Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-06-28, Page 2t , U i a A a iF81.Ej 0., Ti THE 111100T�VN 'I'HE WRONC to itfancy to a Da "or ef Mr. j?"If Wheat .......... Good beave-ts! wt%,,i selir nip t f 7 -Hr ft. - - lbrig Lbors in t%cir service so filly e- x 1-4,0,v Accident to th# 1111testmefti To ug it was A L j F I .9� I T NortI6 Amerl John TA I * Vif this ulalll Ppringdo.- N L) LEG P IMIC I =1 title him." i <-, she a ...... though - aa &412—T -6 fullowittila a ye rp 147 - Mont i, Fs ARIALVE. 'IJAITI.A%D Lotio present. The Brl...... ..... most of give soulething teas .... ..... h Be,ter Omrr;plion of train. any- 1*00ont would I Tfif ast twotpe". 005 iniged m tI _*-'s h#K bodation ........... onor priny- tipauderning Waii Came ... ... -.1 o k *Ora t e 3 ai. tWited Itutter swere L -bre ul U Ar- Meet tuttalled or the. a.m. Wm4t e low indeed in b d year. — Mud. uneiiiiiiiiess was rel ............. 0 p.m. the ug -arrival cif -the North -J mo ro hq- . ...... ss mat pt* whose 11cfteistib or counteMice-e t&ir a ted E pre, t ,C w -A*, it. -CON arm "nder,­ he snus. d, "w� n IA ] ob slyk,A not Bro. R. Troiluer -W. z lealeo lano I ied ............................ QP Nowftuadland, where al$'�� f proceedill, cause aA IeW a t?Ay which, to Bay _,, - � I - ofresp�ct':'Ibl n them 4( 1. F. Toilt onal t ,*Ijty to 811:06 0 rest jicted internati ei�otween ........ L,m an answer W zuy letter to Loid. 1% _,:un ? VEPJOLT. o 3 OetatUmeut of the Royal Cauadian* Fafles, and U& SEAFORT11. June 2G. I! sh,,uW <o4ne this eventuf. Ile of Express mail ........... ......... 6:20 a.m. nith the shir, bnen t the lti,4tlu Gar.diner, J. W. 134ure ever the Reciprocitir Treaty bad its W�e owners believe she had in some waf -25 train ................... ! :4 p.m Conventi in at Clinton. ltathqr Uncom. 9 n y and gone doom sealed by Mr. Seward's enifty palicy. ACCIDFNT.—Lw Wheat .......... 6i al �ow me to g o� I u�. u -4 hu v to Ev�� A0 , got her machinery V derwnged, t ni,,bt as the 9 Win Piper Treas. tw Seaforth, a man sparig Whent .... .. Why Mr. Crallb was ecjaions made 6 a0ington which wascoming jestand near hind,ar.dazt,ta what dzv4diul 64a ix,:d . .... . . ................ 4 4,) plimentary that. straight. to England ander cadvass, iha& we ftlid its. Sullivan m as struck by the et4giae � It. Mirton S. D. Adicated 6pl&��iosr 'to act quite named J j Floar Per W ..... .. ,c%cr ouz house.- the -re --a veri Pcifeck faan, to tho' S&P's aveLliug the risk of tke fogs an the Row- clea - P. UtWeburst J. 1). r, from the track, -here he bad He mised his right band mech n leally tt, etimation, Was he the o ly man pre- foutidland, coast. This foronoon, however. irrespective of our interests. TI -en. cam -i the and thro I;srley Ad E Campame 1. G. or brook. tool, (411 sent a tolop's and hits .......... who was not low and eisreputable. 6d Hockstep Tyler. Us severely eta -art the b.s fiaze, aul ppessed the back of a2wnsz I the following telegram was published obroxious order� with re(r A to the impor. been walking on his way to C rOn , uh I I) ta-.ion orantmals, on the pies that Rinde per liu,,ihl L,s c:teek. -Nuddrifly he j�rked it away in 1-5 - q, T). Tho p G 20th June.—The North American "'bat abuut the tory conv(ntion that took 11te, h Butuer Pe m son Ste rd "Pe the lin 8, leg was broLen. The tiain stopped and r lb attrPrist.. Us looked at it ; the ring ia went Usbo,-e at I I o'clock on Sund"y night, ast rni-,bt loe introduced across up it man who was styled a 11 out -throat Jordan, onvacist. the 160 itist., one and a half miles off the- and nut long artrwards, one of the moot on- brouybt him to Seaforth, where be died a few pgga per doz- gcael He had cot noticed it u,.til rtoat. I No . I Af4QUOT1 ror lb lie rvae and looked orer the Vloor of he W., J une 28. 18b7 by some orthe members. it would bo as "E. Cliffvrd, Muster of Cermonies. 8outli pointol the islatid of AnticosiL lightened und beneficiaLtreaties %ldch iveir curautes after arriving. T r peef da ... ... well to leavo the matter of conventions 1, v" are lost. The paswat,,ers, and crew are n existed between two Countries was ewe t 11rool per lb tall well. We are throwing the cargo over- - 1� nt, t�-t could not find it. lie ched p 11VATE mohi :d c'othes� nud 1 R. W 1Kt1r E It F; % D AS A done. " Cowprions are oli . ous." A.CRACK '%V41 A FUEEN7. board. lit the menotIme the shipris perfect- away, to I injury both -of thetaltelves and'116. ­ ' ' ' *-*' ge. Coffee -P fla, per ....... Firitz.—At 2.15 this afternoon Mr. We itte Caities attich were in the -m. lie pu led C.& NDIDATE. ly tight. I am almost sure to got the ship Not content with this, however, the F6der- I steam zabiftet tactOfy, �9111`-mill and sW- r. Ilays' organ ad -nits that his nest a RAi8fiW; R1006 U, M— e�vrythru, to peic�-s in bis a, art: h. but it, MAISTER Evil rtt,— Th' ithef DiCht we had - fT to -night, it' Lhe west fier keeps moderate. al Government hai issued several Ilordert" contents werre completely destroyed by firer Zzy FjI Wheat, -tO Wk &ur-e Oil Tuesday morning, the 18ih i4ist. the s it-dtf-Ofall tst From the weak-knued oljecli,im brought salt well vote for $500 banns was illogal. a Teesit e a hien` Pee Llteetur, -An' we at different timeft interferirig with our ship- , - prina vr bteaA, do, �ta of 0)v mails, specie and baogage were all iandpd. whioborllgiqued in 09r-0011! 