Huron Signal, 1870-01-13, Page 2• ••
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Preyez a: Gala:race Liss.
N. "..etess,
No 9
No le. Fs iiisets,
No '2. VI
No. 4, At., I,
6 30 m.
30 a tn.
. .9 p m.
.4 Oti p ie.
4 30 p.
'The Rea River Trouble.
Dea 1_,IVINGSTON. A few uays ago one of the, sons of
Latest from Red River.
- --
West Wawanosh. SONG.
In thespring of our life. when our hearts are as free p
' —a- a_aa '
• gVe Never be ashamed of confessing your Ignorance,
received at Zanzibar, by Dr. Kirk, -Her The Council met this day, persuant to
The ignonious retreat, of the Hon. Wm. •
Livingstone, dated 30th of May last, and .
Mr. E. Martinehotel keeper, of this town
The following iliteresting letter from Dr. ,
grand plea. Majesty's Consul, on the 2ndOctober last, adjournment, Dec. 28th 1869. Members
McDougall from the borders of the Red • Met with a serious accident. Being
the history of Canada, Tho
' was communicated to the Bombay papers ',brother, he was tripped and fell against present, Metars. Girvan, Gaunt, McIlwain
River country, marks an important era . • mg in thestable, playing with a younger
• by the Government :- ithe heels of a horse, who at once kicked and Cumming. Minutes of last meeting
a territory capable of sustaining in comfort' I him near the temple. Although seriously were read and.approved. A petition from
sixty millions of population? No :doubt by Musa Kaniaals, WITo was employed by linjured it is hoped that under the care of Widow Tisdale praying exemption from
tion now iseeshall we; or shall we not have
Mr McDougall was sent out in good faith Koarji to drive the buffaloes hither. knit , Dr. lticDougall, he will recover.
taxation for the Current year, granted -al-
so to Widows Oliver and Fluher. W B
I MY DEAR DR. KIER :- -This !lute goes
ST. PAI7L, MINN., Jan: 7. --Governor
Marshall, of Minnesota, on surrendering
his office, delivered his annual message
to -day. Concerning Red River he. says :
'The movement of the Dominion of Cana-
da to establish its authority in the Red
River country, on our northern border,
has been -rssisted by the people of that
remote and isolated region. While natur
ally our sympathies are with the people
who strive to secure populer rights, the
events iu British America concern us -
chiefly as they may -affect the peace of our
border. There has been reason to appre-
hend that the hostile Sioux, who since the
by the government, but if so wliy -was he by over I. me them unmercifully in tlie
• ty
U1011 IA Ai not property supportea 7- why was he not sun, and •ine them up to save trouble in
GODEI31011, JA.N. 1S- 1870,
Ntw ;3alt Enterpris 3 I.
A ,e,eacnian in this town, wlvise vera-
city is ab,,ve reprOach, informs that he
been alithorize.1 by an En...rlish capitalist to
gi e oat contracts aninedeitely. for the
construction of works . celeible ef tenting
Salt per day ! ! The site, we onderst and,
will be what ia known as the Lengworth
farm- .0),,ut leaf a mile out of town. -
Such :ut intiux of foreign cepital would be
of verv -great ad% an tage to the town of
Goderich. The onterprise, it is estimated,
will In "iv iinniettiate expenditere
eeeesed,,llars ! Were we wrung a year or
two Age, in devotina se much eur space
to the salt question ? 1Ve trust that every
one of our preseot and conang salt men
sea be able to ',Fake et pug. Hurrah for old
te,elerich, after all ! -
....knonyaione scribbling .
We lieve all heard of sach a thing as
stablong. in the dark, ati act w hieh is re-
probated by every ;4,00al man. There is
setnethtne, however. even worse than
stabbing in the dark. The knife ot the this department, cheapness 'can no further
villain who .strikes at you under cover of
larkness ilea glance off a boue, end you
may heve the snpreitie felicity of braining
him with veur walking stick. But what
shall e say Of the man or woman who is
• guilt v of writing to anether upon matters
affecting persemil affairs or private charac-
ter ? It is one of the most icewardly acts a
a human bein,, coadd be guilty of. To
write such a letter to any one is morally as
vile as the action ef the Fenian who writes
to a possihle victim, adding the traditional! pressions of 'opinion, feeling and eentiment
emblem ot coaiiia, death's head and cross' with loved ones over the water. We do
not think the price would have kept even
the pooreet from writing at times. Now
there will be an opportunity of doubling
the number of friendly epistles; and me
effusion, but a letter sent to a private ie.- hope every une of our friends, wile has
divideal be read, lied who has ever 4- been beginning to forgetoldacquaintaries,
know a case where such an atrocious e:- will take up the thread of neglected duty.
fusion has not beeu dashed down with the It is a bad thing to drown early niemories
feeling of horrur with which one would and snap early ties ; and, it would be-
unhend -a viper. There is more of this
kind of thing going un in the world than
moat people are aware uf. Do those who
doge' ge in it keow that they are contribut-
ing their quota to a practice which stings
th-e soul,n poisons uften the fountains of The School Trustee Election
demeaie-liappiness, and frecinently breaks Takes place, in the various, wards on Wed -
the heart And yet they take to them- nesddy, 12th inst.. This ought to be eon-
selvee at times the credit a working siderect of equal monrent with the Council
zeraloresWen the cauee of truth and righteous- elections. We trust the householders will
ness. gra. Stewe is charged with having wake up,from their usual apathy and take
scandaliz,ed the yneniory of Lord Byron, care to give the right men the charge of
but let us nut forget that she did it over this useful department of public work.
her own name and openly, so that the
friends el the great peet had an opportu-
nit/ of defending his fair fatne. Let
anOnymous scribblers remember this fact :
A person receives a letter affecting him-
self or others seriously ; he scrutinizes the
hand -writing, and fanzies it resembles
that of some acquaintance. Then he con-
tracts a mortel hatred for the supposed
literary assassin,and the consequences may
be easily imagined. We line e heard of
several such cases eeceatly. Shame, say
we, upon the authors 1
rea- We have to remind our builders that
Lakes' bill amounting to $12 for boarding
! herding, t 5 all died before lie gut to Un- : and lodging II Douglass six -weeks was
backedap by the whole strength of the : yan-yembe.
He witnessed the plundering the time, per advertisement of Samill & ordered to be paid,. Deuglass being
of my goods, and got a sbare of them, and by J. b. Sinclair, Esq., expires on the destitute and untble to support himself'.
country? H is appointment was premature,' ()rook, for tenders for a house to be built
his sudden appearnnce in the Red River , I have given liiiii beads end elotheutricient 29th inst. - Wm Connors applied to flea Council for
country was illeCtIvised, and it is nOt at all I to buy provisions for himself on the way relief under the [following circumstances.
to he wondered at that he, having (po i 1- ,
I here.. Ile neither went near the goods
cally) sown the wind should now reap the here nor tried to prevent their neinestoleu Messrs Cox & McDonald of this town, a
whirlwind. The Government at Ottawa 1 on the way. I suppose that pay ror tour sample of their superb factory -made
aae alene to blame for this embroglio, but i tuonths in ceining, other four of rest, and
Mr. McDougall - is himself to blame for
voluntarily uniting himself with such a four in g.nng back eon, e amp e, u
I leave this to your decision.-eI could not
'. employ him to carry ney mail 'tack, nor the best and cheapest in the market.
