Huron Signal, 1870-10-13, Page 4 (2)• ; • • • • . • . • • • . • • • • . •• • • • . 4 • 2 rt1=19•• •e.es.. I =oef. And, Nell, • It sredittedl aadendetre tes oiled te hors never, never, nevernpeektn vdtertie.iirg is theiiitica 40 surcess in all: Item again in this Iiviqg world if you -tell.' Ina% of businees with sear(ety an ex- I • .Efeerth, ana Home; ,eeption. Era/ is110819 who hrove been I longest etree-ged, and whose besiness is • .y • • h pibl. knuwledge tide to be Melees° by increas THE PRUSSIANS BOMBARDED EPERNON's instead a diminishing the meant ofi evelaaresseaa _their advertis. The New York erour-t at ,of Con'a mem% in speaking of one of the FIGHT !NO REPOIITSD. , (kICICA aati most suezessiul banking ins - du -Wiens in that eity as attributing its FURTHEMASSAORES IN QUiN continued prosperity to this cease says: ".Any one tould suppose that such a Toni's, Oat. 5.—A despatch revived bank", so long estaLlished and so widely here from Mitres, dated to -day , states anew% night sell its bills and drafts, and thet the Prussians gained some advantage obtain collections enough to sad tty any near Epernon yesterday, which opens that reasonable ambition without a dollar of Place to the4 They hombardPd outlay for advertising. And so it might Epernon for a time. The• Mobiles and be szid of Messrs. Brown Bros. & -Co., Franc -times fought courageously, but Duncan, Sherman & Vet., and other lead wero unable he contend against the yigor ing benkers, whose advertisemerts appear ous artillery fire of the enemy. all the year in our columns. Messrs. A. Fontainblean, Oct. 5.—A detachment T. Stewart & Co., who are !non extensive- of Prussians, several -hundred strono, made an attack on the Ftanc-tireurs °here to day, and were handsomely reputsed: The Prussians retreated towards .0hailly. Tours Oer, 5th.—It is reported here to -day that fighting is going on near 0 rieans. A despatch from Belfort says the Franc-tireurs had defeated a detachment of the new Prussian army, which recently crossed the Rhine near Colmar. Fontainbleau, Oct. 4, via, London, Oct. 5.—The Franeaireurs have driven back to Chanty a strong force of Prus from the suspension of advertisiug." sians, both horse and foot, who were The Baltimore Sun adds eee"If this is threatening this place. Sixty of the enemy true or such extensive and well -establish_ were disabled. ed houses as Close named—and that it is There are no signs of the oreation of no one can doubt—how much -more for. further French armies. 1) known than any other house on this coatinent, pay us more money for adver- iisiteg their I -easiness than any of their would-be rivals. If a house is not well kcown it should beceme so ley liberal advertieing; and the better it beeemes known and the lareer its business, and the more independent it would seem to be, the better' still does it pay to advertise it. Advertising is not ;rely a means ot suecese but it is at once the evidence of it, and a gueraneee of its continuance. Many noble houses date the decadence of their trade • • • . • enate friend "of Onpt unet." W isst ?" not die Twelq-first." • e ave never a any Oapt. 13runet during the ten years I have been in it." - The intruder was embarraslied. • He staininered, and, in his confusion be- - toyed a foreign accent,• • „ Some Taros took the lieutenant aside '• and said : ••• "Areyoli sure tlaiat. Brut* iiunknow• n ut 4101gli'vweesnotuysfin!ryst17,710r;a- nonor• - 'They were going te make short -work of the sPy, but his next neighbor, an officer of the tirailieur*, arrested the'in via a gesture, and said: "This gentleman is tinder my care. Dine at your ease, sir: Permit me to pass the -cheese. Tido some of these m dinner was was ended in siknce. They elbly dces a apt lv to smaller finaneial, metcao tile. and other business enterprises, and particularly to those seeking to es- tablish a trade." Power of Short Worcts. Think not that stren,g,th lios in the big • round word, Cr that the trief mut needs be weak. To whom can this be true who once has Heard the cry for help, the tongue that all men speak, IN hen want or woe or woe or fear is in the throat, So that each word gasped out is like a Shriek pressed from the sore heart, or a stratatte wild note, Sung by some fay or fiend? There is a strength, Which dies if stretched too far or spun Too fine. which -has more height than breadth, More depth than length. Let but this fore of thought and speech Be mine, and he that twill may take the sleek, fat phrase, Which glows and burns not, though it gloran and shine— Light, but not heat—a flash, butiot- a blaze I Nor is it mere strength that the short word boasts. It serves of more than fight or storm to tell, The roar of waves that clashon rock bound coasts, • The crash of tall trees when the wild winds swell, The roar of grins, the groans of men that Die on bloothstaiued fields. It has a voice as well, The seat of the government of Alsace has been removed to Strasbourg. The King's hcadqaarters at Ver- saii les. London, Oct. 5.—rhe French army now in Algeria, numbering 37,000 me* dee meads to be recalled, to re.sist the Prussi- a/3S. - M. Lemon, editor of the Paris Pays; hag been arrested. The charge against him has not been made public. London, Oct. 5. --The Manchester Ex- aminer has an aerial message from Paris stating that at a meeting of the Council of Mmisters on the 29th of September, Jules Fevre and M. Arno protested againat the continuance of the war without consulta- tion with the people. Keratry, Troche, and Rochefort dissented from this view. The Prussians have placed catnons cap- tured at Strasbourg around Metz Latest reports from Eperuon are that the National Guard and Mebiles aredoing good service at bush fighting. London, Oct. 5.