'from a ispirit TELE6RAPH oFna -ra per 100 lbs. F, - Flou sz,mitest. and he vr r. Whitcheal, the Reform can The atteur,,t to dra- Cameruci and Gibi- hadna 'erickit lan� thegith' r, whiLit be any's (a r4avigate Lake Ili I*" 'a aociul Beat Drieo Apples 12 cts per lb.. ......... In r M t4 im, its -stack. . I �t A private telegram itiforms -us that a pin r interests., Our ri, fro .0. i,eliled to give up 4he sezrcl in dei-ir. diiinte for 6c Commons in the iNorth hons into the af.,ir is pvrfect bosh. Tney lac me, " Sandie mon ye mae been raisin Michi an ceased with the Reciprocity Tipaty. kl,lih an CXpreswon of' the ri),S& pr, f_nd I il r has been dispatched from Quebec to Cr $10,000, aqd there was only $1,0'0 insur- ......... :do, a%vfu' ro%v wi' ye'r neetroonomilial Vesels.sailing under the Bri)jsb Bag were - Through the Gd,rih, 2 W. gMER -,I iii.inufaci urer of lorS Ii,clieved they 7cre doing right as we stl an a re Barley, - - - - - - det"Pix,in1mrnt, nlult C', I- E5 assist the shipwrecked party.7 Free Press.' restricted sooj afterwaids from tradinr be- once in iho A400' MuttiftlZ' Sth Jrne, 1867. -do, Ridia, by tne loe kuveries."' Aye I who's a diAi ab Dot 23 bta otv, be msuaird h:s saL thundtir, we j-idge that he is bout the do yet, (oxcepl, perhaps, Mr. Crabb, w1i b n America" ports; and all Amemnean exertions of our own, and the kind swistartaf- i r It at? WTh' Li'.,ceetur folabr, anr th', Tory Itallway totting at& Walkertoll ---------- ---------------- best man fr-r the positi­n be aspircs to.— is ask ag to have a pardon of the sum Canals remain, as formerly. clueed 'ajainat of the Berlin fire, ednpany, a Vallazzillo fft- Toroati llwilajer where tht V!k, fuQded,) but they'are not preaching tin fi:tidlars." 11 Whan diJ ye see Sk-inny T' ui. Nutwi NEW GOODSt Pbi iprn, are von thcre he tor� eau bring against him, Ll Duttn.�,m, June 2G. thstrinding all these annoyinal tiou of the town was slatted. ll his dctrac a 0 Was Uol, tao nor clachan wi' his stinkiti' circurnsioneco, the Canadian Government spriner wheat. ...... resp:)_uded the ever of Cirough the country, like Mr. Hitysi, that .. h* ither d ty, an' door me, he was I iii;�r ......... ... . 10. i.A: a stilog of changes, none n 1 2,00113 1 The railway meeting to -&y waa numerous- has imposed very few restrictions upon AT BUTLERIS. H,,r*, ** shoute 1 UA: cey. which h.iv-i a foundation ill truth. Th.- n )councillor is warranted in deviating. a a -veerin' fe krfu' about it Sweerin' I Oh ly attenled. There were represcarAttyea Arnericatim wisbiug to dJ business in thi-i PIRE—A carrow escape from a terrible Oats ...... .... :ppo ai,�,errd watememt that Mr. Wkitehead " assipcd blir's breath from the strict letter of th-e aye, that's jeest i 71 hi i I i is o,' beeziness, he from Bruce aad grey with inffuentiul &le- counery, bet:eving it to be our -beat PoUcy to confisgraticia oconned in ibis villap on Wi0nery, Toy,& paney Barley ............... rou know %bat "'brco-ziat of &uv Gueiph, and eneourage trowde as Much as possible ; but foreamn. The roof of M,Mo-; P40891. a reasm for his preferring to, rain, for la v. Tbcr(:ia lies all the difference. wtt aye gui(I at cursin' an" sweartn' fiRe a- tions from Toronto, Hamilton WiLbin a short time, an order in Counail was Tuegg"Y Goods Store. N oat re Lhe I t, e o' t 1, a To, a 3 Mon, Sandie, Owen Sound. Numbers were present also passed, thatt all American veheels using hose I'a-r-art & Co.s achine factory coul I do bust ,Your ring ?" ss'ked Phi,ippo I'l atD-ae_ tLe Outiimuns because- ho '�6e ' 11 ' 1�ut so ener 113 A 13 40--A,. ]EI gg IF0.16LOWING ,EVEKS. some pollittlis vei�d_. Flour—Superior Extra he wus hoppin' like line Mp� from the county of Wellirgton. aril of the -L Liwrence exclusivp:y was disco to on re, -her tting Yes, my rin- on with hizienterit customei.,i, is utterly ut' 1 IftW trootlAA mak 'im, 6wp we'il gas from Sicutoe and York. Altoget shout belonging to us, should obtalp & "permig" gentic were the parties preseint in pu i and 1 0 frum the truper -authuritie - 410 Ila, an confined to the of all kinds, styles and pricette excellent Oats—Per 32 The ..... -1 duo'% k'10 ENre You lost i. Si un trw, as ha denies that he gave Mr. E. The very moment a man stanJs up him t0air 0 1 t. Uye ken whir th' bit oat 500 were"Freseat. A res6lutiou iu favor Of IF 'iO - � 113; it, out that �be b��V sit cluality and first class jslailsb. Barley—Per 48 the ..... 1,01 Coors W consequence ut'this, three American vessels tructiom it'-* �AW IsMig ' feven It" a I bave, or else w by a -*L Holmes, or ffny one els,-, ag-hority for advocates the prinsiples of Frogircst and w i u i t, fu In c atn' I rae V " Fras Meedle ex the Guelph route was carried by a narro w we rectrutly detaii 4 the Lower t Law- de8 lea, Ashes— Pots ...... .... five minutes. bad ban permi&W to elavee The Dowlefou clothes -wringer do Pearl& &an wete not ... -1 know o')tIva'; abUt it, I aum 7nu 444 r was applied to quench.it ; tf.ing t�te lact " made use of at the Governmental Reform, he is twitted with Cootitie ; I kenL,'d­'1(" weel Ali' t�s majority. Judge_Kin1smill was Chairmi r(*ncA I )r not ob - , , Al W13 tar." George Brown lie in th' aeen an' Tory bizzinesi tbQj ?" aod Mr. joshuatarali-sou, Seerttury. allowed to proceed U, ey had obtained belore watt chica.2 Clinton Convt;ution, and no m in ia this being & �,lind follower or T-bQ bW in Use WhOIE--&10 AW mt1iL D'Arcey tu-ned awar in deep djecuoo. I I Uh aye i ye wit I ayo . fill' thi breeniesS them. would have bid to chroatcle a di&rent Wheat ............. I County bears- a higher character for and the What ridiculous non- T ilia. eircumstaneetalfiti-N fu I ly riled some resalt.