Semi Weekly Signal, 1872-01-12, Page 2NPF- pp- 77.7.-, op % 94 jt, _T clQethig. Xurors, Ina. -Soho ol blIS1. Lova zioniz: MU%40 Ili, Zulimnt ftntAell. X Alinut Seven years 4goi there 01111po bro lar et, Haj�wljlo,) t'"I to unilerstaild why A fdow VW -0 132. S. 8 MVPJ-40�432; vw. AVAGR Gig, J.'st lot !02; T..Wiln AIN)TIOX SA, �ult: torgt tha'Sale, pe Vv.e$ Are, 1110r ad: in a ti�igjibftlng- tow -0a �Qf of tho 9f the latal J. B. onaid do oft Grieve, wO1:k On- FVw iipelpts of vo worthy of sondernitattoix them othorrp WILL OpXN VOR_,jNS]?,ECTI0X, ON. SATURDAY NEXT, A LARGF AND A -orau Salary,- Voters I Moker . startlinj alid why the efforts of philanthropists T V - varied. assortment of Ladiesa Fun of the newest stY1610 in' zichurXi 4LUotioa notimal PA the Toliodo NVallaiish And Western TaiV to �jjminitigted repActs "Ordon, at H� u. music teacher,. of fini address :actly tile. on SatuirdAy. And Re '030i .-twiva- no- A 11 Oo to() are vonfined ablefly, to -the reformation Turorsj& .. , -Y ito The ofoueor�wo�1oaliexvtsinnors, ' Char- 4qrn1ntOffie& 43ol icting, liis'pipi NAZTWQ4.�'Thq ton forou of tbo tondent Bllmoveduy .1, Rttzabho seconded -by -A. 10 An's a of a, buxism. yoiiij widow, nual meeting (Rf the 4orth. RiOng of t conimon: habit has bean - to. esdiusto this ity is theigrestext of all virtues, 7pt we the mothtr and. ota so6ioty wtiL be hold MoDonvil thtit. tile. Ic ragoing accollts and rou. tonaenqb its ialatioms to certain focial have no reformatories for the un&arit- rities which Huron Agrieilt - 1. 14 ud-- - :01 . and that - qlran� all teachorbecaind uppiaititA -Their entiol ha - be pali -thu Reeve co)udititims xather IU.a- to ass able. An *Tdi)rl lady who backbites romine, zirrel izi the 13SIT'a and delivery at Clinton,. on Thursdav nqxt, 18th Oar. ied- -Xivol, by oce'rilmied irta: edinklihil.lik-0 ; al"Si thxt for the South jjjdjn�4, at Dixnh's order for in jumintA filan, oature, Of coui$6,, -VA her neighbors ix'rarel� if ever followe4 "f '11D :100 we camo inta-pos-4 T. A asW -est llfstel, Brucefield, on Pill illat. 411a AVtY missionary vdth earnest to- !Strb naluto; � and dviring their I ma6yplace(f at the Ree­�e tuako 0 it debenture iii T. G 4L, B. R,&rLw*Ay,—A deputation a -by limited in eV0 A monstrances against the* error of hot, a gold watch and chain and a Ina ring Ferj4n 4"14 of our t4wit subscrib favour ofla4 i!t(j,011arobstaclos, yet tb6se.dispositious ways aud Apposto tor her to forsake her lB' jolln and &thu 901taixelilin irf Sam. tit The music reachar are mooi-the less faeto which are to UD inful habits, She is neverfold that if �1 of the; Iasi Bull) t- Gordon, W. F. �RuXdstor and W. N. flually adopted sknother* try give ;be wilt lep4 a Ab-trachan, being amolint (if charg 3 ftlr $0.0tto Llt� ind- likely new life every facility 1VOIAIVt �thielli W.A3 C,%ugoa kV oneof o Dnitty, passed through Qo.firielt ra n 144 or- long - Tun� oil b.or gainst thoul'on, OpIlectorsv ROL all(! b00410_0 A t' veiling Ina 0 signs' of- themaelveslin-th willbegivenher,toragainer positipja Thu, lay io tr, Ott their WNr to -8 rning Crried. ' Moved, by A. XcDonald see- tain linto of b0siopos. Bub.upon leaving D14my a -teal d"ire Ueg not become All- . society, simply for the -reason that an one"430 in 4,010% 'who i ic, where, they are to 1461A the, oniled by:S. Sleillco, . that,- 6� Reeve the town iforesaid, he want to'Danville.. u G 'LABS and GLOVt know the of jlIU*jVejlijlrt parent In ac and w� in14 try in'"01 ex-114tatt itexim on this ground ents!_p4rg, -CIAPS$ Cot ruprea,%utitives c Ran. Grey djake Out d hento r' ' in sunt of one It. wVeora -ho � 'was' f ollowid- *;4y. -the rblltO. We trulst hencefgrtli t,j'bre lore teat'ror the. Whito fioto the existence Of thOdesivo' would be trdated by hei *1th totitenipt, Irticie Compally to con hundred A Iml�fiiijvldolb to pay,experises iow, who- theta gave, or loaned kinl_ Thqb;, look to At '�Ver aporiant setvf I atintich iis, so far itont ha ing forfeit nti�,Ra , , 0 �Y If . M -h d civery, na -dollars in money. S�qf Any. 1111- t and foeS, for in botio rind auperintemd- the stim of I upon injuriage Aller-po 1 sitiom, he probably oweif it to in aving a' railwy or ritilways to the Also a large asxortnl�nt 1111'r buys get WI -110W tho; foutc& we 'Ur G once of roads end d oforthecurient itne'wOra On Mad the widow'Mi arrje4 a That very few-:1118ttlages th '-smusement Se4daty bui derived, from vi agre of inwtrdino. x ..or4tjit has, removed f sixteen is hope, out, antisrriber's will at ouca ntdify aiyear. - Q.-irried. Alov -by' J. Stra0hon, galitlemAll oil& takoplaaa before the ogo' 0 -hor ill-naturedentsirks. 'Yet thetocah matin, that tkia banodo.11litthat she. re%*esvbmollm� as of _deA by* T.: wifli to this city, where they now- I- thod by.. the. Pbpeacef Sleir 3parews, djo Vartiad to keep -holl8e; zid'tho'wanot of Oilitv otra%lle'aladelhottation�qilite as Much but that mori her. erring Sisters, %hiliaonduot 1has ail -10 Cap& Ing tha ilftereats. of ill 0ouncil-do now a. The towla 'Iteaohertii boni.icis called. OxV'- Wnter C th and. will no'doubt,,6 '.