The Goderich Star, 1899-02-10, Page 30
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""""' JJtLi 1GISli►�l al 14#�?I i mil Palter. tttteir'wlth tJtYtmhliaK vellce 'tom ir1. tiatl leak grsx alba a3tarr. *r�,%Olgk„pi,g, tT V4i1BN'T LIKE .
treetittng to salt'R#iR tail
fnrgpttapMt ort + it lltkW tkte4 aplie •sr", title � �Elt.
'tae Qaetsteat of Tastr AlGissaarq w serlw►s . ,... I ht► q} phi, yr lrkio ;spl►ut mtXolt atitte, tttlSd ?►riuptltr+; eat luta ;Alt it.qc.i'Q TI'ttr �lilpC I.OW Ptt'iCC,
I Sk1#Ibliatd--What's that ypi2 are rani- ► urenlMeSeats4My
e far, ttnttttar of tlt i - tClama' 4 tl�wriapt with miter. ' tot • eye went tks true. Out . of �3► I y`
The monkey aurin for questfun bare, llkti All: Tdta[Aff1C` DIIlGiTSS$S lid toliov s iq k l .ter attaa, T#ms hilt lips glut" tDe. ,tire. Out of hip max >�A»�[t'.It tt tetras tratat tswthar. '
!t a BiTI;D$$TItI4. SU>evTILGi`. tftrl Old 1Mtatytilty, but went %tlia,�d-And what dttea alta may f
PPeala, ssaltlnesk a serious aspect taiE1# silt . i° ager Maud, , tRi#. T1A $natah ;
-g 6 t' just now. It halt eq,u ml d considerable ,,...t baLttgria k j iklltt of umanie, sa+# bietl ko �� thot a' tt°R much of anything.
ate a s eatiw dr a,,, 'Jrpaistlif at'tramet"aa-Ali the II V10-m-pil6lcllse -and the Pyramids. mii<Ilbat a+xlt. , ;*tanked;` nett t, yat#ty ,, i1 CI I� �gtrZltind-Yon ors trying to dt3ceive
excitement I Oris"
Rrthodox Hindus ■aatapAe%liiltawwts e-r;t>f14aAwa.T- � #Etat tbrit, they qtrx, A## ,+'. , tplq, it'll tt card day when your Mother
lord atnd Agtjltde duke sad d¢cl#ams, bw will W&1Da up, sad theta the world
far an Act only Pia f)risaa and LU D -E L L., ..
Bengal. bat as Tit' 1lr. ,calla tlto >1" of 7tfaspt, 1�aeGi earl nail villcnuhk, baron and tai, ht, jt!]�}ja ���•�}� l��?� 1►mt thing Much tilt tpy. X914 = �a pr>� �� � ya � s� y��A� ,
seriously t warn the he news has khro welled. We a i►stl llGvrtt #.M a lgtlNM elite g. 1�1i1 ba •t#eatroyed, tads lie twill make, it 't lA4 et{1.------.a. .,...
wlst+l+l aro eharlayt :the I1aIt1e feta with I,awa1l over tRai°, bring{ng uP oreattualt alp
y ux r{dart against afta liar -creat Cease'tatfsa tw 'walklart operative, and $1intuglaet whalaman, oa it; than lying down ggaln to slati throe
- - - - - - - -
iTttit ritrb#
thio tnlnd►osous proposal of the Pur{ and AzerAutq�A eoal-balk. h'oittiler. foilr, thonad ;thrao, b4adrgd, a�td IPOuld not mOV6, the least bit � TTL �T.
city fathers, lest the question should 'A despatch from Washington smyst 904 oda eliskra stay+ rand eps131 , and pack- 'Want* ,sill on years, theat waking UP QCa j.;r would make mit shout
lead to some nations coasequenaes• The Iiev. Tailariae p?ofwhed frora;ti�e. he'Jlia�aq' fatly with athaa� shtY dwiltroyiAg kite world, tltaik-+risen- jjyith sin. 1 was afraid I
following miker's last': ma We laluith'.101A oa, ,ilea ante dell cation r follows 4 ialtgtk � P
religious feelings of orthodox Hindus, g taxi -"Tho fashion of thW . 6tI hats It also heeh witll'gret►a roitlitt. other, until oftt, tinea htlALcecl and ah8u%d a cripPte for life, as
Yr. Cll>trisa Dean. an Dadd'al Kid,
who form the majoAity in India, cilli- world pasaeth away•" -1 Coriatthjoas; Where is Nineveh, 'the bloeaomIng twenty sleeps, each one of these alum- nay PUIL
not be trifled with in this matter, altd vii. 31. ;. IIPIOAdtir opt the Amayr. . .. p ultixp„ Jtll hiiro four .thousand tbroe hundred 'ttd r;SCriptionS+ did me no 9wod
the lessons of the Seuaroa riots should Thele azo Mae w find 1A tLI,R sub- nations driving their carnTaae into her twenty million yearn long, Bra *th 'tIgaljy ( sgt;t for a bottle of So 'R� !�,ItttRd It aogd's ittaatly Tt1U
Many atreeta } Qity of precious atQANa-Jae• will wake up sta}d die, and the universe
not the thrown away, We are againat .feet Only an element of sadneea. ' I r, and;ohsyeopratue, 14a1t11 blriaed9liy; 'will dirt with him -an lattmatlga, HO•d's Sarsaparilla, which 4VIk d: ill, of Kidney 01.0*Nt, mad tie
this *laughter more for the mafnten- find in it chiefly an element of joy, bar totiotsfris" tonsiag ¢fps into baa{as through vary ialnt, of the great OIA" Tttaq eta After MP111 lsaetur one
ante of peace and ardor than for a Aa Paul eosgetim is Hated tf figures dxativn ^of ala etor'r Apo A'Tldst fl,'x"leltq. chttAlra" to"L ' upon this boptrd ate much, and two bot. � gK*" Iltsttletaea orad Fattest.
e titatuar the wealth and` pomp 01 the earth spolren of in the Bible But tilts Mora put me an mfr feet so Londonublication a !
thing else. `The massacre of the qua- item the theatre, I think kh4t I have world , Feb.Fsb. 0. -Tae
a ri ht to sa pausing throagb her streets, whilo Bramab may sleep, gtif God that I could walk without tow days ,g% in the proms at this, and
drtimaaa itself in a far. uglier uuiw g y that the shitting seance strolling through bar galleries of art, nova,, rltllWgbetr *t , m100V0, ad the crutches. I was i
once than all the mischief committed . at the sad of an act do not indicate ebouting to her amphitheatres, mingl, h s.alls i a Stan well other Attlee, of the statement that Mr.
in in her'"' "� p 4s avfa3r with; a great enough tri work on m farm." Charles n, of the City Hotel, bad I
by monkeyp put together. It may be, that the play ie ended, but only that g aoonee p1 splendor and rio ae, roil the ateinents ' shall melt W. H. RHOADa Windham Vt. beau oCtttd by Dodd's Kidney Pills, of I
it ie developing, triumph, Alae telt NinevehI The aa- witta.feWeat heat, aAtli; rho parth.apd + a disease that every other remedy he
however, that these so-called ancestors pin no all the changes tiqusrisa Plunges ala oroty-bar into all` tliiuga that aYal tpgreiq' sthall bs Hood's Sarsaparilla is ro_ had need, tailed to even relieve, oreat-
of.h¢manity are giving a good deal 01 tm earth era but the shifting eoenee is the srmve of ail that bur{ed splendor, b. aid ap, iradoni ti C. � ed wilds -spread aommant and dlaoue- i
trogblo at Puri; but where do they the great drama, of God's providence, and the broken pillars respond, adt! the ..Well says same one ►n the nodi- Y Y I• Hood dt a,, atom
An" P Moat of the principal seats of which will come to a glorious and alio- slabs of gyyppsa w ,speak out, and the an- once 'i! that In so; if the world {s o- well, Mass. Sold by ail The majority of the oltisana a road
graved gylintiera break•the,aileAee, and :Ing From one change to another; i! t ie dealers. Price $I. that tbs °mea was not o ramarkabla
Hindu pilgrimage are literally colon- ceaalu! completion. l want, to-gight, all the EroQad aeada IIp rumbling, ruo- fashion of this wort Is
iced by these restless brutes, but have to take a Christian and manly view ful and woeful voices: "The fashion Passing away, i1 one for Dodd's Kidney Pill., whloh,
of this world passeth away l" Where then what is the use of my toiling fbr J they said, cure every once of Kidney
they not been tolerated from time im- of this subject, and not the view o! Itq bettormentf, `That, is ;the, point on Disease telt which the are used. I
a sick! is Tadmor, the city of palms, built by whieb' I want par however, doubted i
memorial, and has there aver been y eentimentn!]at. I am glad that guard you. Ido not Some few ease,
the munificent hand of King Solomoat want Ing splendour, the historical aemools- the accuracy of the report. I
such a orumade against theme If it the fashion of the world, and that the W rilke.triboatAsehed b ok;°from her you to become mi4 world.
