Semi Weekly Signal, 1872-02-27, Page 3gill 111111 1 S, tu�tle by its assistance. Some Ofthe Persons'regliiting-purgat!ive-or'.Pilios es-- -ches are so fine t stit hat they cannot to shoula boicareful sihon the.41buy. Some 'Wig * magnifying pills notonly cause distinctl, seen without a pains, but, Patent Groove griping leave the � bowels f a tcii4iid.. costive in COCCIA.-OUSIML AZ, Maliltowe canjustly ehimj6tit. state. coxronpi&, x--thorqugh1atOwledTa;or thie A,�qo Taw= Pumative Pille TAII 1W Ws --reatly due to his inv%ution that tUo relieve tit bl9od o�bowelsndcloau?`er the. tibil. and nukritl6n, arld by4 caroful applicatioit ot UniQ Statvs 7-wera etiabl�d ta -ptit hud without injury to the gy�j -thit little pt4pertibs of well.seleiitid outant, Xr.� Epps aw ;a "SON kcvp a millibnf men -in the field, during ded fUr brealc%st tAbIeA,wItl% a delicately Jr. the lavelitor Of the hich may save. -us many bea*y flaviired boxjorage Nv .10 r, V. = OWS! ad, lotorlifils-l' 5&#P0 ;G"' tfv� Xade, simply flicy. war. Those, comalless gaements, UPOUND OP Hypo - in 18119, su ILT t t I 'eks, cartridge boxes,shries, 1'ROZPR17Ss will not oril �pply­ the H -AM 2, N S'] n Is, etc, coul. never have in g -on the brain. -bi)tt led--.4anies L�pps 1k Co.. H6ux I eopatlile Ultomb ao(j call, tvwk�Nl in the ro uced in titue, without the 116,111 !�nalb 0. -the naitid to endure Also, mkers'of ol�oii, 6000%'and and tEezo hismind 1pilps, May: 24 hours dter a gre,%ter t,t than befo lilx Isewil ul It win fr,- , IT Vigor and promote - - ' ' , � I -. ., — I - - , �, JAN 4011. orLler for MOOD sand bag4 r concep- *�­ ' IMP. concep Le �?aa;empoyed in (lie, intellect aze' and- Znachme s4otqs in Lnuell, i "Ifw Istrengthen -00 S OUT SAW beenrece' 4^ in New YbrL the liervesTand give p*ower all the in - and B,Isfull. �Vo . i CAUTION 2 in -ton, the were made, packed, alla villunt'ary -as well as the v ntai�v mlis- CAUVIONU Having complatea �their 4 Y Z� 1004 Cz rica, tw-ingl. jo Fail pul� obuds! (it" �- I - �3 I 3,8� It-- 414.,termined to shipped southward. of the'body., 36. TO THE PUBLIO, -OF THE BRIT- �kivent a m-whitte ft�r smvtn�j stimulated An intelligent � woman can learn to 4PAVIt-b STRUNGTA. - T ) �reventr is LT PROVINCES - OF NORTH 9 lie gran anistress, becomes, one of N ew with arninchine in -an hour. An AMERICA. �,'-M'R[�WAHE 74 C, Refirstin- average se. ro&i6iit disease is dest 00C takell :ventud a- needle, edat y mail; and r beg most respectfully to acrinaint the pnbliq of- v, -A Are nQW prepaied.to 4; both ends the us (if ic in a ntolltlf.'� , =tits ever im th an. ey;-- in the middle, � i -that should good Br . Yan"s Pul te, monic 'Wafers ill ai. sure the British North merican provitives that in 3ULT ill ordem with sew r verages 35 stiches in a last I. csuqed tho,liwitiess at 80. XdWon Lane, rii-w ey iu )rk tip and dolan t1lrou,;,h the cloth cur.a, coufis C�Jlds,- ticklin s n the throat which they may b' favored. Th minute; hile the fastest niab-hines�, on Yort, for,the sale or acluovrAy; PILLS &.4D () I - - L_ I � and Pillmon, -,It V and =vy the thread through at each qrV conit)laints, as war. and' wEvir, which were Up to',tifat time prepared by �resp th attention to'- some I of 'worl, perform Z5U(* viestUence will destroy. - -So grg, ct)Ills if iv'iiiiain--]3nAvn,ud%vdecease4l;to becteseil. I t 11 t7arest. But this did not Orm. the com.