Huron Signal, 1873-02-26, Page 17:..
........................................................ 11 1 MIN
F=M the'"W"Am New4wo X#Pww.
An ZMV aiiA&�;
�1 FOPC $AL1E.
The object of doing ft4awk to 2ftsb
money. When tw&i�i
e in the-amilra", WdIZOW
t nrgad -t" .
th- 11 same xu"
7N 4,�C,�Ca
11. 1.
Al, make the most money, but WM
41... the largest percent&
A -go of not pr6fit. For
L-4. ',1%70 b234,1 example . X Solis ir^uw W6Ah opf
'S"? a profit of twentY-five Imr ceI or #3,�
-a-A I i goodS, w1liet Wows hitiaAwartragerom
real Frait, a Q yED INS)
ramo M�.m is L
T. ng ill-acd with 0, P-lb"khtil 11 Canada,
0()D &year. For store reti., ke, pays
n`Zab'!2%0J at uad,leh. ozUrlo. eve.y IM; for -wisistant, $W - for'ir And
light, $100 ; forraisoellensous Allpellew
n-� at tho tzt
a t"s tomc,�, Mont $600, or a total of 12,090" 191 a
------------- fat
!7*.t1S t L.' r2whasn "I %Alattiima tho.markst profit of V,000.
-Squam. by Ila #,he Same f4oWyl, In a Similar store,
The Gregte4t ]POSSible Good to the Oreateit Posilible Number. 90 13 an Older merclumt, _1#nW AlogjAblis&
tT - J- BELL,
tho V"a'Zo ed Anil better knewn sells 140,W per
'Fnili- MCI of Go AXI) paup annum.
RIZg with About Ahe
V0[1. AM. NO. 6. -tn 4
b1z. con. i same rent, elerkhifallotlI 4641111
41% -Arof gand 3 8 VAN whVromA pays IIIut4wo. Vain.
WHOI-jE NO. 1 5 A tire expenses fbi tb* yea Ow VW,
Q,:, an, i IF II azi F*T 02TITIM. to 82 J eredit III Bill -PrII A U6 S
�ft ind go�aj is-int-nito i tv wi AM 10.000, Uavag
pnbll.� him $7,000 nit proats, or 114 W 061
Z-1% A_ .%:,I eb(,ap 4 at the optium if ttlo
ner. A1011C11 to 'itilb. grasped Ned's arm with implork on- t9ok him seat, and f(;r a. time. am, they brought him to the on his buaiuosIA,_ while A made but 1;t�7
F RATES OF ADVERTIv,,,IX0, rz bar .�f a public percent. -net. Anybuxiziepusnofel;.
N1 kX. trraty gleaming from her -eyes. drove along, Cogitated in offence as tothe court oira criminal accusation. Atedi-
1— ],no r tho first ing her gksp off for a moment,'Ned wisest course to pursue in preceding to oils perionce will prbuotince -th#� Above ex.
tw" Go"Its pq�:. Tie 1, in�e, t. -n, and enquiry ensued, but th� difficulties February 8%, 1873. hibit. Any Plan Which WM enable A to
VIInctinent _Y TO LOAN WrIttonforth Sig'al, he burst in the way Of proving pers0nil com - Ali members present, wm" utes con- i increase his business to anamoust squal
MON F mias one stride towards I her assailant, Rortense's abode. At ast
ith the fullest but: pli
GODERIGH LODGE, NO* 33 0 city Were too great to be qv�aotne, and firmed. Reeve to attend to horse cage. to that done by B without rebetz
1111azz- -n ato-, 6 ant.. Si per MM27 81112tIMOU3 n and, by a blow. Ulven w
1. ft'i
X4 "0 rovkrip ou,,� f his $50 granted to aid Crediton in procur- hip percent -age of profit, will be -worth -to
I AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. nerved with re- "I have it, Hortense -1 have thought though there was no moral t 0
It- It. C., A - F. A. A. 1111. vigor of a powerful arm,
LIF RF.,;1I CON131UNICATION AN ODE collections of th4 past, and the indignant of a plan to milence malicious tongues. parlici ation in the crime frdra which he ing telegraph Volts for Una from Devon A the sum of 000 per year. If an
'L wo.inesday or o,,il fur alone had reaped 64
T F%,E E HOLD Permanent Building*arld Iy 1XI y of the present moment, smote im I think ir, will be well to make no anus P
QT-M� diyk-� Is Society of Toronto. SPEARE. 'endituro of T2,000 per year in adver-
if Wid
oil 111--th At 7i�� I,. uk Visiting brethrou Saving the be4efits,' legal t4 Creditou, on condition there be an exp
1. to the ground without a word Of inter- ion. to what has occurred to-nighl,
For pariieulars apply to 64- guilt could not be brought Ito his door. nffice at. Devon, money payable yvhen timing will -do it, Auch au ei�pen&tmre
rogation or ch%lIenge having passed be- ceptiog W )-our uncle on yonr return Sbatter�d in reputation, and III
YEAPLY %t;RCr%ma- A. M. ROSS. nwilling to line is in operation. Council to meet wouldGertainly 16a justidable. If an *X-
qTq ti-,dencll, Atli Miy, 1%-.I. tween them. The two men had in a mo- hoine, where I will accompany you, and inan r the offill
T't" f.*,"%�r-ig - 6XV7.3-1v — — . in of the revelation which again first, Saturday in March at 10 -penditure of R4,000
Agent at Godericb- Heigh-ho ! thiswintry weather !.
1*04,% i'.4 Is .-Narghl calculated and decided. upon a on reaching Montreal I w will make Vs trade
t -E 1- the year, - 88cretary aud Treasurer, mdnt ill call upon a a aiftin" civil suit would tre elicited. o'clock, when Fence viewers. Poand double B's, that will be justifiable, for
Vira, C."i-an !,.4� CHAS. ROBER How each bitter storm: coliree of attion, and neither would have young lady who will, I think, on my ix- he exp;eseed - his williagnoi ss to make keepers and Pathmasters will be ap. on the �80,000 of busint8i there will be
.. ... ....... TON, It was Randolph PaI planation of the eircumst
at%� ........... it o. or4 G. T. Wind, and snow, and frost, together pared the other. ances, see you peou
. 1 niAry reparation, ant accordingIv pointed. 820,000 profit, and deducting tho ex -
Toronto. 1343. iqou whom N�d had struck with such tell. to the dwelling of your friend to -night. was compelled to refund to, the utter -
All life's bowery haunts defur'-f
in The follossing orderswerle granted penses, increased to $LOW, lind $4,000
a cause 11000111- Most farthing the procabds of the
na, All the hopes the spring -day nouiisli'd. 'Uncertain what aid the scounarel ment, an -it I will be yoqr escort to t�e 3411didey 'esta'
in� force. Your return with fier will
)OFR It'll TVII 11.11 Nil *.!*�'; OFTHISO J. Pickard for lumber, $1.92; J. paid for advertising, we still have qao -
kt)EIt 'All the joys that summer cheriali'd - once door."
'it . . MONEY TO LEND to, after whj�h the con- 11, -ward to movistin repairing Armory in -othan E1IitN1:;.
Q Z%rt rear (I ho their me, t i%.: in iK. r. -ii. pentuee Hall. West P nI hive to support him, Fed at e� 599profit, or$3,503-mor
J St. every 3t4.*!.t,%% all 0 Clfek 'it Greatly reduceil Itatel of interest All the fruits of autumn p6rish'd: dition of his health preRaribld for him a !Pxeter $10 ; Charity 85 -, E agicson If A has the capacity to enilftet tke
sharp. I retreated into the outers room and 'Accordingly or, arriving in town, Ned lengthened residence on th4 continent. work on 21 Con., 82. ',5 T. King lum- larger business, and is located in a region
Vl3lttUA; wi itvd. how bleak the sky of life isr I"
134 %V11. GORDONI.� wah in the act of . opening the. door to drove at oncelto the residence of Belle whbre hebecamelost tothe world;which ber $3.75 Agricultural Show grounds. her th illation and distiubntisig
"kth I vex* � ..... ...... und--r.1--ned ties any amount or meney, to Oh how ate
rn this innate strife is I
pm into the road with his arm support� D POD
tit Thus I sigh, and ihis I'say I.
