Semi Weekly Signal, 1868-01-10, Page 3r
1 .1,
4 ip,
7 U;
pro T
Nst aeduai ramedyf or cougi �j, LAY In V=14an the
aua irlitiiinm Of aa t1irclat caused by- cold,
tz vkon of the vce&'-,orgmu Mrs. Warnock
urned al
Bems�to acquaint tbe Ii a of Go4erich Ike, ;fan traodfair; i3f
r to r1tilt Rye n Ad 1463zi 1: entire fTeedom from e
au� vicinity that she his re ed her busi. histRucet to give.P rinnnnent, relt 1. 4
all ddl WE -dients renders Br
ess-after the recen, sh sires to usedo, �h 'ever kno i
!&Tafe -or Cough t bre de �a weh. "�Oi a.
thank them for their kind palrZon and U) Ot disilatistact-,p where The drgatiwis, have �Oea -Thissuvalou ii intwung I I 11�13r.
Loz=�S6; a bafe remedy for the most aeli-
t 0 tl fhore ill[ and-Jaagiirouis Will ses. ILES VALSTI
�:At- P- caused them
-hloll'thedu a turlon. I
tobehel,cl tow U-SIf X
tin -troperIF ved,bu a are c rd ofall fhwre T
suretbomtbat no eff1rort W toUo,. is sub* L" I I � W
in the )R TX - -
lo, have used them. on ]ter part to secure a continuance the. r 4eizzil:tia with Its ulieratin't1s, and spTak I - -
ih esteem by wl slittalre viallobstruttioils -t -
hind favors.:
Bed ine� De era at 25ato. peiz highwO thrins of its Virtue and aispe' ady re may be re OR, is he'
reby given that a,
Mrs. Wriiciel- lilewise beg -Titr CAAr.4DjAjVpAt2V j)SSTR0y.6R OTICL arvil to talm coatmels td 4n%
,&'to in o lots which w� vire unsold zAt the'la sink turtii6l), sali wells on dw
2s bee 'WES t p rtiesgoingto-Earop.6 that she h h us won for itself A reput,)tion; as a blood part- Tf ED. LAI and Qe , _Iteiiil terms. From, -
commissionei d by �tonic,-unsurpass d Ili the it is peculiarly will,* ul:a U6 tif1ands -for Taxe, bbid on 10th nt, will be-agAin ollicred-for i5ale, on
Nessr& F. McDonald & Co., ei, ilierative steinlieh
Niv Yoe , to digposQ of their tickets, drafts; I Of . y"DI'medical preparations, it keldoinlaiia, bring on tile monthlkpet')Od.Wft
One , D611A
&a., for that Trailsiluntid Line of Steamers, toe rc Dyspepsia, Livar Complaints,. 'Khursday,, the-. 30th jalili factoxi rekrerices ior 'sbcurUy.' Parties
Gvery young lady arid gentleman in the 11tified Stato jy c;m. erjudent Slump ofGreat Britail�tl�pfevolL cqun-�'
tion ea-tburii, Sit�k eada.che, Kidne Indhtvs. Eitch bottl$, price
,STP.ANGE., BUT-TRU19- Liverpool, erfeits*, am hear something very, much to their advantage by from New Yorlic-to, Londonderry. plai ti, cal Stomach'Ifthi4ic or Asthma,, and 0-9, 1 . 2
in P Tesior-st -%itrlYactivit�ibe system dclitaitated at tli_e� Court House in tbe* IPA vantag 10,
allot! u= tue cot chargil, by addre - to ve C1
a -sin, the under and Glasgow. Their lines of Ste4 shi s are ots &C.Si ,
igf. L 7?ie having. fears of being hamhuggvd,will So ravu teb;at2'p.m.� when toe -said a
-n w t the public for ',,4nd'disease -
All others will9lbase atety, by suflerin& ifeLLING, AT Ar mbly L 0 n Q a 10 its magica4 nd a ond t e sold for any's . III which c4u he� li a r
speed, and cheapness that they irequire no 4ful, success in ouring it - I , I,
A licy, as al -0 n4re to &�ag. 4'Ns 7
�TIIOS. P. CHAPMAN, sudden colds, throsit; Coughs, Dipthrria 0,�
The unsold lads comprises lots in Z- - '
comment VERY"ZiMtPRIOES. 91Dv`. fi, W-1117GO 831 Druadviay. New York pains in the sidelTris and back, neuralgia,tooth a _"t alk1/ ?Iherji e e." ! _ ,
Mirket bquure,. V,(Yrubr of Hamilton St in any paft o I fe' 6 ' I all cases of Nervous nil I
ache, rhefimatic pridutherpai Town'sh of AflTe—inaile.
43Qderich, Z2 Nov. 1867. llt-e, has gives. i Pains, ilk tile Back and i A, ip
w44 the body dna from wara ever ca Village clifitph.
