The Goderich Star, 1898-12-16, Page 1itAITENTY-VOITIL.PAGtS
WHOLE Zier:11172
Somethh*g About The Star'.
71 A FeW raCte 4iCalled trout lte Paget a Quarter of a q04•0
tory ago.
The present lame of THI4 STAR, in- invite applications for ineurance, and
tended to mark the 37tb Anniversary no les* than three photographers' -E,
of this well knoWn and popular paper.
a happy oppOrtunity for.a -re,
twaspective gtanee over its past his-
tory, and the recital of some facts in
connection with the earlier claire of
Gorier Leh, Mitch may not be forgotten
by the few now living 'who were resh now the genial drummer in paints—
dents of the county town a generatiou wielded his facile brush on signs and
or more ago. decorating. "The By-law granting $10,000 to the
L. H. &H.R.. was voted on in Hullett.
Prior to 1800 there had been three at- The list of merchants included the on -the 10th lust., and carried by a ina-
tempts to establish a paper in the Confoil:mktg. only three of whogn are still jority of 79. This makes $25,000 now
sevyative interest here, but none of "doing hairiness at the old stand." granted by the township to the,road."
these were permanent lintel Toe STAR Hardware—H. Gardiner & Chris. "The party of Union and Progress
ble Geo. H. Parsons & Co.; dry in Howick, intend eying LL dinner, at
made its appearance in 1861 under the bra
an early date, to Thos. Farrow, Esq..
editorship and managethent of Mr. oods and groceries—J. 0. Detlor &Co., M.P., for North Huron."
MeClenaghan. Its predecessors were: J. Acheson & Co.. Johnston & Bro., "On Weduesday morning, the 6th
The Gazette, started in 1847 by J. B. Moore& McKenzie, Whitely & Elliott, inst. M. C. °amen= Esq., left for
Giles ; the Huron Loyalist in 1854, by Payne Bros.; tailoring—Hugh Dunlop, New York and the seethern cities fol'
• E. Woodcock. W..10 tan it a couple of A. r. MeLean.11. H.Smith; Sam the improvement or his health. which Purse has been very feeble of late.. Be was
years and then spent a year or so in was "retiring' from the boot and shoe accompanied by Mrs. Cameron and
England, returning and starting the business" and B. Haziehurst was con. Dr. McLean."
Tunes in 1857. ducting "an extensive sale of china, "Monday next, Goderich Tp . will
Al the tune Tun STAR was establish- glassware and crockery." John Butler vote on the proposed By-law granting
ed there were but few papers in the and T. J. Moorbonse supplied all the $15,000 to aid the L.H.&13.R.
W. T. Hays, Esq.. Registrar of
United counties of Huron and Bruce, books and stationery and Douglas'
North Huron, has returned from an
our own county -having, we believe, McKenzie, watches, clocks and jewelry. extended trip through Britain. He
only one or two other weeklies. The One of the most interesting ad- wits entertained last VVeduesday night,
popalation of the alined counties was vertieements is 'Ty -law No.—of th Shane's Hotel, Blyth. by his friends
about 80,000, and the cOrinty council town of Goderich to aid and. assist the there."
"The Church at Smith's Hill, in con'
was composed of forty members, in- London. Huron dr Bruce Railway Co. nection with Sr. Andrew's church of
eluding Biuce, Huron and that, pert of by giving $15,000 by way of bonus," the this town. was formally opened, as
Middlesex crnnprising McGitivray name of T. B. Stokes, clerk. attesting previously announced, on Sunday last.
township. it. The town was in the happy state xhiee services avers held, vizat 10 a.
m. and 2 and 630 pap., by the Revds.
The otitcers of the town corporation of having no existing debt, and the J. C. Smith, Belleville, R. Ure. (lode -
were P. A. McDougall. niayor ; and amount of the last revised assessment rich, and W. Smyth, HannIton, re-
tire late Tbos. Kidd, clerk. The late was $744,9311 the annual payments spectively. Collections were taken up
M. 0. Cameron was mayor in 1860, tie- were to be 11,1650, and the debt extend-
At each service when about $70 were
pig the fleet official in that. chair elect- ed over 20 years.
