Huron Signal, 1872-04-17, Page 4L .
'1114111154W 4lZ1 - - 7VP
stile or 41-0 t, tt.
. ........ A 09 Tiage TOWN LOTS.
It= E's
L , TAM,
TAX—, 1�9 Bvj� LORI I
FA 0
A elergyn�an comes to me 8, dzoil arl iron suambolt,
times a year about his billiousnen. Bil- TO' 06- 1?4 &ELL OTT iiiiia Road to Oritil
Ond Altillo and I pgu
Anca 6,0 Dlt'4
scommon ulalady. I k*AOW
a great ni,
ally pe own and felt"'
ople who tire billiodi, mvE�Ei NGAGED A FIRST�CUSS, lubliall,
-A the
190K Y,
asset% ra booked and fin*mrded to an maoderf'
Bn% is onoT it at c 271hZu1V
They had no d opened it jwa
M&KH SUITS -TO OI)IMPAN balk00r R =jr, � 'shop yapepsis in their Stations In Grejkt. lili
,,Arne; Swdden - or %onthisrk AT
thev are Only billidis.- Now, this worA 411 and abj��Ot . A14D ARH PRUP.&AkD TO' ,,VlIott!S
salvago but 11tw flft, is rt4bly polt I I I LI Amlvx,st.�
tt" couk(t) T t 44
ort of respect*bh3 covier tolle�rly, 'at, by an 0 TIJU -'4.'00rWIy n th- 'Wok
'a, ud) iritruldiately
for piggishuVS3. Nople are not billions W J),EPILTUIlu'. C
-aInt.111alo a-.,, th'�- Twins, Siamese; atterld,"171 BA -S -
ftlafsla groin Now York. 0
%Vho Oat what they should etit. Wader, 00f I field 49
ate y oubillious? (Bather ahara Sat.4 Sept." 3 .... IO%VA ......... uphoisterefly A WT tonofthe
ton tl�. - � INTO- U thebSTST2
flat., Sept. 80th.. CALEDONIA.. Oet. 2fal. -WA -AS, NEW PR after the abo" hard word.) (Ct me Oct. 28th 0816VIs tQ'return thailka to tile, irdlubtliantz, of 'TWEEDS & COATINGS) N tPA0 . . . . . . . .
my Oct, 7th .... ANGLTA ...... Nov. All ry, for VAR ood as
,e3cribo for �aa. It you follow Hat.j Oot. B Godarleband surrounding count' -lie bew, wtrees, a1mcavEr.
-Mb, as' T ona9d dtidngtho ]list tWO �03rq in thek.line,oftit of a , 11 ,
C�3,,caT, thxix-L oAfild every, Wediteii ixy till Sill, ay -thoroafter viest
been r -Xprch Rfi. 187J, t' tuo and don't got Well, write to front ler 20, Nr Ivor" ,doilo job, &TWO PASStit, :BLI: tN Cultn'UNCY, 1,60 isvub"isucp us ar Vat. lbip and a Etc and ill the itlext edition I Will all- R rative rates. tylor roe
.'gevor that, oitl�aer tho, a . I To 11VX1tPoOljQL1sOOVr 0 Distlay: rai. NOW. IN IIE D 'an 0
nounce my error. :E XT Etc witb.
11%uOulkyla inTo 4 j 5 0 1 Iuj; lwsj�loxx
Arat, oil getting. up and going to b 1 7 so 0 j to rowptly cs, to
orthe CAYafkte York to eleel the Pk�Aal of gilt 'Cabla'Excorgion'Tioltow 16od, I or 12 nionths) ,ttZuded to. WIng
r. Eat for otherruslim, securing best acconiodatiou, 81-10. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, 1 ns'x
jx"iy a large, 1159
drink pile of icold wate ortment of WhQ keep's t ON.
ed, Interniediato,433, Stearl go, $28, T NDR a- c>7 m:m breakfast,untal the billionwattack pUses, I derlell 27th-JUly-
"ith the unicam k;Zfimesbe N POWE PURITY, RICHIESS Corttficatcljtat�LGIVV18T RATEP, cart be bought PILLOWS1 Go
a little stle bread, isay one slice, and a -AWp ilereby those wishing to seod for t, tuir friends.
sl=p- i - -0� 3C.;x 3111
Diece as large tw your hand of boiRd Praftsissued lxaya , bleon presertation.
I 01P TOZ-ft, BOLSTERS forcs-u *:r Cord- FOR WS.
f Apply at the Couipany's Officea.cir to wlitell will be sold Ch -p
Vi7g�Z4 A ChiaUM doth W M-1, leall lie or� iu litton. If the Weather is 0,13 "Chlelt- MRS WARNOC
a artnf$,Q stein in S1 Aug. 10, 1870;
ttj , da little-cracked.wheat and is rapidly six randi tte once faul X, 00derldh and Lot --
How CZL71 a mao Ilixa aryr,7g in falsa wrm, tkeinstea 66 - 0 Mansions air the wealthy WestStigodurioll, ont, MATTRAS House
or oatmeal porridge. F or dinner take, airt a tAo 000 Halls of the ftofeastillials. Godertall Oct. 23 1871. A
The taxploulbo pulirlty- of the Axlkin- Cheap: f6r- -Cashv! jV CAMBRIA DOAlD A NCcb hing. 'o without yolur
t ACCOR a forshn I aeW bout the &%me 1h1garble WOrb 0 DVIMA
t XAi"Edu
P.. the THEAUORTEST NOTICE. up er. Exerullse freely in the open air, on Its nperlor) its; blel:1 In iiiiery res AND OA Goderic
xxara7s the your you may tWorktriansiftandthe U ri0T 5 JUIT 1671-
rritection air thi onto GOWAIC FLUB URB icRANEs =hand and made
Nucitig perspiration, once or twice a of ratst 'has bon warded, t, by order. Havingon asgortinelit, of
13 thOM111111*141111AM11 10judg%juAllingit thento9t
For Saet
If you ha�e alwas4got quil4tsourBank. day. In a few days Nour billioXianews *7WI0E A WEEK.
