Huron Signal, 1868-08-13, Page 3I b day. :T:5 i At t a 070a., in. 6 -aa pol!ct-a P P �y ZJZ�7 'tie mt�-ZMO rozopar- on. the of JCT_�__ TLO az. cf En-zh=a wave!,- Ezu- t1a 921 Newt=. 8L M by ir coz, L M-.-- Z,-- gm-maLcd to� t,3 a& --v tL�, 1"ipa, at -ca �'o r r! I, Ecta!=, ap- Zz. = mt 01 vmruei at.- ew. 13v 11r. Z -d L-9 for ("n ZT 2 gnvca- CL �f_'-21 1),& the M, Sy C:2vert T-,�- _C=ffied TDV t120F En �6y yr. r��M iota cm. 519.421 Mov- mz. T�v Mr. V762ts-, tT--- adfamm- C-- in J(DEN SHAW, T q C -f r itq f Cf in tl-3 ��T,:3 Gff r V=. ft; VC rai— "2,nn �a a vary 2,2=t - a -"-!3 CL, 6�3 V�ansm IWO! ar= (7:g, -G3 cf fo., C-7 C=3 Cy f!�3 L B t=- Cft,77:i, r t-3 t1_1!n1- L3 a 1:2m- a3 il,l Z , ta . 2 a70- a ta r_1M_?d, .7 f tD t!3 Of .37D. We WX a= a3 And [,�O, L3 sc� C!r*, e- 3!!7 or ,A.'�21;_?. Y'o [3 aow 2,� L3 -1 C9MPe1'.1?JD as ve.'J cy�r Ae'231iter 'When we :i ?.!Kut -,e -, be, - a 11-4 vt In iWa 0 % f I 6 1 3 A A IL late. RNRY' CR11'W C,- rittea f0v the aura M.,ML TWO -T10NS*V&,91Ty IANSWZRED�— THE GREXT ENGLISH RENEDt 'r,3 lFz6rybutu ra1P t1:0 fl)Uovica "Larlb- WhY Should. Mort wdftr� boards ? Be. WANTED patent 'A q�r,' w X, nr pai!cull-s t" OTTAWA CA- to th-oll r .Celebrated 3?�male. PM' UUEUM A-r.V N -0-Fr AT '001111 MR1611T, 21y ictp Is Mcd NAth bitter arlQf,' throat and lungjl�aud'aiI4 inuch aaWa they 4ro a,; great vroLeetien to 81P.4 JAR MODS .8 the 4� DRESS EUI .0 V it1t =zkcd upou peradnal appeaiaoce. Why should 'Iwo o Sir 31urrin J. is- iciari trao Use 1111r�an 8 SubsctWr being a1yout to give q General, Dry do'ods and cuferl;n� extensively THP, =11cs, cause 'when used 'for coughs, colds tick. 'e Queen. 1 . - WiMits b,% T�3 I=A the emid L14W. aid, ling in the th &0j'. they SEI I �w ANUM, into Arta,wi-an it Ins them in its tolb act like n eharm. Ministem and' Lawyers t4he I R I . initil and dan4erous di, I cure of all t R z r rb E, x n, I . .. - I . ' DISTILLERS. 6'3 11. T,) Ccad them oawar& hove pa maes . .. I .1. M "Ell _' * tfaem, -- 13LaXj3:±Q - 56. plivaiiians recommend them, to. which 1he tbmalo constitution fiI subjei t. U- 9 nna modeiatesallexcessdad�reinovegallobattilt tious, d 111 tall of lit- 'ibe I ray her* %T11- lioruln3 burst 3ft nl;d PUblie. Speakers say - they 6054 are and iarlpil stock of . -aro 81" �8_ A- L E wo-, mure STJ6 AIR Clear, the-gverbe9t mudioinoin existence an aspeedy cure way be relied.aft. 1!1231=18� 7OW-i Tha ovening mado ray lif ateant for the cure of sn6h comDlaint-q, iSol TO MARRIED LADIES Whita , I d by -Dress. Goods, Sh%wls; aAd Grey Cottonst Wft Sto=V c1ouds or C=. it Is- peculiarly vuited. It wid, in a shdi; if '01 . , 1*�_. . - .., . - . I . I h D 183 all me'dickne, dealersiat 25ets FerbOX, bring an the'raoutblviierzod-with regularrv; in elings, Tloking#. Narsaffibs Quilts, LEI TABLISHE 2 Etich 00�TS _H"'02 S� &0011 &08 18NEY TO Uflli D, Timy call ,botth One J)ollar,bearstt'i Gov- 001 :D erament Staiiiiol'Orbat Britain to prevet fdoun. & gut S!