The Goderich Star, 1899-02-03, Page 7.v r - _.. , ' i r e - ♦ • . - - - � „ c Y ..... i/- +- Re�11lr-+t►^ 4,- Mt-' . #^ : 4 10 . lthotek Q Ile+ 3 #Ys 0M+iary to deli or'twWo F slay turIAV �w. pIt. wban VtbP.x1J aztt tlwr.CtQbl ;y fi C w •sill � 1 ': the hottest waaEhar. ouoked it' Ls oeskalaly to awNt and a �* f ilk fife. basket asMd bad 1'Vb+n etna Ire hauled far they 414UId isin4t a. uiaat as one cam finds but it �C"� 1< lint alt Y41t`olks clarity o[ ytiateF± - as toll and carried in a/ ring •fa ox• A N rAucb longer to dlQeat than al•� Baa fab. val�jf ttcri fur. Ito, ba eJrr p itta ""Q Hiatt an otltas meal. kollawltup ate {k _ !11 ' cause phe did 4,44 ,oat94 anything, and I1t bok weaEber cover fife 'tecta w x 'lllanyouJoltsHood'slylls. T1t?1r+A1d-�-�*R-*- *-*-'�^-�- be prongiaed li"Os alta ong,14, aim part aynvati in a we" with a claan, wet a few tUli�aws recipes, gleaned from SIMPLE 4YDI!?ASTIC13. heed, suer ooatatl pills; x11101, tsar; I(oti's8 to of hitt tial[, ° - " bltaket or canvas or covered milk box. various sources: -t �pl00es,.sr.adso itwltk Road's. EPsy0take THE TRAVEL.LM MONKEY. ge vena a 1tAltPY gittie tiahermstawho PSL IaTIt7!{L IaAII�! itOI.EA. Milk utensils for ta><tn or dairy ttw �8�7` jslA;3Y CAN I10, RoaBt Tandarloin of Posk.-Placa one To remain young d woxti0 d M >R�!R My master Brindle an orgim trudged home thstteventng not at the R d curr'4pit dairy literature and ahoyld be made Gf molal end hat+ all It eatA wtatr°out a pair t>f all kid ;nab &half pounds short undaslolna of her jolntt limiter: It negl&etsd ll, rbc, And I pick' up his money; time tho ocriva were coming 9 from the sa the jalnt/ a{aookbly soldered x+ver And when yon nee the doing [t meadowrt grid tb4 thiakenit ware going hasp Pcsttld oA now ideas. allow them to become rusty or rough al/ws lw 1+wY titan tv:sat�totuu+ bourn, -pork, searoA+d wit! ►alt stables@twA- aurae patn[ul and st.% woawa ir4slt You Dell it very funny. to roost. Obassve nad etulor4e the ntmlost olaan- Inside. It can aiDpttltaaeously oogully kgth ;tut salt and s halt t+aspooaful pep- with rhertm8tie pates, when. it they a%� Papa and Joe came soon after, very lihess about the Oattle their aktenda9t/ DO not haat waste nota back to sides ai the. largest bed made. per to a small rtiutinQ pan with Ona as�red proQer[y, rhaumatlrm would 11a asa+esl.koaper,ta, to izua But, though I dance and caper, atilt tired sad /unbrowned, but disappoint. the farm or dairy [a t e same can used It can m lla itself look ttka w fiend 'sliced union, three dices of carrot rind unheard of. Women sit by a firs and N Hoath Hlls. which are I feel at Heart forlorn, ad the stable, the dairy anti tIl latonsils. for delivering milk• ben this to uA- ust whet it$ mother scants to akow three slEcea of larding pork. bet chem �ivar with cold, when, it they epcour- rp to dais revers r+/!a/t• r I wish I wore is monkey -land- �'f WOoidA't ¢[te 1" eatd father. A Person /ofituing t;carr any �i/ast+, avoidable lnaist that 8 akiinmtlk or jut �, kn •bat cute ,sad roast until brown, lzte etsrtzl3t .' Pi The place where I waa burnt "Didn'I, you catch a thingl" cried or who bas been exposed to a Sontag- whey taA,k be kept a. sh, add lel a aup of water, roaxt aged gywnarttcr,-flus blood wbody eir- drogiaw ma. O, it' n"4AOs•, lAmeD,Mit" taemma,. laughing. ions dire must remain away from Cane used for the ret3ra of skim- It cart make an old baohltlor iII the and haste until done. l the meat cuT tog In urly t ur sli pie body. There grow tha great green °oocanato 'I'm+ milk or whs should be emptied and next roost, use language that, if