• • brooms. We need...or-1.1y say that they are
adanitted•bY traders in this section to be
outhreaki of 1864, have found refuge in
body of nien. He sold himself for ,naught ' can I say anything ta him, for he at once - . the British territory, would be incited to
and he has received his purchase money I, g'Oes to Ujajians and ,aives his own version .
i of all he freers. Ila is untruthful and iil- • New TELEGRAPH OFFICE. -The office of
i with compound interest. 'Even the tory
I conditioned, and would hand off'the- mail the Montreal Telegraph Ca u pany is to be
press now turns against him in, a ipirit of ,
to any one who wishes to destroy it. The removed shortly to Mr. Jordan's present
malevolence which he will duly appreciate. people -here are like the Kilwa traders- stand. rhe post -holes are to -ay being
As tne heart a the lambkin that frisks on the lea, P
Our path lies Piro' sunshine o'er moorland and plain ;
And our bow'rs are the shade's of the deep hazel glen.
We love the calm dell where the rath daisy snnngs
1 fy boil he where the glad robin angs;
We love the blythe tones ot the brook s poplin!, tu,
And we,joy in the dash of the hoarse brawliug lynu.
How lovely the hills in their purple array,
Tow'r upward to welceme the dawn of the day,
Or gleam In the light of the clear sily'ry moon
As they wood her bright Miles in the still nights ofJune!
How dearly_reach haunt and fairpathway of youth.
Seems hallow'd by nuture, with beauty and truth ;
Nor fame, love nor fortune can lure us to roam
Whilst our fondest affections are eeutred at home.
Flow m t Fancy revels with crednlons joy,
On frieudships,and loves unprolaned b3 a o
Or peers thro' the future. untainted by dread
MI holy and lair as the landscape we tread ;
When all that we hear of the wiles and the woes
In the year 1864 the Sf lot 24 con. 4 Waft AAV'eldrettAeolnuasin f(lbirs,rtOUrtihaltisfsrtTretsrteraeainierY fi°ws
• • - back to Zanzibar He las done nothing
Bnooms.--We have received . from
We must not lose the Red River territory.
Let the government in Spring Offer to
volunteers from Canada a free grante of
that soil afterethe insurrection is quieted,
and we shall have ten thousand good men
in the field in a few days -men who will
make short work,of the handful ttf inSur-
gents and secure the peace of the granary of
the Western World.
The Postmaster general hae arranged to
reduce the rate of letter postage betWeen
Great Britain and the Dominion from 12;
to 6 cents. This is an idea which Elihu
Burritt long ago propounded -a penny to
America, a penny across the ocean, and a
penny for Great Britain. We think, in
go.' We trust it will lead to aaargely in-
creased interchange of correspondence be-
tween relatives and friends on :either side
of the Atlantic. This sort of leper -writ-
ing is v-ery apt to be neglected, when so
I great a distance is interposed,Y and when
mutual asseciations and pursuits are en-
tirely difierent. 'But there is -no better
mode, of cultivating the genial side of our
natures and. confirming our loyalty to the
mu.therland, than by interchanging ex -
tones." lieu may wrae te an edltor
anonyineusly, and if he is true te the in-
stincts of humanity, where personality. is
in the case,;he will light his pipe with the
happy for human nature if every
man and woman would utter,in earnest, the
pathetic prayer. "Lord keep my memory
green !"
The Grand Trunk Railway,
The adjourned half yearly meeting of
the above was held at London (England).
Mr. Richard Potter, the President, gave a
lengthened account of his recent Ameri-
can experience.. His visit to this Country
will do much to enlighten British capital-
ists as to the true basis on which to calcu-
late the sticcess `of Railway enterprise on
the American Continent. He found that
all calcnIationa as to permanent way had
been falsified by oveeestitnating the life of
an iren-rail. When the new steel -rail
(which is -being universally adopted), has
been laid on the Grand Trunk, an appre-
ciable difference will be felt in the yearly
cost of maintenance and renewalawhiekcost
however, would n st be less than,$300,000
for two or three years to come. He con-
sidered their permaeent way was as good
as the Illinois aentral; better than that ef
racy ; its general appearance good ; and
most lines West of Chicago and St. Louis;
the principles it promises to advocate are
on the whole even superior to the Great
Western of Canada; and its condition was '
Both from a taxpaying and an educational
point view, every election of School
Truatees should be caref u Ily watehed by the
whole conantitaty ; and especially 1 by
parents. The impurtant question of the.
election of a Principal for the Central
School, in room of Mr. H. D. Cameron,
will be decided by the new Board.
haters of the English. Those Zanzibar
-men whom. I met between this and Nyaesa
were gentlemen and tinded with honor.
Here, as in the hatints of the Kilwahordes,
slaying is a sertes ef forays, andthey dread
exposure'by my letters. No one will take
charge of them. 1 have get Thani bin
Saiellim to take a mail privately- for trans-
mieston to Unyanyembe. It contains a
_cheque on Ri&hie, Stuart &, Co., of Bom-
;bay, for Rs. 2,000 anti some forty letters
written during my slow recovery. I fear
it. may neveeteach you. A party was sent
to the coast t4o months ago. -One man
volunteered tit tali.e agetter secretly but
his master warned them all not to do so,
because I inigkt write something he did
not like. He went out with the party and
gave orders te) the head man to destroy
any letter he might detect on the way.
though I am good friends outward-
ly with them ,all, I can get a.ssistance
in procuring carriers, and as you- will see,
if the mail comes to hand, I sent to Zan-
zibar for fifteen good boatmen to act. as
earners, if required, eighty pieces of merit -
rano, forty pieces of kimitra, and twelve
farasalas of the beads called jansaiteshoes,
&c., and I have written ee Seri Majid
begging one of his guards to see to the
safety of the gnosis here into Thaniabin
Suellim's hands, or into those of Moham-
med bin Sahib. As to the work to be
done by me, it is only to connect the
-sources which I have discovered from 500
to 700 miles south of Speke and Baker's
with their Nile. The vulume of water
which flows north from latitude 120 south
is so largo I suspect that I have been work-
ing .at the sources or the Congo as well as
those of the Nile. have to go down the
ea.stern line of drainage to Baker's turn-
ing point. TanganyiKa, Nylge, Chowam-
be (Baker's) are ona water, and the head
of it is 300 miles smith of this. The out-
flow of this, whether to Congo or Nile, I
have to ascertain. The people of this,
called Maoyeina, are cannibals, if Arabs
spaus truly. I may have to go there first
and down Tanganyika, if I come mit nn -
eaten, and find my new squad from Zanzi-
bar. [ earnestly hope that you will do
what you can to help me with the goods
and men ; X400, to be dent byMr. Young,
must surely have come to you thro' Flem-
ing & Co. I am ,
, A long box, pear for to Nijiji, was left
at L;nyanyembe. and so with other boxes.
Declaration of Poll.
The result cf the town elections wars
publicly declared on Monday last,at noon,
by Mr. James Thornpsou, Town -Clerk..
MR Heys thanked the electors for placing
him in the Mayoralty- ; and did not desire
to crow over his success, but promised to
do his dnty faithfully and fearlessly. MR.
Ceeras thanked these who did vote for
him ; and said he had himself to blame for
not being returned at the head of the
Poll ; which he would have been if he had
worked half as hard as Mr. Hays did.
MR. GIBBONS was obliged to the electors
for returning him,as Reeve without his
needing to &elicit • a single vote. MB.
