Huron Signal, 1873-06-11, Page 1-P I V 9 - A L- R Y T �R r, 2,�N� vnqh lt� c", 0.4�jz. :0. twa anl 3:-g cucek rula- :-zro b-_-)yir,- a Frzme &�xa Z14 sh��.d W.4h a Cltebp aroi Z�e sz.-'zi Cbc—"Cl, LEMAN, LN Xa-) N. �1 tr_,t:� -7-3. 13Z4 SALE IELD. z L). 1 F% r Sale. :3 Tozm c` G b. X_ ce=a the C'ea-ed FDA 17L FERL74D �-,r =,_1 Su:veror For sale. RIA ��2 ezrcl ZT As'21=-, Lea3 4, t!�7 "I LO U_ S. -1A e7 0�� Lzc cezz--7:1 .-!n `1A :j[A ALVE a& 1A At Mys :7— C�M iIA- S G, cmi T11TIAL 4b CO. -4-hi4q, sad 36d ,a ok COUNon 3ftwage L pursuant to ranve Hol V� stilt insL Reelve �2 9 , iv meeting I peabfrft I -lie get; a f ewaX iff wpia bv 7 Ar EDW fit - T'"A (ESTARIJARED IM8,) 1011it (Ifilo LaWt Papers p4blished In Cluladit, woo hDfAtidalid published at ooderich. Ontario, every be au - .4 %ttICtOlki:6.31*ntre4l-Strc3t�,tdjoWtg th6maritat 8quara, by Pt iftl (lood'el Ari a a t 1�qyt§01-e Number.. 46t le Zd ofheii- J. J. BELL, or RDITon qD PROPRUTOR. -W -�7 V E AY. JTJND:)�. Mi I VOL. XXV1, NO. 21, GODERICII, "UM-41.5tiver annum. in Advance, $2 It credit 1. �,J 4 3""M - find in tim, Wiij 6'lliII f6inall, gr at fell tible-­ Dn6d -mio'-9k '3he,�,railwq frra thti city i6f:,JAmdon (NotboIn W;1rhT.1; oirder.�. n a Da,4v1s"PkILt the option,of the Publisher. filectingo. AIN UHOR LINE* hdifdi t9 1hgI , irep 1 1) M4 t6 thij stifi, 1 gold.". oottiad att 'gi i&p�ioiched"*-it-,:-ifi&,,"I ait t6i a& "S OF ADVERTISING: ir. ...*bat H­IieppbneiV� i Ha'*iii from his-pooketthd tinI by b tea morilliNall Everi�!Cdneikdny 6n.d his lustre of -hik 06:V66t4iod j0I !9iippbIisdA-wh%tAAnJAT4:h. p id.' of �H&Vpd-aord which Olive had tgurw i III aft(aikaep�exflng be- ish, as some-ihvsdfu1--fe&r within or: George Castle, ecoliftilbyTh6si K* g(MaI jar line for ow first fusrt(on And Two M000. PIA- V4,caa agut iWiortion. and Pattarday. id A To[ d him'inI th%billiard-room; Mit."It, k-� utt he rastlectliI iorZ�,�.snd sho ine for each anhoeq, Nothijit has hs]�paned, A"a '�the 6mnts W .herA To &ND FROM NEW YORK AND GLAS. ryS,, 81'(16 bV hate y4ki-' it, III g? ed belbid liar eyes-ag a pe wag to every fold of --her drexs, sh so, rinting be pald—Car- GODEMOR LODGE NO. 33 it it" 1151 1 not exceeding o lineal $4 par G. B.C., A. 0: A. Tir gi b1fitlebw-the =61'-�sthslipwar ogg.f or p ;tlia alterl. tw 0 oVel lib zoi6e4 itjl'�-diubtiugl�;* MII Pa4et , e bd� 4 , 1, AR111W.Tiftil; to 10 lines ss. id 2, � - -T A� ft. Cglinigat Londonderry tolland Malls aiI lofigha&s y6u, r hiitacei herkneawthlofi 4ed 'f�y !l !ad rneaaro,f bv A genis tf solid Nonpareil. lt� Was the eyentide,., --hur AR' Wbore-the brook wairflowl ; reckoned VI.gd 1, arily clutched his arm il t tho *Paco COMMUSTCAT . h Passeni, rx hooked. and forwarded to lig Mr. 0 11C. VWi 464bste 4ndf empty. Tit hold 6n thatirst WodfissdLy Of from ail Railway stations in Great Britain, Ireland herii momt he supporL HtI, %olibilerad, Ne wat e`d toiI Advarhat-mant,,% without periflo direetions, will month At 7-30 P; 31- Visitivs brathkI 11 hiI been un� he as- . T .1 win 4cordially invited. qe ; e Pa be in Norway, Sweden or Denmark .;&nU And the staa,were glowin' plied; sibtlie afternobit -Idbiuk b foellp a, , 1, . ..- - .1.1 � ". � ..a ,�7 W -44d'. - he walked to and fro, sometimes Strtal zmtll forbid, and charged accordinglY - America. as spredily. comfortably And tt a rop vrap igo MI* by-Goo-Auderson, _seuaa&4 by safely, R, _Lam laifit,146 W. DXCX§OT4,L Boo' as byany other Routs or Line. Wir.'i -Sfi%'Ua OlivI6 started to-1mr,kneenj aud'014' As c t -his -leb,4th Oh"pl giiZ 1131 - A doll r hg Dr. Woods, that a z�eulal grmt -of $79 12M aodji4 44ay. 15n. THE NEW DEPARTURE& 111T L hir,hifidly XI edat&im.with a her to Uppb -,but or 64111 4% holdin 'TURLY AomiII Frem6laugow. Vioza Neff York.' "Oh let my life," ow said, _rt-herspiawAlfbI 6014: Avigigg liary 'the, lipe �Df h tillo" rates will be charged to msrobants ..TOVWA ........ Mon., Oct. loth _i�l �l.Lqd - _-the Whil )i briglit �i "ho'JAA dl a [eiI in -jher �bu' 4 a bElOgo over the h which�g 0rU- as s 9 -if b; *X5 , no - II own ,it time he HI tightly,,c] left. htad� by the year.- or 9110, Pat.. sept. 28d.. 6ffere I' saicialte, �Gilttbii. side of he longer.:r6p4-h7W**Aist ' lt- wis iiot a ke i4 i her'- t;ep, e. -fought draw a lojag-)Pro4th of reuef 1II - 0 to,, K south at., 8spL 30th.. CAL I)ONIA..Ast, Oat. IlIs yed, -There T BOYA Olt, GMOCollmmn 15 -ear .................... 465 icL 7th .... ANGTIIA....'g. SaII Oat, 211 "Be like, you star. o�erhetd. UU .1- - 0' 'i - b. -rehi;X-ou'ld itrlWat,a iiI hQr to z b" 14"y__CII S9 *Z v Geo. wood -all 'the-:affernogn I Have you time t6i jillot4 ot told him kfio "no fieeai. 6 mantbA .................. t, 14th .... COLUMBtA...Sat., Noy 4th fhat _ aper -AnC Shining alonat ? Sir Hilton or -or his cireuni4f#kcfr, -so ha:lield hit pe�-c - u th6 wtito p Inonthe .................. 25 And every Wednesday and Saturday thfttaftgr soon . anyone 6," would III; lie foqght a 0 g4inef'a. ;Age, fdr In Urge eb't' 1'Qr$0P)4W'0%d 33 I yur. ..................... from Pier 20, North River, at ikoon. A brilliant life and par brDth or-. or. 'Wilfyot�rist h th8'7'-gT` ho.k I fition �s worif iihich4bld it: te Me* - notify - 6 mon ho ................. 1.5 a, ere oil Us,' lie onginiittbithourtto, xnAh 4w9v, terswas w t RATzs or F Ass4ov PAYANLE W Cultaxitcy, Its 'I haveebta no one but. -yo,' . replied said, III me run to Trawavas for a and droad '11 mnnths ............. 