Huron Signal, 1870-10-13, Page 3 (2)J,nt gai into .2 anl E-eaa- 110, r� OTIZ. tLo svning by Mv .Y. U11 io to '1�� fent of the I'M s r3al,1%n6na, �a fine, mnr ,sine_-, vhlch Zr new business he V good, pctsNrons. ;au rat�!er a V:eas e3ccedingl,y ,V'thev 11.10 �z Lster, and YV 't�sl aud they C� "er cauntry� d ran faster, er, and kin cars in this steambilats aud koatler, ad send up the capt-ainsi captcdus. irh are big�-pL- mo-zoand antry. Our dlr�ss finer, 1,11�ze heartsv d1resses, and to a greater -s in aU other nall louder, 1�e for their r1tv ye=3 0�d im any ather, m th eazth_ r,--Ql them. upemtions. n implements: ---d to szows� bnikungs at a snhzequent �is an a moappy. an -a L s3le3 tD P=- aoaweM n—_- nat grazing in !ee3 v.e% ca--& griVM4 1-h vAnter, allso. umaaund, half Ike earract ex - Of mr-my new mts, ar sw=l- mLes who eat - re W=tbL ia Ck dverdsemer, ts, Ica fre%pently .--fulp delth at 20 fall '25 ait--.4�el and !,:a 7' as Beld at �re�jeat at fifty - �,,r the reNef of 5 forthuoming� Lch mam gam Vkh tae frand.- veuov fever :1,Wera rem-ov- � ye.-3tarday to. Dr. pra-�-=tious �57.pa-ded WiR 4' thu- dme_-ze. ZAtb�, whe� izated to, the yeTIOW feveL- hrae ye3tOrday ,7 aM-2 aH Ve3- Ur 41. in tha ,-;Lyn 'ad ye3- Wa3 raj�ortna L_ . I MCI d Impe,'" F=70 It"'mcmi p. mra, to bo i co=a4-L of vb a I Dompl caas amtc. ezr,83!ed id Ira= dhdca�- by, &,;.T- c cm Nova sw'-, �3 b"r"d �1 TwA Ula' t 7- mmt" tit t*ltlng tu rj r QODF�-Iticil L -Nr nn it, RX FA �L-&WI AY6?i in��,Df the IMIZ 3SX4000. s 44*hg 114he w121ch t�d lnila$is ip 4*ccm1 Tm em of! Me place at the' GRANDDISPLAYI V noreputgnV,,,y 15 Uthe � OR, 'M Teach og I CLOTH me TAX mItscures# School House Seaforth on Saturday 8th or', TH IST nouR &Gxar inst, t-0 make 31'rang0fitelits for a- Toiyii- I t,.th !T� owih i6f" 'THRw'eUu!s`scorRt!d`ER HAS J UST IIECII;�1=� many of which are tral ef shi% Examination v7h0n Messrs �Dewar, NEW AND F A otouk of lnvewatd t SHiONABLE Su criand and Forguson were appointe cases *f'&Avffl0U8 dim as 1% committee to drft a programine ol ItEADY-MADE 01011ff�;RO, is tt with t FOR THE FALL A11TD Co rve IME 'long icmcl� *;AQ W Una, examination, to be Pre!lchted at the noxf DRaSS GOODS When tug sisaTfe d Saturday 22d inst. ,riecting. Meeting t4n, Qk4jourried till tuintbeenearefullyselecte aud!p�#as h4ticod 1:11b 11 sintiding thij eye ca 'e And AV w be sold efulous tionsand it psift, -1 W Ifavorable terins, Alsordersyvh1chwercAg. atopuW the mcst ex1rucialiw, a, oirt R 1R. a, ISHO I OVEDFARIffE numberof the young an H RS'BOLT PAUS, AURn,3,-A�VD d QHEA? FOP. CASW I which he 1P confidentvIll give every spileactlon He ,old boys of this neighborhood assenibled 0 ()rtM 11 The Sabscriber has also received a splandidi pply -hns bad 30 years experlen& in mflli;g ari.a un, t�'h were, pabilkilly'afflieting, have becu'radleally of in such great numbers in SaffLOW.4eVerYOC, 3[tS4jrj)tdcrfUj jig' lt§p to cole'brate the 1111Ptialsof aoung man "OS t U11MUally TRE LARKST STOCK Il GODERICHN blinolf1hatbeissecondfoxitifie. -Fh�jiims�dothers e2 h tion efthe qPuntry -Iyuecdto 'Pled, in Pa roniz0blin Mayrely on'being falr)yd 41 of 18 who married a widow (if 50 - after NEW-STYLETWRXns be informed of its virtues or u;emli the usual festivities vliFere overthoy adlotirry 3Cji&XLC31rm. 13 no A" 070r 1131S &0 tylitch hells and rocelyiiq a saniple of crefalous poison is cub of the moot deetructivii from -'Pain. ed tt) i""hOJ'Istice'Shop where NEW French Merino .o. best asliorted'sto& in Goderieb -ed to inake to order pronlutly and fashionagly!rOP-r- FLOUR TkIA CANT IB u, this lagift-and unfelt nesslava dlsea"o'nfinb4flul yoars.and lr al! 371cyard. to 130 laudermism the constitution, erdinary pq7U.5' 3, after patient hearing they were told that ea ckafenfeeblingorfataldispusesp they owed this corporation each for VE W Clan P:aIds 19c to 70c' GOVD FIT GUARANTEED -EXCELLED. excitw wsuaonofftpresencei Again INTER N641, PP�, Per yard. Tha ('111EUMST STOCK in GODEHICH. eei Wr � tAe- young and $4.60 for the old fellows. tobk i it tbroughout the b6dyi-14jia All, 4pasms. Crnm?.� 'STAN' ANJUIMS it, some.favorable occulon,rapidl 02 NO BALE. , 0 develob affording IN Busuircis-Busittess here is tolerably SZ19cefll cloths;-Beantl- e -or other of Ito bideousforms, elt erohthb Metivith the same t.-CaM.Mt Ibat t110 whi3O Ail goods. 7 - �a�y largely and In the best market ABRAHAM The UnhercomingtoGn4erlehAvill 11sidittoblRadvant- j1hrW6 Or among the, -vitals. In the latter, tubez- the builders,t1imuch lbeiT jiijoinnu? J, in. The NEW SergPsi Feepps & Ln%t'res- ge to bring his wheat for gribting and his come i3leg , -may'be suddenly deposited In the ;ungs or Tojeelvd, but that aftermaxda b6came thohctL4 brisk, cinsiderable grincMiUgg J_ G, DETLOI.