Huron Signal, 1870-01-20, Page 3I,,, , : - e , Z , 1 .1 se ; As . k 1' • r ,„‘ i • . ••• 11-a r. h • .1 e. :• •r:#1-% !I e-ee - Fer rt . "• htsW4,. • In .Pa.1 Ilk.) . . I Brat.3c11 Ag: :cultural 6-.• • I Thos. s .. -! - # • sr s 75.4. s.. , .lo • - _ kTh..t.r:es - t• P.:::h- : •-7 ^ : Fte.t - . - - Sest lia 'a - : ; _ k tri : An_ z • - 8" R-ost • • 8. : • .-.: - J. hu .• r. 11- #' - s - Pess •-• rasa k 8: : • --. "..- 12 • ! ' • : . - k: • _2- s . k:.. r . Best . Ar. „Ls - best 12 S - 8. 1 - 7 a:: .!0.# s. • • ...1% : #7,1 • : • .1 ki is M s : • _ : ' ' • '• : - I' _ss .4 -: f-. ro #.• ".0 2rd : -_.-erTaue J sr.- es .S• ' 7". Best H A .1.1: •rs ss W 7. a: Oa 10 - 2r.: Rest -• • --.. M-- 2.sc. itt 54°. d . - sr,ei #- , 7 . I Pest 10 2s- -- 81 2.1 :e1:10 ": M r...#: ..--„„ 7 & • r • & .r r 31 B.es- Ir • 2: . W . - 1--; : - 8, - •-; 7. : - _ - I.... wn4. E 7.s R Graben} Les! r liars litr.res : R P: • :. r, 31 a:), ANI '44 )IERVILLE. 1 s..° arid Treas. limit ss A. tbbcritszarteirts. - EURST & COOKE- ! MIN • / 7 ,F CPT STOCK ! DAY AND EV.ENENGI cooD,s, D rliOTHING; FI-ItT VARIETY. kockervy Hazdware 4 AN» SHOES, : LN SEAL, OTTER H do., &c., &e. in every article necessary l'OCK OF •CLOTHLNG eery best qualities. FEATErERS, FRINGE?„ YE! S. GLOVEs.ewss_ 0 S.BERLIN WOOL -eKERTS, and every le found le a first eess store. member of icr r_a d Made CLothingi ibies, Steeds, Cane Seat and th. ee Chairs. K, with drawem, and pigeou ie for a Stole or Office. 1 4. 1N.,. 2-& , r tree zetorei cezt door to C. is Bieck ine'n of 'Faust &COM. AUCTIONEERS. 18th, 1870. et52tf p, q.7th JAN.,1870. MIYJEVENTING, ALEXANDER fittest, T...eter of ezzuessatust witi I usetalEtrat.c` gra Iburadyy. 26th r,c:oak m•In tee Ceara/ School " w52.1t (OTICE• 'Ts thte Yowl% All Unpaid. Taxes pro.3y next. via be Plaid fnethe Car eoL'actazi., &MCKAY; Collector; ser0tt L is:tufa/L. z Batelle; containing sr eles Witarlit applied. Marked rider wirebe mtitamy rewergreet by 't.bia °Tea. tatati 2 • • Vie V.,DITORLeLL ITEMS. 1 50,000 u.ne.mployed, New York city. 2 100,000 do N. York State. 3 20,000- do, Chicago. 4 Same priiportion, California &c. 5 Can elian Zeuares coming home. 6 Quebec has a soup kitchen. 7 Ottaeet has 8 I'. S. are to explore Darien; 9 With the view of Cenalling it. 10 Gne. of New Brunswick sick. 11 Stanton fund is ritgw 886,000. 12 Beecher's income is 820,000. 13 Spurgeon limits his to 85,000. 14 Beecher's pews let for $511000. 15 Otie pew brotight 8615. 16 Erie R. R. wants 200 machinists. 17 Dr Tupper is at St Cloud. 18 Paris ie line, tranquil. 19 630,000 tire in Boston. 20 Locomotives. cars, &c, wanted 21 By Intercolonial R. R.. 92 30 deerees belo-e zere at Ottawa. 23 Belleville is flooded; • 24 West. end(irs have to live upstairs. 25 Kingstop harbour firmly frozen: 26 Six Sehooners wanted by Gov. - 27 To protect Canadian fisheries. 28 Dr Liviegstene to be Lnighted. 29 -Pr'ee of Wales succeeds Earl Spencer, 30 As Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. 31 Garibaldi at Paris, for London. 32 Telegraph strike Ended, New Engl'd. 33 Panama and South Pacific loan, - 34 Introduced in London to -day. 35 6 French journals to be prosecuted, 36 For attacking goveinment. 37 Lopez has tied to Brazil desents. 38 French-Americen cable bill completed. 39 Bishep of Outario preached at Mont. 40 Chiniquy lectured On Temperamee do. 41 :kilo.; Deery--Dion billiard match 22d. 42 A y:eing man drank himself deatl, 43 8 Scotehmen beat 18 Canadians, " 44 A: ...‘nriing-match on 14th. 45 Snow -shoe racing all the go, 46 Prince Arthur to get ff.. pair 'of shoes. 47 Stormy weather at Quebec. 48 A bill to convict habit -al drunkards, 49 Passed several stage, ,:_leb. Assein. 50 KingSton prefers uieeti • -Mows to ler. 51 Goderi:th another of ti . Same. 52 Wesleyan revival in K ene. 53 A Toronto traveller r Jed in Strat'd. 54 A Montreal do heirs 84,000,000. 55 A female Temperance lecturer, 56 Is in a Tennessee jail for being drunk. 57 " OceanSteam " Allan is in Toronto. 58 G'd T. is to branch front Doon to Galt. Punshon lectured in Guelph 12th. 60 Dr Howitt, of Guelph, is dead. 61 A Me. court debates if oysters are fish. 62- McD. is to hold meeLings in Lanark. 63 Hellinuth cellege re -opens 18th. 64 Revival services are be held in Lon. 65 London penny readings are a success. 66 Bill before Ceng fur R.R. to Pembina. 67 Sebringville distillery seized. 68 Save your snds for manure ! 69 Massachusetts Ploughman advises. 70 Detroit ims a Puor fund of 31800. 71 Liabilities of Detroit 8680,684. , 72 New drama is " the coming woman." - 73 A Jackson firm is 'M Evans&Father.' 74 A skater made a mile in 2 m 29 sec. 75 Almost as good as Polley's 'Regulator.' 76 But nothing te Smith's famous mare 77 Pealeedy'e remains willlie in State 48h. 78 In city Hall, Pertland, on arrival. 79 Pr. A. to visit Washington end of mo. 80 N. Y. whiskey houses seized for fraud. 81 Fort Smuter is to be rebuilt. 82 Society of Friends paid 8400,000, 83 For exemption from military service. 84 Spanish gun boats have reached Cuba. 85 Algeria to be represented in Fr. Parl. 86 Bank of Monte Video has resumed. 87 Priocess Teck has a son. 88 Whaling succeesful this season. 89 Pay up oyer due subscriptions; 90 And begin1870 with kelearconsaience: , Dr. Tenuants letter will appeer in our next. .: Divorce in Connecticut. The disgraceful, scenes enacted in the courts of Connecticut by applicants for divorce h -ave brought out president Wool- sey, of Yale College, in a netnantr for re- medial measures. He says the: State need not legislate on moral fitleStiDilli, bt4t it must legislate oo nrarriage and divorce. In an aildre.is lrfore the Methodist State Co vention in New Haven on Thursday, he said : 'Up to 18 13 divorces were only allowed for adultery or malicious desertion. En 1843 other causes were added. and in 1649 other causes still -one of a very remarkable character, and that was, that when there was anything that permanently destroyed the happiness ot the marriage relation, than the judge might grant a divorce. Nlark the effi et --for the last thirty years, eleven -per cent, or the mar- riages have r suited in divorce. That is the divorces of a yeallare to the marriages, as one in ten, In no other