- re- - th tit Ymg as of0co-48, gret to say that I have reson, to'knnwo triat tue stitches in a minute. - To stitch a man-& not atteriled to sooner or at6r lead to tuttrinige.ment oftbe late a4- It I It 11 1I At hat by hand takes 15 tainatc-.3; by filach- -anot it, in av In oatober, 1, su ways, bearimnst corrupt, -a 344; he form can saw as _urp6bo and in many ea a Fough ine, only 1 ininute, Onegirl ption, and the strength _6d. m;od'awl wirm modei which sewed by of the ct be Xitht tbe Pills and intment were not I)repaftd chine men okin ails'if ne-le I.. - I I : - I . y boys' caps bt ina The with that &are I baveah-mys desire&` -it and best ea kn6wri for Thiiiewho do not wislito bedeo�ivedbylinylng LIDT� -.OR 0AS11 Jfy -a'betf hizrowi� Cal tOs 61 parlons ernanate wan '�Lutitleand a curvett needle with the eye cure of these is Bryan's - I . img two UlreaN, with thb. aid ofa, inA� 6st-cWs overcoat th, r VERY IV 6u* i by hand. con I - swpan, dt pultuonio -it. to I6.iisess them� roquires6dayestadysewini. vhft-, from the StAtos or eLiewhere, b All otliera . o, P.Mr the point. But he ha& not the WiTers whicii. liave bee and'only4, 3da3s lyv tuaLhine. Iii -the th,,ronofili. tried n solve's of t1lagenuitiellf"lloway's Pilli and Ointment '.,T0i4 cOl. at 81raebarilsIBRack. ti�* In, -to payfor the raw materialre for th.6 Ilast twenty m-mittvtured - b - mo -- �Ungland, eans o _y ht London, Bneral ork of tailor, tile rwachinla Years, and have never bedu known to will do, well to, see th I at enellpotandbox lipars the NAMS �uirad for making a machine after his -c" sAiLdjke�snri Y46U �br'kg A st ournizy'ninal, 4 hours inL2. In 7i R I T .Outtment," and th4t, Of. all sizes �and de4cf4tioo; very* ch im model. A frien 31r. Goorgelisher, apublic spe'4kdrs,will ifords 1114olkiway`4 Pills and FR ;i;ll Ikws 41:;F I assis carriage! trimming, 1 machine and 3 also Aoti� a great benefit from the use of tile aildress on the. label is 533. Qxtoid Street, Lon- eap, the 'lay' hau�,d4 as much work- a's 11 hands. In thelli. don, wheretily theyate inaufntured,and. In n A ted. hiza with money, and- in N 1845, he completed his' fih�t Fewing ma- old by all, medicine dealers, at t4ilded 01 ar th4re?8noi6 v4th ltt�nft tomps" Aher part of the w-irict: The retail prices are on GU phine. -It §owea all. the Ams 3f two the trao and bandave business 1 ma- 25 cts. pai box. 30 the labels -W British ourrectef, aucluotl 2m%,� 10 wou�en. In the mnu- Allsizes fro&'R3rT-to,40't_,S6.' 'Fidr lightni�* gtwngth 12 312pe, chine e4ual. cents. ofmine wlit ever traAel through The _,so I No representative hdg�s iaid'at;$ RhIs ill sbovr� ;wooloa sn�ts of cl)thes, -and the iSiving facture pf floar,salk and ineal b.k, - the el'th. The ma any part of the British Pro4rices. or the UnIW otl4aawd a . chine, may chineis,equal to 9 girls. 1 hemming lor my'Pills BOILED andJRA 61L.- Fibrat still be seon at 699 Ihvadway.- It am- They �NelldeseTved Firet bZ and Oirttiheat, and asil ha�e w. to believe that VA �1111 It ris i J4PAN, ucen 311 the principles of sewing, by nla- mach-ino does the work of 50 girls. & -bj?.o m. 01 has been eitimited by, an expert, an d attempts v�ill pr6bably. be maillet-i da4zlve the pub- %L 0 .22a SW, I* ft N LL 46heapi 'G*l1chJ 1pet 4i Lug ma- liu lit this way by putsc upon medicine bYinezy eijibodie�d in all the S No P Itestified under oath,- that sewM(r ven(lors, falsely representing that' they are acting chines now In use; and in its crude barm COAL OIL LAIN a of 30a� machines,as far back as 9 years ago)- 0�1_TVTta Te make-- perfeat� work at the rat e in Go?d Do 1.�6u know anythin le 6a their save ar. The . 9 qrl'is jfiiol it it avisble to put patil guard IL stitches a n1iftute. 1t occupies a space time goa did, agnimut any such deceptions. read of on1vi about a cubic feat and a half. !'alvalueofthe labordane by the sew-, inast earnestlyintreat all tlii�a who this advertisedient that thiy baftle4sed, in the pit 1nZ machine in 1863, was 8342, 000i 006. sqd. It is the lie intereat. to com-muAlcatethe purport or LANTERNS, K_-�- - E* R # din labor $l9r,000,000 a v PaWcannot stay where It 113 Avery contrivance init has since been Jim- WICKS�o ade. On dusecuresdom lk cheapest Medicine ever lit to t1wir frienns. that they may not be defr1ifiled 0 proved, nd naw ones have beda added; FOR A GOOD.090J�* InOWSOREr-THROAT. One ottle lias cared BftO'4- - Itijitiltions of their money by crebasinir worthless CHITIE. 