Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-02-15, Page 2* "rWaIF- �7_ lo -4 56%; '� Nft� vr N, vL 4 oq 4' 7 14;f 7 ab .0m vandclaverli . 31trb. DWI 11L BE- 'rAt Goderich, on Monday morring. th, nETEOROLOGIC Island. Sword to b 'fore me tills 6t y of eb e 0 r IN TROUBLU- dubontu es bought at n disqount of ton Via. Barker, Notarr rublic. PORT. The Guelph Advertiser Says: A Guelph- 11 th inat, JonN ABItAEIAM. secondson of M,. do 'velilied I jb 1; TAUIEi G 50 in lu`� -0 - W. T. Cox, of the Signai offiee ged?, T U a 7, 1867, N' en From the forego Sienat by Tohn lUdans Big-, ite who b per 1, Is to yield a revenue ;f $22 ing it will be t gn that asrecently returned from Vancon difficulty d in n, t, or the - yeam, 6 month and 9 days. v a qutekl%. So months. The only end(d le Preparedf forms us that business is extre _t, and (to RICH DISTPICT, The edito verls islan i ,%Vt will thl 61&(,��Nlr. Lrladly Lake tile youns- lady aLFF,.%I -,ND DE rsof the Guelp'h AAWUcr with the Fenian war is not clulte station observer at Godorich - ne who can the Finance Commiktee was the difficult 1�bat the It bea4�'contrcl' it iere, und that every o V, P 'Ironte," interrupted the elder of ttle two In i ARRIVE. and Herald have got into trouble for hInt- y — -0-- mely doll ti rick O'Rour�o, is an 11 educa eV ",official g leaving If e nizers in this' carription, of train. 7Yme. Iii terms that, It a Went of procuring i6formation from tile, Go It g t SWIL.7 is to -place. Another dim - Rongh almost stra iag in rather plai a a d DAYS. ziil �B; -1 how Abe Sinking Van cl her of the Lezislature, an ornment as to Awas ot'Feniallism u4tble even,16wqtil-�'his own gentlemarr, a mem nnacqainted bS I Accomodation ........... inspection in th9t t4*0 Brigad ia'iontiec- .4-0 over Island, in itei-hborhood, we am nut rich deyelopometill., 0 an important official of Vanco 'Jion wills tbis.,jogtimie d �ro d i t WWI? Time 7 a. m, A -es -)I ve Insolvent ACt Of 18% sig -lit with Miss Ellbu. I thin k thi3 gentle- Fxpress mail ................... . 0 p.m., volunteer invested by them, itud vdiat ;Ta�e tfi6 pro- name. S(kine o 20 he hm 1 Altan, " had had, tin uadu6 quatitity of a , �, �* -2 a letterof a recent date, Says _t el w OM Su -4n," site nittled, tarding to q 0 Q ..................... 10.50 'Major BimttO ceeds of that iavestment w at 'A eiica­�aiie expecU4 o' on to take 0 P 51 ised ....... ments ootolkle q. Vile investu W _'D to leave Victoria in all human probability sen t h 1120t0l, aeffit of that. in - m '�me Snore hopeful sians of a a, also, and DEPART. stimulating, 11 refresh a of the Countie, ything of interest transpires, botier take a _�ioltls horse hor�e.­ vith the Governmen F, -place, and it an from me on this bub- 867. tor evp.r, unless 9 To the matter of Keneth McLeod an Inffol. J-o;m Shall 1,.ad 1IM HI -00 nan. about Itia person, plain r you may heal- again 19.8 .0 9 !�s appear. lip says a Irene- ............... 5. or to use iinglisb, Sinking Furil reati Mixed ............... Mon., Jan. 28 28,928 1 1 revival of busine vent. In little more than hall an hour Violet w d not with the Oouncil, and if J. W Ject, Taus. 64 29 28.9201 0.1 .01 10 1 mer - .00 ral exodus is talked of. The whole com ExpreM mail ..................... 10 s too drank to discharge his an be Creditors of the Insolvent are not1fiQ safe at home, and laid on the sofa her that he wa 0 he 'rumor telegraphed frost here last 1jo 129,232 1 24.3 JO 1 10 Tto meet at the Law -office Of Mr. ecomodation ................... 1:30 pni, will only satisfy the Hon Nr Howland T NV ed. ial fabric tottPrs to its foundation and when duties in n proper or gentlemanly manneir, ie Thurs. 11 3 1 1 229 494 1 27 6 S.E. 1 1 4 c Sn. wiling her mother of her n3rrotv A w- al Canadian paplars that tr 9. Lis it will be such as Vancou own ret, biltsl�llity to�invest 315,0u0 in five per eek to sever e old rectoi's 252 1 34 9 CI.E. 1 1 8 the crests com in the Town of Godericb, on Thursday tW M th diaposin&f the arms Fri, Feb. I before witnessed. escape Ve-rT W -arm WP I and the edi- seventh day of March next, at twelve clae dest- Damn, -es are laid at 1500, ver Island has never n cent debentures so as to yield a revenue Fenian authorities tire 2 1 2h,952 1 25.0 N.E.21 10 thanks to his chi!d's preserver ,rely uso b"dquarters in StIt, block noo- ly to his I tors have refused to SiP010gise—Ovilig of S2250 per annum, that hon. gentleman accumulated at the different e ly and simply did 0c Young man re. bia city is quite tsufounded. 14stend of sel The I- Veto, Ity Of tht. Wind 11 14 expressed —The following seen for the pnb.ic examination-, 'of A Duce WITNFss. the Insolvent, and forthe purpoee of ordi es t, tatons of (Fiendship ; then, anlious to 1g ' the Major to understand tht he may will, I am sure, cheerfully resign his Pog'- ling, the reenians are buying as hs fast arms 8P oxiinutely by numbers, thus : U. Calm 0 �'cry heavy Hurricatle,&c. the affai rg of the estate generally. ha� quietude so violent oderate Uale; I occurred in coart of justice, between the cave the house to I don as Fillopec Minister in J. W.'s favor. I the way from Dted at Goderich, in the Cmfy of excitement. he returned flicker away." and misuitions of war are presdnted At the t The extent of of stcy elouded "' is expressed - judge and a Duch witness at n Yours &a., W* 'J, Iluberta headquarters. The Fenian Brother- 10. denot's Huron, this fourteenth day f JazwAlyJ after the ut by slunsillcris, from lu tu 0; thud: otterdam 0 �f ---------------- I log t �n to