& 00. harvest in this see tiOn is not lip to the ve� cheap. t4erefore, are able to sell at the lowest pricest' Aqent for the grain for chopping to the UsYt;'W tamors � formed jfi the li'ver, or it -phows coraer., on the akln,orfoufulcer� aver%ge. NEW 13 lack Lustres 174p to So TIM per yard. STEAM TAILL 'ald bu-ao`idbVrtothebod� Hence theoce-a- A CURE k097EVERY 0 WARWS UVENILE KC�LtSs Will 'Ve FAMOUS RUL1AB4AjVj u"tift ttleofthlB arsaparillaiiia& q a In alinost all cases nttriuers will got thell, vbable;,even when no active. uptems4ofiliseasd concert on Friday evining the 21 J NEW Black Silks from 80 et%. `11NA Aktribudow tliruup'hout. till nal J?a -.t) AS iust., -. B I'Q IINZER SEWING �tLACHATNEpe r1h( c4o - yard. zMar folloy t'; Person#.AMctedv1 0 111 - t@ gen,!V in Knox's hall. GRISTS HE DAY . Vpcoin his marvelquEr refitedy is,due s muOl to the 'I And Immediate ration and direcMull-al; cure, by e7 uare -Of IMs Q�1H THESA., NEW GIlk POplin Dresses prices Goderich. 23rd Au.-. 1870. w4 N. B.�-All Grists w - 61ghedboth in -an t. REPAirts-Our sidewalks on Main street toscinee.. t' A"UOnyAr 'Vre,' RQab br -VMs"-"t1a8# of this MerVelOUS li-no"Vii *it, 11 Rre under going thorough repairs. r_V IT 30Z 3M a W C> C XCL Town'Oustom rehr.eetfully- r4plielted, and ofders care Xettm!, Bat le dA Ah. ]-A S 0 frillyat 01 Highest cash price for koTe es, isors Fdrs-,and'46thereruptions. r that h, 4, % ad eye. pKisted. 11int or thc'LA yisible;E11 f 5=10 I', sease, Also 1p the disco.01je�q j6 Ito heVended to. rms 0 PI LE Of scarlet Flannels from -ND--? NEWBOOK6, concealed ft A young wan, named Lapoint, work I A IC ILL CONVINCE ALL 24 v ing 16 cents. J.B. OMEUVILUE 'ere fill � argiXF Medica, or the skill f tt luesl iiiinruir nu the� Intercolonial Railway, Was iuz�antl is W Ileart Diseasep :� 58ylepera y GodorIch Sept. 9th, 1870. owo-tf -and t4e various V1 I VC killed at Black Poiut� 8,;pt 28, by the fall PII:ES of ]Fancy FlannelS from Oc 01180fAP-MuEcu Ethe, Morphine. Opluni. wo-d I -Pain: h;il tits' ­ 'I , "', krouldcause 86hilis terVeneftal and -ed with tafett by thd -ed ovejr� 4,0� of a bank of earth which lie was ereg i5 cents yard. BU jarAdnervdusMtems. orth 8o, -re t)diDs could be us a:ff THAT T E GOODS ARE THE BEST are cured by it, though a long in excavating. His body was te;;111 P I L E: .9 of Wi nvey,4 from 6-6 yard gtheBeobAWAtem&Udiek�van3��ediclub. Public. y PILES of Wool ShaWls fronik Not) TO PLACE TO" Y But long continued use of this sn�dlclne vill cu" ,crushed ; his horse killed and cart smash. $2.40 "ch. thecomplaint. JU�vorrh4wa-or-VAit",'Vtq4 0 ed at the same time. This is the 61-3t fatal PIL Bed Blankets from WHOLESALE & RETAIL Vicarations, and Female Diseqi0i aft'doti ES of *RAWN accident in connection with the railway YOUR ad and ultimatelicuped by Its un or all itrow5 ike mlraoavud $1.90 pair. sqon U vc� n , g and Invigorating effect. 3firinte Dlrec- works in this country. J. G DETLOR & CO 'T '"E"s- V11a] 0AW401R1111_K:,S 6- case an found in our Almanac, sup' Lono Faces-" Brber,-" said a farmer ALL GOODS SOLD plied jtheumatfsm and Gout, when slcKfisssli Goderich Oct. I Ith) 1870. W384 can by aeou ulgitions of extraneous matters to his tonsor, 'now corn's cheap,you ought AT LOWEST CASH PIUCES. A Beautiful Assortment IS AT THE In the bibodf. molo, -renvit;'nn C1 kindd Zerw to ik as also Z(ftr mot, oulv Cureii Paini but,will-pre to shave for half price.' Can't, MrJones,' aintill; Rg ongestionorXnflam- -nus that are coutagious, or UAl4T1V-t!i f JOF of sich said the man of razors. 'I ouht really to R. B. 8MITH, STAR OFFIO_� --BOOK TTORE- ma oftbe- Dtino0keri.p. - - - .... -,. 14 th often db thg ' Rrif goisons in the JEWELLERY OF ALL j.1NDS whero the larrest and cheapest fitock is to be found. bloo- a great To- brOZ4:11t �-b �T ctiarge more ; for, when corn's down, Goderich 7th Oct-. 1870. aw-1 _A44 - T stores, for the strength 'and *jkor -of the systeriL ECEIVEI;, Those who are Xa7uid atid' 3%dleas, Despon- As Pain It 17 it'.6keels all rdwcilw vaents, YBOING-TACKLEOPI. KINDS, CONSISTING 01i, 'he d6trom iii; %TL -11 zs -50 and when lirst 19a ilviedl t M b twice the around to over.' F0 It T"70 JUST It farmers inake such 1011r; faces tha-tI have LOOK OU" ofR)98, LINB§. HAND N873, BASKETS, &e. people The Rev. 'G - Abbs has been cordbaly and to be sold Rodsfront 25 cents to85.