Huron Signal, 1868-11-19, Page 1Av.ert..-ee. 4 eaaaa_ea., 42 'a 115 .(ce sS ,s #. eC3 tat ▪ 47i. •9-3 1041 # ##I0$.D •••• I g .. • 757, 813 - 113 1€3 1331 a • Mra 74 1s: = • ED 4" 7 82 .. 3/ 104 • s ra 9) 1‘) a3 s 3.1 • *•‘ a n _40 ig it Ls ••• #5,045qis • • 340 83 • 5 ta €3 SG. . 2 90, •,,-4 • 35 ... 80. .. 1 ▪ 97 L 73- k .. 4 ,.. It 92 73 & • 9 21 52 . 227 25 2. 27 =z2 1• 1 01 2 C3 ...4#33a 1 t *set .. 6s n .. • 623 83 s4 ..• 848 925 ..11 37 100 .333 so . sa 571 . SI" '27 343 74 28.1 7.3 itsn .▪ . 90 73 ' 13 .. nil 23 255 "7 .. 209,, 'm•• v.: . 293'. 23 337 - - it 99 23 377 • 74 2 57 23 394 ..t3 II: 10) 4t -.13 II ll 03 14e4 •.&&U1 103 24 IS • ..ML Ur- ll ai 1415 ..12 BB- 205k 14 ta .. 9 /7! 95 1412 . -3-.73163 404.1 ,... 2 zs, 73 21:33 -a 2 03 .. 90 73 163 • * 3 LI. 73, 4 in 73 442 'M 331 .. . 254 • 7i 23 - 17a 80: 440 .... • &Q.' 85 Er: ..; .3'71 Fil 452 - .322 80 4i* • 45t ... 371:80 453 -- - 133 13 galt ... / CYZ 73 275 ..-. 133 75• Itos. ... ES - 71 t Sir .## • R Za: 75 203 .... 2 24 73 201f- • 15 29 ▪ n 40 1-. Ze..131 20031 31196 gi ' 43 1. f)4 104 ...., 2.4 74 1 C4 ...., X( 75 104 94 337 ..,... 1 e9 • "" get 75, 264 ... 189 73 •:_.-- 2 2‘ ... OW • VF 22g ZTONe i ‘ , • -- - eTa dL.183 75 2 SS 75 25S - 3 15 80 335 ..... 73 z5 80 395 - 4•43 83 5 23 83 5G OS - 9 24 at. 2 s3 73 3 31 331 L. 4'11 83 554 83 511 78 423 73 411 74 $ 45. so 523 - - - • 2 03 • . '. 23 75 2-73 - - 2o3 75 2 VP cl.. 1 :0 73 .1,83 e - 283 ',75 353 •cl.. 2 97 78 375 It S4 75 2 Sa --297 73 3 75 - - 2 62 73 340 1- 10 1591 80 42 E., ▪ 6 2t '85 7 04 .. 4-40' 83 52 ... 245 :73 323 78 340 L.7$0 90 82* 82* 99' 8 22 4.. 5 ES • 85 64! r... 4 IS 83 4 96 83 495 la - f.i• 5S 85 641 IT 2? aa 317 . - 7 2T 29 31 ▪ C/ 63 98 1t61 ..19 63 9811 a. 1 , 7.5 2 11 .. ▪ 2 53 78 2 31 .. 225 73 321 -..236 • 23 34 .. 4 34 82 5 17 --570 85 655 ' •5-70 85 4 55 .. 2 DT 73 - - 2 95 88 7,24 ....13 8/ 1 05 14 84 •.- 8 30 93 923 .. 8 30 93 923 .._ 9 61. 9S le 56e .543 /38 734 78 3.91 L. ▪ 1 34 is 41* 11 626 .. • 343 71 4 41 78 414 ..336 TO 414 . 356 79 434 . 3 III 47 329 .... 2 74 71 35* 18 342' :#D• 277 IS 39• .Z77 71 3M •277 78 3M .. 2 54 70 331 .., 2 46 71 324 - 8 34 23 '31 .,.- 474 Si 51* ... I Yr 74 379 ..l2 19 1 OS 12*1 ..1* 14-1 22 30 Si -. 441 81 739 4*! 55 511 78 429 70 4• 19 74 284 al 141 OS 4 31 IS 739 74 196 14 371 79 1 34 74 336 71 336 14 336 71 236 OR 1 41 id • 177 „7 11 s *33 47 27* 2 et 694 13 0 t IQ /4 • 3 02 302 ACE 211 510 4515 3€4 76a ? 64 9 51. set * 1237 413 e adr • o.. . easier „ 'Wi �Xitor indProprietor.1 The .reatest-Possiltie ar•ia a to the Greatest rossi.ble-Nunal3er;b - *1.30 PIM ANN. IN' 'A.T)Nr.A:Ncin, GOPRICIT; ONTARIO,4- 0-.-; ii,EITTRspAy, wolt. 191 1868. f Eiteitteso Direr' Ago a•atatt. • A.. l'Werlougali fit _ eloWe . Bustitcos t c r itlismcos atrittor.v. ODDER/0X PAIThriBTO Thcf.virartionds • • *wise at arta, hoar aftertvar4 night or clay wig' ' . TIIERV: W. *ARN011:, GLARIC,,s1 Vat; len we Hoyt Pon CONSULTATIOg _:....___ARlall o'clock a. set. every day:. VIII.vrat GRAM pLotrit , s D - ' - -Ica • R ,,... „..- (i..o. oh11.111:1•532 22. plEYSICIAN.SUROEOlt.&mPtc-• 0011144=1r' e` W• 1:11Z.. MoTATILAINI: 3:4°..1v. ' T HS BE r. and greatest dlielwerY ot tee Age for washing purposes, worth. from 'fifteen to , • . tWenty dollars a year, to afannly ofieit or eight limp, j1Ffeei-e-toieNe je, Erna Or LORD STANIWY S SPEED IN' I: _ I PEE t - • E TAM. T . - , ......io :: 'V sneetee-ensereee or Mos .AND • .41P A BR E S 0 INFORM. mar. xsAtuAmEN • , theinhabittensot the 0o -unties endure ...',1: ... • ---"''' Oct....... . . • and Bruce; hat he ii(stil IllatufactKring and h. e'eml Pa' rAnd°14-T!taesi ''' AND lAiligHING GOMPOSFilfik . . ,SUPERIORFANNING MILLS & PUMPS whi. eh the French prese- has welcomed Lord • ' °II band a 11 Q mbeP43 Ina - ' , = " - Iisatisfactory to note the aViditYiWitA .3 t He would PartleUlarii, draw attention t r; ..e: Ittattlelltal:gUandmeecigotitsoinmyfa."07 1-9.1rf PeE-tneicegitelaii-ore MIN. aihe /nit warren t t hem toiree "Wheat from raefin XXL -NO 43 AQITABROOTSREVENOt "Leonard, Leonard 1 see rente9- . - ber all, he said., while a tear -a, man s tear -wet for a Single Moment hiS bronzed cheek; "Tam rejoised,alteto hear it,Iten eure, - ! pri810/AN. SURGEON. COMER, ac. nMike - persons atlHestdeneethirdrieer east ore ntral School. 4g „L-ELOVISIONSTO Tit d ed I•To we, oard ee • • It will wash in }lard or Soft r. wate 9 teVar. etteowercrecIesrGe, 12c. witaTiA.TE COLLEGE- PRIMICIANs A311- SM. •11-.1 CRON& O. E.. Result -nee, the bons* formerly oecopie' dbl. Mr. J. P. C. Hatlan,131.gin Street Am••••• • lpp-• lartaun 10O 3rta. 1,11..setetAN, sURGEW.1 AND Met -lien!. I &leo whew. Mall.lticater, C. W. Whitney Rh. 1SG7. waVr 1/r. *tat:el:nary, /1_11.1DtATE el the Medical Department of Vtetorta CutiversaVroronta. and -late ot the Hospital awl Diroektrv. New York. Bsuaenee D. MeDonaullrs :Thtlinitayfictal. w49 4mo° • J. P. Danter,.111. D. ACCOUCREUR, Somceopathie Physician, and htedical Electrician. Ithlee and Reside.nce Park at., 8*- 1yw43 W!tr,r1,(3a4erich. Ira 1.