world itself is walla ea a e e Car Meat rind: loriouq. world. 1i tions connected within of the prin- To settle the question, ones for all,
to a° difficult to put up with any long- peening away, fat i} in tvak+e •pplitia into toAm Uponlong Christ aoulld &,for to spend thirt olpal Place$ possibly calling' forth a we Interviewed Mr. Dean, and asked
or at Part, cannot they ba banished only making room telt eomethin bet- a rooky heath Palm -treat' grew along threw t�y Clow oP reminieoenoe from the senior aim [t the rasa reports were true.
from the town rather than killed? ter. Ia the ,alae 8 all her stroke, and overshadowed man years on it for its redemption, p p
prOceasion is which y then YOU -044 Afford ta• toil and Prey ofln°are who may happen to be prem- "Cartainl they are true," said be.
o� her buildings, until the city was for the betterrueat of -the naltoonfs and ant, whlob cannot fall to have a yo- The only fault they have in that they
There are villages at Bengal whore =roll the manners and the euetome, a bower otF beauty. The wealth of all for the bringing am of that lorioue collar tasoinatioa for the interested are not strong enough. I
these wfokad cr^9turetl sometlmos do and the institutions Of the World, march nations unpacked and unrolled in her � B civilian neat, In conspicuousnt lace "1 need o auger s. much that [
considerable harm to villagers, who, the di,speneatlone of God's time when a 1 people -shall woe the aril- gp
providence markets. Her temple Of the Sun, with ,V itloa, of God: Wliila therefore, I !f dining at ea Infantry mesa, will be had to lie dawb to et relict. M
by the way, instead of having them tbras hundred and ninet columna, on g
by which the church'is to be made y want to guard yod against misanth- Bepa displayed the colors of th* bat- doctor said my Kidneys warn afisote� i
Mightier double rows, heaving up toward hea- ropie notions in res talion, in many oases
swept out of existence catch the lead- 8 tier and society 'pillar. $oil on, van, on arbokilders of warhle, the wor- Peon to thjp subject He gave we medicine, but it didn't
or of the party, with a prdoess known Ob wheel of the ages I Though instftu- ship, and the pomp, and the f hays praletit®d, I went ,grill to take THE BILK SADLY DEFACED. help me.
S g p p. genius,' this thought home with you; The world and battered by the storms of many One day I met Mr. M. L. puffy, ,
to every child in Bengal, and, paintingtions fall, though and the wealth of a great nation. Olt, poor foundation to build on. ft is oontitnea thy' hanarad emblems beat- architect, who was cured of KidneyI
8 governments be ten tt►,
his taco hideously, hold a mirror be crushed, though empires be de a ulat- the cronorwn
I the o r of mirth t° Chy lip, a dying world. The shifting eoenes in on their faids the record of man Disease by Dodd's Kidney Pills. H
8 P P P the Drown oP greatness on thy brow, and the changing, sande are only gaUaat detxls,well calculated to fire advised ate to try them, and I did ISO.
fore his eyes -the village abatis made ed, though the world be destroyed, roll, where art thou t The buts that clue- emblems of all earthly expectations. d o! outb or to When I had taken four doses I tvaa
a Bearing noise, with accompaniments I' , ter around her ruins make no answer, the keno J quicken the
of dhols, and eymbale-with the result great wheel of the ages! Let all crowns The broken tombs, and the defaced L{fe ie vera much like this day through slackening pulse a! the old. relieved. 011e bo: made me n new
that, followed preolpately by the molt, if our King gets pie dominions! Beulpture, and the mutilated frieze re tvhloh we have passed. To many at us A ttalection of music is played during man. I have taken three bores, and I
whole party, the heroic captain beats Let all armies be routed, if from "pond not; but the Banda of the desert it le storm and darkness, then sun- dinner, by the band of the regiment. ate completely cured. Dodd's Kidney
a hasty retreat, sever to return to the the ruins Christ shall marshal hie sr- drift across the place, and in the low, chane, storm and darkness then sitar- the programme concluding with the Pills oared me. They are worth their
village again in his life. mournful moan of the desert wind I ward a little ,sunshine, no
again regimental march blending into "God weight In gold."
It would be far better to have these miss with banners I Let this earth hear it: "The fashion of thio world darkness and storm. Oa, build not Sava the QuaeA," or, in some regi- Thin certainly wales the question.
Mischief makers deported to some dis. burn, if out of the leaping flames there passath away 1" your hopes upon thio uncertain world! Meats, "Bale Hritanna," After the dee Nothing further can be said. Dodd's
tant parts than endangering public shall spring the new heaven and new Build on God. Confide in Jesus. Plait ser•t has been placed on the table, the Kidney Pills Cure Kidney Disease -
peace by shocking the religious Peelings earth is which dwelleth ri$hteouanesal So, also, my friends, has It been for an eternal residence at Christie widc iseiroulated, and, all glasses being that la proved. ,
of the pilgrame by such an, in their with all earthly authority. Of how right nand. Then come aiokaess or filled, tate officer fitting as president Those who require Dodd's Kidney
view, inhuman cation. Aa many as lb I S Propose to talk to you about the much worth now is the crown health, tome joy or sorrow, come lite rises from his chair, and ralain his Pills Can get them at all drug stores
out of 22 Pundits consulted at Puri transitory nature of all earthly things, at Caesar. t Who bide for it P or death, all E. well, though' the fa.h- gam, calls out, "Mr. Vice Pree dent, for fifty cents a bent, six boxes for
are adverse to slaughter, and the re- and tben to guard yap against some Who cares now any thing about the ion of this world. dose pass away, the Queen;*' on this all rise lntnfte +2 -lit, or by vending the price to The
maiming Biz dwindle down to a micro A:mphictyonia Council or the laws of �_n in hand ; the young officers sitting me Dodd's Medicine Co., Limited, To. _
aeopie minority against the mass of wrong applications of the subject. vice-president gives the toast, "Gentle. ronto.
Pundit opinion supporting cause ;ue P Who trembles now bo-• Qaeen;" the band, which has e.