(,0, and from Ofeet to 20 feeL hmh at ottawa. ThE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY OHEAP AT 113UTEEIVS. length, welcoaied by the NI. E. ID : Op d TWENTKI)ROP ditutaillin oFILke 'Olt An Indiana voilth wants to match 'him. RODS TOR"ME. self to eat for �200 a side� Job Moses' Periodical Pills. B F�SIVIILENCES AWD Pj. Z. C. AN= vo., Zowen IMS111111162 Fishing Tackles, F ALL. KINDS, 33ONSISTING or Dr. J. Bri-_-, Throat, and Lang Beater is piea�an rVHIS [,W REELS, Asia ben Tr RAD!VAY, t.3 t&ke ani nnsarp3ssed for its efficacy in cunn& ALUABLE MEDICINE ISUNF-ULING GREAT CLEARING SALE40- Uods repze� atr,-osouable Ivw0kcaVand Asw0im? Ch—iets- i1320Y B A. in the cure of ail those painf.,l and dAngrenjus BASKETS, thousa&_i, nnd ifiilliw�s fron) h, Bronchitis. n. - Sold by Dru=ists. distmses Co which the fem%le conslituLton is**6bjeci. BAITS. Topthossiwh3 uffer from Carns, Bunion-% Bad Nails It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, HOOKS, pries. SOLD ;Dlr AXL 3)=GGIMA,1A,4A ffx&&Aj�. was that Divine Providence inspirad va to.'seti Chilbintas. F'ncsted Feet. &c., try Dr J Briggs' Cur- and a speedy care me- be relied on. GEO. ACHESON ON THE MOVE. rth this great retncqyto and NORTH RUP&LYMAN, Newcastle, Out., -gecran the eartit. * 170 were inti;iyed s-Ithlaitli rative if ba_ -&Uv as directed, ellef is iramo- ?3tationery& Fancy Goods agentsforCanada. TO MARRIED LADLFA LINES ribility in savi* thblives, 6f all jl�qlza tlgaft!st 66 and =5 as--tain. Sold by ru;Vists. % M- Sold in Goderich by Parker Cattle and 1 Piagqes rind F It is peculiarly suited. It will, Ina short inne, bring TEWELL:ty IN WHITE, 33L&Cli. JET, -estIT6 a kind and the best skill Ruverior Jordan. Gardiner& Co., Ilayflald. James Benthu on the mnqjWj period with regularity. PRICES REDUCED FOR30 DAYS Rodgervilt. J.'Plabard Euter J 11, �Combv, Cli rLs-urance oforic dolinrsteturn.1evond ourlInfflait EXTr.Ac-r_I Mid that in Incipient Consumption, AND AIND GILT SETS Cheaper than and other liseases of tha Th�cat and Lungs. FELLOWS' These Pills should not be takeg by FemaZes durbig, the ton. SnaordLueknow X. Hi&bo�i SeAbrth, in the RADIVAYI$ -REDY itsl C031POC'.33 STRUP or hasdono won- FIRSTTHREE MONTRS ofPregnaitr, as they ars 211 Wayjor to the -,affiletedlivanam race, ro dem in resWring person:i sutfering from the effects sure to bringon Ifiscarriage, &W at any ot&,r time. they SELLING AT COOT ELSEWHERE. W -It are safe. of Diptheria. and the cough fol1owing Typhoid Fever. BARGAINS I BAIGAINO BARGAINS I I- AT BUTLHIV9. W- Dont forget to ca oxh XtWON LOLLAW 17?qjtTH, prevaieat in this it L% the besi remedial agent I In all Cases of Nervous a-ld Spinal AffiectionA, Pain in 11 at the STAL have ever E DWIN CLAY, Z D. ihe Back and Unibs, Falifue on slightexertion. Palga Goderieh Oct. 6tb) 1870. w38 -6m Office, Book Store. Pugwash. N-- S.. January 14. 1863. lion of the heart. Hytenes, and Whites. the'se 119 Goderieh, 19th Aug., 1870. Price $1-30 a b-)ttle; for 8 -60. Sold by apothe- W311 effect a cure wt -,n all other means have failed; wittout btio doliur being eenred by purebtise. cntt In caries and by F. Candill I& Co., holesale agents a d alihoush a powedul i;inedy, do not coniaiulir0n, CANCERONS BLOCK 3KING- I thtvildL WAR i'a VtVg it or i _6 21tintrea- caloaLel, antimony, oranything hurifulto the con SAW -SHARPENING. STON 87499T, TEI . an dffd1eV*4)1-IS6Q* tion. Maim A 9AWMrLL AND 60 ACRES OF IJAN 1), IN A Fulldirecti-ni; in the paniphlet around eae /IM L1. Township of Bentleck, o. Grey, 0 miles eas t o I bilts; were paid.vad wego. on�asuraaer trip down which she j ld be earefulir preservea. r[IBESUBSCRIBER BEIIS TO INTIMATE THAN Hanover, on the Smugeen River, whicl Is a large and is I fl. lAwrence, 6)pped o ver Sunday at the Done- Ltd Oidv oni5ted, tkere we tnit A G,- s-mmwx from Cis the SL h package. JL ever -falling stream The MU11 has been running-, for gaua Hotel, iuMitreal C. E , in the summer of 1866. J013 MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. he Is prepared to sharpen Baws ofevery description -Go Ach August Ist 1870, w-ts w n t. 131 0 C In workmanlike manner. All work entrusted to him ye g a, it bu Iness le ow on is During the day (Sunday) he was seized with Cramps. 81.00 and 121 cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop will be proi4p&ly executed i ar itin r, a there is a good nite for HAVE RE( CE7. 'VFD e4celleut fe e Mitig.g ent purging, &c_ indicating a disease & Lyman, ewcastle. Out., general aggents for the JA74ES BISSET, Cot g r . or lid * herP417tfuular' APP'Y to RADW YS.REAIX.�REMEF,. t d Cholera. He dispatched a -zerwant for Durainion, will insure a bottl3e,containingover 50 r-dis, TEACHER W&NTED raedicines to he drnggist ; but on Sundays those con- by return mil. Ooderich 3rd July, 2870. Fast streat. JOHN HUNT. and Ili marrelo-as curw It, effected in ARIATIc W244m* CROL RA, CHOLERA sirvatories oft medicincs are clused, -a poor show for 10 Aug, 1870. x729*%* ALIN4 rarl� P. 0 M S �, nil L111,10108' NORTHRUP & I YUAN, Dress Goods in erreat variety, Cheap ATTA0K8,DIARftIlEA,D SEX VERY --mid cvZwy these who get sich- on Sundays. 