The Goderich Star, 1899-01-20, Page 3- l �.
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air that �! 4ilnatl Ilia of rk. lfZ lots', 1gt�*44- Illl ft -towed; keit
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16m WM`sitiHH,fasta!l voospeali"' tla %Kehl
Comite; Hsi alslutar si,40" r✓<ee. test!
Telegnt#ns n+teltar 104 .Tralds^Itieerat
Fanta 7rRattlf K-7lfs#ul` Alfg �itge►.
A dslllfpatol< freta I ilitlow. 47a; : This
city hap 110004 p-VAL01delly ido#1:etl all
day long. 11To• newft or massages Have
boon received from the continent sine
early this MLornlug, pad con:uutification
with ail partls 0� *6 provincli, -s r-
iously interrupted. There have been
many wrecks of minor importance, and
several lives have been lost around the
coast. The gale, generally, has 'sub-
sided, but another in approaching the
Irish coast.
While the storm was at its height
yesterday a trai4n,from Llarifairfeohan,
Wales, dashed Into the sea, owing to
the Pact that the tracks were washed
away. The fireman and the engineer
were drowned.
Widespread devastation on land
and sea has boon fbe result of the
recent storm, and the aggregate losses
of property are immense. This even-
ing reports are gradually filtering
through Prom the provinces, telling of
dismantled houses, overflowing rivers,
inundated streets and fields, build-
ings flooded, cattle and sheep drown-
ed, and disasters to life and limb from
falling debris. London's parka and
buildings have suffered heavily. The
Thames has overflowed along the upper
reaches, with serious loss to the dwell-
ers on the banks.
Most of the coast towns have suffer-
ed severely. Promenades have been
swept by the sea, and harbors and piers
damaged. Parts of Southampton are
under water. The schools were olos-
ad this afternoon, and this evening
the tide is overflowing all boundaries
and threatening serious results. in
many parts of Portsmouth boats were
employed in the main streets today
to take the school children home.
Numerous small wrecks are reported,
and all the life -boats are kept ez-
oeed3ngly busy.
Three men who were returning
from a funeral near Castle Island, Ire-
land, were lifted by the . wind, °harl.
ed into a pit, and killed.
The Channel steamers have had ter•
rible experiences. The pier at the en-
trance to Dieppe,Franee, which waa re-
oemtly damaged, has been completely
demolished, and great havoc is report•
ed along the Normandy coast," th gq)gh
details have not been received.
mother train has been derailed near
Clare, County Clare, Ireland, Several o1
the passert�era being injured.
A terrific gale has been raging al
Vienna Much damage has been done to
property, and there have been many
Reports received from Berlin describe
a violent gale raging in northern ani
western Germany, and thunder
Storms ana 'r enttal rains in t�gtltelet
etre istge'.aaaf.
>dowp aril ift mar
The undersigned having been restored tt
eealth by simple means,atter suffartnQfor Rev
oral ycare with a severe luno affection, ant
chat dread dLwasa consumption, fs anxiond u
make known to his follow suf(orers the mean
sf cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer
rally send itree of chbirwO a cony of the pre
iorippon ased.which they will find a sure cur,
[or Consumption, dhthnia, Catarrh, Bron
chills rind al, threat and lung Maladies. H
hopes alt Sufferers will try hie remedy, as it t
invaluable. Those dexirfeg the prescription
which will cost them Dotbing and may prove
blowing will please address
Brooklyn• N.Y.
IA, story relates to Princess Beatrice
who, when a little girl, used to pla;
at cooking. She had on one oceasiot
made some cakes which were mor
than usually bad, and all her friend
declined to tante them. "Very well
than," said the little Princese, "as DI
Stanley is not here I shall give then
to the donkey." The late Dean Stan
ley was a great favorite with th
Queen's younger children; he bad a
many entertaining stories to tell
Princess. Beatrice: was well aware the
he had neither taste nor smell, hent
she considered him a most proper per
son for the' e0iasumption oP doubtfu
pasties -
"%yoiltr grocer ter
.r .
For Table and Dairy Purest sad Basl
NO Hum bre s'
p fY
Sreolfles act directly upon the disease,
without exciting disorde'rin other parte
o1 the ayetem. They Carp tale Slek.
so. tensa ratals.
I-resen, oonrestious, Inflammations. .fav
Sb -wows, Worm rever worm (Jolla. 2s
S-Teethfst.00llo,CryinmWakefeineen .2s
h111arrhea, of Cettdtan di Adalti., . ,2b
I-Consks. Oolds, 6ronohlua.... -..._ . .etc
"catalpa, Toottusbe, rissweliv 2A•
l--fTettaache, a" 8esdaeh% T�e..:�tl
le-Dt k"sal6. Tadl#WAon,itiskr,sbaoh,2li
U- sasareisea or Pala(s) ratio" - .as
till-WhItes,TooP"fuseP kdii.._... its
1W -Crow. Wryastdi.Hoorwasei..-. ,s
it'-•enR>rthedw,*3411lPerib.rrmntien.. )6
1:-, beseaat nit .AbeumkuoPon. " . is
lel-••Asiarle. ft3lis,!`everamt A.". ,s
ntittriltAWtVo1I* ;ibld.* • —d 2S
Klis►e'sft•Ceasb__-..._-..-. es
illi• -fill ` 'i obitftow, - ..., - •- - -, . i35
lwi-'tfelwitt illismuty-.: _ ti > ,__ I.e0
t y9%% V &2Ikseu. Watetes tl &s qs
etYY ilfijil,,'W", ....w... :ga
• lir. +� Ot ril0leisetuse tiiu
e7► . N of abs�py� react t p�
.<Ir"'t 6 Jose
r y�
IµG11i�� esu [lot'
. � t �-. wall , . _ ..
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�aai Toa llUllrr +ititottrsy; gad 1;` think k4 i�in►l � / . t
; :, Trigltetl kka• enordfl [life o W,11t1, f" ottlsst ilii![ Wall. g+l g t `. .
u h t a 1 i "t tom. 'W". A0048or;' ." asnstisq :tit caps fllvlal i�AseklOs ga4 1 % .