TEE STAR Wg9 then, as now, "an ex -
ed by popular vote. Mat ket reports appear from Gode- •Cellent advertising medium," and the
Unfortunately we have no early files rich, Clinton and Seaforth, Cu which editor • recnrds with pride how "a
of Twee STAR and the oldest copy now wheat is quoted teem $L10 to $1.13, •
beautiful mink victorinet" was returned
in this office is dated Dec. 13 1872. flour $0.50 tb $7.0% oats $6e., barley
• to Its owner by *t small notice in Tau
This is bet 211.years. Agee andyetA per. 45e. to 52e.eand perte,50e.to556. STAR," after the ownerhad waited in
nerd nf its pages shows nuiny changes 1 The Cotifft*Tounell wa8tberl in ses- vain three weeks for it to turn ura
in the ot Anstsess•-•"'""--•----- 1301.1,rArbe4tIniliar natne"8 The Hit of births, marriages( mar
Ftsittif: Crfen Motives' hire various monist
deaths includes these- „. •
,'114sirril -Issisiness leen, and a palities are Messrs. Cr esswell, McGuire,
son to Mr. and Mrs. John Mellardv,
few of 'The local happenings may not. • ' /s•-•
'late of Belfeet ; the inarriage•of Hiram
its there were 19 qates in the County,
and if we average the amount which
each gatekeeper would receive as corn•
pensittlen. etc., at $400, we have $7.000
paid to the gatekeepers. while the
;County received only a little over
$10.001.1. Thus it took almost half the
collections at tbe gates to pay the
keeperafet collecting it.The Council,
therefere, be a vote of 20 to 7. decided
to lenge the N.G. R. front, the town.
Paying the Rennet rent of $2,000, or
about, What the town was making clear
out of Lt, and expending on the road
$100 per mile."
The schedule of. convictions by mag-
istrates for the quarter ending 10th of
December contained no less than 62
L. Johnson, D. Campbell MA W. J, The following are e, few of the loiel
Whitelye-wereanalung "lentutiful en- items chronicled In this number of
mewled peewee." • THE $TATI:
WO lfteltriM, George Elitift & Bro. "TIM experiment of tretching small
furnitnre business;
and Dan. Gordon flourished In the Whet; aeross the court room, to lel-
, prove tne sound. is about to be tried.
Harry °ludas— This idea, has proved successful at
other pieces. The Clinton Hall has
been greatly Improved by it."
be uninteresting to readers of THE
The legal profession was represented
by Davison & Johnston. Ira Lewis,
Toms & Elliott, Doyle & Squ(er,
Benson & Meyer, Cameron & Garrow,
Mnlcomson & Ketirrig and G. Oam-
paigne. At least one-half of these are
nr w passed from the scene e of earth,
and the only one at present practicing
Is Mr. Garrow.
Dr, Nicholson, the present well
known dentist, had as his rival J. M.
Wells, and Drs. Cassady and Shannon
ministered to the/sick. These were
evidently good days to lend money, for
A. M. Ross. Hugh Johnston, Sam
Sloane, E. Woodcock and W. Fitzger-
ald of Toronto all announce "Any quan-
tity of funds" to loan. R. Radcliffe,
Dixie Watson and Wm. Seymour all,
Wawanosh, Willis, Young, Gibbon,
Girvin, Leckie, Patton, McDonald,
Caetle, Yearly, Wilson, Douglas,
Holmes, Simpson. Snell. Moon. Arm-
strong. Shepherd, Detlor, Dalton,
Greenwav, Carrick, Benson, Brown,
Perkins, Scott, Hays, and Gibson.
The "poor house' question was even
then a debated one. and a statement
appears showing that $7713 was paid
out in charity by the municipalities
"during the past three years," Gods,: -
ich town expending $2210 of this suni.
An important and long wished for
step was taken this year, being the
abolition of toll gates in the County,
the report recommending that step
being adopted by 20 to 7. In an edito-
rial on the matter THE STAR that week
'Exclusive of the gates on the N. G.
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Wesley Purdy to Mary Ann Young,
both of Goderich tp., by Rev. J. Gra-
ham; and thealeath of James Ilex, sr.,
in Goderich township, aged 90 years.