all gone. This reault will come, even -per(CO liast-W that ill now 1111%
who t4ough the bill'
1011311M is one of the JW jIRICEl1*A1?G1 FROM$350 T031000 I ant prepar d to Inake Collins 'On tile sfjortesi HOU1313, =D4CnUWL VITH spring and one with duct flujoraN oil the inast rcllson�
Ach you notice, and to col good bearnizollhard
have, frxiii vear to year, been much at- able terjus. R:2' 1101110ill arving and finish.
surt, wl accordliagoam untoire 1871
her tile old stand. dicted. Herb drinks, bitter drinks
Not �th'�irs Nint; pen am�d are . ..... IL
T. M6 USE lager beer, aloi whiskey, and a dozen WEST sTRERre,
ttariuis, th6 Arehor, rnw Bows re caterlub, Feb. 12,12.
op4osito the Bank or Montreal.
A110T spring, ut�dichies, re simply bar- Gnst Flour
LANDS' for The. Splaadtu.. lquJine, WHO
—0 T'IE mes,
By Gnapowder, 81Mts IN!& a Rifle-, Saw M, % SteamU91.
tals" from QUICKEST AND SAFEST StIAMERS X:L:R1 I%T C>"%T J§L' X -A treatinent; of rheumatism varies, accord- ThQ tlat unexceptlortable 11T-lstIWO4 -P Ott, V40, HA BAWZ, 1,D
Auxerican and beat accomodattor, Boilerst,35alt THAT TiIEY VB T 10T8iV0`S- 71
the Goat, hLm below, Bunt: ingas the rhenniatisul. &ffects the mus- "11 knou u Dawes, both Canjidlan and TO -INTIMAT9 'Ch, 140 nerea 01
bos�eu at the szoreafthe apent. I W.0 At -out 2 =11C3 Vf IN)
Aes nd joints, n't relatively to the age HE SUBS17111BIJU HAVING been APPOINTED DANIEL� GORDON3 BE-Grengli brauqh Oftheir glue-d'no J -j To vmsbip of =1
Thrashing Xad:hblew tile bes (ittailtycif,
am of thaTo Fn of rayfold. qo
Qvbc Tjf
ArioroSide Muket Square. TAgent for tile leaTaBlee of 23 aGr the irEd iff �Olzr;
With the CttmElazs, tqdD1d, ter one ot 4 tile patient, and the gneral state of
Goderich 21st got. IS 0 cow iellcoold-0
a -Culti*x ed 1r crop Tko rew, icider of
"No Signs. We can only indicate a few gen- onixhq;
tickets Stoves, P1 ral princi, Ies and remodim People 3'. isprepared to Issue covered s7ijh tkcbestofhcet�Laud
'a L
.70juston, 1"llez 11 ad
y bleb Is
-mattti ti)u m FROM GODBRICH to L IVERPOOL, In tba.014 -tand:611"ift. A,� did E'roWili. an 'a t
Aquarins* the Watermam, Trhat shall d rheumAtie c- y kreatl IVOR�LONDONDERRV stramlicutterso -and - * WtM*0Pxxrty. wb1cb Is
QUEENSTON, GLASGO 2!Ldp�l - Ir 'boufft"
note? "ve themselves by care in mrd to a Via New York'at the fellowilig lOvF rates;- W I- T 11 A'� i _ ", 6- . -... . - - --t. , , , W to keed-ut,
T�* U%I&Qwthat ha -11 wia wh= he wins First, the avoidance Of Cabin $,97.00 gold with tile tillies plu�, Pi Tibimbstonesv COD Guelph �Wlpj via 11 39.09 *1 Brass astin willebwould1l ucca�
and especially, to cold I . v"
1%Q-.4tes Coat. erpool,* Qi4eawton, T fitted Up bill
F11 I lylgingQpiecesi eacre cjOtrZ3D5tX130 to Golorio]%. 10TC. 1vo doorb we F -derable water Con b and flannel and other kinds era fan W
019APVr QrLo Igines aud:Bioil
she, warm clothing beifig obviously proper. -1 have no, WindoW Sills for milling,(l)
risccs, th-- Fishe OE Pi 5 that be, v on hand a gooa stock of ironand woodPloughs,En I
,Ln Salmcu at honio both ift rier and Their food, whil 'Cabin $8.,.Oo gold ,ond Hand, Which I willsell Cheap. can and examine my sidek. te apply to, JM. r�,S D. AL