P pporting orthodoay in I suppose you have all noticed the cause Xerxes treenail the Hellespont ' t •p , men, the
thio country. On the other band, al- changes of faanilies. Where are the on a bridge of hosts Who fears be �� treppes �141t1Ws been on the lookout for a signal Prom slog■
meet all the English and vernacular prominent families of forty years ago t cause Nebuchadnezzar thunders at the + ahA mese sergeant, oraehoa out ilia ¢a_ Ex-Sonator Manderson of Nebraska
newspapers in Bengal, Bober and Or gates of Jerusalem P Who cares now, tionat anthem and the health of the began life as a poor boy, going to work D
ism are strongly protesting.Aa tO ,,,hey ruled so^iety as with a sceptre. sovereign drank withenthtrein&m, endo at the age of 1E, ,
whether or not Cleopatra marries An -
the Puri commissioners and their The cut and the style of their dream tong P Who crouches before verdin- THE AFTER EFFECTS MORE DAN- the brief ceremony, the flow of chaff, Ten United States Senators have '
"airs of absolutism," the Indian Mirror decided the apparel of the city. They and, or Boniface, or Alarie P Can GEROUS THAN THE DISEASE. laughter, and conversation momen- passed the three score and ten mark,
in a leading article, invitee the im- walkall with an air of opuleaoe, or Cromwell dissolve the English Perlia- tairly interrupted, bursting fortli and Senator Pettus, of Alabama, who
mediate interference of Government. Ment nowt Is William, prince of Or- A Weil Known, Quebec Farmer saCerea afresh. Is 78, to the patriarch of that
,.It i&," says our contemporary, "the dashed down behind well-groomed as e, kin now that Senator Norrill to dead.�y
steeds clattering P B g of -,tile Netheripijde 4 No; sol V411old nbery for Tbrae lean aefeve
and as
Hindus that have made Puri, a on the &"merits. However muolh Elizabeth may love tho He Found Rater. Publto Attention We P. Q 8'36
and ae they have made it, ao they mar Am they passed, all hats were lifted; Itueoiaa crown she must paha it to __
it . . The time may have come as they entered a rooln, all donverea- Peter, and Peter to Catherine, and The epidemic of to ri Ie at present being directed to Cat- " "`-` 'I'
for the Intervention of Sir Jolt" Wood_ Catherine to' -Paul. and Paul. to Alex- Swept P S PPe which has arrhozons, and much interest has been CAI,1V F R'I"S "t
burn in settlement of this question of tion was bushed or turned upon them. apt over Canada likesscourge this aroused by its marvellous effect upon o
ander, mad Alexander to Nicholas. Leo- winter, has left thousands of weak and oarbsno Ctalnt!e twnta, atoapr, Otnt-
monkey slaughter at Puri." And Poets, rulers, millionaries, eat at ,their pold porta the Gerradn sceptre into the despairing sufferer* in all disease g°� Catarrh hronohttls, sp1
surely the time has coma tables. They drank their wine from hand of Joseph, and Philip `comes tloTvn land. Grippe Parte of the irritable throat, and SUCht Maladies in- awiMiA ieeOO nadiPiYbi �n�sila 1 �na°i fora.0 Mor
ripe ie stzeacheranh disease. s#aptly disappear when this apparently erso0enea TbetrresstarFpaa nract Iat,otL
:- ghalices that had glittered in the ban- oft the Spanish throne to !at Ferd{a- You think you are cured, yet the mild ►no-soented• oma dLS,rSsa Ask i�ter Ysahr b thea* a
Lad go on. House of Aragon, bouts of &lightest cold brings on a rein P gas is inhaled, It
ITEMS OF ITEMS. quota of a century.' They eat in abltique Hapsburg, house of Stuart, house of victims are left in a weakened condi- af! tree tFa J0,18 tegAa ,ralvillQuad npl►17' Lt•tS mailyd t!0 pa spanaettew
chairs, Eh which lordly men had loung- Bourdon, quarreling about.every thing tion attd fall an early ,, 'I to its maul- Messrs. -N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston, F. 0. CALVERT A CO.,
A Few Paragraphs Which may prove ed, looking at the walla, papered with alae, but agrpeing in this: "'The fashion fold complications. The blood i& left Onto have generously intimated �ilh �,. ,4*!
Worth nendint, the manyaceaea of the chase, is which of ,this worlda,ssat.h away." But impure and imlloverlehed; the nerves ^ -•�"`
have all these dignitaries gone 4 Can ehatte2ad, and heart trouble and Harv- ivea ouA ..�.,aym. _.,d,, � . -TY�r� 1
Wonderful marksmanship is display- their ancestors had mingled with they Dot be called back i have beau ous prostration aret000ften the result. time' if sent for Immediately. . st as
ed by a young man of Austin, Tex.. sounding horn, and_bayi g `aunda a Rrsssea4.l?t? ""bswfntg etafameat'mA$a by ■w. The 9e�Im01`Il)Ior FM du• SA plea
+_•+a asl,sie:S.h39e o ;r rt60aas
named Petmecky. one of his festa ter broken antlers. They were praised- roll catled, and ,many distinguished Mr. Dan{el CIOSMy, a well known The various steel. and wire thterests
men •role answered. if t,ehould call farmer living near West Brome, Qus., of the country, it f& annoanoed from eA I�utl�1S,INils�-s-t,lt�strta_t�a�ofr�t■,H_.■■ga",t,sii,t
to tole a brick Ea the air, and with I they were sought atter. Other vehicles the 'roll to -night of dome of those indicates the ravages made by the New York, alta to be combined into AGWO 11"'►O>Cw1 Jet ,to-bLs "t T
s rifle shot break it in two; then, halted to let theirs pass, and to their mighty ones who have gone, I wonder after effects of this Scourge. Mr. one company having $90,000,000 oapl- --
before they drop to the ground, he' haughty look men bowed obsequiously, if they would not answer. 'I will tall Cloeaey soya- Some five tal.
breaks each of the two pieces in the the roll. I will call the roll of the had aen attack of a zi years ago I RavLRNs IN ONa rvKuK•
lama Manner, and danced around them with flatter- grippe. The ear- Wo want toed at"tter ire, poultry, eco.
Ing attentions. Where are those fare- kings fire : Alfred t}le 'Great f Wil- liar eymptoma passed .awe 8blp to as and ptu wlllbave Jour s r
II y, ye# I con- wank or lap. THTC AItiENH1CAD P[tODUO$ A
A. laughing fit attacked Mies Sallie liam the Conqqueror Frederick ILI tinned to fail Ea health, and euYferedn a�HAtt�ir�a'a�i�i�'c"'• w D
Hollins, of San Joaquin, Tax., and Por ilies now P Some of them, I Am glad to Louis SVI.J No answer. I will call intanae �,8,aaa .. e. a"n• 10 0O•• 1I'roat 8t., 11„ Toronto
three days she laughed hysterically, I may, their nam- mighty on 'Change, and the roll of the poste; Robert Southey I pain in day head. I was less
g Y y jest to attack of dizziness, and unless ARlt You A#M*T10ALLT IN$LIN1t t If ■o, .e era
with Only brief intermissions. Local in
in social circles, untouched of
Thomas Campbell i Sohn Keats i I would grasp something would fall. I At Fall River, Maes., n lief at dhl-
Geor e gradually grew so weak as to be una hie Pa y t"ek roe it NAIL to ■ tow r,"Il l a ri-oh ro all
phyeioians failed to cure bar, and her tdisaster.?all where are the most Of g S7rao a I r. l e Botha I Lord raduall donde id b the local miles tact year that &uab4»uforyrof".at"t3faus■etmerorod- as
them? Shall1w tel you the story P The Byron t No ,newer. I call the roll o[ to do any work My legs and feet &ho�vit an, average of 2.22 per cent. on "d or pre trbie hnme.ork. pa$�toutpn Jroe Th.C"tn-
fathar decided to tato her to Galveston the artiste: Michael Angrlo! Pau! were as cold .as ice even in the a °li'pttal of {2.1,488A00. n"noiai saheol of Pertnit.ra '`OrAat"J■ootl.n tet
fhr tretitment. As the were Cross "It of arlin3 is loaf. The pictures __ __
y flkg Veronese 1 William Turner I Chriato- summer months. If l attempted the �-_ +
Lye San Joaquin River the boat cap- the golden urn long ago went to the -- - -
auctioneer a rooms. halls, .o airy and p r real No answer. Eyes aloe- least exertion my heart would beat sa,khineltt�, Be°a qoa h •• ta.o.a"etr
sized, and the sudden plunge oared the ed. .Ears deaf. Lips silent. Hands violently. For three years I was to I 1 I 1 1 l �arrr�jta�� .".O7.ras�igeli�'apk or�.p is e
girl. , grand, have become n neat of brokers' down f S ver., ,pencil, pen, sword, pat this helpless condition, end although • 1 J aa a"•ha
ehopa. He goes along the street, brok- tls►N IaDt•aYralt►■ O.".Lae OoII!-Kso■°ter d"►
The British Museum contains the an down with dissipations, buttona off, ., * iso, ag.t Haylito.
