Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-03-01, Page 25.
K AW Thu- lutes& le A 10 0 residiince of
i E 1L]INGOON 01F (3ox, by the Re
T� barlotteW06,
I Chunk. r, goraptIP4 E A31 IVAN -P IRS Xr.
;award Island, On the 26tb nit., at the
4ure is to be but one Mace It
ge "OUR IR 82 memberi, who will te -me nsfoll-OW1111 ---440 returns are riot an Georfe - N1001`0 to ATOry )T.
while tie to* tile ex delighted U tuiiy, when its 16�11111 iiei Mmrnlng In large Edward F
mqme go tqenc
poqOnt.] outif p-* m M VOW York Heis t the pre-
vb#n with assumed gravity, :Iptapolik; - _, Re#_ 1 .1 -W but it is fW08t 'i"ta'a thst dwIghter -of the late John AHen, all al
oh I JbIR 'jnistutkc,� - gd. pt
te!.ded hand, iufortned her Pf her [From our, Special oarrel !13 4
pors , - VrAa the laiijoroity.haos bcicft�gVen agams
-p with it& ilmied i A- rov 0161 - ;F11 6 1. 1 _ft; - .
1 4 It bin ill* ICOP
Pon the a - " ".,- � ; Iltmoveri 0 1� erich.
bf #6VIC is 0i
U. pard6n me,' she repli Pat* 11
yestilk NWANI;- ral4l" —_*W; � eing them b4* i -_/ fi 0: _ it L This city has elected
back; and then ey session of fb� prejent Parlla�,�, I Criawn�16r fiv yea ritobabi jt�jally` not be within ill* ICOP
!, ointed , the wit setit governmen
when evil) -to i!t uug. over i dit8c - the head of the
� ii 0 n&ent 16--interFs ederilt.tes.-at
tace, she said, '4 but ToU look ns Ps, oil Tuezifity by the Qqtelx tie 0 c9f of each Pr Josains, conf
lit, WaS
ion bejrfp�63,2 Brecken, gov
dar% "11% Emily is sdi� On The second STRANGE,, BUT TRUE.
the -11,111y 49040cape the sees no
7*4 nod c de atl*!*
no up, Nova khe poll_-hifl Vote
6S two peus, only Mis, 0 tupu Vince be,
1 a "qui'" a o,,rl -1 of course, with sit the ponipa to Chanibem, Iiy to American soil I but -D niff
The taltut of Lieut", hitig across the roorqA�iyit.,_ �x i raon,nnd BrUnSWI tit re are to be t o monarel A Podd, govt., 523 If ynd g,ery youtig i"yaiw gemiemmitnitic vuitedswi:4
mt, 562
Rua �'�okft y onial usual oil suc The a Lieut.-Uoverotir in and doubt)
r E. h An occasion- ess wiil be, regarded by the whole ernme
-Corem Upo bleas the establishment man indopendent 440.
S perfectly at home, dV--txtd% L pr and Lower, and ections, The precise con hear toomettling ry 1. lh,.ir advaraittz
wbtfe stile IkIlilit sW1I a Ult A" - oil, ieb volvet covered c-,sV, she -Otto was in many respects f4ref ehv,g,). by fidde-iiiing tire a r.
on a r he t -lit nation as Obj Mite
'Ve e oil our Southren bor- numbers of the two part bliitgr hanamgred will
yiu 64rood. Th-e I
Fact cht.,Qr; but I spa Oacriptioli lfpi�ecb froat I e Eur ean empir ics are not yet etu To frittil
a lovely 'fitliwera aud - what an ilq AccomodatiOn ................... a remarkable one. In its latiff th. and in the Sec. 80 marks the powers of the local 1 9 of a confederation known
C, now I've ill the limittit dots in 09exico. That thi; but probably ted of the govern- Mille bv,i,,t it, tici Tit CC All otliers will please
tt&tUM'3 Sitting in it, 3*1*011 1 �� eta' introd c- ifillitures. Direct taxati011 within
to I'll adtire" iheir,+vdic tit servatt.
A teud,4; no Objections - Exv Abe sU 110 Ojuncts, prospec d K.
mill, ort r esq al a ...... an THO.S. r. C 11 A PM A,
sbacly Kraorm wixb,&L And so comfo -rowing money icheme,,with all its royal g
"I , �F06 province decreed i
Ap .5 outitber an, vtvtio�j or boi (nent candidates have been returned
or pf ell; .11hood, cot oil mv best new gow g nity, is em -ly.rptj 631 flr,�,jxvay Ni-wTari..
Mothet, the had I tirevir heradl Mixed ......... . of many of its Pee uture kingly dig sition. Only five or six w3
el-i'lit"nill able tbo I she continued as she t ed,'it had the advillit"110 Oil provinviai credit ; solle of Public lands ; five nobility and I a '
aud Item sbe her acing her hands on her knee-st, DEPART. rst it afluded to I eoutrol of public reformatory prisons, hospit inent*ly hostile to a large portionof "llef re r, confederates are clected
into it ; and Ill, decessors. . In the fl 0 place, art, F,,t:d twenty Opp"
9"Ll"I ill- - - ... ........... 5:00 0-.m. the war i,i which Prussia,, als, asylums municipal inst strong
; she stared about the .... itutions ; local dents of British america has been in
ye -r. Sh* 1ptiiidanice of ber iscizoin- 'With he*r Ilauth open nixed ............. 10:00 is. the termination of 'ul'lic works'; incorporation cf in various ways. Lower Canada has pro -
It 1111M and undel the OnT4,and freely e%-j,lvsscd her admiration ................ slid reventio p b
ther hA wade great proficiency it, deflaring it was Espress mail ..... ustifiviarld Italy were lately engaged,, riages ad, nouncud against it blentreal, Feb. 27.
wo I tat brAlliche,4- At of its -embellished bt tilodation ................... 11:30 p.m, A in unmistakable terms.
xb4 sotid arst 0�ni�a Intd ever dreamed of. Aceo that'a lasting peace would companies; solamnization of mar
Anything Site expressud a hope, istrntim of justice and general matters of Nova Scotia arril the other island provinces orders were received to -day to disband the
r4uth with her pat- tillhot's, - surfued to do not favor the idea at all. Newfoundland, wgter olice, known as (Jovernmetit police,
tillough sk* bw tra" if recollectiug beiseil, bed oil the contitient, A. set- lulp
Seel, tnuc4 At Itingth, as u9w be 9slahlis is prjvnte and local nature not as Chief �ceaugblin included. They will be
up Al orild. IAI"---il*Meiit!of the' Alabamw ,claims with the R
oliam and for am of iler Ara h � ill Parlliameut.' lupert's Island, Prince Edward Island, Bri -morrow. Only ail weeks will Clothing Emporium
. -But, eatue-, 91J71W. fish Columbia
Of tho gay world, thou admiritig eyes Inv -1 SW". where, is the Nannay A, if Sec. 91 is educational, and protects exist- and the vast Northwest- territ- disbanded to
live voiter American Government was also promist.
`3 6-doc ory are not to he it,
n 7 Protest eluded to tbp Confeders olapflebefore a newtorcewill4mr ganized
gazed o her, and flattt* Y vour fattier told me aboo, ? I'd like to see ing riglits under the law L gives to is madee for for the shipping lime. The ment are seut
been bjealliva i* tm rears,, I-musik- c6uld be Uodglit'abotit it' 811A a manner, t provision
had %he still retwid- _ �A a I" Lowev Canada the right of separate tion at present, bet THE
Vch'-1 wondertut ttlar. - r homes to the frontier frequently
ictiiiy�aad love 4" , #I!d f4milint sets1i the minority -be it. CLallolic them to come it, at a future timesabject to tb,, jqpm thgf' L&RGEST & 13EST Selected �tftk
0i "Lum hand, 1 nation would nA 3" is a
ed that swe* I simPI �44, 1,'j 1867. thatAbrit huour let the schools
which S, Mareh 1 1 gives he Parliament of the new king- durittg the winter.
'WDE R 1C 11, C W miroinised. After making
�)rirtg from a pure heart. -�# V �r some remaeks
ard 'her tl* 00 oi- Protestant- the right Of appeal to the terms which t
dharlef; How -Vot !
the war between Spain and Chile, tile Governor General in Council against any act dom may propose. far as new dis-
to a Alight yo REFORM MEETING. oil sary to say thtt, our- own Tau GOLD DIGGINS.—SO
resided iri a dbk -vt to W countrT folks. I res who may seem to in- It is hi.rdlv neces SPRING & SURNM
be hlnus�_-If Cretan insurrection,,anod the governmonf;4 0 -ies ot'gold are concerned, the past has
told 0101 bi 11 city rit t of the local le"i9latu
misunderstand jijo,�4 to plenty o e"Sling priileges in relation to people, espe�ially those of the States border- czivei
WUonl (the nature o S" -el sli41, W tu Ditnubia es, her Majesty fringe upon iti rcing.
ilich wilt not At all ffto�rafleS and educationi an, tier. are decidely been a quiet week. On Tuesday mo
Uilti"I it Principalili d if upon roforeuce'an order is jai on the Can tdian frou tow evident, Uw�ver we wera shown by Mr. N., -'Strong, Ready-31ade Clothing I
it io,t� up or, tt ance
reademll the fAmilt L At a meeting called on 27th ult., by the eglilature to atneudits' o.bosed to s(plan iviiich, it is r
f so t- -1 -1 to thel lotot) T thdro prol)oses to erect a monan ape i� few small specimens of gold
ow r mado
on terM3 of inlivancy. ; IL be quite the cb in of the Refo ra Committee next treats of a an tiOct Of much import :11y, W t
tri u,' 1 1, vnthi oil INA airtu IV i h all its ;f- of Part 9
t wear. me the conso' idatiou of the proceedings, and it neglects to do 809 ust been washed out-bj some ever offered for sale in town, which Will
mited, when, Mr. ilawurd, held in the to you, na ty prejudicial, ingredients, at wbich bad j
months had not proud f tile, and the bean -1. whY, UP f the County of Huron ment shall have power to feasive, not to a he were then d
withjL;S s��Sier's eat Kest requeat,, orth America. I Van, the $eneral govern engage in
thels very d-3ois. row
iu oamphaaca �sq_ Robert BrAish Provinco-ofN gentlemen w "_ be sold at prices that will
ere I live, they think I a0i but there, 1 0
ays theta at their de vrb clog" some more ortlie same material
hai He b I ad ever '.ndtv loved his w ni bi-ag -, you'll see tviiar fcan do.' office of INL C., Cameron, -%v Tork J siWat a few d� scribei-Ahe paraVnpli, resolutions in. fdvtwr of p af5r e obedience. This looks like the cam
J, whose oed Gibbons, Eiq , presided, and Mr. NV. T. of trouble. From' the Ne eartb taking from near thizatirface of his late Defy Competition. hgblful hoale� Aitar Sec. 92 pro purdhase, th I I
W-10 vrarinty return- a more intimate union Ofthe Provirces vides for the funding of local of a 649arry" mine in gizeiir.
sLcer, and tile m1t3chthent wouid riot ullow-_Of his tortuling Miss led as 6ecretary,' Nova Scq�ioa and New Bruns ocal govern- The opinioti.,of the Provinces in favor r rugh of visitors Uemeber the old Stand—
ed by her, sot4al asatWactory exp4aaftlit0li rcsvy -irnin," and ox ac wff�, revptiues for the purposes of the I the Union scheme, now ail but,completed) is There has been a greate
A'9 41404 liaArd" 5
& in' which had d, J�R ad d,le ottes -hem or not. n
01 t"I""t - 0 T trfil ChI11000 e�t WITUS'
t�aodetltevw -'-good in, teen passed by their several legiffillittlict, It it mutt be admiUe b? duly authorised and represent em the ppointment of the over�haiwinglj strong Thesi!�btctv have to than ever this week to the Madoe mines, and
wu figb y gratifYill, i li�irtkv, thoub risider tht "I Sec. 93 Ord months of the be rec6gn i%ed, whether we I ik F" " the swou'l; of travel ill already so great -W to A
tile rustic. In;. Lieut, Governor within six ic
iolved the breacli -roucdi tklAwno t4v 4-i aq1I i 6.t bp. 1i the meeting, which was to eel all cl"21f or Colonial party and opinion, tickle reader it neceinary -to puton extra lines of
Uf k
051te story, pig
b lly rei;ftltoad th t rx: bich� Tellig :% AlRectlY OPV 9,10thing Eflippr"1314
it N, and they oz: 4 aiself as he jaov8 towards Wgi-coacured ip the conditions. upon, 18SULnz of the Queell's proclamation. that sort regular from -Belleville. A village
,�d. . - I I houri East side
o at e�� i "A to - ' Market ogre.
haod bftn so ltlp.' POe4P aa�y be bust effec ed.- In so- t ct�,,fior a te -A
at such a- PtettJ Se 94 to, 99 are concerning the duties or 6 few -,t -dTt1lV' sit eave cafted 4,19 do" has been laid out by Mr
hied with the izvedi&� he lay turned a-av, ivisabq-tt a County Coanvention. of. Re- dd t wors,
Ho ward was deli despite of tier disgise's shle the holdina as, a bill will be sub- e uppointmoll' of th"ll, 0ircapistance of case this !400re on his farm in the iMmedirite vicinity
-.3j, cordance w�%h, their WiAhO the Lieut.,-Govern�,rs and tb the
And ZfecomA;sh ' f do 60. consolidation of If.