callapin and inquire sky it covered w to the inn, in 15, 1867. ive a grand milita�vy ball here list he ith clouds, 5 - that it is age ? A. D.) 1867. GERICH, G It y clear, 'What is your native lan-U W., Feb. truck a silver-.11][Ine. hood 4rg to l; the '19th inst,� half cuverad and 0. that it is perluctl aftor her later inz, the day ISO a iTutchman." S. POLLOM on Tuesday eveuinz next, q pe no native The day drew to it MIA VIO'et, I easure ur' the week ge w4 2%y official AAW-iNw. F_Xta of 11.30 to day I On Wednesday last, after the rain of OUR NEW YORK LETTER. The hole proceeds of the ball pre to be BABOMETER. devoted to the purchase though pale and unnered, wal, con'Para- [Froin our of m,ie arms and Highest Barometric pr d 'What is your mother laugua. " I — ur5day. recovert d, and insistrd upon one of the butchers at was 29A94 at 7 o telock - a m. orh father says she's fill tongue tire!7 speaLing, the night before, irotins. This don't look rn�ch like sell- -a? What down staim The son continued to Ire- Lowest Barometric pressure during the wcek w- -at lea FARM TORMENT. ing out just yet. enians Rising the market, with the remark that he [From our Special cotrespositient.] 2S.759� at 9 O'clock p in. On Monday. ha language u did ycu fit k language did ;o speak in the. cradle thine upon the creepers 'that festooned the land I generally found money after a -thaw, - NEw 7�ORK, Feb. N, 1867. A large number of articles intended for was 29,1305. windows of the pretty dra' in4- room, the he Par P Exhibitiot, were placed on board Tho Mean Barometric pressu-e fur the wee -1 did not speak so language in de cradle, OT Nel. 10, con. 3, Godench, Betwo" eety lga the guTden, ai'd cs she and actually found ton The streets of this city during the past I only cried in Cootch P L fifty and sixty acres cleared, and 'free of lbrush sang. Sw searched about the Steamship Europa, at Vier No, 60- North T11"MOMETER. lay languidtv restitig on the ectich, bac'l in this city, on Wednesday afternoon (Hours or observation 7 a.al , I P.M., 9: P. in.) tern, who stamps. Large orchard bearing fruit. Good nts. A very green looking fariner was week have been fairly inundated with river, 13.3 Capt. Anderan, of thegrest Eas n., Ler memory cacwl the word. the endeal I e Iasi. Among the numerous ;contrihutions Uighemi Temperdiure duricg Site wreL �ras 4 ent stone dwelling, frume barn and out-lbeds ot 2 vessels c6 Sias made himself famous by his manageta -fever and be- us hav lip the vivitl colour *0 her Landin( at once smitten with silver rivers of tnud. Very heavy rat n Friday Apply to the undersigned. Were specimens of woods and manufactured at I .'vluck, p.in 0 complete tivat had calie LowrsL,rt:rn2erature during the week *as 13.4 of the manamothship while laying the Atian. cheek on Ite, letairn tu collse'lousness. W hat gati to search likewise. To encourage tallan here during the past few days, and THOMAS LOGA1q, the excitementi full of them at Valen- articles from Canada. at q ovlock p.m. on Saturday. tic Cable was at one time a printer in the dii -it me -v ? V`ss it Oa!Y I I him several wags dropped quarters and the snowbanks and ice have rapidly disap- - Jeff David is said to be in' much better -k w4i 29.3-4. Woolen Factory 8&". of the oczasiqn. ? somethirag ithin her The Mean Temperature for she wee . on Frl- Dumfries Courier. JVell, she mu, tia. ho.'Zilth now than he hds been for the past Godericb, Feb. 12th. 1866. w4tt st wait , the tided to find peared from the principal �Iaoroughfarcq. warmest day duril.f; Lbe wvck wa whispered no� half dollars slyly and prete vear. lie is till confined at Oonreiis Men-' day,the Mean Temperature being 39-60. the gardrier poet was -lveal h-r back Hii g of For Sale or to Renti,, Alunly tl&d , them. This, of course, increased the Last Saturday night �o were visited by a �oe, but has full ringe of the grounds, and Coldest day durinir the week was on 6aturday, Alphouse Karr ' its duties, its Special Telegram tO SiPlal, %.-an Tempeiature beina 1.9 20. lately present at a, banquet given by some :0 ions the w;th its biessrig,% Toasts were hew -t Praiied ,tad thank- I fellow's excitement, he continued to', poke heavy thunder storm, accompanied 'by 'live§ as comfortably as any of the officers JOHN HALDA-11,JR. the disciples of Habilemann. prounves I slid Uor t 61 Celebrity HE premises situated on West Skree�r )ere on duty He is allowed free intercourse -isfied is, the vresent Dated thi0th day of Feb, IW7. given to the heal tb of every medt" 'y by everybody, when th ed Itim. She was szt Presiderst-remaricedy and known as the d the let no thcltz-ht of the future mar- mi ful I con- B THE CABLE. about for three long hours, although the vivid flasho—S of lightning. The rain pour- T 0 %vith visitors, out avoids all conversation On 0, and. a crowd d down in torrents for veveral liou' El -Monsieur Karr, you have not propose NORTH AMERICAN HOTE4 rain was pouring dow rs, and n,titical -matters. Irn George Peabody, the great London banker, A STUANGE CAS to .11 The poet rose, and od- At F resent laughing at his ser when the storm was at its height a fi,sh health ofzr)v one occupied by Mr. C. Sinclair. Rliott were both d ions determination 0" In' Dublin, Thursday 14th. - has donated one million dollars in cash and sime one gently at the d.., but y or die in the attempt. A t of lightning struck the spire of St. Paul's one milli -n one hundred thuusand in Bound A JoUNG LADY LIVING WITHOcT FoOD—RE- estly replied; I propose the health f the sessiou can be given on the first of Ma a thought, did not reply. ews has reacht-d here that the Fen- find mone rm. itep cross the long ians asseniVed this mornin y last he gavo it ap for a bad job. when his Ch r the education of the MARKABLE FEATURES oF THE CASE. sick." For particulars apply to - at Killarne urch. After midnight it ceased rain- ississippi bords fo Sbe beaA a fi t5 M ger greedy who, th at the South, without distinctiow of MRS. DONO-GEL plate was taken by a youn, in-, and.a stron- wind from tLe north. you fit' Editor of the New York Times. A MAN living at was very much an stood. betw"n her and the window, o e Godericb, Feb. 12, 1866� WX shidow -Kilmore. 