&It upon him to - travelS11110,80 ill over i inirriagba are fonnil to F an, nun he cau'ttk aemro the stippurl of did t' rks be tak'o plac@. brolig ThoffiiinaiNse steel j imgdn�, to entiie Western cjuntryi and, 'do a msit s in Be giumi,in 4840 icipautiog-fok tile narrLtw crunge. , . 1, � 0, while -came' a oseuGerjuany,, eroftourie,heonceit] obotwien perau 0 R�Ssra' f )ms thirty pulsio are coum i0h* coa0ions -lie � .- -.VM& wilft)eiold at less tha�t cityloriceit- Thursday morni'JILt' oveg.tiboutone ii4-1-jai miloi.one-lourth Lafayette, upon irb 6 Otago aide b Inmates for reforinAforiez. hanbet*maii - pOrsOnWirOul from town was driving thirty , b n6:111611TIS s.a, yonuir man which space i1s. u cer.- Mr- c0lilil m0t� f0441itemese Sake,' do Otler- Again, what Lice do, 'be more odious or Mr. re- vise thiiI, call. vf lady proves t'h . the turKag—atendelleym inconvenient to society than dishonesty, M. pair of bolonging to 'V'X. W. workme7, 8 000 pan. his former aitimedfOr West Zamuto, ovet-800 Viors, formdr�patiodind it may yethowgoiterally isit-wiaed stl1hot-io 4rvoderich, 12th Oct. 18M M. St,-ttsi LArery stable prollfietoralca the at wor a, an a rest in intues gTeatr at the d in his fay,nra, wh 1) waxilaGoderich, oh tile N, d bla urn ing, but steiii Are no, eetinga�" helc� UTIX knintedfor. by#udcatialconsid r, "Midni& in V1119 b-'04 2`0 rt4or`6 gravel received.- , 'D i ig all this 1ime, and & � p throngh all' these visiffij nothitif, -was thrift of t a p 01115-.k coal&14�- lit 11 area *ere polled for his" Tclad, in rounding the turn attillo. top of umdo M SUB 14 roailet in 1856 iind thetelativo wbi4hdire0t,6rs:i4o float bubblei cota- ko a fair a -paulej iterate Dntop's Hilt thealeigh.upgat theLL The w�lrks said about. the watch and -chuhi, -the ationa Mr. Harman. T' and 61;50wo r ch ael. tW1, - %ya'aro to Ma, o, and tradeimen who adu .11 ring or the greenback e hor-ids being frig-htened in 4-inuciquenpe, o ttill over 50 meav -harnmera, from which Invited. ' No- to& And Ott the elenRonts iheirwares, are. i t atartedolf-at fiall speed downthohill. 0 pounds waighi up to. 50 toliq therd the'undoistanAing 44 our raporteir4 lit -coffee.and - cake is prepared for these iUllt tha illtelitiolk serits"'dY Oil retelting tile toll gtto, which was -- Set of 25 An 1 15 tons." The last Teadoy 6� Wedue§d4y, how0pra- _ -Thiriols in . e'b'* the saying -of aacb, trut A poor sinnera. We waphipgddraii tb - the goutlenian,agelit caluo tothe eition 'koiijesquieu, elthat iwberevOr A-fallalk. 1 -tel -A. th tit bad cauki; the-egect clowd, their nionlentivu was s(*great ZGtonhwamer- largestAn-tio delivered to them. They'4 tr.riaja takes place, th-.�t thby ivere nuable to st9p, and tkey ri ; 'it ofist Tho fun43- erateasquit . to, join=.'- singing a Objul 01 ..f d6*x UPA 1�rga Pvaptaztiou of the, 25 �010 D. business, when lie -was confronted by _io not asked ahis 61d lady firliond, who presionted hi nw cam� v eriill3r, the at tha g;tte b.-eakin" ittcr ions. fe ell, in three afid:, t�iii remark itidic4tes )not It It wx the view f lliog to'their for it are 0 fdmce� Of business the city, I with a blil foe $250, thealleged yaluo'of 4 pieces. The horses, we und( lartio"Of 111"Oniv I' trunksalia poilif-taftonnect4on between the-frOquen- --ence. No ravl.,T, tile plaue something tat 1144- tainect lit, sekit'lls the watch, chain, ring an4.gre6ubpLcks, dattrige, but the Sleigh ran, cylinders. b to together, The by f marrmye discAmulatimig pyo �. fixes, elf bon "a, I-Stoo(l. us- a i6,j with aeveny0ars"intereA. ad . the dijif Zeiro in NID a6a. , This RON: 0 ecoliqmy.. T -he univifroal instinct moves wasrather-demoralized Arepoil hit*- a I vil an d: braummef these, youlaggrocer w lie xprposio in- reNsed. to �ay � but Area "to cent- tbatdo no -de- Ire 6�ious the hammerilb, saparate. fouilda- iSeLtjio . noint&udsad." -Nordo any =idble This. WIXIC.31 gone ebroaft thia, this, auila pr lie 2. a9cordi h*"04-�r prom diaitter ta ritig oyer$200oi and y6t,illese accidelib of � somewhad similarcharacter, oil's to - sa46, Four cranes�, ntentioned persons necems t pen4�'on Iand #611-i ctin3eqvie4ce - a 200 tons, at'the ViVin 6A bring� wero7 caused bjr__ the bad state tif ilia oft The 144Y �Puldii'b coiaiti6naJ611dw a �ioitaiil, order, As lios badkhy kindly words tq thapath -n-, serve it with beeii*-very cle and at 'once It -is only, re - vacant road we -deem it 6ght to correct any i ii borneis of 0 br6u lit for tbe )ATIY W6�m virtue aud theiiearry him bff in a �oih to fri"ll. Voirloytit canm"k %onut befqril- oni;bf ourJusticei :of Ogj*- dy G Ofthe fourteen niiareprehensio"n 'on' that Score. To be. dd-hot masses. Krq 0 intends to build Oil iirkoUle,that - theta is leett, thopeace. 