Incurs 0'rL"- 0 S j" the �ict Agent for Wanzer's Firet-claris Smgcr %td
-efiat f(irmers, and the llest mode o witted to ybtf Wbich by the -'rovincial le d a numberofthe
i an At'orney General, I of the Ric!iaidaon wipe, an
not firb-mr crin-rastaing theF rraL pe.wis- all&-hleolaptetiod whose Ctmmissioner of Cro La same. Combiratatin
A Belle
of tier mA_2rl0M Wilth the tufty bewtug -a -t4e ro v inthis moming by lots have already been pur6hased. cis m
and 4 colo*1 � interests and resource n uY,
ill Ent 7111 excite Cae, trivy of 6% streol-th to the several P mi4sioner of'PuMic Works the Sftre- if -the story that comes
iuces, ils- me Treasurer,
boved child ; Pu In
taiiy UawAtdwllat�u Pill that she on ihitAC 3 Cow - ville company has finally bought the SEWING MACHINES.
of his I bieaeittlul bers of the same Empire, and animated by tary to eel as Register, and Commissioner of telegraph tiom Toronto be true, the mans
he had nized an -C -ePl&hCn �a of 1p;alty to the same Soverei U.- )f Agricul- era of the scheme of the British Houses of of Messrs. Carr & Johnson to the Richardson An assortent constantly on hand.
a A %to W 4atii and suAiagulir'y devoid or t a Con Ii� 1%s to be also Minister i: to over u
Z i%h a iliope of bette- 11110 1 existin.- circumstances to aPFOlet I Public Wer' log ne-and with two sets Of rival claimants, Godermb, March Ist, 1867. v37
i.witawgi, it bad b th a desue for the , %.%ste in her personal nifornings I - nd hero (to rai The fseliaksvpon Fenianistu 6� lit'no farliametit are d the b6isness wi awe to decide between them
in, her. uot less, 1 had wl or timid peo- ezillinz laws, and per. cousiberahly. f0hey are to start,
despite the coarse thinmrs it uttered, tral COW1111litt'0011i to Im callbd0d Roa matter whatio-agglatora way say, Sec. 100 enforces it is said, the law will h rations can be resumed
Society of his interestiag neice. 1 pie may fear, the Governmeall Mercury.
tb�jt li�3 b�vinz set", i it, ililms�lc�j _,%w_.etaess t1rilleT my "leart 1 Association of tile County of Huron to while taking luationaftilejudiciary, and at legal pro. with a1igb order of political nomenclatures. before mining orie
awate %Veil is it for her, tlx,t she is under the prc- They to baptise the Con lederal�d Provin, there.-Madoc
only rus*ic twals-it�k& lafluenti.1 a man as Mr- assured of the loyalty
lectio.3 of as disaffection are I so well* Seca, 107 and 110 lay down proceedings ces under the name of the 1, Kingdom of -V
hadimbibel Aix foolish, consist of a Preskdetkt, AT'ice P all difeproce I autid td stop the aptead Or 1he Pe dings. CRidinal Cullen has been receiving ad
whuse jo% I U,)wa4. for tary, and tWeb tSTOVES! STO ES 11
bjt*st��,, PrejudWO ag"llies fi -pos3med of, Tr�Ahier,' Secre :fltlee:� Canada," giving to the seperate Colonies -
e -tit of tile grahe body of the inhatlitams, thu
was cagt without the Pale Qf a popul-)US city, as to proclamations. respec. dresses from a number of religious an! ed. -
I d thill, the Habeas Corpus oct Will jai Penitenti. begiaing with the, west- the names, a r
1511 -ch firlb beauty corin"te with ; 51115� 12-, bets with power to add to their number. an Sec. I I I makes the Proviuc cational societies connected with the Romad
&�d he fo.ebre m&klq8 any c`nm bb iestured. But operty, as between Quebec
atteottht ways of the worIjv'X*"e iCXyabe the main feature tively. of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick
ab he wisiied to wiinets! nuts -Carried. -r-ai a'y common pr and Novis Suotla. The minor titles are well Calibolic Church in Ireland. ThL ladies and 3. STO
the'r dpecled , next to lmpos�'ible timi, she should escape qf the speech wm The promise of a Rek 9
when tithe should dis- and Ontario. eutlemen presenting them had the honor of 3- 0
-d. froni the seduqliveviles of some Moved by Mr. Moore, seconded by session opened many were enough: But wily start with a "Kingdom of
ors in the
unharm Bill. Before the ides for arbitrat tissing the pastoral ring. In one of his 'rep -
cover th sVerioritY Of bar con' ... ter.% 'Who evt'� on Ill to, whether . See. 112 prov nisels. ?"and Ay to3l low that fiat -sounding
the falle` onc- of thost. mors Esq., be, the s, ish Church
Tit coun- Mr. Parsons, Thaf'R. Gibbans, peculations and rumours aft adjustment of debts, credits, as between Ca
at every weation of the visit, alert to lure, 40ru vl�lue 8, the young the ministry would introduce the subject thi i phrase with the pathos of a ,Uovernor Gene. lie.s the cardinal, refering to the Ir
tenace'of P,'raily betrapW to him how -suivret- president of this Association.-C*ried. Q,,b" and Ontario. thut, functionary said they, the CathokieA did not seek to enrich
happens,Ahe ral." as "KiQ9"-PaYiug �spoiis of the Establih od 4C3
session or not, and as gengrail
well kne that she w-43' 1 0 'rhe Special cdrres Sec. 113 takes care of the recold1. &c -10, 000 stg- a themselves whh tbo
Wa% . This izi onlrte,eourtuen, wedto C 1loved. by Mr. Crabb, seconded by Mir majorAy were wrong. year, de about five and a bat it- They would oloiupcept no fetters ftilm 4
humiliatin mor- ec. 14 empowers tbq Lieut. Governors to
bittori� antic'Palisg 0140Y bar t, more then be gets now ? Thi4ait W9.1
uilv. its s e t r had It upon the most
Kay, That Mr. Moore be Vi -Presiden pon&fut of one pape
It ker 'be discOm9' ce issue write for the first election of members per con
U-Viag- psition to whic tiviv afLcr tilt fi,-.1 day of in ar r,!Ti*bl0aiUborit-V that no aleasure likell would of the scheme is eilher nonsense or rot." 111111,90wernaledtliL -be they of brass,
thq 4 Ures. 11
oe�pose her. SNO trot P1 rid I know -Ca"IeA. -a' to.SeCa Ocal Jegif while si I *at, or vold ; but they demand the i
must a 6-kiu�dotu
atr fov, she Understood 1111 mortlileatiotis had pssed, bt: r in noLher upon authority just I to 110 di r in It ;s nonsense to create now devoted
rect the manni to the 10111"W
carsiptain to ker tati e cons recoguizing it merely as a "provence," sub enormous sums not where it triii e -id, I anticipated i John Kay. bt b iderted in the
T ro6asu r cr. - as hi.Lh that il, rut,, whict, tb3istion shall be urigialited in the it is rot" suppose that w6i6ceof-a Protestant ascendancy . 8VA
tLS Views too well to ex�ect ompAth-IF i and lancy tar, fatr friceedsil reservation of be flit aWe to form a special fund for works
Peet of u -h but her ver d(ujU!sitt%,ng,! a third uood equally Authou- eroviaces, and give power o '"" to a governar.
she WS -a knew OLa. be won;d er 1 �.) d Secretary. -W. T. Cox. 3EiWat to the Lieut. -Governors, r�-fareuce to Co laces Is I
9VIIft ruin an
tic in o�rwatM 6at the Chancellor of the line, T 37tu at' itthis lifederation of the three Prow*
he-, every pass abifiet,while
ble ittentiou to tier eQuo- r. U I religion, and for % defrelo
of chkri
�y and
The offic'm eleet, together with N1 Exchecy riwasoutivoted in the C ayiri- the fauud4tiou of a monarchy.
be made thereon to the Governor-Gener- I a i !he 'Welit and resources of the Island
te rely over.
vc_�appointed a Committee Lpublican Government is enti hef, ibols quize Ald, Cameron, - vVe a fouriti'as loud as any of his at. a new mouarc by
The Zrr,v_d, an' if I eta QW I Se 19-1 aul Ill give power to perform thrown in the United States,
T induce ben to, T lar 2sidei that
a TAU404
comb, a"A th oe� o lions ',t�rlsr and to strike the standing Committee. his claitus fur a hearin- would have a partia
for the 64si Would s4tis- VA. 26, noon. -The privilege �d
b ttlement of the question, wbich ob t;o.s cut A Lreaties between or the revival Ofan old monarchy on the of the -writ of habeas corpasin Ireland
tiaw in ber, life, ebeid a sta�m Watch stop 5tyle , and then, Moved and seconded, That e eonsid- The ministerial o the aurthern half of this continent is iMPIT
do her hair iiii sonieLlim, of i fy men o.' moderate views. a niedfor ZhM months tout ;f niv dresses Great Britain and foreign countries. but d impossible. All thinker
s of wbatever polltl- has bmm suspe.
befji e her father s wi!insion_ A i she bad a
a littie alte.-ing. o:ie not vest Canada with a treaty-makin poyr-
with er itdvi3able to hold 'a COULT�44011:Of secret was certainly weil kept, but it* ' is out at
not probably eat creed recognize
great aversion to such vehic. e1i tbL. mitts and shoes, otter I shall t point. Th3 last or.
les he c*)nid
awd forgretva- s1 in gbi fit her u1C g�ktes from, (he Vadq:us li�qni- last, and in my t:ext I er.
restrain hersell &al loazer, InIV must be disroseI of, &rid Ilion, I Reform delf nee t,j you the in,4in features Ball Rusiell -conisures (ke ces ta be able to uuuuu Seei. 123 to 125 are concerning the ap. erson to dispute it was the astute ruler of
fear of hi -s dtspleasOce, w 0 tcling
scornful quite like a ladv-no. clpa tl 0 ur d ;rance. But, a year and a half agg he'chan,` Gove,amefit for I. I! ds, f b -e q am sur� she w i, appear ,at Clintoo,on Friduy, otilk UIf. TlheeX :F%ion poititment of the judiciary.
mallaer and a dwrew. d tone ithe exclain-a- taf tuf now, Re!
n,.ltqu,!te li6e a lady, but quite Okek at, of 'Ili,� relalions bktii-en Irlsh - t"d%r ind 11 lemisla- ed his opinions, iant A
31jr�li 15th,,, at 12 o'clock.iltooft, to con- t Sec, 125 gives po era to the loot
meari� But her pa aver. that is worse tenaut, will also occupy a share of the atten- rriculture? immigration, We AmeriCaTIL-23 all neighborly folks The Reform to ures of Earl Derby f6rio
coacil t 04 1 papa, how I ltturea to promote aw
d& tes, fr= eaC11 muu*
or poor direct ought to do -are satisfied to see the dwe'- e topic of general conversation. Tbelead-
I hall Ltl ; whAt can and th th
i *a tion of" Parliament, audit Bill offering and public works. 0
a doom me , to' such anuoya" be 'esi 4 Oat the ecretary carresp9nd en,.uirapment to the occupiers of holdings newspapers have e-aituriml anicles in rip -
0 Sec. 121 permits the use of the Frenc lere; on.vur Northem frontier unite for strength ing
att#r the &-lk-e of a misierable country
coa;d yo' fi-dia; thpoie wasso tintioch to pali b
;M X -W
will Lh; WilmotP d hem.1fio steep. _A�efbtrmers, 'asking them to to m-ske per lqisap-tt improve will be
pw riag al in
iy s wit language ii the legislature of QuebAc, but -for purposes of clour politic co mer proval.
lirl. W Lat un ei�t in, mornina She was awakenei re a 0
L I Lie fo;low* laid belbrei tlia'House. These a the . main does not confer the same privilege for the ciai and sociial int6doarse. They do not'
to her tr, ub:ea �y Lou,4 who; wit hoat cer- appoint delegates. The Secretary- to ty. e certainly don't come. Berlin, Feb. 26. -King William Of Prus-
Queen'#,_$peech, anj if the (;OAL OIL.
-91 Senate and House of Commons. c9rae in our wl.
the temples of Mr. piiig a-wtment, ex; tarnish blank bills for callin, meetings. Iii -, romi# is theirs. They 14-Y lind con- 514 wt
The calgor --ountedia mony enteted her sive cujh all that is, live peaceable be the emperor.' of Geri:314117-
0 T7A 1-1r.
eath claim- istry-to tbr, ed the for
nily's�cheek flushed her *�tiumrc. . a6y of -the Sec."10.8 provides for the admission, here WHnOLES
Howard. Ind I n -p. It noi be 1, at Ptince Ed. touted Itta I'd "theiff own domarle. if they b. 26. -Capt. McAffart,7, T-1.1
iiest 160X 0640-�ovat wbwl she ba t say for al The delegates to be sciat from Goderich lb& wl afte e I table torml Dblin, Fel
thv h= ninderattoti are of oil erty,of-the Usited $titles A qef Larrip, &a. ke. 01410R. -
matters to be taken into co in
Heigbo I asbaep yet ? whu wit; land, 11upert's Ia d, have --twong them wise and prudent and rmy,,-a,,d rlce-11,
A ithe T to the Convention, are Messrs. Gibbons, mace, an I iw to be earnest- -d tuad Vewfoun4 sagacipmajuen--meti who foresee Lbe dangers aeiding q3d7tuberoof the Feniair body Wool Picki &nd Sh
sets on big umlty� weevoit grEat public impor and Britisti 'Columbia. ly vp� M93
*T rna to m&,Ive hcr uest, in -ell in exchange,
c!araeron, Mcore, and Crabb. ly hoped that no factious or pirty spirit may antre
relattant. trb -quences of disunion Cmert stud a; cam on iofKieud C'
Sec. 12V is very im.)ortant. and is as fol- and the terrible cons c8`7 Pal" taii:
ly sald� d her sru"tbers, fiaduo riere it" the prop -Or tanfAl . q,odel;lates J STORY,
a the thought O'�- l'bey will not become, in a harry, too Strong! Stephens, was arrested in this city to day, on
le ou,
e� will do I
d trouL that, in 0, Walk at queb an hour,
if 1000S.-
�Tfhdt tho-tirelfam of, 46 mil be J wliereas the construction of a railway a power to be either envied or J�&Md. � And, suspicion of baving been concerned ia the gW Sign of Ille-L cuirred to liery nd ANOTHER OCEAN CABLE. Ali(
cwmot bear to, aft CUT v 16'dacounter any of considered s3 of m6rPtai-po ce, than the - at, KUlartier.
l words and I she Wbt0d not hi- likel I .? +opm the.Riiar St. Lawritince to the City of it tbey should, after some tederal experieuca recent Fenian outbreak Godetich, MarDii Ist,-IS67-
her fashionabli '%fit bene6ts f offict. 17 ,
witb hanied e friend; 1'Rund hastill risingi t5l iies desire. to'change once more their -The elections v'hi,:�:
tish Aopoe of eaf in the Province of Nova Scotia Is al� Zolo, Florence, Feb. 26.
in her hearVaiiiiii she was soon equipped- A now company called the Bri Halifax,
maillst ilin otw*. %be for members of'
stat or qothical e;iitende, they wit[ know have so tar takin place
nece"ury have generally re-
acuqv§10��� ilijiftoosit &a Mined, but pteo-mat avenue, the Italian Parliamclit,
and American Tcl%myh Co�rn
pany THE NEW KINGDOM of anins Alidwhereas it hasbeen agreed between where t look. They will know all the bet
JIW*s4 "Iesslj�� proceeding along, iflien - ter where to look that they have ;b*4 trii�l eat of the suppoTters of Ris-
led] ha3 been formed in London for Provinces, that � uch railway shall De Con su ted ittibe de
Uimi of the bin e` 4 stracted with all convenient speed
on wilts larristed y a gen ema
su'kas*vot coi-aq iilftera i, t�er httin oi Confederation., Meaiwhiles,"1448--te casoli.