These are a few gleanings from the
every day life of the old town, more
than a quarter of a century ago, and
we may no -v make -a few references to
TUE STAR as it appears today. in 1881
Mr. Mitchell, one of the present pro-
prietors, purchased the paper from the
late A. C. Simmers's, and throuph rain
and shine, through good and ill, the
old Conservative standard bearer has
made its weekly visits to its many
readers. In April last Mr. A. M. Todd,
for so many years identified with the
Huron News Record. cast in his lot.
with THE STAR and under the combin-
ed management "tha old and reliable
family journal" has attained a success
not hitherto approached in Its palmiest
days when rivals, both local and pro-
vincial, were hot one teath as numer-
ous as today. The paper is now consid
eribly the largeet in the comity pf
-Huron; indeed only in Orme towns and
smaller cities where there is e daily
issue es well es at weekly, is there as
large nr well printed n wsekly as THE
STA. Tlie °Mee bending and print-
ing plant have been doubled in extent
and value, and Is today one of the most
cotnplete establishments to be found In
any Canadian town. The enlargement
and improvement of the preinises made
during the past summer gave us the
neatest, most convenient and hest.
lighted of printing offices. and the en
tire establishment is one that can be
pointed to with pride. The large ad-
dition tutees /subscription list. and the
increased" advertising and job pate m-
elte. show that the industry and enter -
prize of TIM STAR'S management is
fully appreciated hy the public.
In return for the generous support
which has always been given hy the
publics Tim STAR has fot ninny 3703173
faithfully striven to advance t.he int
erests of the county town. and we will
not he accused of boasting if we say
that the improvement and prosperity
which have marked the town'de
velopment in recent years have been
materially helped by this paper. No,
an indostry has been carried on and
has not, received generous support and
hearty advoency in these columns. and
no oppotintritv has beet lora to speak
a goon word an behalf of the town and
its industries wad to hold up the el -
vantages of "the healthiest and pret-
tiest town in ()anode."
May the future relations of both
publishers and citizens be as pietism -It
as in the past, and we hope that ere
long the town% growth may warrant
t helaunehing of THE DAILY GoDrritert
Factsand Figures.
- issm.
The assessment for 1808, as shown by
the Assessor's return, is little in ad -
yr tee ef•thntlee •I81417, but there would
have been a greater Increase had the
Grand Trunk elevator not been des-
troyed by fire. be roll for 1807 shoWe
Income, *31,570; personal property,
$56.875; real PrePet t•Y. $1.035,550—total
$1.12/3,095. That for 18081 Ineows,
*30,000; personal propertis *52,125;
real property, $1,051,280, —
$1,133,405. The rate pele$ of taxation
was the same both years.
• • • •
Voters on the roll for 1897 were: In
part, I, 791 ; part If, 349,—toted, 1140 ;
and for Lhe present year : Part 1. 709;
part II, 377,—total, 1,170, an Increaserot
36 over 1897.
The Births registered in '07 were 61,
and up to date for present year 50, an
apparent decrease of 11, but the regis•
trations are in advance of the same
sewerage system, put in a substantial
water works plant, giving a fullaupply
of BMus pore freer' Lake Huns% and
introduced electric light both friretreet
and private purposes. The water
takers in the town number 500 and
there are nearly fifty hydrants. The
streets aro furnished with thirty-nine
8,000 candle power lights, and citizens
are furnished with fifteen hundred in-
candescent ones, all the present
machinery can supply.
The officers of the Water Works and
Electric Light departments are : J. 13.
Kelly, chief engineer ; Hy. Stowe, 2nd
do. ; James Andrews and Ed. Beck.
W. L. Horton is collector of water
and electric light rates.
, Up to date the town has spent
$85.050 on the Water Works, $18,200
on the Electric Light, and 818,300 on
Sewer conetruct ion, as total •,1' $1.22,150. '
A few years since Goderich spent over
$8,000 in laying out itri agricultural
We have given the 0. T. R. credtt
for improvement In freight movements,
but in eutsoenger aCoottunorlatfon there
bas been no advance, for while the
early and 2.80 train e outwards and the
1.1X and late pne [awarder aro speedy
and comfortable, the early and 7,40 p.
tit. tuall trains inwarde are not on- not
over coratortAble, but so exceedingly
stow HAW one never knows..when the
mail will reach town.
To have npted inaprovenients at the
station would have been a real pleasure
to True STAR; but all we can say is that
the old hutlding called a station leeks
too shabby for an end line depot, that
it is not aver comfortable for pitmen -
gem or officials, and that its tow oil
lamps makes it look more like a bion
than a Railway stilton un dark nights.
The Gnderleh Knitting Factory is a
Goderich Institution that came to stay,
but oo account of newt of Ira prcducts
being shipped to distant cities and
provinces, little is heard of its doings.
I Os, nevereselees, a pushing institution
employing 35 hands. and during the
busy season the employees have to
work twelve hours daily to keep up
with the order list.