LEONARD ftsllowed, with his usual rhodom-
ontade, which conduces to the amusement
of the people, but by no means heightens
their respect for him. The most sensible
remark he made was that he would not
run again mail voting was date by ballot.
first number of the -Evening Mail is just
to hand. lts etfitorial matter is smart and
steadily improving. The procnral of the
new adjustable gauge cars which allowed
through freight to be carried without
• transhipment and were highly approved by
Chicago shippers, would increase the Re-
venue; as these shippers would pay 10 per
cent extra for their use. Much through
of the true progressive stamp The Cana -
dug around the square.
-A great fancy carnival, it will be seen by
posters, is to be held in. adta Gooding's
Rink, on the everting of Wednesday, 19th
inst. The Battalion Band will play on the
occasion. A special feature of ihis carnival
is the gift of a pair of the best cfub skates
by W. T. Heys -Esq., M. P. P. as a prize,
to the best -dressed , lady skater ;, and of
another pair, by Hugh Gardiner ESq., to
the gentletnati who appears in best charact-
er costume. The jiidges are to be three
ladies and three gentlemen selected from
the -Spectators. We are requested to say
that ladies and- gentlemen from Clinton
and Seaforth, who honor Mr. Gooding with
their presence will be admitted, free. The
ice is in spleadid condition just now and
Gooding deserves a crowd every day.
O'TTAWA, Jan. 7. -33rd Huron Battalion
of Infantry. No. 6 company, Exeter : To
be enSign-Robert Charles More, gentle-
man M. D. and M. S., vice McDonald;
left the limits. Reserve Militia -Regi-
mental 'Division of the West Riding of
Northumberland, No.l. company division:
To be captain-laaptain Andrew S, Arnett,
from No. 5 company division : to be cap-
tain-LieutenantHenry Wade, viceArnott,
transferred to No. 5,.company division ;
to be lieutenant-eEnsign Ge'rald S. Hay-
ward, vice Wade, promoted ; to be ensign
-Steward Hayeaard, geptleruan, vice G.
S. Hayward, pr&oted.
Teachers' Examination.
At themeeting of the Board of Public
Instruction for the CountY of Huron on
the 29th and 30th ult. the-follaving receiy-
ed certificates to teach. _
Finn CLASS. -Patrick Murphey, John
Wilson, John Smith, Mary Elliott,
Margaret Broadfoot, J ohn Gardner, James
Morrison, James Hislop, Samuel Smillie,
Peter Cantelon, James Thompson, Thomas
Hislup, Andrew Smith, Donald McDonald,
Barbara M. Roy, William Ferguson,
Benjamin Churchill, Mary Jane Anderson,
George Powell.
SECOND CLASS. -John Bolton, Alexander
Stewart, Archibsld McDonald, Margaret
Smith, Gilbert Smith, Samuel Walker,
Elon Snell, Biown Mallough, Jane Mart-
in, Barbara* , McNaughton, Benjamin
Swekrten, James 11. Cummings, George
Middleton', Jatiet Wilson, Mary M til holland
Mary McCarrow, Susan Ryan, Mary Ann
Whitt/3'41in 114. Taylor, Thomas Whitley,
Richard ikciiin, John Cathpbell, Ellen
ThompsonAlary Eva Sturgeon, Sarah L.
Taylor. e, , ,
THIRD CLASS. -Henry V. Dirstein.John
McE wen, JoIR Reith.
MAGAZIN s.-eThe first number of this paper
for 1870, comes to hand gr atly enlarged
and beautified.It contains four large En-
g,ravings, and a great amo nt of reaclang
instructed to evrite messrs Doyle & Squier
e, ;;,...; proCeedings accordingly until matter. All the Departments are sedlt,ed
by practical men, who are :engaged irethe
variotui Trades and Professions which they
write about, thereby making it thoroughly
reliable in all its hints, recipes, directions
for manufactering, &c. Every trade is
-represented, as well as thevrofession of
Architecture, Engineering and Surveying,
The Illustrations are.all first-class,and Will
consist -of Designs for Buildings, Views of
New Ineentions, Machinery, Ornamental
Stone, Iron and Stucco Work, &c., cac.
Terms 59 cents per annum. Published
monthly by DYAS St WILic!asTS,Lehaen,
Ont. a
ASHFIELB. -We: ufiderstand that Messrs.
Mallough and Frazer, late ,Reeve 'an
Deputy, for Ashfield have been worsted
by Messrs. Armetrong and Dalton. One
thing is certain, no men coula lee elected
in • Ashfield having its interests, more at
heart then the late Reer es. Von popitli,
however, in this ease must be accepted as
vox, Dei.
The old Con4cil met for the last time
on Friday last, 7th January, the Mayor in
the chair, members present, the Reeve,'
Councillors Watson, Pastuore, Seymour,
A. Smith, W..G. Smith, Cameron, Detler,
Runcirnan, McKay, Howell, Gardiner,
and Clifford. Minutes pf last regular
meeting were read and apprieved. Peti-
tion of J. Barrett for relief from 81.00 dog
tax allowed. Petition of Peter Shea for
relief referred to relief committe. Petition
of John McDonald for reraission of Taxes
on lot 1044, on account of it being render-
ed untenable by the roadway being wash-
ed away, referred to Harbor Committee.
Petitien of the Goderich 6alt Companie.s,
'for remission ef a portion ()flexes, as they
h3d not been able to declate
a dividend last, year, referred to
-Court of Revision with a recommendation
to view it favorably, Petition of J. B. Gor-
don Esq to stay proceedings against
Northe-n 'Graitel Road Co. as he had paid
in a large antoont and there was now only
a small sum ()Wing, granted and the clerk
dian " Downing Street' needs considel-
able stirring up and we wish eur new con-
temporary success in the undertaking. .
The annual Meeting of the Goderich
Horticultural Society will be held o"
Thursday, the 13th inat,in the Grand Jury
Roam in the Court House Goderich.
passenger traffic was lost to the line by .,._
Parties intetestea, are requested to at -
the want of the - beet cars; the additional
i tend at 7 o'clock, p. m.
stock being manuf trued would remedy
this. He though. the rates of freight
elight to be raised. There is no doubt
that the Grand Trunk is steadily improv-
ing its plant, and Mr. --Potter's anticipa-
times of improved dividends deserve to be
realised, in return for the benefit the
line hare conferred onethe community by
opening -up the country and -giving many
distant sections free ingress to metropoli-
tan markets. He passes a highly deserved
culoeinin on Mr. C. J. Bra.dges the talent-
ed and energetic manager, who is really
the soul of the concern. The Report
moved by Mr Potter was unanimously
agreed to.
HARBOR GE RE:Ft:MR.-Mr. Munroe, a
gpvernment official, has been in town.for
a few days past. We nedarstand his visit
hoe had raerene.e to the ascertaining uf
elm proper site for the Harbor of Refuge
on Lake Huron. After having _had inter-
views with bothour new and retiring Mayor, ern road, A few days,ofsuch calm weather per 100 lbs more than by taking it to Clin-
several Councillors,LakeCaptains,business and excellent sleighing, will give a strong
ton -not to speak of the long extra drive.