mg, should be simple. Beer -aud'porter, FV
7 CoNlfon. Esq. 3"ayfleld.
9n rqsonable. Or W- I 'A
a rule shou 'WARS110"V80- % - It the best StIle Of wOrknian8irl"U'l (;nelph, Aug.15th, ISTO R.,RUNCIMAN
MACHINE.- d AtlausTTisix-TABLE. as Id be avoided—theyatie SI&WINCi on of 10 Per
rheumatic drinks. 'When the patient CITY Or BRIST01. leaves New York August 3 terin& GAYIN STUTEMRS,
e it should be nourish- Tiff 1E.- OSBOR-NE 3850 ItIVITrilt� both New and S o81er cc
Ti LeC forthe Round Trip issued at a*ro
0=3 A= x3ma can command a change of climate, one CITY OjrV where he Avill it, jutuic ealT.V on tile above business Goderiell, Jan- 8th, Agent. FaTm For I@ nxreexteasivelytilanever-WhI18 thankful for 14st
tha. is mild, unifurrn,�and;abcxve all,dry, CITV'OF NEW YORE LIW93-t
2 by, striet attenti3n to merit a IL7tk Jul) i
CITYOF BRUSSELS I =L, he hopes ooderiell e, 113 tto ronmty
will be the best. For r5eitmatic pains 17 nce and ine1*238 OfS1140rL -N the Township of colbrn
A taRor who iu skatCut f*U through jai& Nortl
CITY OP LONDO 1 'er f;C rr:d
tho ico (le-clarecl th4lis would never Crjry OF ANITWE 21 'T SUCCE a -100 acres A9c
iTRIUM and in the museles, as c f the bck or neck, leav-0 r a cold dtick. I wwaco- CITY OF BROORL ZJ 26 STOW ON HAND 50 acres good Bard 17cod lliwber. Two gPii=
the opium fillametit of the Ph HE HAS 1
pveia may be rubbed, in locally. Often 31 Lsg Bence =d
�k ()ITy OF LIAMBI unty sou Era quality
those one or the largest stocks ol turniture in tile CO A d=key vays- 111 men are made of one of tile best remedies is to cover the t3-11 flu Id respectfully urge Itice. prepared to
tog& by the anclAsontnes11011,81,04 c3d 17
E 3M , 6.
.RICAN utending to visit E rope this season, _MAC I arlor etts hine r1ch. Tax=
je,%v,ani, ke nleerszbg�� pipes, are affectej piart with a piece of flannel, and YJNG 'OF AM intuart Line, wlli(,.ILa wy% runs on time, has imide mppl custancers %vith evorythillY ill his liu
-highly col- to rub it .yer wiLh hot iron every --rorl the plus Dc-awingr(Y)m all Wall'ut, miff
rahiable when dey am dner.S. FDWARX)S
Ownco MALCOki.-TEs. co ru*.e coluo, tion 8 rs. But.1170oul Betts ill. On the
to bed.-VIcessell's to 13.9 you trom the d lie night before going e , ra sq Chestnut, r rpoN.
do in White V60d, Goacrie', Nov. 2o. 6711- ffimsehobl Criaide. Goderi Statln to he dock at Liveryo0l. Qaeftfl- doo MANUFACITURYD AT. B.AM161,
Eqvmi r.AL -S CH"GEWNG IMAGHINE Fan Mattresses ot de�crjption,
LOCK gton Glasgow or.Lo donderry and! vice versa
ice was stuck up in a To Kimp Fiz�H FrFsu--A method - : .
not IlAaer formation all lY to Feather Bolsters. P1110 3
DI;EW For Salle. Glasgo— &dopted in Portug-al for preserving fish h0US.%XD5 rHIOUGHOUT CANADA ARE t Malluf&.-turing work the
I GoodInZ's llauMnX Office For family and ligh o ,
t * rernovin- thO ViSCer.% T *11 ON HAND ALARGEAS E -E,
'A,12- strts of lffies staSSbere.' and now-uslim thes& MadAnea. They have be East HURT) ROB ested beyond I estiou. make the favorite lock. ]BRICE -00!�--jLAGE AND I l at, ncA gUgWy E1=atOd'c13 BM
c -ist Augug 18, 1. r�;NT Ol? &MrnDTr
,prink- jug the interior, stitch alike on 609 sides, aul are pronounced su- Goderich SJRTII * loal's A little asked her 9131ter what w 38 the public. For Gardner !Sew Strect, To%m bf Berjerlib,,ca the diract
tho all ct-her p3r fish in horizental POSSitiOn, 50 perior to any n her nW'hino offered Pictures�'fiueb as Ott. Painti 1198,01111"o'008:111tho9l"Ll"'s F�oaft to ASL�A TWID the RAIlWaY�'4WIGM
ugn of ork. perfection. "ell e
t -sreAab�out! The hIg 0 wide ra 1emuty and'excel- 1.1lavingriadealra . I ts
that the sugar may penetrate as jullCh as tell,, X0 WMEAL 0 Yj A It' Photograph of the XRRIE D OFF TIIE, ri IRST-OV:ER ALL THE AIACWNES AT TnE
elder mplie4,16 isas agmatuile of nlh- of nic is;n. . pdapta1J1ity.*3trcnth Qn, it�uelerlacturjng House c-Anl 811P�]Y Apply t4D
pussible. I& is said that fish prepared in ureallity. %0th it Toronto to required at Toronto UE"PH, ofk street, Hamilton,
jug, antl no place to PIA it- in.' Plutuiv sty TORO'"101, J-ONDCN, 01K 4HAXG V. DETLOR ESQ.
this V-av can be 1 ept (.4)mpletjy fli for i LWAILER-
.The 0slimme -Sewifio' Maohi�ehas' His always on I;Aod It �ompfete assort cATHFR1NES,,ORAffl'G`)&V1. on hand. zwd wIll f111213111P 4deT or Mr. W.