3 M�mths .............. .. a lit!
June .14th. I%U. s,%% S. oink" st an I fit vourablo terms of repaymentI oil to see her privately, *;are
....... ... liecretar Moan fmili fir,, t-, fifteen years, at a low rate Stewart, and mending in his card with & had hitherto beeli brighten d by his -�15o ; coblings statute labor remitted, I flZi equal to the support of so
byye-%r1y instalineuts; ruts of e "vable 190igh-ho ! and alack-a-day ing-tho rescued girl, whan 'a man made note, ask to intro- B&Xlctimonio�s presen 0.
99MI xpenses w'll flefy Ho him Appearance from the -rear 'of the, duce a lady who accomp 'It. Whiting gravel, 75 cents ; T..1 !Fge tra�et it Will pay him to "cure
ia to be "Orlaned
14- w aeonyouth's visions fade away aptemb our hero port work $6 ; Station putting up it by vertiaing.
N'D fur 'A to t!�* -11ry anied him. He
hatMI-111: 3! Ili the month of Se pr
h-teik and fir artment, vishinly towards them to in- was at once showe into the' apartment and his sister *
110RACE HORTO" pointed out,to Harold
nit b*!,att. tqj AP ff?sters, postage, Registration of.Births No man can do business unless in
Once for me, on eatth, were"beaming tore i,r their exit. Hastily telling the where Belle sat alone, and after a brief Grey, th steamer ad the D'eaths and Marriages, 838.72. somothiniz that
:AT EAYF�-ELDA, Ad,,,!;,w, erlt..'i Lit C [!�,. as 8
tn.! ipprktitAer for alie caundaper. people want. unle" he
house, for Love and friendship's light'- giri td) take her seat in the sleigh, which introduction of his companion, he relat- stream of our noble St. nce� the C. PRoury, Clerk. has a clear field
S-i:o, 61,;. vivir"t Unilding &Lpayipgs i6 . of ; and no competition, he
in %he cuald see �taadifI before the he ad td Belle the incidents of the evening PGiUtg Of interests in the their must not only have what is wanted, but
1 SAY.F. F� And affection's ardent dream use,
Socle1r. of Toronto. &old drive away at the horses'beat speed and named theid.a , hich ad ugge
a V -0 -OA! ta. v h a ste3 epeape from the wreck of
VrTito sbibve raws vi -j" in all cases I e sm, t*T I
Poised my spiries zParings bright. wreck odd -1oLion. "
f.,r =4istan 6 Be V must have it of the Wter quality, at a
-Lifewasilocial sweetandjolly- ce, if he did not immediately itself t,) him for the return of Hart n How differAntik 41tuated they now,
%�,n-led rar 1rI in 311T COUN(,1L X
0 -_ -e -. :.11 cheaper price, or ser% it in a more astis-
ar ei,stim ratb tile odi,, join h_r, Ned closed the door and turn- to her friend. Belle fell into his views EMNG.-A regular meet -
r n it Free from pai� and melancholy': -, both soon to be happidly m. r a. After of Council was held on the 6th tust., factory majaner than his competitors,
Ilatu"isr SQUARE GODE111cu, felt at once and desired him to leave Hor- a severe testing in the waters A adveNi_
Never deeming trust was folly! ,
INSURANCE CARD ad to meet his new adversary. He
The IRWiseriber iA tizent for the foildwingtirst-oan aw th H t ha M list accom plish a victory by a Cause with her, whilat he drovo his horse e Clerk's office. The Reeve and AD otherwise he will ttract only his sham
-n,olf thp QITWNZAT. ..,kft it CAPT.W.COX. PROPRIETOR. 11moulminco C-i],Mpninies Oh! h pu was life's full chalice, Alni. k blow or he was lost - , for he noticed home and procur ry and affliction, returning u what was of the trade- Every successful business
mWitlin. . Unprofaned Ty, woe.or malice I eigh, in now their home with youth, )eauty a4d secure more than his "Share.
PHOEN IX,,r ad another al a Councillors were present. The min.
LATE t)Fr.IE 11t)TH4 FFARTFIIR'l offlarttord. Thus I sigh, ana this I Ray- could proceed ad arrang- foAtine I
WWI% 05P ALL KINE)a at once that the new comer was I% power- which all three ail in their possessi n. dtes of last meeting were read and pass- man must
Cully Imilt, riffflanly looking fellow, arm 4d. Applications were received for the
Heigh-ho ! and ad. In all trade it is import -ant that the pro-
BRITIH A.NI IH ICA, of Toronto. 61ack-a-da; They were received in trRal w4h Assessorship framD. Stewartfor $10, fits eball be fair, and as the Marlsotgre
--f n- III u.1 111pport of the Nlsirine business 4n open arms by thetir 1krienc&s,
rr a' ed with a bar of iron, oils blow of which When Ned had departed, Belle addres-
ordirs %r mid is a9zom4ed at the How fast life's fcndest ties docay I I have ended him earthly joareer. ra
ven I. befori, lh� fire, re,, bwest rate -4 Bed herself to Hortense, and without Mr. Elliott for $8, John Somerset for o open to all deale that the quolity of
findina her
1314 HORACE HORTON I a shadow to darken heir bal piness. $10. Moved by 8. Gerry, seconded by goods offered by one may be "--9004 W
No inI for me, on earth is thin ing Ned had, iortunately, retained him whip a ladylike educated girl of pleasingoman The preparations for the d )ubl
e mar- C. Wright, that John . Somerset a
FN The light of love's bright aye; ill ii;s hand, and, quick. as thought, hi ners, soop soothed her agitated s A,- any other can a5Drd at the same price,
Office Market Square, Goderich feelings nage were made, and the Irst day of the Village of Brussels, for the style of merving customers bopumes
oil, and grief, and age coratiull:
Cause me ever thus to aigtil 181'3, at a salary of W -Carried. Mov-
the natural aen, through WM* to
ZURICH HOTEL. tunt. ly it at: him,' directly in the a complete account of her adventures, of and Mary became Mrs., ed by B. Gerry, seconded by J. 0. Hol- orce an increased tracle. suppose,
Z-111 9 !allne'led it a, a ruffian's face. For- by her xympathy, and obtained -from her October saw Lucy the wifl of Har sessor for
21 lu�c
i3ireftaril. -ye.aiidbefore a could recover from which Belle made a careful record in her Toclose the career
Heigh-ho ! but life looks dreary !
ff-' HaPPf 1, Proprietor. a ts 5 Q.. a 00 he. suilden pai which paialyzed his mind for the benfit of Randolph Patton, of ome Of the liday, that the sum charged applicants then. that the price of your goods is a
0 Lan on or Toi�-. property st iper Wrapt in wintry, clouds ruicheerie -oleiveinents for moment, Xed spran g in case b4 should have the hardihood to allier characters in the story - for tavern licenses in -the fair, full, market pr2ce, the quality the
e. cUougftil POOD CCOMMODATION FOR (701DIERCIAL T its Hopes deferfed make bearta so wory: I Wlidst #Arry was absent England
kT '37,� T.'Ie p.con in Znri,h. 111)(111 , re -appear in Montreal society. Brussels for "the current y best, selected with care And always ro-
ILL for Cjnsna,tI r, 1., 11 6. t UNWAIGNE� suliettor, &e him with all his strength pent up ear be $30,
t , . 1TtrQ:. And stern cold Truth dispels each it- great effort, and with a wrest' Air. Wilton had been called on by an a, and
'itv. - fromhe Ottawa -near the that the sum for nmem be W the appointme
i The I,ar i% of tile I est 41%f Goderich. That woke rouildFanoy . M., VaP"r ' in to ling, Ned soon returned, and the partydrove Indian exclusive of all Government charge liable. Attention must now be paid to
qua, is I u- taper. trick, dashed him across the room , full. to the raitidence of thefriend of Hortense, Lake of theTwo MounthAntins. express-
Znch, Lt, t. w7-1 Thus I sigh, and this I say: shop lice nts for the transaction of
up(m the great stove. With a fearful it hen Belle alighted with her exclusive of allgovernment charges- trade, efficierkt assistants'promptf2ealing,
_N E'Y TO LEND Heigh-ho! and alack-a-day I n Moved by C. Wright, second- ready and Ple"Antadjuptuient of errors
clatter the stove fell to pieces under the parted afterexchanging saluta- cam with dwel ug- e It le Dis- edb wanTs Of cum.
