Huron Signal, 1873-02-26, Page 4: • • • • ••-• 3 Milne SOU. Vfitter. Atteled, ye eerier', young andsaild, Bath rich and pinr, and a' that, Flitting a sans will mak' ye bentel, And theer par haste for a' that. For &that at& le that, Their gentle games end a' that, Gio me the mann' channel stanes Tho tweeze tramps, and a' that'. Let ferehrn lads their fidelies tune, noir pipa, and a' that, Hee but &silly feckless loon, Wha walltia laugh at a' that. For e that for a' that, Their waltz, quadrille, anit e that, The music o' theehanuel steam, Is sweeter fat than a' that. The English wr their cricket bies, Th,eir heaths' peaks, and a' that, May Tend the air with loud Imam, And rbyal fun may ca' that. For ts' diet and a' that, Their steeple chase and a' that, The chasing ce tho channel stands, Is nobler spine thane,' that. They ca' their tinale aoup fie gude, Tarts. frieaseee, and e that, But beef sea greens, though hamelier feed, Is betterfar than a' that. A Daseneerrou or Fermin Donn. ENT VilittITIOX-44. LESION VOL DAUM Marniee-la Bueett A Repaint - Wenn MESE IN SOM)1 Fat= ts Thas writes Henry Ward Bucher oti RDWARE. The following- Binsie. H A Books are reeonaniended - . , k SS being the BEST of , their clam butter :-We once took occasion to gtve E , our opinion of the butter which was x‘reinekssoir.atiteewemo,ertettreklothooronleed Or- I 2 02 „s SO „ jargely brought to our maeket. The k ) gen. Will be ready Anima 28, Peters' Blectio Zoe School. II 95 article was deemed movers, but if they who think se had olden of the butter, • they would here regarded that as the more pungent of the two. We have otraited a year; and are now prepared I more fully to testify against that utter abomination, slanderously milled butter, so unrighteously exchanged in our mar- ket for good mousy. For the most put, the cream is totally depraved at the start, and churning, worleing, aud pack- ing aro only the sucoossive steps of an educatien by vrhieh bad-inelinations are developed intO Mitt wie.kedness. We determined to keep aa eye on the matter, and now give, front life, the natural hiatery of tho butter sold. 13efore doing this, les will express an opinion of wbat Ls geed butter: -Good butter is made of sweet cream, with per- fect neat -noes; is of a high color, perfect- ly sweet, free from btittermilk. and ponesses a fine grass favor. Tolerable butter, differs from thia only in not having a fine flavor. It is devoid of all unpleasant taste, but hu not a high relish. Whatever is less than this is bad but- ter; the catalogue is long, and the, de- scending scalo is marked with more va- rieties than one may imagine. Variety 1 -Buttermilk butter, -This has not been worked, nag has the taste of fresh buttermilk. It is not very dis- agreeable to such as love fresh butter- milk; but as it is a flavor not expected in good butter it is usually disagreeable. Variety 2. -Strong butter. -This is one step farther along, and the butter- milk is ehanging and beginuingto assert its right to predominate over the but- teractous flavor; ,yet it may be eaten with some pleasure if done rapidly, ac- companied with very good bread. Variety 3 -Frowy or frowsy butter. This is a second degree of strength at- tained by the buttermilk. It has become For a' that and a' that, aTheie-cauld blaneroango and a' that, Seotch broth pnts marrow in our banes, And keeps them green far a' that. Our's is a game for duke or lord, Lairds, teeants, hinds. and a' that, Our pestors, too wha preach the Word, Whelea ply' broom for a' that. For a' that afid a' that, Oar different ranks and a' that, The chiet that seeps, and plays the best, Is gmatest man for a' that. Then let es prize our blessed land, Our Queen, our laws, and aethat, For curlore, tho' a beisterous band, Are loyal, true, and a' that. pungent, and too disagreeable for any For a' that and a' that, h but absent minded eaters. May entire thrive for a' that, Variety 4 -Rancid Butter. -This is Tar keen), tramps, and channel seines: the putrescent stage. No description Is SISLo' ganCieS for all that. will convey, to those who have not tasted it, an idea of its unearthly flavor; while those who have, will hardly thank us for stirring up such awful remembrances by Lsorritieee Cerneassn-Aged village any desdription. Matron (to seanpathising visitor). "It s Variety 5 - Bitter Butter. -Bitter - a 'cookery baok,' as Mrs. Per:nowise, our ucss is, for the most part, incident to wuater hutter. When ono has but little 'District lady,' gave me this Christmas, Mies. I'd a deal sooner a' had the in- cream, and is long in collecting enough griddimcnis, Mies ! !" for the churn, he will be very apt to have bitter butter. Arecrig.other things that Wells es Far. ODDS AND ZITDS. Variety 6 -Musty Butter. -In sum- go's firm re not reseonsible for as carri- , met.. esperhahy in damp, unventilated ere is one couched in the following l'''' ! cellare, cream will gather mould. When - page ha their- regulations : " Not for ' ever this appears, the pigs should be any lose or Wrnage by fire, the sets of seut to churn it. But instead, If but s God or oe Indians, or any other public iust touched, it is quickly churned; or, in ens:relies of the government. if much moulded, it is slightly skimmed., a A smart boy at a Sunday -Escheat con- as if the flay orof mould, which has struck cert began to recite glibly, " A certain through the whole mass,could be remov- man went down from Jerusalem to Jeri- ed by taking off the colored portion. ciao, and fell -fell -fell-" Here his The peculiar taste arising from this af- memory failed -"and fell among thorns. fection of the milk, blessed