71f butall, the sugaessfnI machinea nowin, Porilolical Mdow. ty cents %vorth has cured ail ()LV tile goinclite Hill oway's Pills and Ointincrit.' STAN'DinaCocron. one ortwo bottlescuresbad SLLGA 6190Z -S MEL' Y, A 0 ninde. or sold !in my name., he'be i . .. . . 1 4, thi's Ent sawin- machine. xv case OF HxcortiATED NIPPLES cities are being all ihe" l6ading sizes, mind 2 Another very covirtablo widovi wM a appitcations. enre A. 'M R -T tenc contdn some of tho devices of .Jwotil,la-sk.aia�reatffLvourth4t shoilditcome. , . - I I . . - -L E: eases Of PILES anil Ktn.Uy TnouutJos. Sixtoel0lt to the knowledae of 4iiy perionthaviptir2ous riedl- Y .51r. Howe was first met with the ob- -younglidy of Washington Pa. 'ghe or IZFFLAMST)wHIZEA57T, 0116 I)DWO lia'i 6red LAME pleasedto sellil me all thapartlettlars lie can collect; VI! STEEL, a fair mort- aged toa youli -Tio6a, countar, ddr,.,:, of the vendor who is "sollinq the spurioni inent Umn Aitay. BAcx Of cfght vears stariding. Daniel Phank, of respecting the saniti, that isto t p1we jei3tiaon that if his m-tchine, Should p;o,_ve became an,. man nimed = ik rile: Pa-, says 4k, the' name ai14 66 ll-� on ell Pin successful, it gould reduce tlie,�,tole Robert—, in 18-16. Her -father ho for ab-)tLle4yu1tr Oil.whieliallected inedidnes, and likewise thename and address of the U; -of Woxwmrut (ils), -fa CU:JOMKD I �jood��ort� fratemitY of tailois to bef1,,1rarY- Its pro- ever, objected to this match witli� 0 LIND IT sii all- Houge it, 0li United States or b1sewhere.' j#bih 1 -',BAR,& HOOP MOJ a ent, pli -atious. Anntirer who llas ?lad STUMA tor m#fiavesupplied them, so as to enable me. for tive CAST, of-_PRtAXE4froni'81 upwaidi PRICE' SU'LO W, IM T -.ALL - T.1 Pob tima value was,,t�&u doubted ; althou- and when the young lady re- ve sr%, ,ft:pr 1*1 luve h-11; or his cle, a 50 celit bottle left. proteetiot,ditepublic, to institutLpriocee4ingil -et nil fl would not bay it if I against,such evil-doets, and BEST QA�T STI 41US, T 0 upon. oneacca-sion itseed fiveseam4 ceived atempiing proposal fronlawealthy 1 .0 faster th 'Nand.,L. N. Y.,wittrii: "ono very handsomely any par.5ou who may give me such assqrtmefif,_� an they could b--. sewed by five snitor the , p L,ern:tl ina tenao soon iman ]).)tile or)our-0ZLt-0T1%Ic Oil; restored tile, lufoftatidii, the mfornlantsls� name never being avir- 14- aftliltered. linit -any Gfricigaient,on It Will bk pM, :� of the fastes:t s9wen that could be found. effected a marriae, dcspi te the former voice where the persoa !lad not quilten above " divulged. W A�UGERS, 4W -hiip.-rIuF1vEVEAns." Rev. Mllory, il�fWy- afid AUGER BITS, ANVILS, kiltan, Jerivcttry:29,287k, InSeptember, 1846, it vrWopatented; encragement. Should tiny pe"on, bate reason to belicivetbat he ur&I bai oeen deceived Ilk buying spurious bilitatlons of VICES, COIL +�ORATN,�=AE bub as node would buy it, his friend In less than three montbs Iker husbhud me W Broncliti% in "bile %Veek.11 I Doalers all over these yediAnes, be. will do well. to send. me ina A - the country say: "We have neved. suld a -nlettic!116 mt,-r, to the. address at'Tiiot (whiell. lie t-rm. 20 at -cow TIES FiAer , who had advanced. him about was killed ky a ick front a horse a I I Ila, h- iven-such c-implete satisfction as this." cost. ofsIxcentsin postage) one otthe boolks *fin- 09Y-fortooN and materials and to Robert was a second time then a suitor,* . I 114i WWpo3ed Of Six Of the BEST OILS'THAT A -RE Striletions vVillelt are; affixed tothe rame., proml- - s, MO. aort; hisfazaily wifile, he was busy but del-tyetl the important question u- til is as good to tame as for external use, and to examine it andsen16 a reply, stating.whother AT UW9 'PL 87 Zw n a I liack -lor afid to his is believed to be.immea - impel medlein�s die genuine or not so that it spurious he Tovpn -with with, his itivention, became discouragged, fifteen months h -.