0 WA He wa..; constaritky growing worse. until his 'symp- Newcastle, U. .9geners. NTEDFOR S. S. No. ONF,,GODERICHTOWN- other disense pecullur to the Lount5gi cnnj climates ageniforCanadi, hip. A male Teacher. exparipuced holding I where it was toins became a2rin the m3nq r. 1P_1E?L1[1N9PS,_ycry C�oice, from 10 cents up, First. Class Certificate, One capable oflteaohing inutic Yellow uEed'ItuggoatedlYin 17ever, Im Cattle ano 1P catled on me I ti mediate- 13m Sold i a Goderich by Paker N ()OW LOST. -Strayed- from the premis- preferred. Duties th I"t (871 Ap. N RING SUMMER TRADE. Scarlet jWtve Itn e%poo a of R-ady Pedief, diluted in & Fjordan; Gaidine.r w Co., Bayt ild I James es of the subscriber, on - the on ply with -bir t. t w Henthum MUSLINS, Brilliants ana Xarseid Hur 4ndsL ti. y f t, IJ�A, .r�fibi a fe inutes, his coanten weiville; J . Pickardpl. teter . J.H. es ; Cot AC SALKS1I). Ro, Road, �ibout, Saturday, 24 Sept. a red cow, 'IN CIARX ance wore a lively and ple3sing expression. and he re- Combe, Chuton, S, cord, Lucknow; E. Hick4l j Alio Sfibserlber has now recAlvod a tiew and com-' anitit.6rievers hisgin this clO&Q4disonses iteur-e '.I e bettvr,' "I feel easy, ' "The wi4h large front teals the right one dry. Note stock of, Cfutlw, NelOns, bight TweeU 1CRUP, when ail others pmins and cramps are leaving me." -'A gentle heat is ROD. - Makings and Velveteens &JM.PORTE Trustees. marked. el much 3rufurth. and ll Aedicinta),ealers. w38 Wide Tissue h, AbE)ut 8 Years 01d. Any one givinz such 1Z C& gpreviling all over my liddy." In the course ofan hour, Goderich Sept. 20th 1870. W9-30 N tion as w1H lead to her recovery No Ivisdomf Provideneo in tole-tfl*ng the Inv -020 I gave him another dose. In on hour after that, he BROWN HOLLA s, verygoodgor 20 cents Infoama atehisdinner. tutheeveiningheattenledchureb.On tors; and Proprietors of this rewedy to aTkets CMTY.Out His will. invIneing an his return to Montreal tie called on me and stated that' C0111N HIN DESTROYER JE3C>40PrMJ9 4%3r -LCL 9BTTC>3ME *ill Ve auitably rewarded. GUINNES'$ FrOm the Best X eachf1lis peap. 3 crca ft::tc 40 HARVEYHOWE AND IN lof�all nations of the carth -who he believed Padt-mys RwAy Reliefs%ved his life. M [said sufficient faitli to vra4 for their 11 bread caA on J. RADWAX, 3L D *&tkft­t6 return h1rer-imany A Family Medicine, well and favorably known Goderich 4th'Oct. 18ZO. W37 -if tebt to spread out beforo the v&id tto richncss, on the first svmptoms of pain or uneasiness in the Dundas C' P0Rj The Most� Fashionable stomach or bowels, take a dose of Ixady &Ilef. this for the past ten yea rs. never fi,ling in a single U otton Yarn, white nd c()Iore(L UNIEBRATEDD B01 PATTERNS rity, and miraculous quichnesg of this rcnlcay, v.ill prevent att2cks of Cholers, Diarrhaeo, Bilious instance to give permanent rehe hen timely Goderich, April 28th, 1870. w43 FARM FOR SALE. TER. SuCti time that its WtM(I0rfcj A Colic, Dysentery. Fevers, &c. ebuld necessity -everynhere---shows UAtthoiz. sarsaparilitauRe-solvent 81 per bottle. 6bottles for used, and we have never known a single case struments 78elected for ibis Greet Wi3sh have d�s- 25 cts Par of dissatisfaction where I be direeti,.,ns have be,!n FiON THE MAXUpjCT ReadY Relief 25 ets Per bottle. Pills Gode_ _ JrU 19 PREPARED, AS HER 70FORE, T01MAKE: HIN one and a half intles of the Toirn of IMPORTED DIRE LL up the sanse on tho shortest notice. and.tkelo*-- rged their duties in this respebt.. Tlirciigh the box- roperly followed, bu;'on the eontrary all ate rich, eeing Lot No 6, 2d con Baylleld road 90 acres or, add sold extremely low by est prices. and in the latest style. Infallible eurativbowers of Ettdft�'ij RcadvSvjEet Dr Radway's Reptiedies are s6ld by all Drugguits and NEW DRY GOODS I I the people of -All nations There 60 acres cleared, and 30 acres bush of hard VrOD4, ]GEORGE GRANTi GRUCERI 1, Cnuntry 3jerch-tuts. and at Dr Radwav's. -Medical deligh:ed with its operations, and speak in the uc in all formsf lificT �&4Ts"a caj,-Aaari! a-. Maiden Lne X Y and 439 St kaul St at mv - eM*ojt to all XontreaL highe-st thrins of its Virtue and Magical effiects, without any waste laud. Thereto a house, good bara 4UG1 I DUX1t0P., NVarebouses, ek, well watered by a sprhig creek. WEST SIDE SQUM,'� ODF&IOH- r andLiuperiorhenilo ,I�W fle_�d False and True. CArfADIAIVPAIN DES 'and stable, a very flue orchard which yields sa*ral ,�eud o e 1�twr stamp to Or J Padway & Co., 43D St TROYBR A CHOICE SELECTION of NEW.and,BEAUTIA7UL GOODS Is JUST TO HAND hundred-liti.bl. of first class fralt yearly. Thiv is a PAICE ONLY $1.75 PER DOZ. BOTTLEL X-er,chant T;ilor, 4"wonloritselfareputl?tion,asa blood pun frable property, convenient to a good ma at, the great rqtRo 61 �Pains. 