-W-AfS1CkRS_1 I 'the Ff6art, rics nil AT THE Of
q place in every house r Id and Is fils, supersed- exertion, Palpitation of' A$. It I r Lg. N 0 EV, pj-m
itig all other preparati I f the kind. Whites, these Fills will e act a cure w ec"all
Dr. L. 0. %1014TrZ-C6rrdza. the areatest mint STARTED AFRtSH! It is also an fAccluslor ,ly for �otlier.medna have railed, -arid althouel a, f9wer.. li Offi it 11 Southimpton. Y b.,
0-1 tbe t b Diarlicea, inbov, oranytili6ghurtru d a 14 Airlleyvill�' G.Ontari I ultitor in ttle World. will force Whiskers or Nlu� Scalds, 'Burns, Bruisis, rains, Itilains, fRlremedy, do not coAtan) iron. calt lie. aiitLz, Port Albert in Vp of Lucia taches, in groiv on the smoothest rice or chin, I t "' tb.e A o' at uirtin. I a At never known to fail. Simple f Prost Bites, Craolpq in I , r I I i Provzslon Ire nu�
or trial sent free PL DI a Intau- - Fall thre6tions; in the xianiphlet ai load each. t, to any Otte desirow; of esting its merits. Adilrass Lakeview . H iy. a morbus, Milhou� Cholic; I*& -package, which should be carefu,ly I und6rdiziled will reveive Seal Rrvm & Co, 78 Nat. nu St., N. Y. juin, Dysenterv, &c. I I I i I Summer. Hill Hullett, e'reellon pf"a Salt E
(No letters taken unless prepaid.) Price only 26 cents per bottle. Sole ij�nt for the Li nited States -in- CanddO,, lor the Pilot River rcaheto
NORTRROP,� LY ochep�er, N.Y.'. Bayfield eiam-Lot.uplothe i�
era -'ith iiiag cari�, Newcastle. 0. N. B, 1.00 and six po:4ttige sufm s, encloje tin FOURTH OF JANURY., .18�681 a Dr9imitig Vases,
.1 -izei Fig Zet),tid Ttr'rt -a' General AFent for Ca a- to any aulh�Di gent will insure it bottleodn. rry
0sh accordlua to plans andspecificalious m.hisoYrtee. . POLenl?y tot
tainstigilliv Pill by return '_ ' ' i, -
TO Ct3.*XSU.MPT1 9. la-Suld in Coderieh by Parker &I Cattle d Writin.7 ppsh:W1 ABlyth E Wa,,an Security will bil required -Sur the duo _complo� S;eamers, G
avist TheadveMser, h hjull restoredto health in F. Jordan; Gardiner &-. Co. Bayfleld; am NORTHRUP&I YKANJ Aln;ermqv 20 Arrati tion.,ot tile work. I=Prove nt. �il
owivei!ks bFaverysiraffereniedy, aftei having sut Bentham, Rodgervilie;J Pickard,.Xe r; J. 1york 86Xes, Baluclwia 11 Carriok 1he company do nol bilid themselves to accept 8 1 tbculd 'I*
_'co . i ubjec
ere4forseveralyeun with tev�ro lung tuTaction, azill nibe, Watts & Yebb, Clitilp; See , uck iffi, Port Elgin Saugeen tbe lowest �r any 1'ender. hat dread disease. ConsumAtoni-is ��2xous'tn maka and 4 1 edicine airectfid
known to lits fe now Port Bruce Bruce Aim, rz*51zza7ks,,
ufferern the ine2ris ofeure. Dealers. FA dan;-Grajdinerc6-Xo.' W.1"Atil. 1,I)EPAnnim,
j B9vVfld- I ame" crivil, Dee. 13,3867.
ill send acopy of tho, or":L Bent lit At
� Sold in Godelich by Parkei Cattle ii�d Tea. Vaild criptton tisad(free ofebarge). withillediWetious rorpre- Steani. Axe FaejWry,, It ue� atis Utb; , Q'iri add- Papler MtiAe A. M. ROSS,
parnig and using the wime. which they wilt f Curn
ind a svan MOTHERS, READ THIS !-HOLLO- ickson,seafurtfi.t.- ql*lf,l 'U C
C1112c for AsTnmA, SitonturTls. Couousi now; E, 0'edi, 'TD T130810- TnUATIXG TO TUP.
HN MCP firv. wl- Coromandel Woody Treasurer, eiy. uron.- A
J0 -HERSON9 WiiY�S WORINILOZENGES are a certain and SAX, I CoLmond ai)Thr=t and tr Affe6ions The o I t j)eal SR:;7
., % I County Treastiver's Officip,
ei�ject ofthe advertilserin rending the Prescripttov-pr;Lvo k6aewtiod guldion and Derplop t .1r
L-eraefit the DO cted. atta i�pmad mr 1_*EGS I announce to the pubh?_- that he is I I . Prtection, Re
6rrautiou which ht� sare remedy for Walrus in Children and Adults. Goderich,.Dec.; 11 th. 1861. j w471
t4beinvaluable.atidheltopesevervsdfferqt i Ste M"Migines for Salet;
nR.w prepared, with new and imprdved -Atlitis a Nvell-known and jimaneholy -tact Perr* 11D) 1§9 Pal
tvill try his iemedy. as it will cost them nothing, and of� F iah. zP(I'V isli Cals,'and 0vtIPY-1
at�am eitachinery, to, ifirn out Iiii superior that one great cameol'death Dinting children is �Plctti
Walnut, -NTT T.JS.- dj�ls Fromotlonii
a blessing. d Hoin Po7ier En -hies and Boil- for Pirtzes wishing the prescription*ritm by return 'nail axes In larger quantities than hitherto, and from Worms aione, it tannot l -e too 'dteply tin- We -clip the follovwvl i Hungarian Ash'
wilt please addresil pressed upon the nunds os'parents tile necessity fhzuld be Rev. V.DW&.,RD A: WILS011, hopes to give the same; §atikfitetion that has it I Advcr(fjq.E arly slow, by, Beckoft for Falm
ofeloselv watching their rhildren. Bysodaing. Ge era I
and other Faucy"Wocrds,� at the I 'I Dxp4uTmUXT ornArINQ AND FISME131ES;
W l9amsbare. Shiss Co.. New Yok attended his efforts up to the present. 3u&unersiauding the ymptons artil'true cause it At this season, of -the ar when clioler . . . " .. I I i��p Apply to
base axes lit 'de4prbad disease, th6lisands of children mi2ht be b 'other OPFIbE.. STar Z�4ekica V, ranck
T Lve gained a wl it SIGXA2r v,
c olera morbus, dyfftiintery, ra kin.
