Semi Weekly Signal, 1872-01-16, Page 27 .0 0 All VZ -Val �Hl& vbateyel� other crime Tw thou -'a vankae" and 10 ),to ert. ourpa. &VA%TM lkisconil u ata to Mi. a are is Ne Sj of Salt TAke City, would worth -tr4owN chair' TisunRANO ag#Anat the morinolls I ily 6.11 the W� lajo I- dur W501 fAihes honor T41i of . 0011 be held in 60 ON sAZIRJDAN�EXT, A LARGE AxD I ." U . Tho.nitutesofof 1AWKri'Var Tempermu�o Mestilli; wilt ihai of intemperalloe40 one frord "R ImPuTION, li't speft: it. The, QuAp stieet Tililway pays. , W11" 02 - of X.,Uge Furs of the newest JiW" In A 187 ton,Lectie of Grey,"W'd V14hop" f Urjlma We lure on. 'harsday ovou= theArefre., Itis 4PArt0ft"Cr� Tociod, "Nortmut 'o sloyan Cl " I ead of �oight Pet! Imt; fro Sz%zjtjl�x w, IG p,isain; a fruit sb�o[�. q0ti R1011, AN 14! been mentionod, land a�n qf, which Za;�0509 Will, bW deliver- 4 M411 KI0* of lardu iiere hroking hMr. XI; 4r. Otto liquor., 'P�o:bably ike 00 I t h6at wo6tipo, floubt make 4�,Oa w6rae- us"*, r. Oi6lillyateklia'and flo'. son �f , intoicatiog' once strack hN Is. T -11tOrloo, basibeen they did 0, � a werthy Juecessor 11-1:. 44 0ablic. are ill�ited,l* Freston,'�ountY of W V0Tt1LZ=A.Z12htr7 02403 We trust to? go. ghr4wd, leaders saw, that, Agent: to proceed 3h, au'article in t�elr-con­ appointeaziu%raut n6t have our An Apple arxis b tit a no' to ilermUlY- 61181011 penny, KTA4 no doubt 006 before 1 - they woltiol. neglect the hislutitt:er will I , I iA, MXZTWG. o i ­Not. ST, A1qJ)u*'s Cjtvn-l�, Tz b� answered tile athe Age,near..y vtne-w nj ay to preserve them in this arid Council at its rati.,meetin4 1161 XozLoo 4i6, Q%bre —�& te% meatilig il) mi(l� itf A funds of Strathroi, �1,7 Alaska tr*sy a little girl the 001134ty of 4Z*=tAQ I 1. � rualkArds of thela. St. Andrew's-olinveh, axod" willbe- half aftbo taxes gbosIor making -d rNve thwk tile slivieet i3 jlvels.1a, nt �r, on %hieh� nien of all part a arii, ProttY i gmr�la­ e at a Q I �% "T'P C.- As it is they Persia �Tr saidtho t6l Tho pre$ of the Vnited �tites Ube- 11014, oil Fridayveiting lie ov, )uts and the few "ay, M­nie,f tri O JoWs are strict1y, temperate,- Dollatet, rt� Burr froul the win- hrailway from "POrb Astrachan co�u.iag ni-irend more ouip. I will be. drw Im mnchagi�o& Vie, division of CA Q I'll' to Bayfiia& or llq�or­stor",,which aretaxed X& liftvi- "Don7t losilk at tbein any morei— at. the, French III well through St.- MmrY �oliy- upon, the Gentile o essio, of their conviation.111 ly, de fid I ty for registration- par Vr U present,' --and M he- is a moit 400tive. - Other point on, Lake Hur4a., 0 ft Nout them", IxonAt U deOxable nmy 00111 1)nseiVa- tijile'll w imself vory public For'tileirsupport.', t is on y tho� el It as spea ­ w Ook Place 0 L is irf, de then', x4est 111110 ly cond 11 ed, of comek ker ill no doubt mako h -On Saturdiiy two nlzrriageg t soldier,fro,60amp Douglp, wh that the government "ifiteiesting. St. ndrew% churchpot PS COLLAR$ andOLOV7A isbizer Ra aded. til" Zinid. tive a tef-triner are. -alike -strong in, 'evoll ne 8 in �o,16 fataily-in Lower Town, Cttiwa.— 'CA: ang �provided with 6, basementilbe towu�oA a4furlou-hi and who Aelights In Gent -TUrO,, plt a - 00- . , g S? It was tuare could their disaipproell of tlxo Ut. That could should-iliterfore in th iferiial affairs of be - Od Monday three mdrO . War be. held in -Knox, Churcill king five la,40tting Mormon rules ataught, that zv--Vy uamt 1)f only be 4peetea As tho,;dphiioll of 4atierl 4uld - Onba. The aced' at 66 011'rred in'the mate, fauldy, ran e ever a a reeling about the streets. Ijea. Ho bmikht fruit by at to mo'beeii kindly pl ill -one family in ty-W a larse awriancut; the -take whicli -side, of *J� w e W,M supp child thin1dug' a of both parties;-aud we, 9W�ald urges* Presient, Gm disposal Of the COD, , ation for : , Quean, see whai an imount of liquor Abo, ule grog Laml. Ad, hom wita a littlO chihilt end, - and*, Mats occasion. a it Cou"reoll. ould be consumed,if ourasteruusa ?teat tow, wi. Jan weling ung foranpple. millich cost only m. trust the, County Council.at it, ItIppr :Lo,-.��Tho d tqWs,-were, observed in, this thirst -pro. denied, bee -Anse �pe- t1l..%t �ucll, a step, would orwaid Ills St. D'V`IDIS WARb.—As wi ,peen r" ceas t3ut tho Iva ing sessi?u will see the prop In Mr., L h6nab of David Small, thUO 11 I -, Ty,� - by. "i-ving the j 6 letter - rabb, no well "' oinin . voking -,count Fal n tila Penny must, ba sav�ad to tntlk"D 900d reuniting lloetiO4. It 8 a-�tjest, was'burned yeateba anifnInt, Of -water c6ns.umod, 4uA-bo-W -d Win Cloth C Who 1101tj that tidonhlq� the Legislature for 1:b4lices of i -e-0 " -that t ;procee in� a ga of1be,the �Collllcil, h -v �O fli"tIi t414 deA1.1 fathele's 11 -,E)ur r4lations with llay at ie , ed 60 -Theamount Thd fire ig,slipposed to bav ta T Is it is at all limes.! took. tho slink tf1q,Uidi gs. The followinsc r6asou"P,, gentle at resign -his Seit. as Ji�raoria pleasal W the I 'Out Which) tet6p flits df *thd Wint ,consumell in! Salt -�ade City -almost 'St.�Dmvid's W1 aveol by the a0lf-, pear to � us unanswerable - aaa�yst On rthreached that point fl rL %rd.. A in 4 coune I ' *it es b People take a tozail of 610 0 1006';.i drink oixr ntional. new ale a Vill � be heldon M0,11day 4�: t- ce of tho present state o. u, at vancing,:7ke ftRobbisata, jr�, j1Q1i.;ll of little chiltirQu; and added thp-n MANIV h t1joy'go out -of the - house, take a Jo wlliph Val dpn06r, but fcnin' next. IAO Of. itingfromManlitobs sualong forA donain wealtIL an Wioxetor, wi drinkwhew-theygome in, -0 --battle burned the ch"acks of MT. in nothin- Igh, they- have had some a�ys thit althoti drink all heway.