Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-04-30, Page 2in urh s any n1unictipility lill 1AC L olinly- I QJW 4 "u 7- -.Y a comparatively unprociuctive, Lilgis tuxu- Be- i A '.1',enture, iiist prize ; and DaVq1d ION Ok' CAINAAJA. Niw YonK. April 26- The lierald s all very well to talk, n,)w that the' Goderich on 'Cuesday, Thurtidly and Fri- 1, 131, Doug 9, 2nd do. tion causes high prices, and the result is to States that �fg�� t is week until further notice for I )Ule 3 la SPEECH AT MOATREAL. diminish the real rewards for all kinds of live correspondence of April 7, Prepared foi the Signal by Tuhn TIaldan, Esq., a ininiediate dan 'h Grade Bulls, 2 entries. --Alex. Mitcholl's the colony is still unsettled in �it ai wn ULcrrei at God, i, it. ' of eac a I' y The er has passed aw3y, but ! rts. The time -table pf Indiati raidis. Fresh incursions by lufhal�m N,irthqn �(o win be c labor to the same �ow standard. c 301ley will have an interest- � issued shortly. Ja w first F�ize and James Campbell's Mr. Galt has been the first among the Ca- official reports to Conares allowed what 5 the reeve of 14 Brine, second do. were feared. The lalest Indian raid wus at f30, 1867. pt's - was the real position f American industry, -al to, blialo nadian Delegates to England to give expres Guinney-grass, where they took seve: pri - I VA�S. ing time of it, if lie attew The Judgeli were Ralph Stevenson, Ja es m 'igans s!" Ino , It upon his return to this country, of his in one branch of' it on which A er iiad'I goners. Trivy come across the Wo r moveAent or Xose Bt&i FISHINO.-It May interest some Forrest. and Juhn Rattenbury, Escirs. I con n- hitherto Turie, 7 a m, 'greatly prided themselves ; 130 that they tire T11P fairpirsi-nal; Polvilician. 1 'ithcr the volunte -now that it is GEO. LAING, views respecting the new condition the and return before we know n readers to L ppim,. only one vessel was now bjild- , 'nalish Governm(,-nt %%i!l not wlitN so nobly backed it up in the hour of of our tow Secretary. try is about to aSSU11111 politically. At the in sit and as the 1,, CZ unlawful to fish for, catch, or kill bass in,, i:i New Vol k, and only one or two in allow us to inva'de the soil (if exico, they I I mij 7. N -1r. John Holmes, P. P. is at trk,il. e;inwhile, we subtait these facts N'.rua, April 2201, 1867. dinner c,iven by the St. George's Society at 1�' The hurt. gentlein, I M Ir If) 52.4 . 2 101 5092 � frona the 20th or April to the 20th of r cislon. -it, cl�m,�lu,d�d )y set us at defiance. on.,Aprd 5 129 0!) must ferable pains to dvertise the Signal tor the col:-ijeration of the ratep-tyers. ontreal, after a few introductory re.marks, expresgirm big holies for, and e let ]It,. a New York.:Apiii, 2G. -The Herald's Fort' TU"' " " 16 1 2- 94 37 5 N W. 0 in hi.* pere-,rinatins rbm-)ugh the County N1 It is Most desirable thut this 8 E, Irinr and 'prosperous hiture fcr t4e i Wed 1 7, 1 29.;bbO 38,5 N W. 0 01 Y_ A F'0 191P If. Mr. Gait is thus repoi Led I Sedgwick Special of the 25ib says the cuub-: -1 hur" .. I s 602 38 7 1 N. 1 oil between tile Special C �3 ci� with th&t cat pet -bag. At the Dungan- Gor)ERicti L.,wYFn.-.11r. Ritchie splendid fish should be protected during (if Cmada. unimisSior-ers and , Fri., 44 19 jb 44 7 1 SW . 1 7 L, L. wason, and we hope all per- The 114i-purhey Branch of the County of Ile would endeavor to say a few words as Brule and 0.!a;alla bands of ',ionic I­'Sut, .4 20 28934 1 49.9 IS. 0 1 101 ()700 non meeting recently, he told his audience it) his operations is wont to the breedini-t :Iuron Ain icultural uciety held their Spritily to %Nhat he thought inight be our future, first riAe Iterornt question III Elig- t e I ____ n .1 0 . . 0 dians repreeitentiog, 700 wart iors bad been I,h, -. 1,el., ny oi the. Wind 11 11 expressed ed will assist in do�n So. noticing our position in a material p,)int of litteid. that the editor of tls journal, who was intrinV a little uron the department as- $Or's interest Show *it the 23rd of April, for the Exhibi- ri cencluded, The Indians aareed to go upon al pr,,x,ma1v1y by nfirnhers, thus : U. Calm view be:cne this Dominion was carried into b. NIodcrite uale; 10 Vcry heavy Hurrinaae,&r a temporary reservation along tile T ver Re - his print 1pl enemy, *as a bad man, and S:ZnA to Dr. by enquiring if the tion of entire Stock. The c_%bibiturs -were, although the proclamation had wit ltecently we published a resolution adopt- t 'I lie- (,I ofbk)- cl,,udcd " is expremted M TOW11 C011111111C111 1110clillge. a I exi,ting hostilities. A by numbers, Ifoin 10 to 0; Trivis; 10, denot, l; as he d3r, es them per on- [or drau_ht horses, Robert Dwiglas-Yuum, yet been issued, be thon-lit he might speak members pdbi can during t" Bliould not be bclievic-cl, because he ha r.itepaycrs, s 0 d at a 11 caucus " of tho liberal war parly of 18 Brn'e Sioux came it, last that the ,ky ir euVrred Otift clouds, 5. that n as evening last. Chattipiva Charles Mason -Old Rb Ro of it its air accomplished fact. Canada wits of the Imperial Parliantent held at the resi- allowed a typot_-raphlcal error to appear ally, are going to support a GODERICH The Council met on Friday powder riyer desiting peace. half coyert�d ; amdo that it isperivetly clear, M iyur, Ret Dopuly- Reeve, first p'rize George Stan bury -You nic Wax, iduced separate from t.e Sea, ana prevented dence of Mr. G!adstone, That resolution 'i"I t from Present, the -ve, he state the Indians cogaged in the Fort BABOMETER. in a short rinuoune, rni.nt be had adver- It tr�,rr ! Are not Cioderich lawyers as by the inclement clicuite from using her river was in the tnrm of an ,instruction" to the y a Cattle, Pasmore, Smith, K�iiv, McK,ty, Clil- work Jnmes Johnston -Rub Roy. Phil Hearne assacre, numb�red 2,000. fil;lrieo l;immetric lyrrasure during the Iveelt communiction dring six months if tire year Committee of the Whole on the R -.form y T tisred in our columns, As to the error- od ia a parliamontary 'way as the law- om were three I was 29.629 at I o'elock. p m. on Tilur.-day. For horses foK general purpose :-Joseph amon(y wh t,)rd, Leonard, and McKouzie. -1 reveutect by a furei,,yi country, not the tjilit and was to have been moved by Mr. rweive were killed, 0 Lowest Barometric pretibuiedupirig the wcck was which was of tne m ist trIN ial nature -we y r-; of King on, ontreal, or Toronto ? Fisher-flaid Fortune; Henry Lane-Priuce chiefs ; man were wounded. Ilotilitles "S 11 srueli should move y 2h,�� at I olvicuzli p m. on Saturday. MI.nutes of last mectia were read and ap- most friendly disposed in- the world frOT Colerid,,e. when Mr. Di nDC8 and Gen' Tho Mean 13arometric pressure for the wccb tusiness better NVIv man, was it not a conv of Wales ; Wm. Evans -Y. B. Wallace. TL@ te rap think we understan1 our ocation of the carrying on her trade. If we refer to the the Hoare into committee 'le, between the Southern Cheye proved. For Bulls :-David Youll-Frelf Dougl lian'cock's troops were reported. If these as 29. 1 hh7. as; giruggles made by the great power Of Itussia h;,, ppiised us of the 'regult-the goovern. than to , roate anytblng of the kind in- c,n.iti-ragre liryers of Goderich that A very characteristic letter from r. G. F. Chesney- Durham ; War. Sprout hostilities continue, a general luaian was is THEUMOMETI, R. tentiona,ly in an advertlemenL, and our U -1-e you James Dickson -Dixie. to reach the Sea : if we looked to the war -be ment was sustainel by a majority of 21- inevitable (13ours of observation 7 a.m., I p.m., 9 p.m.) to come out ? Don't "-kk J'An Stewart., -Stratford, was rceived, read, Your,.