popularity throughnut Hilron aild Bruce. $aved rro�n. earl y -Pavu%. Synt? roms or WoRms: Lbridon.
dred complaints are sure to pre il,evpr�.body
Remember the shop-- Corner of Waterloo i -The fullouing are a fewafthe very numerous D-45 2V7 sy�iptoms and diseases whie'll are caused by sh6uld be liberally supplied witi, rry.D�vi4' 7.
and Lighthouse streets. wilit: Deranged appetitelemeciated extrem . - , j 19P.111ORS 01F YOVT 1I Wc Vegeiable Fain 11iller. Per an 1pavirlir
T 1867. Goderich, Dee . 1867. w45tf offimsive bretith, frequent piering at. !he home, whether it be for a days ex u on or
4 Geutlez;Zmo whosna��red for yea from Nervous
grinding of the teeth during sleep, hardtiess a trip to R, should be in a prisitj to, Salt La- 1i ds !A' RARE ANICE Premature Vecay, and all the eilects ofyouth-� ofth-t belly, w;tu frequent slimy stools and in a momenVa wa, 11 CTH-PLATI 0 W, A R I I
Nvill for the sake of,susi--riag butunnitv ate their hands on it
at motirnes convulsive.fits; pain im thn he.& a lid
tend free to all who need' ections stomach, unquiet steep, l4intings, tretubling, Ing Many liseuses in incident. to tb BUM. a
it- the recipe and dir 40EL ANT rreon 4,111 doughs, mdepestionjow spirits, Inglattil dreams, monthi; which will proire fatal I wa t 4 to wear equal t6,silve'
rzakingthe simp.eramedy by which he wascured8 SOTUTHING n6t im'. rfan a r-
erero wishing to profit by the zdvc7liser's experien't ti L gradual awaT of flesh. mediately checked, can'be promp I cured %vr, substattial and appropriate dbriallmas Now. pbot.6&raph G all -q! RUM -the boring -of 1b, 11
atua do so by- addressing
I'hey are pal-itab.e ande -administered to the by one or tw doses of 6e Pain ID r. - li Presents),
That Everyb6dy Need,s. ehild-driveojittlieworms thoroughly without lie No.13. ChainbemSt.-New York. more than Que occasion hoe we be�;, '�eliqv' errzu
pain andcompletelytileause thestornaell--illert- IN WA10S N t EfLdck,� _zelnfi q a new d
uy doing away with thq neues,ity of administer- ad of S 1150
& oice Assortment! Teogill6i h-DuEe. Tito wed is sual, boh,
ARMERS ! Mechanics! Professional Men intunse ufferinkky the tim ise of Ov r the Glas�ow .ouse, where he, has
$- a
JANUARY. F 3r yoursel ,i,. Casior Oi I or other unpleasant cathartw&-as the above named I
Merchants I Do you want, fi prepaiation." -V�l I I 11)na wellpiped. An� poomat wighing to lecie
in the use of other Worm edicine di. gnal Offlee. fitted up bis rooms. in the most appropriate Mitl walli sb4 it On very reanon-
FACT tht Cannot be denieO. Let any ves, your sons.'or those in your employ that aS�ld by all Drugzistsj. grocers, At ffhe 81 ry style"
P:3- Each box contains the lac�qimile signs-,' - manner, to execute pictures in eve
A man eng-aging in the practice of medi- knowledge that will enable you, or them, ture.0fNORT1,11101? & L. YMA-i, N�tvcastle Ontario,, Pr4,RRY DAVIS known to the art.* jO
bilie accomplish in the samelength of time, to carry on business syste atically �and safe- who are the ole proprietors. N. B. -Old picturesi such as I�iiulerro- Go
oniilting cures-thqt ly, and without the annoy nee and expense - N. B,-A.ktf0r Rolzozi=ej wo�= otenges, Pwfirietors. 0�& �.4RGE AA JITMFNT Oi iypiiand Ambrotypeitcapiedp
the gamenumber of ast 0 s photographs. a Li of th , and take nt3 other. Sold in Gooerich dy Park -or' 21w 3m. 380 St. Paul street Montreal" I . . . Danganon p.0.
have really been-necomplished bythegreit of calling upon som Mr. Johnston 'Cordially invites tliq,4Ladies
& Caftle and F. Jordon -, (+ardiner & Co., Bay. Dop- 21, 1861. V146 Z)*
&oshoneesRemedy, and his reputation who will char, -"OAV' X LLE p you Fi a or , en Dollars ter BOGY and Gentleman of Godeiich and surrdandloly
field: J allies Bentham, Rodgerville; J. Pickard, p
e made. his half oues use of the pen? such a ARC E US
vnH be established and, his fortun Exeter; J. 1-kCt,m6e, %Vatis &Jebb.Clinton countq td,
able you to keep an Secord-, Lucknow -, S. ickson, QUEEN,
L-st this great Indian Medicine be what it knowledge as will an Seafortif, and tfewlkft4�yles: rjust i1raport an4
way has indeed a. wonderful influence in �ccurate account of your receipts and �ex- all Meditine Deai-2rs. %43 a� j- CUve -10m a Trial ANYGIING FROM F a'r' M' fol r S Al
ifying the blood, and curing diseases of pen,. lFor shl-6. Oh6a.
ditures, your aams and your losses, on
plax INFURAN as tn, wfiether he I, worth,
01D N. At t.110 Signal -offlep.
