Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-06-25, Page 24 4A A Noo did ye ever Tat VNIACIP910P, OV CiNIM. )N* CODEUICHI NO. I. an nae a barriste� yet I is been An Ei rlish inveator h s cotc.rivei a. Mr. Gibson said he had been waited on ut ken the, a 9 'oult] ar-ive, to wfic'm he vr� 11 % I D I, F., G. T. It. THE F111INVOU JULY, ike 0' R 1. to 8!itu Ashfield, June 11, 186 t, to thinkthata Ch p ood tomplars, but ri POLITIUMIEETtRGS IN a private capact , by two 9 1 canna say he's provei'velocippale, which he c,015 the LA Ran. S ng, P LCT, -3, latf,,n %ilh 1jiltillion, t his trade, an t: a, Irt pi)r had been askey for no pledges, and gave ri, the Editor 1 the Signal twalve a haarace to him. toone," and repiumendd it for uie do ........... journe;'man yet ; that's a d g On com. (Vats, tita I '),een : st. Th:s �;u e� I r c�,- k would in- ARRIVE. Preparations are being made by a com. NORTH HUROIC cone. He iag known to -be a temperate man t it'll tak a mOn roaii. fie prints, arn,)nz ....... hfitg`rgla FDITUFI,— I saw a totter 'in yere He think's we"re gey green fall others, a ce, Usteription of train. 'ttee to get up an attractive pra� and that was all that he vvished to say about I Floor ............ I ftirm his sop�erior, who w,vul(l at, lit-Aiat the nil different turkey frae hina to at us. Let hirn tificate from a Lieutenant B-Atori, of the Acci)njotlatioti ................... 1'2-30 a.m. or sm, use' paper no long sin, frae a third coosin o' my BAlley V 11 ,q k, V ;Quel-it -)all the fact, UXINecll(ILZ 3. gralUMO nicuts at Goderich on (tteporte4 paloially for the' 411_41AL-) ilia matter. his beard's Rojal E stinaers, ge,ving in India, wlin R I t, —suid 1he majority of the ,in, frao the south an' hita an' me (forby gang to Jericho an Stop till Exvn-�.s ............. . .00 The chairman f lie reasoned iiIae writes I h Lve g -eat plea-3are in beariu; ................ �Tq �_ MANC HESTE It. grown. It lukes to me as i Vie comin,,*-k%r% zen­�-! to-inak,- I �ao%vn in Dontill,ion Day, oi vhatever it is to be test'na-my to tile el'. 1 0. goo(I tempiers were opposed to laitroducin" bci,i' bluid relations) bein' gpy intimate Lang NI I xed ............................ .50 ft ellenceof this inventio,ji. beep ............. this, 11 I'm gaun to be stickit for a lawyer 1 .,e imto I") r—ml [,L.-v�lan. Here. too. %A e o Mr. Col. polities into the order. Beef. 7 DEPART, called. There 6 to be I great military WF.I)NF.�,11AY I), afternoon. syne, alole we left the [BIC 0, Skye, Illere's �a-s aw canna get the rion, Ithat's cerldin: I rece , ve d o:io f rom 1',") 11 sar 'r, ini !,ffik-cm, wai Ii -t 4 to give iTi ra nowt 1 c - Nir. Hays expressed hirriselfquite Butsfied. y tbl;� Gwreeu) ........ Exprr,;s nli! ..................... 6:30 review, launch, boat races, gomesi C.X- well, chairlDtin. About firty electors! a sort o' animal mapytiam atween us ; an' me aw'll see if aw cantia izat into parliament aTO. and have constantly travelled in it since lon I ............. and the matter dropped. 0 *arn no par lines over very bad roals. ar�d aides de-carap Wallin , f"t "I's 1:4.5 cur-sions oil the lake, excursions from all assembled to the Tumperance Uall -it the Mr. Whitehead will have a good majority wadyc beipeved. I faud the specrit workin' flcular on what ticket. AwIl be Cien, 80met, In% T! -as ".cvz,&ar v %k) out I %orzie ti rive. ho 4 like Micawber, see what's gaun to turn ul),", constantly u steep hills. wh�re an od- m., , foot, ry P ............ . . ................ 4. 45 me to wtite it'll no do, weer vad gaun to have a velocipede could notbe moved On& the Northern -ports, excursions from be. hour announced. ililr. Gib�on, the first here, and the gociton will be pretty well di. ire frae the North Weel lor r, ce But ? ton .... �tiln, for the R itish co mt a der in. vided bettreen Gibson wid flays. There flay, new 14� ,, - low by rail, &c. We hope to see the speaker, claimed that having founde Sandic'8 yepolstle pat the neid shed on the atickit lawyer fof oor member. Aw'11 � ood roa-I I c tri go t wenty ni'les wi&hont tbg chief mras by no means inclined to b,, -a4 everal Bterlin(r reformers in the neighbor. a I ��i County, are 8, 'I'ou" . gue. The rant 1 Vi �l thing t"S rout energy 01 valuable ai a for tbrough those adiniraL-e faces of thousands of our farmer fricii(Is NVrox­ter the fifth villago of the hood working with g all' a%y doo3t sat dooii an' put PCII to c,),,;LaL a wee, an' see if aw canna fin out a ali4htest fAti oome is not only ir's eventfa' tinTC3, to try an' job for hi" an, awlil gic him the information mean., of olotm. on tile occaion. Coale in and lvt us re- and as.sistiniz in its most important inter. and sitecess. As at anchester, we ditlut paper, as th ........... which prevaded toi�lely o' 'lie , I � ticke;s- - - ' ' * * a -.11 ktl�l bear a single Boul say he would vite for rrati8 throull your columns sonic ither day. but as a gymnasium it is perfect. giving VV001 virlished ...... o'cl oc'. was ne o at halt,] iesomA glIot3 o' the political atintcr%phere 9 As for Jo�n Holmes, pair bodie, hea like. equal work to all the museles of tho 11, S., , t . v it a et) I s was c i st A. At la The ioice tozether t the birth of the Now pri-eq, he had done his share towards do- Holmes. body. For this reason it is especially usoral WOCI unwashed ....... in car seck8hun. ! Weel ye gee I think Sandie Hams per ......... lier runuin' for a seat in the New Jerusalem, tiegall, Ille valittus Dowinion—tLe nation of the-Niorth. 11oloping the resources of the country. In frialla, 'where exercise is the excepti' y on issued, site- IV., JURe '25. 1867-] ST. HELENS. was owre hard on," Yaw, Yaw an' '9&rae than for ane in, the Parliament o' the New Dominion, an' he'll find oo when it ou�ht to be Ille rule. The rantooze alit u A mood lan,e meeting was held in St. Ba7s fo: ye keri Provid�!nce ries Borne ane If the County Council had not adhered t am thinkin' basintss Jt (N, a I'd trx: c i d as a locozm' 's ya%v that the crystal bar ol Eden dour tho' it was lve ives one an interest in its The applicatian of r. Saulldil to the striot letter of the law, Mr. Hays, 11,1,' YaW`, ;an it, b1"N 11 Vs of& C.1B!99N I Its on Thursday alternoon. il�. G%unt girt an' some anither, an' if a to the Peti, wull bo naetbing in compare wit exercise, and its Ponessor soon forgets what XV1W Obint Pref111 a4v'.4 for tho WjiMit-and-ineastireship, Qf wh"-h i- o' speech vera weel developed, liver complaint I file Town -Council of Goderich, had in tile chair. Mcssiq, Gibson, flays, I hasn4 the gift the bprrierg i,i the way 0' his election as and bile mean. The stoer. mon, vonous path be -fore the dl,,) Whitehead, Sloan and Holmes delivered Gibson for The we hear so tutiell new a d,kY'4, was coll- been just as guilty in voting