'seen and other Parties well-informed on impetus tobusiness. The longer, farmers,
the subject we are led to believe that he this season, store up their grain, the less As an illustratien of our meaning :-On
Friday last, a respectable farmer from
Colborne brought a load of pork into town
and was offered $8.60 for it, not satisSed
with thii, he went to Clinton and theas
buyers there offered hint the handsome -
figure of $8.12i. He turned his horses'
heads incontinently ande at Iaat„ -as he
should have done at first. sale his hogs in
their natural market, This practical ex-
ample has been more effective than a thou-
sand warnings, and our pork-buyerts- are
kept busy,
THE 'ROARING GAME2—We are happy
to learn that W. Hyslop has secured the
use, during the frozen months, of the drill
shed ; which he is busy turning into a
Curling rink. It was flohded on Monday,
and a day or two of strong frost will put
it in capital condition. hose who could
not get away from their employments, to
play through the" day, will new have an
excellent opportanity of participating in
this pleasant aireahealth-giving sport; as in
addition to being open through the day
the rink will be lighted up, every evening
till 10 e'clock, aa'soon as ever , the ice is fit
for work.
THE WEATHER AND Busneess.-After
an almost inceseant storm of 10 days, the
weather now appearssettled. The market -
square to -day presents a very lively ap-
pearance and a continuous stream pi pro-
duce -laden sleighs, is coming in the north -
war, imm inen tly endanger ing the settlers
on the American side of the line. I have
commtinicated with the President and the
Commander of the Military Department,
and am assured that the matter is receiv-
ing due attention. At the conclusion of
Gov. Marshall's addressthe new Governor
of Minnesota, I-lorace Austin, was sworn
in. He delivered bis inaugural address
in the presence, of the Legislature, thc
Judges of the Supremo Court, Gen. Han-
-cock and staff, and other distinguished
personages- In referring 'to the Red
River rebellion, he says :- 'Owing to the
disturbed condition of the British provin-
ces on our northern fiontier, and the sense
of sympathy felt by our* people by the
threatened hostilities on the part of certa-
in bands of Sioux Indians, whom it is
feared will become involved in the. con-
troversy, and wreak their slumbering
vengeance upon the American settlement
if left in its present defencelees condition,
it is deemed proper that the state authori-
ties should invite the general government
to station and maintain a military force
in the vicinity of Pembina, sufficient to
insure protection to the people.of that re-
mote set th went.'
A letter received to -day From St. Boni-
face, Red River settlement; reports all
quiet. The rebels have forced the Huci-
son's Bay company to advance them a
loan of £850 to establish a newspaper, to
be called the Independence,
further ordees. Petition- of W. Qaalay
asking to be sent free to Toronto, fyled
and his case referred to Relief Committee
Petition of Mr., 1'. J. Moorheuse, to have
81.00 refunded paid in mistake, grantee.
Petition of Mr. Win. Potts, asking to have
84.00 poll -tax refunded, granted.
The following accounts were. ordered to
be paid :-Jaines Setinders formal tendance
at Firemans. Hall $17.05; Horace Horton
for relief furnished S7.50; Peter Nelan $1;
W M -Savage, lumber, 81.68 ; Jetties
Crombie,Luniber all 42 ; Reid and Nairn,
$26.55 ; Francis Jordan, Paint &c 84-13 ;
J & J Story, repairs to Cemetery House,
87.50 ; Star office, $5 50 ; Signal office,
026.97 ; James Smaill, 85.56 ; Parker and
Cattle, 'Lanapglasses $3.00 ; &c for
firemen 811.98 ; Mrs. H. Reed's acct. for
beard for Mr Price referred to Relief
Committee. The Mayor then left the
chair which was taken by Councillor CliV
ford. Mr Small moved and Mr Runcin
seconded, that theethanks of the Council
be tendered to MayorCrabb for his gentle-
manly and impartial conduct as Mayor for
the past,year. The Council then adjourn-
Hate-Furens-We have been informed
by our Temperance friends of the 'Town
that tbey have just deposited in the Post
Office Savings Bank the sum of $66.00, as
the commencement of a fund for the erec-
tion of a Temperance Hall. 856.00 of this
was the result of Rev. Dr. Oriniston's Lec-
ture, and 89.60 the proceeds of a "Social"
held lately by the Good Templars, in the
Division Room.
ANOTHER Lzerune.-We are also glad
to learn from the same parties that Rot
David Inglis, of Hamilton, has kindly
agreed to deliver a lecture here on Mon-
day, 14th February next, on behalf of the
seine object- subject, 'Thomas Chalmers.'
From spch a speaker, on such a subject,
we cannot fail to have a first class lecture.
Leache nttendancebesuchas to prove that
our cominunita is resolved to sustain every
proper effort to provide for the intellectual
anti moral improvement of Gotlerich.
farmers who have pork to sell are finding
it to their advantage to come to this mar-
ket, as thee Pan make very close to 50 cts.
January 411 1870.
Deere SIG NAL. -Thinkiing you would like
to hear how we got along with our electi-
on at the Capital of Hay,I take the liberty
of sending you a few lines : - In spite of
the storm, and drifted roads we haelea fair
turn out of the independent Electois of
the Township, to elect a Deputy Reeve
arid three Councillors for the present year,
the Reeve Mr. Brown. being elected by
acclamation,. We had running for Deputy
Reeve Wm Carrick; our former Deputy,
Mr. Huhgh Love, Senr. and D. .Wanless
there was. eight nominated forCouncillors,
the three old ones W Turnbull, J Geigerand
R Ferguson', were elected by a large majority
Mr Wanless resigning before the Poll com-
menced, left the field clear for Messrs
Carrick and Love -and notwithstahding
MrLave'ssixenonths'ea,mpaigning through
the tawnship with much speechifying and
manceurving, he failed to reach the high
position, of honour which he has so long
coveted. The people showed their con-
fidence in Mr Carrick by giving him the
large majority of ninety-one: Immediately
on the Poll being closed, M r Love made
good his retreat for home, findingeit per-
haps more congenial to his taste after such
a signal defeat, where we hope he may
long enjoy the pleasures of domestic hap-
piness. Yours,
was likely to conclude that Goderich was
the best point at which such a harbor could
be situated. Staab' such be his decision.
we know that it will give complete testis
fection to both American -and Cauatlian
mariners, aa well as, apart -from sectiiinal
feeling, to the cenntry generally.
(*.s Ottawa. Court House was burned
on Sun lay last, together with a large
pumber of valuable repo Lind repords.
money they are likely to realise by it.