- They enteri%u even' vefdy the Tin way 0, 1. Tnat the necessiti4s 'of ther peop1lo which, in: retreatirg, we - git hi$ winter, meetilig, andst 'a d the heL Calje�l, as tto North.Hurou,didnot're ' noluent ol'the inev'itable -severe wes litr � t I m tluire a separ- hub h,. PoStPo 0 Od- 1871, The is o g;,� is UO mlich Goderic iittts ones"', ing CO I aisgis t6imbibe ong on %vent slowly away freal the tiem nt-m Natponemont which mayL first-m�eti .q�,.th C'uncilfor gensiallk 'ipeakin 0, erate Reostry office. not 0 Mond L, 15th inore sevoro'tan* in. ntarl d the d thetinermtIt eld at noon, on my) Ain dipper, an Ganymede was touched- 1872, was h *h6l i� I 'blunder." Riditli, %vas set apart an p s en -shfop window. rove a disastorou el nfrait tik&ii weather, just" rablO, haservex the people fXO gleaming with,tba sn'ber look Cu their sweet youn,-, instant. . The follo'sTing. having utl orted Ipsil knows ito rest -for. the sole Of hl -s tep3titiOU Of.OnlTa Small Proiiortion� 4t ail lZes the respective clips 0 is � diirrs of the Dro nity, which each has that the � plan, Gray ornmele On Silildsy the Sudioube know their seats, mt-wo-coulloil Board; 110raos on froin in, and ngp ill Orry every. second section Of the Wellingt aroun gp air- whi Ljstp� faet�j as they turned at his invitktikin. ubsctiUa-the amthof office, to6k- the Lot while the, lecture lasts.. Attbof$b� ram' and bpecificm to perty holders,aud thwe Ohio Y pdlili6al in, 011ed Ana mom, a Myth, asbei L m� Mann lob Xj3fdr; R. - Gibbons, Reeve; 4nd-Bruop 161 to well whfte the water 1pall -is #40" *.a,, sonally int A opliy Reeve.; J. fts- re 4bout AW held N�lck bnt drew unt ere' ed. ink Citizen *ith it. Hortou, iLg ff.-Detlor, D ialsyville --a thxt�, andillaughitiscloselinder-the usil" it 17no Uffer, for .ht-th -ready, - in'the REDUC Itur hand ee �till en ED to ccept� S. That the Registry office has been �iAat�as MeXJ ding lore,- H.,G ardiner, tiatrilctionf 3 A 160 the Tsai Su0ince inwal, inost inqo0yonielit .,place in from bad t worse a ti A; o6rtson, W. itn'bell tion will be asked for binmediate.b. the Church 'a Campbell, It elders, it Is no 'lack sp c ak- Iodated at 0 all rdl- V. G homage, *and one doubts whether the,� losjeswitichwitauffor in it alog Oordon,. R. McKay Z- Ciffu a busy v 00 week the - Suroyars war. llsRiding, at leust tow miles from sk Last' up and iWZ 7 kind -Y. I and ix ctified water which is panned q>w�dljlmiutothe n4 ojir doin- Smith, Coundill6ro. F the Tuionto,,Grey n :2ae Cal Laren tlonirqu Lailrovj and.not whbreany ot the Pro Ur wholii.froutier, and TheL Mayor d 'h Burveyingtheroutooi -a a orb. sadress iston. r W.th 31 elivered 3 vicinity of Hart" down in silve tankards d6os mat e III T- HARD TIMES shop, antl he lifted (hir aV=18 kely to 6ome. ratea Lo ouncili and Bruce in th( -than to -spiritual jectea Railways is. I' relations � with thaij dist road win far L more to phyical -a 'heir thankful eyes morcial deman bearing u on the duties of tb onde '41 hought th6 c9a, ap�,,Ie -and orau�,res- d 45me for of decisive is goner. or side of the T11- 6irist. 4. That no expression of �uy desire face*!kveze in his i soontry, -.Moved yXr.'Davidson, see througkthoupp Into Vention III, beft &If of� I%N� Sao on. tllat� Goo. Johnstoli be Pass 0)1,8 Im-the putiple of therRiding g6iterally , order Mr. Gard ' I bf the Tals was his ;ewazd aakx ir. was amol�, r il for r ag north aide I f 'the 011110 re and keep on. the the thore',-aud It qsipoatment� ri blind A'P Pi F E It striking -ft was given in, favor of -a diyis�ion of ire again A-idit6r On. behalf o aitiand, . �uutll. G f M, 1872. linabet we THE]JViga­timsf0L' Most men Whel. Isafter, and agatnr DIr. the ItU and 8th co�c Threa mont'. y' nd witho.atwhich tJi6-*County only prolong's and aggr es. the mant -Movec! in amendment by Mr. Camp 011 g hafl Ev visit frwa the pale youn- Count , thti qipeuso' P, and then take a direct, ine to work sterfini t be put te Of fold eviis w rents Pasmors,.. I of MtntC, WSUM03 10 itself all of should -no hich might ati once be ;list, bell, edbuded by ploaaare and deli bt � its b a ally bue EA0 had only g. qui a ov ore be AvAditor. SFI" BLI I)ILY ovass, �Thist a; but, s6me ,Q�000 or $7000 for the erection of. died -and for whic the only remedy E. F., Me t OPSOULBAWAMS IN wag &11 she had been able to sav ar pleMUro so Called. For the reater go a o1fored no co. -a- a, vtow qfilce. tive intervention vAd annexation.. %rrJe part, indeed, of our life work is -happi- she no excusa all The Mayor appoint We 624, know it for e V - & of Spanish oi)lcials upon ed Wm. Mackaj a 5. That the present arrangamen on' hilontrage plaint the otheeAuditr. The ftexilleilt Of V46 100#041 ness in disguis t mistake - it for raw, r and icil greater expens Cub�, intolerable eived - from what itis, and' 'a faCL , took the monay ils Ulu e and. delay American citizens in A -communication -was reC :ton ated 'hesitating way. The "a of ton- something absolutely different.. go long it in a . than for orly, in the matter pf regglatra- - ults from' Spsilbilt -naval -officers to 0. Cribb; Councillor for St.--DavidB orresponde A Of AeMant tor his fingers, In �us On. TheTofolito C or althe As cessation from work comes tow as'all. wai I spon�mg ad' I e GtAf of and, the NVArd, tand6ring'hisr6signati tlon,Adlwrtj�er writes totlilt jo alld p1m." oi tion, without ally corre a'Our flag in th Bon, E� interlu rest and leisure are Arhalat!edmoner. Bat the vi4i4n Wtii. '.Kay E Te4ppinted following interesting. BkOtd of the Chad Lqces; wa�; bef,)r-- his eyes, antl tage. 