ut- oa &hot dlah, remove alt t Iron the rhe totlowinQ tour simple azerolasa The only Plus a take wltti Rin`* 8arsapmrtla Around the lm troe's crown • And then a proud and happy young the edwe and the milk. y tared a.A the• threat, would 1 p'a man bre ht •hie �i soh to ,show• cleaned ai sooD as they arrive at the that him in gravy. DUute one teaepoontnl Dorn- will greatly� help to dove op sad pre- I used to °limb and pick them off, sad !broug tthis bigttpor had lots t; P the penitentiary for two scare serve b siteI m mmetr And hear them -crack I -coma down. gee dairy cattle iII a room fir build- farm- atrrah with a little cold wabz, add It P J y LEt4AL• any about what rmen it vena polling ing by themselves It ie preferable to Clean all dairy utenalle by thorough- It off g¢ from the fartbes� end of to (be sauce, stdr for a few minutes I, Btntlei emat, with hands out• him in and haw he'oarIIe v near air ly rinsing them to warm water. Then the room to t1N toot o! the stairs is aver tbo [[re, add sutficieat belling ver /tretohed, oA a taus! with the ebGulder/ Thorn all dny tong the purple Lige er7 g have Ao cellar below aIId ao oto»ge clean inside and out' with a brush and the halt quicker than its mother can ter to make a creamy sauce, strain sod and slowly cafe yo etaif t soar thea �1 ARROW & PROUDFOOT,BARRISTERS Are dropping from the bough; ting s la, ate. P as tar as Stant, a !then thin ack on ntr+.rne 9oltaitors. Lia.. Godarloh. J. Pupa laughed, sad declared that be loft above, hat water, Ia which • ol+saing mater- ate i=to lira elq/et and out again. pour a little over rho meat. for ria instant, sad then sink [wok on t There hang the ripe bananas, oh, Stable/ a Id a veAt'I tad, let to dissolved. Then rinse and last- . 1 Oet.-.ow, . _ W. I'BOUGrOOT. I wish I had some now l believed they caught it with a "silver l� 1� R 1� Bauerkrant and Spare Rihs -Take the entire toot. Ao this twenty times _�,^ hook ;' but Joe felt vary ®alt to lighted tad' YaiAs ;should have tight ly sterilize by boiling water or steam. A MOTUSRte PLAO&. two pounds spareribs, wash and place a day at first and increase each day to " O. HAYS, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary think that his, Lour -year-old brother Use pure water only. l pan, cover with boilin a reasonable limit. ` I'd fee t, and Peast, rind Ceast, sad floor/ nod walls, and bs plataly con• s mother's p is r l y n siestas in them !n •sauce g Yablic, &o. (vfOce-corner of Square bad laeatea him fishing, right at home After olesaiAg keep uteneile (avert- 2 Plaew rho heads on the bine and, a,it r,h s[ near ttegiatry offieu, Oodarioh feast, in the little brook. strutted. _ ed, In pure air, and sun if possible, easy one lT she la truly ►nterutad In water, put Dae quart of sauerkraut on V&Privata funds to loan at lowest rotes. And you should have a share, Never use musty or dirt litter. until wanted for use. r she must feel that to of the spareribs, cover and cook reefing eel the lowly i :th hods, oft - -- -- - ---'---- - -- How pleasant tis in monkey -land) J hoz abUdreu, to P Lha right toot, slowly raise the [eft lag. O. JOHNSTON. Barrister, solicitor, O, would that 1 were there! Allow no strong-eipolling material in all these virtues must be contained one hour and u halt; then remove the and extend it In frosrl• o�N_•-•-,body. � Notary &c. Ofttce. Hamilton street, POLIeR FOkCkS COMPARED. the stable for any length of time. Store ANNUAL FRUIT BEARING. within beraelt It she accomplish her ut- tasre the nad Ins them of a hot dish, 'rhea hand at the kine pointing the los Godevich. Oa some tall