for. a grant thq m-In's no expeckit to gic what he no hts e of North flurot) in the Conn. ing apparatus is perfect." the be or representativ Is re any cow IdreBses, but as the points breught out have Yaw, than [louse of Common it, t1:re front laric cocted in r. lliys' tffice. Fact we of $500 to the Salt As to his 'n' its no I- Moncy f3ap," or "Yaw, s. aw-intend giein him reason why such a mach;ne ghoul not be L� rd Assewbly in North H uron ? Tht's the boen reported beictre we do ot deem, it but pervy ]Davis' a screed in number twa, this is only cumber comm,)nlv used as an aid to locomotion on avo it on god au-thority. politics, 'Mr. Uays and himself had at the necessary to report theni at anv length. At am gaun to write a ar Was enL'Jre�l 711 PX boot. Oil man I aw I ane frae Sandie's cousin. good country roads near our cities ? Where lest ion. 31r. [lays, who is well known b ___ ___ — wing xmi i ng hig secretary. � er. RODE RICK. boys and airls are sent to school, a distanm the eonclusion, Dr. Gaidner, of Lucknow, I whites see that paper that comes frae Gill We ciip the follo perlo,nied the dul.e-; f a -,e(- t,) pos.e�s to an estraordinary degree—to &Zr- At a lato rueeting, r. IDys 9-lys commorek tricut of* tLeir public life been ot up and attacked r Gibson in a n.ost L� , ich, they oil, tile Star, an' what a blaw it Of a miie or two. or where men go to and atmeral Adrertis" o1casinal;V, wasw-Iting al 1h- reformers but the former had now c04, nViolclit Illarille char.,,ing bitu with bein;z a IV,, it no li-irher naule—the giR of htY offered to give $ 1,00,000 socul' ty maks nboot, its cirkilation " grl,e for adver- from the railroad depot daily, the same dis. Poid the t46 It wa-q i i_- r# r public -thief. The audience however, socil Klippen Iteapling and Blowing is At this cessOn Of ti tica, hzis, with the uf nly C101 k out us a c tanve, such an improved velocipede. with cholers worbaii, dysten ZeuLed b, ll,it, t.%L) e.r when he applied for the Co onservntive, and they were divil ike wand ; but it forgets to soclegy. sufficiently large diving wheels, would, it to Ste t�,e cuu"b. 1 re j , put a stop to the tirade, telling the Dr. he teesi n, " and sic I tell fouk that the hauf all' bauf candidate 1r. n. oLi of the Star, ship, the wot-k connected with which. was 1 it) opiuioll, Insmuch as ila seems to u dred complaints sro full I,i--; utiscrupuloui to eu Ys was'not an eleetor ard shouid not use such 1 9, be an excellent and uselial eft. 1,,ni Ra.!an wis �n had decla-red hinistlt in favor of support- insulting lai.guage. He was backed on by a (the man that's in the same relation to the According to notice, an adjDurned meeting should be liberally 9upp ored to pread abroad a belief that to be done by Thomas, Richard and biitag the neeemity for Ikee*Z VeXembille Pain Kilh deny e few persons who should know better, but 15ne. open Etighla counteutince, u u:l ill-, the Coalition, while be believed it Conservative and Reform pa ty that the of the Directors of the Kippen Reaping and horses, ensuncg sufficient wholesonse exer. lhonie, whether it be for -humoured suide genera, y m -t d he �s 4t.lo- to be elected. more fall"c'- Henry. %V here was the security to conic 0 oFinion was that Mr. Hays, a ,vud the general _,eod's Hotel cise to the user, and araming an important would be wiong to tic ourselves down would lose heavily by such support as th he Bible is to file auld and new Mowinit' Society, was held Mel III, tAp to Earom about at. blank leaf In t Tbe economy in the expensil of the conitlify. 4r3v ha r t u.!ed ar, uad a ous idea nc*r occupied the mind of man. fro al ? Echo ail,,wcrs &c. Z�d %hen he Kippen, on Wednesday the 12th u:t. plaw their hands on it i Testament; belangsto nane, aY is doost I he ( the r Ile ul V blow away as bard as he pleases neck and heels to the Coalition. Coai- This section is good for a GribsoW.and White Jas. And on Esq., of Stanley, jag. MAny disessm in it d,st aye I a cow of w hitesi teetti. The Star has a fittiag sorre,;pnd- heiid majority. Mr. Holmes, had hardly a -esident rs 0 wontbil, which will pri Itiors enerally were dan-crous things, napthin,, mair nor less than a blank) pays Pi -"a G.eek, a",d in his retirsts, h�acit evra, fr tffeet. but he i going to suff" all supponor in the crowd. ir. The Minutes of the meetina A man engacred in a Ittemfive billi'mfts falm, his varvirg and va.lous ex cut at Seaforth. To answer any of* his mid should be regarded with great caq- for lots o' the -Star oo, o' his ain pocket, took the cha mediste y checked, cal We have been over d approved at Montmartre France, had for some by one or wo doses of dispiased a.[ the su!�t:ptv. a, d ridiculous personalities would be too much or else his clients. Oor P. M. was wanderin' of the 5th April last, vrere read an I tion i BELF AST. instructed time past been swDeited of aeb of im- the North Riding— ecretary having becri and the veisaLl'lly of itte a,el­ the grtratr part of atth; is a -reit whatir a' their rbits were, but aw was think of. The 9 more than oneoccasior like killin- a snake whosc r Z5 e 0 Mr. Iliys, irr answer to the cha fe On Thursday evenin� a very large and draw. up a new Inerlity, and had received two days where Hsys has his strongholds Its Wdl r9 ill' lots o' them wad be like deid lichts at the meeting in April, to ed of ititzaile suffring influential meeting wus held in McCrostio's back a summons to appear before ths the abore named prelx -,r& ELglan, and be had b, -,n re-dii,g deal worse than his bite. -in with reference to altered circumst N f3re L, brought aainst h ances as %T.lerc he will ­ t barciy single vote, Hail Jug Somerville Esq. in the chair, Mr. twinklin' awa till the election was owre, and constitution to suit the .,IN iaq�ai�ent haste. A I last he 0 0 commissary of poliee to anmr the chitrp. Sold bv a Dru_-irists s�dt well -rant said he voted for it with ed that the ot.-e, wl-.ich attiacted paArej.'-a at- and we fecl perfectly satisfied. that if the Day- About killed aff the Sl*glzal," Whitehead made a good sensible speeeb, in than th9re'll ne an an eclipse, but the lichis of the Society. 11 was mOv Maio When in presenoe of that Magistrate. cine dealers. PERRY -acticai style and favorably im.. It Society now read the same. tr I, n, ar.,d mcu� ar displeasurt, Going to pitch into the the undorstanding that the money vrould his usual or thit dim it'll haidly be vveibe in our pair after thefirst words of In pres a audience. down., frietds of Thomas Gibson work as we have you ? I I s4 d th' Mr. Holmes followed he cited, tiingiiil� it ' I re you Terrible young be returned if required. Ile was one of I n'thu kintry, all' nae'place else aw daurea, ?;EW CONSTITUTION. been read to him, he suddenly fixed the 'cowardlT let.1,61S know they,nill do, his return is certain. Er, a C, I with the best speech he has delivered during, -derich Star obser. 