State are divorce's so numerous as in this State, un- less in Illinois and Indium, or some other Western States. Connectient enjoyed the ereatett looseness of all the States in die- m solving the marriage relation. The project is now, by a union of all the Christian de, nominations, to obtain a change of the law. Last year, before the legislature, it was proposed to change the- law so that only adultery and malicious desertion should be reason for separation from bed and board, without re -marriage. He hoped the church would endeavor to effect this change.' , - _- A medical student gave he has never been able to discover the bone of conten- tion, and desires to know whether it is not situated very near the jaw bone. _ Carl Biliand, said to be a 'representative of German infidelity,' and who attempted some Unit ago to shoo( a clergyman in a Berlin church during the service, has been sentenced td twelve years' hard labor. •1111••••• -- TRADE UNION RIOT. -A telegram from Loudon, to -day, says that a Trade Union riot occurred at Thorneliffe Collieries on the 8th inst. Much excitement prevailed. New PrinotpTes of Medication. - (Viz : Radway's Beady Relief, Regulating Fills, and Resolvent.) Dr. Radway's Remedies are prepared on entirely new prineiples. and that is why they stbp pain so quick, and cure the most dangerous diseases so rapidly, and with so little inconvenience to the patient. Some of our contemporaries boast in their aricertisements. that there is nothiug new iu their medic:nes -that the ingr-dients are all to be found in the!". -S., and Other dispensatories, their published foimulas are copies taken from the N 8 Pharmaeeupia, Ite., hence, they gulTierirlt,Yf i(-4ft nelie4ti ,tfefterele rs art I h m anty to ot fect.:inert and worthless coniyounds.. Were it not tor - the now principlesemployed in oht-tining the medicinal virtues from re vly discovered reinedial agents, pro- gress in the sci-tice of medicine would be a so.w coach. Take for instance. the most popular remedial agents of the day- sarsaparilla and its adjunots. forming the ' •iffieinal compound : or if the purgatives -of alogs, jaiop, Sir. Physicians, chemists, pharmaceutists, physiologists. all Tore or less eondia!vitiatioTsladtitt as uncertain. unreliable, &c. The it .lerichent sterling, reliable medicines. The tomtit:is of preparing the officinal pills ire based,on wrong principles, and those who claiin to put up speti- fie remedi,s. on the old unrertain rules prescribed,are . contributing, them of value to the public. .Eadway's Ready Renee Resolvent and Pills are new medicines, prepared on new principles- and will care the sick without delay and inconvenience. See Dr KndwaY's Almanac for 18T0 Sold by Druggists and Country erchants To the Editor of the Signe . Jeruartv 15th, 1870. Sue. -In Dr. aarner's letter of last week, 1 notice that he is not at all in love with the people called Methodists. The doctor tells us that he is a member of the Church of, England. Now I am sure the Church of -England people are proud that they can number such a paragon of moral excellence among their members. They are welcome to his support and iallitence. As for his insinuations that the Methodists charge him with spite. I am satisfied,that it is only some of his bottled spleen against Methodism braking out. They no more than any others, charge him so. I have no doubt but some of Dr. Tennant's personal friends, or Dr. Garner's personal enemies charge him with spite, bnt it is altogether free from church influence, and ' Dr. Garner should have more common sense than drag church matters into tlee afrair. Yours very truly, METHODIST. ' - SKATING CARN1VAL.-Remetnber the fancy dress Carnival. on W ednesday, 17th inst, at 7 p. when Mayor Hays M. P. r. is to give a pair of skates to the most neatly dressed lady skater ; and Hugh Gardiner, Esq.. is togive another - pair to the gentleman nho appears in best character costume. If the present 'frost continues the ice will be in splendid con- dition, and we would remind the ladies and gentlemen of Clinton and Staforth that Mr. Gooding is to admit them to the Rink, free of charge. Tbe New York Tribune says :-The Ken- tuaky Legislature has passed FA very con- siderate Bill, 'exentpting ministers frOm execution.' It should be understood that this alludes not to the lynching of Anti - Slavery ministers, nor to the hanging of clergymen who may indulnin murder ; but to ministers who run in debt, and either cannot or will not pay up -in fact to that little document which commands the sheriff to take the body, unless he can find satisfactory Property. We trust that -the Kentucky preachers will show their gratitude hy keeping out of debt, in Which laudable, effert they will probably be as- sisted by the traders of their respective neighbourhoods. THE French tribunali • continue to be very severe against the duellists. The principals generally are sentenced to a montheisintisonmenil and the seconds to . fifteen days: Public opinion is not yet -ripe enough for what it calls this Draconi- an code. ifonor pricks Me on,' say. the French like Faletaff ; but %rarely priCIM them- off wheit they come on. La fact,the *th this onlyoure for a *arm argument ezoited peopIe is au appeal tO RWO. 8,and ffireW ill'ilitttee general --gossip about he 'rare coinage of the 4rarriors. ..,,,Oisingto the Unusually mita w_inter; a -has,vier grape crop is a 'pi imam in California, than bas ever•beeti knesn. lvforevines wfil. be Planted -thii season thaniti any previous tirree-,:-yeats A lovely eirl in Wisconsin recently re- covered a lin'ndred and forty dollen dam- ages in a breach of perimise suit against a perfidious lover. Her lawyer congratnlat- ed her on the amount, wben she exclaim- ed. with a ferocious glance at the mulcted defendant and nervously clenching her fineers, `I'd give every penny of it jpst to have one good pull at his hair.' Brig.go Throat, and Lung Beater is pleasant to take and unsurpassed for its efficacy in curing Cough, Bronchitis, se. sgea by DruggIsts. - To those who snffer from Corns, Bunions. Bad Nails, Chilblains. Frosted Feet. &c . try Dr J Briggs' Cur- ritiva f used liherady as directed, relief is initie- diate. a id eure certain. Solddry Drunists. For Colds. Cough, Bronchitis. Consumption. and all Diseases of the throat, Chest and Lungs, Dr J Briggs 'Melt and Lang Elea er 14 a certain and reliable Re edy. S.