Xo• ate... k @ ro ?9 M Doll you t t lie as l nt � er*�- �,r.M.,� w.r
+'- tkii* Xilosi ao . t , IP �a nto tl , ,'. !1' • d l4tl�t __ („”
•... 0t11f-r"04 stf #bit
-it ponxeas f don't vita lt- Geoffrey "'1l�AdB4lrtgdl� f vrsti iA tr, ul*rt, ;a, " wrortlit iXing• "�?�` �l�l�� k'uyWAX �:� ..
#1[ X14 ut � ,1� Q1'i4,� �ww,, graly',gppko �Ils'.aplawn; we ova say plied 7rlcAat; wltA asllur". "I walr Ho peadarwl to into thea a1lil�ltr bat tat, ltttitl i Ail htt+ylV kiw if " ,
l�'� - 'z -' :. _a ° - ,what 'w+a" ta#.W]c,iti t in •room, TrlckX, iq o;le of the three Inst "flim tea.. of ,$AII• OA# eftlin notice* lira:- before. He It •was not until #be first relay otll' All �
Q 1e ,i tbtaut: Ivinit �ffalaca, and fret car• the train, which enactpsd w Ay Ie, altra�rll ret :;Jot thg asaae npgt: witA bow- QI davrn 1Cluaalped tAt: bwtrt►a�f il�ttk ! O s NraQroofoo, 010 4itd+l40 `
(} QP . tate Geo fie] meant none:' miracle from the tate o1 the front 04' ad �4d s, oraxon in Alt! Alto�l• 8e• be, laid asidshia luiarw'oo, sed atrstch ';,`lift 1X,y of s. ohild in • paia *aA t*
p lautl4ttgz said this wit#[ bin usual tion -ale 64rriages follower the ong'{gq ;lilt bli llt# u
off thea 1lgets, and were dtiehad tato a aid* .[tiara the pictures he had left agitlii pc3t hlg ciaiglriredstea , tdr�Ak of bioA�I NPiil: lt4tlfllil~ s# t+r>�fl
pp p+ His was' A man of 11 .utas, A
tratar• aqd the pealio-mslter in aW kl i s r t1►at Hliti+ tttRsi !Alii:
!acid [[vile; he was aiwn a the arbi- iia ;qac 'R
thousand ec0s at the Iwtttxou pt the drartrtl, lie mare daubs. crude Ep Dilor, Once tits ag made u Ais talzld to s
. p dispute. embankment- Leon do Brefour was In and skolleby in treatment, but real ar �eltilla conies ha nava` wftve edtiha ;iiia; i n rt lel caosea, is tAa�o da�lclr,. It r+ �
. '•I meant no offettoo, Tricky; said Otto of them -L had seen bila get in at a mtank. 4nd f rwu Aabae h r1 mD AIX si l"I1
Goof[. the station." [;silo ;ams. 6tragge, thgt a man of ^ pitch) "' knew hila no more. `!:bat coarse„ while with tried xomAd%a tilt
OHAx'fiBR $ILodiipiied, ofddad to the foreign aspect he was do- , "• 1"'
Upstairs egaitt, were lbs heuid and, alroue o1 keep .. nP• S.ometi... , in- ''In that came I withdraw ray re- AAI Ara you quite oertaia. Tri- genius should M redatxsd to thio. week he modeled an exquisite partsaft Asad so mach valpablg tlizttt ill a«tHK
mark," re ked the okher; "but, Geoff, chats that' de Bretour was killedt" She wtes Dual;, besuttlui sad weal- of his fair patroness from memory, and .I
ader-accountants` offices, Mr. Halli,- deed, Alk[,rt even aff"ted gL[ght, pp # begged bar acceptance of it. Wad the little patient !s rolte!rid Woo
ay's rivate ro im, which faced the fore; n at conk, Out this was only when do you tbiak it could have boen• your To Be Continued. thy. What could she bsvi in commmop •>,
p g kvea tbtt 4poUt !;sept] [olt a tbriQ the doctor arrives, it, Indeed,, #K'f
murtyard and waa. kraiiacmd .Witt` . a aunt'" he pursued eaqarty. g p found necessary to summon birlt, -
he was particularly dealrous of inn- Geotfre au hedoutright. Torahtt's with a street vitt[, however real his of lesaurabth emotion as she aohcad
haerfal modern paper, and was alto- J ± 6
pressing his origin upon others -any ,insatiable onrioaitg waa ottea at(pnrce D$SYFI)S'S ISLAND SOLI$ talenti abs did not like poverty, nor the subkh flattery esDraeaed la ever] Bargiaal olsaalinetw iii the ftr4t 7A
ether humanlsed and friendly-Iook- affectation in speech is troublesome to curve of• the medallion, Sha eompaF
of amtisemeaG to hie oompaaicne. row or aifitotign, in nay sIIape or form, nlaite, and a ll
tg, inspiring no ;mysterious notlolf* Femember, and "Tricky" only remain- It favorab with portraits o[ bore! q goad supply of ti hot,
'hatevar in the tpiads o1 the' clerks; "I should say it was in the highest Tko".areas Trsiedy in Its Atelstaborkese It it gamy prominent! before bar abs 1 .
Pored it occasionally. degree fmpzobsbie;' he replied, remeln- J b two of the moat eminent aeademi- seated antiseptics will be found tartol
ad their sample rooms, and packing I The third occupant of the room Wes, That tit Akira► tx,ese 6tvaa. stepped aside witII a shudder; .it ua- ciyaas, and felt that it would be un- noble. For outs a appedy bath, salt
Dome, Pilled up the remainder of the fa appearance, exceedingly different to boring that ho had seen Mra. Dane r-
ouae up to'the Furthermost ixiraor o1 his companions. De was a large, [air and the Halliday girls home atter a Tr'Inlaad on whioII Drayfns is [m- doubtOdty had the power to ruffle mo gtatefuf not to give Mr. Gerard sit- �bo� acid in the water tto hYSEIdi
:s upparmloat storey, It`alay be Man- an, o1`alilaost Herculean proportions; ball ab three o'clock to the morgfag•- prieQuesi, within sight of the South mout4rily the surface of bar lotus eat- tl"g out and sterilize the wound a iia
fond that to be sent for to Mr. Hat- �n the irls fresh as daisies, and their `FAO could nave frpaglatla you were ll
hie broad abouldera and dooper !abaci g Amorican coast and twenty-sevtlp miles fag a7clmt+sAttle such a gealut►P" she said laul[blal[ly. foreign partlolea, should 6e [allawsd b;
day's prtyste `Dole. waa of no more vy dm fortunate chaperon in the last slagea y r y a careful stanching with abaorbeg
Weare a source of en and a ;ration Lrotn Cs sane, FrenOh Gutaaa, is To-dsy she had a beet[;` oppo [nail some weeks later when the Plotur0 waa
lomehtl to the young man who wail to his friends, and the muscles of his o1 fatigue and exhauotion.
