Semi Weekly Signal, 1872-02-06, Page 2WA 4P to see that duere =1% VAILVAT, five cents on the dollar on the assesseA Z0 0 A L 'IT E TO Ronte of a railwait, after the nthusasm drain Ittuds in:,: c�rtain /town 3hips in- Iiinitycif t6ir hamlet =7 yearly value, or a like'per centage. oil BitrciL—On the opegi uppor ect in the same maw nor. , ve o zeirp it possible thdt the The Hotisethenwent into Committee us- a espectful-adieu 4 *% - 'd In Can you n9bral qparcll AT.&TIO.V k daiug VAGM 1. ng of navigation tic tai d finn s b'they hae received., Middlesex, Lairibion And: Huron; 1. paid b� all,, and ther; b! nnum there will be a great demand for bric Appropriation- B in nert SA Trains leave as fdllowai— the interest at six per cent. per, for . the rebuilding of Chicago. LA our .10 aliDii-ecto�rq,6�tli6.Groai.Wegtern bn'the. and studF� able t segasion on which Mr. Blake APANESI&OFFIOXAMROSEITALITY. of seziety on the assessed value of all the rate -ers bestir thel,I)P61ves, and they io I fthe bestloatiAged roads on t1iif'I the d! ........... ........... 7.00 1. in. briA mak w . I the question of th property in every Municipality which ont nout ould.7.,coiieblit to the mad ted illat e claims to aid- sung as Almost 01q of4 SATURDAN your vitnlity. CL will'no doubt come in for a share of the scllel� t 0]),F XTALA*GE.OD XPreX3 ................... 1000 had raised money by debentures din the trick a, is made' in * this te'of bnildiiq 4 br�uch� -to tap, art- the W. G. & B, R.I, As between 7 it'and At etery hquseh oirjournev WILL N FOR INSPECTI, ' of the newest BtYles in and, bi Mixed .... ...... E45 tr4de. Such Id- be settled uni -,ads rally vaeied nt 9f Ladies' Furs flissease, dc=y an C-conty-of Bruce, wou or -rai. assortme ................. .... S.30 P. M. credit of this loan fund, was to be rised_ Actighborliopil will bring a good price. * othe branch. Sfi-ioly, they do not.Wish th eat 66yerid gene to -of theHolise. small throne, Can you oll 4e poisessi(�ii of the L. H.- & B., in this sessit)V�by a ote udebted- DivIs1wraounT.—The, first -sittings 0 with Ted cloth, forming Traint dre duo as follow from 1859 onwird till all the i ve'ral bills were passe 'Chief to occupy orde to it! We do. n Lit ere dil Be d thr Iva. rranged. for our a Poor 11 -tit in a Mixed ........ ........... 10.00 a. m. ness ot each municpality should be ex -L o the DividonCourt-for thisdistrielt, tllj Tumour, on this ponndth,,tt a little dommitto after'�rlich the-,Hou.se roge. alo and other room,*ith-out such An flisturbs Ile forthe ciltrent year, were cbmirieuced in lWilt'�puttb�.6L L. H. & B. on given to the suit. 0ver thins rvcal�ening do ......... .......... 3.20 p. in. tin-muished; it, being provided that there th Aerday: There Moro exertiol AP D pp ence, wer Express ................... 6 Court lRouse ye! If the first section or of the Ministee.srobin ive wot ly dop�lvo you < 3.30 4 4 4 1 should never be a less suin: paid Vy. any Ive'rev a large number of cases (in the the firmest fwitfn4. UPAR the LLLL L ild man... 9.31D it pndei contract. to Exeter the re- Chom either in n hat accrued at the dobket, andas some of the,,, we a rathar INTERESTING ACCOUNT .,OF A And- written card in Japanese, which, municipality, than w mairdng Municipalties' would cc "His HighziessA rMAU6 Iffe me ill JOURNE IMTHE INTERIO11-L heili translated, read specified rate on the Assessment Roil of important, only five or six were dis especially if the junction coirld be ef- the-: Nivoy from the United Countries, Vo�bd,of at'l six, o,cl,lek when the court V 18,38. The Amount was af tuvwards e- Mated witl�.tlie'I�or�oiito Roaa at Wing— hil, over the room devoted to his sulie obliged to we' -Z! adjourridd till to -day. The following c6rrespondence of the . I AT er th-cl ham.—Cliiiton New..'Era. -ow York Vmes respecting Japa the c d read, "Tor the noble fo owers. tripes.9 duced to one-third of it but w3h , 'L.RV. W, M.L PU_ imi —We The rooms were covered with mats in can you N81foN C( , G. -.Aldska the t the lowest ainount d- ry onl� �.i&ently unsealed to t e to Save a little il have Pleasure in atinouncing that Go ordi lary Japanese style, with b zers' to 801YEP proviso th Outaidoworld, willbe readwith inter - .1011, FEB. 6th r;,4isedsht)iildeqtiiiltliiLtt)f 1833, witich- erich is to be favo nife with another visit i hibarhps, as thevare called here'. sunk C=- you --fo 1872, from this eloquent divine. He will .1, est :_ t - L- then rush to "-�t I I intoithefloor, be�ui a I square Periang — ----- was takenits, thestandard year. rawin- tho mw preacli in ilieVesloyari Oliurch on Sab- HAKODAr%. Japan, Thuisday, Dee 28j, Pits #Iled with fine eafi San i char-, ftlerich cis a xwkot. On the Ist of January, 1871, the t(itpl bath next, llt�� inst., At 11 ij'clook ft -m- brief" account of the tour re, ;oal ifires lihted i i e centr . The in-' Astrachali, �i&2k3, n-nd tht loans from the fund anloun'ted to On Monday evening there will - be a THURSDAY, Feb,. 1st. mritly made by Minister De Long; vari�ble gustom.;of serving us WaSL first to soYears past, in f -act ever since n the church at 47 Y=13 & .7 300,000, the�amount accrued on Ill- Missionary .. Meeting7i. Among the petitions presqnted this tbroughorut the most ren.ote and curious pass, around tea, then to bring it little in n I's -4 haunt, the building of thD Buffalo and Lake Hu. terest to $8,026,711, and the total pay- whibb. addresses will be aelivered by dt�y wt -re the foll6*ing; portions of his E-inpiro, canubt fail to tua_�et �to the room, filled with tea, and C01110! ft if other By Mr., Gibbons-: The pkition of the t your readers, L not only 'place it on the fire, that e"h might- re- Y ---L3, or &T,707 - PIE, a laTge portion of the trade ineuts to $3,341,127. -it will be seen Punshon a-hd a number 4r be 6f interes to -en af 7.30 Coll my' that only a very sni.LlI proportion.of the �clerymen. Chair to be tal rl�ty council of Huron pravinic, for from the st(rj guriounding the life of � I 'ish t I tire. - Then would follow y40U &11C in,cmintry- prodtice which was formerly amount borrowed lis been repaid, and 4o'clock. On Tuesday . ey I ening Mr. cert I also from the pro- Pa j'. ania epmleells! sery'ed in wooden Voirls Ainamendments to the AB;ess'welit the inhabitaqts but ' G dond iii Goderich has been 'diverted to ict ' of the tourist.as a re- itj Turs, CAPS. COLLARS and GLOVEs that the accrued interest now due Punshon will delivtr his lecture on Act., minent posit n, wit chop-sticm, -which we soon becarne IU eiits? other places. At the time when all the amounts to more than the orieinal stim "Myflower Memories." This isa new` By Mr. Gibson -The petition of the presentative of the people of the United in' -manipulating. ro eat Poup thus And. the princely 'attentions paid e�p straightsticks was at first aposer Oarryin."'