tree top's highest bough; Mute the kraut, f not Balt enough add downward, and bringing the tart en So high the clouds would sail the manure outside the cow stable, and The feat that apple trees, end to most with her child, so says • wriUr more salt, and it not sour enough add Repeat thio tea times at [[rat. Then .n CAM PION, t1- C„ Barrister, 6o)Iclror. Lenflea Yee Tw•tee ae litany relluesaa u remove tt to • dlatanae as Often ae &one extent air trees ,leo, gel into in to ezOhsnge• Self-ooattpl is per- oII0 Eablea Cntul white viae nr; theD E. Noeary. &,•, of�ce-Over Davin' Drug Just over me, I wish that' I e p � eland on the lett toot and repeat the t d inging by my 'tail I Naw York. and They Cart [Leas. practicable. the habit of bearin onl each alter- ha the most difficult attribute tar grate ane peeled potato, add t to the exercise In reverse Store, Go erich. Money to loan, Were sw g y kraut, stir and cook five m{Dutsm, then __ _ The preeent population tot the city Whitewash the stable once oz twice nate year, and sometimeQ missing that, a mother at all times, but one of the A. Stand erect nod lean over at Ltie RNE9T HEATON, Barrtstcr,9oncicor.&O. I'd swing, sad awing, and awing, rind of London is 4,600,000. It was 4,448; a year. Use land plaster in the man- fe the worst eetbaok for average apple- most Important. Mothers cannot ez- verve. hips wlthont bending the knees aa3 try Office -un chs Square, next door ru Bauk swing, 018 officially by the census of March, drown Bacon. -Joel a aprfnkle of to touch the floor with the (!agars a Commerce. $oo merry that would bet ore utters dail growers. Yet by judicious care and Pact to sae it in their children unless ou tviYl name nearer sad 1896. The resent population of the g y• the child is able to see the same in granulated sugar on bacon when try- Day by day y I� OFTUSE.pANCEy, Barrimter, So[foiar; But oh I a traveling monkey'& life P Use no dry, dusty feed just previous pruning It is comparatively easy, so them. 'rhe Eirst 4eason's may be given Ing will cause It to brown quickly, and conrer Ibe Lloor. rots d stye will 1� &a Proctor in Maritbne Court, &c. &o. Is very hard for me. • city of New York is 9,500,000, and New to milking ; if fodder is dusty sprinkle cidents excepted, to secure crops ev- a little babe, a/ (n its attem is to het make the body supple ,rid a grace, �M1oney to loan at lowest rarrs. Otbcos-icor• York and London are now the two P P also {mprovea lha taste, Cara must lie the beak, and will eaaonra¢+ grace, I; tou'R Hlook, Hamilton street. Gadertoh. it before it in fed. cry year. What is needed is to pre- itself it begins to climb and perhaps taken not to bave the fire too hot, as It 4. Extend the right arm, and plse- BETTY'S ARITHMETIC LESSON. largest cities in the world. Paris, the Clean and thorou hly air stable be- vent the excessive rowth of fruit in take a step and down it goes. Its first p, band to r[ ht 1� G. CAMERON (formerly of Cameron third largest, being nearly 1,000,000 be- fore milki g g inclination is to cry, but the wise moth- eoorohes cantly. 