Huron Signal, 1868-08-13, Page 2dm
• t
a -no • lynx r
as we VISEIT DAY'S 15OLLINGt. Now eitat e_ool eve
boat """- of seorelibig mid-dey
wee he meeet eer it -ems, the very poetry oft General Rolieston, tried to falter 4)14 hie tiung ftewxthaanulalt -as the !dapper had - your hot', tell ye the truth, a
. .
=edam' Hatel hiehonrs ef health, hid thanks, Jairm Wardlaw interrapted hen. the taIe, %July at third .hand. .0aptain lie : We Vas' bound. for Teneriffe.
eheest glean upevaiking;herauftempeint. " Next -to yen I ene hor father t tun laorolaud. however, eomenunteeted it to fair wind, though, not ao much of it
R I al sh od
' -see,Q0
PROSPECT ? tit 10 o'clock lestnight,(6fit) The Grammar Scheel will teepee?
fir6 broke out in a large framelfoute - on Monday -met the 10th instant, nt the
andthe, *heel" the Ifuleer Road, owned by kr. vr-m. usual hour. are requested' to pre.,
eat renfind inethat wall.ace,
nattralfigi e,ifluersattinadi.31..e,, se wnat's the pros -
141117.t 1411 haverbUt t *le hel7oneUeir:wt6stycitiso-r 311:u1:111selinel
poet for Fallen& Win r trade I Thet our to *teethe ems of the games ina the , SieevieffGeets.-There is agenexplemte ,
hardAvorkinge industriothe farmers, gene- b e ef . • ' - ery for gledtervarit girls in this tewn just
, , • ,
r°114-ingi * TerY Wu inade'by Mr, Addison end others whot •
. fiedsaw the fire* wee found impossible
gwhivrasch_ weitintiare.nlyetocebrenlaele . Thin:: toy.
Although. every exertion sent theniselveepunctnally en that eleye
Many femilifee ar.e put talgreat in-
. _ . _ -
Y41711"e 1 fe r 0: a :IL' remiugye:eadhtm..Paetiladr:te0 :0001'.71,1tirtglakiet_littYek-erusir34.6:3droff:a7; 11Wirnoet6rtilies,?orral:fitednfittaLuunItei.n. 81.4urei,lagfirt11$800° ItiF)0. rervi/efnir°11;:ctillati731115;au:114emerlQalligteeialni-
drontle. and nit liaee ms to be certain that -the fire was.the' Pl's *rt 44Pricati°14*
ecres, and thereturn of fruits of the earth
of all kinds Will lee i very limited -seine
having barely enough to keep themeelves-
in bread until next Iseason. However,- a ee.,
wee _it. • Therewerefineslio yeti giti, 1968; aecordiug to apeointeeeet,
trq. wig:Lent fatieno or ehortneet of trait V' General °Reston. on. us arriv an as- •wanted lemon e vase go see
f ' h t h t nix .4,141A.D.Xteli" CANDID= lieWnineitl
incaell. nee; equakv pre!sea far time. ' Votthevei peo-ietleiteu ' ' - ' kedbire wheeler lie thaughtitaforthewhile. but lir: 4n. the lime. The Peak hove NVIlfG4Ttiil "MAJOS.1:a lel f, f '•
1 I I) th 'is her as I re to and You inay I elate ornietioa deuce, a c era° ce, • et her. e y a porn or wo en 0 . -• _ , .
net ; leat.she went almost as fast. ic Well then. -However., yea ao gna to da,viato frian their instructions upon in in Sight i the sker, and all the glasses* was .• • • •
_ rising yith the a. awn. y ree tees a, T
dee of amnia feed, by constant work, and '' the etcond,kles, ,mind that ; ilot for inY- 11°Ilestan'shmic his 11°P4' :"In-hiland .3-• 'Weather
heevetely de, she wasee a condition wanuen self thautede but for my poor extant; that „ fleeted. in the eky I" - ' then de ust melted :may like e. lUmp a'
later like, full two ours, an
reeelet attain to. She was trained. Ten Hee- on the sietrebed forlter,'" • t "Yet Sir e erne, of *island contain-- sugar, - e kept eur eourse a day .and a
miles eeeeero more to her thanten yards. General Itedleiton assented to al luta rwer-- - • - half and t last we Sighted the real • Peak,
4tis 'dearly it fable,'' said Rolleston and arielkond. off the port ; whereby, when
And, when she was hi a leuery she got -beeken voice. Tie couId hardly 'Teak.
over the eiroinid by a grana but femirtine . And so they. patted ; and thet sad par- With' a sigh- - ' • 'we saw exeneriffe Peak in, the eV- to Whm-
"What is a, fabie General r ' arci, she lay e hundred leaves to looird,
metion not easy to describe. It Was a eut went out to the Pacifie. e
. . Tha is Vonderftfi, Bead General Rot-
s' help Tke Ged !" - .
series of smooth readidationa, not vulgar- To him indeed it west). sad and gloomy „ Vilet the eltY eat refleet torreetrial ob-
stridee, but swift mine% ne wheel., the veyage ; aria tbettive wieli Which lie went
loins 82`...'.traccr to propel, the whole body, on Tooeid eozed gradually away as -the ship as°1 there 1 ean't go with Y°u- The leiton. - - - • .
au -31 the feat saareely to tench tile ground ; tvaversed the vast tracks of ocean. One khenomenon is rare,: but it is well estate- ' eThee iiiii ao, Teasel". saia the ‘esitain:
vi d f d f va iminent f water 'to be passed before - . „
tided. I- never ewe it inself, but I teSir. Butt, double his irog fora weeke for
it wee the gPr an rce one o se. ge, y have come across those that axe, Sur: ha ‘4eettesemeincee than have. ,
• Tekerapete the Oroem.,
• The follovring isthe stat,e of the poll in
West York at the cloie of the first day
'Wright , ...869
ee. „ dos
Milority for Weight. .
TlipeiSraPivaceent8ut4e.e.. V'Thrigel*tog':refttwil-er'ItiPliPeP711°"132n4.
Were a sick-lookipg let theY heard
with the. graee -of a lady. ic to Torento. *
that ethee naniensity coved bereeched, en
we cateeltise the forecastle Hy rok - • , •
And se, it was sho swept- aceoss the eaude whose vast, mulOrm eurf.ace the searchwas Pese * The eptain and General Rolleston ha • •
ael I" •
ere ae
nt veraincessu patuit Dee. . 7 -a long disqussioe ; but. the reselt Wee,
aid epee gop. to- be- made.
. To abridie.,e thie gloomy and,monotenone 44,Crual a eueo-- - - eft „ the oicies-t esare- see a_ 'they detteremine ed toee go. te. „Res. ter Mara
-tile squares o_f seals' %beide; one -largee endute't tw° 'menthe ef water and infinitk biltt.!_11.11. ,. 0 ' ' -. , 1 '''.• ' ' ' and hatilea,rned to Obey ae well as coin-
- ' '-- • 61'4,10 ' tieneral rcolleiston was a soldier,
While she was gone Huai cut tWei lit- part ° of our tale; suffice' it to zap that he
then tile other. On the smaller heWrote - ere the ve_ssel, fast as 'she was, reached 'PeA.LY; an'Imr. l'ttl A la4 : Dna • th n mandt"
.4•4/2 ginglish hay wreaked oet-en Nand: Valparaise. Their ptogress, tholvever •-•-er a Waa a°111° 1 e e -e ' - e -- 8 deViatil:frPe er W'ria11114:-441faaVeiiPen:sitgtvr°011 innaitr-Ter-
Ltragitrode - , had beee More than once interrupted to a ,t/sail°r °Le about slab' almiollell afS., e • . .
• . .