.tradewas done by water this town loaned. The Government will req�dre lectu're, weently prepared by the rev. County Council of Huron, praing that Statis, witirtwo 'Als Cis., cr apogleny, [ received by him in his o a large assortment vr­3 the Point toFhich most of the-busi- to take up tile question Of the functbe- entlpmaz� from materials collected by the registry office in the North Riding -cif hlm,and the aid but we discovered bow it'cuuId. be clone— fore Ion(, and deal with it in some way, 'hiM during his visit to Plymoirth, Mass. the County of Huron be abolished� jt?url;eyfji,mthjsGuvernment- Monarch- that is by puting enough boiled rice into ness (if tlie ccrunty was directed, but now wl to, 'p, throu-h the inill for it is numifestly unfair tIrtt some Awthe committee have fixed tile Pice A- large number pf Bills were intro- ical Japav; until lately unapproachable the bo absorb the sou And then pay UP %vh e f1f. elck-ets a . t( oreigners, ng%v rable full 0 Ame CA 'd Win fhat there is a railway atfordbig an outlet municipalities should lle low figure of 25 cent-,;, duce among others one by. Mr. Gib- by f lifts berinipeiiet eatfiigtheri�e.. Durmathe juumeywe ri ter Cloth Caps 90' the east, Clinton nd Seaforth have otliers should be -allowed 1to escApc.—f_�N'ye,hRve u-) doiibt there will be a bons to incorporate tbe- Goderich Me- veil to inquisitive, democrati ate. many mixtures and thingP that it Of ral-I an eanie� fir for a large share of the trade I The folluwiii- is the Pos-tiolt the Town hoiise to hear what will be a most inter- chanics-. Benevolent Society. by order of -the Mikad6, Minister D wou Id be quite impossible to describe, �of Goderich 'llid County of Huron wfth, esting lecture. Mr. PRINCE movdd an address to LtIn -was everywhere. received with the -neither name nor hotinxca farriverly don -e here. Godarich will -al- I al�dPr which we knew' thus reference to the fillid'— Sou�TH RiTRow AORCULTrRAL SOOIETY. His Excellency tl�*, Goyernor-Gencral', holior6 usually paid to a Prince. The. A ride of thirty. or foity, miles A. city Prices. your tnelital -nd �,baur under a disad vantw�e hvin" -to.aIrpear tip,&' ox'gliuk Which GODERIVH liorro%%ed in 1854 $100,000 --The Beafarth Bxpositor gives tile praying that he wil I be pleased to cadse people were I forbidden okic ng and baulkyponies, in -cold sea willba.sold at less t a countr oil only one side, but there is for the�, purpose of ssistin,� the Bukalo following staternelif of the-veceipts and to be initiated in the Parlizurient of Can- the streets," or. even out of dcors at his bte0zes on t1le beech, -or over motintians Can you y "Doti reas a why farme-rs living within and Britatford - Ridwy, but a chailge, he worst of trils, prepares �ne's ao, 0 expenditure of the South Huron Agri- ada a measure tending towards the approach when admitted to his presence on t arcs, -IU6 wits made, and it was applied to the im- ast year: transfer of the management of the Fish- they were toprostrate themablves before stomach -to lecelve almost Anything that livery hor, diree' or four miles of the town cultural Society during the stoppingpla G' oderi0h) 12th Oct. 1871. aelf`T�hen your proverilLaut of harbour nd streets; and RECSIFTS. eries Of Ontark to the Logal Govern- im, arid at eypri 63, durin., can� possibly. be digested withoA the g"w to Clintan to do their busi- 860,0o0wazloanelito the Northern Grav Ta Balaiiee. on hand,. $ 47 12 ment. He 'proceeded to SlIpDort his it tour wbich to6k them four times across . sessor be-* curious as to the Gnch Czz�ence, p O Ing over q_�n you affor UeSs ,is they nqv� do. nor would suth Road Company on the understanding Subscriptions of 76 motion, and to show why the fisheries in the islatid of.Ye-sso in yarious directions, Cuisine. The eye would sometiines'dWell that the c--nipany Was to pav equalh, members ...... 76 00 the western part of the Province should the kindest provision had been made -in languiffly for a moment on the contents bocca, thus spe- be the caso if our people were alive to _L! a Mon - with the town tile instalments as they. Legislative grant,. 700 09 bpi placed under the *controj � if the Pro- advance fdr-the'conifort ancidntertain- of i� bowl of - strange mixtures, and the their own interests. The rates- uf a whom you now delight to honour and aE Merv= 8=tcm,� came due. The company has ;lot ful,, Gr'Aut for Tucker- vince. Along the Detroit and St. ClAir inent df the -patty. question come feebly tip ill the * mind as . t with� and blold ! they, too, are socia e freight by the GrtndlTnink are no higher filled its engagements. Since 1859 the smith Ag. Soc'ty, 330 00 rivers the Dominion Government reutB I" to wheflitr offered ref reshment vras eat, Ahios wearing lx�ir as we do. The look THE ABORIG NES OF JAPAN. DI A R IE S F4 0- R_ I d's 21. to your clukhoe from Goderich to Toronto than from town has paid as barained for. T6tl ;"Sale flands,...... 2 60 had arranged the Yeddo had rat, 6k bat; but a craving appetite gene, - lion, thtm 0 farnis so that persons The apanese autharities in f this man was friendly and intelligordi Clinton wid Seaforjtlii Pnd buyers would payments, 63,983; rrears of interest Entry' money at who had formerly managed tbeir-fisheties previonslvinfornied�himthat the Ainos, rall� out short all such s;eculations. and very favourably'itupressed me. POCUT AND OFFICE DURIES We. in IlanY cases rather come here to piir- due, 1,R36,819. root crop match, 32 00 themsel�ves found themselves obliged to or hairy peoplep were the original inbab- REt IGIOUSWOILSHIP AND RELIGIOUS WAR- IOUs 13.11atera ana 1 ON CouNTY.—Indebted for money "Donations ........ J28 00 yieldtheinto others. Hegaveinstan- itats and sole possessors of this whole FA.M. IN ALL THE �ellass, prelvided they could buy and ship bnHrroUw1ted,8253,000. Uptolst-Jaringry, Total ............ V, 0, ds, including Niphon, that -1, it has paid $360,303, and hs to the $1,295 62 ces of the injurious effects of the present group of isl 11 ong the line of travel, whenever. we 62=_,zter by the to the sa-me advantage, Being the EXPENDITURE. state of the law. The -arm of the Do- they had fo* a Ion- time contended for -,rl* Shed has caved in. folifid. any settlements we would find lit- ie can ou County towafarmers have Freqnently oc_ credit of its sin kinu furid $183,811. million Government was not long enough thesupramacy wit-theJitpanese,buteven, tie nuits or praying �)laces, with stone to AT MOO R HO US E 'S. 9 By Prizw List for past -The Collingwooa Eamrsrisi comes casion: fo cobYeher-6 on business The Gtobe couciudes-isfullos,-Ilt toreach so far, Theyclesire'd3holocal 0 and year, .8651 26 tually had been driven bac and partially icmiges of gods Arranged in groups, in us in an eu��rgod form �and in a'new and Would Prefer to do their tradim, at, the will be observed how differer "nt ol their, onfl i Aly Legislative �graut - managementbf those fishedeq. notfor o�terminated, until the remila s n e instances drossed'with red wth, and (ire S. of the municipalities have ctLd from any money they would gain by but be- eefi gathered in Yesso and io ' 5 pd.to Tp.S(iciet's, 420 00 i* es 1 b n Othbrs'with6ut raiment. Before each same time. The reason wfay Goderich others, and how, apparently without any cause they would gain by eventing The Queen has Pent three p�un& stg. 60 00 4:5 of th��se places the invar- Bar, ilien. hey %ere described as being would be seeli lbal rcppc� is behind in this respect ' !s that buyers very manifest reason, a discontent arising among a. al And btit 'Witing Iongb of Toront� i ei -to Mrs. Seals, ivho gave good many -have Other expenses, '121 88 r.e, avages, e'rds, iable red gates denoting the faith to be O'nery. here while othergliave easily satisfied portion of the ationi OY birth to triplets last ffaullay. do, not po"ess the same facilities paid next to notbiai And beina as airy all er their persons Sintopim, the' religion of Mikado and 0 dues&. Total ......... $1,253 13 0 Can you aq�ozd ll but extinguished their indebte 42 4 The � result of the. managem by the ion' 'The Chlitham Flaizet tji� Aiii it makes Full supplies of all '.kindB.of _f�r shipp;ing Balance on band,. �9 as dous. of.the Government. I In the discuss' as they do at other places. - Doniinion Government ON a clear wwld znd AN that ensued many months ago between no znorsl wxczk�2 is is very manifest that in certain cases 1XVIDEi.4'r OF THE UI lifference, as the OtitdAPISegislature At Clinton and Seafrth there are ware- there maybe some excluse fd this back- -Xosuf $2,000 a year. VIL WAR. RiBg ftp!ys ard uvelop, 8f,295 '62 May wonderflil tales are told by, for - this Governmentand 06 foreigilrepre- is orily a big County Council anyway wp fiouses aloirside thie railway where the wardness in paying legitimate debts, BL.kKE said the qu&Btion was . I - I ' -Czln you L07 -a' 0 s of courage. and sl n t1ii attempt was made gn re§idents'4the act Butativbs, whe Mr. Edgar has beer Iormally nomitis 9rdan is -delivered from the farmer's but with the, great majority there is PzTwy ip-xDix9s.-On Friday eye wli%ihe�dey were prepared 'to assume now to hand, and selling low .1 uri rMers why 'responsibility, of proposingi, th 'hivalry displ,:Jied P lodiled on7 the cars witho.6 'careely a shadow of a reason ina last, c nboth sides d 114 bytlie latter.tosave thesettlenientf ted for the Comaidno by the Refo ctu 0.!ighs glad these �'-us took PIP ei the e trans - native Christians near -Monc d has accepted the nomina- -shotild not be en where Tea -under the aiispices D� fererice of the management to' the thisbbiOdyciViluar. Oneoffhesestor NagasAki from cf 4, _i�n AT M001 IOUSE (27 you acu� aid in full. Ev toper ep�nce I societies of this town. Local Legislature. They did* n( ecution, the qu -Y "A 1 W buyer has to there have been no actual returng friim the Temp it want ies aff,r(-6 so curious an illustration of pe , . estion was pressed tion. -bv inasly trureucL - between "ciTilized" and ho e on the Uoverqmeiit to kno%v why of -butter. 2 pay for and ha3liik,,, grain he railway i assisted, 1get the indirect bene- Rev. BIT. Fletcher occupied the chair the revenue, forthere wasacofisiaerable the di A consignment of.95., cases - ------- v ras y Could "Wicivitiz.--d" w;trfar(k.'th;`Lt it is worth it this people NyWro being sent into wdighing 6YCr 5 tons, vras Shipped f6xi cannot afford to pay so high a price fit, has been more than a compew oil �n� opened the proceectings with prayer loss on the fisheries; btit,'if the cm you CEO -epeating. Whei, itt last Emmotois ves- b6nishment antislavery if it was not an ac- Carleton Place to a firip in Broekrillo,�_V Clotho 3�our bae aawheye it is delivered at the Point of for all the outlay; And, were it.Qt_Wr., a few remarks. The following 1)10- be more satL�factorily managed here, as 3;!4 -)eeft destroyed, and his do- cou nt of $heir behig Christigns. Tile re - wise, it does not at all follow Viat was then -one through with; he believed they could be, tbb $2,000 or seli 1a- I til t, rail on Saturd;ty last. end, 14; at�v am grainme ause they were insu�ordinate er lost a onmyou, shipment. If we had st ill-_ WZding, Poor urs ere surrounded in the ply was, bee orehousesalong- Dundas claims mumicipality that- makes a bad sp��ul Richard's sayings with 1,43,000 would not be worth cobside ation vot d foll,)w that if has nev if they' took this ste rt bere, clit off fro,n any supply of 4ild ungovernable, �ut the extent of the� kdo th--- traki, buyere- could afford to, tio ;shoutd: be'allowed-tolthrow ttte,loss 'annotations by Lurd Duildreary Mr. But, p, the Mari- fO mediii plai-e'd for in the "roarin' game,)' n .9 ter.or provisions,11int -their enemies- insubordination wak that they refused to -C3 U GIC -1 pay as 14-1111t a 13ric?