Califoruia, is glutting the markets of Great
Britain with wheat and, as tiTe predicted
three months ago, prices are monthly fall-
ing. Hanging out for extra prices is sel-
dom a profitable speculation.
ar lion. John Sandfield McDonald is
Ito be treated to a? public dinner by the
good fellows of Cornwall. What for, pity
only knows?
reinted to and reacupied by a Mr Smith, - j
that flit o'er insanity's brait
he did not pay the taxes for that year, and ent woe's me for time, and the chang,es it brings
the land ifi now advertizecl for sale fOr 817- AWlhaesilt tfloler it'h"eluaen-ig'eauirtslii'tillacthsilile.dkeh)ris.tIblembihigeahrtt°,nt' W:11148
08:- Mr Connors avers the taxes liudiognhet vir‘ahheen the tender and true, from loves circle depart ;
n the pleasures we cherisled, are destined to die,
e col -
have been realized had the collector
his duty. The Clerk to write to t
lector and the matter to be conside ed at
the next meeting of Council. A petition
from certain inhabitants of Union S Section
13 Ashfield for an enlargement of said
section out of sec. No. 4 W Waw. was
laid over for futnre consideration. Also
one from'Union'S Sec. No. 1 Kmloss to be
taken from that section and nnited to
section No 4 W. Waw. Petitioners being
present, were informed that their petition
would be taken into consideration after
the Council shall be satisfied that all partieS
in West Waw, who would be affeeted by
the proposed change have been duly noti,
fied. .Alex. Anderson contractor for work
on Glens Hill proposed to retnuve the
slide which may take place on said hill
during the current wioter, and to tear the
road sixteen feet wide on the foot way -7
the . grade to be made according to Sure
veyors' Profile of said hill for the sum of
$25, the work to be done in the course of
next summer, it was thereupon moved by
Mr. McIlwain sec. by Mr Gaunt that Mr.
ndersou's offer be accepted. -Carried,
oved by Mr McIlwain, sec. by Mr.
aunt that Edward Fry be written to, by
ne Clerk to request him to desist from
rosecuting his job on 4th it 5th con. line,
ntil further orders and to make the read
safe for pa.ssengers and teams forthwith.
Moved by Mr. -Cumming, sec. by Mr Mc-
Ilwain that an order lee issued for 8600 for
the support 4 of Douglass till after next
meetims of Council. The following orders
for payment were also ordered to be issued,
viz., to Robert Taggart for cutting hill on
8 & 9 con. line opposite lot 14 $83.62 to
E. Paterson $80 for.crosswayirag on' 12th
con, opposite a7, to A McLean. 821 fer
crosswaying on 12 con. opposite 26, to
R. Wilson $5afor 20 cords gravel on B.
Redman's beat, to Neil McLean 865 for
letting. down erossway and gravalling on
Boundary line opposite Kitiloss, to C Smith
trustee of Sec. No. 12 for tax on Mr.
Hawkins' land in said section $7.20, to Y
and D 'Todd for lumber Lir Culverts had'
Mortars ELECTION. - Thomas Kellv,
Reeve ; W. G. Hingston, Deputy Reeve ;
Patrick 'Kelly, Proctor and Johnston,
GREY Towasaue-Jno. Leckie, Reeve ;
Archibald McDonald, Deputy Reeve ; J.
Strachan, Samuel Slemon, Thomas Wil-
liamson, Councillors.
ASHFIELD.-George Armstrong, Reeve ;
Maurice Dalton, Deputy Reeve ; Patrick
Clare, James Crawford and John F. An-
drews, Councillors.
From our own Correspondent
BOY KICKED BY A. Houss.-Fast Su
day, the 2nd inst., while a son of William
N. Watson, Seaforth, was endeavoringi
to capture a horse which had escaped on te
theeMain Street, the horse kicked him,
wouuding him. on the forehead, the upper
lip and the pahn of the hand, the last be.-
ing ended deep wound. Dr. Campbell
was Called in and examined and dressed
the wounds, and though the boy is not yet
out of danger, he is in the fair way of re-
covery. The Dr. is still attending to
ACOIDENT.-The sither day the Lady of
the Rev. Mr. Price, W. M. Minister, met
with an aecident by Which the middle fin-
ger of her left hand was fractured and near-
lyesevered from her hand. Ete. Campbell
was instantly sent for who set the fracture
and dressed the wound, and we under-
stand she is now doing well. The Dr. is
OW in attendance.
Large number of mutilated Provincial
notes are at present in circulation, and it
is now kno vn that the work of mittilating
these notes is carried on systematically by
villaina, whose plan of, operation is as fol-
lows : They secere a numbee of bills of a,
certain denominatioti, and from each bill
they tear off a sniall piece, until they have
got enough pieces with which to patch op
a new one. The original bills are not
sufficiently damaged to allow the bank to
refuse payment, and the patchwork is so
skilfully put together as to deceive any
tine but tho bank expert. The publio will
do well to decline takineny bill which is
thus mutilated, as they Will without doubt weeks peeek,es, Qne of the so taturnel
find themselves losers in the futuee by
late lists with work unwrought, came
Like flow'rets that e alter as noonti e ra
And hope. like a harp o'er which discord hath
No joy -notes melodious can sing to thesoul.
When far far remote from one infancy's clime,
Est -wised to the conflicts and dangers of time ,
Like barks blown adrift on adversity's sea,
Despair for our pilot. and rooks on our lee
When the polestar is hid, and the watchers asleep,
And frantic with tempest the rude billows leap !
When the magnet is 10St--th118,bereft. on life's main,
Oh ! who would not sigh for his childhood again ?
Ashfield, Jan. Srd, 1870.
for the wisest man upon earth Is igeorant 01 peeing
that wh he knew fa n,cire note_
ing comparisen to what lie Pio, n•p' know But we
apprehend very few are ice,: of the wonderful
effects of the CanadIan Pa !Ic,7royer." its a most
eat* mei mind cure fin c.3:," •I: pleurisy,
(Medic, cholera mortpus, Hummer so:upbeats.
S dd b all medicine di 25 ets per bettle
- -
Married at Goderich Tewnshire, by the
Rev Thos. J ackson, on Wednesday 29th
Dec. at the residenee Of brid.esf
father, Mr Alex. Clark. to Miss Mary
Ann, dausghter of Mr John Cox, of 1st
con. all of Goderieli Township.
A HOUSEHOLD Rem env. ---Nn family &mold be with
out some effPariloos remedy for the en re ef iiT• Akins
SO universally prevalent, its paiteilie. colds, sere throat
whooping rough. eroup -some remedy, 1 ,o.svhich
can be relied upen as safe. sure amt eert en. Dr
Wistar's Balsam of Wail Ch_e combiees this desider-
eteel Feet. Chilblains, Corns. Bunions, Bad Neils.
positively cured by the tise of lir .1 Briggs,
Modern Curative. This Remedy has beet, 17npnand-
erl with great eare. and used as direeted, never fails,
' 1(1 b Dru-gists.
Catarrh, a disease which distresses us and diigusts
our riend3. eari be inetantly rcliceed and nnickly mired
-by using Dr .1. Brigele A Illevantor, an invaluable
Remedy for all pain and inflammation. Sold by Drug-
Dr..7 Briggs' Allevantor. for the Cui e of Catarrh,
Nebralgia, Rheumatism &e.. is unrivalled. In a
thorough trial of its virtues, all will aekuleheige its
superiority. sold by Druggists.
I with Piles you are much afilieted,
And sought for a cure in vain ;
Use Briggs' Pile Remedy as directed
Yon will both health and peace again.
Dr J Briggs' ff Co, No. 6. Klee Street, West 'Poronto
Dr J Briggs' Pile Remedy is acknowledged tit- all who
have tried it (and their name is Leiden) to be the best,
most successful and efficamens Remedy ever used tot
that disease. Sold by ,Druggises.
All persons suffering from Piles, Internal, Bleeding,
External. or Itching Piles, will be immediately relieved
and eventuallreured by using Dr4J Briggs' Pile Remedy
eji)srufrggiomst:uras.. Bunions, Bail andthose
toS°S)rtduuffbreitr.ig afflietione, (Thillitains, are weir repepnimend-
ed to use Dr J Briggs' well-known Curative for certain
relief and positive cure. Sold by Druggists.
Consumptives. try Dr. J. Briggs' Throat and Lung
Healer. It will relieve and evre von. For all diseases
of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs, -nothing can surpass
its benefleialieffeets. Sold by Druggists.