anufatturea, or your stock SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAZOS opm '0 'A C S!
the Digestive Org�ns, the Lungs, Liver, your crops, your in TTSRP90L L 0 J. - Mr. JOHNSTON 2 it
Hion6y3i &c. 13m bait of lot 'of'. iq t10 3th in trade ? So that by knowing each day Godericb, De�. 16. 1867. w4W
exactly the state of your affairs, you may by Cou of Huron, Y virtue cf a writ Cf CAPI TE' sz;Dth
W1 ie TAL ;9% , a
ng D., ofAslifivld, e leD CTO,
r Faciss, issued out 0 - ,
P16V �.BF li 00 stef� LAND IMMEDIATELY
t of them! avoid losses,- _a proper managemen I of der Majesty.1i County ING his lot 1 financial embarrassment,. and bankruptcy, rourt Huron, ohd io me directed astaltist. -CTiuw OFTZcE-Queen Buildings, Liverpool. ROANME AGEXCrTS LIST ou suddenly be caUed Of CANLDA BRANCH OrFICE-U61111ge BUildin
P -R- I C hr 0 andso thatshould y Lands and renbmentg of Charl�s #list ed, at morl"ago prt"�3' at io, por nztoya�t
away avle -seized z
In nua Ias,
No. I et Wator 7c per lb. Board - WuL millson, Esq , Chairman; - Henry A 'C "hoT or,
RoR. J, HoicE won TRE
by Death, your estate can without suit ofConstant Vtin, Dgm6nd, i b MontreaL Xj 43rU33. MX I
diffibulty or ioss, to those vou. leave behind, and taken in Execution all -the right tleaad -Thoulm, Esq., David Tori-ance, Iftq., allies PW
be s 2p ? If interest ofthe said der rvn�a
Noa I Librador Henrings (Split) 25c per dozen. enant, Chtt-les* Fugfeed Perrier,
DO do do $2.0 per half b=TP2 peedily and satisfactorily settled i in and to the VjI3 Let, Number 2, West Bankm-Hollion's BanX. WE DOW of,canada, am LB4 let,
- lb. Front treet in the illage of Extriondville, in Legal Advisers -Messrs. Torrance an _jLtRY D. Do Mazkerel in kits and bT the fifece. you deem such a kribwfedge desirabl d Morris. aud ?a edby I W. 1�oozwilu&
Do DzyrWeCadEsh7cl�e can, in a few months, and at a small ex, tbc County -)f Huron with the buildings thereon Medi al Advtser-AVuL Sutherland, Isq., X. D.- Present alt -Well
Lake Eluran Trort $100 per half, b=Te4
pense,�htain it lit -veyor-Thomas S. 8c6tt, Esq. Juit opened at the,
Da Ecrer-P S-100 do latelt, occupied by Charles Busteed VV@j-h PROVINCE zuly, 1801.
Additor-Thomas FL Johnson, Esq. OV ONTARIO
Q--s!cd Uc=L-S2, Z,3cts pzr bom lands and tonementis I sliall oftir for §ajo- Resident - Agent -A. Mao,. SIGNAL OFFICE. AT T11C
THE IL X DO N Secretary and General. COMPILEEk By
iCets per cam
at my office in the Court House, in the' ToVa of kenzie Forbes, 1.3 St. Sacrament street. Montreal. L . L . KINGSM. ilWal Statj A G' 01) CHANCE
scz p2z tim- n.- - C.- V. PRICE
Goderieti, on Tuesday, the fouteenth day, of The undersigned having been appoint,d Agent Idt
AT TEM- T=- GRIA-PH April fiest at the hour ol'tvveh�e of the clock, thA above Compau�, parties desiring to Insure against
,STORE.', Commmiq College, S. 7 XCE �DP QTJFBZC a
nuoa. loss by fire can do so on the most favorable term PROVII r4GR
JOHN MACDONALD us terms ak .rF.R.MS OASH. Life Policies granted -on 4s advantageo
No similar Institution is prapared to impart ot6er respectable Comp3ity doing business ig'
'Sheri Wofflurdrit. a Y AL Apply to
% such a Sheriffs Office, Goderich, JOHN Forn4m, ADVOCATE, 310VIM -eac"' f "ta 'a ru" 0
Telegraph Office. THOROlUCHLY 2ad Jan., ME STEIM-NG GOLD ND MVE, B rsovi * — - i, M.'C- -CAXERON.
Office at Telegraph Office, Godcrie4, Ont. W50 Ila ANP rnmon. EDVVr" ISLAND, 13Y
Oodeilob,'Nov. 28, 1867. w4&f A r d,,n f�'
Agent for Filk C,
]�ALMEA & XcLEOD, B1 -a And A c%nfbTMb!edwcjUrP,,, Pra *cal Knowledge :UASES C I ,
ey's C`L PENG L harltittatown, F. , jam�, Ims. :44 As this. one is so generally endorsed and I rjnffi�
Caels VLT j�,
sustained by those wbuse qpizion HE above work will De pitwisli.ed early in lau�uurv.