Doring 1897 the institution had a fair
quantity of orders, but they were not
al, a figure that added huge sums to
the Company's cash account, ttit this
year the orders have been larger in
. . •
Tr • Z1,1.-
14Wit loVTYIPI:=1;riSkFA7,7.7197107.411°,
date last year. so that it is probable '08
will show an excess of larths over '07.
Marriages to the number of 45 have
been egietered since the first of Jo u.
ary of present year, ,some ten more
than were recorded fer"97.
Thirty-eight Deaths, including a few
one-time citizens brought home to die,
were registered, 18 less than were en-
tered for 1897. Of the deaths for '98,
four were ot persons nearly 90, years
of age and one over 911. A pretty sure
sign that Gnderich 14 41 healthy tewn
The deat h rate fir Goder-ich accord-
ing to the reterns for 18133 is Ek.4 per
• • • •
Goderich %vita en mincorporated vil-
lage in 1842, but was incorporated as a
town in 1850, when the following gen
tlemen composed t he Council Henja-
min Parsons, mayor ; Daniel Henley,
Chris. Crai), hike -ace Horton, William
Wallace. Jas. Hissett, Jame,' Watson,
Dixie NVatson, Morgan Hamilton,
Win. B. Rich and James Gentles. The
officers were : Clerk, Thomas Kydd ;
Auditots, Geo. Fraser and R. G. Cun-
ningham ; Superintendent of Schools,
Rev. Ches. Fletcher ; Coroner. Dr, P.
McDougall : Collector, Angus McKay
Constables, Henry Reid, William Reid,
DO OCR If Lambert and John MclAmii.
The present Council is composed of
sixteen members, • lint a new net. will
come into force in January. reducing
the number to seven. The Coiticil for
1898 are : Mayor, Robert Thompson ;
reeve, Wnt. Campbell : deputy-1001'PR,
James Wilson and Dudley Holmes ;
Cotincillore W. fa Goode, Charles
Tweedy, James Colwell, F. J. Pridharti,
John C. Martin. A. P. McLean, Colin
(aniphell, Dr. Nicholson. Hugh Dunlop,
David Cantelon, Richard It:I:knife and
John Craigie. The municipal offiee'rs
are : Clerk, Wtn. Mitchell ; treasther,i
W. L. Horton ; assessor, eollector and
street inspector, James Relit etwli
night watehman. Robert McLeod.
• • • •
During the past few years the town
has constricted a pretty extensive
Park and erecting snitable Id hip:
thereon kr holding the an 0 nal fall
fair, and the present year 0 large snin
was spent in boulevarding our etreete.
'planting shade trees, improving the
cemetery, and beautifying our public
• • • •
The only line of Railway ceenecting
Goderich with the outer world is the
4 Trunk Hallway of Ceinula, hence
there is net, that competition that a
manefactering town like (•190,550ch
needs. Our only Railway alining
bet tor for the town in freight matters
than it did a few years slime, and if
re mom. is correct, next year will he a
record one for Improvements.
I t 4v1 11 be remembered (11)11 the rand
Trunk elevator, hillof grain, WPF burn-
ed down in Novemi,..r 3,1 1,,4 year, a
flet that considerably ibtorf••red with
the ('o's freight traffic in simile and
mummer; yet the number of fully 1(10)1 -
ed cars sent -from Goderich increased
seven hundred and eighty. the nitinber
for 1897 being 2980. and the titiniher f•
1808. 3700. The freight inward for the
year was also In exeetot of I hitt tor 18117,
the Co. he ndling over 315) ears frit the
new elevator alone, 1.111 480 /111" 111111111P
to give the greed ts•tal, having kept n/•
The passenger traffic is so id te b..
ahead it 1807, but the flgu . • •• •itnot
he obtained.' The taunts.' 1. , 1,1)1/k
(.11 /1t, the depot. is 1)1.3513. o. I • itic
down town agency of F. 1 1 -,
iiiui.t ve sold n large the
(1)1111 18 likely over 11,01/0. I • las
passengers Mwards cam.
!Aims], tI. they oal111• fr0111 '
the (Vol 1)1, and as they genet al I • • t
ret ern tickete, they are flot N111,, 11 it
the depot or t'n-n ittrettey hooks Th•
eumber, Including tonvishr, Motel
fA•11.1111 and other 44xriire114n8. and the
lame number who ret urn antikilly 1,,
the old home (rat a holiday. won Id pro.
hold y egoecal fifteen thousand, and this
her added to the reeidential t revel -
era would make the number arriving
at, and departing from Goderich annu-
ally about, 20,1100.