'tdegriph cable ate a -
trOw" *POO i whose elepnt figure Otto COU14 not m pleas to of wishing them good In
4. do*r w"d General Govern u
b! lognized y Be it enacted, that the
tbet I"*11 (estall'14 I it was no -other ttA:W' Sir FAwaid Walton, .. basimaMblitithl in 1kS1,;Md federation ha reached this 91' the Paris* Feb. 26. -It 'is annoppeed t" the
Ig Turge tionnet. As he a& -led above all oth is pulitlisbad in the ou. six months after the
lis lap mail, and It ment shall. within , Psorn the Detroit Free FrellL first stotramer at the New 16. L46 K4`�New 0, shadord by I the very one uOw erit, she nd within eave , slarwe
-fty? al ortakniship lint� taeljC�itt:�r fax in Nova Scotia. The clipital of the line of ift' as it, Union, commence such rail here tally be nothing in a more- fanuse, -Orlieana 06'. e
_JWreii"_Zd dFA*Q971Rei -Q&k inl be, wieful'to gi wean ut. T1 0
ber in ah.41iti :6 l#rd" ty thriciejeors "erea4er Coullo'telte th# pmd�
ij� 1ppg4-1t- di tho month o
UA . it vest ourselves of an im- sotne time during �f -May next. 70, -ft.
iti� at her *r1ol"Ue aPPCI- he� ;sce, she would have proceeded without company is stated at 4600,000, in shares sta, .1 Aou but we cannot
'that the idea 4
ilbrotigh inter7s pression
tie A conferring the 'title
noticing him, bad-ffa-t7comsa cried out. tome 'inen
has 'AW'31i "ni�i;fplsiuildl lAondo% Feb. 26. cyening.-f-T& Q;wern-
of $20 each, and the exclusive right o Werated provinces
11 azis ;ad to see Tioa, diar -vackit but Not so fast, Emily I here is the very 1Dglil of Kinadom on' the con( t have� withdrawn their resotutiom on Ire'
. . i me
"to use the lvell-kno 29 principal sections, va
im Inj 1"Qw who wsli at yovii fibilit been secured Wu .'The Bill comprises I subjectlocs. New of Canada. New Br.unswick, and No form, and promi ie to lay before PArfistment
ZMLt rf - InoTel M-lUxiiises ot The rise of
i� �, I laking &:I alone, and hq cable and system of deep sea telegrapily ai.if a hir&e,"mber Of very wise one.
The Postmaster -General has issued the- Scotia -as riot a a regular Reform Oill.
puirQ�-ydu will lsei�,approie of ibe chat lulis wis b wanted to -go with us. Brunswick slid 164ova Scotia desire to be unit elf
perfected and patented b Mr. Allan,' �; ent And legis. ful lowing notification to Postmasters a new naUo I'ty at our doors a of its The Bill for Con'tederation of the British
zue to act, Hr31r.-wha t is your came, we are d for the purposes of govern m clently ca ulated to be re�aided bit a
taking a wall. loTarid, as you are going the which, it is claimed, a saving of i of the Brit- In Department Order No. 65, d..,ted 24Lh suffi e Is % Provinces in North America has passed ithe
alion, based upon the principles large portion ' rthe American peatil witb -------
iff reamin sriffi of Lords.
y not go with us T one-third the cost of construction and ish Constitution- *Nov.j � 8153.. permission was givan for Book-. feelines of in* trust and Joitalousy, and we Home
gard to the same way, w h
Sbe then explaiced all in re, tech -
and wt�,t hall bocen oerliteard by the p!e2su"r,- replied Sir Edward, and power in working SediOnt I to 3 &M explanatory and Uanciscrip! and Printer's eroofs, whether scrion", prebend tt�at this will -only strong
s never refuw tille escort of greater economy push the erection -of the
feww, end cf�osed tj th" sine stie bolting his lip clic,ti. - t h:01 lipd
-at, the printed then - like, The
ba mat C01n*uW0(^ she th are secured. The distance f.:oul Fal- Sec. 4 provid -a for the u- ion by the corrected or not, to paw No th American dependencies into a king- A ft. lilff
auht best 'to� roelsmalion to matterrateof one cent an ouucei and it X r
14 oll very prplit,' said Lo6isk andas he QLoeu' toticlatantioa, such P THE 31ARKL of the Azores, is dorn does not change in any -material wily
Wme tmt if rejo al part as she proposed to 11 p
mouth to Flores, one appears to
b"Oul issue witfiin six monthi after passinz of the n o be Lecessary to explain to
S-14;Fr1j4AiV&d -his lev it ourillteighborly relations, demagogues way
act wou4,d be in the lean unpleasarit to tLim 1,250 miles, thence to Halifax 1,350 Act. tbp,,wholel to be known as the postainiaters that by Book Manuscript was seize hold of it to make trouble between the
esitatiogti depvt eyes mtL Gomucn, Feb. 28, 1867. 3L.JA_1EX`G�1EWr
she would unho
twithtanding the part she was from Falmouth to Halifax o F C0 We are, therefore, sorry that
Ivour But I no miles, or, meant the writte'n sheets of ativ book, and two countries.
'By no maaaos." replied her uacle, -, t 6uif-ithe seat of Go7erament at n 0 .......... 1:30 (g 1-35
ltaw ict to royal prerogative I the i (it '
Spring Wheat
2W thoso I can sz�rce play�nz, she was extremely modest, paxt WE a=eIlleat. direct 2,400 miles. Among the direc mention was to Pacourage literary pro; the British government shoWdbave Fall do 60 L-67
bear to Gee Y?u do viii:,Iente to the refinment eyes f elf w hile a mdest blush o'er spread i 0 A, sobi nees of ductions, by affording facilities for authors ed what must appear to a democracy same - PROTOGRIPH
e-lor, which was beautiful in the eyes tois we notic3 the names of several prom &C-8. 6,'7 and 8 set apsrt the Provi hinA.,,rr, much like a standing challenge. Oats ................... 0:30 0:35
ontit not her cl , 7,5 satleriortovOines;% yett d 0 a Ian .......... 6:00
of lose el contiones to govern her North Flour ...... 0
wll as6t in curia;x the serious of Sir F neat man
1 dward Although he could not explain from the British provinces, U pper and Lower Canada as Ontario and to svild and receive such matter to and ft in A .4,05 THY PROVIN
if 4 am tl�d Barley ................ 0:35
ri publishers by post. :50
eptibility, from one, wha wQaW-W 3ta of government being at Printers' proofs Americitti c6loblesias-sbe-does the rest, by a peas ...........
lriinits or my chia fkults,, which conceal her mwhsuw 4) ViTf L A
have been in consultation with the Qu,; bee ; the ose, thei .60
a stran'"r, and -rusk Ili' -to walk- oait�- &r. vrbo 't Toronto, Quebec. Fialilax and Fredericton. by a govenorigiltnerali- the"-wgif no gicidjoason
why �hese shoul irgule, =4 I wil.11, &WA you tei th-a rn are the printed impris3ious taken -...4.00 5:00 M �qn ce k1t
-thought, he, such pingling of Imperi.X&60 Ow- *&-Zsubject of a Privy an excepuont,� d Sheep i al - nt sky:. Lis
At all t:veat& See. 9 authoriqes the nomination of d he made _i ....... ....
u=cat of my pow�eni t ' re. printee, for correction of examination, of any Beef,`4 cwt. 6: 00
Messrs, IV especi ft in view of the peculiar situion FU
the simplicity and mode-ty is rare, and thereforp confederatiojL illiam W-Dou- Council by the Governor Geneial, and o AND SPLENWDLY RNW"v,
During all this Otne, peeping from matter pasaing through his prem Uftder for hey occupy towards the United $*Lie*. ll.deilgreen) '50 000
latere3tin-, and j,4t lqr novelty's sake, he -giiC`F�oviiielat:�edr.tary o Cnada move anraPPoillt from ti te' �r reguladons The written marks correcting whi�:b 0.14 0:15
WaS P007 E11111T, and as 3he 11 watch with simecun-obity tt
wmofc�w aboe, resolved to purs Atlij '06eral tor No Se". 14,provides, thaf,'Caitiada shall have Is inan- remoirsh 01 ue her acquaintance, and uy 'A.�' 11edry t iuej va Leh prools'rondered them liable to letter We sha ws Potatoes,. 0-60 0.75
to draw her out. itchell, President of th pper House, Oil e
e one Par'iatiieul, to comprise tin U er in v&ich our prm will recelie the In
ta4pge,&e. bat sippewmee quaclatryll. or a House'of posta.,10 wbeaJoni by mail. and the intention 11 4ly made monarchy. i A and ..... ........... 3:00
-Sonate ; and a Lower, ofthe tie 00 0:10
-as tb,2t of -si andber rewaru U 4sin O somot to '60 Rowsrd furred to, wus to
'im- Common,%_.
abbio ber cousin' 1qe, M Executive Cittancikof',NOW Bromwick,, re- lof the Department or re flay, new V ton ........ Es Le i
in converrsation ibi waelio painle-sild'i -10 O�00
obeh ft&e 'board the late' I t Ich proofs, and
if& preken tin the rests of their Sers. 15 to 30 spealits. of the appointment re ax he rule in, favor of a . Eggs ............... O� IDEGS-to inform his old patroaxand tbo p0h*
barrassed. slie could reRly only by monesy rii, when corrected, to retain their . New york, Feb. 27. -The Tims has pr-- 0:25 JU_ genend17, that be ban. at rlitlitth exp�O&W-Ir
lob horrible 11 s�a "claimed both ra. Ing 1 6 Chickens ..........
-d Louisa chatted on respective province it to
hl:t b tcth ,tAt -hourte vate adviaes froi� Sat, Domingo, lead
rai%iti s, while the names Of by the Crown and duties of tile Senate � allow tile , I
= if &!w- scalrea knew fe'appointmeut. character as pri.ated matter, and at print Turkeys ......... -00. M40 fitted up bill roonis, in $TZ WARTSPIew JIM*
so appoiuted- being a li ed mutter rate t
01 trouible-skew in, silch "WaGir 1111111fa the
go. be believed that the. mission -of awillotsil Pork .................. 4. u>r-- -flamillostm
has* AL -4 looki the United States Consul at London, _k50 Block. eorner tftt and
entirell upowilici s of char -00
whether to laugh or cry, as Loniss firm made her com. Freeman H. Morse, and that of Sir &eta. 8133 place the House of Commons secretary Seward to the West Indies was Goolerich,
Oe Malo
and GntAriot 65 i Clinton, Fob. 21, 1867 !Ill
appearance, 'wbat a lar, -e bonnet I terpr.*So some- at 180 members, 82 being from _os bWpailOW
beT David Brewster give the eu - and 15 ATLANTIC'NONTHLY fur March, con- bouW successfulu the object being a treaty A4 finesvin itbecoauutrypai
lo'beroutiCidedrelts"I do believe it is her uld I 94rom Nova Scotia, -
-advanced into open space, Sir seen $1:65 a L74 -and bt.2UMAd. ThOolij-,dMroullool
S3 As they -atomational with resd&it Cabral ring the long de- 'pall W hou�
tatb" Is bi W4 papa need Edward passionately called the attention of from Wev�Brimiowii&kl nod set off the districts tflitl� the following articles:-I!he Guar. A the (i4 J,44
slred,--�lllay of Sainana,as a naval station 4 1:37 of-,
n4 h1tvilt lips and h Which shall 'farnt the constituencies- 1, Out on Picket, Glacial I
fe��il!� ouied It Spri
i the Lsdies to life - rising orb of day, tinging dian,Ange 'Phe' %Ssates..,
0 gX]LImNstyp no Au# Oats OC30 0.35
stuned AT
wor&Jrow me-- I cna!d not have a& Sec. 31 prottides fr the increase of repre-
1 with rich maiden hues� the eastern tinrizon... 40 'SIM -
's 00 Barley 0:40 -6.4.5
C. I P cam time to time, the proportion, The Stuyvesant pear ti
nomena in Afaine, The River, Geo Bedil- ee, planted 2
stnt-- of preirp'. faintiy 'ne.brinig in the
them. but sh-iv�d IrW, lang ukca wih-pi�
hed in sentatives f 64
al w by howpver, remaining the same its ye ars SS!O in w Third avenue, ;was 0:68
m7s- ' placed by -Mr. 16rdback n the Deri_ bat is now
-if I fa�' hitch of con -se. i3 as br; ]ion Kni-lit 0
JAM24 ob- vehicle Butter 0:121 0 _tOgrSP tA10M
oark gap,% Ff& 29. -AA extoulifive � ive, th�refarei 7 :13 P-hO
&�d 'homely as her h6nnet, The provoing y the Act. The Act does not tle f M n from the destroyid a day of two since by a
her passionate love of the sublime, warml, Va u 0 Moukey, Hatha. atwoo, the -art, and Old
do we ter 11ma o n bery-.WaX,4*O;er�,d; �40i!Q, the,,last. day or 11 coming all collision. It POOL - ..... 4:OOL
Rep. b,,*po 0�ppor Canada Labor, aeuge, rine ornel All Here, "Chicago,
freight, shed here 'ed,
a nki - .. ' The Times says that Gen. Gmnt yesterds, Potatoes guerwtyPes 'cPP-W- as rames
hfA arm I arA the 4 o a�e is or m sure, pre - being, 11 4 own to the exisGuS prop�rtiqn,
reite-ated. fine expression I it is two at , _C, - My Fiend'Binghem, On a blarble,
the Glan�"fr y
Prett) how tame Pre
Slid #s.-- fatris'lincrease may ressed
who sublimely eautihd LLook, again, dear Emil.T, Several arrests were made 6�n Sat�rday b2 his -intention of ill
Joe-411ii at iting the si Saaforth, Feb. 27, 1867' .
band. AUa._AL13UMSwq4b
Dabois A Glimpse of Genoa, Rags, The Aall be im to Sign [Repoftedevie4ly'6r thii Signid.-:1 XL.
jj& ' )f b, Vt f
always came to tiem6ee in astage coach, with bat woe b o osec. 35 provides thatfire dent for the purpose of advising hi �bj
? k f art can equal nuture"s sweet yesterday. From 10 to 12 parties are impli i Apd Literary p o e
pot such in adoraings, I hull rich, U
an old band box tied a mg- ; only 'r rits, instead of True Problem the inilitaq reconstruction bill. -1:55 @_ 1:6 the d ation all WhP44 how gloriom strethe I ot the Parliame I suppose she It as been I
cated and are being examined. r Notices. cizar b6xii (WI:40 jli� ihe S
a rum A seytre- penalty against sell pring Wteaf 5 - . �
iiihe has �,w Vembrella. at present.