It, is dosigned to meet -a want long -felt by the i0o U14
have' weight with alf Classes Of society ; and
should T
mercantile community,, by a AILY. -'he NGNAP "Ver' DU the vital points of Marc= s w ; on th
t �jgag inforntatton o g"cultnral none in Bihish America has so many std- tution, Practice and Sittings of Via Courts ofJustics;
cititlit Hilding of dents inattendance. Please sead for cir
on the Law of Iduritime and Fire-Ilizurazea ; Patents,
THH,sutscriber oftem for Eklo Uvalugb e MA7M),C=e 1ru
Haron. calar. Address tile
Trade Xarks, and,Registration 4WJDe S. Also,
ing flow Real
thiclijals ofthe lw of Leaso) F#xP19 - i Iq 1% piece of propprty'tear the p ialt mal L
J. W-JONEE atd wMW cz�twv
-perty maybe affeeteMand ral ad. by Craniewist Maitlandvi - rw lie, . comprilliq NOTICE N h=6by given that in accord Principal, L.11-1. C., liabilitiO andjudgilients, &c.. &c'?, Illy t%jAnIWF- and itak-0
Cap. 32, �stat- London, Ontario. 'The Agpendix will embris fal Z
am,ze with 22ad Vic WZ!5T PATTERNS 11; itwill kiso contain th =r
ut,en af Canaila, I hereby call public Dec. 6, 1866. W3 li's ty,to"', d YUL-,-,e
ble practicing Attorney, meeting for the formation of an Mettoral NX1111 p.
IVOryand Rubber, Good inthe Dominion. IlWly Oodericlit, llav� 29, 186T.., W46 Vitzelutot"a P'16 aim A or a ThaVoluine wiU contain iflidop 430 P . - I %J linran=jl. In Now-mber ial 4D Led el�w W;4
printed and substantially bound.4,
g of on Th=sday, thei 16th 1114Y ta left it the cffi�e, 4� st. cn he:! ba�k. Tho ov, -t:, 4 r
pf�yty Aad I- cuscii,
+. hEiins --8r-*oiDh699 VIVETjo at Emceffeld, -at. i 0, MORTOA GE -SALE OF LAND. street. rR.
RRICE q4. -SALT TERRITORY ]Dm .25ih B."FAIIRLT Ilaving been made iii the paymentota,
�e in the a , 3forigage by the late John G -jt (hit ;ivife joining
ID tLgriod 10
YO 'R . 8 A 140 OR T 0 Id A S 0
Godeii* Sam. 6th, 1868. 1T50 Ar tho purpose ofbarring r dower) bearing date 'the. -4 it IA.,
ciabday ofDecembeir, 1865. The fmiowing pro�- �0 A -ORES just -ist. of Cnineran0s Salt, perty IvM be sold by PublicAuelinst at G. M. Trueninn's Block, situated on both vides ofthcAajl-
18 $ . tl of N re,
F fte ...... M 0 Ri�k CO 'B�1�
ov. j4rt, a rt: -way tiack, Also, Lam 6 aiid D. 2 to Dorm rzv� 40Tsag two ycvr, C,
$50 REWARD. .,At the SIOX&IIi OFF, ICE. ' ! I - . I t T.rcve �sy arjmrws "d !�ilki
Auction on the rownsbilictrStaulav,aed eati 25 acres ofsoutb- 2�rd day of April next,,at 12, now-
je"tett/ qua r" o in t a
wfming tricim Lot"28. under be powery coulained in the said age, viz., Aylply to
A bave "acm Minn P-purta,
T_& con., F-a,t is awamcgii. 4!nce about. the 1011i
Lots numbers Oise on the Harbor Fiat, Xd ut Firteen
at CawZ-er 1,.Asl rind canno, as yet be foucil. it is �row on Anuth side vfWest Street, in the Town of Gndench. 'K OF
u er L*hGE STO"t, -Nov. 25 kis
�Ea;pwed they Lave bzen iEfuly szo!eTh The under- Terms -Cash or credit. Deed to be given nd The Tde.S fdr. holdill DIVO
novv-n2crs tre ab ve reward toaly Person who urther par.! ION COURTS W44 er WM I lz�- ��e.;Vt�3 Rowers cojttWned in the said Mortgage. Forf' B1 �ive 5=13 i115 nZV;Rl Lead to the conictioncfth anthem �or to any one who appl., Eo . . 8 J1 I . - I -, -
epartlea who have 610! b. SRADE GOODIN(j,
.ral give a=h L-Xb-=n d -an as will lead to the recovery Bolicilor for Mortgageez.
guto C�e 'Crt7m n�
Ila C
Dated l6th iranuary, ls(;T. -,v4gtd UN T_ Y 01 RON 2, -"'v
benifLe iz anductadverused. . Their description iii 'Salt Te'rritorl la-Ifed Albed t
cftba citatle, shouLt any gzrw:2 chance to know nf their' N 131W. BOOK
'i., co
ratv�� notte qfffl;te�rs 4 years old, all red, osie f 86 Cl, .3, 1 ed to rrov4t pi�Dvclly Pay rzjiv�sclj &:1] tzlz:e 1=,Y"my.
1 heifer 3 yearii old, The aboie sale is fifixtprined till Tuesday 41 BIBLRq2 MtLIL
2yearingheif 210
h feb-;
1869, at sanse time and place. 4�z- ml
erz�, one spolictifl �ECK -PT_ Sub6driberhaving Water Powert4f �Dm 27. IR7.
i6th ran.
d white, tho other a dwk red.
