Semi Weekly Signal, 1869-07-27, Page 4IlleraireWaaeralitat . _ Neuralgia, headaehe. catarrh. sore throat, bronchitis, diSPepS1.1 heli'.',,17/1., palpitation and ail sit-Min:sr ail- ments Ix xneeeel frnm the suffering patient with won- dcretil repellte. 'sy the ;Ise of fir. J. thins' Allevanter, the Lees; cal gre dieeovery of the age, for reliev- ing pain en 1 eelel:1 erolemetion, 1111 matter from what eivase th•• pein aria es.. the A Ileywitor will instant- reeex•- it lec.i ,i,•••or-leie to directions. it equalizes the , le- e;..;•,,Ti. ,',,,7.(11..e.a,•1,1 all poisona, and restores the s•11'.. -awe te leeate end :iappmess in a short time. SeSei Pe_ & -GODER/CH "6:STIliTER h 11b141 11(10 lb. ee'lep. ear 3T7a-ir. sn3 %•••• 7:; 79 64 50 93 . New Y ,r'e. Fl etr ee.00. Gram 50,$ per 100, Per": and, • • toe oo. 1 ip.2).0•:).. ;;;;:i " " Bos - Bu del; s. Point i, " e0 Pws••••;". • • 6 0 •, " " '28 KIneetail, • • Tt`70,71t•(, " 13 " EiGrarn rate,: :Ire .:*Vt• of Flex atire.4 eearges at. To- ronto. Buffeo end Bottlatel •. 4 6 If l( (4 44 •••0114.0 GODERICH MONEY MARKET Careeeed for tea, eene.' by W F. P. Smart. Brok- er. Wee: Stevet. ClinieriCle, July 26, 1869. 40(t:1' t:RFE:CRACKS BErV7i114,' 74 Seilint; at 73 Canada Rinds stt vrn Raying at 4 discount Selling a; . 3 ROSAL Buying at 97 @ 100 - Orders by ne or te!egraph executed with prompt- nees. ani on tee most fevorable tertus. The highest premium pald for hills =4. the highest price paid for seen lee. W. F. P. SMART. Othiton Markets. Clinton, July 26, 18 -69 - Fail W treat. $0:85 e.Z. 0:90 Sprin; do 0:80 (c.Z 0:85 Oats Barley 0:80 R. Peas t}:60 Potatoes 0:60 ar Flour 4:00 (a), Butter 0:12; Ci)z, Eggs 0:10 Cal Seafortla Markets ... 0:45 0:50 0:85 0:65 0:65 4:50 0:15 0:10 _ Speeral Telegram to Huroa Signal. Seaforth, ' July 26, 1869 Noon. Fall Wheat C:86 Cie. 0:90 Spring Wheat 0:80 Pe 0:85 Flour pe bag 4:00 g 4:50 Oats 0:48 Pe 0:50 Barley . . • . 0:80 (it), 0:86 Potatoes ... 0:60 4 0:65 Peas .. 0:60 R, 0:60 Butte- ... .. 0:15 (71) 0:16 Eggs 0:09 g 0:10 iiii4C)M4T-4C)70111MCMT. I am mighty in the saber Fiercely wielded by the brave, Glorious in the stalwart steamer, Leaghing at the storm andevave. Beauteous in the palace pillars, Saving in the pointed rod, As it brings the deadly lightning Quelled and harmless to the sod - But there is a glorious essence, Where I take my grandest power. Giving to the RACE my surest, Sweetest aid, in danger's hour, See ! before me fly diseases ! See the ciarVest hydras bow ! See the rose of health add beauty Take the palest cheek and brow, dyip.fp,•ia..! fly consumption ! Yes, all 1.1s ire crushed at length, For I give what human nature Only ever needee—ernmeeva ! Shall I tell in what great essence 1 can thus your spirits cheer up ? Pallid. trembling, de:ing sufferer, 'Tis the famed " PEIrev-Lee; SYRUP." The PERUVIAN SYRUP is a protected solation of he Protoxide of Iron. a new discovery in medicine - hat strikes at the root of disease by supplying the lood with its retal principte or life element —Iran. The genuine has " PEIteelea SYRUP" blown in the lass. Pamphlets free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor. No. 36 Dey St, New York. NORTHROP & LYMAN, General Agents. Newcastle. Oat. Sold heal! Druggists. Vol. au. o 47 Xe:03 3bbetisemeittS MOINVEY FtIUN TIOUND in Goderieh on Wednesday the 2Ist mst, a 1 sum of money which the owner can have by givin the necessary proof at this office, Goderiah, July 23, 1869:4 sw96 GODERICH MILLS — TO RENT. rrHE undersigned havingaaken the above well-lenown Mills into his own hands is now prepared to rent them on reesonable terms .to some competent person for one year. Fur particulars apply to W3I. PIPER. Goderich. May 12, 1869. w-16-tf EXAM NATION 6•••••••••••••••••61666. M. 1 FALL SHOW. Sonth Enron Agricultural Society. rr BE South Huron Agricultural Society's Fall Show -IL for 1869, in connection with the Tueleexsinith Branch Agri6nitui al Society, will beheld in the village of Se-aforth on Thursday, the lest they of September. arsi Friday the firstday of Octoter next. The inside department to be arranged' and judged the first day. Hand bills setting foith the prize list. conditions-, &e., will appear in due time. A Mowing Match and a Reaping Match. will also come off this year, in connec- tion with the South Huron Agricultural Soeiety, of which notice will -be given of time and place as soon: as possible. If more of the owners of stallions travelling in the South Bath -tee of Huron this eeaerin, will contri- bute towerdsgiving prizes for foals at the tall show, to • be held ie e;eaforth. Mr. James Johnston, owner of the Rob Roye offers to give $5 : others wishing to Nub - scribe will please send the money and their name to the undersignted as soon as possible, so that it may ap- pear in the prize list. HUGH LOVE, Sen., Seet'y S. H. A. S., Hills Green P.O. June 26th. 1869. w22 -td ISA A C FREDERICK WATCIIMAER, JEWELER, &c . DEGS to say to hie. numerous friends and customers II that le 'zitends to -remain in (ludo -tele and that he will be glad te submit the large and varied stock in his shop on West Street, near the post cake, to their in- spection. Goderich. June 29 1869. w39. NOTICE. 'FRE undersigned will leay the Highest .2 cash price for any quantity of neW HEMLOCK BARK 1delieered at their Dock. — at the wharf. - JOHN. V. DETLOR, & SON. w21-tf. INFOREITION FROM THE — EMPORIUM! J. C. DETLOR & Co. 'reporters and dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES) 11.a.11.131i7S7.133F1M, RE NE CLOTHING &c., bny their goods in the cheapeef market and tr,ean the best terms. They buy largely and can therefore buy eheap. They are determined to sell at the Lowest Po: sible • Rates and give their customers the benefit of the bargains they have made. JUST OPENED A lot of all wool Canadian Tweeds at 50 cents per yard. Hosiery, 9 cts. per pair. Toweiling, from 9 cts per yard upwards, Brown Hollands, 15 eta " Prints, 6 Os Dress Goods, 8 cts It is to be hoped the k public will avail themselves ot this information and finettheir way to the Emporium to purchase their sup— plies. it t it rc SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to their T A_ I 1.. 