* my IM'. MY hom MY JOY, ifeltii. Mo m1d I ums a bZdt0- the - ntion the ladles to the splendid FOR S The' Subseriber would 4 id ' CATZRIOX. - , atte 1ATED1 AT 8 PE, 1% CE _XT I Pi11as&w_ddqwtbe'tahM5Vf#ftae during 0, ralc, tT=u.n1Wa7qlX=Vt for In 27kees A"Oftment of IMMMOR ACT. OF 184 d4e.FIRS2 THREU AXONTHS f Ping T.' ae t iicar. theras 'Alcoh619 0 100)t h TuMb nanry, zmj are 8ure to frsn tv Wi Painer in the Back and Limbs,Faugur an islig Pare Spirits. 9. D. G 02 V, ttm rben I rzozidspe.* to ono 0 6f the latest s it rxmws f4aweps I -ould Eca. Zonnetst atst -Rib T4 p�=Mm is reN nbt RoWsrs,; Pea We?lesloy 4901i2lN In all cases o Netirous and Spinal A &gelio a ns, EMP Les rht Vi�;=c pR�rated &ath you brolze. A ]XVIdend Sherit has bee exertion, Palpitation *fthe Fleart, Hys. es and tYlks 00nst&ntly ob hand and riceirling weelify. subject to objeaq�n ,until t., rt �PrOPV`elll, Whites, thesq Pills w a6et a oure when all Wd pvyep Seventh day other m6ans have failed -, nd-althouet a power C- �SUPPLEj MCI wed, -%­etout. yoaswoke-" of Septemberne Nalt, Toddy, Julromedy do not coalaina iron. cali nel, anti. FO Ft Ok 40hitkz LON'GER."- Dated, at Go4e this nth &y -of rapay.or anytiAng hurtful to I beiLonsi ution. L-Itstm tze &rk oraboiliM3 clouds rich, M� topea md pmspects blind, AURUFA A D1808., Full directions I -A tho vamphlet ai )und each -West Stifet,* AoAr fif P1011 Office; and Commoll.1 All t-bfis-0 iinddut-cl. o md by ms'Lo S.:pOLLGOIC, Azaigne package) which 'should be carefudy t eiervedi Goderi0h, un& 28th .1809 ' '. - .. I I Wn2a if. -Juc- Lca t o ca!21 cral 11=01m Soleagentrorthe United Statesaw Caundas, Y, Atd t�ares dnU caro behind, JOB &IOSES, Rochemer, N.Y. rst I bought I nc�qw thatIght vrt:= C B. -41:00 and ox po.Atage starn s, enol6sed WHISKEY TL�a r.Tcj, tb3t 'twould deb34 to any authorized ageot. Williusure P bottle go]'- my, joining in tho rnrAcd stam PLATU tainingfilty Pill by it 11 to mail- a J3y G. NORITHRUP &I YUAN, V W-tz). ArZ. ISM VV, DETLOR& CO*. Toronto, uno 11 4 IRTZ14 .00TIN"s TO 0mr, -4 12 M . J PACCRIE60k S)Ghl, Xr -Sold in Gildertch by Fair1rdt Cattle and 'GOD RICUALT PANY I F.Jordan; Gaidinor iz Co. 131tyiIIld.., lfiiffe6 Tbp, 4cler.Aga, �'Bodkb*nlcm Hallet HamR telegraphs �-Mr. L3nef6t, cord, Lock� Uhnt7, C,:;�:2� ft�tM corkesporide2it of the Now York i , etert J.H. -per cent'DING'UNT Beillhum.116golvillo;.J. Pimard,F% who Coitibe.Matta & Jebb,01int rk Las bpen at the head of all the labor milim- Zftfurth. f4edlaine w3&lv, ro ments and ztriae3 A (BILLS)',014 ver . WWI :GaM. aid vho rart caztaer so if !,6u want .3011 and Deli c1cs-Uv at the last election is advozatkg Y._ _VaVIS7 P&JIt J&11 et. the iz�depzndence of GmadL Locl-es for TOD LOWE'ST SA[T� fig, 011AI, fie followin.irfrout theYrovIden 0 pmT=.a have been videly formea A Lgga assortment -of t1l thrcqp�*hout Canada, qndamon.g. the French M designs e newest 'Weilip:t ce DRY -Y G 0 in rZEC 1 cars meae cite t1lbe of the yehOrheu ch6leras. '�actnrerL_just opeli�a at, JbLp, 'W A R E, in the Unitel. States. The -- TRO PLATEI) %4eral Advortiser, mrNesorne sensation. WARM inporteddirect1romaetnal- -4 z&t this iwwoII2 _n A P. E m;1 lerd morbus; dystentery, nod other kin A A valuabilh fafmt�i falT 6Ee -. _�nd -,C01ree I*redeomplaiiitmare4uretctprevail,i?v,-.rybbdj ,.e Te Twentyyearsago, a ro in Turnout, liad a ets� Quet St=dg, Liq r should be liberally supplied with Perry Davis' 0 0 C L Shot tlLrough VF. 211F ]DIE wbile engagpd. in blistm-, rqcT.