21w 3m 380 St. :herr is no en be fabled No- the heaviest shareholders of that wdl except aiblins at the, Go Ist. In futura, the name of Society shall handlef an awl against�he desk Won the canvas. Dr. Sloan alga made a very good Gi altse!im By Jove. if this we� at Dtrr�u,�Ie J'he Council,4 iniquities" are about play- man I beware lest, ke t vatorv. There's a mail griags aboot an' be I- The Huron Farm�!rs' iWociatlor,lo for him and throwing Urself vilentl 0.ery man woud b% off oil speech, in which he made a streneous effect n thou shouldst row too extensive for thine which would be 'a great advantge to the etinvass-s for tho paper an' tr6ts out tile ed out and Mr. Gibson h2s p4inly show to destroy Mr. % bitehead,s te'iing points. hitufan' hauf canoidate at the the purt,ose of encourapog improvements in upon it, drove -the blade into his heart. STRANGE, I -it in the world is o,,e walt, r I ame time, D A.cev no&. wh country. He then buried the hatchet of A,niculturat Machinery. I a III . na — s2ve:"! C4. ukusuQu on I chsq, that Death was instantaneofile. br_ia ' that. Hays himself has v way unmeutio oted a cables Mr. Gibson did rtniarkably well,'bis adilress 'I hat's a true law o' 1.1 mbers of this atur in thVir Every youngwyarld er Politicl stiifc, rised our securiti-,s above being clear, logical, aud 2nd Allersons becoming me moncy i4leyally In the tovrn council ofl CUICKE'IV MATC11. st""esman""' like draws aye to like ; for they tell they're reasurer there- can hew somettung very M &iked the Greek-, Ilia forcible presentation of the political iff, assoclatlull, shall pay tothe T A rce ar. r. Gibson wa out against the ruforlm baith turn -coats. There's vera little d er re=rnruail grevot charg,) Ye, s ­d in a haaf-c Goderich, and as for the politics of the' 8ituhtion clearly made a powerful impression of %early, the sum of 50 eta. Two QUESTIOSS E&sr Arsirzan.—Why Tkofe baving Ceti" A cricket match was played at Clinton inembers 17 the Cabinet by opposing ti!Ie Mr. Hays was unuaily sphistical, his ephe atween them, the maist noticeable differ is =by fri tioucing thmed �:ai &;n bonei D'Arc,-Y re(lu­ts latter, they are such a jumbla of cortr--1 that the ain's a cheek an' the itber a hair ird. The headquarters of the Society shall should men wear beards ? Because they we spildrewtheizabodimi sema 4 Coalition. The C luat I - TH unvention that nomi ed meral witticisms and word-plaing falling butaw really think that the bi e at Kippen. where the sinasal meelin- a preat protection to the throat and la.ftzk e*�- of immediate ab'sence. lie je,:kivedl dictioos as to be bevouJ the comprehen- last Saturda, between the Goderich ard ggest aae has I b n L., __3vs, a severe ti;jw on the hes-I at In- when the game resulted 31r. GiLsou for the local house was composed flut on, tho audience. Gibson had, nt least the least Bowl o' tlie twa; if he was naleesed 18hall be held. and add much to their personal appervance. a n v I Why should we use " Bryads Palmonic man. As the star of Clinton Clubs J,)%e ! I Fion of I in- I too thirds of the meetin�, and opinion m.�,nn_. ThL poitro,)u ! liv ut dele-aus sent by four or five men III most am dinna think his sow' wal be the s-ze o' 4th The Society shall be organized by 4 n., :esti than one hundred 'an,t t,,tenIJ fla declines from, day to day! the cause in favor of the former by 9 wicIi-ets and seemed to be pretty evenly divided between lown.,hips. f a three cent, bit, an' maybe qae as gude the members meeting annually, nct later than Wafers ?" Because when wed -or coughs, ]BUJILOR8 0 :5uch w-itzen iequests befam me at this Whiteheat, and Sloan. If Mr. Holmes had : of Gibson strengthens and brightens. If runs. The roliowing is the score Pretty close questioning brought Mr. Hay" even one supporter in the room we failed to metal. They say he's Scutch, thank aude- the fit -at dey of April, in each and every year, colds, tickling in thethrost, hosisenen. ke., I rentialsall wko #,d&rt V' 7V time ' ' 7 1 rags ; he's no bieland, for he wad be a'libel and shalt elect a President. Vice President, they act I ike, a charm. Mialisters and law. UODE-RIO 11, l3t Innings. duwn to the statement that Last Wawanosh eee or 6ear hi. Belfast has been represe rkax7fltt T, Prenulivre Decay, I utl on the kintry, aw diana think ony 0' the Secretary ani Treasurer, and three Directors, yers age them, physician recommend 06m, Otate hundred =d twenty !­ cried the �Ir. Haysevcr believed he was WiLho led no an awful place, but we think it is a I at indwreti(M. Will (OF tkl secretary in amiusemetiL was nut reprebented through sumil cause. three kingdom tary lie spetakers siy they an friends, stf lzh we very much -doubt, the SAX ES. 11OW OCT. SCORE I s wad own him ; for aw think to serve for the ensuing year. The Secre and singers and glob seadtree4W &U WKO UCCd tL YeA. cialeroa. one hundred and twent T c. Liu rns b. Smart 9 right. A more ordetly crowd both befu Jackson Mighty little was made by the Conservative it'll be like th.s wi' min's pay well, never and Treasurer to have no vote at the meetings the very beat medicine in existence for the 4r;gkine the aimple remedy b tv,:1113 of the pat two weeka liava deceiv- nd after the meeting could no rs care of such complaint& Sold by all me&. ore" ;r 30 catididate on this Voint. 'the candidates u(.ited in voting XcC r,peated Loi d Razian i "and here is I L. 11. b. 0 a ire, mind the natur o' the work. Ile's rate on of the board of Directo _41ibsitto profiltily t last * le --which cae this mornin-', tn-,! re ed 11ina woefully. Better or wore ener- ui-ing b. do rostie ima-inary confabs. Aw seen a letter in the 5th. The following Brarch Agricultnral cine dealeM at 254s. perbox. qanAo so by addreunig c. McKeon b. smart 4 r. Whitehead spoke strongly against the the prince of iand-lords. N0.13. C quest U A rc* y. �;etic p,,',Itical friends could not be rallied I'Hodge b. Smart- 7 Comet (rwd man, ou ea'd the Comet for ane Socities, viz : Stanley, Bay, Exeter, Clinton, Bank of Issue, Rail %ii ay Amal-aulation polut- humph I.. B. W. b. do 3 JX CKNOW. ne-7er kens whati it'll diLappear altheAther) thli Cont. and Seaforth, may at their annual meeiinp, THE MARKETS. Why, what of aim T, around any c-tudidate in i Pas -move b. do ed Out haw. in his opinion, the IntercolonibI on the qualifications o' ane ot nor can�fldates, appoint one of the Directors, to be a Direc-- b. Ortir 2, Her wAks to -o, and tells your men, with a hearty ood will, aud Hdtdau I41:way could be cheaply constructed, advo- large meeting wait convenel in the Royal I matin that shurely been acribblcd be soae tor of the Huron Farmers' Association, and b, 0 timt he has cont; on of the bmin. I la.:l hae M. 16. 