1 ahvsyn cook It a tag the lett osi the hl i lvl , Holt & Cameron), Barrister and So lint Betty was eating one of mamma's ng• years of plenty, which so exhaust the er, instead of snatching Elie little fol- little on both sides before sprinkling 'side as tar as possible, and thea reveres with the sugar, eo that ►t may Ise done, the ezeratae, wblah nbonld be re ated r tor. OfOee-H,.Milton street, second doo hind New York, and Berlin having Kee the stable and dairy room in tree that it is unable to make fruit pa from the Square, Goderlah. lovely round turnovers and studying P low ftp, orate i to the window, show- ten times at first, and, like all the leas thea ono-balf the pop¢lation of New cod condition, fresh air rind clean. bode [or blosaoma the following year. ing a favorite oture, or sometbla to of hers, increased from da y fraotione. She had just begun to take g p 8 u well ss brown. Tho grease !o the y to da , a/ little nibbles from the a of the York city. By the' last published re- .Promptly remove from the herd any Then as to runing, it to alwa a beat divert itis attention, will lovingly teach P y the little one to be brave. skillet la much better for gravy whoa much as circumstances will Permit• DENTAL• port made to the British Home Seo- animal sus ectad of beim in had health to °heck the leadin shoots of both browned as above. Stir a tablespoon- This Is an excellent general gymnastic. turnover, " to make it spend," when p g g Ae the harder g bravo wil to the lit- ratary by Sir E. R.. Bradford, London sad ra act her milk. Never add an a L pear daring the growing tie life, Lha bei bra►q will grow up• tel of flour into Lha hot tryinga, ntlr� No woman should indulge la any ezer- NICHOLSON. L. D. S., Dental Surgeon. pupa gave her a question to work out. j ea a and ag ring quick! until smooth, then add A alae to such an eztent that even the "From four -fourths take one-fourth." Commissioner of Police, it appears that animal to the herd until certain it season. This will make email rowth rn him until to later lite 4e ie preppay y Rooms opposite ld crow Otnre. Gold g ed to face the more serious obslructloas pint of milk, aalt and pepper to taste, ellghteat etraiD {a poin e. Fitteea 1, ng, porcnlnin sad gold crown and bridge at the beginning of 1898 the London is free Prom dieeaso, eapeaially tuber- of wood, but more blosaoming and y 1 work a speolalty. 'lnirty-flvo years' caper- Betty thought fractions dreadfully in hie [cath with a brave hasrt and a twit up thoroughly sad serve. minutes n da nt In eaerolse at teaca force consisted oP 32 superintendents, cu.losis. fruitin It fruit falls off to an ua- home, should reau t in muscular deval- _ stupid things. She didn't try to think g dependence neon welt when no moth- Roast item.-�eleat s small hamwhh opment and greatly help to retain ° 678 inspaotore, 1,5)08 sergeants and not move cows faster than a Dom- usual extent it means that there to er's hand can aide him throe h. 77 MABEE D. D. S., L. D. S., Dental Sur- out the answer in the way papa had Q 8 a thin rind, which indicates that the health. [�. ge,n. �ateec and approved methodm explained to her over and over, but 12,884 constables, or a total of, 15,452. Portable walk, while on, the way to the probably not enough mineral plant The great trouble In the homes of brim la from a young pig; enure the .-�+- r ttstar all dental operatibns. Preservation o Of these, 4 superintendents, 52 in- [ace of milking or feedin No aav- food available to develo it. Often this to -day in the arbitrary controlling of natural teeth a apeolalty. Uffioe-Over James uessed it would be " seven�ighths I" p g' p rho child by the pareata, sad rho cud- rind oao-tourth inch ap,rt, seaeoa LAUGH AND GRAW LOPLL7. Robinson's dry -goods store. apcotora, I07 aergeante and 1,505 con- e e d e means not look of otsah and hos- g Po Pa One'a general physical oonditioo Is eo • and put it down on the paper that B oB P P den tbrowtn him n A hie own t� with Dna teas oatul Balt, one tea- , stables were employed on special duties Never allow the cows to be excited phate in the soil, but lack of water a