- Tt Frame% VegetableL Valft Ritler. P4re-ons loaving tampiz.g. iron, four fcotlongand One aad 3 Egg Fram:es, Cakii 136kets,� Wait it be for a-days'extU110Ya or q inches in dia�nete* Mel b ' or4e, whether I - OT 00 is his h(�a& .&onx the imy up through his cmi ers, . Toast Racksi -Butter- Dishe� a trip tQ_E%11701�1c, ihnill(I be,in a'p 'ti SCRIPTIONt IT& en�$ .St�&, So,�Lp placeAeir handa onit in a room aW), by the p-mmature- emplosion of, the Flower, Stauds, th in,- 5taril.41seaseii-in'Incidotitto e Ott crm arul wall 13 &4NI! ckdxv. contr3u . to ev�rybcay's ex- Ladles, * Sauce Ladles� 0*vy mo;tblt whiqlt will proft fatal if. n(A ini_� orthe emtefaew, York, bcrd in nufrMo, 1��,7. ail &u ordarls WHI receive psLbtaoila iffie injure'd. 3n= did not die, Spoons 'Table7 Des ert d Ted mediateleliecked; can b; ptomptly icure4 0 to or A.wo (I()$ _yS rapidly, that h alt and ]&Ur ,tWd-. fly One ea% of t114 Pain Killer.. 911, Geerjeb 021t. :VMo O.'n JCI�3. he ��s enableil to go about ii a cPcOms, Sucnr�r S pm thintie c JUST RECEIED ,. anc1he ve C) � — tMILM. The Iiini Spcons &C.. &C., �o d"ion tave e he e -'n- when theacdclent happened,kepttrearl: ofldm-a-billity, ed. ed brintame-sofering Jif the tlm�ly- use-.ot- SALW (ASTINGLL above nalned reparation." them M=inaUhiSWaMder!ng&tbXou,;h Sold by all 71��-zists gull medi: A LARGE QUANTIT OV or grocers, 'Arwentices.iWanted. thCSastem States"und California a2d TEMAS CASK A. ft dine dealers. G XY SAW *hen 'he ffied in '60 iatiLr country� tha -DINER si NU Id*c� RN ion of his body, COTTON .:VA Proprietor ana Is now exhibitin- bis skull which Wil llw� '31S0StPau1atAFbntreai. House to Reet el =l shows tho extent of the fracture., Fleffbct Slbstitu't'd" SqUA�4E, 10DERICH NARK -mot to BUM Nashvffie FOfit WI-VER11 ITAT"S abo.ftt. it. When 'We -are Wig 1, HOL RID .7L patent I cl Prazs Dispatches. T c6nstauti receiving.. informatio r land Loom: -1 a coatin g 4 pure Silver over the ention i NAsEx=pi, 7,—The V�iar. dt- jBF�&T NIOREf, 'Nated by. 4he concernip, any thing .our 4tt a Ry I . . CT V13 V003i VVIIII Wfue n gTew;q f ga�pzq, OT 16 VET XL 4 I . Dvgmeeb, a Damearatia newsImper, , pub. "patont process of Messrs. nattiraft, attraciba 6 that- point, ani ir d P3 1 Nvft III= = -Co., audi is be Flay lished a d1anrea this morning that white- & youd, an article is genaine its iralse �will. lotLdl com- 'I 4MOrMOUS 5,11 =4 calomad -men haa entared into a-. ilot parlson�� the *ery best ec for & eg 0 Coa';C*41k, Stray 'Mare. ail to NnshvHla, Mur&aesltoro, Calam- to. steyhng silver .that.eaU C rreat Shosh es, Remedy.' It is iseases of, the . throat, women employed as.kch, either _T1 that E3me or ugs,,'Miar, Stomach, Xidnp"Ysi an& dwaren. It,13, suppcz- Lu it. OF - men, ornaMentg� L _ D - bia ad Pulaski, murdming . kie L tecommended for done I ODER T, as bi no po,§dble at fl_ 4p_,�Z; zao