Huron Signal, 1870-01-20, Page 4An Aff-otionate Fite. A few yeare since I passed the summer' with seine fi lends in Michigan. Soon af- ter my :irrival I noticed in the yard a pret- ty little pig. He was about as large as a cat, very clean and white, so that I was qnite attracted to hini, and would often atand at the door and watch him. One day as he came and lay down near nie I took up a stick and scratched his back,- and from that mement his atten- tiens tee were most amnsing. The moment I appeared in the do wway he would rim toe ards me and. beseech melee . every method known te him to repeat the process. This favor he never expected or asked of any one else, distinguishing me fronn all the others instantly, -and in any disguise of drese. He fnlIeweit me about the premises' like a little dog, and in spite of natural antipathy to the race, I was cempelled te accept him for a companion. There was one window at which I often sat 'Wlar don't the girls go Westt ' ia the with my sewing.. Piggie found me oue questien asked by a correspondent of the there, and would ale ays come refund that Bostnri Journal, wbo cites statistic* to way, lingering and grunting, and waiting prove that in Ohio there is an excess of to be reeagnized. When I condescended to 40,500 men, in Michigan 40,000, in Cali - leek at him, he would tip his head on one fornia 343,000, and in other Statee similar side, and turn up his eyes at me, in a most proportions. In - Massachusetts on the efimical, languishing, and loverlike way Hie eetraordinary attentions made a great deel ef flue for the family. I remember eine day my aantirer was passing the front deer, which stood open, when he espied me in the bae..k pert of the diningroone- In the most eager and delighted manner, he woe° awing through the hall, and frisked abilut me in a e ay that displayed mileh intelligence and affective as a dog would show. In the yard was a trough -for the cow, and a tittle basin for pigree. One -day I found him on the step, squeal- ing at the 'ibo of his voice, and in a very excitee condition. When he saw me, he need niit be so dreadful.. The best cure of led the wav to his little bssen, and there it is caloric -a good boding ofthe pig ineat was the cow, stealing his dinner. 01 to begin with. The disease is an aggravat- ceitme drave her away; when he instant ed form of the measles, to which pork was lv subsided', and, with a satisfied enint, ate always subeect ; and in all cases those af- w hat remained in the basin. ile was SO fected hafe been eating the meat raw, in well satisfied wieh the enclosure that con- the shape of sausages or smoked bacon. stituted his home, that he never availed Beef and alter meats may probably be himself of the space under the gate, which safe by eaten in thatcondition; but your pig was sufficiently large to admit of his egrees, is an animal that should • always 'pass exceet he espiee me going up street, when through fire' in some way before people use he was sure to fellow. I shall never for-. it as an aliment. get the fine Simday morning, wheu dress- ed in my best, 1 was walking out 4'o I That must have been a strange scene in church. Piggie came chasing after me, I Madagascar when the Queen had the royel friakino about at my heels like a playful idols hrought and committed to the flames. ireg. Fearing that he might net re- She had embraced Christianity, tied when spect the sanctity of the church, and that !the chapel for Divine service was ready, the guod mitured grunts alight not harmou- disgraced deity, w'hich consisted of two ize with the choir, I was compelled te fore- !pieces id silk with a small splinter of wood go the pleasure of the fiery ice, and take my I in the middle, was taken from his temple - follower home. Little did he aare where I land thrust into a fire. The crowd declared led, so that he might follow. - These were that being a god he would the burn- yet, certainly "winning ways," and undeniable soniehow, 'he' was very se ,n conen flied ; evidence of intelligence and affection.- I and then,with no little pathie, 'the people, Now, I think these qualities ef the pig wan ' seeing that now they had no Le is to wur- be neither fried, sake 1 down, nor smoked ship, sent to !the Queen to ask what th. y —Our Dumb A oiusals. were- to worship for the future.' The foundation of their faith had indeed been The Buffalo and Lake Huron greatly shaken. The Queen is to send Railway. teachers of Christiaeity among them, and Madagascar, one of the 'dark place* of the — - (From the Loudon Times, Dec. 25.) earth,' is likely to have turned the last page of the. sanguinary records which have The report of the directors states that of hitherto formed so large a part of her his - the amount annotin;ed in the last report as , eery. paid by the Grand Trunk Cornpany,in set- tlement of the sums due to the Company up I SAD DISASTERS IN PRINCE EDWARD IS- June.1868, £12,500 had been paid the eese.-By a special telegram front Ohnr- bondheWers' trustees, After protracted lottetown we learn that on Friday about negotiationa, conduceed in a firm yet con- five o'cleck in the afternoon, a boat left ciliatory spirit by the present directors of I that city containing Mrs. Cahill, John the Company, Messrs, M. H. Maxwell, S Cochrane and Thomas _Halloran. They It Healey, A Ashton, and J J Stitt, they I intended to cross North River, but the were now happy to report that sach modifi- boat was upset in a heavy gale and swamp - cations andconcessions had been secured ed, all hands being drowned. On Saturday asienabled them to recommend foradoption morning the body of a woman; believed to a new arraneement in lieu uf the existing be Mrs. Cahill, was found on shore, near Parliamentary agreement, and in settle- the Lunatic Asylurn. The bodies of the ment of all Questions in dispute between others had not been recovered. A man by the two companies. The agreement pro- the name of Lamb has been missing since vided for a rentcharge, payable by the the 27th ulte, and has not yet been found. Grand Trunk Railway to the Bulfalo and He was last seen in Oharlottetown at 10 _Lake Huron Company in perpetuity, by m. on that evening, and it is feared that half -yearly instalments within two nionths he may have faller! )ver 01103 of the wharves. after the lst of January and the let of July Our correspondent further states that busi- in each year, say—far the year ending tee nesa in the Island is in a sadly depressed lst of July, 1869, £42,506 ; ending the 1st of Jaly, 1870, 245,000 ; ending the 1st of July, 1871, 250,000 ; ending the let of July, 1872, &55.000 ; ending the 1st of