#1,1 by Druggists. Are Toll a sufferer from Ncurala. Rhenaptisrn, or Fain of anv de ieTiption ? Dr. J Briggs' Allevantor will soothe away pint. Neuralgia, cure your Rhe9matism, and banish your pain. Sold by all Druggists.. • Nr133 abuetisente ts _ • GODERICH, 4th .:Tannary, 1870. To the Electors of the Tnwn of Goderich 11THEREAS: THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF Goderich, have, in their good sense and wisdom, ELECTED liE To STAY AT HOME AND MIND MY OWN BUSI- NRiS they have thus placed me in a position to DO THE INHABITANTS OF TOWN AND COUNTRY MORE GOOD in manufacturing clothee,„than in making Ily-Laws. I bow to their decision, and. desiring to procdre a eon- tinuance of publicliatronage, shall direct my undivid- ed attention to the manufacture of Clothing, and am DETERMINED TO 31A KE AND SELL BETTER AND.CHEAPER GoODS THAN ANY OTHER HOCiE IN ONTARIO. 1 have on hand GREAT VARI wry OF OVERCOATS AND PEA JACKETS and ec-erythint. in Geetleman's Furnishings. FIRST- CLASS °DEERE; WoRK-PROPAPTLY EXECUTED and a good fit guaranteed. Not votes but CASH required in ex- change. The polling -place is next door to Martin & Robertson's Dry Goads Store, where I am ray own returning officer and the election procbeds from, 8 a. in„, tilD10 pi m.. every lawful day. ' w4 ABRAHAM SMITH. GO TO THE BEST. THE BRITISH AMERICAN AN 0 BRYANT, STRATTON & ODELL CONSOLIDATED BUSINESS COLLEGE, -VOW the largest, most extensive and complete PI BUSINESS' SCHOOL in the country. It has the largest staffof Teachers, and the most practical and best adapted business forms. and the best 'screwed and most commodioas apartments. It is under the management of THOROU,GH BUSI- NESS MEN, fully alive to all the requireruents of the business e immunity The advantages and facilities afforded in this instituti- - on are unequalled In the country, and no young roan should enteron a business career without fully availing himself of its benefits. We were awarded the FIRST PRIZE IN RUSIN LSS WRITING at the late Provincial EXhibition atLondon. As this is theSIXTIT consecutive year that we "have taken this 'prize, we feel confident that there can be but one op- inion as to where to geto learn towrite. • For specimens ot writing, bank notes. circulars, &c. address. ODEL.t, 'ER- OUT Toronto 6g:deride oot 4th 1869. w37 4m. NOTICE. of the corporation of the COUNTY OF HUROpi WILL MEET IN THE jOURT ROOT IN GuDERICIL - ugow Tnesdas, the 25th. day oflanuary,4isti , -7# • rETER,ADAMSON; • '-'001111tit 01(ffit.• ' 0 nty Clerk'S Officid *,51.4t G ch,8thjani,1870 fr _ 'AiiNEO:7,--13.-QA11D-lydit,PATT.:ATIA,:,1.743C:;,;; by, a young Zen" gaieee r. 0 . 11W40 -1P, Janualy-70,1 O. combined. • HOLIDAY PRESENTS, OFFERED Ai COST. • WITH A VIEW TO MATERIALLY reance his present large stock, the subscriber will offer for the next. - TWO WEEKS ONLY ! The balance of hie large and varied .ai- sortment of SILVER WARE, • 'LADIES& GENTSDRESS1NuCASES WRITING DESKS, WORK BOXES, JEWEL • CASES, JEWELLERY,1 CONCERTINAS, TOYS, FAN-CY GOODS, KN IC K KNAAMS, . &c., &c. AT ACTUAL COST . A Great Reductionnn AND -MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS,' FAMILr& pOCKET BIBLES, CHURCH SERVICES', PRAYER. BOOKS, GIFT BOOKS, - ALBUMS, Will be given for the above. period, after vhich prices will be as heretofore. teiW The Public may ,rely on the above as bona fide, and that the sub - cella:). really means what he says. gALL AND sEg: Terms Cash, and Cash Only, T. 11LOORHOUSE. Goderich, Dec. 28tb, 1869. THE GREAT FEMALE. REMEDY. Job Noses' Periodical Pills. 'THIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS UNFAILING to the cure of all those pilaff -1 and dingerous diseases to which the female constitution is siffiject. It moderates all excess" and removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure ma' be relit -Cron. TO MARRIED LADIES it pecu'iarlystaited. It will, In a short time, bring on the monthly period v.-ith regularity. These Pills should not he taken by Females during the FIRST ThREE MONTHS of Pregnancy, as they are sure to bringon Miseeirriage.hut at any other time they are safe. - In all Cases of Nervous and Spinal 4ffections, Pain in the Back aad Limbs, Fan rue oa slightexertion: Palpita- tion ot the heart. Hysteries. a,d Whites. these Pi.fs will effect a cure vi -hen all other means have failed and although a pnwerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony-, orally:thing hutiful to the constitu- PlikFelalltlireetbms in the pamphlet around each package. Which sho I id be carefully preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR. ' 81.00 and 124. cents for postage, enclosed to Nnrtho p Lymao. Newcastle, (Mt., gottend agen la for the Dominion, wi:1 insure a bottle,eontaining over 50 olio, LI- return atoll. NORTHRUP & 1 YMAN, Newcastle, C . vir.,genera agent for Canadt ler a;old Goderich by Parker x Cattle rine Jordan • Gaidine.r ot 'Co., Bay, :Id ; James Benthum;Rotreiville ; J. Plekard,F ceter ; J.H. Cornbe. Clinton, S. cord, Lucknow; E. Hick. son. Eis.e.furth. and n Medicine Dealers. w38 CANADIAN PAIN- DESTROYER A Family Medicine, well and fayorablyknown forthe past ten years. never fading in a single instance to give permanent retie shen timely used, and -we have never known a. single Case ol dissatisfaction where I he directiims have been aeoperly tollowed,bui on the eontrary all are delighted with its operate -Ins, and speak In tbe highest terms ot its. Virtue and Magesal efftets, THE CANADIAN PAIN DE-STROYER has won toritself a re'putetion , as a blood port fi el, alterative stomach tonic, unsurpaseed lathe hist(); y of medical preparations. It seldom Mile to cure Dyspepsia, Liver Cqmplainie tion, Heat -amen, Sick Headache, Kidney Com- plaints, Aced Stomach Phthisie or Astbmaeant restores to v ital activity the' system debioutted by am fleri ng a nd disease . Its magicaland ondertul success in euring sudden colds, '-'ore throat,. 