T M rw ray jtzi�oz them IL enres erazzy famades ate -at. thabottom, of the plot; ted can ft be disfingUJS4ed f an6:L�being surpissingly genu�na R N D V I -.C'I- N I T if it reaUy exists. An investigatioa is to as eutly aises sonaded :a r g '7 co equ its pr -Gre. s ml"vz�olmstoa r--. sw�n- VZO CEt^�te, real silver. ye "SIGN"' OFF-t0E. VANI]DI IN DEST110YE THOM. trav juaN oE, rzm TmRs, DWftxWm. GOde riCh. A FamilyMiedidina, vrelland favorablyknown —Ur.. Busse%. of ti, � '2T=ea._ daji:. mbl doderich, A�6&. j4.. ror vie w Empress Clotbj!�,-all *o9l, vei C 1);6tteft yeqmindfarfa-ling in- a single chea ;,I K ta _V s nepto&nvepermanent relie i NeNrT=qy Dress Gooao, Plafii arld Stnpe IF __ - V, -.1 appasm to have given satisfacticd� timely. e# Idw kL us edsitad We have never knowO u e c a a CL-OTHING, the Norffierners or Southerners, but yom .8 Ifew'Sak Rirayols� exciediugly low. LoTi i!W40i - TWO HOUSES A - Cfotto�jj�aipets from SOcts. per yari. 01 do not fieza of anyone being dks_szt1A6d Zldissattsfa�iton.whore the bean New, 19niozi ffobl ab fi�iva. New TnpestrY per yar 03 SALS. witTa' the "Catadian- IDda I)estroyer," Farmers �ivery Stable eropeflytollowed,hivon 'the pontra all are [us 'h d I ry , , i $2.50'per sett. delighted vnth its operations;and speak in the New-1,3cednd fron ON whio'h is sufficient preof that it ix 01- it is CHEAP CASH STORE. Insdivent Act of IBM KEEPERS AND 0ms. a ab iiitkotlier new joails i ustpibned, at the kigliwltitlrn%3�of 16 rwtue and- fvlagica( eirectoi Gve D r repre-sented to bei Prica only 25 cents THE 0A1VdDrANPAZ1VtV8ST, ROYER 600D I - - t_ PHESON 8M11'H asa blood,puri A per Rowe. n YOUr lame Horses. has won lorits-If 0, rep-tation,. lit ei, alterative stomach JSUrpa&Qe Goderioh, May 22., 1868. w V ff, 1 Jl Lilt the tonic, uc 1, Iitstoyofinvdicalpfeparatons, 'It settloinfai 1. vs: J. tqcurc--Dyspepsini-Lw6r Complami, Indige.- -�,Ircn E:M, C.7,L�0".,,�',, C3 TAY ALL OOL TWEIED COATS. I _Icf��T L_ LOR, erid At, Goderich, on the 16th of July,,Mr "W .4-r4tertwenty-onsycam 'ion, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Kidney Com- tto C;C�i cl Lv r= f cj'� jrep4ed to DaLtor ilqrsesfordndL5e� && VAM CTIRL WINTEDi -7 Gcderfr.4, 10t.7 t=11. DMEDIATELY, a Plod jffrmt :i AE=J a Au6 286,7. fdlbr�s to vitid activity the, pystern . debt iitAted AT 0. T=XAVr-V in the, 94th yeaz 'Y A, �L plaints, Acid St6mach Plithisloor Asthina,and by sufferiagikull discase. Araat tbL- 0 talm Its magical -and %ontlerfut success In 4uring -,CfA M_ sudden eolds, Slors tbiroP4 Coughs, Diptheria U0XffiE9U1AL* 7_ painaill the side,lintis and bac*. neuralgi.a,tooth C� 5C El 0? rz 71; CT �t N q f ,I Z h czn, C7 ache, rheumatic and ol fior pains in ady V -INSU artf Fill 'IND, gf RANGE 0012 ANYI I Q wawatosfb2 a yoke c-Tworking, orm fr-h !'Ct Sj. 1�2, L lz:;: GODIkMIGH MONEY XAZXET the Wyana firom whatevercatis Z;2 whl- I - e, has given it r -n - ------ Is ARgUt, browm w1b har n W ft'. Da t eme a place in evetyhouseholdad isihst superqed- -kbi- ' -�+ L _,3 ed;t!wo11!:::r;ada 1r, xvT:Eiti;�:1 � by eba -c 4 Intl all other preoArationaof the kind. t is also an odeciblit and prompt *remeJy for bld,; fhqywcrobrqug�4t Irem the tnwm�np cl TWO 3ML IONS MUM. t Emu TmrprC1=1E)8 !a fLat C( dfrvatiau. Avyv_ P - n 4a h k -Wzp -0 6f Q. Scalds, Burns, Braises, Sprains. ChilblaInS. E i.''