0 0 - .1 eoloi. Li,t ate natit. General Grant and soveral T I and marched towards stimu!ated by finding a copper dropped to noved because his wir'e had for four years in b -d A 1,trl stm.3 her. west set in, changing.the temperature of' other Prominent gentlemen ar� included in Some putilicity has recently been given jot-gtha-, upon you.a.-ain to- -1 tillery have been sent in for him, borrowed a shovel from Gardiner fuels which I or several moilths pat have beon succession presented hi with a dtiti'litf-r nes, rrooFa "d a wading to the atmosphere in a remarkably short the list of trukees. 8 in Bro4lya, re. He told her that be should regard the birth BOILER for SALIR day, mi, -s El iuSt", he SaW. in quiet to. and went to work with a will cous n Legislature has just ratified familiar to 'Many familic The Wis ass. w�de his heart beat rilervouslY. merely PUN his knees in water half the Every space of*titne. The prospect now is that ' e constitutional amendment, and the Massa- specLin,r the isluxplicable peculiaritios of Nli�s 4 another daughter as a good ground for is sLli divorce. The next month �November) the but o -i Janet who has bben afflicied. 110d 15 Horse round Flue BOILEEL for ak itended to after you, London, 14th. chusetts Le,rislature has gona dead again th to four dauahters at body else found money and jewelry (at- the present clear and cold weather will our woman gave bir j4.1 my com-ts-, to. -saying Too Suffering from disease, and who preLents a P would insist the poor fool got i'dditig the employment ot drunk ht, she I The Envlish Government has been tr dropping itJ bat continue for sme time, wid thus rafiev-a A bill lorb upou which the bu..;band paralyzed very cheap, Has not been much 1111114 -1 - Mr fi ig a just p3ased study not only for the medical taculty,,but for once, a at tke Swam Saw Mill 2 In k&4 qkke recove�rw from yl rds by railroadis companies has nt and rpgarding the I& visita- Can be see mo ttross the hall, and then, ladvt -of two ship -loads only three cents for his two hours' woi k. tal sciePce. -About a, year ago with amuzeme Mr. WM sed of the landin us of the dirt and mire that have encum- students in wen -nliy I - we --have in the Le,islature of this State.� - u;on him for his South. of Sealort-h Station. sup -pose. that I was a sufficie A more stupid piece ol'business the great Showman, has this young lady' had'the misforrane to bc Sion" as a judeement of God of Fenians at Valentin. bered our streets so long. P. T. Banium, d her that be� -would wia poiza out the Boiler. ilsitor to bt ab!e to find ipy seldom seen. stfromaborse For terms apply to nd received severe in- harstinass to his wife, tol I had nutAnown ia� here recently been uominated for Congress in a thro way, turned mid left cue. - General We are goi,ig to have a new ide f, but so far recovere-1 as forgive her in spite ofall, and not carry oat Siz Hugh Bosse. the commandin 'district of Connecticut Ele has managed a j ries in c6risequence ANDREW MAIN, -!her Von were sloue, tsd SW We print -h* to be Able to walk and r'de (lot- for exer I am afrwd I have dis, o to -day an interesting in the way of crossing crowded thoroug cise. his threat of putting her awky. Etas Irou Works, 330 Hiiington lit, of tho troops in E"Itind, and Lord Ma&% 0 mauagerV here very well for qUite a no itarted i�ress will pro- on one occasion, when iriding in a car, us it -d leave for Ire'ani at once. letter from our New York correspondent. fares in full operation in the course of a ot'years, and ifelicted to Cor New York, 0� was only idliner,­ sbe rep her boop- m 3w 3t spa sad mam ' I The e is a wild 'rumor that the Fenians bably succeed in estalifishing a 11 happy she attempted to step to the street. ? if itit pro Feb. 9th, 1867 ma have just mone to s� a a A special c ugnt, and she wat thrown down aud 0:J- Is health worth having T 1331i']ERAINC E- few weeks onsinittee of the shirt ca family" in the Capital. t as virture poGr z2an who has been'hurt by falling from very tect it- it is a jewel u easi y los will attempt to cut the Cable. A to pro, Nineteen steamers sailed from this city on! dragged some distance, receiving some Board of Aldermen was appoifitc aud in many cases as difficult to Yeeover. a harriclL c evere injuries, which caused apprehensions rhey will cot be Do! a in A t�mperance meeting will be hel Saturday last for European and coastwise a cure from. architects a:nd others proposi; 9 climate, and more particularly at this en down a little., ports. A small amcufit Of specie was taken I ould losu her life. She was taken In this t to A,&er a , teir mantent's &74ence, 61 WffAT7S IN A NAME.,') the Now Connexion Church of this town, tions to constr uct abridge over Broadway, t in the European stesinels. to her -wouther'a residence, where sbe has Beason of the year, people are very a , sa and fuded ct� her face, a cold