—Clinton New Bra, y in Struck down senqe1,,,s, tij lay I I fallow antang rank corrupaliun —Tories sit' News by Idautle Cable. )r-oul.j at verzicALV. rhe assrtion that he rofuse,l s rise it is cowing from people who are, of our Yankee Cousins- the �New 50' fleatne of Blue line _ cresalaid letter ............. .0 -prk pqvss _01111 Inke min.,. , steenkin' sheep s%eeni." 11 Wui lie in th' in PaRiCU10, b0ilf, reii III .4)(Its -back 41'r Paper. New Yo ka0w, P-lil'PPO weLt On to -fre. to state his opinian as to the advisaWity standing open mouthed ready, to run 21111 . London, June 2G.—I he E,vglish gov ein J-1 - 150 Hcaml Cream Laid, Blue Wide I till -lin . r The 6e_-_eating_V;r_a1d hu worked itsel'f Bygreumealp and oar—superfine mie.al,er ra of tb,. c,)Ptiriva ic - of the Co-i1tion is also ,b,y Oe wri moment Mr. J. & Mae- I a w ?" 69 Tin line 1- Ye may weege mplit lilts joined the other European power i o�a.- y,lu a It was a bri iwa riu,;. that ; nae'b-)dy wad hae sus,)ec:,it he li.td Day Into quite a rage, wj4 'td3tgft in its I NEW, YORK, jne 27—The stftmer RueBia WrIOUS1 Tinted Note Papers, extra ---------- ill their %ole ufging qpon the $ultan Lin in- . y anA Is -1-tter d`tvl,rtA distinctly that, 1)-,uAld ci ooks his finger. rh000-montude, about Cswiada_advibi,A_; %be I eboiee breens at a' if it hadna been fur thatt i he aye brings huropean dailes to 6e Ifith. rut^Gofer%mett17either`10 1,firthalse or mit'-ha it^uol bare been the sj!&er w�lu ljv& should a Co,�,Iition 311, istry he fbrm� v(-sti ation of tfie affairs of Candia by a Fed 60 Reams Blue and Cream laid got ple y o' tin fur his canvossit,' in I he council ofthe English reform league The C ourl-1-1946-e—letWil ties. I I � stpalit%ithoutfuither delay! This a ILU,01ean com,mission. White Caftfornia ias it so? I und r G nLd,,rat it% hd weald, if elected, fSeAL, &a ICL Me IL-11 ye, " Yaw. Yaw' pay I h t -"m- Iths issied an address 'to all working men in :F 0 0 3:, I ; 'im weei fur a' th' dirty wark be's pest in a tea-pot as very little grounds to Europp denouncing wan au4 the maintain- OF AL That ludeed is hizitly Landon,June 2G.—A dispatch fro's the rest upou. We have a perfect ri,&bt tQ coa. I ih4wik y,)u, Ph, ,�,uo f l, until h.,, At some of the mectinp hold lately, i L WEIGE'US AND PRICES I 1A,zzreA - Fe 1-a fiv,-r o it a trt& 'itn in Osburn. twee4es 0 Bill is 11,gue statea that the Dutch goverumpnt trul our own waters, add- am detifirtinict to Ance of I;Irgi arms. in 4bin-p)usteis, but nuebudy can te. I bad l"l it about Cie teut. E -t url,�, r saw L:o,.,d reason to voto agaiast i!s 17-irther r. lla7ss'tated thatJohn A., TVcD,)ug_lI .1 Tbp following Feriians bad been sen 11 do so, quite irosective of 14rotlLer J ona� STRANGE984 it d e-3 not m.L, 1� r thd weegovs o' th' Tory tin phid ha� notified the Hanoverian exiles that they tence :- Patrick Wal�ch, 15 years : Daniel S') Loniinuance in poviter but �e &-clare 1. as and - perhaps McGee were -conaing to , r than's threats. After the maaner in which 759000 ENVE, LOPES I Every r—agladiread ir—del mueb. Y-PU Emay -,, 1 f5 . ich ther trien', fur auld cl-,otte'll h,le e.r' must IeA,. e the-Lerritory of Holland. Brdl,y, 1-0 -. Pat rick Ui.)silan, 7. Hennesy D A &u 1,,,F a a-, _sitive,j, th it h_� w4-*, on priiiaiple., or- Goderleh s )on to -wk 11, we could hardly Mr.,Se%ard has treuted.CanAda, of late Xuars COOT Cn how Alonw-nmg very inucti dPhi. i, -p,3 pa&;eJ p, takoont, ta- I at in as an offseet use and Sheehan w-ra then trird anif icLe4, All Colors, Quality, Sizes and KiridL of Berlin, June 25 Count Von the idea of raising a fuss becauie we h-tva b r�,turnmajl ffrecol chargq). 1,� V wil to C ialitions 116 muke out What, bul, we suppose, to tr, Yaw's' akoont. Tb' skeen i be ut recommended to mercy. 41=4. 7"booe1ailving fears o( 1 W,4. rh r -ULt4e' Msmarck has been appiinted Chancellor of made it compulsory tot AMeAcan vessels I*bir4v-ei;,, L rolicemen w" wounded in Tiu* arore he*s dai,e, that lie h4ts pity't qeer I, C::>- All the- Popular klnz-;�zines recc.i1a ob4c by. ew "teing thEs card. from the teut. Ga-orva stotd t�e,e Lj u_r, ans"Ver� to "Llops WL're dirL Let enou� e h by a superhuman effort, to avert the polt- fur-bii wbeeale, bit the verra dell wadot (!u in the Nort Lierwan conlederaticia. 8aiang in our w4ters to procure A 4 Perm '4:JV'qba attempted rescue at WateKord. One soon " PublisheL &a6swahair abeiLient savant, e TitaK tot "1*1� all but thosa who wished to en- ti"I destruction of Ur. Ilas himself. near'im, w I -trig as he bas thm- sti3�io' skins xceedingly rich. W, tire only duilig 10 a I-ely HOW WO tro xtrist)w our cuwita% whaubey bave 4UGZ 4131y 611 13 Gee�. triip bain inta statements :which th., '-Th6 case of that g�citleman is serious th' !s:rl ace 0' commenoed its session -iii this city. d.-ne to us, uud eurely the o.d saw h,,lds go d.,, on band always. i �isboot 'im, Bit J,et thit-k o tonference of the Zllverein has :ma, I e Miscellaneous 33ooksi �ere i 1 Wuu- w,11. be ? y a s'.een pedlor bragiti' that he'll inru tl.e A Motiou censuriu- the Spanish gover. Also, an extenjur.is gtoCk .+ 11 vlftut sau�eldr & goose ts sauce fur the- i-; a -Ano- A. re,.1 P a.. a.1--l.t use -A isthi-mehtewhcte. enough to warrant- the most extreme f o haunt osbu 6 on U* I he To r y Bide; the 0 17 ment for the arret of the depaties last f the EKALOR�i or et worJv bitch ii u,;Ild in the attempt to reme(Vies, gander It w,)u;d nplwar, howe%er, that Devewber had been rejected by an imuwnise A Ocutleman whoaaJered ic 4 bot the story is, most probably, Too-sheop's' comia' low , non. Wt hl.'s The Richardson 111ne. y Q In.1 be read! V!1en 14ith 9 rn,7 s)'- Yaw, YtLw-*' comin' on?" ol bat whilat our incilbbodirs hiiVe no' heAitailcy majurity in the Spanish Conizve". Various Schwi BiDaim i. L)ebiuly, Premature Vecay. and I prste t4vat he wish, --d to con4yet! the R(-- oac of those very fishy oaes to which the u atiuut mt%�in ull ovr is ol xrbiwry enactuiient& (h 3. is doin' him a g id deal lu a Somewhat leawthy article in the W!