The Goderich Star, 1898-12-16, Page 26December 16: 189q. 4`\9'99J� BOOKS, MAGA NRS4 NEWS AND STATIONERY FOR 1898, 1899._,As Also FANCY GOODS of all 'kinds. School Books and School Supplies. I have NO WIND for a long "Ad.," but as great variety, as fine goods and se large a stook of the above as in town, will be found at BUTLER'S SOUTH SIDE Olt' SQUARE, OODRRICH. SOAK $NID SWAB. AN INr'ALLIBLe CURB roP CANCCR. PAINLESS AND NON- POISONOUS. A Priceless Discovery for tllg"otltre'of Canner, Cartilaginous Ulcers, auy form .of Sore Throat, Skin Diseases ; diluted, a Catarrhal Wash and Eye Lotion. In all oases where the Cancer can be wholly submerged in this liquid, as directed ou circular attached to each bottle, the pure is infallible and painless. This liquid is hard to manufau• turn, and is now prepared at full strength to meet the caeca it is intended to cure without injury to the system or healthy Liminess. Prices, 80o. per pint and 40o. per half pint bottle. J. M.,M°LEOD, 41, • 414 Proprietor and Manufacturer, Goderioh, Oot. 1 AAAAA A••AAAA ♦ •A ♦!A ♦ ♦•♦ WIRE rMESSAOi S,Tar- 4 EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS! Here's a great combination --A sure winner. F. F. Lawrence can place you in the combine, or do the job singly, to perfec- tion. Cheap R. R. rates toiall points in Canada for the holiday's. - Money Orders to all localities. W:re Messages to all parts of the World. F. F. LAWRENCE 9 Next Star Moo. Down Town Ticket Agent T T AT CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS And at all other times you want the but [brands of Pleur for Bread and Pastry, and you oan get the beat at :T. J. r �o Flour anti flied store, STREET, GODER1GH. U upallitat to tihti that ruddlnJ a and Minna Pies are. often dished hp, at Whet should be the happlelt xgatheriug of the ye, err, and t tie result of the use of inferior Am givaa you Ate !fit 1111 itttya "ti tat atFion. Why ere any kind Of dour. Wheailfite,teete Rat tlrla beat;mads"oil; this 0o1106eut"*t, t. 3. ideati'ili4 flranda of Flour, and ,the 111t1At uatide ,in ;Huron, add tny ooru, pat ii>d \VIieatt lil naxill a its u'tt,lind' ;ally digit br`rttltt►sfldt,liak les tilto al elk to+ '' � ills nptd%ttae i itse lib . god iq til to.': l tuftal`>p buaki of •titant int b l,iitfa l bw to. ftttt l.ta dill 11a elooet iibitig. ie RY S ONLY ono Christmas dinner is posslblo in 305 days, 1 suppose some latitude is porm1oo1- blot" "Oh, but Nan, if the sum total frightens As, IVO 01413 acorn out the thlugs we aro nob particularly addicted tot" "Precedent would go to show that oro arc Only addicted to oatmeal, tough steaks and tpoldy oraekere. Hero goes!' The lamp bad been lighted and placed on the little °enter table. By its light a bachelor Idris' den was made visible—a small Oat, &Mattoon, cluttered with every Oop otlytlbls article of inoonootvablo utility. The WOO interesting furnishings of the little fist weft the two bright Stores wbtoh WWI Ill °lose oontaot over the pad 011 whip& their Barmeoldo feast was spread. The faces belonged rospoativoly to Miss Nan Heywood, stenographer and type- writer for a big firm of lawyors, and Miso Dora Chase, who gave muslo lessons for a living and wrote homesick letters for pastime. Tho penoll was in Miss Hey - wood's hand. "Celery, of coarse. The eating of celery on Christmas day is compulsory Twen- ty-five conte." "Oh, Nan, won't that bo a groat quan- tity?" "We are to have two invited guests. Tbelroeloryoapaolty is represented by :— Unknown quantity." "But we aro not going to invite cormo- rants, The idea was that mob ono of us was to invite some one more frlondloas and lonely than ourselves, soas to—as to"— . "Ezaotly. Don't ohoko, ploaso, Dodo. Whenever you give that asthmatic sputter I know you aro getting homesick. I have already invited my guest—old Mrs. Stone, paper wrapper