Huron Signal, 1868-02-13, Page 3, 11U:re "4nd 1-01
which represzn
-n V V"u know th�pt
,!-'z here toss,
5-0t it seem
ath VM
heart tj
...e Which silu
Ies dowt
S, lz 1-ke
Ouzuer o
th*, surfac(
- �enl P1.17;kd lip antl fusL.(
1z '-vz. t�iere is yet n
in. Cultiva
zumpd alolng th,6 Thorder.
'2' -n-d e-er� little islet 01
r4:1 'q planted with wheat
rA oh%es. In 50 or 10(
..s I'Likie"'Us am4lation wil
P nce 0,
_N.�ture in the nd.
half an houi
-e "I nPM which
tht4 observatory
---"n tZe Summit of a
oazi," Of the cone-
Zjff,,rclis Passage for
e'nle in that directio
�tL--gs are t",IerlblYsecure.
a 11243.1k in a very dirty
. IS Ale
ne, bott, . yrma
e -in reality
of m-71
I - Tte
.a am" dreary. and with,
u6 *S,, near at'hand we did
Dut Pushed forwr(L
v tnmve quarters- of a m?le,
i� : - -f riie -,e--t cone, which
�.%Z%inst the skv, pouring
!n��nse volumes of steam
"s as ne-.v silver. The,
oa3ks on the ridge soon
Tl; a dead, Wage
va, bnezing on the left
Ile bare, red
S.2�muia, once a part of
-:f. :�huwn in the sun, but
a:: -as Smoke, confui-
d- ab:e stream of "
-a-3 PO'= its fluid,, in -
,at,; the
vallev, and the
(-n;zt&nt1v Pllsh;�A from bom-
`7 ent-ereti the ravine we
d.s.=ce bpowl moving
e rted lava Oj 13,%.
sm -ke but little flame
' �r.rz. ratt.,ing noise was
L -d no tremor or uscina-
h. t�:tLe:- then or late;.
i tile
-�,!d lav—which hera
0.' IC -Se Stones We
�i wen- toris-ard on foot.
-.azh at &3t, but it
"rrv.__rss over
liEsps, -liieh had
7 1 1%�Jass, was rather
".-ea4v passed the lower
alI.1 I-eiached it at
ar�4rr eruptivn of the
tsi -.-ome down. The heat
ti, every step the
continu_,us, ana.lines
became visible.
to be tw streams, both
=e manner -that is, oniv
,-on the surface of the o1ZI
;.ng under -Its loose crust,
ing it, and its
�1-us Draduced. The fire
1-re-_Z;Uble : there was no
�,ftha molzen elementsi,
-ed =A threw off solid
in weigM, without the
"rue OF ClLeck.
.rlagmed a thick, sluggish
--1!erab.1v smo,3,th surface,
t; dow from a smelting fur -
ere moundst,,rough
er of which lay
Sigh t.Sge
zorces;. moving forw,4d,
pitileSs certainty in theirr
If 4he see-ae rnks
dres than one 'would
least disbolical;v impras�
-d on1v Desslxuc�aon, and
L"-aoded, deLberate kind -
Lad raased a long ridge,
h! Iheight, apparently
L Tr-li, som;p S
nd throats of
-a& ircoas of this ridge, was
Z h4ge m es� gGine pf
'- !He �-lrge_ The near-
I.-Vrie tzan four feet m
A us to apprCach near
s�des with a
�s edge, bdys were busy
or imbedding
tLe-17 1;iiailillg
i I twisted off, very much
1n=ag_- MOLS3e3
even at a hundred
;,-a� aacomfortable and
�he3i&e the movin;` lava
S at a time -
t ZrRAYED. -Tnto tile premises of the.. undersigned, been restored to liett Ili in
SIR JASIES CLARKE'S ewvveeks bye verY Simple remedy. after having-- aut 0,J PArt of lot $9 Huron Rod alinut the 15th Of Dec. Corracted -every TuesdaY an -1 Friday for the Sj�jtay by ral years with a severslaug afectlow, 1114 D N01t ANT VkW96X tilli;
DEA -4 Exchange Brokers, 1"' tavdovpt tile Celebrated Female Pills— h(!nrtedrrQcras-dvieseaqe. Collsimption-is 21
West St. GO(larich. fo yr 1xious VO muk
were - 'histellow-S RGE'ASSORT3WTOV-�vg FW
perty Prepared fro2n 'a presVri f known it, ufrererq the filepus of cur
who desire it, he will sc
awsy To all !lid a copyf tt; pres
1868. p. 01drke, M.D., Physician Rztraordin( y ha d tion o Godarich, eb. it, 0AR-ITAL
time, whidh they will filld a suar, _erchauti .
cription used. (free ofeltarge),with the direCtiD1181for pre- 'I
at It ell, J - - n and
xp -the Queen. paring slid using the low at wholes� 6 -to -,cou
.Anlis n Bxchanqe or Greenbacks. th
ISIAEr MOORE. OUVE for CONS UMPTION, ASTHMA, Bsoricwrts� CouGus. AT TEM SWN�A 111911". T ..LVYINIG AT Goderich, Jan. 21st lass. W52.3t* Cdnlis, and alkThroat zino Lung Affuctfon& The o"It 71irs com
e il; unfailing I I the object ofthe advertiser in telidin Ireserl
L ,ng -'.G Afternoon -740 farCauadafunds This invaluable medirin pilot[ Inio ptknr cited, In the tritish Atid Well Houma Oft L Wavatt Glad --
the I -AS -PX,14. -Rat
72 11 ho -e painful and dangerous -di !ases benefit the adlicted, and spread it ori ill)
t " , 72 for SUver. If n't 11 Which fie 8Xt.LUZd AT to which, the teniale colltitution is subjc. c.- 1-t coilceivi to be inaluable. a 4uer) a an iffletit liave it an h3
I d he hopes every,aufferer the blg*t ciasm� B"TnM.qZ&r W" , -00 ne erms. 'The is ten tnili,4 no Ili r
MORTGAGE �SALE OF LARD. our"' of wilitry hisremedy. asit-will IVEW-MU . lii�- �� ITIL �s; -AL
Afterilloon--,11 forCanadafunds moderates ni(excess and rerneveR all obsLru, ons, Er.ay prove a blessing. cost - titerritnothlug, slid
FAULT havinz been made ih the parmoni of a alid a�pecdy care mAy be relied on.