dawn forever: Tn literature, in art, in during that time f was attended by __
Complete manuscripts of Pope's trans- and rum-blosstims on -the last relic of government, The fashion of this world three different doctors, their treat- "- -
Iatioam of the " Iifad," and "Odyssey." that great house. In that old arm- pa,smath awttyl' moat produced not the aligbtmt bene- The late Robert R. McBarney, of Stammerers -"After nu�>•A auei
Much of the co chair, that went down into the rookery; But I find a more striking illustra- fit' At this time I read the statement New York, wag known as "Father of Wr»a wrie.fertam"oroelltor[r aar,°0"o i•`jr�Am
pt' is written oa the; y; 8 of one who had 'suffered from similar the Young Men's Christian Assocln 4apaei*.,-, l0olls-"t,Tervatll
backs Of lettere, and ,mon them are' in the pictures, whose torn canvas was tion of my subject, at any rate, it is g .errs", rIt* s■t
epistles from Steele, Addison, Rpwe, pitehod into the garret rubbish, in more impressive tom own mind, when trouble, who was cured by the use of j tion," from the active
Ihose balls that have esaban ed the I look at the'ehan n she part be took -�
Young and other celebrities. 8 gr g rio of this WtliinmS 'Pink Pills and I decided in building It up t,D a national and. in- it lordly step step of the proprietor for the physical earth. Do you know that to try them. The result was simply ternational organization.
A toper, in Colby, Kan., was a very shuffling [set of bargain,tir •3, I hear even the mountains on the back of a marvellous. A dozen bozos did what HEALTH RESTORED 'wtihn°r m.diai..
forgetful roan. He came home tight a voice, loud and (loop, sounding above thousand streams are leaping into the y p-1111-1
or on"... .. th.
throe ears of expensive medical treat- du.r1.,,d tlWn„uk. Lna a Nene", Lit-, BI,, i
{3 B TO euRtt A GOLD 1N ONa DAY R .d le, gidn.y., Brei. rod (�reath by
the other night, stumbled into bed, and CBrtman's dray and auctioneer's mat- valley f The Atleglianies are dying I meat failed to accom4lieb- teetered tae I,a..u.e Brau,o utn+o. r.,h,aw All urns•
let, " The fashion of this world passeth The dews, with crystalline mallet, are me to full health, and vigor, and I am tut. reload the money If It 11,16t. ,.,., rte. Qu Barry's ROYittpt?ti1
ori the following morning is and his away i"again able to do my work about the
Wife were found dead. It is believed, yoBayhammering away the rooks. So when farm. I honestly Arabica Food,
as the room was full of SO• llkbwiae, ane it been with all hu- you say any thing is ' na firm as a Y believe Dr. Wil- .n,an erne r,,..u4. "„d l:b,rd-n .ed .Iso Re.., .a°
gas, that the man achievements The bridge that 'oak," you any nothing. Niagara ev- linitis' Pink Pills saved my life and I Prof. Josiah Royce, of Harvard, ha■ e...t„u h,frnte wh.xr Ab,,.n4 Dabliit h.., r.
toper had turned it on rind for of to aan glad t k milled for Ea 1 d t ",.d "t), tr y
1 B taxed the brain of th
to double our list in order to secure more advertising at better rates tit
w account of increases circulation.
• J
THE LADIES' JOURNAL, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, Can,
�• ••••••1.•••s•••••Na••N••••••e•••••••••N••••4
•• C, a D. SCHOOL CO., 8loatral• Write for Syeo fal terra qoris`� Jaanary and
ON'T BE IDLE I February. L CORRIGA . tf'SfGage gk
PREPARE FOR A FIRST- &�ammef erste 1et�'�'�
CLASS SITUATION 1 'g°r"erau"d
to b" earl et■r
.R"e, wrlte ts
Coalai D"•A sol -41, S"It■, who will "ensue gat her oma Dare ya
�e Wills, tattle a Hari&ww,,
�aaslsNr%.Ita, "n*Te0
tTRArMRO, 0". ' LAW b wisf Hid a, Rteb
housand of Yount man sad woman mond soak„ �4'troate.
have found oar oour.a of
ady st @tspping•stons to •sueoess•" Enter Ir»ahs'"aw A►Ka/,aeTTIAEU88wrm lwt
pp w{ board cheap; best business @*hoot in to firl s►tr thea b
Aomlaion. Circulars frog
-_-___ _ w.,J. ELLIOTT. soliseroat. The Dawsaq Commission Co.. Ungftsd,
- - W.mwcvamtho.
L COFFEE a CO.t tm-ams "" "'�
CUM AIM, 101118111111111111011, R13, .
0. ., -="of W tlasi ' �r ,��.
MSne wry slstivt M t1it tlsyrt' a• 3 r r'hmta s A o"'"'s'
• hmhroke et„ Toronto, *waft
�Y Rttna less L t�sa
be Dominion of Caoada Guarantee Table to Telephone
Tablet ; �;;; Vii•• p;:i�
and Accident (uxurance Comp'y 11-60•
uthortsed Capital. . $2,00,000 UNIT",
ooalnion.Government DeVaait, I"- Toronteaa4Natv.ket.O.L
Mond" +."ued co,erin eaony, to.n •ed to-
- trea.ur.n', dbtsfon conA dii,ki, b.01R..---i-•---
.to Also p.-n.1szddentpotlelea Dominion Line ,,AM,,,,, MAIL,
ORO, CoODIRNAIa J. 4 ROltaaTS. at Jaee., a. a' .aJ iidifa., t. W.ayonl, "lltn N
Pre.11lonL Oen. LosaeaAyvy. Ler .a4 to.* ,.1 � Nn. . --hit'"
L•sn/now ' YANCO°vast. " Re0'remA.m.`
--' --
Superior ream enodatioa ror letr@t Cabin. teem
on� C■hl* and Breerag• parran`ers. Rates of
n-nige-- l4rst Cabin, $M.00t Psroud Ile 6* �.i6; tltaer■`e tits 60 and upp.ardo m.00rdlaie to
.t, m••" and berth. Iror .II informattoa apply
to 400.1 Attsnts or DAVID TORRANUIC it CO„
Oen'l karats, 17 ilk. aacrameat at.. Montreal.
and HAV PBVER P•rmenently Cared by
Ke4fc"ted vitt Iabalatioa-..,rale of taeay.e
10 t ays Trial tree• mead lea for,, - mutat
or. it au°°eeelful Ramsay Co.,T°ronto, Qet
Dr. Bet, Ant1L`ott,tlpetlnn Pule slwaye aura
i.wdoq hn@.--kleinourns, Ane. - Toronto, Qac.