, S ,letittedo between the and parale corry out Wardlaw's instructions. The an made a sea-ierape,. and 'removing hs won& li
decisi-Cm. soon beetinia -know-n-
•-caT eneirely. awaited the oiptane a coin- • _
mends. ' thro. ,eg
"My male!' said the . eaptain, f‘l waet yoga
yenta answer itentestion. l',)tx you. belies.* - water -
land awl ship% have ever been seen in the "At
skyt reflected, 1". ' • , land
said the sailor cautiouseee myth
!els. Haste to her resene."' Thou ha, roar Genera/ himself had but one idea,e
folded this small, and enelolid it in the to go anal sear& the Paeifie with his own
keree, slip, which he made intee littlebag sYee ; but Wardlaw, with More experience,
est •Hee, the meek eetre y tight with • flee* directed him to overhaul. every 'Whaler and
gat,. ler4vingtt. /meg piece d tee gee feete Z:oasang vessel he oould, and ileliveepriete
Are/ now Efelen come baek, as ea noticee -- telling the sad story, and ef-
sue went, end brought him a large bundle fering, a rei'vardfor any 'positive inforina-
of rushee. tion, geed or bad. that should be -brought
Then. he esked her to help hint :fasten in tohis agent at Valparaiect Acting on
these rasheeround the iron heap. those inetructiona they had overhauled
"ft must not be dorm - too regularly.," two or theee coasting Vessels astheysteame
said ; "brit so ae to look as inuch like a eel up from -the Hera. They now placard-
litee bed afrushes as pessible.'" F ed the port of Vaipa.7iiso, and put -the,
Ile/ea ees pumled still, but interested. noticee boara all vessele bound west -
So she set to work, end, betemen Ahem, ward t and the ciptain of the Spriegtok
they feetee:,d. rushee all leered the 'hoop, spoke to the skippers in the" port. Bit
aitlionele it was a lareel. one. they all ehook their beads. and eould
nat.. when it was done, Hazel =14 they hard/y be got to givetheir minds, seriolle-
were tee bare. tothe inquiry when they heard in what
Then we will faeten another rewir said water the cutter was lad seen, and on
Helen, geed-hinnoredly. And, without What coeree.
more =IQ. She =Son* to, the river 9.6:11in' • One old sldpper said- " to& on June
When sheo.--rao beck„ she foundhine upe Fernandezi and.then et the bottom of the
end he.seid the &eat excitement had cured Pad& ; ' but the sooner you. look there
hdra,--such pewee has. brain thebody.. the lese time you. will lose."
Thia convinced her he had really hit upon FromVal ca they ran to Juno Fere
somegreat idee, And when shelled made na-adez,e* iedeed seethed. the likeliest
hire ezt his dinner By her ftre, she' asked place was ,
ta tell her about it. Wh'eu the larger island or -that geoup.,
Butt, rey a natural reaction, the glorious the island dear alike to you whoread,.and
and glowing excitement of mind, had to us who write this tele, come,in
battled Teei. very rheumetic pains, was now the father's heart began to beat highere
followed by doubt and dejectiens. The dip anchored and took in cant
"Don't le& Me yet,: sialled., "Theeey which was furnished by a Wiektelly high
one tieing e preetiee ie another:. We prieeley Joshua Frallelove, who ha& vire
comet withoat our antagoniate 1e -forgot tunny purchased the island from Chili,
they will th6r wits mainet mine aud having gotit on lease forlonger thaii the
they are reeny, am but ene., .Andi have eerth iteelf ieto lute 'we hear: - '
been. so often defeated. And, do oalaiow, And now_ltolleslon. found the value of
I have. Observed *1,:lt- wheenver.1 4ay be- %Vara:meg loan ;it enabled him to eirese-
forehand how 'elm going to do sebething eutehis search throughthe whole gi•oup
elever, am always defeated. Pridereally die/ends ; and he did hear at last of
gc-- helots dsstemetieee bawl. venitee before Area persons whie hail been wrecked on
a fall:- 'Masa Frieze, one of thein afern.ile, He
Tim feeiele mind,. rejecting all else, follewed this'up and at lest diaceieredthe
w neeelfe's point at arm thing in, parties, He found. them to be Spanierds,
expleeettion. "gar antagonists-- r. =1 woman smokiest- almPee
"Helen, trioUee sadly puzzled. "Way, After this bittee disappomtment he -went
whet entagonierareave we? beck toehe ship, dad she was to weigh.
"The taeneneera,” said Hazel 'with a Ix ch next morning •
e •
Agood many seamenholds to that, sir,' one c:f
'sit is the general opinion of seareen,be- gen,..ti,erfkan.,,.;takes off, eaP,,.and panting
fore the leseel cerao, ten us: jick *sewed. aucenlyet nis own atelacity-emoves a paper
out the whele ship; and de was tO
:chor ltre in. next day, by high
. .
'gilt next meriting, Captain More-
Generalitolleston 'being:on deck,
he ship's eyeetexegular pet, with
eksand beset eyes, cornea -up to
as hiamastet in these matterc" into noel. Rollestoe'e laud, ands ends
"Couidn't say for boys and lubbers, AWaY f We life. , er•
But I never saw a full seaman as denied it 'Won't do,' said the•captain,',etern-
,. .. _ ,
-Oat there. Sartaenly, few' has aeon . it ; • IY. • : - ' - , ' . . : . * - - i: ' _ .- „
butall of -Tem. has seen thiniashea seen it; ' The- *gh-bredeoldieeltanded the. paper
shiiis and, land, too; -.13ut mostly 'ship.% -- te Min nuoliened. '-'ci.-.'" ' e - '
selling pasta rock they call * Alsia *nig, -vexed, nt uliev amused,. an.d. handed 'it
hie en the .8 y.' ,Loggecl -it, ,`clid. the -. It'C'W a "B°bilt 11°W-'1 ' - way back. Ile *as the prime. instigator
matee;.. and there soldiers. was .0. niarcldng ' Robin -Rounds avenetiegratiating, _tis a
. . of Wove. S ' n disc' entent. Not Content
between twe towes in Ireland at that ter4r. Pie:- e , ' ' • - - - • . - . - -, , - - . -
time." _ -. : ' ,,i- , Bet- texe one Came from. sonic; rengh bet with ii, legitemato OPPOsition to a disteste
-"There, yott set General, tiaidOaptalii bOngst fellowa who glad alnead_Y - shown: fill Union isehetne, he talked leedly about
Moreland. e • •_ • : • - - --* • z that ki adueaaatultaelinar resi°0 a:5=e shouldering a musket and leavipg .lais
' "But tifieda all second-hand,". -Baia-am- onvoio 3e- ° ' ‘ , ' - ' • 7,. - , _-. ' - benes, if -need be, to bleach Mahe frontier
era ReillestoneWitha Sigh; 'Ilbevolearn- - Th° itilm*ei the 41.11'e 1,hgbgal4m101:716:11krti en* eeet-eeee'ir fee e ' eelieveeapeis" te'l *1'04
- fe-lf°1°111:out eovet Or Y thi ilan 0 *go gr. -el 4 ' 43 5 t "t, - ea, in Pa9 ai 11- g. - 6:141111?49'neardelealrealleneriiii441ithli.ottio. on, an emPtY and lihertiee, end other ughn) esser pf .tha. t
- "Ahr" saiatlieea;ptain; owe' can't. help cruise ; and nothing but the VII; ewhicb sort-; While* raised him to the position of
*fel' w°4" ''"1"1.1-ingarr IMMth '#°vOthl'e-T.-44. • wort -Of. dente god on denial scale • *flame
One ; and I suppose you never saw aphe- .age,'"ra coneiledthem. to do i; ; for.a sailor ... 44.the::iiesotojia of ihe ve.op,lo .,,w,tie.ii,i.. iii_
that ;the tiiine is tate,. I neirer eaw
nomeeme of thekina. „issoo rx . does not like; goirig tp-eea fo spelling, -auy. ' .... . „,... r., . . - , , .. -, , . __ - .
ccaen- t 1 in eam lime, sib' ily. Then, :moretilian. *fame spertsnian likente maeto aella .Pitell, . -Whew l_. Excited: by the
"Te --e-. e -my eyes ata Iiiniss, if I ha'at : 'limit: - - - ' • ' ' - '''' e they have fiett,ed, and fumede: *end' rageti,
Howeeeme bad meemate eneetese eras ,The ptam opene .et, looked a little
and 3aW refill -mit of- so/diers _march- back the General.