[jtalA;nrblO -
11 kftidp of 1101"1111101 odp
A itzbelal, bo jime, the svor being as perfect elellinly 25tb. IS, I.
_y 4einja3j-ed ;ho was the n, ncy rival; Olent of LOO AND -M. AAMSTOR n nh,srt "Otlet a G
,.ikrkjx �.Xobreetng 310110111tentAT01111
wicke&=. M-=, ?T0zPP'UjV M?Ued. '-VOS- aj it recent1v cught.- Salmon thus
es, for he broka aU the =-cuandments tre '& 'n 1111 Ild ill theLatest Style.
_ted before Altim, and SMOkiU-1 P038- jjr Improrejuent have lately bee coffills S& Shroads UKHIBITI( NS. oMarble and arbTic- PAR39 Fok SAlB-
-n he NE SlatlI, 4", 1 1
at ence., ess a m tich in, �m, arLable (41ste, a table- abl thf� uartufactuVrs to claim' i� as XinVtOu, 211 1.11 to the PrOVinciAl. E xhibitioil,
L ULTRA of'Sawing Machines. Will dovill with high honors of
kin is of -Jorneatio sewing. frorn V -o finest Cambric ST -HIP COMPANY. jj AN A- t
spoollfult)f sugtr BAN0 lt also calne off gen ,
A meraber ef the S1=1 B,)ard re- I and wSs awarded a Diploma at the Hamilton 4xhi�itifiin I Bufld!r& loacku
tive lioutid fish. t,, tile coarsest 6ver-coat bruppet 1114ther- JKingston OfFuWhUk;U milegs fromthe
n=ks-11f in our VhuoMoys the rule of WARR%TEWT6 Sit -S ""ZWENTED, ORN6 SAL tonlon-
WAliRANTED FOIL'TURELEARS. ORTICKETS to atid frorn Liverp TRUrXAN4,,0ojcrich, or. on tbo
jS r . F Goaeri
.roVerbially hc,, much To WHIrF-q CEI'LANGS 011 WALLS.- derry, or 6laSgOw by Vle abo,- PAY
after 1&' do ae we find the Tur, 051ramat OUTIFIT 18 corupl ete and readily earn- apply to P. H. X Tilruibilip Co'y noorswestof Post Office. Thousands of People who saw THE GARDNER in operation at thes�e ex preinha8 to DAVID Cox.
haider in Take the best -whilin.9 antl break down. hitherto 1; eeat Grand Truuk RaillvaY ally a5tollished at is -7-71
'h * dcd; 1, sol(i at one-half the price -pjgd9Tk r, Goderwb, Dec- 22th. 187L
MT e of o-.. e. HeLzabeza MUried in. water. then -boil st-me parchment cut- "re fo Dhines doiug a like r f %V rk. the -divoodtapen in Ex hibitions u ere actu It �rj
ell. 6�d 'In Godcrteh.Aug-115- 1870. Lubat and Cut, ORY,
in off the being cc it VVIIIIJ2. -.L%r -chanye. - Rr AND c"Ac- 1-111
fearteen menthz- ings three bnorr, and Stra, ,trt,� doterdined to X 0 o ffy
liquor after the;vljole is mixed t(?gether. tho reach of ei en f=ilv iv the ccuntrv. STIR
'Why in a a%.,t;et ofpz-3!aga stam,,)s like I puncuAsr wIU convince all ths WI BVRIBER IS rREPUED TO 1113-1 For Sle
A TUAL AM OnS (lodoricl,, z)4lc23,d.1 1870. 1 1
&S -ant rZalations? B=M5 they, - ro but L)aJ,,a size will tie a good substitutefor our umehine re uuettualla NEW BOO.U9 IT NvIELLSrW FROM THE rAL81!'U-rdcrs for,
htly connected. the ab,,ve; i . filled,tublesize, usenearly 3P 1U � 3W M=� -a '. I -
I r, if Ill,, Use none. 1' -CLOTH LEA-rotj
A bby Yon The G e TO THE.UENVIES
tb,at ita m,.)the, and half wate tIE� Revei and tival statisfilChOD Vmftes 601261-19 must test the size, pmealinan ly MOM iVeXPWPreMiS"Of� 'THINEST MUSLIN aft=jL$jVe.aeptb "ot well frorc Apply to
8g a�tt5 lather, magr be said to be a 10me is much Single ![hread Alachine A ND TjLkDE AND 19 Mali W JAB. MDj�133.
stionger tha "You mar. add,a. offered tne pu lie -hence its marvellous suc'.!esd- IT IS t
n HAwiDsOmELY ownsixill.No.ofebacesgiouandhoL HAD
r bad Martial to itz Pa.
8 Ma sewing. rfuczs -lew I Stock. Goatnell. 27th Mach. 2872.
waa alive, people smslt piece of blue -black to the whiting, Will do all eties of douxestL Splendid P Learned hall also on hand.,.