�-n ? f horse bizoiess res ric sit a AxiL Burnals is saidto be istill throalened with A very large a I i*4iWX4tWw. WX for Lke MLI t I view, r; - I aseadifte 4a2witoweWit, like r 17) r ul C, a V on, I �u th A L he cAx fv:red r a t h r oth Itidiag Las been treated by him P� I ve� ken th' puir ch -el he 'lted Chicago APCPUUiWn of lhe- jllot iust resw to t ' t ple our-widu, h Amtae. d varied stocli of JA" r all t4i t�i and QetiLlemeuer it-oken,doon,foonqz'd bees% fue 2" Ken pectiog th�- Richaidson mine; 'iko find'a plac, d on the wroc4 I r' t�an received an hnnor by accepting the fur the pa�t mouth. t h' b, qferout4y wben,"the oot is '-IV h -re ?A a -_ - I 'i -n, aye bti 1�eved on th' Theems'Rode, near I c e I 4 FANCY & SPORTING "OD3 tic a] I "It Jt a inli'e frum this side of Whi,,l1;.1 II'minuti in. IU2 sii I no suc thing.- I t:je Stayie Kirk ; �he puir fallow uu3 thtichL staleawnt to' the efrx(A that three assays We 6eartily c�mrnel§the �ftction orour, 4ilftogl� J"J UHL f'IJUST. D-ck,' at the pufit. I to.d y.u, you know His rema L was Mat Ite Aid not consider wet e mulde of the-fuur b4ne's of quartz sellt G,)vetnment in i ii mauLier., IlereLotore we writer says that wlited-ttle bod of P rtemus 1ways on 1hand, aH of which am bmgIrt &V4 No. t 2. Ck" I can be deeia' o' consumption at th' time an' I sae he Jeest paidlitt r-j)u ta,- ta,k* somethio' to Rochester the first reldd $25*, the t"' "t too much libt-tality has been showo Rard ww's- shittped, "I thecowX was enclosed "nPurted-direct, trom the &ct gs,,O" 9, y -s- IrE161 pailippo. V-1 be it a b3no, to be d", -ed throngb the mire An enorgetic committee has had c7ory a *31 * � y i tae teed his vvite and w.�e,ts, Bit boo did secoud $18,000 Hnd the third $36.000 per 0 and A4mencon Oxere., , V. -led ft4v i re aril to Aoms in a ca,,;e and'shipped as a statute. to humor Manufacturers. yon do, ard, seL r%. h �nta in -an election contest, success in raising ftintis for the coming I he tose his ain beest 7 W1 of o�r -traJe'regulatiuna W1113KNIZ -.;e detirmined in by Li� oFpon I- It got killt Whilst the) have the *uperstition-s horror of Eglish 4esMors ot EverTthing in Stock will be sold at a my Dr. 11. 0. UO .1.1=9 U3 Dacke-ts, Galer-an." c- iun. Sowe of the decompos -3 mineral from. been taxiag our Hour, wheat, anilv rool sailing in a vessel which carries a corpse." an I he was a-)& far wrong, but that is a ce.1--bratiort in Goderic C - I I small advance va ADOIL staus in me -srwN. V�w f h, which Prowbes, a ki k Ime auither home, an' litter that he atnill pockpts has yielded at the rate oS from &c.. So as allmosi to Shut us ous- trme Uut v ry diS-reat thing from stating that be tri bet a gnnd event. The ist was pou"In Hzetrur, an' A Yaw, Yaw' offered lophitia to grow on the 15 1,5J0,009 to $200,000 per ton, and reck frorrA wailrets, we ha� n"Ifowed them t-) aeff, to us Why will vou sumr. -The I-Cazaihad Pain ncvcr knowla 10 fail. Sain r1ae Bell 'ini a horse thal�(h-� said) wad d,e L�� h4we an )ther pan in t -'e play &a pe r - W0311 consider it no honor to represert the Programme to be carried 1 -1 t a in obt at firtrly @0, before The Reei to any one dcsirowtoftesttn� out 'itit wee An' hoo muckl#3 did ho ux fur' the taft frqui $400 to :r',03 pXpciiy Destrover" inat-Ant4y &a& permanently re- " the P0111pular Balffiaa& TIX ' 'On a'aus form." 0 - ended. rhii dourse may be. as some ar4ue moyi�s' all pain firluts- this system, and ir Herwr-4 & Co, 78 N North iluron. T hoo we are treatcr] to a I st. - Reading of the Que-n'i Proclama-. I th' bevel Su.-nwhar aboot a hujiner ErA diffreiit upeeim-ris Of' rce%'46ri ipl- it% accordance vi ith sound priat iples of poiliti- deeidedly the best-m4W known, for the 80078, Varall-sud Instrausental M ; (No kiters taken URIC" "Weil, I don't know what it is. but I I idollara. Lit at, last. be said he ivA trk I ng Ma. be!ieve a will t)e well done dish-ed-cia- account of Mr. 'Whitehead 3 t ion,'on the Square, at 10 aL, w. - 244, - -_nm1-iv4 tic djqs' notice, and Wbeu ill! vke loalgVie. I An' Aid 's Yaw Ain Jocwd froin Arw property -,not -frous- (be cal economy, but lt is 4evidedjy net the tiest core of procura in I'Vo ce cure too;hach&,- cholic, hums., fr(*t, sold ut Publtsker's Prices. cha-ge of And what are the I Royll Salute 21 Guns,'st 12, nooti, and it was is'gbi'd btest 7" ' 61'UTj iye. he sqour I richest, but from diLreut parts o the mu,- way to'nitaoilest our inlbpenda!; "or' at- d6uloureux, 7 u treaty. As thin a are at prek-rit, clur Mttes_`kc�; and ii so cheap that ult can afford Wavul VA barrel tme't, an' alit -r th' barxaia wus closed, th tain, all within three hundred feet of thei At -W V;11 give -several tapts upon tile grouinds fol t?- Volunteer Review 'of the Hurou, Bitual- U t�g tent door when tbe t'cue come�j. Yja minercial po icy tuix-ards the UniLed Swt.-a to buy it, Sold by all M&iue Dealers. Goderi* J4we 2ath, 1867. puir sack man fan out that 4h' horse he had shalt -and assayed by Dr. A- A. H4yas, of i8libelal, %Shilbt theiriis. ;*At the opposite. We4clip the tOtIOWiUg t be ready for action." Why, he onc-3 voted for Caylay. Well, i.)n , �rd. Launch o0lessrs. Seymour got *adn draw a pun, it sai bady Bo�ton, the averaje yield being $1,598,14 'I'twj Usta- tried-ja varMw ay#.1 I Well. I will be watching at the place." he has explained over and orer3gain,that, Horton's 15ebooner, at 2, 4tI1, erd in b itb th' fre rQPL" -I An' wha,4 jid 0 IZTRAVED grom the proriavve of the Subsen. Geftral Advwtser And with astrange per tm, and every matittl4e proving rich booe tV�uit tjiiii e#p Oaf _�; ', ura, tb-. twi "Of he has onl t%' puir chiei due then 7 Weel he ael � . i --ad. :§Dalla tot L 7 hcT� lot 12, 9ib con , AbbfieM, o S tuaja At LIM SMLWQ of the Cites seperated. voted three timest in the Boat rvacing on the River and L-ike - 'If prospeO-4ilthkiit44r�iAtrctio. a THE MARKETS. 