Bmall as it is, .tbe Province -of, -Nova'
Scotia seems destined to .Prove. the thorn
in our political elde. "This' Great Dom-
inion" Of Which Bo many fine post-praiedial
things have been. ettered during the7pest
year, le danget. The' fact is that like
many other countries. mid communities
Neya Scotiiis cinsed<blessecl, her people
k) with,' ite. overpius. a -smart men.
ver men 'should be a . great advantege
to y hoeY a intelligent people, end we
¬ mean to sayethat the reverse ie
alweys theeiSee, butin this eaee alonnt
of ir blued.. has been ,stirree up- which
must lead. to endless troebleand veiration.
• Mr. Hole, giving:him eredit forthe
cleierness w'hich- became appamiit . to ma:
at the Detroit Convention - has eone so far
that for the life ok km Be canna- see
On= our Om Votresponderit.) The Council met et • Holmesxille, -Aug:
• .
Ifeernk0 07 CouicoLL.
Yfeelart lelfa'ermwnrersarastiockeeelicanirintYorwilibeenlinel boa". 1:WileaSaversturacoalYdanalldZil. "Y 11145-"S• utiltesejle'eadesvetatteal'jn:we ase°11rileadelilLred
the very' peat ProaPeritY ' of - the Sovnifi""-TleefselPfultirtalninna'aghe apperonunved: The aecount of David Sterling
P 215 tl; petiidef Oewf eor s ell de aar fr siMr,1 ea*'{ °°:9a1:1111Me:ortgwilliee7s, !tromuckys:er3"131131)ylea4111.euidgri:-Yeiet:. , g91 ;ifs 1 °I 1141 17: r ilfinoeievdelialrFrelarL71,;:jr* Pflic7e51:103'erecertifilineep
made needed improvenients, end -so on,, another field. which wait late eown„ et turn- 'by Mr. Cox, That and Sterling he paid
with sudden,aiel not. very reasonabliebeat, 110643 Aat -ate hnnting a . 1"e(1-11erring ettent.104 their" ehetTePer.eilene" eteatea,
seen the Peak eTeneriffein the sky ton' e , But the Sigllt.....of th general had tenelled ' lb the inesentinament. -"In fact . the Most
thet4 tfer ar- 4` 13 3 -lair 444 riefu*'' rampant of them When tli . 'Beak ‘-i' th
turvy,and as plainasll eeethateloudthere,
epohithee eiewarese' - • seen a; herpwedout fPlymenth arbour, P . er 40 e
-0Cteree, it said Moreland ; . Acuau. we are had** them tO the yardsby a' gellantimee anpeoeehing visit of the' ,fetaneelime Mtn-,
geeting -f,G lt, Tell wall, about that." "-Jr* 4 anariall th. rough the.royage --the ' ist_erial_ r.0 MISSirne. re*don.a'rausrle.' s,:inouracilbey--1‘,0hinveciteama.:
"Well, sir," said tile segaan) g-1 don't Elmo had been to put on an air ef alacrity '. mum:eggs) 21 not T'af and r- feathers -and
cora to learn them as lane's. at everything anil:hepe, Whenever -they :passed the Oen-. - e• , . *- . - I, .
end the . iii* estimable Ca.-atieie SOmeedit
that emyohsert:iibtutbeyeonniniuomIrea; danoaeduireknyaagweas ' erat_ztiot,e_plreovelenewbo_der-his-putieviyee. tills- . ial? too
you ; thoigh you coMmandAheahipiand I :011g, And keep untie hopes.' of another, alarmed nt these threats, - and evidently
sir; ehoued yoteseressee Aeree. Wee the exe*.Ifithe Springbok arrived at Yelper- federateConstitution,ltIr. Hortelasiieued
and ean new meet a large deficit without ed out a good crop. _
.apprehenaing finenelal rein, Althengh a Spx-Werros.-- It is but fair to give
treat umuy have used:their euirphialeilde every omi their due, andthe thanks of 'the
extendiez their • boidoreeelitoion_ conpnuni* es well earn.ed brehe numene
- • • .1 polity of „Seaforth for repairing the walk
adding farm-efor -the benefit of between &earth Pala EgM02101Ville whic'h
their familien,there haa been nothing ap- now! better than ever. - •
proadmg the onschievens spirit ofispecti.. OnWar Ritertro.--There was a foot race
came eff at Mitchell last Triesdal between
$4.---C_arried. Moved- by Mr. Pollock,
sec. bY Idre Fotd, That tu sdiliaionte the
sum of We *Howell (by Mr, west= ana
Mr. Porter, Roac1Commiseioners) for work
done by Jantes me the 3rd and 4th
con. opposite lot 25, 'gait tholuether sure
of $11 be allowed. him forsaid work. --Care
vied. moved by Mr. Pollock, see. by Idre •
'Weston; 'The one-eighth of a cent in flee
hic4 Of- eaforth and lifr. =tilt dollar be levied on all The rateable proper -
Talon -w ed upon all classes. in
1S56-7, and, ruined thousand% and hence; Miteherli, for *AO.' Cline. gained. This ty in this township, fortownship purposes.
we argue that the deficiency' of 1868 will raised quite aa fever 'foe running in See- and that a By -Law be framed in *tear -
nee bufeit with enithiro like the eeeerety forthean. d. en Th„ nrada y. sweat manmethanicayraces aancesezkeidith e samek. aThe accothunt241
that' would he oxperieneed raider 'other aeanradebeepsfr, CallanC/1).11 .44t4goiraedeePall fUll ana Obalcon., certified b°yr Polimocke 4), =II mute el
circumstances: • :Agaia, :the, prospect is geed deal of money torchaege hands. • to $15. Moret.l. and see. that Mr. Slake
that after ,the finit. end prices will) rule paid.-Caxried. The account of Jell*
much lower then hitherte. The heat that .231 jaZ".11-1. ‘jk"."."12-1j.' HeetInge for rePairieg a °°ral'er
wokbefore thereeek Nove 1- -axes, yea; get *eeted ast. theinselves ; and. the fearing acts not provided for in thes Con-
manto takea sugar -loaf, or -a cocked hat, aiso " ected withalittle hive,. Then male -
tenths Peak 07 Teneriffer . the'reiteeme;n's tale, and .the e`..*Ii4efiil letter, _.intRloriug his fellow,
liffisa leder°, ti mon teosting vessel "mai Iwo commereeeecamayialrarnort)i-aV &nd eh"bited :the circular „--wa lievenow and. jOst:irtaixt 13ook wilne to -polishes -at
emu°114 and Teronehte'eteange report at 'Ma bead,' with digni, "Wall; -then, theih9lerto. lalbeforeenn readers, therepreitentaters of the bleated -Canadian
But. whole General Rolleston waS '`iialikellY'aa are miielf, Isaac." W .Fu d advers °- olt v•I e a° g atLen244-*- theY can,
bich do elY t tb. -ew • tlike e
- -majority. The members ofthe local gov-, exist -mg circumstances!, wsli be so Obvious levee by John Bettie,. seconded b3r A.
rdere to beepaid. The az- of Richard
been destruettee here, hail been a boon • Anguirt 4th, 1868. * a
ts,pet for 19 loads of gravel -for the ffilt
to 'the Nvet eons Of 33ritain teem the The NImilcipal 00101011 of- the, Tillage, con. oertified by George Newton, el.52.
average. That means a great fallbig offi ' - That Richard. Paptt be 'paid $1.52.--Cae-
crenrwill_be at .least .nn.e-third above the of Seaforth met in Sher& ifallxibia even-, Korea by Mr. Ford, sem by Mr Cox,
in the import of bread/Ito* freln Aelezlea, IoxerfellenTht =thine ultfitees'veef alulasta salenTheeeting°131nweare- :xibyeaMleMCOvxe4, Tigitair82.0Pbe°11,_ gen°614tedzeci:. tondthls
and as our piece have been *hetet Inver read ondadopted. ' ApititionWaa present- Township Volunteer Company, fa:defray
riably gererned- by: European demand, it oa S. Stark ana othenein re a tc; drein, expenses attending the Rifle Metch to
is but reasonable "tc: conclude that there . t the corner a janielicentd. •aslenelt...i : -take place. at , Srorettli bin 3,•91.epteliebrede
WIT. be an important falling Off. 'While
tins' will 'Ware, for -the time being, Our,
agricaturists; ' it Willi* a. god-eend te the
laborers andenedanies a our eitiee, ',terns-
andeillagee, whohavediad to pay so dearlY
for their :Iiitedstliffeepr severalYears.-
Ais . ise natural -conseetusnee of ele6pened.