0. No I iraz Ca Ih3t 1h, when tha hour ofpollln,- arrives, File up., b. Stuart 2 1 cated cheap postag6, and repeated his state- Oake Hotel, on Friday afternoon, Dr Mc- cleishbottom " body, and he should ct Rpart some of their fun& to assist Cliawn, June 24. 18674. (he.,-Zin- joar lordship's pardoo). 01 0 1 mt.Y s, atew to tse wirtki. IF& Not QuE Gregor in the chair. The speeches delivered warned oor candidates to lake cot for the i the H. F. A., any, or all of the abcve men- Fall W beat ........... 111:50 1:60 ctfirk" to vow on the 1 4 i-elre b!uw which Im received at Inketiu-mil, such a En,jority for Gibeon as shall farce' Llwovd V. I ment that it' he got by any means a large schulentaisterAvas abroad. It has a little I tioned B. A, S., contributing not less thAn Spring do .............. 1:20 125 h-4 qu�ckened his imagination." arrant Humbu to bide its diminished B) Ca ....................... 8 number of cars, be would have to pay the by the candid.te3 were much as usual, every- bit o' the alminee twang aboot it, an' frae! -.'do of the Oats .................. 0:45 z; never known to fail. �s $5 ' 00 per annual, t o the fu said to any ~ dexirou*ofto WiLi ? How T' U Me% ........... a ........... I thing passing off decorously. The meet'n," its bei,,' like stories I doot the man that Itrzv" & Co, W Na 0. 1 �hcst price for wheat to fill them. He H. F. A., shall be eutitled to be represented Barley . ................ 0-50 why. I saw Captain U.1roey ridin $-ead No baili ..................... 2 as almost unanimous for Gibson, and spelled out Von hasna been altbeg-ither com- (No kiters taken unit t - 'i th&tl 1 0919!, Mr. Piatt, to show at the board of Directors of the Ii. F. A., bv Peas .................. 0:65 fuli speed all from dallailmra yesterd,%y. He cital the case of vote in the pos mentig, or maybe had 11 a wee drop in mad; �is horse go at a ratee which astontsh Propellers for Goderich. Total ....................... 3 i ve a large a Director, appo:nted as above mentioned, Butter ... ... ...... 0:12 0:13 % hen a lar -e miller left the field the market was dune - his Co." The yepistle aw refer to said Director to have equal voice and vote Flour ................. 7:00 7-50 ed the maerab!e ho-seless soldiers about he e, 23D Isait-NGS. s,ction. fell. As for Mr. Holmes, he had atween Sandie an' with the elected Directors, in the manage- potatoes TO coxsr. up to the shape o'a crack '0 0-70 ieport has been in circulation bare since A - L. 0. Why, yoar wardship, he mAde quite a stir In Ja k3aft Not ont Mw sdrartlew, hav-g 2 been a long time in the County Co uncil, and KINTA I John Aw doot the man o' hair hid a finger ment of the H. F. A. The said B. A. Fggg ................... 0: 8 0: 9 b. Hariand in the pie ; its no unlike some 0' his ttvistl ' Societiea. may contribute more tlian $5.00 Saturay, that, in consequence of the at- . Rectv rtso a L - H - n, ewweeks Wil wmamw Not out a�rio a member of Varliament, and having leave of a The assembly at Sturgeon's taiverp Kin L-aadon, June 241867. and fitruevew yews VAQ And this fellow requests magemeut between the Great Western sod its low, mean, all' dirty, but when aw con� annually to the'funds of the H. F. A., and absence I Bul� whali-do you mean U' say Grand Tjuuk Railways, the PropeVer line, NV Id, 6 ...................... 3 been presented with a cane t the end 6e tail, on Friday evetin- was & crowded one, sider the promble inventors o' the thing, its and for every $5.00 erra. so contributed town in kv &law-ssam I Fall Wheat, �fl bah superior ' 'io ISO bal &eM Amenw- CA� that you aw him corallaig, from Balaklara ou_,bt to be satisfied, and sit down quiet' Spring Wheat.do, 1 25 140 Y. eveiy evailabila foot oFspaca being occupied. as guile as they could ic, furabody insulin, they shall be enti0ed to* send an ext Totell *Ito �� a. lite i -day ct anything else frae a so%v but. a -runt 425 500 ezVtm wma:d= efcbwV Test- formerlv canaectimp with tha latter at Sarnia, Total ....................... 14 Mr. Ho�ws, who had entered while' the, Flour, per 100 llha. Itlitessaw-, CH." �d. After the "Pe Director. Isto p'y from the lit of July btween Gi-ule- C UNION, Ist Inn -98. i Andrew Carrick, Eaq , presid!. I A've beep apekalltitin' on the genus Z" the Buuer ......... ........ 0 L9 0 12 parmtand mectinar was going on. He said that at i candidates bad spoken. N. C. Cameron, 6th. The whole o' the Directors sliall. C=z for construrrmT, AN been unable to I We hav Peas. ........ 0 CWA84 "d an Tbre" A" - It was ord,�-r-- rich an Chicago. man an' the heard, an' am proud to say that meet at the cull of the'Presicient, sigqed by CotlLvvr . L fl. Robertson 6. Gollon I " Ajaiam express or-d'Ll-s. my Lord." t Londesbo�o the ispeakets and audience r1ey ........ do,. 50 ascertain shether the report is well foundtd, c. ng b. Cordon 10 Esq., who was present, came torward, and I've fol*ud not its the goat tribe, and ye'li the Secretary, not later than the middle �f B' McKeon *a *si1ic"& OW all " What has become of bim since the v, Hodire b. Gt"ing 0 had lert him speaking, and as he would not I at the request of the meeting delivemal one of s9e Ba aits ......... do .......... 046 0 47 rhum wa!d mak a nice thing oot o' him June, i a each and' every year, to make sr- 0 es"reff" so be finvalumblir- but. ifit proves t.) be correct it will be agrand J. Burns batt:e ? He, was reported wounded-- W. Counter b. cialrdun I by adverteesin' an' exhibilin' flar .................. 8 00 LO 00 Wdlay his gem"... ask I folow th:a canvass any further, but woul im as the I tbiog ror Goderich. We sball know all 0 those rousing speeches which, from him, rungements for intended Reaping and Mowing c. Bennett b. Gordan My Liord, Oe tent of D'Arcey is more Harland () eall meetin i of his own, as soon as it was red bearded goat. au"ye'll see he'll be lurid eowfumble durilig this cold weather, than about the matter in a fum days. Ja,k--on b. utsmaz el I coming down with such tellingefflect. Ile matches, and all other matters connected Montreal, Jime , 13 U. amang the goats at the binder end, without wiltocam Ef, do 7 with the Society, and may, adjourn, and the trancheit Gtigg aseortained virben the elect one were to, come claimed that the liberal party of Upper b is Flour-Saperior Flxtra_ 9 50 a VZ NEW. ri ZA in a rt b . do e mend h ways. I'm gauta to gate some meet againI-from time to time, at the call of rrtd- from I -NIC. 0 tiff. He had tiever rieceivtil a caue as as* Canada were to tha'nk for ali the giest re notes aw tuk in Gaiderich noo.' Weel maun, the President. . 1 55 a 1 61 Why the scoundrel has not stri masonse Pic 1. burns Run out 6 Y3 tent," ened Lord Raghxn, irdtg�antly. I Dinsl y Nct out 10 sorted by r. Whitehead. aw was ajuryman rio'lang sin, an' whites Oau-Per 32 The .......... 