0 It I 1\T .C31 - and ready made clothing departrnent. !T. C. DEMOB & CO. OF -Goderich, Ontario, Hay 5th, 1869. SCHOGL TEA(atkatS, artHE Board of Puplic Instruction for the County of Huron will meet in the Central Sehool house, Goderich, on - Wediesday & Thursday- the llth and ° 1.2TD DAYS OF AUGUST, Next, both days at 10 o'clock a. m. Applicants' for certiticates willethen have,an opportunity of being ex- amined. those wishing Frst Class on Wednesday end continued Tharsday, those waritipg third etees on Wednesday, and second on Thursday. Candidates before being admitted to an examination are required to#en. -nish certificates of good moral char- acter eloaed by a elergyraan or a Justice of the Peace. D. H. RITCHIE, Secretary. - Hayfield, 19th July, 1869. w25 -3t CLEARING SALE. IDLING about to make ,alterations in Building and Altp Premises in order to dear out all of pre.sent Stock of CLOTHS, CLOTEING, C. I have made great Reactions iti Prices whi be cut or made up in the Latest Style on the 'shortest netice. MUG DUNLOP. Underfcli, July 19, 1869. w39 tf DISSOLUTION OF PARTINERRHIP. riartexership of the tuadersigned, harness -makers fatale town, of Goderich. under the style and firm et Ha/Way& Wild, has this day been dissolved by mutaal consent on accouat of the bad health of Mr. Wild. All accounts against and owing to the firm will be settlee by Mr. Halliday. Dated thisleth day of July A. D. lelea. w2.5.3te THOROUGH BRED SUFFOLK BOAR moils sp.b•vil-b04, baa purchawda thorough bred Suf I folk Boar whigh la will keep for!service. Price fox each SO* SLOG. .1" COPELAND, beaseleye Aprd 1, 1860. *He s_ Notice to Contractors. SEALED TENDERS WIeetiee No.5, Pad' Wawanosh, until the 3rd day • L be seeeived by the Trastees• of Union School ot August next, for building a new school house, near Manchester. Plans and specifications may be seen at Mr. Sutherland's Store, Manchester The trustees do not bind themselves to aeeept the lowest tender. 7AS SUTHERLAND, HENRY FARROW, iTruet'ees. THOMAS HO.AR, Manchester, Julv16, 1869. w25 -td INSOL v ACT =,011 1864. In the matter of RobertJ. Sloan of Wiughara. aln 72 - solvent. riTcreditors of the Insolvent are notified that he as made an Assignmeet of his estate and effeets undbr the above Act, to me the undersigned Assignee, and they are reauired to tarnish me within two months' trona gus date with their claims, specifying the security they Meld. ifany, and the value of it, and. if none stat- ing the fact the whole attested under oath -with the voucners in support of snob claims. Dated atGoderiela in the County of Huron, this 14t1a day of Jane, 1869, 23w2t jOHNIIALDAN, Jr.. INSOLVENT Offleial Assignee? • AOT OF 1864. •//•••••••,• In. the matter of Joseph Stokes Garner, Ot Goderiele an Insolvent. rntro creditors of the Insolvent are netlfierl that 116 1 has made an assignment Of- his estate and effects under theabove Act, to me, the undersi editssignee. and thatthey are revved to Immesh ma within twCf months from this date with teak clans, specifying the seenrity they hold if anea end the value of it, anti if neneenitatinet theefaete theeeeholeetttestedunder-oathe Dated at Goderich. in &the w25 -2V - Cantata of Huron, this 22nd day of June, 1869, - Aimee HALDAlieee usigoTRENT 0";7. In the matterpiEdwardPeutek, an resolvent. - man creditors ot the above mimed 140110311t4iii notified tc; meat at my offIceintlie taien Sodere fat Oat- Menday theta* of .eugust°next. for the purpose- of inspecting insolleursetealleitofitgeolint end for the orderingtof the iffage Of the eitate Kellen/4e Dated at GodiriGh# thittiOthInly„ A, DeaSeeik JOHN WAraDAN.. • • rA, • *\. 7-4tammisivilid;o4mIrofassiomm,f • f SPECIAL NOTICES. THE GREAT EfiliLiSH RENEDti.. • 1 TeYSPEPSIA cured by using Dr Colby's Anti -Costive and Tonic Pills. They regulate the Bowele, correct the Liver, clear the Complexion, and renovate the system e they are composed of active in "r ti• t • h' hl concentrated form, and strike at the root of disgase, curingalniost like magic. Thoaands testify to their extraordinary euretive properties. Sold bv all dealers. 1"3 EATJTIFHLI sPLENDID I is the I) verdict given lee all who use Hoexes fltim RE Hear Geoss. It makes dry, hareh, stiff hair soft. glossy and beautiful. It cleanses scalp, removes pimples, strengthensthe glands, prevents tho hair from falling, and will certainly make it grow strone, luxuriant and beautiful, and it is only 25 ets per bottle. Sold everywhere. n E M A. TISM and all other aches and pains aleleave the body on application of J ACOIke RHEUMATIC LIQ:" ID,. We will warrent it to cure Hume. Frost Bites, Chilblains. Sore Threat, Lame Back or Side, Sprains, &e. Some of the cures it has effected are almost too wonderful for belief. Many hate, been sexed by it from impending death, and restored to life and health No faniilv is safe a day without it ; hundreds of valu- e e ix es an. antsands of dollars may be saved an- ni. elly by its use. As a preventive of con igeous dis- eases, nothing ever before invented can coin' dee with it authoriee all dealers to refund the money if it does not give entire satisfaction. PARKER & CATTLE Agents 8GodeFriOr. &wC4o2.43, J LL—SD n -s troke —This accidental infliction, called by the French coup soleil, is supposed to ocenr more freencotly as the country is ele.ared, but such indeed is not the ease. In the same manner many suppose that crime is on the increase as the country becomes older, but this also is a deception. The truth is both _illusions spring from the increased fabilities for coin- manication. which, like the great MOSHONERN REMEDY for consumption. follow in the wake of civilization. - - — THE OLDEST, LARGEST AND CHEAPEST 000k & STATIONERY STORE WES r OF HAMILTON IS THE SIGNAL OFFICE ! T. J. MOORHOUSE5 I-Deer:TS dirert from British Manufacturers, every 1 description of WRITING RAPERS, In Demy, Foolscap, Letter and Note Sizes, and offers them at the lowest possible rates for cash. 300,000 Envelopes:4., now in stock and sold at prices that astonish the trade. mt.xsic. Special ateention is given to this department. Parties ordering from me May rely on having any deseriptiOn of music nirnished promptly aiid At Very Lowest Prizes • A large assortment of new and popular pieces always oneferhaendT-his is the cheapest house in the trade. Profits bared on the "ready nioneyo system and not credit. T. Moorhouse. Goderich, July 13th, 1869. w9 1 6 9. SCHEDULE OF DIVISION COURTS WITHIN THE County of Huron, RRANGED by the magistrates in Court La- of General Sessions of the Peace, as- sembled at Gederieb, June 1869. - 1sT Divistoe CoUrr. —Comprising thet par t of the township of Goderich, to the North of the eut-libe and the Huron Road, unti', the same meets theroad allowance between the 1 -tth aed 14th conces,ions, then back along the Huron Road to its junction with the cut line, then West by the road al: lowance between cm:cessions 11 and 12, to the River Maitland, then along the River Maitland to Geeerieh, together with the townshin Celborne. 