'earibean Sea, the co4tinued proisewition (1,, was the delights of life; but when once it is llis EH,gh4c1i6o1.TKuatea tin behalf of the Make, President of the 100 1061 ske forlarge purohaseiri, i),- child voices, in principal reas- reali ed, iat work is-ovor-whenonce, Iffeterughoa to Cleir out Ilixpresent stock to In of the Afric�n. slave trade..iA Cuba) and possession of excellent Z These are some of tb Council. I - QBeyond the 1 rtaxingtoiL-and the Ishould. not savaggeatrock,ies of Val- The Mayor, Reeve, anfl abilitiesAmproted and. cp ivat6d i4deedthe mere doubt of being able to 7---- resume r3. Through o "a Iittlt� 01 " it - crosses the miu.4�tb -work All& bep to-vill the attention of the FA:RXMCx WNW-NITY. -bdenW Of herself ar tea, thopubt ons why the present system, he numerous d 1, I -eli and be continued. ItriS a notorious -fact grounds -for a� 111Trd and J?asiaord were by a careful aitd 'tharo4gh edu tion,_ widoa had gath6red, thi's small suit', m7L%ed1% afford sufficient ;an, McKay, theraVrer I Ono] 0 pon: takes -the form of the summu* boytom, o.Geeral Grant appointed -a Committee to strike rthe prtiolar. -evidene u Of.aU past joys (we fare, nA speaking of to the fact that quoLation it into, his that the. whole thin was 40t up by -decisive itiltial3tun' f rom scaudiiig Committees for the ensiaing which Oils Wald have predict ha colt e early pro" xnak T--Sl3cq1ntr-aM of 4W -fow- intereste'd parties to serva-their Civil in �s;ffeedoa§ a �to the Spa ish Government." , ), it'is that lRbich a;wakens ood thL- hona - mr. Dticalomineuceofthepromis the The used. He esi 119 a -in I ri let the most exquisite regrets. ratini aantlinc bent Weare isketl th:tt the s0oner Ameri- till Fri- -gia ating; dead iiils�Aud. ay the edq,res of the selfish erids� The pre Tho'Councit then adjourned ilone ia the college deb up laborer7. condemned to- compulsory -CASH P U. Ft 0 1i A S R 9 in a Wf absent tv � lay tude r his fill while i the Legislature opposed alt rprj�e ex4rt - their in- day evening, 19th. inlat, and wAs jo,dof reciting poetry,.. I ut was 201 can rule a -not. sub ente M inaction will, alibio the decree &.*- little, Pile of bins thal no means a 'I'double 5SEd7j One Zhing _wla clear to hint -he schemes tQwards placing o,4x, Registra, flunee over those cou'ntriess the better by - . ver, that -the fields has gera. COMMVVIOA7141T. niVeLsity honors. He and his other that his. wor is 0 irS 4rn 3 more -a ittent at, -which he has "GET would nevert"tke allythiu wora froul tion atisfactory bas -, Jor'--thora"Ives atia the cou t 00ations, so painfully trod.musb now WILL c, btakin their av amP near = tilledand harvested byothers, that and 26711 �113 ballancer of the debt that relatin. to t.1 P argTo ths'sditor of tl�o Hurup Sm. for upoin finishing iheir aducatio i they e I. especially People would -et to and mot znua� be, forgiven. dirisiop of Counties, yet as soon s do- S1u,-Willyouhaverth6kindoless to ac- wholesale warehousel deter-, his aching bones way rest' themselves entered a in henceforth in the chb�iney.corner, Aches VALUE FQR THEM Th "fo divide; e in the SiGNALtis explai for,- no gnot-famei in. this coril to me spac ruined t6 win u I In credito e feated, his friends took mamus and ains which, can be kept undei in MONEY ier electors of St.- David's, Ward the xsuit was no0ngen- I ask who was the exacting Not to tI direction.' -The ps. IF , nupleasan this Cdukty and, ge Im the e. Atl=tla T00060- work, and in the serenit which work thong,htaffocted hint till reasoiof-myreBignation l andthey 'oon,leftit for t tot I � dves ose* mind debatg­;t)ne-twontieth of the property holdirs Is as roved 'the. brings, take possessiin of his mind anil le in wh "ek' they- have Pro. t a, slawly'. as or it. moveme .to was not aware I was ineligill YAO@Pt still went on,31r. St.erling took- from hia A ntis6u, foot in L�ndon wl� �and where, a County petitioned in favor of i inod' . body -when he has nothing to do, au4 In overytTiing in litilia ia the e Councillor until 11 Welook this day, when eminently. fitted,. Cti not aluel k and selected seepre a of ch ap taleggraphy be- happenint tus induce a poii�iau bregret. The crippled jesik� a large pot:k4t�boo note Itsoiesentsituati0ii isof advautage4o to go into tire. Tow Half. to itelyupipp, theadvice of the. t r drags himself to the near- -the tw, and Anierica.'..Itk Pro make but Palrdra, Mr.1 orl Ilor as to the w ich. old-brick-laye frqm ont� of the eumpartmenta sell Britain English chance . my on WhiLIL Mrs. Grtiiger had made'thrue, nobt�dy, except those- in the neighbor- I - 'inments of'.Eaglancl 1>.)11�y calleiln, tho�Toivn Clerk, re ed --by eat hoarding, that the familiar tixiMe Of pose'd fb.�k, thegoye the wool Back ight be. .,])ry GoocU and Olothingi payments gor some , wimeati he -be ; 0 a purcha§e ompsoll IF ld it hood, To the - alaorl' f the peo� I to takenotice'lltat lie Ii thetro elmaygladdethigears,andthst Fail Wb it... and thorUolted State sho4lii- 0 liust, me, 9 .