The Goderich Star, 1899-02-03, Page 4WWW7­ I/ N-Nippilimr 1 ­WV t t �, TyWWW G , •. n - .. iI t , . � • F' l; ori f ar! a ast� basis as art ` as possible Star in v ace set o Glx a The ar to further >oKlnprpv p y�r .. ;3' subscribers lebers p-11. . „;, " K.:t_:., .s,,,,, .., k Vii, .... .., - .--••--- t... ll, a tiCriC still! t r . t forw7Arn7YltftlElpfi+lr,tUFtI I ft Et Ai It -: K V, , 2,...L �1 ? ,. Our Blac r?Y to >;fl ,i lclt, • cl�°1 ; . t>oa ,,, ler- i E�./. � s �. Che . faefi?lt P Fila ,. i holxjwlttwjt glrtrtrr ate ort, to P 1 I ToucllsiliglRedtarcltfatllr , a t }.' :: a -T +�*�•I - ' ,­14,�. S' aPS n hta A o it t' ' or., urept :w re ort to FI- ; rat :of st na . , 1" y 1 ., & �! t ,�3 ity i omntJttt,0 . ,' 9i r elatx pgvt der ill and r r7 ,..:-,. r ..,r,s,.s _ #Vi 11iI ! .:$pi „ , Chit it . »P•,--� the 'utity'•ie T nWv pet • , deuce ►; , up It eAcs and where l0 Iit isn't the tarclLJ y d N1iiK rnrTOOK.AIE jltI1138i1Ih1P11kt N Ba t` Ilwcril?e pkr'• . increased to 10 per teat.. Movtlti' by U1}'tittrS• , McI+S+aIi nni N;j , that blows up tilt _ ViD�gh Balsam r',., it d . xult AA tsr rsrula "t C.euL atect[r. ia,gctll }ro:l[Icreileed tt12A 'Innis, that Pmi[ !felt itnd Cpm. C.ti ' ` mill -itatr thelsow- y . 1. . lfFati : pj� -: + er cent. 4,stli0o, Incl W bay I have ion auditslrs of cr Dnijnal justice accounts ,; .der. ,;Me, s#A it ° .. , t1 tltgtisi140wripttptte p or t80B. Carr ia#d. all rend t4 ell ," 4 y 9 oee t never looker! upon t6ls statute law with � � � ,,. ;a *rr, 'MA,nfl gdvonce-- Moved by Megsrs:.r Aclnnim and Holt '" , jaloide:' ft' #nl: a.. r+ yy t. . " SRrau411 ntt9'"jlltlf/ rlaG tater lavm, but rather as an arbitrary abuse that thtr ucnal grant of $900 l>e untlde needy out touch the seat of trouble HA (� sigh "I :. of the ower of the I.egislat•tre to ex• w ibe county A rleultural and Hortl- of fire to start it- yri g o tgws ,, next+ We- iVe do P when a 'luau's � n %, t bl i • }{ blood is .aB ri)`A-11 # 4mtwvitpt`t4 steal? tray paper, oc tort money from the people, and, owing cultural societiett hnldiglr azhibitiuna In ( and aures rapidly. 1 Bent to Irxeentive committee• and res ppee � A. "K0 to,legal proccedingw, but to the attempts made to evade its ,per. > ready tone dia Council adjourned till Thursday at ease itoaouch t• MOVED , Pleasant to tike. ' ,'ybu know th© w3role matter is atwn, It is a late which cucourages dna• j ,� a little touch to . lee Bags etc- 10 It. start him going. to gout bands. A great num honesty and pate n pt to ov upon rHU1t8DAY. �' - Maybe he gets n f Try It Haat time. bel baps ,promptly responded, fraudulent practices used to overeogte slight cold, is _- it. The law is bad enough tis itis with• A nurnber of accounts were read and g �� but onto more we must remind sent to Finance, and statements of the wet feet or sits in a droit • His Stock to that well known Q these who have not paid that out tiny attempt on the part of .tile Count Collegiate Institutes to Execu- then off ru goes into gal- for $ � o0 Legislature to snake it still more o Y g loping it isn't stand formerly occupied by CQLB4RN E BROS., EXCELLENT VALUE 25c• 5 ' ' ' the °3etw and consequent ef• P' five. But it tent the draft that (� teethet. ole very use uenatnef-re. pressive, yet such appears to he the Messrs. Uarrick Burgess, Ouimette, does it; that p only starts him, His blood ontwas the corner of Hamilton St. and Square. The Now. gentlemen, do your duty intention of the LeRielaturo, and I `Cnrhr one, [lees, ominnEe Morrison and thicklwithreadbilioiu In the oiisons; cloCe ed with many alterations in the store have made it first- �RUCCIsrt W. 0. G O O E E� BEDFORD BLOCK. _•• gg Ur uhart were nominated as auditors, P �_— f13ITOI3EL'L &TODD. have no doubt but it will be made the Mr Cochrane helog Plec txd nn rho fleet 6erma of disease all ready to be roused into Publisher" law." fail activity at the !seat teach. class In every respect. Plenty of light and lots of J ri. 12, 1808, ballot and Mr. Uarrick on the ninth. „M wife had a severe attack of plearl"Kand , r, - R. S. Htty6, Of t�eafot'th, was nnt{lI• lin trouble,"ut sAbramFreer.6eq ofAock- ��� gK cT {cRiI tetter to room. !