and envelope director for those atlas makers. You should have Boon her poor old bloartel oyes when I invited her to Dome take Christmas dinner." Dodo alghod enviously. "I have not made my selection yet. I stn halting be• tween a lalua ggirl I buy my evening pa - Nan and h1tn." Nan bold tho pencil suspended. A heavy footfall sounded on the uncprpotod floor over their hoods. Some ono Watt moving about in tho Ant over their heads with iho ponderous slowness of an old man. "put wo don't know him; nover oven sew him I" 'Yes, but you know our Christmas din- ner Is hardly what you call a social func- tion. Tho Jani- tor's wife always e epeake of hits as the 'lowly gontle- man.' Sho says ho playa an organ sonowhoro. And then your old Mrs Stonewould It eke It perfectly prop er." "It would not do at all," said .. Nun stoutly. Aud she fell to work energetically on tlm bill of fare I've ,,. got the "Nancy Heywood. 'you - over that mono. lilvo Inc the pencil." "Manana used to make such lovely Intim moaq and I used to helpherl" Nan sobbed in explanation Dodo pointed the usurped pedcli twig. loudly at her "And you nr0 bronkhtg our contract." "Not to allude to home Christmases or our own pimple 1 know it -1 know It— but"— "Think about Mrs. Stone, Nan It Is much safer." Dodo's own voioo was not porfeetly steady, and on tho pad, and( r the 0cord "cranberries," she ab_sontly scrawled "darlingest of mothors." Sho laughed hystorlonlly, "Our norms 1s'gottlng !:oily mixed up with sentiment. Lot uu return to our"— " Tt rkoy, of oourso." Tho mono finished, Dodo poshud the pad away and laid down the pencil. [Cell. 1 suppose It will to the 10uo lemur girl," "It can't bo him Dodo 1'hnt is fain ply out of tho question. " The typewriting mild was o'dor than tho llttlo musk° tonehor by several years Sho also was not no pretty Indeed she was plain. Tho two things fitted her for lendorahlp "But Christmas, and 1•n i11s Na•neI it is not 08 if we acro inciting auy ono for company's sal;o, Nati." Dodo was very pretty Sin had n e vtwt sensitive mouth, largo, innocent 1,1110 errs and tho bonnloat brown hair in tho w•, 11d Her Aguro was one of thoso trim, rum; net ones whose synun0try not oven n .shirt waist could destroy Nan looked at her releotivole. It Dodo was not so oxoeodingly peaty, 16 might not be B0 unfeasible to have that lonely, hoary foot cd organist came down stairs to a Christmas dinner But to than aorta. 'out nod" hie conceit, and ho Might presume on 1t Christmas came, and titre was an unwonted creak• Mr up and down on tte ropes of the dingy dumb monit- or aitor that did duty for tho entire building. Nan hodrta1' gone out early at - "WI ASK YOU TO STAY." ter breakfast and Ota* book with a groan wreath that had • red star in Its center. Almost every, wlndowin night had Itogroon wreath With • rad star fol' a heart. Dodo was the ohurobgoiii'of the twain. As she pierced her S1u14sy haft ittith 1► long pin the nettled the dimes 1~ienrwlth Nan. 'f4&Ili that veto talking tate than over• VAS Vaalfillf to MR140 orifi.100100. filumett rllitl IAO° , Whtelt Milo de' flet Into tis to rrtae,' "Theo they babel ,:!doer_ctlMt and tfia;s fins footfall p080 inane the anti. otsuppoell OM icor tsllow''bbte OM, cif IT OW.parte, *ni earth land ; w Iii oat want aeon ho apcllttkah litil 'kik tielt t.rniilo iffhti 4•1114o OM** tOintift W h+ then Ito heti A, iota brso l or tore*, ortstilnyn. tfmtfe, ,rely mirey wtt-li Oyer •,iaSI ., ate! 'fir&thriceto'IlIven 10 + itllilllttli . *MTV tth(he . i `airllt: THE QODERICH JaAltdr'e Wtlucalled 111.W 6110'lone:y 500 Doman.' When Dodo gut back Henna Cl)Ureh, Nati put her in chargoot ajftllrs Wbilepbe :,ands one of then mysterlot)y l.okrietlitions of which Christmas Clay la o1)vole p:,,i.Ao Wbon she 001110 bank, Do1,111%yA$ b out tag by a table In the it Itchen storing trudlutl ly InW an 0 pe0 paper bag. "Demo look at fhb. R"g51 -• oho said gravely. Nan walked toward her Willa apprchon- alvo quickness. 