Inumber, for a better class of goode,
• It mole reinsinerative mice., con-
sequently the prospects of the share-
holders of this se ogreesive institution
are higher than they were last Christ-
This company that has for so long a
period produced salt ot A 1 quality has
had a busy year, though they have not
made the oceans of money, the merits
of the pine condiment they place on
the ineeket should earn them, on roc
count of the price of salt. The reason
for low price is hardly get -at aloe. bet
one of the cases certainly is, that met -
chants, for the sake of a little extra
profit, will sell anything. hence their
are many inferior gt ades on the market
and less prices.
The Ilse of inferior salt in the making
of hut tri destroys our reputation as a
tattler making nation, for No. 1 butter
ran never he made when No. 3 salt is
That the cause of the difference 10
the price of Canadian butter and that
in Holland, when placed on the Eng-
lish market, is through the use of 11
f•tior salt, hut few will deny; yet with
II• fact before them there (110 trier-
, i• mtm who still continue to sell salt
11. •1 is 11n(1) tor making No. 1 hitt ter
1110 Kiline production of the N111 th
American 1*penile/41 Co., known as
"Rice's Pere Salt„" has 1111010 Gorier h
known the continent over as a promln.
inannfactitring centre_ and the
' kages, matt and pretty. eontaining
t pure lisle with the ivord -Gode•
ieh" thereon have ctiltier
t•sed Goden, 11 is •vldely as they have
11 Ice's Pure Salt.'
Geo. W. Thomson has Just finished
48(3 34(34)3 lirick. corner Maitland and
mon Roads It is charmingly de•
signed. rontains nil modern improve
menta /111(1 h1 neighed Internally with
nicely gr 1 med 11(1) ((('111 Wood. Thecost
was over *Volt
$1 A YEAH. 10 AD*4•13
Itiwo6v g-oeVath„4',wA
Building and Manufacturing,
.6, Creditable Showing or New Structures During 2808.
Ono t the most hopefilland ermines
aging igns' about Goderich the Pent
few -years has been the steady increase_
in building and the marked Improve -
Arent fn the class of struetues, partic-
ularly In residences. We gtee below a
partial list of what has heen done dur-
ing the past year, and it makes a very
tesPeetable showing. A meat deal of
work Os been carried on by other
builderlAesides those named. int the
press of their engagements at the pres-
ent prevented ',hely lists being ready In
time for this issue and 4841 1110 reluc-
tantly compelled to omit them. We
can only say that. such well known
builders (111(1 contractors as F. Sineeth.
Dan. McLaren, and inttiiemon Reid, each
report a gund season for -MS,. with ex-
cellent prospects for the coming year.
It is worthy of note that notwithstand-
ing all the new buildings erected the
hist few years, desirable dwelliegs: to
rent were never ararcer than they are
During the pi•esipt, vent this well
known firm have erected iiiiirly new
buildings in town and yieiil y. and
turned out consideiabli• rectory 11'11111
for others Glut emu not ventrecled
The list given below is n, 1011141111e, and
shotes (110 the resideins of W11044:11
and adnieent t owialiips have ilelet m-
ined that their dwelling:: arid out-
huildinge. will be in keeping with our
modern ideas of home einnf011.
In addition to the items Remitted,
this building firm hair co plot edrepri s
around town that would total between
two and three thousand donate; made
about 5.090 1)0)1(58 10)' °yawn ated tipples
for factories at Dinigannoti, Hayfield,
Lueknow and in town. and fitruiehed
sash And trietory work for about 20
bar us, andlanks for a number of wind-
mills. The lollowing is a list of their
war k, both. &Warrens complete and Inc
factory work only:
Ira Lewis, cottage, total cost about 4g000.
Patriok Lynn, 2.story brick, 31,500.
Allis MoLean, 2 -story brick, $1,800.
.aa. (.1 arriok, 2 -story brick, *1,200.
Robt. Sharman, 2.story brick, 31,400.
Stephen Stothers, 2.story brick, 81,800,
Shop, barn, etc., 1400.
James McMath, 2story brick cottage,
81(2,rp.t. M. McDonald, l story frame, *500.
Harry Rold, 11 story brick, 8800.