. , . 0APITAL rost ites,pra a kT_ Mg's 6 CIT px in the Stomach, iarficea, Y, I eis t Gaile Aug. U, 1868. 7r- Litoleramorbus., ilhous. CbMic, Cholera loftu- Efta&% MCEAMP, OF. 'G1M?_nR&CX& Of iorn 0 0. VaCn!JR P. 40. ge ate iolvent Act, ot IN4. ly M the�eesl�ry ; & *. : , - , - 4 posit, in accor(Unae New Insurance ne n -that they a eIr 00 8 V&qt, be., tq notifk the publie f atents o Zat, Afternaon W- forCa"a funds Irn C:) CT -P+TW& 9upm C3 CS fbzsil7a. RED e eral Agent for Canada. c)()pt Risksnas fjLVJrab1pt terms as other fimt-dla-08 Co., M 3 U cy� J, �z rT 0 7r: 1".w ntl C. -X,3 t t -L % Ae S A 33-qol4 in Coderich bV Tarker, & Catile and. SHUMP IS SAIM 01? 1M IS i Jordan;. Gardiner & IC Ines on to the favorable ter on which r Mcming-.0 Aftmtooz-47 for, @=2da7=& GOWEN` K31 tTpl F. o. BayAeld; a Aucl invite particalir,atte!uti SfLV1= Bentham, Bod,T,Mlfe;J. Pickard, kNete IB'yi;�2cul. cr Im": tho J. H. LI FE P-01.10JES' ARE- GRANT -ED. Daytog ot ......................... ��.G ft4omt combe, Watis & Jobb, Glintom Seeord,Luck- C3urtb md b =0 semo,- at ............ ........... JUST REGEIMI now; Z Hiclown. �­Corlq', and all 74WIcine, Teacmints qwh vrzo a? WDO HOWARD ford demas-a at ti-ov-0 rhis dca, C=*, FRANCIS Ht C1 omms; zz" Tilts !�RotLo- T L IRINgs. -MANAGE& ToPONTO BZ"01; -OXT. X;c9WhitCf0M, dczMq�% wtoZal V+, Telegraph Ist4e. W&PS W61LNI LOZE1.4088 are a certain and sare rdinedy ror Wbinis !it Children 46d .'Addltp. cx=Uon authe right atle ard -OF Gcderk4 At�z -Ufh, 1868. IF W�m . . , , Owmg DzA-N & SvrApm ins, V= Yop and Vellin-ton, Streets, Office,. Royal rusuialift Bad kmds aml teneinclits whLrb wm --I Ca E2-1 jr=m i d d wed -As it is a we%-knoir�i and meiancho'l0fact. atthet1mccJT,- -n. OL1Vg]1J 1-031!r 017 GODERICH frQui-Worms aiomi,iteannot ha too dEeply im E, that one great cause ofdeath aulong ehildrirt is of Cie sald Charki XbL�j)a A W& MD9 ffiving seeitiaA the -the. erviiei of,. a Wit and to 'Zot number �n t"ho flrz+ C^a C ge,;' r taell upon'the inuidq the necessity ood XTOOL) Medical Referee. T the uton; Found[M Goderich. it g C_ Weekly , d T EE G� ,Bar A alack,mi fm Eb _'T NO.' I i� (00, 1D I, T -T, oselywatchingtheir, ildre . aysodoing.; ,orleEl sVeMy for t&P, Semi th. R.- ILUNCIM&N &.:a*- unforstandifig ihe.omptons and truee'ause b,zUxe, 2D) wicll * - , L . I . 11� i� . I . . . I .,t. I Ga the tv7cziy. Co.; Goderichs Au�. 11th, 1858. J41 edisepse,fli6usandLs of'children might be� First -CWS—` Cuttor, olloU ing are A fewpftbe very numerous L saved from earIV graves'L STX"6W�j tio %Rev. CHAS. s-Thef JEEmberQuay- I at 'to t';= QT t1v a pail cd2v, WAT symptomssind dilteasm-which sire caused by e ari prepared, to fill bilt-orders d #Agent, Goderiolu 0j L Worms: Deranged appetit4,emrcfated extrem- IftaNlc. FCC70 fS C! E�a the Ist . Januarknext, a� male Tea6ber itiesollbusive breath, frequent'pieumir at the taotion. entire oatis 17th IkC w29 M W,;yo 44 bc- ,_7 cy C. T,ca holdiagafiist-elass certificate,to take obarore nose� gria4iogofthe teeth during sloep, hardness (;oderich..