be the man and the thorns spraeg np and choked who needs to be told of it. hien." , Variety 7 -Sour Milk Buttete-This The Jacksonville Jourrxi states that is made from milk and cream being a bloonoing, blushing schoot-girl called at churned up together. The flavor is that that office the other day and inquired of greasy. sour milk. for papers for a week back." The idea Variety 8 -Vinegar Butter. -There suggested was that she wanted them for are some who imagine that all milk a ganier. _ ahould be soured before it is fit to churn. An Arne:loan apithpheee Here Lisa When, in cool weather, it delays to JaLat Snaith, wife of Thomas Sraith, change, they expedite the matter by some acid -usually vinegar. The but- enrertote cutter. This monument was erected by herlausband a.s atribute of her ter strongly retains the flavor thereof. Variety 9--Cheeey Butter. - Cream memory azad a specimen of his work. Monuments of the same style, 250 dots." comes quicker by being heated. If sour exa ley face hieey r weed a rang crum be heated, it is very apt, to sepa- lady from. the beckwoods, on a steam- rate and deposit a whey; if this is strain - beat reeee ohm th New othene. ed into the churn with the cream, the “Derty I No. Why halve. me le Be_ butter will have a strong cheesy flavor, Variety 10 - Granulated Butter. - use that insulting waiter ingests on g a towel beside my plate. I've When, in winter, sweet cream is over- , , . Caro three melee the table, and every heated, preparatory to churning, it pro- • i duces butter full of grains, as if there time he ts another before me. as eal in it A elerge,,e..!•eein mdelveling ti:' ex- w Variety M.-- In this we will" compnine rl.,74 the e vivifyino isfilsence of e' the two opposite kinds -too salt and un - two in thOlear man, at hat said, salted butter. We have seen butter "Why rove is the eleatary principle exposed for sale with such masses of salt of warrath and life, as mayhe seen by the in it that one is tempted to believe that fact that en the-coldeht nutter's day .a it is put up in as a make weight. When kvimg Ycm2g "I'11316 will be all 3gl°w 'n the elk is coarse, tbe operation of eat - 3 a room in whieh a frosty old leacher% ing this butter afiords those wbo have wcurd freeze to death." good teeth, a pleasing variety of grind- Wiceentline Rneenes.-The following is lug. by an Irish "Clerk of th6 Weather :"- 'Variety 12 -Lard Butter. - When ‘*13:Ixty days Est- h September, lard is cheap and abundant, and butter April, June and Member i - Pre= Jancary zp to slay The ram It raineth every tthy, Ail the rest b_eve thirty-eze Without a Messed' &cora of sun, ii• .,- - And Wispy oftfien lad trio -and -thirty. the ehrewd housewife hu several saps - They'd flak:et as wet arid tweets as dirty." rate churnings- of butter on hand, some A. Peeout Answea.-(Scene a farmer's of which would hardly be able to go boy on env kilo a gate, hunts:ass on the alone, ehe puts them together and those ether.) Nimrod. "Have you seen a who buy, fmd that "Union is 'Strength!" (leer" pass this way, Brey 1 You know Such butter is pleasantly marbled, what a dee,r is like r Yokel. "Noe, I dimes of white, of yellow and dingy deem% !" Nimrod. "Why, something butter melting into each utbir, until the like a denkeywith short ears. Have you whole is ring -streaked and speckled. seen anything answering to that ducrip. Variety 14 -Tough Butter.-Thisbut- tion 1" Yokel. "Mese not till yeaw ter is worked too long after the 'spun efec:0 by !" . eon of buttermilk, it assumes s gluey, A farmer who had beert sympstilie„,_ putty -like cousinence, aed ie tough with his neighbour on the death °flu's" when eaten. But oh, blessed fault. We would go ten miles to pay our ad - non, said, "You should remember, 31r. .reues, there Es no lose without some gain. miring respects to that much-to.be- join yw remember eme always a !nee- praised dairy maid, whose zeal 'mule her "`" to work her butter too much. We strous ester." "I litnow that"' respond- ed the bereaved earerkt ; ..hut th think doubt, however, if a pound of such bat- he was red „.e. wrdt rheumatism au the ter were ever amain this place. winter and 'ties east in haying time.' is h Besides eill these' when hieterY we aye correctly tracsel• beiddes butter, pee. tty tough, neighbour Jinkins-pretty ; - • ' tasting Of turpentine froin being nude in teugh, indeed r pine chnrne, butter bent on travelliug in The Duchess pf eievreastre, who was a notwoather; butter dottedllike cloyes on pear writer of romances in the time of a boiled ham, with flies, which Solomon Civvies IL, agreed Bishop Wilkins, who snares int cause the ointment to stink; had jest announced tlae discove of a besides butter in rimy tin pans, and in weed i0 the mewl, heir she cou a get dirty swaddling clo es, besides butter them "As the Putney," tsid she, suede of milk draw rom a dirty cow, "ratiet needs be very 1013k there wilLnot by a dirtier hand, in a yet dirtier pail, bony guelibility of getting there with- and churned in s c urn the dirtiest of out gtoliEnD4 on the way. Y "Your all; besides ill these ub-varistiee, there Greco," replied the Bishop, "can be at are several others with which ws have no loss for places to stop at, en you have formed an sequainninco,, but found our- bullt so many castles in the sir," . selves baffled at anslysit What con- sternation would we speidile send ,. Sh "Idea Wal ruirs: 143t11/136 "es44)14 ,aniong the slatternly batter makers, re, nom failed to estriate himself in any „ars or; mystorios of their dirty do, Ammigtisic-7 Eir Mg w3° At 3 e°untrf lugs with more than mumerie facility, 133uso *ant 39 9" finC9 G3 t‘ ?Wet " And now what on earth is tho reason .1-410 ,Ilaladga 11144, d"fitraLLW btstiiii that good bUttor is so great & rarity f Is crimPam'''11 'ar 3 will"' `-le "A"11. mai' It Sit borwlitsryounto in some families 1 "I" fir" GU 114C.C13DS 4 th. b‘dn.44 °f or ig it a punisitmont gent elven u* for the weather. She soon afterwards, how- , our Hi donut? A pow mood bout., limp La tO,ToPtod, , 1/23 6/17611„ ,ftitillP.IPA ' makers fit every neighbourhood, aro & oilics,, ?,.. r_31113%,."tr„„,,`' -,,"5,"ivi.t,"1='1, standing proof that if ix nothir,g bet bsul " ' Et''''' 'Jr - —. 