rar4l hues and hades.' For a moment she fo yeara6,"
o e 3 to
ths"lit stabby hot em3in, Emily bad none, a in -Sees. el 41,.ap to electoral matter of as with cancelled stamps, upon there was put Barley 0-40 a, 0:451
64milrgii9n, while air FAward i.mystery to the station -master for
landl h4 wiliald- bq�jed the taing- to kulliff us k*fjo !tkild P617:theL tipeaker. Istet*111itens, llibe Irentian Head Gode -azed lost in
vevred with surprise, and an interest amount. time bAck how to accouct fos to manT M10- a routine in the tax bill. *The government has been .,0-28 @,0:30 Centre.
both in our rainy *Jtlks.- - 'Tis too bad, too `0 power.of o4gia-
irij, luipict, to tenderness, her intellectual greatly defrauded by'the practise. PIE
ang packs ps. Boxes of tea, cases of boots, S 6onfer th ....... 0.65 0:0
r House, and fim-e beaming with the poietic enthusissism of atin mon�y bi A qer#itd'.* specilit b9Y : A man attompt . P&stoespera
bad' an -A =rs b" to tobacco, raising, kc.. were missing daily t Us an the Lowie The Pirli correspondent of the Isoadou ed ficishil ........ f1:5,5
to olia S rratt jesterdsoy by Flour
iiiing, in oadmission to ul pe 0
pretending to be his brother just fr
Aj� t lis mumenfj Sir FAward Walton ---411e her f gi4- As she -turned heK soul lit eyes providin tUttagsti0h shall he through ad Suaday Gazeitte.' wri on Friday eve
&!thy r�arquLi,. who was 'witsilia-Z con h"'14-11jis tendcr gaze recall4"her sen- a dreas, us�at Present. ttlames Step as, Is om Texits, oatinest G 6M
-to the royal assent o February 8, Gals. V:16
i::I,ea,, hall they must be stolen, when
jou we; �e'tee c mt I . admit him. h ter pe
announced. and SA 89a" her eyes fall and a deep blush a d was employed, who soon discover Seci. 44 to 46 relate bitt-the guards refused to lb ........ 0:13 -.00
Ar. Wilmot,4*._ Fenian head gentre. has just arrive n atis doz ............ 'ers d h i pa -of by ti: The Tribune"i specia sa�s--irhos senate 98
!�.Vheoltklltii -- �-- - ad par t, of the missing goods that had been 06* 118;lW , e h
W3, and a heir It may be that a -io 06n,flifil sitting e Ville de Paris.
ec. 47 im teidal voted 0:0 10
17 4ry-ins her, iiis nb r#ji sturpti0id than Sir those S _pt t1stilic -committee on f0iollika yes utton rIV, ............ -- 8 0.
bccomlug drPAS viii)th $In stolen and sold to parties in town by of 11buds, for be�cr the
died rieffligene-10 S1169 :�- � short V40g as 0.0 111,0 -To-
n a second -i every Sal *VWY
-cee"t, Zn'4A ote i 4�ites the power V an ^iiet The Apples per bushel .......... 1:0
a the 4raw6.g room where he FAaid and plealed that'lilhe halt padfr a ow arrested. Ian passenger - but -be eindeavored 011,40 1191111iftatiOulk * Of and B Wf -do ............
ich she nit "I iiteiv to Frntit*a' an the H61 0
theref"cre, stiU be no
11�E ,n
Was. waitin 1ook of UnTill'-Uillej Tavoritbfe�'iuipression (,a his mind (whi ark, aud m4y,
Z heor�' A aild shoL to keep.4
MOM "*U** Arl
could not belp seeidg, though all& believed it Canuditlin ment, Jecludini; coinage and divorco, vote was three for confirming and three for Bides poll
Goods In the StWes. 'I 11aW 100 .
oad.airatioft (rintia hini revArde4 bar trouble,
'heap Skim
asout to the United StAtekto .........
mg all bet anxities, in reg momentary. she half resolved to let pri iiiierill laws �f +eal. jnd ef
484 rbr4eui. ai:d t4c a tit and ialconst5teniiritli him On &,way '50 It 4:80 F*rm&bnk`aad40t
c OpInio 6od t& her country cousip, sht was soon rapturousl the Act. -1jus bjelt' rdero -50
,L:oae, Loy' her for what she was, and inde- In the United States Senate on ldon4a:f, a he. should 10T 1110*0* Pork, per 100 lbs .......... 4. 'County.
n. , But ritan I or gunizeii. he told lainly that
pendently brave pub;i 'Ile d of his rebellion
he, dot r ad gained Strong a hold 0- sefirted co dt0 M. iblifut
littenin, Sees. 49 to A' r4LtvW - 1 0 0 COMMILE 0.
hier 54 404,with m1litters Of R�
oug,v- &in -the -far-as this country, pride b upon and he has ret
of iW 5j61DWA sy got tfimn p"w7ii boasei;,: .-A
heart�i, 1 the rose -Fdow, OL warping and the Civil Ljistf and places the sala of
0 ilidhfifif -0 he
fouri At muc: 11000 Big.
lh the eaeantillit'. Louisa, bad been litzisill "'n the gauntle4nd
Iffon-ey to Loft on
-Uri 0ayrit, bepelt it' tufat)14 1ZBnW_ the GovernarAneral at Z IS 110,4117-1 Whe in- whesf� �6%iperwr I
ting, or rather disfi iris 60 ot
eagagud in deicon� S".,ft--66 and'57 d6bitiLtthe: the publid r, 1 40 1,46
hemelf for the P4, ,
rior AV D Spripg Wheat
loft -_ P?gCtB ft, ; t 1.
of her plan. her Ainjer�" game, ......
,Sul= k itpoll#. 2
fill b r W been �ghfly drawn CW 'IC60W WhOST6
11 1
_qhe -_ I '� irpons rise Up *inner&., 325 4 U
too tne7 Or`N0 act _Upre- P 04, 4 stilt el Flouri Pe
-agdv after dinuer, re I Ill 4 oliery
sua, * 4 her � ' iu, Abe -13AIq- Yeb.` es ar rorn ic few'L
h" -foebad, ad vs luxuri3,nt m or1lierootisia L) ju drawing 1 0 14 (,4.014
b"k from w6j
two Malik two -fornalps
#11.1584n& 69 pr�i" iu �, I find fanei,new Rreped hop, per 100 Re,. 4 87 (j4 6 2§
trrmw% conined *_1h an immenim I -!. ____ . . / h. J..&rlianism playisc!
Vot t
let as a. t -vera X0u6Q*0y*thd9ftWRV8 Telois-
directly acrom her fair brow, was bk tb vt a quiet's 0 0 fia
room sa ithell comb 'T
51 9 to the drelift., lay by- oe Telti -Barley., .......
hourid, a rpX of4hrl, vig a *PeFndwbAtb-e P01108 at, talk do,.. ........ 0 46 0
Cand a eel 9w f _Oifigial curie, -in 6k ji -this 4qnpto sbippe tronk
iriT -0 31
secured, & btw* rbich lirmlied 1,� t UWZ__%
H r flo r i 'fAn
waid $62,500,00 glet, it
r nual M titer
or, the' emr with: Is ffbt *k bow. eeting of the above Skiety,will be far the -coining OfStllohebs,is Napeileouji#s rself k of sats(sc- elegant 14da. g Torditto, Ireb- 25, L b
diress" Which is WAY* fitted bar he chargeable tkareoh. -Jo
am sure the Grammar School House on -*Gr6-100X4d, fur in ti
held in M t r,.A iOk The,bodies wdkp�-!r
lr!�ta "chudul( O'clock' 46 (4 149
be -
ext, 4th of March, at 4
,of 5;&4-6�XaPy strigpoed -with
sv1 gr"D tho orain eocircle bi led sash 0!4 f
Moudiy n
A er we
re4- 00 1 etc Hocksi im 11didbitit
4 '0 29 ............. 4 1
WwU4 b no
roar, ai�to at'young
t proead-
lagemod ritb. at which a report of pas Scotia a. K I P- L, , 'tiVer Nellrst
U 4Qt4eW#VTW 7 V 32 f43- unollutr'01 4urfris
ru c"ploet* tbj' arraffigeivents al feg
xW L, - S7,0001000 tsi;� A09 to
&,: Jilgiot itam, (be *iblence.' _Th0.`-,t40diq o elcet- the whole atfsa6000Wtud Wit.
ings will be submitted, and ofli era at
P*er*JAe4C"0bW doicaw 14h44 ilid, kpo 14 or P - ys that thoreJs a rtsA mlaa#,� *AV&*
ttead. spectively. Fieri Fai
*#oe*S0 1ponly 00 "her fed� *v60001 ed for the ensuing year. A fall a ttoo 0 0 _0
e -fo
te,14f d, -6� -it ftj mgrkabler*4 '.to
iess if rdii are auco of members of the Society is YN"st- Ed0rord wd -Emil, worir� still #yetji IV 867, toPit
y ;)6 jebt t wity ornio oWming llete:41-to!U, tb& d idefitificatim, -moirrow W
OOrr thern, ydkAUd try to imitate ihem
ed, membeirship being constituted by the in une�of the mitio ftAoar r ZxtM..-. $�50 6 *8 75 *fJ( tn41. bi
wag-tamw artill r'!Owizz eouatq� 11- `Ab ly'
ir per annum. ii, wild upir IF16ur
...... 1 50 payment of one doll 4 yho
so relative
Qtd hit6hoil
jorv,therp. Bmily larity. you attract 114 Utenticte., pt 2
to" - 1 01 -,Per' 0 3 .0 38
wpAwalife, to jise; but 7obje;# lf�w on a
*"j* op,tQ tte 0 1 . I
0 50, �A #'b5L �UWWW_ft'
l:frk, Feb. 2 t is reporie P 11% if OT if 65
Ke 'Y Lciiilsost ap 06, �td' du Ill* f6 *+a d
Fenian einhury bu arrived h 01#M W"Lngft 4OW ha t 740iWa i� I - 116_�b I A =
h a
loack OR I t
re he dr" Ir bait a 11-0 "Jutiq Reform 4SU00%
iog r e 1pinistorAl V100-0
i tha toont 0e t1w,,bqrW'% fro
im to 1W told
1111 W- 4
--:jDf'a ba beer - to 41�4 taking Abw cob
w Uu pit"wt, put dritlybael s d al Ilk ft 0 or
I wi W.
arm of _Z to
!f"Nom of a Reft. -to t lot
'it L 1 7-- ` J - _ --_-
Dort 11
e!ilipm. A _Wi, 1 -
V "M T.
ble fc It' JIM
!T W-,
80, L A d_1 Al Qrj 4
ra r.�
Ob lit sta04 they W 11 bit
but when they' 061210 tO Am the
spou ritit t
d ir Eolwardj�uo her
bi. ae7e a
A -71
Thei0verpwir, Mvin$ b
'-ww"M bra very=c�pa
ered (by several 31ftrA with
othow dread &"W.- ci:laguff
k—w" W
T. .11
irriptlon Wcd ffr&-_4.%rt;b&W
=Masag the Sadie. I
--mVXrTiiT,X. An
CoLvii, and all Thnw and .
object of the adtirrim-er in se
beneW the affilcmd. emd sp
conceives to be arivaluawc. I
will try hitoretilledy, as it w
may prave a til mung -
Parties wishiurthe pressri
will p!ease ite.dre-o*
Rev. Fb
Dr. L. 0. MatioTEZ'4001
"Istur to the world. Wit,
tat-helo to,grow on the 1
rteVer lawwri to W. S!
to any one desirou's oft"!,
Res -VES & CO., 78 NS"93
(Nolettemlakell Unle
A GMUCWKn vrh0ZGfr-n
j3rbillly, Preal&ture DexaY. I
ui tnoilLmmiatort- wih for the
OrAw free to all who need IL I
ri.sking the irlitiltle remedy bi
erm -Xitillig - P -fit by U
can do so by addirssmg
No. 13 C
tvayfl Uloriiii LoxengeF Art
for Worms w Clakimu aLd
kowwn And MCIAW-holy (Sri
deilth a c , is frm
be tpoj!!�gy "Up"Mact) upol
"ectiflilwb-, f4mly waichli
r_:tSTJl3MUX% of
the vvy naritcr
b Vorov
cloitted suem-ImsblikDaire
the aom.%nivaing of t4c. teel
,e tbebell�, ant1freirwit! 9%my
vulave fits; Pain = the h
ale�q. finnungs, trembluigit
ffigttffil drmma, tuid
They am palataNe and s-:
--dx2ve aw4he worms the
comptewly cleanse the slci
wab th . liecessitY G(admim'
unpleanal callair"011--816 I
j:3- k;" box continns I
111olvinier & L.YxAcv. ricvv4
"" Pr
N. L=Zrf�, Ha�,.v no o(ber. -9-1 NoW ti, ' c
c.h -and amixia-zdattlers el
Iro 4Dwxe"
It is a well attested
experienoo wif thousm
Arabian Heave tLeftwd
cite "-for-hoorM, lis.�Zl
tke kk(l triaw—or ever
itkait bas�oftu meta
the horse -hats been cor
lem with the most 4
borne haviaS been mi;
ties&, or &0 Much ben(
plaint cataw WATAMIT I
such lo�so bare -afte
froln $50 to $101D I
ham-pretriorAy brom
wwth ihe difference
eider this.
Remember the war
signature of Hwa
nots fo zhe Cs
propric r
Amckng the-irstaitt unpoll
VANAD11S fti�
Airit. Famdr Medicitne
kubwa. rishe vilag thousil
Side, Back and heiliid.Ca
S;itv�s. smises, Cra
UndUrr morbus,11)"
pillil", BUT", 4"
&C " &
-M, vikKuWAN PA
now beits I)efore the put
amd',wVdreyer "see a .
fit. a sanglie snstattice-totni
tiffiely used, aaJ vm bav
CALW Of dissatisr*dW*
b4_en PMP",YT
are doilritted with itit 0.
the itilighenterms. 4flu
We ott;wak fi,6= eWri
inst -tested it thwousW
am�z*V Y,
Wing a Soverelp Ramit
7 he�adorwblax crical
Illestrew ia curiag The �
aad sts v
dairkg the tWtWUg PIUU,
milk in Aelist of reirted
ch& -M An eolums in fn
lol-r.lels2off.:: caas =te,%L,
give%. I I
The Cansidim Pais
give immediate rebel.
11hyscialls .v J
be without it after
?Ciste-ontily,25 CMtX ;4
All ardemrkmid be aA
J-16—SW", Al—
Bentham. Kogrr7illej
conam-C,huton; seclud
Neaforth. aiWAk Medici]
Pre e Wills, trjp
4" Fe"
0 -
f% �%,P�4
-Z& 1 A
K AW Thu- lutes& le A 10 0 residiince of
i E 1L]INGOON 01F (3ox, by the Re
T� barlotteW06,
I Chunk. r, goraptIP4 E A31 IVAN -P IRS Xr.