+ W— -- �' - He Wants to Know. Dated as trustee of ttteSeafotthColleg bDcdgeVGYieree of Buffalo. N.V. Thedocton GODERICH BARGAIN N Ill1 1TIp1)l�t�ltt to t�d�ertisers EdltOr STAR. late Institute, John Histoid far CItP • gaveHHher up.toiiIt. She commenced taking Dr. --+— Wn atld Rev, Dr. Ure for Ovderich, Pierce'e Golden Medical Discovery and she be- �' •y 91x. -Would you kindly inform your an were duly elected. I yea aimppewe from the first dose. sythetime The COntl011 then adjourned to 0.80 she had taken eight or Ito bottles she wa.cured, We are .adding many new lines to our stock CENTRE. All changes of advertisements for the our numerous readers how It was that the and it was th cause of a large amount beinY rent Imue of TnE STAamust be tri the hands of •'professional chairman" was not select• n In, Friday. sotd hare. I Mink the Golden Mellen! niscov- the,prinornot tater than TuicSDAY NOON of ed for the railway public meelcif last FRIDAY. uoubtetha best medicine in the world for luny such aS c c� ��� ��t "� I eftoh walk. Advertisers will please govern Friday night? Su••ely with `tall themselves aaoiLtdlDitly. "British Fair Play" he must have been Council met pursuant to adjourn Not oily for lung trouble is it the most unconsciously overlooked. Yours, went. eveawpildform medicine in the world but for Carpets -- - RI?ADER. Tenders for County printing were every form of weakness and debility. It Dress GOOCIS -_ g redeems the very sources of life from these (1_ _ _ �—__/ l_ j presented and sent to Executive. subtle poisonous taints which lay the aye- the (e,oderixh ftar. T e Cott�lt� CGl1f1G11. On motion of Dr. Hollins and Mr. tem open to dangerous disease. It gives House Furnishings8ENSATIONAL r._.__Sale. 9 l'hamber9, the Inspector of the House digestive power • belga the liver to do its S I work; enriches lite blood; builds rap solid t TxLEPnONE GALL 71 of Itefoge was Instructed to have nn strength and vita] force. - --.._ ice house and implement shed built, When you find yourself losing flesh and A nice line of A brilliant beginning for the new 'fl9 Dress Goode season. New Slaolt FRIDAY, FEtIRUARY 9. 1800. PBOCEEDINOS ATTHEETJANLABYSESSION the windmill repaired. and nuaPles and appetite; growing listless by day and �+ Fabrics. Now ColocAd Fabrics. evergreens pli uted around the farm less by night there is an enemy Gent's 'Furnishings ---- - turd house. lurking ready to apply the torch. Write IT PAYS TO BUY AT PLOBINSON'S. The opening meeting of the County con - Ob motion of Messrs. McLean and to Dr. Pierce. Your letter will be con - THE Doukhobor fathers are receiv- Council took placelantweekonTuesday eidered strictly confidential and he And many other lines, which. with our Hays Mr. ChrgneV was allowed $4 for makes no charge for advice. His great Ing considerably more attention than,iYterntx.n,whenthetollowingmemhes lnjur•y to a horse uu Silver creek thousand -page book, The People's Com- {� did those.earlier fathers, who fled from m+tde the usual declaration of office br dgo. mon Sense Medical Adviser, will be sent present stock will afford the Public Clearing the ersr•outiou and Inndnrl on the Katy 8 p before Hi Honor Judge Masson : it -ports of Road and Bridge, Eritrea- free paper -bound for the bare cost of cus every opportunity to purchase the England coast to live where they Messrs, Bowman. Connolly, Chanthers. tion, Counts!, Finance, Haase rat iveHe- Coma and mailing, gt one -cent stamps or WINTER, NTBR STOCK. fu e. Cotta: Pro city, and Executive cloth -bound for So stemppo Address �Ir. mightenjov political and religious free- C7tmk, Hays, Bolt, Kerr, Miller. Me- cotutnitteas9 were read, referred to R. IV. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. + Onto Will sono day it Doukhobor• Ewan, McInnis, McLean, Patterson, Committee of the Whole, and adopted Right Goods K, Y`, iitititopertoy iu tiro Nort.hweat. truce iia Rollins, Stuart., Snell and Torrance. in councih minted to the board oY County Exam - A re asst fron, Wm. McCreath for• Iller•s•i All winter Drees Goods moat be cleared out, Cali acd see goods. > f4juilles back to the pioneers "who The clerk then took the chair and q at the ltheovsroh the Huron P" called for nouivatlons for warden, an Increase of salary was read and gent The Executive Committee recom• Call and get Prices. IT WILL PAY YOU. _ to Executive, mend the following grants ; $20 to . - • Messes. McInnis and Hays nonilnat- Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by Agricultural and Horticultural socia- Right Prices. • ' • • Kid Gloves for one week away down in prices. I L •TftIs from the Hamilton Spectat.nr ed Dr. Rollins as warden. James Connolly, that the Executive Lies holding exhibitions : $26 to the `, •,ai:mt►ins more truth than poet.ry :- 51esers. McEwan and Miller nonilnat- committee he asked to report on the Children's Aid Society ; $10 to Pt 1801 Lase Curtains for one week away down in prices. ed Mr. Cook. era' Aid Society ; $26 to the West 1khere Is gRing to be trouble with the salaries of county officers, and report Huron Tenches' Association ; $15 to A few Winter Coate at half price to clear. When the statutory t}mo had expired any changes they may deem advisable. t ' ,Dbukhoubo•s about their marriage the ballot was take, Dr. Rulline re, Carried. County Libraries; $26 to each Farmers' New Goods are arriving daily and a call is }4. '< tereginov. When it Doak desires to ceiviug seven votes and Mr. Cook, nine. The council then adjourned to meet Instituto ; $2a to the flaunty Poultry Ask to see our Factory Cotton et 4o per yard. iiHa MndrCy a Iatdy Dmlk he says Wlil Mn Uook then tno6 the oath of uflice, 1 As9nci,uion ; that $20 he paid, Mr' only necessary to convince you that we have Good s , rind ae warden thanked the oounctl for at 8 p. Ill. Henderson in full of till claims agqninsl New Laces arrived to-day. tin?' She wilts, rind that settles it. the honor conferred upon blip .tad S P. rt• the county ; that the tender o4 Advn- Goods at Right Prices. tTbaY Want no license nor ceremony. Ito ed the council would, nein the est, cote Printing Compitny, pf Exeter, for �i'hen they bPgtn tat uutrr after their p p Council tact pursn,tnt to adjourn- iintin he accepted. provided the • Y work hnrmoniuusly for thelsest inter mint. p g. p Our Deady -Made Clothing Stock It Pays to Buy at Robinson's. ttiitn` ftt,i}rinu and Canadian I,Lw begins ests of the county, w•trk be done G, Lhe a,►tisfnction of the Moved by Mr. McEwan, seconded by H'ardea and Clerk ; t.hat 310 be grant; ;tft 01) not,. they will again he the vic- The council proceeded to elect a Mr. Patterson, that Mr. Ainsley he In* ed to plant flowers around the Court ilusilf "tyranny"; again wiU Chey ht+ striking committee of live, when strutted to purchase plank required House in the spring : that Seafnrth will be largely increased with the newest Messrs. Hol`, Miller, and herr each re- for flooring bridges this season, Car- Colne¢late Institute be paid $2,234, ;'t *lpprseeated" fol• their• "lelir{lou." But calved Wino vntes, and Messrs. Connol•tyles. rCliehe aro no molxs Slftons in this world Iv, ltnllins, and Pttttersou, coven a Loh. (tied. ClintonUli$2,148 ,Lod Ooderim ion o; James Robinson. R Moved by Mr. McLean, seconded by and that in reference to motion on }tt is, theta. l'he fltst three were declared elected Mr: VioEwnu, that the Clerk he salaries. Mr. Little's be $800 Vel annum, e' and it second ballot taken, when Meagre. authorized to purchase one dozen pair Mr. Coats' $160, Dr. Shaw s $200. Mr. Call and see us at the Colborne stand. Rollins and Patterson received twelve