01 course something had gone wrong with thu dinner, "A tin pan with baked beans and pork In 11? Why, W0 never ordered any be,tsl'' '• Of course we didn't. Tbut lo hie Chrtstmua dinner Oh, bent "Whose?" "That poor old man's overhead.' "Well, but how do you know it is?' "It Just [oust be. Sonohttly whistled up our tube, and 1 went to the dumb waiter, alnd thuru wore Just two hags ou 10. I grabbed the ono nearest to me, fur 1'd loft the ammo for the plum pudding slum meting on the stove, nod the waiter cont on up. He Is the only ane higher up than we, so w0'v0 gut its Christ:nue dinner"— "And he'. gut our plum podding " "Ob, wail; let it goo A miserable little tanned pudding—I bopo he will relish It!" "But perhups hu peters beans and pork." Dodo put out her hauds tragically. "Don't speak of them. 1 came home in such aaubilmftod Iratuoof not ndl Such music as 1 have hoard today, Nan—I 0-000 tho organ solo! It 0111110 over me like the swelling anthem of solemn ocean warns I always cry at iho sound of the sen. 11 1 could find out who 'lay ed that sola, I would pay hint all i make. In n year to teach mo the organ It lifted n:e t loan out of tho realm of worry loud care. ,t1 i11/; come bad( to pork 110(1 boon l" "And Mrs. Stone," Nan adduct ni the twitterpf tho doorbell sounded through Hos little apartment. It was in u state of complete readiness for tho feede° ocoaslon. Non's 00, rgroon wroath, with its crimson star, decorated their ono front wludo q;,tbeam lful brunch of holly that ilado 1111(1 secured a v e.•IL bo• ford was suspended by Ivor bust nr, k r15 bon from tho stogie gas jtt in thu (voter of tho roost 'In,o mysterious parrr1.1 on Nat) tablo undue It -neteod w hero the ,. t1 est gifts which were to brighten ti3Oi.,y for Mrs. Stun() and tau lalco gin 1 c:uu Co posited. Dodo stood absently twisting the neck Of the bug about tho pan of barns 11 there was only soma way of 800(11o; 1 !s dinner back to him and making him k.: p their plow pudding fcr dessert' '1, en oho started Vlultr.tly Nan wits talking tosoolel:ody, tt:,d Pt) r body tune nn.+wtrIng In n tion l•an,. vole° that certainly did not bolos g to ,dt' Mrs. Stone. W1111t Nan sold sat "Wo bud just dbcorcrt0 the cs, h.tngo lily friend tk o -r hn, !:ape '!•hank you vaseryyn.uch fcr )ring:: ; nn, pudding book l" Dodo s eyes uo.l etir. wero wonder ono—Cubed at Nrn's next words. "Wo would bo so glad to havo yon 00010 in and take dinner with us— thnt is, unless you have friends w Ith you ul stairs," Tho rich baritone said sndly, "No; thorn 1s no ono "n Itt ng for lone 00001110 hack," Then sold Nan, wit;. gravo sweetness: "Wo ask you to stay. Dor 01011 Chrlstnula will be tho-gladder for knowing that you aro not all alone." And, with n grateful glance boyond her into the !ittl° holly d000ratod room, ho saki, "If I might"— "It just could not ioavoided,"said Nan self defensively that night wbw eho and Do[op, flushed with the triumphant suo it hoird er, sat dlset se d n the n ' � t .. . ltln u t 4 g y ��vly°1TI' [IMO' hi'tn standing there, n pile 'faced boy, -meekly, holding out our plum pudding and asking for his beans, I could no more havo landed him that pan and lot him go book up-atclre-to nmtnrh them alono than I could hnvo flown." "Ottourso you could not," said Dodo theoil hire. n of "Mrs. tlo ,t lnrn n 1`J IIII/1 U Stone made every- thing perfectly proper; she is so dreadfully old." "And os deaf as n steno wall. Du- do"—Nun's plain fnoo was all a- puckcr with ens - lety—"if you do, I'll never forgive myself.," "If I do what, you Jncomprohon• siblo old goose?" "Lot that poor boy tall In love with you. He hair- TI s tnSCrnKe WAS Dona ly devoured your face while ho sat opposite you lot hlo." "flutne