4thc-* 31ont,real-information. Worth thousands Wff (Next door to ilis 'Bank -of Montreal, Paul St., fi ei �­hlterative stomach ton a, unsurpassed in the =be sold cheap a% the proprietor Is givin up Ailments, &c.. that Iladway's -lie teRier-ourt be, seat Y012. 9. a portion of th has e time vnd morlouce V o 0 =5T histosy ofmedical preparations. It seldomtails JOHN HARRIS, ariete only a me" WEST STREET, GODERICEE, quirsil down, balance on ress" O.M1. tlin; F(,r SAYEST 00 E f to cave Dyspepsia, Liver Complainix, Indfgbs,, Goderich, Aprill2th1870.- w12 -rti- IN EIRLY. CILL SOLILITED. "- Agood work -man, wanted Immediately. or. Itis the elieforiamophilom- tion, Heartburn, Sicl; Headache, KidneyCom- culas* apply on the premises, or to G X Truetaim, __jL VZVElt AN# Ale GoderichAprLI 7th f that corns -came into the world plamm, Acaf Stomach Phthisicor Asthma, and rAnd n Goderich. W99 -t SePt. 8 '; with tight boots, th 1870. :Pd that they were, totally unknown to the aumentS, as restores to vital activity the system deblAit,ited -so-ita i To be Hid in Wood or Bottle CHUN AND FruVUnj feet- it is doubtf0a whether the whole Roman NEW BOOKS FQA SALE-- they wore sandals an(tother yieldlog coverings for the bysuieringanddisease. emplre while it Its magical and a onderful success in curipg ,could have produced a single com or bunion, a- sudden colds, Rore throat, Coughs, Dipthrria ROUGH BRED 1111171dIAN 13TJLL FOR SALE PROMPTLY SUPPLIED. is equally certain that thore. is no.nivintion ofa, chboli op TIO -calved Aptil lot); SiGNOF THE,- W mam Yorkshire 1-aVred and white. b tfie iriprld- Thereto no Alrai dist in We read of no chiropudists 14 the Pains in the side,lwns and back. neuraigia,tooth A COMPLET Fj ASS 1868, bred by Charles Tayl9r, Brantford. Got by'Alfred --Godericli Sept. 23, 1870. 0 0 = 0 All this provs3 that acho, rheumatic and other pains in any partot 51W104f 0 C+ pfellartition IS Wsparpearlst aptoldenits OF L133 4540. Dam Flora, by young Tweedsl.de ge0l. 5280, =Hke rig aceination, are modern the body dna from whatever cause, has given iA D. Alice Gray. by young Wallington, 4530. G. G D. 43 C 13: inventions. Althongh the varions ailineuls of the feet will, cure thisiiesecto so safOy, an a place ur every household and is fast superited- Cater -911 bY Cataract, $6, &C, 4c.. sop HordBook- 0. tive. Sold by all an very tro-ablesome, yet theyare easily dispoRed THE WHOLE Or MONEY TO LEND ofty log all.ot'her preparai ions of the kind. rric.6 09 sees. 203 B It Is also an vflec lual and prompt remeJy App using iDr. J. Eri=s' Modem Gum for ON EASY T-SHUS 4ear 6. ou an F. Prost Bites, Crampa in the Stomach, Diarlicea, Oct 8d, 1470. IfTdORPORATED] wimm -2864 druggists and at Dr. Brlgg�e off C 21calds, Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Chilblains, DICKEN'S, WORKS ly to ja', scor"w"t wawan' Y., and No. 6 King Strut, We-3t,_Tor011t0. w87 -lm*- u iue, Arsente.. 0, Ur 0 le i w ;m y V. to 112 'of ai-ted- States have colned sine Lnolera mothus, Billions Cholic, Cholera Intau- JUST TO Wb',ft ures Ind 0 1 n 1 0 112 of the U i--r.fhr­u ' rel , 'run - The Xrtnt3 #orged-liver. fat, sylocn. i r ered i tioni manced. operatian-It(so-seveatV years.)the jum. Oysentery, &a. HURON & ERIE T Inp ID12 �rl amount of ZI;Ait hundred Million dollars. about Price only 25,cen er bottle. -Thore'vRents novprcurc� utt, at ey i 0; 1p =,lea HROP 4. LYMAN, SAVIN49 & LOANSOCIETY. disease, whereat fth of the whote metalic eurreuqr of the world, I - of which asnoz at 37 Aw � .0 . )qo,aoq,600 has been derived froin Newcastle. C. W. cApirAL . . 0 - - their ot;7n mines ; ve are not writhout mines, but General Agent for Canada. $700,000. R"WA-rS while wt feel th.at they will not produce so much gold, fnH18 SOCIETY ADVANCLIS MONEY ON:SECU- aided by t;hfj war we h2vp the pleasure of knoNiu.- there is a sovere "-,%Id in Goderich bV Parker & Call le and 10,0070LUMES .14 4 rity of Real Estate, 'and on TOM verY f;Lvorable cases,butwill remedy in the '-Can--Alan Pain Destroyer" for= F. Jordan; Gardiner'k Co. Bayfield; James tj borrowers, Acuo -And ulf alKer. F crop. void -P, rhauniatiRm. neuralgia, tooth -ache, &c. Sold Of The Cottagei Ubrary CL -oat) Z Cont Bottle of ITentbam, Rodgerville; J . Pieklard, Exeter; J. H. MoNEY TO LE*ND OLAWYERS'100STSAR19MIARGED. by all Ifedicinet Dealers, at 25 cN per bottle. Combe, 0(intoo; qeeordp Lucknow; E Hickson 0 MONEY ZaAxuKZT- lzxf-arta and aft Medicine, Dealers. W38 S E 33, J. DO At Greatly reduced Rates of Interest. SbcllitY Pays Its Soricitoes Charges. Any ntin f IZOR ov V046F,-frOm 8200 ullwam, Is 'lent A r any number of JUST REOMVED & OFFEBED 440) TOM. from One to-tifteen. Money may be obtaWd at Oct 10, 1870 HE undersigned b4q'aziy amount dfimeney to, loan Any -time -With little or no delay beyoud-the thile ee- fs better as aVura for -,'All Fevets