handcuffs for County constables, Car- French $276, and Mrs. French $215. ------ - • A MANITOIIA reader of the Clinton votes e,tch, and Connolly eight the tied. Ntinr Brit, tt Mr. Robinson. who former ttvr former being deolated elected --- `-- ' I ljVed near Clinton, and n atrtunch Tile striking cuuunittee then re5tlred: Moved by Dr. ]Collins, se,onded by Ladies and gentlemen woo take trill• New Year Fruits Y and Oilmeet motion the council adjourned eMr.nquire Snell• that the Warden and Clerk ier'a gerrtpoond [ran a an always grow J. H. PDD R• L4 ,; :'ltel`itrmer, utritesenndidate R. }lolniea, � meet a►t 10 it. on Wednesday. enquire into the case of Miss Dickson. younger in appearance and improve in v tyho tl ravingly publishes Wo follow- gECOND DAY -w YDNfiSDAY. of the townshr of (trey. wt10 try +l will spirits. - .p • - - " i• �''. `� ;pp. ,._ was left ward of the County with a - 6 oce • .. _ �.,a ' , Council met at 10 a.m. legnev_ -lit ') I(MU aria ilrtid� if rPott�L- „sed the flee t ghat you will be the. . . . ,:� """ ' - The following nomivatotls to Ing _. l(r_iQ vaA e&, Bray hes rented . w.�,F ro <<.y ljljypr• nest Iittrtln. 9tlrk to the t take solicitor's ,r � _ 2. ,.jrpga trill! flies term of Vents. .l 1 .A s :t1 1 have in Stork full lines of New , amu. - -st ttifil ; " #' Rittglr-•tIllok and thin , Ue ally Ho trcl of hxnu,iners were cont necesenrV. and report at the nA%E � hp _. _ . _ - ' dte`lrtlutlst ,jfh campaign alt.hon�h it to lCdncatioq caltnnuttee r J. H. Oram• eQgsion of the Uotmcil. Carried, TheletEer fvjtT`lnovetohterrewlypurahased rhe ks f�l .��u�erll)r 1 rnting �r "'Ia hard ttI iia such twinuq t�ueves.' iron• oP Brussels, nominated by herr form at Craobrook ♦ • CerleS, all this season s, at prices that Wlli commel`iQ u... and McEwen I Cttesewright, of Sea- Moved by DL•. :'ililter, seconded by — - Lhrs is .indeed hard on the friends of forth by Hays and DPcJ,ean; George Mr. Patterson, that: the ionnthlly visiG3 THE NEW TREATMENT. them to every, thoughtful economical housekeeper. , , Iiir. T3tiltr,t .anti designates the cnndl• ninl, of St.anlis hV Torrance and of the Warden he on the first 7uetrrlay Hundreds otpeoplowhohavo gone Lhe moods The Sultans Hobbles. s j3 i CA•NTEL ON S A trial order universally secures to this store a per- 1Fiattt lijmself as keeping very had coal- Connolly -A. J, Moore, tloderieh, by Of each munch, instee.d of the rirst of physibians and patent modic nes havu toimd The estimated value of the Sultan's Iloitttu olltns, s Monday its heretofore, owing to the a ooro in MerrOlsSys.,om Tonio. This now sl pithy; Hut his Mtenitoha Orlt friend rtulway nccnmmodrtlion from his medicine euros disease by or all the ewel9 is $40.000,000. If His Majesty —� manent Customer. Come and see us. !Inoses W11tLt he is talking about. He The ataandhig committees reported princtual organs if the body. thug enabling rte troy hobby at all,, it may he said to I Pasnr , Ouster Pantiles Tarns+ hV the selecting Committea are els Col. home. (ttvried. mucro to throw o the disease. It ie the gmat U 1 tnealected. however..to mark the coni tutus; be the purchasing of jewels and wit Shorn Bread and GreaM 110118;, ���- $ALL'�Y, r The v -law appointing anditorswa►s ustpuridor known. Price sae. per bottle, at nessin rivatet eatricals. Nopmfes- t .tuuuicat5on 'not for publication." 1. Executive, -Holt; MOEwan, Kerr, then Ye+td and passed, and the Council' Dunham's Drug Store_ g•p h c H1. Torrance. adjou road to meet on TussdrLy, the 0th •loos! of gate -be he netor, singer, or M1nae Pies and Latin Fingers• HAMILTON 8T}tEET, -� CODERICH, ONT 2 Special' -Holt, McEwan, Korr, day o June. at, 8 o'cloc4 p,m. D. C. Pope. 2nd concession Grey, had r confuter -passes through Constants- K1S,SecS• Macaroons Marangues, I�iE bfigjLteat and must artistic tea• Hays, Torrance. very successful sale of farm stock, eta. 110 noli a without an invitation from the ► -titre of CJatlrtdiaiu jourpnlism today is a. rinance,-Rollins• Miller, McLean• pvplatAUV rap THb REPORTS, - is giving rap terming and ie removing to Sultan, He always pays for these per- BraDdu eSnaDs enG„ S HOBS 1 h1 EVERY STY LE ��► The Onoler re nortsd Dino prisoners- Wroxeter, Portuanoes in Bank of England notes. #herrketlhAq in tiro Montreal Star. un- Stu utS Mclnnls t - -v.