:G Ell &
F9 C 0�0`
) , -lat DIjj*sjonj Crodpric Tbt�rsdayi,
N. B'Any Wilt will bo gratefull$- receired, br it 1 SERVICES bould ber jipplied in sinking a Salt
ever ED =All DA -,H AM 11-,' 'rk 0 N 61h Dunganrion, Frl4lay, above rillage, woOd give
; A'! in 'the
TROMAS ROALM I &C ID onacrm. aft C % _n�
MAN UFACTUREMS OF Bayfield, St -4 t PA.* , - " V__
Anbum p. 0. In S'dlveut Act Of 18 Tit rday, Ist r a 9,noppoilualty iDf vsing said power, bty1j4%
partie c9rning 2 yex-s �cid, Tim
'11 lind would also -take sbaes its thettatorruise, J 4*nrri; rcTwitted to �,rwo r�plxrly.
jansary ZIJ61. IBM INE!"STA PORTABLE Bkdi g5j,
up he � ' ' " I
In, the matter Of John C41 'Of &aforal - MA ft d nd. S6afbrtb;, can be had al a Iiiii, figuzv. Apply I t"k-6 Lin' irs 7A'
Gbderich Peiroletizii and sale aY& lmolv�cnt
�Utk Aknleyvill6l We4neiday,fith fo� further' partic�ldra ip.
istier, and requires claims to be filed Willua two RX4 .0'- 1- B"ter, Fridan: 71:1 S VRA*i,7d114).,-
has been appoWfed AAsidifee, ih this 0 C -
'V0 pany� IF E andew 'STEAM ENk-AN ES & B"MERK
lb U 1\'Oli- 96, iS67, .4 '--A
Port A cr
"a this "t" ,April t"
ion, Goderieli, Thutsday
W. F. OMLAY, lat Divis' .30th 111, Aber 111F 11*_ mat mar.
-Ne of the shareholders 0' the months f' FITUr"Ive"�, Zh lud
-Official Assignee
A 3'Nsx' Maxc X1_1 -
m 'my will be hold at the .1 am Drunga ni 0 n,
h BaYfield Satiiidijl, 2ndr t4r�r
0 ii3A at gbaidttoni Out., 23rd. Dee.. 1867.
nday, the 19th W49 2W S. t 6 -am SarjV Cherry Saw v'vi cull"'Ve"TC4 Ut LA Nis, Or -
TO vn Elm% OF -A G r
4 o�clozk, p. nL, for the furpose of eiecf, -Xe*;.Game'9- - Iblihion;
�on ay,
Luesazy, sth A Y, L7 r. L I'L I TT.
Dir 30 C3,*, Metz lOtlY -To Bait sppoiflators i
�edors for the cmTent year� and - -AzinC, , , , 2nd. It ou tbe Lul
lig 3LAZZ, Six yearg'tim .4 --W
rfteivizg s=ual statement of the affairs Apply to *INIMG;� HOISTING ANO PUMPING MACHIN mPs, -Vow T
8th LAN
of the C�Mp=y- COTAIT E
ih , s,
'T'fe, Pii Z.lesw,--
ENG&EiRg B&LEli UAI&Agil T06.0 f D F OR SALEA,'�
GEO. RUMBALT.,, Dm 80t. 186T.
gr, ]�Jafa Courts lun6ref–oniffiAts fcir'F�Iia, *Uut lb-ty
Ilee - WO PERSONS can be accomodatid T6 several 'will cipan at f(f
G ie ineing,; Drilling,'& rpwing, iind' Slottfilg mat' an, -Van 1 1- a , -
r - - 'V.1 - D' gected Xpws, a. ta acres -of land 1'� 6(41;aa; �11`6 16, U1.
cderl* Jan. 1863. . i ,,, .1
board ztf 9 private house in town.
chilies; ke. apted f
-Mlig- M
t un( rd De�iarrlbejq.18 ijiritblji�o or salt works, ll.eing on'ilie
av o- iftCF_'
-Apply at this offine. Godeirch,
SEMMISSAi-E OF LANDS. INdericb, Dec';'ith 186f.* s29tf.
0'UGH,,. ;ink 4ibeRiver Afaitlpmd and adjoinhiz.1be
Satd of fir MINMTUR RE X1331V
#�ty could be sont. Or Gem
La n �t' Vari Q. T. It. track. witch, Salt 'r
[>Y virtue of a writ of Mortgage lid r,,B�twuva�:b� raft to jilat THIM011TIMUTTM 91,VJOW tv'rVit.0 h
00=3,02 Huron, ?I U 5'
J tn, ANn
Exponas Obarrl�r 441'PtLeillt. TINoproperty- ii elms
to wit: fty tau rL ottle 'LT having been waft'in the Payment 01 TUE T ceplify t nboFe a, a fte topy, as w sinking. �and 106 jards
imed cut at iY&FTv1a�qstyL7s, Coui- L
George Ramball (and theirivives johling for the PMosr 'Division ourt Recorti Bo4ir,
DEP Thomas 11; VatiEw7y and tq the -vell no
Merigage made by.
United Ctantze3 of Mfrdti aird Bruze, and atered in th itum the fomons Go4eriA Salt Wor'ks,- This
to me djeec?--d , Against - the i6nds. a ofbwhig-dower) bearing date the-Whil september; Tke" P�-dollict-1. ale *17Y rf* 4 -"1
pu na 'w
�-S E, -L. N-` G, F' -':-
list will, be sold by _Fnbll
totlemen's of'Ne$bA Nagar and. Georgegiggar, im, The follow.lig properiy
twilis (A zh�, ;-C,f wylem 0,3 qc4vft�, Itrisit.,01. sit
silthesaij of Ojavv. DTtick-lem, JohA Thonja�, IZAASI
M i4seneml ww"] wlr�Taiisid it, thr A rl A:
*,'Hiron. 9,
the peac market, 4tid,irt6n4ifi1roperat6r344outd �0.ia letters. , They WV t ob-I
William Irmug, jr� nad James ilack-fem, I hav Itio. it withodt delal.