%(l elpsed'owhen, . sar�abl.3 to ny_ 0DRAWS, !RAN thin- ever cmide. Will rave you inuch may apply to the pemou from -whom he purchased and abandoned all hope of it. Accord- h b a was nd `nCiny dollars of expense. Is sold by one or ED,` PADES SHOVEM. #Atf IL orror, sho informed him 'hat ill thein to have his moncy returned. itud MANURE ingly, inOctober, 1640, his brother, eng-ag, d.- In threamohtlis thereafter more dealers in ivery place. Prive 25 cents. ChemLit,.iandDrugg!Atsiihodesire'to obtain the tm:%s-%B. Howe, took the machmat repared by. S. . T Les, n Biedlogesean be: no suppliedlat -the lowest wholesale u 0 Sri 5: TORE, $(J`8S6R132R 13LZGS T-0 I A 1872.; she was marr-ed. NOPTHROP & LYMAN. ole prices,in quantities of not1eim 0 04 a rehased the busine Agents for the Dominion. A 0.0 a :JL s Weli car England, where it was approved amd lapsed, when the married Ss..Gd., 2% and 349, per duen" boids or Pala or elit Of Pik, r JOH TwG years e 'Ie trW(L' i4j� for Which RdViric-Stlected'anill, c —3m. pots of Ointment, nett, without disco hed by William Thomas of Cheap- coulale removed to Syracuie, . Y.*, Puro nit Gnderich, by GiRo Call!*-, F. Jordan; remittance must be sent in advance. GO&ricb, Yeb. 6, er* side, London, for 2250 stekling-- which where action- the vietinag of the cholera, Rogervitte i haie tile honopr to be� A A�B M& DESSIR Jk4.XIVj9S aum also covered thetriglit of 4NIr. Noulas when thb- pestilence swept that citv, was J. Packatd. Oxeter: J. H Combe, 9'Seeo4 With great iespeat. and ad okenicine to use as ma, ny others in his bits' eS3 as the second lins'-and. Rolidrta TH0110HOLLOW.&T. ff*a,n souaht in orn AT TIFM dea!era Cocoa'nud Borte hedesira-l. Mr. Tho, ptented the her hand, and when a yeal. had ela-,Zd 15�, O;f4rd treet (f4te 244. $lfand) A comp eta -assortment Of 4 ag did mot per- was on the eve of a d cl London,. W. 0.1. seriternber 1, 18741 from the best invention in U land Wt tion, when P7W and-ROCKE! KNIVZS, R"- W Is y lo! he received an invib ti n to her wed- R$ nd $CISSC NA _�X W; -- form his dilditiona-I w-reeme4t to Pa a R"To 9 brx. Howe 23 f machine sold. diner. Her late hasbaud*s usiness Was ,J-I%Ar- Dr eve'c En ialf3la _'�V�EWILLBEFOUW 'A IFt has been estimated that Mr� Thomas font1d, in such a state that avoid im- A ' PTA an hasreceived a praft of over $1,003,000 mense losses she married thesurviving STOP THAT 001UGH E0,TABLE SsERT-& 400 MP. ta 0 I I 46-t give 01.1 fzom the 225D Ea inves partner. SPO - --- "i . 1 4 ONS UKS VIM - removed with Elia4 aowe, Jr., being ia inlioant dr Shortly after he her DdITIT DZIAY-111 TRO -FL D BU to suppeirt, -pov" �umstances, witRT a family IP032 0 third husband to Detroit, Michigan. A KNIVES ana� and razaiving n ant in this Onz weel., one day, nn&lt niay be W6ta,Cansulllj- few years elapsed, when hvrself and yRU or 0RUETS! iery Aitahle 'for the stock is rdiifing 10 car" lion WitIX ift long tr4in of Safelips is 1, wiq Eds farlilv, husband were on a steamer tha was home of its many virlimir who hard: tho approaching holidays.