onsibillt when the suitable a e a M. TURNBIIhL, D.D.S.. L. D. S., Lents way. Then aha took another nibble , p Y. g P- spoonful pepper ; place the ham to a eluants allied to tb0 mental that langb- Surgeon formall, ReROO aLed with Dr. Por variou i Government departments, b hard driving, abuse, loud talkie to enable the roots to secure them. pears. it parents do not viatob for ev- t of rion�tewl. All branchee of cho ro cut of the side of her beloved turnover. Y g• roasting pan in a Daedltlm hot oven, is la a good, ►nvigonting tome for the including special protection, posts at or unnecessar disturbance. Do not ex- Some fallin off of blossoms before Pry opportunity !o unaoaeoloualy tm- g pp Y B rosst unt11 Ilght brown, !waling fro- entire mtem. ' fe practiced. including gold and pOrcelaia � papa looked at the answer and then plant self-control iD the babe, and Cho • ore ; ad t bridge work. Special attencio❑ public offices and buildings, dock yard's pose them to cold or storms any length they set or just after is inevitable. Rive a the preservation of the netural teeth. at Betty. Then he looked at the turn- and military stations. Under the ex- an a they am hen expect it i drop one hal with lie own gravy; then add n long, hearty flood erre thr the Offie n MoLean'm Nsw Block. over and lastly at shaggy old Bruno, of time. Nature provides many more blossoms ae a gift from heaven when he ie plao- one halt pi¢t boiling water, two sllcus lungs mukeag tIl&,bhwdoouree through 9 -- - wb0 had just come into the room. $e Loring system about 60 per cent, of the Do not chan a the feed sudden) than she can ossibl perfect. Into ed where he must depend upon him- y, and this dmple London olive force available Por duty B y• p y es[f, of carrot, Dae onion w►th two olovee the veins qulokl MON8Y T8URANOE. took out his knife, and taking the tura- P Feed liberally, and use only fresh, fruit, and she also partially thins them stuck in, roast and baeto frequently prooem ghee npeach-like complexion over, he out it into tour quarters. in the streets is required for night palatable feedatuffa. In no case should and if a very dry time comes after fruit till near! done (allowin twent min- to the woman who laughs. Aad when Now, Betty," he said, cheerfully, •duty -from 10 p.m. to 6 a.xa. SOME GOOD RECLPE6. 7 g y ONEY TO LOAN -Private lands flue " se I told you yeatarday and ae you decomposed or mouldy material be used. is eel nature often [bins them too utas to • pound); turn the hum over she leughe her oyes twinkle ani the The New York Police Department, at Consomme With Egg Foam. -To toe with the rind side downward. It the per Dent intoreaG etrulght loin. A tow see here, there are Pour-Pourthe, or Provide water in abundance,^ easy of much. brlghtneas lingers theta rtter t!s , go3 term and town propartles for sole and to four uarters in the whole of anythin the time of the last report, was just quart of consomme add Dae pint of gravy should cook away too much add r rant E. N. d town open ter sad le and t q g' access and always pure ; fresh, but not An extremely wet season generally rich milk and heat, Blend a table- more water but s little nt a time, laughter has died away, Now if we take away one -fourth -here, ONE HALF AS LAIWE Goderloh. Bruno !