'The 41 of. the d4ifj7was. -P - I - - ma Xplative fiek a home where be -May lemil- -to Apprect- divisions in which elections have Is In. ther an. awk ward one, ha mar of 100( tons ! r.t thpse works the'absolute A lof bpen, ure the place an %to pdritjt f food'and acquire a tasto f the com, ThifiBi4ay MoreoulgA, alld nixiAigiop'thau im�� the thousandindaifold 1 eu, �b cannon enced on P1 helt1rince, the ho . met, tell h especially'lwhea there bt ice (in the hill, fre made the imm for anosinde ingar. Even, thd cleFg are ru_ du I -last eveoul719, 9, arul not concludei! until - and n caution tliere. is .1ittlalor', Prussian, ePP even if,it is, yer, fidished. Judgement #ioso Pas welas of Mau in the pulpit rarely 'troublis hi4- civil jis , , no danger, nd the fact ffixt heavily `Ioayfor� r, -ofatho in self to remind a members gov stite- of the , ; was rendered in fnior f016 the"saiiian'tif-the Ybsl loacrectaleighs passed over titi place the ofh%co James Russell Low 41 has invented thalsum of $108* but�-" ilot being This to, ngregation of their pot -Yicei; &3me day without accident, Shows that 8:it6mos An. ages Brube South, rhat he calls Know beatitude,, which is, satisfacto an appe-I w" asked -to; a positio*aud--it is.juoxa�eertaiil_ t but-oonfirosilimselfto denotincing Qie ry, tto Mr. BLAkIC, there is zi� ieat risk. If our. young erroro'bf 'those who are not presen Mr. MOInc -wi.11 Acowff iv ith their fiutt, horges- eBlessed are they who h6ve - nothing to highj&-cofArt_ iiarmattOr-will -and in to� 1he p ha wof yotitba and cauno t As W -'sna wiao wo, Or14- it is alm6littinigillattl&f.%VoutXtiUM 1 ay,and who t be persuaded to say ye remains o be ipailed. Our - i( derive -any. benefit from his ais6odrde]. 31CLEOD, at bnck�liicea they inust expect an od- -the lady idd*s 21 A )2 prartAr - undiwstands the, cAsej' ave to Pay r4with inaidazii,,w forthe" West, 31t, 31ACM-ftm, casitima "stilla a4- if they h gee- should aoas% To, rodioul- - but one sists -tha1 the valuables were -gifen: city, Mr. SCOTT, a few ti -in ojqd9rJbizd,1. qqxjy immrt� erring diredoiior tradesman ffou14 be a b&. HAMM ins for daiu�ges done they will ime, Mwilledi t To, n n says, "is simpl; while *6 age& between , SlXte#n 111 eat feather becap of Society, eviton ih a more careful. -co a 0- far from Fin the iWo 0 -one Mr. BSTRUN h e'i ail, *"Civility", a, co de t d iw�zmty rr dity to be pur- gentleman Says, � they wege it ba :tboutit tho dearest cz Q 4, `E being impamible jS'in ber.ter order airwe yeiis, norlual Maiiiagcobetweentwlit, -backtw though thelos cc coming 'he 0 0. I to between 1, Torito Wost ilia town a0anviled and his ofter to Onspromise: fort n and 31r. CROOKS, ;;,,I *thetge tthan over:bofilre, ad in Scotland fr6o wAiters, guards, gifi, Of 000-liaa.bi emaj. or a the flock found a. f in theinil Bow SMs. Steam.� Welhugtun Centr% Mr. GOW .0 a- uf�orth of uponly poachmen andall, that A friend Of- slim mply-46 koep-Iffolm, 'and fifty or Abnormakafter ce t at, after having being annoyed and Buffering in his;b0ai- P'o th t* lav, ]Live re- mine' dealaied on or eigi wrof'youtig re t at as- Ixty, itv, year Apaims The rainaining f4jut o Gode'rich didl wit: take pus e - I r ng the bell several ti es at -an hotel in mesa. The"names of the parti *a for ieur under thirty with elderly womon oilers tumed Oppositionmemill vlr;:�� sessiorkof it sooner. a lasgow a waiterat Is t his shock obvious reasous."withhol -yet we are r forty-lifea yells even over sixty or -Grey 9,�uth, Mr.'LAUDVIt, (10111rMCIE lE(QATI0UF.Ttr1tAi 8001EIT. IV- ad outs. Pdt ap- ungwomenfr an screamed assurei that iVisatr story,��AOha Northninburi'd W.; Mr. I I . Fie housekeepers baia 1imeta -block ide the doc r, Seventy years; and of �o —&t the general ineeting held on the Ut;. Who inn And on Vr GIFFORD. a beill jwent�-4vo to men'of xovA 9 seventeelito t] or. even every 4eir, itovew every dw, W 'auty, —77 k_**4 them' Ili either-ilcar� cQUAIG pointed fim the current yw T. n . ftara ana-over wblch., . z ei�k Plou'r 2edtivators PHI;= Edward Mr. M Oth lurt.j the'fullowfug officer -s Waft aLp- friend PI shriled, 0b.40=28 -Ttee Amoze t4o Thdagm may will be w I . . $ L a Mr. 'hon, d0nRt1do -it a 10, skitimed the water ordiiih . wxter- Tbi* 12i ood, age, ` J�railt� Couner. 14 called monstrous, �or maxriages ofolqu- ffiom� With the, strafig. supprt w -Mr. Alex. Watsion, nor hud disa#piar6d In W." vice dt),; Mr. Peter Adami,�otl, 'Stay lation—we sai that It is-Vore cortain cleiani but-the'lo'ok very brown. 'After Straw CuMrs and B!ake now has.in the Hous -i' anclin I Trewmror.' Directori: Messrs.'. Gibo- it is vety �Ieasirlg to find that-aradlig what probortion of Sqch various a as - OIL one$ tborougiayilai,*dk� of ther dmorganizoRd sta% of our,nolgh -ours'of the Six Nations,- the 'ofinstriages will take.place than what 'ad it cAn be kbpt looUng,p6ifectl bons o$oR0omPQl, Bingliama Pent- of a Og is od or his bite FW4 If the hair IL hich comes the t)popbsition, we have no, donilt th7e and anniveiga of *V83vid.fteibk&ki Iii tot is the whole- average imumber of -m=i,* foi -a long �Hmet by rubbing it with pa*r. 98 'ork Xuimy, Clifford, Williatimiand A. 411atexplals-vr sulp r V --IV- , RIO . wi _Ljoy and Am u1t Booms, it is truotbat of T ing i a L only 'cele d 011 *S Zravyor I :45 Gtjodall. We publish the Ampual- Ro- age A t j I Ure, now oi haik a goocl. stock of f�roiziVeruvius, it goo. r eruptions.