STEPHEN EtecaloN.-Thomas Green-
way, Reeve ; Thomas Yearly, Depiity
Reeve ; Daniel Coughlan, John Kulum
and J. C. Corbett, Councillors.
A KNIFE -GUN. -The Prussian needle
gun has a formidable rival in the form of
a nuarriessergewhr, or knife -gun -the new
beeach-loader alive -Med by Herr Mayhofer,
of Kanschen, East Prussia. At the reaeot 1
trial in 'Konigsberg, twenty-five rounds,
with full catridge, are said to have been
fired off per minute. The missile penetra-
ted at .a distance of two Thousand yards.
The piece carries with great precision, aed
has the great advantage of a minimum
smoke. The invention extends to the
cartridge as well as to the gun. The in-
ventor had repeated his offer to sell his
patent to the Prussian gnvernment, but it
has not yet been accepted. Fle has spent
his whole fortune, of twenty-five thousand
dollars, in the production of the dna and
threatens to go to Austria or France if
Prussia does not give him an answer soon.
The funeratobseemes of Edwin tki. Stan-
ton, were celebrated in Washington on
Monday. 4. dismal I.,. in storm prevailed,
and added to the general gloom. After
the ceremonies at the residence of the de-
ceased, the remain§ were conveyed to the'
Oak Hill Cemetery. Many promient in-
dividuals, including President Grant
Chief Justice Char, Vice-Presiden t Coffee,
'General Sherrnan and Secretary Fish being
amoral" the pall bearers. All that was
awnads h dl ni gt 1
by J Gordon, P. M 81.25, to J ICamage,
e'30 for aitching, grading and gravelling on sineoprtulacihoref aEi nd iwdi na dMr vai nt agn troai ;r1
10th dr„Alth con. line opposite 13, to A wihd-a fit finale, perhaps, says the Korld,
hill contract • to J H Teylor $42 and 83 for to a etormy and turbulent life.
Anderson 6200. part payment on Glens
selecting jurors 82 removing library $8.
turn-piking 620, reeking Culvert $2, timber
and hailing for Culvert $3, to A Bay or
surveying and making Profile of G
hill 0.0, to C. Girvan Esq.. 4133, fur .4e icet-
ing jurors $2, 9 days atd.Council
days letting and inspecting jobsdi13,•
W Cumming 832 for 10 days at (2,a:twit
$20, 6 days letting and inspectiug ea's
812, to D McIlwain $28 for 10 days at
Council $20 4 days letting and inspecting
jobs *8, to E Gaunt 623 for 9 days at
Coubcil 818, 7 days at jobs *14, to James
Scott 623.45 for journey to Guderich res -
Sturgeons lieense $2 75 delivering
ditions af assessment roll 63, dividing
P. M. lists 14, examing extensions and ad -
library $3.00, 98 loads gravel 4.90, 'need-
ing scraper 84.00, selectiog jurors $5.00 ;
to W. H. Read license inspector 86.00 ;
to C. Stuart for 10 days rent of Council
Chamber $20 ; to Georoe Currje $13.95 for
work on 2 & 3rd con.cline : to R Wilson
$1.50 for gravel certified by Anty Jeers.
Moved by 41r. Gauntesec. by Mr McIlwain
that the Ccitincil now adjourn to meet again
according to law. -Carried.
T'p. Clerk.
To the Editor of the Cigna
: -In the absence of Mr. Simpaon,
our esteenied Reeve, I beg to inform
Ratepayer that the Collector of Stanley is
not collecting from three separate rolls.
Owing to the wetness of the past season,
many of our Pahmasters were unable to
make their returns within the time fixed
by statute, and among those late returns
were the names of three persons whose
Idior was returned " not worked ;" these
were charged on a separate sheet, and sent
to the Collector, There was no other
monied of reaching said unwrought labor
as the roll was in the Colleotor's hands
having such notes in their possession.
There is no doubt the practtsers of this
low swindle will be found out and punish-
ed, as the authorities are on the track. In
the meantime, the public should refuse
point blank to accept mutilated notes,
and thus they themselves will help to put
an end to these operations. -Quebe,c Chron-
ThePlam Dinner,
Neddle and Rose took their dinner -
basket out under one of the maples of the
playground to eat their dinner.
" It's nice and shady here," said Rose
'and I couldn't bear, Neddie, to take our
plain bread and butter and doughnuts oot
there inthe school -room. Nellie French
had a jelly tart and a great slice of pound
cake for her dinner, and Abbie Lawrence
a dear little -mince -pie made on purpose for
her and some of the nicest fruit -take. I
do wish mother could afford . us such
'This is gciod enough for me,' said philo-
sophical Ned ; 'we cen study a great deal
better after our dinner, than we °mild if
we had nice pie and pound -cake. I often
think of that old Iiidian grandfather once
told raa about. Grandfather was hunt-
ing -hes-Cows which had strayed in the
woods, 9ne rainy morning, and he came
across an old Indian whom he knew In.-
dians were plenty in those days, and boys
weren't afraid of them. =The old man had
tried and tried to make a fire, and cook
him some breakfast, but the wood was too
wet to burn. So at last he gaveit up, and
took out an old hard bit of Johnnycake,
and began munching that.
" I shouldn't think you. would like
that," said grandfather.
" The old Indian gaYe an Ugh.' and,
said, 'It's my victuals, and me will like
him.' He made up his mind to make the
best of whathe had. and I think we should
be happier if we did the same. Tt ere's
poor little Joe Winters, now • he didn't
bring auy dinner at all. What do you
suppose was the reason ?-'
" I dare say," said Rose, 'they had
nothing in the house for him to bring."
"Suppose we share our • dinner, with
It was done, aocordingly. and the re-
mainder of that bread and butter and
doughnut seemed sweeter to those children
than any poundcake ever did to a aelfish
There is- nothing that sweetens the
humblest fair like sharing it with some one
more needy still. Jesus loyee such acts of
charity, and even a cup of cold water,given
from luve to him, will not lose its reward.
from the vicinity of Ratepayer. With the
exception of the above the Collector's roll
coatains neither more nor less than the
aesessment roll. It is not necessary, Mr.
Ratepayer, for the Clerk to write the cer-
tificb.te on every page of the rall ; it is
done oti one and tnat serves for the whole.
With. respect to the charge of "mis-man-
agement," I challenge Ratepayer or any
oue else to point out one such case dur-
ing the last three years. Everything a
council could do, bas been done for the
gond of the township ; the taxes were
kept :as low OS the wants of the people
permitted ; every elollar spent has been
made' to go. as far as Possible ; and a de-
sire to benefit the people has characterized
every actiun of the ceuncil ; and the rate-
payers manifested their apereciation of its
members at the Polls by returning all the
old council who applied for re-election.
Butitis a notable fact that with a disap-
pointed office -seeker every thing goes
wrong and is mis-managed.
I also beg to inform Ratepayer that I
have been a resident householder in this
township over eight years, and have paid
taxes therein six ; and when I cannot live
in the township with credit to myself and
profit to others I will leave ; I would dis-
dain to remain, like a withered stuck in
society, after iny tisefulness therein ceases.
But 1 rather imagine that my obnoxious-
ness consists in my flight being too tardy
to suit Iaatepayer. 1 brought as much
wealth into the township as he, and if less
fortunate in acquiring property, it is be-
cause I did not wish to resort to the same
means, and %hen I do get property, it
shall be ,go:; honorably and above board.