15 GRT'S ToLivXR1,oOt-.0LAsGO1X`oltDrnty: yqs. ar.going, seek.. in opt. doonh;4' what it, wai. , On fW inda_ f b last, as -the old qllI per laWled htr I oar .... ......... 'WRI HOTEL 1I F1aAT'CA2TX, $05 and 975, according-to1ocation Charlej Vigd, a littler evasively, . I Wifl- e!�rrrage?l lace. And A a monthq .................. 12 Cabin Excursion Tickets (goo4 for .12 noI A light that shall.endure, you not trust me, Olive T -will you not.- N6, I will trouble no7ove at Treivs. W-boyeria Ecv4: ial�dwoied �-_in tr4ft': the' -she �n A - iinwe4i "tv-,-Parn Intermediate. . 6,$28. 6pbuoiis, plit 'fhota le, and sI a months .................. 4 spearing best accomodation. $190. A beacon glowinx. va,' she replied. 1-1 am belter..' I c witlillI In its Vey con I ............... ...... 12 tell me whathas bappened 1'. WC%144. erson, W A R BLUFF Certifleatas at LOWEST that this -6 -d' ITUATED ON THE HIG Coundfdo'i. 6 months ........... : ...... RAFV Her calm sphere cannot kiI "Nothing hit$ . hippebod I' exdsime-V III now. Do leave me, Mr. Vi atispili 2"t, ID can be bought as i6Ws -SWI�h ves S Itod tar4ed iy iibva away. -11516wly, -tn6,-Itir .......... ... overlookin arbor, Lake and Olive, passionatel; . 'Why will you per- Bee, we are, close to the fiavelled 7To6id he 1 months.... the H berebv those wishing to sendfortheir friend Turmoil and stir; i house, an =z*iv#C1, roon�'sW Illbilgh meet at Mr. King's Bijt 1, an to the nrdinarr River- praftsissuad rayabloon prosertatlon. sist)in siying.so I' would rath'r !6 in aelorle. Promise � i 64 411 ses, - ull� Apply at the ComparI Offices or to Ag: -he 'ErSt Mon(UY-L4a july-,next At 2 Thin ymment it, to bo confined on h A 's strms break far below 'Then why hire.you.'sa distrestied:7 he t] ellw one 4hat we 6 In a icture 4uhung.-andstanAing 0,0109k, F ennjno�ijtl hanaes. and f ir ench it win Eli h ; -1 r. 64 met.' Ing P 0 oww - tl'� � 'w"a' went 'b" M" lit This house after beftia thoroughly t MRS WARVOCWX hat y AcatSt.Gode ci. Their reach not her. maid. 'Even'nawJoh ill: hal1ft Inift4a Auction lzalax. Removals, renovated and. furnished is now open vntieos. privata AdvrttAements of AM ,41 .14it wa 0 ImeliVidtialmembers of firrua, houses t4 lot OTfOr for the summer season for the reception GoderlI Oct. 28 11171 - Oh, happy lot, to shine your sobbing voide to 'speiak.. Thinking1thair meeting An A -.4nift' �d-h.tl 16iiiihifdei t 21�' Bayfiq fair �e a Salp- ta� 'of guests. ta wiI Oliv amlize � ooi��Q 0 ;df 407' So bright, so fair! .1ris words II CPAr iaVasipm I �6r 1fArfiitdWd. il��iavo ro 'it& V11- ep ,mmu o lit -Jtj:jftl�&�f ilI 46d1--d6Mf0 RWThe above rates wilt in all cases t e strictly Parties going to Lake Superior by very heart; she olbilubhoil her a o: real t yes"latIllis life of mine vieel -her behil-upoutbei 4dh.6zcdt#. theAfanitoba willfind thishouse Yery GoderichMarble w6rh gether, and ba a 1400 it i� 6 Tear., a es sit reamed 1ho-the lov' 1 6 I�_,Vjwitl�4erbana,,avd Atzhit pW,l ttll&. Isonsabould roazh the office by noeu on -IIlamero A4varW1j-1,quts Intended for ln%ertlon In any convenient. j Be like thilit star!" while hei frame shook *ith:adavulsive' should �reak'hiz w6id, 1141 �'Vd id"lulair. � ind, exim 6f, bfl� Jift'h6af 'aga, to- -Wbkb IPW? quiring rooma a I ­ , �, lit d, ff- sy ound of Ail tY6 6f6j hM T1.0 sy. Mingled al' 'ThII iiiiA' Olive �6oal) eb;o1limpoillia '*I Otdbi 'llif&L h p- Are - srplied� in the engage previou pUy 4h44ms1b,-ant1 Lage families re hould Bob. a with, thet a Meanwhile the other lay The lar;zscirenintion of tbo STGNAL makes it sly either by mail or tole- her anguisheilme the *,quick, inipati6nt Mr, Vigo.' all- h6l advertistu-, medium. graph. Low on the granst slash of the bell at Trewavab. She hold out her hAnd, and, A�41u llof the �'&I 6f -;his�;ypolh;; d6wned:ylth her trembling liml,44 by.- lotming -a A. urro u 0 the wal -for Aupport,4. "thted, -reoen mochar;�--�Rnd 'Oh, why will thek rhig I' she eied. earnest foo'k-, - hbr J. J, WRIGHT, Watching the water play or I 44% WasK OP ALL KDR03 Proprietor. 'I calanot go. in toianin' manner, A ff_gcted,",t a yohlil?, -Mid' hiall III p2'6A#1ftW9l1I. a low tone, 'Great Heavens, eke hau##', And rippling pass. 1 01 'Thai '.h 'd -of-these p0`1 ico-progrese.- wehowepa Coro Is it for you tbak ari ringing ihe "Ms- fi UUB Goderich, 20th May, 1873. Irro r_y., e, asp. MI - There -are too�!nazuy dow blinds; Imper -bi ­111te yo -a WL, Orders by mill punctually attend- "Nay, let me," mawered great bell to -day I' he sake& 'Let fas is they stood t ere 0 and - 1), buins,- Pape and hlii.st�pViiv�qulck iu r w6fhcl,3 "Be like this broo* k assist you home., Sorely 3�0u. are befter the echo -of' f 6us ga opin re was, a ttiI yx -$wift- as thquig an -least inI VI ;hV#4q4:h7m an r BRITISH EXCHINGE HOTEL, That fills with woodland glee in the house -thaa heire.' Made 6n the cliff. 1,will- �tell:Zleinlat'l �oriiko. niani of sket��eq -1 U ..