld know hr iR, As ter t'onservative Th:it.l" II V:inCo. ! 4 thnlat�e Rev. Jas, Ptir.chard. Leta mint yQ aoteristc courage art(1 dt"tinetneaa hP M('i>Ir,,; ,r_ .J Ile`;. '('it ill,- ttdmw f„r It 1''.Inn� rnr"'A berR 662 and 673 on Wolfe street andCambr,n 9,Tn,p litt.lP time ago he Rallied forth would pay but little. Binder twine rounty, Mn Bennett said that It had accept -d ach1a{letlgeninAlehytheOl(itieIf•Andid,tff• IIaR r-oly excellent nares he ,•,I Il1P Itr;"f In ,',.rl%f•l,l� ll :Il,d ,, bt Rand, in ThcTown of Godertch. Good tramp team the flPxt point handled, the Rpeak• h0en obtained through that giant coni- to,i n u,v ,ter,", %%b„v.• „•.,,len,,. ,R, �1 u d with two onpoHitP 9pPPchea nn a t•elig- hilt. day, and oblong oat what had i would UP !„ pr••a” on Parliament, hilt hnc9e nn eofrd orchard. A 1 to or dechating that (Ile Hobbs Co„ of hine, fee Stalldwrd Oil On.. of the p �1,. f,rrs,lndr to r \,n th tiifl"o.• I,.I.t•r.alH -I�ir; pp harnace(nt,pllvhadhythP('onRPrvnlivP lhp cattle plank la hl" leading nn.•. n"y„h.„• 111,41 nn "Ivctiul, 1. g,n,tr p,r.t CAMEItON�oH�L' &forOltlReatiior. i„taw gnPst.lnn, 1]P htuf'onP for Rorm,.n L.ctndon, qoL all the Penitentary make llnited 3tctrs, and th+ct nn aconunt of pert hP rinred Har Wilfrid ax his Ooo. r„,t 1” ..p . l I""ghl'i" %I' ('at Orr, (',tf holir rlertnrs. in which he smote sit 4J cents and was ablo Ihroi h the the influence of that corn an with 1 y' LPf ua RPP how Lhr link looks whrn X11. I it” - i.wn armor ( lain, ml, b•g ItatadBeb.7l.h,1i00. , p ernmentto"pointto •mARingle int or P Ih,• p,.•..•nf no•n,h• nri(inu char ,,\I r. -- the f r't(•wtuila hip and thitrh, and an- monopoly to sell lc to Lha ,armerH the pr•Psent government, sill, InatHR,9 fl urr.t out, W ern Ni r. {{nlm(es' ro- t"'"t" "' lesser, !able o(, no„I,,,o th,•%• r: xoRFALE.-Par of Lot ,o.7nt, on St_ Ari- other for ProLestatnt electors, in wl)irh at from 11 to 14 ctintA. Mr. Taylor of ring ton cents as the government tit't'le Ihat they bavoconlrihuled iA, the K P I \l, 1',n t hy'4 err, t -,•, %v,I.,I.•.,,r,I I,v rhe 4 grPALn eNA, the prngl'PRa nn(1 t11H pros• geARlVe party %yprP otic IL N(n0(l th 1IR; nrP l l,e (. ,%rI ntn rill (111 .'•11 i1,g r11Arl: '"' (, 'Irr11 drewR Streit, In the To,vn of Goderich, hP baNvll`d About CRithnllP domination. ,tlao contended that Ontario wall not. promised it would ire, was now 4f), a•Id frill (If 'fir %\ ,Ifrnl f-t,Il,er; fnrmerty oconnfoil by the Int°Charles Payne- B nn nntnwot•(l aCcidPnL he of itinto fairly trarated. fnr iPhPC liaR RPVAn waa POP da ripen In parity 'of Canada as it exlalsi today," For a hens! Ihnt wnld/l Nell in BIIfTn1n (llnr ,,,,.%ry ft„Itt tine riding I(, •tr„tllrr „'• kin%',• , t''� t�'�� Title perfect. Apppp1y to V R Q Y R price• Dr. Alontagnr wound up few rnPOG ( ':v'd ,n W'r9t flur-, I late , CAA4ICaol;. HOLT & HOLMha.4, his heari that the next meeting he waa MinretsPm, the Premier and Messrs. He mentioned the fast that the for $40, the ?at nwr w...dd rrcPirv- $1t(1, lar„"'lo,K a, I lu•v a," wnoh-,I A nd ' $olirlton, far Exetuton. to addrPall was Catholic, and on Lhis Tarte, Jol , Fisher, Dobell, Fitz- ing with one of his Rpirited efforts, and i If ilo,ry mten.iing t ist• k,ar,:ul (.