--- __ Are as good as the beat made in any the -ke h q Ili t, "snags of the By 4• EQtleatlon,—Rollins• Miller, Me- males -and called attention to the in- ,Totally Deaf. -Mr. S. E. Crwndell, , City in Canada. At one price to all alike. There are Sboe tl Lean, Stuart McInnis. convenient and , unhealthy aleepir>it Constituents Of a Human Body. 'Idt)LvllCdons." G�arttvright,Blafr,Tacte Port Perry, writes: "I contracted a Stores which keep one or two of the 6. -Roads and Bridges, Snell, Patter aRarttnents set apart for himself and Severe cold hast winter, which resulted All the constituents of % man weiggh- ilrid Fielding havo'already been graph inn, Bowman, Connolly. Chambers, family• r In my becoming totailly deaf in one ear ing 160 tb, ar•e contained in NO oidia• Cantelpn leads the tittle in Shoes we have, but Lucre is none that icdllq pencilled as utinstrol artists. Sir p, Uounty Property-SpA11, Patter- The Clerk reported the insurance on and partially so In the other. After cry eggs. There >e enuo fb gas in a t t sen, Bowman, Connollq, Chambers, the Court House, $1'2000 ; Hnuse of trying various remedies, and consult- man to fl11 i asometer oY 3.849 cubic WEDDINhr CAKES � keeps the variety in Footwear which ftirhard'§"i�ulnller, Voitli banjo +ieconl' 7 IP ualizatlon,-The whole Connell- Refuge, barn and contents, $10830; ill several doctors, withilut obtaining g patriment lva9, ` I Cannot Sing the Old 8, Wardens. -Stuart, 73a1t, Kerr, rind lana! and Cottage, $10000. g g fA'et I enough hydrogen to fill n balloon i in fancy designing, and ornamenting mekoe our establishment the Mecca ci s BlairSr contrlbuton 'waq a g any relief I was advised to try Cr. that would lift Himself ; enough iron and almond icing. Clive him an order . ung Connolly. The Finance Committe recommend- Thoutas' Eclectric Oil. I warmed the to make seven Geeks; enough fat to for all whtrare looking for fit ane ex - 88r' os of operatic parodies. and Tarte, 0. House of Refuge. -Miller, Tor • ed payment of a large number ofab- Oil and poured a little of it into my ear, snake from three to seven pounds of and your satisfaction will be assured. 4' rnnce, Snell. candles ns well as a nod cake of Soap, i OAKUM, / cellence o[ quality and workmanship. illi the nc�mnptinlprent o[ the hones, is counts, and that the annual statement and before one-half the betide wrLs q �� CdIJ�I����1aV� r, The following communications were. of the registrar and the financial used my hearing was completely re- enough carbon to make sixty-five gross #iaado to Candor n jingling selection on g g of lead pencils, and enough phosphor ` . #fie lines en ern jingli g cel • tioench read and sent to Special committee: statement of the treasurer be printed stored. }have heart! of other cases of You make n0 mistake From Lanark council, 'asking amend In the minutes. dentness being cured by the use of chis ous to make &064 boxes of meLtches. W11 9T -9T, GIODIDRIOH. ltiabita►n1N" Thoq comes Mr. Fielding ments to the High School Apt. From school Inspector Tom's report show. medicine." — �__ Six salt cell$r9 full of salt, a good when von get your toot wear from in c11;►rcater !Song on ,,Some prominent Bruce county re Lbs AssegeglAnt Act, It Chet a were 02 male and 71 lmwlful of sugar, and n 9} gallon cask iuerchanta who do not advertise In THe STAn ;>tritlires of our Finances,' which is From Dulferin county. reltrbrliip Im- tepee a hers in West Huron ; that The MC�iiiop tdntual. of wntst are ether component purbv, lose more money than the do, tCei.titinl one of the realest