2ND DIVISION COURT.—COMI,Tibing the township of MeKillop, and that portion ot the township of Tnclreistnith South and East of the side road between lots 25 and 26, and between 35 and 36. All that portion of Hullett, East of the side road between lots 5 and 6. All that portion ot Morris, East of the side toad between lots 10 and and South of the sixth conees sion, and all that portion of6Grev south of the llth concession 3111) DIVISION CotET.—Comprzsing all that portionpf Turnberry nest of the side read between lots 20 and 21. All that portion of Wawahosh east of the Maitland River, iecluding that portion North of the River, and East of tbe sideline between lotte,32 and 33. All that portion of Morris West. of side road between lots 10 and 11. All that portion.of Hullet west of side road between lot.; 5 and 6. All that portion of Goderich township not included in Division No. I. All that portion of Tuckersinith net included in Division No-. 2. • 4TH Divisicre CetraT.,—Compristne the town- ship of•Howick. All thatportion of Grey North of the 12th coacession. All that portion of Morris North of the 7th Cane cession, and East. of the side road between lots 10 and 11; and all that portion of the • township of Turnberry, East or side roads between lots 20 and 21. 5Tn Drvemow COURT.— Comprising the town- ships of Stephen. Usborne, and that por- tion of the township of Hay to the East of the 6th and 7th con:essions. of the said tovinships of Hay. 6TH DIVISION CouaT.—Comprisins the town- ship cif .Ashfield, andehat portion of -East and West Wawanosh, West of the River Maitland, and West of side Eine between p lots 32 and 33 North of River. Int DivISIoN CoURT.— Comprising the town- ship of Stanley, and that portion of the township of Goderich to the Smith of the eutline and the Huron Road, until the same joins the road between the I3th and 14th concessions of the township of Goder A ich, thence along the said Concession road B until the same joins tbe River Bavfield, thence along the said river to Lake ffuron, isp together with all that portion of the town- 6 ship of -Hay to the West of the.6th and 7th concessions of the Said township of Hay. IT is ORDERED, —That the above arrange- m meat of the boundaries limits and extent m of the, several Division Cenral throughout ,b.; the County of Huron, as revised and extend- ed to seven separate conrtsbytheiniagistrates in general sessions of the peace assembled be adopted this tenth day 'of June 1869: • .7 44. Ayint'S .Cathartic FOR FAL 01, SIR :AMES ClekRKE'S CelebSled Feinale Pills. Piepared front a prescription Of J Clarke, 11.D., Physician F." zol-raordi nr ia the Queen. 'Thisinvaluable meatein,e is unfefline th eure of all *hose prunfui and dangerous di 'nee to which the female constitution is subjee t. 1 moderates all excess and reincveseilloloars, .ions and a speedy cure may lat relied on. ' For all the purposes of a Laxative i Medicine. a • Perhaps no one medi- cine u3 so untversally re- quired by everybody aff a cathartic, nor was ever any before so universal- ly adopted into use, in every countryand among dasses;•as this mild but efficient purgative Pitt. The obvious reit- Awn is, iliatit is a more -re- - liable ritidfar more effec- tual remedy than any A e• I TO MARNE() LADIES • is peeilliarly x tilted II will, in a •thot time bring on the monthly pet loci -with regular! y Each bottle, prier One Dells r. beers TA Gov ernmen t Stamp of Great Britain to prevet co ail erica*. • other. Those who _have ': tiled it, know that it cured 'them; those -who slum ' nOt know that it cures theireneighbors and friends, arpkt all know that what it does once it does always - ehtbaeit never fails through any fault or negleetof ite composition.- We have- thousands upon thou- sands Of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, hut such cures are known in extery neighborhood, and we need not publish them. ' Adapted to all es and eonditiens in all climates • containiag neither calomel or any deleterious drug, thay• may be taken with safetyhy anybody.- Their eagaticoatingpreserves them styer fresh and makes •• 411091 pleasant te take, while being purely vegetable ne narna can arise from their Use m any quantity. s They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it t into healthy action —removethe obstructions of the : stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the hody, restoring their irregular action to headth, and ; betcorrecting, wherevee they exist, such derang.._ e- • nts imam the first origin of disease. PftWisinuratepididlrey the box, for the following complaints, which these ecertioen:s—are given in the wrapper ott For nyspepsia or Indigestion, Zistless. ncsib_Languor and idioms of Appetite, they • sleseld be taken Moderatelyto stimulate the ate& adfa aud.restore its healthy tene and action. to-lensortu.ratutveousr cutemeapetatelintioan, sdieitus vmarieoadacus • . axemillee -or 'Green Sickness, Bilious C 3110 and Bilious Fevers, they should, be joe di ;Musty taken for each case, to -correct the diseased adtioe or remove the obstructions which eause it. " Por Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dOe is_generally required: .For ltheuonatiins, Gout, Gravel, Pabst. t *kph of the_lieart, Pain in the Side, ack and Iaoins, they should be conehnionsly en, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints - disappear. For -Dropsy and phropstcal Swellings they s ould be taken in large and frequent doses -to pro- d ee the effectof a deastinperge. or Suppression &large dose should be taken. it preduces the desired effect by sympathy. a Dinner Pill, take one or two PHU to pro- ote odigeecasstiloonan anddosielie setinuilave thetestos =ohne sionmeh and wels into healthy action, restores the appetite, d invigorates the system. Hence it is often ad - us where no serious derangement exists. ew o feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose o these/Vie makes Inna feel decidedly better,from their cleansing and renovating effect on the &gee- tive apparatus. 