;award Island, On the 26tb nit., at the
4ure is to be but one Mace It
ge "OUR IR 82 memberi, who will te -me nsfoll-OW1111 ---440 returns are riot an Georfe - N1001`0 to ATOry )T.
while tie to* tile ex delighted U tuiiy, when its 16�11111 iiei Mmrnlng In large Edward F
mqme go tqenc
poqOnt.] outif p-* m M VOW York Heis t the pre-
vb#n with assumed gravity, :Iptapolik; - _, Re#_ 1 .1 -W but it is fW08t 'i"ta'a thst dwIghter -of the late John AHen, all al
oh I JbIR 'jnistutkc,� - gd. pt
te!.ded hand, iufortned her Pf her [From our, Special oarrel !13 4
pors , - VrAa the laiijoroity.haos bcicft�gVen agams
-p with it& ilmied i A- rov 0161 - ;F11 6 1. 1 _ft; - .
1 4 It bin ill* ICOP
Pon the a - " ".,- � ; Iltmoveri 0 1� erich.
bf #6VIC is 0i
U. pard6n me,' she repli Pat* 11
yestilk NWANI;- ral4l" —_*W; � eing them b4* i -_/ fi 0: _ it L This city has elected
back; and then ey session of fb� prejent Parlla�,�, I Criawn�16r fiv yea ritobabi jt�jally` not be within ill* ICOP
!, ointed , the wit setit governmen
when evil) -to i!t uug. over i dit8c - the head of the
� ii 0 n&ent 16--interFs ederilt.tes.-at
tace, she said, '4 but ToU look ns Ps, oil Tuezifity by the Qqtelx tie 0 c9f of each Pr Josains, conf
lit, WaS
ion bejrfp�63,2 Brecken, gov
dar% "11% Emily is sdi� On The second STRANGE,, BUT TRUE.
the -11,111y 49040cape the sees no
7*4 nod c de atl*!*
no up, Nova khe poll_-hifl Vote
6S two peus, only Mis, 0 tupu Vince be,
1 a "qui'" a o,,rl -1 of course, with sit the ponipa to Chanibem, Iiy to American soil I but -D niff
The taltut of Lieut", hitig across the roorqA�iyit.,_ �x i raon,nnd BrUnSWI tit re are to be t o monarel A Podd, govt., 523 If ynd g,ery youtig i"yaiw gemiemmitnitic vuitedswi:4
mt, 562
Rua �'�okft y onial usual oil suc The a Lieut.-Uoverotir in and doubt)
r E. h An occasion- ess wiil be, regarded by the whole ernme
-Corem Upo bleas the establishment man indopendent 440.
S perfectly at home, dV--txtd% L pr and Lower, and ections, The precise con hear toomettling ry 1. lh,.ir advaraittz
wbtfe stile IkIlilit sW1I a Ult A" - oil, ieb volvet covered c-,sV, she -Otto was in many respects f4ref ehv,g,). by fidde-iiiing tire a r.
on a r he t -lit nation as Obj Mite
'Ve e oil our Southren bor- numbers of the two part bliitgr hanamgred will
yiu 64rood. Th-e I
Fact cht.,Qr; but I spa Oacriptioli lfpi�ecb froat I e Eur ean empir ics are not yet etu To frittil
a lovely 'fitliwera aud - what an ilq AccomodatiOn ................... a remarkable one. In its latiff th. and in the Sec. 80 marks the powers of the local 1 9 of a confederation known
C, now I've ill the limittit dots in 09exico. That thi; but probably ted of the govern- Mille bv,i,,t it, tici Tit CC All otliers will please
tt&tUM'3 Sitting in it, 3*1*011 1 �� eta' introd c- ifillitures. Direct taxati011 within
to I'll adtire" iheir,+vdic tit servatt.
A teud,4; no Objections - Exv Abe sU 110 Ojuncts, prospec d K.
mill, ort r esq al a ...... an THO.S. r. C 11 A PM A,
sbacly Kraorm wixb,&L And so comfo -rowing money icheme,,with all its royal g
"I , �F06 province decreed i
Ap .5 outitber an, vtvtio�j or boi (nent candidates have been returned
or pf ell; .11hood, cot oil mv best new gow g nity, is em -ly.rptj 631 flr,�,jxvay Ni-wTari..
Mothet, the had I tirevir heradl Mixed ......... . of many of its Pee uture kingly dig sition. Only five or six w3
el-i'lit"nill able tbo I she continued as she t ed,'it had the advillit"110 Oil provinviai credit ; solle of Public lands ; five nobility and I a '
aud Item sbe her acing her hands on her knee-st, DEPART. rst it afluded to I eoutrol of public reformatory prisons, hospit inent*ly hostile to a large portionof "llef re r, confederates are clected
into it ; and Ill, decessors. . In the fl 0 place, art, F,,t:d twenty Opp"
9"Ll"I ill- - - ... ........... 5:00 0-.m. the war i,i which Prussia,, als, asylums municipal inst strong
; she stared about the .... itutions ; local dents of British america has been in
ye -r. Sh* 1ptiiidanice of ber iscizoin- 'With he*r Ilauth open nixed ............. 10:00 is. the termination of 'ul'lic works'; incorporation cf in various ways. Lower Canada has pro -
It 1111M and undel the OnT4,and freely e%-j,lvsscd her admiration ................ slid reventio p b
ther hA wade great proficiency it, deflaring it was Espress mail ..... ustifiviarld Italy were lately engaged,, riages ad, nouncud against it blentreal, Feb. 27.
wo I tat brAlliche,4- At of its -embellished bt tilodation ................... 11:30 p.m, A in unmistakable terms.
xb4 sotid arst 0�ni�a Intd ever dreamed of. Aceo that'a lasting peace would companies; solamnization of mar
Anything Site expressud a hope, istrntim of justice and general matters of Nova Scotia arril the other island provinces orders were received to -day to disband the
r4uth with her pat- tillhot's, - surfued to do not favor the idea at all. Newfoundland, wgter olice, known as (Jovernmetit police,
tillough sk* bw tra" if recollectiug beiseil, bed oil the contitient, A. set- lulp
Seel, tnuc4 At Itingth, as u9w be 9slahlis is prjvnte and local nature not as Chief �ceaugblin included. They will be
up Al orild. IAI"---il*Meiit!of the' Alabamw ,claims with the R
oliam and for am of iler Ara h � ill Parlliameut.' lupert's Island, Prince Edward Island, Bri -morrow. Only ail weeks will Clothing Emporium
. -But, eatue-, 91J71W. fish Columbia
Of tho gay world, thou admiritig eyes Inv -1 SW". where, is the Nannay A, if Sec. 91 is educational, and protects exist- and the vast Northwest- territ- disbanded to
live voiter American Government was also promist.
`3 6-doc ory are not to he it,
n 7 Protest eluded to tbp Confeders olapflebefore a newtorcewill4mr ganized
gazed o her, and flattt* Y vour fattier told me aboo, ? I'd like to see ing riglits under the law L gives to is madee for for the shipping lime. The ment are seut
been bjealliva i* tm rears,, I-musik- c6uld be Uodglit'abotit it' 811A a manner, t provision
had %he still retwid- _ �A a I" Lowev Canada the right of separate tion at present, bet THE
Vch'-1 wondertut ttlar. - r homes to the frontier frequently
ictiiiy�aad love 4" , #I!d f4milint sets1i the minority -be it. CLallolic them to come it, at a future timesabject to tb,, jqpm thgf' L&RGEST & 13EST Selected �tftk
0i "Lum hand, 1 nation would nA 3" is a
ed that swe* I simPI �44, 1,'j 1867. thatAbrit huour let the schools
which S, Mareh 1 1 gives he Parliament of the new king- durittg the winter.
'WDE R 1C 11, C W miroinised. After making
�)rirtg from a pure heart. -�# V �r some remaeks
ard 'her tl* 00 oi- Protestant- the right Of appeal to the terms which t
dharlef; How -Vot !
the war between Spain and Chile, tile Governor General in Council against any act dom may propose. far as new dis-
to a Alight yo REFORM MEETING. oil sary to say thtt, our- own Tau GOLD DIGGINS.—SO
resided iri a dbk -vt to W countrT folks. I res who may seem to in- It is hi.rdlv neces SPRING & SURNM
be hlnus�_-If Cretan insurrection,,anod the governmonf;4 0 -ies ot'gold are concerned, the past has
told 0101 bi 11 city rit t of the local le"i9latu
misunderstand jijo,�4 to plenty o e"Sling priileges in relation to people, espe�ially those of the States border- czivei
WUonl (the nature o S" -el sli41, W tu Ditnubia es, her Majesty fringe upon iti rcing.
ilich wilt not At all ffto�rafleS and educationi an, tier. are decidely been a quiet week. On Tuesday mo
Uilti"I it Principalili d if upon roforeuce'an order is jai on the Can tdian frou tow evident, Uw�ver we wera shown by Mr. N., -'Strong, Ready-31ade Clothing I
it io,t� up or, tt ance
reademll the fAmilt L At a meeting called on 27th ult., by the eglilature to atneudits' o.bosed to s(plan iviiich, it is r
f so t- -1 -1 to thel lotot) T thdro prol)oses to erect a monan ape i� few small specimens of gold
ow r mado
on terM3 of inlivancy. ; IL be quite the cb in of the Refo ra Committee next treats of a an tiOct Of much import :11y, W t
tri u,' 1 1, vnthi oil INA airtu IV i h all its ;f- of Part 9
t wear. me the conso' idatiou of the proceedings, and it neglects to do 809 ust been washed out-bj some ever offered for sale in town, which Will
mited, when, Mr. ilawurd, held in the to you, na ty prejudicial, ingredients, at wbich bad j
months had not proud f tile, and the bean -1. whY, UP f the County of Huron ment shall have power to feasive, not to a he were then d
withjL;S s��Sier's eat Kest requeat,, orth America. I Van, the $eneral govern engage in
thels very d-3ois. row
iu oamphaaca �sq_ Robert BrAish Provinco-ofN gentlemen w "_ be sold at prices that will
ere I live, they think I a0i but there, 1 0
ays theta at their de vrb clog" some more ortlie same material
hai He b I ad ever '.ndtv loved his w ni bi-ag -, you'll see tviiar fcan do.' office of INL C., Cameron, -%v Tork J siWat a few d� scribei-Ahe paraVnpli, resolutions in. fdvtwr of p af5r e obedience. This looks like the cam
J, whose oed Gibbons, Eiq , presided, and Mr. NV. T. of trouble. From' the Ne eartb taking from near thizatirface of his late Defy Competition. hgblful hoale� Aitar Sec. 92 pro purdhase, th I I
W-10 vrarinty return- a more intimate union Ofthe Provirces vides for the funding of local of a 649arry" mine in gizeiir.
sLcer, and tile m1t3chthent wouid riot ullow-_Of his tortuling Miss led as 6ecretary,' Nova Scq�ioa and New Bruns ocal govern- The opinioti.,of the Provinces in favor r rugh of visitors Uemeber the old Stand—
ed by her, sot4al asatWactory exp4aaftlit0li rcsvy -irnin," and ox ac wff�, revptiues for the purposes of the I the Union scheme, now ail but,completed) is There has been a greate
A'9 41404 liaArd" 5
& in' which had d, J�R ad d,le ottes -hem or not. n
01 t"I""t - 0 T trfil ChI11000 e�t WITUS'
t�aodetltevw -'-good in, teen passed by their several legiffillittlict, It it mutt be admiUe b? duly authorised and represent em the ppointment of the over�haiwinglj strong Thesi!�btctv have to than ever this week to the Madoe mines, and
wu figb y gratifYill, i li�irtkv, thoub risider tht "I Sec. 93 Ord months of the be rec6gn i%ed, whether we I ik F" " the swou'l; of travel ill already so great -W to A
tile rustic. In;. Lieut, Governor within six ic
iolved the breacli -roucdi tklAwno t4v 4-i aq1I i 6.t bp. 1i the meeting, which was to eel all cl"21f or Colonial party and opinion, tickle reader it neceinary -to puton extra lines of
Uf k
051te story, pig
b lly rei;ftltoad th t rx: bich� Tellig :% AlRectlY OPV 9,10thing Eflippr"1314
it N, and they oz: 4 aiself as he jaov8 towards Wgi-coacured ip the conditions. upon, 18SULnz of the Queell's proclamation. that sort regular from -Belleville. A village
,�d. . - I I houri East side
o at e�� i "A to - ' Market ogre.
haod bftn so ltlp.' POe4P aa�y be bust effec ed.- In so- t ct�,,fior a te -A
at such a- PtettJ Se 94 to, 99 are concerning the duties or 6 few -,t -dTt1lV' sit eave cafted 4,19 do" has been laid out by Mr
hied with the izvedi&� he lay turned a-av, ivisabq-tt a County Coanvention. of. Re- dd t wors,
Ho ward was deli despite of tier disgise's shle the holdina as, a bill will be sub- e uppointmoll' of th"ll, 0ircapistance of case this !400re on his farm in the iMmedirite vicinity
-.3j, cordance w�%h, their WiAhO the Lieut.,-Govern�,rs and tb the
And ZfecomA;sh ' f do 60. consolidation of If.