hits to the ,}moving roadways. Oounty of ei• the ave -age salary was -females, $2Gii, The twenty •th -third annual meeting o4 Sharman, Vr• g land, asking amendments to County grad male$ $870 . that ,,tthe li\meipte for the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance A Dap of 3.So2 Hours"SeIrles. "The Songs of the Bv-Town Oouccile Act of 1884. the ear wises 817.37, and the ex- Uont lane wits held in 9enforth. There ital, CT $oLIb1 .", 8, ry of t EVExY W• 1 � : ­ " p �4�00 I At Berlin and London the :ongest day pE for ' a e 6+oty of tt0 Phw- Codue"•, will be Inscribed on the pages A comtnunleation was read an behAlf Psildi�urea $li ,%S.71; that new school was it very satdstactory attendance of has sixteen hours and a half; at Stook. A I by Mot Halstead commissioned by the oldest Honse in the Trade tlj'C)Kyilidt:►li history. of H. Medd asking damages tot' 1094 filujiaee will Ile built during present, uremhers, every putt o4 the district holm, the ion at day eighteen !tour++ Government as 081oia1 Historian viip" the in Goderich . . . . . . , of horse. Bent to 1$=eautiVd obm• s r in S.S, No. 7. Ashfield. and No. 10 covered by the company being repre• andahal4 at arrtbul the lauupat di► oampaDeparat Srint. The book was wrltteo In a it The meeting was organized _ tr+t q ariny Damps at sea Nranolsoo, on tI,he i'notno mittee. Applications fol• position of V,ay I that 1 7 pupils passed the wonted, g I� had 17 hours, and the ggortest 7; at alt. with General Mohrit in the hospltaile at Honer h"r tS Lt "JVYINif .made nt ;the auditor tram lliesare. Morrison, Uou9- — �- -- - - J k Entrance, and �a obtained Pdhlie by appointing Mn John B. MCI&A of Petersburg, the longest day has nine- luta in HonllKonk, n the American trenches +, : k 4 tiny, (,tiohriane were read acd left $arise} I.ettv;ng certificates • and he Tuckersn,ith• chairman• and Mr. Thos. teen hours. and tilt shortest live flours; at Flotilla, in, the Ineurgentramps with .nguin• lit" %n ipehlt�dtiltt�Jl Between last Y .t, aide ori the dock of the OlYmpia with Dewey. 1 ° O �-��" =ys °i rOj1+ iry� I z on the tattle. Letter from F. MorOy.- eAlled attention to Em fro b IV, Mao FrrLser, of Statnlev, secretary There- at Torena, in ] Inland. the longest day and In the roar of hattlent the fall of brnlla. ` ' i �`ix - "�'T`` A140 14 at{d,,nAJtt Ys::ol'[ered liq the clerk of Usborne, was read cAllln# At- . 3rd, saying ; ,•Tho apudten flag• ports were of a very satisfactory na• bag twenty Due gDives and a half, and � Bonanza for silents. Briniful of �iriKiinal �� .a' CJ ttel°iTgtdill "for sate bq teildet "in tentlan to enuntp bridge betaieitn CTs• >R+ith which ettrh sahonl shgUld be Pro- till e, showing the com any w he an it oteras taken by government photaarap ore Q� f ^t' t e g nrtest ttvd houre and a batt t at o the a t..lwrgo book Low prices. Rte To Holiday Buyers.__2 1', �,,}0}rC.l .: .,iii ituit- the jutr't:b1 ser, horne and IlIddulph. Bent to :'Head V}ded, should be hoisted iter the eghool sate and suhstagti4l has 9 `j'bePollnty Vlantefbtrs in Norway the day lasts refits, brreight cid. Creditidvon. Dro alland Brid a etrgtlmittee, Rosoluti�1us Irotrse t atriotio' trddrsse$s should be ing directors lyses elected Pur tt}e t ul frrnq the 2►lst of Mav to the 22nd of l' by nnoffiotn war books. Ontiflt lrteei Cli►b is lite tr7otding of the nptice. b gibe wtvn8hi of, NIb$111iL p "d"' You will inieb to know what to bu , where to bu , and�t64,l it , uta wo t ing of I st he ••ac- P+ Y p P dAtivered abq Lha trusttps qDd visltnra, rsnt term ; (tlntlerich township •Itlutes irlvt LPitllaut interrLlpton, and Rt Bldg C6foa�uB°rEer, sea y., eu►r nsmm�ce y y W01 read, asking that th6 couritY and patriots a firings and tecittLtions Cormollq; Hullett, george ! AI'S and lipit7,hergeb, the longest day is three where your dollar or dime will go the farthest. :+�O#jjj,"Iedl by fan accepted chequo for cease to null& collectors