&Iivinghke,mherx�itaud wo i .11611 0 uy one in his bands, ls)okin- at the face thereof. ci V is ew." on relate ag, if I- �ojsell-the b&ve attained front ftav recount t who irill pie in the Coui a press. t location' audlha,wi y lie ltiany a long days work he box Ha saw uritten &Z in dear figures the thepresent Atlantic Cables, oil, 4n take in* seat ofession. Tbhc- did not �Iisten I ifficulty and U attempted to-- rank in their p�r couple ' I dothigs he -hu help- W -1m uf Q,399. Sefenty ef " had been acce.Vible only with gram a latid. lines anday a . It e nia i d t th itigh gone through, the bui ]Boots und Shoeis &cs 0 we think fouildimn I . I at ounc Bbard. I toolCuo no`tics� 6 -ye, brilliant Pro .0 33 8 u. en 0 c pAid. -if he mve, up or destroyed tile at iii%tdh expense. It wo i Ireland to Xowfound- of what 31r. Polley saiii, b eol, toraise, the achievements of his youth pan more cables 'from Blieving.my. zi&ir f,iture success - was and ubted. Ilose$239.. It"WA& be foRy for the County Cou cIItOs3uC- to my surprise 1p of P tP1lrJ;o, wonl, -I , , -1, thin -of a t id for one who loved lanc - increased Elward Blake was not ard3utly eVoted and manhood. A It is his way of tiyinj, tr)accquiodatothei business sAif duly qualified, bat ' aditure of a arge sum of' 6 ent with King A har, "I have lived iny tion the expen i,00kii6 over4he As;s ksmeat ROPS, Of bPoks until alt inci ely 3� well* tu, come up squarely to 11 Uri to con- which wo4ld, be created by a reduction. in m Davi(Wvs . Ird I found the prope-ty to dusty Inv I life;" and moreaver ho now isalizesthe Goderich, auttary 12th, 1872. wly. Ot St. mou moneyi at a place n .3irredWhichawakenedalthisyo ged issue. Somethkiz felt. in betwepii i said the shareholders of the reel�l on which is situated aelight of esmingwages, even in the this tinue. �a fit place for- a Registry offil rates. it is -laid he fouttlatio of his ca. on Kingston tbusimpin, and hig eyes and thanote in his halld. "Ho vriffiny !tt? dispose of the Hall in' ich,the counall holAb ; of earning them, � as perhapslie Afanyf outrTownshipsreofoire the mou-, pi�ssionib lines ard areat. -WhileyetAlaw-student f over process publican!* anI figures of the 'a to_ myself, janding, -he was called before. The diAnot 3, a Dho, writing roads and bridgeii n-, rate. The purolme their . meet") assess tm 0 years 81 never -felt it ey for making them at a reasoniblw, olllysbareiaherfathei�s iaf tU Mnd*M Loliag little face reas saidproperty pa my the, atiX060 Of obligation, but a sa 1, ple, ,, � ji; of puttmg it into a buildil,tliat itional lines whe 830111DUt Of upon, senior angritter, whose it to, stead ' � all Ga. Ali mane - d cost of the add of gule caffing, �has been toil "a moil and Mh r, the y1slion, oi this came his aunui . hands by atirsoluci deed tea yeat 8 agas 1872. d, owe did not want, thatis4ot re�7 Lties erks, to defend - 4'W cas ' 0 "'K ingis common both to Hin -ARL �XO do3r ica f0t rf, 1 is tb betfrayed �y termwa Ono ceaseless bustle, langui4bing on her , itt)-flY Calf sidt, ears the sentence- an '15' An inconvenieue an, and wht6hlw for aLveral.years Past iniportaitce n 0 . the minor back witli longing, not dm and mihoinedans, and is much. d a iibatea& 'the AsEessur as belong- If , ranged death -bed, looks P tathees accomo-dation; The people who pay tho guarmille6d by� the two .9ovetutnell beeb, giyen to aurt5- whereho.foiind himse - on etings, more aluuning and ingenions - the"i'Ours . FOCUT AND 0FROE NARIES f0jt (rQt4 1he debat­�in ould have. some voice - in its T6 tWeeL cables at present in Use,. w0*7 ingtoanother-par,y. Thisyearth" t, Mr. Strong, no.w a' Tice'tillaucal- -in 0 -rat in shape, =&As in"nev" 8B They beat know- whatis lug at than 'half their japacityj eiri� gasorithought, fit, to change the nalne 'but on the4urk of every day. . How she Kites t material; they requireo 33atf Taking up a pen to wioto. across gains' titi n Are genorally o ever. nd, thell one of the at mysrunumg of the 14'htes kuttm -49 diture. 0 r U n her feet, ab IN ALL THK 81M tile.iwo of thanote, that wo,ta cancelec or. aud-4isess to me, althligh :O*e toa,ea ry, s=arding to siz a expea -d' tails- . nd car for their interests and'must to their ad7 of -the own ars at the. bar. arg4i -of wasalwaya O I then hands a it to the widow. 01)qal�ilmnder. thet sypteal, propose makin4y III# I he case 'With up and down anc fovern ) as forinerlyi diffide4o:e and rel. etaneve in Ceaseless activity, how X006, Re asiked, vautage. This fostering hand of g light. given �n bymc eal , of string. Wea boys or ineauT she, cost of d Off t tiredshe was at ill AT NJ10 0 -RHO 717S I . ii e�atiihea n appear ofi�� a ht, �=a 11011v! slept grost.4 What doe3 this zhe, he Asseiament oll. a lited'up the best , ut There are people, men fly kit" against eabb, other, the rooki Ldwe have control 61 cents A, owner. Wwhavin� timo.,botbre- the ties, .ad came intoc.ourt ful e ttipped way or break their.ad- "IL in its way, badt; 6 A7 Luz bswi ineur, is well engo. E this pape� be redieed. to he diligently 141, how I slept! ton-, v I ��C! meeting of Council to take legal advice, for ,,is t , Me ofcourss, who Uveiever worked with object isto eat a means that I hold no obl;gatiou -- cate th4 expeuditnro w6ra, and. foriiiidatile oppo ausband,"s9d 31r.St;7&g. we sha'#1 alwaysadvor still haver sufficient profit to t ere beill- a (;t, to, I rocog, 2 gret-work whenhey veroviryt kite;- and for this purpose a agatustyOur. L I Sent 'a my h' *rong was n .4y ta d and -1 -will; thaso don!treg sitija lqugth of the string, nearest the OM.06 StUtilDnry. e, peoplexmoney as-. aea#yas po., In Fall V1 Some moment* Vd.