w Put les wishing t lie prescription, ira Fit. by return Mail
LARGE STLVF D me b%- tile late Jolisi GAt (his wire johiing-
art, Claribel
Vr tPe purpose of 6-irrinir her do%vLr) hearing ddle the wilt please uddresb Take-Badk theae. 25b WILLL .. ............... ... 4 TO MARRIED LAWS Rev, I'D WAP D A z W [I_ROl%1. Come balc to Prin L'Aing ............. The fi,boxving pro- -tv ;uited. It will, in a shut time, W illanislitirr. King& .. . ... 31 discount it is peenlim ia� New Vor fr. Five o'clock in the Afornin- 11 Bpi 21 a0 � .2 X&LL SILVER perty Will b.Y,3o('ld by Pnblic A notion at G. Ti-deman's on the illonthly p(�iiod with regular LU ljov !* vlrit Auction Roems, on the
PYilkq at .......... Each h0ttle, price Otle I)ollar, t�,
hs...... ......... 4 GOV- ggfe's Sccret 25,c,. AYMD'fur the above puTPOi 'T?Au,;4ud'4u� iQni
at a _� e- v_siWl. most
23rd day of April next, at 12 'noon on't you tell me Why, �Robin? le and A'G0 Off 0
er cits.
einiltredt Stanip. ofGreat Britain to preve 25c. other 41apil
Jh he' ;2'5' woA rere ]==JQ;GX ON NEW TORK. he power -i cositain-ed in the said Mortgage, Viz: D THIS !-HOLJ�O- Straillgers yet 66 b tile hift oftai r 1. Lcoun- NOTITERS, REA 25c. b. wilint"44 W118;lUXIVIC or fui�ilUltja e
SrMing It- ....................... 23 discount Lots nZbers Oiap on�tbe Harbor Flat, Slid lot Fifteen W&ItS W0R,%�_1WZE1_KGR$ ar011 ortain and C.himes 44
On south side ofwcqt Street, in the Town of Gndertch. Thoes Pifkq 9hoUld nothe taken bvjemalc dutnng sar 96 EL PL&TT. ill 6xid SXv=_T211ITrE1_ r. remedy I -or W01 nis in 0h ildren and Adults. I-caull0t sing thP old 8011IT8 t4Xe 10,,appily Ad
Terms -Cush or credit. Dead to be given , wider the thePIRS2 TLUREE 25c.
P W#2- dak
Buying at 105, allowing. accrued flittereat to Sauer. POWers contafited in the Said Mortgage. Forfartherpar- X01V 7'H8 .-As a well-livown and pieianctioly act hTeet Me in the Lane 30c
ly xanby, as they:. arii'jure "to brzig o? Mis,,,- !hut onv great caubeordeath among childien ii- Paaq under the Rod 25C ]TENDE . ........ i1V parted by tb6 River Side 35C.
Tz3r_ FORTUP ficulars app to rzage, &It at a*u� 014er time they are s fr. frdm Worms WO tie, 31
D. SHADE GOODING. o-Unnot ! e ttic dt epl�'Iln WAN
Buying at ....... cases ervous and pinal i%.rections, . .. Solicitor for Mort e s, ressed upon the wind ot Parents the necessity 0iiihe ON641ta 4devf the volia I.J Altift W.-�&
a" Nov. 22
91 p TA Gisv's Warninz 25c.- 1867j, , - - -: . - - . AOC 'bm And
Dated 161h January, 136. Pains in the Back and Limbs. Fatmetif or0,ligh! .1 �,�
exertion, P111pittltion ofthe fleart, Hy OfelOSCIV watchiffig their ebildren. Hk so di)inb-. ENDERS wil n -
Do tiat Heed be recoLved up to lb�a 15th FNAbruw
her AVarninc, , an
-Ad& bills .......... 68 R.Stponed till Tuesddv 4111 Feb, Whiteslheie Fills slid true cau T neitforbith'
&tyw it ........................... 112 tries and and understandlilz the mptons
Rahkof U�aerCan The above ale a curc I wher, ill e ding lot
will efree 60SIliftls, phout 17 Vor&4_godd )3A ou J�v
ildle uzaW1*rb;;4lq PUID"Is
Co:ivaerfix. Bank bills . ...... ....... 93 rUarY, 1868, At sanie uni, and place, olher means live-failert; and althotiol a power- ofthe disc aV, t housa ndi; of c ' ;hildren micht 6e Belle Mah-one Ir ko a- Y�
0ALT TFER"111-
Ster:ing exchange fulremedy, do not cotaiG iron, I Brick or FUMOSchool-flam-e .................. 91� s@ved from earlygraves. Sywt�ros OF,%Von** Any of.t"tin-aliove sent postpaid onec4
Go!d opened at 142J. closed at 1421 The above Sale is fur her linsiXoned until Thursday, The ful lov. in g are a few of t��e ve r �ipj for-th, Blyth Union schoni .9eetion, accoltd,-
monv,oran%,t�Ang,hurtfurtotlietonstI ution. of pric3.' Address, and Spepiflef(tiong. tilitit may- be seen in of sUbSeriber Q
time an, place. wstd Full directions in tile i;nniplilip.l. at' Pund �nch symptoms nd disoaqes whicTI re- C, 1 _
March 6th, 1"S, at same. au)ied by fFera f0_r:A
T H 14; M A 111, 1' 3 kage, which -6onld. be carefu,ly I o9enned. Worms : Dernnged apfietite,6121"iatid extrem- T. J. MPdRHOUSE, tile Subscriber on ilid. after the 10th -Feb. Tenders for -piece of pron-rty nes; the prpsent "'Al
PAartgage Sale of 1a 5ole agent I - ort [ties,'otrensive blealb.6 , equent picKing 'at. the -1 the whole or pirt of the work will be received but tb S t n cf. pate he United Stategan, Carindas, Signal Office, . 'Well- ill Nuitlandiville, comprising
nosti, iii-irding of the teeth duringsleep, hardnJas Trustees do notbfiad thensselves to Accept th; -lowess three
JOB ATOS�,S, Roebes,er, N.Y. Goderiell, OHL- orank teader, atras of-lalid.
GODERICH, Feb.111, 1868.
TJEP4U'LT haviiig been inade in the privinent or ofthe belly, w;tfl frequent shiny stools, find
Mortgage made by Thomas B. VanEvcry.o., N.B$1.00andsix pottageiitam -S, enclosed s, inetimes convulsive Ills; pain is the! head and -1 Blyth, Jan. 23Q. 1869.