Incurs 0'rL"- 0 S j" the �ict Agent for Wanzer's Firet-claris Smgcr %td
-efiat f(irmers, and the llest mode o witted to ybtf Wbich by the -'rovincial le d a numberofthe
i an At'orney General, I of the Ric!iaidaon wipe, an
not firb-mr crin-rastaing theF rraL pe.wis- all&-hleolaptetiod whose Ctmmissioner of Cro La same. Combiratatin
A Belle
of tier mA_2rl0M Wilth the tufty bewtug -a -t4e ro v inthis moming by lots have already been pur6hased. cis m
and 4 colo*1 � interests and resource n uY,
ill Ent 7111 excite Cae, trivy of 6% streol-th to the several P mi4sioner of'PuMic Works the Sftre- if -the story that comes
iuces, ils- me Treasurer,
boved child ; Pu In
taiiy UawAtdwllat�u Pill that she on ihitAC 3 Cow - ville company has finally bought the SEWING MACHINES.
of his I bieaeittlul bers of the same Empire, and animated by tary to eel as Register, and Commissioner of telegraph tiom Toronto be true, the mans
he had nized an -C -ePl&hCn �a of 1p;alty to the same Soverei U.- )f Agricul- era of the scheme of the British Houses of of Messrs. Carr & Johnson to the Richardson An assortent constantly on hand.
a A %to W 4atii and suAiagulir'y devoid or t a Con Ii� 1%s to be also Minister i: to over u
Z i%h a iliope of bette- 11110 1 existin.- circumstances to aPFOlet I Public Wer' log ne-and with two sets Of rival claimants, Godermb, March Ist, 1867. v37
i.witawgi, it bad b th a desue for the , %.%ste in her personal nifornings I - nd hero (to rai The fseliaksvpon Fenianistu 6� lit'no farliametit are d the b6isness wi awe to decide between them
in, her. uot less, 1 had wl or timid peo- ezillinz laws, and per. cousiberahly. f0hey are to start,
despite the coarse thinmrs it uttered, tral COW1111litt'0011i to Im callbd0d Roa matter whatio-agglatora way say, Sec. 100 enforces it is said, the law will h rations can be resumed
Society of his interestiag neice. 1 pie may fear, the Governmeall Mercury.
tb�jt li�3 b�vinz set", i it, ililms�lc�j _,%w_.etaess t1rilleT my "leart 1 Association of tile County of Huron to while taking luationaftilejudiciary, and at legal pro. with a1igb order of political nomenclatures. before mining orie
awate %Veil is it for her, tlx,t she is under the prc- They to baptise the Con lederal�d Provin, there.-Madoc
only rus*ic twals-it�k& lafluenti.1 a man as Mr- assured of the loyalty
lectio.3 of as disaffection are I so well* Seca, 107 and 110 lay down proceedings ces under the name of the 1, Kingdom of -V
hadimbibel Aix foolish, consist of a Preskdetkt, AT'ice P all difeproce I autid td stop the aptead Or 1he Pe dings. CRidinal Cullen has been receiving ad
whuse jo% I U,)wa4. for tary, and tWeb tSTOVES! STO ES 11
bjt*st��,, PrejudWO ag"llies fi -pos3med of, Tr�Ahier,' Secre :fltlee:� Canada," giving to the seperate Colonies -
e -tit of tile grahe body of the inhatlitams, thu
was cagt without the Pale Qf a popul-)US city, as to proclamations. respec. dresses from a number of religious an! ed. -
I d thill, the Habeas Corpus oct Will jai Penitenti. begiaing with the, west- the names, a r
1511 -ch firlb beauty corin"te with ; 51115� 12-, bets with power to add to their number. an Sec. I I I makes the Proviuc cational societies connected with the Romad
&�d he fo.ebre m&klq8 any c`nm bb iestured. But operty, as between Quebec
atteottht ways of the worIjv'X*"e iCXyabe the main feature tively. of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick
ab he wisiied to wiinets! nuts -Carried. -r-ai a'y common pr and Novis Suotla. The minor titles are well Calibolic Church in Ireland. ThL ladies and 3. STO
the'r dpecled , next to lmpos�'ible timi, she should escape qf the speech wm The promise of a Rek 9
when tithe should dis- and Ontario. eutlemen presenting them had the honor of 3- 0
-d. froni the seduqliveviles of some Moved by Mr. Moore, seconded by session opened many were enough: But wily start with a "Kingdom of
ors in the
unharm Bill. Before the ides for arbitrat tissing the pastoral ring. In one of his 'rep -
cover th sVerioritY Of bar con' ... ter.% 'Who evt'� on Ill to, whether . See. 112 prov nisels. ?"and Ay to3l low that fiat -sounding
the falle` onc- of thost. mors Esq., be, the s, ish Church
Tit coun- Mr. Parsons, Thaf'R. Gibbans, peculations and rumours aft adjustment of debts, credits, as between Ca
at every weation of the visit, alert to lure, 40ru vl�lue 8, the young the ministry would introduce the subject thi i phrase with the pathos of a ,Uovernor Gene. lie.s the cardinal, refering to the Ir
tenace'of P,'raily betrapW to him how -suivret- president of this Association.-C*ried. Q,,b" and Ontario. thut, functionary said they, the CathokieA did not seek to enrich
happens,Ahe ral." as "KiQ9"-PaYiug �spoiis of the Establih od 4C3
session or not, and as gengrail
well kne that she w-43' 1 0 'rhe Special cdrres Sec. 113 takes care of the recold1. &c -10, 000 stg- a themselves whh tbo
Wa% . This izi onlrte,eourtuen, wedto C 1loved. by Mr. Crabb, seconded by Mir majorAy were wrong. year, de about five and a bat it- They would oloiupcept no fetters ftilm 4
humiliatin mor- ec. 14 empowers tbq Lieut. Governors to
bittori� antic'Palisg 0140Y bar t, more then be gets now ? Thi4ait W9.1
uilv. its s e t r had It upon the most
Kay, That Mr. Moore be Vi -Presiden pon&fut of one pape
It ker 'be discOm9' ce issue write for the first election of members per con
U-Viag- psition to whic tiviv afLcr tilt fi,-.1 day of in ar r,!Ti*bl0aiUborit-V that no aleasure likell would of the scheme is eilher nonsense or rot." 111111,90wernaledtliL -be they of brass,
thq 4 Ures. 11
oe�pose her. SNO trot P1 rid I know -Ca"IeA. -a' to.SeCa Ocal Jegif while si I *at, or vold ; but they demand the i
must a 6-kiu�dotu
atr fov, she Understood 1111 mortlileatiotis had pssed, bt: r in noLher upon authority just I to 110 di r in It ;s nonsense to create now devoted
rect the manni to the 10111"W
carsiptain to ker tati e cons recoguizing it merely as a "provence," sub enormous sums not where it triii e -id, I anticipated i John Kay. bt b iderted in the
T ro6asu r cr. - as hi.Lh that il, rut,, whict, tb3istion shall be urigialited in the it is rot" suppose that w6i6ceof-a Protestant ascendancy . 8VA
tLS Views too well to ex�ect ompAth-IF i and lancy tar, fatr friceedsil reservation of be flit aWe to form a special fund for works
Peet of u -h but her ver d(ujU!sitt%,ng,! a third uood equally Authou- eroviaces, and give power o '"" to a governar.
she WS -a knew OLa. be won;d er 1 �.) d Secretary. -W. T. Cox. 3EiWat to the Lieut. -Governors, r�-fareuce to Co laces Is I
9VIIft ruin an
tic in o�rwatM 6at the Chancellor of the line, T 37tu at' itthis lifederation of the three Prow*
he-, every pass abifiet,while
ble ittentiou to tier eQuo- r. U I religion, and for % defrelo
of chkri
�y and
The offic'm eleet, together with N1 Exchecy riwasoutivoted in the C ayiri- the fauud4tiou of a monarchy.
be made thereon to the Governor-Gener- I a i !he 'Welit and resources of the Island
te rely over.
vc_�appointed a Committee Lpublican Government is enti hef, ibols quize Ald, Cameron, - vVe a fouriti'as loud as any of his at. a new mouarc by
The Zrr,v_d, an' if I eta QW I Se 19-1 aul Ill give power to perform thrown in the United States,
T induce ben to, T lar 2sidei that
a TAU404
comb, a"A th oe� o lions ',t�rlsr and to strike the standing Committee. his claitus fur a hearin- would have a partia
for the 64si Would s4tis- VA. 26, noon. -The privilege �d
b ttlement of the question, wbich ob t;o.s cut A Lreaties between or the revival Ofan old monarchy on the of the -writ of habeas corpasin Ireland
tiaw in ber, life, ebeid a sta�m Watch stop 5tyle , and then, Moved and seconded, That e eonsid- The ministerial o the aurthern half of this continent is iMPIT
do her hair iiii sonieLlim, of i fy men o.' moderate views. a niedfor ZhM months tout ;f niv dresses Great Britain and foreign countries. but d impossible. All thinker
s of wbatever polltl- has bmm suspe.
befji e her father s wi!insion_ A i she bad a
a littie alte.-ing. o:ie not vest Canada with a treaty-makin poyr-
with er itdvi3able to hold 'a COULT�44011:Of secret was certainly weil kept, but it* ' is out at
not probably eat creed recognize
great aversion to such vehic. e1i tbL. mitts and shoes, otter I shall t point. Th3 last or.
les he c*)nid
awd forgretva- s1 in gbi fit her u1C g�ktes from, (he Vadq:us li�qni- last, and in my t:ext I er.
restrain hersell &al loazer, InIV must be disroseI of, &rid Ilion, I Reform delf nee t,j you the in,4in features Ball Rusiell -conisures (ke ces ta be able to uuuuu Seei. 123 to 125 are concerning the ap. erson to dispute it was the astute ruler of
fear of hi -s dtspleasOce, w 0 tcling
scornful quite like a ladv-no. clpa tl 0 ur d ;rance. But, a year and a half agg he'chan,` Gove,amefit for I. I! ds, f b -e q am sur� she w i, appear ,at Clintoo,on Friduy, otilk UIf. TlheeX :F%ion poititment of the judiciary.
mallaer and a dwrew. d tone ithe exclain-a- taf tuf now, Re!
n,.ltqu,!te li6e a lady, but quite Okek at, of 'Ili,� relalions bktii-en Irlsh - t"d%r ind 11 lemisla- ed his opinions, iant A
31jr�li 15th,,, at 12 o'clock.iltooft, to con- t Sec, 125 gives po era to the loot
meari� But her pa aver. that is worse tenaut, will also occupy a share of the atten- rriculture? immigration, We AmeriCaTIL-23 all neighborly folks The Reform to ures of Earl Derby f6rio
coacil t 04 1 papa, how I ltturea to promote aw
d& tes, fr= eaC11 muu*
or poor direct ought to do -are satisfied to see the dwe'- e topic of general conversation. Tbelead-
I hall Ltl ; whAt can and th th
i *a tion of" Parliament, audit Bill offering and public works. 0
a doom me , to' such anuoya" be 'esi 4 Oat the ecretary carresp9nd en,.uirapment to the occupiers of holdings newspapers have e-aituriml anicles in rip -
0 Sec. 121 permits the use of the Frenc lere; on.vur Northem frontier unite for strength ing
att#r the &-lk-e of a misierable country
coa;d yo' fi-dia; thpoie wasso tintioch to pali b
;M X -W
will Lh; WilmotP d hem.1fio steep. _A�efbtrmers, 'asking them to to m-ske per lqisap-tt improve will be
pw riag al in
iy s wit language ii the legislature of QuebAc, but -for purposes of clour politic co mer proval.
lirl. W Lat un ei�t in, mornina She was awakenei re a 0
L I Lie fo;low* laid belbrei tlia'House. These a the . main does not confer the same privilege for the ciai and sociial int6doarse. They do not'
to her tr, ub:ea �y Lou,4 who; wit hoat cer- appoint delegates. The Secretary- to ty. e certainly don't come. Berlin, Feb. 26. -King William Of Prus-
Queen'#,_$peech, anj if the (;OAL OIL.
-91 Senate and House of Commons. c9rae in our wl.
the temples of Mr. piiig a-wtment, ex; tarnish blank bills for callin, meetings. Iii -, romi# is theirs. They 14-Y lind con- 514 wt
The calgor --ountedia mony enteted her sive cujh all that is, live peaceable be the emperor.' of Geri:314117-
0 T7A 1-1r.
eath claim- istry-to tbr, ed the for
nily's�cheek flushed her *�tiumrc. . a6y of -the Sec."10.8 provides for the admission, here WHnOLES
Howard. Ind I n -p. It noi be 1, at Ptince Ed. touted Itta I'd "theiff own domarle. if they b. 26. -Capt. McAffart,7, T-1.1
iiest 160X 0640-�ovat wbwl she ba t say for al The delegates to be sciat from Goderich lb& wl afte e I table torml Dblin, Fel
thv h= ninderattoti are of oil erty,of-the Usited $titles A qef Larrip, &a. ke. 01410R. -
matters to be taken into co in
Heigbo I asbaep yet ? whu wit; land, 11upert's Ia d, have --twong them wise and prudent and rmy,,-a,,d rlce-11,
A ithe T to the Convention, are Messrs. Gibbons, mace, an I iw to be earnest- -d tuad Vewfoun4 sagacipmajuen--meti who foresee Lbe dangers aeiding q3d7tuberoof the Feniair body Wool Picki &nd Sh
sets on big umlty� weevoit grEat public impor and Britisti 'Columbia. ly vp� M93
*T rna to m&,Ive hcr uest, in -ell in exchange,
c!araeron, Mcore, and Crabb. ly hoped that no factious or pirty spirit may antre
relattant. trb -quences of disunion Cmert stud a; cam on iofKieud C'
Sec. 12V is very im.)ortant. and is as fol- and the terrible cons c8`7 Pal" taii:
ly sald� d her sru"tbers, fiaduo riere it" the prop -Or tanfAl . q,odel;lates J STORY,
a the thought O'�- l'bey will not become, in a harry, too Strong! Stephens, was arrested in this city to day, on
le ou,
e� will do I
d trouL that, in 0, Walk at queb an hour,
if 1000S.-
�Tfhdt tho-tirelfam of, 46 mil be J wliereas the construction of a railway a power to be either envied or J�&Md. � And, suspicion of baving been concerned ia the gW Sign of Ille-L cuirred to liery nd ANOTHER OCEAN CABLE. Ali(
cwmot bear to, aft CUT v 16'dacounter any of considered s3 of m6rPtai-po ce, than the - at, KUlartier.
l words and I she Wbt0d not hi- likel I .? +opm the.Riiar St. Lawritince to the City of it tbey should, after some tederal experieuca recent Fenian outbreak Godetich, MarDii Ist,-IS67-
her fashionabli '%fit bene6ts f offict. 17 ,
witb hanied e friend; 1'Rund hastill risingi t5l iies desire. to'change once more their -The elections v'hi,:�:
tish Aopoe of eaf in the Province of Nova Scotia Is al� Zolo, Florence, Feb. 26.
in her hearVaiiiiii she was soon equipped- A now company called the Bri Halifax,
maillst ilin otw*. %be for members of'
stat or qothical e;iitende, they wit[ know have so tar takin place
nece"ury have generally re-
acuqv§10��� ilijiftoosit &a Mined, but pteo-mat avenue, the Italian Parliamclit,
and American Tcl%myh Co�rn
pany THE NEW KINGDOM of anins Alidwhereas it hasbeen agreed between where t look. They will know all the bet
JIW*s4 "Iesslj�� proceeding along, iflien - ter where to look that they have ;b*4 trii�l eat of the suppoTters of Ris-
led] ha3 been formed in London for Provinces, that � uch railway shall De Con su ted ittibe de
Uimi of the bin e` 4 stracted with all convenient speed
on wilts larristed y a gen ema
su'kas*vot coi-aq iilftera i, t�er httin oi Confederation., Meaiwhiles,"1448--te casoli.