- Ofth -Cu�rent , expenses' B13 avubt, if -huical -or vefl fr ave by any d fine went by era -bl *, in acz.ordauce witft� the peopla'a related again witether or utf 41jort some-tw eans alluffled out of the '0 14 arlue with apaste in which spring 4 came, clear ,enough sl� e-, t j- essulatit, ble c ised yoke. But. wond a is mixed, slid which Fun supplies of an kinds of ,goes thong1t, be' wihes. � We pay annuities -within - -11, Could- go OtsiX� t6f 61�6 Jolay. This w that workonce fairly kije I y say in coumusioii thil as � led his buckled to, once accepted as a duty -not Grw do not advocate the TO o po*doraol &4 to co uIproh, eiid, it all. Then sh of things, iner ra3sillabI tim'. , wa cs�ivxll be,glail to It6li. � I can ol I who mix skes thd oixing extremely atien of the iild Order i)y the y(rdug pleader,, , I force to irkeil, becomes themost familiar viltsu ktry,' in slip- iesc4elbaek, the not& case go r0idil;y pid , with wo mue bob7 As kind- because it. wbuld bring, back a; certailt se&aome systeill. adoptea, bYwhic:h the, at the, late- eleetLOIL I': '�l wile.. the sharp,1, When two kites are flying, the Wykirg Falmrs 11A Elivelopm, Bogey-, "Ithankyoi% foryour generous not 93, i� Godericb, wic! ty� without my, kuowledi�o, and, did )f milccessities and Creates,. auiount of busine praseh:b hi& rAea. of �m- telegrapl '�e is done, a hankering-aud opject"Is tO 0 _ $11 that be tinexpeeted1k. won'it, wiPll coll- i get inost . to the windward Au. ast stro -but, helefthishonorin. my-koep- no inconsidombld degree eithelf, *now howalky.nian, wasgoinuto, vote un, derai)lvor�dLt­ The learned,4ounsel. L g lovir no" thatto, "I 131 � f. - higher thmi -ths savVrs&V- now to band, and sillin �inwu itsp9ti may bd redueed1, tbr a romlonatle igure.. j;ar,ni h th no sportol, side; and ing, arld I must mo til,his vote was iven'. All. I tit a ty Is. sido was 3F) �surPPP-edat I e logo of -0 oth g ' `h` a. Aiiai�id this, tits kite, 14 iave, alrea�lyr done" an- -B.itt we think whow the public intereskis U a ca I le can a in patho ha� by a tX "That you I hamgO, thatwhile A niemour of thf) 0911111-11 iedresult, ana IS. wouldbe bettors-uliserved by the�c thisi oneinect di a t th' Wit� tho3e 04u 0 h;'v,;scme optionin of Athe wrlik) is itiado to desieud head -100 Et Mr. Sterling, spea, U -ng rough we Board, I hav mAbility, wit, AT -N -RHQ Esy pe! swere ons now to him," it is white as we would be recreant in. our duty if o to. the �sgt of .0ingbeaienbya. ntere strip �,tw hepassing oftheir tuneib is noteasy fol4most Yory r&pidly, and if the Airoc- did notavocate, the iijhta fif the 0611 llft'h�AGCJUOI. perforinea the duties opjarLai"Lig 10 ft r six il:b.Ahs he refused to aJknqwIedgo V �j mid. 466incee true, the stringf fdr I-,kilow to CIL of such a person aslyoung t-) define what woric is, Nobody can be -ti( i is Cut, or file kite itself Is ty t6wn toii any advantagge. The other the office, jaid 'va as - exiatence thrilat t4e *20 she- Ilif eaid to have worked hard who has not u'ller anking' The� daligerous praoit; e This gratif 03 I th busi� coutj�ry have given,gout r -A a , Yil)g .. publi" Aces are fiere, thob uted his powers to -the -best purpoxe &I- b f, ]Xoweyer,tho sint, is missed, had just paid him. isi . tyin, the traitsfor sleigh%whon in motiou,,�so frequently the obstic a younar sellaeut With d(U �hastho advantage, and so.ofteria 13ein;, unabloAo got over n3pirc-cl-the Us - whwhax the *dvernr diildren,h�" always been (*he;6r intoationally- r othorwiiw PH d him- Iona him by circumstaric . P toperty, are he Black & harder does i Mr. Sterling "said the widOw. of pr ke, thei, piofeastunat iiiaulgodlL by, nerg;1 Bad he lot fou to use t. Thus, in the BLANK BOOKS* I will - fruitful, cause of acd,14�nis, and. should rbcont.man;l amEs Salt, c1686iy to ack 0, th) slibMitted aneasy task for onethat demanded hisenergies. True hand of adilul Player& kites are seen to --it 'ahaU be as " 1 w3a the, re- in faet,'evdry comorittant, a rh�orfully ,Wral oI rather touch the fire iiit;a are fiere, ifiesub - results ki 141 woulc -he discouraged in every pass., balieving that --ther transa jj� the to take my I alagin results, 1130. oition of biiAnsas, own t(y spo in � ible, way. A 8 it m6end suilecand, to attack Ana aTold -neY - would re oc6urred at -�ag (joaneillor. The youngg S w6ik is effort and 'teusion in the buis- AND QUAlaTY of yo4r Rvery.-,dollar Blyth. is dwtihari, :and fatat accident of this liatu' he will ma�e a good Work e yer th. now to swcoup UpA foremost like lijing has the priority of, each Q burn upon my conscismair taiw- of af-1 .0anano Lge, abrjut teii ol#,�s -ago, nd we To the. electors andothers -who; have i6as -which a ion acquitam1a%e practico,`, i Which, Claim, in simply neady to' 0 *oa yet we are, told the. present a -girl nai�- -w,wg;vell me their sanort, I kive,.my rief ingicautile axporl- With most mon this first earth, slid then as rapidly. L 131-,ANK IS hould bauplieldi, Wc,gault (IQ iti aresorrvio learafhat a atibZZI toyfo,unatheirb m -selves to riao I While- the Lut paymeut, urged fairs, a of.p Small ensfit;, the means of subsistence for the 9�-Vne is cutaway. St JOWCAt T&* dispov,.d-a cliantie; edBrown) was run over �and instautIy b ut keep-tI& ' - a. Ileaqy thanks. -on- them. JoX'td *11ying last$, Ulambers MaY just opened sad t&wd Ir 21 nor do'we feel.8 Widow, "I lidthat at. once. TAt kille4l bear Blyth,, -.on TKursUy lastj 40. CRAB13.� fj�ol those dependent will, season the ob3,R fwji bette should be made', a Yours truly, i0en 14.*er afternoon overevery for 04 YJ givin b not dignify by the name -of work 8�uy b. uniglaux ! would you throw Are time is 21oiv, beforea Large sum Of money While attedipting"'to, 19 15thJauuaryX. 1812. GOOD -,STORY, ir. TnuB,. I usy �oTereverr village, 1% �---A' earlY occupation wbich xLeglects this primary towWal neet Your llusb=Ws is erponde& Wellill,-,Wh Driversahituld uo� allow. �Ihildr&n.to fit- ObJtU07. exalliple0of an-Episcopat prelate', fficimt. 