and suffer from �ore thro � t hich the colour r, n onday evening next, 18tb, when ad- gorle to New Orleans W y since remained, and where every possible tell. tak 0 at Fulton street, in order to relieve the Ristori has itting of blood and pulmonary compWrits Vt-Aet thanked him for h.s timely tescu- cet of nairing Confederated Shsi will visit Muntre in derae&; and attention were lavished upon br, sl)� NOTICE. d' I The subj dresses will be delivered by Revds Messrs large ent. rally sh� unt of travel at that p(Ant. A an ea,,a,,(!m !vhichif not checked immediately thau--ht I sbou!d d;--- thrre," Britit-b America is:again on the carpeL- Marc andthough-many physicians have apen bar gene question ia conc�usiou 14 ar I seenird to took back Sbaw and Livingston. To commence number of propositions were receive I for BEAvat. and several of her fliends, yet the history of lead to serious consequences. The See - is the quickest oat e SEALED TENDERSI aj� tny oid happy life, zind see pal,, and From all we can learn, it seems probable the ense, which may be refzu-ded as extreme- zpw- which and m at 7.30. building this bridge, for amounts rancrin$! al remedy ? Bryan*a Pulmonie Wafers hitire rheressa DZI Val ; an I could ly important to science, has been hitherto tal iLL be received by the County Survey, 1 that dhe name we are to be known by to been. before the public for twenty years, and just catc-h -4 glimpse of She Sky and the sun and the coal- By Atlantic Cable. veiled from the public-imblicity bein the W on the part of the Municipal Cou4a DIPTHMIA.-T his terrible disease has from$ 14,000 to $10,000, siaction. and alune, ar-d hear a bird sing merrily close to the world wil last thing that th-j lamily, of whic") the, youn have always given perfect satz I be Canadia or the good Visited several families in town, and in mittee promptly selected one proposed by en talken for the County of Huron. until noon on 14v1 low, and a the Ume I was in sicLei�inm dread olXsashior.ed Canada. If Her Majesty's _London, iKeb, 12. -The F.,eform demon, lady is a mos, estimable dautrister, would de arizhIj effect permwent cures wb d i -ting off. How can I Mcssrs. Rit,;b & Griffith, architects of this 'Noaday was a �grcat success. sire. Th,.� veVy itupurtunce of the case, not, in season. Sold by al ['medicine dea;ers an Moday, the 4th of M-ard, 1867. of uly pony*s sta m - stratiOn on ghout the Pro - e t, .1i 'advisers are to came so close to our old some cases it has done its sad work. laying iy throug racter, v for . must country stores general gabout fie-eightlisof thank you %Uffi"nti restor"111M M d be particularly careful to city, who have already connuenced I'liere were 20,000 persons in ike procession, withstaading its marvellous cha No. 1. For grading I love 1 name we tru�t they will be led to consi- Parents sboul th,!� foundation. A brief dscription ot id the streets w ince, at 25cti. per box d pn.z-- so much ? a ere lined with more than be klie excuse for breakit-g silea�ze jupua the v a mile on tbe townline betweern Howick &Q keep their children from wet and Cold interest- 20,000 svectator& Turnbetry near the Village of Relmorl�,Jifiid sue 1plaziz-A, flond there va3 no sound with- der the addition of the i superfluous. this new aerial bridge ma 1he American. French fact,. in or wit besting of A'Ian's rs of the Si -ess. same line of road froth 111a 1, hout but -he 1tal. and It, lian flaws were carried 'in the proa rter beinz gravelling the Canada is much the largest of the Pr6- during the break up of winter. in- to many of the reade It appears that Mis 0 1 THN NA-RKETS- Jaear. His resolution wns taken ; whv lose ch of the four ion. Durini! the march the' bands PlaYed takenome,was- a sufft!r?r trow- seytre spasms bridge at Day*a Tavern to the Bonn i on ea -e ; 6 milesamd 13 obains. ach an %portutity as the present ? Bend- vinces to be Confederated-, and we think FEVI iN RAID -IN EINGL AD -ee Doodle, the John after which she reclined oL. her riht side. Line of Brut. corners of Broadwav and Fulton street, Yank o er 1 2 sofa Of bi lits almost teuched The Prince with her ri�ht hand Strider oa Feb. 14 1867. No. 2. For grading 21 miles of the Ms OV it would be ina-1 easier aiopted by the I i fifteen inches if, Brown atd the Garibaldi hymn. her right ear. The G 011=11 , uOAb of Wingliam, and gravelling d On Monday last, 12th ilist., some ex- left band was E i ber g en curls, be told 1�4 story i told how ; to be wide of cast iron, of Wales and P�riace Alfred observed the a liberty and cne of 'her lower Spr ng Wheal ........... 1:30 C& 1:33 oid --h-sounding Latinize diameter, with ornamental base-si, each It limbs was twiqted rout)d_ib oes 1te had los% bn hesxt at their first meeting whole than any hi display from the United Service club, bu ie othe�.- tbe S. Eall do ............ $ 1:66 r,� 1:55 Campbell's Tavern in the Same i iron Posts their presence elidied no ch6ers. A superb being somewhat n �0: 0 _ 0:33 cognomen) The question of the evneral citement was created in London by the otherp the front of lot 18, in the 12th 5=c so, how he had lingered day by day, hoping for forming lamp -posts. These mai each In this, ilats, . . .............. 2 tkia hour ; how he had hoped and des -paired, Innouticement, that the Fenians 1400 will be the main support of the bridge bv patient remained her elid, and 7.60 Turnberry, 5illf M41N. name beia- deeided in favor of enhei ovation took p!ace st, the American embussy. position the Flour ................ 