" The metal messengera"
That didthebeeieesa. Helen dropped.
the smile -at, with allmiiste indicrone,hoeste ; second-hand that fuss:nee degree unsettled
met,. eSter feW eommon, place observe- Captain Moreland's- mind ; and, being!
flees made 3. !dee comfortable doseef grog hotly dimmed oxi the forecastle; ;set the
=ell beak for Taira. Thiashe adminfifered ships company in a -ferment.
as an iudependent trunactieu, arta: loot
et.. all by wav of 03121221021t on his ante,gon-
fell, the aerial messengers. . CHAPTER XIII.
- It operatedunkindly for her perpose; Bezel had risen en hour before dawn,
it did him so much good, -Olathe lifted up eerreasees weenteoleetolemseie prtt
his deeected head, and his eyes sparkled on his worst clothes, and a leathern belt,
n*4'1_ „lad Ile set t°- wemlre an, his little bags round his neck, and toOk hie
Preitwa baas of oladuer Wan ineenr bundle of rushee. hie hand,- Ire also
lions inside, awl Yong tails of tine gat providediainseif withsome pekes of raw
Taanerug- He then set te wick and/with fish and fresh oyster ; and,tline enniPPed,
Jena= ear Tess adroit thee here, fastened. weee eezeteroegh. Terrapin Wood, and got
another set or rushee round the hoon. team. neighborhood of *elevens' before
Ile eetthent even/y, and some of them-- daybreak.
not quite perpendicular ; and, While he There was a 'heavy steam on the water,
was fumbling over this, and eximiiing ona uothre' g else to be nen. He put -the
ele" hoop °verb:is headoind walked into the
voTitY- water not withent aninteenal shudder, it
ctw looked socold.
Butinstead of thet; *was very unn,
viad,0° unaccoimtably warm, Ile walked in up
atm, tend.= froze -14 edfiula au next.-Cereied. ov y- , o
tin, for repairing the side -walk leading_to- sec. by lerr. Vox, That Mrs'. -74a.Pier2.,130
Egmondville, and an account front Mr. paid $3.60 (out of the boundary ap-
Fee for chain and rope, supplied to the opriation) for gavel tertified Zebu
Fire Depertment ,Also,, an account from lelough.--Carried. Move& by Mr. Poi -
the TaPariter' office: and -from Owen Mut- lock, see:,b5 Mr- Ford, That Jacob Mile
11. A report was presented. from esehe paideffi.h7 for eopyingraland other
re:Cash and. Beattie, (the Committee expenses. -Carried. The account of Gee.
appointed last radethig of CounciL) waa Stanley for a sheep lulled &e., valued at
$3.50. Moved by bin Foril,.see. by Mr.
Cox, That Geo.Stanleyhe paid VA) ana
that William Sheppard be paid foe one
isheepkilled, 83. -Carried. The a,ceennt
of Joseph' Conly for grading and. gravel- 3
linen the base line, certified by the R.-
0. =minting to *92.5. Moved by Ur.
Pollock, sec. by Mr. Cot, That Joseph
Conly be id 4$92.3.. -.--Carried.- The ace
of Peter ee for puttingin a eiebiert be--
the:Hook and Ladder Company, amount- tvreen lots 40 and 41, on the 9th and 10th.
feg $25-nt he Paid ----Carried- con.,, amounting to X*, certified by the
ed. by A. trong, aeconded by -.17, R.•0. leteved.bY Mr. Pollock, Nee hy Mr.
Beattie, That Owen Mulligan's account of Welton, That Peter Magee be paid $4.-
5004". certified by Thoinais Stevens, for 'ed. Theaccount of do.beingbalance'
re g side -walk be peld.-Carried. -f contract on the side road between lots
and -41, on the 9tb. con. 7519.44. Mov-
ed by Mr. Pollock, sec. by Mr. Weston,
That Zeter Ma. gee be paid 4/9.44. Moved.
by_Mr„Coxosee. by Mr. Weston, That „
living they well be eneided to make riled- movedby A. McDougall, seconded by E.
inuneedliiMunrostreteidentee4ii irabdieliva,tintist6het610tre toecaesahltatTilgt thbeep:edetitInvneananf tantakneeln*arintok
whole cemmunity,-, :71in Probabilitl is; ri:din. m4t,titabliy15°11; sir iblenZiCa;
also,' that' trade:4ind boinmerce Will net • A. Strong, That &et:ender' of /Obi
STO,r VA *CI *might autieipated:-=. tin, for repairing tbe side -walk le to
It" hAnPeas that', when dui surplus of Egr-Pudvill,bereeeive_4--Carried- e7""
'the etinntrY lead, 'trade is freciaeutlY ebit--6.Fetaishee seert feaorbre'rp!'auSt4.°d eliamongt Thafotr
most leiskinoney -turned over rapidly *
instead of beuig stowed away in long deck-
ings, end all olhsset are brought th feel
mere than ever their dependence upon
eaCh other. The reasbns tor. this, under
tbe effect with ueternal glances,
hazel eye dwelt on him with fugi
for, to her, -this girdle of rushes
- an. in3Uunesat, that bore an tigier
totheseeptere of straw,- with w i ,
runtoseed awaYa imaginarl Tung ' °Ina IlL ta hie middle, and tied ins iron hoop to
Bedlam or Bicetre.: _, 4 .„' his belt, so we to prevent if sieking, too
And Yet he' was better- no 'mange° devee. ' This &me, he waited motionless,
aboutethe cavetia and conversed churning- and seemed,anve bed of rushes, The sun
ly ; he wie dictionary, eseayist, rasonteure row and theeteemgradttallycdeared,awaY, :
any thing she liked ; and, as shepiudent- andlfazeipeerint ehreeekeholetot two
1Y evellea euil keera tho one -fatal ha had Made expressively in his bed of
torele, it was a delightful evening -i her ratites, saweeveral ducks floating about,
era -ware as intlyas his -tongue ; and, sia one in particular.. Alipmple,without -
vjlzen he retirek slut Presented Vim 'with ' a speck line& amber eye. Xle contiivod _
-•,e fruits Of S kiting' Ws woek,. aglorious to detach a peice ee fish, that accu 110044 :
wrapper made of filmy cotton enelosedin to the surfacer Imo hita. prt ni•A duck
repeated web of flexible and silky grasses- . moved. towarde it, lietated another, ana
. Ere tbaegeed. her and biassed lier$ and re- and another ; then a mallard he had not .
tireI kr the nifek 1 z observed swam up from: behind bine and
- -
- \e'
- 0
- el '
0)4 lil •
174 - We toter :lie
..let., . - ' hops no•op-444;;n::inh'ia im,6ziZt.ii,cote: . /fig'
WsIthink Eattsr ISlaneiss.pic4 orissi.-eoer.te: -
aSiehof 'ils-cis eari•be spared'are ,readir aati .
. **tang lataifs slia. plet. etaSor, ihat fir 4 for Sato- '.