W.I. it. a arc6iteot, no cry year is digging for itself a quicker 0 ma a ibis statement for g an o deliver the Gif- _Im.nt. rt Nest.whln .,1 ern• B�L�S
ford lecturers on the "Philosophy Vend br.le.t.d,..•es to t:m". It. ee.1 I■..Alas.
more crosses the stream; but the Plunge. The Boa all around the earth the benr+Pit It may bring to others." ph of „
A subterranean lake of hot motor Ibmantia school -boy flits on the crumb- on its Shifting shores is making mighty grippe Religion," i te••ri•nu g■aa",a ,K-, DARN A HOLE to Threw Minutes.
g g B y Atter as attack of la Pea Dr_• eon," at the .University of Aber 50 Years Ann"., arL of r..n.t, . • • ati c
exists near Boise Cit Idaho. The tom- ling abutments making Williams' Pink Pills ie lbs only dean. Man noted men have heretetore a^..• Vt►tuleeor, +•r•rep�° if rAeu r xe Does wtrnuta ' • 4t -O w�N a
City, B rbymoe about changes in bar, and bay, and frith, and y medi- y voonsp<bn o„n.te., "ror, Il., inn„ >•riow
perature i. 170 degrees, the water hoe the mutation of all earthly '''things. To promontory. Some of the ,old soy cine that can promPtly restore you to been asked, but Prof. Royce to the first �r", a gh• A.thm., rl.,.. I%, Phlegm, u,e.,nm, Jc W)SS Uilrller. .
the structure that once caused the coasts ere midland now. 7�ff Nnn- health. They drive every trace Of fee receive rho honour. ne1•pbnlh,nl.e,nre.,,.... hwyoptenoy. 86a iSL11L.DE,RS,
Pressure enough to force it to the top mill -Wright many sleepless nights, the tucket, eight feet below lowwater mark Poisonous germs from the system i Du Dar �I.1�,re Aft., . little or -
floors of most of the bourses, and it build up and enrich the blood and R' T K,•,, uo=..p•f I.di.. 010 rite,•.. re,r.e, rheu+tw
farmer no more brings his g>iSQ The are found now the stumps of trees srATao► Unto, crry or Totsoo, r� K 00r - + __I••r b^ SYSTEM.
is to be used for heating them and old wheel, broken and covered with Showing that the waves are gonquering strengthen the nerves. Sold by all I LUCAS COUNTY. }.. Imedon,w,.hi I. Perin, 14 It.. Je nrr�ith�. " e I b• ''are -f to I-
fo' h
washing itt purposes. 8 P
p w Fn
cads AB J.
no mor 1 N (,7rINN e +
More do dealers Rrmaea .Ih
dashes OT 90 Oath A he I. 1 rover., h. , . , a e rl
the It "I sent tl that he u ,.,e ,s► „n � f
and. arts oY Nova Scotia are Pot paid at fs0 cents r.dntI .e. nrrywhere, ,° ea•, ea,n.,r. .n �,,. The Ron. Joe. 1'hnmh.rlal pp'a ro encaVPeal
mountain a hoz or nix boxes for Co.4 nil br si the firm of F, J. Cnastr de �••'• • M • h • ath. lis. Nast r"r.tu," fres Also n. la rhe British pobl,e t" In-.ttuw.• tn. ,na aaa.
It bas been practically demonstrated stream to foam. The fine souse, that �inkCng. S Ep. to Bap Aa11 aver what $2 Fi(1 by nddreSS- I ,'O., Qo nR beslnose in the City of To ed0. m"try's".i'°t' 61"°'u '° t+°•• ya W .na les I ;,.;,,°"e � e t...t ed ne.nlopm nc of ntacuen. d .ea •e e+,n
by Dr. Walling, of Munich, that pota- Overshadowed all the others on the I only a little while. ego, was solid ,ng the Dr. Williams' MedielnO Co., + ooaty Had Nftce, nfou.ald, and ihnc •ofd arm °°'" ' r h,, I. n e ch,• mn-koun� of 111101.0,11
block now crumbles; the tsmnll win- ground. Near the mouth of rho ht. Bro^kvilte. Oht., Always refuse imita I wt,t pay the num o• ONK HUNI,ttCtD UOL �- '--' ---- ! �o.oie�. 1 , .�� "-1--1 ' 11 ►n, 11 I ILII .n no«only r..a,l.
thee, tomatoes, corn and other run -ants dew -panes, and old-time roof, and out- Uroia .Rivera is un island which, in the tion or substitutes. "Aftri far each and a my r;Aee of CATARRH �~ tn,, nr .rn,p1. n end germ do -r rnynr nn.f prrrentnrloe nyetnet
thrive bast when planted in rows run- landish stairs, Seeming in sorrow tb aG4Yerltegtp 'ptir'kbe eayth, is slowly but _�_�__ that annot be cured Thy the nAo o[ li A,i a THE MOST IYU TIttTiOUg. O.rain.�te, ,,, n•t Irevero red Aane. ln•.rp ,'•t .,.it mod let n"
CIATARan CURB. e.,, d xl• 4 m°Iled front Ino u.n ■.t b.n 1.It .,
ring north and South. The shading of nay, ch for those days when people certainly rotating, .All the face of ilia FRANK J. CRENICY. EPPS'S
I n.h. ft..•Tx■
each other is ilius' reduced to a mini-' paseiag hero would exclaim, Who earth changing -changing. In 1831, an SOCIAL LiFE IN THE ARMY. tiwoty to before me and subscribed t0 my a WI+• D.ns.. rrn The BOLO PEAR(uACAI CO., ToroMa
mlam lives there?" Man of the island - I presence, this eth dar of +•o°ember�A. D. Isle 1, -•r• t••'m $0 H,
Many book. tbat springs up in the Mediterranean W n .,.k +,
n 1888. daringthe civil war, Wm. were - OLICAHO, . _,,`.1";,.. r,,:
popular in the libraries forty, Sam. In 18$8, another islood comes up A11 emeen tftaeall 1IeAs eat Itetalar Cmca@ {"_r} 1Vofary Pebtte GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. n""' • "l'
B, Smallr years ago are now o under the dli�ei'tiatlpn. f the American I,nt.,,... If
idgfa of Jaokaon County, Va., 8 ae-grme down Eor q alga@, H. . Cnrarrb Oo» la taken aatensby, and ,n . ,rock," ,„ ,.,e
wan wounded in battle, ,"bullet to to the sellar, gone itltd the garret, of ooaeui as 'fie lobfCs o€t' from the heath. It ie de rigaeur in every well order- no'.dtreetlyon the blood and mucou"surfaces minete. Ii m n.t,
stand begging on the book -stand at the The earth •all 'the tifrid Chntiging, the of the or -tern. Band for toAtimanlsls, frau. COCOA
trb'.,, .°.mi,.
in his heart. There it remained street carrier', or pieep.thr,ir last aleep 7pltlirina o! a temple near Bizoli Show oil regiment that every officer, whether [^. J. oIiRNEY a 0I'l Toledo, D nnd.r.-•- aoJ .,
for thirty-five years, until hie death, t Sold by Urnggfists, 710. hbn" ,th .ax., r
t'vro wettke ago, when an autopsy to- in the antiquarian's library, Not that the water has risen nine feet married or single, s+.4 e.d.p.r,t..d
8 ts, Dreamt with the Half's Vaultly Pals are the best. eREAKFA$?-SUPPILR, aeht�4 I's. or
„ .
vealttrl it knowing where they tread, the �Cenny above the place wsa whey those col-
bom sone, and Iwtngfellowa, and Baptofk mm�e tttkso putbwa. ,Changing I Oliy regiment eaould dine at mean on quant -___ _ u ..,icy ... „
pounds of steak, with the et- walk over the even of hiatoriato, and Colorado Rlv + night; and the part is ewotlon both - i - . - - -- ►•• an rse ",+,..