- ci you so the long .16, where he woOkid in Mr. wrecked near Buffalo. The husband or airresmgdis-ase displayall by this gone before. mac SPEA`9 perished, and the wifiepseaped solely preparation is t. every section, where it has becn How can yoa 10, WWre is 1he - ineilic4l faculpy it Owinf., td through the exertions ol W friend Yvh muloy adaptind" -hine, I ..... V acknowledged by tue stop rACKSONYS MIVTL� 'HA ta ta mamudt6tum ofcurset-&: it � d ; 'mid the rapidly ine.'reasing, saic is the -A - � , PANEL. and nedir tueatment, Mr. Howe p3�rted from 'was on board ispired ==nt�e of the estiatiau, in whiett it is held reftiedy? 6 His gallantry it A aniplete astortment TLO=3, and hi% exigeudes were stleb uch, sentiments in her breast that she by thp� public. MP WTE, and WE Thegymp VAR cure Pulmrmarjr consn Allan'slung Balsam can produce more Of- W AD; mption In D LF that hs Rras obliged to sell d machine for married her brave preserver * a few the first and second stages: %Vill cive great relief evidence of real merit &uy oth-a-c PARM his flrat- mmahine and letters patedt; tly The happy pair removed to Pittsburg., aronchitis. Laryngitis. Coughs and Colds. It -vill a S! PA* (thongh wortit 25%) and also to Pawn montlis after her widowhood. Bad prolong life in the third It will cureAsthina. A 0 BUT THE rticle for the purpose, Itis N T -1110H T curt all diseiies arl.-Inating from want of Muscular where by Diuggis para -1 gii&ie� ts and. io p3ghisexpItnes bicktoAmerica- He wlier,�. the -4nabaud was ert�faged m -a ction and Nervous Forre. isueb a Eta argetneutof the Spleen, Dyz;pelisla, 1110cets, Peebleand Irregftlar eqpfers. 4* ras2hel Xgw York in ApriI 1849, after merc. Thither Robert, PAINT 'V Nis and W" GIVE %nfile business. action df thel-leart, Local and Geneml Read the Wif]04PRUSH S, MAX1LL i A$- followino, extraa from a '1AUSSIA VENIP ROPE e I-rowect Aphonia or Loss of Voice. Itwille Leucarr two years hs! ca, witil but 5D c nts in itill cherishing his first love, fol ure letter rerxived from Mr. Z. well, ail XAOwA. hi5p:eet. Habinud employment in ille. One (lay as he wa passing tho Chlcroiie. -Gaamia. and rettorO the_hlood to purity but his troubles were husband's store he saw a turrible"coln- 4nd healtit! a 'Well, knw merchant of Ontario. PAC'K'MG, MIRMSTONUS, shorl; - - , -8. - Sox,. 6A1XDSTONR FIXTUIlms ow ift=caseail bythedeat4 ofhis wife motion. Rushing in, he behold th blessr.4, PEI= PAm & ;2 Sold. By. —Apo 61jecarlose- Dea' -autumn fwas sufa� SHOT, CARS, in 312ss., -,nd the I= �L' all mangled corpse f that gentleman. oil his f rie-e 'in bein fering fiont- a severe cold which settled,- barke, in a vass wrac-11 had fallen on in7 Lungs, and produced wAistiessing Ded _01H9 1. FEl UARJWALi Diles, whick tia4 keel' em- the A tier.,e o Price. $1 50 S' $7 50. DOUBLV a 6 �u UPPar t 10111111 Instantly cough for which Igave trial to a-muillbei to 008TV throw -di the tra, p kdlil", Niecfi&�ei bitV witUout G, andall thi irticie's. ell if. anyone B. of Cigh HT. XG H -C, X X t 1. ED 'CIE Attlaill F-571041, Iniff-371 tO his surprise; Ali iowisly I ubert, Lat last triad nnob6ttlo ot h ii-v�tfe, and Godidriel SepL 4th 1 1. usua n. a well 72afann-& that hi%saing machinchd ha�j been sent to 6enefit.' tock- �f Hard- -ke.16 d bs.-ome, whalehei seemed for- was tolj� that the boak- eper haaju ALt"'sLu-�; " BAT,%Axwhich faut happy ie a a G wr a OtTiem had bean ime,oving np- a o be able to 4tategave amo.4 imidadil . or er� hU ne m:tchina was ex- Robert FrLarte,l for -Alloglially City, relief and yerf mail a P ot cure M gone. 0 eife TV 191 .0 A R_ hibit0l iu Wt:3t0rl1,-NY0w` Y ark, n 3 great her'a the deceased had resided,: at the -ti 6)iort lae. ao; "Iriza Yankee 1%7jy6­ Xa- topi4hiRspeed. The book-keeper 'was Yours, truly o - " s flie whole of tlie4boiili sW&'Juis Uu- ati(f froni ps�t e�epdri es" ag-11 jns6�bervl of himl ES TA 13 D I S WE purchased vcry-Jjw filid haj been journay- on r ces all- been marko4-at p -hinist, L!r decia4 to r EIRGUS01 racalvino gut, weal 14 wa�,'reslA �� ce, Imetwing' the, virtti-' of