6: 00 id hoped again acd how. finally, after the e o th t the physicians For grading and gravelling IJ were making a raid on the city of lattize girders crossio- Fulton street, and All the men in the prucessiotis took off their I eth being closed, 6 1 0:45 No. 3 strong Barley ................ 0--35 flAfras of loete prot"tations from time Canada or Canaia, it will be absolutely ught iron. These hats as they passed. The following ro Atoes, were of the opiu6r; that lock jaw had Set iv. peas ................ . ro 0: 0:55 mile of the Ashfield Sold, 40AII *f 'Pon Chester but the sudden arrival of loyal are rnatdie of the best wt' jm=enw_4A4 thaze wou!d be no joy in life, necessary to find new names for the see k 4* 5-00 &IberL will, in turn, support three tension were liberally displayed on the Ilannem. and The pMient not only too no focd an n beep ................ if a -e -lans, profiles and specifications -=9y1i6 Beef, cwt ..... .... ,:brq iu cAe future for him, an Herl yes were no ug tions now known as Upper and Lower troops nipped their pr ject in the bud, Eq -sub5c: rders crossing Broadway at I j, t indicate the aeutiments, of thip people: 14 NO drink, but she did not sleep. 6:75 1 ut -to dha!�e it with him. rod 5. riber in Cliatce, kw she vaaW conce Tho madness .5 be it was really eatertained. Sufrpnder." 11 Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," closed� but her mina was al ways a*ake. The 1 0.00 seen at the office of the et. There will be 11 des Qreen) ......... - gles to Fulton stre The arowal was made. he awarded I reply- Caaada. What shall those names rim Manhood SuPage," " Serfdom is infam- variations from these co Arn 0: 4 lidiLious and postr t.ner_ 0:15 on or before the As we have d the of such in enterprise surpa&ses all be- one at each of the ous;l I The voice of the people cannot be werelonly during apasrast when the limbs were 0.70 Tho time fi�r gnia seen, Vio!et had bad a at' four flimbts of stairs, h6g0se aboii *�rkjvM tml�se There is something in a name, an Potatoes ............... 0-60 of bez own feelin_g& She heard his word3 lief. four corners, to be five feet Wide, and opposed with safety," 11 Disobedience to ty- set at libertyfor a moment, and then flew vi o(F ................. 2:00 2:50 be stated in the specification& ent MR who can discover soma short, expres- with a thriii of Jay, and at that mom lamp -pots at the bottom, and also fancy' rants is a duty to God" 11 Taxation without back to their wonted places. While in the Uay, new 'V ton ........ 8:00 04 0:00 Esignedi A. BAY, I ounty Sureyor. imed how to her� also, the future would be give name for the section, in which we C real iron railing at each continuing up representation is tymnnv -1 Liherty 61 position and unaffected al asmst Bggs .................. 0:10 (t4 0:00 vithout bini. 'Every Saturday. Trust in God -the patietit soon'began to displayl re r 6 0.25 County Surveyor's Offi drelary live will be canferring a lasting benefit I a M and over each strext. There widl, be a those who dare demand it Chickens .............. 0:20 A What and keep 7yoor powder dry, The. proeessio 11 ble powers, which will be co pre ended 0: '40 a C;40 Clinton, 9Lh Feb,1867. need �& there for many words ? Sim VU and upon the people at large. We have heard i the platforin of the main b04 ya ............... 4.00 (j4 ply, as a chil 1, she put her hand in "I In addition to the excellent Srial, b cusTo ov ge -dwelleff to the Hall, where 'it, he, described. She wrote w r left Pork. 4-50 GodericV Star and ClitifloaRra to�eoff* elte shy, brigh; glance of cerfect content told to carry of the, rain-watcr to the four write ,grmt number of n--mes canvassed- a hold. Thirty thousand hand to her friends aud never fdi I dr . 0 Clinton, F*b. 11,1866. of the sue of his pleadiogg. The sunset Sliss- Thick-emy. Henry Kingsley and Ed. corners of the bridge. This platform is immense ineetiner wa ut. &, lelier was read on the ruled blue lines of ibe pavOr with the couple of times oath. some of them euphonious enough -but persons were prese re deep in such con- mund Yates, this popular Weekly has numer- faded; and the two we to be made of chestnut Plank, caulked to i1rom John Stuart Mill. Xh6-,AYDOn0ghui, as= ease as if she bad the Stan ist her eym Fall 1:65 verse as lovers isauttly indulge in, when Mr. -1ng ous short, pithy articles on R 1:35 gm�rally speali they am by far too uropeau politi- make it water -tight, and will be fourteen Ar. PotAir -jand bir. To!).4; 41--m6enitCers bf Ber I tiers to her friends andchofilmatts sre S 6 (4 e priag do ...... ..... . 1:30 me t, made spee-c 0.25 shd Mm &-livitt returned. pretentiom In this respect the people cat and s0ciffil tOPim which &rQ Of great feet wide and run the iull len--th acroos Parlia - n bes, Resolutions, werP. cheerful om sitions, written in - a-eleicant ................ 0:23 s(4 h; -ce p eddenouncing the Derby Government, allihough 1 ,hi zise of7the Barley * ........ : ...... 0:40 0:45 A few senten a placed the gwA rector I - almlow eou &f. of the neighboring republic trave been interest tQ all intelligent America, gwi ht a o wifi- is. F-vwm%ion of the u4q of It also Broadway, ititersectin t hl� PI zf rms �e. Wi h'itrid is djnivd�- -to -her.- Pests ................... 0-55 0:62 and ha fitwdil - ' aultoot- saffra, ice poems 1p; P 11deali of the 6 very bappy. Inswad of searehing throug crotsing' Altoti street. The h ht of And dev a theIloisw of, - the Oen is alil ....... :12J 0:13 ,h iTes every week one or more ebo� ei- fiaM and full atid free consent v= obtained On Mcinday atteftiocli COM tuken b &06 forefingeiz Butter ... ... RB following are the times for holdin 13 hey by Swinburne een Ingelow, or the bridge fro�i -the curb of the street iii -d the MtZ fin. r dud edge Pork ...... ........... 