14,71. (T. 0.,.etTER rIS CO., Practical Cliensiats, LOWELL. MASS., 11. 5. A. agNen7safrio'irjRCIPadszit.LMAN, eweastle, Ont., general iSir Sold in Goderich by Parker r2 Cattle and F. - Jordan. Gardiner & Co.. Bayfield. James Bentham, Rodgervilte. -J. Pickard. Exeter. J. H. Combe, Clin- ton. SeCord, Lucknow. Seaforth, and all Medicine Dealers. w-17 , C A. !ITT E,-, - VI res PrIts should vot Ae taken bk.fenzatc damns, th.e P. II? SY TITRE R N;1118 P"R ?Laney, as they are sure to /wing en Illtscai mage,lrat t Any other time they ores fe. In all ens s d Nervous and Spittal .leeteone Pants in the Rards and Limbs, Fatiene on exertion, Palpitation c fate (lean, Hys !nes and W lutes. these Pills: wdl effect a cure wher al other means have ; and &atone' n power remady, do not ci•ete iron. cal. nel, anti monv, or anything hurtful tp the Eng talon. Ftel I I irections in the pamphlet at pund each package, whieb should he carefeely eserved. Sole agent for the United Statesati, Canadas, JOB MOSES, Rechei ier, N.Y. N.,E. —$1.00 and six poeage seam s enclose(' to any authorizel agent will insure v f;ottle con- taining filty PiP ,by return male SPECIAL NOTICE. : Sir -James Clarke's Female Fills are exteastvely CC;UN TF.RPE1TED. The genuine have tee name (if "JOB MOSES" on eaela package. All Otkers are morthkss. NORTHRUP Jc 1.-YMAN, Newcastle, G W.,geneta agent forCenadt ler Sold in Godeneh by Parker Cattle eine F. Jordan s. Gaadiner or Co., Bayfeild ; inmek Benthum,Rogerville ; .1. Piekard,S ketEet:;11.11e.tkl. Comb'e, Minton, S. cerd, Lucknow; son, 3ea foi•t h. and -ill Medieuie Dealere MOTHEit,S READ THIS l—HOLLO ‘irlys WORM LOZENGES are ii—certam tine safe remedy for Wm ms in Chtldren and Adelts —As it is a well-known and melancholy raia that one great eause of death airiong ebildeen from We -inns aione, it eannot be toe deeply Im- pressed upon the ot narelits the neressitt of closely watching their eht Wren . By so doing. and understanding, the syraptons and true cause - of the disease,thousands of children might be saved front early graves. SYMPTOMS OF Weems : e—The follow in e are a few of Vie very nemeroue svmptorris and r.diseases which nre effused bt Wynne De ra n ged appet ite ,em "%dated extrem- ities, offensive breath, frequent picking at the nose, cr.:reeling of the teeth during sleep, hardnee, °Wee be y, w;th frequent sludy stools, and somet mes convulsive tits; pain im the head tied stoma ah, unqwet sleep,' laintings, trembling. doughs, indegesilen,low spints, leghtful dreams and egiefilual wasting away of flesh. They are paletabie and selt-adnumstered to tht chdd—clrive out the worms thoroug-tey witheut pain and completely sleanse the Stomach—there- by doing away with the necessity of adinmister- ng Castor Oil er other un pleasant'cathartics—es n the use of other Worm Medicines. tat Each box contains the Jac -simile signa- ture of NORTHIeOP & LemeseNewcastle Ontario, who are the sole proprietors. N. B,---Aek for Rollaway's Worm Lozenges, and take -no other, Sold in Goaerich dy Parker & Cattle and F. Jordon •, Gardiner & Co. Bay field : James Bentham, Rodg,eiville J. Pickard Eieter ; J. H.Combe, Clinton ; decord, Luc know; E. Hickson, Seaforth, and all Medicine Dealers. v43 CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER' • A Family Medicine, welt and faVorably known ins the past ten years , never failing in single instance to give petmanent relie .vhen timely .used, and we have never known a single- case at dissatisfaction where the directiens have been nroperly tollowed,hie on the eontrary all are delighted with its operations, and speak in tbe highest thrms of es Virtue and Mafrecal effects, Pim. CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has Won for itself a reputation, as a blood pun fi el, alterative stomach ton lc, unsurpassed in tie litstoiy of medical preparattense ft seldere to eurc Dyspepsia, tearer Complainte 'Indiges- tion, Heartburn, Sick rieadache, Kidney 0 ore - plaints, Acid Stomaeh Phtlusic or Asthma, etc: restores to ii41 activity the system debt ladle(' bee sit flentelg arid disease. Its. magical andeonderful suceese in curing sudden solds, Sore throat, Ceughs, Dipthrria pains in the side,lions and back. neuralgm,tooth ache, rhenmatie and other pains in: any part 01 . Ole body and from whatever cause, !has gsven a place in evert; household and is fasi superseds ing all other preparations- of the kind. it is also an utlecival and prompt reine.ly for Scalds, Burns, Bruises, Sprains, Ghilblainst Crost Bites, Crampe in the Stomach., Diarhcea, atiolera morlatis, Billions Cholic, Cholera Intatte nun, Dysentery, ece. Price tinly 2'a cents pee bottle. NORTHROP 4. LYMAN, Newcastle. O. We. General Agent for Canada. 1r, -Sold in fioderieh by Parker & Catde and F. Jordan-, Gardiner k Cp. Bayfield; Jam& Bentham, Rodgerville; J Piekard, Exeteri J. H. Combe, Glinton; Seeore, jeneknowe E Hickson, eas eaten. end elqdedicine Dealers. w38 SECURITY FOR INVESTORS ! MAE undersigned begs to direct attention to the ad - 1 . vantages offered by taie Land Moregage Debentures of the Canada. Landed aCrellit Company as a safe tneans of investment forTeneteee, Municipal and other Corporations, and private Capitalists. Among these advantages are : , - lst. The lenderlas &security of a Mniaberof Estates collectively, instead ()apply one Estate, and also oi the uncalled capital, together with the certainty of his interest being paid regularly to the day, without his ever having to seek after; annoy, or dispossess any individual, the Company alone being resnonsible to him. . 2nd. the lender has no anxiety. care,. ter even thought as to the cearacter eif any individual borrower, or of the land naortgaged. 