Fall Wheat 1:65 A 1:75 l..-" to any amliorizei Rgeu4.wjJ14n'.qure r bottle eon. stornach
George Rumball (and their wive- joining for the pur wltd
S ingt %Vheat ...... ... 1:5t R, 1,57 Fbarrin:izdawer) hearing date the 22nd September tainingfiftV Pill bvr,&ttirn mail- Y,11tiquiet sieep, Aintings. trembling -i Godlerich -P. 0.
donglim-lifflepestion,low spirits, k-191itfuldre an t
ur ............... 6:00 7.00 1862. The propert) will be sold by Publi� W45
NORTHRUP & I YKAN - and -a giradual westing away 6t hiiih. ..GQderj 2R, 1 fi7.
Auction at U. M LA
0-5-1 Trueman's Auction Routita, on the WD S_
ri amily Bible' s,, -
lists, ............... 0:4.5 NewdastleG. N.jgen�ral I I'll: -ire paltiib,e and self-adminisiered - : : - .1 1 ' . .
coulliv of finron, 13Y "Virtue of' a ALT,
hild-driveoutthe worms thoroughlf"wjthout Just to hand one cast- of lartre -Family TERRITiR
a to the.-
FCA3 ................. 0: Q.� 0:701 noDd day of April Rext, at- 12, noon, itgentfoc( anadt Writ of
RArley ............ id origage., 1[3�1 Sold in Goderich by Parker I Rattle and pain and cOmpletely eleank:e the atom aell-there-, Vendilonj Expoults f&r
0- TO wlt�;.
.9() 1 :00 under the the sh Viz: Bibles in the Notes and Referen
ces, froui Part, and Fteri POela.1 for re,5idue, a-4ued 0,11 0 R SALE OR TO LEAS -E,'
Pork .................. 4:50 5:,[o Lot running number One Thou%and and ort�-eiqght, F Jordan i Olaidiner w -Co., Bayl -ld ; -James by doing away wifh the nPCPN1ltV of administer -
Potatoes,_ on the Harior Kat in the Said Town of0oderic erm., BInthum, 116zeiville J I liekard,ll cete r ; J. H. ingillastor Oilor otherunpleagant catharti�s-as $2.50 wo $20. 11 1111ir Msj�sly's Courty Court Q 13-� County
cl just Elst of Cameron'4 Bait
0:30 cash o, !redit. De#d to he giv�n undef ihe' po�veii Combe. Watts ebb, -;Inton, S cord ,ueL-- in the use of other %Vorm Med; ties. of 14111`111,� � find td rd dwebted againsti 'the '011 ACRE -9 quo
....... A T T H'Ul of'Jaines kip at Me e Raft-, "�ftb
0:17 contoLned in Mortgage. For further particul RPPIY now; E. Hicl..., Sea forth. and c-11 Medicine �3- Each box contains the fac-q, mile sign a- Lands and Ten AtXJ . 810clic"Situatelva WkftSides, 4)fth
. ... ........ .. 0:15 a 0: 17 -Vealers. w39 -Iv !pre.0f.NO9TKllOi &,Newcastle0itiarto, filelf )it 04 end 9. 's suit of RoberX a-lidrst Wfty Vjck. Also, G
hav, now -19 tort 9':00 D. SHAUE GOODINC, isXe'C:UtJO.L .11 -the right iftle.imil-i �Ms orsouth:
solicitor for Mor ateres" fil the rownsbip QrStattley, ard erot 25 at
B hun.' esterlL colicestiout,
-eon) N Rollowa� DE liaid dareiija*,-i .7 quarlv of lot 2.
I I'des ( !I ......... . 6:50 0:00 Dated 16th.Januar3r, 1867. [�ld ;a] *13 ' Ll:;zonqes, KL ...... 10:00 12 who pre the sole proprietors. SIGN AL 0
C Ply oned till TuesclRy t Uay4iner& CO, Bay- on
I . I C her. &;ld i Gouerich dy' Parker dred and sikN in �ha town'efrroderich, in the 'Wp 1) -, Ashfirld,
;�ool washed ........... 0: 2'0 (3) 0:25 The -above sale is pr,.-tp ke 4th r6b, CINIDIAN PAIN DESTROTER1 le and F_ lod I lit or fillmn", *itli the bull4pgs 'IbtrtZon
2:50 68, at 2me time and -lace. J me INWATSON'S BLOCK
Xlaod .......... 2:00. R A Vitinily Medicine, well a lid rav fielCd�" B entham. Rodgervil-le; J, Pickard, SrAl"10NER''Ya which Lamb and Tenements j shall Nov. 23, jpm. S11eeP ................. 4:00 a 0:00 orablyk-nown C�inbe, Waits &Jebb.Clinton ofler 16r at my office, in, jhc Court flo e, w44 0'rer- the j0lastow fleas where he II&I
Beef, If cwii ............ 5. The. above Sniv is 11hriller postponed until Thursday, foethe past ten years, never falling i' a Wingle in the T-l)A - Of- Goerich. 'on Tuesdav
qo (31 6:50 March 5th, 1868, at saaae lime and place. %vStd n 0 W I'll 1 ickson, Seafortli, and EVERY TFING YOU WANT in Wr ling 7-h
0:20 Inkance to give permandrit relief when timely all Medioine Dealers. Twe-1tv-Vifift day bif r- bruar- up his rour4s. in The =08L Upproprinte
Chickens ............. w43 Q3 How offering at rqry oy Lext, at the bur
0:25 clonk no.11 -to execute pictu
Ewe insulter, reg
Turkeys ............... 0:35 0q, used,and we have never known a. single case. low prweg. The -Salt Territory in fad Alhod J
Pap -r, aad Envelop
0:6-0 TRAYED lutj the premises of the Subscriber, lot 14, JOHN MACDONALD, it L-tictivii to the art.
Geese ............... 0-25 0:35 al disratislacUon here I tie directions have be -n S eon. 12, Stanley, a Red Steer, rising two years. Ar THE
The owner is requested to pro G N. B.—Old piwturps. such mg Dagraerno:.
u: oil tile- contrary a:I -are and take him away, or he will 'A types and Ambrotyr)Pz.cQpied asp t -
operly followed, bit . Sherifrs offi�-e, adricb, HE Sullseelber haing Water POWer that JiTraphs.
Godarich Salt.- 'w'h-. - - �-- cug '9, SICNAL OFF T
D;)Ck3 ----- - 15 0:20 vb".p.m.1 P-lyd
29th J 1868
deligh.led wit;i'ilsopurdtjovs, and speakin the irl' t. I c,uid be applied in sinking. u Sal MP* Johnston Coldiaily invitpa Ito olesale, f.o.b. per. bbl. Stanley, 20th January, 1868, ARKSc l -W AQ t
1.65 at the Works, 1.60. hi-heq tqrnii of its Virtue and Magical ellZets, .1 3t Godericli Jan. 13th, 1893. ve Vitlare, -14 Xivt, and GenCeman tpf %;0deri4h land Surr4)uud kilig
-A IV PA ry P E S TI? 0 YE R TA parties au opportunitv of usili - ower, cOautr.v 40
Clinton Markets. CA ZVA j�l VhN 'FOR SALE! " in "" abo q said P
S. b a`swwn for itself a repow4tion, as a b
AT A and would aluG take sha-res in the euterprise.