0 40 a 042 On Honda Itur, being St- John's Day, a o, my iord i he was sevemly wounded, b. (;ordcn I w enjoy, such as secularizato 7th. The members of the association shall Barlev-Per 48 lbs ......... 0 70 A 0 75 — Mr. Whitehead aaiJ- it he did not expWn, usas VA not have power to add to, or chance the Ashes- . . . - S. 50 a 5 60 visplied the'Greek, with a sateer. the brethren, of Maitland Lodge No. 112, of the e!etgy reserves, representation by w ban aw W Bra tbrang. a south kintry -Pots ......... neebor o'mine they ca' Jock Tamson an we ....... the lie would ri at on him. He was present Constitution, or By -Laws. The canstitution do Pearls. . ... ... ..... 7 741 - 7 75 Wild ulAtion, confederation, and stated that to wad tak a take roan yeir toun, to see the A wwchpd state of thins, truly By ................. POP a 9 with a number of visitiva brethren, amongst W idea ...................... or By-laws can only be altered, or amfnded Raglan, throwing his pea angirly upon the whom was Mr. Cann, D. -D. G. M.', azd in- — when the cane was presented to Mr. Holmes, h -s opinion the Coalition, having el- lions, an' one ol oor stanch conservati" t Toronto� Jme 24,1867. A wre 0 by the vote of wo thirds of the D.rectom is tbo snauerot Be*" Iched state of Untags, when 4S - wheat. -1 55 1 Total. .................. and knew ai'l about it. (Laughter). tinm o s octal Sprin. - go many shrinking trom exposull, T J -1 hat e �Y.t:ws Flow ......... ited guest.4 en'oyed a pie nic to -ether I a M r fected what was desired at its formation, neebors, wha, was wi' us ae day, points out present at any annual mee I 2.%D g Street, should be broken up. In his opiniota the meeting, may however, make ae"w 1859 be happened to be oQ K a an, an' sez quite malestiek, I *a th .......... V editur Wthe Star." Aw tuke a gade lake Oats ................... 0 0'0 1 7 25 ghou!d set so shatme!ul sia exampie to the aas;er's grounds. Theeatahle3anddrinks rdoll 0 � Toronto. with Mr. Holmes,when r. Wilson, 40 0 44 Mon. asi to tLis UArcey, I feel a dislike to bles. provided by M, H, were ot the best. nd C. Counter c. L, ff. Robertson L. Go predominant party should rule in the Coofe- necessary to carry out the objects ot the hm sibovie a.11. I know an uncle of his, 1 McKeon e. and b. Gassing 12 at him ; aw didea lake long th6, for it disna, Barley ........ . ........ 40 45 4 56 of 3.X.66nua I one of the gravel road contractors. came association. the Towit oi Gederv* up derate Parliament, and he would much ra-.her ta everthing pasaed off splendidly, the bretbareu w. counter b. (Mr000 01 k tang to see Wthat's in a loom b &ffel when Pew ...... 0 65 #ST tienry WArcey, in England, who is a per�, J. Burn% b G 5 and presented him with a fine cane, beauti- association eompet- Jaill-Next, at two giving themsa Ives up to a season of innocent see a conservative government, if it had a e ends iq oot ; a -id thinks aw, 16 Weei, th 8th. Members of the He is sampuned also 'Plackson bC_;odt4don '04 1 fully eugraved and ornamented. Mr. Holmes there's na wonder if the Smut Machine was Me' s, shall pay an entrance fee feet swun4rel. of W.sniart Slum at the matcht New York JuM24, JIM. Ct oemmkimlarlim rel, miserable, working majority, than a mom a beina a Him-gi- spy." aii. th and downright e-njoyment. Grigg c. L. H. Robertson idsig ificant when he was bossi' the job, Of $1.00. all that are not mdi2iber4'sh&tl pay Flour -superfine ....... $7 00 (A 8 35 b.JacL3on jumped back as he had seen a snak and Ha r' a" the Grepk startin�. Jacimon dangerous coalition. Mr Cameron then ex- an entrance fee or $2.00 extra . 8 10 10 75 641:4TW9111441iiiiii Any < But how did you find out "' hi" ab,;- �e large refaaed to accept it just then. It did not yere lave, for ye luke sae vacant like that aw Moved by T. Simpson Esq, Delegate from choice .......... 810 11 .ut I SPLE"tD. - Nothwiths=din; III Harland b.ourflon anyl . i Cavan e. C. E Robertson IV.Gomon 11 posed some of Mr Hays' spe , cious fallacies, beleeve your brains wad gang it.to as sma* 2 0-5V IyArcey It asked Raglan. ums; spent Owl improvemeut-Q, &c., the dinc- J. -kson n him (Sir. W.) what it was for at that - beak as yer h6netiman's Bowl ; an' posi i - the btanley B. A. S. Stitooded by Jas. Nheat- Milwankee ...... 2 00 tsorn-'s It. .1at and it in fact, left that ambitious but very ill ItIve white California 2 50 2 60 I am a re!ative to hiz- valet, lots of thp Uoderich Salt We!1 have declred Dinmey Not yut 0 � tirile, but a short time after he in -t, 'Idr. - I I Cooper Esq, that the constitution just rdad I l6formed political tyro without a leg to stand ly aw dinna think there's a burup on his held an honest and trustworthy countryman of' a dividend of 15 per cent. for the -p,-st s.x a by the Secretary. be ado�ted. After con - mine. -" whom I have been frquency 1 3 Wilson, and taked him T�hat became of Ile unless it was raised wi' a 8tick, an' as fur W tales ...................... 0.1. siderable discussion, the motion was -carried awervd, 11 Ob" be soon took it hat they ct original idens, theWs nae unnued in vazious months-pqual to at least 60 per cent. per -fle. lie ans 31 when vou left, and he would have been a i Mr. 13ays was boiling with rage at this w unanimously. The Secretary having read a Total ....................... room in his lapid for one. Aw dinna ken to ae Astw of J lannum. That is a Investment worth going unicatiou from Watson & Moreland, iid you found this out through him fool i' he hadn't, for it cost .590.00 1"- wholesale destruction of his pate -board whether yere"feered for the Star or no, but cOmm yes� Eny torE1, anA worse thin �s t.,14o I into. CapitAlists avi I find in Goderich a Hardwa're merchants of Montreal offerina, of th a (Laughter and. applause.) built argruments,. more especially as he saw losh man, ye dinna need, for it ivadna a-ston- 1 bett* r fiald for operationp than in Oil specu- Mr. Holnip'_'I wasti't warden then I ish me a bit if the doctor sent him dco, to oltiul ls 111ASONIC. Dyanomters for sale at $39.00 etch jt� was ly that the supporters were at a discount worse ? Vi bat now r, Mr. Whitehead. -I didn't say -you were I plain. the asylum whaa'the election's done. The moved by T. Simpson, see. by H. Buell Esq., on Tumilar,t LaLious or gold butati. be(ran to berate Mr. Came- that a VAT A dividend of fifteen per ad "Youmy that his maele is a"U&Sed Of, M,&rrLAND L01,15F 112. -The followiti.- a Rbt T may just as well tell yon, Mr. Holmes, in the room. He dele.�ate rrpiisthe Clinton -B. A� S-1 *A 3 3 oPet(ack U. 12 - Aw teethy dishes seasoned up wi' pepper anace nA that each tor the half year, ending 1he 14th July. li-ing a Ra-mian ag-eat, or rather is ect- clrar�,e You �with havin,, caused the ron for v� hat he had said in such terms that its had in this while back, was no'er dressed Dyanometer be. purchased. a a" 4or We -Ind to be able to announce that list ot the officers installed for the cur: ent of . the 5k, B. A.