If a caretul and proMpt attention to the
diacharge of.the duties of my office, and a
stfong 'desire to oblige every person
having business to trepsact, smells of
patent combination, I beg to plead guilty
to the charge ; and while the council see
fit to honor me villa- the charge of its af-
fairs, so long shall it be my desire and ob-
ject to serve every person in the township,
whatever may be his creed or political op-
inions. A gentleman held a very impor-
tant office in this township for some time
(no doubt Ratepayer is well acquainted
with him) who would not attend to its
duties with civility, and who got porssess-
ion of more property than many thought
consistent with his income ; the council
saw the nropriety of dismissing him from
the offi.ce and appointing a man of a more
obhging nature. If ratepayer applies again
for office, I have no doubt his,application
will receive, at the hands Of the council,
that conaideration which it merits.
Are you a sufferer front Neuralgia. Rheumatism, or
Pain of any description? Dr. J Briggs' Allerantor
soothe away your Neuralgia, cure your Rheumatism,
and banish your pain,„Oold by all Druggists.
HORSE MEDICINES -It is gratifyiug to know that
there is at least one which has stood the test and
proved itself worthy the confidence reposed in it ; we
knovr of no other article whieh has proved general-
ly sueceseful, or given such universal satisfaction : we
are confideut there is more of it used than all others
cortibiited, and that it will ultineately supersede all
others there ean be no doubt It is ' Darley's Con-
dition Powders aud Arabian Heave Remedy.' we ad-
vise all who require anything of the kind to give it a
trial-th'e know they will be Katisfied with the result.
Remember the name, and see that the signature of
Hurd & Co is on each package Northrop 4- Lyman ,
Newcastle, 'Ord , proprieturs for Canadh. :Rib]. by all
inedibine dealers.
Two Quesrurts EAsity ANswenen.-Why should
men wear beards ? Beratisolthey are a great protec-
tion to the throat aud lungs, and add much to their
persoual appearance,
Why shOlild we use " Bryan's Pulmonir Wafers ?"
Because when used for coughs, colds, tiekling in the
throat hoarseness, &e. ; they act like a charm Min -
Asters and Lawyers use them, 'physicians recommend
them, end eingers and public speakers say they are the
very hest nedieine in existence for the cure of sueh
complaints Sold by all medicine dealere,at 25 ets per
"He that heti] ears to hear, let him hear !" Proclaim
the glad tidings far and near Lot all the world re-
joice, for the days of excruciating agony. the steepless
nights of woe will he no morel Paiu will be but a
phantom, a thing of the past, for Briggs' anevantot
win conquer pain, WTII speedily drive it from the sys-
tem like ehatrbefore the wind. No matter Mom what
cause, no matter in what portinn of the body, when
Briggs' Allevantor is applied, pain nmst ceaae. Sold
by DI uggists and country Merchants generally Dr.
J. Briggs & Go.. Proprietors 209 Broadway, N. Y„
and No. 6, King -Se, West, Toronto.
The following RenuedieAve all old enclave!' establish-
ed and thousands have been benefited by their use.
They are for sale by druggists generally.
a protected Solution of the Protoxide of Iron .supplies
the blond with its Life Element. lime, giving strength,
vigor, and new lift to the whole system. For Dyspepsia
Debiiily, Female Weaknesses, etc., itis a specific A 32
pag ePamphlet containing a valuable treatise nn *Plron
as a Medicine,' with certificates and recommendeitions,
vrill be sent free.
P DINSMORE, Proprietor,
No. 36 Dev St , New York.
Wigtalr914 Balsam of Wild cherry
has been used for nearly half a eentuory for Coughs
Colds, Consumption. "aid every affectlen of the Throat,
Lungs and Chest. It tures a cm, eh . yingsaning and
cleansing the lungs and allaying irritation-*Inis-remov-
ing the cause instead of drying up the cough and leav-
ing the e.ause -behind,
SETH W POW- & SON, Proprietors,
Se 18 Tremont Street, Boston.
G raer 9s CPI e b rated Sal ve.
works like magic on Old Sores, Burns, Scalds, Cuts,
Wounds, Bruises Sprains. Chappe4 needs, chilblaine,
Etc.. &e, It is pronipt in aetion, so 'Cies the pain. takes
out soreness and reduces he most angry looking
swellings and inflammations ; thus affording relief and
eomplete cur P.
Only 25 e.ents a box, sent by mail for 35 cents •
SEMI W FOWLE sori , Proprietors.
hio 18 TretuontSt., Boston.
INC0111PATIBLE.—We notice in the published formula
of one of the inost extensive manufacturers of Sarsa-
parilla, Pectorals, &c., that a eombination of Sarsal,
Stillingae, Iron. Podophilum is comnounded and used
under the name of Sarsaparilla, for the cure of chronic
diseases. Every educated physician must know that
a Comnination of minerals with vegetables is Ineoin-‘
patible BO also, is the combination of a powerful
purgative with medicines possesaing alterative, diure-
tic, eudorilic properties designed to tiet, on the absor-
bents and secretionit of the skin, glands. &c., the only
medium through which chronic scrofulous and skin
diseases can be cured. Th drastic purgative proper-
ties being. as in the ease of the formula under con-
sideration so much greater than the alterative, carries
off through the alimentary canal, all the medicinal pro-
perties of the alterative before the absorbents are act-
ed upon. In where it is desirable to furnish ca-
thartics chronie diseaees, they 'Mould be given
separately, and at least six hours apart. No physician
would gim a drastic cathartic at the same time he ad-
ministered bine pills en -calumet lithe sick are affect-
ed with ehronic diseases, tole Radivars Resolvent If
you wish agoodeatharoie, nee Itadway's Pills. If suf-
fering pain. use R. R. Relief. Sold by druggists.
See Dr. Radway's Almanac for 1870-
Correetedfor the Signat by W. F. P. Smart. Brok-
er, We"t Street.
Goderich, Jan. 11, 1870.
Buying at
Seliing at
Stanley, 8th January, 1RO.
83 Canada funds
Buying at a
Selling at 9
Orde .8 by mail or telegraph executed with prompt
ness, and on the most favorable terms The highest
premium paid for bills, and the highest pnce paid for
• For Colds. Cough, Bronchitis. Consutnption. and all
Diseases of thehroat, Chest. and Lungs, Dr J Briggs'
Throat and Lung Healer is a certain and reitatele !Pm-
edy. 8J1d bydpruggists. -
Gonzales, Jan. 7, 1870
60 :50 0 :r70
0 :70 'rb 0 :70
3:75 (o) 0 :00
0:25 (Oa 0:25
0 :43 ® 0:43
0:45 (a) 0:45
0:45 ® 0:45
. 0:17 0:20
0:29. ® 0:00
0:1.0 ® 0:10
7 :00 (de 0:09
2:50 a 0:00
5:00 6 :00
08::0010 (a) 8:50
0:35 0:20
40:5000 a., 006:0500
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Hay, r ton .....
Hides (green) . . . . .....
Wood -
Beef, per cwt.
Chickens per pair
.1Krtu aburtisentents
GODERICH, 4th January, 1870.