ummoned, than to go to Mr. Philli- huge arms were felt to be worthy of Geo1 rey felt absolutely certain tbat knowtt na Devil's !stead, lie du Diable of eZaminlag Lis work than she Aad nesriag nd irr pro Gerard, in bis ith cotton and then bound up, not tot
ut, the head accountant; he ran tap• all reapeot by his toes. It is no doubt morning, it could not very decidedly while the three islands in the little ever had before. She had been passing bt°use, and phernalia of a get-up, with tightly, with n winding o1 antilwptit
fair& with an a uall lI ht heart to have been hie wife. nil the . ,ind arhe a of art iotrronnd-
q y g ono oP the ineradicable primary in- group aro known together its Salva- ail Idle hear fa the park at a time not fag Aim, •and the ariataaratlo sir of gauze. will ba found the moat eifitwla•
ither, three steps at a time, hands in $tincts of man that hysisoal strep th Then Geoffrey dipped hie pen Into Y g lone, and will
is pockets, and a subdued whistle n P g tion Islands, Ile du Saint. The contrast consecrated to fashion, and as she " Ro al Kensin ton " permeating the guard againat tovorixlk
p- Always carries with it, per se, a large the ink and bent hie head over hIs tasteful studio, [teemed alto ether a die -
n his lips; it was a thing which was amount of veneration. Not all the re- writing again. Ho took very little in- between these names le certainly strik- sanatered through the gate on net g peas and the formation of a pus.
onstantly happenin , and created no tereat in Albert's speculation, although Ing, and the w in which they bo- homeward way her es rested upon [trent order o[ being from Gerard the
B dining inflnanoes of oiviliaation, not all cly � street artlet, Moat women rttnh for some [avarttt
isturbauce whatever in an body's he elevating princi les of education aomethiD he hardly knew what, had Dame a lied to these little rocks is some of the artist's recently completed salve which enumab sots for all
tittd. But to be sent for Eo speaY to and mental Supario sty can gbliterate arrested his attention at the beginning Pp He painted on aaelduounly, Mrs. Viv- lu
Lr. Dune, waa a very different matter. ,thajt blind and unreasoning homage of his story. interesting, and calls to mind one of Sketches, and lingered there. fan glanced nt him ourioualy, her m- casae. While It fS true that many
t very seldom happened, and when it which man accords to him whose bod- "What a tool I am," he said to him- the greatest tragedies in colonixatioa Five minutes -ten minutes penned- tereat !n him growing deeper. Sha oinameata contain antlsapttt and pre -
id, was looked u n as an event of a it stre th sur self. "Every time I hear a woman and still she remained chained to the wished to lift the veil o[ mystery wh1oA vent the daA ere arfsin from the i6
po y rig passes that pP hie fel- that ever occurred. g g 7'
ortentous nature, all hie companions lows. There is a fascination about it; mentioned my thoughts fly to her. It surrounded this man, who was So dif-
ooking on with beating hearts and no doubt it appeala to the senses;ilone, shows what a contemptible condition of The islands have considerable ver- spot, her gaze faaolnnled by the scene tereat from the satellites which ro- InQ baro of the murttlna and 41cod era• '
we- tricken countenances at the vic- and to those lower attributes which weakness I must still be in. She has dura, but in the early days of ;+ranch before bar. It represented an old -tush- vokyed around her, and of whom she eels to foreign particles, a simple sar
fm� who, with blanched cheeks, went man shares with animals anal not with left me, and betrayed my affection. Guiana they bad a reputation for ater- toned churchyard, with a little f vy-clad grew w weary. T�iOn was something tiseptio course will usually malts s,
oi2h to meet his doom. angels; but for all that, we moot of Have I not determined to forget her, to ility which they did not deserve, end on church nestling among the trees. But grand In hie air of stern self-repres- cleaner healing, and nature will sot
tread out Lar image from my faIIOy? atop, she thought, although she would batter withouc tho attststance oL Dila
Upon a certain grey and somewhat as unconsciously bow i.o it. Strength this account no use was made of them. it was ttot upon the seared edifice that hove tvfehed him to be more oommunt-
noist morning in the month of May, like beauty, is felt to be a gift of the It's only a matter of time after ail. here A bottle of antiseptic gauze should
11 the clerks at Dane and Trtchet'a gods, and as such, an excellence in it- How ,.,'Otty Angel looked last night) They were named Iles du Diable, and yea were riveted, but on a grave native. be kept In every home. Open It only long.
vert affil` to ether over their dell self. To Miles Faulkner this Low well that soft white dress nuitod tvero tho ht to be of fo value until whiob, from its beauty oI design and "Will you think me very Impertlp- enough to one off a place large eaottgll
g g y great ent, bir. Gerard, if 1 mention Rome-
uties, In the outer rooms the pens gift of physical power had been freely bar and the crimson roses in her thousands of wretched immigrants comparatively recent structure, stood Por your immediate nae, thea tlghtlX
boaom. No m steries about that irl, thlag that hoe been azercietag m mthe cork again. It will Dost about 4 sad
cratched freely, wooden chairs scrap- meted out. His frame was masalve, y g from France who were perishing among apart from the others, whiob were all for some time ast P It in this. �n the in
d restleSaly upon the wooden floor, his force oP endurance im neaaurable ; I'll be bound!" and then there Plash- P last lndellnitehe Bars 4RAI A Ora
nil subdued whispers oP conversation be, was as one df the giants of ancient ed buck suddenly into his memory the pestilential swamps on the Kourou more or leen in different stages of first day 1 made .your acquaintance in anme. but the mildest o1 all aatipp*
onoerning oontempinted "runs" for lore. Had his ixrul only been ae Pero- something that Rose de Bre Lour had !fiver fled Lo them in the hope that , decay, through seeing the sketches you had tion -is an Invaluable home remedy.