July, 1873, £60,000 ; ending the 1st of July, 1874, .65,000 ; ending the lat of July, 1875, 266,000 ; ending the 1st ot July, 1876, 267,000 ; ending the 1st of July- 1877, 268,000 ; ending the 1st of eigely, 1878, £69,000 ; and for every sub- sequent year Voma. To the amount of £42,500 per annum. the rent -charge was to Tank next before the First Equipment Bends of the Grand Trunk Company nd the balance would rank next afte the Second Equipinent Bonds, which the Grand Trunk were now authorized to e. The ordinary shares of the Buffalo p - any were to- be exchanged -one half, or say 2615,000, fer the like amount of Grand Trunk Fourth Prefereuce; e or say £615,- 000, fur the like amount of Grand Trunk_ Ordinary Stock_ rile £42,500 of the rent -- charge ogyable for the year 1868-9 was to be liquidated in G. T. Second Equip went Mortgage Bonds at par, but available only upon tile new agreement being ratified by the Canadian Parliament. The formal embodiment of the agreement was now being prepared by the solicitors of the two Companies and would be submitted to the proprietors at meetings specially called for that purpose. The terms now proposed might be considered far short of what this co.upany believed they were faitly entitled to-, still, in view of existing circumstances, and to avoid, if possible, a harassing and costly struggle too likely . to follow :heir rejection, the Board unanimously advised their acceptance.- The injuries which the two companies had it in their power to in- flict upon each other would be poor crun- pensation forahe indeenite postponement of any share in the prosperity which ap- peared again about to dawn ripen Canadian. enterprise. The capital account to the 30th of June last showed that 21,701,056 had been expended, leaviag a balance uf £74,015. Christmas lutist have been a lively day in Cincinnate Here are some of the head lines to the /wetter ;--.`The Crimes of Since the first of the sresent month the ma in comparison to what he_does not know a But we knife bellied to the hilt in a drunken man's and the United Kingdom has been in force sureand rapid CU113 or colds, rheumatism, pleurisy, Pain Destroyer, ts a 11108 pass ng e ween ana a e ceps of thw Generals of the street ;' 'Ruffianism rampant ; 'A postage on letters . i b t C d skull ;"A young man stabs his best s forams : cholic. cholera morbus, and all IUM11113T eomplaints. Sold by all m_edteine dealers at 25 cts per bottle. friend ;"A Christmas reveller shoots a If sent, prepaid, by Canada Mail Packet Ocean Postage. ele „ .,• wee Nevei be ashamed ofaconfeasiug your ignersace, ter the wisest num upon eartb ignorant of many things, insomuch that what he knows is a meie noth- Christmas ;' 'T -he bully's blade the sceptre new postoffice order re tieing the rate of agpeehend vezy ,few are ignorant of tht , rnderful A Hoursedoma REMEDY. -No family should be with negro ;"A rough breaks a man's leg with via' Quebec) (Portland in Winter ) or Hali out 801118 effica,3ious remedy for the cure of affections a kick ;"A chatrmaker Cuts his throat.' fax, 6 cents: per A ot weight. I ' lf sent, prepaid; vitt NeW York, 8 cents so universany prevalent, as coughs, colds, sore.throat p cough, and croup --some remedy, too, which ewahnbeinregelled upon as aafe, sure and certain. Dr Wistaes Relearn of Wild Cherry combines ate deeldiee WAsifineaTON'S ONLY Jeas.—During the per oz weight. debate in the Continental Congress on the I • ters for the United Kingdom, posted °turn' establishment of the Federal army, a mem- unpaid, or prepaid less than the proper 4 FAR E sAL q 0013 \WOOL VII00L. New Marble Works TWO 11 UN I/ table AcatEs, ST., GODERICH, 9 9 VICTORIA • THE undersigned would beg to inform his umerons customers and the public that his New WoolenMachinery is now in Full Operation and in First Class Working Order AND THAT HE 1E3 MUCH BETTER PREPARED TO 1EXECUTE FARMER'S WORK EXPEDITIOUSLY than last season while starting his machinery all new. • Fge n e very W &c itiv i cured by the use of r g . Custom Roll Carding, Fulhng & Cloth Dressing upon Washington moved in amendment -43 ed with -treat care, and used as dIrected, never fails - Frosted Feet. Chilblains, Corns, Bunions, Bad Nails, ber offered a resolution providing that it rate will be cha d o d ith D J 13.1 should never exceed 3,000 men ; where- double do amount of deficient postage. Mielern urative. This Remedy Iola 'been compound - Sold by meats. that no enemy should everinvade the coun- Unoarthed. Catarrh, a disease which diatressee um and dtigusts try with a force exceeding 2,000 men. This joke was a perfect success, and the taugh- , ter that it excited sraothered the resolu As HISTORY repeats itself, so do great our friends. pan be instantly relieved and qutekly curee by tieing Dr. J. BHT' Alllevantor, an invaluable tion. thoughts. The Suez Can]] is after all. gltieszed. y for all pain an inflammation. Sold by Drug - all English idea, thrae hundred years old. tat 13,4rtsgs. superlicfritty1: iglidtsbvytrirtie;ii tri for the CAre 1g Cater). Marlowe's 'Tam bow !eine the Great,' Tam- t.wm acknowleage Re boutlaine thus delivei s himself : If with Piles yen are much afflicted, And sought Tor a cure in vain ; 'And here, not far from Alexandria, Use Briggs' Pile Remedy as directed .a W herein the Terrene and the Red sea You wiltboth health and peace again... --In-the second part of old Christopher rtllgeoro ina het=tviastrint c., un val d. n a meet Dr J Briggs' 4. Co, No. 6, King Street, West Toronto Dr r age' i e m y eats now g y contrary, there are 46,000 mere women Beiog distant less than fullone hundred have tried it (and their name is Legion) to be'the best than men ; in New Hampshire, 6,500 ; in leagues, most successful and efficacious Remedy ever used To, Rhode Island, 6,000 ; and in Connecticut, I meant to cut a channel to them both, tha.tHilisease. Sold byaDruggista, 0 quie y sal 0 41 1 . Paternal. or 1 ie., persons Buffering from Piles,ainternal, Bleeding. Whin; Piles, will be unniediately relieved 7,840. The total excess in New England That men mioht ' kl • .1 t I &a " of females over males is 48,500. Perhaps and eventually cured by wing Deli Briggia Pile Remedy [Art V., Scene3. the unmated will find in these figures con- er - Sold by Druggists . , vincing arguments. PROBABLE COLLISLON BETWEEN TITIts aufferete from Corns, Runions, Bad Nails, and those TRICRINA.