'Coughs, Diptherla pains in rhe sidedyens and back. neura Igiatoode ache, rheumatic and other pains in any part of the hotly dna &oat whatever cause, bas given it a place in every household and is fast .eopersed. ism all other preparat ions of -the kind. It is also an elle( Wel and -prompt remedy lor Scalds, Burns, Bettises, Sprains, Chilblains. rrost Bites, Ceamps in the Stomach, Marhcea, nolera morhus, Bilhous Cholic, Cholera 'Alan- ium, Dysentery, &c. Price only 2.5 cents per bottle. NORTHROP 4. LYMAN, Newcastle. C. W. General Agent for Canada. rt -Sold in Cadent -6 bit Parker & Cattle and F. Jordan; Gardiner & Co, Mayfield; James Bentham, Rodgers/Ole; Pickard,eExeter; J. . Combe, Clinton; Secord, Lneknow; 8 Hickson cLes forte and all Medicine. Dealers. w38 N. 111011ARDY . _ ST. RELEN$. . nOMMISSTONER IN B. R. & C., FOR COVFTY U of Huron Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, de., -Elled and executed. Wills &e , arawn out. 25,000 Money to Lend at moderate rates on bnproyed property. A,Il expenses very moderate. N. McLARDY, St. Helens, Jan. lst, 1870. w51 -4t , TENDERS WANTED MENDERS WILL BE 'RECEIVED BY THE UN - A. dersigned UP TO THE FIRST FEBRUARY NEXT, FOR THE BORINC OF A FIVE (5) INCH WELL, To the depth of twelve htuidred and fifty (1250) feet, or less if required. The Contractor will_have ;engine and boilerfumistied him. and will haVe te lind every- - thing elite required including wood and oil. sles• Satisfactory security for the performance of the work will be required /led the lowest tender need" not be accepted. W. SEYMOITR oo. w42 -4t Goderich. 13th {Tannery, 1870. TENDERS WANTED. MENDERS FOR THE ERECTION OE A DERRICIC .l. and enginehouse on plans to he seen at our office twill be received by die undertaigned up to the 25th inst. .The buildiegsto be erected on the Longworth faun, and the mirk te he done in a satisteetorymemier and Le speedily es possible. W. SEYMOUR &Co. Goderich,Mith January, 1879. w52 -3t I ,#1 s WO- & j. KAt „by. CHEMICAL "PRINCIPLa -1 • APPLIED-119,MB man pr. . , i •.,, ehicini' o ai4 Nitta.agn taieizes. . , . HAVE . RECETVED . _ 7 SAR§1111);Ilt-twilI]iiii . .A.AT.73 vim mane! crir.reiT173Eic",...-sTsv., . firm cusagre,engei le,ctilfsiiirc_sn of here, Dr. Red- " • . WHITNEY PETERSHAM& A STRA CAN CLOAKING . I N.,13:-TheWre nadicii- '-i-r#4e-fr -- all 7142' ‘141'.'eeL - - ' - '' RESOLVtArri j ,. 7 Wool ShaNirls;Extra Valae, , • th I 15 . --, f Ayer's Sarsaparifia, THAT Sueet ior &imp roes', er . 4 , FOR S 0: E. • VELVETEEN 8t CLOTH JACKETS., MO TR Br.101.7*i NOM . g IDENE BROOM. The repntation this ex. cellent medicine enjoys, is derived from ite cures, many of which are daily marvelloui. Inveterate cases of Scrofulous die- m ease; where the system seemed satmated with carraption, have been ' purified and cured by it. Scroltdousaffections and disorders,which weft ags • gravated by the serofti- lous contamination until wire painfully afflicting, have been radically is prepared on a new principle of Medic! Chem° • • istry,from the ac4494 curatioe incopertips of dlte,most choice protracts cif the ptgptabre kittgdoni. The; Serempart1Tirin «ad other . fdretyn robts yieldiftg extracts that e,:t.rr into .'he comporttion of this won- derful Wood, 7'issice, Heat,. Irld-onaking medicine are sele:led and g Jtletred ch,#, yrecunt care at the proper 2ason, from the native soil, under the superw's:04 of. intellge;ii ap'.c»tt -exPerl'noed botan- ists, employed crclusloclg for Di. Railway #11 OIL - /m.41* no spirions talsnixtunesair WOrthleag roots ern, possibly b soiree, ?Mth the pure. • • It ebsts Ile. 11 nitrify de (70. over $31;001 (thirty thcosand dollars) per annunifor the sercices and expenses of seinolifie Botanists in this branch alone. But the wonderful lin,proventenls a has secured in ..the curative range of Ltr. Railway's Remedies, mare especially the SARSAPARILLIAN Es,p113. Lae bniti)/ Mgr aga ; or iiegrl ' 10 the hfitury of medleine•sels such 0 m#diciac that so monpletely builds up, repars, and ',vacs sound, strong, healthy, riyoront, an• 1 In-aulYal withat, the - weak and lirukcn-dmenconstiletrions, as - Dr.' .1?..AD TI.14 Sd.14,5-1P. .4RILL1.1N .RES 0 L VENT. Important Chemical Pritteiples sUpplied to the wasting body through the • SARSAPARILLIAN RESaLVENT It supplies the blood with notiristtment. • IT CONTAINS TISeUE.MAICiNG AND FLESHeAl A KING (;/,11 A LITI It supplies the si stem with 'falorib 'or heat- ; making properties. It cureS ail Ecitittive anti Ulcerate 1 dis. cases pf the Eyes, Ears, Mouth, Throat, asset k.lts and iirdy. It In," eaSes the wei-r.tt and appetite. IT STOPS ALL WILIAILteNING DisCHAR- GES. It Joel eases the rept-dee and diminishes the It elle-rite-it:1n. ates the products or ay. It resolves TIIMOVS, NitNICS, 1011111Mo It mah es the Sabi CletAr _It heals Fever S-,te*tinti ee.-•• It cures G ravel,G feet. an ['St i atter.. . It makes the Waite!: clear edit aktall tgeily•-% It eaves Harrertul-ss; an laves:4 witty the'vi. .#•or of manhood who, (coin wios`-#. - nese or disease, rive desk -lent or cell It res. lies wpioryn from t he pet Ala 11, ident to • chmage.of life- cerdsat„lon. of newsiest. . :Yo those who' seek ilea t h.' There ..111 tint a man- wienlitt or child. however wasted by disease, if their systems are still in a con- dition to receive evtoselpeata: and theiy. J•LINGS, L EVER KIDN E and.ot he,- v. tern -101S ii9trit46t- ed be3-orld the procese •of eepair. or if mdeible of &LIS ts illing the reparatzre proee00 91 RA DWAY'S SarNapar _VesOlyent but en n be either restored to health. ottlee wastes and d icompositions stopped. and the elements of decay drat now exist be dismissed from the system Extesifie c.ases. where the 1.15Nite-ReDsteis. and: otherergene are wasted. u1;•ei atoll. aiiii their fine - Lions 1 aterrupted pia secretions alteecel beyond the reptile tive power of medic-ne. mas;. a hd will. by the nee of the Sariaparliden Reeolvent. continue to live perhaps ter years ; for no matter how low the vital farces May be. if the system can' be 'brought under the influence of this tissue awl -flesh -making medicine. the repairs will be greeter than the emotes, and the BLOOD WILL receive that high degree of strength. parity. and nourishment to enable it to hold in healthful -solution alf Its Mifiktittiehtf, end stfilithif process of decay and decomposition. CONSUMPTION,ISCROPU A. Brigh-Os digtoaseor the Kteeevs. Secogneee seeettte'; and thenoishn of Venereal. are developed through the proeess of de- posits I rem the blood either in the Lungs. Skin. Kid- neys. Bladder or Cellular Tiasue ; and these dis- eaaea in their advanced stage can both be checked_ and -cured by the use of the harsaparallan solvent. NARK THE CHANGE. ' A periwig seized with any Chronic caseate at the Lungs, Liver, Skin, 1,•idneys. Spermatic Glands, !Womb, or Urinary dighmIties. will experience 0 marked change in her health tin Mr. bale, after faking the Sarsaparillitin Resolvent. .4.