To the Electors of the
Town of GOderieh
wHGEordleEriAct, ThallEe, ei,;ILtFiC,eTt
ir oo d0sFe arr sNd oOn
NUM ; they have thus plaeed me in a position to Do
01111:101factnrilif, clotlita than in Inaking By -Laws. I
how G4their eisecision, and. desiring to procure a con-
tinuance of public. patronage, shall direct my undividz
ed attention to the manufacture of Clothing, and am
GooDS THAN ANY OTHER iloUSE oNTARlo. 1 have on
and everything in Gentleman's Furuisliinge Filter-
fit guaranteed Not votes but CAHH required in ex-
(Mange.- The polling -place is next door te Martin &
Robertsou'm Dry Goode Store, where 1 um my own
returning officer and the eleetion proeeeds from 8 a..
ni., till 10 p. in.. every lawful day.
GederieheSalt, wholesale, f o.b. per leb
$1:20. '"
Clinton Markets.
By specihi Telegraph to the "Signal."
ClitItOti, Jan. 11, 18
Fall Wheat 0:60 at
Spring du 0:68 (ciD,
0:25 asa
0:45 R,
. 0:48
Potatoes • 0.50 (ce,
Flour 4-00 Cae
Butter 0:17 (g)
Oats ..
0:15 (e4
Seaforth La.arkets
5,./ of Huron Deeds. Mortgages. Leases. , filled
and executed. Wills &e , crown out.
25,000 Money to Lend at orate
rates on buproyed property. All expense very
moderate. N. Mak A WY.
St. Helens, Jan. 1st. 1870. s w514t
mHE G013E1111711 SALT COM PAN''. (P iLD WELL)
have on hand a quantity pie oi dirty salt,
whieh they ill sell at 50 en' Pd.! in bulk at their
works titer the river in 1,11. /10 ,,n1s
Air Also a number of Ketties for s.sie
vents per lb.
January llth, 1970 w61-tf
of the corporation of the
Tuesday, the 25th day °Unitary, inst.
County Clerk.
County Clerk's Office, i
Goderich,8thJan.1870 w51 -2t
IA, 7th January 1870.
Allan lemis
eanapbell Thomas
Edward George
Edward John
Fenton J 5V
Good M W
Horseman John
Hardie Mark .
Hotkans & Co
Hays Thomas Mrs.
Hunter Sarah
Kent A ino.
Mathe.sun Alex
w51 -3t
Wilson .
Murray Charles (2)
Mereer Elizabeth
Million John
Muir William
McKellar P C Capt
MeGm John
MeWhiler J
McGee James
MeCalluin Jamee
McIntosh Mrs
MeLeod M J Mrs
Porte W & A
Shannon Susan
Riley Henoratt
Ann Mary
Post Master.
Yff ify, by two young men. Address,
C. G., Godench P 0
January 7th, 1670. -cov40-4t'
0.48 tile (ilne°1inver;h:a)°t1 Itifeust!leeetiAtroafl trthil.t7onf "71.5".°,)Inersereefuar
0:50 Wood, maple and beech. free ft, knot:Nand limbs.
0:17 i
eete lee. B3 oruerpp: the Board. WM At ACKA Y.
Terriers will be received by the Utpl •rsignorl till the
. Secretary.
Goderich, 10th Jan. 1870, k w5) -2t
By Special Telegrauhto the 'Signal.'
Seaforih, Jan. 11, 1870. Noon.
Midge Proof 0 :68 ecte 0 :70
Fall Wheat new 0:60 (Os 0 70
Spring .Wheat " ., 0:71 (a 0:75
Mont per Dos e 4:00 (-' 4:25
Oats .. 0:25 Oa - -0:27
Barley .... 0.45 a'a 0:00
Pota ,des 0:50 R 0:55
Peas . ., ... ,,., . . 0:45 (;a, 0:48
Butte 0:16 (?! 0:18
„Fg,es 0:18 f•A OilB
and shop and stable, in the centre of the fast ris-
me village of Blyth. The dwelling house is stories
high and emiteins Bevan moms and a kitehen. It is
thorougdy tinished in Cie best style. The shop is .
large frame 24 x 40, two sterim high. The stable is id -
so a gnod frame The lot is hell aere with a bear-
ing urelparel of choicely pieleeted frnit trces Mere id
n!so a go.),1 pinup and every other peptiveniczna• ate,
trlied. It furnishes a most exeeilent 01.11411i.; for any
tradesman or man id luisitiess.
For D•0118 and pa rti allies apply if by letter, 110Sti:
paid to 11 R. GE, ) AGE if A ft Itlyth P 0., to
to To f141.11r., Lto I Ajellt, et_ 1113 til P. (1. •
Deceinlier Liu, 1 sae a 51 -14.
- •
----- 7
1 Italy refuse
2 Spanish mil
3 MeDeuirall
4 St. Paul bf=,
6 Mrs. Stocse
6 in pa,
7 Cartier is 2
8 R. It
9 Sir .1. Your
10 Rankin eel
11 Haanilten
12 Fechter thi
13 .R wit
14 We vetted
15 Telegraph*:
16 Pu,tter Wet
17 At half -yet -
18 sate-. Do). -1
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20 Lightliousi
21 New liquo
22 The Cabin
23 aerves hin
r.7 -24 Quebec M
25 Busines.di
26 Greely is t
27 'He is one
'28 Bishop of
29 -More "
30 A whiskee
$1 Snyder (.4;
S2 Wages -6
33 5 French
34 A M't Cen
35 eAnd hurle
36 iialtitoore
37 By pearl's:
38 Ottawa ha
39 Montreal
40 Serrano ne
41 War/in Pa
42 Lopez flea
43 Purtugese
4a French Ca
45' Cuban sus
46 Teleawapla
47 Illicitidisi.
48 Which caw
49 Fenian cal
50 4 R. C.
51 King of P
'52 U. S. mai
53 French pc
54 Russiahar
55 CERT W0G1
56 Boiler exi
57 Quebec
58 Do cn
59 Typhoid :
-60 Buffalo ci
61 Vessels c
63 So much
64 Seward t
65 Erie cam
66 So much
67 0 that p
68 A dozeis
69 Happy, 1
70 And ha.p,
7i 3 persom
72 3 person'
73 Used to
74 3 sacritit
75 Salt Co. •
176 Sunday F,
77 Taeonto
78 Wheat
79 Several 1
80 Be sure .
.81 Australi
82 We won
83 Two Ter
84 Ships dr
85 Dickens1
86 But nu
87 Fenian
88 Troops
89 Motley'
-90 Change,
91 (Eett.Ct
92 Serrano
93 •Electiiat
94 Dietat-o
95 St Thor
97 And pri
98 Prince
99 Everyb
100 Quebec
101. Plaice 1
102 Maripa
103 Iflostutt,
104 Michige,
105 Vecksbi.
106 'An Ere
107 King tit
108 Georgia
'109 Green
110 Weseee
111 A Kent
112 A 100-2
113 " De
'114 5,000 I
115 Gov al
116 Likes 4
117 Itouchi
'41.8 Geeat
119 Many
120 Freud},
121 do I
122 Freud
123 newel
124 Youn;
125 Wall
126 Gold 1
127 Porta.
128 DeerjJ
129 San F
130 U. Si
131 kawil
132 Stan'
133 D. 1,1
134 To b
135 Tele
136 Oitail
137 Vain::
138 ,D'Iout
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141 Ince
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143 Tort
144 Wea.
145 Slei
146 Tor
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154 •.(11
155 For
156 Au
157 And
158 On
159 T,•
16,3 Fee
1' .•