--A report of the trichinian K EY AND EGYPT -- The Times says : in ed to u3e Dr 3 Briggs' well-known Curative for certain torturing afflictions, Chilblains, are well recommend- , disease comes from Illinois, where a num- truth, it is difficult to describe without an relief and positive cure. - Sold by Druggists. ber of fatal cases have occurred. This appearance of exaoweration, the weakness ac twivitls. try Draed. Briggs' Thtart aallitchLung from the Latin shape of the name, and leo . IF- uhitP. t, art -Y of the Ottoman ethoire which would be ofett i ro Ch7site,vaend. Luenligri7, rling can" sitteasess disease has got a terrible character, p 1 evcaled if the Porte precipitated a cat- its beneficial eseets, Sold by Druggists. doubt a good deal from the nature of the sstrophe by an open rupture with Egypt maggots ; but it is after all a thmg that The following Remedies are all old and well establish - W. e know what would have happened to ed and thousands have been beneOted by their use. t he Sultan in 1854 had not the Western . They are for sale by druggists generally. • nations come to his rescue. Should he, THE PRIMU VI AN' SYRUP. low venture to declare war against the a protected Solution of the Protoxide of 'rotten-1911ml Vieeroy, he would stand alone if the the blood with its Life Eminent. laciaa giving strengda, worse fate should not happen . of: finding vigor, and uric life to the whole system. For Dyer -pan The first week of December was so cold in many parts of Poland. and Galicia that hundredsof wolves were found dead in the fields. Hunger had driven, theuffrom the forests, to seelrfcr food in the villsigesebut the intense cold had killed them. A great though there be no bad faith on his part." many accidents are reported • in some in- Under the above provisions -of law it woald etances the infuriated animals attacked appear plaiti that tenants are liable to a lonely kouses andkilled or wounded whole eerious extent towards the proprietor in families.- At Gregorenow, the priest was sitting with three of his friends at the sup- per table. Suchlenty the gate leading out of his yard into au open field, fell down with a teemendmis noise. . The priest took a candle, and, accompanied by one of his friends, went out into the yard to :Tau that might be the matter. But he had hardly left the room when he wasattacked by several enormous wolves which. threw him to the ground and tore km. His friend ville mechanic, named, William Kenyon, ran back to the tooth. pursued by half a says theSharon Times, in American paper, dozen wolves, which bodily' entered the has invented, and has now in operation in Innise and fell upon the three rnen. Two that place, a very marvellnus piece of of there were overpowered by the infuriat- mechanism, which he style!) the 'Iron ed beasts, butthe third, a manof herculean Blackimithi' ocCupies the space of an strength, succeeded in shaking off the two ordinary sized .cask, is very cotnpact, is wolvea which had beset hien and in getting 'driven bi- an engine -of hercalean strength, hold of his ride. He tsho't three ef the ',aid the machine itself is of alinaat ince- Wolves, anti the °there lied. Geing ont cniable power, It is atpresent corietructed into the yard, he found but the skeleton for the manufacture of trenches used by of his friend, the priest. In less than ten machinista—gasfitterapar rcularly. These minutes the, terrible animals had. torn a ad wrenches. are prSpareds from solid steel, at devoured all tint flesh ; only crashed and the rate of one every three seconds, doing mutilated bones were left of whit, but the werk iwthree seconds, which would re - fifteen minutes before, had berm 2, Jamie quiie the awifteit and "[nest expert work- goodhealth andfutletgone, Man vrhole day' to do, besides - esaaeafint fhe work . meek better: rxit.Tv- flIare.--elieligieti is majestic Mem the Sfliont Blaclusinith "' it -"fully. in-tha Stale, ;it may be-antlinthe church, -*tailed and Extuipiiedn .011 Priiduoit. as it --in. the church builtling 'a great institu- tion is the state 112 C 'bY surAescriptien of tooler empla- himself' confronted, as his father's fleet pparbi feliPlYaMFplilet geoWntaerilkunieng verina, blies tareaaPtisliinocn 'IAro3n2 was at Navarino, by an alliance of great ad a medicine,' with certifieates and recommendations. Powers, compelling hiin under severe , to., %Jure sent free. penalties to abstain from committing sui- cide. W e may, however, give the Sultan all tte advantage of the hypothesis that the Western Powers and Ru3sia would stand by and let him do the worst to him- cleansing the lungs and allaying in e ioneaus remov- self and to his lieutenant in Egypt. What ing the cause instead of drying up the cough and leav- would happen under such aircumstances ? B.ah the Sultan and the Khedive are al- p-eady almost at their wi s' end for money but while the Egyptian Viceroy borrows at abnut ten per cent, his sovereign pays flfteen. Passing over this difficulty about the sinews of wai, it is certain the Porte would be reminded, as soon as war had broken out, that it has literally only one foot in Europe. The imposing displv of surface marked in the maps fgeographers as, 'Tel key in Eurnpe' is Turkey in the sense that by far the greater part of its area is administered by Governments like that of Egypt, independent in all but name, and that the majority of its inhabi- tants, even up to the walls of Cunstanti- nople, la Christian in religion and alien in race from the. Turks. There are, of course, many ready to assert that the military force of,the Ottoman empire is sufficient to repress all such attacks, as ti ell as to prosecute a war against its am- bitious vassal of Egypt, and the Sultan himself may ahsolutely believe this ; but what is the truth ? Thereisan insurmoun- table scarcity -of men in the Turkish army. - J P DINSMORE, Prourietor, No. 38 Dey St., stew Yo -k. WIstarts Balsam of Wild Cherry has been rased for nearly half a centuory for Coughs Colds, Consumption. and every enaction of i he Throat, Lungs and Chest. it curette Cough by looseaing and MRS. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE has come to tbe defence of' her reputation at last. Her reply to the savage critics who have wailed her, and her further tearing of pieces of the character of Lord Byron, will appear in btidk form, that . being the mode by which the lamest Burn of money state in consequence of the bad state of the roads at this season ot the year. The Is- cal! be realizad from the speculation. She I land, it will be remembered; is still with- prosnaises to prove every assertion agaiost out a railroad, and the soil is very soft Byron, and more too, and to utterly con - There are as yet no signs ofice.-St. John found the newspaper commentators. The (N. B.) Telegraph, Jan. 3rd. followine retnarks are from the World :•— «, . 