NO and ouly ed a strong desire to leam c press t Carried
L What sorro ' haunt an old man's Way of 0 ar y r.
irr rri. CI.NT. SIMPLE ITER liudden weight cast upon and against it. -her relatives, who Z acq uaintad with appointed On finding that h 'was several V T. Balla-iitine. that the Clerk pre- and careful attention toall
If T�i%: I SON, &C ;&V.. F67 i
ATf'-r,r10 Interest repaTable,eltber
JOLBORNP; 1-101'E1,4 andthered embbrs and blazing wood. her natme and position in society. pare a by-law in accordance with the tomere. �� With allf these a good trade
No more for me on earth is -calling days, journeyfrom. Houtre heatleDgth preceeding resolution, for the regulation can be secured, provided the custemers
Kind friendship's syren voice: flew over the apartment. In the midst The next day Hor!ense departed communicated to Mr. a stran
St� Helens. O;f the confusion, Ned m -of- hotels, inns, a -ad shops, to he passed I exist within a convenient raffi us� and
1300-tf. Frail age, and penury appaling
CORON FR. kc. Offire ade his escape, home accompanied by Ned Simooe, and story.' One ight 4u e previous aware
incle, who winter, he wa retu In
and rurned the key outside, just as in ail interview with her r at the nixt imesting of Couricil-Carried. are made of the iWilities which
a- aI tt-_.%:ef:c twri 1,3,oreast oirc.., Ne�er were friendship's partial eboic m a r"hing Moved by 0. Wright, seconded by B. ate offered -for t1eiraccommoastion.
When the spallit -of Itanul ph Patton rashed into the room was her only near relative and guardian, excurison to his in 1 141111 ')f Gerry, that the Clerk -prepare a by-law The usual methods of attracting busi-
IM MARTIN --prop, rietor. MONEY TO LEND. -age have caught us,
Friendship, that in sunshine sought us, was A
SALE. I rrith it loaded gun in his hand. determin- explained what had occurred, at the the river, __ when. he tIrtled by to be -passed at the -next meeting of nets are well-known, and sre to a Cer-
C-311e-ge oN - 1,11PROED FARAF PRO- Fleets, it; prevent the escape of the girl and same time requesting and advising the shrieks of some
Good Acconinindati,.n. -Ample Stable with all the gifts it brought us - P 0 one in m Mal. agony, Cou nail to provide for licensing transient tain extent efrectivo. Every dealer has
R.)tqu. a # t - puuish Ned' even by assailing his silence in the matterin the interests of and on hastenin- towards tb spol frbm traders in the Village a sign to show his name and trade A
perty, at per,cent simple intereat SeWwhness sob-bornes its i i
pinions: Of, Brussels.
I SWI all parties o incerned. whence the sounod proceeae% he found Lia
fti-rhiq is -vlinitrej t,, be a Firstchis minions life er,, to be
kept in per 'Winum, to Swiftest wing'd of Fortune's To say which proved more grateful, stretched on the ice with hE feet actu- ved by handse:
q.%)IL'EL SLOAN Thus I sigh �Or Ned to gather up the rein 810 -Carried. Mo me display of goods &ftraot* asoit-
d 0, ight, seconded by J. 0. Holliday, at obsevors. IDetter tkati thoiios'Ars the
Heigh-ho! to-tho Sleigh, and start his r" Hortense or her uncle, would be diffi- ally in the roaring icy t th 4 d 0. Wri
J- CaMMI-Obell 13 NX Colborne Hotel. sn g,
`�d siIa_; I I- t cult, di bi d 0 y that John Manning be tavern and, shop- commendatory words of oudiher's'who
II horse, was ize,work if a momen i" I , A.:
G(.14eri�h, bill Oct., 1872. 1338 It leaves us en it oujit to twhi it the girl's eacapej of a man, senseless, and M Ivith
k%'. u't stay, at the same time he addreaseda word of her relatives real 10 Inspect& for Brussels for the year 1873 are pleased with their transacti,m A
"Hrrit. I -.;,- - -- -_ - ___ . . - C 18 lily consented to adopt e1posure andthe altook of a ungeirithe -Carrig
an in ys
,meut to the girl who cowered Ned's advice, only declaringif Randolph frozenstream. He succeede in carrying
-P d. Council then adjourned. word in favor of a Wainermhouse is often
No more for me on earth are wreathing -iletit and trembling beside him. Not a Patton ever' presumed to venture near himtohislu anAiwithgre effortre- worth much. If one pemn'.sgeod words
FOR SALE AiN 1,A1011 LINE., Tile flowery gift of praise; to 647.
imkient too soon, for a crash of glais their abode again, nothing would pre- are worth something, the commouds-
Time his Bearing blasts bequenthiny- stared him to consviouAmelUm ut never to
vent him cma.-The municipal coulloill f tions of ten will boorth ten times as
receiving personal punishment health. He had known h father in the
b gen snerss.ill I L -'very Wednesday Frons my brow hath reft the h I dred, an
Ned to cast a glance backwards COUNCM b1z
township of Gret met at Tuakis ReteL Cran- much, and of an hun
10, 1878. Members
E It ra Levorz Traitorl"ancy! whydeceiveas a is t4ehurse darted on, and a red 111sh for thq offence committed. theyeary long pastasan nt in the bro0k. Feb. aurftsavt� MW t
P.ND ArTL*RNI3T.AT_AW, a5z nnd Saturday. �itha loud report told him that the To return to the �house from which -employ 'of the Hudson I Ur. Williamson. The a.,. in tu times as much. 'Ids, is "Ort, And it i0i
t- Q:z.-4 teerv. Caniv C- v.: Attornev, Adam Fe'ron applied for relief on beIII&II every man's ambition to malbe a fortune.
All'the chaplets thou dost weave as Ba Company,
HE LIVERPOOL&LONDON TLi 01) FROM NFW T()r& AD GII :)affled ruffians had resorted to firearms Ned and Hortense escaped. The glare and in gratitude for sort which be WfdowM3 ly, she being -in indigent efreumottan-
gow. C.i1hugat Lopd-aderry Wend Mails and Hap, 1) Everything is sought which will tend to
G31 Fade when Youth and fortune leave us . _r
a ND GLOBE t Provetithis escape, and unable to which had been noticed by the fugitives had received at his hand, h 'had tender. -M. Moved by sainue siemmox, seep
hdold -by L.
Pas., en eild and wintry weather
iss,iefromthe door they had dashed was truly the flames of -the burning ed'and nursed tb 00bliOn-That tbesturitif$16bs grimtedaschar- hasten the happy Ume when thatr fortune
N yo $,rr Paq4en�, ri 1�,ked on,] forwarded to and, Vro�e thou'rt falsehood altogethtr. All son ugh a long
G'et' Widow McKny, and that the Rwe i in caubecounted itims4e. The way 72J
C79Lnvr-3,n ft I N S U R A N C E C 0 M P A -ns in Great Britain, out a wipdow so as to take aim. The abode. Too eager intheir desire tb in- sickness. He =20 CL
RRNTrltq. i'1TJ-1T0VqIN_CR %VCERT.&c. i from al Railwav Mali Ireland, Thus I sigh., and was now "at a point.of tan for the same. -Carrie grom
Germany, N-rw,%*, ,:%,rden Or Denmark abd . t. . The foklowfur tobe prepared to *erve the public, and
S*rvet. Amerva I heritid accounts were presented for payment : jaran me -
B tarded horse increased, his pace itil he flict punishment on Nod, to notice the death, having, durifig the
G Aititow. -sets. *27,090.000 roinfortawy and Heigh-ho! Ani ry p
i Ay.allable A% aair. JohnSiften, James Ispericer and Ditzean Me- then
%I C -ther Route or Line. r -day .,at fl let the pubho know wlmty - ou
cheaply, a.; hy.tni IiI Alin sw over the ground; and with a progress the scattered fire made upon of his conknement, been eeived into Donaldlietaxiting0facers.43voleb. simueiRee dogothAlt theymay baa ato b me
1.433ses paid in the coursp vf Thirty-6ve years ex- Tl]�E N W I)EP.% RTURFS. Oh ! when will m.ise pass away !