4:00' 4:75 Buchanan, J ar Lhe ;ex Tthe DivUioa Courts in ho -1 L from both. crowded to he peeted- an anJ firm y grasp Latin and Greek lexicons for a title, It Mona was -hrte months later, and the little illage of some other of the rising poetg of England : will be Etiteen kt, and will be capable %of the dovernment programme. o.' the Lund being parallel to the pa Potatoes ............... 0-50 :6 -per 0 2J seemed nearly ort ot her senses with joy w ud' 61`16da ton- historical essay oil These letters have I F OUR simply adopted in 'nearly'every em the firequently it is enriched by a translation igbt; a b 11, 1867. C 0 U N T Y, 0 'Or of containing one h udrad tons e )een famili4rly Signed u ay =mgea swet Indian rinme, e Reform and the English con He 11 anjd breathe no �bejpp -'nt at her Seaforth, Fe peafied werrily, and nothing 'more appro Aome specially instructive or interming the greatcstweight that would be on .11 stitution. in the wouth IdlMarch, 1867: remoly door, and won the Ion_- wish ut- showed ouly hes of," usual spiri� sufferi This461101 girl, -the Sigmat. I priate could be desired. Who could bridge, thould it be crowddd o� the a !qiv flas ngs. - - wever, has [Fteported exprealy f%r proeear-ozi filed. slowly throco-b the -mardea, sketch fromTrench and German perlodicals. hi1ji denountiom d by Atiture al e their, an ............. UARI, bhe h eeh Ic SO C-11 Spring -Wheat - - in Kentucky, In fack it contains weekly & Witable mis. most capacity, would 'not exceed ten turs. but was esperial.ty brilliAnt w not been deserte Fall Wbeat 1:50 1:60 yt or finer names than Alabam. 1:30 (i4,!L-36 lst andscross *God's Acre, to the sacred f 13old%vin Smith as a wild Luan, und iroisicali left to be pitie \D�)vislon Court Nondlfty I A will be com- e, which "-d been beea;atifull u Th V t as Tuesday M. :,�Vg =710. idag I %tudeWtand ;4" do ed -M _T d,,,,tO Tennewee�, Ohio, Missouri, Iowa, &c.?- cellany of what is best and -to Canadia defeading bart Russell. Towardsthe clos�-. up t4e deepest to s, I Pals ta Barley 0:40 Ig 0 a for tke 0cew__;duf. So -on the irrevocable vuw3 do- WZipway 20- At ad Why not then give the naming of ou; new readers -most attractive In Foreign current pkted in about four weeks. of his speech he said the geierument would be gitted wids clairvoyance t a. arkab.le outs ............ ....... V:25 0:27 Ith do Friday 22- were.exchang In the Signal of the 5th ifistant I tee intmduee resolutipits to test the sense of Par- decree. She crochet% n t too. in ....... 0:95 ,*4 ; the be113 pealed out more Peas ............... 7th do Monday 25-. joyoitely than ever, and amid a ahower of, Statesscr whatever they may be, to a Literature. It is publislied, by Ticknor it stated that 11 the-wortd has probably fiament before presenting a Reform bill, und co'lors. The materials ate I at the' Potatoes per bushel`-...-.' 0:45 0:55 6th glo er. hLessiags, and overs carlpet of swebt flowers! council of inteW.-ent Indisius. I We feel Fields, Boston' ,be day- for o&rin, back oT her head, -w bell she U. Thursday 141 heard the last of that hydra-headed mon- fixed the, 26LA ipsL as I 'I u-11 Flour per bbil ...... 7:60 -1 q-00 6&h -do -hands, 211aa led his I them. The r of her right"ba herleft Oatmeal- .... 5:00 Q:00 st-ewn by lovirig _resolutions stre vague and unsat- and forefingai I satisfied their choice would be more up. ste Feniani6m." Well, we probably m4 results.- Fresh Butter per lb 0-13 0,16 infe back to t4e hoase. isfactory. They merely stave general Pri*t!i- hand in priaticing vry handapti atneWarzWe day in the arimuals of propriate than, any -name3 we have yet the lkst of hostile armies toue in a few com%in-plave re She !Daa crochet tbus�a% the iiaek!qf bet Eggs per doz .............. 0:12; 000 J. 0. 01 It ww have heard Glads head Ind' pil lago the Plea 0:00 5th Februaq, 1067, �znin_ Vo one ww forgotten, no ono marks -4ccepted thei gover�t4i'OOt.'s- plA of witbott makin-cr any mistake in tbd eolora, Mutton'r-r lb ............ 0:08 ton. threatening to idlade Evrom our special Correspondeni.1 r wasunha-ppyi u3oneevea IoAL� sadsave peafeful but loyal and cWrAl'oug Prov- PrE but protested 'against delay. well as any young lady who has 1 ille 6t Beef - do ............. 0:08 .10f;00 ic, be a tno 00 that whea aussU werd goao, and I I th Feb. 1867. isim Dart F400430*P_ I trice of Canada, for some time at least,but %V ith the Zonclusion of his remarks the, de- vision and her two hands. She fan also cut Applesper bushel .......... 1:00 't-00 -anterstlin, the -Di , C B6 PREPALBEII., -00 1 puraudut to the Statute. -Tumor pre- beautirwil in paper, wid -00 witb the world has yet to 6. moon looed do" peacef0y on the forsaken After the very severe storm hear "the last 01' buteetid-1. Ditriumtheaeselola do eml;n10jdqTy.work, Rides per 100 lbs ......... 1 0 AL -00 home, the tath-r aad mother could itot quite Fen n in vailecl-Ahat-the Tonpiaii hiat take�u 'Ahedtv or,' and in this way she finds br� 00071PEnt Sheep 0:60 DAN. -LIZAM, As it is now unlikely that a reform -bill which we have been visitA we have bad Fouianim_" It is 6ruc that ia retaia teir tears ; but they strove to acorsole 'wilict caused. great exeitesufffffit. The and gakusem nt., Another facts that she ..... 