- Societies, interested,- cobtri- will be declared on iLbe Of1m come, ivileravy ed T' C..)u ie; to ioso $13,000 in the constinction hewas�at once called to orAer by the chair- in the Star kitchen. aw doot its some ol vere *d the i;roiz in this County present a remarka- yeir.- bute the sum of $5.00 -towards paying for the GOdeTiCh Petroleum --Yes." of the Grti7e[ Ituads. When tile plans find N i(rham Gode.-ich lawyorB that's helpin' to grind uo Wed sit 00darick i mail. Ele declareo that at his the same the H. F. association to mali'e up who are in arrear to be excl the bly appearance. If nothing untoward Bco. B. Trainor W. l "Tuen I fear that the nephew r-e-eariblea specificatiinsi of the gravel roads had b�een the smut, ye noo. aibiins yon fallow that bii nracle very strongly.' meeting, Mr. Gibson !ef� saying be.was go. On Ow 14tb J11y occu-s, we mr look for an abundance of 1. F. Tom:; S. W. made, Von asked me to tender foz the 0 Con- 0 gangs about lowerin' through a keekin' the ballance, the said Dyanometer to be the benefit of said dividend.) common propert , and for the use and bene. nexl� payable at the freNeWs- "M bu bat Do— -mean T' st rut tion, but as I was bound in a penalty of inm for hplp. -lass i he has a kind o' insiJuificant luke y ou everything in the sbape of produce. Another H Gardiner J. W. a 0 0 "I do, my lot&," replied the G �0 $500 a day to complete the railway to God- Mr. Gibsouaid that was a diriCt. false- aboot hi-ta, but aw rather think there's so f all the said Societies, wiz: the H. F. the Secretary'# certiticalle. with a year of Ood crops aod fair prices will W a J. Thompson Secy. association, and the Hzeter, CLirton, Hay, CHAS. & ROBERTSON. me- 61 o wmblaace of lioest firmneza in his tone emill by the 28Lh of'Jilue, )858, 1 refused. ho6d. He had as1ed help rforn no an. thin,, in yon bald pow o' his tae man ; or price-eis Dona to bur hard-worlilin farmers, Win. Piper TreaSh. to a tattley, and -Senforth B. A. societies.- sftmtu7 G. P. C. 0 1 i4en examined the specifications and' pro It is almost nee�llesa to say that nearly what do ye think but its yon at Carried. do� my lurd, anS I hope he may be dircov nart cullant S 18 edbelore it is tuo most 0 whom are now in easy circrun- e�and the contract was soonafter given to as our Judge last year, the foulk Aell me a a 13. tlaz:eburbt J. D. f, i 0 w Dated June 21at, A. D. 1867. w -=d -Be ca--efui, Ga;erom. Be careul 6ow st=ees. lt,,we, Wilson& Co. I met you on the eery man in the room was lor Gibson &ad hes no grate at the gab, but doost a deit wi' Moved by H. Snell see by Jas. Bi.,gins I. U. I E Campaine , Esq., Delegate from the �Iiuton B. A. S., you utter suza a charpre agg-ainst a gerltnaaa, sluaic at Goderich souse days arerward,, W hitehead. the pen, an' ground at law ; faith they te!l 0 - aGel a Bri . 1?� Hockstep Tyler. I he looks that T. Simpson, Jas. CoepeN� Charles ou said the contract was lut to Messis. M swim Absence front office durin-, the last whell y Mr. Cameron, at the close, asked his friends me hes extradinar on law, wee me, ray lord. I zaye it ass a Bros. T). Strachan, jas. I hompson, '3t�ward& Wlson, Rowe told ycu to cret the cute (as the Yankees say) whether- hes McLeod, Win. Blair Junr., and thePresident lmd -eek or tvo, will account for any defiPiencles to take a glas3 of Scotch wiliskoy with him, and Secretary, be a Committ July 6e to select the surmise of my own. I made this surrullit -'F. Jjrdan, orgacist. eewent drawn as stron as pen and p. -)per L'I indin' Ballut or no. If the lawyers is belpin berbfered for Stale bi Auction at apparant in tl�is +ue. We havean abun- aar flays, putting one of his petty quirks an ground for the inteuded M,wing and Reaping HERE will and stren,hib- 11E. ChErtrd, Master orCermonie3. could make it,ris the profile and spec.ficiii ions 'it Hays, ye must remember it take a Ian, TPaTTERSONM Hotel, CLwwas an matches.- and to make all the inecessary e"d by seemg, some very suaptc:ou apers dan t suppi Ir of material on hand, and I t vvi; I 'said Cameron called ow. his Scotr& friends to shank -it spune to sup kail wit the deil,, so aw p were very va rue, and that it you d.dn't, get arrantrements connected therev�ith.- Carried. 1p see be,& lahor of love to "rk it up in our ne' &ituhy the 27th July text at 1,1 D Arcry's wat Could yuar fortisbi xt it try an' gie a lift; wilk a've TfiF, ATLANTIC MONTHLY FOR JULY, the best lawyer in Canada to draw the agi which was not the case. thocht aw wa hou " ee- drink with him, After adopting a pr;ze list for the intend. I Village lot 6, in MyLb, Wavraltork., thuAe paperq, y -,a w"Id have near!y the same.i anti tullowln.m issues. ment you would et the Couuties into dune un'nae doot dboot it, an' as the lore- CW"W fifellngp wbich I haire." 1867. -Contents : The Guardian Angel 0 KINGSBRIDGE. Len a kind o'digreesin', a'1I return ed matches, and arragging othef details, the ing one mod. ist vvidon Cour1ii, trouble, You said you vould attend to that. gone has b Directors and Delegates, zorigralfulated each I Vjltage Ilot 6 in Mork A3 DLnAey WCO "it is taran.gel" said Raglan, musing!y, 1 1 A Passage frow Hawthorne's English Mr. flolmes.-Who was better than the There was a good turn-ovt of electors at to my mutton, as tue Frenchers, oor auld IV, v I alth-. Morm, containing I rop4 lotb cAicttoo, "ad �et thure miiit beaome traitors jr, th,3, r -ITI-elfi"t consignment of llanning*s wyer we'got ? the enemies but no or friencis, wild Bay. Weel ye other, on having as they hopel, placed the assoiation on a better footing,, and with Note Books; Mona's Mother; At Padua; Kingsbrid_,e on Saturday afternoon, N. I of toz 5, in Blyth, 'Iffewavolito ted The enpull lilts found out 5.)Mj see celebr�ted cheese has arrived at Shepbard A; Mr %Vhiteheadl.-What� D. _H. Ritchie? see aiv leeve awa in the Nor -wast, an'; aw camp. ing f0fan gem. W t3 of ours w b Poor Richard 11 Doctor Molke speeches being much as usual, except that many wishea for its permanency and success, Ail in the ince-upation of Par;& X 11th tch Seemed inapossa'Ae to b4, Stractran i. It commandi a ready sale. (l,au,rLter). Well, wertietnen, about eight huena seen our candidates yet, but we're _ow%, Md 0 Bret", Elays worked strong oil the Scotch drink the meeting adjourned. 5th How it could be known even to Nru­le for Lho, reedom in. Brazil or teo t nact 31r. 0 expeckin' them gone, aa'as far as aw bear used lly him as a T*TM Stmi QW dwilift Z" a days after tha Wilson, 0 Due notice will be given of when, and h 7%h BAYS1114 many of our own so,.Aierg seems a mystery. nd threatened vengeance on Cameroll but I HL Ci,.urs.