-� &ro as- theV do at -oni the community, any mord than that Garrow; Sona rest, Mr. Thom- ti me Province& might make proposals for RAd now holds six, "while Mambokn' them with the titmost fero- I BLANKBOOKS- after fighting passtthrough those red gates ; this being boasts of IiAving won no Jessthan eight vidual would be justified in tak son accompaide(I by legislation, and they would have ti other points on the an indi �riss Brnes- Read- si.milar .1 to est of the4aitliful. It is an estab- band those I city during t e ing, Lcmc-rfellow's Leg 'itil, Mr. reasonable excuse from this he day-would,'as soon as MoTal a -raill a ing such a -course, unles's it could b fetid Begutip given a eirifi� religion niddah. A gener who live ritarer- to, GQ4erich than lished fact that a t s. war is al assortMentI(if vvery STY11 ny shown that the action of the Legislture R.'4deiihu'r'st; Readin,,, Mrs. Caud!e's large Arid important Province, ofor tile the shades of evening fell,send in rations 140,00010et of pi timber is being at1ter shipping point wo&a natur ILr to their foe'sufli- 11 0111V ffiJapan betweenthii Sin- UP AND:QUALITY- of %11Y unjustifia4ly cunsedsucha disappoint- Curtain lecture on M"asonry, BIT. Bell; proposal from the Maritime Provinces of ri�e and fresh wa taken out 0�f_ the Greeno* pinery' for clent for theiruse duri -gthe"iiexttweuty. too g .. ton - 'Coll ans aud L9 come here to sell. And now ment Intermission; S,)iig' tiappyl, be thy that this particular interest-, a most im- and uddist s�cts, the -latter being dorich harbor, An& 56,006 'feet for four hours ; tlitd wbon their British po�sessed of the inoit -valuable estates Go B E A X K 13 -0 Q' Y the question arises dreatils, X sses Trainor; Reading, The portaut one to (janada-should be An 9 Chitntry JIB n. id. - M -r. 0. Mickle has, 20 atog why have o friends remunstrated such an uz.- an privileges aoquireddurin the three I rat&', ncm-J Leper, Willis, )fr. McDermott; interest no -lon-er controlled by the D in getting out saw-ibgs uff juet opmea and offera, At li4vst f we not such stoiehouses? Simply . 0 h * r(l of proceeding, the reply was. h i dred years.of the rule of the Tycon, me Reading, atent Sermon, D,w, Jr., Mr. minion, but should become' serarated, ea Editarla,l Vatos. th the *_ his iqis�d �roperty. He infends build- for cash t"ludy. "We know these:ruen they are gentle- wh ise faith was Buddism, W1 in- becausethere isanapathy andwantof Humber; Ing, Mr. Thomson; fveading, and should belong to the different locali- w- Pais e n x eaterarise among owr capitalists title of- men And aq are we.' We do not wish to ita, ment of tl.e present Government, the in-- A 16T90 Pa mill at 1 y e t anxt. It is stated- that in consequence of the -Aytouu�s land of the Scots, Mr. Cuan� ties. No did not think this s capture th6in as we woulo rats, but.with calo biought Siritooism, the faith of zpring. AT AJL00�RU0V$1.11S f d1l to Rcanuz Buite3w -men. Terwoald father sit mim- Rea in,,, The one horse chaise, hings would be � fortunate one for Call- � �1 0 a words in their hands, filhting like ward- w ances�ry, to the front, and lie has A large _I�nx was lately'hiltecl' after a tD exorbitant claimanlade by the United ioring sea, Mi:sses ad, Haying regard to the late treaty, Ion, NTT. Strang; Song insirn with the ady parsecuted the BudAiBt sect,- shargeorif ePt. with the clugs, by Mr. Jas. ir arms folded and copilplaul 6f States the Washington. Treaty may be 217wur; Goa Save the. Queen. 'We li, ipe aid what waiaoon to take place in the ors. � -Any other course w,-a!d rob our air harcl,time'.3than set vigorously to work rapudiated by the British Government. Ind in the 'Ort y of all its honoues." And th n s str Ss- r LA -1, iping them of pFivilees and posse Coob,� �Of Luther, oil the town Jine le tliese� readui,s to see continued during Congress of tile United Stat( SP to remedy the evil. .0 1 Legislature of Ottawa, in reference to 0'eY 0011V1731 Od to" do uu.111 they %vot-ked .11, t t 111 is rumored that, in de 'air, twe0i that township and Proton, Au- lt is true there is a Sir Edward Thornton has-been ap- die remainder of the winter. for in their tiTv hMve been nirildug overturos. to other was killed silortly �ifterward$ on conflicting illter-eall- at work, we plied to fruni England to-obtami copies A this Illatterf he suggested that the mo- f,ut the victory Cii�istians, lqoking to an alliance of tile town line betweb� Egrepont and DAY B001K8. of every newsp . aper'".perit)dical. and HOCKING SUICIDE 11� -STEP111FN-_ - tioll for an address should not be presj-- own i JOURNAVS. refer to 61iose iiiierested in tha r. CO -SPOLdetit of the London PrIe PresS HAKoD.A DI AND VICINITY. gthto resist tile conimonfoe. Hence Proton�byMr.%Vtu. luyliee,of E.gre- -0y .-azine published in the 1�nited t3d further lit te present. Ttr I h LED0B or ina giVes. the f�flovving particulars of the,1 it i �'�'iattlie traveller in Japan finds the mont, These aninials hve been doing ral 41 �2 q" forwardi,ug- business. It is an f� ates, to be placed on exhibition t C:01ERON was gratifi�d that the AT is a blilff CASH St Hakodadi. Head, so -calk _ telllf)leg 6f -the Bnd 4 _80� dizts . going considerruble execuC )n till on- sheep, and zgOild, to suicide Of gr. Bashaw of Stephen, �"u ;D them to. preVent shipping by rail, but if the International Expiisition to take Stephen, Jan. 24 1872. P�esident of die Cou!.cil had tak.n the point ok a I)rpmorib ry, ahnost. circular in- to accAy and deserted, while the iowls in tile U'd. INUTE 11001a, they would only look at the matter in the place ii, England this year. 110, -d V� !I' coursa On ti4 mattur whi It prudence forin, - rising so in,! t we I s -L It ii udrod feet i i I 'Tiles -are thronged ivith townships nain POCKET 1�001C-F, old rnl, --,-Q c new iiit(,( te.11 This usually quiet neighbor d,clawl, '11wro was no re on'n hy'-his POOR tbOK OUT. -At the Prescott MONE Y WALMTS, heiglit, coil Lee I ed widi-the initinland r-er light they would see that even det0tULS. it does not appear to' disturb ColInty &-julillations, b- -u 3 t i r ro M t 0 ea0l e S I A telegram from Madrid dated 2nd _pa�inftllly shocked on the 23rd iolt., question coula not bo suttillesd in Otta%va bv a very narrowsany I -,w lit. The rAs BOOKs, would benefit indirectly, were trade Feb. states that dspatches have been by the ribirg of tho death of Mr. Alfred .s well its her Iv , I thih people, and t.here is but little rrason. �ieuiselves. Only 6 goterti- barbour is . undoubted . the best -in Ja- %% It Id. ficr puso t: roeeived frotw the Governor-General at B...ishw'by,his oun-band. 4 would and atoi. Bidloolcout Nr ihL children dkeote mjc.