By spscial Teegraph to the Huron SIGNAL.) 11 ei, alterative stoinach tonic, unsurpa
N the re 0 W odd can be had at. a low figure. Apply MOve 'Him a ltriai I
liament of Canada in bist iyofinedicalpreparittions. It 8eirforritalls 2- XL t 33.SL iiix to vrhether he is WOrtbv of '00' pIr'
-asserlibling of P' 101-11 In the
Clinton. Feb. 11, 1898. Noon. 0 March, Prrtno-z PoR PaTrTATE B,LLS will be re- to cu.c,DyspPpiis, Liver Complamiq, Indires- 3r§; 3M. for fuithet, particulars to
Fall Wheat $1:65 (C-4 1: 7 5 ceived, in the ffi,usp. of Commons, until Thursday, the tion, Ilert-tburo, Sick lipadanh Kidnev;rom- HAT Lxrze , and Commodious Hotel fn the Village JvAS, tIRAWFORD. J. IV. il[ 0 H _NS110 X,
2nd of April following.
Spring do ...... ...... 1:53 (ib, 1:55 plaints, Apal Stomach Plithisi TOT Druediletti, at the Jun Part Albert, Nov. 255, 1867, w44t Goderich, Dec.,10, 186f.�
cor Asthma,and titiou of the gravel roads,
Oats ........... 0:50 R 0:62 9 W B. LINDSA-Y, reslor�s to -, ital aCtiVity the . systeid debt litdted known as the Rxeltauge HoteL It is At present draw-
Cerl�, House of Commons' by s fi9ro S 0 ing a yearly rent of $160 Price SL200 art cash, a
Barley ,uflcrin�and disease. f a ; p
.... 0:40 9,. 0:50 ss in A-uring Title Indisputable. For farther pArticulars apply
'ore throsit. Coughs, Diptheria
-NOTICE. sudden colds, 1, JOAN COPIPL&N;), Proprietor
0:65- 64 0`70 pairis m the sie,hon-q and back. iieuralgia,tooth t V magicalaadvLonderful snc& To Salt Speculators!
............ 1:00 (0-4. 1:05 i mi. td 0 number of Yein given fa; the balance.
tatoes .......... Lo WV WAI -By* 101, ik
Peas RON
Kippen. p. o.. X IMPnOV4D FARMS.
wl gln�
Butter ... ... ...... 0:15 Oil 6 PARTIES indeb0d to the estate ofJonathan Carter volie, rhetipiaticand other pains in anv parto J= 22 1868. LAND FOR
_Fz,-s. ......... 0:15 de,!eise, are h3reby notilled that all monies ow' the body drill frain whatever cause, ha; giveh i HAS REMOVED TO THE NEW STOItB in to the above men lisned estate are to b� paid to the a place in ever3r houseilold and is fas! supersed-
......... 7:50 ((t64� 0 V undersigued-per,,oitally, or to Vie agent of the Roval ing all other preparations of the TIENDIDUS q EIR andersiggliod offers forllial* about feur
Flour & AT 8 PEh CENT f
Hay 4 ......... be placed at the credit of her I Itisgiloan0feewaland p -Ind. q acres of laullin Goderich, whiesad-
8:00 (a 10:00 Bank a, Seatorth,' orner
Bruises, Sprains, -Clitlillains, Township of- West Wawauosh uutU ThursdAy, mirably adapted
di�btedness in any other manner or to any other persoit p r 0,41 q in t;e -'to!nach, I)iarh�aa, -for Salt works, being
Rides wilt do so at theirown risk. Parties h.-t�irig claims (or tbs twentieth insta it for the office of Collector of Rates bnk of the River Maitland und adjoining tile
' Burns an the
saidbank. Parties payikg their in- Scalds, romptr rrmeJy 1qr C of Suare & Hami'ItOn str WILL be recelr4d by the Municipal Council of thg ome to Invest -in Twn Fropgr1y
2.00 (i4 0:00 4"eOu`t*'tn the t
........ 6:50 (4 6: 5 0 Bt(Under Mr,` R. L, Johmon's Photograh :R006) for -the current yea J. B. GORDON,-
13eef per 100 lbs ........ 4:50 a 5.50 1 Contra accRunts) agz-drist the said estate are requested' (' notera T.rb.ra.r,BL,ll.U. Cholic, Cholera Inlan- Good security wilif e r 4 Of teu G. T. H. track. By a short' Switeli, Stilt Barrister
- I to senA a statement thereof immediately to Win. R. win, Oyscriterv, &C'. -eqfilredto tlw amolli
Chickeas per pwr ........ 0-2.5 @ 04 39 1 Bain, 19sq., Solicitor, Gude, 1(�h. Price 1) , nly 23 cents er bottle. thouslaiddollam Thil-Coancilivilt-,not"be bound, to eould be sent Eastward by rail or to the GoderiCb.1,jent.1 S. 1864
I - any todder.
Torkevs ...... ; ....... 0;4 0 (ail 0:50 MARY ANN CARTER, NOR RROP � LYMAN,. 1160002t the lowest 0 wharf for shipment. Thi -property Ralose
Apples .... ..... t JAB. SCOTT. to the we
0: 5a (q) ']I no
.75 Administratrix of said Estate. Newcastle. C. W. Tomaship CleTIL w sittking nnd,about 7i00 yards SHERIFFS SALI fje LAMS
0:08 ille, 30th day of Jantiary, 1863. w2 3t WHER9 HE HAS OPFNE at. 1868. v4td ItOmlie famous Godlerich Salt Works. This
--- 0:0.3 ec Qeneral Agent ror Canads�- li OUT A West WAwatieshi, 3�eb. I
Geese ............... 0:30 ra 0:35 1:3-1-1.1d in Cod,r,,h by Parker k Catile Find 113 CQUIAVol if r,,,,.) DY virtual cf it Wrll ir�l .
backs per pir 0:48 V. ordan; Gardiner 14, Co. Bayifl0d; James Insolveilt Aet of 1804. one of thl.*,tndst desirable plots �ow in the ri geivill ibxLvd stut
-6 1 . market, and intending operAtorl; abould exam Sol Aer litairstfx Counly
0 50 Salt Well Cla,sing, belitham, Rodgervil le; J. Pickard, P;xeter; J, B. L A R 8T 0 CK 0 F GROCERIE, S inlit it without delay.