—Later advices from Hong Kong report further assassinations of foreigners by Chinese. It is reported that the Chinese troops have been collect- ed between Tientsin and Pekhenominally for the protection of foreigners.' A strong doubt is expressed as to that being the real intention of the movement. London, Oct. lst—A correspondent writes from Berlin on Sept,29th followa: —The idea is strongly advocated that the surrender of Streettourgh is likely to pro-. duce a complete change in the war. It is said that Bazaine is now willing to capitu- late, upon the offer by Prussia to reatore the Imferial government and order, and agree to peace. This meets with the sup- port of the Imperialists, soldiers, and a rnajarity of the Bourgeois and peasants. Well-informed persons express the convic- teen that Napoleon or his son, under the Tor them that far off on their sick beds lie, regency of the Emperor, will be reinstated For them that weep; for them that mourn the dead; For them that laugh and dance and clap the hand ; To joy's quick step, as well as grief's slaw tread, *The sweet, plain words we learn at first keepetime, • And though the themebe sad, or gay or grand, With each, with all, these may be made to To chiehe, in thought, or speech, or song, in prose or rhyme. Moderate Drinkers. . „ — The London Temperance Star makes the f dlowing good points for the benefit of ".aoderate drinkers ?' , Remember that so long as yon are in health strong drink is unneceseaxy, and that ninety-nine of every hundred who adopt drinking habits thereby injure their -health and shorten their lives. Reiuem- her that not drunkenness alone,but drink- ing., fillsour -jails and pnor-houses and &leis the land with crime. Remember that drinking retards cliication, indnstry, sanitary reform. and every branch of pol- itical and social improvement Remem- ber thaz niultitiidesyearlychea.drunkard's death and go to meet a drunkard's doom. Remember that every year Multitudes some from 'bur "moderate" ranks to re- eved the wasted array of drunkards. Re- have attacked the Prnssiansibut they were member that every drunkard ones tried to compelled to retreat in dis' order. The I follow the example -ahich yon set, and in Prussian loss is roughlyeestimated at 400 to the trial fell from. his slippery groundrinto 500. Over 400 prisoners were taken the whirl pool of intemperance. Remember , Every day increases the strength of the that "to hira who knoweth to do good and Prussian position. . doeth it not, to him it ta sin -" and that The Mond:tear, replying to the Prussian there is a "woe for that erianth;ough whom report about the insubordination and the offence cometh to the little ones." shooting of members of the Garde Mobile, Remersther that you '.nuot be neutral,and publishes stories of mutinies among the there. will be eday when you will be un- Baden troops at Versailles,and the shoot - able to plead ignorance. Remember that ing of German soldiers. all this weight of rese.ousibility rests with The reports of French successes are flat - you. as pint raise that cup, then drinkit if ly contradicted by Preessian organs. The you, think Aright, do it weeny.), not your latest report of the capture of Versailles corset:lance. - by the French the Prussians charaaterize as a wholesale invention. -Ortr ecirrespondent at Rome, writing on. • the 24th, says e --The form of plebiscite adopted by the Junta, leaves the action of -• the Italian government, in regard to the _Pope unfettered. All parties are desirous of seeing thehead of thechurch handsome- ly provided for. • Girardin has published a plan for the campaign, recommended the establishment of two vast training tamps and two armies of diversionedestined to seriouesly harass the besiegers of Parieand Metz: The weak points et the defences of Paris which the Germans rely upon carrying on the throne. The number of French prisoner is not short of 170,000; Of- the number 11,020 are . within the bounds of Prussia. The _Cabinet has decided that the prisoners may be employed by persons not connected with military departments. Their wages will be prescribed by the district anthoii- ties, the daily labor of such prisoners not to exceed 10 hours, and work to bo volunt- ary. London,Oct. 1—Advices from Versailles by way of Rouen, up to the 30th of Sept., have been received. The spade work which has been going on cmietly and vigor-till:Ay for the past three or four days in the Crown Prince's army, was suddenly interrupted at 6 o'clock this -tnorning, by a sharp attack of the enemy. Inimediately after the attack commenc- ed the Crown Prince and staff hastened, from their quarters at Versailles to the fietd of action.