- every morning. Apo Ironauil W0011plougho'Eneinfis and Boilem t Parity, and vt�fi= ther-HQuise Mae &L on galynger,111 cirsoveralchvircheqabut -that tb� universal proportionseemales. regq-� th port in qother i3olumo. _fiilit�-juico that the paper Will not take th No w ond Second Hind, mbiall I vill sell CAll. ancl exiinfue, %my jtwk. !nst., wd- my look f4r an enuni- I Thw�,rvrh saifl: 'Hunge th6 missionaries Mika Of la�. than -the sipeoU j But the reatbu is but a r ""a' bi o not �o 61 'he or, rubit 'Wit] tit d at6mofvorlcy whiclicannift, butcom- as baaa; _houisekoe-per -.ejuicingjor their- y6uug people, aid Ob'"01113, from the act -that while. t ut on water enough, to take off1ho Wes eat to says she, always found o1a b -Val of the Christmsa�Tteo is takiu 'bing with mend it -self to tba appro _g rbot ujiliber Of marriages; depends muchu blukeiiing.. Itub pop" -25 a 4� inA votinty at 4r, -P,: for thm premier 1433 at- Vu= Lodge No. ek;- q. 0- For use'. illmongthe among the whites. I V of the ptoa uchticerw,,my�fk6epitig'thiout44e-df thelimesand 'oh Re RUN Nf V ready announced, itaintention Wcarry, One ofthe-neoliest tot aThuraday,11le-21stult, wIggeaud- matrilage de - 'installed 1d the variaile ctf4g�,f� Goaoi 101. out that Una of coanduct-which its mam" . The fuRovin- viliders-werd o4ettlea coffee. pot, --or "Womailk—the last mord ofloUrlipa, imblage- of. red,* bro Old of ra exestinx a0i Weis . poRWj;ore upon gon6rd causes that 'bi- bright-azid- clean than the a4v4czte& whan in oppod- by D�V. G. Fa Renwickon the ei I&-, because, it cdinds front i hab6ttom ofour msisteimi were - gathered -together. t ' ' g .. . t ' A . .- � - I - a 'long ,to human nature in. general. Washing thou), in jujo: (Th tinn'" ando hmr, no iloubt they vdil. o0anuary 11th, 1&12. heart&-' 6 jusidoof Beaver's School in - thc raission 6f the hmine or pa be ". , L year nic will reduce the coffee and test -pots -'shoulit mae in fairlyanithontatky& what they can -to Bra. F. F. Lawrence; P. G. ROV�L J",.Ro'ba'to, it the lower e4d'of the, - Sonia oile, rate of Ma but they who do matry jejeau� water, iind t ­ever iA. -the dish, W t feeling thl t actirms arii Var . ist f0rWak&O1nr:iuteijsf*iii -o-det'relopthe N. G. Re --Th ttractimi Vibit 00' to ihow tho same y water.)... The m1t fi4qpected ifi XipL* Sorts. 0 a 01101 for thin w4iW, - haa W i. ­7Wsr -..road of OfLthe ojtj t'ha tj Vast resoitrees of ourrising, PrQviuce, Beek, - - . :.V,.. . - sp.qdes, ail -calculatioX4 foii- ith' 7do. paper -the acts ap but never Of sion was' &.0hriabma Tree, Ar. tastesa iiifirmitt ubbing wl 3 allO thO n dujim Cfeo. F. Stowazt� RS hitherto . unknown in that part of the t f, 'ht�urf6lly,6a.inmore'lprosperous . nive a, apoons a I nd 1871qwounW relsa, which tlieir resolutions. Pug is 100L tchool T=A Itubt. 31cKsy, P4 �q b The aft - T� me th l; Tose's worldi laden with a varie�y of fruit, ow that itifoOrWon, , l�a 000 barrels ro, tin-wiri er scour mg. v F. W* ohnston, F. " -4 humorous Iii Hoitow. sbful imdarmamentil wet- prodiiet; spontli wary 4 *48 An olifect FOR 1872 -to d0ferent atatesof Europob the lowest I'- tin the- kWnife, iindles. If a little. dour 9 The election of a selloaltrusteu in each it A., Kirkbride, W. exposes a cake of soap u his Ishop viin- of, Admiration toyoung aud* d1d, It' 'was ars6gaof was in th ]J6. hold' oa thd, T6 v tin t. imsenpoti L'' marriages 'dow-wilth the pertin a Year Of fi piper in rubbing fin- or IIL%I!M grol njojjle!��iS47 .. �thatfollpwedf -po6rhm_ g of the Wards, to fill thi v .14 Rac -to fift Men it canCles caus- 7. w3i t6maturity'ift a Tolioirkably Short ke, waroind sp6oho,11leyalil i�uj�x y thousand FOUIST AND OF1021AAFIES qor than .: I - I. e Aew t I. G. "Cho vast o Or� Of mirreara) ttr*khtVj4Xy S88111110d that tile peaso e 7 e&- by retiremant. iook plo�e . 6 bime -under the fostering 6asp. f �. Mr. JW, -14 0jusali-tho humb PID MAI IPA young mhn bay** a Into, railroad fre and krs. Roberti, the Miss"' jeft, was I to,129 parsqn,!i 13uropoissuared. kvu- rriage aLA THE =S, 2le3d1T 43t. COM!)airatively Iittifi intexeX, K Morris NI; G. dissister'in. his maind brakim, his eq-, :ary!#: wifi�i and -was 'very, creilitaMk'to ilj� Efigialid I' t6 i26, poisons, and in tory, doth.L' place 4 the w:w manifested, there liping no.contest J. -�Lk go li�, -because thoeiades,-. hey =wthave, worlea gomeatwith g. laf 1�amce I to 141 pqrsollsa n. Preserves and pWe3Uep`=Uchbet�_ *Z %codilfililliod "I -theL ISUA" o. MORHOUSEIS. Paper juateat _of In two of the Wards. The mt- A. Smith, IL 8: 'V. GZ ilia wearna, train:ana negligent Otu� hard, for when the tree was shaken thare. , . -z. - epaers. r,proportion-1 of �the ear before,. bmwm. cloth is Xprgueriteo,on the cent of rrovericoev irld-1 t IX cH. clucasr 1.1. V. G. waa such a downfall of fruit as. grai ages torove ied ovoi the jar. Catined fruit is moto w. ich the VeL &jwgyg_reaCjy' jo Ana.1siuit *iffihe, a_3eel�aa_ t ibe is tip occupyr�bso oll in -ei 4to bo evelif'foeors6ii preiibn4 from tliiryoil t. tomeni of F. Jord A voting ladi r -1-26, 131, isoVerAlly ialthose. court. ries, ifu was bn -Mee fSt4tl yet when- niould -2 -p! ali $oAllo lax a &S. -the school, to'tho.