4:00 91 4.50 has alwost died out, or been stam ed �C4efltqr, Pork. -0 Ih3 PA& -as -App" per 10 their will be brought in to endanger the exist- *no week of good w�ather, enablirg the e possessen is that of read b t I�;00 Office of the Clerk Df h each other by the remembrance'ef Ouke of Cambridge hastily left the the Hous ing any b r -without Wood, per c�&d.. 1:50 dauz-br4er-a nzppiness� =d in rv--oarstirs- the oti%' a& the Thundet�r'�*"*_duld_:g it "It. Itseems, how 8:00 8:00 enteof thepre3entEuglish- Government farmers to get out once more, which, in during the ression for the %Var Office, even opening I 5th Say, per tort .......... Rmy xoad &Ed 0 bt ualittes Of ipm to bat the Venita 11 accounts" in this un- Di;atchesfr�m Chesterstate that 1,400 must he near her, I or that he in 'touch it. foe some time, it is almost, certain that the some plam, was; no eisy task ; aidelines whoin they W try, or city, have not been uite settled strangers arrived on 14onday,frova Liverpool A published report tays-that she d a not see Mr: Dentoa and his wife were delighted Confederation Bill Will be PuAed th--ough being drifted so deep as to require -'Ge up yet. The world h"Ot to boar I of and'M.,icbetter in s1fe style otCanad-t raid. in this way everitbing in the routO. This is wkb Allan*s clIvice, and the latter w" well 'Without delay, and ere we are.aware of it teams cc Id get the w n ling up of' this I -i-antic swinatc. er�.' Their appearance cauW ereat alarm. possible, and even. probable; b i it seems tittt, Allaii had been so long in mak- Casten The Fenian war -has commenced at last There are some troops in the castle, which it that she can see % itbout the P60 her eyes, almost, we sh2h be c3l1ed upon tai, select IS -un, trijslb�xlto =wry, as he 1%4d cerwrily Shanties, were nearly covered and 'ana-da is supposed will be the point of attack. The auything that ie 'Near Irei. Obi�, informent, use of the spade before U go A through. in ( E A _not in Irel nor yet -tiaed a prize wirimb waiting for. men to represent as in the local and gen. over having the appearance of the snow osed Fersians left hwe-ver without any wtfa, is3all';knon in twa qorfi�k -Roberts pp Tho tw., -Y re fisat friends, and however, but in this city an the hu� of the Esquimaux. During the Stephenlr�ir ek disturbance. thit -*To is no ou6t 4, 6r e eral legislatures. It is important that A the Pat A than ever iii civil courts! thodiiigilhi he is a &2santer p'- - oti -14entosli eyes. PCple of Huron and Bruce should at nce stormy days business in, this place Of 01 Rowl;%. r , r TuF Township of Bertie, if the Welland tofore been satisfied tbaratiry cast Im been me- Jy.. tr"surer o Oxe &av, "rme time after their marriage, look about them for available men, to eAd-centre Tribune may -be bpliqvq4, is blme4. -with It c course was dull, but with good weather well authenticated, und he 6 6 A ibe.st- �Wniaus, is the 11 h tentiQ6 6f thes .1 %An Agla?i tolif hLs wife the. tory of the Wager, nkni 08cer. *b� Spoaki A16 the whom they eoitld commit the task of re s, causing quite, a but, this time, and not Stephens or Roberts. a �U Lhat­40me stiontifit: end be had dmployed o gain admit, came loaded team the split i ti, in tha vulvar tongue." In is and the ru3�, language hope I t at tile time. of It ii It appea�3 thd them in Toronto or Ottawa.- age. 1 1, presenting vill cer' inly not tan" to the Hail. concludiag by Saying is very busy little r.1 R; offiial documents h %be qutowd of Asia$ tle in th thel,�FenjtirC_ ]Rrcthertiood, ,whdn l AftTr all, diar Violet, I am iriclined to The pcople of Bru Th6 fult&*i is& c ce are already 11 the really a stirring place; so great is the tan 11111ce matters. of a the laeW r_ Tenian-s dard of' varies &-d win the heiress, for although my flotice which has been poste by, this,, Put- TheJisiestcaujltion of' orth qtd vice, and already some tozen Qr more est- te does uot possess the mate: ial richeb traffic that from.Egmondvillro to Setif Sit iu_,the� Tow -r �6f 9 e: somewhai from ilJlia�t in which. 6 bM been little vis revolt and proclaimed. - himself 11 Pr ipokenrifidiAd of -o!Fd and &L'ver, she is rich in truth and t CC W,,R6ur1-a_.acted as treasu- that if any,- person or - members of Parliament are cut t in there are tvto fileigh tracks, one to 90 de t Pa ri "I do hereby say, for many months. About Ch parity, and vro=uly viriaes and I would, the rourr Of -the 'Fe6j'an circles ii per had vote$ lastall -iwe day _;opB gap t4ft the polle4,, ini" trance-tbat like a double 'rail- rer to the whole h reaJy (and no doubt willin and another to come a%. part with hur for tbe wealth of the ral. tf�i 'lea#10i &Xhony, how- U& gqVObth qay ii -W aid ain-de-Ahat-t66 bop4iUie--b�en; fifEr to be po51ished up and sent. forth at a way track. Going tbrough the villaZe gen ORBIT wit 0 township of Bertie, I say he is thatllomenouri3linient is givem u i eri bdk Wk '�rtua f - ever, he unitbd hii t the re moment'oWarning. Theseltlesof Harou you find ev�r dy busy Xnechaglics awith- s liar. eudatice ibs 1b left olMhuy bellious Roberts, ana &FREMEHICK SA.GF,% rlls wrrtmpondent gumntees Me ters, rad- I are not quite so excitable i&thm mat ti�.'srediury. working. merchants selling, farmers t ap ort either treasurer _ 4�� -'take C4 ' ' � !� v be4v Rip ng A Fren rmner in Edin eral 0 cles Ahro,ughoa;, the -countr if but we bave beard the names of sev burgh. havig.