-what ie there left (" too cold. Ito not use impure pond wa- means n large Pruit crop, though if spoonful of potato flour with two yolks mast teD m�nutea. Turn the rind aide Coughing, too, atreagtheae the mor � RADCLIFFE, Generet Imm�ranoe, R4al Betty saw a Quarter of that beauti- as that of London, comprising a force ter. much rain falls while the tree is iII up and let remain five minutes longer clog of the face and banishes that fol turnover disnppeaT down Bruao'a of b,429 in Manhattan, sad the Bronx, Galt should always be aoeesaible. hloeaom iL washes off the pollen from of eggs; pour the soup, just off the in the oven. Transfer the ham to a hat drawn look so familiar to the sad -faced Estate andmoney Loaning Agent.Odiy boiling point into the mixture ; stir dish; remove the (at from the gravy, woman. rmbelasa companies represented. Mo,.ey to throat I 1,878 in Brooklyn, 199 in Queen's and Do not allow any strong -flavored food the blossom, and it either comes to well and cook slow► for eight minutes. poonful corn starch load an atralght loans, a[ lowest race of Incur• "Three quarters 1" she avid, wiEh n 7 mix ons halt teas 1'hP wowea, who hove adopted the sat going, In any amount to suit the borrower. little gasp, in her voice, 64 in the borough of Richmond. In- like garlic, cabbage and turnip to be Dothing or grows into gnarled rind die- Bee the[ the oonaomme is pe feotly sea- with a little cold water, add to the laughing oure claim that they bave `v _- - And if you will believe me, Betty eluded in these numbers are the bicy- eaten, except immediately after milk- torted forms. This Imperfect fruit toned before the t'dditiOn' of the milk. gravy, stir ,wa cook a tow minutes; never felt so cheerful Ilnd thoroughly never Inc of how to work in "Pourthe" oto Beat the whites of the eggs with a add sufficient boiling water or broth fwd -natured before in their lives, and B squad of 89, the detective squad of Ing. should be picked off as soon as die- B MARRIAGE LICENSES. after that. pinch of fine salt to a trgth, add a to make a creamy sauce; strain and then' friends tell them they are poet- s . __ , 120, the sanitary squad of 69, the court Clean the entire body of the cow daily covered, so that the sap may be concen- tablespoonful of boiling milk, beat serve with the meet, tively growing heautiful, tri ''i. LANID I98UER OF MARRIAGE WHAT BENNIE CAUL squad of 177, and the telegraph squad IP hair is the region oL Che udder is trnted to perfect the boat epeaimena• again and place a large tspoonfuCof th[e essay a nun hoe been soared oft Iron i f" - W. Lirnge .,(IadaSlalyOat not Basil iII all caves when thinning fruit ae- foam on to of oaah late Ot sou when 7. tg� of lb, oxalusive of 14 detectives in y kept clean It should be oft P p p askinga woman to become ins wife b t ,, ,, Bstatiie hang on the gate, watching, lect the poorest, though if two peaches serving. This foam is delicious nerved ROYALTY AND RICH OEMs. the assertion from bar lips that she has s ;fit ` „ i �°�„�, Brooklyn and lb members of the ordi- P©d• or pears are growing too closely to - as long ea he could sae it, rho 4art die on tomato °ream soup. M'hon a I,ondoII dealer. In preolooe s bad tamper rind ie proud oL it. Men nanoe police in Brooklyn. The arrests Do not use withfii't"„_-- .tt^�t' ,and are both, equally good_, .,•Crammed_FbiokAU__,Q 1 f: 4.it oL�Ik. •dt'ones fs commanded t° Windsor or are selfish creatures, ane, above all "i`, �i -7r t 'Q .TONSORIAL. appearing dawn the road, in which muds b the London .oboe number b10,- salving, nor for three to five da pe -. _ t htngg, ilka physical and mental tom• `` �',�. •, t were Fath®r and Joe going fishing in tNiO 411.a year, thecae the Lyew York terward. �of thea _ ,- Rgctkp Osborne he finds in the Queen a ve=7 tort. Perhaps the average man doeeIIot 0�7TREAL ST. TONSORIAL ROOMS, tb "_:..��, `---• "�3 si' - - "aIId the small , at ,v I^ w,b. ,pn t��t ekem;