-&s Ilk do - MARKET SQUABS a6DEaII This quiet nook, She rose anassistedr for she did n6t 'ThaI horie Wall. Tr&%yest' ex-' have, saft III cruillbig' them CAPT.W.COX, - PROPRIETOR Its hAppy life it hides touch the hand he heldforth. claI joing N'0.' ' 'Who -`15I tides I& the hall eAily,, re*was, WeA 1h(m. ga�hered_ iu her -drim, an exchango­vejesm- thgi& LATE OF T119 HUROX HOTEL, Scott Vanstone CO -1 Almost unseen, 'Yesl she said, Ion are right. IW him is goiag:af a trimendobs pc1 TowIate-7_pti alre. :Hilton re6m i4th clb s f better go home. . They vill. wait dinner trust there is no 'one ill.' _1"d_Wh@ra�ioX6suor1 ,I�ilegolie!up--aoor-ibftljrbehihd,her� these now. wheels, uhich have -been TO INTIMATE THAT THEY HAVE But where its current glides for me, and Lady. Trawavas will be He long remembered the look bf to. dress I HermothokbacbelonAuxiob %; i:�! -10live!x tboih n tim "II 'mraw,fivdii I& icleo time, Nr. _1q1CTXoy8oM continuance of the favor and support At the BI'Paaed a branch of their Kincardine a'& face, afl&-tho lasp of hersma;U dQ Af0t; kqDp k6r.out XQ -lataVain, HilJr-had tim-whidba. ..-Bluth, Commercial andTisvelling publiethat was accorded Is 1wighter green, angry.' iv 'Don't annoy yoursilt for that, Olive,' fingers buran g1kis ton. both opi4ed *ith a. caiiement;- bat 06 --These SuftGE01% DENTIST. bet -,he are, p4speptally solicited. 1334 JLq3LI CUT INC We'RI&I All living thingi 'Let them wait ; and perhaps III not seen Elostil be Jig" said he. You forget we are vnIclo Hill,' pho -onili lvokiilg'vest on he.:keII u 01' residence, West Street. Whereer it flows; not ringing for. you; som a -a skk ad I- art they ars aid, with ly smile. 'A. canter offtdilnou stmw opek, alse d a other Adt Wewvos. onvereil witLITailiagplants:and fi ii Three -ao�Drs belov Bank of Montreal, Montp to fellb 1, lo old -timd of Air. A. M. Johnston victoria at., Among shairp, rqeka* its voice member of -the family may be-miniug. I echoed here soinds.like a gaUop of ',She left the to,wglk* to thafeven xhoii att*1d"1An,it asse by �J% Fres- Goderich. Goderich, and will be aVe to supply jw�� The War grows, Olive Rlance&at hini hui-riedly. Death on file jaW horse. Do not be tb o 6nlV,. a pleaffaut. trellix-work-of - ek4ii suid -65,i�r faytons. 91 10h,no,'sho criad--�-Ithaj* sre�ringjag aliLrmed; ifd'ill Will iiiiliTrii*avas 'I was thsrq_g_1lttle after fiy.e,-.�nd intormilloidTwithAslolisO&I niign6 vzi� -yr -4o JjffitTJj1jjc ofp&Fa 4tusfaiked is have a. _*espI Tombstones, Evermore hastening Van . ad saw n for mej only Me, I sil"rtain. Let us. ',Nevertheless, I waited uittil. -se- othing of myRie, und futhiii, Thi a It her ittota,* " D o*wn to its rest, -mike haste.' that i;oinqthi�g it wiI �II -bharle (hadtwb-d6ois MONEY TO LOAN f gling on (GrAdtiate of 31 ralvarsity, Moutreal), Mantlepleces, Sills, 'Take my srm,,OUve,,' said dhorles Vi 'Let'ma go . ou'v . rihyd.,� her grind -as SEA.FORTH. AT LOW)RATES OF INTEREST Window Shineing and glisteiAiag, gO. . " I' Trbwaiwls' I 'Ion 06mmunicatilog--Avth M .=Xt- (Uf.-; the into a hole in-itoccutro, underlapi Blessing and blest." Vigo. .,No, no;' Y��. wA1.J6oJW -$In a, look�scffu hbuse; the -sum spaper fJFWCEa%drezIdenc4-Ou doorsouth of Itoss, Aons ttilI * But this-doori appkrsI wheel, orkisk-Is4ow foilI undcra to 'a &C., &C., &C., She took it, but only for a moIluent, witch,' sa4d imlikiII V bo 46L-1 streac, sad, pposite McCallum HOLD Permanent Bul in a ; nd to U-. n the best st,; Is of workmanship and on reasonable go the is 'striving for her hand dropped suddenly by her f or t t 6 b 001AAA.' 'Nd', s'6XII - Ii of that feki -hat' lihil -toitu'reaSir ti�ver;aed�.vm.,miwk?4d'w4hiu-thaTu6m preEsuro ot tirn liviQlted and fiftV tvas, WarthApilI21rd, 1117a. 1367 say gs Society of Toronto. teML side, and sits stood still. ness, no slaiii�, bvu clo*Z -Thus,' wiii �,,oa',enteipd into a st4l- tireI lib a one-half inch For particu GAVIN STUTHERS lit aoble strife, apply to the Othe 'Hark! Do you hear. anything?' she Far6w6ll I Aail�u b-INj 1, 'TAW tdr6d of the-s.erva4l",!;ytb�spirlt;igtii B.'at Itst beiral upp�lt�lr5litr*cumfercnco- Two A.. -99d1 A. X. ROSS. And r ii Wing "Said. care of your kind rn ter.' lie Asked; for theaboltedn, 3Dr. I 4OL30 Agent. aim Ito& thit Ira bi at home for Consultation. up to 11 Agent at Godarich. eaderich 17th JU13, BW03-t i�i 4eirly" 9'11 the 4& 4 A peaceful life. 'No, I hear nothing,'he replied. She ran dorri tbe'sl.4.pa of �he - hill 6hu- It"' boL, tered the-rMm, - The former- *:ap lh"gT: t _atho_tK_& keep thopaper f)XIIII Will visit patients d at as SecreUry and Treasurer, voice calling wards*Tiewavis ilii rIldon" 5116 11 th AelJ*e*.4tfe1r1% dr off -11 -all, 11 hear it ' she said -'a -an 111teel y h3ar aftervrards, night or day. 4W CHAS. ROBERTON, me, Oliro-'Olive 1' .1 have heard it all great bell suddenly chfiJea `d't a, her sin�e she quitted the holI tio tifi'jos 4an the Toronto. 1343. i sats these hours.' lisInding'tho'borom n is "Good -thus ie-ndered. inoro elastic, a quality of 43-.G. "Ofive Varcoe.11 7ed )n r b - th IMPORTANT NOTICE 'My dear Oliva,you are ill ­,you are far ' r the' 'the wood; or i-:yiporl'isA(stdi* 11611 lhi -ances as njp & nth e Eiyslc7A�.i.sunaEoN,,&c;&c.,Goderich.Ont- ec import _. -61 'elors. 13-40-ly excited,' said Vigo. 'Thoroja not a this i -east- excUime - 'or cah'-A'h sib isiptoaI The 1116ca�,Ms Ve et -Oh safety and com MONEY TO LEND t . . . C11 TI�. te, of trZy -Ameri- toc, noa,* the -bliff, on enteelfil'r,* 'tri -e - 0 nX own - ;, 7 . - B i 1;1_� eve MI soifnd in the wood. Even th' bell has tend thrm_liyink-:� , " d, � -idvrfam� ovi, 36111 frd oAt Greatly reI Rates of Interelit P. -R. XANN stoopm now r hM Aftcir .04"te'a'sWitt 'sg�X '116 raos- t --so �q Ding tim 11M.