-sotvits: • liZAltiarkat AND ArrolrgEY.A.T-LAW, Ann asiletter-itt.CFmnearir.. County Crown Attornen Gaderiph,Canada Weat. Office in Court Rouse. i4n40 • Ortmeron, • ARRIbmi, AITORNHY, COotv STANCER. :cm* 11.tngrarat stree.t,Gotterteh,, w4g. CABINET MAKERS itTLCHnit &Lit 110Diiis •All kinds orFlannels; Wooleascanens. Laces, and Gambrics,and uhe most rich and delicate garments may tie washed this process with perfnet safety and success. it is wArrented not tia injure, the fabric, but :preserve and fir•the cetorsand will also .11.emorePaInts5Grenie or 'Staluit . removes exineneerr, OL'ARK*6 EXCELSIOR WASHING COMPO- -BITION IS. Patented, and tvarrentedperfectlgree Moak! Kingston Street! iron' everything injurious to clothes, ban .or health. It isespeciallyrecommendeilfor cleaning -Cameron' • GODERICE; weed tends to make it glossy; 1t also givel a Windows, and the repeateduse °fit paintnd beautillil polish to Silt er plated ware Tin -ware mattlAteAetto- Brass b4c. I am willing it sficiuld rest' on its own •VI Bran, Shorts, Potatoes Bacon. Butter. ,.. monis, all lash tor it. is a fair trill, -En% welt hdoes itile.BAtti=ztigsasst ir irk: tt. price paitefor grain and all • FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, 'iswoirtit give full satisfantion the mon y w c eer- lands of produce, _ . waf . I efunded. - , e highest testimonials in favor of the conj.... - °Awn is given by the Toronto Leader, the 'anode, .parmr the Guelph Mercury, the Ad.71'17klitgahillvirisverts:v.A.17.1tedreRev: B 86 Bitg. lieNv...W. McDonald, Norrelchville, Rev..Wite.bE; _ ity Griffin Guelph,,Rev. W. J.Hunterliondon ' , Kneeshaw Druggest Ingersoll, E. 7V. Pileaki Druggest, Mrs. ablin Clark townshipor Goderinh:. ' Send tor Circulars.. The Materials to ba had_ a. Parker Ss Cattles and F. Jordan. fa. Splendid for cleaning Fruit Trees.4,-- - All lpplications addiesse.41 to ,:, • ileArIstra It. NV:siker. 1 Tawrisyp rights ler sale. - ,Agen,ts ntud. - rt &MEAT* PRAt4rma#A.r..n#3 in Common Emt. ‘If %pity and. Insetvermsr. f•onveyantaRA, brataries &e. Money for inrestnaent at 7} per cent. - Pursues Block. corner:or Kingston st., Go'derich. Ont. 4 Sept., 7189.3. stv?, t - 13, ."Izadet (-e•cou• ' ARRISTER; ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR. Orrlertelt. C. W. Diane. Imstura Watson'*. 437aelc.Weststrect entrance first daor west a Gtanow • re49- -Aortas 13. t•I•orcimai, ji.TrOirs:Blie-A2-1,A7.30LIGITOREVOFEAkiitY Novarv eiraireyaccor. =tc-:"&e-# auderlelu • mar.400r,rmOn7conee. orta_athocuArslavattr sled:ei el West Street, thbil w4O Toms av &wore ilitARRI*TZES,S01-1(11TORSAn..docieripb Onono. Office--CtraWs lyiroBtock. Maar. Toole. I ..twrs.0 Mooitt., floderteft, Oet.16tIn 1868 . sw1Bw39 e poyle •Sa Sr:Inter, • 110ARRIsTERS AND ATTORNIES, SOLICITORS- in-Chaneerp,-&e. &deeds. Ont. 12.1.. Dolma surd- TV. R. Sortem.B.A. - mtsiyisi 41;Igtwoita, %REIMER &,A'rTORNEYS.A1`..LAW, SOLT- eitars Clatteero & ,iltolveneg..Cenvevietdri,&o. '74#1osseytoMend.- Ossnn: CrabVs.731oek env " Mr. Aa/Xs S'Atre.• swZI. William FA. Bata, 13. A.• . rinkszarey AND LAW OFFICE. came& /iv/ k Narzentr, Street Gotlerlett. B --Conveyanitaz, Honey tent ea revonable term. DIspaterlattel defective tees to real estate Goderldr. Dee. 21.1SW swat • JANC.TaS 041.Tairow Ontacrromrscrmsczirt,sTronsEr-AT-Law, clonvesaneer. ism Orsics:-X. C Ca -manes Law Mee, Kinoton Shtef.-, Gotlettelt. WillialssIttraser,. . A TIORNEVATLXVV.SOLICrtORLV CHANCERY. r‘. ConveYincer. Sce• Walkerton, emmtv or Dram 'w5 . .. Wiateosnsoit• DUES: 'sr, ATTOILVEY, SOLICITORsvp, eco. MONEY a.o LEND. - ICEYST•111 ATCTIONEER#BAYPIELDi County of A/ Hama. Sifesta,4ntegeor oottatry pnazteang at.7. entle4 to. w9.1-yrt• . I-Jar:attn. (WTI. ENGrNEEE AND SURVEYOR, LAND Ageataust Canvel•atteer,IIia'. mane. • JAM:MS 104EIZOUSOIST, - 0F.CItZTARTRITRONTEACEtlitt& ASSOCIATION, BILIPUITELIT, Pose Orrice. 444 t .13‘recleriek A.mitstrong, XIANDAGENTSVAXIVERilkee: . : ackolnyucp..0Nrm. "MONEY la LEND. Farina 'for Sale. -Ixa- Crown Land Patentstakenout. ,Debts Collected. ON' Apply at -the Office of Lefroy, Zsct. Goderich, Sept. 800881- sw-mt-tf V. SUTHERLAND, MADAMETAYLOR ' Agents,. Wm Lawrie, 'Wrover, townshin. of Itt 001) I frE Pro:Prieto:, Tor theDouaty of Huron. • Heiwick; H. Hannah, Seaford); Mated -al sold by - , ANDIMDERIAltERS '113a.rrol; Wroxeter, and E Hickson ds , erien,Sep • • w34 Hamilton St, Goderiok MONEY. TO ! ITEBEconstantly on hand for Sale- all arti. fl cles,in their such as - £4t3 .1. ,TERNES.- Befigteads, OhairS, Tables, .1. oonbox. Sofas, &a-, • .Goderieli, 1868-i watt , no- All kinds of wood-tnining done such as Nool posts, stair banuis' tam neekyolkes, Always on han-d,a complete . ASSinttBrEN' T -01? COFFINS 1 and a 1:MAME to hire on reasonable term 1 p. , goderieh, 5fav3rd. 1866. , 14vrani -hotagraplis, I fhatougoli: ro 1, ' /Malec:oho. ISTioliolson. SURGICAL °MOATS% ANDMECHANIO. AL IMINT M • ‘' • ELECTROFATHIST, &a. TEETH inserted in either Pla tine, Gold: Silver, or Vulcan lsed Rubber on reasonable terms Irrer' •AtTet Poet Office. West Street °dem& w42 .1lEsubscriber ltaviniREI.tanD tif the stare lately occupied by WM.DUNCAN. -first door tooth of Banchnes, Market Square. ,wishes to inform Ids friends in the •Town Goderich and surrounding. country54 that be now las the largest and most comrlete stock •of Fall and Winter 1 • e Boks and Shoes ofany house. ilfthe countryteontaining every 1011101STO.1‘,, Vega to infortn the People of GODERICH AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY'r that hebas RE7FITTED-, ITIS GALLERY, In sueb style as will enable hith to inake .4f.":"Mtt021's 115424§.1 pictures. to coTpete.withanyin,the Dominion, and is determuted to olve-entire satisfaction' whisk wilt to sold CANA P. "olt OASat to all who may - , -JOHN PASMORE; FAVOR. BIM w A CAL., . Victoria Steeet,- Goderitte Child rens pictures taken between the hours. • '"`"' oatis,eoekle, ehess, .3re, Pumpsmadeto order Mho risk of being 'misunderstood ini the and cambric; Roadbut they havelatio become om- St017 4ett the Slave -Coast. -00WI.ellnantie ' • • -. "Alas,ede, Yeu Must remember that he unconseeonsuese . , • 0 enger or you ; oesesand turns -.andwarranted... -: .