'ked'An his life t] Uyers being absorbed in their �AT MOORHOLTSWS 3" "Cur my C a d Perth Ilavespokou ont'L and re,;ara- anty. ' Poor Soudkey wor I ;�roqueutly betting hgavily 11 ir; a, stain. AtIm'er.knew Aulge in. such a &ngsrqut� -at what he felt him to be pure ant los3ldf all party differences. Hannah Z in th6 caod of Ar4bishop For outside and more active jifi'. in Presbyterian pulit it -said to to be uncongenial labor Died, on the -10.fh lost, red, I upright.. When G -id it is Mat- have- occur Da Zhis earthly debts,' abox� betteatlihispowsm-we do n9t u;n taokliba he a4suln, ter 4,n which, men of all.p.. esare preto If" " pod ZWU' belo" dwif0*1W.W-ZSmit 'a"' Nier, ai to](1. in some of tile 4iV08 of lasu*L there o&aa did. n)b lsav,y upon you- thi he ve s%y tilat it was so. Coleridge was"Oot amuse mauh agreed, ana we ire. much mittakei the Most every towli F te of the T 4orL By TelegrapIl to tl Jai School Juokuqw, Rut well-known �and ViLiage, Iudtke3' D.Ay B an of the -5r payment. But its left acher herf6rd, - withheld bv this cosideration froni ap I no if their opinion wil 9 Lettors. Some time bE- plying his �nindtor whatnuited him beat; are useachieflyby RJULIoOl, whoara JOURNIALS. bnrd I not ]!ad stion M Ina- author -of th with pot another olid mcre sacred oblig-t than mero The diffi. ja� 16th - 1872. tr i fonder t expression ool Soeia held j!le worst -( f the I ith oubles Vallor is anything un 'Of AtIlletic, bxercisda than Ma- -ed At he was norobligedto reave, TOZDGZNI flon. �Ju& yza have overlook in. par I' culty inut be met At ()ties, and vvitb� ThoFduudi- ',wiiiedby Mr., XeLachlai flie., folio wing wherf- 0meauns. Aw BOOK% asked the, widow, in an a.- dd iis, yo 11th insi beeniuGallow$, -done because the necissities of a family It reported to have 'What hOu"t ineL in- the County. Colin =fA*xta31e&V0iC4 44.�L was, j�tally dcatroyed 'about 8 resolution w4s iulemillyand-ilhatuhlou4- RfItherford was then a millistet and to solution cannot be a. matter Of in him -to employ -his timeon ler MINUTE BOOKS, In 4 ly passed, halve become desirous of toolllg�* IIIII, in what laid; and he got the reputation of 44W POOKET BMVA bat, the giils of India, whetl AGRN "To minister to tha wants of Your norning. Or a. would do with - doubt, --We havegoodre�soa to kn(jiv o'elock,this T, �gia unknown. Rescived-That we, the Teachers, Hinarlor3jahomadmi 0onsooluence, bf � his high. reuta jion fdr ink-er. But Southey was a 3101or WiLLM, ebil t1lat, iEt gist6ii will- be, p1mced on salaries loss estimated at aboutSNW, no. insur. pie- y'and learr IW4 loiir, out dolls, it is PA$8 BOOKS, Aren you have pinchea and denied in md. 8holars hero --assembled, hard to say. slid they Friends o -t. ting. Accoidl6gl r, on 'a deep thi their teuderyeam-giving *1 their meat like other officials, and tfiesuiplus �f Hia, friends are �Ihemrtily'donn 13ible JlestorY, here. ., -and' Coloridge was n,)t. Locke as merousas they are suce. doherobytendert6 Mr. Smith sa.runs recognizes th( If as part of tt -at lout . uu &C., AC., to cancel an Obligation which death has tjle 14rge incomesto whichi some oft -hem ey to- sit e elassjeath6r of SaturAaymighl pu-suit of trut mong English. Iarge.stinisof 6'�u 1 - said School) Our 01PTUS- 'paired- tol-ha man%6 of the Se A gentlenIftn's iversion. Unless theri or French children. *d. Andyou made, me jkpa# celving. will either go to h3 ttibuttfi,g 1 quotatiou 3q the have been re abi Ot ympatIty, and colldolefice, it, i1i theguise, of a Twendicalir, as ing for cerWinly so beautiful, at lowest pQ"" wronl( to them Ali" madam V 51r. Ster- Government, or to the public,by the ie- hini to' ;rebuild As oon US siOns Of a harem . I I was'kindIj d and be some ulterior aim­,�-uuless a task in 'Xot, however, qes, 11alen hair and Sad' painful quarters, an! xcog� ized and A purposor set.1pefore, the norhave they blue 9 its softeiled verymuch, "if we T MOORUC)USEs 'through *hidhhe ha*. called iRL and no, more. wax been called to mloing'with the i to 0, Lre of wood, pAinted, duction of fees. We are, not of th6se, liagit Irol mind -it is a diversion skins; th Clouldalt sea riglit in the right time, and who will advocate radical chailges inete- pass, in the sudde )'no tfj� f dw a domiiie of an affect- 11110 treated'ouly as a plea- ancl w frept htful suough; but right at the I -thes; -but only parlour,�,where-the mi ' tel?a wifo,w�s ill, Trilinking uavy be SMO of Market Squar� dthe To right time, how much ake of change, whoxi jonate: and 16ying, wifa. and a naotoear tholiquAholdtheirCatechisir.. gaming, in 0 the b6ingti 410 that w, I M34tery of dolls, which Wrth w )ngaud suffering mijitt, be save(l! - I 'a ii to be in the public intereit; leaven urej like fox-hunting or universal . love an JK4Ut* A earted, self.fleotonj believ 1 to ilterbeggar, $Its Asked which - mro familiar M ith examples of inspire such owe as is "arloh, isauW 9tht 1871. jor your true -h Dresent instafice but Small� pox is aprdadin$ to such so fervently Ormy Qur Father When sh6 came we In blvis and at ta him hili This we do in the I is in saintple.questiolil6it mia-y4mell. working theiritaraest But we� do bestowed upon them everywhere. tut Ishallbil uaprty toitscontinuance. - ard, & i�- 313 _tish Islands to be(@" rinlig-extent in tile- t# bimt as so doing, we do nob disreg. idan girl of debtor iu the, sum of We that Cardinaloollon has !I iiisue a Pas- his Bad affliction, and comfort 144*0e ollialandmouts th4 whi& bd jolls only in Ilidis the Hindoo or )[ahomf �re were; to not Calla nlan who is labor it isf mu yebr torests of the present incumbent, -j- a that thero were eleven This. Wipleasures a, hard worker. y