- III ttill.,Lroo MoT�EGAI4. . I she' 4": II lmrfU 'sWes"tfulled d has any amount of mersy to Has it stoppeal r asked. why on, which woul.d have -admitted tried t - door, to W-, erely 156b the contrary, shi his cea:ral School. k with, pr A;= House Sign Carriage Pointer The shapely arm thbI b la - P_-tide3co third donr east of to firteen years, at a low rate of ea the has it stop�ed I Geed heavistils why h -as 711c illf#iiq elivy Interest and favourable terms of repavment, ilyable- way dropped by her side, dod`tayjng.up the she byys-LrIviastatments; rate otexpenseswill defy bell;tprd T' M the Usaft. 6f *6 over, w o iWit6lied Sn Me) a Or "ESIRES TO ACQUAINT THEPUBLICTHAT llv -' *�%M a , oy'm pulling it tamelihat y *b - 13P. casssaay. IJ he has fitted rp a shop on North street next to th6 cord again, and id Charles Vigo h ihord irl� in fact left it in the morning. Flndi�ng bout to sumpeiAhis McGill Collegs comretitan. be-li t1ee Wesleyan Methotlist Church.with varnish room listlessly through her lingevs,'Olive Var� 'how nervous yed-are ! I dare say Sir of bat - 81kiP, re eon., it kinly attached wherehe is prepared tefiliallorders pro braI th� Ill _iastou4, Ae- �pl cl, slightly life in lI for the patron ilton or his brother, for whom they are glo6ifij. e6lip.es. A 'ad 'dYih bill iuitiih6*W1&'ArX a, e an -glea,mink lake, ringing is come in, and. I suppo Mi is' d a --ftY ba;t roles, HYSICIAIN.SURGEON, kc.. 011ie,% Hamilton HORACE HUT03T cote moved slowly Away. ' I�q d6'o. cl street. Go4arich. Ontario. SwIO2 tlyand at reasonable prices Thankfu W6 the sbft Hi gor-pp- a A -airilt side, swoAoR#a.,,;b -the cultivation of so—' Yf6bilithir k 'd im-lips. When he P AL ppir-ittser for Me Cansida Per - 4ge ot the last I years soli(its a soutinuance of the :lope, to the edge of 'the roso uto, stop Ills? nift lailid4int he manent B11111ding &4.4stvings he went with measured I 5d, and, then wintn with ariinea hip eyes,* 16' He hesitati yqnr ClLtterS t1hon, still skirting the bri4k, with the a tinge of bitterness in 1(is tone, again H `had bi,Rhh.` Ittlid But - thill bell ;Dlit K,874 I&I -41i hem &REUSTZ11 AND A-rron-13T-AT-LAW, AD society. of 9rorouto. Now is the time to Faint. v? I b hem of liar robe touching' tho shining It Will say it gatesllp,turn 0 'WA�ds_in .1ad gh I or-$ A e he Coaniv Crovrn Attorney, 9d, and asill# P �Ahq 14.,t4f, t 4)V liough G-ydertzh,Oz,% Office ill Coungonse. Sleighs, and Carriages. water, she �Psed out of aight III the they consider you too- insignificaut a it, ahorie'realy on Idt' bii6ilir hiat4muboxiI W0,-roQm,;4_@6., CJ Ano"for. I)o :ero le an surum o ta, fe leafy brairbes bf the streaked her a -a and person in the household.to %ablis _AII lo a INSURANOE CARD. Irorders from country Carriage shop& attended rns bon hair - 40 g if dno bUffiep aw n iio CA=6I 3z The 8 is spot for the totion-mgfirawase to �rith diipateh. eeping beach. v,ALq jrhi4mo, you know, Olive,* Wat for our szko I siniii�a,wavealitirium4l'io-h!*,aii via, G# irp V* will Q. A:c. a OtJCITORS IVCHANCERT. no= fes Sign Paintini, Gilding, Graining, Glazing, rape, To his dving day Charl' SwIIIII'y 9r �&;a PHOENIXelf C�o , often hate them.' rt ri&1lll;rd E�� fifilouin `lh b1pure ove or ,0I Go�jerllchi Dging, &c.. C. 4, * - - " a 11AIrII. or Harttord. never forget the look that 9five VArcoe 'Do nbt hate the only friends I h In the !ever of iis I iik avei _,j Jose X In QW, S.Uppoung ey �re RiI the "Arep Of 1141 M C_ CAUX303 W15: J. T. GAAnow- wor as 41 ir Welsh far er, who, out II CIA L rf Toronto. F. R. MANX ased the gr eniward: in -the only people wholove,m�e,' 'he herailently forlhat Iii6abr, aI I _0 a 111"71" 4Misted Cal- 0'-'B#d Z0911 Ag BRITISH AMPRICA. at Toronto. -V--- ]ES. z.. ndw-Y MEavine business do awl loaI a 91reIrn- Uodeiich, As?, 15, 1870 11 am a - Wild, wlolieil n6grotefill 'Nith -$6 n nir at the I in said. - lifted _lilI g r4r -,.Vaunt ..SM lowest possible raVs pas io IIII& Play- girl Oh. how I have repaid-thII U ARp.tsTM )LV0 ATT61tTET. SOLICITOR- al nic, grief, her'w�ite h tyt Ld. T 442 Id. y;U NpW in t ei- d tio 8 ',to 1a_Chsnfm=_&c_ God c14OM& 1867 with the crimson rope bar black l hay n1ways Wei the causs'of hitre garden. rig - 13 late in 'ha set a HORACE, OR110N 71011V rao- Ah, figure. ing away. I shall never sea could SII XL Ch2ac!erV. ire. GoderLdi. W plug reaf 44*944 W i6ttla 'Market Square, GndqFich. OPENIED OUT AGATIT. dress clinging sombrely 6 her fitin, bitterness and -hin., 'And' 6_-� U) 'to -staki, 4:;1flard'II 1 0 -AT-LAVr. Office La`M thiI -- I TroaxzT Oct. 243th 28" o. &364v. The sound of Eleanorli 1aoqnd-A4q.' takru 0 vu. )II Far - an itsh all"d 5 it for this von gave way to isuch 'at " PA ql� ad him in his amilbush Al A . , . . u d that he had listened, lie . r c ept 6 ken distress, Olive r he said. Do You The Zovire I§d�t- itc�cia oh -thil 49, isi ot lI iletitty- I— .