&. Ifalton ; mi,,ht say the unjust war -in Schleswig llul- the defeat of the Opposition was overwhelm - For bull two years old, R. H. Carnochan- `5 H igheK Temperature dut-mg the week was 57 -4 inclination to take such at- advantT-e hat I of 3mir frien1s, even by implicati,�n and fyled. iii order to obtain a sea -board, we ing We are not yet in possessi�,n of a re- I o'clock, p.m. on 89turdhy. ircurnstances exists only in . I I Resi.4nation of W. IL PaAey, keeper of For bull one year old, Arthur McCann. ini�ht learn to apprecinte the advantages we Pori of th -as 1�. o the RU Lotest Temperature during the week was 37.& under t y c -for pii%'s sa. The prizes awarded were, for draught I e debate, which w yought to a An American paper, alluding I had rained by, our union with Nova Scotia close uu t4c Oth, but an explanatiun of the sian purchase, 11"Ys, we simply obt;,iti by the at 7 o'clock a. m. on Tuebday. the mind of M r. Holmes. The fact that 1 Goderich Cemetery, was read and accepted- horsts :-Chas. Mason, Ist prize ; Geo"rge 7 (titar, hear.) Wit cause Lf Ille failure of the Liberals, ia 8 treaty the uominal*ossessiun I :111d Neiv l3runswick. Of julpassible I lie Mean Tt�mperature lot the wmk wait 27.5. he 3ttacks the editor of thiq j,lurnal at a ROADS AND BitIDGES. SutubuiV 2nddo. For horses forg-ne-ral had attined it, too, not by the expenditure of Ilouse elected uuder the auspi,-es of a Liberal deseAs of sonw, vast tracts of dwarf timber, %% arme_,t day during the week was on Monday, d, purposes the hilean Temperature being 31.3 :- Juse�b Fidher, Ist prize ; LL-nry blood awl treasure, riot by the waste of the governmetit, is given in articles published frozen rivers, inceessable mountain rangesy Goldebt da Ydurmir the week war on Wedneadaytp The road and oridge committee reporte timp ri-i plice hen he thitiks lie can do IVir c:ouds ag iiii ovcrshadow the na- recommending varioussmall improvements. Lane, 2,id do. F or bulls :-Jas Dickson, Ist blood ofour be.it and most valued sons, but in Like London papers oil the 9th. Thus w th a few islands where the climate is m -re the Mean TemIxitature being 11.6. go with im-unity, Inaicitcs pretty clearly ions of E u rope. Away to the Eir East prize ; Geo F Chesney, 2nd do. Two year w-Itli free ,00d will,and Canad-A now possessed the - Lonlou Daily News censures Mr m' y population is SUP- JOHN HALD", Jit., odeiate, ai,d a Scala, The report wits react in committee, and the old bull. it. 11. Carnochau. One year old f, seaboard areater than that of the U States Ghdslone for leachug the liberal party -to ported oy fishin� and tr�adin- with the Indi- Dated thit 20th day of Apr., I h6li. that be . z,,t rasher much of 'a The 'w- find Cri-Ae strug.Jin, for liberty a- inspector ordered to carry out the necessary buil, Arthur McCann, short 3rgument b. li throu-b oar cullumn,, —reater it we measured it by the capacity I expenditure of -,;ust tyrnny which became unbearable, repairs at the brid,re hill, without delay. IV. W. WATSON, Secretary. failure, and more clearly points to the im- ans. Virtually we ael, by at its harbors and facilities for CArryinigon medl,,te cause of the breakdown Seven millions in gcI I, Sitka and the Prince A country -chap," who recently vWted and his prt--ci,t course is that luvari3bly and the Eastern Qiestion so far from be- With rezaid to the fence placed at the foot trade, and more valuable now than that of our i. I r. Disraeli's jubilation and that of his of Wales islands. All the rest is waste lerri the city for the first time, gave his views of parsued by small minds when fair wei- i., - �;olvc-d, stands as a latent can -le for a of Elgin Street, which is in a very dangerous April 29tb, 1867. kreat neighbor. (Cheers.) And the very act party are natural. The L d, or some otLer tor, arid no energy of the American people the ladies in this way -, "Somewhere in every having been torn down twice by Tweather liceps cold, and not much ent Ina -e Mining bp pons faLL Although we did not have the f it which lla� United us to,rethor had as3urod us agency, has delivered his enemy into his will be suffici k i " eculati-118 circumference Of Bilk and velvet that riggles- n ature cOnflagration which ma involve growth, f4rmer are busy plowing, and this that the chuiate which close$ our river will hands. The secret of's be uJiscari iaqe is now in the s'xth degryl, wirtb latitude, pro6table, alot,g there's allers a woman, I s'pose ; but pleasure of atttwiing r. Holmes' exhi John Lonvorth, Mr. Le,)nard proposed tliit e I Us ,t of the natinns of Europe. The week all will be sowing, there is not much not prevent our access to the mother country no secret. Yesterday afternoon, at the la�l or to reclaim wilderness -s which bordcr on 6ow much of the holler is filled in with meats - it be , e bui; t, and a man set to watch i6 for fall wheat Sown fiere but what is sown lonks th-o'ugh thf, winter. It ensured this by the woment,, forty-eight mernl�ers of the ',ilberai the Arctic Zai . N4 io( ty D� ndretlas ot and how much is gammon, the spectator dw bition at Duuznnnon, we have cvl* <, mirrel over the Luxemburg trouble is 0 0 thi pur�ose of throwing Longworth down ,11. The marketA are pretty much the Iriteteolonil Ruilway. (Cheers,) Whatever party W.1itizil on r. Gladstone to apprise Russ:an Americaare absolutely u eless ; the Do. A fel le r marry *8 a wife, aud firdej w 6& dance that our word - 5 goes as far as thal on,' and althou-1i actual hosti- the bank aftor it- it he atterapted another same as the week bct*jre with the exception mi ht be The material or commercial advall- him that they would vote against tFle In- remaininZ hundieth may be of me Value it comes to the p'int, that he has nuthing ity -of the would -b,,, M. P., inasmuch as we htve not been commenced, it- is itu- of' w1cat, which bad, rather a downward ten- t, s who settled it, b L it is Cer- his at mA but reglar anatomy. Ef men is a nash. It wils resolved to re -place the fence gc3 of that road --on which he did not 1) o struct-on of Mr. Coierid,,e. ' u'n less it were to the Russian ible to sy how soon the insatiable dency last week, being $ 1 7 0 which is dear pose to say a word Dow -it was plain that a C, bare it on utho-Vy that he tell/ P(Ysi altered in the wa that they su ested. Mr. tainly nut worth seven millions o dollars to gay deseevers, wot's to be s id f the female w thout resorting to Mr. Leonard a plan. 0� of war Litay be let loose. I"rr-"ia, ' enou,h will. The candidates, for the South Canada proper, with three millions of people, Gl�d,tone had what we m-st take leavc to a nation already possessed of in re territory that dresses for a hundred and forty weight A,Mpy ro:c j�a "'I, C,41iorne. The special committee appoin:ed to con- Iti,l i a ness to vield to tLe than can decent'y govern, and burdened but hasn't really us much fat on Ler as w' I b licked by a stron-ly fav irable state of ng A Hjron addressed a meetin in c )uld not lov teutain sit the will and beek (,f all the dep!orable we It on or the 'rhe idea that th, at -ter the petition of the Market Clerk, re- eforth (in Thursday evening, but a,% you a foreign power during six months of tllc- dictation of this fraetion or the' with debt. Germanic feeling, and still fla,hed with e party, slid to lease a griddle ?-all the aparient plampuen I weic there your self I need not describe it, yaar. I he difficulties of communicatio,, accept the humiliation which thev have pre- =18isting of cotton and whalebone." S�qn,d is char�,,eable with abuse, enm'V. Elie viczvrl,_�s of 1-t)6, proadly resists the p-,rted, ,,at as the Clerk had failed to receive I may remar% huivever that the fuvouriLes would noti be rernoved, and the uALreolonial pared for him. It is for Mr. Giadstotie to Australia. 