- - - matter. They - are probably, by =Attire• ' TLIZ 330171aSt• 1,01Z): us when you were a wee bit of a brealdree of dayetlie said ae other. 1 "33ut, Leonard, avieere is my brother I _land why is it necessary to rompers* these hedge!' by otealth Tell me -where is Robert . •---- bewild404;14 oiid Ian-Up:ma alarm - Quickly he evrapelaisdreessing-govezelteut km and tastily walks boa. and foeth 8t111 the agony of feeling and the bit- ter pluntoms a his &emus. How hag- , gard atd wild he looks by fleet dim cenal!`e- - light '1 • Onto more he throws lainee hedeund aft WHO hia,,snin e bee:tile/ . 1st CHAPTER XIV Poctoiymi Neteon-st.,4atviien Victortatret and temperament, as martial a poop as • mercial people!, anctas theyare an. edu ted NoWcommenced a struggle in thebosom "True, true; but he must see the hancl ton, en he h 5 St never hidd s. broth r's d it he t was that vezy thing, which drove you a nightmare, natil 1?9.Y.Q • • -- ceases, mull tiztbzzaci *c. ArNo,rigentforthe sale of Morgan's premium people they appreciate to its fill extent. ofProvidence in all this ; and I. know he Netere eeereer Litirtztaigrigatz'araatthohfarnrreLg the eti;)rm°118 waste nttendh3g CaVe•rigrOwn TEENR'r DoDD,' chiental •to the' bees/Mut exPostaticat ctf will give me his hand, and we will forgive . sleeps indeed ; of Itobertl3ranabIe, • . .was some hours 'before* eould receverfromthefirst bin* amazement theethange • •discovery he- •badenadee Notte hese had something of have toe ,t4 -9m- 1 - 1 of each,,wouthoerair", I a, a brother's feelings come over lum at spelt . home, when MesteieRobert had set both,: His brethe berms befriended you at , too real, too t a time, he musthave been less thart human; the old folks against you,. said I would do a diegracefu.? and it waelletereen thq,proroptings of blood, ao now; lent as to hint, sir; 1 ane suety to ', not Antlered of early recolleetione 6f ckild.hood, before Wit, but hes a bad man, ti bli. makes for the War heegrew to *bat age :when leis disposition, all those who are with lum. men, and ranted byindelgencee died him 13i hit, I havehad seised thing at heart eAt 1 have and the reaollection Of tliPse- little more don't trt Robert 1 ,. Nuke- Your tseaPe. 4ta terly.to oppress and are his brother, as been guilty of by following lila orderersite to diave him fromtlin ome ottheiryoutli. No, no, Master Clharles__ , _tteke, my advicee- matured. yearayeliefejealoiny at his super- or you be hanged at the yard-arni of iot eaptness, 'steength and eifeliess With this vessel ere another twenty-four hours "cousin Helen," had eitade ',him hate, have passed!" him. . . - "Is he vapabie of &fit e" asked Charles It was impossible fer, thenian to forget in amazement. , the bitterness of thielilidi; besides, had "Nobody should know better thee 1,81r, net the same spirit of rivalry ilieited, 111).• and. I fell you yes." tn. he fennel his brother in =mimed still "My blood, -then, shall not he on his hie successful rival With Helen Hunting- hands,' said Charles, musing r "1 wilres- tOri I' The reader xill tememberthat they rape. Come, good Leonard, relieve me of 1104.411.three Item children together, • a these thaeldes;" , that the lest time Olearles had looked hick f•Slowly,slowly,Master Charles.we 'mist 'at hie htime, {ilk Vet shaded .satiay front it; bacautious-; there Ere watchful eyes on his tie detected the little terra of Helen, liohrd the ship, and seutries who latQW where she stood gazing after him. . - their duty -so be wary," :Tf there had been any better prompting* in the heart of Roberts teramblethey would have turned the.balaace in -favor of his brother, and lie lion14.1tatee befriended him. 7 but this he did not do. He walked Ids roore, bitterly tausingtmonthe singular -position of offairs, while be knew very well that Charles lay in chains on boarileis shipin0441M' rlefieeegben he recalled the tmhiesmzoteayteof:cejapirsaie;tetilliiiagef.eaothzitteerctedyras dweinc‘h the hiother, a, weilr,:mindqd iminunt, was also bowed by ill health ; indeed, .their early lilies had few- happy aesoeiatiens, establiahments and th offerings I in- • threueli fem4 G ' 0 oderick,Apill22nd, 144 - war.' France: now pays doubly foriadiat is :termed the organization of her national Strength .first, " in the direct:nos:4 an. inamense army, and again in the ysia of enterPrise which political =ripens& oc, ro, „Arra. A.aser is • cabana. Therrench are prepared fertivar ft,ETIAINS HIS-MOSTSINORRETHANKS and prepared ao voinpletely that Itr# ia ieeeiVedsineefiecotrunenced business luGede- ion ahd. anticipation together are telling rietr, not beingable to execute over one -hal -11 witcocalannt!Iriito heorderehrought toy hun tastaerison; havin.,1„. its 'efiect . on the resources of • • uovirsetiuredracilittetfor : , "".-7 ' - - Y- .. • . „ . , . . • I .,... :-...,f..2-L:-• '"•• : -•.