3rd. The security or debenture which he holds is a marketable commedity, easily transferred from hand to hand, so that heecan convert itinto money at any moment Ath. The Simking Furid of the ',Sompany—whilst it ekes the borrewer feel that every yeax his debt is creasing iii amount, and secutes to him, in course of ime, perfect freedom from debt—is every day improv - ng and makbeg more effectual the security of the -len- ler. There -is' daily, as it were. money aceuinalating to -neet the snni advaneed by the lender, dad' his security is. in consemeence, more and more established. The ComPany is now issuing Land Mortgage Deben- tures bearing seven per cent. interest, with coupons at- tached, payable est Janudry and let hay, for sums of $50, $100. and $1,000 for peeiods offive,:sevene ten, and twenty years. Debenieures are also issued bearing six per cent in- terest for two and three years. ' , lutereet is alloWed from the• dig a 'Debenture is urehased. Apply te --- ,' FREDERICK AMY/STRONG, , = , • ..1.4jratAgea, &e.. West Street, Goderich July',16, 180 . w25 . • '1 a • ,' LIST OF LETTERS . - R.S7AA. INING in Goderich Post Mee, ard stay, 1869, Postletwaite Wm rmstrong L Thos anted Wm - Patton P 0 8 - -Rogers H W svarleutlkseroDrap Stec. Mr ocherty B C Sutherland J amith M M Miss oiceThos 8Stetaffwrd jMin4y Henderson H Miss pee L James I Slaxford K ennedy HJ Rite Iolone Dennis ' wTaytialconrJH etchum S eCullyeD 2 k Williamson John Wilson John Malealmson T G joeWhoillleir Malcolm Weir Robert • Williame W "Wilson F W widaneld72EJW3 m ARCH'D DICKSON, Postrnapter. 1VIORT6AGE SALE OF And that the said Division Courts shall come into operation from henceforth, until altered pursuant to the statute, of which all parties concerned shall take notice. And that the same be advertised I•wice in the Herein Signal and Goderich Star news- papers. • DAN. LIZARS, Clerk of the r e_ace, . Huron. Certified to be correctly extracted front the records pf this court. DA1s( . LIZARS, Clerk' of the Peace. Goderich,-10th June, 1869._ ve24-2t. WESTERN EXCHA.NGE, REAL ESTATE, A LI, and singular those eertain parcels of land lie situate in. the Township .ofa Wawanosh, in the Vaanty Og coptainiag .tivei hundred acres more orlesa &In -composed Ot the Notth half of Let Num bee twenty-one, in the third coneession of the said Township, andlhe West half of Lot Number Twentes gee, lathe peconitconceesion of the sai Township, or sopuelrethereof ae required/1:o realize the pnnelpal menet aid sietterest se -eared y the Indere- tnre eriTrirtgage tearing date tie fifthday ofJanuary, ond thousand eighthundrectenel eixtY-foue, andenade fietveen Zane ItICHARD.,oisrvnit,: Vie first park Mid one GEORGETRomPsyets lirf the second parte will be offered: for sale' bY Pub c auction, by ANDREW-HENDERSON: Auctianeer, at his Auction Rooms, on yming Street, m the sity -of TittentO; Friday the 13thlay- Of AuguSt- LITOIENDW. " • AT NOON, • Under the trast pewars lot 'said contained * theme ,2infdreiv Plynogh, err. , .rroprietor. Intienturtebfgesteees- , . • • vrith the von els in support beau& claims. w25 ° olaffifAilitgaet tor c. -4:t , Ili•••••••• fit.,ERST-MW, 3•Acecramodation. Met tableii supplied with all the delac'es1 of:the, season 3, aucI the bar the best .b igratidsof licuorslapd 0 ars; ' • w20- - • •• NOTIO. rnARTI notice thas shailnot na relIpOlasinie Tonally . - , •.. _ j debt inburredbranyPesson naBirie.AIRD. Tetrealrip of wawano4 4714118th, 1869. W26315 ,on the Naitailealf 'Of' Tear tie in the_ 3ril amigos -Aim; about 60 ecres are eleaMeand.sonthe,Weethatf of Lot .21,in the 2rid conceseitalti*Araft(keerekartielearede— The softie Xe Anit:pti..M.. greid::ispring creek enne througlethe lOts—ttliere are erste beech, maple and a disweinetreeemn the propeety, which is eitueetee...0,11,44, good conceseion about 5 melees Trani:li.geate Ana -Ma about twelve- mile-61trotietha Term erietiloiterielitlreee, aree erected eentitha preneirilis barti 401*U le 1 harti.60, by ..31:1, and a loglionsn go by 30 feet. s th time of sale. leFP - .; s d Penditientaaglialtevieleheanadeleffoleqient -for ,ftirther.Partimlarivippirt*-litisrs; strocr.tt :Xtost..iii, 'solicitors; mag.Atreek,..-rzatoo,ci , a - -Dite4ttale UM day of atily, 1869. - 13TRONGsestflOdKIN,', ee. Welte ' Selicitote foe -Mortgagees s37111P-• revet 3 ITALF OF LaT N IF, in the ;4_ cnn. Wawanoele Cheap. .1 p te. e. M. c. eelelai • tf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Isnebr. 23).1113, 18e6as9. es of the Thrciat and Lungs, suela Cdughs, Colds, 171Thooping Cough, ,Bronohipt4, Asthma, and .r:ConsuMptiOn. ecutistoerd,oneg.y.eb Ileyally et e in e whole history of medicine, has anything won so widely and so deeply . upon the tonfidence of mankind, as this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through along series of years, and among most of the races of liToenn, it litteZe%ehingheer :end. higher in drir esitiimae ,. Probably to curert ile°varkeuetVILnctioons ' character and power of the lungsand throat, have de it known as a re-li liable protector against them.' While adapted to ' milder forms of disease and to young children, it is al at the sametime the most effectual remedy that can be given for incipient consumption, and the dane • gerous affeetiorut of the throat endlungs. Asa pro- vision against eudden atta,clo of _Creep, it should be kept on. hand in every family, and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all shoidd be provided with this antidote for them. - Although settled Consumption is thought in- curable, still great numbers of cases where the dis- ease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the cherry Pectoral. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of' them yield to it. When noth- ing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pec- toral t#9r_ subside aud disappear. .7giti'rfers and Public Speakers -find great pro; thAseticituhrisafrom Wit. always relieved and often Wholly y hittis is g.enerally cured by taking the Pectoral in small mid frequent doses. are its,virtues Motown that We need not publish the certificates of them here, or do more than assure the puhito_that its qualities are fully maibtained. Ayer's, Ague Cure, For Pelrer and Ague, Intermittent revers Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Agee, Feriddical. or - Bilious- Fever, &c. and indeed all the affections wtdoh arise *opt malarious, nisalih, or miasmatic number and importance of' its mires in.the ague dis- poisons. As its name implies, it does Care, Slid doe,s not fail. Containin„,oneither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Eine, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, it in nowise allures any.patient. The tricts, are literally beyond account, and we helieye without a parallel in the history of Ague medimte. Our pride is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures' effected in obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. ITnacelimated persons, either resident m, or travelling through Miasmatic localities, will be pro- tected by talringp AGUE CTTILE daily. For Meier C laints, arising from torpidity, of the Liver, it an excellent remedy, stiraulating " at hnpe neLrxi vBe ee i nen at r e m edy, p reducing many truly re- DhiealsordthYeracs antivd "iver Complaints, it is markable cures where other medicines had failed. ' Prepared by'DR. .7. C. AYER & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold all roun.pitd itheeE'71:1490 PET: BOTTLE. 