11. is not perhaps . generally known that tb& malignity, and tither vt,kedness, simply proposed co-roachment, of France Ithine- touch in fees as former Clerks by 6246, were Cameron arid Gibbons. tra& would no longer be hampered by hostile coi,sider what are the relative duties (if a G10011111Y NCWS from historyof Robinson Crupoe was first publits- bemuse it Presumed to crVici.,;e tte i,t ar 1. The Etuperor -Napoloon on th, w,)u!li recommend th it he be allowed to re. tariffs. The %iewsoof all vtoild be locked to political lc�ader and his followers, and bov bed as a serial story, and appeared in the other hand, long" io secure the priz�3 of t3:n ih­� market for two months longer than with reference to the interest of all, and not far lie call, with self-respect, acce,pt rk elely rrancisco public acts rif a mnn who w:tsr ryt-ce a mt m- Cl.1,To-.q, 2 74in Apart., IS67. to the interests of a mere locality. I'll i s trial A corr(spor,d-nt of the San oriainal London ost, its publication having Luxetuburg, which would not only rt- his uniie. T,, ilic Ediior of'trie 11 ur,ul ar Nart i i which he is ro be habitually BuUelin, writing from elbourDC, gives the - extended through one hundred and aixty-six principle wits characteristic of the pro -re In the course which fol!owin, review of the state of affiirs in the her of par'iaeot, is too puerile to be er- , $5 e a[ overruled. W(.,N,e 3 dvgorous Prua,;ian p�oiijt %qplii, A�ter some conversation the r'eport was Sln,-Iti your issue t the 18th int , a n liumbers, and having oeen finished in 1719. terWoed for a mome: t by any man of oftho U States. We should hereafter hav,_. hat [lice a mit important whip in hi mentium. tee intercours r. Gladstone is tliiog lie is Sacrificing the Australi`an Colobies :- Australia no doubt It immediately acquired that popularity which 1Z. alopted, 'Ir. 1,eonard di a -letter appears Signed, 11 one who suflrs,' e with the Lower Provioces; our 230 members (it' his ;ativ, who are true to presents a better field for emigrants than itso long preserved, and its sale in book c3rimmAn ense. W,: challenge 31r. ban I in case of future wars. Both si,10� Application of Mr. Thomson, asking that complaiuln., of the state of the Goderich three Millions, for the purposes of trade and hi it. to -.be forly-eight wl�ct are false. He i, Canada, but it is'lar inferior to the United form from 1719 to the present day has Iseets flolmes to point to a sentence we b,ve to be In earnost in te matter, aud hi szi!aq he increased to $100 per year, and Northern Gravel Road, and imputing, ne,lect, c mmerce, bad becorue neurly four millions, m,kin the nitutliteeis the leaders, not only U wi:[ riot be a payin- tates. A,ric !ture e that of few boohe in our litiew written "nst any opponent which col:_ i!e armtn:ent of the French and Prussi.,n and in such a climate as ours, ri,,orous as it of hirnscif, but of the buN of the oppositioi. to keep Oe affice open Iro I m 10 a.m. or Something w-orse to my J.' i,a regard to it , underthki,w, for -Abe reason that there are no lure. t3ins an attack upon privsae character. armies is bting pwzbed forward with t 3 p. in. each day. it during so m1jiy months Of the year, lie Lle has acted, no doubt, from the best markets wi'th large popu:ations forconEniners allow me to say tnat these iniputations are, much euergy. It is believel that ts-ouble thouht We could not fail to. observe that In motives i he has been desirous to prevent and no internal meatis of locomotion of grcat 'Can you tell me, sir. " said a stranger to We have contrived to - Mr. M,Ke"zie objected to granting the altoyether Unfounded, the facts are siw,,,1y th s u,ii.n with 11, "t al'on,� Prvtt-Y can only be averted by converting Lux- c Lower ProvincIL'S we hail disunion among liberals. But in reality, be extent, no navigable rivers. -+Ier zreat diaw- 0 0 a gentlemun in a ball-ricom, 1-wh,) that I prayer of the petition, as the salary had been aiven to it the means ot'deyeloplin, crur man- has only preveattil a notorious and 11i'liSible baek is her remote position in the world. It wtffi wimaout havinL, recourse to -such bSe euibur- into ue;itral territory by 'U'lutull 0 0 fixed at tbe beginninp of the year. I disunion from displaying itself in a particular is no wonder tkdt immigration has almost 15 near the second window -that very vain - means, and hope to do so for many a long I On the I Ith of Sqteuiber last, I received Ufactures which we could ot have found h:,d 0 co-isent. Shoul,l the result be w-ir, it i looking lady 7" "That is my sister," replied we remaloed Separated and alone. For in a form and on a particular occasioti. It would ceased and that numbets of able-bodied men 0 -Mr. Smith said it woud be well to put the a letter from the S )liditoi-3 of the complain- ti. e per son addressed, with a formidable look. (lay to come. w i] be a fearfl stru,�gle Few natums office up to competition. c iary 11%e ours, where everyone was ol)ll_,(:d bavL,b, en better to go to a division on Mr. cannot find -,employment � and this is the case . No, no, I don t mean her, " eaid the unfortia, ia Europe woull b, so diffic ilt to cooqucr ants req,ii -ia r rne in pursunce of the or der li) seek a, position by hard labor and great Colridge's instruction in itd original form, all through the AnKrahancolonies. queens - But, after all, why doo_--i _34r. Ilulm,s i -that principle be nate interrogater. "I mean that very ugly Mr. Leonar said on land, about A hich so much has been s remarks so much to heart. 11 e at this mQuiient as Prussia, and yet it is I or the County Jud;e, immed ' atey to inspect clifficulty the 1�eople became able to bold their and it) have left the forty-eight dissentients Lid woman leaniD!z agaiagt the piano." -Thu intpossible to believe that she could 'u- mt,,ht as well apply for the Governor Gener. and examine the Road, and report thereon, Own. (Ileur, bear.) This uninn, wbicti we to explain tb�ir votes as they could to their acid written, is completely broken down ; her Sir, is m wife" "No, no," groaned the is not running agalast the editor Of the ce'tb,.-ated in the name of the Dominion of constituents a, d the couzary. Mr. Glad- Orion and --u.,ar pr4,spets have vanished; ,isted de -,Lr, -y the vast miatary power al s o1l,:e, which he would be -lad to hold for and referring Lue to secLiotis 85 and 8G of miserable Stranger, the lersperatrion stattm 0 Cdnada, ws in coniformily with the Spit it of stone must make up his tniud in what sense and she is plunged into financial bankruptcy* from every pore. -Good gruciots I I wish --cn sha r the statute 22.1 Victoria chap. 491, as It fit,! age. If we looked round us and onserv- he understands the datits of a liberal leadqr; The colony of New South Wales, wb:cb bas could wake on understand me I I weatir .Sign� an if �e has b ply critc- o France. Tire world will hear witb` (Laughter)- t e n 0 - y i44 his own Ion letters have appeared awe the firt cannou-shot fim-d in anger Le -.ter from Mr. Loomworth, respectin-I a authority by which I wa-3 to be quided, after ed what was goin', on iu the �!d world. we whether he aims merely to direct the tactics Sidney for As capital, is in a state of rapid oa either si,le. It is probable that Eng- fence. Fyied. , 0 that blear- eyed object in the pink silk, tb* side by side with those cr:icisms. -A s Cjre,ully theSe Sectiol-9 I at once wou:d i�ee It. -Aly once more united,establishing or zive effvct to the convictions of his party. qeclitie. Her complaint is want of gold. I ind twill endeavor to maintain her neu- Account C. Thompson, board of indi.cut I I nationvity of her own, and sinkina the old it, roversy be has offencled There was some, but all the inflation founded one so very plain. There, she ts looking at vre said once "re, the iutlligeut public faruily, To he paid. proceeded to inspect the road, and on the, the present cont us." That, sir," said that gentlemism. with I triaty to the last moment. Besides she differences of