and staple means has her 'A a; children: who hage been -b0- an were ed, thitt tilial letteri granting RoOAU, Othoillcs� those de Yet think. ood fandl, 1willrepsy itilLmy'"a W#y Ant beleve, in the evautontemplat Fricuys, for r J of a witho a kind and iii e rebuke aty ast ∂ she way ou've V -s V49- �brought down upon him a a" iug is the highest work; the oul work, doll2sroom slxx-w StSL and+. each in turn Z1M nc"11 racoful 'we 1111 for gift04 miadx %�jth leisure hit to use meat og for jam 4he should be wall indonwified. His ido Z, in reasons.. Starlingm, I uoa his word. Un- businessand domestioarrange entshave' H.. "LLAX,Chairnimu. VWmany, perhaps, LUNO OFF It T. MAX Sec. to so i)ia a man.., Abing to be done for it. 0XJ -providews this Circumstance i -which due Next morn, --troher mid opportunity -for -it. Nor dowe requires som( o*astfle been no, doubt diiturbeol-40r a the doctor is sent f bee4ing through the hard should be, ffla4,'.This Rev* Mr Waterni, the wife murderer. was Peradlially foliud out by But ierford, williolgly give the respectable title of Ox�o m ybe ill, and at "at ot selixiinmir slid cupidity- whicri W16ww ri;�e created such a senssfi5n III it- workers to, jh�,*ho meddle with many fori who presCA1164 sdgar mind water dru Wing d6ne, tho, publie, interesta will be WM convia Td t7he Editor oi th. signill. Ana prevailed oil to preach in face, and leaves the patient I mulad 2;1!0!ma his hearb� Ho was the ti 0, of its Comittal, ,ted DBAS Sm.-Be-kina ewutlt to give A� iliose PA big text the verxeJ, new matterst -,who have �Iuany irons in tha wilh a I I priiate, interests liot di t b following spac& in yQnr,p1Lper, l commandil -at conspicuously busy to �d nursod. If 4are well, thiy hve hal f D the, wi,ft)w �03eft#-,d all( 'a- at Ch a Rzglaud, on aeut I give ull On,! tL ye -fire. They oe-too' flirk 0. �koitply a getlelrollo friend t4 regarded. III f4ture *#'hope, no C014n� gs and house games. but he *an a deer of many eply to a4tat6ment4tade in ydur'issue love one P�aothor,' ro ehe6aui]a they like itv not from XnY lo bo amused by soA Z11 'Chr Such is tba .Lhey us put ixk RWr years, ; and humaln-ty k4whicilt iM be divided liy any government ,Theeformers. of BrockVill,e hold a r . the I 14th''.of December last by a rate- ducood theounolusl a o, , Christi evident call or nocessity.. to b4 and t0eq up jj#-�daof kiudaeu whether Itsformr Consemtive, except Conve4ion at, that town on: Vriday wit, of "notmets, man, an Dryde4 puts gain) badwol, dressed, and undreassil. it,stranger. 061. j. D. Buell as their payer, respeatingibe Dungannon Schoo,4- theirearq now Ml , I . . *1 JS FOLL40WIXG hi had bodo, ia Other lim" I lipon the piordy expromadVishes Of and nominated )in- aslada . t 1. t and but elevem This announcement. -made. sittlying axAiu3t his0det all 114 CM Sometimes one hax to bomarried,.and 'WILL SELL 4A h princll�le if properly caudl4ate,fur the Ottuil.110,119 at the cA ratepayer -w" no- prosen -Pqtliarfarl look up, wheil� to hor IrWttti tine notion oN busy maw reople, W c its are faloto. The examina- ouborate mrriike festival iS yer- 7T goods &to* end under: it:' T' met his stateffi6l Aud wjltLt is 111Lt it best but ona;rha" Died ao�xorred, will sare trou.Wa and annay- Ing etwii., -The, to -states on, the 28th disii�ay, she recognised in'the'proacift:0 Is mado to Ure hunself atid all aunkidd? fOrMA Which 1440 soy" days, and to Cc%&L�we loon, one of the, Pe anca which the pooplaf Huroahave 'the-saideday;and nominated ff. All: flon took place as . Troia the the catechumen of her,pre*.ioasvening actorA, nok wWwh 41I friends, young &ad old, are Ike, Static At December R,, day of Wo;y.. Besides the tees re i- Realworkera the bone been, subjected, to in tbe!pr�Oenb ink=04- bott, Esq., Pt"ident of the D. & 0 for tbialunden golastilries one dies and there Over-coatel moridtly sale* in Now York, this week, -A lively Collost may, bt expectA , as wasonlibile, ratepxyer�Wraseat, nots, whom sb.6 had rebuked . wr the disturbers, sfthslrr�ce; work in * iftvited­ . ag. Dolls, ornaments and the, prices re*liad wom from 10 to 25 both �aia xtrong men4 few 0 Iniptictr able doctrine. I The xtory si �s to be a - - is nuinral Pea-la0kobt 601seale), under Noveill- fault with that . school as Apovi7phal, .butmXAY good NOW is in quieting inou noe. 010tkIN at;s ftequently,ireryfxponsive, 40%taf per tell, (w] did not - find And it is N4141 thistpal will UaVadeUX36 that jjaal�C%mffat' L to, hum that the Canadian *spalsr statesi nor say that unlm we tia I have,known instAlloft il a PrinC01Y In bo =iere as 10" urvey is gistanothbr tes�chvr- wo'v M. , BROWN-S14VARD 0. family, of- Iro Asean and jewels f" oommus"tins about twi lose he rould not got tiffened arm of att execute doll!* R opea md the Alibers at work. B, ibbons.. Zsq. P., who' GOO' of one of its mopt eminent but -told U upon Covdig some thousands of rupees. It Bibork Gi he a JOUrI14 :-7-%' n -the Al *f the" 4sys t Warden 'am- the government niquey 14W - any Says tile Ogdensburg I 0 -arA blood intP And 114 "OPera- hak so, *bly filled the office of - brx, Dr. T. Sterry Rulitt who has � ac that - under the,usyr 86001 Smturdiky a fight which W be64 going criminal, by injecting Dolk ometmw need ahange ofair his � te rt i6tA it;themosdear Isom& I egaineftheiroontractabil tuere is a childrWs par�y at a goeden findawww'406"ingthOm"lers forth& last -13 yearx, having signitied op d the chair of geology in the Man- schoolthsthes snaverage Knoudance on for a couple, of dsys,atsho irvals., -the nerves their irritalpilitjr� - fit Ity and ka, fields itu&r trees, and 11a j�op work, awl Moro 9, up intention (if not again being a amaidpAsi, sachusetto Talstitut-2, 0040n, Dr. Hu of tllali�- fifty shildreu. A42 on the farm of #K R. Axtell, between house, or in t the cutting offthe blood is Paralysis appy gathering of young he, is to teacher, And an the his thoi�ugfitarsa .rashire Cy -of A feast, withh it will devolve uport the County Council Stipulatea that provide an assistant two, year oid?