tar -py�, Once 2'a&ter than the y MT.".p., n,•t,h.,
bataras is proportion, make an ordin- posts, taking by storm the librarlea of M161simaiplpi, fltiwintt thfough the great I by the private friends of the officers net" i..'1 t, on'
cry meal for George Wa'shing'ton Walk- the world, mounting up on ladders of AMerican desert, which vane then an! and by a sprinkling of the local nota- u,,, .w. z.. ,., e.,
Shelves until the plant their •v. to an r...,p, of I
alt. 0Y Ar y P batter• Eden ntleitsrlanoe, )lam now dwindledI bilitl+ gueate of tae mesa,7 cz r+r.,an.,,t• ,.,ernle"- n. •ou ".(-,-i"'""
rapidly sae, Ind. Has food seems to lea of light and truth on the very to a small stream oraerping downI a' tmked an rho Seel" onrner Co , 7a Adelaide St, w., Toronto I
P �► as.tlloitate roe he is conatttatiy " 44-e,
he hta of ktnowled e. The writes a British officer in Ha r' •
mala tl � g great lib• through a gorge. The earth iteelf,l ren a Ma- ---- - -__-_-
B g osh. His height is b feet 10 ranee at the Vatican, and in Muni, that was once vapor, afterward wateriI gazine. On theirarrival thegnestA are FREE BOOKLET,
inche,s, he uteaanres 78 inches around and Dresden, are only the Westminster -nothing blit *it 6'r -afterward molten received by their own private hosts
the wI13&t, *nil bin weight
is 5i0pounds. Abbeys in which r6yaj 1166ka5 have heart rook, cooling off tough the ages un- end by that commanding officers of the"IV6;f�� �J`�{// (iUIOEr TO HEAi.Trl.
J. FYankl{a Brown, a mind reader buried. The, tooth of Time is gnaw• t{t pplantA mk�;ggki} 1{ve, and animaia a move ito the mess -room when I r,J� it a PAmphlea ens sea ole. at
can hypnotist tried to hypnotize a lion Ing away at reputation that Et was might Iiri!s;,_� ilizbn >1lilght ilwe, chang-
aapposed eoald ttbvttr be dam Ea n!l the wh{te dinner ie aanouaoad, tea nom M.,ar,e, of a.,• ut.e ll' .m4
la Stu Pranelsoo. The beast viewed his aged or 6 , ildw dtUmbling. now parry in ,,,axis
Oath '
geeturee with a sort ofslee wonder, lost. Book-Toarme are boring sown breaking oft. The bun, burning down many regiments molting to their Beate �/1e--0-1,10
g p
Dy r thrOaith 'this p8tlet a that was expect- gradtrally in (to eotiket. Changing 1 to the air of "The Rnamt Beet of Old I i •ant 10 rn. -it-,--- an
nail thath tended t e tableau by biting Ild to. kmrnbrfA4 while those old am. changiagl an 0311fltlatiarn of the haat retv;vk
hitt band. Alth6ug� ihd wound was in- England." discoursed b the band o!
fileted mottthe ago, It never healed, bitioae authors or their spirits seem teat change .to, Coale over the world y Tharntomst•. attaAn,nrnt ■,.•
the corps y varoreror cornetist.
g wandering up ,,fid dov/a tDb aial+te Of fuffpd lett tlle< tiiiil4d of the heathen rl» posted !lt the gaIIer or out- � A,r.w w■.r«d rn, Ba., a.Itto,
Mr. Hrilwa bar atoh•d it a short time the national library unable to find Who has never even the Bible. The building adjoining the dining -room. On . w..k to A.a.rtee.
n{new, blood pol.onfns ramulted. and their way out into the euali lit, with Hindoes tselfiIVe that Brattish, the cram- tha dins TRrt
�tl:ltd deAtfY skeleton fingers fumbling the venae ter, once made all ti inga, lie created roeaes late -is hie and the Sideboard its gd tae I/ I 1114 Imp o V010i B01i! "o.
D displayed in al! its gleata I er range at- Vore..te,
9these of-.ta ,,re in a... gf ling entire
tW..•• ton
t .11.1-"1 Ina th m -onid ne t be .r1,h
On them rc., I-ila rues -L l hn7 ,`an
be pld In Voiimr, Attto fir n stn Rants,
or 1. .°t pis," who,,, melt" u . flue m
)tire rJuirnd nnlirone., In two w,oka,
ror tutelar .ad price wr,to
Hamilton. Ont.
auctioneer a rooms. halls, .o airy and p r real No answer. Eyes aloe- least exertion my heart would beat sa,khineltt�, Be°a qoa h •• ta.o.a"etr
sized, and the sudden plunge oared the ed. .Ears deaf. Lips silent. Hands violently. For three years I was to I 1 I 1 1 l �arrr�jta�� .".O7.ras�igeli�'apk or�.p is e
girl. , grand, have become n neat of brokers' down f S ver., ,pencil, pen, sword, pat this helpless condition, end although • 1 J aa a"•ha
ehopa. He goes along the street, brok- tls►N IaDt•aYralt►■ O.".Lae OoII!-Kso■°ter d"►
The British Museum contains the an down with dissipations, buttona off, ., * iso, ag.t Haylito.
dawn forever: Tn literature, in art, in during that time f was attended by __
Complete manuscripts of Pope's trans- and rum-blosstims on -the last relic of government, The fashion of this world three different doctors, their treat- "- -
Iatioam of the " Iifad," and "Odyssey." that great house. In that old arm- pa,smath awttyl' moat produced not the aligbtmt bene- The late Robert R. McBarney, of Stammerers -"After nu�>•A auei
Much of the co chair, that went down into the rookery; But I find a more striking illustra- fit' At this time I read the statement New York, wag known as "Father of Wr»a wrie.fertam"oroelltor[r aar,°0"o i•`jr�Am
pt' is written oa the; y; 8 of one who had 'suffered from similar the Young Men's Christian Assocln 4apaei*.,-, l0olls-"t,Tervatll
backs Of lettere, and ,mon them are' in the pictures, whose torn canvas was tion of my subject, at any rate, it is g .errs", rIt* s■t
epistles from Steele, Addison, Rpwe, pitehod into the garret rubbish, in more impressive tom own mind, when trouble, who was cured by the use of j tion," from the active
Ihose balls that have esaban ed the I look at the'ehan n she part be took -�
Young and other celebrities. 8 gr g rio of this WtliinmS 'Pink Pills and I decided in building It up t,D a national and. in- it lordly step step of the proprietor for the physical earth. Do you know that to try them. The result was simply ternational organization.
A toper, in Colby, Kan., was a very shuffling [set of bargain,tir •3, I hear even the mountains on the back of a marvellous. A dozen bozos did what HEALTH RESTORED 'wtihn°r m.diai..
forgetful roan. He came home tight a voice, loud and (loop, sounding above thousand streams are leaping into the y p-1111-1
or on"... .. th.
throe ears of expensive medical treat- du.r1.,,d tlWn„uk. Lna a Nene", Lit-, BI,, i
{3 B TO euRtt A GOLD 1N ONa DAY R .d le, gidn.y., Brei. rod (�reath by
the other night, stumbled into bed, and CBrtman's dray and auctioneer's mat- valley f The Atleglianies are dying I meat failed to accom4lieb- teetered tae I,a..u.e Brau,o utn+o. r.,h,aw All urns•
let, " The fashion of this world passeth The dews, with crystalline mallet, are me to full health, and vigor, and I am tut. reload the money If It 11,16t. ,.,., rte. Qu Barry's ROYittpt?ti1
ori the following morning is and his away i"again able to do my work about the
Wife were found dead. It is believed, yoBayhammering away the rooks. So when farm. I honestly Arabica Food,
as the room was full of SO• llkbwiae, ane it been with all hu- you say any thing is ' na firm as a Y believe Dr. Wil- .n,an erne r,,..u4. "„d l:b,rd-n .ed .Iso Re.., .a°
gas, that the man achievements The bridge that 'oak," you any nothing. Niagara ev- linitis' Pink Pills saved my life and I Prof. Josiah Royce, of Harvard, ha■ e...t„u h,frnte wh.xr Ab,,.n4 Dabliit h.., r.
toper had turned it on rind for of to aan glad t k milled for Ea 1 d t ",.d "t), tr y
1 B taxed the brain of th
to double our list in order to secure more advertising at better rates tit
w account of increases circulation.