3A RclAETEII3 AND THEINI3MITEIM MA.1413Y L. ST1NSTED, REGENT ST;, LONDON, ENGLAND. • • p THE general agent will, through Joshua Callaway, call upon the people of this vicinity in the course of the JL next months, with a fall assortment of these now celebrated instraments, which we shall offer at the follow- ing Extremely Low Feretees. Plain White Cherry Frames•$6; each ; White Maple on Walnut Back, ee E lif 0 E - , --"W413A41(.7- t+.4;;;ACe..A1(,( ' NEIV l'ATE•ST • guods wilt be reed at le,jtIts.n eost. TNVE 'moved the.- bite/tee oi their g000s to tlw isei ',set carti-e, 1,a) , store house opeersite to John Ralph's tin sliop, Prepared ta ftir. 411i them at eaeoe ertee. Teti y arc '9 I ) areimate re fernier. end 1,111.,412 ha% • rA- Ft (Ze4 &ea. k'TRACII.1N lecleiNNONe . . „ _ - e re requested to entl sette:at (awe. street, nee aff tfit;-e are giVing 11P bueiness stelae 014s Itt,3/ vtr.. innuaer. l,r`re# N.11 -- el, those ineetiteri lir tote or book account, ereat satisfect Ser. 1.. have e thettl tL.teketfeette, eta et. eeoeeNele;eiportict .in aeent win he out fch tee tsa1e of the laageta leo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ toderich. Jc r 25th, lsta. 3. STAWART & BRO WOOL,' WOOL; l'he highest market Nice paia. for enyquardely of wool. J. STEWART & JIRO. May 7, 1869. este ',:tELLING GOODS TIT Flit 30 DAV .A.nte • tiRTIN ROBERTSON'S 13 it er N .10Y§IL from $6 to $8, according to tubes • Black Walnut Cases. with common glass tubes $8 ; with flint bored tubes $19 to $20 each according to finish ; dne Satin Wood frames, 520 each, with the eelebrated Wooden Cistern and Screw eut at the end ; Rose Wood Frame with Bone Dials and Franklin Tube and Cistern $25 ; English Wheel Bar- ometers in Mohagany Frame, wind diet 0,nd level, &c., attached) froin 512 to $35 each, according to finish, with a God.erich, May 2 5 1869. full:assortment of English and French Aneroid Barometers. YOUR UNARMS _ Every Instrument Warranted for One Year from dateoetale. Having procnred a correct register of every city awl town iu Canada, the height, above ;tide wafer or sea level ; the General Agent is prepared to altitude every instrument for each locality correctly, which is absolutely necessaryto have them work correct on the Dials-. fr3=•A full assortment of Self Registering Thermometers constantly on hand at prices from $2 up to $10, according to finish. Farnheat. Parties desirous of obtaining one of these useful instrument', which aecuratele ana %variably foretell the state of the weather from 24 to 43 hours in advance,should aiail themselves of the opportunity which now presentsetself. The Agents will re- main fora few days- only. Bead office ler the Dominion, in Montreal. Respectfully, June 14, 1869. J. G. BOW ES, General Agent for Canada. General Rifles: to be Observed in onsulting the Barometer. ' .. ...... . 1. If the Marcerystays abeut 29 cache's. ar the word " Chang ble," witlidut moving much, either up or down the weatherwill be unsettled and changeable . • . 2. If the Mercury rises to or above the word " Fair," ene weather is athand. 3, Should it happen to ram When the Mercury stands high, it will be local. and very little of it. . .., ....a. ad....n.,,•v r•nainues to rise slowlv—ee e aelte er tza- days—anel errives at or above the line "Very . iFaie," Meilen summer, look for drouth—if in nter coat nued frost wiv . or A.- 6. When the Mercury falls, it indicates foal weather ; if the fall be slow, it will rain ; if quiCk, it will blow ; and it fails very low, a severe storm is sure to follow. Whea, during a storm, the Mercury is seen to rise alittle, then rest asstired-the werst is over. 7: When the Mercury ineves quickly, either up or doWn. the weather that follows will be of shortdnration, and viee versa. w20-1tu • Pure White Alpaca 50 inches wide, AT THE NEW DOMINLON CASH STORE. Black Lu3trcs tt Alpacas 15c ta80c yd. AT THE NEW DoMINIoN CASH ST0RE ColOred LUstres in all ths new shades, A I' 1HE NEW . DOMINION CASH STORE. White Ticked Skirts. Third lot just received, AT THE NEW DOMINION CASH ST0RE. I Full Vaiue Given in Goods for Royal Canadian Bills Goderich, June 16th.1869. ew-67 P.m ".10,1,4.1•(;11 • kftg. • .4. -SC PARKER & CATTLE, DRUCCISTS, DESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF AA' their numerous customers to TAEIR LARGE STOCK OF Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, &c. MARKET SQUARE. Goderioh, June 21st, 1869. , W21 -2m NOTICE. w-35-tf OTOCKHOLDERS of the Goderich Petroleum & tel Salt Company. take n ;gee that 2 ten calls have oeen made by the diremtors un the unpaid fitock of the ybove company payable as follows(10) ten per -cent nava-ble it le •:'.177., frnz. etas' date, viz : on gay 10,136g Ind (10) ten per cent payable on or before the 2nd of 'Ingest, 1869. By order of the Board. May 1.1869. sw-72 OR. J. BRIGGS' ALLEWITOR. The greit Catarrh, Headache, Neui-a.lgia, and Universal Pain Remedy, is war- ranted to surpass any known dis- covery , for theinstantaneotis relief and rapid cure of e any.. conceivable form of pain. USED INT ERNA LLY AND EXTER- NALI.Y" IT NEVER PAILS. A little of Brigge, Altevantor applied to the Head, inetaudy relieve Nervout Head Ache, it a sick headache, dilute to a teaspoonful %half a glass of cold water, and take one to four swarows, ihhale from the bottle, bathe the headwith the Allevantor, and rehei im- mediately tollows. One to tour svvallows relieves Dye- aepsia. fleartburn,Palpitation. Acidity ot the stomach Flatulency, &e. A sinell cluantey of the Allevanter diluted and snuffed up the noetril, then gargle the throat. and take 1 to 4 swallows or the diluted Remedy, will immediately relieve aim quiekly care Catarrn, Tickling •-1 the