'tdegriph cable ate a -
trOw" *POO i whose elepnt figure Otto COU14 not m pleas to of wishing them good In
4. do*r w"d General Govern u
b! lognized y Be it enacted, that the
tbet I"*11 (estall'14 I it was no -other ttA:W' Sir FAwaid Walton, .. basimaMblitithl in 1kS1,;Md federation ha reached this 91' the Paris* Feb. 26. -It 'is annoppeed t" the
Ig Turge tionnet. As he a& -led above all oth is pulitlisbad in the ou. six months after the
lis lap mail, and It ment shall. within , Psorn the Detroit Free FrellL first stotramer at the New 16. L46 K4`�New 0, shadord by I the very one uOw erit, she nd within eave , slarwe
-fty? al ortakniship lint� taeljC�itt:�r fax in Nova Scotia. The clipital of the line of ift' as it, Union, commence such rail here tally be nothing in a more- fanuse, -Orlieana 06'. e
_JWreii"_Zd dFA*Q971Rei -Q&k inl be, wieful'to gi wean ut. T1 0
ber in ah.41iti :6 l#rd" ty thriciejeors "erea4er Coullo'telte th# pmd�
ij� 1ppg4-1t- di tho month o
UA . it vest ourselves of an im- sotne time during �f -May next. 70, -ft.
iti� at her *r1ol"Ue aPPCI- he� ;sce, she would have proceeded without company is stated at 4600,000, in shares sta, .1 Aou but we cannot
'that the idea 4
ilbrotigh inter7s pression
tie A conferring the 'title
noticing him, bad-ffa-t7comsa cried out. tome 'inen
has 'AW'31i "ni�i;fplsiuildl lAondo% Feb. 26. cyening.-f-T& Q;wern-
of $20 each, and the exclusive right o Werated provinces
11 azis ;ad to see Tioa, diar -vackit but Not so fast, Emily I here is the very 1Dglil of Kinadom on' the con( t have� withdrawn their resotutiom on Ire'
. . i me
"to use the lvell-kno 29 principal sections, va
im Inj 1"Qw who wsli at yovii fibilit been secured Wu .'The Bill comprises I subjectlocs. New of Canada. New Br.unswick, and No form, and promi ie to lay before PArfistment
ZMLt rf - InoTel M-lUxiiises ot The rise of
i� �, I laking &:I alone, and hq cable and system of deep sea telegrapily ai.if a hir&e,"mber Of very wise one.
The Postmaster -General has issued the- Scotia -as riot a a regular Reform Oill.
puirQ�-ydu will lsei�,approie of ibe chat lulis wis b wanted to -go with us. Brunswick slid 164ova Scotia desire to be unit elf
perfected and patented b Mr. Allan,' �; ent And legis. ful lowing notification to Postmasters a new naUo I'ty at our doors a of its The Bill for Con'tederation of the British
zue to act, Hr31r.-wha t is your came, we are d for the purposes of govern m clently ca ulated to be re�aided bit a
taking a wall. loTarid, as you are going the which, it is claimed, a saving of i of the Brit- In Department Order No. 65, d..,ted 24Lh suffi e Is % Provinces in North America has passed ithe
alion, based upon the principles large portion ' rthe American peatil witb -------
iff reamin sriffi of Lords.
y not go with us T one-third the cost of construction and ish Constitution- *Nov.j � 8153.. permission was givan for Book-. feelines of in* trust and Joitalousy, and we Home
gard to the same way, w h
Sbe then explaiced all in re, tech -
and wt�,t hall bocen oerliteard by the p!e2su"r,- replied Sir Edward, and power in working SediOnt I to 3 &M explanatory and Uanciscrip! and Printer's eroofs, whether scrion", prebend tt�at this will -only strong
s never refuw tille escort of greater economy push the erection -of the
feww, end cf�osed tj th" sine stie bolting his lip clic,ti. - t h:01 lipd
-at, the printed then - like, The
ba mat C01n*uW0(^ she th are secured. The distance f.:oul Fal- Sec. 4 provid -a for the u- ion by the corrected or not, to paw No th American dependencies into a king- A ft. lilff
auht best 'to� roelsmalion to matterrateof one cent an ouucei and it X r
14 oll very prplit,' said Lo6isk andas he QLoeu' toticlatantioa, such P THE 31ARKL of the Azores, is dorn does not change in any -material wily
Wme tmt if rejo al part as she proposed to 11 p
mouth to Flores, one appears to
b"Oul issue witfiin six monthi after passinz of the n o be Lecessary to explain to
S-14;Fr1j4AiV&d -his lev it ourillteighborly relations, demagogues way
act wou4,d be in the lean unpleasarit to tLim 1,250 miles, thence to Halifax 1,350 Act. tbp,,wholel to be known as the postainiaters that by Book Manuscript was seize hold of it to make trouble between the
esitatiogti depvt eyes mtL Gomucn, Feb. 28, 1867. 3L.JA_1EX`G�1EWr
she would unho
twithtanding the part she was from Falmouth to Halifax o F C0 We are, therefore, sorry that
Ivour But I no miles, or, meant the writte'n sheets of ativ book, and two countries.
'By no maaaos." replied her uacle, -, t 6uif-ithe seat of Go7erament at n 0 .......... 1:30 (g 1-35
ltaw ict to royal prerogative I the i (it '
Spring Wheat
2W thoso I can sz�rce play�nz, she was extremely modest, paxt WE a=eIlleat. direct 2,400 miles. Among the direc mention was to Pacourage literary pro; the British government shoWdbave Fall do 60 L-67
bear to Gee Y?u do viii:,Iente to the refinment eyes f elf w hile a mdest blush o'er spread i 0 A, sobi nees of ductions, by affording facilities for authors ed what must appear to a democracy same - PROTOGRIPH
e-lor, which was beautiful in the eyes tois we notic3 the names of several prom &C-8. 6,'7 and 8 set apsrt the Provi hinA.,,rr, much like a standing challenge. Oats ................... 0:30 0:35
ontit not her cl , 7,5 satleriortovOines;% yett d 0 a Ian .......... 6:00
of lose el contiones to govern her North Flour ...... 0
wll as6t in curia;x the serious of Sir F neat man
1 dward Although he could not explain from the British provinces, U pper and Lower Canada as Ontario and to svild and receive such matter to and ft in A .4,05 THY PROVIN
if 4 am tl�d Barley ................ 0:35
ri publishers by post. :50
eptibility, from one, wha wQaW-W 3ta of government being at Printers' proofs Americitti c6loblesias-sbe-does the rest, by a peas ...........
lriinits or my chia fkults,, which conceal her mwhsuw 4) ViTf L A
have been in consultation with the Qu,; bee ; the ose, thei .60
a stran'"r, and -rusk Ili' -to walk- oait�- &r. vrbo 't Toronto, Quebec. Fialilax and Fredericton. by a govenorigiltnerali- the"-wgif no gicidjoason
why �hese shoul irgule, =4 I wil.11, &WA you tei th-a rn are the printed impris3ious taken -...4.00 5:00 M �qn ce k1t
-thought, he, such pingling of Imperi.X&60 Ow- *&-Zsubject of a Privy an excepuont,� d Sheep i al - nt sky:. Lis
At all t:veat& See. 9 authoriqes the nomination of d he made _i ....... ....
u=cat of my pow�eni t ' re. printee, for correction of examination, of any Beef,`4 cwt. 6: 00
Messrs, IV especi ft in view of the peculiar situion FU
the simplicity and mode-ty is rare, and thereforp confederatiojL illiam W-Dou- Council by the Governor Geneial, and o AND SPLENWDLY RNW"v,
During all this Otne, peeping from matter pasaing through his prem Uftder for hey occupy towards the United $*Lie*. ll.deilgreen) '50 000
latere3tin-, and j,4t lqr novelty's sake, he -giiC`F�oviiielat:�edr.tary o Cnada move anraPPoillt from ti te' �r reguladons The written marks correcting whi�:b 0.14 0:15
WaS P007 E11111T, and as 3he 11 watch with simecun-obity tt
wmofc�w aboe, resolved to purs Atlij '06eral tor No Se". 14,provides, thaf,'Caitiada shall have Is inan- remoirsh 01 ue her acquaintance, and uy 'A.�' 11edry t iuej va Leh prools'rondered them liable to letter We sha ws Potatoes,. 0-60 0.75
to draw her out. itchell, President of th pper House, Oil e
e one Par'iatiieul, to comprise tin U er in v&ich our prm will recelie the In
ta4pge,&e. bat sippewmee quaclatryll. or a House'of posta.,10 wbeaJoni by mail. and the intention 11 4ly made monarchy. i A and ..... ........... 3:00
-Sonate ; and a Lower, ofthe tie 00 0:10
-as tb,2t of -si andber rewaru U 4sin O somot to '60 Rowsrd furred to, wus to
'im- Common,%_.
abbio ber cousin' 1qe, M Executive Cittancikof',NOW Bromwick,, re- lof the Department or re flay, new V ton ........ Es Le i
in converrsation ibi waelio painle-sild'i -10 O�00
obeh ft&e 'board the late' I t Ich proofs, and
if& preken tin the rests of their Sers. 15 to 30 spealits. of the appointment re ax he rule in, favor of a . Eggs ............... O� IDEGS-to inform his old patroaxand tbo p0h*
barrassed. slie could reRly only by monesy rii, when corrected, to retain their . New york, Feb. 27. -The Tims has pr-- 0:25 JU_ genend17, that be ban. at rlitlitth exp�O&W-Ir
lob horrible 11 s�a "claimed both ra. Ing 1 6 Chickens ..........
-d Louisa chatted on respective province it to
hl:t b tcth ,tAt -hourte vate adviaes froi� Sat, Domingo, lead
rai%iti s, while the names Of by the Crown and duties of tile Senate � allow tile , I
= if &!w- scalrea knew fe'appointmeut. character as pri.ated matter, and at print Turkeys ......... -00. M40 fitted up bill roonis, in $TZ WARTSPIew JIM*
so appoiuted- being a li ed mutter rate t
01 trouible-skew in, silch "WaGir 1111111fa the
go. be believed that the. mission -of awillotsil Pork .................. 4. u>r-- -flamillostm
has* AL -4 looki the United States Consul at London, _k50 Block. eorner tftt and
entirell upowilici s of char -00
whether to laugh or cry, as Loniss firm made her com. Freeman H. Morse, and that of Sir &eta. 8133 place the House of Commons secretary Seward to the West Indies was Goolerich,
Oe Malo
and GntAriot 65 i Clinton, Fob. 21, 1867 !Ill
appearance, 'wbat a lar, -e bonnet I terpr.*So some- at 180 members, 82 being from _os bWpailOW
beT David Brewster give the eu - and 15 ATLANTIC'NONTHLY fur March, con- bouW successfulu the object being a treaty A4 finesvin itbecoauutrypai
lo'beroutiCidedrelts"I do believe it is her uld I 94rom Nova Scotia, -
-advanced into open space, Sir seen $1:65 a L74 -and bt.2UMAd. ThOolij-,dMroullool
S3 As they -atomational with resd&it Cabral ring the long de- 'pall W hou�
tatb" Is bi W4 papa need Edward passionately called the attention of from Wev�Brimiowii&kl nod set off the districts tflitl� the following articles:-I!he Guar. A the (i4 J,44
slred,--�lllay of Sainana,as a naval station 4 1:37 of-,
n4 h1tvilt lips and h Which shall 'farnt the constituencies- 1, Out on Picket, Glacial I
fe��il!� ouied It Spri
i the Lsdies to life - rising orb of day, tinging dian,Ange 'Phe' %Ssates..,
0 gX]LImNstyp no Au# Oats OC30 0.35
stuned AT
wor&Jrow me-- I cna!d not have a& Sec. 31 prottides fr the increase of repre-
1 with rich maiden hues� the eastern tinrizon... 40 'SIM -
's 00 Barley 0:40 -6.4.5
C. I P cam time to time, the proportion, The Stuyvesant pear ti
nomena in Afaine, The River, Geo Bedil- ee, planted 2
stnt-- of preirp'. faintiy 'ne.brinig in the
them. but sh-iv�d IrW, lang ukca wih-pi�
hed in sentatives f 64
al w by howpver, remaining the same its ye ars SS!O in w Third avenue, ;was 0:68
m7s- ' placed by -Mr. 16rdback n the Deri_ bat is now
-if I fa�' hitch of con -se. i3 as br; ]ion Kni-lit 0
JAM24 ob- vehicle Butter 0:121 0 _tOgrSP tA10M
oark gap,% Ff& 29. -AA extoulifive � ive, th�refarei 7 :13 P-hO
&�d 'homely as her h6nnet, The provoing y the Act. The Act does not tle f M n from the destroyid a day of two since by a
her passionate love of the sublime, warml, Va u 0 Moukey, Hatha. atwoo, the -art, and Old
do we ter 11ma o n bery-.WaX,4*O;er�,d; �40i!Q, the,,last. day or 11 coming all collision. It POOL - ..... 4:OOL
Rep. b,,*po 0�ppor Canada Labor, aeuge, rine ornel All Here, "Chicago,
freight, shed here 'ed,
a nki - .. ' The Times says that Gen. Gmnt yesterds, Potatoes guerwtyPes 'cPP-W- as rames
hfA arm I arA the 4 o a�e is or m sure, pre - being, 11 4 own to the exisGuS prop�rtiqn,
reite-ated. fine expression I it is two at , _C, - My Fiend'Binghem, On a blarble,
the Glan�"fr y
Prett) how tame Pre
Slid #s.-- fatris'lincrease may ressed
who sublimely eautihd LLook, again, dear Emil.T, Several arrests were made 6�n Sat�rday b2 his -intention of ill
Joe-411ii at iting the si Saaforth, Feb. 27, 1867' .
band. AUa._AL13UMSwq4b
Dabois A Glimpse of Genoa, Rags, The Aall be im to Sign [Repoftedevie4ly'6r thii Signid.-:1 XL.
jj& ' )f b, Vt f
always came to tiem6ee in astage coach, with bat woe b o osec. 35 provides thatfire dent for the purpose of advising hi �bj
? k f art can equal nuture"s sweet yesterday. From 10 to 12 parties are impli i Apd Literary p o e
pot such in adoraings, I hull rich, U
an old band box tied a mg- ; only 'r rits, instead of True Problem the inilitaq reconstruction bill. -1:55 @_ 1:6 the d ation all WhP44 how gloriom strethe I ot the Parliame I suppose she It as been I
cated and are being examined. r Notices. cizar b6xii (WI:40 jli� ihe S
a rum A seytre- penalty against sell pring Wteaf 5 - . �
iiihe has �,w Vembrella. at present.