- olabst vieftilf. as io: p6b- . cc of writing famous Xsein, tlie Iroit. Mmk. sW. 0. a er in Througkqut,al paper, eutto fit the can 2� is laid dirqdtly jjrj4-�IuS4 forjeveral7evn, cG, al- ur '%ad" Brettirali at -29 061%, the annual meetbiz 1w helc d from h age e3 gghentiont onhe child it LAhOse iliang lee. Cox, ground that - bat tracted She - be- Asnint 'Wouhgo. se�lute. hn&,' on t6p'oftho $w Is Muss 4Df 14Uididif 'Of 4E lical gatheii no regularity in the A Lzasom nr lieved, her lever a. lediti kiA!'but has silici thd* rioc 'bsero th portumity'affbided of ofib _,a �9% ie.* Il. , LIDO toptit *dder r 0 1W to t ois W-aimeti, &in- are . shootu jmdedu� zovu+ good 0 Thu%ju France, ha se Wildagllas god tnfelo*, Of fouVd him to be a goose - peak at u of the rt caTplift ristraw. 31 A tree with' livi V=ds on it and Vill Mkt(ers� A W�, left to, tal-el care of acletr to IM `�Wj dear, said! a hbiboand to�his rt*, as noise Two, ImAiniii, Vr, Beaver, baynp,' W net, and makes le when one 4& _the, wife, ' Tell going t6 ate] i a -PdEee ploolita-, Mr. Smith, -a 3follawki Made elo4 _ent. Er in 1836 to poropo L loll Of wilks dyor It. - -A f4iiosrpot can be made axaal how.maitywouldbe left r mari Anclaellilig low th 0 1 . - 1: ge the spe .., d . 1. . -0. -Vai I - - I 4our years OIC Three mleeimf. land?17 an -bay fojl6w6if by, hroe TherDirectors ofthe G aderiell t Horti- tion." 61HOw'll you Mdre a, t were bscbelgo and maids - isivilty forwiFoom that is not inconstant�usaby In St Tohm, Pasmorej,, the"Missionary, the 'Rev. Mr. Roberts. newspaper Fauides, Waxd t pir6ent.in,oi. 'han4red'Marriages,-with acher ,wo would bojeft!" a a I 111tur-41 Sb noty ilk preSenting their third o0h) itheril a *no trou bout sting several thicknesses of' ro, AT X-0am IOUsn I PrOposed -alwijys hive plant f ao a in ; thpria woulan?t-taough,- wig -3 congi- ret. .. i 14q. The fittlered;Iddrea"Vi a6m.6taNhO7 nlya1jidd6n diffOrcilde;4he pl�opoition -the fioo!ir,, cover thOM, a I artzmaI Report, bQg t Aul*te the y 0 fl; a grounds' 011 viyer of wall. most eit b b orderly- and well behived that we, ot,fi"IiOlo and widows was throe.por ap6r and ifting,it a, aclat 'Of VATIlipl. the three zhot,wiluia too Jetti, and -the X Smesth; �d"nd duly ineim Or& upon the eincrebsingprospoeiity' ra� I ' - g variationj of the Society,du a pe yeari all hamo*. ever They sit round 1he c6ut. -with the same i triflin n cold ,.weather , placo nowsapeto. el elected Vy4c5ilima xin 4 b� - #�7. girl made eighty- flour bar- r6oniclosely w4dged togethqra.'kdk'j nd tbi, prop6rtio* Of widOwQ*S p6nd tsy6on.,bed-quilts- tivo' thicknesses Of The:Sodetj has arable, 1iinj 'had# ease before eifiense last; year in. paring 111111 fit- CIS, as A Londononti; 11, r has On at ionsid rels ill stir-d4ys, and theriby earned their larigh blabk eyes fixed onte nI tjnly�iu;the In St. Ajidrew'sWard V. -m: Kaylmql wasnine poicant, and tho retiring. tiuste% was, do6ted. minani- tuld 4em. as -a d'every one� buf the SLANK 8-fJOKS1. roe; and whenMr. R and-widoweri - ziecessaryto. step upon chair, �Olwxya , �ngu 'theiDrill$Mhod, theEichibition, coseofividows there w� it fai forty yearx, an bric C' ati d-RsI1rOAd`CQIm­- that if they att off Of 4boutolia '13er cez%t in the defandan-6 Iiss died aince, its op6hing. The New ende& icho6l. regalirly. falling , paper on it; this saves TU �the Y wi MOUSIT, on 111061131 Of -Jalile* 00 0 and 1.4 curin onal. imorkso upon during the x't -twelve month, a anAsong laxiortmentof, every nylk� ture win lay their thiri L. -track next ablin- iscond@4 by Vchard Horti ture It � Of its members lie he had, �sqsol iyerage. of!thr0e per cent in the. yariAs oM -Children easily- ti The Society also purchaaed a i grouping of habit ofAvj;ng:zoi. - AU 40 ndta' that the tree, would Rourish in- Change ilia AND QV TY 4f; E. Olif- flowertbultile sarld -f,;,d new -V'irijAies of i6ni. sad 4i In St. DaviesWard Men aid Ike 11 his paperap�akz that -part of4he Riaervit the figurva; far the sanii flft do of lEklaA I miioli tallir;,114-youn a h4va pe V Ff . 'less inidKing of 6f suibW bein! si-ba�,at Ile! g )people peomea five feaTs- coot fora an& TA)iii-Elitotta, *6 oriier on old Potables Preeies What 4oes' L, and w ONY a T;ffA' thit mean I Altar ei singin on in tle 4yetage the d' u LO d. th' f number of UUN u - 94A,Vi� tel,".paid 3%rs. much 46 _g a some tioli voriat o1a membeir 4 fhe utter ad, u n amongst the re-' J�ariitagtotll. sUg I a bij 6ppU'in- Indian hymns to '800tbh erlo J70=91t jus' 'ad the retir�pg tqsteqt-,w m- se� vari, 'es,sucededed different: class-eis mowded.. - �wa colintry b - yz - loit"their _&.IIL ail propo thalmeloddoll 100, as "d'ki tueor 10441117- T wejl� notwit to,fidng theAry At which 3fra. 40boAlspre to a dish 'ca, bag he 01, my son is ai iverado a litte over 43 in home Ili the-elty. J�Xo= %T'V4VZ'rfR*VX The vver At the, olose of -the -poll the voter stood,— as- . aided the -missionary, pronoini�ed,.thajji S t� Slook-their ess or-er-6,_ and -widows 201116"at a -Peerless inises to be all cYewt house where.,car at baggers,' lmd. *VOTAWTO Tax -do for �nea"' 0 R-HOU -S VSo 51 they gr -a 5,4 ke - Ike db beiQe6i6nj__-i - the- dalig "Ishaill see what liici4ill AT !Mott ........... a xcelleut winiter Tori dvr to critters pu -up.,a nd gM, 100. -in aighl �nationo, tho: Ubldi poor atide4tbelr %76 W -4 aw ..................... 