prompt Fid -all, Ont., March 4, 1871. lip inam rosacuter ction, and apprehatiling that the -clerk hqUiAting lia�e mu 61t - pl e asti re in'. it patent. The had de%hmm onthewillow, Iw. ran for cah from the ip� iiis of Onaeriokaud Was (UZI. Ila -was alitim itely ear life, mside hy Aile. The race con- ftmers and trad of branch ofna- tinqed until they raaell%4 'Hand street 1i NAIDI[Xxv A -11N DtSTBOY,* ers Of thif Count, ED Huron Nd.trouble 3show-goods Oli-, ltlutar,7 to him, bridge, when tho� clerk vn i Obliged to. LIKUT WON. tionyl ipdmt bevNme tri . A#EdAl� I1T SWOKAD -the Pla rate price. Reniet iber Cal f6axlaL� Za 18501o, he proiluced stop to pay the %biie' Robert., 24sewing mazhines" [small shop in cOMm:Uter,Pa3_CXe4 over withoutstoppingg X 1iED10fN_h-;, r3ocl, a! -meet, Newyork- In 1851, ther Reaching-tevhons3'of the widow first, As A FAMIL sig -.0 e well and favorably- known, reliem-p. �Vt1rain-31121eE3fG102amtio�: in Now York Robert told th a heartreudingin6w5, and thousands from Pain, in the sawin,-,, 91titers) p3nt�i- he sams breath made a proposal f a AHNOTH OR )SS iu.t �04�gho Cot i to Book P# Read 16=4 W5tl'�P e104 90 that, EH34 Howe marria -a. He was accepted. Tru ing, .81-102sq, Surer Throdt, 1.0 Z or L ia 113 SM, besnfleg iaventing -the sawin.3-ria- her pr�m��after a yearof mourning to 2�0 -Alm OraMIDS iA tAe gtoindcho, Mlerti w1a I hd4baAds -0 . , _. elune, ani makidg t1ta, firs& machine, with she,.becamal�L% wife. Ml -her , MorMis, Dyantery, Bowel - P9 d9r.11 hawho. was entitled to the credit hatt died. wealthAy. Roberttwiis Zomfort- _P� 11, om 1, his iny-ention,to th dat ably fixed after all. This, Icage is a, Ire- ota nc d Scal -NIS W41KERR Eras doternifndd-i�i, clear aid W9r*4V*06k Frad OH NIS U** pur0i"11146 point eniployment in markable- exam�re ofwhA pluck -and , - ! I . . - ' : . .; - 4 1 , Bifes 2 h, U7L. ta� caU the attendoii oftU F x y iiianufadnre. In, 1350, 31r. Isa _-1�, If. perseverance will- do, for a, mail, whileat- begli a Goilerich, Nov., ALARM CASI� AWERS9 three - original Improve- tile, same ti chas a lesson on, the Siog& invenfed -io thi�fmrt Line it tea that ment2;l still seen in the Sftig�i saing &nger Ok delay. MARVIN'S CELEBRATED' The Canitelan Fain iiiiii been be- THOEMNER's COFOEE UG IAILLS,- rore trie public for a length or, tirnef�,ilind`wherever REHOUSE TRUCKS. ued is well liked,�ubver failing 14 ie single instauce� In rebefwhert-trimlymsed, -and we _f,hat he w=--- infringtil- u Pon tha Howe nient &Wlscele e(I)SIoes&Forliz asinglodVoattsfitation. wheretv. of 31849, Aft i34 in med rakis Elvi'BA011- X pr along tr It.being settled that refor reetious have ileen iragelly 61lowed, but'an the P -U X-0- H A $ F-'* 4 U, , all sizes. make thebest-husbands, v�hat are we to 03NFOSITrON. B 5etfs, delighte with its Operations end 18�t,'Jajga Sprague, of Maglvacli gontraxy, all ai& -of reform- -LEPTER FR�,,s speivc in thahwiest terms ofits *tuesand maq. aeuHt* 64 ant tendency we spiak from experien'c" d pug:11istg to til C[LrT GLE mp aQ reagonably. cal effect in2) il�.tlte 'inatter, Iff4wets) patent. is valid, ah -1 the- d4fend- a tra preachers. of-Ahe &aks repaired promp having. testect it- th6roughly and therefore 'those who are -W 4W& taw1kine is an iufriugment; and Gbsliel? There is an associatidn' there U erl�ldo*w M tX,% case that leaves land derioininating itself '�The fted FAIRBANKS &CO. - -1 :� - zoirering froni any orlbe.eomplaititb for wlikh-U it 9�� jrArgsr., � IV27PAW, 77. Y. n(D ahw1owoWuht fliat fdrAUtfi4be'ne- Christianband,ofthe Royal Artillery pf recommended,'Mayeependupon. it being a 36vereigit Bernedy. -FAIMBAWKS& CG than Pain De.