0 CANADIAN PACIFIC RadiwAy. —Notice is 'She pretends to have read none of the given in the Canada Gazetta that applicati. common; upon her conduct.—Had she on will be made to Parliament at next done so, she would have perceived that session for an Act of Incorporation for a public opinion is all but unanimous ia company for the conatruction of a railwa y England and the United States in con - from the city of Ottawa in the Province of donning her ghoulish work, and have Ontario to Fort Garry in the Selkirk set- learned that before her scalidal could be dement on the Red River in the Territory believed something in the nature of evo lately under the control of the Hudson Bay Coznpany, and from thence to the confines deuce must needs have been presented for of British Columbia". Also for the con- the suppart of her baseless slander. Tne struction of a branch of the said railway topic will be worth discussing whenever a from Fort Garry . aforesaid to the most jot or tittle of evidence is put forth by her convenient point Cin the frontier of the or any one. Asyet, her dirty defamation Ueited States, with power to build, launch, lacks i hat decent backoround. Still it is equip and navigate steamers and other , . ['Leasing to know thatethe Beecher family vessels upon the River Saskatchewan and its branches_ and tributaries, and upon is di vtded against itself on the question rivers and lakes in the districts to be of free love. traversed by the aaul railway. Also that - the monetary credit of the Dominion may Some clergymen in Ohio, having been be extended in aid of such company by the laughed -at for publishing a manifesto granting of mortgages on the wild lands of against dancing, come out in another card, . the Crown adjoining said railway in cer- in whichthey say :-'0ureargest protest,' tain due proportions as the works proceed. you will please bear in mind, is agaiast The said Act of Incorporation will be asked . , 'premiscuous dencing,' i.e., tha dancina of for in the name of the Canadian Pacific w Railway and Navigation Company. the sexes together, at any time or any where.' Men May dance together if the , El/PORTANT TO Taxarrs.-An action at wish : women may do the same, if so dis law was brought a few months ago by a posed, We don't pretest against such landlord in this city, against the tenaat for dancing. ihe value of his home which was destroyed by fire during the defendant's occupancy. A humorous incident occurred the other' The landlord's claim is founded upon day at the court of ex -Queen Isabella of articles 1071 and 1629 of the Civil Code, which are ati follows. 'When loss by fire occurs in the premises leased, there is a legal presumption in favor of the leasor, that It was caused by the fault of the lessee, or of the' persons for whom he is responsible, and unlesa he proves the con trary, be is answerable to the lessor. for snch loss.' Article 1071 says : 'The debt- or is liable to pay damages in all cases in which he fails to establish that the inex- ecution of the obligation proceeds from a Cause which cannot be imputed to him, al - the event of the hotise being burnt. Some back her pocket -book, and who- was-teri leases are now drawn with a special pro - ;happy about its unexpected recovery that vieion, relieving the tenant from the res - I tears of joy rolled down her cheeks: Of ponsibility imported on. them .under- those course, these tears made theesoung lady, articles of the Code. The deeieion in the who is marvellously beautifill, even more case pending will, after judgment is rend: bewitching ; and. when the young peasant ered, throw more light upon this subject -- was asked .by the Queen in thesabove- Quebec Climnicle. mentioned way, he was bold enough to say :-. want no reward but one-. kiss front' Tux •' !sow BLACKSMITH." -L Steuben- that young lady.' Her Majesty amiled,and turning to the -young girl, said ; 'Will you grant hie requese, Catmen 1.:Araten heti- tated for -a moment; buts half_ a, minute after, she 'resolutely wentnp to the youlig lad, and, throwing her two arms around his neck, kissed him three tirnes, amidst - the ganeral laughter and applause of the spectators. Spain. One of the young ladtes of the Qneen had lost her pocketebook dining a walk on the seashore. The book contain- ed some eight hundred franksin bank bills, and was mourned as lost, when, a few days after, a young peasant, bright and hand- some, presented himself at the Queen's residence and brough t th epocke t -bo ok back. An examination of its contents proved that nothing was missing., •14.nVireow, friend,' said the Queen, touched by the honesty of the young peasant, 'what kin of a reward do yon want I Tell me, and can realiee'your wish, shelled° so with much pleasure.' This young pearant had in the meantime, looked with delight aid admiration at the young lady who had, got Oa 'P013104227. ,faahn marries.- Mary And Mary alone, 'Tits a very gond match Between Mary and John ; But if John weds a Scots; - Oh !what claws and what scratches, t can't he a rnatch, But -a hundleof matches. — . = _ ' lwaYmig tha 4eituutut °f .menti also chants, hotEOlhnes, fingeraloy . San Francisco- *girls are indiOtiant at . rnillioneof Melte But ptety looks lovelier -mower" atid'ecairers ail with tbutzmii ra4(.-. -Anna Diekinson bicatts' a t'she talked eto'! . t __. . . . . 5 . , .'' ' Raft sweeter at home i not arrayed- jai luir Oirity sod eviotnessv,infackitlinalt'elrer7 abrut theni, and.- .Sheir '. indi.aiitiot, hai court tires*, ami. riet, off in her chUrCh Teel' article' whielenew isometi'frifinrthe titalwart. bro , (i. e . tb---, id' . - -- ' nutatra, b d . 'er 6- Yo weSic--. Wave, frona., the itrmogat directed. !:k3' tke Of the"':oirts ai ilife--.010:eat- from, Bffas.- -diY, work ds'y clqthes. It is &little strik- inetetillkfli and ingenuity of ihe' !Mali= , .,.. ,. .,.r. . , .. - 0 : fag that gm word a a ' so - I lent smitb. atm; juackane, *hi h is the ,, , MI „ingot)); on -ei, --...= -. -- ' ing the cause behind. SETH W POW & SON, Prom ietors. arc 18 Tremoritstrect, E05;011. Grace's Celebrated Salve. works like magic on Old Sores Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Wounds, Bruise3 Sprains. Chapiied Hand% Chilblaiem &c. &c, It is prOmpt in action, so-ithes the pa in. takes out' soreness. and reduces the most angry lookiog swellings and inflammations ; thus affordingreliefand a eorn plate cure. Only 25 cents a box, sent by mail for 35 cents- SEEH W FOWLE & SON, Proprietors No 18 TremontSt. Dostoa. - Dons,: ISFSPOIKES.