# the blood. becomes more, Meh. „Wow:), Cplli nour-- Wang, and La enahtthi to kohl in soUition naturitt constituents, du: deposits of Tuberculous matter and other elements of disease, decomposit awl decay, will be diminished IN•the Lungs, Kidneys. Skin and other Organs; and each of these Organs will secrete theirproper constituent sepretions. Instead of Urine, Bile, the Pancreatic „Tater ti,:rt other -Adds being absorbed in the rirculation,these secretions will be directed for expulsion from the system through Mei:* proper chan»el.e. medicine fails in itA inflisenee on the system, to correrd secretions, and to as- sist each organ or seeretilly ffla sal in dtseliar»ina proper funetions, health ettn never be restored ; hap., pity for suffering humanity, Itailway9s Sarsapa. rillian Resolvent secures this inw.wtati! want that has heretetfore existed all these remedial agents adrrrtized as Wood Puri fliers. No Matter 119TV deeplY seated ar engrafted in the tissuesi cartilages, glands; or.lans, m' bon -es disease and corruption may be. the influence of this power- ful awn! on the blood and °the,. fluids that supply the tiring boil!, with repairs, will So charge the sys. tem with such emistinients as to resolve and exter- minate do dead and &romp...et-lig matter, and sup - place with sound tart tiring strueturg, nour- ished by melt, parr, anti strong blood. Hu the chemical a4ion which -die ..Sareapal*Iiimitesoireig has on the hiebstahres taken into lhe stomach daring its process. of ibgestion into Chyme and Chgtc, bifore 11 is. nu:de blood, as welt as the nourishing consti- tuents it ronerrls 11110 blood, and its specific action when enterina in the circulation, it exterminates every atom of I:111/S from the b100.1, dna resillggs away at/ deposits of disease, whether caused by the action of some .wreific poison, or virulent diserisk or Mercury, Corrosive Subltmate, e. the Cbrrosire C7iloride:of Mercury, Calomel, and other agents that may hare aceuntalated ill the Ones, tissues, cartilages, or joints. ' or from some trim:emitted fiend& complaint [hid rimy &Ice run through half a dozen generations. " Soros:isle' Consumption, Ryphills, uncured anti badly t reatetVenerea I in Its many forms, Glandular Disease', ULets in the Throat, Idonth, ,Tutnorth Nenles in 1 Sle. and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes, Stilt. mous Discharges from the Ears, and the *oust thrums of Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ringworm, Salt 11. Inn in, Erysipelas, Acne. k tWOED1S ill the Flesh' Ts:mots, Cancers in the Womb, and all wcak g 1 painful ilrise charges', Night Sweats. hitati-of Sperm, and all wastes of the l'ite Prin. iple, M., -Within the curative range of the Sarsaparillian Resolvent, and a few days' nse will IDEOWC to any person using it for either of these (01.1h18 of Disease, its potent poiver to enre them. Uncured Venereal -Gleet, Gravel' Strictures, and rill Complaints of the Urinary Or.' gaiis, Bladder' Kidneys, WOULD, ropsy. Diabetes, and all who are 'Inouye. anicist•el li‘y Stoppage of Water, or Pain. Cud Discharges' are- quickly s.elieved effectually cured. thyougla the SARSAPARILLIAN -RESOLVENT. Recent Cier_es repolicil by E. J. Chapman, • Commercial Traveller, Montreal. G. Denault. of St. Thnothee. County air Bisatitkar- nois. Canada East. had for nine years TWO LARD E ITLCERS..one on his thigh. the other on hie.aide, that resis-ted all kinds of medicine and the skill of the most celehrated (lectors in Montreal and- other parts of Ca-nade. Lest Fall he commenced the use of Ratitvars'Sarsaffstrillirin Resolvent, aided with Hadasny#s Pills and Ready Relief. Ile used only three bottles of the Sarsaparillian Resol- vent, and two or three boxes or titailwaY'raVillsearuls toted. aS a, lotion, wffsh of the -Ready Ica ief :wet; Sarsanexilliane-ftesolveut"Z, diluted with miter. - Which Completer), cured -Hera is a man that had previously stent hundreds of dollars, doctored for nine years, and cured at a cost of less than five iicillars.. "ONE.' SOLID SCAB," SOR.OPULA CUBED at Wells River, Vermont. ra. Durant, one of the wealthiest citizens of irons •River, owner ifirleatly' half the town, besides a slum- ber of Pp.per Mills. Hotels, &c., Witt ine of his know- ledge of your medicine. His son, aged -13 years. was covered ivith one SOLID SCAB. covering the entire body -head. trunk. chest, legs. and all. sew him in September last, and he was the most revolting and diseased object I ever saw. At my -request ho was put under the treatment. of tadwayve Sarsapa• Milan. Resolvent, Ready Relief and Pills. _One utopth since, oja,reterning to Canada, I saw the father, who thee told me,that his son was comidetely cured. knelt "of many- Who have been Cured of Fever Sores. Eruption of tho Skin. Boils: -Ulcers, Seri Head, Sore Legs, and in fact all kinds of -sores. ,Threateited • COns ption. Night Sweats. meeting from the bongs. cured with one bottle of 11.ADWAICIS SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT WinnEit STATION, Ontario, 0111:143. 'March 11, ha Dr. RADWAY /-Tilis IS to certify that 1 was taken' vrith bleeding at tho lungs, and night sweats. and was induced to use your Sarsoparillinia Resola, vent. After taking two dines I was- enabled'. LC steep, a boon for which I was thaokful. After using one bottle the bleeding was cured. and the night sweats ceased 1 emitinued to use eis and now althignsMiliekness# iiiieraseanddliteatened ConsuingtiOn have disappeared. I feel nty health fully recovered. . • - JONATHAN FREELAND. N- B. -This gentleman was well known to have . been under the treatment of the best physicians in Saralee -he received no benefit from, any -medicine until he commenced, using your SarsaparilUCl Resolvent. • GEO. MORTIMER, • Commercial Agent tar Wade. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 439,ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL. oar Sold by Draggiste s;nd general Storekeepers. st $L00 per bottle, or•$5.00Kor bottles. , 1. T ' OHRISTMA S MIR 0 RP Ti TW.5T9Rnitr•BItfMtitait „Goderich, Dec.13th. /s69, w4Tet/ SALT 500;s. PER BAAREL.. 1r lire: 431Ifda 1:113411.11 i , (OLN WEIL) Which they wilt eat at ote*c41311ta-taegib4341111kt tifieta Werke #Wer.the metereti pte 5 oe lthls, . ' Iiir•AlEettenumbeeor, Salt Kettlef sale.4 11 -MEM sitBscninizesus TO RETURN Yet.ANice , .1., te his cestoreers and the citizens of Goderieb, tor thb patrOnave they haee favored hiui with, and hopes by keeping ' Meats of the Best Quality in Season, To still reedyci%s* are o- ,c - ''''' -11.-T e enbseriberi tre 1 itia a,tten ith ja c o et ill. el-zili kV ...e ' nu - i i his* sfeek. of hrilteasts Meat on- batut tkils i week. STEPHEN ANDREWS,- - Market House, Goderich. i pacember 20th, 1869, w4841 dental/alb. - Januar Utb A8.70e 1051•45 5 • C1_4401E1113 3E4NLI 001, 1 1.....(1›:‘, .4 Ur° m such greatmembers in almost every sec- -non ofthe colintryethat the publie scarcely need W 9 be informed or its virtnee or uses. ecrofirloue poison.is one of the Most dearnctive enemies Or one -race. Oftenethis iniseeb and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fataldiseases, A LOT or REIVIMANTS AT CW, Pea•Jackets and Overcostg• Goderich, Nov. 29, 1869. .w43-ly • Firum1F,, .....••••#..../a....... -.•••••••••••••-•••••••:•••,,,,- NEW LAyER-RAISrMS FOR CFT.Wi§ritT NEW SEEDLESS RATS LNS C r D•111M A NEW VALENCIA RAISINS F0'9., C Ir ---)T lAg# NEW CURRANTS AND PET.filaS T01 CHRI.1 NEW SUGARS., TEAS, &PICTS,. kt!c , FOR C11-- IST2.1.A3) YOU CAN GET 29 its 'CURRAgTS VO'Rs s 1. 4. 11 tbs VALENCIA RAI-INs F A.T IL)t)03.1INA47, Srrk Goderich, gee-. 21, 1869. Par E. B. SL1111'11 sw07 TILE STANDARD LIFE ASSURA I ,E 0 F.sta,-131is101e41 1S25. wITH which ie now united the Culoniel Life. A su ;ince Catni.tia MOntrear,----.Stenclatil'Compall'e's No Manager -W. M. Remsay. Inspector-Richaid Bull. ACCUMULATED FUND ANNUAL INCOKE Compeity. Head office fe . 47 'treat St ...I,itnes Street 4... • 820,000,000, 3,500,000. Tte Company having deposited t1.e sum of 6150,000 with the Itege-iver General, in ennformit witn the insurance Act passed last Session. , Assuranc, s will cuntioue to be carried out i; moderatexates and on all different systems m preeike. Referees :-Dr. McDoueall, Dr. McMicking. vol. xxi No. 49. CALL° WAY, Jr.. Agent fur Crude. ieb. , PARKER& CATTLE OULD ESPECIALLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE :PUBLIC.GENERALLY ta their superior stock of . TMAS.1 TO33.A.CCOESI C g Also having just received a ls-ge simply of -vv s sic ct, c) s, Take :treat pleasure in recommenditig them foe purity and flavor; which cennot be surpassed for medical or family use. Godericb ,Nov, 30, 1869. A PARK -ER & CATTLZ„, BROWNE S METALLIC WEATIIEliTRIPS WINDOil.V7BAN DS ! TJD_ oef" eivuedrye CPesr4tion.• -Riejlit:valuabTenlippstrsT from Doors and VEIStAri 4C4- SilteCOCacil "tlae g1IMIG3211 tor. Seven Years On some of the finest public and private buil3ings in the United States and Canada, need no further redommendation. - Laie'Principal Depot 234 Broadway, New York. _ H. GARDiNER & Co., Market Square, Gonerich, Ont., w43tf Agent for Huron and Bruce.. Goderich, Nov -ember 16th, 1869: • • ,1•1 a 12:1 I MISS, 11 will ism. 1101010.111 IS 1 11100. all I • IA di IM•1 . 1111 11 ail• • I 11 .11 • • CHRISTMAS. PRESENTS ! PA.RKER & 'CATTLE, WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OF THEM NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS TO TT their large assOrtment of Vases Combs; ir.1184PeeSr,f-iimery. Toilet Prenarations. &c. I r Which:bey will sell eta very small advlance upcin cost. PARKER &PATTLE, w21-tt 2Gederich, Nev. 30th, 1869. CARDS & BIL 4-11EAD • Fancy, -Printed at City Rates AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE. LIST OF_. LETTERS DEMAINING IN GODERICH POST OFFICE 7thjanuary 1870. '144iulnalioYn Mercer Ehjolizaahrnlbeest(2h) lAilamnpbeL°11111T6homae Muir William GGFAirtiolad: .Thjlivuehinasil Edward George 2- MMiteeeKwbGeeelil tajeror IP3IC C a p t . 11Veoll:selinija;JVohn . , -almeelnCatolln mrJasmes McGee Mime, HardRotkinieaMaikeo Hays Thomas Mrs. Porte D & A MeLe J Mrs Hunter Sarah ' . m/Leantht.cisonnosidex SRhiaienny. Soasarahn a t, ' Minna Ann Miry, • = . .. ARCH. Di 1-W' RON, w51 -3t post Master. - ; : NPTWE MENDERS-144=EO BY THE BOARD OF COM - 1 monsehtiol trastees drthetown `Of Goderieb, for the delivery at the Central School of 75 cords Green Wood, raaple and beech, free from knots and limbs. Tendaswill be received by the undersigned till the 20th hist. By orderer tit/LT:cattle_ WAL MAseecliAreT.y tar . Goderieh, 10th Jan. 1870. w57 -2t VOR SA.LE, rig SOUTH treTs ot tOT NO. 18, -frit THE lit , con., Wawanosh, 90 acres, only two miles from Nile village. aaptilY :there tit 8". BoltoclefEse., or to " - B. C.- C'e lgt.EISON. . _ vin4 t ' • HOderlelt PREPARE for volloAtart. HUGH DUNLOP iMerchant Tailor, AV1NG refitted his Short on West street, 'a* next door to Bank of Montreal, is now prepared to supply hia nnmerous customers, - at sbort notice, with all articles in ha lice. ' His Sleek consists of TWEEDS; OVERCOATINGS, CHECKS. &c., in great variety, and will be- - sold CHEAP for CASH. He hopes to re- ceive a full share of public patronage, as heretofore. . - A. DUNLOP. Godericb, Nov. 3, 1869. • w39 FOR SA.L_E-CHEAr. A LARGE CCMFORTABLE DWELLING HOUSE, et- end 'shop =listable, in the centre of the testate- inv Village of Blyth. The dweliing house is 11 storiest high and contains seven rooms And kitchen. It is thoroughly finished. in the best eityle. The shop big I large frame 24 X 46, two stories high. The &tablets al, so agood frame The lot Is nem, with s bears ingorchard of choieely selected fruit trete Thal" Is Also a good vamp and every other convenience s& team& Itturnishesta pest excenentopening for aliyi