and ti $s rendered by the pupils," John att. Messrs. John 00ye"Ifick tuotabr>in4 a tuff. 1.tai'�i "t ,d ,aittld dolens, pa,ya►bre ter the wentrolls. Sent to Bpecialetimmitt e. t House of liefgga Committee repast• and John C, Ilfurriaup were }P aurnt - e $t 10000110%5 the o horst3rnea aP Win ham have had Xn �� 1 tll�lttf, Ibf,ftialr e;' it to @leer that the AcIrCularfi om the xrllbWea'IocI:t• payment of 81ac�Hunts, and rarnrn d t►IrdltDe; 11 tion �raa read, asking the a6utic!tt to mend that matter4 in cnnnt+ctidtl with dibe;tar9, std At., ttIe close ofta mneo~� a tia►ek made n the south branch of YOU Will Find Srnith'S Bazaar .11-11-1- i vof'uihireUt' ltsos not contcmplatp due or more datogatee to atG tha5 House cif itefu a for 1889 sb0irld urs Iters rnoeting, Mr, Jnl}n b. 10al,ea t c� tLfjjina: Wl t►hy'hut the darptetltcan•Appoint next nleetinpf ot>tilsoelajlon;• dealt with by the wnrn►ittee. Trtok ismith, was cleated 'prostde�It t #he. Maitland [ar sp811dtng purposes. til@ Right Place. F ti�t'd.... , 4htg ulrrbtne for instance, ucnttan Cour. Tisa statement. of idol. Mr. �homae ri"Or, of Btanle ,Viae There are a !lumber of tleet•footed ,. Road and Brid a committee recom- rosident., and at. W. J, Shaunan, bpeedetrb in tllata THE OLD RELIABLE r>axdn<[+autatea"klrglrrtCO to the farm- on Ut}limn. dbowin* lntiti0co mended that bridge an boundary be- p b h trula`ed ntaounty funicle, tuba H�e0rat Dir irItAtrti� ttvaaen Baron and Middtebextlerirhtult; secretarV•treabnrer, Thetn11r1wtn)x art•, Nowhere in town will you find as great an assortment i' tar» ,11 fit ,V.t t t1.o 4"clni i e I e t ommttteo. An . applicaltidit Irl, M: R. tract from the direetnrs' rep grveb s Atirt>iher old told highly respwted ra- IVtiih o3.t °tinubtd what it dp a ranC t0 the" Gjtrltdltlti`s tttab rho tender of lt. JI►mieson 1 �6, w full explanation c,P the standing of the silent of C4rsy Wnrnuhpp parried over 10 ahs of new and beautiful goads to eoleot from. High class goods in n 0411-j}tC! t 1►A'1. 111Epwn f g bleat a bridge between Hnllettarl M am an and the tatxi Work it i5 silent tlrt► otiitp dtl xae•dsy in she pore_ y , 'rtl'+►ro.•thd , ltlwlti!ttlrrd ,geAr, tpIIIilo the A:lt� f�ioatet • wag awns 'Iii Uk60iltli►o }Ila , be ecce Wd • that the engineer o P " p j p gine China, Japanese Curios and Art Goods, l pi tacttlrr lgge kept idle coinntitttalts 1laveine Clintonb idle repaired : that lnlr t Uurin+4 the i1At Year 444 pelt-' oP Mrtl. $ors wife of t�biii P, Bola, Ct the ii elrttA „Kited cies were isgued, eoderin propert to 12th 0000eer�otl. Mrs. Bots had been s 1 t 'e tdotract, Applieation ftpiiu tiut+e" 611 lit'` ild he examine the Utt brill I, and iP > tlrtt'; Tirl lrlrh hod h., ttie amnLtnt n4 $"aBG,f 25; tits, premum sutferet• for totoo ohne *ith w oomplitiatiotl English Gerrrlan and Austrian Goods, Muntoewbel►ppntgtredl(nirltlr taYdantg'tibatrsaary !tare it rt+Utnredtt Ci1NtCha nfiteareceiveddnrtn theytijararndudt ofdieei►sea +•rad her deathwsanettrtleltpect- ktt,,ti`1NDSor riitltdErr.0r"'laii �+:g;. rlAtt.f�4 ",tho farfelt, and the followl,19, el•+tIAVAualoati L%, tenders of Hunter Bro�., K iritiftlflI a '1 ,0,0oty w&XI119 dad' "at litleo eent to the ri41116 b lbittice3. Ad to g1 poli70° Were Lire rtto. co the W. usisl fan$rul kak plsrronThnrro4ry I _ . Toys, and Novelties, ylar wo llydq,. � S lY+ �ili9ls fj0, fn>i trioti 3rriilge at 3umntri llU a •+kat 1,017 perttcieiil Vvrr o in i'orr e, Ctiiier• 10 8rnsals oometery. . ` 11 at'nf . Qr tt � ni♦ rat• th >Er Imxn askih C a iia 9tI• h oIL nee +}t o t o ... .-- nt r T t�, CIV. pt Iia! leo ac pfd a rl tits' f .,� r It b o 1•t w the m �. lYr't u 1� j� i'0 I ix Cyn' h' , b k�atd Y " t I o . Chit 11,1rou 1ti5itichers' :At trlax't1ilN' t taindKe, �f Hes► orFb, fat` It 'Q blrttaer►tb , V104 'd$d,11Q t'xttlt lid to[fett • tVt►g i37Gp h 1(rosir tlnrnunt of, remtnlu illi lire oirflttatatlir: ontilljo It' Abeaxiattrrn top t► ptrilblt. o th! X"a bf ,Int W4011 peri�:ttti}c holes lit thnbdato Saab 101, .