794)�4. WE -LT !ERA j! - th u2ht ouly how to' pilot te mo
eed is course, the dry timber of the.bouse, it rapidly the fold f th 0 rch bi one ter repaidy side read between lots 50 suld 31, lot
From Ne Yori Asliffield, FebruarA 1873. Se,f allowed two 2' Fe atholic (3911cell"1011, $1 ; George Crooks, for So loads of customers. Every man, to a Ocattr or
ARPI`iTER AND ATrORNEY. liicrroit. FORTI 51ILLIO'NS OF DOLLARS I I Sat. 2.34 .... IOWA ........ )Ion., Oct. 16N r three miles to pass gained headway too strong for their oftbeJesuit: at ers,who
! f Jfi=ed to gra-I f,,r us6of rca& 84 ; i. M Urilit postage, Ion extent, prefers 0 trade where be
30th.. CALEDON-1A..AaL, Oct. g1loot Iver before he again. glanced in the efforts to subdue, and both of the f- the opiritual,wan t telegrapb�n enterin
3tn r. &a., Gvderti:t. qpn:. ru ft of the a original in-
�42t ()Lt. 7tb .... ANGLIA ...... Sat., -Oct. 28th Al byAawa*_nd �ozle olay at aI hall fomerly traded- The -shftwd bual-
Clair AaL. 06t. 14th ... CI)LU31BIA ... fian' tion. $18 49. Move
hrection of the house. Wherthedidso a, reckless lof results, butanxious abitantsofthedis had, by the Samuel Sletunitin, -;qpd-
rims a; srulttt � by CTI TC A G- R1171r. em Sat., Nov 4th ) ed by Lewis 1W61jondP71hattheferevoing zewunu neomman istherefore anxiousto secure
mated at nearly 03 C30�nf)00. are being Awl everY Welinesday and Saturda3 thei"r ZA= ZAPIS Ayj) it wasto encounter -is red glarq which for their sI hastented to the shed, ghostly, father,- b n to earn- be taN and debenctifes granted for the fame-Cxr- the fitat possible vrderfroin overyman
r Bi' I 90LICI ivzdatedq fast as adjusted WVrHOUT DEDU-T111%. III f4er2l), % orth River. at noon. TAUR FATS. inatuentaxily increased in intenefty and where Randulph's horsea and sleigh municate with his friends r1ed. Novedby Samuel slemmon, seconded by L.
Btirs -a te.. Goden. h -ecurity, Pronirt Painient. . U-1 Liberpli'y In ad RATIII OFFASSAGE PAYABLEIN CURItEfty Make Solna
Dobson, that-ths Clerk be lziatmqtod t9 procure an arder tolpye, no oarlier
I 1 7: oluonq, and on reaching the summit of stood, and bringing them out rapidly atonement. before he pass f tration the firWorier is secured the better pro-
Justonent of Its less" are the Prominent feathres o- T,)tIVEIIPOAL.C,1-480UWoRDzni&T: awa who hag
Tr-rll -or SOD 110titlen af Assessment and Uve.-RIS
this wealthy commany. FiR.-T $65 ah -I S'.5. according to location ricling-piece dground, he saw, what drove away,leaving thebabitstion a prey faults committed against ii em m his notice printed on the -nins-Crflea. communt.
PIIL.ICIEI Ay W. 13. TOR. speetz -there is of making a tegularieusto-
sj4. s E m ets oA no S e felt satisfied was the place he, had to, the flames. -worldlydays. Inthisextre it, he had eat -Ion read from the -Serretary afthe
1, and LIF ieA ith -.r,. i Cabin Ex nMon Tick (g for 12 zith )
&c,A3oideK_. oriditiom.. Well n,
LW -Z r4 13 .1.1&,W�Cf.i I seenring bist accomodation. $130. Grey andBruft Railroad, IL Tiferenee 'o mer at in early day.
Ft SzAQM, r (3fflee Jeff, a mass of flames. foenni, as of
CeLlaft Imetii.ediate.!P3 Steerap,m As they approached the riverOttawn expressed a desire to see 0 97 13aXt9r, railway debentures. Roved by
Gadarlell. D;&-- Iar_ I1171_ IV. Bramb. NO*.' Certificates: at LOWE19T R ATER can he bougbt Samuel 6111MMII. A man intending to do 1)
TRZAL h,I hv those -ishing to send for their friend CHAPTEA XXII. Still, he continued at the'full speed of theylaoderated their pace andsought whom the Indian now o lit t it seconded'by Lewis IkDonald. Tbat the amount - U
his horse until he reached the main II shelter in a housa similar in characeter was Randolph Patto dooI in the
.,-e -=e: or so Itra(I mii;af-le on presertation. ratzed to pay maturing coupons be ig prepared W. Im. SQUXIECke. n efwh in he Oke' ROY111 Canaditu BRuk at Beafarrh--Carried. Com- Must Uqxtaet every possible -esiden I Socretary ,d had Iekthe scene of his late expl i to the one they had forsaken, and a- Mr. Wilton thought it . d to munitiatieD ofthe county council of Middlesex as Cligtonler know tiAt k - Is *d fidoarleff
H,K .Pply at the companvs Offices or to UTIQN. . a oii tie
t PaisTFP, AT-oasiiy, k r L W. SOLICI. MONTREAL MRS WAR -OCR milep -behind. lighted for refreshmeRts. Here they communicate this statern. a IL W. Adams
=:2 Chaa�ec3r ke. -i T 14 e9t8t.G0derio`1, On At the first inn which they reached drfank deeply ta drown their discom- Lambton, without a
'9= �tR7 i, tO fees off-Regiftmra read and fy1ed.
B A. M. R01b, Agent torCoeriell Go feriph Oct. 23 Onthe termination ofthetrial, Charley made application to pitzrhase a quantity of pine How to o this beco'n,'" 40, kaiiiflon:
02". or -r J. C. Dotter& Co's Eu. Baxter Made Preparations for immedi d- that -timber on road anowance between lots 5 and a In acry amall place he filly Ull is 0-tts,
N :0EN market ate they halted, for the sobs and sighs of fiture, and resumed what had now be- gentleman departed at once! the dting rized -to Instract
goinam Galerieb- COIL. 17. The Clerk was autho peoplewhathe can -do. �ksl 1_vp
T return to his post on the Ottawa River, his distressed companion Marmed Ned, come a flight towards the 'United Statez bed of the erriBg sinner. 17110111" Williamson qud tb� pathmaster, ]It. Me, .Til
1�aqted to III to aell, theslad t4ber by public suctlon fo 14a,, aprinted banabill, potak Or ra=-
but vielded to th"olicitations of' Ms and be was anxious to learn bar stors, frontier, intending to travel thrbugh He found Randolph' a the highest bidder. Moved by Samuel Veramo; erly 41a.ributd �WM W oftead-
Toronto Lffe Assurance =d friend, Ned Simcoe, to defer � his that he might restore her to the night as far as their horse seconded prop
HOUSE TO LET. AW MANCEIRY AND CONVEYANCLNG.. ber frieu(is' would shadow and hardly conscious even of his -hy L. Dobson, that J tines 9ftboll be all
departure until he r,)uld aecompany him. onted but whoever 4m --U
L ador for the c oils, TP
arrent ar, at
;a. Assigner. Tontine Company. or at least place her for the night in ' carry them, then to exchange or borruw own existence,. uplialsiT of$ and presenthis repoftat the next
a or that of o0ers, bui be- onongb to jI �aewflpap&, WillAnd
The latter had busineas at Bytown, , and place'd safety. . The responsibilibv'of anothr Until they� reached their de6ti- fore the curtains of death iwere drawn 'in g of ottTle -Carrieil. Moved by Law[
a lonely drive to that place had fewer 11 that the chospes
HEAD OFFICg : TORONTO ONT. carrying her 'on with him to Montreal he riation. On seeond by Samuel of , t misdium. thw4b whiab
Min-.; -es zrelk 0', 1 I he revived sufficiently to. 4crinize, his a time be emonon, thlit the to faddr�vs tie'public.
ct!,: -Are. vrtn 10 aun, .4. 14mlc — charmsthan ccuipany offered, and he ta ded until tile 21st fusL -
- i OMM072, - could not under ke unless her friends As they crossed the river the ruffian uncle, express his contritio# ind receive )arried. & debEM was ted to Thomas The local nowEpaper is uken by the
.7: .,rz�. we!l, eil ARWSTZP.. &7WRNEV, SOLICITOP,&c.&c. � I L
t CAPMALACTMORIZEPHYCHARTER pressed his claims so strongly on Cbarl�y resided there. Murray, to whose brain the drink be forgiveness. He th "d -,eatIbeater on ace a charity -
C, alaa, Ons. VV35 it is : 01 of
With lil�rtr to increase ta ha!fa nAllion 1v Y. that he consented to wait that thay Huff and fa Y_ ed by L. Dabs,mto w"11"m best people in -Aiviery locality. It -is be,
t A to receive
S He almost carripol the poor girl into had imbibed was rapidly mounting, be- to be hoped, to a beitr=.' d' , seetanded
MOSEY TO LE by Lewis X Do anald, that this Council do now ad- only advertisivg medinta, Umt is bought
N D. zrI travel together. Accordingly, he house, an companion, me
I d giving her into* ran. to gibe and taunt Ifis rey at a merciful tribun4 JOILM to meet again p Feb. V,.at Dane's Hotel.