-It is gratifying to know that there is at least one which ha& stood the -test and proved iiselt worthy the confidence reposed in it ; we know of no OalertlqiCle which has proved BD general- ty successful, or givensuch universai satisfaction; we are confldeut there is more of it used than all others combined, and that it will ultimately -supersede all others there CSII be no doubt. It is Darley's Con- dition Powders ma -Arabian Heave Remedy,' we ad- vise all who require anything of the kind to give. it a taial-we know they will be satisfied with the result. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co , is on each package. Northrop e Lyman. Newcastle, Ont., propeetors for Canada. Sold by all meciicine de-elem. Two Quest -roes E4sfav ASTSWERCD.-Why should men wear Veards r Because they are a great piotec- tion to the throat aud lungs, and add mime to their peeeonal appearance. Why should we use " Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers ?" Because when used for coughs, colds, tickling in the throat hoarseness. fee ; they act like a charm. -Min- isters and Lawyers use them, physicians recommend them, and singers and pubric speakers say they are the veetabest medicine in existence foi the cure of such complaints. leold by all medicine dealer:3,st 25 ets per eat. ',lemma -masa -We notice in the published formula of one of the most extensive manufacturers of Saran- perma, remands, tee., that a combination of Sareal, Stillineme. Iron, Podophilum is compounded and used under the name or Sarsaparilla, for the cure of chronic diseases. Every educated physician must know that a comoinetion of minerals with veee, tablea is incom- patible ; so also, is the combination of a powerful purgative with medicines possesenegatterative, enure- tic, sudoriGe properties desiened to act on the absor- bents anti secretions of the skin, glands. &e., the only medium through which chronic scrofulous and skin diseases can be cured. Th3 drastic purgative proper- ties being. aa in the case of the formula under con- sideration. so much greater than the alterative, carries off through the alimentary canal, all the medicinal pro- perties of the alterative before the absorbents are act- ed upon in eases where it is desirable to furnish ca- thartics in chronie diseases, they should be given separately, and at least six hours apart. No physician would gi re a diastle cathartic at the same time he ad- ministered btue pills erealomel. If the sick are affeca. ed with chronic diseases, nee Radway's Resolvent. If yen wish agood cathartic, use Radway's Pilba If suf- fering pain. use R. ft, Relief. Soul by druggists. see Dr. asaway's Almanac for 1870. SAW -LOGS & STAVE -BOLTS WANTED. rpHE SUBSCRIBEAS ARE PREPARED TO MAKE contracts for the delivery of a quantity of Elm, Ash Beech, Pine, and Hemlock, Sawloms also, Stave Bolts e, I Delivered on their premixes 'opposite the railway station ArSO to undertake the sawing of custom Logs at the tesidence of Mr James Tomlinson For pie deniers apply to Mr '; unit on the pivie4n:Litise.s or STANDLY & Co. Goderich, 23rd December, 1S69 Patent Crank. Loom for Sale. — MBE SUBSCRIBER OFFE 15 FOR SALE CHEAP .1 for cash or on Dram a Worthen's Patent Crank Loom, which cost 5190. Loom, Warper, Guilding ap- paratus, Reed, and two Shuttles, all in complete and .n good working ordiar. Address MRS. JEFFERSON. 9 Nile l'a O. Colborne, 18th Deo ST 1860, w48.1 tu• GODERICH MILLS. --- TO RENT. MEM undersigned leaving taken the above well-known A. Mills into Ms own hands is now prepared to rent them on reasonable terms to some competent persen fur one year. ,For particulars apply to WM. PIPER. Goderich. May 12. 1869. w-16tf CHEAMIEAT , Spinning and Manufacturing, will receive prompt attention. Having now on hand the irgest, best and cheapest stock of of home Made FULL CLOTH, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, & WINCEYS9 ever before offerel to the public in this part of the Province, he would resp'ectfally request those [wishing to exchange their wool to call and judge for themselves before appointing themselves elsewhere. P. S.- He would likewise call the special attention of farmers to beware of wool teamsters and agents seeking their wool for carding. as he has proved it from the experience of former years to be a perfect Source of aiinoyance to them in teams ways, that they cannot tee untitperbaps too late to guardagainst it. 03- The highest Market Price paid fo any quantity of good Clean Wool. Goderich Woolen Works, 18th May, 186S. THOMAS LOGAN. East Street, Goderich. w URON FOUI\M! 4-D o;) $.4 aa - atea-aleeee- - .-. , ....a.a?, al e -- a- - r.41 -%.74-4---',L..„--„02— ' weeeeiwwwwwwwwwww _ . , e- - - - we • • - . — - ea ' ear.: weeareet eel e., We, .. -a,- e----eteaweiwee-ea.-...e......e,--4.--w., / lelEfelMileellt tev al • 1 01SeSlliks. 1.11( aelif oiSTEAMiENGINE-WOR kSs S. „it alga R. RUNCIMAN MANUFACTURER OF or••4 C.) Cti A.. J ohnst fitiONUMENTS, HEADSTCNES,--1. able 111 tops, Posts, Ike , Tombs, of every descrie tion and style of workmanship, furnished on short notice and at the lowest prices. Libe ral reduction made for cash. All orders punctually attended to. .Designs of Moe ments, Ste., may be seen at the shop. Godench. Dec.19, 1866. w47.1 FOB, SALE. rriT EXCELLENT ,LOT OF WILD LANDS kitown as lot 33, con. Oth, East Wawanosh, 100 acres of exceaent land, well watered There I8a large creek running through the north end, and a stnall one through the south end, also, several never -failing springs : it is half a mile from Short's Saw lin and 5 miles from Blvth, for sale very cheap, apply to HR. ARMSTRONG, Goderich. Goderich, Sept 7, 1869. nAME into the enclosure of the subseriber on or kJ about the first of September last a Steer rising 2 years old, spotted red and white. the top ofone ear cia, off, and a split in the other The owner is requested to prove property Pay charges anti take him s waY - Colborne, part of 141 and 2nd eon. near Maitlandville. NEIL McQUARIE. December 7th, 1859, w47 3t• — "T\TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT APPLICA 1 tion will be made to the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, atthe session thereof next after the expiration of six menths fmm tbe date of this notice by Robert Sharman, of the Town ofGoderich, in the Couuty of Huron, for a 13111 of Divorce from Matil- . da Sharman, formerly Matilda Borland and now called Tillie Hunt, on the ground of adultery. Dided at Goderich, the 6th day of October„. A. f) 3869. CAMERON & GARROWe w38-tf Solicitors for applicant GRIST & FLOURING Miley anit Sash Saw-_Wlls, Steam Engines and Boilers, Thrashing Machines, Seperators Horse vve vs, Drag Saws, IRON ADD WOODEN PLOUGHS ! With Cast or Steel Boards, Drill Ploughs, Gang Ploughs, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw Cutters, Agnaultural Furnaces, Potash Kettles, Sugar Kettles, Salt Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES of the most improved kindb. Brass Castings made, and Blacksmiths' Work and Repairing done on short notice. Call and see the STEEL MOULD.BOARD PLOUGHS, as von can get one very theap for Cash. Goderich, Nov. 12th, 1867 w39 BAROMETERS AND THERMOMETERS MADE BY L. STINSTED, REGENT ST., LONDON, ENGLAND. filHE general agent will, through JoshuaCallaway, can upon the people of this vicinity in the course of the 1 next months, with a full assortment of these now celebrated instruments, which we shall offer at the follow- ing ICxtremely Low Prices. Plain White Cherry Fratnes.