2., -g, ,—,,. -heusawifory; more shear carelessness iv siliw.“40 a Akio cloargu' u0.116/14-".„ which turns tho luxury of the oinun into for ono, but not enough kr tivois an uttorly nauseating abominstion. a ii)11C4htirrOB stint., isKirkesllybarbor, -._ &loot cows for quality and not for cot being very b AY, L0101V a tf.) walk quantity of milk; give them mot and sk along to Burnes/4nd and goo wind Wlif L insificiont tutorage; keep dean yoursolf; oi. ,. ping on. Arrived at Kinghorn, he es- milk inters dun poll; strain into clean . ' i Dim s ;obro house, and, immediately '.1sin,-(psno scalded! scoured, and sun - b. $01112 Whitt droutny. V& essminin :nod, and if tin; with sysry psrtiele of his puss, kr Iona ho only " ' Milk rubbed of the sosunt) While it is &nom? -Mein United by this'. he ' sweet, churn it; if it deists to come add , weans(' up heti& bar snioriored seas 0 little salerstus; work it thoroughlf, - cf whiskey, whish Ito immedistill &mak Am thou, salting it at the second of, I -repayment ho timbre& his two- working; put it into a cool place, and oe. "Xn wants logy, maid the , thin when, with s conscience si clean . _ _41(soikurepliedtheberber, i and sweet aa yotir tempting rolls to Si `10, .1ragge 111W'Sry dirt you that iambi, on may sit down sui thank , mutat. _ \' A Faxon oF 4rUtuerst Anomie -A Iligilsaiiltonald WAS tried for a @spite *fuer, stulbad rather ie narrow escaper but tin -jiffy found hint net lofty, it: whereupon So jessige,. in in) obtsfing, thongist ni I* silmonislt hint« orsisen. or, beforo you have the bar, lotmaAdve foroAgs sai not to onnoot too mud. F P . ,7 you splice of advice. Yetlefuneept elf• 3... Tet learn the different temper and this tam built over you. °onto UrEi dispositions of each individual. me, mrsiArRimoatitiOn- (412440,;,701,01 ,•L• To look SU each member of ike , Ise lignips46' "Mika red' A* eefe" fondly, on onnfor , whom we- Should har, - yin, is return._ Never bo 0110.3011. for ft Whin inclined to give an allify ' anowstri Denali, "thank yowler -your gem% - '- - - - - -- -- good advice, end se l'11999111- ungrstelit, . 6. whet say good happen" foany ono I bog to gro your Lordship a patietsf nd- to rejoice at it. ' ' - onybody, EDT` ibil ongoing JIM Awl. anowerta "overwrite. ovil-with'good.' PliYAbiPolugtl." -;- 7. If from lielnialll, pitheentinfirear, 1, __, 0 wo fool Waal*, to ktop * strict- watch 11171111 lam 11147° "ffilt; **WITT* oknotia. tram. othirt arksoitir. im, 4.12-Yritattou cawing* Jodie itszinbookabirra • cm:7- irvatiibis sod IV toct toworitimmof _kinbors' , and - 1111 *nut*. 9. To mita the little ottortunitlea of - "Jim Teague:1r,- whore* your bus- Plititing't a.... -$,0,!„1°. i)ut lit ann"1/119.1,, „ _bisni i "hes dynwasern, send I-doit't eIo. 1,0 ta-44...,„/ if., of wars. , ' whit. anybody to inalWarD Wu,' A vary wron of tho westher, and moor. OnIndeesto wentan noir I APPatIt with* tura for "Surea lad ;1.- 'speak kindly to the searalther- fifsett. to boils iindsbeint told Uteri is miss them fotlittle things when yOu thous toree soinutnt sock boiled them it nap. • quartarof an hour stitopthot. If In all Beth, pIessnres which may The Dig' gerInilizoe art never knoirst °licit to putyourself last. 1 to mils,. Tiny souse bit grow pima, , 18. To ay "for ilw oat answer Iltnt Iffatto forebeesplavere-giAg oz tar . bruins Wfy mettle". - • square," .... aurrit-Clarilied bony". applied on a The host thfig for * freak eohl-%-get it :Nona rskwill cure the, psinot a burniss f onroi, 1 . III b I 'We. i •••••••••• It • rather dear, it is thought proktable to cotnbine theftwo. Variety 13 -Mixed Butter. - When t (tee, • t , Over 300.1O0 elle, la use, Peters' Burrows& 1,)rietter , Warrant Guitar Sehool, " R 80 Festival ChIntss,fat Singing Classes, 1 80 Ne Plus Ultra Glee Book. With t 1 50 FPiano or Organ Ancomganimenti Lndden'a School for t • Voles, .... 3 as n Paten' Art of Hinging, " D V WitehtiWielinfieh.fFetera' edition) 8 op Ktimmeee Flute 441831, 3 00 Witn noreteare Vielin Behold, 1705 0 Wimmeratedt's Flute &Moot, ' (Peters' Vielin School . Peters' Pinta selttol C Peters' Puler -Companion, For / 0 00 R Flute. Violin. and Piano, s H Peters' Parlor Companion. For t .. 2 00 G Pinta and Plano, 9, Any itisrste Will be sent, A spipaid 'on receipt oi T the marked pries!. "'"'N Ai Ammon, J, L. PEPERS, 609 Broad S. New -York. ' 75 God ths you &roan honest woman i 3101T fell bomb loses s ism/17% 1. Remember tbot our will ft likely to bo tinned everyday, so prepare for it. Hineybody lathe house inn on uTil nature so well la owning& and Ger* Ironinthealood . MAKES, THE WEAK STRONG, The Peruvian Idyl's*, a Protect- ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested aneralleintilated tuith the blood as the simplest food. IA increases thvguantity of Nature's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures "a thousand simply by Toning upoinvigorating and Vitalizing the System. Use en- riched and vitalized blood per- meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre- tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won- derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, 