tradesman or man et hususess. . toPaitiotl.gEtt.030gt? RILEdVARgelta, re:B. ,4315tihythp.e00. For terms and particulars apply IV by leitewi,mtios.ntr December Nth, 1169' Withentexciting a suspicion of its presenc.e., Again, It Seems to breed infection throughout the body, and ` then; on tome favorable Ocetullon, dttelop intoeone Or other or its hidalotal forms, either on tbe surface or ainong the vitals. In the latter, tuber- cle; may- be ituddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumore formed in the liver, or it shows its presence by eraptaons on the ekui,or foul ulems ations on some pail of the body. Hence the ocem. Monet nse of .a bottle of this Sarsaparilla is ad- visable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the following com- plaints generally find immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use of this SARSAPAItIL- • .LA: St. Anthony's Fire, Nose or .Erysireiese„ Tetter, Salt View*, Scald Head, Itingwornt, Bora _Eyes, Sore' .Ears, and other eruptions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed ftn.ms, as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Heart Disease, Fits, _Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and the various Ulcerous affections of ttie muscu- lar and nervous system. Syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Diseases are cured- by it, though a long time is required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. Illit long continued use of this medicine will -core the cOmplaint. letworrhtea or Whites, uterme uteeratilms, and Fentale Diseases, are corn - mon soon relieved and ultimately cured by itil p_nritying and invigorating effect, Menu exem_ titans for each case are round in gem Almanad. sup- plied gratis. Rheumatism and Gout, when tensed by aceumuletions of extraneous matters in the blood; yield qtuckly to it, as also Liver Comp/abate, Torpidity, Congestion or Inflame elation, of the Liver, andJaundiee,whenarising, as they often do, from the eankling emisons in the blood. This SARSAPARILLA is a great re- storer for the strength end vigor of the system. Those tvitO are zanguid and zAsttess, Despon-' dent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Ap- prehenalinte or Fears, or any of the affections snag -made, of Weakness, will find immediate teller and conviocing evidence of its restorative power nilian tenth PREPA.itED BY 7Or. 21. ATMS .11c CO., Lowell, Mass.., Practical and Analytical Chemista. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS et yeast vs azure _toigerahlle. J. Plkard. 401 Inc,581: S-rfir‘ orlarl r ad 'RI( L'ar 'Pau Gd, ko'44:1#0Yr. h 'ordan. Gardiner a .o.. di Medicine • ealto • N, busweastle. -Ont., geeran by Parker if Cattle and F Bettie' L James Renjhum Eeeter. J. 11. combs, clin E. Hickson, Seaforth. and w-17 X 1-- Ma\ K I N G. 0AP. D/4 • • • . , st.s 1/.1111.1 '''' hr HE Subscriber begs to inform the /mbar diet he jA still carrying 01 the A.ae Manttfa -tory in hi. old stand on Light House Street, Goderich. He confident with the experience be rtes. that he.ean fur- ntsh a better axe than is 13.111 by any YAhEr maker.- Giveldin atrial before pa:haslet, elsewhere. rer My Axes can be obtained at/I:Jeers Hardware store, Clin tow - REDUCTION IN PRICES Double portion.Steel-eld price:82 00, Reduced to$1 50 Single do do I 60, do 1 as Jumped Axes do 1 00,, do 0 75 JOHN McPHERSON. Gederich. Dec. 9th. MA w47 tee FREDERICK, WATCHM/E.R, JEWELER, &t.. WEST ST., GODERICH, Near the Post Office. DEGS MOST RESPEETFIJI,LY TO RETURN HIS LA sincere thanks to the people of Goderich and vicinity for their 'liberal patronage -during the past 8 years, ant now 'that the holiday season has arrived with all its social vujoyinents and limeades; he would state that ell who wish to purehasejewelry for presents or iitherwlee of warranted material and worknizinsIdp would do wale buy from him at rates continuatively cheaper than that asked for wortblesa trash. _A.I Jesrelly &Id for Gold Warranted. in. Repairing done in the best style of worknuinship. melee eitEnontoie. Goderieh. Dee. 20th. 1869. vaitstf DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSRTP. • Tr tHE UNDERSIGNED- WHO HAVE BEEN CAR- rying on business as butehers, under the style of Cannan & Marsh, on tiamilton Street. hereby give' notice that the partnership existing between them is this day dissolved by mutual consent. ROBT. CARMAN, FRED. MAIRSH. • With reference to the above the undersigned begs to say that the above business will be carriee on by him in all itsdepartments and he would respectfully solicit a tontinuanee of public patronage. ROBT, CARMAN Goderich. 4th Jan. 1870 w50 PHOTOGRAPHS $1.00 Per Dozen. TIALFDOZENFROMBACKNEGATIVN Li- 51 cents, postage free. One dozen from back negative 87 centsepostage free, to any address. 113' ienlar Attention paid to Copy- ing old Ambrotypes. For eisher laegenr man photographs. The subscriber in returning thanks for the liberal patrobage heretofore extended to him, would just'say that he has made such im- provements. in his galleryes will merit a con- tinuance of the awns., Da' A Grent Redaction on Large Photographs. L. JOHNSON. Goderieli, Oct. 26, 1869. er44tf. .13.1R,T...M"'Z'S ARABIAN 0.11 FOR HORSES & CATTLE. A DIVER FAILING REMEDY TRVALUABLE PREPARATION. COMBINES- airthe medicinal virtues of almee shticks which long.experienee has proved to posse* the bloat sate ano efficient propertiee for the cure of Flesh Wounds, Sprains, Bruises,. Galls of all lends, Cracked Heels, Ringlhine, Stavin. Callotet,Fistulo.