Throat, eoneh, Asthma, ancL an ten- deLey to Coesumetion are Immediately relieved with the Allevantor, few applications of Brigges Allevan- tor cure.: the most severe Neuralgia, the worm fomis of local pant. ri eurnatisre, Arc. The throat whetraore and inflamed is relieved at once by gargling with dilu- ted Alkvantor. and taring a swallow or two after. Lame side, back, chest, shoulder or limbs, cured in a short time by applying Briggs' Allevainor. .Applied to a burn or scale, it immediately allays all pain, and gives _east to ehe afflicted. A few applieations ot the Allevantor relieves Sufi _ Neck. Spinal AffeetioneContraeted Cords and Muscles, • • ... I • HARDWARE 1 HARDWARE - re Mild yet elliencioas, and warranted to curelaternal, awellings, Swains eititans, Tumors, and all similar aflactions.. Applied' freely to all skin diseases, itaffords instant relief to 6.11 itching, and rapidly restores the skin to a healthy condition, Tne Allevantor is a potitive Remedy for Chttb:ains, Frosted Feet, Cold Hands mid Feet, used freely -according twellreetions. Its power% restoring is wonderful. Many cages ot Deafness are cured with the A lievatitoy :—Sore and Weak Eyes are cured ; Toothache immediately relieved. Ague al the face rapidly disappears. The wonderful and Magical virtues of ihe Mee -enter will never be told, foe they are so varied and RS it is a beneficial remedy for se eh o variety of diseases it seems almost incredulous ta name them, yet the propnetor challenges any case °train or inflamattun that cannot be at onevelieved with Briggs, Allevantor. • lir. J. Briggs' Throat and Lung Healer Is one of the safest and most reliable Re Iledies in ex- istence for the speedy cure ofCoughe, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis. Hoarseness. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bore Throat .Asihma, Diothena Difficulty of Br..ealupg Phthieie, Pam in the Side arid Breast, Qemsy, Blee.fing of the Lenge, and all diseases oft he Throat, Lungs and Chest. including that wo:st of disease. Consumption. Taal Remedy is also mutable in laver Coniplatut In- fiammation uf the Kulneye, or Urinary Organs. and ail Internal Inflammation_ This really sapersor Remedy should be in the possession of everyfamily ; as /3 timely use of it, in case pt a recent cold, will afford inimedinte relief, whilerases of Iona standing and of apparently incursii•le aharacter, re3dil• yield to its wonder ful soothe% and curative properties. Its universal adap- tation to the wants of matikind,make Ilan indispensable necessuyin every household. The Baistunie virtues of Wild Evergreen as an agent in the ewe of the numerous diseaees of the Throat, Lungs mid Cheat, which always, in our ever vareb clintate,preyail at a greater or a lees degree. .arp -yr knoevr. bat thepovrer of relieving, healing and curing these diseases es enhanced, when byscientific principles it is combined with other ingredients of equal value us healing agent. Until recently, that terrinte fivease Consumptionahae been considered an infliction beyond the reach of medicine, or ale healing art. But a new era in the annagement efPulmonary Disease seems to be dawiung open the scientific medical worg, and since many distinguished physicians have aelnow- 'edged that Consumptien can be cured, few thereare unite attettypt to eon overt their cipiniiin. Trice 'eeL 1,8. Dr. J. Brigg ' Unrivalled Pile Rem.edy External, Bleeding:end Itching Piles, tbe most sans- tactory manner, viathout theleaat unpleaeant sensation. It is well known Met thousands upon, thou's:mils have been unlicted with this -disease, many of whew have toughtlor relief, but have gone to their long tomes withount. The bombe,- is incredulous who are drug- ging out a miseraule existence at the present day, TO FARMERS AND BUILDER3, AND P &MITES. wee suffer. go ond gets boule -of Pile. gemede. hing and trying for a remedy. We would eay to and the trial wdl not be in vam. The relief is immediate and a cure soon effected. Price $1. • - The anbsedbera have now - on - e and Well Select Larg , • , of Mardware, &e., which they are prepared to offer Dr. 3. Briggs* Morn Curative. I. endue-440On thapurest.raildest, and molt einem- t °us remedeevev discoyered for the itnmediate relief ancl need cure of Corns, Bunions, Illgruwiht Nallk (Dick •St_ , • . . : PRICES W111(31 CANNOT BE B EAT - . ' - ' eat Kortip' !too -pay i4aniee;Wifite iteail per SO:, $2:00 Beitt Ungliiii) Palk; Oil ..Best Ablest; Star. arand) per box, 2-50 . 434. rnADoor:Ilingesiand other P13, ask 0-9,ae aniwbere. .. OFafss Seitgieg fr.° --043.2t4Apwards ,OrPentinei(pur0 -.per -gallon... 1.76 Scythe - • - -3 DB. J. EIRIGGStleCo., 1 ,, .1%8; ,..tpid4,._;:-Slifivils„gp_urestri-attrti‘iki-e.7-to,:otlier'anoatittxylitpierous , ' '-- ' -•- .'-' inielitiediAT-Pla-CES-WflIt.III:REgr dOMPOTI1101% - - • - ,.. • - °member tkeiNd t:ta di, . *et Sqtare.i• dtp eri,01,, ign of the Large Padlock, . 1, ,.. t- ,.: -,,,... -,..- .....: .-,..:, .1.1- "-- : - - , .. . -/ - ,..:• -. .•• -, ..-• • -: . P; . %.'.7 i',.' 7.J..' -'4g,.•:.* ..., .. . . ... ' - Ciet '... . II, G 1) 'i doairdi, etune i t , i O. • *3. 1 h 8 • Chilblains; Frosted Feet, and also all Flesh Woundefind Slue Diseases: sectietf COM, Bruises, Bcaldsind Post Bites, Bites eflisteeis. Bore lops,Bore Mete, Cletsp,ped Hands, ElYsiltehli: Salt Rheum. Ringworms. Ulcers, Sore Fee' Pesteraf Chaffed Flesh._ Sore Iipplet Caked greasra, Cancerotileitioresi. 19lifte Swelluigs, Scald Heads, Se , -itniliot Wounds, he. T°e Pseit etst.te offenngthirr Compound to the pub- lic, has the unuoutneitconfidense ns success, ands -asub!stance known JO matatme. iteCurative,Irom the -nes compesed'ofthe.moist heallg end pain eelieving purity ofits ingredients,.will re in for years ss sweet as when -first Made. LaPI,stiv., and -other annual fog ,nt oily substance have -had -Mender. It is well Irnown thattheZerates Salyesetrie seintmentii ra the vnarket soon become rancid, air, unfit for use. This.. Modern Curative is the hest household remedy in the world. 