'Aver Com- plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dior- rhcea, Boils, NervonsAffeetionsi Chills and Fevers, Humors, Lou of Constitutional- "Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad -state of the blood, or ac.. companied by debility or ct tom state of the system. Beitzg free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol- lowed by corresponding reac• tion, but are permanent, infu- sing strength, vigor, and new life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con- stitution. Thousands have been chatzged by the use of this remedy , from weak, sickly, suffering crea- tures; to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids cannot reasonably lies.. itate to give it a trial. - See that each bottle has PERU- VIAN SYRUP blown in eke glass. Pamphlets Free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, No. SS Dey at.. New Toeh. Sold by Iheigegista genexolly. WHY ARE Lazaius Morris & Co's • nee' Spectacles LIKE BRIGHAM YOUN G ON TRIAL FOR MURDER 1 —;0:— No:nem-Any person sending the answer to above to the Agent, F. Jordac Goderich, within the next thirty days, will receive an order from L. M. & Co. for a pair of their superior new patten Eye Glasses. Goderich, Fob. 5, '72 sw083w3 L..•••=•••••• . JOHNSOm & • KERR SELLING . OFF 1 SELLING 0.FF I IMMENSE CLERIffe SALE . BOOTS OL SHOES. rilHE Subscriber wishing to retire ee from the BOOT and SHOE Bute - nese, will sell his Large Stock compris- ing some 6000 Pairs of Boots le Shoos AT COBT FOR MTh 1-1AMILT(..)N ST,. SION OM TES • MAMMOTE( CROSS OUT SAW Having completed their Fall pur- chasms of SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE. Are now prepared to fill all orders with which they may be favored. They respectfully invite attention tp the follo 'ring lines of Goods which they aro prepar- ed to sell VERY LOW FOR :CASH. Now is tho time to Get C.iklod Pargaine, As the subeeriber jtutt means what he says, P, S. All accounts muet bo paid without, delay, SAIVJET, PURSE, Sign of the Boot, Market Square, Gorki -lob, lath hir,v,, 1372, Shoriff's Salo of Land.. Canty el fluent) tiff virtne of s Writ M Vend'. To Wit, f Conn Expenss homed out of fler Majesty's Coue 7 Conn tiouatrotlin ti see teen dIrreted egsitmt the Lends end Tee& inentv of James JIM stifle snit of Itunes Shaw /emcee, I have moiled and taken fri Execution aft the right, tido and Interest of the Vsfondant in rad to Lot Number Twontptwo 18 the iirmt Conee/N dow dem, Township of MehIllop in' the County el Munn, whieh Londe and Tenants steal offer for Oils At -my °Meet in the Court Roue, fa tie Tows or frodarieh, on fIsturear the Viltoontb day of Yobritsry nut, st the hour of TWelve of OS deck, noen, JOHN MACDONALD, Shsrld'ot Huron,. sheriff's Mies, floasrfeht IlthJanusry, 1573. • • 1051 The above ssfo Is Postponed malt Saturday the lirat day of March sot, at Os Anne hour and plum JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff et Rump, Sheriffht Ofilest Goderfcb, 134 Yoh, 1878. _ Sheriff's Sale of Lands. CountY dlluron,B} ItYvirtueofstrzit To Wit: air of fiat Packs baud 'out of or Majesty's County Court 01 the County of Huron, and to nte directed spinet the Tains and Tene- ments of Tames Clark, at ;us suit of Donald Itobertson, I have hod and taken in- Execution all the gist, otille mid interest of the said Defendant in. and to _ Lot number Fourteen vil- js_ge of Blythin,the County of Huron, which loads and Tonementi 1 shall offer for sale at my Office, iwthe Court House, in the TOW11 of Goderiehenn Saturday tho Seventeentit lbw of Hay next, st the hour of Twelve or the clock, noon. JOHN MAVDONAID, Skein' of Huron. Omen Moo, Goderiebt t lltbro. UM. - loo smarts sat or. Lan. County ofThivoir, fly virtue of Wilt of liVet To Wit t Yoke issued out of KW Malsetre Ceinity Court et the County eflanon end to** directed nainst" the Lends and Tens. serifs of rowed B, Melithaziet Wnd 'Patella Banal* at the nit 01341E01m' Cainpbell, sefse4 and taken fu Ziamition all tile tight title and interest of the odd Eden - dant in end tO- 14it Number Two nawired Apo lieveniY Nine, sod f ot Number Three Hundred and tent, one le -Qinnerville's 14 re f Villege of Lucknow lathe 0 rtiletXeof 'which . Slat; tirtfleVerfol:eb,liVauf."fteWrrififilildw. mete se saunter tie tenth der :Veiny next, it tbe bora of twelve Of Curcio*, noOn. - TOON MACDONALD, Shorfrof Euro* ilkagrtitlfreigd. "Icht4 -••• NAILS Of all sizes and descriptions, very cheap. GLASS All sizes froni 9 1r 7 to 40 x 30. BOILED and RAW OIL, TARNISH & BROWN JAPAN, COAL OIL, of good quality Cheap, COAL OIL LAidPS, LANTERNS, REFLECTORS,9, BURNERS, CHIMNEYS & WICKS, SLEIGH SHOE STEEL, all the leading sizes, CAST STEEL, a fair assort- inents BAR ec HOOP IRON agood assortment, CAST STEEL AXES from 31 upwards, BEST CAST STEEL FILES, a full assortment, • AUGERS, HOLLOW AUGERS, and AUGER) BITS, ANVILS, VICES, COIL CHAIN, TRACE CHAINS, COW TIES, TIN, SHEET ZINC and CANADA. PLATES;CROSS CUT SAWS and WOODSAWS FRAM- ED, SPADES, SHOVELS and MANURE FORKS, long. mid short handles. A very choice aesortment of TABLE & DESSERT kiNIVES in ivory, 'Buck -horn, Cocoa and Bone Handles. A complete assortment of PEN and POCKET KNIVES, RAZ- ORS and SCISSORS, from tho best English Makers, • A LBATA and ELECTRO -PLAT- ED TABLE DESSERT & TEA SPOONS and FORKS, ELEC.