Aynozod ealled iA, 25 per Celit.-all p(lid 'VORTICKETS to aad frnn -Liverpool, Londft- tbay left Montreal oil a bright winter a the charge of the willing mistress of the- and at lengthattempted to take the reins Ned Simooe married thel lady of . his 0-b-ok. and, paid for byhe perzonaI Aft*n-
p nVose of appointing path t -
X d try, or Gia�gnw by the above Steamump, coy. morning, in a cutter, well horsed and et for 8 rg, ience viewers, etc., md&st, tion the ELaver,tim-eria-armioum of Attract-
-IN RCHITECT,&-e-, &c., COURT 11017SESQ17, APE aP1,410 P.- H. CARTE;& bIiBhment, requested her to provide from his )lands, insisting upon driving choice soon afierwards'arill 3ft Ellis - iiWut certaflea too tavern 6enses - CarTled.
& 390. k - 91 -t
a pomted mievery other respect, an ing. -The aftentiolo -of th 661biietibeir to
d her with whatever she required, whilst the wearied brute at a faster pace. expressing a desire to be evold of the, - i
AG_i1a_-:_-bk_ F13!34 and pe-�Mmtions dmvvn A,_,e%VGrajad Tritink Railway 31 riving, entered ALm HUTElt, Cle�L a regular newspaper is 1-tvitsil to iin -in-
11 P., W. D XLLAN. camzuy. 11asterera'and Masons' NVESTMEWN WMITED BY , HARTER TO MORT1 1-171 Goderieb.Ait .15. 1870. W30 ter two daks' �risk d he attended to the wants and comforts They had disagraid upon the route to cakee of busin6se,
I measured arA va!ued. AND vEBr_N ruilu, Bytown, where they al�ent some little -if his horse. Harold aray, Harry' nounement in it without _&ny officious
r pursue, and finally, though itot until he and Ned united -thems
elve -.w carry on Ln umhulm.
time together, and then separated. In the course'l halfar, hour Ned was was vanquished in a scuffle which eR- a lis solicitation, almost withtiul; his Imowiniz
BOARD OF DIRECTORS - IMPORTANT NOVICE the business of the old eat ) bed firm
it. Every mom is conadlons that'ho
JBUCT;Larlam, His business completed, Ned turned requested by the waiters to enter the sued.. Randolph surrendered the guid of LambLon & Co. a* enterl rise crowned Tim
Presi&nt: The H -N JOTIN HILLTARD CAXERWO homeward,and being delayed byastorm, panion's Domes ep Igo= .1"WE110 C*n- thinks much more of iffiepaperfop wEch
_]E[AVE cab_md aT, k!nds of Safie-. Doorg, Blind- M. P., Q; C.. &c. 4r�. Toronto, p r1our, where he fouf2d the'girl ptaiting ance of the horse to his cam with the greatest success. he pays thah for any-ob.oAltiniLTAIII of
and Vressel Limber, at the God. Wee PresWew: LkwisI,#fFA-E. Esq. I P. RL NAZI -N, which; however, passed over withouT bim, and to his astonishment he *rea0g_ hands. The faintly markedtrackbe- Harold undertook to fionauct the &gratuitorls sheet orcircalar which is
erich Raalng UuL Lee, Dr"Aic, Fq- Judge of the Cimity of York. much detriment totheroads,late on the itized in her the niece of the rieter came m6fte indistinct as the moon Bank, branch in England, wheri . he still ft- rho French journals, says a fore!gn
To '"as
flOuse Sign & Carriage Paiiiter second night he left the banks of thb f an hotel thruotmatbis400r. 'Anadvartstment
im. IV. H.Rzomit, EsoA.,X. D, M.P., Pr�scon.. rop
to 5A.1 7 k 5-4- aa t:.-- ARM CAMzsI F -sol . Cashier Xerehantl;l Elalik, I outheshores of the lower and a difference of opinion agqin arose sides,but the other parties ha7e not for. newspaper, have lately been expressing in his own piper zttrai�ts hi's attoution
TaXonto. I TJESIRES TO ACQUAINT TEMPUBLICTRAT OttawaRiver, which hithert he had. ai t
T Esq.. Manager Tronto V he has fitted v p a s"p on korth at 0 ib n Lawrence, where he had spent between the two man as they arrived at saken the land which adopied one, and thifir astonishment at the energy dis
WX. J. 31ACDON reet next to mainly followed, and struck direct for and -secures (to some extelit) his confl-
To site. the Wesleyan liethodisf church.wt plan %- of his summer leisure houO, fishI a point where the road on the ice forked. gave birth to t6 other, b in on played by English and American jour. -h-
e iq prepred to fill all orders dense, whilethe tame notice under ot
Bank th varnish room ut rems,
1P. P, as They dashed along the,line whiclithe Assail., to which they felt more and
ro a itigndboating. The recognition - w nalists. Ib appears that very sharp com.- er circumstances wouldw nub
ox Fq. it. tttacbf.41 xvh-re h Montreal then . about tiventy miles
Ese. lyanA prove
Eecro:Aary and Treasurer: AuTHrot HAFtv.y, q- at rea-inable priees. Thaukfol for the patron
-F 4- Offies and residenceg West Street. distzit. -latuA and the' d6ligbt of the raffisin selected, wh6 Randolph called more attached by the clogest ties, do. the
th, tge of the la -,t , ye. -u -s soti(it, girl petition is now Z,
ame. a tiontinuance of the Familiar with the road, he thought he xt-reme and it required his attention to a break in the ice along in ti 'al d eommer4i�al. "erfecials" with respect to the impending the newspaper is the best adverHaI
Three doors belov Bank of 'Montreal, Applications for Insurance in S' but a short as lc� 8001 6in.- on among The great point, -the strong reason why
ight with safety make a short out Ipy a -oate for2Ned to learn the main features which, in the coursethey were following, tri�lof Marshal Bamine. The corres-
GDdericb- first q4iss Company received by OW is the time LO Paint youri futters m PM -18.
J. J. BELL ross track, which would save a bond in nf the story she bad to tell. they nifistpass periouslynear,bat his re- pozident.df*an Americafi journal has ar- medium 'is bicause it is paid for by t-ke
1342 Agent at Godericb. slel"hs, and. C the main road, and turning aside on recipient. The Eftbacriberl*yffthe-soc.
A. M. CAMPBELL ri aulages. tile Like Ned and man: y other young men, nionstrance3 were unheeded,and present- ranged for -fifteen. telegrams, which, tual costof manigisatfire and AmI
impulse of the moment into a tolerably
VICT I t ly theys�irted the very edged a hugeair- 011=tZA1110torr 2ZOV; *ZbL though they need be only ten or a dozen -
Vetuinary Surgdon. Ar Orderi from country Carriage ahops attended Ra ridelph had frequeziled tion. The -publisher can therefore Uiv
W? t I to witti diVRII well -beaten track, pointing to thii right tl'e house 'if 'hole. Alarmed at their danger, Ran- 4s each� wd4 provided they are Der- publicity to i an advertisement at a vauch
3r.,U=TX ercoflze.lUniveriiiy, Ithsea, Xe,� Sign ra ning, Glaidn' f instruction, he pushed qu ickl�, her uncle in summer, and bad even con- 1701
inting, Gilding, Gmi S. pajer course o dolph attempted to seize the attempt has fectly authentic, bb paid for at the rate h drea or
FTG -..k iird Ge--trzte of Ontario Vetertuars- T 1-11 &e. t rived durin the winter to pay a visit or reins,but ,We donotknow that an r price per un, -pew thousand
CV,. VARX-%. repulsed with a blow cross the been made to bring to Iowa
F.S.31DEN gethpr contradic.