-Froraa - alk sections of the My Visit to Sybaris ; The Piano in the who told me he had seen Hector Cameron *of a in the we djuna need to think shame o' them ; �* bu"ngs artr OL Dogma ed tr4itorousiy to Isin where the intended matches will come off a It must have been d.vul, Oronto, and shown hint the agreeweryt, who South Riding. If the electors of Tuqkcr- we've had a 'preatice lawyer frae Ver staTilli; an OPM HUGH LOVK our. the enemy, and the truitr most have been of country we receive favorable accounts of the United States - An Einder-Picture ; An loon, an' J61in Holmea, him that ye ca'd a told him all he bid to do was to Ask the inith should see a comet flashina out in their TERMS -GASH, deowlft f" MAO laigh ritnk� and ctetrp in the confidence ot the condition ofth chip in parritch a while gin. AW dinna Seciretary. the bslauce,atslitortdsils.� Artist's Dream 'ng, dragAing a lb e growing crops. and we think The Religious Side of Counties for money whetiever he wdrited it. or eneraI3. Do you he&r, G31epou, neighbaurbood, some fine morni Elay, Juno 13Lh, 1867. DOW uadpgpQw it inere sa God Greek can you -stion Reviews and Liter- for, superi fe to assume that present prospects the Italian Que )Iause). , %V hen the contract was firish- understan' exackly what yo mean by the unravel the (APF when he a star at its tail; they need not be mucliur. chip, but man its waef-a' diminutive I*o for that plitrueowds mys' indicate art abundant harvest. Notwith8tnd. ed, I met 'Wilson again in Clinton, A corresp6tidapt -travelling through the ary otim. said he would togs up a cooper to see prised. There would be a majority & Hays him ony way, lie didua like it ava -at the d Southern States save that one of a thousan $50,000 or $100,000.L What's up noo, My. lo:d, I have my own suspicions ioic� the backwardness of the season, there whether he would gue the Counties for at this meeting, although tire are h py to first, but aw hick he's got it owre- his cratz Goderich, Janinsa.m. a. n 11 forms in' which hatred of the Yankees is which I hesitate to niter. Yet, PhiAppo, has been a larze quantity &own, and now A new style of marriage noticq has recent I said say that a number of intelliaeut Irishmen re- as he never says ony. thing about it who him a trpe and honest heart. first gave that the warm weather has set in 'been Weel manvassurance is preated on Hays, engendered in the growiag youths of the now ?" He sa-d a lot of extras had GMJLIVJX- me hints Concerning t1lus, and one can ly made its appearance in Kansds, to hich South is the' bead,tine adopted in some told rrw go w done. I told him he had done well enough fuse to be led by the nose and -will vote for face, an' if cool impudence wad a' that was ean e:re�e avoid believm, what almost fancy that things can be seen gro-itring. the words "no calse" art appended. In mar- 8outbernischools for thildrew $ at !�tapj,-bb6ks nrach that 1 0 � bWt-y"fly 14mini" it ill and should let the Counties alone. He amid Gioson. needit for a member he*s the beat in this 'let, th-� fields present a moot promising country ; he hois a -,Be(ware -of the Yaul-Lees I" With 4&bb a TRE *M Ulm I yet tremble w til;na t.- Iriages conducted on this "principle, grate gift o` the gab, but "fli�lt'b Gralmow &-ta be easy to discover whether people go to lie had too stroum a hold on the Countits, "Whit bAs Pailippo 6hown you ?" PORI! ALBERT. senl�jlu�tnt iiaculeawd oon."Ilm jouthfilil mind. barve.s. Fall wheat never looked befter and would be d if he didn't sue them. he's doost like the young craws, a' gfit an' ahlitpWr-Aw,� weddings and receptions for the sake of thF, w in form, too, theft 4a make it tmost eu. "p"f` ra "en 10 "sisla0- tOuchirl? u,')On and the sniog crops are coming on beaull- He entered the suit, subpeoned Mr. Holmes gab thegither, rot, a doot about that. . a married coupid or the' cake." The meeting here on�Saturday night was 7 and guaroiao%, auijeel8, W-thutit alay address. but u easily imagine vith what 6", P(I -th thi, D'Arcew beal. Th ful.:y, and bettaken an average yield. Fruit as a witness, recovered $13 900, and 'that very was tent that whan he was awa in the back during, we cal tattend. ded. Mr. Whitehead, bein tounships that he was blawin' about be,,' 5 feelings the'growitig generation in the Sodth se were was aVuut the time the cane was presented. well atten Godorie It -i4 - will be must abundart.-Princetown Tr N D. ell, was compelled to leave for home be- a, will regard the Yankees, whom' 1key are rue i"st "aght by Fbil)PPO. His ma-4ter antl- THE NO -POPERY RIOT IN ENGLA (Roarsofloughter and treme'ridonsappla e). Row years in yer sin Toon Council, nh la-arltle of 1,&:;erm -an. By a 1, Lace, e 4 call," Pb6iPpo stutrahled upoi, it. He 8al It W48 to I Scotch, if he said titat he was teilint a Tula Monwqml Dail W y News says 61"Iffe but 400M of Mr. Wbitehoad said there w9u:d have plail # hur,el themi all a seciet pince hv ft,,e the cript. solemn tack that he's only ileen taught to regard as rogues and cheats. Jh&A Mr. Ho!m.-s said it was the extras hat fore'the meeting cginmenced, followed by beleave its a The Hera!ds Birmingham. England, spe- cilused the low. Mr. Holmes, who'is apparently confident of 3 v ar in. Now man isn't that awfh' ; in Insdivent, A&_14( cial says, the indoor and outdoor harangues -it THE- lot OF JUIV. 4 the conservative Yete no4aswiew 1641i aund?LrOu lim 6ilat autfictrity lor staingAiat He maderstands that language, He which have lately been delivered by a I'an been no such trou4le if the papers had been doo "f:ht-Ieev-,Fait4,' w 010 of fluroh 4110 to e pleasing 491k. 0 inicht the fiolltpi�i id e 1 read ail." drawn properly. bles himse!f viery littl Toronto if he tack it in, his e 'tig will compq". &be Confe derate la At file Public Meeting called by his Wor- amed Murphy, who styles himself the ant; (Great applause.) "What did the papers speak of asked rses, The amusement caused by this complete The spe?ches were, therefore, confined to njak-fnuk beleeve that didda!, Will hittili Romanist lectarer, and in all his discou r Raglan. inveighs vehemently against propert , and the sh)P the Mayor, and hel(fin the Town Hall, -the Howls iffinct, out of HClates, %VHS so great Messrsi Gibson Hays and Sloan, the former he was a son o' the Yerl o' Eriols, for nd, Macdoiij�ll, ti y apply 1600juda,04 C 0�u a, Wall "It 11`28 so account of our eoridition, of on Saturday evening. Mr. Z. Cliffor as to Langevin, 1ille Toppei, W*4! Awa- d bejw, rita-and sacrament, pecuiiar- that the audience *as hardl . able to listen yerls camels Hays too. Now it he w y, bers-in 6e 11!6WA. 6toodsi"_ ilu the cermomes, y of whous did remarkably well, asserting at Henry.11 I 0 the number of guns which we bna placed callel to the chair -it