—The Freneh troops advan- ced under cover of a. heavy fire from their forts, the advanced posts ot the 6th corps in the meantime falling back to the main line. After nearly three home' hard fight- ing; during which the Prussian lines were unshaken. the French gave way before the heavy fire of the artillery, retreating to- wards their forts. As soon as the backward movement commenced by the French, the 5th German corps took the offensive, vigor- onsly following tae retredting French, cute ting ofitheir flight and ca-pturing many risoners. The French 'troops behaved better than on former occasions when they - - Don't Tell : OR, THE FIGTORY .4.18L'S SEC= f. l'tre worked so very herd, Nelly, Antoag the noisy reels,. •(They never care p. pin. Nally, B017 worn a body feels.) Nut rhother seys- One pf timely daya-- No; veriscon-- Some afternoon, I may go te town - • with Wil,,Ite Brown! (Thahaudsome ORO with busits ends— New, don't you breathe is to timer's. ... When I fike you so. Sure eel live, • - - -I'd never forgiii.) . AO, Nelly, oh ; hes gaped murk' Ent you *on/daft, I know, (NOtir dOn/t. pine -veal%) itonind Such Sunday clothes; And a spiendid nose! • And eves --ah r well,, 1 eouldn't tell; And manners quite abovelil* stalks And be's got &steady situation. • Art4 oh!: Yon know I wentout, The officer took *the arm of the spy, passed into the street drew his Te. John Black, James Black, a d. wwiaJmudisgehte'stedeye.. \• volt SALE. ni:olawt,Aitpa(441aillyhmKtioNotWir. cAoteetssalgrienA.5,Untorfterld;e Divisloh, Towns ip of Colberne containing i1004tieres mere or loss. of 'tvhich .06 acres aro cleared. I Lege prommetl are --"sitwited an the midst ot a flourishifig tfermiug community end 'dee about 5 miles from the Town of Goderloh. k or terms of sale lipply to. JAMES nyumer, 'Bank of Mitred; Sept. 26th, 1370. w80;4t flodelichs • ; ..tS wrescen Monday the twelftit 1 , -- V. c. mown. I). ink. BETWEEN,, • , . • • • Thomas Logan Plaintiff ad Thomas SOwerby Sarah Black, John Black Jtunes Blecitand Willima Blackand Elizabeth Meek an infant under the.age cif tenuity one years. Defenetufts. • UVON the application of the above named' plaintiff and noon hearing rend the affidavit of Anthony -Lefroy and the Depoaitions of Sarah Black takeu on the 27t1 . Amok, 1870 'befolii Henry Macdermott, special examiner at Goderieh. It is ordeied that *he, • defondanta 'John Black, James- Black. and William Black, de on or befoto the twelfth day ot December . next, anawer or deals to the bfil ofeomplaint in this cause. m ve. TA Ft, 'IN 0 AMBERS. day of September A. reVolyer,und gravely, and without a word of xemark, blew out his brains, • IMPORTED Honses.—We are glad tohear that the farmers are beginnino: to pay par- ticular eateution to the importation of thoroughbreeds. Mr. Peck, of Stanley, has just imported a blood, a carriage and a vde stallions,all colts. More po wer to him. APPLE Bnossou Ouroesu is rather a rarity but there is no accounting for the eccentricities of the year of grace 1870 from Empires down to orchards. Mr. Richard Fulford, Lake Shore Road Cole borne, has just handed us a sprig of apple tree, in full bloom, only needing a little more summer weather to mature it into fruit. - Margaret Waters, the "baby farmer," having been found guilty of the wilful murder of forty infants, was senteheed on Sept. 24Eh to be hanged, .• mammoth turtle weighing 407 lbs., which has just arrived from IK,73r West, is airing itself in front ota New Yolk dining There is no "mock turtle" aboat that fellow. According to the computation of the Irish Registrar General, a decrease has teken place in the population of Ireland in the quarter.ending the 30th June last of 17,o8. Tjte total population is now somewhat above five millions and a quar- ter. The Western Union Telegraph Corn pany now owns 53,000 miles -of line with 105,000 miles of wire connecting '3,500 stations, and has in its employ 7,000 persons. The voiiiito is spreading rapidly at Bar. celona, Spain. Many .people are leaving, and business is at a stand still. •••11•••• • Frosted Feet. Chilblains, Corns, Bunions, Bad Nails &c., are positively cured by the use of Dr J Briggs Modern Curative. This Remedy has been compound ed with great care, and. used as dilated, never fads ,Sold by Druggists. — • Catarrh, a disease which distresses us and diignets our triends, can be instantly relieved and quickly cured by using Dr. J. Briggs' Alllevantor, an invaluable Remedy air all pain and inflammation. Sold by Drug- gists - Dr. .1 Briggs' Allevantor. for the Cure of Catarrh, Neuralgia, Itherunatism. &c., unrivalled. In a thomngh trial of its virtues, all will ;acknowledge its uperiority. bold by Drum -lats. with Piles you are much enlisted, And sought for a cure m vain. Use Briggs' Pile Remedy as directed You will both health and peace agaiel Dr*J Briggs' •$* Co, No. 8, king Street, West forma Dr J Brims' Pile Remedy isacknowledged by all who nave tried it (and their name is Legion) to berthe best, most successful and efficacious Remedy ever used foi hat disease. Sold liy,.Drag,gists, All persons suffering from Piles, Internal, Bleeding, Rxternal. or Itching Piles, will be immIdiately relieved and eventually cured by usinir,DrJ Briggs'ale Remedy Sold by Druggists Suffereis from Corns, bunions, Bad Nails, and these torturing afflictions Chilblains, are well recommend- ed to use Dr Briggs' well-known Curative for certain reliefand positivecure. Sold by Druggists. ric NEW GROCERY STORE. ....mmmi•Pm•••• WHITELY 4 ELLIOTT GROCERIES, IN PRoVISIONSI, • WINES & 1.1Q1TOR3. Corner Iiingetein Street & Market Square GODE NIGH. Goderieh June 20th 1870. sw87-tfil EXTENSIVE NEW PREMISES • - fendents above •nained. Take notice that Urn do pursnant to the Ogre order. th an order q • e e bill as eon iteiCnoluarts olanysehreownitnagu, eahnred lvigefnas nay be entitled will not receive any forthernotice of the pature