$6, each ; White Maple en Walnut Back, from 46 to according to tubes ; Black Walnut Cases, with eoramon glass tubes $8 ; with flint bored tubes $10 to $20 each according tofinish ; fine Satin Wood frames, $20 each, with the celebrated Wooden Cistern and Screw cut at -the end ; Rose Wood Frame with Bone Dials and Franklin Tube and Cistern $25 ; English Wheel Bar- ometers in litohagany Frame, wind dial and level, &c., attached, ftsum 812 th a35 each, according to &Melt, with a fall assortment of English and French Aneroid Barometere Every Instrument Warranted for One Year from dateof tale. Having proenred a correct register of every city and town in Canada, the height above tide water or flea level ; the General Agent is prepared to altitude every instrument for each locality correctly, which is absolutely necessary to have them work correct on the Diala. TE:1- A fun assortment of soil Registering Thermometers eonstanny on hand at prices from $2 up to 410, according to finish, Farnheat. Parties desirous of obtaining one of these useful instruments, which accueatele ana Invariably foretell the state of the weather from 24 to 48 hours in advance,should avuil themeelves of the opportunity which now presentsatself. The Agents will re- main fora few days only. Head office far the Doruinion, in Montreal. ResjpeGc.tfBuoliwy,Es, June 14, 1869. General Agent for Canada. General Rates to be Observed in Consulting the Barometer. 11. the wercurystays about29 inches. or the word " Changeable," without moving much, either np or down the weatherwill be unsettled and changeable 2. If the Mercury rises to or above the word " Fair," fine weather is at hand. 3. Should it happen to rain when the Mercury stands high. it will be local, and very little of it. ,Fa5ir,'%; htehne itihi en ,situemr emu ris flaoon sic, 'riot r idardothtes-iffoiunl wwei nftethrercr tuhueedfauf robest. vice versa. 761 faW1Williisenenve,trtidyeulliefonwefire, aausserimrmereov, es quickly, tither up or down. the weather that follows will be of short duration, and 4 If the Mercury continues to rise slowly -say for eight or ten days -and arrives at or above the tine "very strldeirsestitiry7it:sfeoelnlotow'rise a little, then rest assured the worstis over. stow, it win raM ; if quick, it iwillwb20.1o1; and THE COM f,ERCIALUNIONASSIIIANCE COMP0 19 AND 20, CORNTHIT, LONDON, ENGLAND. CAPITAL, (Fully Subscribed) - - - .E2,500 000 Sterling. INVESTED OVER, $2,000,000.—DEPOSIT FUND IN CANADA, Soes000 FIRE DEPARTMENT ---Thedistinguisnabte principle oi the Company has been the establishment of an equitable classifi- cation, charging in all cases a premium proportionate to the risk. The success which bas attended the Companvei operations has been such as tut y to realize the mosteangnine expectations of the Directors, with have resolve.] to extend the !misfile's* more widely aad now offer tothe Canadian public. PERFECT SECURITY guaranteed by large Subscribed Capital, and Invested u.nds. PromptSettlementof Claims. The Directors and General Agents, being gentlemen largely en- gaged in commerce, will take a liberal and business -like view • of all questions coming before them LIFE DEPARTMENT. The Vompany offers terms to those deswine LifelAssura nee nnsurpassed by anv Life Office. Moderate Preiniums-Perfeet Seourity—Econo.ny of management, tending to increase the Bonus of these on participating scale, among whom80 per cent of profite are aiv.sible. Claims paid one month after proof of death. And other advantages which may be seen in the Com panyw Proepectus. This Company has deposeed s100,000 (in gold) with the Finance Minance, at Ottawa, as special secunty for es Canada policies. ?Grind Watson & Co.. Farm for Sale. arHAT superior Palm, Lot 16, 6th con. lea D. Co 1 borne, 74 acres of land, 60 acres of which are cleared, well watered by a living creek, and bounded by che River Maitland. Good iog house and frame barn 34x25. v Rh a good orchard on the premises. Situated one mile from the village of Manchester, 11 miles from Goderich and 12 miles from Clinton. The propertyis a desirable investmentbeing on the County Gravel Road and possessing, a superior mil privilege on the River Maitland. Apply to G. M. TRUEM 4N, Auctioneer & Land Agent, Goderich April 24, 1869 w-13-tf The Las its%1Attitira REsTom RDREsSIfig ivewotyle oneBoitie BY ITS USE Gray or Faded Hair is quickly restored to its youthful color and beauty, and with the first application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair. rt will cause Hair to grow on Bald Spots. Et will promote luxuriant growth. FALLING HAM is immediately checked. 3old by all Druggists. Price One Dollar. Manufactured by EU B. VAN DU= CO. Wholesale Druggists, 35 Barclay Street and 40 Park Place, - New -York, and • 266 High Holborn. London. Enz. STOP IND SEE irEIR following reinalrs .on Tesumoroals oi most 1 wonderful and extraordinary cures in Canada by the GREAT INDIAN B.EMEDY. They are stern. un deniable and incontesuble facts. sufficient to convince the most skepucalthat the Great Medicinal compoun- arned after for ages IS 110W accessible m the Great - SHOS,E(ONERS REMEDY for Disease,. oi the 'net -am Lunge, Liver, Digestive Organ's Kidneys, e.c., as IA en as scrotuta, venous Skin Diseases, Humor% and all disastses arising from impurities ofthe Flood, we boldly state that this great remedy has Di EVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever such a cure as that in the person ot Wilson Storms of Brighton, C. W., of Consumption ; or thatof Peter C, Earnestown, C. W., of C031 somption, Orthat of Ambrose Wood,ofConsecon, C. W., of Dyspetwia and Liver Complaint, or that of John Horsey. of Napanee, C. Wi ot Khenmatism, who had actually been oil crutches rot s ears, in spite of all treat- rnent heretofore. and is now web. Scores of such cases might be mennoned had we space. 