`August Ithy 186a. CIS -020 L3cit q E', of S. S. a. 4,� West Wgwanosb. Foe ftiriher ofthe be. y,, wstk frequent silmk stooW� "and P to /i VT in Lirti G n 4-- S. -W. palteul&m, apply to The undersigned Trustees;. 'somel mes colivulsive fits; pain is, thn head and EpWIN-GAITNI. stomaah, unqniet steep, faintings, trembling, WHI Sims! V. luhaas i i Irtgolvent Act of 1864, ( 1orrotta. the greatest doughs. indesestion,low spints,, inkhtful drftms,. REsr%Y 5-ittrHRS, and a gradual wssting awar I Is orld.will force Wit iskers or Al us Zh An ef A o corrig of 27:=n, Zc F; "-f-I McKENZIES A PARK LOIN ulator in t q 4 hes to onthe smouthestplect or ebIrr 91 -8th 186S. 'a Larlies to gr * West Wkwartsab, An w29 tt They are patra4bie and se I-adminisiefed to the 0 'M _10 ohild4drive olit the worms thoroughy. without zver know Sample -for trial sent fmD I* any oile cqy.A*%,T a rc=1mfzn cT 41:o r,2 fz,!:o C Fd'b )ain andcompletely aleall" the slomat-h-there- Aditress El FZv& S�-,ny� 11b7 ftggba At 3S 1 doing away with the neces4ity Na au St., IN. Y. FC.T CalL_­28 _-,,7 Fahn for Sale. - w.29 A. D. INC. and im cr-IrT cf8e�'.-a 3 ligGastor Oil or otherunpleasant enthartic*--as 4,60 iDI&SIES 01F (No letters taken unfessreplud.) 4c af ftis lfaorab7e Cauzz, bear yr-'MIECS, 0�.t=31 Worniwedtcjnej�- . - . will begUM"y 91=%Vl � DJOINING the town of doderfd& compos-, R the- use Of Other "I HOJO - 'C 1100y 4 ;45 DIE D DU U15, AN* is A ed or about 'LI- Each box dontains the tao-nuille signa- l M deres, of g*od land, about, �40 acrea cleared,'*fth a never railing spring, Just Recei [aph� I photo 0�, I PUBLIC; UCTIrON tore ofXon,Tnizoz� &LYMAI,ffewcastleontarlo, ved-4. W The dwelling house isofbrfck and commodious, 1 ceived And. A6 are the sole ptoprietors. XMt rd Vie Mc R)= cf )r 1W1brft4 Worm � Lozenawi GEORGE X TRUMAN, Auffeneer H019SE TO RENTZ the cut -buildings are'first class. Good orchard. TaE M.AIMETS 41, igoituated la; the alt Territory, and must bo-- Find take no other, Solil in Gooerich dy, Parker A FRNS11STOM OT F 0 R '-8 A L E 014 py GIM"HS 1 c;attle ,Ind. F. Jor6a ; Oardiner 4 U6, Bay- 1. IntlLe Tavot *IG31hilek In the C=rty cf 31 C vary.valuarble in a short Ifthe. The Crand Trurk 1k - 10TO Ll I T D C n 12 Z: n S e r- ".q __ II-r4lems1z -field. James Rentliam, o; J. Pickard, n r- 0 runi- through the laod insTOWS one -t! ' Ezete6 J. H.Combe, 7,A' balanceirtsm4nnuAL i%lmentswithiatere9t K�EL C 0 10. C1 Oft secord, Luc&ino*; E- W. J0H1f8`*20X1 lFifteelith day of SerfMber lifff,� 1:35 1-40F at 6 Ott cent, Apply, pat V all Medleino Dealirs. ' Hickson., a Chat"' -ROTS&SH. �crtb' ii _aidto w43, D i The debts fte "Ea. wil'sox. OFS Wtherextiie. - I Z'ak zt -�! I A -C r::V 1r. 13ega t& Inform the People of(IODURTOR DU ................ M: Goderich, Aug. It, IS68. 29w2t, - FRESH T EAS q!)MCOUNTAY, that I wNbtho ....... . 0.46- 0:50 1. AIMSURROUIL domineuts and vruaers re2idlsg tbcr%c� be he -has Town L -Ma ............ 