'I'S text, at rk oi 601 Nace. 16M. io, cvi;�Y liiistwijr lism. so- Iti-IF
jf,� V rj 'of,
seized and takeo in execution all the right, title... econd day of April- j Office Aof the 01? 9F
Vor partieu ars upp v' fir 3�am kitalsow'"t 160
anti In and to 1;4 -said Mortg9ge, viz,
"der the poworseontajn�4 hi tfic, ode'rich, 24th Deco X49
fat; betbllil
ptnnbm 116, IM, 114, 1115, 116,117audg5lin the; Lot runuingnumbar One TDoasaud, drid F'orty-eight,
its vok 1'"S.
eyZ, _UL" tbitt Certain parcel or �tin, lbe Harh6r Slatin. the said ToWn ofGodmich Terms;
or 0edif. DaeA tole *pvcq under.
the Ters
'2Z �f rand - tva as the blllr,� Block ;
tra a I no Sept�tnfler 80; ISM �4RNual;' 04"
C -41 MP lid
'jq. T;emmTed on the north by . . 0 1 '
d Will of Age
Of the unexplr�
-tor f
d Leas4tid_wo
Mal0and-,- *-a thti South stdot by thi,.
l5olic, 6r N
111V I No
-TESS- 1301bW
ge. irar fimber parficularr
ntdrin 3jortgai, U ltev;e%
and alsa i5at Qviam par"'l. or,tract_,�t, S I 6ftant A401 i
0 9 U -51-N, N
G _.p
tolwa due Wwaea Me TownsLipg of Moria and CIA �OiV. A
It the we"t ar
;:386"sldp, �y wo
a a
TO fibcrq.and c. 3 .4$elll ' - &-a - w", 4
le ab6Vesjje is postponed till Wesday,.Ibe 4th Fib. P t
As QR YE&R51 ww
ILL LAST Per$= to' *110le of 419 1101tile- ........
ne hold,%= borses, bariageii 4 JTHJX 15a ysurds.lif *.he present Gotlerjej; rv� lazkwr_�Cni:80��c four Ite f IlLis I 6.6Q
Jrr Rwr'Ls
VEYOR, DR&JIG]ITS 3t d6o, - in. Wit e G.. i,
t W , Satt WOru. Ali,3,
N1 6rt Jr. 1%L Fo I otZoq.,who alrint F A It
in 31r. Carroll'a Drug Store, at unud by ff� Nj G L A N ID
&�kAt f�w -prilyme to sellaby pilbliz
pric at fhe ota the -e, '-Plylo A
all) Mia without reserve nh cobventent to thativedily, Aj
l* FC!11 Its RW MAOF40 (-t
�.WEDXLBSDAT THE -ST.H' . ws 04 Zlacig�
P 0 ir ardersfibr'sarveying. IPA with Q Thit Ancti
rp DAY 01, j*".4alf, ins,
4 the Woe; f��
o'clocks, in. at �fs residence in SO,
JGMT MACDONALD, `VUL* of �Cllntoli, the wbole U-tho Housell. . old Fatal. 'Godereh.Utpec.0866, w4at POSTAGE.
wims K X JUdWAIRT x(liniheniciogatn
L No -12�� �bh lturnitare, zovered sliniti 4awilits.-adiv 4djA&
AcREP. WA=M-For S,jE , . tun. comprising Ame, supdlor Piano -
d T I
or &M 'bpr 9TOCIK OF --ideii
Ashfiel& We 'hold rU 1Y
ing a thlid. class C one j!�tt of Dtitwitil; ro6in
4t WW 2t. 1 is 4 kA� Aasnaa1c, uoin-prising 4!Clizim - 2 -easy ChILIZZ, 31111110'
byletter paittlinik"01, ALT WELL :BOI&rKG- �try. The tlbireei, to ww Pais At to U04.4
I)IFFERFST Kjjj' _y of :Wilidol* Curtains. a to r;;Yrent Fc; ll"L P"ftse-
g 8 " %
-Jar e'quinitity.of Czrpiitillg� 1110- Stov&_ r 7 r
Stool, Centre Tatter, fjof% 4c. Also, 2 black walnut lvj"Wo c4ght a lyi�
D", AW Max"
HE underslovned bpmg tq. anniturips ijmt be isauuw�v.
jowl I
AsUmI4. ert
�t Ci 3�adr elm& cerlif .1fies,019&,hal Cb&1r=dHatEtsu&1blaekW&1uUt
p bo'dng�of 'salt w6iasj preMijiMetts We%;
TBACKRAW.i_VTk6 Me j 4COrnifts, 3,
A iflaintroont t4ble e
j Colbutu& I.* caneiieittd cbsirs, Ei
Be bezi2ilils!,. Ste- 1SulWC-n,1X,1,s lu) SEV twt 91 Sho
e ok vitrifts kinds; f;allet-talitlell and iv. X 411
a�f tollet-set waslisti
,W tj=
Indit" at r1aiderich 00 W113 own' Accoul,
periodir.1l;x for jlid� v6i'l te -rtitAW W- Itkv.
1, superior'calup 'bed-AteAd W11VA
A, ut -0 1 -:� �' --'J'- L..,-. -
InsolV031t A E., in
(if 11.864�- �'.A*D- REA"DY-wM D'E'CLOTHM eso 2 bille-
n =,KA
ttr se ql�aa 0
Ourt of the Counly of Atiron. dol, beds 6*f 0 do, SM. I)ec. 4,1867.01
��VIVIXM"Y&cW.l i damask ham�g M bureus and toile Box 4, !90&riO4 X.
Mm!' rk
z k K is for 118(t V;jj'A
a. be 11;.r
iiny two al 0 fur 1W.