� Irr F , &m. Goded a 1U,. - a ave --b. away. indee loved Trawayals so deeply I' overlookingatilijifieltiiiid*��" i 'tli' CHAS. SEAGER, Jr 0 ]1 on FAR36- or TowN property at 7 per Vige For hours youn io an4eiiII in It is rAy home, my only home;� she. bay, on the silvery., 4glistenifik spjids: of Ift -o- pt at geA y. this she beat h6.st.ep the 0 at Crodertch. Dee. Ist.1871. IV. Tcent. Applylo the wood. E a Idiew Ilis, replied; land I am drien out ']Kr.' w ich the wv,6s. broke' idII G. CAMPAIGNS, Solicitor, &r., steps we . re not tending lone 'est p sa P W. mt. SQUIMIL. Oct.300.011 41tr Goderleb. he, Vigo-4riven out like Cain, to wAhd6r TAG Cliffs here -Vaim i7jpass: Of fi) _wzea4h;­thr!'ug.,_ wz= mine-. t'@ . IN mixer�bly on the earth il -,;rhoZaendioi� ing it '-t4qqeb4-1 '604 Nt �bl&sotns, tbroagD.-thepemiiiit�ftl'clxwI was scarcely conscious w Arbutids,alino'licl, laurel - 'I - -Ltw, soLici. I 6oh-164 W%11'hod j., ATTORNZV Ar His heart yearned � tow Olivie. In 'No Olive, II he returned. 'My h4wthoin, clung to 1ho.tocks, and- fidug sW at� �OfAhq liked With 141- or - 4iia'devil - d _ -4 4.0 B"'T' sit 116 com- tor in Chaneery Market MONEY TO LEND a of her faults he loved er 4nd, he house'awaits Tgu; my' home shall be. their Sewers in. ldzurfob� p*fdirloli, tifitilf, "t7igatil glailceit,peemeastr4 d liniflid'stitit _!o -lptorp -, Of5ce, over J. C, Datlor Ccft Em a ge. bef6te'sI r6p6 4 -vinat at t _men. in the ar�"e-Ad. com- I love my �vsr thq a - HT PER CII SIMPLE INTERF.M t - longed to fold her in'hio yours. I love you better that ho,T�a.b�;I iu4s6tzhonW4n it.; Square, Uoerle!L 'AT zIG nlingl ' lit -thei"natural 4&i w,'blit Anq win id*ith- diI , -k ' for 5 or 10 years. Intereeb repayable either fort- her. life! Oive 'me your hand. Tell me- , Availingh�raolfaf' p 45 tn1lIlI'_ eazlyorbalf-yeasly. App, II one, :b1tici0elft4ho wavaltwhile. itaki insI IMTKTMATHERS, 'Sbe is sorely tried,"' 4eapiio to himseI that I may hoye— -of the placel Lady Trewav" had turned Wk� H St. Helens. softly. 'It is a bard thing 4o to driven - Olive gazed at him with sad eyes. The iho face of the cliff . into a garden. t&`li16fa4-'n6 �6t Ct, ifinor- -for, three.linuI and *hmtuu_,wol51dng W CH.II AND CONVZYi:,;CING.. from oi Tre It' bf thd gikdefl` O'WiT -neiththefaintray-4iho &ui4asormoRn.­d,,y,,, - an L OMeeat Dixie Wau*,a'*, 0elicial A-migner. rie's home - by a itt-elnger. - favered excitement of bar maTtilet! seem- Windih& walks climbeafrom thdbeoa qTer t, in 'jar ay�i; - f -0 -. cl6abli the pi A@n toned bato calmness. to th6 `jari- above; nd � :mid, - up, 'glanced, wt)iih'th6 room With'(,s Thele'Was a wonder'ful '160k, op. average 4 Godericb. Ont. wavas might have spared �er uch a ad atiddenly chas way. y to, ho' lib-0iftild'yn 00-enineto "fsje.j5Lj]iI# 0II a look deIdpatii1j; 11,14i trial. He has acted wittio it a6t. and . 'You know not what you do,' she said 9yerhablgifig t Is. t46 ledie of tea, W& JV lKenvilma, MONEY TO LEND. delicacy. I was sure West, Idw Voice rock whiWirsaitibiI -the Loveis' Whe swu#gAeOf 110Aig(e*6111I ifi -grief as slie s1dwly iunied:.hen ebyes Shia' a A not love in as 61 _SbaI - An irbou�- had bee n foirmad aii -aua i -�rauah:- of p"Idn- roiI t1lo, on him -a fellow all family pride and know right well. Oli ve,' he replied; SOLICITORS,&c. ON IMPROVED FARM 1-0- D be my wife.' tliere, and tkaI pl�ta "lillihr- All flower,-_'stiiied tuppet old familiar fillings. would' �seem_ a -9- &a Cl=oa, Oul. W35 worldliness. Of course P).eL,boul4n't, -I am asking you b X0240Y TO LEND. perty, at 8.per cent simple interest - , I With all my faults and sins black'on aroundit, 6n thiss e -ougb,:b7_WAXW9I%4 A: like him; but then it -was sa,:�jeifactory to -*hidh agaxatt tb:a � __q. if before she haa only soon them With �n ( rdining okill,-cov-eted' With irii6Gg 4 -Alli Asew9-11KIeft -Ae said,in a it stood was7. -by -A th e,tw a ViSion,- gfid�1110W Was looking Du Friand,.'pl4yins ar per annum. Applv to hear her say it. 66, me, as they are this d4 I' those were ter ga; - e'- 4h therwwith�tlw sivekened of the c#me, and ewkya ema iact- I 41,,�ys iold tone of constrained -quiet. with.4 mass of flowers. a s66, i*ilt Me a 1LfdFCN SMA]rr�Tal SAMUEL SLOAN, d,._ d souT' this 1) �lia� 4J At con. w" EtCffnZ4CT.&...&e,, COUP.THOU%S,sQlTABZ Colborne Flotel. DOUGLAS XcIKENZIE Damorel there w 't ig ese I'Ves,lazid he; Iforl am rotignoran't, Froni oint streitillief Goerich. Plaa4 and Sp24d8wions drawn 1338 1 -views ut i--opurg; 0 a ov6 A Goderich, 8 th Oct., 1872. Thus a6meti"s nd I 3,�wn eats Olive, that you have Nulls, but *iY lov'dliest A�pjra ge Cro be c Wd silvery-pheet of P by* tfilk-istftli�ie Abe bpked- tho-, 0or _c9ligh co 1�. Ca olasterers' and 31asons' Watchmaker & Jeweller �aZ ter*;, In �rf;( 1pamnd va ad. deceive him.. all fiam ycTir poxitioilL You fia,4,bien below Was the 4 I * - a Vv shirp golitl , andpassed Nyoug -it;- 11 admiia her he continuA jI afid li profid.stged� you It the illay 66vi - -shuVin',bY, "t Iowa never lI for %tended film in the III S4W .and to anft=t_ttnatT1Lebas removed to the 'She won't accept anythilI Jhbta, *Oo 'wine _h XetrlI jlbalaidi, wl&hlike W t4warsopfa. ere were c 111117 u niolp t ea ;;,Ys oun, III coiI iia sti II 'Fo laf, 4dvahlsal� theli p o- lisurance. remises on Kin"ton Street, formerly occupied an why should she I Boa.vigb IIA41 n y will be, * other ad " lhle'b�j 4f Ti I In 6if old li use : A. Sal n by a Ifeed, and directly oppoI 0. & � 1'.ba her ijositio on an on eyms -_ " - -a r a 61 dt -,btolpw� Avg en hand all kirAs of 83shes, Doors, Blinds. home. Whowants p4anTky'_,bf.0ir Honored, respected,-.1heloved, 4my 106161i 'Phithestre of billi 'and ivapas, tho, bltio,, And:,6fibbf- ese litild —!f6 Council 10i Crab a re ch be W 111I up In III class H Dressed Lumber, at the Goid- -99 tlaif�" , i6ii-*itholivt liorsuint to iaj6urtiffiint, hi Wn Jamf style w 16 call bpecial-attention to the money I XQt the vi ritaal. 