WM vist rvfZe!d --75-t-daY. 1313 3m.o TRAVEURS 00AANCE'00. F. ft. X&N The night was calm and the atrI was of one thousand francs (X40) each.
andatall. measonshehad assiduously face, which caused him to swerve in r ro rbs, wd thOF f Present Other American correspoindents have &a- than could he afforded under other cly.
,P ore
Uodetick. As7, 16. 1870 owl pbere brgaing, yet ndt chilly. Thetrors,,. iltivated Hortense LaPelletier's good toryreadve'es witra -few gatfiered at palf- (11111215talICO2. Nothing C4MX13Wr0t0mC-
%vi. She was in the main his seat, and the next moment horse, tually-Imentelegrophing word for word cessfuUy with the newspaluer as a oner.
T. DUNCAN, V. S- snow, which lay a. dom a translation, of some of the fauMetan in
P VP f zM__== IT. L 11odily irdury or loss of life, guaranteeing the' hoofs scattered the sleigh and thw.two men were struggling
1 earted, sensible girl, but a lit at advertising medium. Gr.A=A= 07 05T&=0 vareauqAny COLLWF- payment ofaxtipakted sum per vreek. f4vin 83 0 loose and dry as sand, whilat abI t in the dark, cold,swiftly ruBhinc, water. A rolling sWne pthers n0jutoss.. tho Paris j�urnal, although it is difficult
tle too
he' isueptible to flattery, and with -8 youth- A se4inghen never japs fftL Almost every advertiserbas, his tbegr
OFFICE AND STABLES 840, or the payment of the principal sum insured. blue vaultwasatudded with innatutmblc ; ' y
from $500 to 810,000.if the ipjnry cause death with- fill an i bition to contract matid Downwards they whwled, 'when, with a erer quit certainty r h'PL toimainehow there�anbe anyPI318L- abou-t the proper sesson- for s4vartuWaS.
ULX=AP-y stars, and everything above sit& bel...-.. many 'a a desperate effbit, Randolph clutched the, Notbing ventur% ble advantage in such an utlay ;u; this.
S,�-agata Street, Fifth House Mist C1 Colborne tn thtee months. also grzints fuJI arcle above the one in which she had Vol someFay that there isno Use aff
Hotel- I I , edge of the ice, and a short space lower Haste trips up its Is. Daring the war in Paraguay a South
esonliand. celspfompt 2 was bathed in soft light da, ulost ailvur v bom and bred. - Plaing upon her down hebeheld his accomplice with his Delays are danger American corres rident set up a tole- to force trade wheb it is duR trying
- i LIFE INSURANCE, AT Moon. At'timw. in extremely c...*,. een poi Oters
F__e=_ Ermam "i �7, wt* to. 1313 b, -eakness, Randolph bad led1orto obtain say that trade is good enougb)st oertAin
I and endowments of all forms at IeT Cash Ftztest6l weather, the 5,ndian sky has entire body beneath thei ice. his head - There is another pro
em era Babflfty, . . I W over A which tile. graphic win for his own use.'ao as to
A FrE N T 9 Full information can I)b obt-wred or aspect of a great concave of cold blif, "I'missionfrom.- her uncle to pay a., visit seasons, And they oply want more tsade
A4 TDF7Z-TT S. EL DE71-0R. 1, and hands alone exposed, making fran- careful view is taken- aste makes communicitte the 'news at the -earliest in zsucli and such months. gingo tapy
g.,nt. still, but now it seemel soft and lovely - Boma relatives in Montreal, and tie efforts to * resist the auction of' the waste, auil waste makes w
FOM INVENTIONS oderich 23r(f May. 181-1 s,v7s whilat reiiding there he hPA maintained , and want possible (late. Finding, however, that advertise at that time only. &h:A6 re -
as an Italian fii�nament- stream. 13triving for dear life- himself, makes strife between the a dn�an and the Paraguayan government were beat -
Drug Store, though clandestine gard must be paid to sesmo!4 'withent
e= USLY & PROPERLY Feasting Ilia vision on the beauties of % 1"I alO88 his ears' were stunned with the cries and his wife." As we can no him, through their cum telegraph he
e heavens, Ned allowed his 'horse to. acquaintance with her. Pretendingthat -baso
bAr_±Wrn0 er hope that in.
fn a=zd�6 tl,-- United States and Durope. th ells of his even more helpless compan- men of differ4rit temperam. will a had the audgcity to out their wire. doubt, and ac semeutm should -
pursue a straight course, and ever, worded as to be seasonable .; but people
Ef. his relatives would look rith disfavor ion, and when, with-adesp
1 DATBn_-_=,Qtwdor no charg. Send for print- W E T E FM7 ASURAXCE ittliance he might make with a erate effort, upon what conatitates'r and over� Stories are told by the same French
es- upon any A
Age -Y ten years ad without observing , read the e Airmpaptra about ps much at
L ed EW crossed the main rn he at length succeeded in crawlina out, caution, we are not surpri ed,� find oup,. riter of 'the rivalry between ionic f one time as another, ald if
rl t!_5 V, 0 v ro It 'Dr. Rus. certain
a. ej quc:e r -r-- fr= JOH N BO N D, rting he could neither see nor hear an;&ncr posite opinions illustrate' the English correknon4ents.
EMONRY GRtST, G -3.7. f� �_ A N Y. it, but his thought at . length rove n Catholic, he assumed a persecut. M
nt*a*aa. CansAa th* of Murraj. The few maents spent in proverbs. The rival vie ' -of 4el, for instance, accompanied the Ger to roa
1 to earthly matters, he felt satisfied d air,'and appealed to her love to con- pariods an advertifiement
)JSZ:I EcgFheer, 591I.itor of Patomj� and A TI 0. CHEMIST & DRUGGIST Not dismayed, V40-61' 01:al their intimm"I Leading her a m=iaje be qui as p ucrave,
HE r -L vp OrIFFICE TORONT he had gono astray. his frantic struggleg had been to Ran;. are seen in the following man amy on its entry into Parim, wrote
with infernal duplicity from one piece of competing Adverflsomen
CAPITAL STOCK ........ $400,000 annoyed, lie drove on intending to t�ke dolph Patton a lifetime of. agony, and God never seadq mouths. but h sends meat. ou his eaddle an account, and meat it off
OF 25 1 EARS PRACTI truiting in the courst; deception to another, she was fast yiel& the Man)r children ard little broad lifilpleasure. newspaper columns, -fantcl
SURP.LUS FUNDS ........ 208,369.60 CE. the next cross road, ach. ing her conscience into his s . ale keeping record of his vt asted career . pai by special messenger, who gAlloped to givAs the whole field to &-he-
Love 1sas warm among co are ascouniers k
VfGTGRIA SON RECEIPTSFORTHEYEAR he wished to pursue, and when he re his schomes against passedbefore him in.-blastingreview Wbea poverty eomes in * e or, iove jues the first station on the newly reoPenea -dmei thh
r. 1P ?z -m%az or, V. G. WM edit heat once turned his horse's )load 'OP -the failure of but be could not pray, nor extort fron; 6t line between Paris and Calais, jumped does advertise at that
at the window. .1
END1.NGJLTNE30th1871.357,851. in theupposed right direction. his lips. those applications for mercy, There are several prove lis that _tAp 'by the engine driver, who had a,
ro3nor ot Tdarri ge Licenses. 326 2W 4 14S 114 .4 Qc 14 d arry, forced upon him, as he thought, -the dull' seaman in truth A
HON. J. McURRTOR NI)TEDTU a which he'so much. needeJ-. AB he was
e-&-902] Agent -11> with each other as to the' advantage r Calsis in time
RPURE U He had not proceeded far when' h more decided and peremptory' action. clash special engine eady, and ratuea off to P 'lily- ---
President. J 'he distance and Accordingly he invited her, without tile
fyw- discerned a light in t S101I helpless,. chilled, and as he felt -Thefumrsin the iv�ty
00M=qsro,.qF,R r:.- B. R. MWTITTT comient of her friends, to accompany him disadvantago of doirkgr one thing only at
B. HALDAN Manaing Director. presentl'y he could istinguish a hy little knew that he was accompanied on of Perth and Merrickville am 4wainsigsloc.