ezt Saturday to St. Albans or to viols and warlike ae his hue frame said to him once. "You will marry The artist, followin his own poetic drawD of ray father's grave, and ex- serving In manifold ways, from bob s v
g they might escape dealt. g pressed m aur
levenoalr,s, were carried on surra i- was massive and well -knit, then, in- one of those, girls one day. When fano J prleo, you replied that [;rat mouth wrath to a dna[ for s
P It was in 1763 that about 18,000 par Y. had made three studies of the the demi n bad been
Lously between ill-kempt heads bent deed, be would have been a man to be Matthew Dano makes up his mind to a B your owe. Now, most tirltloal o[ surQloal aperakiotts,
mysteriously together, under cover o1 feared as well as admired. thing, it generally takes place," she sons from Alsace,, Lorraine and Sain- grave as it appeared in summer, au- an looking over some papers recently, Flowers of sulphur thrown far haat[: Ill+ ' `
hose customary sounds of dail toil. But Providence had equalized mat- said, and as he remembered them the ton were landed on the banks of the tumn and winter. The first showed I found the original estimate, and the to the throat will cheok ,a bad sore
y artist's name was not Gerard. Were
n the second room, behind carefull •ters. In die sition, Miles Faulkner words come, bank with a certain+ Shook it almost smothered in flowers. Climb throat, while sprays and doutihss of ,r
Y PO to him. What did she know. of Mat- ;;Duron. France wits timartfng under you then Working under a peaudonymt" tepid water, with the merest strop
losed folding doors, life was taken in ens as gentle and lnmtrlike ae any the humiliation of havin been cont- ing roses clambered over the base and Yes." The re 1 came stern and
a altogtherl easier fashion. The car- timid maiden. His heart. was soft and 1 h:tw Dane and his churaetert At the g P J oarboilo said, will go far to prevent 14#
rated floor gave forth no inharmoni- tender, his smile sweet and shy. This time she had put him off with rome palled to cede Canada to England, and wound about the exquisitely carved fig- cold from Gibort Gerard's set lips, as factious diseases which attack the
ue answer, and be had been eutis the bri ht Iden ocourrnd to some o[ ure of the angel, w -ho stood erect with be laid down bin brush and crowed mucous membranes of the head aatf
us scrapings, neither did the rapid 6amaon of modern life would hove diad g g the room. " I was workin under ten
cratchiA s of n interfere to any rather than hurt a fly -and not the fled, but. now they came back to him outstretched wins and hands ofnt- g throat.
g pe hen public mento repluoe the lost ter- g b alias, but not a voluntar one. I[ ou
ar[ous degree With the conversation, bitterest fbe or the bleakest in cry to with n .certain Signifioanoe. Waa it J y A box o[ nbsarbent cottpn is Lar Act
g possible that aha did know him, aid ritor by dubbing Guiana "Equator- ing to the akiea. In the sea eketoh will deign to listen I will give you, tar than all tho old linen Which old`+ ',..
iaper the presence a the morning himself could blue drawn from him no trace of the roses remained, but in in as few words ae aslble, an out- +
iapera npoa a aide table gavo evidence more than a gentle expostulation or n that iptimntely, that that vaguequ[ck- [nl b' ace' :and sending thither fleet W fnsAloned houeowivas have is mind ;'
enin at his heart at Trichet'a des- their ace the tomb was strewn with tine of the history of my lite. I would for accidents, because the cotton is , '1 e ` It' 1,
hat the three rivile ed Dun men pitiful smile. J3ut iP, in his resence, g alta at of colonists. A more cruet!
P g y g P cri tion had boon but a y not; at all oveatYa Ilke you to regard ke t la the medlalna cheat and ao one '
vho occupied this room were in no a woman were insulted or a child ar P prescience o[ ___ �' withered leaves OmbLemaEio oP the do- D , x:
an animal ill-treated, then wait and thetruth, and that she had -been in °1 enterprise was never me ne an Imposter." knows where the old lint is to bA }'
fangos of ityrof the their strength by this ver house this ver da P So near, known. The men who aroused in cay of life's hopes, The third showed " That I could never do; our work
ha assiduity oP their labors. Ae a neo whet Miles would have Lo sly to y y y J found. A paper of entaty pine does aOt
natter of fact, the House might easily, it I ';'here were stories told as to his and yet. he had not! known ILI Great France enthusiasm for emigration knew the leafless branches of the trees, wav- speaks for limit." come amine in a collection for the home
io doubt, have die nsed with their method oP rocedure under these cir- HAaveael was this possibleP In in [t hne never beep allowed to 11[1 g
pe P nothing whatever of the country to g ghostly fashion over the wind- now, a roplled een allo " Whttn 1 physician is atheme re ful=iveuecon-
ervices altogether, but for the fact cumstances, Once, it was said, he had He felt a sudden sense of suffocation, swept monument, which now stood D eq nt-
h tthe House was pro -eminently Con- tomo aortisa a crowd of drunken men the pen dropped from his fingers, and which they invited the per victims. completed my art education I ens a ly purohas(ng them Old lint tIId hn-
tervative in its customs. , From time who were tormenting a poor old apple- he passed his hand hurriedly across his They recalled that in Canada the alone in stately grandeur, unhidden by young [allow without means, end eq era good ais3ataate, but [t Wlll nob
Laos. an earth] shroud. The gleamin 11 therefore glad! olnad tote with n 1
mmemorial there had always been woman. One had taken Ler Stall French had greatly enjoyed the sport y 7 g g h y } be much trouble to get n yard of good.
brae upper clerks, who were sons of away, others were tossing about her Then the door opened, and the mesa of skatin and accordin 1 a lar a ore of the angel, denuded of all earth's sculptor w o had already made a name strong, unbleached muslin' and tear off "'`
g. g y g In t o profession. We shared the same a few strips about 1 inches wide, roll
gentlemen, upon the regular staff, and wares in the muddy alum -others were enger stood upon the threshold. 'Had supply of skates ens sent will the col- favors, still pointed triumphantly up studio, and in n vory short ilea 1 np Into tight, amootA rolls sad taenia
to the habit was kept up, not so much holding her by the arms pinioned back Madame de Brefour herself entered onista to fro ;cal Amerion. It was ward in reminder of the life everlaet- learned the reason of my So-called witL two ins, eo that the are `feat- 'f'•`� `,;`o
'.rom any inherent merit in the system, against the wall of a house. Then the room, poor Geoffrey, who flatterdd P P y . '.