• . I, . .E .. i . . At the same time, it is but Candid tole° f fortheveryliatteringeocouragement helms thought not improbable, but the priparat- reason,. at any rate greater temptationt 1:a1PlInE aullusine as xterisive y knowledge:that France has, if not tre ;ter to iiiiremptoying none but first-ciasi tradesmen c°11.94, herstrength. at -this mol-ne46 04- •Andai.D. beheVethinextierience at Cutter is in tormer ,c1a3"8.; The old proverb said blistnessextensnretynnthineoesefulltrittftioniton, tranquil, but, recent evoloe cutter= one of the Principal Establishmen s fie4 enou Edinburgh, Scotland, he earleealPtatee to - &la MO, and, 3"at Europe tias, discerning public that • -710t quil, . c,on e y ik ar :,,condiononelli the Province,havingoarried on that when France Wmi satisfied Europe Was principallyiirst-classeuirtomers,an having been certain contraditiou. Fronde' vas oats; OW -THING CAN BM'7 MADM .between the two great powers of:Germ lit sitahlisbineireituaitothel„*.est Ti.. result -Of 'Which left the Xierich y, man ti n 'tironi 0 0 rbionirea i. -- ._ - some excuse for dissatisfaction. If, bbir; Goderich. October 3rd. 1863.7 . awn ; ever;We apply the *doc5rine of the ,proverb . .. - a httle more comoreliensively we Shall WANTED.- , , one il towhich 3 , 0 . I arrive at a a I a` n 's n donbt plough. , , APPLY to . unappornethssees,szieenp ltht. :whiesse,n- Eaguroptheaist sLa p ri Bd. 4thCon. ‘Ciderieh. `if .10, du:4). cordwood. Ai,o, a mom to a 'truism rather hen a truth ; but which _ 4.111b1011? Stanley- said, Or anybody !else could tay septasth,..11:s.on ERiuit w3a t!. er :woeordredigsamOgt1:ittor Wem iltbte:yoz. „aunt or r d knowtjiat er ON lc tatiritihavepxtrthei,nfre.teoaafallaohtrot, poiTntie: under control,- 4, and .saboridinntnd t4) - passions have been brOught titorouglibi 23 -o...r.st (:, HE Subscriber would announce to Se .1 ire of Huron and Bruce, thin he isnowman- . afacturing-first-elaot- Carriages,- Waggons, Slolglis, of 10 a. in., Rod 2 p. m. . Remember t h e Place, Two doort west of the Post Offiee-over the Misgow House. . Extra t.topies front tho Plate always on band'.-. • J. W. 101128t0116- Goderieli, August 46, 1863.1ly28`tf. GODERICH MILL FLOUR ANDIEED STORE. Crabb' s 'Rook Kinston West. jityie of Ladies' and Chiklren a-geods, and - • • • that he hasalSo a very largo, assortinent of FLOUR. Oat.tne4, Coro -ilea and Mill Feetl. - , • • • , GENTLEMEN'S ALSO a lot of prime Sumer Cared HAMS WINTER OOTSand Rolled Bacon Just received this morning, 500 'Bushels prime Potatoes. coarse and. fine- both impeded, mul_. of his ma .4, outs. T. B. VANBVRY Own maiinfacture, which be will. sell , Cheap 1r: Cash,t Goderich June 7, 1867.., • Call and examine, aa he is satisfied t hat he has just the goods you want.- armors, Liv.ery Stable _- SA MIL PURSE. KEEPERS AO &HMIS,. G°dirich, Sept.2t187! • Bring7oa aU Your tarns liaises, TATIJOR*g4136n1"""45' DEALER Coat Lumber, Shingles, laths, ae WIta.110 great Earopomilleili BemedY_ -r ARDS, lathe Harbor and corner West rrHOSE suffering withConsumptionalheumar end Waterbo Streets. Et" °dice, on Waterloo I. tam. Dyspepsia. Headache, 1. ass of Ap-, "arced, rearoftheyard • • petite, 111i4 -Digestion, Catarrh and Noi4eit in Gederich. Nov.dift, 1868. •42wksw lyr* the Head. ure advised to try this •Reinedy, in '.13ilions, laver; and Stomach Complaint: at -ace- „ . eiseds when others fail, inferrer and sgue,cold ist. nit aweataand Adia,A wae never knoon Ao fad. GEO. KUNIRALL %Maw ItecOmmendedbrEhrnankro throughout Earope, - This is no hutnbug SS one bOttle otherniedieme Pon WARDERS, prove.Do not suffer When you CAR 'get • ease, by consulting Madame Taylor, at room jai COM M IS siGN 31„,„01,r4,,t. No 8,Colborne Hotel, Codenelt. Ladles tumble 'u"'"a val""4"'. to eel wilt be attended at their oarit homes. DNACEZi AUL UNDS 07 • Ooderich; loth Aug. vr 29 ii 'PRODUCE, A.L ' ALT-, WATER . MRS; DAYS' 110 n. ale Aleuts' folirifi5trsittekIesse.seil- arias and Fire WROXETE R. Pee sae aaliwsnies« , ft re 10 re 'IF I Ir. Goisrve4. fr itie direct road from Seafortli. to iodation tor the trarellinr.publui. L. # • Agricultural • MOTOAt ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF CANADA, amvAt. OTICE is hereby given that LESLYE .1011NSTON is noiongeran Agentpr fhe. above Company, his :erne 41:Jiving ham dispensedwith. Reins no authority to take risks ortransact *moths, business whatever for the Gempany. . 1. C. MeDONALD, Sae. Loudon. Oat.. May 28, 1161. erlsP.tf *motion & Commission. oo DERICIHcOLINPON AtAAAAAAA 3ff t Oiled Itt 30 2' AINAMAAAAM deli:WIZ or Miroolletteeise Property to Go.ierigh 1.,•.7 even- Saturday, asta la Makes *very Wed - flews advisees& es Property r sbfeemipmeept Menge magie. Apra Sleek ita4 ether Setas piaa9mallyatairmst- to throughoot the Comely, G. x.niumiums Avoca Masts 11114. Itarket separvokkinelk tI4oiaoa 11110410110et up she Thoseed 1assesss914 G. iLii69 *WAS • Minn Lome keparrot Vfalkerton. Every necessary meow - * Weitxeter. No 5, 1867. w42 Vessienserelallitotedatitchaic.cir .011M .11ICKS, Proprietor. This is tli targestand bemeoeutry Wester jsinida,atut charges a noderate as any Haus a.Miteheat. Siege 1ruprMot. Goodstabbflgfor 100 Horses. Horses and Carriages for tlue, ell irlettest NiXtrot. # 1417 „E S 1 T It stack. attertwentrene.vears ..naTeriencels prepAred Doetor.gorsesfor all diseases. N. B. -Horses essmitted as to Soundness.. • Goderiell.10th Ana. 1116g. W29 18 rvistotC:Oplitto. FOR . THE COUNTY 017.111.TRON WILL xag HEM Ti' -men ,I868 • - AO rottows • . iss Ditisimi Court Gonasioici. . Monday Nth:, 1864 "" • *0 Monday, tOth August, 44 ss sr cf ThursdaY•111. Dolober it if • 4s WednudayIndDeetilifber 00 2nd Divisiottrourt, Szsrofin, - • Friday, '30th line, 1868. CC Se 0 TOOtsday, 4th . Augusts. 