proceedings In thecause. Your answer is to be filed at the office of the Deputy Registrar. at Goderie.h. It answer to the bill plaintiff may °Rein against you. end JOHN MACARA, Plaintiff's Solicitor. w134 -4w -- • • --- INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. In the matter of U. Cattier; an In- , solvent. A FINAL Dividend'Ishiet has been prepared open LI to objection until the 15th day of October 1810 alter which Dividend will be paid. JOHN KERB, Assignee. Toronto- Sept. 18th, 1870. • w37 -2t • 111E.OLDEST ESTABLISHED GUN SHOP' WEST OF TORONTO, TIE ItTNDERSIGNED IS PREPAREDTO MSNIT- RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, PISTOLS, of all kinds, and every thing in his line. on the shortest notice. Repairing °fall aids Mane on the shortest notice, and warranted. REM:EMBER' THE PLACE. (in rear of F. Jordan's, Drug Store.) 3. C. ItleINTOsH. Goderich August 8th, 1870. w20 -6m* SALT WORKS AT ANTIGONISH, N, S. lima NOVA SCOTIA SALT WORKS COMPANY .I. having at their last meeting decided to dispose of their valuable property at Antigonish the same svill be offered at PUBLIC AUCTION by JOHN D. NASH at the 5Ierehants ExaringeIlalifax,on Friday,October 7th, 1870, at 12 o'clock The property consists of 3-1 acres of land on which are several large buildings suitable for the prosecution of the salt business. One Salt -Pad of Boiler Plate AO by 34 feet, 3 Iron Tanks, 1 Steam Engine 6 horse power with vertical boiler And fittings complete, Boring Tools of all kinds with Rods. huge Scows 1200 Rail- way sleepers. 7000 running Met Birch Rails; a lot of Fire Bnck toeother with ' a large lot of other Plant and Mate.rill an inventory of which may be seen at the office of the subscriber. There are two holes bored on thir property, one 230 feet deep and the other 660feet 9 inches. From the former a flow of urine was obtained forabout twelve months. varying • In strength from 10 to 13 per cent., and which ceased rem anovertlow of fresh water. Daring the boringof the latterhole the clay and plaster bored through was very salt, showing every indication of brine. To any party who understands the business of sal; making, this property offers strong inducements to buy. as its • proximity to extensive fisheries and also a large agri cultural country Laminates& a certain market for a the eaitthat can be made. , JOHNSTARR, • President. Sept. 17th, 1870 . , CHEESE,. CHEESE. Shephard Strachan, • GROCERS, GODERICH. . ITAVE been reappointed sole agents. at Goderich for the sale of the celebrated Exeter Factory Cheese. Local dealers esupplied at the Factor)? Prices.- SHEPHARD & STR ACHAN. Goderich, Aug15, 1870 w30 G. NI DAVIS .41. fib IRIS DAY REMOVED TO i-xIs COMMODIOUS NEW BkICK BUILDING (NEARLY OP PGEITE F SOUDAN'S DRUGSTOlitE). promptly are the heights of ?watts, winch Convenient the Market. • . • approach the forts to within 4,000 paces, the dietahces between the forts- and the Tr • • city being oply 1,500 paces more, and the- -11 is sto• ck of ,stoves ite; gaps ou. the -western side, north and south ISLARGE AND COMPLETE. - of Mount Vlaterien. DARTIES IN' WANT OF ANYTHING IN .1 his line will save) Money by inspecting his , Thee Fate of a Prussian spy m g(3elcberm'ePtizebasingehottere- - iStxasboure Inn. AIL KINDS OF JOB WORK mu. BE • THE PERFECT SUBSTITUTE F o SILVER TS a coating of pure - , : silveroverthezrer NI0XLE, plated by the patent process of1tessts Inking" ton & Co., and is beyond all-coreparfson, the very best article next to sterling safer phat eanbii employed u such either usefully or ornamentally, as by no possible test Can it be distinguished from realeilver. " SIGNAL" OFFICE Goderich. - A eoniplete set; guarranteed of firstguallt7 ier fini/k - and durability, as fellows : — • S • , e s T - r_ . On.eaLE nit To ATM alet No 0 Con 10 W N N 1:1 AI SALE • - het VIE EMPOIUMVI. • WILL SELL DURING ,THIS; MONTE( FD. Ashileld, Co. Enron; containing '80 aers.,2ri AT t.13 A• YF1ELD. cleared, with house and barn. There is a living ° reek • thefarm. It is a corner lot. Price $18A10._pel vent $40.00 andtax MARTIN• I/UR:10110. 1. _i:sno:creitussaciNlioya,cosh;:10131116.:::retidinnilAylaymit:(67.11::::Nrrotherliiiike:. Glenburnie karm f9r Sale _London, Ang-T5, 1670 Toseaseep -of heaerieleeemohaleg 140 acres orthe piaeord tiro Town cf Basted, There is a otcataase or 4 remainder of thilielall /Wm:4 otiVetta with bat TOWNSHIP OF, GOIAMICH. eiheeeh716a #21)10916hetof 131kOdicl growth, on exa ... 1 r. 41••••••••••11•• 1 A 'MILES froni Goderich and 9 miles from Clinton, ['3 sitnated on the thavel Road itunnii4 from Gode- - .A.XiS0.--1,0t 'I4s 110111go A 'Township Stalay; ta to Bayffeld, from whichttfsseparated by the Bay- antaining29 acresof well reserved tinter lati4,1111sh fence, 70 acres clear of -Stoning and in a high state of The lotruns to theRiver Daybed. with a oonshierabPo acid River. :It anteing' 212 acres, 110 acres under wOuld produce.a large quantity oftrewood to the ate, inanissuir ntstrehia7pillyrPt°02,es. 3131ES 19. ALLEN. . It is sell watered by two living streams. .en orchard grape rifles. Two story concrete house, .32 by42 feet, • few pears, plums, peaches and cherries, and a few cultivation, soil rich elay loam; bush good hurdwood. wattorrfall;Whic choion; lime, mi:a.e agyallaynabellelfot rliclul:cs 4140 apple treeain bearing—frnit very choice; also,' a celkr full size of the house. Frame Parn 45 by 81 ft. Lake -1311°p, where fruit raising is- much more success Guelph, Avg 15, 1870 This is a rare opportaity to secure a good &mon the w30 or 0 . M. TRIJEM&N, Land Agent, Goderich ITIL HALL, Byllold, TWO FABIUS for SAIE August 15, 1810 ; FARMsALE • BAYFIELD°N.GRTAHVEL, ROAD( , les,iettzti=seefat„"te.