Exchange. bu i at STJ AT T -st 0 led.In. invest[gating the title and preparlog-the AttockB.Ac., Than tchoo q inino from two to fifteen 7,edia, at4lowrateofinterc n Ovenbacks and ew York tg4 ej the apst of Cholag ca. 4-e-, $1 large at 6 -X at and favourable ftrin o repayment, payable by yeirly which is,paid by tbodotnety� ellef is zood for Itundreds.0fe Rellin6 at 931. Silver touving Austalineutsrateofexpenses will defy conipetiton. t fulfatuountorth b discount- Small--buyi9gatlo;sellbog at7<Us- bE e loan is advancea-ad deduction fli1t3beso Rre not. made for conimbision or ot4gr charges. which Onc"&xnntl,�pltle pf HORAOE HORTON of add po materially W the co8tof a loan &din FOR rji Gold opened at Ili$ : and closed at" 1q RXBIAN OIL AT Appraiser for the Canada Pe Qt r Societies or from I isidlyl4u4iii. Tjre borrower can oqual i)f llafiqt ; Rd sdj;cr10 hi re his loan by yearly, half -yearly. or Tnon tory dud a half with excellexi- 144 tf)tt es o o :o Ve MOORLIOUSEs ly pay- fralne Itonse of one a 11 f k = THE MARY%..ETF- FOR HORSES CATTLE. manent Building & I Savings Theariodical-LinstmIments lucludelbesides Agaiden, futbe centre of tlff�sajt vells in tht T4ivn Bnjbro8adow, Phnireas .. pjl,jot In rest, a small squi fdr arid -they � am io oftoarich, and fernicaly loe6u�ltd by Wr (Pdtles be PW .. 'Society. of Toronto. theijo rcmcd�es ficiva t, r SMITH HER LIBURIES Jed that by-theirpayment t1ja debt Is -entirely ex- M0Vullen, For particulars and terms of sale ouclufre t11!i9hed, aq(j the inortpge 41[54haVed the end %of of the REN, C..,VLETCHE Et. RcUer, f4r Z Goderich,00t. 11, 1870 ftqtihi;v!�. $1.00 Q 1:10 A NEVER FAMING REMEDY Vall Wheat ............ The Largest and bheapest dsatiftmenh INSURANCE OARD, th time stipul4taa. Gddench AeRt. 23rd, IS10. siviosm ceriM.'ns borrowai t6tilis wo tor livill mcuff rbievk&, .-Spring Wheat ...... 1:60 0 1:05 The Subscriber Is agent for the following first-class 06 Oess. niid tab be urted fof The rdino V a nl - West of Toronto' on which a LiV2 lnsux'Aince Compani-es -he PaYA'466.70 each iedr, and at thend of th t 8 VALUABLE PREPARATION COXHI P --f Flour ............. :*- 6.0 ca 6-00 t1l, - tXqAtline his Xortg&gb Is - �al ofE-The rapidly In- TWal e.medichial virtues of these articles which kHOENIXof London, England. WOf business of this Society is iGkNTS,W,&WTZD. Zat� .................. 0:30 0 0:30 on- empenen;,e has pruved to posges-tbe most safe and eral discount is allowe� to HARTFORD of liartford. a 4v r the best indication of. withwItichkis -ty . . V§ r rogared - the arming .1 -;,, peas ............ 0:50 (�t 0:52 eiircient ruipe es, fof vic cure of Flesh Woands, Sabbath7 Schools PROVINCIAL ofToronto. and Its poulgrq .,vitil b6donle greatr as JLttaoiw vrlb�ojre 0. nfi-Z %IMM611; -fits systeniflendingbecoT4e bett _55 (jk 0. DRITISH AMERICA, of Toronto. WANT agen& both T�p al and Trdveling in all V, .60 Sprains, Galls of all kinds, Cracked Reels, (24 0-40 al Poisons. Scrat�hes or Grea.e, Strains, Lameness, it the lowest of the Roinihiod lo'9011 An article that Rv,6 6ftY Barley RingBone, Spavin. Callors,Fiatula, Sweeney, Int�ra- �rlmown am9unttetsinoa ayth4o-sniau pay ' I' 1!�i Potatoes .............. 0-35 -Marine business done - 'I tnentTtf, "rincipa IbiJ iLP a -ed in and will 'lie used in every bo aded -yearly instalinelit, tlo-bo;4�., 4eedent. It is reqiih -C.20 Mange, Wkitlo%vs, Comil, Sand Cracks, Foundered IN100RHOUSE'Si &ILY, and without - 'Aff -Stnre� Resffienee, Work� shop, Kitchen, Pdblic 11alls - Feet orn Distemper, Swellinp, and many other trouble, pays ftf h lRadw. f ---------- ----- 1 10; t% - 0:16 AORACE HORTON SvOidingthe risk oflosing-his Proptrt34 which tooften Charchestayrd -streets. I give exclusive rights to happalia when theprinelpalfatW due getits dnkl pay. a liberal commission. so that any man. LA 4FFORD 0:00 whiA horAt­s and c ittle are subject to. alarge'sumat 8 � W EASE.- 9:oo 0-a 1.n This celebinted Liniment ha- been used for many -Europe of., aff thQehdof-th6fi3r4 He can Atany time. p2Ly effbis otrdinary business habits cai make atjoast Vivo per IngabMstion bfthe 00 yearg, and i1s; camtive �roperties thorDughly tested, Large sbipments from Office Market Squavoi Goderich. loin madvauce on levoiahlb 1;rms (*1dch'cau-be set- mOntll- 5- -apost and most re- Sept 26thi 1879. 11ides (green) .......... 5:00' - an, it t3 conceded to be the che tle-dat any mouthi Adress o8i 6 Inp the 131liddm ............. -wood 2:50 2*75 ablerainedytor all external complzuritsever offiered 16164 of lneOtioxby�the Direetors.buthe.- % application of the ra%verj an&,,Intee6t,,-at six %LanunatJon ofthe BoWelip P,. - Beef, per ewt . ..... 5:00 7:00 flittie pablic-it never fails when timely used and P"Ir Box 515 or so. so Faut 11ttedt. fe cent. perssittulawillbealloWed faithtally applied. SrjV.A_�r11C> crine Vork .................. 