*Sweeney,Ititern- malaTnognioe, _new. bilicitiramtverscoothr Zres.esand. ktimeracithes., Flamoundeneemssd, Feel, Nen °islet/10er, Swellings, ,an -d -many other diseases which hared -sand cattle are Inbjeet to. This celebrated lenunent has been used for many years and its curative properties thoroughly tested, ant di, -conceded to be the cheapest and most re- , ae4iiiitareurielynsaepdpy-irendr.all external complaints ever offered o the public -it- never fails when timely used an. To be had ofall Dreggists and Country Iterehant throughout the Dominion. -Price 25e. pet bottle. NORTHRUP & LYA1AN, Send Gocierich dylre ChiCt-aPrtt°1ePraiebtailreF Jeirdain ; Gardiner & Co. Ai tie : ;James Bentham, RodgerviRe; 1. Ptckerd Exeter . . Roorns. with orcherd and eeery e • • nience with 3; acres ot land Situgge cl et, the banks (if the Riser geitland. neer 1-1 • Rai WA": Station Gode WI. Three rei - and on ban .of land II/quitting nhoee rg be had if requ'red. This it pied Salt T, ritoiy as the nil way tied( eett dieklee ti Salt W irks Low in - orerLtion frere the Tr rertY for SS I". Ayr] te R. PA BEE; fs.sq. • or to G. M. TRUEM..:N, Laiel A gent & Auetionet Gederich, N v. 23rd. 1869. ei44if _ TWO FARMS for say. VOR sale twr very vallinble FAR tiS in the to ship of Goderieh. For parlipulurs appty 70SEPH SBA Bum, Roue. ,,Gollerich Towns, .p Nove•nber26th. 1860. w4fitt FIRST-OLASS FUM FOR SALE . 111311 subscriber otters for sale, on liberal terms, a being lot 8, con. le,four miles f.ont Godr rich. It coin eoxfces :emu:8f: rin the toe rethip of Colborne. 11' P orises MA acres of the beat (-Lay soil, all cleared Frame House and Barr, Splendid Apple and Pear orchard goad watch. A house andlot in Goderieh would be taken as flail p 3 - went. For particu'ars apply to. ANDRE-NO -GRFPN, Goderich, Nov. 1st, 1860. Victoria St tioderiel.• w41-ir -- - A RARE CHANCI4i.. LAIN STIORE ARHERY FR SALE It GOOD WORKING ORDER. 11 POT ASli NET- _ tles, 7 Coolers, I Soap Curb and Kettle. 3 emir moulds, 2 Horses end Harness. 2 g led nen svasgee• 11Sleiglis. 2 Wheel Barrowe, 4Shovels. 6 Pewter Cantle , Mould Stands, 3 lb in a stand, 2 Chain Pt nips for a#3 Water Pump and many other appendages toti„,ni mer ons to trent ion. In good stand and will be sold cheap for cash. 2,000 loads leached Ashes, 'll_nents ra load Pdeplire of J. BARNES, at the Asher3•. Goderiel .Nov. 2itd 1869. wal A te. parties concernea are hereby notified C.at nnv Ca Monies due to the bearer on note of hand. Of bo.k areottnt, are tobe paid to himself persoenliy. An otherpaytueuts will be considered 'reit nod viva JOSEPH Goderich, Dee. 2, 1869. wria FARM ilia SALE. I) EI NG COMPOSED OF LOT 21, GOSHEN LIN 13 Township of Stanley, t °may of linen, 1 se tores. lea acres are in a hteh state ofeultis-ai ion, Ti .n.i is of the hest quality and well fen, (Liguori Ittkliti rev along the front.) 'Darn are the pir nises lweliinglioioe, frame barn Sti he #1 feel. gratin • --table and shed 105 by 24 feet, weh -fewest towboat • • too baaiing trees, tut) never fai'ing wells with gond :#111111.4 &e. fine property is situated on 9.gras.1 and. and contsected by good gravel roads 0 tili 10 miles) and by a road, said to be the fittest in the •roviaoe, with the excellent markets of Hayfield e,) and li#Nrfortb (12 miles). For Ihrther padicul ' is apply te D. iterrangstl, ast -Manner, Be. hese 0. L. MARTIN, um the premises. Bly'led 7th Der. 1869. atetind - ZNSDI-VE,VT ACT. OF 1369. In the- matter of Henry Treffrr, an Insolvent: 1)11113LIC NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN 711.341 '. pursuant to the powers vested in ine, DS AsSignee #f the above named Ingo/rent all my right, title mei interestiu the following huids and prendses as As- signee, as aforesaid, WILL BE SOLD RV PUBLit.: AU3TiON at the Auetien Mart of Georme NI 'freeman, in the Town of Goderieh. in tlre Countyef Miran On W..dnesday,the 2Brdday ofFebruary, , A. D 1870, at the hour oftwelveVeloek noon, t All anditingular that certain parcel ertraet of lend end premises situate. bine and being In the 01 flowiek, in the County Hunin, and Proaducesitem Melo, end being composed ofylUsgelet nutaluetivents- one, in Bald village, as laid down on a registered plan nf date, Iffleenth May. A. D., one thousancleightlitin- dred end ny Wi ham Rath, Provincial Sue veyot, saidlot froating on Victoria Street; and von - t -akin* by adaeasurementone fifth of an acre, be tbe same more or less. For Further particulars apply to the Aisle -nee, or to J ReGt1RDON, Solicitor, Goderichr SAMVEL POLLOCK, Assigneo. Goderich 13th December, A,.. D.1869. w47-2in sic REwARD, 'ran SUBSCRIBER WILL GIVE THE ABOVE Rr.., sfi# ward to any pat3011 or persons thatwill give stieh information as-wit:11mA to the eamviction of the pies son orpensons diastole from his barn en the 24111 nat., e quantity of wheat. JOHN SOURBY, ' Lot 17, ard con., Goderieh tome -shit), December 27th, 1569. w49.1m4 Agents, Read This 1 wILL tiAv AGENTS ti SALARY of $80 pef weekend expenses, or allay a largecommisslodg to sell our new wonderful inventions: ,address, w473id W WAGNER & CO.. Rashid • Miele WASHING MACHI'NE I A PERFECT CEM. Priceonly :$2.00 each rnIHE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE " A J. little wonderin the Washing Machine line" patent- ed and manufactured by Israel Kinney of Pi oodstock. It is the cheapest machine eter invented ; can be at ached to any ordinary wastetub ; can be adjusted springs Wont either light or heavy goods : washes It ° rapidly axt efilciently as more cumhersmut and enstly machines ; and does less injury Dr the clothes ; leaves them nearly as dry. if desired. as regains Wringer. Thelow prim of $2.00 brings it within the reach °Tatty family. With it any housekeeper can do her ownwashing without eithei getting sore bands of an aching back. Call and See theldachine AT ROBINSON & YA.TES9 Market tarocery, Goderich. Tith Dee.. 1869. 49 NOW IS YOU rt OfTAIPTOil ha CRABB'S - Secure the ihadow ere the lubstance fades. • tsa cc t-4 cc 121 • 1-3 Prices to Suit the Times ! Photographs redaced to $1.09 per Doz., on 75eta..part BALI? DOZZ.N. Large Photograph Reduced in, ,Proportion. Also -will make the jargest Pheteigraphs made in Goder; ieh. very cheap. Porcelain pictures limn one dollar upwarditat D. CAMPBELL'S Photograph Gallery, . Gotten& Oct. leith. 1869. w27 Ontario Carridge Shop, (Hamilton St., Godsrich. R. Z.' r.... full -operation, and Is taming Oat strive:ow- Carriages! Buggies', Wagotts • 'of all kinds, SLEIGHS, CIJTTERS $e, . A number offirst class Buggies on band, and for Sale eheapforeish Prieesefoll nrdeles in the line Veit will compare favorahlywith any In the County ra- All work warranted Particular attendee pad to Wagon and Caelinev Pe- e. ste pGrAbe, Cliaten „_. becord, Luc pairing . smii; Er Hickicin. ..aftrifie'Irld all Mediegm. R. J WHITELY. Deisters. v:43 Guilerieh. Nov 9th, 135a wei t • s 1