1w22adinst.' a dark Bes, 141 A back tae - Ya, Yaw,' an' wantit bi .1 tac enough to p -&y larely for workim U Arcey remained seated ia his tett. country -twi= for reforincut &ad once for 3Lh. Games on the Sclam at 4 ci'(�lock, tak the beest hack, as it wasn3 will-th. iiae- tt d Irt e i4iW 4heir mariku i 4here being no has& horlit. Oae bindfact white; had a bakair itholers worbas, Ad.7stenter mutionlese and I on ;,tad extra iong. Any perboa ipviag islim. dried complaints am Sam ti tboughifut. Siddeuly a! Ciyley, whto he was runcin at-ainst P. M., cous6tio- of foot Races, Jumping pence. an* he t--ilt tint lie h A na- N or twa A snake thiity or forty feet long and two aucb fuel, (bey have 6�llj ienah,ed us to ptoe f-ODW41CH, Juno-, 25 1867. cusuou mato her wit,rea"tal will be astitably, should beliberal!y emppliet Cigb4 w4e attracted bia atteriCon. Meehdni�. o' keepin' his familyfl-ae st,-rviu' bit' to the wor:d th4t we can proiier rite Tain Killer. P4i flin', feut in l4ictucwl, was seen by aime -ladres. eadir he rAised hia bead. 'rho Hel.nes, who was aLci a con-er-Tative.- Suck Races, 11 beelbarrow itier in the wiiy of 1:30 E Veze -abl small pane of RIcos, &C-, as he cou'dua wart on ak,)out o' th, indeendent of them or their marKets. luel tall do 21 25_� &A K L, home, whether it be for a cuff. and gentle out boating nuar OsweLro. hame, put barrier after bir It raise fifteen feet in the ow trade, but the XA�r (tats ............... 0-,;o 0k55 trip to Fartoria, sh andidate with -having Priscs �K? man o' Leather s -y he y mpmru�,,pur G,,,,*,- Flour_ z sodilealy bioleu. ands, par�er tbroo tbrittugh- W hieh to charge a c which libtral th- fMrfU'8p;1iu'-,'bIuid." -Ao : w"bi 4' d its ht ad --fully Jane 2' 1867. lace t1wir ban& on 'am w&,ch bad &erved for a window was What a 6plendil array of proof upon &c., in great'variety, for �P;r up ratt w air at -it. dovitl' t4, 'i er tuen 60.-0 j -z -.,ed i 06 - will be offera wit 1iout in P. Many diseases in i W I it to those parts of 0:50 (j� 0:57 :Iwx"r 0 e i7bile, tie staW di!eitt.y th* &ei i' man wad zw 'im t%entee doilars, u strobe Ire" .................. luo, 16% whieb will prove from Lhe flow. Fort r" I., ree Or e Itim"Is in odi.k "foif; ad -ed it a4na t.tk tV buise back (he'aaid) bfdD,4 ft& a� W & 19 Barley .............. turned Us eoa; ! Why cot attack M the St. lAwrance uDdeni- 0-55 !g 0:65 at tLe Uding of the note, and t ac Holmes, wrt allowed hiihiself to rile into The f9eview on time Viiat­ an' at Ilia he agreed tas I ak b fi een," kA n' mAp a nellowing noise like thtt.which is able ours, Cial mornenta great howl is raised Sheep .................. 4:00 (i� 0:00 imediately checked, can aziper�ripuoo. At length be tore it open Parli, Where Is it to be T did Stra-vataker zae'im fifteen Wee I by the New York Herald and kindced sheets. a 5, judge.- Cate am *b(T hwd apent oft the platform of reForm ?- i lo usually indulged in by the buccolic tribe, go far as we are concerned, we say -let Beef, V ewt ..... ...... 6:00 C-50 Iflur Ivy one or zwo domes of t1L- &ad readi- Excitcmebt, made him Lremhle a3 What hbout Mr W. T. v��o vras he had we _,te him a note o' ban' fur that . ircumsuinces li]az shown I Hes (Srpen) . '. . . imore than one occasion he read, and sent the but duh of blood brc. -4 What doca the Kingston W4if 6:50 0;00,, T su n an' had tae scrimp his weenauti' P - say -abouA them � bowl on I C his is the jix vir _g#tiaa asked b tfttiek 0: 114 �,of int~ guffilin 17 iag to U palid.' brow. Tb-- nAw re -d; violeni radic-1, until t4c eye y_;l4aJ, hic tbai sp' Amount, be - Aistioswi,:X to A unexaLion PAY% ft Ali thia lost snake story T'-,Uetlevilk Daily 0: g"ita wtmt, CaterpiRp" the aba" na*W prejw 444 Is it to be It -ld on le I did th' pair chap dep Wee[ no, he wus lbreats from 1 00 FOR K'Iring mid tita bit a Dreg-lUts, gi Our townsN nor,shouldwe be duburred by 0 an Applee trees, and Insects on Gl" igencer. doin what me conceive to be best for t�st ? The fact is, Some of the Star River flts or on the old paradd zTound aick fur a Inn , ii.m� an 8 wie verra. weel It:t, c6c. ............ 2:00 tiny, new,lf ton,_....13: 0 and Plu-n trees, Gooseberry de*rs�_ m?n, themselvc-s, are said to have sailed In the Wik& Su ' f It is hoped tha�t i bit PArcAii4ence wus"fitir kidder tue 'ira than undfau interests. If ,permits- are dies, Asiad currant 10 "&baS' OPIDI. rVer Yaw, Yaw,' an' he got a auid bit butter." Godertelft Township, areeable to American vesli . els, what shall be 0: BU&he#. Tjorclipli, Cathage, aolia, onqxlh YAM U3 1 said of their marine enactments ten U*(Des as ............. "By white o&4 quarter of a miit, f,.O,, in the R, -to -.m boat in times pasit, and CV kens­ 0: if the -round b' 20 0.2 and all kinds.7,ferops. re as favorable as when the I daurs-iy he'll n.,le vote fur - Yaw,Yaw." REFORM MEET mu.-A.mectin- of the Re- objactionable? We butr6461 but very Tat -keys ............... 