rar4l hues and hades.' For a moment she fo yeara6,"
o e 3 to
ths"lit stabby hot em3in, Emily bad none, a in -Sees. el 41,.ap to electoral matter of as with cancelled stamps, upon there was put Barley 0-40 a, 0:451
64milrgii9n, while air FAward i.mystery to the station -master for
landl h4 wiliald- bq�jed the taing- to kulliff us k*fjo !tkild P617:theL tipeaker. Istet*111itens, llibe Irentian Head Gode -azed lost in
vevred with surprise, and an interest amount. time bAck how to accouct fos to manT M10- a routine in the tax bill. *The government has been .,0-28 @,0:30 Centre.
both in our rainy *Jtlks.- - 'Tis too bad, too `0 power.of o4gia-
irij, luipict, to tenderness, her intellectual greatly defrauded by'the practise. PIE
ang packs ps. Boxes of tea, cases of boots, S 6onfer th ....... 0.65 0:0
r House, and fim-e beaming with the poietic enthusissism of atin mon�y bi A qer#itd'.* specilit b9Y : A man attompt . P&stoespera
bad' an -A =rs b" to tobacco, raising, kc.. were missing daily t Us an the Lowie The Pirli correspondent of the Isoadou ed ficishil ........ f1:5,5
to olia S rratt jesterdsoy by Flour
iiiing, in oadmission to ul pe 0
pretending to be his brother just fr
Aj� t lis mumenfj Sir FAward Walton ---411e her f gi4- As she -turned heK soul lit eyes providin tUttagsti0h shall he through ad Suaday Gazeitte.' wri on Friday eve
&!thy r�arquLi,. who was 'witsilia-Z con h"'14-11jis tendcr gaze recall4"her sen- a dreas, us�at Present. ttlames Step as, Is om Texits, oatinest G 6M
-to the royal assent o February 8, Gals. V:16
i::I,ea,, hall they must be stolen, when
jou we; �e'tee c mt I . admit him. h ter pe
announced. and SA 89a" her eyes fall and a deep blush a d was employed, who soon discover Seci. 44 to 46 relate bitt-the guards refused to lb ........ 0:13 -.00
Ar. Wilmot,4*._ Fenian head gentre. has just arrive n atis doz ............ 'ers d h i pa -of by ti: The Tribune"i specia sa�s--irhos senate 98
!�.Vheoltklltii -- �-- - ad par t, of the missing goods that had been 06* 118;lW , e h
W3, and a heir It may be that a -io 06n,flifil sitting e Ville de Paris.
ec. 47 im teidal voted 0:0 10
17 4ry-ins her, iiis nb r#ji sturpti0id than Sir those S _pt t1stilic -committee on f0iollika yes utton rIV, ............ -- 8 0.
bccomlug drPAS viii)th $In stolen and sold to parties in town by of 11buds, for be�cr the
died rieffligene-10 S1169 :�- � short V40g as 0.0 111,0 -To-
n a second -i every Sal *VWY
-cee"t, Zn'4A ote i 4�ites the power V an ^iiet The Apples per bushel .......... 1:0
a the 4raw6.g room where he FAaid and plealed that'lilhe halt padfr a ow arrested. Ian passenger - but -be eindeavored 011,40 1191111iftatiOulk * Of and B Wf -do ............
ich she nit "I iiteiv to Frntit*a' an the H61 0
theref"cre, stiU be no
11�E ,n
Was. waitin 1ook of UnTill'-Uillej Tavoritbfe�'iuipression (,a his mind (whi ark, aud m4y,
Z heor�' A aild shoL to keep.4
MOM "*U** Arl
could not belp seeidg, though all& believed it Canuditlin ment, Jecludini; coinage and divorco, vote was three for confirming and three for Bides poll
Goods In the StWes. 'I 11aW 100 .
oad.airatioft (rintia hini revArde4 bar trouble,
'heap Skim
asout to the United StAtekto .........
mg all bet anxities, in reg momentary. she half resolved to let pri iiiierill laws �f +eal. jnd ef
484 rbr4eui. ai:d t4c a tit and ialconst5teniiritli him On &,way '50 It 4:80 F*rm&bnk`aad40t
c OpInio 6od t& her country cousip, sht was soon rapturousl the Act. -1jus bjelt' rdero -50
,L:oae, Loy' her for what she was, and inde- In the United States Senate on ldon4a:f, a he. should 10T 1110*0* Pork, per 100 lbs .......... 4. 'County.
n. , But ritan I or gunizeii. he told lainly that
pendently brave pub;i 'Ile d of his rebellion
he, dot r ad gained Strong a hold 0- sefirted co dt0 M. iblifut
littenin, Sees. 49 to A' r4LtvW - 1 0 0 COMMILE 0.
hier 54 404,with m1litters Of R�
oug,v- &in -the -far-as this country, pride b upon and he has ret
of iW 5j61DWA sy got tfimn p"w7ii boasei;,: .-A
heart�i, 1 the rose -Fdow, OL warping and the Civil Ljistf and places the sala of
0 ilidhfifif -0 he
fouri At muc: 11000 Big.
lh the eaeantillit'. Louisa, bad been litzisill "'n the gauntle4nd
Iffon-ey to Loft on
-Uri 0ayrit, bepelt it' tufat)14 1ZBnW_ the GovernarAneral at Z IS 110,4117-1 Whe in- whesf� �6%iperwr I
ting, or rather disfi iris 60 ot
eagagud in deicon� S".,ft--66 and'57 d6bitiLtthe: the publid r, 1 40 1,46
hemelf for the P4, ,
rior AV D Spripg Wheat
loft -_ P?gCtB ft, ; t 1.
of her plan. her Ainjer�" game, ......
,Sul= k itpoll#. 2
fill b r W been �ghfly drawn CW 'IC60W WhOST6
11 1
_qhe -_ I '� irpons rise Up *inner&., 325 4 U
too tne7 Or`N0 act _Upre- P 04, 4 stilt el Flouri Pe
-agdv after dinuer, re I Ill 4 oliery
sua, * 4 her � ' iu, Abe -13AIq- Yeb.` es ar rorn ic few'L
h" -foebad, ad vs luxuri3,nt m or1lierootisia L) ju drawing 1 0 14 (,4.014
b"k from w6j
two Malik two -fornalps
#11.1584n& 69 pr�i" iu �, I find fanei,new Rreped hop, per 100 Re,. 4 87 (j4 6 2§
trrmw% conined *_1h an immenim I -!. ____ . . / h. J..&rlianism playisc!
Vot t
let as a. t -vera X0u6Q*0y*thd9ftWRV8 Telois-
directly acrom her fair brow, was bk tb vt a quiet's 0 0 fia
room sa ithell comb 'T
51 9 to the drelift., lay by- oe Telti -Barley., .......
hourid, a rpX of4hrl, vig a *PeFndwbAtb-e P01108 at, talk do,.. ........ 0 46 0
Cand a eel 9w f _Oifigial curie, -in 6k ji -this 4qnpto sbippe tronk
iriT -0 31
secured, & btw* rbich lirmlied 1,� t UWZ__%
H r flo r i 'fAn
waid $62,500,00 glet, it
r nual M titer
or, the' emr with: Is ffbt *k bow. eeting of the above Skiety,will be far the -coining OfStllohebs,is Napeileouji#s rself k of sats(sc- elegant 14da. g Torditto, Ireb- 25, L b
diress" Which is WAY* fitted bar he chargeable tkareoh. -Jo
am sure the Grammar School House on -*Gr6-100X4d, fur in ti
held in M t r,.A iOk The,bodies wdkp�-!r
lr!�ta "chudul( O'clock' 46 (4 149
be -
ext, 4th of March, at 4
,of 5;&4-6�XaPy strigpoed -with
sv1 gr"D tho orain eocircle bi led sash 0!4 f
Moudiy n
A er we
re4- 00 1 etc Hocksi im 11didbitit
4 '0 29 ............. 4 1
WwU4 b no
roar, ai�to at'young
t proead-
lagemod ritb. at which a report of pas Scotia a. K I P- L, , 'tiVer Nellrst
U 4Qt4eW#VTW 7 V 32 f43- unollutr'01 4urfris
ru c"ploet* tbj' arraffigeivents al feg
xW L, - S7,0001000 tsi;� A09 to
&,: Jilgiot itam, (be *iblence.' _Th0.`-,t40diq o elcet- the whole atfsa6000Wtud Wit.
ings will be submitted, and ofli era at
P*er*JAe4C"0bW doicaw 14h44 ilid, kpo 14 or P - ys that thoreJs a rtsA mlaa#,� *AV&*
ttead. spectively. Fieri Fai
*#oe*S0 1ponly 00 "her fed� *v60001 ed for the ensuing year. A fall a ttoo 0 0 _0
e -fo
te,14f d, -6� -it ftj mgrkabler*4 '.to
iess if rdii are auco of members of the Society is YN"st- Ed0rord wd -Emil, worir� still #yetji IV 867, toPit
y ;)6 jebt t wity ornio oWming llete:41-to!U, tb& d idefitificatim, -moirrow W
OOrr thern, ydkAUd try to imitate ihem
ed, membeirship being constituted by the in une�of the mitio ftAoar r ZxtM..-. $�50 6 *8 75 *fJ( tn41. bi
wag-tamw artill r'!Owizz eouatq� 11- `Ab ly'
ir per annum. ii, wild upir IF16ur
...... 1 50 payment of one doll 4 yho
so relative
Qtd hit6hoil
jorv,therp. Bmily larity. you attract 114 Utenticte., pt 2
to" - 1 01 -,Per' 0 3 .0 38
wpAwalife, to jise; but 7obje;# lf�w on a
*"j* op,tQ tte 0 1 . I
0 50, �A #'b5L �UWWW_ft'
l:frk, Feb. 2 t is reporie P 11% if OT if 65
Ke 'Y Lciiilsost ap 06, �td' du Ill* f6 *+a d
Fenian einhury bu arrived h 01#M W"Lngft 4OW ha t 740iWa i� I - 116_�b I A =
h a
loack OR I t
re he dr" Ir bait a 11-0 "Jutiq Reform 4SU00%
iog r e 1pinistorAl V100-0
i tha toont 0e t1w,,bqrW'% fro
im to 1W told
1111 W- 4
--:jDf'a ba beer - to 41�4 taking Abw cob
w Uu pit"wt, put dritlybael s d al Ilk ft 0 or
I wi W.
arm of _Z to
!f"Nom of a Reft. -to t lot
'it L 1 7-- ` J - _ --_-
Dort 11
e!ilipm. A _Wi, 1 -
V "M T.
ble fc It' JIM
!T W-,
80, L A d_1 Al Qrj 4
ra r.�
Ob lit sta04 they W 11 bit
but when they' 061210 tO Am the
spou ritit t
d ir Eolwardj�uo her
bi. ae7e a
A -71
Thei0verpwir, Mvin$ b
'-ww"M bra very=c�pa
ered (by several 31ftrA with
othow dread &"W.- ci:laguff
k—w" W
T. .11
irriptlon Wcd ffr&-_4.%rt;b&W
=Masag the Sadie. I
--mVXrTiiT,X. An
CoLvii, and all Thnw and .
object of the adtirrim-er in se
beneW the affilcmd. emd sp
conceives to be arivaluawc. I
will try hitoretilledy, as it w
may prave a til mung -
Parties wishiurthe pressri
will p!ease ite.dre-o*
Rev. Fb
Dr. L. 0. MatioTEZ'4001
"Istur to the world. Wit,
tat-helo to,grow on the 1
rteVer lawwri to W. S!
to any one desirou's oft"!,
Res -VES & CO., 78 NS"93
(Nolettemlakell Unle
A GMUCWKn vrh0ZGfr-n
j3rbillly, Preal&ture DexaY. I
ui tnoilLmmiatort- wih for the
OrAw free to all who need IL I
ri.sking the irlitiltle remedy bi
erm -Xitillig - P -fit by U
can do so by addirssmg
No. 13 C
tvayfl Uloriiii LoxengeF Art
for Worms w Clakimu aLd
kowwn And MCIAW-holy (Sri
deilth a c , is frm
be tpoj!!�gy "Up"Mact) upol
"ectiflilwb-, f4mly waichli
r_:tSTJl3MUX% of
the vvy naritcr
b Vorov
cloitted suem-ImsblikDaire
the aom.%nivaing of t4c. teel
,e tbebell�, ant1freirwit! 9%my
vulave fits; Pain = the h
ale�q. finnungs, trembluigit
ffigttffil drmma, tuid
They am palataNe and s-:
--dx2ve aw4he worms the
comptewly cleanse the slci
wab th . liecessitY G(admim'
unpleanal callair"011--816 I
j:3- k;" box continns I
111olvinier & L.YxAcv. ricvv4
"" Pr
N. L=Zrf�, Ha�,.v no o(ber. -9-1 NoW ti, ' c
c.h -and amixia-zdattlers el
Iro 4Dwxe"
It is a well attested
experienoo wif thousm
Arabian Heave tLeftwd
cite "-for-hoorM, lis.�Zl
tke kk(l triaw—or ever
itkait bas�oftu meta
the horse -hats been cor
lem with the most 4
borne haviaS been mi;
ties&, or &0 Much ben(
plaint cataw WATAMIT I
such lo�so bare -afte
froln $50 to $101D I
ham-pretriorAy brom
wwth ihe difference
eider this.
Remember the war
signature of Hwa
nots fo zhe Cs
propric r
Amckng the-irstaitt unpoll
VANAD11S fti�
Airit. Famdr Medicitne
kubwa. rishe vilag thousil
Side, Back and heiliid.Ca
S;itv�s. smises, Cra
UndUrr morbus,11)"
pillil", BUT", 4"
&C " &
-M, vikKuWAN PA
now beits I)efore the put
amd',wVdreyer "see a .
fit. a sanglie snstattice-totni
tiffiely used, aaJ vm bav
CALW Of dissatisr*dW*
b4_en PMP",YT
are doilritted with itit 0.
the itilighenterms. 4flu
We ott;wak fi,6= eWri
inst -tested it thwousW
am�z*V Y,
Wing a Soverelp Ramit
7 he�adorwblax crical
Illestrew ia curiag The �
aad sts v
dairkg the tWtWUg PIUU,
milk in Aelist of reirted
ch& -M An eolums in fn
lol-r.lels2off.:: caas =te,%L,
give%. I I
The Cansidim Pais
give immediate rebel.
11hyscialls .v J
be without it after
?Ciste-ontily,25 CMtX ;4
All ardemrkmid be aA
J-16—SW", Al—
Bentham. Kogrr7illej
conam-C,huton; seclud
Neaforth. aiWAk Medici]
Pre e Wills, trjp
4" Fe"
0 -
f% �%,P�4
-Z& 1 A