When Rufus acatO' CED. & C, I S.Imple, Durable, Convenient offil Easy- - I' L- ti 90 -IUD
I e, with full outfit� $12: rreadle, do., RE'VEKSIBLE'NO
and befo,re misth.- this %YA you may stir ....... ' 0 V�7,j �, x y(ft
1_ ments Of any SALE-'
nj I I&
icte set of attach
rj5,-cz stuppcd, by 1"kin D:3- AoF-m WAWF.D EVERYWHERI
ezt,ained at which hatel the great bar
asz in% little turpentine. 3laChine Slaranteed And has the most c0m#
down the rt-.,- WHOLESALE&RETAIL maciiine now maufactured. BOUT SCJJFFL;EB$b'
Liff 5iCog. 4, E. D.7 ister- untd thaV f0und 4*o blots and a To 31A-13, PASTE oRPAFEu Hmqomig. INDLCIEUENTS' 0 MAKE Mo..Ey6-&,PLV TO tile Market CHURNS ANIJi STRAW OUTTE tain n,
which -31ix four.'pounds E 116ur well with arry & -Bra. Gardner3fachine, at salel=Odly Opp 260 acres excellent 1111118,
spatte7, tha, ZW ona C4n,d GUELPH 9EWING MACHINE M, -13 and -order sprr mptly.
read, Call and see tile all sold on. liberalterrufl, covered with K, uplo =4 'ricerho 10 =Reg Id as you call, then boil AT BUTLEWS takers Wpod House, Gode'rich. stoudod to.
narge.- Co
tvo aallons of vater and add a little G jELPH CANADA. VabinetMakers, Under StandijisvioualvocclaPled a mtver WIHUg triMt
f1iienis s -em. deter- ra'ha . Turners; W. S. - OW Ty. J. D. AUMTRONIG,
- alu � then take a little of the hot water Al %4ith. Agent Goderleb.Williata J cvksun, LINT FORMUR03110 WSWO44f stream rafildrig throug'L 11M Centre Of be
-,;a him thatEtTe of Dr. lis m AG-- Godevelt Iffarcit 4th 7
to , I I S rth. "a
mine, - nd mix. 6,v ith that you hav stirred with Clinton - W. W won,. cato LAX313Cx"MC)MW j5rT`_ the G16be, during th0 exhibiti M; lAud, klLerz bout i5 iacrestf 100004
butcher, b`aker, auA aU the rest do so, a 6ter, stirring th Sth Sept'. Ir7i ext N. B -The following is a copy from
a xw�kile till you 11 BeautifulAssortmeAt XX.A I wing Alachine Co. e Iiiincl onthe fralit vit the lot.
theq put tbo D-,- aftex his name in- the cold M flare reriioved ciroas tau street to the store h he Gardner Se xbibit seve. Apply t
rain for or door to W. Acbeson'S Harness b1cop, W11690 will be Week at Kinston :-'IT Ta t )n - during the day a id I'M W
H Tff&. WF,,AT1tZRAL1.
have added the whole; then'r j.und I , - B
nse. Thin it with cold..water. Size I family ma;hfues. Those on view w6re in 0 RANTF-ORD B
Dquvwo.-At a recent T JEWE st work to a piece orsheei lead and a bit Of cif Ar
A SIANDZROZ-63 03ZTXENT sewed from the lig'htc Engine* and Surveyor
your walls witj� thin glue size. LI.ERY OFALL KINDS A GOOD ASS ng work as weu as
"gNing tGast was A T E- T 10 N nachinas do light manufaturi
of hitchon.Bodroomi Dillingre0th. and I'ar or ru box combined. The I Trrn
m. Uri
niture, spell U.4 circle.13
-aecindonly to the press As spring house cleaning Will soon ,11 that is ri�quired in al
commence it will be; fOtmd that a strong TABLES. Goderich, Dec. 'Ith, 1871. SPenoer7sxxxAjo&*Pd I able Props,
ex- soulution of Common ivashing soda will CHAI I-Sbair, cane and wood mlwd)
of death r smokestains front plastered walls and to be sold It
-Mel a rn-tn War livino, with his remove DRDSTEADS, 31"
- sfully than any other wash "WASTI STAND -T- .
they're instre succes OkIE A P A'JL' 13 U T1- third 8ZONiZ6,., wife; 1 tell 3 on that can be applied. 31ATTRESSE.8 Fine condition
M,-, t=2b:to ths 1-1viait SOFAS.
the present clay' A HINT TO Horu CLEANERS. -House- hing Tackles) encor's
Tho learned fnen, 'Ci r i's
a, choons, barreld
keepers ShOuld b�� inforned that dooi -.4 td WHATNOTS. WHIM. GLASSES
have abunt C=e tb tfiel conclusion that GILT FRAHIN6.
' t musf IJF ALL KINDS. REP.