the Italian empire. We had t!ie it,sincele ly pusbing earnestness to a upon it has collapsed, and her pecuniary can judge whLich is right, and act accord- Also, account relief D. FerZuson $2 1 C2.1 25ih of the same month made a full and 0 fi,,,, camnecs, "is my eldest daughteir." has some little matter of her own on see,i Germany entering intoa confederation poi:it that is disagreeable to inem ; and hav- t,' 0 oubles are great. A few days since it -as The stranaer darted from the roolint, and r. Stnith said it w&s large for one ward -, detailed repert to the President of the C0111% of a far more intimate nature than the Old ing dene this, he at the last moment alicu- stat,d in the Parliamenf of that colony that 0 cleared the premises, as though be had been ingly. Let Mr. Hulmes expound to the hant], such as the �-p3oih difficulty, , applications had been mat:e in big ward. unity w requimcl by the statute, pointing OLt Germanic ConfuNration ; and on this conii- at% those wh,) share his views by abandon upwards of 1,000 destitute persons were electorg the political principles he carries which must be attended to very s,)oi, Sir. Leonard si-1 that as mind knew mind, [he repairs whiCh were requiilte, and re- nent we had, seen the United States, sooner im, the course on which lie and tliey had daily partial:v fed by Gdvernment loays., struck with a fimsentment that a powder in that convenient carpet bag of his, an however brit:f it may prove to be. they thou -bit r. Smith was not t:le kind of at in,, that these repairs should be C0111� than suifer ilreir uiii(in to be dismembered. usbed magizine was going to explode in that apart - 0 1 itered. The secession of the furtY-6,`h' is Tlie'Australian colonies have been p ment in Jess than Otbree seconds. -rsehew personal comparisons, and he wy Judgin,- from t4e lispect of Eur,)pe, it luoklt,�., imin to ask relief from. pleted by certain ',spc ethed I e, icAs, that is, sacrific- thousands of 1wes, and expend itifinitely less serious to the liberal party fih,�ad too fast. They resemble ri bot-bouse will be watter for surprise if this summer Letters from Messs. S,oau and R W. Mc- t1le culverts before the 7th of October, and mi,lions in treasure. Then we nji.-ht great than the damage which, with Mr. Gladstoi-e s plant exposed to the chill air of the natural yet sueee�d Lia convincing the great public The Niorth-Gerwan Gazdte reminds the pab-:es over without a great war, and Kenzie offerin to purchase portion of road- the ravellincli by the 31st of the same month. ly rejoice tLat our uniou had been aecom connivance, they have managed to inflict on climate. and exhibits si.-is (if decay "ccir- French Emperor that Luxembari. even it way at the heads or- Nelson find Maitland rb,'ononth its will be remembered was very plished without any expenditure of that Mr. Gladstone's reputation. rMr. Gladstone's dinaly. oris South Australia. of which won by the latter, would by no means com- thAt pairt"clitisra is his motive to actitin corresponding loo of haruats life and pro- streets, for storehouses. rnitiY and dutin, the time thus allowed there and not aq ignobte desire to pocket !.i.1 perty. kind, and that we find ourselves not called fault is not to know his -imDortan-c to the Adelr�de is the capital, in a much better peogat-e for the sacrifices entailed by war. Mr. McKs!nzie advocated the consideration erp only ten dayi in wh-ch rep -airs could be upon to heal dissontioua, but only to accele- nation, and to yield where, with the generbl plight i ber copper miues are failivg she War will also place in question that domestic 4WIan a day while Parliament sits. of the project as a very important oil - e. Let- property'made. I tbeZ.'re As a matter of rate the development and progress of the sense of 4ns followers supportin.- him, lie *cannot make her .-ram pay at 3s. 4- Per stability which the krench Government has The fate of. the Reform Bill. ters were fyled. ordinary jdstice to the companv in c -n- Country. (flear, bear ) Mr Chairman, said Fthould insist. He t& far more essential to his bushel-hnd I may hert! mention that she is always striven to achieve. Compliments filom Dr. -.Toot7s. Petition from Jam. Gordon and others, 2al. sequence of the very un!`&vorab:e sea,&)n for Mr . Ualt the word " Dominion " is tii,nifi party than any section uf it is to him�" now shipping wheat largely to England, and The victory of the tories in the gritish irig for some improvement on William street, such work, ullowel an extensin of time c 0 'e-reolouial 0iff huts the door of We are no longer a colony or a pro - when all int tar We have two or three telegra" mspectinor In advocating the cause of Mr. Ritchie, Pard'ament, on the first part of the Re- was referred to Rod and Brid- Committee, until the latter part of December. So in e Tince ; we have risen from the position in Victoria azainst her she will instincti,elv t be "A l,bam,' claims. One is to the effect ,e with power ta make the road passable. proceedings havinZ been talien against the which we were a few years ago. The world St. Louis, April 26. -Advices from Gen. ve thinir Dr. %Ywdsi, reeve of Stanley, 11 form Bill, was a most aneTpected eveu� The inspector recommended s,)me improlve. ffarmock'8 Indian expedition 8 - tate tbut de- collapse. . A large number of her furmers that Mr. Adams is instructed respectfully t& I company their S-)Iicitor called ui oil me and dominion implies power, and power carried rug the borders to V'ctor-ia, where decline the acceptanee of propositions bv the allows his zead to carry himi far bcyond 1 and could never hare happened but for m-nt on the Eamine House. before further spatches were received last night at head_ are cross 0 er.quired if I had been duly sworn previous with it resporisibilitv, and I am certain that they think their proarecta are 03ore British Government, thus leaving Oe m~ damage was done to i4 Referred tu File to quarters from ne that the the bounds of discretion. At a reccut dissensions in the Liberal ranks. The , my iispection of the I!Lmd, is appears the gentlemen who'hear me, arid the people favorable. as at first, without any pending proposidom Committee. that hy a statute pssed in 1460, subseque' f t of these great Provinces, will be iuund fully "clinns had burned three stations on the meeting, he took occasion to rail at God- coantry was prepared fur the change in A short Ry -law for chairing thik word to the one under which Lhad been instruct,d e lual to I be exi.-eincies of the oee:taio,. I Stookey Hil route, killed three men, scalped 0 ap from either party. Another eespatch states York that negotiations are to be resumed, coupled erieh in terms 'Which wW be reguded by the franchise, and would, we believe, have "Council " in the old seal,to Corporation" to act, the inspecting Enzineer is required to do Dori think it is it thing to be deplored that them and burned their bolsies. Orders had, A STRANGE AFFAira.-The New in a new one, was read and duly passed. C 0 a lit 'with offers to dispose of British Columbia to the peopleof this town as insulting to the r 'oiced in the pro--re,-sive step which take a cerlain oath before PTOCe(-(Iitlg to this responsibility has fallen upon a, I look been pent to posts on the Santa Fe slid Times makes tb;a following St tente : A eJ The following persons applied for the it,;pe,t the read, the So!icitors fir the com-, on it w'th more' I a Sm(A-ey Hill roates warning all Settlers to be terrible case of hydrophobia is chronicled the United States. was so urge a I pride thaj3 ne-rel. )I h on the alert, and infor.iin- them tLat 'the in the Detroit papers. A little dau.-Lter firighest degree. Every trumpery charge otly required ; lot diversions vacant ofli.:e of Cemetry Keeper: -J. Fer. 