4 it, Olive, you irill show yourself but- 91W, the, passing birds, the cbsiligi I.' a, OW -To RarlI wardly ai noble as I know you to be in- -shadows, of the' &K.2 I ey mirrev r `-thid ih7kn'Nud@3�ttP*� - Hall. on TaII May 20. All thk Inello- kA; -bronc1d%TlI 1pul- ericj=Tir d ' all I RAI ilf Which an ap u a �pR ItUSSELL WATCH shall care nothing new. for W & . , _!�� THE LIVERPOOL&IC)NDON viat,' This4`t9rcaai,4ss--U r- 'ad iovi'a liquid ;&et of, luo:sm * a -b 0 y "61' at wardly at heart.' n erg. el says. It in my duty top" the pres- rxtt- _ T R-qvy9 jwA9, 1*gir... juousgy orZaus.'491a V, P .he . forthe sale of which he is Sole agent in Gods sniall, rich. Olive fired ner gaze on his face, till It W ;&ddl d; t 6,,fd6t 31inutesof rre and - II Cents iest of-afimmarday.3, wheI _F& C ill --I a.. a �'M 'T i W A. M. CAMPBFLL AND A large stock of Waltham. Merlon, Elginandgwiss this point in her life. I ba s a lov'sly alwingoit of tha-l' VIA GLOBE 6' 1 4- � 'Pete bbx� Y. Watches In Gold and Silver c4ises. go out into the world fig liar eyes filled with tears. pprqve ove , y to. Igh6r, I Veterinary Surgelcm. AN I ea at 4TlI W -M, 6 kd�i, 'it W ito '--seconded by P. * 9. - Gil a -tut , fla-_ : He has n II large and well selected stock -of as she talks of doing, brave a in 11 shall never forget those words'as -paI with hit' ri iltD & 3=81= of Colte4l UnWer fly, Ith%ex.- NOW 'er 'lung as I live," mom 1�4 "k 'bor annti&Uy-pezdorsnt-d�,pti'i;icle F T 30'VV"30 XA Xi"M 3E7 -LW No, mine mint be the rudif to a a she Wd. --A int ontis and sailed across the -bay tower 9 i6nd f a u 'in tatute la Yo;k am -1 Graduate of- Ontario yeterinary,; -a -T i - Alne 9 Apt). ago, Mr. Vigo, and I was hesitating the tovers' 96 V. The sea was azlift the dri*er v 18, JbetvWpil CoHcge. I&ENIDENCH, VABNA. Awallable Aggets, 027.)000,000- or A, kind, wilch fia will Stu cheap. her when she quits Tr4wavas. t, %61 yap, sorap -Thus, in solitude, with tho c ra t1mei-1610dyeri- tt ti- c5 Will visit Bayae-d eve* daturday. 1313302.1 Losses paid In tke course of TWAY-SVO years RMpAELING DONE AS USUAL. 9119- whether I would . snit6h, &6 hope,safelty, rgipos, the -sky a oapg.bire, the b t* 4eAr on -neesoien. liuo�botweete, Iiit 114 JUII 'A- ut lUing t Itam :L ingi ih? f ils : ZY'kth* ots.20 and 1A, and t1tht wifi.'VoiL itill, ceed A CALL SOLICITED. ing to him brokenly, andhonor, in your. hikie, and�give you' Came :from the so ­'�-Wbefk I ions of happiness, an( I -tc FORTy MILLIONS OF I)OLLARS I I d n s: to his in return my cold hand, aDd- my for4ed with slaoft rushing sound, while. he look -ii a& as pdthniaster- otalyD A&d 4sy aul Ight it .T. T. DUNCAN-S V. S. D. McKENZ.M. ' #ex gratitude. No, I will never do you, that a Jaired - the - ifides of' 6nd. - -As Wirt: P.-S.-Catighle I fa+h I --broVal of his ripple of the Wave father's approval of his mifaialike illier il - 6ri GrADVATZ 07 OVEA810 V`Xrft1NA1L'ir COTZEQZ. Godexich, March . 28th. Ira is". Vigo turned- from one nariI ith into :grsat - that luting wron' *iINII $lie that by-law NoI 59 ipg% AKA. Ya Claims by- C)1ITTC..0kGFQ ]MIQUIE edi- g. I will never the little skiff in loving, to 40010 the 00 _y -Mind "' ' - -' 1-N ' ' aoX "stadv OFFICE AND $TABLES, mated at nearly ta,000000, - being another, plunged dee&r.afid 0 be tq you that basest of the world'i Oi- whibpokings -of orvaddifoatilIg 0 *1 n air.. of Hay, oryorsoa acting under. r with it. ow * aigat 4 '_ 40f I _hw NoTgato Street, vmh Bonso, Ent ef Colborne liquidated as fast as adjusted wrrHoUT I)EDUCTION. I urlovinIg wife. But, Mi. V ig ilovI Vhis�vat e- t ilt-drtbill6lea th6mv t6 Itake materiaCt lVa i -Or 6� jgcglty, Prompt Payment, andlelberalitY in ;nd- 'to the recoues of thewood. ceits, al o, - wards from -the c6ol ivives b for T ment of a �&Rd paming 6hly two Toorns olrlt�wayi on's P'alrLng roads - be i(tad a" fii-stiftne-4 04v� Its losses are the prominent features Of Once, he thought, he h I, a cry a you shill 66 iny friend; and maT HeST0111 ivith the jouilig ot * was calm . -Was �ohtlmber; 11he U6151iqie N. B. -Horses examined as to sound- this wealthy comrany. Jim tl d 111 -6 se a *hich A& bed riea.Moy.ed by W=_ II jievQnd. -z*qLbftR Whtgi atalim-bas UCIES issued with vPTY �!by-! ;ii keep yott'from dishonor and'disI in fair and amooth i th I So 111I Of iiain. ISIS- FIRE and LIFE PO wild, solitary dry; and star 1 19 , - f -cbmink_s�lI - oth jejw - efor tlte - kure, of' CARR WORKSm str&pgo sound' oetnion$ Ab '.4umsper thenams, sailed; and the iurmir o eil by P. 13. Geigher, thatthe suln of 1AGE hig-rdoin. Betli theiIh#ntII exlt be. cranted.to he followirig path: neurg' gi - ita I eyes, fixid �on, his, bahtings urf-on the aoughs, rhouE 42� lllliunmcr� PA.TENTS Head 02m. Canaft Brawh. X021- leaves, - he'stopped to lisWhi lit:it: Hai mournful Tow, like the of the surf rdac ugglats the..; thrill bid- *bir the ;6rdifiarr -#WftaI 0�ld asteo� to usAist in graveling. viz; VIIII Sold by'jilDr- ' * TRZAL not repeated ; and deeming - b, 04 Charles Vigo's heirt witli a shore, only reached him at inteipbj - Ira 1 FOR INVENTIONS of hawk or herons he wandelI a in, strange skony -, they* sI of 4 dospidir',- a, fainily. t Thus-, dijuly:-�did­he - feel the 'iiblone' &eei 49nt4o`-0a7fJI 10 th'sdl by IAmmie, &., Wm.' Case, Ili M hIe G. &.0. SM11 H,Xesiden tsocretary) I .