°11Gagellallimt,..91.ch Dry Goods -at 10 Der cent Di..scoant for Cash, e A LOT OF DRESS GO DS Parasols and Skirts at Cost and Under, AT HALF PRICE. ul than arther inland. Apply to _ wao FOR sale trim very valuable FARMS in the To.vn JUST OPENED, 60 1-"aelcsiges .13 oots hoes Irk. TRY THIR lkoTED 60o. TEA. Goderich, August llth, 1870. J. C. DETIJOR & DDL9 %V IL, AP ()La rpi would beg to inform his numerous cusfomers and the public New Woolen Machinery is now in Full Operation and in First Class Working Order ' AND THAT HE IS MUCH BETTER PREPARED TO EXEC1JTE FARMER'S WORK 3XPEDIII0USLY than last season Wile starting his machinery all311. ew. Custom Roll Carding, Fullin.g Cldti h Dressing Spinning and Manufacttuthg, will reedit e prompt attention: -Having now on hand the stock of of home made t, best and cheapest FULL-, CLOTH, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, , WINCEYS, ever before oll'idifio the public in this Part of tbe Freida -ea, he would respectful] request 'those wishing to exeliangetheir 'wool to call adjudge for themselves before appointing themselves e ewhere. i P. S.—He:would likewise 'call the special attention of farmers to beware Of wool amsters and agents seeking their wool Tor carding, as he has proved it from the experience of former years to be perfect source of annoyance ' to them in verimui ways, that they cannot tee until perhaps too late to guardagamet• t. EIZ, The -highest Market Price paid for any quantity of gootClean. Wool. - TEAOWIAS LOGAN.. ,- • . ,E Street, Goderich al Goderinh Woolen Works, 15th Aug, Ural • h N. THE LITTLE ZER. • THIS -LtriliE FAVORITE IS THE MOST CO LEO Y•VMILY SEWING AlAq_IIINE. . EVER INTRODUCED INTO NORTH AMERICA OR EUROPE • eI• VER 15,0f10 VAMILIES HAVE BEEN SUPPLIED WITH THISIIA. CHINE within the last two years, and have made for theinSelves costs of.ftiends) and - earned the reputation Of being an indispensable article. These Machines arb patro br all stades of societ'y from the,eiWest Fanner's Wives and Daughters to the Nobility and Royal Families , urepe. . . . • . "GST.A.M.TZEll Is ths simplest, will ao -the greatest variety of work, is more -easily managed, lege liable to get mit of order, and runs lighter, than any other Shuttle Sewmg Machine manufactured. Every Machine is complete, with Tucking Gauge, Quilting Gange, Hemmer, Self -Se -von Miller, Braidholder, "Thread. Oiler," (Wan Sled with cdl, Screw Driver, 4 Spbbills, 6 Needles, 1 Spool of thread, and Printed 13114110110= 80 fall as tenable any person to use and keep the Machine in order. Every Hand Mathine is mounted on a Marble Slab, and packed inn, neat little ease, art sold for $26 00 ' LITTLE WANZER, on a nice Iron Stand, with Treadle 8000 s, Wee half Case .40 00 32 00 " large Stand and Vilobd Case, with Drawers " full Case .50 00 R M. WANZE & co, FACTORY—CORNER KING CATHARINE • STREETS, HAAIXL N, ONTA1110. SHOW ROOMS -64 KiliC -STREET EAST. • • AGENT AT GODERICH • ABRAIIA.BI - BIEIWRANi, TAILOR. ' Hamilton, Aug, .30th, 1870. wA-3mos • V • 1 • I 11 R ON 1. 1 1 • BRING 1ot22, first concession Goderich Township Ile acres. 50 ofwhich are cleared. a never failing creek runs through the land. The lot 18 situated on the Gravel road about miles fram the 10N731 of God. erten The land is a rich clay loam, being very suit- able for wheat or fruit growing. The lot will be sold cheap and on easy term. Possession can be given let October, for particulars and terms, apply to G. H. PARSONS or 10 3. DAVISON, Esq. Goderich. Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 w30 Farm for Sale. T ()TB -53 and 54, Bayfield Concession, In the .1.4 Township ot oodench Containing 8 acres, ot thee() over 50 acres cleared with goo Frame Barn,- and Log House, about 21 miles from Clinton. For Terms of sale apply at the Division Court office at Goderich, Or to Mr. WIGOING TUN on the premises. Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 • w30 *A BARGAIN. 50 AC8E13, East of Lot 29, 10th con. Culross, Co. Bruce.. 7 areas cleared and good log house. Clear title for 8600 cash or for 43600 one third down and the remainderin4 annual instalments with interest at 6 Per cent per annum. • Apply to , ABRAHAM 15311TH Lumley 51h Sept, 1870, w38 -10t Merchant Tailor. • VILLAGE LOTS FOR SAE • IN HAYFIELD. mHE subscriber offers for sale four eligible lots In J. in the Village of Bayfield. On the premises are a good frame dwelling, barn and vinegar factory. For particulars apply to • JOHN CROOK. Goderich, July 12th 1870. ww204 FOR SALE TORE AND DWELLING HOUSE WITH LOT IN the village of Maitlandville one mile ham Goderich m the centre of the Goderich Salt Works. Ifouse ana Store entirely new, und commodious with good Stone Cellar and Lot in Excellent condition. Terms easy. Apply to H. SPENCE, ;Goderich P. o. or W STANBURRY, Burgessville,FP. 0: s ,OTS FOR SALE, ship se Gete!!el,ito•Fowarticulars jell it a; 211A,ZericulirTonsasiiip August 15, 1870 w30 FAniff FOR SALE, LOT 24. CON 4: about 55 acret cleared, Township of Godorich, co- nzaini9tg 80 acres •c) STORY CONCRETE -HOUSE. ON VIE GROUN p floor, DiningRoom, Parlor, Kitchen, Ball arid Bed, room; on the second floor, Sitting Room, Large Fars+ ,feeFritit. 