'plainants had not called my allenlioo to this testimcny to our stability,' cluor gr,wtb, and a he could m 0 of opluion, and the eagerness to grasp to4 ri-% IL Parker, E. Hopper, John, Reid and statute, and I presume had overlooked li ' of the town of - The gaol at Little Current, NarfitbulAt vent was dished up in to a rwe n tt I BID or prospects. We cannot indeed tell what Ind 'an war had broken out at last, and 1hat of Mr. Alfred Woodruff, some time' Mr. Wyatt. the aava,,cs intended to be true to the threat Greenfield, Michigan, was bitten island, is to be built at once. T?ae sum a ed no lawyer and no civil Engineer is expected is in the future ; but no one call doubt that 0 P_ maw of abuse. Not content with re&nt i much when the door was open, destroy I he applications were refe�rred to tLe to be familiar with all the C Statutes relating the Confedertion of the Provinces is to be they issued durinz the winter. a -,o by a do.-, but no Symptouris of bydro- propriated was $5,006. Little- Current is to events, be went back to a Period of thirty i't1te work s,) well commenced and mratcri- Cemetery Committee, Mr. Wvatt to remain to Roads. Ti-ey are numerou3, and in soinn phobia were at first shlown, At length the b, the headquarters of Mr. C. Dupont, the e I)oked on as the commencement of a new nd by cowparin the prices ally strengthened the Tory government in charge until the matter is settled. instances conflicting -my duty in the case e a, frau.�ht, I trust. with additional reatness poison, which, acting as a subcutaneous in Indian Super intendent and Government 1=6 years ago, a djourned for two wet:ks. 0 1 European News. jection, permeated every tissue Of the SY5- Agent. The road leading thenee to She - A was to obey the instructions given mi�, which and prospenty, I do not believe that it will of to -day with the price paid for produce for the time being. The struggle will rcmp%,y and in a severe form. causing the gulardah, ten miles, is to be proceeded with I did p faithfully -at the request weaken our connection with the mother tem, broke ou nm*. A consultation a was . at that U= by our var:y merchants, en- not be given up, however. Great Re- of the Company's Solicitor I signed a state 'country; (in the contrary, I thiiA the posi, Loitclon, April 26, evening. -A despatitb most intense sufferi without delay, The best lands on the Mw& ment which he wrote to the effect that I had from Wolt's News Agency at Berlin, dated had by plivibicians, who decided that, as the toulin Island are offered at 50c an acre. In- deavore i to priuve tLas; the farminm eom- I forms have been of slow growth on Briti,ih tion we recently occupied, of divided Pro - To te 1:4iiher or the Huron not taken the oath required by The act of vine this evening, states that t;-- Pruss'an Gov. sufferer could not possibly survive, levery frior lauds ae to be sold at the agent�r ,es was full of danger to the continuance 0 munity had been terribly victimized. Ble soil, and the question of success, ouce the - at of tQ1 connection, It was in Encland loc.k. ernment, fearing the introduction in the Diet consideration of litimanity demanded that I DFAu St;a,-I am Jim Bosswell, and bu-. 1660. It was best this should be known n 0 valuation, probably20c. A gbodwarVatfaf did not tefl his hearers that our only i public mind is thoroughly aroused, o ice, in order that the complainants mi,;ht ed upon as fu.1 of dinger and difficu and of ititerpeillation as to its policy whieh may her Sufferings be ended by some means, iA all productions is? to be had at the lirace is bad to that same Mary Anne that Bint up Ity, lead to further complications upon the Lux- accordance with which, during a severe -Mines. There is a good school st IAt;d4F mode of communication with the outer! only a thiag of time. Chastened by the hive the opportunity to remedy any defect condition of things vir�ich required gi eat ex- ir Z5 that letther to yer office; and little yez new n the pro�:eedingai without further loss or ertion on their part to maintain. Now we Lmburg kuestiou, has refused to erter into & paroxysm. the child was smothered to death. Current, and a sturgeon is avaebed to %W world wn by schooner, and tht what temporary defeat, the real lib!rals of the the throuble yez -ot me into by the same time or costs. Since then I have not been shall brin united councils atid forces, and long discussion in that body. I t)d3an Department. The new settlers will littlir gr3in came the place had to be country will press forward, heedless of tLe dispach. I rue the day that ever I married c died upon to do anything, further; nor have as we shall, therefore, require less a8siitance Berlin. April 26. everaing.-Wolf's News ns the ac- have few sacrifices to make an going there. BCJI?Ev ALIvE,-A friend giv" Uored for months before it eould be start- headlon- demands of the ultras, whether a Yankee but she is. the mother of my I any poer to act until legally recinired, as from England, she will be ablfi to give us Agencl reports tr.at King Leopold o Btl- count of a most terrible case of the burial M q . -eo to the Emperor Napoleon, a new alive of a young wourian at Jacksonville, 111. I your izorrespoudent will see by reference to greater aid IA4 us suppose that thl holc; gium tak Although the five YeArs' contract with* is childber, and I must put up wid her now. by a devious and most expensive method tory or ndical, until the grand object several Statutes relating to the Subject- of En -!and over these possessions should be plan of peace whi�:h has been prQposed by Some time last Sommer, a young lady of 17 1 I was workin on a Failrode in the States, and Whenever this is clone I Shall act as the law 0 t�m toothache he Algoma bas expired. the Post Office - for the market. -Nor did be point out -a tined i the advancement of human retwited, and that the colonies tstill continued Russia, and which provides for the neutrality years of age suffering with 9 Department intends to continue the contract' one nite I was a little disguised with liquor, requires. and as I have always done ill such disunited -what future could have been re- a[ LuseEpburg. a ' Z Lhe depression of trade which brought rights and 'Aberties. went to bed with , small phial of cloroform, for the Serice from Collingwood to VOW - an that was the way I happened to git pone"- cases, (whether sworn or otherwise), careful- served for them but annexation to the United Berlin,- April 26. evening.- It is reported 'for the purpose of quieting her teeth. In the William by her during the summer. The' ly and iwj c - OUR MAUKET FE09. ed of as thrubblesome a woman kind as ever morning she was found to all appearances prices down throughout the Provinee to partially wilibout favor or affection States. But uniqed, it is, ot all ev rts, here that the Danish Govcernment has an 0 Confederate Government must do Botbething the lowest figurea. His obj-2ct was simply [or either party. The insinuatiun aganist posiible for thrm to choose their destiny. tiounecd its intention to remain neutral irr dead, -which was confirmed by the opinions 0 to improve communication with the North - ye beeid of, L -wt Toe it*ay was a week as I my metives which your cQrrespondetit has With 4 000,006 of people, in a Utv years to case of war betu een France and Prussia. of several physicians who were called'to ex- w,!st al once. We.have obtained secen to' to usisilead the Esuiads of a few of his hear- 1 As the time Ipproaches for letting the was sounin meself at the back dure, whin alloved himself to maike, requires rcl parti- be 8,6 y the Atlantic frontitir, and* mgr Vow issain' D what dos I see but a buggy and 0,000. we &ball certainly have Same Dublin. April 17. -At tke Fenian tri,la it, amine her bod . A few ddya since her rela- arls, but we