0.60 Ca, 0-60 ofthe beat qftUty sind 0o n C- -_I _E,,] �j t,::3 C, Barley 65'o:wJUST;`A-RR1VED* A ]�SO ............. His o4LERY9 RE -FITTED efz_�L, 5-.00 1 Atthe&=eflmo#md1 be c:5 Ce A . 0 1:25 int to make prindp4 IwU of a r im, If, ch a style us wilt enable Dndag -14 C11114 Ydpn pictfires to competewithanyinthe Douainion, 0. 0:15 i $TEAM BOAT ENGINE MADAME TAYL m n,)w lyInge,3 6 , C k, 15fi and is determined to give ontire saflslactio7 b t J3, - 00 0:14 evp Bum al 7-oo 8-.55 Uffler Gieat Earopean Herb Remoy ads at to sit who may Goderich. and. one i PULL, SUPPLY or. -CONTRI -j.. LEATTEIR COPYMG PRESS, Vi M& �Cgreen) .......... OTS Xe,'KWZIZ!S. FAVUR WX w xxj:iA CAL Wool<iiashed) ......... OM- M 0:24 frpljos.g suffering withodusumptionRhatima.. to the po$trua te, B. GORDqX, addressed s r Obildteas pictitras taken betweeri the hours ,Wood ................. 2:50 (4 3.00,! JL tism. Dy. epwa, Headuchet Low or,&p. A sts ...... J - 23 eUte, Did Digestion, Vatarrh and lqoiqeti m General` d at Ottavis unt of 10 w., and 2 p. M. ZEN. .5-50 �p will be receive 100 3XMCA-iS 6L - ich S4t, wholessle, Lo.b. per MI. �:Rrljom Stomach 0 5:00 �the Head are advised to try this in TEND Reinedy, moon, On. �GRDCE ES Goder omplaint. it sut.- E�lk WA ReMeMber t he 'lace, $1-30 it the *orks. 0-00- �,ceeds when others fail,. in fever apd ague� cold IFRIDAYtho A OfSEPTIERR, 18.68 NUDi Mee—over the [sweatsand chibil, it was never known tq�.wait. BUT T Two doors west of the Post 0 .,LONDON snATURIUM0 This is no humbug as one %tile. for the conveyance of Uer I oftermedidue on proposedUoutmets for fouryearil bzi Slid ExtrisCopies fromihe Platealways, oil 100 and see iho "URON, SAL1, T L C=tou Nawketo. Recommeridedb0hvIncians throughout Butope, majesty"45 31afts AT Glasgow Rouse- will prove q DO not suffler when you can get Gi M010101 P ,tygrewTelagnrlito tft Huron. SMA34, from tho . i hand. (31intout Aug. 11 1868. 900h. py consulting Madame Taylor, at room - i I Mo. , Gode*h, A -dg- 4tb, IM So 8, Colborne Hotel, Goderleb. -Udlesunble Ist of, k>ct W, selklistos t *nice. o1blel imeXr. Foil wheat ...... to call will, be attooded at their *.Yn 111 P spdol da ...... 113& - 2 HE VrONIPM -OP THU Aur- F,: 1 Godencli, 10tk Aug. INS. w 39 BETWEEN RASIXG AN IH- q0aericb AugustAthi 1868. w28 tf, 7:00 :00 ]RAVING PURO 0. -lei Oats ... KENN.; - Fam ior 18a 1i 0 W^ter Flowing at tive rat BlueVale MokiloW of Lett&s le Of' of Lot 8, con Post bi the Goilerich er week a&& -'TO(;.K 5; A3111�14 b. 1DEBMSING Riarley. o:6o. @� 0.60TROVINCIAL -EMBIT1.01 J lust 1.50 0 2:00 or Three tirues P' UP TFjA8*,-BURo,; U. 0.60 0;60 47-, Jib Ofte, on the 6th of Alagust. ........... - AGRIOUITURAI, ASSOCUTION D. 100 acres, 40 cWted God'!framb "Amas ffot Gi UCH. BaWr 11:15 Jigg, 0:16 E -M table, :! Good X,gns Munro A.91i& Miss 0:10 0:12 CAnOW4 houn, log barn and featne, is P&A young orchard. Well watered by a4pdng A,rot!tboulsi Mitchelaon H J - Beemer'L 'D.: IG NELSON r'sp ................... 6:0 im [UP F N R 0 A N At T-hreetimes.per weak sachwAj. L.IRGE SW1.1Bf1N crack. Tertus liberal. A lito D N11c0abe le g*y ........ 