%rh„ir gOvernmPOL lied ret(lnPPd 1hP (luty P I'ncle Nam would claim $0, rind Lhe 'I'"* „' I' \%'rsl )#nr„n. mgr+!ally 1, h"rch nr Kin vM uI.P ren is , h,u+ r farad A'eb. 7, 1800. ____ I the (itfnlA,n Pr#endR huve iw( Pd t0 their rn , I Ln av,rk t hrtl m.nld tl rI nasumption he let fly nt Lhe ProteR- °trick an Geoffrion, Wilile the on laces and velvets, that thie er•edit one of the ho,sl. otitical Kritherl hnvrr would hour ft4, far fell ht noel s( g'” R R R P p v I OUSE TO RENT on Brucestreei., next to trints, and more particularly at. the 'Or•gPr ptbvince had lint five, and dnty oil xgriPaltatnl implementR P K , I,sy, h(,rmu tI rr,•i,v t„ "e(-,,,.. '),P Clintrnr school, with 5 reomq, good 10rAngenion, its good ReC terms. slim the n the less prominent R end• from tea States had not IxePa ingn ever held in the Count v• profit. Now the progi-PRRive mra is the 1•I".h t,f %hmin It, nnv tie(('It m:,n bl y p I y l.tlh(,In v„ten( lent aectiorl. tior.,1 oto w1Uh nmpfo nccommodattan nn hn,rrii wondered why theandiencevvas so un Ing depetrtmenta. The cold storeQp e I •werad• and asked is this not A won- AT nongnitii In power It. Rfands as follows: Sel:ing Mr i ,dill- rnnm,t by igh"rmnt of Ih,s Y 9rs. Dyly to M. o. JOHNSTUN. Barriviler. res naive, rind It was not until all wast s' stem, for which sn much erpdit derfld t hese lwo),Ie I•„r.t think t hr Pit•rrnr" _ pn y Rr/VPM)mant. And ata{d. If ynU nn ThIII'RdAy eVPnillg f.hN GpPrn liaise? price of be"t In B(If alo, $40; the 'fir! y, (114ret trthle gnov, and br A„'1 hiiii loot thea' resistor! and ranrint RPP hAOR BALPYOR Iif NT. -w, of W. J Lot 23 over and Lha dnma¢e• dome that he dis- was claimed, was the progeny don't believe me ask Mr, Medithenddv. ' wnm crowded to nvprflowinR by 7.46 farmer gets til?R.ZS, ('nclP Ham $7,76, pro rrirks. .�1 r Flolorry Con,3 y, %*Awanowh. Fiftyarres. Ex covered t.hP reason who. When the•of the Conservative party, said Mr. The debt of the country had 11eP0 p. m., and d f1PCAmP nrcPasnry ro bete i 1119 1`311"m ran settle in their ,•wn th-11srh Roch ,. rrllon(} Rdlj. No Waste !rind. Thoreughl i rPturnm cattle in from that polling div!- Taylor and Win tariff' was _also the added to by nearly Rix millions, said w eupplPmontnry mi•Ptfng In the Court and the htiver $t. The farrnpra will coli-( woce" n• to how far t hry ar.• ,ant w,ll IInt 11 r ill Ievaon that r„ .'creed in nndardlalned. Tee lla of tall wheat. sion than arty leaderm used words that Ir. etc rof the same art Pxca t the the s Packer, and it Is still Increasing House, which wRA1Pf ertiviviv a(1d+P9Red 1 RPP that Mr. Mfi.Pan hag rine good h(•tfvr than the %hady rr,eanR their are I i,i pmake ,I nl• nond I oe. a roan bargain A�pI� Poly!},,gALhNonproml9rs P g Y P y, p P w n,oRl make• l ar M. O. dOHN1TO_ . Hnrrrrfteter, etc. G(idorlen lura not fit t, prinj: about Jim. 1 tmcti0n that crowds l oat 8,(lf)0,000 because the friends of the government i by Messrs. Bennett. And (Inncey, M. `Plank anyway. I c,lrph,y,ng ro , irry t his Plet�ton. I g„ r,ark ,%nil r gip, rif. rot to hr ahlw ro a lf t. t a ,t b , ♦ P ti A A M t . �w ',.? %'314• & W-111 "l *'.A ¢.:L�„"% * 4” X f A ,a J J 4 A A t . % it 4 a t t . , • . t t . • . a t t . a 11 ♦ t R . • . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . , . . . • a w � a • .. • .. ®,-aa,M•`gl; M' IF.I►. fir, LA $L i Atlk,rb=,k:,LL1+,►`5�ti`."1$Llt,.ala� t �.4 i1raM:1111.`..'1r'�:aiTY.MT+(IJ„a.:r� aRS.+• „Y 14 ��rJra"i'i< * ♦r • w t , • . •♦ • a a a • , . , t , , t • • • • t� • • . • . ..� , • . .. . ♦ . .. • • . • a • ... . ,a, �i'))c,.,-,�"}s+#,,tiSfk1AAa-%,v**4 6 ars ♦ a • • \, , % .. , '. , :, , N• it '3' ♦ F S sr i .D 8 r ? ., <► • ... - . . . seas N ..,. tw ,. rt-tN � . eb : a* «... , i �'�.'.•'�, t, o,. � - (c , vi i, . •,•'� w+="•• -w.. w w%i� i L t �1 � LIl a � rr. i r. r r � � � � r i r r r r r r r .- � . r .. r r � ..., _ r .- ._ � r .... r - _ - � r r � ,.. � r r � r . r r a r.J. r -r,._ r. r � _ . . ....... .. _ 1, - _, Y. •. �.L� . W