26-- larjisizei' Ara ductiv i0taund a not -ta ton. Te prp a) 11 oliallsee, *list -fabor 410for: Xy Oil tile winA0* Si show, for speriod offrom seven In. A. �Gwraea War& L Lefroy, the wii and dry� yearsa the following average mubdrs ok I � i, Amerle'al, Outwitting iL'B@6x4kt Mrawm-A me�",'said theother. 4 - DAY 13 'the' had-::: - old ifiam ge# :L 000: marriagers:—Young em; hi M& W. It Sq*er,, The, SocivWx XzhibWpa last yba� �was for ievery 8fi; bachelors t6 widelwj4 53' :Luck is always waiting for I somet EV a complete success. o-doubbl'itwas ate W f address, told I K* riumaitbaVIker Siame Dr.-Guf ei-marecen t� maid4i numbertontains son interesting lkiitciz wera-*"wL Xn� Loh-ofearried the con viiuter� to?V�jj' ftlighStOrY.F404tr�j SeleetIOUS IrOlaa.110 JOURNALS, 6j W1 'a is, effect. 51y enhance# by the, Ftuit- oticalminghoi b 'k bektrAk -ryFablieWoux oiZuroW su& Azonitst of the iieighb, me one nig t, a very quggeadver -story to th 4ido-werstomaidealO owers 30. Ws an Leading Tcop4, 4a. X A f tiiih ir Ex- clock; er electiouby-thefollowirIgTotei growers. 'Associago3i 46 Labour k up st1ii e k . ]��; -a found AIA khitchinj iii th.6 middli of Way pen and ringing h4mwnlera I the CASH hibition Jointly - wl!h t1s, thiii allowing the road, lbo' M, agid_4 the vaMions it is interesting to not,,: 'It half a mile fro am her. and maother i �Whelx �our fa, foundation of to*petoitce. VOLM age ra e , a i: boox* both OIL asked irbid ho meant by sca. forsake ybui vjohnny� %flo -you know.4ho thd pyinpips thmeparKes who were, mimliemof of th6 niii A thaSocietyand iAssaciati; to. it up?" !'Yes; a countries -of ElZrope for t.oR.yem3,z. and Lutokwhines. 3�WST BOOKS, iril) said he. nd S , OOTTIS JOURNAL X011*11t cOmPatO doing, he laid the old t tare -had boulkcd Will take yo Labor 6ietl* for the prizes offere6l by. the Society a 1the cutter -'and "And.- whor,.zaid-- the--- friend. *,imbin-corable'lad Ptt isiia it AMERICAN WA=TSS alic too joing-to tA 'Luck reliesou thance. PAW BOOKS, 'home Assoc'im-01-011. "The Midifiben.,oftbaGod, jitimag, i!d, -lea to pen Aphilties_ om� the le A'- -,anA.he'r-__',r'&_te of martlages, 4*, IM cq)�' waa. sw r. Labor rolieli on alaracter. Mo 44-fac It' (18". 100a000 poop % 01441" t4a lint *I Am Interesting serlsi or syray 900. 0 vikenahe go, ungry. eri An effediial cura, for, small pox is Said h ­8001'ety.earrioa. is 8614� 11314. c omehome A pretty,,bi�igyhb litt 7 Austria LuckAlides down to - indolende, of a to Itavd bion discovered timber of the, b of Prize$ offered, he, io, liamed, Rosa, was itia (1845 Lab At lowost,powible quotatiqns Sonia live yeawa VS orsttidoson*akta to iudepeounce. a 'Ther-foCivirls'they 400i4til0t, whilstCOmPetinar not the tbasedAgoddAesil by -i- gentleman Vho- -Which Wikoly -to do Ae best ory'011 ATU-00RHOTisrs 4.� of tMtimint ado Mel P —Vhen thOluost promim, a -fruit- ohoxm #1P& silm allWA ant arid jroke' vi6ited'thafairlity� 16flnply *ound u F1.659,butthim clomes-froutes.. a. v NO* ZS THE TIMM TO SUBS9 'heigb�aildimt1rowerw, OfOutario, OVII-A - d6A lov North Side o Nuket Squase fo M, Zion Ara tfie, ehatis. iaerable b ctrad HortieW.'zore . reie0es cons at-, "ilt you've got to.- love said, -the ERMS - - - $3 PJM ANN crot co' - and tartaric thatour 1!Ta#z Caubennno a bt vrntes�'Xr. -in, London co papers are #mhaing - antioi from taulf mein ers, m 1-1 1 1 people,'aa, the' 90111 im. t. shame asdis- . I j We. Go t1 - - Iiiiat d soil ar6 a iwtbe� Darwin� "'tbat d�gs' ay Xo change of laws priavda theTaelves about, tb�o Tichb ei ment. This the Vib4c, (if the C qan 4, UU1, A,,. X TEWART, -and,zoh ethitig very7 "tjoa to. appear. can that parbf"the Pro'vizice for BR:�r tiazil ptirposp,; tinctfromicari like fina tha, tlib'disireut. qquittakil 4iflar' Fun in tii late issue, graphicilly des- ioe them that hate, eon Thei $ociety Increase the � Prenil'ams, Modest - when bege ton foeload. -must youi And "am - jldar4bly tiont each ­btlior bl-prOpot:� "oribib the7three thousand hundred Ag t� pnotm TO&& PUB body., to the- relief -of the test. 'It also, sure I bate you I I )I , , , porniibo nirllngiaf a little ST Park ROW, N. Y. *full and complete eruptionsud. ofibrect forLadies m4k: kit ye#, which Agr d tioix,of thelames, of persons married, and Aeventy-mintli 4iy of tbe, -homing. eat og. 01 ad mityi- , A.