to catch the mall. He MII
Ouse. d ing, he b%kaboetfia h a time, as-
3r-. footed on the under -
L rf CU hac that journey' by the correspondent of a ing to use niqlas for t
FIRE 86 M4-9 RINE HISURANUE AT standing that they would retuau at an Al from hys gooi to have two sidugs to our bow. -4eir fw* work
e on a ga vent 0 0
')REDS' no ARE YOU fc wit beery word to his four foiadrive intothoi country, paj Ins e_q and h ne
AND ?XEVt'TFD d him on, making up ring
with Dyxpepga, constipation, Read A,hoi, foldiffes- de 0 and lost an onscios. y find tbai
companion, he urge evening. His Put llot,411 8 in one I-ai6K rival journz.; the Daily News, who stead of horsee. The C, and -froni tbi, 'arlv'honr in the plans
mo* 7Y tO LOAN AT A r3r cent. Lowest Current Ratcs- tion, PalPi tation of the Heart Biwous mil.9a sed as a stoker,' had no abonei ar: hardy animals can be ptafit-abl �Vjiflsd .4e. his mind to alight learn ness. The moase 9Y]MY4 iseasily1aken' drds
and Uenerst Debility? Ifso cail at J. 8ond11j,'&d inmates his exact position. "These are a4sweroed by rived at Cala*tbau, running on board a- in Canada all well, As in, fte� V
1:'_7 ��-e a! -,y .5, tto 45,x.o n:4=cm 10110 av17."v zf"Rinm. on%. CCIAL LOW'rARII'Ff)PRSTES,COVI,,Rl*q(; Alarket Square, aud get his ftom�wned vegabie. -er; all laid, and that with -the intention
�zl V::; 1g; ,f its V -c SpInAuranee for one or tbree ears on detached that she should not return until her ruin
Tonto Sitters tymch h" completely crI thomorm& . He droe up as closely to the hotise CHAPTER: XXT I Who hrts two bares, leaves one E ad loses the other steamer, he offered the vaPtain any States. We un;iertand -that'
Dweltiv e SOUK'IDI
),Znreh sand xhools with contents, ft thron$hoat ind been accomplished. He had yielded r a
cities. us and Country plii?.ez. Theseratesand h blany oas in the,& -a. sRme may: wol;.- amountY-he wouldget up steam. at once. - the farmersAearJUIX904 are AUQ 41
a---* M UF a 3 DMse-0 Canada as well as 300 n Goderic sad astbabanked up snow Would permit, the requests, ot perhaps threats of his
-GODF-FLIOM AGENCY vicinity _k
terms o(poliev pnticufarfy favorable to theFarm. and lifting the latch entered the house. CONCLUSION. The view that "One hen enough in a The -captain complied, and the pseirdo ingd prtmz
-OF Tn E ng Community. CERTIFICATES. tecomplice, 'Murray, wlio had andeavonr- a low
V 10 T 0 fZ I A He sto§pped into a large room, warmed purFe,"and-"Toorn y ks spoil the stoker arrived in London Just as tho. xammgpurlmes.
Tlat:znj JLOan Company of First Class man wanted for r tmvelling Agqney Aurora, JanusiI dA,) diown,Harry when descending the Early in the. summer, Harry and broth- fmds its antidote "The more messengerfrom the TimwlaadedatDov.-
EL -LE.fc, for the townships out4ying. this Town. Apply in'. This is to testiry that I have derived . i baeff;ril by a huge stove, standing in the middi 3ttawa am related, by. furn . ishing 'him Mury started for England, to accept an I . -
vvritfng witii referencestatheundersiped for trau&. of the apartment. The only light wat, - the merrier," "Mapy ha make I* t er. Again, 'daring this irfoUrrectin at A is said to a Im.
eT-t from 11-old's Totlid Bitters and found It IoIbe Ight
by the best articie, it, use rAr Dyepepals jod derived t wo eyes better than arseilles,- the. corrosparident of the oon in Stratfordwho is xo fend of mousy
A: AN A DA mission to the Head Office. Lt -complItints" 4*c., &C h5ough the leaping -flames vf a "ith the means of opening an inn or invitation strongly pressed upon them and "T
it wasa house which enter. - lAuldrig ifflebeen, on 'a side road on the by Mr. and Mrs Harland. It was at- One man will say
D, 7ATSON. ver wood fire. Take caris Qf Timm , inding the teleI cut, 11r4 A_ that, after payin. Mau -a xll� he walks
- h tookts
VL9 20mg, of aU Un�' Local Agent. JOSEPH HNIPLY, t.sivad casual* traveliers, but appeareti sland at. Montreal, and near a point ranged that on their retum, the) the pence, and the por win uke d le hie desj�gtchos t- home -with Uni, so as -ii� be
Fwya awder. Wesleyan winuter, - -Surprise. in P -
1000rpaow by 1 '1871 rted. 111011: freq1tweiaeoI lumbermen and be accompanied by Harold Orrey, of themmelves." while 1,
Goderleb Ifth eept. 11. Amt deseI inoney an long4apossiblei
:i:-- GoiderleloAug. 1j7z for the won ther will an- Malta, and thence -they were filegrap'nell
31r, John Beat 2Z Ned inapped with his whip and pei, their convulal associates. Here he'llad had expressed a desire to be present at awe him, "POW Vdaba und fool. to London. dent, but pq
2:-,- Z=E4 Z, Dedr Sir, raised arranged !hA by aliparent acei SIEM0G. Harry, ish IQAFITAXI'-�ONN Sn"'ON POUNDS hie vojce� He heard in response the marriage of, his sister with I have great pleastiTe * recoxii. voices in alter0tion-A, wotnaus in really Aabger*,cthA1Y: should, on returning and at the other event, only secondary' Patienee is & plaUteI a7l mores Mr. Win.'Christy. of E4119well, sums Try ft! Frov t4leltding yourToiniabittin 41 exc6flent A"irfor, jof su�pplicstioh anil-reproach- f.0.6,tji�irchilvo,,i*bonighted, lost,, or ill importance, -namely, the. union of wbat is the use of patience, it, re cannot find it zhomfes EowtrU.0111 WOF& 7hip 2imer ves We,
. givilsg tOna t0 the StOMWA. and, -jAir0MheW9glbe tone - a f 9 the earnings of eight cows du Vstem generall, lbarelbutfifft i v 9 apid:exult horielant;d.' :Thir acomptished, Mary and the Rev. Guy Wiltim. whertwow4utit? imGtK ds, for Investments Ivauls in Aleflinc ation, that their -10
thing In mY Qw!) Persond iii= y r caressing easy - Harry went armed with Radston's The toingn eight and -a hW months of the sumnAI time yn did�
Funw- To, F= otbers to use it vfitk Hke-sio d in' away - into aecents he calculated upoAheE rest is an _e breaketh tone, thong i Itselfhzith none
eRIBER 19 rRE loifaiztiton. � - �- .0 . 18 sA follows—Amount oftdilk-de--
-,.5 q3$ezarity of approved Fam SUBS13 PA=M he notened intentlY and'then' -task, bnt:hi irtligheX-the girVo � affection confes 'on and the papers discovered by Hardw.ords breakno bone. 72, 1 ., CUI #dn calluat stay WJWN It to Rea, It is -Ito
OA,S_l We or liV6 L ALL orftrz for, livered at the -factory, 32,886 lbs.