WILO 1�vRl- en to the 13S -or anythincr that is painted, may ;4 d th3 maa I B are yim are to ell e
tie cleaned with aliannel dipped in warm rr title
have r�,�n -ith n ll() 'ater, then writug and sprinkled GGMR,
on was first M A
-tent' finely powd it .3 all'i Shroiids
An edito? fm.79�hi3� 2"' ered chalk. 'Ihe7 paint on Cheap,Jor Casil- nt3.6trintf,py 'by tht: SjjilfUj Man- Ll IS
d2aisn W tt fipr2 handled a being rubbed with this will become quite E I A compicto assort'lucilt ofCofurl,
neg in wbiph a P:re*- - d will be ijaved fron. the de- N. I ..plianciarld a nearse to birc; Ill on reason-
,wj�crnt a bw-ffier editor says J.)f 9
brai,r,azt j�� e structive action of soap- IAL LIST kable turlas goderich -Trax. .10kh
tIA0 way
P,F=DY Fop. ASTHMA. -A teamade of 1370
hich of goods for sale at Pwson's & Wis n ISELLINC. AT COST
When Prinut the leaves of co-oll In che*tutd,
and used lEI d -are Store, opposite arket
lb in faU frow tile trees in autunlri, ar the M AT BUTLER'S. 'Viia& L I The vc6dsior Grocery
Joha V= Oara:& D=�t!G=116 'a I ARM
.,a a common drik, is a valuAl:e sve- u idertell. IOLh A u:,,., I-ST01, OV101
tlae Q=4tzy V = bU -eArly use ought to be NAILS, OLASS, PUWY,
gl;a tv in this disease; its
ow. , Wily continued two or three munths until the CA NTERS TOOLS;
(R,3ya�, Le W,3& T SQUAW,',. GQ
r1n chATQ4 disease is cured. SPAIDES, SH
Z% to steal the coalt'
soy S FOIM, -S A Hav
, 8- AVE 'ho buy FAMILY EWJ M
% the cON J�Iedicine staim may be removed from III. a tafords -here
Eaid a to pay f1jr her!" thein with 16 GRAIN C to tile public of thtttowilaudeountry,that t Is lie slipplet, will .� thegrealeub varit,tY of worl;,jsluore easily managed, Icss IiA to It t
on time, =a thez, refus Silver spoons by rubbing TADLES have bought out 1,110.111tere.,t.-cif �lr A. ". Green ED at d runs liflitc-r, tbanauyOther A lintic acid and Ito run in un 1,13011 11 red U , *ucl otber toll1iii.
the above uroccry-ani now ii.ten On the condine -%xefficlexi 4j]
was natu=UY a, inta ippe-t in (Ii-u:e BUT Carries a heav or thread with a finer Needle than DDY
A guQ, 4t N E AN. P owu accuuut. Thuy i avo.ou haudj inpkytoexhillitmachillesaudsPecimp-n Of-IlOrk,= OUT 9-A Sj- X1tt !�ANV, Wool)
h to receive orders from tile Ladies fAir all sOltsOf ANT),mir Aii feet.
.q EMBROIDERYp. CRusTj, TTLzs--This is formed by' R PAC=G,
- M�R,_ W ht:ea used tj o ltl,y with soapsui- 31ANIL . operittor.%%iliberouudatour%vare
be:z L63 OvOr = STITCHI
observed that rain water. LFATHER BELTING, allsizes, f7AGNY ., plain w rk. All machines warrants PING AXE;$ --VAWi, of water cycepr al 1 9,
=tflel TYA 0 d
WE'lum Lc� 6e�,de, -2. (;brisfian, A simple niode of preventiiju is to place saries for 31ac lines kt!pt
A fdt;nd ' ettle,- which. by D A W19561L, Threads And neces
L%rge marble in the X _U][jX]Lj1 j!q' N. B..i-All sorts of machines repaired on Shortest not] 0 this bt
the- stantjy on hand. LWD-MR-IM. 'Apply to
Wily,' said 'mineral partial(as in the 7C 9 -AND -131W
qui= 1� iato 4hq � 405=1 V. en, my oxen Wa= attracting7 the fRACKOIL, R. Mis W04ZER &'DO*1t-
T L keep this inside free. XA0WNkR'f 011. - T013 OF SEVAMOrM
Aq.. Show -Room neit door to the "SiqnalOMeq.
New into a p4asum TURPENTINE,
a -Rub the HATs. G TihiWitiada To CLF -&N ST=w TEAS or to
ant ba 'hey do, soiled straw with a cut lemon, an(] wash Goderich, Aug. Ith- 4[)F ST, Nessts. 3)
;1r, what t i And an kinds of C(jFF H S
with w2ter, and stiffen with GLALSS,,P
�3,we, W" go behind th off the juice TUBACCOE,.
jsjn;r -Old Hundre&' gnm-water. DERICH WOOLIENS:T
ICA ait dovirri, 2111 '7112 but the p3ulm CBjLjA On GLASS , -A7 cor- Go -And a large Miortme�ff 4fluaryi,
Lt;w BFaKF-1q SYRUP,
str MY (15. the following:-'fGum
tune h�a% e:01�ct respondent sen MOLASSES,
a-,acial half an ounce, dissolved in a wine -
oxen." RAISINS,
gouTu.--On the Ig wter; plaster of ParistO I CURRANTS, �nMD�G 003111106 glass of boffir
d. r a recettIlisPhY Of aurora be added till a thickish paste -is forme G. 11� - Paisims & Co. At lo*,prioes for"0464.
ira fihermen ac -
f tLe- aApplY with a brusli,. and pre -.3 t46 brok-
boreal iel�t with HE- . ROB 'MARXXET-�7
the stmet up,.rts firmly together." PFjl3 -at durlug tile past winter, tboy have
dealings, TSTATE tb -A. PA R -SMS
and , To PF-NyW OLD SjLZ4.-UnMve1 and site the Market House, 0.
wh,u 6& 000auanal, - - GLASSWARE.