- Freneh priest, who'had non thus provenfa the dbi&ssi from attwkin brilu-4t clutvery. cr�qd my. b a magnam 4io. U nearly constant ito'bi5io d*%yxif doisind tb*' -while the proper During- the yeaks,whic � have. 018 very the artief4ftir competitidir, whicli w'ahoje S�_v_Oall have, tat6d. 1haimon- smalladiencei was one- dayprei4:� ah touriiry itoolf. -tFivas h in ea the beginning of trial-sud,that xOTICE TOTAMRS. thainternal organs. This method has to sea MareseAstnextExhi%ijetoh. keys echainly dislike oin is we ha a 'the- 1act t g jougho&at, 'Mg at the c ureh in hiii village, when t -h 'beenadopUd fit that English army in ce ime, important chnges hav6 takeu the debt,% being Ope0j A gander amd'sev-' Mina, i0fthgreatsuccess. Anil 'they sumatimes.1 Ivan imaginary *Ili -Denmark the pla,06f, le�st if we miy biefievo FvWs Lnrl TzNtixas win 33v RgemiyzDay ursday the 18th 'In the Zoo � gical Oardens I eral gbose came talking up di,6 Middle ion ofmarriages of bachiiliors to The monarchy Q the unders ed t to, Th Th9L Presbyterian. Church:. of T613 apt ini�"& furi- aislb- - The priest, availing himselfi-of, lustaut,foralgh ta afriision flotbes of the jWea ta pr S 2-10'in - FiaAce,,(1UC53) the has been dethroned, -and' the republics PealtesitUr Ing to be ansde of *6 Wi9drWr.1 SELLING OFF SUtewxiucothe Uniojicaf auit ......... ::sszo pystyle. ON clotk hp ke to6kout)aletter the oppoitutii0a obs, & ilisit hd�could: 3 1-10, a 4iXersuce of builtu insa'has b466 31ttofeClotyLafthe ooloursaad qugl�ty recomanended '60.50.' z rage when VC om� its ru Ou, iron mas a succeeded by the mnpecWr of pAwAs Ar-, wWA cau be seen orivok and 16ngerfindfault.with, is 4115617AUID 5) cent in. favor of the superior oyamilitarydbapoftsm. Doilk, 00141 And New schools, umbers, Z uid._ to,hiin;.and no Zx *yuodi, 16' I preaboytexiek 4,8" minla� ReotZers. Subscriptio.w. lleIn my 011106. 'tersj 4,616 churchen and h, .1094 air v ovidlene, at, 0 Dauillb, g! *or Hill (the, place 4KS78 wem� Admission to, jkx1illaitioit 63.3c Ili$ ragaax a as I withem. non., -Fr 11 h Mows in - him expiated upon. To ZBZM ADAIZIL,, d onon 6 e,:)ceasio�u,habi isoyn Aidnot come themsolvewo they sent the cy4o Of young F9 Idgland �'of execuion for j�oliQcal zenders) the UM representing A, total aggregaite, of Sundz- All animals feel ropresemwivesi tU tho blood flowed. ihowlithe.jyrage. Of which U crilme�of being an aristocrat, &cj &e. lv&.Tj& soutsulider its car& of*v wondjorsud,"M it curiosity.,, *0 �- Itia. Wd.that one green tarlefian dress oit� ligbor than. tho Don- Tho hearin'g described cons' ts e anT vkh ala�ut 25 per of 6t counti-a- half & million, in" the 1)5 latter qAia1ity4ffiiidi1lg 'ke of croas examination bftme, wituess oplapitunitj for cont.4ins�aroonjoatl =Sri a$ to QU gh �to k and- Tho aginAt w1ack" jSt 4shurches cannecUit -iith the Southern a world, -to AS vaf n ]ridiculous InAtter ft is �ho� Money hiiitaiji in maTly.parta of tb ye�t m6fa doritiseent to.go n0ar piwo, to Leud. w sm-THm w.. trivial Arid TLL Thismakwit one of the Cashfor, books-forlibrAry- $25.20 47060Y the. gap�q i�ntu t irpower. Thi eA tarletin, dramas., ;� whilo'cacli. utry -ouderia�t.that tile zjowrijjs�6j 111011t �114116119al XcrigiOUS kc btilbs, & pa- different 69matries to be goods at vw.tl aud Itudor facility Of ii1litattion" __ t devolop- A young )&4; leirig a", 7 A01h wnds� to, keep its vw thiS41Q. a xcites r1diculil. Like, ibe ad. 1L. so rongli I � -1 n Average, and Zna- oad bi, manespec -In hrhabit in thiS respect ioutoren -of one Ot Aiij;� hu. lot� 316 tattles you members... gi. i0vill barboar jjl�Olfa Wh( landillelibit Whore oldbachelor -If not: --yo. out fieeofiffiarge17i andeat over-watos I She, as itt, Others- grOWS, Smallilmz hat made it a�earsuce lit -her be; T blushoc tEters is a most. re mourinVA heroes, it m�moj�nous t is preient i would you ;at able %unual- Ottawa, Mr. Riebard8baw, scountaut s6a for ":35,00 terrier of otir, wheii h6 sweatly toplie t'dyjal workable modamte oosts, interest pay 3D.00 d,,t yqui!j� pleased tosee, ilotlerIgailloa, Iyex"pt at Premiums for flowers.-, )f Wi *as* ;Vould be xiimi- imthe Inland, Revenue Depadment, and wishes togia �ut of 4 �went. ewJwkefs, a JIM a, a or y7fars, out I- n gr Ili, The Western'Uni on- . VeleVapb. Coln- one our exchangej, some *Guy ounmilly'. om of Senator Shaw, died of that dis- the Of the haudWor auhot� 'Mae ps tolegraph 10Wm=, severe remark. es", caTmoday, after ogy two days ill, b* pavia, althou _uy bat put up 800 miles a addremed. to sev,6rA per- 331ambts Imam.. i wire this yearm the State of Michigan Idea, Women Men Wniolallsons,*ho, duringan interesting lecture Clrabb?k Blocl, 'Goderich - new. walso, reproduce 74 turn. the hanille the tones -, of net 717 .1 x0rwxv.�.. 17S 1 6 a' e40 kept con- W Ole. G�apefj.- - 'I'Mi y Pay. Yno. S. 0. Abbott, January 9th 1872, . . wondefol' 6 as Sbift & shfil Quebee was y1siW on T44&y eye ci _--aups Vagete 139. to! am& p4pples In_bTeIr. r�D4, on'Tit d tinuons coughing *lAch pro Aci 25, J �k a 4531 ihg by an eartlujuake of such yieleace ...of eonteamam:j ; - - - n19, 14dietwor 26.50,' b, :'known fA lick lar i ustance, of�bnnr, or what. sappliati. from hearing, People who Is as w4use dome, stoorm. No 4ailie aill faceir after 'the ift Via p� llguras�wibh iho listsf 70' fromeoughifig 4 pkintillgeW.! 