-. .,T sare i 6formeA by an I BROAD 'hiel 011ivan sill at his -190"y JU � 31 1 Ifib - -ALUZ FQV'� TIM% ft cartferred , upon the publfe, by the in- Heaven." mong; the members, as we iAr, NE W rolt the 0ana EXTRA V tiAdationofaiewing machine, thaput-1 , I .1c, im. regiving "'inany extrhordir 'K mended and1ts wanderfak qftts'in� subifulng the lic ara indebW to. Mr. Howe. tary men, Who have [)ivi & CO., torturous pains�if, Rheumatlsm� and having IWXjBob��." ' '--. . I . 1. Prlu _h 12, In 185G. the cipal mjjnnf�durers been re4cueil from the devil na, m.*LK S UZI, Orders are coming !ft froni'W&OW6 M piwaso 7`06009 MA Of sew1ug machines were about fo,'have been wrestl9al, publicins, -&-lid pugilists, Godeflch,, Feb. 92nd" 1872. of Uel 1)eaIersinnit'p.,rrtxofthiS gountry. forfartheir Itup- -0 clakrea telkfiOl at 11W bUtLare no servan . plie:9,and each eAlfil VO ��a :at 12 jcl4cW6on, t supen, r bat. funUy c;�ma to in W.a7agree- laltijahh!� c d the adteitisemento, faetiqu it gjve�. L`2- .' 400 1%�,, 9: Zo� firm; jlieiqg� Wist part of 16 iiene peculia neCana:11art PaIuDdstroyev risierfalls 6 It PA alld go J®gy . There -i inintedizitA -All,Uidleirce Dealers 1�eep lot 2 mant ;sn& combination, th -3),-Aillfiold and east paii Of &Uj An an PhysieliM Order and, usell;4 Ada, of these muscular"b thern which' '80'4 nafAm'dy 'will W 10, 2. A -Ailifield, 66mria w4i& no*. are that every honestly mr re .11 1i Winter Ifty irithout itioirtryinjr1t., - . ill I .. : . . . I emerj:oncy Inay provo conlrenient--if"a '&*t1i!5to 150 abres- a t *40ral� �awinr, miscl3ines ViLysEff" Heiweona ar jority 6.4 them got poxsesslom 01'a lying while every mqne, ma -gold hxGoaerLch,-byGeo.,4aWa jf4hich are 41par4&iha prmoibal;y 64 i 3-d -sawin -016"clt:Wes every device patented by inei ;hotsei it'will -Of- the -4ot- be easy for bo&4 oat atiog - Bjy The6�isofio a fte.;q Gardiner 4Do. r. Sordin, �nyb-Vaor utemberof the, combinatiod 'the niinoritk to turn, therill'out- and this, *tv&goo As4ftatd� w, a dwelling, Jag. I3anthum,,RogervilIe;'.,J. idkard,� b4ms in 'a and .,e liajitumen dolha%to the( eombination. in, these m4tant days,'is somettink. house a4d orchard he x�teio- H, Corolla-, ecoid, 'Ehq4 Mr. Home recelyes on -running r a of the seven t=ao -Tan"tir 12tk T. 2_% 1ickson Seaorth aud'all i never'faillng'traek g dolliriio and ifte other six go into thd farm -DozeTKNbw WAAT xOD0.--i­W-esOma- Property. . Th xenerA fuitdfordefandinj �he!ffztents time4 )ertsons aroy, "my-horso is --Xi bridge, 5 fro BRIG Goderich, Derd. 2% 187L iniles dit at from lW_ ingers: sidlyout ofcondition; and I cannob tell dbvoW about 30 Yftmt* the either whats the, matter with him, or -16 from Gbderick a gavel-i4A beh4' nZion and dayoI-)pementcftbAj*W,; US -0 N..- 0 UT ,I) U y TO WT440, ;.w-itbir.,ag'hortdifst�ice6f'the how foo, jet him into'better order," they in -A oyears, wil g 'T genjUSL Of TBRXS:m 31r. Holr&h yiei juted, &t )e ignorani ofthe'fictillat eretlit ofs Thy yi!jg li� stn%It por� jc� B&Tm iind- iotes. of t4o estato 6 , - remed pi IlpooSte of 5o0wayar. Itheft is "hin th6i reaelt lolm-lftrris, 16solvent, are leftyit� 9rFf Itsta of Aout f, eappiar. --to eri purchosemonely-4ti*n, is ram as 0, sure in all dtisetP hiin i�nwewwxttmw to ddinA hiVis"",. J=fao, sure '16 deat in horsa*'usw- 31f Goorge *11�efizio for collectiqwv GO ma s ih.4t_ the6i t V& 3 , , - 20,,12, *w*,w6ta. mgmaiehineal IT, 11MTA Thawhols number of "w' XG3 leave'to return itiliks ta the I for ir y an of ito, 616d t6aify tbat itX li 'jod-rick and -sarrotirwigg cQ 0 It h fell =wUrin thelVnited. States fromuW liatisfactory. 'Oup Jacrie liberalpi ronegedurl -thd last' I h ft, - Axid Aill thif "d of INS, walt about 150,0)&. a VZOL dealer Wox4m us thab his toisei! 6�ndir beenin' IcIes fix hitilie,suo, MIX'Sept.