13...Call at the •Drug Store and get a Circular 01 imqeetiouable certificates 00 the GREA T Sf108. HONEES REMEDY tuid PILLS, and satisfy your seives. Price of the Remedy in large pints $1 13e For Sale by all Dregmets and Dealers in Medi eine. Agents for Godench, F. Jordan stnit Parker & Cattle FRED cOLE. Secretary. . General Agents for Chinada. effeee.-385 and 387, St. Paul Street. MontreaL eurveyor. Inspector of Agencies. H. MUNRO, Montreal. sw103 T. C LI VINGST0N, P. L. S. 6.H.METLOR, Agent for Godencla Lucknow, Kincardine. Southampton find Wailreitoo - THE TORONTO TEA_ COMPANY I TIM OLD OOLICIT ALL WHO WISH TO GET GOOD TEAS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, TO GlarE THEM A MARKETSl'AND trial, feeling assured that their superiority will be seen at o • Where 15 lbs. is ordered, the same is sent • { 7 1,7- . 11N and after SATURDAY, the ,6th inst the aideisigned _4101-3ELoguei,tolt Eight Ob. per pound and other cuts in proeortion. THOMAS ANDRM WS, GEORGE HILTON, STEPHEN' A N -DREW S, Goderich, Nov. 4tb, 186%, siv22tf- 0. huperho, 80e. fffic, and $1.— Japan Teaa-Dneolored. 60c- 55e, te3. 65e, 70c, and 813. -It being earria,ge paid, and it not remitted for before hand, can be paid Wire exprese agent on delivery. Families tu the Country Supplied by the Toronto Tea Company with Teas at wholesale price,s. They have only to try them ta see the sav ing to be effected, and be sure of getting genuine good Tea pure Jis i imported, • ter. CLUBS TRY THEM -can Any one can get up a Club arid send the name-% with the kind and quality of Tea each member want: They are puttip Many size of package with each membees name on them, ana where the total quatitite orr er..1 's not less 'than 15 lbs., it is tent, all in one box. to the club agent, carriagepaid to anymilroad depot in Ontario. ItINDS AND PRICES Black Teas- Congotts. 45c. 60e. 55e, 65e, 70c, 75c, 80c, and 40e. Souehodg, 50e, 55c. 60e. 70e. 75c, ta0c, and 90e' English Breakfast, 50e. 65e, 60m and 65e. Very Fine Oolong, 70c. °map Pekoe, 7oc, Soc.— fareen Tea.s-Young Hysou, 50c, Mc, 60c, 65e, 70c 75c, 80c, 85e. 90c, and $1. Gunpowder. 80c, 900, and • • , •• ST. rata/nit v .6I) AT -DARDDTER'S another lot of , Vorbet; gpritik-and Club -skates,. . „ • ,*-; • GitikA.01AtiC1Y4 readers may have withthe Company may be done with .9' • the fulled contidenice. _ • - . . 1* ' • , " " .The Telegraph says :—TheTerontaTea Company have .14 = ',sold Teas atsuch astonishing low prices,, and of such excelletit•cfrillity; that all who invest therein have rio "`"' ' • tu ed thirrough4 satisfied. If they de net stilt.yo14 Th Nei -Patent -land -Lantern .re.d.,nat knim who can. • 4 $ reconomv to use lower grades of Team than the above, we prefer to confine ourselves only to Teas which we ow will give satisfaction to consumers. a THE BEST COFFEE. And the cheapest is be had from the Toronto Tea Company. All who have tried them are loud In'their praise. Combining great strength and fine flavor, and not being mixed witheny unwhelesome ingredientia they go much further and please better then muchof the -Coffee now offered lb the public. 131111(..71,E1SI-e-20c, 25e, 30e, and 35e, per lb. Put rip also in tins of 10 and 20 lbs. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY IN "Vir3tAT PH ESS SAYS . • r The Globe of Anguet 6th says will be see,n I,hut the, Toronto Veit Company are prepared to supply families in the country in. clubs 'with teas and Coffeee, in such quantities as individuals may require at atimee mid Where the total quantity ordered by a club is 15 lbs and oval; that tiie Company forward the same free of eXpensetci any railroad station in ontario. 13y tine Means any one can be supplied as che.sply as if they bought from the Cempetty personally in Toronto. We may•mentrouthat ttieToronto Tee Company are doing a col -base" business, .and stand wells in the estimatioa ofeur citssens; and the largehusiness theyare twang betaien as the beat evidence that the people are Wellsatisfied with hat they purchase from thew. We ,feel pleasure sawying that any busineis which our - feign* in the Christisas Chnrolt is nientiriits_s .restilt of raspy yearaof thciught:ualsbor, : ‘A St raVf Saiglitiliage .,11). flar0:11.*!0''' .- 94-4.° ,04;40-..-S.: 'Ir#PYC, , AcjdresS41 urdPri_tx , - s, - - Tha,/iy903.TeS,Contlistry Oaranteete. pave eatim iesiestactionee ill purchasere eor retum the money led weir Mteet ilt ' Ott " English Bible, anVbasitlea an eXpenditure a -many thoniandi , ner ; jiidWil kamithi. :pooluthiut has no: lima oempleot witlz tbs. scluVatitiozt trishojt :of tidosrs; is 'dsitiiind,' ' Oar Authority.' . girls Ober:twit.' .. . .,.".:;."-''.....1,'-..-:':7--.1..' :. " - . - : , - - rtlitT ti fto Sit c' ' Ek:.00:041)41. NV . itself first it boa., - . .....- •- - ' -:. thiilluNto Teio.;094ilek **.C404tcaidsq - And times *bit iliantatterititb-Anna.c 'Goleta, tter.,,ri,146i. . wiatt 7"1""Avl'a z•wv" -- uo, telprq 'Relele TOO,ONTO.1 q' 11TER-* Ca; „::....,„Lif. ;„ .,. ,,,, - ..• ,..,...,.._,, :„„„..,,,,,,-,... , . e • ...,,, ..., •., :: ... _.,. • - . .,. • THE CITY :' • It is no uncommon thing for the customers of iihe Toronto Tea Company in Toronto, th admit ;that the Tea we seliat 60e, is just as goodas they used to pay -75c, and -80e, for elsewhere, otheas again declaring that the finetea we sell at 85c, is as good as they used to pay st _00 for per lb.in other stores. The reason is w,e sell at wholesale prices. IN Tilt IN COUNTRY . 0 t f I ttera f 'Mita 1 e extra.ctsta Show how our -Tears are liked in the eonntry. Lerreen, Ontario, Dath Aug., 1869. .- "The tea that we received from you le giving every satisfaction. Altai* well pleased' with it. I expect to have another order 120AltaxiVervelCirm." june.1869. "Ilie85cleareeelvedfrorn you gives very good Wiz - :faction, and wail alldisposedofthis morning. All who have tried it are willing to buy "It, if the quality is as Thesalnd party. write; again on 11th Anent, VI fat I , Evety one that tried the Tea, liked.it very nincb in- deed raise t,hirCoffees.I' goocilitthistrextlokuow.erdered." nil I I II I II .f. HINER & Co., - LYMAN, ELLIOTT & DUNSPAUGH & WATSOrt, WHOLESALEI, tfilifoARIstiNoT:S.roit.or4.. T. BICKLL & SON, HOLBROOK & .STARK, A. El AMILTON & To Messrs. CB AM BERLAIN Sites, Conway P. 0- 2) County of • Lennox,Ontario Canada. OT8.2 AND 3 CON. 5T11. TOWNSHIP OF GREY, 2:.7 acres cleared, new frame house,24x18,11 storeys log barn, new. 2a miles from Ainleyville, from Sea- - forth, on the gravel road. OHS half mile from school, one half mile from saw and grist mill at Ainleyville ; well watered