0. cc, amiobg thievaia was Scott in� ab&a better stay awayfrom, —fg t a Covirt ilf Oper and Terminer.,�. Two marriagesof person* oydr sixtY asta w 94 Working ex,. 63? cor eke take A battle of a in The reault of the inquesk. hold �n ilia A entionand memory alsome pidsolib Illen were bri)# ',,lit tip to zedelvW iout- lit've &diferezit view ofmairiedlifs, W'i V&e c0MjMtj0aQfjh6 Towndilp wich votholdite Arst sitUngs at AI- Tood of Joines Visk, rooently asiusin- ;s f,& an a Ingrahain for a theft Win thattlienumbois; vary :ft-oraZog. afflad -11"t I a Rdanoo, in Troaati� in.the lower SuMials" i 't is unpo3sible ce bofq*;,; 4 To'com rtal hrNew Yswk, bat. been th' min 29 o.; 'clanWAROWHOUMVIIIN MolulayVis loth day, 0 com- Zen hands. doj� and committcd solne finie ag4, wbieli:�!had land, which ofi6V# 99, sad � rw tion Pouookrs to homes that fisnum7iot ideny that -the des a of IrAttsfolstok" tastau-9 bi4 Wit for hdo in of imMonotion A been'.positivet �proven. - But � More men-i"rtrie& ar, over sixty ye Al Half Price! an � out of have been out in -the Cold vaiu 'stood in murder. � His arnamoV bis apphod to es show thiVren dX6 sanwhee. was, fionounoed, the- tpeot;4-1 10,000'�,mmried, to Bavaria, hicligiown, or' that a sort reason Is a old wind, -or drink to Much Zfj watek, havwtkao trW postponed tillatutural in tbPAQurt�r0OIA were electrified by 109monand22wriment. of-thewomen: Goderl*4*2'k - ISM sittiug: of. tha, wnrt,, in. scoomt of the present. . Animals-alwi rofit�b., Operi_- 01A orward,,'trying �out : %"ad 44yer fiftjr, Norway shows 194 Treasurer. nce... a&.4smy 'who sets traps. twainen�ruahllig 1. be, without them. whb 0*1111 *23P� VV." RW)NW axeitement w1i&- fravails, _,t_Them, ituot guilty-.4'am. 1ho Out of 10,060o, , Vrance 187, and', *mm, The roul) nob; in oulir caught IAOU, , _ - borse.- sea whia it it fasted milm tag ght very Sardiu* where'women.m4ute, so earl' MUC4MOORRY AND CROCKERY gnel th aill caution mail. The,wxdellt mli Ila the jwy soulsk t* prismer. am 00=0 than the, 614, and ill's whi, b4ides. of over fifty Ara led, li'me have caused even & lawyer- to entertain 121 blushing 116"f Oil to the hymoneat 4tar. br seeing the fite -of by, ' Oof doubts of'tho. sufReie evidence,' the COA011 MIDOrHotel' AWOV rAllght. , Tools iboe Sam A now obloWim b", bem *46-W to -hig or apM "Us" a An d. * 0 8610084 to "Ter bw vieris SU89MBERS 1130 TO INTIKATEVO vilie, 1rsualit; to adijurinuentlitaftl"t tl* The jababitsaots of Oodealleb and xianotanding t1to vm at compositiotv roofing in which W of, tow dopravitir; gravel is used. Tke objediott does no6 z&.t1l9- blevaberwalLpteso" Roero �stjntttacrAckanutre thei tut-tboy b"6 a meery and W. S. At the aweuii noito In *0 10 B ev. inthathair. The ninut*of hot meet. am topDjayou. ~'*hkk what it termed A C _# thd.A inisu �76416ysu Parsoup, jWbautymeatilatit"I next am* from the *wum of the housecso Thi prospects -of Duliithomitnue. an- Uoderich t1to �by]LTI werertl,4 aniapprovild. _The, fol -1. r6fi&wther a Ana common o614 when systematically no OR to to Abrshwt BmIthsi XarkA- raoled, be ighburx whose =U11L nr T E1u4WxBAy 09. has IM inst., Mr. Tholu" -Smiley, RI be ".M A+. frq�st the = ocj�.,ha landito 'tkd most of -away lowing -actiounts 'were thwA, presenw, inihwattap \M acted Wh anA arehouses. there of Wo 3(&rU Black, 41 of AAfiva win&ws vif ndsv It is add I . I 1 --,-00 - � , 11000 Cords of Woode or it Wgh i The Me* 0 that dur, tb* belil bixk wiDia 84 yix.-w-Aoco=t of Lftwsou X000110011, a fiand- P&Q% -W distressing disease it with the intention of sendin gthi whol a alption—but wben attended C6., prindj* debenta"M $16; P. propart amon to every gal is 001 n Ur -of, of ort, Oth con. M;-Rck. ;Ath a bons, to all bird's v" their mvell ofitsimulmetrxMil,over the M*4 OW to can. If you we Ted 31itcuou, culy , 1 61, th. Is go WED 'w= at � 04 nxg 41 the ixton"AkLM Railway. Aru* b408,11106 OU contract, Xthill and uo�Al in thil of roam. Noi - tri�iboled with a coll or pou&.1 Is"dy *rev "M 111 dae tkm "". n outerprislag Japanese bvmglkt pulplonjo Wifels!"-will-be 6umd, to bo At3ffiburn, TownsUp, 11th. brkip, A I J, Aunwa of Grsoafs bolkaoL a, -, 7 1 orsit, postow, tole- ohn a certain kind of I& sp be don of Clalborne avA J. to the 4 Thno communimtos over to Cawdrilis, vt a jeoaqngy arriiia Moak offiesciouts in it inatt, Xx_m Graft, alird 4aviliterof �V XG16TABLVA 11 The, removing luAwd, opal& son in ha tb. WO, 46 50; his fooliggs by barks, difrereilt tomes steamer: ail 'enormous quantity. of' t" gi �e relief, and Il Mr- Aa#iny Allon,'Aged 2- ream &C., *C., Ac J. Lo** r#oc* Ja . M sffin& per or- plantal, whish we to be plmite� mi To immadial an uied * thn AU of w1d4w.mil be sold dmp for a#X *A* ht *4k )U big io W iffeat &care Wh in At tGoder:1614 on Thursday, wing 04ifdrnia�. lith Af 0 A,bnw tsa empo*d of tw"ty We. der, $6 00;-T. Losodbtater,,Treastiror and 490ideassaut to th so pL MA Draggists Ana Pountry. "Szkb, Zan. Stad, 287$. vW,; wFohn. Bodfard, x4t, iu jo ocau per bow. am it beift wSmawd in CmeimmiL 0xkVA. 060 -L COU0011 fG04 QWRM"-;- t roD W 0 hb do*u ,n fro red a oa Mate oil the mar - 0 ao lot