- TRO-PL ATED BUTTER cOOLERS, KNIVES and CRUETS very suitahle for the approaching holidays. ENGLISH PLANES, PLANE IRONS atidOHISELS,SPEAR &JACKSON'S, TAYLOR'S HAND, PANEL and MP SAWS. A complete assOrtment of WHITE, and RED LEAD, dr, PAINTS AND COLORS. PAINT, VARNISH and WHITE WASHBRUSHES, MANILLA, and RUSSIA HEMP ROPE & PACKING, GRINDSTONES, GRINDSTONE FIXTURES, POWDER. SHOT, CAPS, REVOLVERS, and CART- RIDGES, DOUBLE and SINGLE BARREL GsUNS and all the articles usually found in a wall selected stook of Hard- ware. •••••• • AS the whole of the above stock has been purchased very low and has all been marked at lowest cute prices, we have much pleasure in requeetiug a call from the inhabitants of Goderich and farmers and traders of the County of Hurele No trouble to show goods. Oxl- ey cne price. Remember the place, 1I IsTON sign of the MAMMOTH CROSS CUT SAW Year Elijah kaftan's sow. JOHNSON & KERR, Goderich, .Nov. 20th 1871. • • • 'ERN fIcKAYI:. Cabinet ak.er. Upholsterer, &o, DEOS leave to return thanks to the inhabitante of Goderlch and surrounding country, for their liberal patronage during the last two Yeats he has been in busineis. is now prepared to furnish all articles in his line. such as P.T.T INI" T OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. PILLOWS BOLSTERS MATTRASSES, eto., Chea,p 1or Cittfth, AND Ovi THE siloRTEST NOTICE. PICTURE RAMES kept on hand and made to order. Flaying on hand an tosortment of OOFFIN T RIM 71INGS I am proper d to make coffins on the shortest nottee,-and to conduct fords on tile most reason- able tonne. frr Re 'ember the old stand, lirEST STREET opposite the Bank of Montreal. Goderich. Feb. 12. '72. ly Et. 1M WI 0 V A. 1.-1 DANIEL GOR,DON ClA131.1s1 ET MAKER UPHOLSTERER, —0— liniA W 1 T Ji AT . - 11 view to lceed-ut with tee linos pur- chased e titied up ble toie tect deors we e 8 011,1 1 t.st C Dicta • FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, where he will in future tarry on the above busthesa more extensively than over. WW1° thankful for past patronage, he itopen by Arid. attenti an to merit continuance and increase ofeupport. HE HAS NOW ON HAND rine of the largest stacks ol furniture in the County nud is on the shortest notice. prepared to eopplf customers with everything In hie ilue,sucbas Dmwmgroom an Parlor setts Bedroom Setts In Waleut, do ao In Chestnut; do do in White wood, Mattresses of every description, Feather Holsters. Pillows bte. ON HAND ALANGEAS SORTIMENT OF Pictures such as Oil Paint Ings,Chromoe ;Lithographs Photograph of the Queen. Haying made arrangements with a Toronto Manufacturing House cen supply Picture Frames u apy style required at Toronto prices. g:r• Hes atways on hand a complete assort mon( of 4 _Coffins & Shrouds in theLatest Alao,11EAII8E8 to titre. . 0110ELNIForleEt033. . 1 2DeorsWestof Post,Office. Lfirriber and Cordwood taken in .Mx change. Goderich. Dec23 rd,' 1870 owl ExtensiveNewPremises • AND . Splendid New Stock. G7W Es& . - At C. Barry & Bro. Cabinet Makers, Urdertakers SI, Wood Turners, ' ME.A.WEIXIMCMT- SM. flare removed across -the street to the store next door to W. Acheson's Harness Shop, where will be found . A. GOOD ASSORTMENT I of kitchen. Bedroom, Diningroont. and ear or Fu niture, such as. TABLES. • CH A I RS hair, cane ma wood seated) CUPBoARDS Biel/STEADS, WASH STAN Del MATTRESSE,S LOUNES. SOFAS. WHATNOTS. 'LOOKINt GLASSES ' GILT FRAMING. tr G. B B are prepared to jell everything th . their line Cheap for Cash. FL 13 A complete assortment ofCefflus end Shrouds always onhand and a nears', to hire ; al on reason- able terms, A CALL SOLICITED. , Gederich. lb dug 1870 " A Largo Soul in a Small pody." TEt 1111,W WATCH Is made in all sizes suitable for Ladies rind Gents, both in gold and silver. But the accompanying cut reprO• Eents tri proper proportions THE $25 RUSSELL HUNTING LEVER MATCH, In sterling 7silver case and gold points,. full jewelled, warranted for five- years— tog,ether With a gold•plated Albert chaie-which Will be sent to any part -of Can- ada on -receipt of 425, or C. 0. D., per express. W. E..CORNELL, Watch ImpOrter, 13 King Simi Left TORONTO, ONT. Goderiohlitarble works Scott, Vanstone ft Co., DIG TO INTIMATE _THAT THE!' HAVE JJ opened a IMMO 'Mbar Xincardine HAULS - wow, laths Old Mend oi Mr.-A.M; Tohnstori victoria mt., Gods:lob, and will be ib'e ti supply Tombstones, , Mantlepleoes, WindoW Snit; &o:, dco., nth. best style of weremanetee sed onnesonsble GA.VIN STUTHEIS, Agent. Gederieli 17th Ad), - sw9Z4 STOOLS EXTRA BIACEINWOIL beeill general mie for tbe past two 70,24 end loving the best satisfaction, as nmy be seen bytes. tinsonlabifronimany ofthe lead! houses in °auto, It will not congest in the cad eat weather,' Mis iheretore suitable forth. lightest and Detest, *swell as the heaviest wahines in use, • TESTIIKONI.A.L From tbeJoseph HeuEstobln1Works, shave. - minsfder Stock's toil /teat or at 41.00 per gallon,' than elite Oil at 00 gents. Ultra ree etfitf.y, . P. W. Prb ereiddent. , • . Poi sale only hp 0 EL PARSONS * 00., hardware Merl:haute, tifftgler1014 $4*Aasers, IBM ' • The above out represents our • $70 Organs. Wei= thanking mir former agents and customers for th'eir liberal patronage - and confidence for the past year [and which wo still hopo to rotainel we would respeetfally call -their attentuin to our • style No, 61. This Organ beings 6 cc - tare Double Reed [U Scale] boa very de- sirable instrument for advanced players, Pianist+, or parties, educating themselves' for the pianoforte; and u- &parlor In- strument, it moots every requiremimt,- Our No. 30 is the lame u 61, but differ- ent Style,~and more expensive. Our No. 32 is pronounced by all who ,have soon it to be the finen Instrument in tho world for tho prise; this organ has two complatisetts same as No 60, with two additionol half setts, vizi Hautboy and middlo-0 u id also octavos of Bus Vox Colleismaking four setts from Brolundo, 4,Sro- the brat mid only parties who makeNt dm line of hobo. monis, sod the .un venal satielsotion .they have Wen, and Ilia imam Nilo of those Organo, show that they aro ag- geolated and eilliOUPlidOS US 40 mako theni a speciality, • 0,,41„,,L1 to, . k4sTiAmiENtaiN.r.1 • so IC THE unleraigned having sold .the EietrOn -Foundry, pi•opOly and Stock to the " Goderieh .