&I It, so a decian homs haveill.0etuber next io completA what alrarago.attendan6a for the lanthalf - pwple rawy return bull and a yearling =in, culminated in 9 of .1erve slemel JpWarols 46f ixe of.dogeneration. of nerve. when it wwx next -week, io select a he has On hand for the CanadisuftrveY- our JXbOO1 -w" V ;ory for'the rami. and the blood is a ca, MoIinugt. We" it not for dolli, year = eompleto.vicl 5 element.. Fellowel'Cumpound Syrupof 1 and Xahombdan Pr`Tid0 At 'death f his euemy,. The ball wa the form. thirefore. - Hindoo, A Ns LUXU8r.--M Kan tail itable person from stitong their num- On thisihe Wntrsil Wkt ery up,, siglar, ho toli us we muot L Hypophosphites will esuse, whoth- � at fiva in d sit y­renwks.-" We cannot hot assistant teacher, Or we could net 4im nocked tompletely, a,ut of time ana feii haveaden time; but Xt Half Jr1riceto of latest arfield J5*9 an bar," his successor. A number of asmes propaUtal dis- aiiccuinbed tion of healthy blood, sla Consequently. girls 'Right F with her sovs - "Thom who ob- it, M to the best nobolus' not beitli; deadn the last rouw�,h*vina induce vital tT frm the ye'llng Prm""-j life coar hav# been mentioned in ,Connecti(m with "S"t to Ioner from onr city so is able to tell how many feet there Are in to the fearful buttipt of hix small nd increase nervous Power, dolls olotlxea in brocade sod fine raus- 41WAr"Clio" at sairow Afrm tinguihed a 8avant as Dr. Hunt. It atiTity in debilLiated venstritutiolls, t wmpk, as the t6eoffice,%nd we have nedoubt ths higit. time that Montreal had institutions snsonofl x organs dependout for IiN a4d ber andid feants, tq. the poor 1woonlysaythatitis, false' tangiwom we 00 W96 that the waterialaA thoir�dispQs*l the Council of nuffiient imptirtiatca at kAst to' M ax'hisother sLten hsalth.ou inuwalar or uorrom a with and tone OR -the a airt house lents, but when xplarn lobMiWe OU474 VISO Awk" lwomveqierws� to itio-he knows nothing In tl 'a viUMp street, 4et rmnd be who hitIneon itk t1lb will be able to salut a maitableulau, who tainin our midit our own men ofaciin0e, writes about a thi the balL p"Ies fivm the brook, ....... wbilo, TwPosing th"nim&u place, th,* of. it is very Will make. likely that he will wortkily, 1111 tke 1�sporkzt 0910L if "t to atty"ot from othitr in*,, the f ' We Would hit at shle"ru their famed for =010" ill, A," Statement$. 'Ve feat you TILIXD IT? ­If not� don't izasoniftbariV441 *ft*w, Sharing ampatated and The nattia of Mr. To"D& Reeve of CW- secrets of rodum isisay worepll-arioner, �1)ut we wished to get Did'you ever think what in tormod AL IrAent� bur, get a bottlo fOc kw f"Tat & Y-warth of seam To wo, awws of born% kas 10eWL frildilf U6011110118d, Awd me amois ha -mod o"ally hiden the unme,of ratepayerl. but as it 1"Z114 cognilwa eold, when MYStelastieWy no- delay anather mc Paia Destroyer." - It $41ar wi* hw P=teo, the interest *Mdxoymost I " eMer afraid or UX4 Often 1061h tO that mostr of the "OsaldiM saine A" may not that gelitionant Itan no desh-e to mysteries. We Wou=ld' that indivi4urJ glec is far ahead of any other� n%ediaiuo, and avA a5sotion = the 01 aough no donb4 meept tke PDA, ra'iPh"ioa141Y 40 afford "hamod Jo giva.bfi navie, WP� have lmd distressing disea*0­000- It** varied for thousands of yet". o, haould to tt C anbt al liastieverkilownto,faiL All.&*ffand of 19cuo. W, yr"A r The =fsaomed uiw t,do no. Alln -but when sUanded, to at Quo* ,nisinon sar, ose her M= riptiou 74*es Hisi"I rftyelr4�. dw sjority of the Qounoil thangbi; riahes cnaeoled in hor I*oks wtU far ewph Kallju* is generally easy to cuire. If yo are pains am immedia"ly and P it bm a 0. More - bled w,M a ool4l or oDogh, "BrvWx removed by it, and the price 1,000 001* of WOOC hiva & "itable, num. He has hind In& thm =many -ealocts nwAs, to to- troin . ? "by a I I 0 - $a V as war doliba, i6W Ow Pflb� within the reseh of All. Sol forlo Dying prince HW is among h having toiu in tmr Ing ulaiolde' wafe and to doorm& a is do� Dealem 144" and furAiest oonoolts at tile _1wal to 00 WNW UUMPAIlk experwaft in InUSW4) AZALM tb~ whom learn" ri" wilt be fo C Zi =a *kill we abeuliitely Awleoiry to 3*fenbd to in removinj it. They U 'r" 01606116 4111141 sWT*d 20 years in tha Wborm Cowft% 1pp"144 4 SLOIA -ammailyas 1� � p diworery arA viss. It is .rrtbb`sVtief*s* list MrAufacters". fee& if Avo, waumf& 'a aig� ; *ovious to our amining give imme4iste relief, wd generally rian, A a o'ema"fu SUM Anthony Fro�,—de, the Iti'XW- has = O&Wr who spolls wife Godai* Dw- &Win 13 j wkjoh he Im been Amm thei do her joWproftion. I*ju to thA author *004A & our* when used in timit. I Sold by James rooNA Quodoft wa'A the only opp'. .;J as"ther rtionil "'d inant their all OMSU7 aftlers, prm will vint the UAited States and 0&'a awnralms. lot Jbeoi ason so ftuow tbe so" Drnggittssad a eXt yea a locturingtour. 0JL4t*W 6-00 OWN ini lowais a$ swo-aw to rftp the 67614 twx o""Ily or it is ws in oming to 25 opu PWbm 23 A ash. M* sow vmwmw Pop 4W**4 a 'Oki, flaT d man h illor So I. er- IMIMT Jr IMJLC ZU L eT ri RXIOuth )asu t therefore Out T Wit rkin Ul 'kP' th - u r. Y. at W k1hi t t stun ith Irea4y ing I