In the matter of -D. kerr Jr, Lapils and Ttnentents ot Charleir
Seaforth Markets. Combe, Watts,& Jobb, Clintop; Sceorel, Luck 0011171 017HUron, .2tid it) wedirea-Led 4XIA.?
For patticulars apply to
now; fl� Hickson. '�-aforth, and all Itledicine bi
HE Subseribers Mantifirture and keep on hamd all D
Spe;iat, Telegm-n to Huron Siznai. purchased b' an Imolvent. -suit orConstent Van Egmulud, I bave arimW
Tsizei of W6LL CASI1 w3s y him atone of the late Greal Trade Auction Sales. A.130 JOHN HYSLOP.
Sftforth, Feb . 11, 1868,r No,)n. NQ chetip'for cash. A D V E�T-)D �heet lilas be P d takenn Execution allthe rigbi, litto mud
3L E. NDERSON, -prepared Godarich. tt-re*l ofthetstid darin-luni. Chialft ruailc#4
.... ....... y. Duades SL ul�edt to ;bjecifi)n until en TWenty- Se
London, Gat. Feb. 4t 1, 1468. W3 3pi '41101re Lot, humber 2, "We,,J
pal I W 'it -at 1:70 (4 1:72 1 Globe Foundr the ptomber 30, 1867, W36.3111191 in and to the V
LFCC * 4
Perry Davlis� Pain 101116r. niathday-of -February. One �.t&4uun'd
M� Wheat ............... 1:54 ( A NEW, STO Front QR 4 lie Vii1aze of Sginondville, ill
Spr � �4 1:60 1 K OF JURY GOO' "'L " , nA
Flour" _� . ............ 7:00 ((4 7:50 . ..... Eight Hufdrea and Sixty-eight. tbeCounty IfRuron with the bandingsthareQu
- CANAOUN C VETANCER9 %ve clip"the. following fro'ai the Providenc* Dated at Goderich, tfiii fint day of Feb- lateli, occupied 1�, I.Cbnrl*s BUti-e-ed. Wbioik
... .... ....... 0.50 '(e wbiell, Qwing to the depressed state of the wholesale t
rade, has been puirchused much ru3M A. D. 1868. lands slid tenerriental I itliall 5
Peas .................... 0-70 (1 A" general Adverliser Salt Landst, at iqy atiffice in The Colin House. 'o
r 11 At this geason when ellarlern, bullo.w the usual priLes, and SAMUEL'POLL j"th
Ra ley ................. 1:0() R, 1:10 HiiND BOOK OP.-60NCISE PRECEDEN�TS nIq of tile year OOK, GOderleb-'auTlield"Y, the fouteent day as
0: 4 5 0:50 CONVEYANCISG, ebolera morbus, dyatentery, and other kin April. next at tbu Lour All tWelve of IlLs cfauk
Butter ............ ..... 0:16 0:17. Carefii!ly revised and adapted to ther nflw JaVr. With red coai�lai - Introductimiand Nutes. Pric . e.12.00 full holid. *8cut h nis n�re sure to prevail,evorFbody
............... 0:14 0 16 1 free to any pan of Canada on receipt of arAdmit. e)uld he liberally supplied.wikh Perq- D.*vis' SURPIVACMNALD,
-and examiab the ktoiulr insolvent Act ".Of IMS,
.......... ........ 10.00 IN J. BORDAONS Veie;ablq Pain Killer. Person 1pavin Old customers and friend& we respectrully reqaested to eall
H;doz .................... 6:50- 0:0() i88 King St.. �;ro 9 01600, 9*4urlek
home, wbether it be for a days excursion or. Yud Jan. ;W. wond ........... I ......... 2:00 (a,) 2-00 J a trip to, should be in a po,,ition to In the Matter of David Honey, an Insolvent..
..... . ....... 0:'5 (a) 0:30 Mate Teacher'Wanted,
Place tbeir hands on it in a uioment's 'warn. L. W. WATS"O.N. HECredithra of the x1mve named rusoivent era nott-
- 0:60 any�diseases i incident -to the summer GODERICH. -anuary 10, 1868. the law Offlej of S. Malcommon, in
Turkeys . ...... . ....... 0.50 ina Tiled to meet at
................. 0 TEACHER holding a first-class cert* 0 W61tl the Village, -of Clinton, in the Cminty of nurorg -on
Apples .__ (,,, 0:60 11101 tbs, which will prove fatal if Hot iln-- UO REWARD.
0: 2 5 (r� 0:30 onday, the I th day of 'Februaly, 1868, it 11 o"pIcick young 411891le have iovin ;niuiuC'trda Is% M
A7 2nd eon., Ea t Wawattooh, alnewsWitt the Joik
Grepse .. ......... ficate for School Section No. 6, Ash- inediately checked, can be proMDt[V cured ...... in the foren for the public essipinatiotab-f the In- T)rp&q,-d H ),,a 4-50 field. Apply until March 1,, 1868, at by oue or twb doses of Ole Pain Kill�r. On solvent and1b the ordering of the aftirs ot the -"t&te SAX -1109 of October lid. and tanual as yet ba fhju4� it 1i
generany. SuPp011itil they � be.n ulffely len, lug URI..'
Pork .............................. 5:25 @ zj.�o which time a'selection will be made, stat- 1,J llq�
more tbAn �otje oCcasion have we been reliev- signed now alters the sh, ve rcwtiril to Aittv pentanvvUll�
'Dated at unty of Humn, this will Vve intrift birofinaliqlass will �Vad lotbli, fourio-W
JAM.8 . ILA-GE"T, ed'of int�nse suffiering by the timely use of 29.h day of I N PARCELS! ofthe Parties Who Inivetoltu themorl
Montreal Markets. .1 -
Wa t Secretary. the above named prepaiation." S. POL'LiJCK,
will give such informstionas -will le" too -011rfteve
OMCW Assignee. arthe cattle, sboulil any- ungannon p.o., Co. Huron, Feb. 6, 'd . S. Sold by tdl Drug�:isls, grocers, and 'miedi- �pqeou afth.
By special telegmp't to rae Sre,,.q&r� licinfirepimp and rouadirgritted. Their evoiripiiallil*
eine,dealers. I
as -14 tows -1 yoke p". ter" A yaltre ai all red"Nuu,
MOY=AL, Feb. 11. Rotice of'Partnership 1 PFRRY DVIS & SON. h" 1031 the hall Of Ill. U.7n ; I b r 3 yatatit 41f
xpotted red and white ; 2 year] mg be!