think he would find but few f e�i of the Goderich Market, we yvould a gu'kJ ccilar notice -here. I hope I am sufficiently cLoice, and some opportunity to say whether tives were about to remove from Jackson- westward to the Pacific. stupid enough to c-At,;h at an c1hrive up forninst, my bars, and out gets the. will known in the County to make it unnece&- it will be for our advantage or disadvantave this city to doy, Col. Massey was brought on ville, having located in another State. and y such miscir- a rongly urge upon our city fathers the two ladela min of he township, and cum the stand. He made a clean breast of it, e any imputations against to jQio the neighboring states. If ever that hal the tems6ins of the young lady exhumed, A gereman in one of the itterior tows*' able aopblatry. and told the whole story of the Fenian plot. 0 n?cessi ty of trying it for the next year on rull"In up t-) me puffirs and blowin like Into - 'i tegrity in the pti-formance of my public alternative is presented, I believe that our for the purpose of tak much opposed to capitai punishmV01, my in ing them ts) their new is so i Then, again, aft --r denouncin- Grder- t's -, free princip'e. rbe advantages g iii - ould asmatic swain'e '"a The Reeve cum d better institutions will induce us to adbe-e to Berlin, Aprif 27. -The Wezer Gazetle '11 home. Curiosity prompted tbe'ollining uf that he refuses to bane Itis gate - he. 11 The curse utlie" Yours &C,, A. BAY. vur present condition ; nor do I.fail to hQIe the coffin, whtd they were horror-stricken to his win the fust, an a. leading article to -day, intimates that Prus- Ifishacss and Godc,ich wiekeln?ss e I by the people of the town froto the of the divil on you Jim. f didn't think you'd ich set I - that wiser couucil*m will prevail with those sia may evacuate the fortress of Luxembutg. on 6 ndine -the corpse,turtred over, both h&tWs Wendell Phillips says 'he was wadded lb (as he is pleased to corr older it) he de- I pre3ent barn which is dignified by the thrate me in that way." "Amin, var," says THE ATLNTIC MONTHLY FOR MAY -The who in England think the colouies a burden Amsterdam, April 27. -The Dutch Gov- full of hair, and bef clothing torn to abreast truth and pblilauthropby when a Vby, 11W a elared that if -one maa (31r. Pltt, we n2tue of market, are so very few that the it's a bad parish can't afford a clark ; but Guardian An�el, History of the Sewin and who would welpome tbeii ern mentofficial ly denies that there was aDY revealing the horrible truth that the young Boston Post thinks WendaLl abilist ba* be-' I . a themy in the name of awl the saints in the calendar, Machine, Heart and Hearth, The Genius . ot separation. I trust that they will hereafter offer to sell Luxemburg to Napoleon. lady b -id been buried alive. The chlorofoii-n come a widower when quite youdg. presume) were telmoved from the'town it'retnoval of fees would not and could not what' s up," Sez 1, 41 has the Faynians come Dickens, Germa in New York, Katharine see that these possessions, far frorn being a Paris, April 26,,eveninpr.- A rumor of the had placed Eer in a deep trance, the aFraken would sink back into what it was for-, i it No tier," sez the other als 7 0::5?- Spain promises full satisfaction ills the' mer- b,- frit, and it is possible that 'a mor 86'i a ? apt Morue, Sorrow. Poem, The Plaiutiff Non. harden, are really likely to be a supportin establishment of it Peace Congress which has ing from which was in her coffin and grave. lookin like a hianna, 11 yer a va-abote, and suited. Some- Unappruciated Characters. A time of need. I will detain you only for a 0 vas ingag �d to be married at the Case f the "Victoria, but retums on1jr sink- cf Very- co.Bpli-' liberal policy would attract a namber of ' ;re boath a humorous stat ' possible, but , revailed to -day, has had & effect of raising The lady N rellies respecting tht "Torna- yer wife's a vagabone, ard yez esment of the few moments to say a word on the subjeci Mies 1'franc after business hours: howdver, time of her supposed death. A more. heart- e-vamvQ 0 f.rtuers who novr go to other markets pair of vavabones, and yez are gettin up a on- Mentary that, frow the inaa who stands not popularly credited virtuei of such pers ofour relations with the neit,bboring republic. the report was discredited, and rentes slight. iclenin& case we necer remdmber to have do." piracy &gin sendio we to Parliament." ages as Salomon's Sluggard, the Old Man of No one can f9rall a higi�lcr e'atitnate, tha 'lead o* geard ot.- [Indianapolis Journal. at the head of r. Ritchie's requisition I rather than pay the usual fee on each ly declined. r r ' 8::) Whia he calleA the wife liva-abone, I threw d f - Mr. Gladstone is much ci�naured for We ask the eletor3 of this towrl th,Y wagon load. At all events, there is a a the Sea, Xanthippe, Blue -Beard, Gallio, an myself of the ncessity which e.ii,ts f r the A.Paris paper says file Fenians were going Lord Amberly, son ot Lord John RUel what bis friends term the inizillmageivent QU� M off my ou!d ragof a cote, and sez 4 " YOU Caliban, By C. C. Hazewell. Oport in g-rowirt- feeling that the experiment a do best possible relations between this cou isr to invade Canada, tie first point of attack recently made a speech in PArhameDt. I be the Reform moverasent� C, fe,therin hape of inyquity, if you re call The Oustom of and- the� United States. Our isiterestan wh"I subtuit to be taunted in such a man- Winter. Marble Quarries. aZ is useiess to go to the market married to me a vagabone, III daace a horn- Heroes of Central Africa, Retriews and have the same laws, and there is certainly The railroad line between Hali'ax: and solid in build. His face, though fleshy The French furloughs bave a been videcT ner by Mr. Ritchie's right hand sup -i know that it -we speak the sarne language, and a sl'ould be tried. The heads of families the woman that Father Crotty of Memphis Burial with'the Read towards the East. the same being Chicago. Court Journal deicribes him as short avid e - porter ? Will they not rather, almnst to at present for such little articles as they BPI ke on yer ould (ar,:!a,,e; t sa 1, 'nor' OVO s' Literary 140tices. no reason on our side why we should na ek- Pirtou, 112 miles, is complete, an engine encluills, WaKly pale. Hisv I Hop bla&lair, and the officers havii all been ordered to drilL a man, teach Dr. Woods, at the poill-, require from day to day to day, excepting .-z f, ats to yer.goju to Parl ii mint,if ever ye do TICKNOR &FIELDS, Publishers, Boston. chunp our produce for theits on the best having passed over the whole distance. which he wears cut short, iff' already going he resmes.. t n t thelie, arfd call my wife a va-abone, I - 0 1 . on the crown. And Ahough still a boy in .