_lir ta ..E'assier !stand ,f,rMsals Is, 44 to icastii. _Or' - ji
• Steamer 'It is- a Pit*. Ira_ WI' aim_ ths•Dutek '..-,..
slipper :a is_ Tina -aid cact4r1-744'. sailing heliteen ,
Juni, irenisnepi on4 illalk Ns. anek 'whoa '•
.. , ,, , ,. - ,
tat_ythr..-Putchntaii. eam 4,14- sn .4.,‘ eke felf•cithee,6 , an -}=4"-- r 0 d e e,„4 ikeii. -
' -isketezt cag "44 I .. ft i4.. the• 4 . .Go,i' willing. - . ,
Who:* , vs' pro; °sir gRiti• ' Capeala ta'
. vitae, the Dutchmen?: course- soitk 4.- - .. •
,gee4 7tearo : and • a tilting ores r. ..4ri . ,
;42it i -- aOr oak tee za,,,,r
. 7Riete ?mew'
-here& .
IAbout midsight she awokealid felt un- was soon busypicking atit within h yaid ' Generit,1Rollesten mut Captain More- Ili he • . kingdom'," rather than divorce them -
ei:nnient -eon11311edr nianifesting their to thinking minds 014 woeneednerepeat Strong, That the rting loodtmt of
nilernauly qualities by absenting' them- them. , On the whole4 we think there it a 31186-17.11:e./131:4pantct_C°0trireed; klietliveednutry
eelvesfrom the .a.mnarilivell in honor of lair ProsPect lar a good fall and winteri McDougall, secondea by A. strong, the:widow limos be paul,810 en account
• _ .
That the Report of ociuncinors cob and .43£ The Council then adjoin -a -
Beattie, be recrorede-Carried. Moved ea to`ineet again. on the first Monday in
meal's,- vino moven h'ir meDoueal2 seeended, Beattie, October next:
----That a aebenture be issued. for the stun of , e-ouN Reeve
y teem fall wheat moo, favoui:,,A A. stro.g, to pay for - Township Clerk.,
their illustricnirris. itora. It Was, _perliapa-' business. -
the meat sensible = thhig, they-- Could have ,:',. .
done underthe circpmstances, andyet. ire - SOW .EARPG:-.-
can vielliroagirie the string ef exPressiVe -conclusively that
adjectives ythigh Jan Sanfield, Moir: , stands the best c ce of escaping -the .workdone on dram, onVainst.-oamed.
. . , . .
swlioni: few are better , -quialifiecly *cod -,Midge, we* Would, &ridge our -farmers Jo MOvedby A, Menengall, seconded by .7.
Otterinvievi of *eh -ix -oat impertimmee, hare it*the-grdund is: near! the 1St of 'Begiefaua resolved test from. and after
incumb,t upr: the , plIBTS-ECONONY AND
Thialnimumary visit .ocznea tck, isle b i Sept. aepeasi. bk, Web g the precaution ter *-thili date.,°# shall Isz." .
Clerk of tins Minucipably, to MIMS lrf the EXPANSION.
the day. When. a man has serewed aware the heat seeci, ana =Inuit brumtesthe names of the mover and
- seamier to every motion. A. McDougall From the Toronto Telegraph.
-ceurage up ,the sticking point„ placed. tree haPd• .
his shaming! and kerosene and * A- the.
RUN, ge
'hashis incendiary tor* .stilrunignited, h
-obtained. lere to introduce a By -Law, - There is probably something like of -
ower en Monday XePeal Seetum °I' °mu° rift".h 1 Ira' Wm' authority for the statement that the
rest°re "xth 'ff°ov. 11?)111.i*erDeotmlalulbstitlintitniegsl 13;1 Government of tii? Don4nion is .isn.!
hid underlds cOat tail, it is mere waSte of , _ - t the By_Law tc reve,ai clause poeition. to pay .411f its floating liabilities.
breath to preach moral reform at 'Min. H -"45-aesuim t° its altwEik ate" pr°- Beattie, .-rna
bas-ce_mmittea the fejil . ditetiyeness. It inasmuch needed. er sectioneffith of By -Law 16, passed the This simply means -that our fseilities for
3rd day a February, 1868, and. to enact- borrowlng have tempormily improved.
oseell:4114 Aething eheri ef a miracle 1 -if :__0 eater substituting ammo toba read a first:second It is fair enough matter for felicitation,
time when the Nova Seritiafis could or at u . , . , -
now ate3. itsuerusummatiem There -wee . . and third teme,--Carri. ed., The Conned
day net the bothes-ef the two , Martins, adeoureeake meet %an 021 Tuesday even-
- a theme for the tereeesive exultation cif
'no doubt. But A -hardly sense to supply
inIgia have hien,hreught or;.To slfrIMilgar'ImereATIOWaallreill.•,114 nex41 =marl) 4- 1:41": certrifiainthimmoilidette economy , and6 ordinary -
.1).iihteir11°.maatteromrinmPt Iv; Zrladereeillam„tilliedat zureclimiutoheir. eeTereciePrelmte the f -af lkmplgt tyro. ozgnliripicilledorreZidist4 financial managenient the Dominion should
about six miles below oderiele while. the B Beep. ,The ymmg men of Eg. not owe sixpence in the shape of floating
openly -expressed. discontent as , -openly ilea_ 40,,,,,aer
laughed tiyer by the wise ones, and 'now, " 43arae ashore `aondville are getting up a braes band, debt. Its present release, meantune, may
gbonfluilf a, role o eliia side of Pont emelt one pe,ying for hl3 own insframellt$ fore shadow a 'policy - of thrift and
whewthe goldenopportunityhee been Iost, a°na- retrenchment, or the reverse as exigencies
tiVeseere compelled. to get down on oer mat -her ° residerleel ed,f,o. Iiis bereaved with the exceptien of a handsome
the head and hoe, we
*erihroughouraelf-conati. tatestrepresente. Albert),Teri.elon.e)
ti°11 80"° C• 14 VallEgintmd, aruse in 1849 when the Government
413°Cliee, exeePting d k t * terest getting
-•,_- , e Ewe, wh too a gra- In, m that day got to the lughly solvent
a gthiLL Sate °I' the band formed.
marrow -bones and -humbly request
Howe 21224, his followers -La' take Preeeetelserva-etniund4)1. .5,,h1:)°euugalirerdietehelwaeillx.e- folition of being_ehle tO pay rts clerks at
Hetipurher. east two or three times a year, ft war
_take anythi4, even to 4 the half of our' 4 .. 4 ; - -et..a.• e,‘„,., ,,,,,,,„. From . ‘‘ „ _ .
era -Special rarrialondent- ' • - held to be a perfectly marvellous *chive-,
ease. - arfee Avir.""e'''' 1 Accrozwz-Litst Thureday a little boy I inent. Its steeomplit=hment earned Mr.
. ahoutnine years of ageheti.climhed stoic', _Knicks at onee to the topmost pinnaele
' when he =handl& bold and fell ;mating a his financial fame. It showed that the
isTratr,.--. Vhq his thit bone end bruising his breast.- chief dismay tt respectable hammer has,
easY se she da shi1 of him. idia heartbeat he glided idowlY land *tuned to the cabin and disc:wised 'el Y" flat, au' a! 130Y- The fad is, , _ - .
jwdrend....stese"estalegfr%InTaw.ner., ,naxwikutocrawl'ato'h aanot catuotioeudrusy biorwam .1;in ,the bird was adtheadthocenummtrw, eroThpeipeayearfteonadeenerack
*gra 'indulges, sick children, But --tium they minding to think ef-Ilar; ia le.teehiev-
hire been too easy with you of late. One' Se1VC11 11M2 °tit loving embrace' . It is hu-.
"Easel stretched out I& band katon f,ouched hie cap and with theRetind meet 71°t awaYand stead in the water, ouaanditreaturesmorefaithanthemagnan.