7tturojoiem,3 fSrotorraegotintu,s3lutadtIroftuomta ily Bedroom, and lour other bedroom ; on the Base. 'eD,Suairyrn 5111-472 Goderich. Good large orchard of ova- tee superior fruittrees. Soil, aeep clay Imam isiellovatered by spring creek and flowing well. The ro erty is Mtn. G. IL TRUEB1AN nted IR- Ines troll) Loire Huron, of v e a good vies wet,- te. mpreamnt scan be hadfrom the door. Apply j son Esq,., on the premise; or tiib aim" — Land Office Goderieb Goderich, Aug 15, 1870 w30 . FARM FOR SALE. _ T OT 10, pow. so, W. D. COLBORNE, 160 ACRES, JJ 90 cleared, good dwelling house, trine 221•26. with a commodious kitchen attached, oleo good barn and shed ace.ommodation, good bearirg orchard, well watered by two creeks runningthrough the fare, mad good wells. One mile from gravel toad. 6 miles from Goderich. For particulars ripply 011 the premises to undersigned, or to Ain ,DFerguson, grocer. Godetich. C. STEWART. August 15. 1870 - .w30 NOTICE IS ElEREBT GIVEN -I- that application will be made at the next seaston ef the Legislatureof thitmio for a Charter to constiact a wailroad from the City of London, In the Cormtyof Middlesex, to some point= Lake Huron, 10 the Town ship of Stanley, County of Huron. July 15 1870 w2 Lazarus, Norris& Co. Opticians and ()enlists, neccm-wiTim Aft 'Tv 9 . 1rAv4, WITH A* vrew TO 011:EET THE rel- IICREASED demand for the celebrated Perfected • Spectacles, appointed IP. JORDON, chemist and f1111A. T DESIRABLE PROPERTY CORNER OF Druggist, Goderich, Ont , as thee. Sole .I. Kingston and St. David's St.' -adjoining Crabb's Agent for this2place. They have takeneare to give ell Block with the . needful instructions. ond have confidence in the ability • te their Agents to the requirements of all mummers. Large Frame Tavern An opportunity tvill lie flonefforded to procure, at all • Known as the WestentHotel, andotherbriildings there- limes, Specta&A unequalled Vinyl= their strength. on. For terms and particulars apply to ening and preservmg qualities. ABEATIAISSIIITH, Too much caimot be saidasso their superiority over Merchant Tailor. the ordinary glasses worn. rhere is no gliteuiermg. Goderich 12 September,1870, swe_te, wavenng of the sight, dizziness, or other implement heLe s the IV d I 4ist JAMES STEWART sensition, bin, on e contrary, from the peculiar can - 81 uction of t y MY8 800 mg ers p ca. . causing a feekug oirelief to ILe wearer, and producing • a clearard-distmet vision •as in the natural healthy sight. They are the only'Spectaeles Amt. WHOLESALE . AGENT PRESERVE AS WELL ASASS1ST THE OF . SIGHT. . The far-famed and reliable St- Catherine's Nursery they ere the cheapest 'because the best, always lasiing D. W. BEIDLE, ESQ. manv 3 ears without change being/necessary. iErWe employ no Pedlars. • FOR ALL KINDS OF F. JORDAN, Sole Agent for Godenchs tIRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, GREEN- Gotlerieh Ang 15 3870. w13 •.12 house Plants Grapevines, ,&..., &e. • rs- Any stock not on hand, ordered on the shortest notice House—Maitlamelville. Goderich le 0 Gorerich, Aug 15, 1870 ' w30 STOP AND SEE. — r followmg -remarks on -Testimonmis of most 1 woneertelane exunerdintee, eures in &made. by the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY. They are stens un deniable and incontesnble tams, sufficient to convince RAM& FOR SALE. np 147 ACRES, 110RE OR LESS, A/30'0T 110 kJ acres cleared and the balance good hardwood tine ber, a comfortable house and first.class triune letrae,ts good orchard, and well watered,. lilost id tar ntsa excellent clay. The fermis 1080, 341: con., Goderiela Towns -hip. 9 miles from Goderich and 7from Clinton. On payment of part cash, good terms will bops= for the be.ce. -For particulars apply on the preralees /a JOHN McKENKIE. or to G.. M. T13.UEIIIA21. Land Oftleey Goderieh, Aug. 15.1870 watt Porter's nins TO SELL: Muthconcession of Mullett, on the boundary EAST HALF OF LOT NUMBER 8, FORM line between Blythe and Walton,post office useh tape. Good hardwood; 'teetered with a never failing =tele and never failing spring. Also well close by the hots* Forty acres cleared. well fenced, 77 acres in Oh Log • house and bent. a thriving orchard, 8 Muds of plume, black,white and red currants, pears, red laid yellow gooseberries. For farther particulars /apply on -the premises. TO RANKIN_LAWSON anti his Mother, Aug 1.5th, 1878. sv7)0.1ct the most skepticalthat the Great Illedicinal..Compoun.. _ .arned after for ages is now accessible m the Great • •• SHOSHONEES REMEDY Yap. atax. for Diseaseir-ot tne 'Ihroat,Luirge, Lwer, Digestive Organs,Kidneys, &e., as well as, Scrofula, the various Skin Diseases,Ilumors, and all diseases arising from Impurities ofthe Biped, we boldlystate thst this_great remedy has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in the person ot Wilson Storms of 13riehton,9, W., of Consumption ;or thatorPeter C. V. Miller,Enrnestown, C; W., =Von.. Bumpkin, orthat ofAmbrose Wood,ofConsecon, C.W. of Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, or that of John •Hogey, of Napanee, C. W. ot Rhetunatism, who had actually been on crutches foi years, in sptte ot all treat.. mentheretotore, and lawn welL Smog of =changes might be mentioned had we space. lerCall at the Drug Store and get e. Circular= anqestionable certificates on the (311.1.41 SILOS. HOBBES REMEDY and PILLS, and satisfy your elves. • &lee of the Rolnick in large pints$1 rSale by all Druggists and Dealers In Medi eine. • gents for Goderich, F. Jordan and Parker le Cattle WHOLESALE ABENT13 I . LYM AN, Ewan & oo.. i CORONTO. DUNSPAUQII. & WATS()it , e ., J. RENEE& Co. - } T. BICKLE & SON. HOLBROOK & fire , BA mgmopiel r RE . ' A.HAMILTON &en_ -. •' .