L-C33r or Writ froprrzy fqr, I Jahesd- fouild f fhe ' r6om in whichhe�- for hint, andieWunistatices zigainst her Mr. Harland in the writing desk former- A civil itefital i&better tbarts rul I eeived for cheese,- 4M.511 vIiespost Medicine everinade,
of ton"ars, anol 110ney is welsome, though Ittom iain a dirty clout re epsh roII Mfi 00jim Tast.AI OU&Lbb
ARBOLT SAL TiorW00 I,* a&, expiry of time or by an. aqvilia.vyetnrued to the -tO6 radlil -only, Anol'tilet with a ed by Mr., Maudsloy, and de- 11aft
401 i I - 6 c6d, and fbi
Aurormrai -4, . .. I-, Ommems f9r bvitter it V8.45; - t�4�. Cnin. Nifty 401 WWA.148. efind'Aa OW
Twilats. 2WIM-tsfused-IctiQuotlawls- otlid give sat.-sractrI rarner isnotilic orders _y �h '1Iihhih8d4Atered.' 'y P szumnfavldomll� -two lbottlei sum
"WOZ= 1V, I feel '-,d or tong W 0 -He resistance littliv.-Antioipsied. His cp�jole-. terminult to expose the frauds practised Cbu�ermtwu teechezintire than I leffitation.
atilt Thinkinneb,speak Uttle, 41A 171 1;41�10811- 96J. AvirlagaearningspiI 2.
ytime on favorable terms. man W11 lease five dbpth of well from platform, derived frola tile use of itice that trie'kay *W iii'thmi, riois 11risrocaisfalp'- "he descended to by SborWfly and claim restitutioi 6f the
-z, Esd fV X01tog"Parchwed. naming &I synsh p, Xq. of Capteenton sI Lat. 1p They h, Mr. APPUCAI eiiij AnCO2 61 ftOntakp I
7, ve -11000 reoAtofol ofD t With thW iul- property so w.rougfully obtained by him. _ustain 1, tl,, plaguo of wbarae i. auta the idol of
kis ILI bwa !y4I At a moment he -took it on threii 9, and tauMed her _fu%Exj
dei'and thou A few dayie. voyage - sticc bi-, 31q1dV64 BACK -Of 4WbtVMS-AP
InU3741156*011II eanda rJoInt]Orn possiII of accounting for,her ab-. James H. Johnston, I dly
bie& it to the 6utof eid6llT As gf0000dlibe out or -the N orld all 011 Of tU1110 BMW fk a
D GE? -'jitij jkled -the oor. AU thin senell) In & 11itisfutory manneI and that tergdnated, landed them in Liverpool; 'Wrote -in August, 1871, ax,folluWa t It BMkia COQAIW�. ' L' ft - 441 Wast
ra t SqQ3 e.Goiderich or givmg a V&Mft
HOOT SCUFFLERS Aild So athom. (IU ;atign." being' tardished iAI butWithout tipendiug'aziy time ]A prose IfA on would have year builw a done, p your- at pleasureto bear, _tcati. thitty unow Wabotl;w o4zimON,
moved fQ Mar& caess to the her reputill .6vords me re
self, iftot, sand another,
Bond begs'tof Introdded 1119 Palmon(e, `tQ 166kiiii hill forli�nde slid ocee0ibis there, they The er huA fool-ferhK lmo�ty to the benefitveceirecLUOM I hu Ud Avr=A tar
CHURNS A" S=A`W OUTTER1. rap'for, intstiord thel house, end callfug, out, hvA as ,011ting Pr -went n luart whole his omm law AINK W
9119��941dx. Asthma, Whoo0fligooigli, left
client. of B a F4 os*46
00d, nes orided in French and greet- *tell. I and'.S-100 xMM J* "y It 11a'24mid �Jicll s Shop 43* All sold on11livrall terwiII order Apr�niptly� Zranchitts-ae., 40.1 twee4"'r h opm, voice lwp Histance an hei oulf, shield ;&AaW� dig to j4ondon mMd, met with a warm Paow'Complound Syr h)pphig� y - Y14
%� M - Pine gmig ealf; n a -yous unic- Q
atteildq& to- eVer fntr,)dncqd WOode�10,;t.UIIIIJ feso- ing in the hospitable home of Mr. &ad Rwas IrobluefiIIIII
Ile, heitd, - of Scuffle -ice. , Distraotod-yet' -firm in hot- I b th aides nod it MrAor
a tl�in
fStIladprov1pudyacculed PYW, 0. D thrown te 'ad Of I
04d. th0tI from qu earlygravo th linchrifft Us. *0 XcLaI itseloaved the
thef.4106 beheia 4 lutions not io�aituolont' elf remp6diiah r Ha Iew 190- great power and aMpacy.,, during lablu A -off" wbole to h
ARTIP! g speu r r]Aud, whire they fil*t a omm
'Pay in "is me ir lama
monm -mercy- n .7 ..W Aw"41! nIN"
Me I APparbl, W48- 41 for whe pleasant dijlI; whilst the necessary
va, t4DZZ!3�,V All *I )penling to Ili thert time freml GANXItAL �V.ZBIUTY ,ad 14 smipmancing to tile ptitrw 0 iT
IMAI glinlrin thegri BhoI hq4ra-�Nada as: he -on-, legid steps were tikeu to prove Harry'a.. glzd, f4r- thf NmvousNEs§, end I be *Obilht And. n% AN.
ovdul; ud loss tr1relmsed the WO of d Inali, and e4, and :we' are] "Awm
Hu?t4ayj on Haw. WA11
A&EI fS J.L $ 0$416 'JEj it; -dtr efforts' to"'tered the position of Mr. Nn its ipfluoI and gained'
intly lIhitk 8 and determined'. to rights, and examine
Ifiek, 1 0 all Otb the countvk *I* lave sorkimm a
aistarI Sharkley's claimsi 'These preliminaries ably in welghtith0l. i
9 hr - be -ad it is Composed
t -vas:wh1Ist,4trug- concluded, and leaving Mary iniLou- CBS Dug
fbeitikura of a man 4118. OHM but G. herrgreki�strait. I
ar I the house oako of hum UY, tb*t w4 can 9PPOse td *1gorous undet
.70 UO"_" boalls 1113a;rMenizzabibip wilb or X)A 13 forget." er itiBtan; �Zaider
W. A, X, baw. lleAliAl.��T
did, but have given
fillf par, sufficieAt to Jwowk. UsIAI
and 99 *W p7emd%l to- msket up -divorres legally obtained W(IODIS LITV -ling roriiih. -the -d6orid,speak to� ji-im don, a,guest with _show that tetwisdom, of the
]�$OLUTX 4ART�00 ART A_(M pitiona 011ell. Mrs. Harlandi Uan�. iviciraft-IA A dilferetif Stat eved to bo tMinestitt"_ y
.4�%Wcz In ea. Legal Ney - I
tN-0 Waxy nd proceeded Liver- manyvrveL u AN ExWENT Div=E SAYS* I U� -AIA m2de 'Wit
7aptattimealtogive nu
110hf In the and Mr. HgIrrl _e -thint eye made, wit
E -as _10
4 -in, -noty A1911fors,
Nanfid eMt- refreahej, Nor] II p(�L thoI PeriiI Syrup. It4worodmI V
where�desort ii,n -witeral miacini'llief. certain soand, and legve 6s doubt. and
natile, Of ow help a Poor girl." . 3. been using
o couti ariel b the -right. &c. sumciet't 133#18.3 -nob pabliehr ri--,, Tfie Juan with Whorn. $be 'Wag Ior departuri. iss he felt; Great w" the vinstrnatiou in the which Of tv7 lit
U tru ar, biloyancy of Epifits, I bre-04I by
35 SR. the, �rft � L . no �J,JAI16 Should be VAtorinar -us me now gliog lutd-Iflob.noticed !auce of that 'etrole in whicli Mr� Shar. ley moved a �'fo -Ito * of7 -her fri ' s ihmill'. i*h,, whim rum,mrs 01. K ChUgiS
14nirell-nmebar-4 until divarce, Le-isare Hour. 9
ra n t. latv of music." J. P. Dinsmote,
e !e.l-advicefrpla, Cz'l tilt oradress Agents forthe 4xilitton.
; 4S 11itIrry, The clerk of 35 Dnv �t- New York. will send, free, 4, w_p 1e;t#4aI
A_Nti r- rbipi- . � - _V_0jgU9r . .......... ;,a Neia, or fir die diui Jigbt, though it was Hortense, to r tin &W A
&U, PAPIVES IN000TE0 To TM Stio his..oct.moice, but'st, her earile house, i probity were tvhi�f]oerud flat ,f 32 paps,'containi, g 'a full
JOUX FUMTOV2, ft6t only fim-UrrPoint witi& -II i itgailst iiis
t3fiif ;0f1bbrWn10I04$ at ex- ed against tile possi flit pattip M
at Law, 'l1htf0rtII0PreoBt"`ti"rA"f h0e-,XePIAt-]`- The r-alivay g-juipan-r, ot). ht:;tr Itho secret (if the a -it in in f;r edleine, t* Gardi erall. Bay
scriop-bUIR . P Of b aca:,Z&t of thL* in
80P . 1.10.1 W. d C
ABRAHAM $Xkfo�*, iu� tim the tkvidenjce; tot ik the -putiLlitrilloat (if I itup-on a�lliece dpaper Ila putiuq it any oile rQU4 zdaress :1 owl
sod looied is hold of the girk "15he the VVII h ing him their
44 Ato ij upina the 49 b 4if 4ha� IBM