44 st 44 Tuesday, 21i1i`Septentherp cc St rt ff • Tuesday, 24th November, 0° 5th Ditriston CtourtF,riExdasyre, zi,ot. h lime. , is.68. a is 44 Friday, Ilth August, o tr - o ir. • Friday, With November, 14 " tlatuiday. 961b. September, 40 dthDivialart C0411/ . ...--... ; - lonlEGS,to retirn his sincere thanks to the .pubto for their assistance at the late fire 0,0t 0t . 0 Erulay 2nd oeinivr,. 4g I .1.Ail ,m,* wily • atraE CPe ::::78:ist; August. : ,.. 4:ad.„e'teLTSairinicaw.me.rtruPY Solicits a continuance of - „ TM Ild. Ir 23 ' '; -, . 0. ' ' ,their patronage at Ilia . ile Ow141.44 Court. BAXIIETZ• ' ' HAMiLTON 511.71tEETi ,Nclus pi431'seab bar f th c oh the time when he iris Iost to his friends t the bedside of Captain Robert 000135 r.BUTLEW.S. reason, Charity and ,forbearaime, vtlien shall see, and not then, an end pig to that which is at once the greatest4draw- hack to material progress, on4 the' great blot and scandal upon: the civilization of Continental Europe -`,-the necessity, be it real or imaginary, for thoie enormgus military preparation!, •which our (MY have attaluedpropertIontineveiapproachied before') ' Those were Lord - Stanley's words,. and. thei, expressed with' perfect truth. the conditi.ona of the probleurliefore us. The beginning, Hit is to be sweets" ftil, must be madent the right end. Not untilnationshave lealutto give no °reale, and to be slow in taking.- it,. will peeve prevail and permament disarmament be practicable. - c COVNTERTEITERS. The Buffalo Expressof Tuesday has :a long article upon the remarkable career of Iwo "gentleman" of that eity=Philetus S. Barber, proprietor of a fashionable resort Stationery Toy &Fa on. the northeast corner of *Jarrell ahd yWashingtonstre., ets,anclIaines-B. Streena ; ' • • chartist whosefameluisreached farlie S obore., ..., the narrow limits of, the - Good. • - ItA33r • eA:13-A !. 7:111704yttvian°artdp:pktill4ViSallue:.:huge or an kinds, _atylee and prices, extellent greebacks WAS found, and they. :cienlitY-Sod first class Well.. _were- done up in: *ads, RS t1301101 when • • - changing a bill belied rolled the money up Tie 11, °minion. ,Cifth, 094Wringtr .TanhaereP4ceirerlaitoutWilfthissrpwocacisketicar,_ some .• The beet in use; wholesale and retail. thinh indicating that a $14). bill had been . ••• • ihanked, while ethers would -contain only 50 RiamCof Bilie line cream -laid letter about dollar and. a half or so, g Paper., 1St! Beattie `Cream laid, Blue laid, that 1.1.:iirp dollar bill had been passed. • and • had all perhaps 0125 in. good money. Variously Tinted Note Papers. In a wallet, also in the overcoat Peehatt 50 Reame woe end cream . there were 86 two dollar counterfeit twee • „ on the St Nichblas National Bank of Now 0„ -07 -,ASC.,&, -t- . York, and one counterfeit on the.Au. OF AL -kvarants AND. PRICIAS burn, 'City Bank; besides eight bogus 60 - cerrt pieces. - - • ___ '76 000 ENVELOPES Sweeneylutil two $10 counterfeits onthe • . ,Aliburn City Bank, and a lot of genuine All Colors, Quality, Sizes and Kinds. - money ineeperate wads, as though, he had • = - passettiiiree 110 bide • - . 03.-..4.11 the -PoPnlar Magazines received Threibaltatioris are exeouted,es as soon as prihlisheil, , eiall3r the ten dollar. notes, and not o XisceilartGoits 33.06ks Mall oat of fifty wouldsuspect their elm cter, unless his attention was partieulee y nn bend always.. Also air extensive stock direciel. them, ' " The remainder of ter effects eolutatted - Various. School Books' of nuscellanouaartieles conapicuoutiamou wh.ich were railway tinie-fablets leadimg g the belief that they travelkd etiweiderabl A Very larg,e and varied stock of Ladies' mi. . , 7 - and °enamel:1s' . . The -ExPms adds 7:- ,e . . . . "As 'intimated above, the men are not FANCY ---&-SP ORT1NG GOODS above suspicion 'ka.. a fro f a in: n mpapors oun always on handl, all of which areliong,ht and *he P°886881°4 871`eneY!t Nuu-14 9P6ar thathe has,figured under reviler eireem- linPnrted 4irect trora the Best Eitropean anti American manufacturers stances on The otherside ante line. An EverYthingin•Stock will be sold at a very amaandvance on. cost. ' I thePopuiar 'Ballads S'onge;T Vocal ant Matron:mutat Music; protured two tidyiil potins,and • 'sold at l'Oblisheei - Prices. - • At •-",, Eroderfcb. Jane 28.4." leaf; w43 FiltE littE • ILLIAM IISS affidavit, made on the 23rd of -October, 1868, before' CommiSeimier Gorham, and signed by one james'..Beverly Robinson, represents SsfeelieScmf having been in different partof•the -country at the tirti.e ,he was thought 'to have been engaged' 111 :robbing woman near Toronto, and for which, incompany with two others, he was arraigned in, the • Criminal Court. Tlie .affiditvit. Medi aperfect aZibi, soma alwaphandy in criminal eases. • The men were locked up in Station • ifor safe -keeping, and to -clay they will doubtless be tinmeaoyer to the custody: a the i7iiited States authorities for examine - lion, and Indus time probablysociety will be relieved of their presence. The silly practice of votmg than