-Ionutidry sud. Viaintreotututg Company," begs .tO .th the publie for their liberal inippettfbithe past nineteen pars; enc. trusts that they will'ocintinue to send their orders. to the R. RUNOINAN. Goderioh, 10th June, 1872, WOO COMptity. ••••==••... ••••••••• • 1 Referring to the abeve Notice, the GODERICH FOUNDRY ANDi MANc- FAUTTJRING COMPANY, beg to inform the public that they ate ,prepered to contract for STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, FLOURI:GRIST et SAW MILLS, SAWI1VG MARRINgS, On I-141:td ' Appiiestiebi for issnclos, whoa wo have no agents, at alltimes confidential- ly plieitett, • For Illustrated Clateloguel,Addr-rom . , 'A, &HARDY & 00,, July lst, 11)T2. • . P1(150 It4a1,4) (111027.40 AS ITSITALS COMPLETE' SAUCOESS I. ••••••;•• 1RON AlsTD-*WOODEN PLOUGHS, with steel boardli, GANG PLOUGHS, CULTIVATO.RS, STRAW CU7TERS, SUGAR AND POTASH KETTLES, GRATE BARS, WAGGON BOXES, 41.„ COOKING, PARLOR 4, BOX STOVES of various kinds, SA_Iir PA -NS IVIaide to COrder — 7_, Is co — Iron am/Titus Castings. and__Blac_ ksmith Work. BOILERS AND sAu rats iREPAIRED. on short notice, Twenty to thirtyllorserpower Tubular Boilers' ic:Lfidence,thus demonotrated, have ex- blishers anxious to justify the reo.dy — l'iroopootos for -1,873 —Sixth Year. for ontr ze, tap THE:ALnutm, Ansalltillimacitrmotedertoontleely atioeurztzczal dustoteroi Portodiadinthe World. A Repreuenta- iiive antoherspion of Amthean Tote- . ilfox for butte In Doeli or News 11111E ALDINSEt,owrIedlso-issned with all regulinity,. has none of the tempors- ry or timely Interest charentetistio of °raillery periodicals. It is an elegant *miscellany of pure. light, and graceful literatare; and a zollection of picture's, the rarest specimens of artIstic skill, in his& and white. AWL/nigh each suc- ceeding 'timber -Words a fresh pleasure eto its friends, the xeal value and beauty - of THE ALDINE will be most appre- elated after it has been bound up at the Olnse of the year. While other publica- tions may claim superior cheapness; es compared with rivale of a similar elas,e, THE ALDINE is a unique and original .conception -alone and unaporoeched- , absolutely without competition in price or character. The possessor of a com- plete volume cannot duplicate the quan- tity of fine paper and engrdvings in any other shape or number of volumea for teehirtotmimeo: bi este ide aos.i; and then, there are fhe A ItT DEPARTUDNT. Notwithstanding the increase in the price of subscription last Fall, when THE ALDINE assumed its present no-, ble proportions and representative char- . actor, the edition has more than doubled ", during the year; preying that the Ameri- can. public appreciate, and will support, sincere effort in the cause of Art. The - -- FAftfil P011, BALE. 'REIM:PLOT NO. 14), ON ,r,t 6 2ND Juy Coneession, thaTorniship of Goel- oriole on the Bayfleld Read, two and a half miles from the Torre of Goderich, containing icres, 15 cleared and under good maletvation, well waternd ,with mover failing spring Creek Tan- ning through thp Lot, a largo bearing Orchard of choice grafted Fruit, a good largo hewed Log Millie a Frame Barn 64x32, stabling and &lying shed with a large hay loft te2x27, with other out buildines and a good primp at tho barn yard. This e.roApts1 icrt.,y;i:1 he sold Cheap for.Casb or on terms to suit purchaser& 1 Lot No. 1170, 4tanted on the Noels side of East St. in the Town of God - Generally on hand for Sale. Or All Orders addressed to the Company or Secretary rill ceive pro pt attention. ROBERT UNCIMA/e, HORACE HORTON, General Manager. . President. GEORGE NIEBERGALL, ARCHIBALD HODGB, erted themselves to the utmost to de- , velop and improye the work; and the re. Elans for the coming year, as unfolded y the monthly issues, wilt astonish and ; delight even the most sanguine friends of THE ALDINE. The publishers are authorized to ane • nimitee designs from many of the most eminent artists of America. fepeepeoleaserhe. arAtphpoloylk.tnaoillr. oad Station. con - training one (rafter of an aere of land with a geed Freine House and Frame Stable and a few fredt treea and good well. This peoperty will bo solodot012:p. TRUEMAN. Ctte to • IC. SlicAnNthareOpNro,mises. Goderich, 25th Jan. 1873, _pee von s.Ax,-ib-.; „mg Sabeeriber the north half of pale Ira No. 14 in the Prel Conecesion of the Town - I ship of Geduld'. on Um BayGold Road, mike orchard of excellent fruit trees. Title haelititpaChl: : Manager Agricultural Department. • iSecretary and Trimmer,' In addition, THE ALDINE will re- Goderich, Ont., 10th June, 1872. .. 