FLOUR. --Superior extra� ...... 8:00 @ 8:25 INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. 2 TO :5ACRES"111
Extra .................. 7:90 @ 8:00 E the undersigned have this dayentered into part; ran and Whitc the iothara daik red.
W nenhip in the Banking and Exchang-, Business 21 a 398 St. Pual atteet Montreal.
w"n in the fflattee0frohn Cox, an Tusaliltnt. N X,-Ality hint *MI Am grailifully T"ei3r*4 ks I
Fancy .................. 7:770 @ 6:75 under the firm and style Of Dean an(i Smart. LL parties indelitoa io the, hquitle of the aboya.; ll AND 11MEDIATIOLT
W. Canalsuper ...... ":50 @ 7:55 O&:e, West 9treet, 3 doors east of the Post office, t named Insolvent ari required !a make jm editla' THOU" 210 &an.
Goderi It, Ontario. In um -WA
Super NTo I C. wheat 71.50 - @ 7:65 'Net) Abbrrustmes-ti.. Yineut to Mr. John S. Porter at bis office in Staforih A111111 _r.
16 JOEL DEAN. 91. Porter is authorized to grant reCiBiptll. Debtors wilt ADJOINING
Western 7:50 @ 7:55 W F. F. SMART'. pave costs by Settling their accounts I
2 7:10 @ 7:2& J&`- W3,3t; L I.2'A.R 8 W. -F.F DL&Y.
Bag per 109 lbs 3:60 9 3:70 Official Assignee.
h, Stith Jenuary, 1808. W2 at
WEIZAT—Sprin ................... 1:70 @ 1:10 MI, BE AT TIM HURON HOTF WHO WAOS A WILL
rAT M "V V Lb
Canada Fall ......... 0:00 @ 0:00 W Goderiob, on Wednesday, the' 121,
inst. Wher., those desiring his services.can INSOLVENT ACT OF 1861. Preselit''Salt We4, Otlevis
Western ............... 0:00 0:001 Ateut Reservo W-01 I consult hirri from 10 a. Or ill C
OATS. —'Per 32 lbs ............... 0:46 0:47 UOHAIR 9a OHM& M., Lo 4 p.m. AT Tlftt;
B-AaLmy. —Per 48 1b3 ............ 0:90 0 1:06 Goderich, Feb. 7�h, IN& sw47 2t 7: Providte of Ontario, I TN the County Court of. thi T" �Sabacrlberl having pureba ad Ile riftt *Pv
To Wit: S County of Huron, this Zonstyofilve above wrli. will -be :Vrepar-4
In. the 03htter of Joseph Thompson, junr, an Insolvent* td lace the newsiyle nfr.binp, * arder. in a few A:sy-,
Bu=it.—Dairy ....... I .......... 0:W '@ 0:0& GODERICH, ON're atico is here 41 giv biten tiftnounced 11tr a ill:iorough test its Gwtr.
by given that on. Monday, statiop, 3 -
Store Padked ......... 0:14 d 0:18' Phe Sixth day OfAprilue ot elva of the clock noon, oras soon as
an -el can be he4rd, the undersigned will ap 11 gistovefed. The
AsHBs.—Pot3 ..................... 5:20 @ 5:25 Ply to the
Pearls .................. 5 -7'5 @ 5:80 NEW GROCERY -J ge ofthe said Court at his chambers within an heurol alarnuX.
e the siddAct, ly A.Weli 4n beptildown itilcitchen. wasItzrommis 'ale
Highst Prica- Taid r AND
GOLD in New York at 12 oefock 1 -4!4 * fo ad) JOSEPH TH03EMON, Jaritior, or por-room, without remoiiug�or iiijuring the CoLrop
PORK. e3s, .................. 19:(* @a9-0 ALL KISPS or by ids Attorney. M. C. CAlff]gROW '4 an
31 . _* Ch..*r d lbcil�r th.ti-th. elidimaTy weU jmd
Prime Mesa ......... 14:00 014:00 Flour and. Fe8d Store. CHARLES F. CLA-UR, pulft
-Solicitor at litent. Goderiell, Nov. vtAlr.-V
Prime .................. J& W*6tf
W @13:00 Dated at Exeter, In tho County of Hurcin this fourth rimit, and wu� wiloeii4
DItZ39RD HOGS .................. 0-:75 @ 5:25 A )t[ER I ICAN BONDS., dxy of Februltry,48611. 2m: MUR11,14y Du AN.
PEAS ........................ 0:86.0 0197 OBINS01 ffitt T WM.'- R F, Gr 9, C, 0 'TRR.'RTT07R V
Wake, on the 9th of P.yz Aoup . ............... 5'.95 a 6:00 91 0 0
nEgs res ectfitilly to announ to tb;
TmcmAs Rrmzr, to Liverpool Miarkets. GOLD, 81i Vir Rl,, CONNER-0111i AJ habitants - of Goderich and vicinity that HAM11,,T'0N7i ONTA RIO,
he big' colom
x-ADzers-7, both of Tuck� encedin -the Above line in Mr. Provin"OfOntarlo,) TIQ TUN COUItTY COMUT SHMIFT'S SAL2,07 I -Mi.
&ND BANK OF Smaill's ol . id stand, MAN UVACTURERS OF Qpunty of Huron. f JL. of the County of Hurollk. ITHI N 160 V T
LivzapooL, Feb. 8th, IM. akdo of 146 prpsent 0iiiierith
MARINE3 STATIONARY -AND PORTABLE the m ittt�tfAleza�ncler JKcDarAW, an filselystiL W slit Works. - Alab, CoUnty 4of flurolit Y virtue of a Wit of
Rty ADA MtS, CORN K Monday, the 'ftth dal 'AprH hext, --Jh �im To Wit: 4 B Firm Fa�ivtq laimed, Doi
ke on the 7th ult., Cotton firm and unchanged. Breadstuffs
0, 31iss CEL UPPXJ" VaN ER OF SQUARE & ]URTH ST i _dek� F Alt M L N G I AN-DAS of tier Majestv's 0r;untyBDnrt or-theVaitled
Signed will ftlyto the JudgeF af the -cud
for a discharge jander thi Wd Act
ARLO= quiet. In the Grocary-, DapartmentAle will ke*, GINES &BOILERS -0
STEAM EN "ateltleit -Ili that iocitlity. Apply tb f-' ounties 00qr,�n And Bruce, a nd to me directed
11 Dated at C110diftch, this 20th i6y of Jannary, JMX BELL 4301LI)ON, . 4
aN;-ke on the 3rd ult., 144W TDo'bletisewnts. .A— rr :Bmis�r �on band good arQldg, sind so P a OF ALI, SiZES. ALSO, 1968. gainst the l2nds and tonemesis mi Villlllxl�
oz�. . . . I SOIJcltor,,, Goopri'sh � Vlfirks.iat The Efiftei Williant N. - anitin, I jitnvq
t, 314,1- the illeapest. ALEXA"34 McDPINAW, %aiderichi I I at Dee.. 7866. W4rAt sq�zed suild liiken in exceution 1kv,1oIIowjsM
�XAzy A- Fllm- OFFicE—Wisst r3treat, 3 ra 7 East of PAW t-0 the line of* go Biyi�-Go"Oir:
�Tp. Particular attentioni By r. His Atto property, V�JX.' ItIl the fill# and niteroal of
Post Office. W1T atll)i 18CATORS.