• J
THE LADIES' JOURNAL, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, Can,
�• ••••••1.•••s•••••Na••N••••••e•••••••••N••••4
•• C, a D. SCHOOL CO., 8loatral• Write for Syeo fal terra qoris`� Jaanary and
ON'T BE IDLE I February. L CORRIGA . tf'SfGage gk
PREPARE FOR A FIRST- &�ammef erste 1et�'�'�
CLASS SITUATION 1 'g°r"erau"d
to b" earl et■r
.R"e, wrlte ts
Coalai D"•A sol -41, S"It■, who will "ensue gat her oma Dare ya
�e Wills, tattle a Hari&ww,,
�aaslsNr%.Ita, "n*Te0
tTRArMRO, 0". ' LAW b wisf Hid a, Rteb
housand of Yount man sad woman mond soak„ �4'troate.
have found oar oour.a of
ady st @tspping•stons to •sueoess•" Enter Ir»ahs'"aw A►Ka/,aeTTIAEU88wrm lwt
pp w{ board cheap; best business @*hoot in to firl s►tr thea b
Aomlaion. Circulars frog
-_-___ _ w.,J. ELLIOTT. soliseroat. The Dawsaq Commission Co.. Ungftsd,
- - W.mwcvamtho.
L COFFEE a CO.t tm-ams "" "'�
CUM AIM, 101118111111111111011, R13, .
0. ., -="of W tlasi ' �r ,��.
MSne wry slstivt M t1it tlsyrt' a• 3 r r'hmta s A o"'"'s'
• hmhroke et„ Toronto, *waft
�Y Rttna less L t�sa
be Dominion of Caoada Guarantee Table to Telephone
Tablet ; �;;; Vii•• p;:i�
and Accident (uxurance Comp'y 11-60•
uthortsed Capital. . $2,00,000 UNIT",
ooalnion.Government DeVaait, I"- Toronteaa4Natv.ket.O.L
Mond" +."ued co,erin eaony, to.n •ed to-
- trea.ur.n', dbtsfon conA dii,ki, b.01R..---i-•---
.to Also p.-n.1szddentpotlelea Dominion Line ,,AM,,,,, MAIL,
ORO, CoODIRNAIa J. 4 ROltaaTS. at Jaee., a. a' .aJ iidifa., t. W.ayonl, "lltn N
Pre.11lonL Oen. LosaeaAyvy. Ler .a4 to.* ,.1 � Nn. . --hit'"
L•sn/now ' YANCO°vast. " Re0'remA.m.`
--' --
Superior ream enodatioa ror letr@t Cabin. teem
on� C■hl* and Breerag• parran`ers. Rates of
n-nige-- l4rst Cabin, $M.00t Psroud Ile 6* �.i6; tltaer■`e tits 60 and upp.ardo m.00rdlaie to
.t, m••" and berth. Iror .II informattoa apply
to 400.1 Attsnts or DAVID TORRANUIC it CO„
Oen'l karats, 17 ilk. aacrameat at.. Montreal.
and HAV PBVER P•rmenently Cared by
Ke4fc"ted vitt Iabalatioa-..,rale of taeay.e
10 t ays Trial tree• mead lea for,, - mutat
or. it au°°eeelful Ramsay Co.,T°ronto, Qet
Dr. Bet, Ant1L`ott,tlpetlnn Pule slwaye aura
i.wdoq hn@.--kleinourns, Ane. - Toronto, Qac.
W.I. it. a arc6iteot, no cry year is digging for itself a quicker 0 ma a ibis statement for g an o deliver the Gif- _Im.nt. rt Nest.whln .,1 ern• B�L�S
ford lecturers on the "Philosophy Vend br.le.t.d,..•es to t:m". It. ee.1 I■..Alas.
more crosses the stream; but the Plunge. The Boa all around the earth the benr+Pit It may bring to others." ph of „
A subterranean lake of hot motor Ibmantia school -boy flits on the crumb- on its Shifting shores is making mighty grippe Religion," i te••ri•nu g■aa",a ,K-, DARN A HOLE to Threw Minutes.
g g B y Atter as attack of la Pea Dr_• eon," at the .University of Aber 50 Years Ann"., arL of r..n.t, . • • ati c
exists near Boise Cit Idaho. The tom- ling abutments making Williams' Pink Pills ie lbs only dean. Man noted men have heretetore a^..• Vt►tuleeor, +•r•rep�° if rAeu r xe Does wtrnuta ' • 4t -O w�N a
City, B rbymoe about changes in bar, and bay, and frith, and y medi- y voonsp<bn o„n.te., "ror, Il., inn„ >•riow
perature i. 170 degrees, the water hoe the mutation of all earthly '''things. To promontory. Some of the ,old soy cine that can promPtly restore you to been asked, but Prof. Royce to the first �r", a gh• A.thm., rl.,.. I%, Phlegm, u,e.,nm, Jc W)SS Uilrller. .
the structure that once caused the coasts ere midland now. 7�ff Nnn- health. They drive every trace Of fee receive rho honour. ne1•pbnlh,nl.e,nre.,,.... hwyoptenoy. 86a iSL11L.DE,RS,
Pressure enough to force it to the top mill -Wright many sleepless nights, the tucket, eight feet below lowwater mark Poisonous germs from the system i Du Dar �I.1�,re Aft., . little or -
floors of most of the bourses, and it build up and enrich the blood and R' T K,•,, uo=..p•f I.di.. 010 rite,•.. re,r.e, rheu+tw
farmer no more brings his g>iSQ The are found now the stumps of trees srATao► Unto, crry or Totsoo, r� K 00r - + __I••r b^ SYSTEM.
is to be used for heating them and old wheel, broken and covered with Showing that the waves are gonquering strengthen the nerves. Sold by all I LUCAS COUNTY. }.. Imedon,w,.hi I. Perin, 14 It.. Je nrr�ith�. " e I b• ''are -f to I-
fo' h
washing itt purposes. 8 P
p w Fn
cads AB J.
no mor 1 N (,7rINN e +
More do dealers Rrmaea .Ih
dashes OT 90 Oath A he I. 1 rover., h. , . , a e rl
the It "I sent tl that he u ,.,e ,s► „n � f
and. arts oY Nova Scotia are Pot paid at fs0 cents r.dntI .e. nrrywhere, ,° ea•, ea,n.,r. .n �,,. The Ron. Joe. 1'hnmh.rlal pp'a ro encaVPeal
mountain a hoz or nix boxes for Co.4 nil br si the firm of F, J. Cnastr de �••'• • M • h • ath. lis. Nast r"r.tu," fres Also n. la rhe British pobl,e t" In-.ttuw.• tn. ,na aaa.