�n-,the way. we sug4 Mr. J. 8. NIACDONA LD said the Do- 1 -an being very seem that on onday last he went out to 0 1 Uf that -CCU ity if tht- law id -to be stilctly the Phillipind Islands acnou)icing a seri LEGIOUS DOG, AND A SINGUI,r� -o the lainicii Guvernigtent, w.-uld not forego tilti'vely land -1, joked. Diplainsightawl quotat'hllE gest, to a miabli gteiter e3M4,5t_ th�h tey ous attempt -at revolt. A compan of Exeter on business,. and went't the right -i they hal over tile fisheri mot thmn, it 31 would lose directly. It has -been urged 200 native., soldiem belonging to the (Irpg store of Dr. 'Wenning arid-purchiwed LOS, ;Lboitt thirty - miles d.is*aint, isa gr. iiel AT MOO aud every hi� and in c: -,se tile Ontario Governinent ip- 'e )Wtb. that suitabl&'ground cannot be had for artilleryservice rebelled and' took pos-- �a bottle of stryc4nuie,under the pretence volcanic linountain, which nj'�its smuke We ha with, us a dog, Pero," wh. ise FATAL Aom-DE_'TT IW SARNal.—011 Fri - foxes -,, coil6cted a teffered tile reult iiiilit be a, very short ind steam, but has not lizen o her A ise dlAof (lelirrht-wasLocumetlpoiitice.iie,ter�;. lay ruall named.,Thomson, from $1do of Mi North Act quato ush wi tb the is uddenly erecting gpain storehouses near the rail- aession of the fort. The place was sub- of it to*PASUR aiis%%e Tile principal ItItO one of these he would I [core', was s sequently carried by assault by the reg- note,that was due to him;. called on Putive for many years. ? %,6, : lip of BI Mr- MACKENZIP s,4ii that this ' wed fish oil avi I#y,'and soon fill% himself out of the hille 17 folloxving wanner: He aqat- Goderieli, JanuaV­9th, MI, way, but such is not the fact, At. the ular troops, and all the insurgents Mill- ae-vekal of his children, I and returnea trade of this port is in sea -v P end of Nelson Street there 2gre some lots 'ef. home in the,evet.ing; c6unted out tl,e HoFisc inight very %%ell pr -test if the I' 6sandfurs,salmon coAand' bo % -Ii. of ineat, fLsli - &c., set about the ed It inself On a load f skwrlogs that was 0 deers'liorils, lid ourse Persit-ted in bv the Ottwa Go. - eller'nutside- ra ves as chow -chow for the dpparted bei i dri% ell into town. Iii turning a -A eAny'r, iaczr admirab4y situated for the purpose, aud Delegates were sbut. fast w6eK f�om. money; gave the childre-p some aplAes; Lerring. Hardly is the tra 6ranient pro ,ed deliCerious to our fisher-', Of the liatits Hakodadi when,he roach- spiri�s. No doubt many devotees were torLpr the sleigh sWungToud W'ithuch- put, his, hors5 ifi the stable cmd fed him; it would be an easy matter to run a -the various German settlements in liiues. 'I'lieAthericta Legislature did not ..i a beantiful-aud highly fertile farming del.ghted-to find Lhaftheirangestors had s,)Pc I that irown OF, aw one of BtfttC3 that MI he house itzid left aaa'in. el receiVed their- offerings, and de- t . he o:,s 1)sdomin, cl&ach d roll A If t 0 race and other parts of western Ont- 'returned It I r Liact protective for the fisheries as coulitry. itoitted %vidl VillilgeS. Fine siding from. the main line to these lots. R Thb act looked so suspicious that the tL ,, on o, to wait on the H� -estilt was, tha nd groves red aea,Z We are sure the owners would be wiffing -on. Mr. Blake, Nye had aone. - The* i orchards of p and their rice like healthv ghosts.- In the jame ti me, crushing him toy Y' .as seen to gu (if chestlin efwS)a!niit tr�es,and gArdens, ead village through which We passed;,we eat, el to dispose of some f them for a reas Jna- President of the Council, for'the pur- fainil watc.Jied him; be% 'hilo our fishermen were oviliged to re t an into the staWe and close the door, And Tho - Aliddledex County -Council has Ble figure, in consideration of th,,:t in- -Tose of directing the attention of main idle, in order that the fiell might fi lled with all kindi of veetables,and Also foupd little -lines of cleaii sa 'running ado ted a resolution Qirning reward of g'�Uli quickly;. he then went to ud %Zmatca at a of value which the others would Untario Government to the necessity of. come Out. be protected, the fish crossing over to with sfi worin culture alotig th6 cen'tre of the street; aTid in such 81,0 0 for th - rrest nd 'conviction of creas the pump a4d drank out of a piii; threw mulberry gro�es to the American side welre captured. ill 60ing On, a light the eye.' iUel the ulu'rdoi-er of Tlios. -Saott; also 4 stain and drank Co. all ,,4 well as the benefit the town making suitable'provisim for supp ving that away, pamped lip inon Here, and in plapes 4s we were t6 resVbr lunch, or. German teachers for the pubija schools c, in. Wh�n. he came ur) to the house shoals. This was an absAute loss to our sight almos �, of Hal odadi, is at farm that retAaia all night, the house, we were A-6 collateial. resolatiou rVques!ing the On- 7ould derve. Nelson Street was put ill which the lanuage is required to be fisherifien, an,l they were greatly dissat- stop at, anii, the door we werd to- enter, tario and Dominion Governmentato of - in thorongh repair and gravelled some -ife cl what !the matter was, foreigneer leased frhm tlib socalled re- HE ANNUAL bLL BTING OF THE - 'r ght. The township of Carrick has the u lu�.Lllre Ife designated by a line of Sand - fer i -eward f the'saine purposq� Th -bc-came very U�r t there would always tall isfied, eirpecially-alon the Detrit and belaut'horiNs. He prepared to cultiyate would timd so tha hi, said not Aiuch, orilyhewanted"togo, 0 -L lEk Iden zait VVUL tiewil eight schools exclusively attended by I St. Clair rivers. If these-rieances re- iL according to European ideas, ])lit the tea lug irecti; tberetb�, and a quallticY LO 45it A1V,'R'T,-rt18er,seas in this a " ter- tile 11" be gooLd road ltndinfg to the place of de- ' 2 to 'h0s wl�o had gone before (he had itadetwe vi Air. U�vverD ;Lu and e2caycd i -rinan children and Seven mix e House inight xemonstrte j plaed.just at the door -step. This. we ri Thoulw-up , t=bc livery and bein-tothe North of the c�u led a -wife and a son two or three mained, the apaiiese. Government -in fear that other 4ensura of the' Dominion Gov- Aoderich, on 02 thodis stadon, homes would not be liable to schools, in which the German element be can with the uthorit-'es at Ortauft a sian-6f welcome, an ern, lent. ates. Curloss has foirr'ex- Year old I - Thursday, .22nd Fbvs Inst. fore); lie caught hold of a bur' to Pffect a foreigners wo6ld-claini simiiaz, privileges are infomed Was 0 take friglit from the shuntinz of train predomin reformation in the Dominion I tys on this ' as long clistoin -,of -the Empire. We soon and prayed fiervently; from there he �11 which they could not well refuse d. Jan. 029.