1625 prodnce examples of the best foreign L ' ' ftisters, selected with a view to tho . , . highest artistic success, and 'greatest , j 0 13, t eeeral interest; avoiding mach as have - PRINTt., Neatly, cheaply and' expeditiously exacated. at the o.noe ol the 1-1 ONSI .N -CARDS, BILL HEADS, NOTES, .RECEIP TS, P.R0 GRAMMES, POSTE.RS, -NOTICES OF APPOINTMENT, OATHS OF QUALIFICATION, PATHMASTERS Lrsrq, VOTERS LISTS, CIRCULARS, JURY LISTS, HEADINGS DEEDS, a. gcome familiar through photographs or copies of any kind. Tho quarterly tinted plates, for 1873 will reproduce four of John S. Davis' inimitable child -sketches apprepreate to the four seaaons: These plates, appear- ing in the issues' for January, April, July, and October, would be alone worth the price of a year's subscription. Tho popular feature of a -copiously illustrated "Christmas" number will be continued. To possess such a valuable epitome of the art world at a cost so trilling, will command the subscriptions of thous ands in every section of the country; hut as the usefulness and attractions of THE ALDINE can be enhanced., in propor- tion to the numerical increase of its supporters, the publishers propose to make "assurance double sure," by the following impar:dlekd offer of rnenrear ennessos Fon 1872. Every subseriber to 11:1lii ALDINE, who pays in advance for the year 1873, will receive, without additional charge. a pair of beautiful oil chromos after J. Are., Air o., ise,fe • J. Hill the anemia painter. Printed in the best style and at the lowest. Rates. GODERiCH WOOLEN.--FAcTO Y.! - . sIBIAISOINT MHE SUBSCRIBER& WIIILk "RETURNING THANKS FOR PAST P*THOINAliE, sae Lati STATE that awing the pest winter, they have Added largely to theirlia' nufactnringlilachines. And all having heel lately iefittel, ! . • ,Are now Prepared to 'paustat...C.),rdere In Tweeds, Wall Oloth, &Multi's, Flannels, Winosyl4110inirAtii;.03114300Yere,"Stocking 1111111, 4., 4 WITH. GREATER DESPATC14'..ot -moat DtlitABILTTY,: , and -Neater In Pattein:Thi*Formerly. ; 1. - They wouid also clan **Islas Attention to CUSTOM SPINNING, ROLL CARDING, -CLOTH DRESSIN For which their machinery is see laity adapted.Partthectimingfrom a distance ivith wool to gtt ea byi leaving the same with Mr D. Fergueon,Morettant.tioderleh,can rel on offing their roils home wl t the sameday Those wtshing to exchange their. wool for goods wi I lin 18 to their interest to give thei trubsurlibelirs_speraicial.s ow. rst-clase work guaranteed. The pictures, entitled The Village Belle," and "Crossing the Moor," are 14 x 20 inches -are printed hem 25 dif- ferent plates, reqUiring25 impreasions and tints to perfect each picture. The same chromes aresold for 830 per pair in the art stores. , As to the detentuna- Arm of its conductors to keep THE ALDINE out of the reach competi- tion in every department, the chremos - will be found correspondingly ahead of any that can be offered by other periodi- cals. Every subscriber will meeive a zertificate, over the signature of the pub- lishers, guaranteeing that the chromos delivered shall be equal to thenemples furnished . the agent, orthe money will be refunded. The 'distribution of pic- tures of tbis grade, free to the subscrib- ers to a five dollar periedical, wilt mak an epoch in the hultory of .Artnand, considering the unprecedented' eheap- ness of the price for THE ALDINE itself. the marvel talk little sherbet a miracle, even to thote best acquainted with the acheiveneents of inventive genius and improved mechenical ap. ponces. (For illustrations of these chromes, see Novernber hisue of THE ALDINE.) • T118 LITEUARY DEPAHTMENT will continue under thi care of Mr. RICHARD HENRY STODDARD, as- sisted ley the best wrieers and poets of the day, who will strive•toehave the literature of THE ALDINE always in keeping with its artistie attractions. Tenets. • JOHNINGLIS _ CAUTION. LOOK OUT FOR BUY ONLY THE GENUINE fairhaliks' Standard Scales, BIG IgrATI* 11ANUFADTVRED BY E. & T. Fairbanks & Co. • annuna, in advnnce, vilth 011 14hTrilEwrnwIALfreDe.INE bereeffore be . obtamable only by 'subscription. There will be no reduced or club rate: cash for selneriptione must be sent to the pub- ' lister' direct, or handed to the ,local agent, 'without responsibility to the ub- holier!, exe* incases Where the certifi- cate lateen, bearing the/ea-Whale sig. naturirof JAMES SUTTON sit CO, AGENTS WANTED. Any !person, wishinsi toactpormanent- promlIyasniocal agent, will:cut:use ;owl:, and information by-Applyingto. MIES SUTTON CO. "k -L 8 Malden Lime, New York TUB NEW -CANADIAN WEEKLY. -14§, !ROM It AS YOU 00 TO TIM POSTOF • 11111•01INIMINII noteiroteit WOCINtelle "sinner his 9 lye ! fifall,tiliini";11:44tet9 8mM:tic:Ito° fdase" trymilegrieft frir"01:11111413 Or:, exteueed ,m steal he tOninieneed 1)8411118 last' 13A1111(11.. c. BMX= IVATOB, ,u• -wood gal SPeOhl AttoitlOft tO Die Standard- Scale keeper whtchhe isle s position to sen eaelip *Wife ta• for theasle of which MD Sole -Agent Wiederfeft, Ile Spi fotvon land s fitosk of Ole rellehle ono scAnlit com„. &An HAI gesnietie estelsettoti to the pureesee Imre BOALZSIDAIXV 8CAL1/li, COUNTER DALES, far! Tr 'moron% tid -nee enel- Ato,, it6744gEriirtotralI'itli, roPlifct ItniPtlY !Intl eerealonablYi jelltly."0=triallgetelfiedlel AlVi I For tisk Shot froomnsr'S offal and alll$1" mu"' cell sed *44 11 ° Drug MO, 10ointiosition Bella, all sires DOTIGILAM MOKIINZI LetOr Proutse tog &e, Godeliethlisset 291),1311 TEE $108T PE11740T ALARM C 81-1 DRAW?ifi .77—•••7•••••=.1.. MUMS AL UM tf1.114 OWN. sEwsoo EVEXY AktiV EVISEY , • . • Ten First Prizes inflow - AtTwo Exhibitions SIIMILD use Mem. .W. BELL 4; 0-0, .' 'mum, 024t. Received =Every Milt !PrIZO • . i •1' • •-'7 ••• Xiaper wonarAtivinEtedR, • AVII01.10A1.EARETAit. . 1,1 *OW SCALE...WAREHOUSi;- =MEWS PI) a VIti!n't 191t171:11;17•-• Beautif014400VtAle 'r • ' 7 10 Pr% dlatAN1 b it re lir • • ! • "Or nit .1;1311T r• izouvz,P 'SA JEwELLEft, • '40/4,1t- KIN Tri A pealeri. - -13334'm #014, „ -.At the Ittainelal Exhibitions Hamilton, 'lint -- ,centratlig.44V00314.003. _ Mfg grand iracces3, addition.49 huit You'd ire eerd ore • • • - „ Silver - .• A ifitstivilaes; • -- E - rreiohnotratiseamarA0 the e$41011'ef eonvt Petooi in4.010:ere inoonipsratly.