was moved by Thom sms of Or. Sloan. lot At dWk*-r04vd*Aw ainall of the Catholic church to tile wittici carry on any ther capers there, the mat ly the corifis I - in Position. of the locality of some of our 9007seconded It is almost neledlem to say that with but the close, that his prospects were out DaW at f b�y Mr. Crabb, That R. Skim- induced very great disturbances here durin4 such As to 'the�m bets wad think us 'Ndirth Huron batteries, and the situation of sorne of our a -Iiih A 1*t 46C es n AM JL ings act as Secretary to the meeting. the fast few da a. Intense excitement pre - one or tw'o exceptions, the, audience was warrant him im declaring tha h-9 wOuld 4 en ful , a I fitly r;ptbsentia -wP &;fule. _y U*6 a to blame ; aw an dw ,ailed among the pe their matt. Here again won or hibiting bwaArsft 9 4 The object of the meeting being explained ople, and at one time, with W bitehe d,'RRd we have no hesitation .1d have But aiblins his memory "Tbe scoundrel I" said lxvrd Raglan. "But Ong. in claiming a mf�jqOty for Gibson in -this for - is there no mistake ? 13 last Tuesday, the aspect of affairs wag Bdri 11, Majority, althouh a lar tit(*ber have diona think it tanuin be:vers guid, as he iskrerna of eicli 'inotdi sive nd M. 0 -CAMERON, WArcqy the- suit,. by the clasirardr sectio -b.' z 1 0 ��4 - 1 *81 it was moved by Mr Wm ople were ImP ets thingsl or maybe dontaricht derevil-may ofor linsdotat. t one hundred llicusand pe orlant 1en- to reaeifible beitdliX�� The Lords or At leas moA minds. that'awhat's the 'atter wi' him, ---------- cam , e up their 9 pbell, gecooded by Mr Smailf, Poor Mr. Holineett he, decl%red be would not careness, and in the streetil, and- Ithp'Wenraged mob h: d m ity for some time. They C0111411 il,althoug the Wb' (To be Continua) us the caftipsigni n4i longer but at: ;4e AtAQ:0080 of da Illiot-111 to at 'What the ithettling most of the for c YOL'ZQ MAN VZOWNW.-A telegmm from ud,to-mortow. lkw. Wee), Y'e' 'a ' he inauu.,, e app sacked several houses. The rioters marched earnest so fo-jr _14me heartily glad to I VIP Iarrfed, That the folt6wing gentlemen be ponemion Of the 6 I(eftationof Dr. le made left ointed to tate the oece;�ry steps towards A" SAM through the streets singing 'Glory Hal lelujall' a halfpromise to be on ha d ia the Illecure a dt� a terrible hard weeks na be ponte rest aftbi, INFIATZD AM, X. -The Londou* U ­ [tie dae celebration of our first National U ma ET E401 04 rpeeived an Saturday, sals.-"A Ol" "Sohn Brown's chorus�, Julid other air& The One thing is certain it would require almost y be aura aw luckit roun (or him when a __* . _tT* work.' deril ciodasionaly amum its mders *A4, T Y01119 man; & stilbot at the commercirl day:-Mlcmrs Goo Plamballp 8'HLDfttlor,E auth9rities wete active and the Riot Act was a miracle to elect him now. was at Goderich this last time, ezpeckinil a' col' named Johmiton, was drowned this Cliffrd, JAs Saunders, Jas Thomson, I F ri&d by the W&gL1AtMt' the time to see him comia* in wi' hisgown on,, Pdrodiesftlie stylaofthe kading Ift G ea. Troops *qre hati- A Mexican correspondent Males that dew: avul*- ek In the jai f of, oreft c Atflern00D about four o'clock while batb'ng Tums, Amos M, ced -BRDOKSI COUNERS.. jilitil up to the bench like the rest o' yor of the _qq Ora Itutelu wit], rtio, W D Shannon. E1uZh ried to the city from Manchester and pis JoureIe, a few weeks eint:6, sent X100,,000 in in position The police were lawyers, but SWL neer -could get my een on o lies ivasks: "whati, tbeni iu the tisii� tra ph. is' 1b* 00rdt �brkuth Ot the Thames, above on the streets. V�ed. evening.- 4, meeting was - convened silver plate W Taese par- a-, eo*i� tra Black1ritir"s bridge. The body has not yet Gardiner, S. Platt, W.. T. Hays, H. C. his- wife At present. sojourn. him, so L askit whaVa.comed o' flaysthat t - , r -w - - L and been fcund." * a glowifig�-Ianguga, OU61 n-gatll I W -V out in tull force ; the mert using their cut- I the blacksmith'shop at Brooks' Corners, Ing in this country, ani that Madame'Esco. - 41%or Cameron, Robt. Gifibous and W. T. Cox. tones. Se7eral rioters were wounded but on Wedonsday evening, Mr. UA he's -no martg-tke refitl et _y Ob, a r rcourtift, the bedo�purchoaed a fine,ilinansion at Mouterry in who 31MC1PALFJrMIrlLlgl; IN CIXCIXXA After considersb4 discuitsiou it was ar. non,) reported killed. Th66xcitementis,now saysinli'ne6out; hi4 6 ectibneenW, Tr chair. There was a laige attendaneo of for $25 Quereter6 fell, by it is expected the tictie 000, shortly after W The Cindonad czlmmer�ia secuses the ='Zed that the AbOTS committee ibeet at somewhat fulled, and i electors. The meetin C �was address Isnt that queer, I says, the elections no in; mawbe - pre- by treason, intoAhe hands df the Liberals. &V CSne &I-qAgovorenewof that City of proflizzle the Hall on Monday she -24th inst., at disturbances fire ended. Mu by who is sword sic 4.1ruirry. - ThanAtiv bepp Uf�- tbiak-a that, iho* "to undir - tl at Messrs. Whitellead,,ang ibsbv,-who;4Z Maximilian, The m. JhL � han- was also taken pommmon of- by nods, a '16 t *h9k tknrlilll Ao 1j) exrer-ditere of the publi h# -protfiction, of �P'Olestsilt ted eir �Claims in W clear en& toriiibt[6,�' w neorjie@r o 'a Mo -the sub(1111- to couAider -Blicebedo. 41� dolt' "o'nTthing U rap" VMS* theproperstspe to be taken to Elators.1 -1 ,h - UnioD, has persisted i� his co ded, dpbt of tk city has. resel �y Mr., Hay 4ho, These- are thoMexiosq- lead.6 -whoi,ti6der y Come 0 in no of _nbr, followed III 8'andr-thebr. gatterin' im -me ,night 401i,iers _,offerillive 141,911119Q Of course tried theirrileat16- 40#tf6y t -airy out the object of the meeting 4f umploin and Lke city uz this After and everl Slis' fi htim- the plea oU��putrititisnif, want, haTo jo Sys alto cftL Adiling Me counti A VQ He I COMIC- �presiion made., X3111 R" 1 year 16 Inore Than twQ per te, of thanks fQ the chairamp, tho meet at inuehienglLb a Min is 'Aidda .fil: td oo -4t; gainst the Jh,1rir L - &- ooed _411141, . , 1, ;*ndt ' id' th4t 6.14f state taxM the statement' bw t, Kent V014 ped'0* of Ciric2onatf piejy itolo.med, titapts,Aee been. ma o to more than three per tmt 'Ek 664w. but* 11bel. hire beei zadi� Hatichavei­-*at a out the invade. -el who came thert kedness-,SodlogkiiuhAl tw � _t -only t00kUltifilb sOmfire but to et honest im, Which dobts due other 'O�tiovs from this sci,etillled 0*,stiordt -to n gn tion of Gdo&Takplerft beA colle "a-w--fandoot that he h4,= ot pft"fty iL Vidtiff. put a 6 citfilliftParst'vily qu'Ot il Gibliln Vat bad eal calle4ji on h ;bit 'Qovs no tt*-rztjQW ta]*$. twice pltp�ed. The cuose I $ae won,' �il& that 0 Fort El-ill).'June 21st 1367.� 1W_ SleoftwxT. ptesent. ivas not fair. publien4govilfril ' outwi). - 'r ve 4er be'tt b.%Vl aced ii"It re ---ow _—, , ­ To_