Which gave her great plea -mire ; and sleep- ' anadragged him almapIer tinder the water, thee , . • . •
She found hiui wtaPPea inter keaolts Most are, might hula of the birds feeti Robin in hia hind. .he addremed edrrithverteleeeallveilvend.d. yinoaulllistene8boillimiereast7i um. ...,tiy_fh_unlan4,1„..t ain:t,uurtitmhrteln..reatillui""ESts wner btlie
in_s ala. _infant. webicle gave here _10Y- !and broughtliint under the circle of the t "My
. y
re I max& yea.. far takinkply Strrod'ot iron. Go home this-momefit, air, - assr ""*',`" „ ,
eyed min eloquenray err a long pm. ; reebee. gawked Ina itruzglia, naz.. tioubie to, heart es Tait 40, Bot it would atilt change your clothes ; and don't yea. other than fbasstromy if th ova
=4 then eery timidlY Put out hlr hand, ei soused hint Under directly, And quench- tp sat_ .giroolmlo come:into tho reseeee of the &ottani their ohaoreey of hearts- reNfoe; - se.idomultWitnfroutelimThe e ttrit mt. dose hateraire*gheioieliarstuvye -1 what inournta, mai live,conia taa tom, I
be abad return to send any Of you
rse -you have offended, there's not a to he paeified_itgoweideses to feriae
end, in herqualitY ofnurse, Taiditlighter edthesound ; then heglided dowlyta the tor Islandinthateutter ; fer she is not
exhibitionef the Fa
VictOem Rallied (M
treat such as tha peo
of Vishnu in the Dr. 00 °man iial$endingliim,
tO encounter is to get an seicount opetred,
day) night irws f That done the credits may inoonfinently
le of evaderich cam Or MAILING ITtAfT1 40711( CAMIRON WAS 1 .
S trrAD surtsraolnt. expand to vast dimensious in a very ehort,
space of titue. Mr. Mocks as a practical
man„ mastered that doctrine very fatly in
a surprisingly brief period. What was
he ramit ? in ten months from the time
when the principal fleeting debts of the
thread al)out yen.'" Proven tribe enetreer
it -eau downtuPon hishrow- bank, so slowly that 'the rushes inerebr .5,44-vortay ; the twain tem, me,. I
ro taTalIZI). TaUtage greuad' even thnugh he but this'_ gentleman hill, minter and while rolks speakingwit a doolfui eone •
inounteba•pks,, Pervading a' the country roe;
The brew Wall wet, and a rel`1" Ole* seemed to- drift e.shore. This lie did, not va not consent to. throw away your live
moisture enit ; shOwed the fever was 'net teereete suspicion anit sa spoil the in trying Sck !AMA* lifethat is dear to me ;
imer or gone. next attempt As he glided,begave hut, as to the Dutehmaies story, abmit an Tny TAisr G T. R
-Shefolded her arms end istovel• looking duck eirewery now and then stud soon got unknown island, our captain seems te 0
at. Yen , and she thought of ali they tire on land. By this timelier Ad taught the "ink that 'is possible ; and you tell us
had alone and txuffered together. Her eYea duck notto quack or heweuld get soused :yntr are ccrtho same °omen. - .BUP'Z'A.T,/Cr'& Gammon IVIAZI:
absorbed hian devoured him; The time mul.heid Igive up my own tirsent,- mid yield to
flew unheeded. It was so signet to he rieW took the long gnt-end. sud tied yours. yes, we get westward with
able to set her faee free from lie restraint, , it tightronnd the birtrieleg, and x04,1471.. a got heart (be -sighed), .and Willing
and let all its sutishine team ; end ea the ,bag ta „pea
et,en when she retired atlast, those light e Beale while ha wog effeeting this, , Thom= bok
heered. TheIxotewaux ;
hazel eyes, that eoula gash fire at_ times, :pease of ducks rose at the wen. end of the -anchor wsaltewired, anathe Spring
bnt were- all'dovelike now, hung end die marsh,:inid took their fOght fret% the went out of beret:eine that bade fair to.
gered. on him as if theycould nevolook at 'island. " carry her within A lumclredniiles -of God --
him euenzli. A7 they passed. Hazel threw hie captive send mewl.
Half -an hour before, daybreak She WAS up IA the :lir and sueh was the force a Sheran'fast. on the SIS011a daY, Mae
awsioned hY the dog bowling example, aidetd, perhaps, by the fright, the ducks passestover her head, one of which.
She fe:t a messy at that, not nfilS11. eaptire had received, •at, Hazel's bird In- was observed. to Intim something attached
rioweeer she got up, and issued =from her st•antly joined these travellers, rose with to its hag„
eaVeM k1.3 as the stm showed his red them into the high currents, and away She passed within sixty mile* of Mount
saave the benison. She went towards hearing them** *Award 'awn *ening/ Xiook-out ; but never saw Godsendraand;
trziebalf-, al a matter of comae. Sheefound of the wind. • end so pursued her Way to the Society le -
Ponta tied to the helm ; the boat was era- Then Hazel returned to the legion; lands, sent out her heals ; made every in.
- pty, wad Hazel nowhere to be seen.
and. twice 'more he WAS 10) fortunate as 4pfiry aroma at,eat the wings, *t with
811- ntiirea *scream at EIL3'3.- t° secure a hirck "La launch Inin in* nommen and, after losing tire of
ever. - So hard la itto realianro the wit of er back on nine!), the samecourse, butrath-
The clog bowled and whined /maintain space. 'months ths:re, brought the heart- ' fath-
ana to define his resourcell. more pother/7..
The problem was solved ; the serisl mea.
CHAPTER XL.T. Bangers were ou the -wing, diffis over
%tam 3eta0t wee not what ruircuid hunered of leagues of water*. iret CHAPTER
eau a, tender.hearted =au but, he that an.Engliehlady.hael been wrecked on.
thorotry moved by General nor'. au unknown island, m longitude 103 ki Hazel retained homowaras glow of
tott's trete, and bi hie.. fortitude. 3 min. Ana betWAta VIA $2nd and triumers4n4 for mon hit diaPnialobiag
ro y 0.
meths the wood; for she had trait -
.04 him by hisfootstepe.
Sbe seemed pale and disturbed ; and
y interrupted hia exelainations
taiumph by OW of debgb.t, whieh.
The Wahl* old Ss= jegskaisg in raw parallels of.south latitude; andeaTtiet ood n 'Akin aleta72---a rider/. aim wax
gg to
lend one week, and seing book to the. men andelupt to rescue or the eve of
Pm:Meths) ,stext. ! lAke goes. with like ; .61:4" -
"ad Wadley senior, mmegerac end rex/A-
nte himself, though be felt for hie son, CHAPTER Xiari.
stricken down by grief, gave his heart • And howfor the Avenge report thatlancl-
to t.1" mere valiant &grant of hie SeStiOrro• ea at Jean Irernandess while General Rol- AAA soon, however, followed by coed eds-
. . He resumed sad victealled the liaton via at Myna Viler°. tram. •
for s, Ione Tome, ordered The coaster who t it Filson hod - , "0, look at. you 1". she said. "You
her to InTalwastk. and look his frieaddown been in comprety at Alpena° with a have beim in the water ; it is wioked; Weak -
to her by train. 41It whaler from Nantucket, who hatold him ed."
nig WO" 1,1" t4 her in a boat. She he had fallen in with a Dutch whaler out "But I have solved the problem I
was a maw ateste21; that could al nine atom, and distrownd for water ; he had aught three ducks one after an another
kaota as hoar witheat honest a *al. As supphed the said Thatolitasa, who had end tied the intelligenee to their lags; they
she came down the Chalusei, Was asseners thanked bins, staa gave Min a runlet of *re Wale 2100200Si asceertagover the 00011a
treuhle gat ae be wea knows ott basalt har, Hollers* sad had told him in wavers*, with our okay and ear loasettud4e and a
asall. whoa ibe Galas 0* ft the harbor, tiara thon he bed Mil land sad a. river re- qz at our latitaide. Orevm me. with
the seders by ma ha**, beeety breciskis. ifiecied on the sky, ia waters yhere no land " .