0;,10, 21W 'Am 380 SL -Pat flo says he wad as shoon Tote fur th' deil formers of this Town Wool -�.bd. �jpinies who have mied itto be the only effect- t inconsistency 'a B,ttalion was here a year -s-ioce, that the 1p,!as heid an mur lowed ......... This Insect Des"yer has wep foord by Ois respect the Letter will they be pre- he wad be votin' fur a mair decent man #bort distauce in their footsteps, and surely ni thi3 was all. Yet to D'A=ey's sal,, .,� 1 .1 � A. " dhyj2;W#,1,P6A*XEUll. bir Wtd PRall, Woct unuashe ......... usl remedy m IU T*4nc4 16t 4�4 4estrjux- _j Revi 2w m-iy takie place on the old parade 1P gume temperament, it g I pa red to conserve their naturally small fie 6ays be hoops tae gae tae heeviu aloi -they caortafcAaacleitin i ' a what they have lie ItholA W14 in the chatir. ' W Villitions addressed It b� a u Hams Der lb .......... . 4. tion'trifevery kind �cif Insiect, mve hope az,d r let g. grOu u d� It is' tiresome murch to the !he done so much more e4teus;vely themselves. gaes tae Egeter, 8a9 he disna iveir various . . . . . eel _T a %LF LA3T e which cou:d be jusitky 19okgd upo;a Tor asille by Near*. K B. onism 4 Co., vmucivaimm sa, if not stock of GommOn-sense. 'y 1W, Yaw," as tber a aqainst him. anythin I. e Government doing u -e- Fur w h� e( old W rite fro in Ude& Flats, ani mauv who would like to see a tae ez0c' meeting nod suecessfiAiy;*fpu . led the We are opposi-ed to 'It --k to thAi,VMA trees or Plants. wf:b trew? and a letter from Irene w,3uld t,,;i M e'l I be, ae cha-ges that have M togue eerSUPtlicre. It's easier fai ste as Warden of- he 16unty'-Coucicil. His ia the hAit of relatialton, particularly, if No * ton vit�j Mr. Adors Skow, flMieler, Blyu him all. ' But who @,P-nt this ? aL_ t.,, Mr. Whitehead is what be preten dis to &View wi!1 be unable ta, do so if the scoondri.s tae izet tritne Parliament that# in- etatements wor* supported by f1i D. Patton. "7qvrjm Rigml- the door and ID,-" ah around- phi ppo be- a R,former in ptin -ple and practice l,tter place he chosen- th L old grounds Ltae beevin. -Yaw, Yaw' the measums T. Wlib, milli�itj VeftnL Bast$& A; 061cme It, *ay. Good Iiiii e wait uiver fntdbdit After the adar' 1,)*nt ar usi 't�,fAded in any way to injure our ni�real, t ci - .*fit 4 28 Jiiiii, -a;i of the teat, T, WP pinst vvho--.e publ P.M nhia p caimijr wor� .,e m1n a - r- _f tever measures may Allan, Wellington -an&AT tU Bali - 0 —reviewers 45 # coiawelaCeCl flyproceeding, own P"IsPenfi ftTes acres aW a hall ia ab ic characv,r will accommodate thousands Jar tate gae in at Etrate ate. ony 4ay. ness of the moitla i. but Wh4 at same thin;,is which it was his duty t� FLov ri-Superit& a 9 25 criber.-- fo),jow,ri, be considered for the--goo&4- I ta..e call tuftfiCy PiRfUMINIS apply to - should be adupted quite irresp TO ective Extra ............. 8.60 &.8.75 N. care of. D'Artey walked up to film and ad ied, and and reviewfd. Keep the peolild in town, .; I raur say the luoner'd horse was na worth officers sere d no reassotrible olj-ction c in be rai b e elir himsel oot site mu(Ale wi' beir." to form an ilmssed lum. the advarittagi-a he has conferred upon the twenty dullani a' thegither." "-Deed no, it President; Mr. W McJD 'risen American intereeltZ., They have bhowd it# Mav ;7 ibi IX7. -1hd you see any one at the bac� of the f�- ousail Vice -Pres. respect for ours, mid we are under no obff." F3uj4rAneNAa.1'6ansda­7.�0 a'7.75- P. S. -Pat up Pack, es at 59cm ruieris of No th liuroD, tbrough his en- wus th th' hauf o't, t hot th' ekleektick and Mr. Hal). Porter Sec. and- TreaA'uxer. test just now, Ph-lippo awl Rev. Mr. Poole, the new Wessley- ngation to take care of theirs. ' Bax, Floor 3.50, a ;.65� And $1. O;da atteaded peel man cum rurrit whan I wus speah as Our wortI4 Vreatdent was a,pointed a' deli Spring .... 1.60 a 1.65- to., -rprise, gives him a reasona- an minister for Goderich, will officiate on A Yaw, Yaw *'a,i' th' Exeeler fouk &boot it. gate to the Crinvent-idn to b6 beffta TGrxinta ries; OATS. -Per 32 The ........ 0.39 040, Camphellivilli'( biii U; 186T S�;2w4t. sir ; b.t I was looii,g out 11, frof.t, ergy and ent Tte wisest jolicy for both count' 0 -thl VareDif, shsweer that -the h8riie on 4he 21 inall. I he' next he BAaLmO Per 481as 6.75 and flnu waF be the rezatau." zb,e cLiin upon them at the ensuig clec- sundZyzen. 'He�is saw to Im a tn!lv� off however, would be to, adopt a species of ,.Y,)U,Saw meeting of 1 Free trade between each other. Thete tion. Die numbers who have promised of considerable talcut. was a -)un', (I've nae doot thA be?at as as Association ta, belbeld- i9t. fortoes Hill, on be no questioa oftba -Jact that close c call BtTTER.-Dairy 0.12 a 0.13 soon' as tb* ductur) Oh, thaL-ajeest Saturday 6tli TUIT at 6 Vclocl� - , �o p. M. Gold in New York at 12 a"clock, 38. D'Arcey eyed biai k-enly, bt;t Phiiipp him tbtir support daiing the past two 0. wertial idter6urse' ii'liEneficial to ' but led I to his- way, , wban he's -tellin' a fie Le aye b. only too. surprised. SW- We ara gld to see that our old swe-ers tae't I Ir Flour receipts liebt i�_ _t "Have you seeu. any one Vande;:a ab� we,.kal&.a suffi-Acnit evdence of his popu- sae lang sit,' I ht-erd'im tell, Latead of actinj as the United Stilton has , market firm ; hold- .- . 1 0- 1 done of late, iu.pla6ug barriers and rest demsaid an a4vaniie which has limited laritp. ID--pead upon it,,, Air. Whitehead end Ael,4G. Cochrani ba -gadually I here, suispiciomiily r, th" trooth, Ldihiia her� do-& thcb). rie- e rs Weal I gat ct�ajT mis in Lbs Wity-cif interrational tradd-or extent at $1460 404 146foX09-4 rper, iko, &.49Z40-pu A Valimi 24th Jane, 1867. W _*ery easily- 11f plaling at cross purposeti-our best Grain nomin'st. � Prolriitiiiis retifl dews a" , replied Ph,-Ilppo, bprarently Mnot to be riskn Uutil te is gru;' t hat. sail th' Peel m.,n was tellin' a ad ed �t 0 The weather was ery hot and sultry last mutum W know wbut Lis master was as. interests . would be, prcimoted stationed in Toronto. His has certainly whopper, bit fouk wha ken 'itn dia.a well- -by pursuing quot4tipte.. IYArcey fdo�and thit he cou:d ltdi-ri, noth week. On Sundty afternoon a refreshing preciaely the opposite policy. It this 'poliey e �crol s look exceedingly well, has, uqJ been acted upon heretofore,:jk 44 a June 28, 1867, ISE ing hem, and returne A to the v DL Iroo BAD. an- -ew York icrk�k Mour Receipts 2487 E been a am, of the su d1cr&t0Atas,he&olewsasethitk' an' acts t -01 stricly iupta:e`Vr 11 Weel v amir ed t bv ic t ter a hat!