by spring creek, and very valuable tim- ber, both pine and cedar 87 per acre will be ed and time given if required. Apply to aecept' G. TRUEMAN, Valuator for tie...Trust. & Loan Company. Goderich Goderich Nov. 12.'1869. cv43 FARM FOR SALE. -r OT 10, CON. 10, W. D. COLBORN-E, 100 ACRES, La 90 cleared, good dwelling honse. frme 22X26. with a commodious kitelien attached. also and shed arcommodation, good bearirg orchard, went watered by two creeks running throiedi the farm, and' October llth 1569. good wells One mile from gravel load. 5 inwisIsessisfrost Goderich. For partteulars apply on the premises to",, undersigned, or to Mr, is Ferguson, grciaiseTeEGwoARdeiTich- , good barn TO SELL OR RENT ! erHE WEST H A LF LOT NUMBER EIGHT, 1 fourteebth concession of Holieri. on the boundary line between Blyth end Walton, Post Office each way. G ood hardwood land, wel vratered ; thirty acres clearance. Seventy seven acres and a halt in all. Web fenced. Poi further particulars apply to diose Ofithe prerrmes. RA.NKIN LA WSON. May 27th. 1867. Rite Farm for Sale. T G'I'S 53 and 54, Bayfield Conceseion, ine the la Township ot Goderich Containing 68 acres, of these over 50 acres cleared with good FOrne Barn, and Log House, about 2f eniles -from Clinton. For Mons of sale apply at dee levision Court office at eoderich, or to Idr. VirIGGING TON on the_premises. Godench:Ont.Sept. 21, 1368.. w35 FARM FOR SALE. rpm SUBSCR/BER OFFERS FOR SALF. LOT 3 1 10th con., township of Ashfreld, E D, 31-rnil, from the Northern Gravel Road, coneainine 80 acme well watered. There is 60 aemes eleared under cattle% tion. 25free from stnrups. Log house and log barns's. orchard of assorted fruit trees Ternis one half cash balance in four years. wewoTne GRIFFIN, Belfast la 0, October 14th. 1869. w38 -2m* 1 8 6 9. DIVISION COURTS TIMES FOR HOLDINGIDIVISION COURTS IN THE COITNTY OF HURON IN 1869. 1st Nvision, Goderich, Wednesday 24th Novern, 6th " Dungannon. Th rsdav 2b " eth w Hayfield, Friday 26 4th " Wroxeter, Thursday 30 2nd " seatonts Wednesday 1st December 3rd w Clinton, Thursday 2nd 61.11 " Exeter, Friday 3rd The above Courtsexcept the 1st DIVI8i013, open at 10 a m ; the 1st Division will open' at 9 a m - (Signed) S BROUGH, J. C. C. Huron. Certified DAN. LIZA en, Clerk of tize Peace, Huron. Goderich, 13th J u ly, toe w47 JUST ARRIVRD. MADAME TAYLOR, With Her &cant Europeatt Herb Remedy rpHosE suffering will. Cousnmption.Rheutna- i tram. Dyspepsia, headache, Loss of Ap- peute. Bad Digestion, Catarrh and Norkes the Head, nre advised to try this Berneily, Bilious, Liver. and Stomach Complaiut. 11 mice ceeds when others fait, tor ever and ague, cold sweatband chills, it was never known to :ail. Recommended ben:ries:clans throughout Europe. This is no humbug as one bottle ofhermedicine will prove Do not -suffer when you ean get ease, by consulting Madame Taylor, at room No 8,Colborne !Joie!, Codeneh. Ladies unable to call will be attended at their own homes. Gaaerieh. lOtit Aug. 1868. w 29 /Peed ! I 1 .rus'r AT Shepherd & Strachan's, 20 TONS OF BRAN, SHORTS .1 Midlings, WHICH =THEY WILL Sell Cheap for Cash. Goderich. June 7th 1869. w19-tf MONEY TO LEND. A T REASONABLE RATES of intere24, and on -a daysnotice by J. S. SINCLAIR, Barrister, &c• , 0 oderich Damara loth. Has w61 NEW CABINET AND UPHOLSTERING S 10P, WEST STREETp OPPOSITE BANK OF MONTREAL, GODERICH. ERIC MeICAY9 urouLn RESPECTFULLY AN- Y V nounee that he has opened a new shop bathe above line, on West Street, opposite the Bank ofM ontreal. where heawill keep coustanew on hand or make to order FURivr.p.ttE OF ALL KINDS. Raving on hand in assortment of Upholstering material, he will be prepared to fill promptiyall orders in that line. A quantity oa Gilt and Rosewood Mouldings on hand. Picture Framing to Order. 1E3- Be trusts by etrict attention' ta business to mer a share of public patronage. Goderich, Nov 17. la69. w44-tf ESTABLISHED 1848. T .H E " HURON SIGNAL. PUBLISHED--SE/111-wEEKL Y AND W.EEKLY c.• gradually, miring the spring of 1867, extended to my al"IHIS is t,o certify that during the winter of 1866 I ,..... I was taken with a weakness - of the ancies, which "-unktriT§ proManouvince 0.?Coonutantriyoo!FHebaet9inur 1,868. - :---ena^fre.ek-hi edit.1011, $2.50 per year Weekly edition, only $1.50 " " kneeseand on -up to my hips, and I became so weak that I could not walk, but was cenfined to my chair. For about two years. while this weaknees was coming on me, and afterwards, leought medical advice, emuloy- ing, at difierept times. three (loam., "aid medicines ee different kindle prescribed by friends, bi. ;vino avail. I -continued togetvorse and worse- nntil the summer of 1868, when I was induced t43 try the great Shoshones& Remedy byreadingthecures performed, in a pamphlet. Atthis time I had begun to feel the weakness in my bands ;.in fact 1 was getting almoet belpless. I have RATES OF ADVERTISING taken tsva bottles of Hie Sh ,shoness Remedy and two. Business Notices First insertion Each subseque_nt insertion Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths .. lacts. per lin 25 I never expected to get better, but simply tried the boxesafthe pille and I am entirely restored to health.] i 'medicine ae a sort offorlorn hope This case of mine Sets. _per lin 2cM. ' wei nca a private onebutenown th an my neighbors All advertisementseharged 1,‘ a gra!P of solid nonpare -and fdends ; end to any mae afflicted as I was, I have No eoteee taken of unpni,i ,."anianiemsions oats, to say try tbe Shosboness Remedy : I believe it will cure you. MARY ANN DOUGHTY. thr Pot IT dtha yboef re% ril'ne at..BUtie, ,C.O. riFnt; ofpHjaslf4g:,. I. hereb_v•certify that / lurvelnown :Mrs wary Ann Doughty for the last fifteen years : she is a woman of' probity arul truth. I have kmown ber before, a • , THE SIGNAL JOB OFFICE• and since ter illness. I believe her certificate to be true iu eeery particular. I know that while ill here -Ise I was declareahopeless ; and I know that ea bee. since ber recovery, always attributed her recovery to .the 1 re supplied iiith power presses, hand Shoshonees Remedy. Whatever may be the peculiar presses, and possesses every facility for the --propriStietrortbis medicine, one Miff is certain, that! her Caia.it has acted almost like p perfonnance of! rapidaud neat execution of every neserip- a mireele. . A_ F. WOOD. J. P. t• f - r_ • .Warderio ftheCounty.oflInStings,ProvinceofOntsrio ' • t011 pigiin And farce' printing at prices Dantinitinef Cana& w331.y. as law as any establishment. 1 • e • ' • ;1/4 a' a' "t; r TAP 4; •1,.• 4.1 • ' • 5 - J.- I -.1t ie 411 trAt4 A Nek *4, - ."*, • c * .;