retiring ofdenda no matter whet may Intie been theebaracier of their services, reed+. sevire blow t,he other day on the re- , The young commander seemed now to. stand mere erect, there Wass freer. glance; lotted- round •* to his eye, itore too* 4oioprosed, IvateUnI grd and Area he felt that what had. been. to from the vess0 resolved to pertemity 4r- ert Brae* nature at Charles augment* It visa hss confined il out to him but he must in order to de prepared to it ration he kne. 11111011 Mere =qt.. 413.3r especial dg/. As alwavs war, especially the -escape to Were placed* English ship,' -3 1nm:heretofore antindeligIble stem,- stig, ma upon/de eltaractere was now. effaced ; he was net.only rokpeCtsiblv b-ra, hut gen- et Ana highly go, • . His 'father was knighted: by his king-, only Re, gested itself t circumstaneek, articles a ei.OtIk# CuTlfine 11 to. thb but Dinna, WM as pure and enetentasanyin should divest hitesem Englancle • citliettY Mate the =tele . „ . couldnow, take IfeletAintieeeon to Bide of_the ship, whore neeee_ were -immediately piaceit4tiCeolao Ids heart withont slimete have:mid boldly plead actense that he had dared before te guard to the .eliere Moro ese gime:: :, - , 1 hoirsof tip* oltildhood„ Robert himself had efulelttered. all its re,- ttantter ; ‚he could refer her to the dear , Once in the water, lie had 4)12V t 0 It Witi iipAy iniali:iglit, and the moon shegaireinniz Ailtenj bis. left .4 &dant ft uess of the eeutraes and the faveurange to the tender kin .out quiRtii for tho Aare, trorellog te ''''",- g had annk_hhhina. thfi hillthatsheltereathe home to become a.wauderer ever flea the xlarhness of the Welt to 'enable Lim to harbee ,on the nerth,11.4Vitt'c the water Of global _ reach the laud unobserved. He had the most to fear froze tim sentry eht hay in deep Shadow,: ' At longomshot 7-14 =danger fat the irons that Leonard ' from the alicif° lay the ship in which Busty/as filing away. He seethed to feel pined on the totagallant forecastle of th'e Charles 33rrimblewne confined: All . Wes aatrength that would /iave snapped them. 4414, as that POSt 11,1%.5ft) near to his lino of sillies death, .save.iltre Of the sentinel like packthread. • Passage. 1 • -- ,111. the ship's waist, a.: a ripple note end He was a num now, a free man, and not Ire would have to swim walla Cho imm then of -tide--way against the ship's cable.- a thing of accident -a thing of accident -a - far enough -out to clear the 1=11 tlIa20, Ait ocerwrot eye item the leetyar4 !idea thing -for the world to learnt at it in ecorn and whe.nheaeot 011 all evea Nue with the -the zhipi might have seenadarkfeemereep -not an abandoned child. of shame. No. shiesriws, this sentry," if he happened to out from one of the quarter rtse and he telt netved at once by tlus simpdaree. lee en the lot/heat at the moment, cease gradually make its way along e mould-- this ahnostiniraculmadiseorery andeould 41'4' fall tli-4134 Jam on the liseaceof the ing of the water -lines toward Om larboard hs,rdly restrain impateene,e. . • water. _ - • • • bow porta, elle Of which litssithily enter- Yet a shadow toea moment tressed over nYriats this tliffieultY, Leonard Thast,. Ltd , brow all he *Ought of that brother, win) Was a sort of PrivilFged Pvwbal Entering with the figure, we shall soon /rhos:Q*4 gelidly look on suttee hint same. lewd, being the Captam's tonfidential find it to be -Leonard. Busk who now, ,fieed, knowingwhat he most and antely servant and nuneof‘all-work, .untlertotTk: watching:an opportunity, slipped jute the did know, Could he have permitted such to engage the seittry'e attention by some, apartment where the young comixtancler .a result, luau beep en ',Oats puce deviceefor a few moments., it!st at the op - had been confined Since left the feetor,y Indeed, hafeIt- could POI:tune Period, while the prlsoner sheulif of Don Leonardo. . No sooner was the '"Doess net my brother know you ,sre get faitlyclear of the ship. , , door closed quietly, so as te, aveld the here mi this errand, Leonard. 2" , "See said &Guard lituit,'. observation of the watch between decks, 4.1f he didit would. cost me ray Wei'', sarelegaly, as he emerged from the fore-. than thenelaromeropetted seoretlentern said the honest fellow. hatch. ; "look ye,old ,boy, I have had and discovered himself to the prisoner, at Charles Would have placed some favour- swit_e_i_se dream, bang mo if I can sleel) a -the saMetime eantioning him to *silence. able construction upon the case, but, shoe - •• "Who are you I" coolly tusked Charles he =Ad not; there was no poggible way "White' that to Inc Tigrowled the gene, Bramblo--:forthus we must know him in ofdisguising the matter, try, inorosely, =1 not much more then future. Robert Was the same bitter jealous- ludf awake.. Teeeneard INA," was the. reply; .011r spirited. soul that had renderedhis "WhY, if Yon knew whst it was 'dream 7 friend, as I Will soon prove." - h?od miserable,. Time had not improved ed you would think it WU Somethin4 ti/ "But it Was only a few hours since erme was his nature, and could not be you," continteed the other, with ;Owned were giving witniss against me I" eradiated. mystery and serioueness. "That is true; but bleu you, sir, there Charles now realized this, and with "Look Ye, Leonard Host,"said the MYR- hat been a great change matters since few furtherinquiriesof Leonard, touching