aij -at some lengt4 on the won- put them in a tub, cover them with cold Op�o
Sir falwfacturing 'Goderich, Noy. 28,18,11
water letthem. remain one honr; dip Addedjargel� to their Y
UL�Ti= Off, 'When 1 rt�t irring; OF. And all having beelt clltirelYlrefitted,
them up and down, but do I BISTI
'bide T Are
irble very June. 28 now- Feparb# to EX60100 GrdOrA. ty'l
*jt1gols ayansedto hang up to drain, and 'Iron V - 'g, " L TOILE -BETTS.-
was 1011111V 22NOWD CHIXA BETZ ,
Eke- everytbing layl 4GOAX09 In Tweeas. rail Ctotb�. Satinetts,171annels,''Witle rho Hurow Favork
damp, and it will, look beautiful, in tjW zcor-9091- to the 400th. ake without lealt' Oil- idopr., b
11' a 01=rm are PAINT. --TOM WITH cA2AT2R D-ESPATVW
ken -WIters a thea
med nii&-, 2 qta; W -LABOR`
Thanform* N 5
_W],itjn,-_,.5 lbi - stdm 1AVIN
feesh- clacked lii�e. Pour Upon the tand Weat6r For
—Lot -bty. the Dozoll.
uantity of a -ilk to rme a guflicient q And e
Wfrl t,.v TIQR'
Tax be a treatV, a great, nre resembling, creava; ey woula alsevall.,aspiftulat aftdation to- TNVENTt.D &ND,PATE
ke a mixt I borrie. Golerli�47p' 'ot 4t
I . - . . OR
traisadion, a party struggle, to -b' its of in6niy due to, 800, veruniont of UILDING 11' SPUNNI -ROLL TtRPING qZIC3tEC jhe �ajance c, Buc CUslo
f tbamilk i& thou All Ipsymd NG,
'is to bel Qnt&rL0f0r(1o*rxLjftdW,'tfin Musojivrstam )Flour Fl�ed,Oatjneal, t ma distance withwooltc get b3 Capt.
Y, the whitipg whoatl �1 ated on
:�j -do po$jTni JOAD
9;,UCW Iiii""Df rail or added; and last] I ir,and PrAvisipasgenerolly �ritb tbm
ice ;0 uJ6' r fifteen ruftnit.
1916 g�,!gtotheFfi Z, Krup, L
g3we .41 iesvingthe samni foL, givemf has mue'li. plea"re in ore rile
For which their uladhineryls specialty rulapted.Partles carraingfro t
s oil ha * relY on
poker; an thr"W& rumbled UP. t neres of"t1he 0110%viba way nd vith3ir D.YergusouXerchautmoderli ytting
at exchangothelewool:forgocIds will
head Ax)AIUNTINF, VANDLES FROM TALLO'W-i baixks:-4- the sained'y
TORIFE) Low. class work: goranteed
0 'be
ether 10,0-1- 12111t! 0 adinwillUlt N. F Tilt- WPM VHURa�
kealth, and -Melt- tog, ton tallow n othis Owm -javent -Ind,
beeg-wax,-4. o7,-; alum, con Bic t t Arl, -yet whip
40ry hjtt in the camphor a d' j-'jjfj ill the =Selt durblop : I Patent rqntheI TIM"Ittlon or,�'tna and we
burning Canail
would Oz. Very hard, and L AD
v "ST e and es -7j "I S . t.1
:ffiogsi 4W#Y-. a teady light *iiA4 �i7� itsmstne.
afety w, HE, 00
, clear, f3 If is Pt-dibk 0 -
ea -A lie tu will. The cap .10 ths, pot i4l 011EAP.' AS
jiltildio At w2olut W re,
NG bijbis
V -byT any Of IN; WAZ and xex
!Vnmt Its. _h9rj0d 11, jui0ectl Is stock T
er an tber 11 in jugajl&ns AvarlA soft' watr over nig4t, tuersixu6suick"- I%LAR% F, U t=' W-4 r 6F, Ax-rai ARR
banjo -td siti� depositsd W,11. A t
it� ading 6 1 11
1.7 -1W
Ts Pk,
r, 61f
put 0 in a bArrel, iiddlut, IV 01 door to A�ND, QLBOR,
in the utorl;jirig boil j 'TELAXII-DUR ILITY
greatte; STRENG
b-a�beo, Au 7.
DONE It - . . I - G, bED-A . ..
well -illons . soft T, ater. - o
uij,4uhl 1 Mot, -Take I oz. of PAt- & 0 LazarnS Norris
��a 00=ar 3 on CLO=E' �: . :
]D- , � LUrN r j� 4PEED;&b;D:E 'UTayame, used B yj
kr wz%'f blue, powder %-aud-put in evich. ,
For Odd
man* of tho c6an-try- soft prum!in * great fa- 316ttle; With t AP1DRA*1 -F - �11
%11m� 1111�02019:Wa* -of PUIVer17'ed- oXaiIV- add- A
WU Pont' -add 51LZ,
I p'that xorU JA jbe,eroW- 00 bl'
41tUdY t or am
ablespac - , , 11
-Wa. one We ) prewnt ti� the win �4ejorjii;jy act it doyrn wasfiijil
gkgj4Wd1;4 df -g *hich fa. pr6serve cut jlaweza� in! wint y bytle r4)2W1W -in illgd _X L hou", be- they ahould be plaecd f 1. State dfillAr
.T Qjr witiX it wit LIKE BRIGHAM YOU14PP14 TAM pKaodedek CoRutrorT0*xahjprj&tsjWrndft
wirmwisteriln Which iiii placed
",as rA, ittleralUtru. For tarther"rupulare AV
are, now Xo 211111k
time -for it,- U ainji,11 IUMP dellarc6al., THE - ; - - - 0
, 43od4kich, rp
r0R1ft%D]4l V1
& aviax a lot
MW 1MUL LITI. - ff A-L'EX.-,1rICHW"Z.