in which was still further exempli- friend's klndness and generosity. L, 1 atretehod. There mat be a time
i9 free a due regard to the attoient curve Faulkner like an avenging angel himself that for Ler harehneas and thought, oleo, that in choir leisure g, y y '.d':
ism es of the firm. upon tho scene. '1•hora was not, o,t aruolt to him he had .oast her forth Pied b the taaorl J like Several others before me, vans the whoa tho need o[ u atrof bnndn a Will "
g y hours they would require amusement J ption, " Till the Da monks em to ed to ull the cbeat nuts g g
coura a liceman to be seen, -in the from' his heart, could hard! have Break;" which was carved in raised let- J i J P be of preseing importance. F
, In older days, no doubt, the chairs a Po J and eo out of the fire. He wee a man of great Every one has vnetellne about the
n the second room were reserved for dirty street; but Faulkner did not started more, tare on the pedestal. plausibility and Succeeded by dint of house, but how many a- careful to
voun er brothers and cousins, and for wait for the arm of the law, his own Mr. Dane( would be glad if Mr. Tri- A COMPANY OF' ACTORS, push iii ttttng n good man ordain. ,.
g The heart of the beautiful woman g keep It closed agalnat •fbe particles
.be, sons of widows whose husbands strong arm, was ready and prompt to chat would step into his room for a
was sent on one of the ships to build Beyond this, and Inaarfbin{r to name floating in the atmospheret Essence
had in some fashion been connected act. A crack to the right of him, a moment, was the message, and Albert was attired with a strange emotion. 6he on the finished work, hie responsibil- of `mint, Jamn{aa In er, spirits
_s crack to the. Left-. a_few ktva�..l,i tii..-..0 r w,,,-,�tc,r _ i, .aAelighhful sen - _ � theatre in Equatorial Francs. Those !lad not'aeen the ort inal for ten long it oensed. in the case of tntSo r^``- ,Peps g g
__, cIBut far a long
irn6.tnele u n paucity of so7ps hit•on. m hor, alcohol, French 6rnndy. v,i�, '''
t,iri o �' fbe anemone. v who provided these moans of Aiboleion; y�ro, g S - - Q
h{r.,.DsnB`e room consisted of one in- alto npiritn of ummonin and arnica
0 ol¢im Lha doubtful Priv t. /Yt� r�- + - nor Lowavtr, forgot to send au(fiaientPooA You neem to know th.e�wt,e7t» _ ani nn recommend+ltlop for their vpr-
ppsition, and it was only wtCfiin tee rgroar!t1tg.,Dr *fled terrified'in all ahamLor, small and lit by a sky- eu ties, and ao nrran emonta iv"oro ceuntry well,' she said• addressing the of hret'gnnrrol, nnd`l suggest" thrlt :`'
Inst directions, whilst Miles was leacin li ht, and an outer vestibule where pp g lows usefulness. Thu idea is to have ,;
year Chit a truly astonishing fact g g artist, who looked up startled ae her wo should part. The monument was them alwa s on hand. Quinine fl
the or tremblif old woman away to messes ers and errand bo s had ocean- made for landing and housing the act- y P
had coma to pace. The old named of po g g y musical tones Lell on Lie ear. "'1'h[s then all but finfahed. On fbe Rnme day ballndonnn pinatere, mustard leaven
lho firm were, by a curious coincidence, her home, supporting her with his arm 'iiob lly to wait for orders. There was Hers. The Chevalier de Turgol, who ie certainly a faithful portraiture." i wee driving a very fidgety more, randy to apply, Rochelle salts and flax-
ra roducod in the u er atcrke' of- as tenderly ae though she had been Lie y wait ng there now as '1'richat p g Y need aro too well known not to bo al- •F'
p pp was appointed leader of the ex edition, , It ou ht to be," he remarked, "the when sudden) she united on the brow
fice. own mother. Once again a tale was passed through to the holy of holies tbok caro to remain in F'rnnce. design was executed by me."' of a hill, and I was pitched out on my wa s rend It will cost eo lit Ie to
told of some youths }vho were tortur- within. " S ou P" she ezolalmed, amazed. head. 'rhe anrried ma to n hotpitnl, ,
Geoffre Dane has Dean trans lant- y y y nd a me icine dro er, n meas rin !inti,
y P n* a r half-starved cur by tying Mr. Dano laid down Lis pen as hie The unhappy victims oP this blunder PP B
ed, at his fdther's inquest, Yrom nn 6 Poo "Surely not I Thnt was Lhe work of ronouaslon of the brain followed, and glare, small tweezers for glees and gyp;
ropes to its legs and dragging it head- clerk entered, and surveyed him for an to y y g y yevtr m mind wan a -er- 4
idle life ut ht>ane, to one vaoaat stool„ beg perish 'b thousands , and the a ricin artist alread Lamed in bis (or about n y splinters, a hot wilts` bag and ver ug
whilat a youn man of the name of long down u stony road. There was a the space of some ten Seconds in a thought that if they could only get profession, ndt°= fent blank. When I recovered i d'bft simple and Inexpensive articles w ich
g canal, and a ht h brick wall handy, as critical silence which was rather try- "Not by a street picture maker who down to Cornwall, rind, as [ expected, are found o[ such great assistano* in
Albert Trichet h¢d been suddenly rale- g awn from the lu ..
Miles Faulkner came along and met ing to its object; it was ae though he Y P gue spot wbare t hey craves our charit s
ad from the outer office to till another. y y," h0 roplled, with [hire stood the monument heriring toe illnoAs earl In camo o[ accident.
th3 inhuman masqueraders. One strong were weighing in bin own mind who. had landed they might have a chance a touch of bitterness. " You are ri ht, usual Sf nature. What could I do f ` t .