, A. B. Cornell, 2 briok honses, 31,400.
Hotel repairs. 13500.
Joseph Goldthorpe, 2 houses story
frame, 01,000.
John Elliott, 2 houses 2 -story frame,
Mrs. Bellows, cottage, 8000.
Mrs. Turner, addition to cottage, *300.
Mrs. Haley, addition to house, IWO.
Mr. Stahleker, remodelling house, 3700.
Geo. }label, Il -story frame, 8400.
David Wesmer, Il -story frame, 8300.
James Atkimr, li-story frame, 6450.
ltobt. Johnston, addition and repairs,
W. J. eordingly, repairs, 8150.
Chas. E. Shaw, repairs and now barn
and driving shed, 8300.
M. E. Parsonage, 81000.
B. U. Munnings, f500.
Ed. Stranglian, 8800.
Dancey, 82010.
Porter's Book and Telephone, and Hicks.
"'Nu ig:OnS350t0u.rily, new kitchen, 810').
Iternixialling sitting room end bar at s•
IledfOrd. *300.
ebipt, Lowson, remodelling lientels 1129j,
Re* Elevator, dressiest If million lett!,
and ineking 200 windows, door*" and
frernee. 111,800.
'• • •'
Wm. Acheson, repairs and thaneces
Geo. Ache/ion, repairs and changers, 1800.
Wm, MeCeughan, moire end top story,
Knitting Factory, repave and teiditions, •
00iBiLabloltia:euris,500Pr.eabyterian church. total
Londesboro Methodist church, e5,000.
t.: unnnenel,°11320M0
.etho dist church, repairs
Factory work for Mr. Herrington's home,
Blyth, 403) 01 house complete about 51,400.
Fuotory work for Mr, fovea' house.
Lonriceboro, utast ot house complete, shout
New front and mpalos Miss ldurray's
atoro, lmeknow, 8250.
David Cunningham. 2.story house, Car-
low, 8600. -
rockily work os follows .
Thee. Ilusre•y'a house, Aelifield, total
oust, $800.
J . Louie, Ashfield,
Mollturchy's Asioreld, $1000.
MoKenzie's house, Astitield, 81100.
15, 31cWi00ney's house. Arlifield, 8400.
D. Lawson's home, Dunlop, 3300.
ehOe08.An.drowe' house, Goderich town -
1p. 900
W. I. Wilsoree house, -Goderich town-
ship, SM.
DaVition's store, Dungannon, 1400,.
Thos. IL liarrilion's boom, Goderich
township, 3300.
Joshua Allan's house, Colborne, 1300.
,•r 4,4
344.0x, Strokin'hotiesiAlolbcral64100; -
51. Schwanz's house, Colborne, 1406. •4s
/I. S. Iloover'e house, Auburn, 3700. '
Joh.. -1";:aran'airouse, Ooderich scrarnshtp,
-" ...:MattelVIAN: • -
The following is a partial list of the
buildings ereeted and work done by
Edward S11114-1111111 491 1/11,j 1131/8. 11 is
chief wet k the pest. season was repair-
ing buildings and putting in human_
tioUti, and altogether he had it fairl y
hasy season.
Mr. Shit rt tan 1)11111 a fat in louse
the Hayfield !toad for Jacob Stokes ali
The 1111144111 wet k of nr 48 residence n
tV ellIllgt WI street for P. Lynn; the car-
penter work by Buchanan,' & "Mynas.
Plastering and building chimneys of
the stylish modern residence coiner
Lighthouse and Wellington streets, for
M i sa Lewis; carpenter work by Heenan -
a1114 & abysms.
Mason work of a house for Mr. Harr y
The mason Work Of a hotutie for Mr.
John Taman at his brickyerd.
The brick e (irk of n house for M
Garrick. Heron Itoad; carpenter 04-1.rk
by George smith.
'rho mason work of a house for Chas.
Mr. 1411111111/111 11114 1111 11A1111 t he mason
k for Dm 111.14 parsoimge for N'ir•to..
ia street Church; the c.o.penter work
to I•.• by 11•14•11/inaris a Rhyme..
1160e '
1)111/1 t 1111411 111111 a solid brick
Ionise for himself on St. David's 11reet,
31x4'2 2 1 lI03 high. at A 1•..':1 $LIM,
coni i 11 1411 on pug, 1:
3 ••k
3 -1 4 •
, _ aragie. t'este.• • s' reea
' 4,