-i P"r=CoLWe ixm aw D9ft, the 3months ending De�.,Ioo, ., 18W, the nur tion and ip' much iinpio- :E Abor made by licensed oom. r %answar, ad by its use that theysell,'more, readily' Psalm wag -Or At hfir40)f T �DY B.W,eddreorad to, tat baiity- ltPA ineiriced -r and for -higher prices. The artiele io OF ALT� OBScan PAT FE *414! foirl5ch9ol Jdniaw-pp, tancibu oft InkoflK It* I 4011�' a yftr, at An' xver�& 064t of I* Uft". s rd*a* $0 s"L The following isAa ew�ftsto 19DArley"a 0onditiou P6*ders sAit Ars ' pILLOWS9 mliv WA& bianHeave1temedy." Nothingleliletial Job NOW Pirlodleatoffiff, will& JIlAnstilld Spoeilletit at t1w milldiiam undo by tW threa laid- offl000fthe SoetY± AUX= to me- purpos 11lowa At "Peatug hed -ui% q0waixvALuABr;ExEvrcMu FAmwG vAlpthoir Inforittation 40 be equa to it 1116--sa a. Re- am contractor tifid. wotic � to ocom member th# =ma, And see that the, sig! - X in tho rum awry frora thesecity. -r" Or"Raillitee 'do wt or all thoso-painfat mod dangerinit disenwis to which the forimle coneututtria GWO,C41111 2(sebines, 72,M3, Genuine Wheelerok attaft of -1111ya Co. is on eacli pael.; TRAS iX*W0L '61d th Ltmselveatoot"Gpt,thel,*W ormYteitdoi. Age. - Nqr6rop Lyman, Newcastle It moderatak all exce":Wrsmorais oil obstrim-6 -or$ to give inato orprolpood,"d Wftlifut $1 40k L, William xsejin� $8,208. . - . - . I _ '- 40XtS12,S tiaid a �,eedyurg, be Ironed on. couipletiou'oftM wort. )*-etory for Canada. sold'hy 4eIELV ga I r6d"ft tuft ( . lad oat., Pror o$J1 T46& _ANDON TUX OHORTZST XOTT9M It is peelittarlysm lign larcit, bring Xaska employ wonwhillies, xrttlthe NcTUBX=1&X1119keptoubx&dimdmicd0t0 on the wonflgY period witla mouritr. _$'AneXM t wile itift 0114Mfthod 7�6jr abirt-naken rus ovor 3,00(Y of IRM Hou" wpbullt AV04 rinO SAO" Xot be ubma onaks *Aingthe Imb. . Q*m Abo" coade in TEM*V��Xlg_or aw *so-ILML of all maetruitob6pr#ctically no limitt to tbalco'ITI-N TR tho Un%pL Ska6m a* amt to foreigit cofts- JV IRAFA 00AAUi)ft It is only UPOK 4 V"t SCSI* powibilitW 4 Ul"phie cotnirkVdica,- at r 1 aft inall Cases of1fir"lis and SplaslAireetims, in 04 Awiring vwAhinn a" bo juads weU he transmission, ispid notweiand ionsuncre inuu—MASecit 1=06 3XI the Backand LJoills; Faftuctror It llizertion:Fil r I - - 0" low, or pwfitA*11. Tbo sewmg nwhifie now as and too iloW, &ad mzny in- lational ., � .1 111."ft - - , willefict aeure wit -in k1tothar neam"Ire TWO D Rouses; Fort" aiedy sm th#A ae noodle over fis mi4ft'iWe employed 01viog the sildulth"Ah'ap000reVokwamod do 0011 ime: W is T I Nk et, smiumiany, or anyintat to Ille ds, m h$w MIOM J* &anot, bsiffial t"kall 'bin the speod 4*a1d'inclulased. r1i of 40 lSTORE. HOU01c; iwqb"re prfitiction has been at- ppo*te F#Aa pliddirs" " I" I � KAW9 askes batton holm It ed in the "Canad=- ptesqrred, e3tchknV for V W, 0 oy and a" 0 is the (Ml T"Wo &put nessfik"m of miery pr- or, won by &@a, wrAnai�, or CWkL for roaloving pain, alld ouring oo14, Tolikow, =W vow*, VOLVW*ZtXi&� GOODS and GPDOR11TES. The above Lft&rA'L*keaaU forpodtft4i, 0OWN" to Nortifirtip Would �*4 10"tr for A Brawk *glx, 311�uonlstill Lie. 04t t"qtftU*#ftU forA 'be X)4d roomm's eaM oftmo hm, 9*U IsatUr 'no.. noell"19is, stift, Wawa" so & T�yrfta - &H Drug-' toure, 9G90O1XW4b"TAW#ft an �mlftug. Mabbine' DOUX, a NQMP. hwases, "rm rW= and =*r*mpWtttx,&& soldby Prim 26 Oil Store., if _y * (& - xwwdw4b iAmr� bo" i Wd wanky dsolamo X"all, eawso, = g% a0wob4M.S. INS. 141011,11"6p. FQI& RUP, -k TA)UN b"104111611101 10MV4411111"kil muk PW ll�#le_ So AJ" of Lmbl improved Knittior W Tkofouoini" w9m -it prominently '-w _Vx&ia" for 0ale. in good workins; 561dii�Ooftrwb bY, Parker qattlealld ul," lk"W Wd in po AAor 909ft rd4tsufut V. Jolidavil amd1w tic Co., 1kytk*0 oidw. Oan b* A"n M r,@rw jc;k :Aso JL.& rMUDIMM, _w*ws vhlordom* wd no A"W P""U" HauHton 8 Id is haso" tQV ip, 441%# seaj, aw as,