00. Tdbelhad ot all DFugists and Country Merchants 4 v -Ist.6th . 9-00 (a) o: $ore throfzghout the Dominion, price 25e. per bottle. lip out. Chieken3 per pp�= ...... 0.30 0:30 will shortly to to hand Selit. i6th. 1570, Uystvacf4l NORTHRUP W LYAIA aOfllqc� or by ietterj)oalstd, add ess'ed to 0 1 '6ni'auk of the clety'v,�Alu#orsl 00 0-03 .,.,s affproprietors AT STRAlt CATTLE. wool ................. 0: Ne CH 9 Sheep 3-00 4:00 Sold in Goderich dy Pa cattle and F �Y'A , 0 '�i -, 7� Indiactimg Valuatex at- Eftaelvii. Umb3 ................. 2-00 (q,) '2-25 Jdrdun; Uardiner & -Co- Bavii, , Janies MOORHOUSE'S-, STRYED from the Premises. of iho- qubs"r, U)t P riday ille I � I . 10; 6 con., Ashfield, about- the and of May -8 bead 0. Bentham, Itodgerville; J. Ftekard Exeter N Afoorhouse is the onty- DIJMGT Jmpor-. V 26fh- da .55 ofeattle, consisting cof 2.tvro year 61d steers (I brind, Apple3 ............... 0:50 a . T J. R. com0e, Clinton ; Secord, Lqe -British Writing Aud Roora: Paper* In the led with widesat horns andfho otheired and white- OR -CHAMMBE f3j Agup,0114, er Of Goderi& Sait, wholemJp, f o -b. peir bb a, -Seaforth, and all Ke4ice t IN W Adicust A now; 9, Hickso County- with � hornsurned In) and- 6 one veir olds (8 P cifer&2 V. C. STROW11 CY -tha Ile, - -gets.) Anyone Ry r ? The lipplicatida'of tily perrat., 131:20. wt- Goderich Sept Oth. 1870. XW5-tf stedri` and I Imll ad..wltb� white !parls, 1wh6re tho'paln cr difliculty ext--ij, jr,.11 L fc,4' such inrierinatitifiatwill-46a itbeir recovery i and lifabblia 'it L ttb1jr'rdiFd.d! SOHN EEL[% Ellis and 20 wailA, IG * TkiaAfloonfal lu '%V*tW wl ''I Vam and comfort FO lu l� I Sale Register. .? per, will, !A a feX)r=oj;;VVte, cure Hazielturstv FAUX FOP. F)Aii A-shileld Sipt. ;tfij� 11870'. Pimgaut03Ui*o' 0 ltqakiono ot NTI Td, post Farm, for sale, Nov. 5* at - 32 61ock -DAV ballf ofLot 4, 11 eon. Colborne. near as Nile, =onaf Isabella Ellti. and the iffidmlis-,ortfie jW"XVAVXjr1 � RICK- AWXP.&A'AUF$ -STOM pXjjVjgAr leared. A sinall dwelling house. The MARKTWAI 9 FIRS TOR I !nt - and -oil Jofin Ca(_T4I Maedmald 'rty jVj 12Q acres c -ple. A ca, 4 It 18,6ider6d that'the Ii6ren&pt 3xoon. at 4uctiOn ROOM. wood outho uncleared portion to Beech and M Mring- creek runs through the lot. Apply at the 1NNO0ENS ABROAD aings %varldxdo�!�4 .1qr_ of Hotel, ST FART'OF LOT 9 I,kj�l SA6RZ BOA -D,- :mObIdATiPRICES A" 01ONST"T 3jecciab6ruext,'4iA*er or p of Ashtleld, Co. It ton. 1.�ont4lnt 79 ister... R FITZGERALD. 171t (2 ift tuo Dowels G, IF, Truman's We I&eg EDIT1014 acres, about 90 cleared. -_ T1 01vtLITY. 3 Proprietor. 003aME [to above lot fe situdI2. is ties from Goderich and 3 'from,,Port Alliert. where aw nia Eftccn 5!A"Vd Eyuitt, X jitit W tb I f OCT. �otq. Ioft8&91.B&y' Sept 26th, 1870. _U AT there are Grist. And Saw MlIsStdres' �q.- Itistimber- quic Iv curd At BWW.d, 2 Far. I Of U We iifid Cholera, field P Z07,; P-P82t3 RIttenbury, toad, Stan' aple;beech. ash, elin; hemloeg with a,quafitl- PN. Intiffm4obtalti iw itiled w mt, -yarm Stoek -Sale, Lot 2& 5th Con. W&WIn- d. -#- -;dahHeIP& S ]DEPOT e. There is anew _n "Cdurt.' ATTLF, (;ONE ASTitAy. TELEGRAP111" INEW t fbttible cedar on the lake bank. Thd Uxeg 3� GSS- djib agalustSlou, 4 -4 A'a4 containing ;Kffl 03h. e3tatOlDfisito-Iffew ftmer eottage, IS hy26 stotlids high., qi; s ewIr 3 19UL_ToVM 4� Park Lots in Clinton. PrOporty of 5 rooms. �and a log statilwon the lot Immediate Von. maybeefttiff tdori I I 1UNE to, theF premises of the undersigned about )08 a 10a, , IteliefWiffi fhem,L "A fo* (Yap's kj 24th May last. two belfera, between 2 , an 3 yea" NEW EDGER, NEW stissiou ein be given. C6 -I=& at xtrL Goderiellt. 'Wilikun -knested to prove An at j- ' . - lcwhfflhem s at oe pipeT Fsq. near Godeilch Mills. old. The owoeris r Prop rty, pity w1wums $.Is ?t OF offue ord WXtg.at CH'SILVIDY ion EjTrf!vA forT&e3 Courtirouse Goder- ex YORK, W $706 c6h & 4 heL balanceon time. Thereare2b itm- the City-tifforcdo. AMES =A J�UNC AS :T0V.23.-9A1eof`L3nd3 _pewes and take them away. Mrs GEO. ALLSWORTH, Lot 1 5 and& a the baldhie is Cho - ed ItI14- ly 1pggm a -AN Lst con. Stanler. con, Goderich Te�rdshlp. HarpDrld .Weeklk liader fe'. 0=8 WAYIS 91 -Ab AM to London noj4 r ,oderich 5th Oct., 1870. FLE P Kingebridgeor anthe premises.. *6.AA RFjTff A" 1,01i Oct 3rd 1870. GNIV101 Market Squarai G04eridh., FOR MIS: week at -.-the M A 4A Xt Goderich, on 3d October, Dfis John -r o oxwE iuhiustmt tetween Mrs. blielef Lightlinnse .266 11970' -ore and the A Dral JND , %.9 - ant&-titeelf ille JU'CopfeetlaeryLSt air. EG'R N-Zws� Story, f a dauliter. I EL IAiAl 114itlartf,". txde 6f'W K, L -TR �.31�rroco Parse coiltainIng n;l6nsy ft gold. and onin or _'CROU y- '7 lrc1c`�Itoth5oowuer. P!4der*ll reeelveil;6yarewar& .,w E attarted DiiD- 1. 