Trichet, or 'tricky, us hie fellow clerks ti of Lia fist behind one offender's Cher or no the Dun man waa worth g g --'
called him, was to himself a mystery. g' P y g y to live. That' ware told that the threx But strange ae it may appear, I, too, My long ;!laces had most thou anndn,
coat collar, another wrench at the arm oP his confidence. During tho ecru- was once hottortad and reefeated, but far If Conk the heat man In Londao In COLD iN THE HEAD. ,.`
Whe,ther or no he had any right to the ailunds whiob they naw off shore ware
of the other, and both were disposed tiny Albert looked modestly down ill J [Lad the mie[ortuae to be unfortunate pull me t ether, and their rbnr eS A diari reonblo « fd dlefi aria Cold
name he bore, was a matter which nos^ of. One was lifted completely up over hie own varnished boots. the Iles du Diable, and that they we{e °g g g g g
sib! Matthew Dane was alone aware fp(I It is a crime that the world never for- are not modest. This coupled with nn
y y y y pened the worth nothing for human uoa. t fa the head mny be greatly relieved In
the wall into a timber and be ond, "t [Link it was ou wh° u
oP, and sometimes, when he uses spoken leapt," cried tho given'.' unlucky investment, completed my mss
of before hie chief, the teat man and the other dropped quietly into the door thio morning Trichet, was it note' Pool' untortundtoni in He drew hie sombrero stili further fortunea. The few friends I had made one night by the following precaution:
g canal ; whilo Miles untiod the rind- ho said at ton th. Choir desperation, they nre Bwepl by
would smile in a curious manner, g g over hie eyes, but not before ata had AxnarteA mf, na friefdA are want to Hnvo hot wutor cnnveniont at lbs aids
in ro es round the poor do s le s, and "Yes, air." ocean breezes. 'There is no poison in
which ►ed beholders at er that that he g P g g the air amon those isinnds. Wb will tiro to notice, that h[saces oma, hng- do, Rnd effort, if it pit na you to dig- o(yourbed, an alcohol Inmp will help
curried him homo to his own lodgings "You came with those credit. ao- R a
knew more of the matter than he wue counts of Bellatmy's, didn't youP" g rd [enturea, born traoee of refine- ally my ef(rirte try that name la worse
willin to say-possibl he had at under his arm. call them the Ilrea du Saint, for we you; take a good-sized piece o[ old
g y' These thins were matters of his- "Mr- Hallida had sent me, other- may Lope that the will save ue from meat, and that Lis voice had ncultur- Than uaxlexn without money and with -
any rate nn legal right to it, or per- g J y ed ring. After all, Lt was none of bar nut influence. if i had pointed out flannel and dip it in the water its hot
haps his connection with the extinct tory, and "Trousers'• -so called from wise-" utter extinalion." business, she argued; yet, as she drop- statues in public places ns my work its a«n ttf barna, and lay on your note
the allin in s upon his le s which "J oat so, uite ri ht." This is hinv it happened that the nn,t forehead. A lure Turkish towel ' ,
family oP the Lyons partner was so re- e g F g g q R three islands came to he known as ped «coin in the hoz, her eyes still i xhould hnSi hexa openly ridioaled, I R
mote as eaarcel to warrant the claim [Lose cruel ropes h¢d made -lives and "I trust I did not intrude, Mr. rested lingeringly on the pictures. and people would have enid that my . over thin will help retain the heat.
y [louriehee still to testi[ to the Lrnth Dane?" Salvation Islands nod the name baa
y " [-i like these," she said slow! un- mind had ant rroovermd its balnnao. Letve the travel on while renewing the
nt all• "Not at all. You saw, of course, that clung to them ever since. As a group y' hat w:+ter, and the tun r the cloths
Geofire and Miles Faulkner were o4 it. willingly nlmoSt it seemed. " l know And An 1 drilled nn to what you found EIe t ,`
y But to see Miles now, se be efts hal- [waa en x ed with a lad Trichet?' thoy are known by nD other nature. The
of opinion that Albert was a Trichet g g y. this part of Cornwall well. What me, a main to whom existence wax a era heli! on thx M*lterft� When soothing t'.:
nnc[n a paper knife betwixt the Just for half a second Albert hesita- immigrants gathered up what was left ,would ou char a for three duplicate llvin death. You rescued me from the s1or+P finally comtes 'hind a flannel a t ,
only on his mother's side, and bed g t of the supply of provisions, and 8,900 y g R bands a over the u er art of the ,i',?,;4;.,
nd»pted the name as a means of bring- thumb of one hand and the forefinger ed• Should be tall a lif, and any he copies oP the eketohesT" Slough of despond, and my'future ix, R PP P `,,,F .
of the other, with a bland smile,, on bad not seen? Fortunately for himself men, women and children, all that were '• M do a of fixed g cure to maid ae g you ,
ing himself into notice and favor. P left oY the 18.W0 who had landed on y J Prices are a thin J you will. i desire no none Rod for^head all ni ht, and tt'_'
his broad rugged face, and Dna kindly he thought better of this idea, and of the past,' the artist ro lied with roll better tato' will tx+ aurprixed at the ehlnge in your 7 j t;�'1
Albert himself, it may be said, be owned that he cartainl had aero a the neightwring coast, crowded upon
eye glittering behind h[e eyeglass y wurteay. "The remuneration [would HP rnlged her hand to hfA lips, and frlingfl and nppenrnnoo the neat day, sj, z. ",
!;cued religiously in his moral right whilst the other blinks in pleasant lady in the room. the narronv, rooky nrei which could leave entirety to you." Aho made no r^slstance. If you are not trotter, remain indoorb
to the Homo, and with it, in n Divine Then Mr. Dane honied himael[ For n c<tmforinbly hold only about 400 par-
r; h, o[ inheritance, which invested sympathy -to roe him now, it would "Very wail. Bring them nazi weak " ik,n't idanlizo me piny," she nnid, next Anq, with n lighter band aver
g nut Lave been easy la credit him with few minutes amongst the pnpera on Runs. They landed on the islands with- to thin address. Walt, i will ut an with n Iitl Ir n -`vole laugh " 1 don't your forehenA, tr+ing cnrPful not to ex-
h+om, is his owl eyes, with n wrtuin hie table. it was evident to Albert out abetter or clothing. and being ex- P
these grim tales of bloodshed and re- hour, no that you may find me home." dPmerve it. 1 never aspire to be more Pogo yourself to droughts in themean-
amount of importance in the House. venge. Ilint what he was about to sa;f was of posed to bad weather and having only She handed him the card, and with a th,nanocial butler(ly and nxSuc,�i only time. •i .,,y
He acme, he told hie t fends, of n xido Albert Trichet is holding forth to some importance. the scantiest supply of food their auf- slight inclination passed on. Reek the Swoolneam of life and ri++nP n[! , Ir
b l of a true
dol ted
but un f
branch Y aria t a t of them
web rev ad mos
branch, of tbo old famil of which he hie fellows, and [Ley aro both listening You rendered mea grant Afrvire g g Gilbert , rard'e hemi Ane sly with itS gall--fhaf ix to any, voluntarily" CCLTIVATF. KCNDNES.'l.