311100 and pleasant in. lit applteettott, verrairtand effeetniieetVsnluili rein cannot eise Ake liftArror5L3 b Broadvray, Y..sinctIKelftrigfit. . betty Mefeleunie 1.01414 AND ci,,,i.A.trOsTS. west. , Toronto, TIMEDIA4P1314-ritkr-the jr• of Naviaatirin the snikspriherwitth 4otte the.laritesiO4,10t re umber, Shinglagt s rof?gi4jisTilicartro • Godes/de API% 5.0.862. PA- 14 PO S CIT T.111 -"T see, ‘-nhei- for -.ale a farm iv Preleriei" late ee • •. eee a 1 1, -111, a (•,, 4.1(01 t. N: 4 blob, hare 52 1,1 C Pi:, e s This of the moqt .1,- 4m, ' 7F, tea. cep ty. Fe •ttiass to G. M. Triteneue G.Lwieo er on ppaz17-7.1.it: ,I.)1:11eavilte , Apt i; 1369. iu IN the 3rd Mar le69. elanter and Panes Tenilinsene•ea sf flee e. ea Denier. attsign erteintiftl'idn''Ivlaxelliperlift;;'kesehliaal;viiitl;‘e- & Cieu Nay. tile said partners:11p Lang fur the tIIUL.I.,:,..ittia,; at. Sawing owl 1114(11,1n1-tar:ng bled HT, -1"-a, Mg, ea, a general co 'pelage • businees, at the 1•AN n of Goad -nit: e Mae ae.s earilea di la tle• et a elle:true'. Toiraele- son 13.31. Cam,. plirinor tositilr•iscel er,c1 c,n2apya.17.1865.9.. Thin feuSttliirle)Sel'r'ib'e-je:rst,T.iete:r4,-h:i1N:EiuriRd''.:r. c•11,7 tphaermtnoefr. and Bautha)rsisKeEd lla.'oittesste,g)natxr:riet the busines J Tun felasow J. F. D,INTElt. Goderith, 1st June l StA.o.R( • Fei?..31ti :T/q S A' `Ff'D. HODGE: OT 9, West of Nerth and South Road, Maitland LA Mork, township of Bug wtt, county of Huron, pro, perty :tr. semeel eonsisting, of 100 noses; 65 of which are cleared, and in a high state of mut-iv/el tion. There is a good log hease 3..Ler24, also a from* barn elnx60 and frame shed 50x30. There is a never failing spring Mk the ferna also an orettrerd of 2 acres di' choice fruit trees. The crop conststiug of 11 acres -df wheat, 6 acres of peas, 8 aeree of barley.' 2 tierce ef oats and 2 acree of roots go with the farm. The tattil is distant 8 miles from Goderich, 9 from Clinton anti froni Menchester, whbfe theft are ehurehes and schools; -Perms part cash balance on time at 6 per °eat. APPFI•sittED. ARMS elle-eel.' Land Agent, West St., Godva.e.o.ritt.cht. or to the pmprietor on the premises, Goderich, 18th June, 1869. PLASTIC STATE ROOFINGI THE undersigned has been appointed agents rof Plastic State Roofing material and they are now prepared to furnish partes with the =Mittel or put it on the roof at so mud, per scrare. POI Roofing it is Highly Recomtmended by both Buiidere and Arithiteets for its lightneSs unit durability, it being perfectly ilia proof and thetreidrtli get ont of repair. It ean be ivied on Fiat or any kind ef Roof Nearly all the best buildings in the leading cities and towns are roofed with the Plastic Sttete, Go lerich, 28th May, SMA.1LL onoox, 1869.Architect3, dodw- eitir!eeb. TOTICE TO DEBTORS. GEORGE RUMBALL, & Col A LI, partiee indebted to the late firm Of 6eriew6 te_ Run:alai & art required to pay forthwith) order to save costs, Paynient to be made the under- signed, John V. Detlor & Son, the surviving partntre of the said- firm. JOIrlh V Dillgrgrie &MUM H. Drtialle• Goderieh, April fith, 1869, *In 4f A INT 1B 13. OA I WC 0 Li ..ftl.r31 AND Cloth Fulled and Dressed GO TO THE COLBORNE WOOLEN t ACtORti better known as Ben Miller% Mils, you can get your Wool Carded_ and Cloth Fulled and Dressed on the shortest notire ; parties coming frem distance will seldom fail getting their wool home with ahem tha same day. us we have put one machine*, in first Masa working order, we erill also manilfacture for farmen3 when furnished with clean picked aeml, Ftill -Cldth, Satinett, Flannels and Broad Blankets without a salla in the middle. we would also call particular attention. th our stock of Cloths. and Blankets, also mu stock of Flanuela wohl, plain and eheek, have a lax& stock of Flannels on N•rtmber Nine, Cotten Warps good patteene and the best make of cotton that ca.n be bought. J. & E. Gledhill & May 22.1869. w17-3m*q INSOLVENT ACT OF 1.884, hi the matter of James Elliott of Sealer:17i toribri THE creditors of the Ineolvent are notified that hrt .1 has made an Assignment of his estate end effect* ender the above Act, to me the undeisigned Assignee, and they are required to furnish me within two monthe from this date with their claims, specifyingtheceeurl0 they hold, if any. and the value of ite and if tieiae Stet: ing the fact the whole attested nnetbr (Atli itith thli vouchers in support of such claims. Dated at Gotleriela in the Countyof Huronthis 260 day ofJune, 1869. JOHN 11 ALDAN. w22 tf Official Assignee; Farm for Sale. erHATsuperior Farm, Lot 16, eth con. E. CdIe .I. borne, 74 acres of land, 60 acres of slid Att eleared, well watered by a living creek, and Unaided by die River Maitland. Good log temps lind frame - barn 341E25. v itb a good orchard 'oh the prentisee. Situated one mile from the se mandiester.-11 miles from Goderich and 12 miles from Clinton. property is a desirable investment being on the Count Gravel Road and possessing a superior mill privilegieleei the River Maitland. Apply to G. M. TRUEM eN. uctioneer & Land Agent, Goderichi April 24,1869 w-lUf 311131s..'•*.! - REFRESHMENT ROO" iwEsT srDE 3.1.1x*-i,,T soy. Now Re -opened in the liftt4v Buildinga TeE cR8,01, i5ODA WATER AND OTHER Me peraroes fieverages Fred of all kinds in selleenes peewee:, &a. Mrs. Mack will be glad to tee her Qin easteniers at the -New Beading ein the cadeteed; eiederich, Mar 27111, 1869. IMPORTINT BKINRUPT SaLit4 MESSRS ..STEWART & YOUNG, Gramm twig assigned to Messrs. Wm Ramsay & Co., ief Terz onto forthe benefit of their creditore. the Wear* •ea their stock eonsistthe of Groceries,Glassware,CordwoodiShingiett &e., -will be sold at private Hale at and ender aot prices. The books rare in the hands of Mr. Jamee Thomson, Town Clerk, who is authorized to collect *II aecoullta due the Man. J. Y. S. KIRK, for the settigneeif Grederich. Stine 26, 166e PRIVATE BOARDDId; , . DARTLFS wishieg tatobtain n rtivateBoardingEd 1 eau be aeeormoodated at SIRS. g. DONOG West -Street, 1orletich. ctoderiete April 27th,1869. *ell$4,1# AUCTIION OE A ALUAB , ON TKP, JalelisON DUD Tw° On WEDNESDAY ..04.-4f j1",s ryfrifitrimollocteteal, teClirtelr, rj4)11,7,,A.31)t" That vainable Parin*:11,4a404141124t UT". int f;'3IV3°°.!:- Alt*Iiittlitb0* 4 taglIZRAtt waiiSO4:1413Alfrr;prineAcitiartiado Chttre,tiouves._. *noir vemsntfornaertgot, the Grim Porldt:rate..* interest ereuriptle enteeipai. !ateatte *vita atFor further partlarsepp Law l'herfen:ev'lfag;resit)liefthl;atol.:15):esi:5nriz.e:—.°2:41rTed'skir',;4144,::"...."1---":;*. artilLitotbert:IP: p see ea tweentwO anakets, geOftitter4iiee eetenne; — A'` ee e I • e. — c,7 c. • *Mee, • • - ee • •_-. :-• . y ' r•a• ' 6 • .• ---f "' e