Cute, "doyou know you are talei,ug to a that." „ matters of mid interest to him, heregolv- lentrYinl dtitY111$ that it's clearly against "So I th.ouglit b the 'movements 1 ed not to geek Robert, as he had at the thenulee -of the *Mir to do „obServed though I not Understand outset intended, neither •veOuld heavoid",wilTe ss the mattgr of 'that, don't them.". • ban. ge' knew no other person eare aim see but znat you are as much io EX1110 WI I, oristi speak low sir," sa•id. WO Other could bung a contintianee of the suit am,' continued the other ; "but wita - !'and while I am taliting to You, just let againitjeim,but he heedly foareci ono even there to peaelt on either of us me, at the searietintee- be -RI-leg off those We would do that. gorkat)I.true,_", sated the uterine, bring. steel ornaments upon Your vmsts l" "Of course Helen Huntington `knew big She kit of the. musket liglatly to tlie "File them off Well, then, you reust nothing of this development yet, Leon- deck; "but for alt, et,iiona,n1„ •Igri- ilideedlie &friend," aaid the prisoner. &di" gerous basiness; for, you See if---Intilee ' "Leave me to prove that, Sithere .so "No sir, and Master Robert bid me be what's that , • the light will fall them, with your Lack careful Mit to 'ether And it out, or to say "Nothing -nothing but medraving (Ids this way; Omit will keep the light frotn. outlawed about matter' to any one, cork," said the other, onickly eiteeducing showing botivenu decks. Sa-:-Ao-kthit /-*het,ever: rwa erThe lady abet know smell bottle of brandy fronting poeket,and' - ; • Yell, sir." • „ iur140iir the Marine to oBilt Whit Was itids.de Yehr voloe and, "Yen forgot 01'4 eiezt Robert elia not .ihe tereptatint was too great, and the the son-ad.:4 Your -tame affect eats sta this` • recognize me."- 'shieliV and tired gentled Oren,: a heavy morning? I -could not divest myself- of "Ana that, too seemed funny to: me. right the liquor, twitching. his lies, --thefeell'ug thet Ihadb.eard it somewhere ; Why, sir, Ilieenek to know the mstant d forgeithtg the tiound he hal Just heard heforee - gamy iqes on yen ineeteconrt, and when and which Leonard Janet very. well knew rilfeara tt 1 Bless you fir, 41.; rather. got close, awn settled the doubt inlay was awed by the prison -era (hue-eta:Pt:ea think you have beard it belore," tale, *AV' -...• too quickly intethe wat,:r areug-idte, the are 1141.weeleid indestriouslyalehhho' ; "Welt, ply go.od. fellow it seems teat ship, • .41a:ripe/Obi handcuffs. - . but yonI might have 'been hangsl- `Now, Billt what do you thiale r tlitt : - "Well,. whereanawhen,and under what and that, -.4y, ray own brother; but 1 trust dream.'" eentunted the vaptain's reale circumstances 1" asked ,the prisoner cur- all isset rightnow.'se "Bothet it, how can 1 eell f" answered tously. • _ _ 7. . . ,1, ' .41 hope Eit_Bir 1 01117 you must 11* let the marine. "Let it out: if its werth tea - "Thetis jptit Whitt TetengOteig to tett yen, , Mester Robert know that 1 liberated you Img." • air; aukyen.see; Masteiees--" lioin. these- ruffles -wilt - you, Master "Why„ do you see, Bill. I tept teesing __' 'Master Charliss-Charles-why, do yo y Charles f" . . . Miterneng uncond.rtabhehhe for *whom, call me by that named" V I "Never fear me, Leonard. 1 shall not or, re,' open -finally I , theuglet 1 saw yoee "Why, you aee, that is your name, to do as yoizivere about to do•towarde ine-,e with your face as, ideek us the ace ef I sure. Charles Bramble . and you are give -Wien -low that will in any wayerimin. spadee, and your bodyllangling by the neelr, C'aptam Rebut Bramble's brother, and- ateyoa." . t front the meta yerd-arat of the *hip et dead teke care, hold- still, or the Ale . will cut • "Sal wasn't sir, of my own _bee Isia 'Wall r you." . , „ .„: , ...-only Mester Robert, had told me what I ' "Well, that's coMfortalde, et Any Tate," "How! do you trhialitii-p41" what is must say, and stick to it, and Fin afraid said the engine, "o,nd e'en: needuie 001114e this which you aretaing-zae 3" not to obey him." „ . yourself in future, Leonard Rust, ,to re- "Indeed,ar-indeed, itis all true," said "Poor fellow I 1 See aoneetee,•... iroleed, peat,your dreams to me especially if they the other, half frightened at the effect his his tool ; but if :1 .6;14 emyselt in any law persontieee . verde hal produced upon the , prisoner, 'Beet 4 4... ppsitio4 ern -long, r will take "Serer mintionan, it was all a dream - who now stepped . away from himancletoed tare th make your position More vomfort- no truth in ileyou know. Come, tad bole aloof, ' withdrawing his wrists,- Irene the abler ' • • . - . , take another •,,drink for ,companiouship, operation which loionard Eyipw Vali per "Thank ye sir," saidLiouard Husteettst snd then goodnight to You, mil 1 il turn forming. . , >.:. • as the last shield° dropped from the Fie- in." • - " • "Come hither, Leonard Hutt, if that be owe* wrists' . The Marine greedily drained the rest of your name s hq Baja ; ,4`sit here, and telt4. • the bottle, and with sevitmning eyes thank -- me *batiks business is that you refer to. : --ed Leonard for J. kodneate bade him No bliudithrES, sir, but *posit out plainly, -, good -night and with an uairtuady Step re- . Amatme!AAA • CHArligit. smiled his musket and Lis walk up m tits fitment ef the „gaping lora Igor of and likn misdirected, and ,went ;to tell the com. es " Priday 4th Ileceniber, ie • OX THE XSOAfte Thughtterrogated, the man' did' .1te . • • 20th June ISM. y &mem o 8 °Mtn 113001071 46,6 $) . London The customary vote ths.148 ina:nder of the crea Witch his st.citlriFP Is the meantime, let us return for s. • a te Saturday. 