- Fiddleor Bead'. King's Thread old silver pattern pattern pattern ' (I• ) • patters • sets. • etts ..0 et& 2 Oa.- $,N4 • Arable Forks 900 - 9 50. ..1000-..12.0t 12Taldel3p000ns 800 g50 • '10.00. -12.00 • 12 Desert Forks 6.00 6.60 ........7.50... 8.80 • CP 12 Dessert Spoong6.00 650 ........750 ....850 _ _ 12 Tea Spoons • 400 4 §0 ... ...... 5 00 ....5 50 2 Egg gilt hew's 240 ,s50 2 80 —.286 • • . co 1 Sauce Ladles • 200 ...... 2 20 . , 240 ....240 ,, _2 Gravy 'Spoon 200 220 240 ....go • Coe , •Salt 'gilt bowls SO • 90 I 00 ... .1.00 . p.m I Mustard 4- " 40 45 60 .... 50 I youplaille 2.50 2 78 • • 800 .....800-, P.11.11 A Sugar Spoon • 50 , 55 60 .....65 44.60 48e5 52.85 59 25 . ' e • . ....... ..—... • Mer• ---r „ - Any otthe above inticlei to be •;*d singly at same prices. • N. B.—TILE BESTQUALPFY ONLY of above kept in ,stock. !Inferior mods entirely excluded. Pro= eased on the ready money principlemet -- •OPBIaZ 0 Nis 19 4 • TAO, RMS A.SB. ••• I - etc .1.140ORROT;401. • GitiffriOht AOge I 5487.b. . - 1101•Mallame - ' DONETHE SAMEAS •OSUAL .-• Oodericklst July,1870.' - ' . • • •.•W92-tt In an inn at Strasbourg,js' olio Alamg •: . Y., I • , . a filliutiLaytt1111ESS-MAKIII G nes officers - sub -officers, aud F"r:nch soldiers were engaged in eating a comfors . i • (Translated :From a French paper.) - • MASONIC APRONS VOA SAL.11 AT , H. GARDINER,* Co's. Clodelioll 2.0 July. 1870. w273;f , • ; AtiTy4oi1JRpR, • • e •p•al og- es Kum°, County of Hastings, . • Pro nce of Ontario, -Feb. 9th,1868. '' s 04_ .., To Messr. 0 Rare:BEA:La 13.ren's Conway?. 0., Cminty of, Lennox,Ontlio Canadal THIS is to that during the winter of 18613 I .11- was taken w e. weakness of the ancles, which nallyoluring the spring of 1867, extended to in TrIHE SOUTH HALFOF LOT NO. 18, IN TEE 1. con., Warn:mesh, 90 awes, only tee ranee fro We village., ,Apply there to S, Pollock Eke. * C. CAMERA Goderiek W 4 t FARM POR SAIE, • Ono arm.. HE subscriber being determined to Bell, invites ev'y man in quest of a good farm to examine the Ei Lot 29; con 8, East Wawanosh, 100 scree which is one of the best, and One of the most beautiful fin= in the Township. It is 18 miles from Gode- rich, and 10miles- from Winglum, •s pro- posed ;dation of the T. G. .4 13. R, R. There are cn the place, goodludding, good orchard bearing, a liens spv.. ingTaiRdmash_011frt 505tirrteos elleckar.ela.d; girblaia234: to suitepurehusjeArssi TisDAFTedynej 0. . • Sept. fith, 1870, DIRSOLUTION of PARBERSH/P. WrOTICE lebereby given that the Partnerstip kne- e J -N Wore esuting between the undersigned ats Ge:neralMerchants in the Town of Godeich, =dea- th° style or firm of Marlin and Robertson, is thistay dissolyedbymutual consent. All vlehts due the said Arm are to be paid to A. Martin Who 1/111 settIO this liabilities of the clan*. Witness, U. McKLIITIN. AMOS MARTIN Coded& Aug 70. JOHN It033MTSON, With reference above the sttbserWer bcgs ay that ho willherenfter -env. onthe business, =Isla „ 13teal.31 Engines "Id Boilers,• tb ees, and on npto rat lups, and bee -Lane so , artme eul -: • - rato h a Mill =account in all Es der tits =die direspect et' could notsalk, butvas confined totmy. chair. sally soh& anontuinance ofs nbhc patronage. A. NIAEUN. rs, ing, diftment times,three doctors., Ind medicine§ of Gadwle13 -214432-1004 • 1430-tt - • , • Foe abouttwo yeari. while 'Thrashing .1Vlachines"Se' d afterwards 'leen ht raedicaladviee 'erauloy- this weakness was coming , 0113118 • g • vgyvvvisr; Prxtg-s.d-vv • IRON.' MID WOODEN --PIA01i TT differentldnds, prescribed by friends, ht. tofu° avert. • ; I continued toget'sverse and Worse, until the smmmet nvSOLUNT A.CT OF 186 Atthis time I bad begun to feel the vAiltness in my In Me matterof -- - jilown,drassdrent.. of1868,wheu I was induced to trythureatSliosboness . 9. , . A • , hands ; inl fact I was getting almost helplessr I ha • St Remedybyreadingthecures perform , in apanipIllet. • IS HEREBY GIVEN THATPURSUANT' taken two bottles of the Shoshoness Remedy and tiv WTI" . - 1 Beide Plon "Git - . --- With...Cast..orSiee y glis; ng Bon boxes ofthe piths and I am entirely restored to health. to the powers smsted 1110 as Aesignee eif tlas. I never expeatedto get e r, • Cultivators, Larici_ Rollers, straldiC ter's, medicine as a sort of fo 'sin* e abfw"laulealas°17:4173IY:pgulabtlictlfleauel:loil:aattel: tosyieiretiled-Fereteek Potash Settles, Sugar Eettlos, Xittleg,. VrigNi and Pipe 13ores awasnr=1:vate (4183b1r°n"rn lnY ileighb°114' - In the following lands tin premise d f s and toan donneleAlictituPee.dahisIcasvmes°fInilliliavee 1211? 11.1.a4srilleillitaORGI. MT-BIM/IAN ir, s aa assignee n•as • 'AND R dy •b , TonsionfOoderioli, -County orguren • • • Y ° CIRM Monday tie •10th day- of October 1870 . . thiswilicinhureela7of February. 1869. A. F.Woori,j. , eee hour,01 twelve ..reelak noon -viz t .8B era •. COOICl/iG PARLO.UR 110X, ISII)VES 'only to saytry the Shoshoness eme u e eve 11 tabia dinner, the drat. for. eight days. - .A.. stramer entered and asked perreis. MISSESSRT. - - sAtE - d Brass tasting's and -,BlaekOmiths' andAs Sworn o 'before me atMadoc, County of Ragtime), of the.most lutpros n b. t painng re yee wit • . Mary Ann singular- that 'nertolo, parcel tra'et oflend &Me on short notice. Call and see the SIREL IIOULD.BOARD PLO, GHS, 'as Yon can The b rtify that I have 'no Mrs Well, he's• = Tac' intlIding Lots No's 40,488,-. dr. very-rhe.aP.for - - . 