1 ))1;P0 �,THIVLO=ON it 40 G,'F STEWART. U7 . I Me 6rfa;qe_jtdtAtt1Cu8r arc 6,0VIII-ca vi! On Pap ers, at ff OA x4co Get your Stitioneri, N Rai 111paj.; �ADIXB SWI, SEP CLE;A-" I I" iz Z, t; 13 t, 1870. ow in neaf Dungannon, & I aaderfoli Ser AL h X6�� Oct.', Mrs NV Ann it the If e P a Thandijr, 6th 401, 0 ra ye, HER WANTED, 01co 0" 2M r f vist stock -in towi�' to �61i6 cUefhas 11i'dis, UubbVr TZAC ofth'e Moptr COX &.;MACDON LD'S Z�,�6QAI o ade a4 - P U TEORAPH16 110MML wy, -XivAj, of A 72 O0I&$ECT1051;O&WF real_Telegr 'WTH&rLicE Toou�- --lZoltef, r WA tt�,Qo IV' 870, Oan o"Ply I A" % F'jAti t=rlesi�edinale Teacher holdi�g a first- .--UjLr- , , aT16 !T�Wjjiap1fleb#titute�"TUo dnly feprAe�fitNW Dutjep� to eouinieueA compaup 1 41 15Y 1kaiii, on.14, January.1 t� .-BROOM 0 _0DL HEAP -Boi) Ure. Wi.1 F -'.o fou X Polished. ' 4 . . AppIrper8o94Vv�tlft4ttIM0W31ta theTrustflik' 'yHj ouble Zn=t'lly- a sb&idr plan z'of F Actual Business Ttqrohgti ins TUIg tructloll VE I. Y--$ , U T NALD; Badness Corns Abose -0 Wigh tO#YlhQ:fOUndatkll�4qtSOUlabUiii-! 4T AM '11111040- Ask fog AYAWAyV CIDO Seit. in Com dto, inercial IAw, Arithmetic. LIST OF ZFWTERS;_,�.,� i0IIN' HAUL pondence. Penmanship Bankint,-Tslo - hidg;' ROVISWJVS�'$Uar idd Feed delive' af� My ad. �ns Pd4oUlbsit JAMES AIA 0 1" a t 140 SPLENDID -STOCK p Shbit 3W144 Handwriting; ikej ai, Vorilint&nfation, The 'Pr _aq rd departmentji'le John otinter-) 1K,; U 7"Ont. 1870. linsilme: J*here wh Studqjit pejqrms 411 the r6i; O ]IROOX CORN World;,, - . --chris .1 _Q -h as'lin - & of cq!e�lan o 'Pon " imbu anddraringnote at Vash Valli ReGuij� X18i 42.dwtee wor'k.,jew Dlffioltiffoh d -Par ershlf.- I JONES&' nFARM _F0F1 of a 0 8Woikman1,­ ftion withthis del," 0PPjW _t e 'bank notes, irb-, le -Is XccaanU*X# �pfadqq, 0 #0- OT1CkI5HERZBYG4VB1q A RT- and44.,prepar"to-dauver lhrovsh* x4rou, ti _ UTH XUALF Cr Lor I&COIT. T ';"VVA 17 Robea NeXabou 16151 jq4o�. AS Perfsetjajt5`06tL;jjs as tdi _t:, bffit orptil! NeXell U6 sit Wawatiosh, County ofHormix will 70 Nuership heratofoj�as%fsting 4tweeii the uilersig- I PT of bill zed as 1411lers andjUwyem fe, the Vil*&,o&F;q la , t :, - XeKay John reel. by publie auction without reserve bY -INSOLVENT- 86 Thora(Mll fibipigck(ld iriforttCOlegel; s,,, (4) a one under thestyle and tirm f rjVjR[oAj_3oN, and Ad ALT 1 01 9.' CrAb4ohli r, McKay jolm hurstathis auctiouroo)ns;xtGodarf*,, al I � Xr. B. plazle rq*11 thia,day d1sWlV6d'Uy'Xdt_1 ' , _ % � -L I � � 1, a Penoon WXXam XcAbe, Xary.T- )THuroft on Saturday the 5thd*yofNoyeTrf- Co" 1; A:S-D =YUS 'a county t as*L I$ bjae, go Consent-- Alldebt* due thessid, arit* THOUT9 T oideck noon-- Th od ld _�uutr, ' L' ' orOrAta, t UJUAIX Roderich Xe:effdes Rev.101 1, 111111i tfe to 01r T., MtIOUS GRA -Proili" of it Vie couto Court; or - " L I I I - selit, 121h.Ino. -364M her ISTC-At 19 JAMWTH031SON, who will Se tle.04 lit'61 tfelof ]EEOW-EL11. tonncftiLn i6lb frgyns b&W; orebsird, and somo timber ott-the-pranifsef Dated 10�iYAeldtW $&d*yofQ0tob0, othe $sins. Xd hi �f,* - =d other* � i 1'�f . 4 1 � 1. =4 75 ivf;ft rwey day. O'Breen'llannah -which, coutaftLbout. W acres; and are, distant-ftom A 1) fo lifle _e4 ontbe,X(irtherss Gravelrogd, about,12_ ",pirc asing fs1sewhe to.. ILSIS F . . . t- . ­ .. ra , chiod, n. WA -VM TH03(SOX. no;$ ' I �­ - _- I AreViliald, � _ f . � - IWAer OF of 13[utin) Strachan t about udW . Possession Alhied. L1101d. 4T'L miles and from Godeirip No 15, Gtidaicb�'To!jWp tb Smith D jSivenatonm TitlaguaranteetL TeMaotu4s.400 0' COW WST., X= Simpson Wrg* Ar 40ORS48 U]V1C0FVHE.' ounizenco lint January. 1871, FOR SI&' 3[cK"tdeAb1A&U . to be paid tfwwofxale� the balance on One Ye , "our- FlIsLION A - " 11, , . L -I' _. , - ' , I . -, McCaw Mt M Withrefereneto fhe above thi subia�'begs to N Tuejday lifi%6tith day T1 �the ttb $ept.* A cbm caftiltato pre& A- AL 911AIrt A James ot. the promises er.approvedJo%t �t%: 9from ooderich mrod, _i say that he will herekiter, caM --=deresptd*Wjjppry'to.thft jlfte�-6f"Said_ k0ail red.& ��e thickstrafght borg9*- MaIntymA. 51141th SArah Mrs wlth� *nTinterest. olithe business on life 0 )wn &=ant in all its departinsats, an Zourt fer* Aischargelander the Wdja wiluaraou Mrs- 7or farther pirtleulart apply -to P. E10178011 Of 4 douldrospaot-'_, Me -0WX M YOM Old- i6iT 0116 Iftymig Info "Atuou ZrX ab'Foe 2tCKae Annie t aeon Inuati A 0 P lilil;patroup, �RCIL_ 'ch *1 X10 2 *oderl -t W&Ikgr X John- Mrs WAlksrton. Solicitor. Or tu: Z HAZLIZHURLT, fully 5011c' t 0 f u �V-RAWCl$CA9UD4T; 7"dingtoker in be XaMI&E jDtidb Sept loth lgrq, jW12 oct 8% M It W oemed turn ��se4 tb rruptl , urifibd and ast; gn kiR R H 2i -a to d ornm 6 0 ty fir., t up u