-Aixebiokeout vely Germ" schools; Normand jubject. lqef , in tbe� y y Js they Allowed ti is man to occu. rly on Suncld6y. mornidg,the 28th. at 7 ecloqkp P. in, fb; the purpw ot- .ard. IVe hope to see some of CJusi went into t4e bed, locked his hands to- E q . I lea m,ed to judge of the heartiness of our -11 mixed schools. Brant KBERLAX-D'suggested tha; Fy U, sai3d we here ea. to in; 1. his f( --et acfains. the foot of our buA men fth:i tl itter up five, with sever, Mr. CUi t farin, whi& would have the effect of open- w come by tile quanl�ity of gether, 6 xet the mtter should be brought up in the d,. an4 1betlieve 46 rare- 'Thelresidence-of David Tohns' was en- lvoting 1)ii�ctom tor tile enfinijig yeArs and carry out sirch:a�scheme as wiall has several mixed schools, and there the- bed, arid there in intense agony in- tile island to1oreign settle, enttand d tbns place tirelydest -ed..T1ieA�Acsso0asvrP&d and tile transtietioli -of general businew. - ivas Ae also several, in Greenock, iG et 0 U tj C-01 make Goderich what it once and The er- House of Commons. 10 'out of a desire t' n 7a e ly tulcred ivron to the in Ing buildingz occupied I;y A31US T.L-13DALE. bLeahed his lat, crying, "Lord Jes,is, ! S6, o u rid 0 -.g. J what it ought, Still to be, a, gi eat grain mans are anxi- -us to have their children . I . I w I 31r. McCALL was glad the, question ddrived from the uow defunct 6v I 'rebel". TH HONORS PAID TO TRAVELLING 'DIGNI- Hugh. `h tosh as� a agg6n and wrrk receive my Spirit." An inquest as 0 Vo 5�ipplagstatfdu. educated in both languages. They TARIES IN JAPAN, ag�% factory, which s e; -ed'tbe by the Coroner,Dr.1findinati,of Ex&er.� 'had been brought'up, but - t1tought it government, bought off the would-be- pew ilV sbai ood k1lo", I.' T�l Par- Igich, Feb. 5,172. A498scw36 have a good stuff of Germim te2icbers The bottle %% ith'a small part of itEf con- should be decided in the Dominion f-trmer,Aubinitting him to most terrible, anticipated -pleasure in seeing the same fate. � Mr. McIntosh-s'xosidenve we-c1h q! thereis liament. extortion to be rid of him. a e to teach both languages, but tents was found"in his poc;ket after pediIle on therroute was inuch diminished was for soine time in danger, but -atca 11 1 a6 proviion in the new School Act for death. The j ury re tied a verlict in ' Mr. McKELLAR trusted the members -Long's by the eft.rts of thegzllulta tur SURPRISE. rders that, in Miristerl)b gers it was candidates in the German by le 0 Some examining a6hers re- 'ceDrdance ,with the above fw:ts. No of the House who ropresented Ontario We had a , had been prcmlgated� that �11 saved. W Johns lost mostf i 6 tfins ago t4e, M�nito6a?&, the' xpected to enter a,,. country. b per-! language,. anl some of the te p rt iti the Dominion Parliament wonIft bring effeet�. ;-AJ[r. McIntooll lost r� -west, pub- ferred to above are not quite prepare - sh ul cease work -doors whilat son�l, . p V, d. A icular cause could be assigned for The reattla- like tho Rortions if N i on we had -pre- and go in tocils art _LFARI718 INDE VhL official organ in the North, the rash act excepting mental infirmity. the subject forward there. vi6usly visited -its valleyii all ribe-fields" on cortege was.passing. This token of of hl pd stiopk", but Vg's,51P.Artly imr- AL BTgD!tO Ll�, e'd Fpshed ap article on Governor Archi- for examination -in the Enlish gra in- tions were of a most vexatioiis charActer. we w . ould gladly ba e. had omit- sured, Ise of fire unknoWn. igig2l­dl 011196 for work done previous of inar- . There are among them a number �Mr. Bashaw was X North of England Mr.'Prince then withdreiv the motioni ndits hfllsclothed with pineand bamboo, Tea 1; ti, bald!a policy, written. in st- highl� bout, main. I- believe he wasA volunteer in or Our surprise and pleasure, therefore;*as teJec rive could have so rranged it, but A aily which has been formed to to the 21st Dec. last, -are required tolay ofyoung menstudying in- or to be able Tfie debate on Mr. Lander's, motion boillp a Of UPATONC -to the, undersiped'. Some, wa it. seeituEr- sent on that here in the most th orderhad sweptubefore us., and W (Iev�lope,tNe tesources -of the lislan E basti a style, About Toroi.to in th'e rebelli 7' of '37; PL_ iWille -verygreat to,find Q comply with the provisions of the for a Committee of Eiaquiry- into - the: copy. of- tbe�paperr kD-VtzA and the 't . Was one of the first settlei a oii the 3rd Be6luded corner. of Japan, we 'were wai ubeliange4ble. If any 11duckY Antjcosti� *ill'appIy to the Dominion. ABRAHAM SMITH.? Act, and who will soon be well. Up 111 1 South Grey election case was then re- was unfor- 5,12. Ewussw3if concession of Staphen; was� Always re- III. a country which in all its prodlictioris wij ht; inall, woman or child, Parliment session foran. Art -of nj-, ffiliumatone of, the article seemed so both English and Germaw. sumed by L57fr. VcKellar, who in a yery en" cbrpoi 6 ATSCELC: ridiculous, that it took- to 1)okingg fun at pected for hiE industry and honesty; has able addrass poiAted oil t tho iticousipt4n.. seemed a c6unterpart of the �Northern. tilt ate)enough tb be in the street, or eV ati U 'The Manitoba correspondent Of ihe' riised tip a fi lie family of children, the of Mr. Laudera. course. He read States of America. The �omstsj when in fte adjoining . gardelis or fields, at wlio had live gu down A 4entle nan . d. for 100. Q,Nr. Archibald. It thinks that a maii London dvMiser says that there are s0'us of whic 4 are , married and doing cles eached them, Vro�ed to - be very t1i cry of our ard ' - imapt lately left f;r 2ifichi-- b, u7nin b Lie C 0 a letter from Mr. Lewis as follows we r dine - on his marrow - well. He had. not� been married this inber,'such. as Ash,. he ould have to c year;�'Z',, - � t a wpo posseses saich administrative abili- very unfavorable reports circulating 'Thenlywembef of"the dniinistra- d�nse, and of bard ti be u ie -the climate idn% agree v,ih -bis 1- -e thah fe months, and was Mr, maple, hick( ;snutp -bo es pen hands extended T. 71 fiak, )ry,,' beech,' 6 4a Ves a3 tile anitobar, ascribes to GOV. respecting the CanadiL 'Presbyterian last time, ma er tips resting n the tion I saw previous 6i (10 L4rd, his, fing -a M%siou at Piince Albert on the $as-. he bad an lu come of $'.)00 a year; ankI I!OrAe-cb�isuut, birch, .&c., with a dense H iz SkehibaW, should not be ob e w 'A Jpw, :seeing- a prodigiously finp, I speakthe sentiments of McKellar. I. ent tosee�hiui because I rs on,, hors6back-wero d to kitteliewan under tho'charge of Rev. Mr. a sure that growth of broad-leaved, scrub bamboo, 8 "All travellei "r' in' d, "Thou S' OFF kv b' the piiporsthat-lie� had recently' I hal�, TOM alra t , ju- I oi t��Le ;J b, turn out, and do 3 Uary� hiinself in such au o;it of the way. Nisbet. These, reports are further oon- their acquaintances %hen I ay that " y n -x* which fcirra a zFlendid cover forgame, cor ipelled to dismoun! n C, Rlam ax. nr& Garri,,* - and asks it his hTs -v�idoiv aw � children . have their heart- been in the county, and I was a lous &c- to fi�med by a rev. gentlemiau whir) has late- and'judiling front the way- in Which -"r thii beisagge,andpack-raini, qtob a Chris ia ot only tO- accurate information f uch is the honour"dZe serwees oannor Nw sc-enred. fora, shoi%- ly returned from a; tour to the Saskatc4- folt sympathY under this unlooked-fdr, know %%-hat liorses eaerly'al;6 its broadle4io,-stdost lea ve tho.road. 8 two, Tlq=s, to- a Jilp�uese hi time to put matters right irt England, ewan, abb by a - respectable young ifteeoncileable bereavement. fr6m the eat (if war, but to on settl�rs. lolicious pasturage for aniuiaN7 As we dignitary, wheri�on IS were hit; riewk- as to the Pot it ion Wanted Scotch. resideg't of Kildonan Purish, line of IiFilb. villages. Arid fTso in the f611QwjdX terms,- I asked b�m-whether they were ot in eft this Dy who was- eInployed* 16r, one jear at the dad,i behind _pii w6entered and crosae4 g uomo his opiniola, deserving'of the consictera THE HAINt 11M.- a 0 n to learn thO* MnLr$G- "Can no arr Co.'s St tion near lie replied, mountain range, n our tfiir� ang-emonibe maclo vith 11. P a Missioti. heGovernment, e v by this' I day- oub"ve, came on'our busin sx. -Address is fonn ni ni him to leave, . the lackY Na' t0bang for The mildest of 'these repoils are that the Ahat their conditiou'was far -worse than - o e roa;4, a briale-Lpatli"with habit� t Aing, as, e were about fordipg a V a, twAromontlu-cran, and belRua011b Of r -.*rN.,*bo has Aarge STARTLtNG UUMOURS. illat. we would ridafrmiles I . .1 1 ge. -SELL 'TIM' FOT10 0 le 'Govern- �An sm311 creek,-oii ente ev lie had,azli idea of--4hat hi% _. ts so searce., ring a. ittle villa. Wfew- 6E out' dif0culdea. It would be has several of his wiws �re- 'afterleaving one fiotige beifore-wo wuld Hc bad on;Aubfficial robeeing evident- 43b Zo�cds at cost, and nfider; &Crno zt yrisq, ecmonly on ourparf. to Offer Iiim a Il.Raflwas matters, such -a thing as Mont would certainly. carry out tl 0 reach another lotions engaged- at a good -round salary. All of vi hielf Were cni,tutry ly a of the village authorities, �11 surprise iwacareely possible, as'after jefy of the late Government as tothe At- On tit as OW-,, �> , B, itfle boy *�t� Qrtnous exh Ol ovei-entst tao , and Jo all �of aboutfiTe-fi wad the 0ople in the e e to the Depgrtment. .,He ver. insteadof devoting their timr to were donstantly crossed 'R Yr A siitants. These gentlemen, h inade itirlB. - -Bright,-zparldi roe L t, ng streams of watet in company WIth4apanee'effiCials-L Eta Wa &va no d,iubt, ther en ; t' ibiti to �of ;redts du . et'goven ix�heg tA various railway compilrdes in Huron for no pledge- to m viluations, nor in, ei6ployit in trading with astormy a MyTid9oftro ib ep teL to see the COIM- the, missil, * tbese.we a . w� H.is-colour, 6ut that North-westwh' d il esir dtobe in -a I, lit And 'Other st.utly. made. t lastyear, the public arc-prqared didl askit. �-d e 081., - --almosteontinw ek -that.the pres- fish.:' 'UP from OUT path, -bla a Indians for their own personalpro 0 state�to the people ously, arose p�r buf^htt had very full ttyRr"Pelt VOtTld bO- quite willing f;9 Itfact, that mission is 'really r1alifitist Anything. The! faitfi, the tion t tidge,'46aft and pigeons, 0 e .' d heard. His 4zar is Morri's &_Cols I otivea, the' capital of the thrq# great. ent Gdvernineut %voul not iepudiate, Wild 4rapevin ancl.long'moustach ap lnkets Flanuvlt Allol h4n t* go; nor Yb -we think Wit a tradmg. post. The 0. P. Church has ew ;covered With 'kiPOL hair was unkbinpt an(I shaggy; befiag uS of W48tern Canda, htt.ve; been the polioy of ilio late QoverhmontA -with ohung on everk Side, tog6ther lanY teAr would be shed o many re, snpplted the Station with reaping,. it out,,- grapes, neither entirely straight nor curly, but iiialigved And'� imptluged, - would on the contrary; carry in appeara threshing,. and grinding machines$ And cither'.iine resembling the graM and nee., His ligs, Of &Toes felt at -his departure. s I )iave - been ' ac' hem, in fact, that'such'was th -In rather wavy fil; on t ............ these men raiie good crops, have a, fine colopaniel c0ed, ot tell't bearing a somev6at � similar -but Urger 'Which were bare to the knees,, disclosed 4esertir their lies and Mnni- polioy of the. members of'thei pree stock of horses -and 'cattle, d.raw nice ag al ; - . W opposition,. fruit. 