- In And WhL Wilittock to,gote29z. amid the s�ngsof birdNi ind &I h a grief, wh.ich lie dotad ot mcaff*' danger Of,. the. circUltustanc6s pbr bottle; r,,&x,&v9I0 USLY & PROPERLY On the whole hb 'waS tranq*�111 pazi,dd'her dWn Novsll'by m. 0� -who ininmetablebeft. I i. . . :� Uri. created. VV rrick, mecon by �P.:, Vrn see=ed fa caumb, te United States and III Wad the R. Giighei. that the sum of $GO be oaut- 4L. X. ROSS, Agent for Godenab ind Be ba -'198i sto�ping�'ind I -now w oep�ned.I*to qs there no, hopi, re 1'--,hi� are ff pppmea to k jist a6rts 4heir tend is- ed to improve therroado!n.&vision No- il t I t : P ATzSTiamateedornoebarp. 8sn4fbrprfnt­ At length the wood d I lit ti -a gigain. d sib lofiso:mk sip -issolutoly, Let me' toinptaI --joldo i i i ti f0I At the do?T. Qf Ws..00 paseg gloom TQ n6i malit L p fg ;L urqhw 19ar�e.Vs Condition Pedfn�lI Agenzaytaopirztfo�te*yssrs. ToroutoLife Assurance aud the evaning. Is Ao*g lo�ua inq 2, viz.; thb sum of $20 to open and dWin m6emwhile,-1 will. !be, y6u her 16 Then killi 4sit; Audi If a. ;�,tblesla the gravel pit cn-lot No. 20. Con. .2 ; tho HENRY GHM, his path but the he folly of an imorudedt, �w teabil. Xqtl�'A I doii,aud ArabilI across Vulafr6tathisimn if ih d 13ttaws, Canada, ',ad; friend; your brother.' Oh,'Olivo,'01- lesnofliiiif by the dozen and feea 1.1 bi� tW!r- hoises Tontine Cojnl)any. home and fiom comPWO �ip, JAW I' Thbire. Aum �of &0 to make -A oulvI on lot So. h Id, ive I' o1cpvW, r meebaxest Ineneer, goliz-fterof Patento, and rhol6hoiu6 4-Titevirktak t" It* �' Whilit- him 86 to ho 414 * W.Kel @-of filiproyfilk tweiv con- ari*ingli0ibrell'th 23 .0oA, A-. and tb4 ]EL AW HEAD OMCE TGRONTP, Je 9bert )U. iste'r dition, rpas , always domv-,rDacrs -tho d4oi :n� John Fra el5viehtoiassbt in O*T. a ill n A, fan hii�%'s ir-1 He utterly broke down,anclhid, hisfOA* wjj' toa. aia the ntiteill 'WAS She tri6a bich 44 :PUB] mone In e p should profit by their,cmamplo -R-cmem- -or might not ba'pai4ed, 9111 HANK THE' 61b i8*061tito b1� d fQgaa TOT I so,"thifik rig f tom, her; diat sh tudo. ..11111601000 BEG's -of -by his -grief. the1*8ttAy with vilifif� czttlofla,touo -graveling-JOarried. Moved'by S. it -un. her -the naine, afid, see the signaturo of With libarty - for the liberal,- istronage sb�or Jbid 450 w-dI666th: to, incrasso to h&W& Million "Yes, -be i� friend, my biI jhe' 156if 'As it o 111f4tYr][40 10 AGA: with I darious u In "d thi'sdf0Vfnd tolier haid. PPn-* nie. gedonded by P.- 8, Geigh6i, -thatilic - Co.- is piavach packpI Noxth- to -the massive oak Xoi Sam of ell3be gmuted toassigtfo ai 1. in the Test and to � aunounW.that he cheerfulne and �t a 91 paI gllaid:& Hurd& in the .4 e 15 a QJRg- P, & Tjymau; XBwe"flo" 0a, he still carides on and. the saidi taking his. hind in here-- IiI h m at BoiI gi 0 rl� MM� IDABNES in returdirg A .--411 paid ckn iL -inusicol =&- suppdit, tii libriolf, it &,low vdici ingin divWon No. 3; -tobe ex&uded"by. mount called iti, 25 per etnt -tell how soon I may put ye" a .00 . ...... eel As h Istood thus ift;the wifi ur 11 sold ky 4;npc the III iii� 6fod.doliGA, and Of ilgWsl; .!1 &64; "a following pathmasters, viz.: Tbs�'ph, to,4#j friAnds in Godarkli for pat up. al 6JAp6ni so MOrU . f1d 0i CARRIAGE & SLEGIH - MAKINS, iftudiI the . wobdfvro .,�s he ',tiowto the toit.1- A I ...: onlin lava-uda �ta give'Losigam on the Pism- sy cffAzTz TO KO'To 'Es in all its- branches, at the 61d stiI 'earar4fid" Oli f lato'll, 1110AIIII Rbadb�j thormim she is z6V. n"bi 10 'and i4e, in.-All-libinP, Oliye,,: i=. Heaven I Q'he W rad r 11aso Sitreiik, *16(", jkou balp to say that ibout him; there: biI 6 _ A '-I AND grj&t,-boI on %hallInd tat buter,thaii yatniaiir the iihote,drew- $16'j Pster Ro ilizwos; *heil III =ary note of ibe saidho. Y f0XWa*0*binot Orph opposite IV" Aof V sibilrithelI towards them. TI Oils! -the: rf�a On -the �-;Ceightr 410 - 0 'ShyAdder; 810; S, and in SbgW Floatiig on- t W6 t,'.shaddd it Cober Jili ; k ib�ter .$2& --ind Thos, w'0 -less tneak.in aro idvertizoi for he rutI A to jimnazi 014he't i�': z. -Olive T _ss,FkpjdhdW E. MARTINIS COLBORNE' HOTEL. lithb ekardidhini datfibftl)r-wi�i iler felf b6t Hiltex -a I jivdagnes opposite Mr. eiiag BOARD OF D11MCTORS,! �iw -.T jtii4 curb ol tvilli6lis Aikaeos;.but wbieb, agoi start U9 01fea 4- brnshes,', And- KiUyj $2(�_ , ayribd I 'The hond,adille C I I � c� I ah n M; . . - 'Smo;, With- Prsef&xi Ths'llox TOaX _HnI C*MZXOXI. light, it tiI gre 11901wd w4inthRg-11 wo k mblin of,16II III -Of thit Jhl 'ej 60 Gaigherzeebuded b.Vsi Roll j.cU P10. that th X p q. a.. -c. fc. Torontoi CaTriages, BuggiclifW, agg0110 �urnfalnbss, ike thi III of her fsooi AbI wili, fk6wier, i)l ele first -to I& -r. Esq,. toition"wit*u.- 'ittAeft t1iffi ovorfiangfttlieE h" I st a 4 in Res rfaftgt. 'LlI Morij -iiii; bill, heaI -61 .16 told- '01 '11116111118 46al tif 10 Illet --sam P1_,8132_:be . granteil to essi-A Ozo DroaAy, Esq. Ot on dr me,' i�ucill, *oirk'hid are of IDr Wala* B "lara of WIWI Judge of the Cmmt7 Of York. And : -, Iv, last lkiio� gravelintilI everything else In. his line W -;bu 6,caro 'Cou COIC16, and pul- she calinad 'hatialt' 06 '41,46 41)60 4EIdNilier in W. ill "POU84 N oa 34" B0 A or made- to ordir of.'