- � Z_�_ a that whatever other faults they may have m --at, and we w9uld ask what can be lie terms for the people of both countries. Mr. Gladstone has resigned the leadership appearance, he is a prematurely old one. At a baby couvaution in Massaphusetilss would pull ye from betwan the Goveri,er- Tile Career of a B n rglar. - While, therefore, we should do all that we of the Liberal party. they are not without a cerLain auriount, of' earthly uso of such an institution. Let Gineral's legs." * In the manetime, Mary can to cultivate the good -will of the United His voice confirms this impression. Itisjust fifteen mothers were �reseut, and, -an a vote, cither have the regulations carried Out Arin, bee d'the row, and stuck her head out Free -trade in home proiacts has been like big father% - hualkh feeble, and only for the prettieg ie"k.b�by g?tone vote. Manzani, the Williamsburg outlaw, *h,3 Sta�tes, we must not vo.ifine our efforts to 16 . ;'� loical pir-We ? Few men can brook, a; W the later, or abolish the market &es of her boirdaw'windy, as she calls itj (I be was 6hot dead by a policeman, proves to them ; but must try by every Means to extend aUeed upon by the AustraHan colouies. made at all effective by a kind of drawling wholc9ale and unwarrranted attack upon a'to-ether. lave its a French word) and sez she, 11 Now have been a remarkable criminal. Eis li empbasis.' Disraeli, after liatening to the our transactions elsewhere. We have made ' pARis, *April, 25, (evenincr)-Leadind,, edi- James, pile on yer agony ; gut thim I gut 15 the place of their birth or adoption, and was that of a smug-ler, swindler, bandit, no is seat, walked GOIDEIUCH, Annl 30, 1867. a small gain, whea though it ia but a to,ittlarof an official character in the Consti- yuong orator, suddenly left b A low yea neither requisitions nor party predi nth since the repeal of the recii down the Housd to a&- The members of the Goderich &him I scather ther institusbuns to thqi wins I' and assassin. rb after hariog t,elvemcsi the �Peers' seats, and Sprint,- Wheat_ 1:60 1:65 I,(- � tutionnel of to day-dgelare t4at France aes and a lot more of Yankee chaff ; and thin drowoed his V. IhQok bauds with Lord John, who was ipre� Fall "do ............. $1.90 2 ft C r icket CI ub, hel d their first meeting for wife and child, he made procity treaiy, and already we have renso not desilrA ovar and wilt use all niteauir consis-. tions should deter our citizens from a _Q- he whistled for Nayro, her :ap dog; he sed' t listening anxiously to-- bit sons words.. Oats ................... 0:44 ()'50. in g� the season last Saturday evening, whe 11 Williamsburg the base cf his operations. ed all the barriers, between ourselves land ent ith her national honor to avoid it. Floar ............... wrLing their maiihood in the most tell* 11 ways about 150 lbs. The tu lads put for the Ilia deeds perplexed the police, terrified the the Lower ports, and * have thus found PAnis, April 26 (noun) -There was a r, "' _'2' A curioust announcement periodically occurs 8sr1ey ............... fuhion. the followina, office-bcarer3 were elected e like blazes, and aay wid thiLa. And p!�ople of that place, and enlivened the news- markets which we had previous I hardly �ction on the Bourse tbis morning and lrebt" in the cfficial part of the government organs peas ........ '0.-.5 0. Y 111 r. J. 11. marueto in "5 for this ear :-Pre-Adent @ :6 now I ax ve what do ye think of the bit of a papers. The police wese out their wits in thought of. Let us look for are rising in consequence of rumors which 50, Another point Dr. Woods endeavor3d � I r,)w 7 JAsi. Dower and the wife and sum of vain. Miinzani always went alone. He had th,tlirection, and- still further to the outlels of Prussia. The $Minister for Spiritual. Shee-p ...... - 4-00 '(O� Gordon ; Vice -President, Mr. A. M. th extensively prevail that Prussia has manifest- o nayburs come in to bear all about it. Educasiomil, and Medical Matters" soletrahly Beef. V cwt ..... ...... 6:00 6:50. to ma-ke was with reference to the Vol- no conficloasts. Four pblicemen were shot indicated by the Report of the commission ed a disposition to, make concessions to Mary Anne t4rated all hands, and bad 1, k 0.1" Russ Secretary -Treasurer, A. G. Hodge within a year, and it is believed Manzani did proclaims, every halt yesir we Walievt what Hiders (g;een) ............. 5.0� DA ers w -ho recently v:sited the West Indies, in France in regard to the Luxemburg queatica. lunteem He alluded to the supplies and to me but f spent as plesaut an. evenin as it all. In the daytime, he forestalled all for a certain period and throughout - all the Butter ................. 0:14 Managing Committee, the office -bearers, ever I did in my I fe, arder to see whether our merchant and gratuities furaished our Volunteeirs d i Ould Nancy Doolan parts of the Prussian'monareby shall be the Potatoes ............... O. -so 0.75 ur-, suspicion by exhibiting a badge proclaimida I 0 manufacturers may not there find a market to -ether with INI eers. Mosely and Finla. said that all the Squire wanted was to take a Tim lialf-yearly report of 'the Grand price of a, leech. The tariff has just been osid ........ izig the Fenian trouble, and after hinti feW h him a it United States Detective' Washing- for their wares, which was former company shows that the fixed ut the ce ......... 2i00 3.00t ginning of this spring tim# a n 'I'liere will be another mieetin� to�morrow orns of hot-stufr wid John, A., and let ly sup- Trunk railway r bay, new V ton ......... 13:00 t those from Goderich got, more than the Township go to ould nick. Mrs. Dirstay too, D. C," This undisputed 'passport gave plied by the Udited States, J a eak par. te 'be firs li Eggs .................. 0:10 thA evening, (Wednesday) at hal" t seven him the rizbt to appear at whatsoever hour ticularly of the Vnited 8tates tecause I earnings for the last lialf of 186%, staounted- andle j delighted lo -the t o inform: 611, their share, said Goderith shouldsupport f -pas P is in luv wid Carlin, but aez he's no speaker. -,to L719'370 stg.. of, which 411,608 was our readers that from April to. Noviciiabir- 10.25� he choose, and to adopt the habits of the defy the manufteturers, of he jAited States I - - W t' Chickens; k2o 121 at Dark'a Hotel, when all who are inter. Mary Doyle sez its no mather, 'as they ha7 game of which he professed to be a banter. expeaded in work in,,- expenses, X,72,a92. as throughout Prussfir, N"u ineludedl everY Turkeys ............... 0.30 0:48, its Own Volunteers. Ilere the Doctor tart' now to Supply unythitrig at the prices at '0 - chaves from Japan at the Paris He used tobacco sparingly, and drank nothin m Montreal. the proportion of renewals churged to reve; bing 4. .,Ie leech is to cost two silbergroacben pork. - 0 4,5$1, h"ag-Ainoverahot his mark forhowill estcd in the game, are invited to attend. Exhibition, and he can carry one wid him hich it can be.supplied fro nue, and 4174 890 for interest. leases, & t- Q 9 stronzer than ale or a soda cocktail. -He w neither more nor less. Howevbr, there isi find but a feeble rimpase to his epithets undher his orther wherever he goes. The was always deploring the robberies and Look over, the prices current of the United �eaviqg X#58.600 out of wbi h to PaY a divii. perhapa, a moral here. 10ne ot the minutest Searorth, April 29, 1867 a2r- The steamer xico can be more, chtaply Georyian, which was States, and Me neebop �oEqy" thuiligh it be Fall Wheat .. ... ....... wernin, are the devil any way. murders, slid Suggesting advice whereby the dend on,first prefere ads, The railway items of "'Natioulal Ecol t from anY elm of people in the County- nized at Collingwood by the Government Yourill, thrul supplied with all they want from thiri country journahi- . of 4ngla'Ud.Fe grumblin At the if incidentally reveals the marvellous precisi- Spring Wheat ............. 1:70 t'4 1:76 OfftainlY Witte frOM the VOIUDteer fo during the American war on suspicion of thieves and tbe-murdereis mig.bt be caught. than front thence, With. these faels I say als and for an with whiell rce. JAKEWhOS SWELL. lie cultivated the friendship' or policemen, that we may look forward to a not inglori- largeamount speint on renew . . the- hole organism of that Barley ................... 4-45 C4 0:50 being a Confederate privateer on the orking the road, and view with difaproba. State is regrulated and watehedoer-a State The volantem wh& massed at Goderich who liked him as a pleasant, 'peaceable, well 0,11". . . . .;* &- - - ", 4:45 (k:0:091- ous rivalry with the United States. Ujis &TDGES' proposal i rganisat of --which __wk� know'so very that they hav6 e#1Y . increase -expenditure in order Wput the line little " �': takes, put into this port on Sunday last. SPRINC; Snow.