thet did them end* weited for lbe orders, was menked its the chart - lianiely *eine- 1 'With foolocep, seam likely," mei lisle
but nummad the yards to mays his' a with where between Juan Tera'andoe a ;id Nor- en : "only just well of riseseesisto fever,
the respeei due to his services, and his ano- kik Wand ; sad that, heihrtt4 *hi tn. lie iesitia,p-msal Mond * view .1!It * Ai*
Oe pities on beard, he Wined dee egbarad, anal Ids Make beim hse, lhangb "WIritlyou alem•Ideiess- lei ves I" 064
__. the sedeetien of a part at new hand neelasidede." . ,
red ealandary. -
Cinaiis seed toilla mearein with rafiaoht this time doessisee, he had eciasieter. .."•I tie you Ilea*
=ivy and ' *ate owns my& ally eat at ilk mew be hopes sit- tad*
. 'lbw, die oht saimeamse fame tilia wateemt isiamet het OSSIMSOA mates . to
17 bisepsmeses, new
sar.4 iiikeer, tellkitherii Thisielis soma bearded the hpristglimk, imam
, as vim. year& emill was betty lisemese 411 illa lismeheik lielidi Wag ,
* amishiseet Wires he de.
est grio:t skiviremil _ II eine te essaimkeesiessita ems. mad
tit hie aims lee esmaseimed fifiesidgpieret: ihe eeessliep
basil, mg& ihtt ihissumbrikiewshittai AG,
,- ahead_ he ad.orned wi t e star and gar- i . _- _ e_ e .• IT • - - a ,. • * Ana shaking head ;
-ter what then/ Shall ire have- to ,reeon-
, . an: isuamonnbanueq...eitav 's cim. mime*, i tom wint_i.,co, eeyin.,,e,t., a meholeornmceeaninermea . ._ .
th h- man d' ' ed 't' int. '' della' sohdated, Mr. Hincks had prepared the
Prewnoe were pa. id off, or rather, cone
bf tram
' st fee b military f rce -theig li -1 , -
rue 111 Y * ' a' -art- sible tet lifohl roe fr th performer
:wl , pee ow. e .
- - - way for oar becoming a reepeetable Bor-
'15 the. 6°,ath t116 31.eigh*Iug who rids lAs lexbibi ion of all that is Ohw se upon the scorching Butte tower, elle ether ,eemeseeeresetbs; be the
at tins ut°14ent.' m will" ha" -dem - The team performed Thafstruck puir Johnnie tae grmi
London market ; and before two years Wer
3)114-"r' • • to. stand by andseethem Secede froni us - Whie-sinee earthlY m aPlin,
. -'4:30 a. 44. ' were really Vonuerful ana many a. therm win. tak the jeed could pomt with some degree or priae to,
Blow*. ••••,-;• . • . • .. • •• • 9a0 " laluYs is a baa Ine481 ariu wi"re 3141 exceedingly a min' g. 4as:41'er perform- in • bts ligion rant or. fun, funded debt of between thirty an&
- . patriotic man in the Dominion. but must rig Xe 2
AlaIVALL WWI 44 WO were well out of it. ince te-uight.
Biwa Cameron s dead- roily millions.
. That WAS what Game of the glory a
. .... . .. . . —MOO p.
_expose . , loth The eat cot. new Axel .folm a Weli-adaT I getting floating liabilities commuted into
; BATTA.LION1315fOOTINialSA.TCA. - Neo vim like litre willtreth or pray e
manufaettneng eelvettised in the -
. - °onus at ions eaten twenty yearasse.
A3id showhypor,risy e way
We are hi h poeitiOn Ste% that great &pita and Sent iaut numbers of circa- she credo the creed, Pire have, it 111 true, a fair indirect r•-•
Battalion Shooting Natch will take Placee laray have receiitei su a, rush a orders She noo-inil" hale a work' swel turn for the borrowings of that period fir
'atfleiforth sin Tuesday aid Wednesday; that they can hardly filled fast enough. - Jelin Cameron a dead. our railwa.ys and the enlargement Of the
the 43th and ath of September ne#. As The want of brkeels is telt particularly. . ... 1 . Canal& But we venture to think that
. ,inirl tie Whanoo will gieisoerYearim sPeee, ''' return would have been vastly more
EiODEB10111 1.5, AUG 1868 willbe - t th f II ' th '1p * IT thi lik -
. , , seen rom e 0 _ owing, a rnma a nig ensiling .gen man* When aids- the eckmed heard ws'u rawil* abet** tory had thelkagities afforded the'
1.71i•••,-.4-mio•-•‘.--'-'•"---•,%•"-P.---itavA ts,,00Tu. Tuommat). Taa4stmyeauclir ,;ni_ore Amorous. au? larger than lelretutharee wraorlakdingkattl) salt int:he lie ewwsorltod. And....,_ ,:._arcrearabitiw.. avensewafaete esi: ni:i....buzikb31:hitchg Aread._ ,
smite so greet as they were. Had the
Minister for borrowieg not been made,
Th. . , • f 'th oexedien 1,4 ' Hatch lat. Ten men from eacli Co. to every city, tem; sad et- within e "v''''"""-et't "- "' B -----'11 ' dead G '
nnstinn° vY fire for the Batt e
ez the beet . shot of the radius of a tbousand riulea I your reward noo e_s rand Trunk, for instance, been started
OMmeillors loss, evidently, thus far„ befall&
complete failure, • The antis heve it all
-their own way, and it is doubtful that even.
iUllowe could be won over the storm he
Sao evoked Would rage -with lees fury.-
Oarnews, ,whiehia dOWn to the is far
from. oncomneingL Telegrams of that
on a purely commercial baids, instead of
',tholes to receive a cash Prim' of ti$ wol eertata hoe tosalian, derive some When next election timely. comeNeee. e being hurried through ia a lump, as it
st to beet shot of cad of tbe other cont- -vf • . when be no 20110340 mom aa ogaa $ wesi without any sober retard to assured
shPallat,sY aluradeeei.relln'ag'nge.e2°° ena 45° yards!. 5 1414,w6 L"jlaeat' • 1Ph...0 -liberal ranks hweitilezaue le& 111 speed,
Argun's, it would have been infinitely
Fna. Nonvont. and Privates -Ten cash ar.Arairmets Ktoalpfs.-We hare re -
And t Ca% Toriearowny &groan batter for the stockholders, and a wonder.
1st $10, 2ncl $9, 3"rd $8. 4th $1; 5th ceieed from bfr. idoorhouse the last num- jui camera,* dead fel relief to the Provincial tax-ryer.
:so, irth 8f,h$319tht$: 1°th ber
is too late now to remedy this or any
ts,•rhe Hen. zoo. pk llowe,ehairman of P$81a3:40ealgovid"rfr°1146rue:1200:(1tM;f411'-a:40072n 7.3arn2st41:44flunateh*:evsleIteef. tene....f-g-c-` : arir‘Tei-ve7P°Pular.:.tereis'r%-elikesmilling:y7statY* ionneMaacoten: Ylem6felin:whirsi 'n*seir' till taaj°11IY:Inr°a$1"cle eonsoridatien twenty oe.ars ago. We are•
part of it. But it is not to late to extract
atiength to the Convention last 2ulitt -'-• 44,11; Yon ans,..-. SIX, DAMS 1St 1110, 20a to the States with &bout 18000 of his TA: ta clgrilileagure6amanix4111110hekuiellaertlyternY117:et: dank ' applieants -for-a m- ieerable discount toi
date *ye-- • a lemon from the sequel to the -story d'
the OonpnitAne of Public sefety, reported each. - " at Sarnia, named Lipscomb, has levanted woe again in the market., not IIIP
The husinessoftimOolivenilon has oiled, go, &a so, 4th sit. gthg21 etit gi. Range einbyerie lueeey. i • - - cover offieial salaries, but as dignified and
sued, * -will be seen by -the following row- soosand 500 yras, $ shot; at etch. _ _ _ . 1 ii, hmenthimatir _
pealing the onion, il'h° reinrca 1"41 front Mr. Porter of Seaford', $20, 2nil to 001/haprood, illa will enter 111°11 Mulsioot 113Bride and mmir mai; of plum or out of time to consider
repeTh table borrowers. And,it is not ont
letion,the member* are determine4 en re- frth. P 'rittates Eleven cash prizes, lid Cr The iron steaMer Cliseu is en '1'-er F°11rnliceatarliaeghate,dr:ed Lancaster '
ether these new facilities for getting,
nnanimelleif ede-Pt'ed, la" as °news $10, 3rd*, 4th $8, fith $7, Oth$6, 7th SO, waY of Y heart* ustbleel
oonad" Wharoushatalaidymofusiive:Britialitum IlareGoverwfullY gthavaii-g4toogthiy4.80, siothshouselattuat 8.1. Rangel g.atrthea.Lahe &Varier route *boa the enr , • .an into debt really illustrate any extraore
TWW think he's 7100 jlleadilit scomerePsirrone ,s demi. dinary thrift and skill, or whether they
aralaztth.tomuth"are46.1 Zgomiathe rerea,26,141imai..."4 Oth. eharemem-Any rifle weight' nOt do not as foreshadow a return to
tier*.411114/11411;6411., 4.....1•11011 the74..X:_ilialt° 1 1:1111 t°8 a'Reat,h7{1..a.a...1::b;thetaroaptek7eacithioia.' DrizaLvohm.