0 traproebtiiyefithveztilLowar• ita::::Qpientbiletrwberhileormeieb=b; :0wiirtee:b1.0ththeeothironutityie9f:e7solorie azimPreoxowneeiltifp7s; - . • Bong'htyfor the laitilft.een years ; she awoinaw 0t premises eituate lying anti berms in The Toweshte Tat vz suudAteifth:F414:134mtait:1380tota'Getia."Ws'qralc°Rt' T°Yags • IGO,erieh, Aug.1.5th, 1870 " .; , • tO Pin them atthatable. 'Gentlemen, 7ely texts 'said he 011holig 0 Da ave a The stool oftsbei Market Square,next door to . , %a earnest: (You'd ha or cf he. ing known to yolt. I am not a xack's Voidedioneriffitore, Where the/ are PtePare2 . teehenteallenteraforanillieeretuid.hirese-malting tit _ Fitturr TEES -sto E sT TATE s Til . . terrecovery, always attribated her recovers. the admeasurement .fifty ac*srlas ths saniereore or hes • 7 Shoshonees Remedy. Whatever may be the palatal' ere are considerable roma t Goderich. 1 Callender, Esq." . it d h th BEGTO-mnium TTorz D Go4 ekothAtz 1870. ,• - i1314in ) • • —and since her illness. I behove her tertifica, b) {Arlo' Being•compOsedlyttm,ivet,-bpjf otiot zumber 11 ) ; • I was ileelaredgopeless ; and I know that she basiuSOICe Rowielr aforesaid. 0. said property tandems 'bys If Isikidn't coatees),1 Rot I isseikbs't kayo it getround For fdty--0•0 MO! It p4 ct 1C3pt. Brunet of the Twenty4fist lut; is , They'll never *et begin it, . - my best friend—almnet a brother." - of hil own— 1190 ORO present knewhiin, the stranget was • stranger tote grand family of the army. 1 shouldn't haw" • inteute. Ort areontitor Capt. Brunet, although , And oh I lies . 4: Thad i as& ey . .411‘ like Strfie; allowed to take silent. He haalready AO *Iter_t yitn df,y, by a ' • • losad.12,_:& Sat.A11) the cofe&fe and the *vont; end He's :trotter end finer by Oil' l. Wt. 1 never Meal him • liaL-1 . [maw eminence V ebat. with, his tom- 1,Viii tiswiw,ht somid--that was thi fuselit3 pisions, when his evil destiny brought And, elly, I'd just as lief say it ta yes, essto the. roost ao Ayer Other Twenty- gri wouldn't do, dm . "A. r said one te the granger, 'here Tort het &trial & len couldn't beer, %. - • Is sisii ow wie Will giro you nen of weesnytbing oncarth, t &claret 4_,,N, year frie•Ls" ., . Fo h 1 wouldn't lie: sa•andltwalw11 "LteateeliatONtaient to pis an intl. • Ti** sake.. ..-'"............i.o.a•-•••••••••••••;"'"6.... Them isu thing I wouldn't dare, - • • %It/fewest styles an. IvithDeapate I - ..-Ekesurtheresseowseesusesigsrs. _ _ ;v. tleveril apprentices wanted imniedistelse . Street, atitgeptocie or 0taneartsa DWarf _ .s•ittt . „.13 1 .• • 41' Th ente •on he *titillate herease,it luis acted almostliltethe performance of apply to Eel; TRUEMAN, Auctioneer .er,J) jee ruroprieties oftbis medicine, one t,hing is. certain, that suditiedesiraId ly situate For barna -parmsalant a Miracle. 11* F. Wow) J. Won,. salicitor _for the Assignee. GoderIch 12,Be t 1870' •InV143 APPLES APPIIENTIOE WAWfEl).. moue Blacksmithing business. -4 Omit 144filo‘ .1. the Country prefortrlait..2.2ply immediately to BodS11011; Ideptitth,1870YliA114 *el -1,11°61r w84-fr • . • / Warden the Comity et IfastingeProvinceofOntario, JOHN 31ALDAffie Jr, . Deminionof Called/ evriniv• - GoderichAugast2nd 1670. vi29-tas Assigitte- '-` PZARS,_ i - - -1 - . - ..: • .. - 14/114which is now united, the. Colonial .Life Assurance Company. i;., ::Heat' (Ace for ..,..*, Ii_UNIA'itit: its::• _ ; In -Canada 1-'00 BtreitY—Standard Cameany'sBnildings, No..47 Great ,.., James Street. . - .I M- aia' ger—W-.,3.• 1ensay.. - I4ns- peeto"r,•4. .3a, s.b..ariB1"uil... ,•- —: ' -• ''-'';PEAH.' AceinULATED FUND-. ' $ g1,•.l,'t t. 0',.,,. 0- 0t- G: O& - 'APR1CGTS &a. ,ANNUAL INCOME.............- -. •,••....i•A00.000.• AO;t• '- • - . ricesteberriett RestbifTiess - The 'Company having deptisitidthAnth if $150,000 with thilteeeiierflefietayncenfOimity Tice ElliGE TO LET suabertes.E.t.ho. °raid' entaiTreeandud am° • • lance Act passedlast Session. • AssuralleetiwilleOntinila to ogried out a tALPLY ‘. ,WeePing 71/1°W...11 :xicalremt L vrut/D13110, tawentitoot. ' • - *I 1.1 Alkeitneeetti•in44:01111211,* WE* 104,00/1 •-• Referees :.-32ii'lliDotle#11;.13e.lfeltilolr-1% et- •!! Is ere. nivnodt e:triteto".raa at On all di ereP"Yaterlia )1111 P7 ei - A derfeli; BARRISTER, Goderich. , Glee Mee call.before Yirld..0AMPBELL.ALIT., *.g,„ • • OVreittitiYfirIard., vol - Angilet 2:111d,,.1$10.. twt-tt clawict Aug 1,6, 30t0 I •1/30. - "". _ • •• • . • - • , • - -1 FIBST CLASS TETZ-N *OCTAVE room' . NOTIOE or Dxssozovnoparh.N..,6:1, PARTNERS,IIIPtuttbS: , I . fur'saurounbydlareornbutber-ROES-0W..irde,PfraZIkiteWeanbeidt7Cal • atillworemistserebesteranreinteiED:Enst gpogybots 9oder1eh, 5th Aw4ast. 1810 • Tuner ; to be seena.t IhituthExehangelletel ARD6 ; :etttGo o4evrichdt.:06: di,.$ , 0wtaS All de ts th Od • irtnoresratozezir small hollEPrns leformatimi 8.8 wilileed to __her recovery, *ill receive -:e ewe wait* red =brindled, with whIteliee,,Iegii,ruiL..tail and siness in nld g 'sueb 1,01.4193,Lersitii,.1111-0;fil:•Pis ti` -1)242.11",14148112111-32.17. isle .fie74it regalufsaltdPertneitbitti4M130aelichstand). and at 'dams fs'4 ado aid Georg° Catti b lie th . - ! . ' ' • . • - . • . ;• • • = • . • ' '1.11 111 3 •••• c. • NIL .81 a