ifte.-GRA dortridlitnt in'lind to lot Pumber lareb in
FL 1-118 1
Gn the Ist ult., OUR AND FEED S t 1 0 am Saw Mills, am d, G r, fst- SabNeVvilicenion,
Stephen.in1he Conuly of Huron, virtich Igues
i* 31iS3'KTT7A Cw�cALCIL--CWXX651h IT's �A
Rind as the advertiser has bad many years' TWOSTSAM Hiq.Gl -MRS as good: as new,
litod tenements I �shill -oll-vir for s*lo at *n--'*lKve
G941firigh, Feb. 10, 1868. experience in that branch of business' h MINMG H�OfSTING AND PTT%iPyva M A n a iliv_ QIPWALIF 1DW11,91150 I iv 4 ..r. lli�_ U. -4
rgat T-DWn3WF1 Of 13�r--C�
P=d,on. thek2hdiinst,
[20��d 53-yeam.
highly rE_
Y, and WW
erY updartak:ing thv&
public interest. Hlw
r-ervative in- politic&
of -patriotism
to 13,ftfsh crown.
L4 aftributed to in-�F
a fan aming, the Veni-
a rns anotther_noblg�-
Wafted to the sceneg
-f'� L-714-,-3 =d Mi= 7
country by the well -
devil% incarnatle. D*--
Wa3 with his team
em of Drt THOnRulkwv
one of -the b:y--
" � of logs hav-
Gz-_ tL- read by the,
bee himself since.
sa ealdren, to mou=.
M peace.
ff�;WTA C61rdbaoill fix
Az -
4C _694
U I& maw 9A.727.46t
0 i* o0iiii- 01*11mw
ifirou;hoat (Xnv�
rMed may zemAk.
I . 7 7 - t, F , : , . - nx n ert for nale 'in luc Uourluvqsep in t1he rowin e
a- 1- 7
Ij4mlas, AND BOILER MAKEA8' TOOLS! th Particlilars at itis office. ot Tuerdnyl tle 1wettly-fitat-day of April nelt,
'Cordwood Wante& Goderieb Ve4--,1,:18dS. ow4 if f EASY, TERXIS 2.1867. ALtke hour OfTwelve'af Law ciaoic. noon.
Nk")TICE, ;211i. #4.5
Lathes, Pianeine, Drillina, SC'rpwi . nit, and Slottint Atiliehinesi Plll�e Jr 1�- G04MON'.
ASH WILL HE PlIp'lor.' ard
I - 79 Salt SOMM Sheriff'A Office, Godwirb,
SEALED -TENDERS C Anniversary Services. Punching Machines, A6., Jan. 14th, 1868. w5lif
Hamilton, Ontario, Jan. d1h, 1868. G` ftd itshi- 13thJanu.ary, ItC$. '-whi
PA ejU HC41s15 P4GW*t _B01ler, neArly n6W, tdgjEh_
Will be reciived by the County Surveyor GOOD C'JRDWOOD'I- A"HoRsHrOwEREN ar
y DISSQLUTION. of S -bq;
bn the part of We Corporation of - the- AT THE vvegfio an u r 6h ItTXn Af P with &11 the necossfry toobit for xmg %o� �zlat 0_ron,
ind a thide inch puttip, vith ftbing for, jitalm chesr.
RUROW 15A'L.T WEI�L. I c;l "_1 �, ,
0ouutyof Iffuronuntil iTARTED AFRES
qua&u to certify tutHavry -Aua williaiiii 1PAY $*- I
-The 15th -day of the, Present X611% Apply at the Fatindry to. _.L. - . - , -goUB13.
Martin has thin day di�ssoived partner- 101106311.
R. RUNDf MAN* THE MV-. 4-A.ME9-zEU1i1O T1 S .01 by Jan. 14, 1111111L. *52
T i j*ddal ftten
volt Huron Saltwell, Feb. 10jJ8tjV. w3t( _:graSdsntqf -EL,"L 1, N� �G _OFF� Pt
ealoyalt Conference; will preachin
pr Weslev. church. onderih. �SWT ][Iq
T, VEND�115195 -WALIN�ftei. -wi-muL 0 -Goderich, February 1st, 1868.
ON B, T4, 16TH' -FZBRVA4Y, into the lorstalm Of the subli6lber, lot SL
conce3sion 5, Tackerstnith, abolti; the jnIddle of
rec"ved Up to th" 22fid at 112- in., 113ed 6-30 A Collectiozi *ill 16a t�ken C"o -
A TE rb hary, for., building a frame'scho, 1, upateach,§pirrice. N.,B.,-Busirtess to' be c ilsd �,Dn June last. a red yearling steer. TheowuteruTequeat-
shfield Road, `f,,MR" "Fill b
_W2 3&- 'ad to pWye propertif, pay, chaVa. gla tilke It away. 4
-No. 3, Ashfield ac
Hoilw lor School Riection DAVW WAJLKER.
Qua may be seen at the offleA 11111yers'ary ire U �S T Jan z1h, INS,
r Will be held in the Lehwe Room of'said c X
.1 A T 10. ir
in Port Albert.
bf the Subscriber in Cliotou, or at AT1V do not blnd tbemselvvs to a4ept the loweq o" 3:
atfiy tender. c
D024ALD McDONAID of -b - of the
e merq. era
Tenders will also be received up to the -A o givemagom
illu, I t ie� Faloton,
Graham'& Tavern seen in the ands of the subscriber: Thetruitees -r'G- UP B I E'S"
Specificati cording to T ans and spmeifications that 1�, Tho -A 8-0* a G., I V I � TN
- . Tev� be served af� 7 o'cIqclL .1, _ team Ax
]Reform AS50datiOn Of -80111ltl� kiirbIlt ig.odxtir credit lo my-'-wffe TAit
Same' date for the completion of the kin-dil. February W3 3w* Addresses by�he- Rev. Jazues Elliott and re- Tick- afiefli Rud#, Qua
eta to 1imhad at the, usual pIsc ws, willbe.-hiald in Bracefield,onlin lavgigifiirdavfefi,tny�6eo�pudb6ard without aiiyjip. JOHN WPMERSONY.