It bas been practically demonstrated stream to foam. The fine souse, that �inkCng. S Ep. to Bap Aa11 aver what $2 Fi(1 by nddreSS- I ,'O., Qo nR beslnose in the City of To ed0. m"try's".i'°t' 61"°'u '° t+°•• ya W .na les I ;,.;,,°"e � e t...t ed ne.nlopm nc of ntacuen. d .ea •e e+,n
by Dr. Walling, of Munich, that pota- Overshadowed all the others on the I only a little while. ego, was solid ,ng the Dr. Williams' MedielnO Co., + ooaty Had Nftce, nfou.ald, and ihnc •ofd arm °°'" ' r h,, I. n e ch,• mn-koun� of 111101.0,11
block now crumbles; the tsmnll win- ground. Near the mouth of rho ht. Bro^kvilte. Oht., Always refuse imita I wt,t pay the num o• ONK HUNI,ttCtD UOL �- '--' ---- ! �o.oie�. 1 , .�� "-1--1 ' 11 ►n, 11 I ILII .n no«only r..a,l.
thee, tomatoes, corn and other run -ants dew -panes, and old-time roof, and out- Uroia .Rivera is un island which, in the tion or substitutes. "Aftri far each and a my r;Aee of CATARRH �~ tn,, nr .rn,p1. n end germ do -r rnynr nn.f prrrentnrloe nyetnet
thrive bast when planted in rows run- landish stairs, Seeming in sorrow tb aG4Yerltegtp 'ptir'kbe eayth, is slowly but _�_�__ that annot be cured Thy the nAo o[ li A,i a THE MOST IYU TIttTiOUg. O.rain.�te, ,,, n•t Irevero red Aane. ln•.rp ,'•t .,.it mod let n"
CIATARan CURB. e.,, d xl• 4 m°Iled front Ino u.n ■.t b.n 1.It .,
ring north and South. The shading of nay, ch for those days when people certainly rotating, .All the face of ilia FRANK J. CRENICY. EPPS'S
I n.h. ft..•Tx■
each other is ilius' reduced to a mini-' paseiag hero would exclaim, Who earth changing -changing. In 1831, an SOCIAL LiFE IN THE ARMY. tiwoty to before me and subscribed t0 my a WI+• D.ns.. rrn The BOLO PEAR(uACAI CO., ToroMa
mlam lives there?" Man of the island - I presence, this eth dar of +•o°ember�A. D. Isle 1, -•r• t••'m $0 H,
Many book. tbat springs up in the Mediterranean W n .,.k +,
n 1888. daringthe civil war, Wm. were - OLICAHO, . _,,`.1";,.. r,,:
popular in the libraries forty, Sam. In 18$8, another islood comes up A11 emeen tftaeall 1IeAs eat Itetalar Cmca@ {"_r} 1Vofary Pebtte GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. n""' • "l'
B, Smallr years ago are now o under the dli�ei'tiatlpn. f the American I,nt.,,... If
idgfa of Jaokaon County, Va., 8 ae-grme down Eor q alga@, H. . Cnrarrb Oo» la taken aatensby, and ,n . ,rock," ,„ ,.,e
wan wounded in battle, ,"bullet to to the sellar, gone itltd the garret, of ooaeui as 'fie lobfCs o€t' from the heath. It ie de rigaeur in every well order- no'.dtreetlyon the blood and mucou"surfaces minete. Ii m n.t,
stand begging on the book -stand at the The earth •all 'the tifrid Chntiging, the of the or -tern. Band for toAtimanlsls, frau. COCOA
trb'.,, .°.mi,.
in his heart. There it remained street carrier', or pieep.thr,ir last aleep 7pltlirina o! a temple near Bizoli Show oil regiment that every officer, whether [^. J. oIiRNEY a 0I'l Toledo, D nnd.r.-•- aoJ .,
for thirty-five years, until hie death, t Sold by Urnggfists, 710. hbn" ,th .ax., r
t'vro wettke ago, when an autopsy to- in the antiquarian's library, Not that the water has risen nine feet married or single, s+.4 e.d.p.r,t..d
8 ts, Dreamt with the Half's Vaultly Pals are the best. eREAKFA$?-SUPPILR, aeht�4 I's. or
„ .
vealttrl it knowing where they tread, the �Cenny above the place wsa whey those col-
bom sone, and Iwtngfellowa, and Baptofk mm�e tttkso putbwa. ,Changing I Oliy regiment eaould dine at mean on quant -___ _ u ..,icy ... „
pounds of steak, with the et- walk over the even of hiatoriato, and Colorado Rlv + night; and the part is ewotlon both - i - . - - -- ►•• an rse ",+,..
tar -py�, Once 2'a&ter than the y MT.".p., n,•t,h.,
bataras is proportion, make an ordin- posts, taking by storm the librarlea of M161simaiplpi, fltiwintt thfough the great I by the private friends of the officers net" i..'1 t, on'
cry meal for George Wa'shing'ton Walk- the world, mounting up on ladders of AMerican desert, which vane then an! and by a sprinkling of the local nota- u,,, .w. z.. ,., e.,
Shelves until the plant their •v. to an r...,p, of I
alt. 0Y Ar y P batter• Eden ntleitsrlanoe, )lam now dwindledI bilitl+ gueate of tae mesa,7 cz r+r.,an.,,t• ,.,ernle"- n. •ou ".(-,-i"'""
rapidly sae, Ind. Has food seems to lea of light and truth on the very to a small stream oraerping downI a' tmked an rho Seel" onrner Co , 7a Adelaide St, w., Toronto I
P �► as.tlloitate roe he is conatttatiy " 44-e,
he hta of ktnowled e. The writes a British officer in Ha r' •
mala tl � g great lib• through a gorge. The earth iteelf,l ren a Ma- ---- - -__-_-
B g osh. His height is b feet 10 ranee at the Vatican, and in Muni, that was once vapor, afterward wateriI gazine. On theirarrival thegnestA are FREE BOOKLET,
inche,s, he uteaanres 78 inches around and Dresden, are only the Westminster -nothing blit *it 6'r -afterward molten received by their own private hosts
the wI13&t, *nil bin weight
is 5i0pounds. Abbeys in which r6yaj 1166ka5 have heart rook, cooling off tough the ages un- end by that commanding officers of the"IV6;f�� �J`�{// (iUIOEr TO HEAi.Trl.
J. FYankl{a Brown, a mind reader buried. The, tooth of Time is gnaw• t{t pplantA mk�;ggki} 1{ve, and animaia a move ito the mess -room when I r,J� it a PAmphlea ens sea ole. at
can hypnotist tried to hypnotize a lion Ing away at reputation that Et was might Iiri!s;,_� ilizbn >1lilght ilwe, chang-
aapposed eoald ttbvttr be dam Ea n!l the wh{te dinner ie aanouaoad, tea nom M.,ar,e, of a.,• ut.e ll' .m4
la Stu Pranelsoo. The beast viewed his aged or 6 , ildw dtUmbling. now parry in ,,,axis
Oath '
geeturee with a sort ofslee wonder, lost. Book-Toarme are boring sown breaking oft. The bun, burning down many regiments molting to their Beate �/1e--0-1,10
g p
Dy r thrOaith 'this p8tlet a that was expect- gradtrally in (to eotiket. Changing 1 to the air of "The Rnamt Beet of Old I i •ant 10 rn. -it-,--- an
nail thath tended t e tableau by biting Ild to. kmrnbrfA4 while those old am. changiagl an 0311fltlatiarn of the haat retv;vk
hitt band. Alth6ug� ihd wound was in- England." discoursed b the band o!
fileted mottthe ago, It never healed, bitioae authors or their spirits seem teat change .to, Coale over the world y Tharntomst•. attaAn,nrnt ■,.•
the corps y varoreror cornetist.
g wandering up ,,fid dov/a tDb aial+te Of fuffpd lett tlle< tiiiil4d of the heathen rl» posted !lt the gaIIer or out- � A,r.w w■.r«d rn, Ba., a.Itto,
Mr. Hrilwa bar atoh•d it a short time the national library unable to find Who has never even the Bible. The building adjoining the dining -room. On . w..k to A.a.rtee.
n{new, blood pol.onfns ramulted. and their way out into the euali lit, with Hindoes tselfiIVe that Brattish, the cram- tha dins TRrt
�tl:ltd deAtfY skeleton fingers fumbling the venae ter, once made all ti inga, lie created roeaes late -is hie and the Sideboard its gd tae I/ I 1114 Imp o V010i B01i! "o.
D displayed in al! its gleata I er range at- Vore..te,
9these of-.ta ,,re in a... gf ling entire
tW..•• ton
t .11.1-"1 Ina th m -onid ne t be .r1,h
On them rc., I-ila rues -L l hn7 ,`an
be pld In Voiimr, Attto fir n stn Rants,
or 1. .°t pis," who,,, melt" u . flue m
)tire rJuirnd nnlirone., In two w,oka,
ror tutelar .ad price wr,to
Hamilton. Ont.