+1(1, tmd orb Ceu: Mlt>trn, �'ltame9�rille L 04*1 d. ;, Brisotie Aid Aeatrciatiori t1t'h1ttKYtC;• gid, i "I r;rM in ve y r health ata list r 1teVt`I•, lfCt y tpe aaailable bf►lnrlce f said nota, .. " 171, XIIeach for ittrtnctier,1 sof eAlaorj i A jatti8trtsl' off, .t�'b Anlsrrlcartrnpey o►nmitton ftlljrOttlit� L1}rtt 4,fit? . dtsdttcttnpl alt Abtee+r!ilnAnts lisle nervous, au a rnttch trorri di letter frotlh. J. kleher, G1lirtota, de to Lille eteolacb, and choking sen ,.Im " * tits jail hack qtr, lniC tttiitound ,ih' Inst! thofis ,watt t1,184,0Ub lit. All to wy, thrall Doetorti failed fo r 4.: ~ow=nom d l lnfnj t earl, hnuae, esus eoYlt Lii ir1' n+vithbvrrryi hit g .plq irtt 1bM in #lYt thelttc�Curfd tlnrlty. tltt3 pit r!g.., - tt�it toe. 1illera t,amlroithd !iron tilt 1"ra .rkst"Corlrtnttteb. tfiforent* to hist 0 '1 L�' : ,�1`, � krrlt, . icb[elr liiLriid titsttn oxrbrdipgly re ai' o%I*1h h0 to ttl6l lb t, o 0 lenreii me. 1lf th t „• 'X I1 d thus rete, have in o rYtrnt dAtlotl4� td01) ttr slid ptl t!>~ y . .,tet t# 04 00; 4. Inter trolin Dn t3h** ," fir liq t4ep fi tl• � r. �l�ytt � brlkibMattlGia,r trCit "gild BuI�nd r ttsatlatak iittrt:t Iia lleh ►1Vd ►tttot , Aad ldt!heti"th6 rtw °ice•• " "l""`•'•'-"' "•w�` _• tin l uC daredrCinei tor. ilrtui of ire-. 1 tr. 1I lrt41"u#tted; al vii IC, tiller pp reaSar� Trutldltr ! tIStI6,6 t►ri * tiltneT 1' ktlwt tit t t3.,h' t k li�l� � Atfti irL1CAIiiNt1.•• W it�1'.1 ; �, t.t �•0 *rat to *ler n taectitnnrtttc'm.. �rr ppl�yy,, fi[ tt , + if V1rI atti4..$ Illd t�iAtirtt„.• I7 aaronntit +la>xohnttn t!:tire,lGlrl;ill to tbb Dupe ttftkttftlr_t. tbrib; lhb tJtJsitiity snip• rah lith pC > raiglatn►npt oris ,tn:rdodtwloh rfrt awe +;u. a �c • ' , 1 1 t brit tlWjjbd tiro tie �n . lie a let tVi 0E AW 10111 is burr 4 tsr.. btrtuL 0* dose *mint ti t,tu ytirli:itt:I.1t'tm Akre relad Ohrt trdtalJtl.:.1t . ,iyr►t ebr .t1 t ,1A. .. h t u tllrtl Tb alt iIt I� "00A .:itwirl, .raloNittlrt ciuttlli.thl t+1r xattw4',: rtttc , ,toTuiltlltt.r. tIEY to t .. ,t► +� (tarrxli. r a tV,Irka w • , �",A&th0tity.11641'a A , 1 tttttrcg tilati t h ikrnnE eller. takt� t e, shed• 5Ab:3fi tti"1i1 id tt51` loderr9 by rl611erleltN'eb tk x tf , . 1' lea» *t1►d lolitiavling Wbi* est»t td Ileo: ; ±� r, ,. v 't a t7li►rtt ott,o 8150 err tar Iotsstts a ed as owot trrlwi hod R11;u�• att0of tulle lvFlt>Ilt', Haat it is tied d hiltttletttitatit�di0daYity�C+i rAthl"Iti lCkr a i`y.gte . _ �..hs! pool 4M. 1lghttdng, Audi ly ,y ,yr filo�1w fi let tiiril,. illi fa ptlt�Ili'p►krp0,poo , fttrtlti olhaYr tot «ark tiXrA of ikaausitlWodd.M fun 3tdrtd I►nd 1rldx t ' 00dotles y- ., -� .4*__" *Writiste, attd no 11611 11 a W" u� to uta tiDrtfle l tt°ar b lfdtuti ti to Itrtiadte t; re *1 t,6 rxhe lr `Lrtttl . lrirli 0f,i bt rL�ttiir'- 11c tu,llferwded tltKtitdr. t)trirtrroti►tit 13rLlsbi ls, 3Vtillors Worm 1'tLardera for ndstless� olealltNg a rrpaWalty.G`Irr °act'`Itt at;gl040 a1R`,�t0VA+fifr*4 itrld'11r larttxlt#tq noofrrloliitteeulrt � Col` lir itnfl 1 r.".iJorkett, of ishflelc3, nerrp%tnt±r±ailtrrtpt+t+tli±►hriett?t, lrttotor. t liiptlt*tiaA"1« afrt3t11aw#trill ls'ty... it 14„ori , • ,A,W4,:%4.#,4t*iik*Mttk1k�•sY4fI^. , i41*�**•!'S*,s�?, % li gLWAIS OR BAT;t- The best Scranton Hard Coal to thii igathMii6v r All "I routW oil tin[ mrrtiot metes itibsrs you got M 1W fol' 1t ton. idle LEZ6 omits left fit I" ASh4liprttd'r tilos Will rt"ins prilttrpi a'liet'a! 4m on at eo w suit ed of avis deeon tl no all 00 and(#am ketal. r3' P r p P x--••- come in sod see our grand display of Holiday Goods whether you tiny or not. It is only by seeing that you Can form any idea of whit we have tiolleoted from all quarters of the globe to please ntl'lr ouna9lters. 'We kra oon8dent we can please you in Variety, iQn'Ality and Prioe'1 sotuathing to.tatiet 0 tastes and requirements. WILIMIER S ITH, Swith a Baxaar tipxt this Town 6611 .. %