celery, °ronbet-ries and ollt•os. It did too good to see hint mat. But I don't sooany point In calling his n boy just bo - ammo we made the absurd mistake of thinking ho was-na old man betoro wet saw him. He is vory much of u gtlntlemma." "An oduoated matt. It most bo I:h shoos that ntlsloatf us so. They aro eo ',hoop and clumsy that I suspect he walk ed slowly to spare our nerves." "Kindly, but futile Ho is a handsono boy." Mrs Stone says ho is the new organist at St. Cat•hortno'a "SC Cathorino'af" Dodo fairly aoretnned "Morey, Dodo, you aro so excitable, What of 111" "Why, Nan, that is whore I hoard that divine voluntary that brought my heart right up Into buy throat." "Oh, it was!" said Nan dryly. "Well then, tho misahlot 1s already dono." Yes, the lntsobiof was already done: Nan, gazing totlootively after the organ let of St. Catherine's and Dodo as they Waiked away from her under the trees in Contra) park bno bloused .tune Sunday, said mournfully to hereolt: "I might have known 1t. Both young, both so beautiful, both as loving hearted as birds in renting tlmol Then, Wbon nn0Bio welded thorn toirother—I- guns Dodo will have somothing to tell lee to- alght." WhIcb Dodo did. "Ho belongs "to es good a family as aline, Nad dear, hat his father married again, and things weren't pl,awmnt for hint at hone.. ilo luta boon on trial with'tho St. Catherioo people but now they aro going to pay hint a lovely eatery, and he dvon't havo to aveaxsuch d000iving shoos. Wo hnvo concluded that wo would liko to get marriedttst 0110 year to a day from that lovely li tie dinner to whtoh you ip' vfav° to ttotl htmdtat;' never could have pad Cie "Undo," amid Nen reproachfully; then, after a 10lifipeuse: !'I will never trust a MO in brettkitig shoes again. Ile lust 010101.04 hlttisell into your sympathise. "PO a bresttiy aeksd charley what milia elintwaijo jo Ileewearrottttll!'Qld maw oven' nae 11telda. alrldl It'o tart dlri sdpposes It Wali •Ueetosee fella tlfotlbr td yebt'It 414 itefitielldltile tuft tlllii' Whntleking4SW beton► you l'avlbsot'- bIos to thetl titllfiw+attWOWS' STAR. HAS REMOVED '1'O HIS 1sEAUTIFUL /! " 117• —Rr ''4,7-...- v THE RENOWNED TttILOR- ¥ThSTERM' GHNHDfl..... NEW STORE 4:4 ire �!7417 A �s 'I PA • a• � Y� 41 Is FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY GEO. PORTER, Where he will be better prepared to give his patrons much better .service than he has in the past. Our reputation in this line has never been questioned, and now our extra facilities will place us in a position above high-water mark. We do not claim to carry Cheap or Shoddy Goods. but the Goods we carry and the Garments we turn out are the Cheapest compatible with only first-class work. Every garment we turn out will. positively be a model for others to imitate. Nothing would be nicer at this season of the year, either for a Christmas Present, or for a gentleman to purchase for himself, than a FANCY VEST. They are the latest garment out, and we have the swellest goods in town. fL EGfNGE FIND FGONOMY ARE YOKED IN OUR GOODS. • If you are not already one of our customers, a trial order will make you one. If we sell we guarantee it. fa rr If we guarantee, it's all right. PRIDHAM, The Tailor. �! Gjuigq4.JaAIL mit likictor mos_ MIL "fl NiG6 Gliristmas Gilt." The • • JUBILEE. To the Farmers of Huron Count. Have you R Boy or Girl at home whom you wish to encourage to stay there and enliven the long evenings with Music and Song ? If so, GEO. W. THOMSON, "ft NIG6 Christmas Gilt." THE MASCOT WiTH TOP. Will be pleased to call on you, or if you call at his Music Store in Acheson's block, west side of the Square, you will find our Organs in stock in his Showroom. '-WE WANT LUMBER Q IN -E XOHAI�� GE FOR OI OANS._:+rte Call at our Factory when in town and talk the matter over with us. "ENCOURAGE HOME -INDUSTRIES."