-'superter .to al1 others: !!' • • 1, Solo ?reirleiorogl itintesialiirsot the-. r10121:09 0,5o, . AlcJITTN, - Containing SciabzieYs Patent Qualifying Tub* - achlioadedged Gibe illeffrehtte,tIMProyeeleei tPX yet.introduced. Thelr superiority Is conceded. by - o et inekerg trent the Tot that At'Guil they • • CHEAP XI' X3UTLEttis • . fell=elitOtiergZe4taarric°:aliliftgullo.t Tcals The South half of the game lot naay ale° Do had ti desire:1. Apply to GEO. <TO NSTON, ce tee pantiles. Or to 11. ARMSTRONG, • Land Agent, ihnicrich. CodcF;:eliolune th, 1872, 11321. LANDS for SALE AT HAYFIELD.. T OTS NOB. 71 72 1138.1TIEIAD‘AiNCESSION Towr3ship of Bodirich,comVrZsing 14.13actra -of the hes quality ofland, within about:IL-Ales of the Market race of the Town of Bayfic:C: • Thew Is a otharanceof 20 acme which crealdreadllybelreper- ed for crop. The remaluder_of the Imitate -Ctose3Y_ covered with the best of beeeir and maple timber of splendid growth. an egeelIont road loaners on twO sides of the property- 01dch la saturated Sn ened and wellsettled nci-bbourbood. .A.1.4S0.-Lot14,11ange A TownstipStaidey, conttioftz,-; 20 acres of well geserver). tkitizer letzdo which 'would prance a large othinHty offireweed to the nerd The lotrans to -that Ivor Bayteld vittli a tensiderable water fall whach eon be cane avell3 able for milling ormatrathettaringhlgefeposee, For terum apply to, JAMES 13. ALLEN, -- Gral:pb. or W, W CONNOR, BEI. ffayeeid,, Guelph, Ang.15th, 1870 w80 Farm For Sale. TN the Township of Colharn 0. ith tho County of 1 Ehnen. North p.rt of Bloch CornpriallaR 100 ores rivelcared and under goad fence, atd 59 acres good Hard Wood limber. Two sprint? Creeks, Sell first quality, goad Lag Roue and pram torn ond email bearing Orebard, within 1* infleof8tcam darrand Grist Mil, and within* nulea of the County Town Goderiela Termemodee este. ripply to JOHN EDIVAIGIDS LItha Me premise& &Aerial Nov. 20, 271. 0 m.4 - FARM FOB, SALM LOT 29, 5th Con. Goderich Township. 85,lacrea of Lind aws, riveted gcod Building, 10 acres of Fait Wheat, 01 utiles from the Town olGulerIch. Apply G. 11.11813E11 AN Goderieh, or On the fromisen to DAVID COL 4oderteb, Dee.12tb. 1271 Cm. FOR SALE. • OT 5. Coo. 4, B. D., Asheelth c taming 200 acres excellent lane, covered Maple end Beech, 10 miles from Gederieb, with n never failing trent stream runtime through alio ceniro the land, there is :those 15 acres of cleared lane on the front et the lot. Ariely to THOS. WEA.TaERAID Engineer and Sarveyer Goderich, strain2ud, 1R72. .Vaiusble Property for Sale. • -r NUMBER SIM AND INTHE TOWN OF Li floderieti On Lot 381 is situated asmall Erlsk -Cottage wili a lanfte frarne dwelling liansetwostorfis talsboind on. Lot 05fltizereissibtrjetwe storey frame wantons° whicticonldbe canytried into* Brat elm tiotel at little cantata valso frame Hem. • The Lots willbesold together •ar eeraWe pnr...ltasers. ! Tams made evolve on epelloationto Wm. ARTI*L'Et tho,piemiles, orto , Hours DAVISON &JOHNSTON Goderich 18 July, 1571 swii2t 'MIME TO LET. ••••••=• 710 be 'Brick House with- "- eiglit minutes walk of the 3Iarket Sgnare, with 20 acres of ground,large orchard, good well, cistern, ivoodsheci, al130, •first-claes stable. and every converdenee that may be required. For particulare apply to OHNSTON & Or to 211t, W. D. ALLAN. bodorieb, Nov. 7014 isr2. - _UI,C) Et SA. . Close Partnership xtTrti:_caboav:Illieltatcyk4wnlialltiote:ssoreldro-ottysavgnAliiptpo2;cps: -713:42101,Bitn,StAcarTfrol:Letilisutunivioiwn:e:otetbi: nCifitarea, Net .L • Works? altuatxd %Cm Village of MI1Usail smelly or by Ictter to testoinse er exebenece .for towner ceuntryeres 3M. MIMES C. LB Totut, comFortrn oratr orA, ,(Tadek . VICYTORI- . v411471,7foirlytho:f:11110:27i" The BEIT 'and OfIELP,E3T Paper 270:141Tpivia:03:ro er:oconnsittig:gpimoul:utrioefysiteozr • =AMERICA. , 10 pages WEEICLY for 62,08 per 7"::::::Y70 ic.0 :V 11:111:1:77 . , • 111)11110d e IrdiCMCF111:071Sity es11402 41116 tAV0111;157"-'PLAN.---170 haw „, ,, ,,, ,„ , „ .resding for lice money then any paper Dicvnalif HY:: it ::::—'17." : :veRiNg lin glePh :4,4. v aebnal6PartentoitoRptigii:fo-cuealuineti"a .6:1 ispn.puiti :op: p,oro iritiiiiiittexte it)! c:211.:" 201 sinv sog Iv: 0,01nrin w;rroruse 1 ori:r;.ta.;cco'a,:t:::,:;er,,r:::;:T:r;:tet:11y,,,uo:ri,c:,:rt2trl",:tirs::!:,t;,,t.:Bay4:,,,,:xur::rof6Enlfenni,it;::::itr:;c‘rz:::s:'Itts:',tnm::::i. oostsion a White giving the prefer - num, Wit...any insported paper which , '44"t''""1.61"":700-It'415akiejfe; --. in •Ameilea, WS Ropers) tb knish sv.faft:-.WitliTtifl'oria milt II 114 -11 -es -e -k'- . give/ from advalice sheds,. the' bent .''''' stbros.publighed in England' and tho United:State& We will havo lise latest et/POUND IVSID ESTileg•T CV Scienlille and Lite -rare intelligence, A 1 t2W11:47 °n:13f/t1 1. ° 8 I A- - -while iilore convenient for rading ni vetees. ficoalhaled.uprimnia;11;:filltihnti:toi;Gen:natt'rdidnti°4;i:t:imiNtelomiecr:Egrtee:13:1(111:9,01tuits: : 8:::..iiiii.„, ,,,,z),7,4., ..14...., f..77,63:4715 cofrcetti:11 iisco,e,,:vr 1?16r •ipthagi : ,::::: WI ft owrmill1:061elanytofrteit:o.p. te' 1 .1,. yign:14"3 g'ti teul(ili":.1'4;a:ttlioci;;;c6r8.:10;:rtszl-- --e4g-. "TinIFsVontreSuarn,-The elegant -.1,14",scr• - '19 matteriban thnutiweildy 8-liage folios • • ee 1 -sheets, is also better Adapted for binding _ 0 /el rernottlIttaliboye...17exots_ .ir and contains fiftxper cent more reading ' - f ii r 1 - -"-- - - , - - L4 1 ' - - • 1 - CT Oni A .eleh imbacriber wild itavo It telluric of' , i LINIM.B14,-V ,.. , . ' 4 'heretofore in vogue. 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