y, died
on the `Dole which the had ho d
aro Tric y Pe
hat." Y n n l n h r
i — M lea wit is bit u t Pther xlie arise;[ " ro-
to him attontivo 1 h h terneax nnd-rurloun a I - th
name e g
y Y
\V a be waa-
rvivor. h n
vena the last au •'['was fuck would help to savo that` lives. A law turned Gerard, Y.
^ r is oro the nnnnbil l i
ind d r. noel Y.. halo
Kin inr•es m o i t
a mil eotfre ilh ec M flans to mor so Wh n n h r u a
lnz le east o o -G w o en n e: mi i the ax
y n n g Y
P y g
o Id sometime
sal ho w u s
od o0o hundred o[ t m of last ceeded i
he enc n
have � S
been a
i ble to Lel s I' t In the `call few (i f nt ins whlc '
en r eta fix d u on h m ou " r ie i h fou d o bri t 1 n n u h i ,• 1 nu t[ I rxs ,1 r a
`nest b own e e n b o d tees amon y Im 1 s h b u n f 1 he rt en! -
y P g R
at he bud bee
riouxl th n
i m see lei b.
h nt e o sok to th Fr oh rt P om
y o ea r
y A g 6 Po
Ibert m
odestl w n r Rre i rn able o(n ,ia 1 t xl n
a r u is fl ow and o dei mare and the of n g I r n iPr t o h r wn
if Wing [cruse d non b b y, ng pen nd ha (pence, A prxvi,us V PP R tarp. Mnn
abto once to be of service to Mr. Dane, which the had sailed. y Chrtstinn popple aro 3"
and that Mr. Dane was not likely ever fibbling the end of his quill pen ae hf more what all this preamblo was IPad- Y gland nt the bit of pastobonrd had nnhillty At prPeent it is incrusted I
listens. ing to. Tho Salvation Islands were nor oeeu- Shown him that it bore the name of with an element of worldly cynicism hilus[ue and sxvere without thought ?'•.";:
to forget it. There is no doubt that "It's the first time in the course of Do Jou remember nil the circum- P+ed agnin until 18W, when the trans- Mrs Vivian, nod that the address was and hardne,", which, however, lies only � th.+t they commit wrong, but they have u'.',
he cherished bonze of boing one day nd- jell m ox erlence that I'vo ever board aumstances of the case(" I port of convicts to Guiana began Saint i?aton 9 uare. on the surfare and doom not re ,resent t'
omitted tato partnership, on the J P loaf hand the Ito Ro rrl now [arm the q 1 Gliled to cult+vatf fho most bxautiful
o[ Mrs. Dane comic down to the "I think so, Mr. Dane." P y He faintly remembered the name an your true self at ail Although you ;,
strength both of this unknown service g eofviM station Pro r. On b:n llah grneP of kimineaa. It [x not xnough t° .,.
offio%" remarked Miles, when a pause "Let me refresh your memory. I had Qe g that of a brilliant beauty who had first expreaged no word of nympnthy at the
t name. I , e
and o[ h s in TricheL's rapid story enabled hint to reason to suspect Lean do lirefour, maps the three islnnde are Walled the dazzled the fRghlnnable world some ten recital of my wrongs, I noticed the poll- try not to tr unkind, for nn ea on
It is loudly neeeaewe to cay that put in a word. some time hand elork in the Lyons! &lint talandA, and the name Its du Di- yoara ago, and he sow that She was 1„r which spread mor your face, that creeks to be kind he has fallen abort o[
these hopes, whish were as clear ae Mrs Dnnel pooh -It was no morn brnntili o[ the houaa, of soma ;`mill!- able, originally extended over the oma In the zenith of her obsrmn.' was `Waugh for me" I duty. No one can he as good as he i+ ,
daylight to Smalle t Dane, had paver Mrs. Dane than it wan you. I tell anties in the conduct of the business group, now applies only to the island For the next few days he worked Mrs \ ivinn hluflhed as Rho cast at should he without striving to outtivnte
been in the amnlleet degreo enconrag- C entrusted on which Dreyfus is a prisoner, and hard nt the sketches, thou h, of course, him one of her speaking upward' kindlfuea�s of spirit. "Charity suffer-
ed b him. Never, in his wildest !ma Jou this was a tall woman with a you with n excret mission g
g- sli ht f[ u and as I opened the doot to discover whether or no my suspic- which is occupied only by him and hie not Pntirely denxrting hIR old haunt, ulnncen " Y„u arm nlwnya rank'[[ eth long and is kind.” Kindness dis-
inings bud he hitherto eontemplatod g g gtinrdlR. 1 arm. pre udioe and hate and awaseas
I saw her lain! s g y lone were correct. In a very humble and on the day appointed he took them +v.mderful discoveries.- ghe remarkf 1
for a moment. the very remotest nova;- P 1. be wne aittin b oeition, y P The islands are of about the namo ronfldencr, omrnomea cull with cod? i
blit of such a eontia ono as turn- the governor's table with her arms P you look our lace in the to Mrs. Vivian. " I wonder what the next one will heP" g
y g y Stretched out, and I'm pretty aura she Lyons office and•watched matters for area. They form the apexes of a tri- Rho received him graciously enodgh,, Shall I tell you?" Asked GPrard. Klfdnrs mnkea the gloorgy smite,
ing Albert Trichot into a partner. If ens ar in I heard her voice letln me [orthx a ca of thief months -re 'angle, and between them orf deoP but Gerard, who waa sensitive fn n mrnningly, gazing nt her with all hiA� xvePt^nus hitter thoughts, atn•ngtbrns';.:
jet allowed Alm to retain tho Plotioa y g' P channels where lar a veseelg mn r"Ic ( : the faint and leads the sinful from
of his name, It was in order to award -Aar back was turned to mer -and then Porting progreae to me by letter evxry g y foul[, winced et the shade et paimin w,B +o hfx PyeR.