it Ana &livored A# phono, VintiAdd all tile India -,rubber, d 'ffomt. -Any person at
-V IBJ6,,y tbo miuillltilt- bji:I wet inding' the
joirware. 7. d
-illsolfe; curr, but MAde. no montion ot it will OZ. (14 studduratIllItY CannOtbe BUT .44ordat er ca readjos the note. M- -7 WiAch-foraWrau 0 *he answgrt &go: AIX
pstrurragG al au� Et thirty asys
psis4ift are see th
Ths Goderich within the nei
tug theei-is, jj�jj ti llaafw, watt. W. I Tr Melt 1111L
Vr0r)�:Wa`rrjxjjj40&- * -10, Co. J:!& Alt . diven orc r
will rec
=xrki 'UCMsal Jbw tblirsjr Y4t; la irrind ARDWA executed, VItb f Ltheir'superzpj� ew pax -
ill Itsbrimcbes well and tUtel:
ofthe statusqf1b
f�o: f6revi4k V!odigiouOyr auderhe Mlorititendence of, Ift John Bye--olasses.
C- _U of Hmilt-) One of the tirm. SW9
but A Sinclair iGoaeriob.,.Feb.'0 12 83W3L!
per for'14 Mr. IBER WAGON
;XXIC, tUf, ya-ze, MUCK10 te
,ning cittle, They are Doilod-ju waUr
ad to
laoli SH.
y -And Dnncm nd- r#q tilow but"little, �Wil�; shdu8A 6rimily attena
tj ig � Ind Revtairill&
XV& -- Jobbb AS. plowtel.
cy Iray hav i
&rWt!9!4 Wo"84 -I th be�h kopf t0a =01111,110 in or
%% - - gtr� t hmnon pold-W, an. ordeft entrusted waa
*, but f0, I I - . I I -
Qre. rg uow beltux turatil on
l Wj* 091* gi.juspectlextortilawo
tablet OTA -0
Of thit W, '"Ll!" In
1910 SAW
41VI fol, blit miell a ire" ITS nAtuenil At it Is not: OUTY'
ntle* bur, IMI AND: HEIVr
&OU11 "Must to Ile t
4jajw bit "OrCH8
max, jmjisxt-**�
tUt4t# I I ANN''
*41 WjW WV so deligbU Ilse T TEIVY 2f the" an Z*lrdwew �7. V
a yarnirf, in b" rlk.�, -4 DL big
igil Cat T01EMPUBU,
At WIT 00 bo�,T4" WX to boadand a# Wded dth A rqU LRAD PI1'X8j
too r1age Painfer T
. D's it Attea upx a shop -ontorth street next
'P -LF OF'
Dr. EaTru)XV
44 tGoderIC1144d
cut, el he bal; vurchaAW -No 11v MY SILAtIA'CUIW" kiond t
U& jiAbis 400 JAwhw 41id Fr" g a -T W, '40mus r
bre#dxy ' before: clWki LO to
on) all,
u0sw orldvi hint #I" motboatst churclix1th'-,vardtall TO014
hr ing in waterl tm pumia fitroo j
wberaheis ry I , 3utm t - To A M. tteb'a wthopatrou- - - I
i loot" sad preVilred tofillillirdersprorUP
ye al 8%t
,k ,U�,'O INds, d to &4;;13194 tcAwft" lf V#r*4 tiy,and at tessonsille 110RAX X011 deatii A% #A rje6s Thankful I
If. OM ego sw"d iik�� to list 7 coutiAtigrice of �jtrfleduby
ago Ot the yeara NOTICE TO
wmp,the beidworksupa
1)00wr, eggil) d' fit
LL yo tothaw, WATCH
rhiell. will be ofoltl, at 1) yoAl lClItters frrtni; fuld Long 0
JiLds ii I _
04 1 1 " y
0AXr%Ts, , , 0, - ., -v - III . titiou,,. oraro purchausurg else. tho fter to. P AU v4Q eAtt"glidt"ll'i" 1he 33wU =d noto of tU
. Ti%`6 a. C V 19 epar
T()L I dr Oir
gj)� a(loo,4s sold,next, wet bo car wit issoft brush. ola- Lox to
d ter- ad 0 r, a tio$611
I WAS itthrae gills of ox -gall. forwil"16 ot 11711110h lis to =6=11 time -
W4 17 it *AhW*VWrWPX ��% 3tv Q00rr XCKftitie fto
So,AW* W aw pmamt. III11111ro Mpg Worders from
bich, most f* vamtito $4 ud wataft AM
44*f SWOR, WOO yo, it will Istre, jWC0*1 Oil hoop,
4 hink &ter. Itub Now sost wit& tit ek; wbou liquig, arainfuglialaftg.1
W 'Not Uot t, MrW%=y0 � and 5
t :Wag ;aaytbivg nOW j,' wuh&l 0jr with clear �01,1 tmm I& so dZealt I wash" Vcvprjui;*,� Wo a
olp Pain' "I'll 40omfor
wort'hy this bit Y# -eta Cloth" pv&w rj� 1% ehisp* for 'F1' .06r�ok'AIAXV ft- 00 . I ,
W __"
morttbin one. p%il Towiliery, 'ilot sign, ofth 45r, U
i!) Zy
%Wt4 xiouabA88 koxyX9101
-y r