*W me shower fell i th ALED -rArJrJND=_ It wLzs in a dts�u;i g'e a- hating � the blame,2f this idatitry. -z6u. knowled cider difficafties. in' AD that ti� �, jaw -breaker, eklecktick, is*t a The market here is drill, grain, Our ginister bbl*. closel heavy. shade oalier, wheat dAl WILL be ed baud, f or each olel'ter was w rit Ten iL k - Yankee MpJ?" -1 YR An made every efrlor-06.0-e 'it 0tieivA ward, and formed witit great care and d is dency still, A, -few weeks ago _c 1 L i rea fly to,) bad of the Conservatives a bet Ver shoon downward teni eiipio'city redft-ved -by the f3on*y ping for sp.ring. fie want o'er Awang th' Yankees or it t at e pairebt this 111"it4w coem&-� ZED- The ptibonera coullicied alker. a farmer was offered $1. 95 per 6ashel for his it is questiona whft er Parliament wouid on that reaty, 1`bejev6n-'b1so�iAh'f h dr or on th which be Ong to ypry lew I of North n u ron to turn the cold sboald. in IV - h - oatis 10too 2 l6wer. for the06"Vf GA ur datteen weeks, an' cum back 'vi' that big wheat, delivered at his bar 'Osh us - �ut; all w Gold 1.30 ran _AlUrCKk, Bptd h nd-writia He too gaol do not like it, and every, now is d ivourd in his mooth, u a ; he would not have 060Ud tfieio prop 381. � tLe letter! er to le. Uolures, as they do, after his n a in mair brass in his accept it. In a week after -he hauled it out unavailin., 11mlow c"me tru being brought out by that Convention. -Qver tbo�wgfl and fK06, but nue Mai r breens in his heed, an' he's him Uong6si wad ntr,n� birm SHMAY 66 at M nia brba.stopol "D theo one of them jampis self, and took $1 .00 for it. The curran Canada to'her knees. We wjb re it was dat I ed. H )w cuuld b ' een tryin'tae malt a' th'-tin he cood iver worm has'completely destroy,.d the it be brouzht here so tt�crel;y and pu,hegi Evein those who supr)rt him do so in a red cur to feet, our depiendarrm -on Atheri an rkete s!ace." O'Botyerinstelliri'methemenniia' -fitutsin this neighborhood. This is the and hence s. to secure a On June 25th, Sidney.Herbert, infan toon then lhire am spies lia our camp, and tilis 9MA, Ibird year that this has happened. new tideaty were'scoffied at. of' John Harris, Merch&4 "known to D'Arcey inqmred- 'Put 'eol-i mat,ner. Thej say : You are the o' that ward Itijklecktick," thing ye did nae ax Me tne speflit."Wr I'm' may have been brou4hL by some lell,3w who, only party m -an we can get just now, and DED' Hotel accommodation is becom, The Free Masons held a Pic Bic in are entirely to h4rue E. for auejeest a te,uid at Appilin' (flivissna muckle the Ft. U111. w" n a more impurt-tat ernza.l. I have 1, ir 'Ac vote for you, it is. -to be ditincly ing se-irce in satitsfactorystate�of'muttdrs,'ind if,they' fj,_ Neu MIDentsewats. er protest of tha Huron isiforms us th I dintia re that they aSiodilly'to feel -Lbati-the -b00% ArA LbP-n," he 11,40ulbt, "how coraid a Puad re", m ship no more animals than they purchase ; is On Lbq EA6 heard wh a.)-rs af)uut ILjlAa,d owl, valet. sclinle) bit I'e"r Acrimp a'*urd o'let. -Cattle deaiers 'hould take es, begimaing occ understood that, we do s6 und' at it like scritiop meesel' whan 1� buyta's coat." 1"GIW8 Lh' tsea- wrwog leg," 1he3 know the remidT i3n offizer be so f4wiliar w, You, are what the S; hottse�wal;Ctwlo, regeo t size he Coul w d an, ,ire, th'� mistakes will happen -still With plolwr th the gnal term you -2 Abat is required. Whilp they seek to ,0.,L otentiou to his business,. a dealer will U IMd u mW sk' coaL!' -4- Weel it apply ery meaim (in Ads case ony way), I fill Wtv calladAr -willft -W the eamN ag to knCw Lhat the famous inortari'politicl c4ip fill it Vviit summ *tora With easi. d AW -48 techuic-,*:lv called here 'Whist:ju. J�LT pittirtlya Reformer, pairtly. t bbite U -ia-porTidge-you are a v V131 pairtIT a Tory, commit such an error, besides he r 31 flick ?' Le fairly 'find 6 thiiia Ah.- IyAmey, -prisoners can tell poor -ap(,cimen o. a try, a makeshift, and Sgr M -truder, out (as sonle here have fdua-j) 11hat sucb --4- _*e must continue to, �Lthue our own rowi'l! Foot, the talented magamer pairtly i baul *watterite, pairtly a brandy �Iuudc_ryma t 0 i them thalLo They would very aatur-.Iiy speak if we "I a better man you would gat of the drinker, pairtly a gamb.er, pairtlj y Coe it moth ug. (3� :0- M la Npe n n,, a U�Vrtly about 'Wbis.-Alag Dict., :your walling papers instanter. 82'0=4 (a amu'pairt), paim)y a leer, &a # a' thegl. -A" D Ar"y satisfied the doubts that at 0 in Go�lerich. a doctor, . .. .. . - x, _)� - I Plan and Specification may bea Even fvw days GALLAT.