someone, shut the door on me and turn- day. Then the transfer' of a large T y hnv or lie moored to the chore age, whiob he faaoled be detected in flat Ihr heauay Rhonk her brad nnA' which nP Rin. re all th+nne if lite
hitu without ng tot a exaoue prefer- gum of mono Tbey hove little woad or enter, but her manner. He thou vouchanfed no re I which wo ma r ret, kindnxsa ig onP
ences, ncaordin to !lie exact measure ed the key. 13ow would It havo been y having been confided to , ght she would nt P y He maxi have en- y "g ��':,
g de Bretfour, rain in stored in cisterna. The nhoreA lightened her, bowl,ver, on a Ruhae- that rouges no repentance, but in I -
of his merits, but no more. Phi113but your Hunt Geoff, it bei Sitting in the you undertook to follow ; wnet hwhic n word of prslae upon bin ,
' olfioe like s but iHt ra in and be him, and have him nrraeted should you int `pro and her° and thane }vt out work, which lett nothing to he degir Iquefl rcagion, far Same months Intrr th.n ra there n ao mare bitter pang r.l
tho head accountant, with Lis heritage gp y g see that be was not taking !het money; into promcmtorim and cll(fR. F'rnm rd from point of finish of fineness of xrr•iety waa electrified at the news th,n rememhrancw of kind [hinge ave
of four sone, !tad seed throu b the eeeching, still 0 1n 4"
Da g to its r Ihwil'n lalnnd Drey[ue may plainly "" rxMotion. Rut in this he wns doomed hat the love) might or should Knox wad, but Ifft un-
reat man's brain as a Bible aueoes- "$ou were evidently not Intended to P oyer destination. ti'ou diA Ro t y Mrg. Vlvinf, nt whoa` �:: i
Poe follow him, with the result that I the other ten ilesacw and Lhe mnlDlnnd, ppoiniment, for she glanced At prinn^s had laniruiRbert In vain.
ego` to tho Porttrnea o[ the house, but sea her, Tricky," here remarked Geo[- yov to dine fret Wald, with deeds uadnnx. Vfordaworth
never Albert Tr30het. $e Waa too good [nay. 'Don't you think you may ben Plainly proved that he ens bound, not °sly envie milon away. y and laid them eetde had earned nn al,gc are nrtint of wham I CJs
them emreleecrl
bit indiscreet in mentionin all this, to Vienna, but to New York• and as ___ Gerard felt a colt; chill steal over they had never even heard• rhat best parNon of n good man's lifx,
a judge of human nature, and had too g clear a case of fraudulent embezzle- I him. Yet whnt could be ez ect. P Thin But Mrs. Gerard was sublimely in- I Hie little nameless, unmmombered note
genuine n reverence for the greatness even to riSt" IN THE WEATHER BUREAif of kindness and of love.
ht repreaeated, to flim it rash into Thais tale very first lime in my meat ne hoe ever been made nut would was a women of the wort and her different to pia iAe ar hlamf. When n ! 1'
g life Vvia ever been accused of Indiaere- have been conclusively proved n ainst The outhful rn het was lain) emotions must necessaril be of n trarl more than umually venomouA remark if all drpartmeata in a l church
the hands of the unworthy, ar the Ad- him Aad not the on i g J P P P Y y r
vantnror. floor" cried Trichet, turning round g ne of tlict train � mortlftesl. He had Just been appoint sient nature -here todAy Rad gone 10- reached her earn. Abw glnncod at her and hom•+, Irindne, In n Iuhrirant
somewhat aha 1 u n him, sad there in which you and he were both in run ed nod hie first prediction had not bean morrow. He thrust the Alosed envelopx handsome haghand and delivered her- which me free the bnrdegt task onay and
In parson, Alb6rt Trichet utas small � ] < � aft the linin, and so
rind thin, he had dark hair, and small, ;vas a'glitteir of after is hid eyes; for precipitated the verifind. Rhe grave him savagely Into his brengl golf of the (•+flowing aphorism "To the heavinat burden light. �,
eurmaing=lao$ing eyes. hie skin was Albert Trichet hated Geoffrey in the Ihief to a doom more awful chary any The reason we didn't have that Sfnrm pc,cknt, and did not °ppen it until the the digrovorer belongs the benefit of i
brown tend twriaitjed, and he cultivated worst depths of hie heart, w th a hat- that the law could havo brought upon he explained earnestly -Hugh I Inter following morning. Ile certainly had his digrnvery if I duce ared your Married his srrvant-girl t WAAn't •i
o rrnv r fn him
P n di er A t1P I a aw C
nl n m ar I r n r me -d r,
a small bfac'k fnonstache, °artfully red born of envy and ted upon rivSlry him. This ie what hnpDfntd in it ranted Lis egad Aaperior. in Ibis nn ``Wenn la complain o[ wept o[ gen' : g 0 y Y Ivt that 4
wasted up at the eindo„,sad a still seal- "I don't see that there is any branch nota" and Sg Matthew Done ended hie businega we nevsr stop to apologize erosity as he fingered the notes, which +I in the world which was the greater No it was R lift for ber-from menial
ler black tuft allow his able. Witch of oonfldeads ,where ons has not been relation he pent his eyes sternly sad Just protons sQals. amounted to CM. He gasttd at them � fest o[ the two I' � to hymeneal.
,. ' ', .. .;.:':. .r ;:. :. ' .ti Y_'Ktw"3e'h!rr., '.?W hlgMp,.*k.1.Aas�Mv0Mkw ,,,t ,.+,.a,xw ^g..A. A-,.,•w-+ai:�-. «..d. -.� .<,..k•e: E'n'z,. . .. �•w!,z : �gwt'll!..•1.1.11
...-. a
i lr. n2..ta%",i:n.a 1'L 4cw.ttt'wi�a 3r x.. r, -.1^.,- Y' wx'k+s^A rr A'Y ir:1:19'x"r,.a,:L .rrw.rS... �e �:' .�rrrr �,��'