.To S �t
All perf act] y lfliw arid Praith, liT OPE, RAT01115- knhtci" 4e jilay ij%c>ol)jalrt beck sualftri; it L
Ur iWatter 0 6AI;% itzeliart,
i lit bi, i&T TuR 8jGXz%,
�4,4 Insaveit. j;CoMPTj8Wf coomovtoval, pipes, UbWelipb6itrds ift-
ALBro. r . aft
Mp&aof orileii, I open bug
ior set of double Evue".,brilas W0.8THA3TE.VG __661
- f I 8YAWIth TL arik Brea* fmil Je&
I�N'Ri as gjod as Be tw
V 'PuRst-AN-T fo ik-ofolutlork.o TEJ) 1 tR,8 nW -c I The Edi�kwrjfA, �%4
ND0U8S:jGjtjF�jC arf'sj'uoli bilrnsiti, ldfirsd1lbl. 1.,7*;' order, for tAle
�h,�j 4 rj'js:t - rnd in perf ciworkirl- Mv&4 , , , 1967, inn2iiiih
Ene., fitrin in' of the ishillakevailrn , he WatmaWerrrorn April, 4141411,11,A th!e4 MLwr,
9DS -apd. sleigli. I double barnled'Oun. LP01 - esp.-
cu Ple� BARPIAINS UNPREVEDEN ME ft'L f0auttaid, a PiLiFtif-'13114175 At t1!is Offieilli'
&Y",ar Dece -it passed I'deautowls. witainindrywheritrtleleff T anj -ttw 14ndas 9.0ita4lit
said Insolvii
J &ber ittl1tkii, and an, order
j0711i to 76121VOU.' Dic. 2, 184-.. 167st tilt, leW 4-f 1111 -bo a
ofayland,, of SeCYQr Wougil, Esquire, Ad 3 of t)ils f j'P je �*6j" Sf 'he_i4illly ty-ou"and
The whole td6s*th6ifolcl'j'p�siitw'p-okii'., blateat"Iyalk Attliesameftiwillbe xtild,(zili an Previously, -any
Aboznl-g acres cfeared. rior� ring, date tKe.""i8ttI &Y It �. I . I � -1 - - ` tor racit or Revwwj &Lav 1h.ivtw,,.T.( 1,,,r
see) the utleic1�1rij L-o� sad
ci�w ffering Or4s, e 41 1111sed of by privkte 1667,f4$250j. yvu.ot tiactslo
culan as ea'�Zfc honor;jbj&'.cour,1, beili: 't bOrgaiiis n o gt� %cap#
-r,&u tf
.5�ar�.4v im Wa Of the
R be sold. bi 0 2 PITEU ro It& JIM
WAI 8SYMOP11% of )Decejnbpr jil66ni, Wj
collul to clubs, nor rtjdvw� jw6wo tot IMCL- mulpi.,
0 di Te -U. VA ti EVE P Rumba at the, roollilt 'of Mr.' 'George X. GLAS' eluding double juid single wWons, double and xingle LANTERN COMBINED 1 WNinlber pre.niiiaw to mbViti ibeft. ttor d*.
_j�ctjoqcer, in: the Toin 6f C.0d. Af ihe GOV, 310% 'wet AN -PCau lit-, s0loww. unliew ft wa~v it, � rut filed
flee, off True . P . -
1 7`1
sit n0onyon' a sltlgbx� sets otdouble xbnt!M
"o"' suft " Tile I 3rowerr, Is zlow iu Itu rftMlU1n& t6lit tl*
er!6,42 the I
TMY f I b 6rteenih &I or Jannary e �0'0 §Vh", -C.0 Al P I-AI;TE b"W"'Of larp: wrinsdUoti. itinoag 1104U itade U1 ONES di�Wt tQ the P91,16LW11
ciperationo and.b"
debt$ _3a'OTt . TKD UijM 1169thol the lessis, Allyone4esironsof ,The Lowid Sca# PubliWfing Co.
next, th -iiiho.
70P gown IV t.
due to the istatei,
a list of t4e aw T 0 T, K.RN _Pr jj&jx good sittablish6d dalib busins" 1Z rmd &*'f
CIA A s;iA ii do I.V, I)AV Ss Goderl
-WILla J tt" aocifinents and vouclers re. wkkw
fgrourableopportunity. For PAWell3arlicT.Pliviltis A49
ItInaf '6 -plrl
'T1;R31 . 8!ntsl'
_ral $rtjA,&% theretjo,, j�jy ba inspected 'at the
NilallONWO i6oin, doeS nQt1afl0,11 -d) orta Mr..T., ludollit at Mr. lli:ez 'D2110, U&04 as t*en jtg., Tho L 6. PM q1). 4o PA" As
traisicuatou. I . . fir
Horses corriages 4c. strwo
n=e bytrugintio-rol PeWills And 11AXIMM&I i'- XM915 (lullms
wM, ba f office'Of Mr. GOrd
Vow ON M 1 :for iii:iaftra
A R T -
ifutathema� once his-. un, s�ljoitqr, Goder16".0j; WM "OrEW EVEW IMPORTED, rtx Sv;LLvAT3L6 ARTICLZ h FAR
1)11!01i"�it thellettillltueOf thig- t r o0lew, Hitmilton. # r Zia �Ar
under -$19Q. 6LA6. ;;74 $100. *Mb or jood'aaftrM4, $eif 10 lic 07n
'anksb1macites *t tbm zaciatisit. At tow
GTi0Q9W;14�0USE1 [At-
X.- V.CHOIAS Dated th� id exiinilvelfiv #r4jefe. eti-sk
O.N -1 20th 4Y 1�4
k L -.0p r Prfloe'of
?, -6 1
0. Ono 1
0. 9
iri. ttm of sale., Dco
I �jj*, -Clintoit, Dic. Zrd, 1667.
G 0
P 0