2.00 0:00 TO BX A&MAX, or !onnell J J EVERY"Txhov7J try thalFulpluir BL*hg *_P W601 G; X. T Brophy E MCC , �hq: � aft admitted, b.v the XedirAj tn be vqrZ:J ................. 5-.00, 6:50:11tEXV AT HANIJUT-ON., Fdidy�* & Sto. Hebug WA. POTTS., O'Brien 0 D it) neml water yct diwo Bailey H ON THE Goderiell. Once per- wealk each way; OFFER SIRCIALIARGAINS �L. Twty.traillandas Strwt�, mbere tickets My be prar-ureil j L f_j-p a Sesforta 3UWkM Bat Win Noble A John at the following rates; 2211d TO 25th SEPTEKBEfts 1868. XNtogg &LUMOW) Loguot So 1889, w2s'- Buchanan *di O'GradyJohn (2) T0165MM to It Orr U if Alfc� Monthly, (joxfArsy, and rAmay ti Carl R 0 I G� " " grial. Hot oicald.11ithsZotmew-h Sarortht Aug. lat 1868, Nocs. IDEMINN inbonding to) exhibit wiH plain talul C-lary 0 D golaud W01 notico tut the Entries of the articlei in .,the r Dail ofth way. 7 c E casbie James Pierson H Mid undo, 14 TuTy, I raliwbrat ............... .33 1:36 ;poctive cUwm wast be made with the Secrvtary� &t N 0 T. ........ pl, 47.25 110r=to, ou or Wore the uudermentlon6d "temi-,!ix: cornwall J. miss (2) rumsay A Swine, loultm on or wor* sp&g wbeat .00( Goderich & LUCkow, Flour ................ 0.4o 0:42 Horw, C4146. Carte 0 Samuel Stanby ST"YED. 1041ts ........ No. Daily each wxy. NARDWARE'.� A tL claims *Piult the tsta'* Of t - 03 =WILLIAM a. THELEAT&I �r the 0.60 mawria Gpicamto, x"nm mid Printild notica-doutaining futtherinf6rm- Denuison John Saidurr ohn fialwtTflier Irt ft *=kW06"R-t ta. and other Farm ==A Davidson Elizabeth Sturd�;Jikmes (2) 0:06 Town ofGaderickin the 00untr of Baron, (a 0! P1-jwo,"�79ruaMywTrt"h*%m Azu stion u to cobditiout of proposed Coldmitts Steep 11. -uiy mb, a f1 0XVII 1 1;50 Marble Mason, are to be retarded to the no- Fieldena A X-= yft" 0111, doe It Jim.' 'It 'gitil 1:25 e Mr Vanatta, Dolls 311n PrettV hi -ad and . ...... e. 8&UtrdAy, 80pt*wb*r1XL may be "Ou'and blank form of Tender mai itaiel, Sind FulfOrd J00i bornes, xtaut WIt i the c"tr it iwih "Ior with LOCKET LOICT as oq6 e., oil ur bofts dersigned 83teestrix oftheseld: FA . 10rneakw Wilt; uwed 44f. it, h", &'mlrk In ijp r4ft, N'", ft ft'""th"'W bb obtained at tbePostOfflees above inestion- Gay Jeannie Min Tretwell Cleo all ............. prift List4 &W Wwk Fo lo. upon, em be oblaiwd of thS &T""AW allebts owing td the said FAtitt most *at cut timusit with I wad -patter Imitwra n", i i #� ed, Lod at the o1hee of the subscriber. �' F T 10- ....... ........... 0. ohnston Tho; jColby Tuft John 8.00 (410. IlAvivinformut .00 u" smiet4a sad Xoabmnlcs� paid to ,her Anyo Little John Qeo willisaft ill Ind to their recover""ic, ........ ......... 026 ths 100 n AnnieXia 'Poll' MILITUVLAI. Xi A. TRELZILVEN, N nwirat I ! ... ... 2:50 RNH a, TRONSON, P. 0. iffspiteforh A11011; DICKSON. ip. X. 00 Post Office Inspectoes Ofil" Aug. f6a i809. *212ift. -Godeilelis All; Tth V68* sw9D 3t. J211fth, ]ICA. 0:?O(&0.25 r. . of Agrk*Uwv. Loudon, July 17th, 186s. W28 St. 13derich; *osat 1868. Q;50 4? 'k. Im. Q:$$) Torlatj, JIM$, r ova P 0, 0 R. 9 - W . -