ung Caridnag, f*" "tea tile lat $12.1.‘,.find $8, sra so, 4,Da. 3. Range barglaries, taking place ahnold clear "'ant e, ,
,..,.......a.7°0verillOalladallisPbankers.-r6ThenaersimainnIzioilitbenrw°6mare:eileistat't wmeel7lies dralilleed,TANklaee le"Itelfbminglk744.glook penditure ; a dependence upon p.rospeelive,
lestead of actual grains ; mural of anis-
habits of profuse lad uncaloulatitig
Debate, oe ipewoh,-Amaor sanseegial,orereedioke, *hauled viidousiavipez:igitwylis. t eirsistituwt•eseloorenalle
publie-eiwthe-peor',„„inoe, theteersfornaerwho hiezohnotes.,eikeins prised% peizeigatiatany2n1 apeastu--y aorofte.' 5
Beet eioveforeeliseoked, "Tektite opinion a. ord, oh gg, eta eth 'eth merseeeer 00,-e-elhe officers and pri- news, cone* aow * mm -
John CAMADDILIS of to k ttot th Do •
ot the Oeuvention„ thee is to
ef Sit III. mutes a ihiGtoderiohOstrixon Battery isee Joh* was the metal free' the miae, len Governmeol le no longer compelled,
11.6seve,"4"feetuanininntrevaicta coniedicatioanntginnen the shit km Thee. match. befaimgooleduehedio beasecordinstrom taut paraciodari. y recluestottoutand at 8 0,400k Though rade end reutbhie heertweskina, when its monthly Come in, to doff
igiso„ saa theirewill.„ ovaie vivr sztutedia as important iminia4 many brunht up. knd true and houest,whenwhileeat hissublime iteddignityrin the: bhani managed es nptarlior,
bee° imaelt4=t' idtheet *heir at -a1:75=12 9°° Yds "daer,1 Mill shed °a: WaapsidaY amling — speed an Me to a e undred Won ke
0.15,4 boo boon aucrom 4r. The damaged itabbse bee been eu wisichisky, brandyjunra.m. ostasionor tuad.
°I got ova of Um Dom:ilea well, which :will Lulea neeafill beaks es a eoranion forwarder. But it is all well
to thick twits over the matter when wo
ars asked for a shout of joy, merely be.
wantla gni't pre* is due to workmen. for timir why, like jciutectdd gt s. ca
vs - • - muse we have a elm= temporarily of
15E11214L-4211tf„ :16411.14reelffietia-.. rabc"1411aieleolle- been4113*silarPkvatBadvtleatt 161susher". loistheisteret°. elle?glirrePtlIgn larigamgamet.welld!emea" 2:716(131516 tnneleet"stilet *101 His like'a no left Imobilnotlinhat aeca4useroun.ed1.4 daad. 174"°esantaTi"tiiminEwaigtoulthgmite7:0"441 affartiulaaliwileievearaillenablat' antt
again on a dignified seale.
Pretty good.
eitent tke West York election.
, Tit*Oelitalia Ithslitiartflafe OaStheif aalr be vie&
Est• i dm% it be
dosittesa, pretty, Itmeceseely dts.
fst idled therhava enea and band.
new is2lirbsat nom liked Parchaa04 hY. ease,be
will be the soon ow* f - xr. Riot/ mder Saga- Great If that back '170115 St the we'
0 7.k.:z
- 7.nommiaaagemeso
Win Lt.•:-..-Ex.-:tswc-c.:1-el ettt
lezt calm 3 fiza.0.
•E -n
tk-rAlttfl'f,L_-3f-17▪ rltl Ecf3.,t1tc--1
• va-i
tia afL1 v,-.•,3 trcte.,
if% ezzysLret.,,itzt--..
VS E.:7=V° • wczn t:!_
- sh.tta--,4.2,Ert "twe-4acel-,21-
eala tf,.ate*firdleit
been at !the hesd ef 0 t
cuentsoug strikes!, sari wh
'closely at the last eleetie
the heicpeudeuto ef Cana
this pupas° have been
throneheeettmadae endeee
Canadeseee in. the TeTniteal
ertevelette makee Ett.t0
_ tamping?91, four feet lee
'quarter mceee in eThene
hiltreiwitY red en.;leie
&tee the invalid.
lte see• reetegteledat ol'agrg
1)361.; The doctor w
when theaceldent haepen
the •1•-•o lean alai). Lis wan
the Emits -a iqatee;,atid
When he died in :the lat
aoetor obtained poatieen
and le now exhibitiag
Vslearly ShOWE the extent
Plot to Burn A'
Assetiated Press bitpatch
Neeerferzer, Aug.
Despatch, a Democratic se
liked a charge this more
and celered tnen haa eider
to bun Mud
tie and Pu7ashi, murderin
and elfairen. It is sup
crazy fanatics ase theint
if it really existt.
be held.,
- TUE Tas
,00-44r. Russell, of the 27
*ppm to have given Wig -
the Northerners or &tithe
do not Urea any one be'
with the "Cauldian
which is tufficient th
represented to be. Price
per Satle.
At Golerich, on the 16th
• Terveives in the
-conetted cvery Tablas', slh
t sew', neer
Wer; Coafzi
-Gederiele A
• CZ?.
et fe-
Nerrregetre eiterteeeesei f
rtringah'5. ..... 000.400000e4,04••
rituisE .....
Belk rtptt, re:A'
*17 Perfies at a dieeee
thee orderefej 4Y -sail CI' ap.
preMpf attedir;11 at curree
rtecl specially for
y Meagre. Gap,
Cennlimon Nominal*
44.r40.-Si.r> f.fselp• m
" gee Pest,le
" EvenVie
ftt- W. R. ceiliete
ss /1-01)
0,..-ftric trey
Let &tree Sprk-G
" W BC7r,Son
ria wheat
S Whest 01/140pagfia
Ur 1000..0000000.0
Peas... 0,10...orio"04",,i4
Later .**90,41:..Vio 0.00
Woul<wasihed) ...-...
Beet Pereirta .4000000
•Goaeriru set,
; at the works, 0
, I
tsapeeialTelecripaio the
Clinton, Aug,
Tail Wheat ......-...
'Spring do ...... .
Oats m V044. we ObJ11,11tni
111001q90.41-eit Ilry'e
Potatoes ......,......
Hay •..............
so. ft -,0
seaforth, Aug.
FelWheat .0004o m.106,•
Earn% Wheat, ......
Pinar 1,000000.0100000
01111608;400,0100.0.0. 00/3
PIM e a el. .004*..0911%
Barley .............
Potatoes at, .4. a one*o
Diner ws a 11 0 0 *mil 4 ta 0 *0
Eggs alt.o3e4.440•04..
HST 00.011,4000.00aa0.0
IiRdee 0,00.0Vt00014,”
Weed ............ .0.
Chicken a,,.. oa a ow
trirtle.:* .6104,,a,,^ £41