-A COntecavot- ]G . I Taux, BWf- NOT X; 00ke of the x%bsbriber in Cliato the tory organ has nothing to sa.V int, poor ther a rdwdie, fur tie's a thiripw be turns I an' ary sa% s A W henju. Are4,Qa a,lady's train 16 �(m or be- 03tu-Ily in his ml 11, -nd af- napthin' IlLng he's aye cryin' guid iord, in the' g fkaimSeakniltb, to K t - or Jul tpot:- reqaired.ta Journeyin fore the 6th &y -sp F or overturn, Ler va,6tyia- n every o jection, flolmes' favor. It "goes in" for Mr. An Excureion pai!y ofabout pi jadieq_ % tention ize. You most, go into the sti eel, you- have -th T)f CH&A land White Grmhe, just �&iv. Tke`d' a *Air andin" ch*"il Py it( wa Do. bit We a �ng a rizht there, and -you have a right 'to -step directed- to a little Girl, apparently somm"'f"! --Lbd at- I!el Ver"i be stated i bo 9 uly he d,swveted flays, a tory of three months st q b4ck road, to Vjy ' he &ctdd t at 9-.tme low. em, an rithia sidewalk, and if any foolish -w ;a11T CDWP, ori A2 years of age-J,"W'1he q who has yet to learn the a, It, c, of bi& 01navr to 'Yaw, Yaw fur the sake ue8tion Wberp the deace"dil I leave that letter of day mornin en route from as,,* deefineeshun that. He wants tae keep in wit o ' - , olstkqped. bizitess. z he ad lie new polltie�s, it tears away at Whitehead thV' 11(take 6f choose to lay five yards of satin between your of r6e, $be ITEAKS 15H ft Co. 3**y9j ly fa a -'-That's kest Yaw wants feet and the flisgo, it its at her risk, -not "WhA SbAlfwa7do with her" ? lictua OA B'stehIS] th# ft -at. Was t�ere ever such 'a JPU ci� connect with ass! d r-4"raous. She w 4t (L 00 exprom, ad I I y d reWlj Afidtvly ha , d 40 116 Over Peel -,mans e k, hqi A Pbrlippo ent-red at once. A claw aid I"' ye, ti;t th rels Stp JAV Clinton -from tae keep in w be Peel ln�n On akoont ul� -joars." 11 rhis remi nda us of an incident." e -County Buff cuy&-d unfortunate do., ? an lb9on, supports Sloan quietly --- aul A th litti-F q_4 wq�,t c pbi!lppo! feith&-bizin which a fri�ad euterij�g pIrt in time I i , _k' "a the Oewegit Times,, .9 Twrts HoInafs. Such conduct is out- the ?'F; AC414 P1141 rouncle by some So hizatit MP ae wit 4raditV. :p*il ii' ber , rageous, and we think Mr. Holmes should AJA4�� on top$ fclr'44�j�tj--botlr�-Jfi con A— hirfl'Ael' a"Isue fie takg' 16- Yaw, Yaw"s 4 si4o with black braid a linug -bat on her he_4,d par&n for bib inadliforteat carele�82[ltss. ­D;tJ you we anythin� or letter from entei an action at 9DOe agairi3t the con I bomz lost one which I jet r icL th' cheatin' 0' pu4r,8"wa*4 e see " Sir said she. 6J "g yme. pardon, for corardirtWe - --eived a Al y or ck er. Y wa e&l Wadrus kinj' wearidl t. such a ga"I�ppnt 04 111116 face,. dij not know that moncr DOI 4U7 under fale ag I he poet Balk, the chaps, m it two &':let. ff-e you seen it ryalive convention fur trylog to NOT tory co 1 sc _ele" gel Lord d in Quebec 'Street."' rather-, IV ,bel; pretermeW. on Tuesday olke you tw�d rec*ived Vt. 5, I ]as cordielly wel- g We th' Wf'-P- Idlafz. �tjv t. i` tryin' tae nd -6 _$Ut$J lf� 'bf Vito th, tne Greek, It is a solemn. fact 111' ra#$c ler, sin a to rs and JJ*0 "bV84t t e Qu ilia countenanee. nation. flt tae shrewdilim A; At a -A IWO th, roost 4kaj comed. ro'pl with an expresaion nPrn`fQu84 1'noruftce-ul? ttrribly in the conwrvzritive tilroat-h WOD*t go d -6447 I)rpe'teese pheWeWaithf lit 0 Pidle 'Arce, r FbeArcl, 'ded wall k 0 CR.EA "Od beisfenA t' etelftimed 1) T" tllo� We mee Matilda, t goes agaloit me to -day. 'I itl,;8, wh 9mmac- ia tae preech th His every thing pb'sica y a 1 23 Ill. W began to !pak, even tv a To' --all the quelid" North-Wigisteto Railvfv WW -b" w Yaw wife ufl, 'a- a w6fttfifi, egg- I nxed ere lofig, r 6' Pieurlament , "I avorite toite being from 4 jackys is.. top, lectur?u she--, sdoeup o' in �hr'1_9 r, by -all accou andowe pa to her by those who mood by, as to AM o`*t6n5tz`n1lY 60di'14 out 8)me groat 14,ases, is just as fit tae be a1iiemme WUta cgrwd e�zreless and f,-Ilow I have co I I' -le ry is uv�l a UZI -what apporters , , w@4 bar narue,7 Wh i s V1 - � , rom, Jee(t a&6ai&. opetucks. kh and heart� the- room one after woubtfli%der cut Vr �7- At We f� lie eff ezpL 'a en t orts of both were eutireJy 7ed yearx a,6 in the BrffwHeraW, t.)uob- Yer troo fl;eea� 06 *0d i iW lVhiJ'1';itOR#*iA5tedbimtoseareb tLe tent. the oth ": in Will mate w4 J une ag rd C 1111111 a. Hour, as which iftis ly,4 1110tt6i�,? could be-foaad. di t ah"of the we sty, =L upi. VICIMPO q0t) is flow �vvmp ;yet tur it rrm opt, o loon De- , I f 25,000 to bare,' UDA 'In, at lsin­�walla. 0 vV1uutqajra, riLmo -ttainfillij apparent to all Was she vtll� - _. I(V R Oor4iproperzy Ps lot 0 a 5 Va at means of a q Jor.4k Store and Dwellidi, Upentice JMV M_ *46 communiestio Vler M ^ 4 r Mact tw 024ver mbid, Philippe," he &Aid 4%10'M � T&�id her be Star berr' YOU Way' srL 6XV I 110(att"C% 0 to me dweeW -19 1, - W_ 0.- dm4. aton Wasted on Fnint street V=11 W A *'DOD't li-tha words of Dr,, Blaam �i I& was too- on 0_49*11K,1091"" iuw T0106011010141 49 sR-tia I 0ul; was com- a rAulp"D �10theS,LAIU"400ULtikisevenitig. DAd Of the ctluserTatives, to stick Mr. I RiViNsize. ]DIV it Mjoir BaretW -Abd dumb, rh int i An inking th4t her handle might at M Y my and be quick about it.' Holmes' ifteck in* *the, Id ps t dy, 1, rwo young ladieli have been court_msAtj1lj,-' ore any one could ran Al tutu 9 a intzpat, ve tar ytke;, ig :,F 'to her Ion 10011 DM a 1 Cheaw 4W 99­ d6ith rib on -Y V- I ft -,bt, d4rknom tW4 pd in FlaridajfqV futAig, fl -zo At -.he a eJock that ii 0 It �a saqk in &:A imi�edet age. lie has served h rabL&rtilled ovitt the wholis cowl. Xf.-' "tAsd e ome ira announced a the local d 11-171- I FU KID -them "Or BOO; Sa Alwft;lfilt I f a off mU(f tag(f YIEVS., flo wis id 'the -lb&t its sitVa war wanting list The (load Tem'pfawrl icou sk W. -SIJ my Usee, Ilk the Bum;; Str*wb 44 .0411 W �he throne of Itilyyl�! V ar at 1JUd cajup e OuUtuto the thick da4a am -Us X"rn VO&SO A 1Z rnr Lo . - I Ab cmwr unka I na_�trl t4M ycans-�.=dAbey Uboul,l nov, L Noodik MACDObA§&Z r til L 01liE u Jowlift him, and he #;Uq4r, =If i4414 A01 Itk _V d ately e The r thp? It 'JutA7 t-. tW *IT Juglilt ; 921!", -6 A omma" - 17 If 1111.4 -fate of' peired b6 t 'P 61 �wzffw 14 ildlY, 40 L;e 0*41tv din dikirfto t ov- cr Nolalj= o