3rd Get0Der• ft Alm fk SOWS GROCERY. where he is prepar- of enumerating themerits of the ou Di,. in. bod tgot lytreatedl:y ut eiderbrother, who, mdeed, -weery eland he bad retired to and family7how ireo. never oeen. aina Bramble, for it is loaf .roklnight, and cf te it wechimi 12th A ' .$ SNE DOOR, SOUTBI OF MR. FEE- Connell Ina verynitusualma.nner; Instead - • ioth Dilates Courtsa, Guni:ta rein jun.' , lime, , I 047)T S . Sz S 11 014,1 i eine, and en a "'ea than* '') . ge„ni, n eueve Y x in spite of them. Mayor, it was ea- X4343"rdlleferrect t° fistt IiiiSt- Tit Wit and he wee tiebly so. . ' drove hint nom 3103334 liy 111SUIvtinallt . hatred It.i he most oartainty needed. t it t a a “ moday,s 3ra Atigust,. ,,,. AB '13su,t.L « sorted, tisulbizinHiglyes,ot disoourbev, of -he hid performed, by maim:Viz mother s ., phantoms °fa imegioabieekussi. tied * " " " MosesT,* Zird Vovember,“ eji)a . ';• . i . - hosPitSaith • had telebhilibt re * Ito the lame as Mils litvitinem) ba(1- 1136414 miser2, Arid of algurv, t9 II be in it !I. iiii:itilP°Irtrrithiaserbat4a:,:lik-sep,:twil- physical piut, " " tf Tiintaday 240. lasaaaber*“ SAW Cifif$1003.; mitted many other °Hewes of a similar tithed. be thread andliuk by link, Ailing Aim, bow firfui the ebaciawe eat odoesclav, Sittir .lime." It" albiaribera" *7.11111. I la°4 . .. eharaeteroinst hit;e9Ve:=:„..H'''brwie,,...tnui,ter latiLre-iPacwUrill ".b..dkftehes Irixe " 4f. .4. W'4ialttliCla3;142•413 ItitIA:VUSt'ClinblOr". KIELLY SAW GrAILTFG, citittlIt4y have felt corapeigissa' lifedee7:4!*;:eadt- B As 11118wPsant °II reistIni .thelie tiling.' in- stasediretiofwmn stoodsideint4lealigtio‘ wetanepetatte whiskiPar-brow The several Courts wf1 apse at 10 eoldek Amon mix, ztoss lath 1Sea. v4.4t If ' is to be the order of things on no- red into the aarno ears from their in- Now his dreams Cirri him bealt-411r ociskich 14Ith istaif ISIL Ef ' SittUrdit; 002 December, if ea to manufacture lifaY0r$ hetr14,d.a catalogue ression, • • ••.. -., • - t bar& repose to tbe guilty- STRACralf DrelairNON rasagk'foressliaccut so me uthabtissis et Oakerielti and sairounchsigeo,ustris dot Om' bays of44e41 044` ' Near Dodd% Pump Factory, Notoois Street, wiminitistry tweed se file ait Mork Wardisoittleng, suit as SHIP wax, mukal Horimalto*init &443., parodiegaw 6,514wattes potet to oimigke;#114,srlivarliat'. 'sat, it 4, IVO E • :,""Mr*Pr' Moridey, 2Sth September 00. '0/ WI MOSS s " of " i=arly dog, and how little cousin elan (ahe scrum bis bruin *tures o of finch. Sept. 4. 1768. ,u.sr,3.:. preekie at a ribile•.eharitab &liner all and tbeelred bbn ever and over again seamed to be oxpeeed, saa wide. be bad Nth Nixie' * Coon_r_AianarVIMXI, cause the tickets vrere too cheap, and °Om. for it, and a thoimand other reminisences, I itti Witaxs-rxi. Wedueria the J NFORD. his vote of thenks by a small majority. the same old natural volt*. that he had and temples; *bean toreask Azig40 7 cations of this Ida rl, votes of thanks will untanearlY ten- Years had Passed, back a coon of, yocro-to kis aildhoed at 11# s. along -closed vein of mammy seemed„ovcd- Bramble Park, when all wag illit00434341 O. O. Hitrev... • r immifirtFA soon pr3bahly be at a diseount. •-•-aaroo- nall to open in the prisoners brain. • and then, leo leaping strides, im *ads 11 now lawns a* that the sum alestaact„. e covered lus faoe vnth his Itszids, and himself ye,ars after even as bier, ed. barn the inaris.e48t. Cittherinea by the for a few memento seemed loot in connect- lug deadly w ilaeee spins* his 414414111i421/161firkfirr. V* P. 041111), i4 $11,- ting the mi"'s tilre'dg 68 peat, until His dead father Nes= standing his bed: *C-4. . Da it all Mane plainly and clearly 1 *we, pointing ht s urn* and to tn. in ensalut' sres5 sadly oil Aida button idsags. 1:"Q°96" °Qt./n*44Y "144necl Iv" "6- thou limeng-froei eito twee) Imal, leeks entioal . ve his laurel waist id M:se°112Clarke nuanorybs.dsganethesehinis tie tames, tarns a raj. itous_ withis, idiots an fjleIn'ettsile. thenean ltim. Cita!** Bramble, who *11 111 expert "innimmer, had got out of gunshot an 431,613, light of tin• shie, or tbreteltielrarweyery herellisialitead. Re.oettld hadnotieoube redclisce:as. ered. from the ships deck, and was nearing he propnesd, suficient clothing upon the back of his neck, and „in an oil cloth c iver- ing, so as to keep it dry, to equip himself quite conifortiNJ on landing_ SRA ill thew garments Jus 411112004 dreamed win, and making his way through the town to the mission house, where he knew Helen Hun-. tington and her mother to be, and where b.e know also thet he could find at Isee4 temporary lodgings. Be had no Dingman* far that his broth. er would resumetbe charge onseeruing hist before the court -bed aa s knew hi.' to be, lie did not Wive he would do Cis, though he doubted ad that he wool I h v. mantiged to have kept him is amine rt - But, feat his broth* should be bete* by his feelires tato any extremity aLd concerning nisi, he raeotved at ems write him a note, desksthsp that their itagbinautionrtherisceirei, allip was knuersi,uniegeiumathatdo 0 , 4, ••, ,e14'• At, • •