'The chestnutand oak trees were no'mcr� hair tba, the 1imN of any. 1 cipralities have beelt charAod: !ill Go*brnm ent "Whbir L ill and saUries, act the gentleman; never doing a t1i nhisand acbrns,alid1b.67wh6le white men. Heiappeared very compos-- eacer t a ie d ISO Viasso stille Sucl, Was ilier WhO16 sub- y was, in as wild a condition b- it Is In tm�ltrjdayfx 00c thus is an t ally, manual labor, have'servants to, Wait country and saluted us by sitting down, rt 6 War, ba4 gone on, w c6rapo"I Ud'r *1 Ptanee'Of my interview witlimr. �MCK61_ e n them, are Making Molloy and not isoj§n hallaa together,' b4oks MUMS: Vas poP ib! to-linagine. V . . oto wbi�li gives thejilitory of the Munt- It elfishriess, intrigue bribery,. i Ld Inji. 1�r,' and other tbanAhat-1 hAd uo.Anter- p cing hi One Indian, has yetbeen converted. it lie were vu -him or any 9, 1A IDAVAiOilli. Ao�,n,, aud'making two. VpWarcl.moticyna, i B111 WIH Am YO'U.N G,.014- IT RIAL aresiltation, Until the. P11 cirvoulm4icaiion aith *E -CIPSI, Lftn. Fand, and a statement of iti s - mef also a little strangd th a mls- VVRDER:?. ce d. i Out 6f this �� of i words other member lof -the.' Oorrnmentr by As we -threaded oorway through these as If casting dirt or -water on- hislead Half 1(!e;, �3 P reont caudition. From it* we, fearn Sion And face, finishint, MI; salutition' by y should be amonpst The heathen all8e'tO I nd vituperaticn, the Londe reet- foreatg� ourraiin Appeared novel and lif- yea ill Copany letter, by telegraph 6r otherwisei di id not be Qble to a Ver.VLCOM" �Vlatthi-fanif.wa& formed by an, aqt' Iror five or six Ts at a pretty fair record, And ly or indir6ctly, Proceeding us was our escort stroking his long Veard. twic NOT person ending -the I Amu off with terotiog preach in. their language,, being under platently. He thenarose and returned rcw.; q`ovember, 1852. an inter� Hon.,,Mr.. M-ct�llarsaid ihat� what �of six F.� Jordan, pued a* -loth orl �eft in Hurou a reputation -for g6od in soldiers, armed with Spencer car- anweT*) 0ove to the Agent, the the necemity of employing oll� look of curiosity.ith intereati meet.; od was all t1lat pass- bihesi the leader of the file the - itrim' the next ibirtk 'days, itl�afitll ans6rifigreturn. will Uarnited power -was given to 31unic! ter, the 'ititerpreter uniplo, �eiitiozis, 'and an honest xpes�ion uf was statediA th letter ' P ying ;1! -�heirsentimerifs; but there isLa r 1 .4, between Mr. Lewis and himself. He merican 'Aga on a Japanese lance. 109 Our gaze w e 6 An order fiomL. If Co.2 I ; Incur, I a IyAlitle% in Upperainadt, to borrow - I art ofhi* time.; intrading., We hich probably iq'an invention, of he I refuted .'at som6 length tIve S.11a Following � Jim, L Came'tho ofacerg of the Alook of gratification.tipread oferhialf r-pairo their supm.or--ziew pattern si cerel 00 th,eve Toports May turn rfullbeakda 854 aff not' iny; 0 bronght aailist the GovernmenC, - escort,,' including w- native intoprker.' E� 0base 'ha CrAt of t1to fund; Pat kr 1 e tliink- it well t' 0untenance,as lid naticedou fotindktiI ]JeiLgain stroked his -Own, arid glanced at a wifficrut any� .5n,, and Mi. Mackenzie advoealed ihcr A' 10urists­seveiL� indo4ing odqiiob .5, 72 9W983W3 Was PLU04 making cergaiii 1bitationsi 00 to ait do P- then thb six -0 we have a -)t the slightest. doubt that t wilsothatibmaybe royedtobe 4afi standing E pointu!en c e :- � �. L "� . � .4 � t and of thg OxWnt to,, w1iis.* vwpi� ounterfeit orgeiiiiine, a4 t e ca4e In of. a" ommittee ffii 1 stilt cf youiroorkespondent-six serV4nt1r, the� beardless JapshOoe'Offic V are greatly exag rated.. kv 'boutun, My ideaai that his thoughts bcit the. ge It is, said that the Londoii 0 W�Qse In uirie would be that t 0 fiont it- om- he' baggaie',tr4in. AL of its warp Wounted CiPilitias could bolTo1w rmyareaboutto, selltheircharter to moters of these, idanderaL �'would -'sTand on wiry little native, hokses-� but,,, ImIf mijht have been.expressed about as fol- Ill U seeyout error; foi all W&I-hav . e, re'- '0,cwreat I.Vestoino which will. linderr convicted before the country, ",'hiihier 'broken 'Izftic� that the th,� WITH In 1859 the, act wai smonded W #a to, �CAXADIAX 3101UHLY.— fh lows; "NeWY0 volt 'OUAL takelho� 0ollstillorl'on of the 14, H. & forward what.theylme* to,'�a wopst Lif itf the tw, time yoo� fiave dbnwd�4ud denounced my A''i GOOD 1) -J.1711 pro'Vide that no fd�kher 1"na could ba itase- o. ThusWe.prarqeed- hen, 16-mintes walk frova wo D. V. Y i colved froin the publishers, 4essis. Ad- FOXth, ajUl t&pp� ande' sifig tbe'vold'ino.' Ob 4ir Boo 'beardis-what we =#Aaont�q, Credit tb#hIldwithout Co., the February. ing th6 reus P, s I rA.' p6bPle, becab f our 'ithl T0011, netivensott & ed., lintifpaz , - 11 i * ik stible and 2 acre', 11000 91., crossing, a -o Thewime 10 12, to as 4 b�dge of our matillood, ybu Town, of Wo 0 1 VT Ur �all r 9 imp little el d with in: h e ic P 4 bell 14 i 011 bld' roy 040 d, iN U second' da ride weitne tit on, the eofshame. 'Youcalleclus of , auls gooa:,orchxrd,, All well E ca V ittAinleyvillo! W itteealffinally-strlick' 0ords number of the, above new m ae. It outhern EiteMfoW L)it#1_ articlaXiallcl ve heard this rumour fro= two: differ,. tile 1106se-6djourned- containx soms, Cal is do- �ha: beach with A ur,hor4eal' onexsion giveq on the '1st E,3 il V7m: P Provigon W" made in titer -act for the d would like to�bea ingplaice I a. gif Anios, and now -behold! watt I—%T-,Iq cidedly the most creditable attempt at a, nt sources, an r what, VaID.Ly, 96. 2. feet, ;4;iPhbraugbt usta our rest E:W% ApPly to ffia Cc '� thqse woaderful people from -of Apri L 1 - I — - — .70;1 Cs urol Lonclon' Co - fair -ky I ALWU &.7CLn 2*-PAyment of th logns, Those war# mpany bas. -kridixtberlof petitions,"'' t]ienikht. On enteritig eachlittleham. I a were pre.. JOHN -MIT4�HELL - y Canadian motgazine yet nutila. ith their,superior civill- wish to-seezur introiluced, . one., lot we wemmet by Ideal "authorities, -Across the $83, IV believe that -they k��,elingand bovring to,t�Q earth,. 1hei ti6ri. and f mistery,.1 from *hoM r woulil sdvisa all who ly, We have too Much faith, in them; �oct And bills =*Jifiod At difflaront jinno, but in 1859 WOUld MI cl spirito Orner, God; ich. - 0flolld LWMtom !�,Prvea to sn't, -P_ e, ng As mvistiong still'in ow" em sdopt V* to th� other yot( Aro - u0it'secki infOrni%t'on,-and 06dee) of swqnwad.. owftlut� to dOPKV0 t110001itr4l nuit) Vr� *4 i I