The funds tr�sadfzed are to assist in en 41a par- of wKiCh ai tiftble cause or provo-ati6u, atud that I Will out be is-
214,inst at I oldidelk" P. spg
-ae- tion —Pri ible tfirmfor.
6 Savage. IR
ed at Exeter, in
Wrozeter and, Belm6re Road, C 0 UC A *�ill �Idiiet�hkel'kce. tbrCoustyii�liar XGS to annollince to the ptibhe that ill
onj ADMISSION --- 3ij CEN71j. intoresie on this 7k.
Specifications may. �e seen �t clint Notice, oti acqom by "OOX, Secre 1 first day of Jamiary.1W
Children un! der 14 yeaA 0 ctaj W. V
parents or up. -paw tuy. - I&I[AIEL RUDDY no� pr6pated, vith new And imprtired
or at Mr. lr;vin's in Belmore.
E_ lL. cb. 4tk INS. r2 ww. Lot=, con.ATPiwtabil sbome. lard niteltinery, to urn out hm -z"_ nor
Eacti Contractor to furnislt two solvent
WN, -STEWART 1 c'oAm'?13� F-eb-* 1PN, *2 4t W litherta, *n4
freeholder3as suretyfor the due fulfiIiiiiiint pq Jarger safitill tillys ilhan
tim 111tROANTILE -XGENCW8 )es te five the 1kat )-,$I -
of the contract. Ci
SERVANTS, WANTEE. HAS DE-TERAIDNED TO SELL OF1? HIS'StOO: Tkirts up to the -pizattestit.
XAM stonded hN el
BAlt, K 0 -11U-011H FOR INTABI o I These ax&s have gitined ^ wide-spretta
roa TIM
0 o Warily tbrangbout Hurnn snd Bruce.
County Surveyor. ANTEiWin a Gentleman's _p.
Goderieh,� Feb. 1st; 1868;, w3td Two - Girls, as Cook and
Fami y i
3,einftm.biq the allop. -U3raer a rk saerl6a
Doiftinjon of Canada,
Secu tg Nuirse. Apply at this dffie-e* IFFORD,
1,79 W
re Ndj;ziedina ftbitzbedby.T.
the A4 Ligb6onse �dreeis.
R8 00 _-3ha&* ere the i Goderielij Feb. 7th, 1868. sw.17 2t. IN returning -1hu !�oiqeTieh, Pile. 1i 186T. W4-�tl
LIST 4forr-Weliberlal -Stippbrt
1%0*IW6F011 61VAM0
A,* wilff and,patruli4go be b&xr#eeivgd f6r, thiii i
in Go6rieli Post affi es flAME Ind of the Subscri her, lot S. k�p m 'ADO
C on .14, 'OLOTHI
R cOntiessi U. CoMbome. Aboutthe lot Sep er last 12 years, begw leave to. Sd
lar, - 6ima V iliAt by.4he
or s o d PRI01E L L. B,, KINGSTON, n1iin*
'llanGeo-Mrs- AlezaaderP.11 ry.heismw
0 A to.prova,ptopeft ity c 3; a ad to pa tAll dealim Withall kinds of
D.&VID pply,ze
-bill futurM14 liontzome Ill A 3T Soul all -ciackers 1
. -16
the 11tk #sjf I White and the v
-of Feb. 1863,
0 0 pi.
.1 -sit' tw 'r ;� qu,
t ""y A
h - =e' he
Cillberit, J 11it L
-Bi it
*hicl'he thinks* *ill be Ta:6je 44V.;1nt%g*0Ua1,;
ifing #Pm ',JMZFS, *ddrome4jo *a 1dH
-KaL ,to- tbeconsipmer tbart." impiD g
izav* T 'd at 0#*wjibzt1:xG�z; *nF114ity.'i5lb
other Villicift.
4- XcLEOD B4?LM' T-BRS, lettrawy,109, for the �eoxvayzlnoo-af UtT MajesW-v
-maxt' 264hol. fl�ast be goll: -in dbe weeig. C111111 liiarly ani gee re to 'lud z
IMA'VING, a li liIi e t 614f N. MJ, 6f ot 5i W.'D., Ashileld; c6u41
wely purc. wif-
Nnny Joh-lill ti the- df the, th LISTW-THICAS:. IM �3,-on am mantr*
Wit Tivern,-tin the �,G�& its _prope�
10 t", Yqll.�road, 12 itoWn,'. -few 7-31 114 41114 4
adt We ta 1or
XL which enalileir litrzi tO, ril -go4&, Ifigli rinij Ito
Diiii-At Urs Salt, irt -br. .-Milds *QrMA zcb�. barclliins novil-offe or aslo
TEA '12na o tY� I 40:ams -OelLolearek jud, fteed. Fa4aitiscult bv lite
lLbqV8:;WMkVMJ)`b1hh-6d alloy. in January
%hoiggtaphi made- fl6h 7,
r inf, IAN
Arew wba -A&0allfug he Aijowtippt'll 4%
- -;, �: il - %nod to Mi6et �&vzut. -Joni feu, ly
-GIASW WHOUSE, W St. "4646#6 1
�Alli[the.vlt4,-po -Mir&itiW111F not title 0 0 An IONDO.
Mtffn of + 0, of -TOLIM r=- WMM
-orch it Aorodus Ot,vathouc,'
F 0 �0 a A.
17AtIo 2ractict and -=AO of the
kfr 116--ja eid P 'E'R, - -'s
PU , rule y on
4 VA P
rge. i) auttil q4e,- th - Law�dfXafitirupand Twilrej a,
TM�eXarkifAndl straUtinbf-Des is
ViVA 9 ofthb4A*.,of Loliaiil�_-v
T. liabilffieliviiindl
-W tuft 0406eh AU6-thg NeIr __u
-Th4A -mdLzwUtdmbraft=&nYaAc orgm-
Vim _7
in eye 0' 4D
cabilidt Pic re"
d6ii4 2 (11U�. e d'Z"dy, 4twill A*
-fe-M W
Or (3)� os,
neenr Arthoit, Thant - 'it,u Win- Ash
DI-`ffPoneWa -Vettirm, iot t1le, ;d- top
-64114herarid'..'et bolle
100rdan it f,00 .11 Any.
6 WAlfef
riwfimei at 1i Te
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