. the- -bast, saw U. 4en"4114"'took up theI -the foll 0 451ler Merchantal &lm9xt,1t'.:th*nsimo, u- quietly. eal istols �pendeil under e . ' AW r material and in the mist w4Fkmanliki and awtionii: it e,(t on thip tablo as, 0 O�Xot t -an 'I a erToronto Savings Ai the -thditAllit -spoke,withiii b a 'rieves, -4 sta,rch viz.: jgsac 330alif '43he ist-oil the- irl 'o Ill thi VU. J. MACDONELL,XII An P Pel* lot- 11.05; 71s,6 Bank, oroug. w07t--this land- I will trust yquilIi 0 *J�j _' 1, L , "I , losA; I 1111kil of i-WOMS . fi-;-41111 'Trust me iltqelhar -Olfri;o' said. a i%X � AxGuz MOSI Fxq-, M -.P- -I list4t surejAry and �Trwjurer: AsTRug E61i - $bA* Ta 0111 and7sitile A16 IoIicl I ho: 0truptmo with- hippilloto, *Va, *I-th: 11111d;_ X�yl ru*ys rwm?d 6it wdrvi Tin tiates f -'s r7f6v she 8 $O'dn was Palo, a hung loose-rupbU irich nd her hair �jr tfij'tj46lK­ JAMX�8, VIVIAN, Applications -for Insurance. in this GO. 26tb Vob. 1�7�. 135. InOnt, Xpve4,'Uy'S-_ 2f bt -STORM bianchbSpILI Q6a pyv _VSA31 henWthefd e I I sholilaeitilt-k fsshiOli lia"ba "I am ilethm, time e% 9D TnZ' Ott THE AT&tk fint classom any receried' s direction,w C,nwaf West gal WAt"1O&5trW.&41i4*tW1 in ith ff0J)d, joili -H in 1ho rmng co o I br calI of tie T. J. B _'th hoiiiiir it. 1 -T-hi lolds-of Jxor:lftid' theigoial or'll'I biI hhl ilI little Ift 1W A 414 114% Agent at Goderich. :dmai ileffilildd and thd' 9., UN a thei shaded valt a very. fim W11011 4ft6LQt10 lag =Vd ap -ini i )I sd to so ied tints ioQrienii,.4ud W, ii -r, t, Were 401 '1 ille F)rtycents wulth k= ciarw2 im GZD filg *Ilk It OF David Dutcharnei'06, -lu lye., aamm i( on the-o'm eI mariI wou Act V#WIMQT 0 � 192 7QILM TROr"IrLM, AIM CUM Z"a HOT F.4nI "66ndod by, Vh' t Appudatious,�ure IUM As '0 AffAM NUFUS rr&AMWV�%iI O"�rJOC12&ar, - tztea�s same m1pq P1 Gftffief &4 jbkU* �Xdl ji-', I _W II w !ky, od to, POYPI"tt* best Sh GV04 a to Jjanw rank, 0 In YIP ne Y. 'Wi "till MI on( she -had g ho.tabTe­ i"d third wen spu­ . . _1-1 i". __ d i ail q; now, non hib 0! . -- i i iblij 10 her -in ed o #F DR yen to t ohn 1i Nob m thi& P-6eveiaid,014ik sign Ur READ B0. - - . _j iib�igd GO OT I - --- V UT'. w1l; Crits. VIZ �Ckodm JAIM DYALX *I> brokw layffIr' Ivor lffi3Cthe "Lof 1114-,00rpoM -.AWMA tC? y ally ing W me Mat el theI nished tiI 4DAV 1219' visioTf a log 1heriet, CAPITAL b1l" I" ffnt JWWO 70% Ill Loin, COM pally SURPLUS MNDS.. + DarTied, a r sit I OW OsAT Bui cor TruSt - "' - � f ' -1 arri�ke, th Aid &AME MAW 26 61111' 'OXC All am 0� , tlgi, o-T*ths above idea by. Wmr C "am 9:� ()o1[LIiowsdJpqrn to,me V A by II �and on therzlirsif Taos, ig �,ku4 at 0 whAp" n'_rW-JWMU0 U.Z 4C "Z 14,b _: " , 1. 1 Carried. -T LT. iifU fari at. OL -Injppor uiW:16ek in is. 4; T�U Thi -ofi me o lrane)[�. �s iO' 4i* to XM serq sad a B�,,HALDAN Me IN- alnaging 'I"y he bid idgawtlyo �1141:11 -tI id' �11II6 -�Old- b-ostrintih,'14MIA9 liit�.rs, I� �,v 'ANivrJarodynain, ligvi*:,ho�rd fliat cat -tag alven *act' Vigo �mor_ uev@, -aw h-- ,1" 'In A 4ying,4T � kim J 4'- re-u-XD8 fillE & VA 11C.111SURAN tural vower, R1 - wit -z 4r of _0 go; Mr, bvL 4uytiliAg tm h it whil& d7id-this, It what a olumilas was in_ Obiov mmed -to. as ore, ver bu.: him, a 4on the! hand jlI tore 'out whole? 0 lat.. a .63 ore, -0 to Lowntotiriditt RAtICS., not ill. Let 10 On have OhOwn 0 Q. _0 *ith a lihi -started West to interview tho �a row 6 -white in AM 0*4 1 _on will'110 Barry y land. iulu ever 0. ?Door -three or* ipu elet"+k0d Ina, kindnoil." the. � " it: for Ine u n 9butIan"about the vqyagio iy14ch rp- 4t pd a a lig ot,wat Tregallks said t ov uric is. Inv otmopt,� fDo n fair. withwrI In he - Irshall walk homs thr,641i *67PAik, one d the disc ery of Am a r) As, -N. Y. Doir, WJM rmi. , - from his protecting Arlaf. a a and w -Iwuies.ouye haa�etamiued Ta, OV6 Ga',Jjackto th - boat -house qXf10t17i-Y1U jn4 saI down "ung ma, e, A lows; F" -Woman put a couple approved TAT* t*rMS 0(polidir aL t8W nts fortta ]WEATNESS- AND ace wore. -Of Inv* thevrhoia- room-, and still 7ei- U eity or EO "01rori. ifirst claso =nwan d for g, tAvelling IIII full of_?ovi iQ-pity; Oliyej You Wall hway are tired '(Wi*MI bent oyer I of dQzeu Pgp itill her bad =Tr of t1ols or 1y Apply In, T bei- 0I let ne-bo, your - Iles. 8% uncommon hot; your hooiI *6 expectant VIainful look which Wt X;odei1cb.bVQeoVatQe, Ir 1, for the townships outl Dillisti6o, OU01 u fTr 7W .4 b , W I from wrile SILO was Absout yInK this TOWN- A �','y7dd 46 me i. f Vigo.'- �'Tou $I JWdthA0 man. Fy"A itrodActiono 1.00,411a rsignedfortr4flog- Whax2j�.torisadit onutering, galther- wo writing wills rollorokeeg tatIlI aayprohd-tci'llIe PAr f I J!, said ChAle I four er five diI And on ber retilln 4GO r"O" ]'a a on fay"Allok urns, mail view for odimsel f Re 'lit' n;xvA siJ,*I JJ "Wijowstasy tins salsojois to tills Hosd; 04eg, �Ozao to mg J�r hslpi$ %1P j4dSir Mtol), I- as Ito, ink ul� the cruilliefil IeAves Of theJourat late atnight bancea igtobvil Aud 1)01111c' youl, she saidi intdoselitaiQuo,w k a-cold'shailbwarept verb d. iAif 6 im dre she see ad. aboI to C D.VATSON. exillsiJErl"Itt,11i [nit _SH 19'. 111 ;po as ;wh it 4 r nstle WM. AlftUAX* nvlmboiyDubayisMi4d . I It . or In -indlNo. hfonder, of tile *a 0, if, MWAXAN, eg lance ed out a Apt -1 ontrosetyou " 5iVA-##(Is4§*h Woe W Iq 0