-Iher 3 ring Show of the i teu-iiJ%P1Iovr, Kaliun" f nally triet h's deaib only %a two pal.ticulare ltion'Mr. B ktill 'further to- and o Or at the ffODt, which they were for soe She ran out of fuel and tile furniture and S:aDley B. A. S,, for the exh;bition of SLud while on his way home Iron n. alvantage over us. They are more in num- before Sadows. Potatoes per�bus 0 i a depreastio in, a betleer. condition. . For theae reaslins the :50 0:60 tiime. were standing up for the defence of cabin huings were re ' led to. lage 0 11 ene atered an officer who ordered hi SZW-- Sol! Aft ar Homes and Bullis, wnsheld in the Vil f 0 1 On in bers and their wealth is greater than ouirs. Flour per bblh, .......... repbrt iari TuRWuBARBAaETY.-.Tb9, Sy4a, flermo- dw whole 00unl of Huron, aS well as to halt, but the robbpr responded by firing a B.tit- ih-'prieportion to numbers our poputs. 3tty sharfill criticized, and at the Oameal. 4i ................ "0 5:60 and thq voice of Montreal with a load of wheat and potash, ter this, goo flibies letteiv Fresif Butter por lb ...... C-12- -*14 "laiark, tion is more hoincilgeneolus and be -Stli J wooding she cleawd again, bound tor Varna on Saturday, the 20th inst., wben the pistol at him. Tbe ball missed its- n general meeting vhicK followed 4 d deal �Iisr. of she I of the Froyince at large, entries wereAs followisll, viz:-- 'of ill feeling procably -was vented,, received from Thb I its . silj�j­;isporting that an 0--10 99 0:00 and the deman Rgrguing, brought the, theire, though we, haiii deacen&fitlittrbalit Is Sublime Forte had been 2. entries. Vharlex ruffian to 1"9 I "PrIground, and in five winutei the un'tton ppr ....... Dr. Woods iS the fiySt that basi been WFSLZYAtt SCOIAL.-A Weial Heavy Draft Horses 16 the People 9f Vrauve, ap well eA descendents order from th 0.0 to 0:13 piwd in detmetion a their inv,.Iua and turbulent spirit was still, and the religh Of from,each of'the United kis��doass. T le malithetowall, for�idding pil Beef do 0-12 7bi 8 te tell- Mason's Old Rubin Hood, first �rtze, ,4up .6tooptainalb4cguse desperate in a promuleat6d i ble meeting will be h -Id in klq a Novi Orleans recently, and their 0hristiaris to speak' of the insurrection in Apples per. bushel. . 1.00 0:00 the Wesleyan Robert Urris' Rob Roy- McGregor, 2qd do. terror in Williamsburg was at an.end. arvim. Godarieh did do her duty to Uharch of this town General Purposeas 5 entritis -.-4Hen descendents of the two grea t nations or fflien& provided jtjesn-.vith f4*11ifik-pieces Candiu# orof thatin Aga& ls#�Ilv)juddei Rides per -100 Ibs .......... W V01till't"rt, inumuch as on Neduesday 'large force is now engaged oa the Ca . na. Europe, however. may well hope to do fbit's till aelted lead $lseep Skins; Lane's Princo of Walos, first pri2m ;_ ma A D6dy due]' -They stood, but a few t6 rearNI Oenalty of aving. in 0:50 1:0,0 she Paid evening the 9th. We hope to me better thin the tuixed 'p6oulidida ot �the 5.50 0 a large colm Campbell's Duke of Wellington, 2nd than 4ide of the Niagars, 'opoosite Black .rheu, though the *ealth of jmzea ayart,and both combItants &ell, one pburd into the ilnout6- This order was Pork, per 100 Ibs .......... 4:61 dj=dY Out Of her fumilb for their sup United States., er with piocli�imedby betrlds dilifink three Bazaar W� 2:00 Port' turn Outof the, Members 4ad frienall 0 do; JThomas =irepar1ng forthe donAructionorthe d ; ith in' h and the oth odi, Ver cord ....... f ins, oyere w US . 1:50 SPUt ffOW the COullity grant, the Ghurch. Ithe United Statelt ia,.gralllteei;thask 4#1 be' e .60 1 nincteenth HaT Pqr too. 12:00 4114-N' DinsWe"'s Obarnpioft INIffility, Vid Henry railw&7 bridge from nfdt&f�v, t4e 7 condo, 1iting loaded the days. Is thk U drope i* tbe� Stouels Use,g Young monarch. to BU410. Qsliada it it; burdened with claimps arisinog, PieGqp with thst� hiqdVf Atpliall;l4stion. A SOW -we had free access to J with barley, and that gt as much as w bleat, "lat f quitoe freely-, . but therr tbg relativ,- cireunist-ic 100W &wWts its advent wheat this season baq 'Price. It appeti'm 10 at %he AMOunt of laud Ecos' per Cent-, the crop w,,. proportion. 11 was ,Could be sent so Eric, at ,fter the close of the tr quothtiOus Of Ll vi�'rpo( ii, only 4rs 6d thtr4i- F bushel alight . !,eriuit W but 11,11060 vrlce9 offer for grow"'lug the alli" doubt but that the iarzi in tkis province heretof wilth ezeelleut results, Vr,fitalble, aud besi Ies � a cbsnige fro- the Ov( teas followed. This w t -d by the splendid pric4 pretty heavily ttis 8prn ver,,I, for the prod ucto ,i.c,e is so well Ad�pt,"' Farmer. STILLANGE, I slivery yoang ludy -.d �Mn bear soix-th-,,; ­* a ,vetur�ta,,,,,j We�ot Xseedh ThoPe 1118"L? fears Lg T Itot noticing tio. CA ,Ld&css Lhc4r ,bedicai wervw TH TO CONSU" Tilead,cruser. b2vUk;.1 Uc ,cwvvee" bya veryotimil�l Cred fwr se uraj yearo - a t,. I but dread diseas�- C�xulri knowa to his tellow-suffereri To all 1"0 desire it- ae %V ex1pluon used Orec "t c1larg pLrilig wid usitg lh� &a-qie cuag(oric;�.Vw,lin,Tjo.n.AaTl C,ol,m and ail Thl- �l 0 -1, ob,eclofLheadvrru�rIL4 0— beg,eirl the affixteid, nuA f;,l eo,w�lves to be znrai�tm, , ,wIll try hLs remedy. as it %,if inAT prove a bleswng. paraeg wishutirthe pres-r-i will please addresti PLC v. E. D WJLLLa.n-� t'Ul ERILOIELS 0 A Gentlemain wh,��Uftlrl p�bdhv, PreruWare DrCav I as i'dblemuon. XVLH for the send free to oil WhO need It- wrAiCing the simple �em" V b .term wishintr w Pi, �fi i bv t igan do so by addressuig N.. 11 C VVHIBKJMS I . Dr. L. 0. M—Tr-Z'170. 'blator M tthe vv,"4d. vrill t,,b" to grow On the s never known to fail- ',v,' to env one desirout Of" RgEvFs & Go., 78 Nasm (No kliters tftk-leu unte IM011thers 1CC--tc wayms Worms ar� t,r vVennatu (;h1ul-1 -0 known aud mi'Aw-k-4 11!L� death among cWture" i� I r4y I be too deeply, anprel�"'d ui_ 4&,,,c,e"itY of 0-1N %vatchii doing. and unde,flanding th� of the (Es" -ttionsW& efd MI'lloo6fthe vc-ry numeir, whwb are caused 6Y 'V— awed eittem4le& dffeu-lv`q likeeme, griadi-ag of the li,�ej ith,, befly and frequent -IM I vub"ve its; raw I's to, M atf�q. fiURUng& jr�",LIlitg4 nts, firiodal d—, "I es They are palsitable and -1 --dirrave cut the worats th( completely cleaaw the sto with the necessity ofadmUll unpleaswu ciakarue6­412i I medimnic. g:r 1�&ch boz contains f1foRrilloitor & L.YXAS. INCW "r. elom -.v fr Ra Soldb ca, and lineiUcuiledsma— -- T n " GILEST V SM JAME Webrated prepared from a p Carke, ALD -1 PAYS r to tkle This invaluable meal care of all t -hose Paint" 4to "�reh 1he femate ct W64cratelliallexceill6an( aad &speWy obre may TO MARR a is pew-uliarly euitied- i bring orsilke M— E&& "fle, prizee enment sump QfUrea erfeft. 40 AXT 27WJ Pius &4#KU sm I the FrRS7 77rRE , as are but at al�y I 0anas of'Ner" Painti; in the Back and O:KCrtiOU, MPItIfinsit ef wtiftes, the" Pill$ 09mr mofflal; have faile forlivemody, de not coo trairriny, grj"mytifisig hu Fall alreC660111 in 01 W C (mid 801649=t folk t4o U ;OB 00 to say &utiK-zed agen tussAlrfty Pitlkb M smin Goderuft jir.jordaa- Gwdiaor it 8"altum # lvdk; 0,imbiti. dotu�& 3ebi movri F. Uickwa- Sm, 1)"W& qq q q Among tke low" tflapc 4k%e')M" U&NA01 iN PA Ass I' prisimis, Burns, &C-' Tbre GANAMAN now been befbr� &a -wbemver a" _!&;1LVft* I awto stimely &ad we prop"' am &11012 wil it. tile bighes terms lot ing XWed ft tbowagki. am SuEa-tng f0*0 1013 4101 W111ch lit is being a 8(� 'J'he staocla"g . Damtrow ib Ou 9 lisleaded. and its zvoomwa= - , " ,lasilial; tbo tq UnI119. Pw ervous rm list of re are cofftling Ito all 4tbO co"aasirl T*e Gawgiiss, Pain give sissirmadiste retsel- at. phy"is" order a Vn 8 The without it af tl�r prials Galy 25 C6816i J- All urdenAGe,,t.0 Jordan: rxar� ;Qftu, watis & 3 Vow-, E. Hwksiiia, easun. I ImiVent- D*FAZobwUo;i, Jaza Farewell, as A WFJT of &IUK IS