- marialed to awpe� taA ui ftom�such_faz ke, Th ifig, tavern. atables full, and at th cir lefietf crtiou relh,,e in the- powder magazine. lvhen th-) good men on the liberal side all becomV,emaciated _t 'k# to th. in he mentioned as -buy- statim quite a little army Qf wheat Ok&0�4ys ereue auttrurititis 4whed to seize him, they found sible candidatc& Let us when the Fo�ld be the usual inf 6w jJ;, - AOL -90A., I �r 1he n%who_allwemtobe.busy. TiIrmpp. ed for somd time, to torwaid" feseats -a picture, etbl s- -ted tine fe by marrying case 1111110 L oq a barrel with a ligh t, a itch upon, tu h414 gel a. The CQM M01I Ini, WARP 44 who h4ve our duee of all sorts eommaudt a hirh price revers b gi;A tbreatellia; to Wow up tha tow 4rd�r -of* O'Rourke. ��he ltbbert!� 4 vrext*rn editor rbpliei�, ef fgro%vn Im ati&onie I to thi; to wivepil autheriziais r4ected pmdently, bnd the malt entire t be# cdafiaence 'and p them i W has beem dull a sectiour bf the: P Pinnegin! 0440�afiXiqtks- me. in that section had done the same b; 414,1, �Ape HE IBA ark &r oftheirdshberaitiond was that it wculd b igewe. except pork, which "ter right rat The wilection under ordinary circam. winter. t6jIfilit1hoir oty marry inojt�� futelliVat and ahl. uji;!it -be 4 vpi*4 ee n6a r V AA RVI pheas ugh by barely piksmising to boter to starve Freuebina out. But miled out thai he would Wow the town to desirab) Ite and 0'jM4t1bby_ party now de- -6400ptioll, - no *e 0 The 9inking IFUU4, f d past 4 W! 11 W qua belie'ving Itlivii,the W641ftum fir ot it a' 04 c rs reckon*4 well I Use nee, he stances is an important one, bat it will be I trouble Ono t n havt com e tbtt. -thd *M-3 if he did not aettbree me,&[& a dy- ; he rWaorabl: tp--iteat - I une a of tsli vottib 6re for lit -a tter-d enouggli ��ommjn f6gal &4g ifiA019ap L W the wau!dwritorout she bill of fare, Sawuey missioned 0" Godericb, Feb. ItthIL 1807.1 ner the firv4 time the practical working of con, of he 41rl C k.. qieil ton of, her lacciiamd, and the demands of the priw b wen To the FAitur of the Huron tgn idings L A rp procce re WEEPS I L A& Wder 46 wiadow i then a eemed to ob-tain tow very sliff I -Your CLOTHS DrAn gin review of few t OR inCreac-09. Sometimes he W 11 fedenitim 11W lioadquarters ein ;feir� 'yoit A private let1ter*_-fruwz�Ganitdlah in New. dorishment latelT gi vas a litil hope. She eysilp, at tork says 44 act W)s *Ch tho troopis rep tating the FTeuch Ferib 06 ­ the zarejori i afterwarft a shasp fi,,bt. in GOO7NiW;. 10 your 1"ue of the' sth, t�emt rent- rb, qd at city. rat is-' attended on a gubject ho evidently knOWS LO;lflifg: qobered telitf e ave &my beat the Uighlanders. At last he ex- 0 wiq, �k , L �hys*xiaus 'of Brooklyn, who Jfitates tt at By, a cable telegram via learn that zho r 9. c othlb -,are blipt.- rep jys-�4 adinmonses 4nmunitiou and 1 1 acted tbt every f6bbsth mortsing, W am led atKi 1�raoy of, says, ho cars fiad *611e4h ore- FeDians in Ireland mb no Authority *R," li" AnT, ti4id Wbpndi or cowels the payment of the- bave already bbew'w'' AU fill breakfitst. th.e' Lord P vast. in full uniform, authorizes a' General -16or dal Sri yeaterc 14th) md marched on Ken should mAke his appautzecaud read 1: UY tlacsouf, 0olonel'K611j.-, XIN-Zliauo X. rward mov0;r3en%4rJ'1,4k* L MCA k e wo bp To "OoodahthOtliky. statii systed,41mut the- uprioing, for b Fttud indebtedum.' "ha"iti"QU "I -ri 0 eA It, is Strange that vot oa of tweatyyeam rf�fbymext, and Tar hATin.- strayed into a we kwiz thaetwo Tend loa Thre bats bdet fo the 9, K ad&ezi. Tbii luted until the allin ertered mar. Some Sinki-tig Fund of 'our , Nit TbIS Jo whotu 06 WhO16 itil answer to the charge$ A jolly Ack the 15th'br tip Wdt 804ro wMi6d in th ''fol- muz-trie tb bave a took at the wild bboa* of Feidans had Ltu&4 at Uen course is: A Paso a )!on &I Olay giev lowing duly certifie yf�.-_&sU onderla sth n V1119- ==h StrillieCwith the'sight of call good news, bee C aute it will bring PlaiP 94 P00 or $hougio-of 190k Plapgrp be wderiatboiisazaa den. cWhy 1�6 h&"6f- lif" uJI b4r e 1W ir tim =Wr to a head mw6 more nobly iog at, aiiielpid Loan k&4a a mest*atepwho'was chivying a quid O'Jtburke, of said city-beiag duly aworn�sq�Lj Pr *�a ter$- or a I I I f, _"th ke 0 Ole U" *03n. be Inn, P eniblitqh 'bor' Arry about iL iWifor have y iwr# in r A �Ji desks in tb in ia sile-ut anwomont. 11 should not wonder tIAn b e0if. If, the rello eat Com. stat., made ,_PqbjiC,4ktke'. "L, Kf;4NO y"r cliq were to r *&yAsy willieocive, bave Wh a-, COU161-Arelf3k 1119L oil 74bly be divided equally."Alittica up r and tt p - ifs"Itis amialadeow.risuion,-or af��mza aid their c I I- � 1 0 n0i alaj�160a, tut ii1i _'coptuepco'd � I � ',V,61�et Loeer-C-&,Qadtt,�There�witt�lho It 48r qg" a" a WATUA tilling peaces,1111 togow y, fi JU Ire ''"Ut miuoh wrimon, oiiii jiM. Thb m6dicaltIt'll OUH kI b 'd a a&. out the 0abli -'r-Sketat A A0011 Jr op A New- Ybfl Weals tre still our zoawo 'fit o Leld, Is BuSlo, M Bnm --ever Ta'd 4 15 00 a h' few days siam Ez-F'redde4it Fillmote is, r. =.T qzpfot tba, latest Zen 440OW110119t3lift 400uriti0b e defendentE beWui ad' !be istA"Went, mada� bU&4Wy r *i 4 Wiiiii d WhAvne *Itk 4 bit Mi. a-orriblo c v 40 opin, 4 61�A iV4 1116� dar 6 vo idliM, M at.Gohii 6 1 , , OronflifW10 0 - r, 1*d,� e then Aar. Pa rooke 1w, hoittillit 6f. moull *1611V4 a wat; otbug amili PIP It 1W 4 1, 'sa;reaz d It � lhoug4 0 ct 1, 044 14 tWLVb#-wou1d-40natbfnX 'd -di h4w, tiff ifientittedi�*44 4, is aerain aid $11pply, f �ghtfll mom! .0 woUb, f "Ct f2i 'AM 1,04 or re� R r UN d adff" d.,d Vr brt ordiur, 040alk outici- full V hl,4 bj i Of Tb_* 1p offbis pew, *4 o M mu"d the Ital 4111116, all *&a- IW W r )a" for'. 41� " lot t "=GPM Wbeat—Canada. ()&W—Per 32 Itl B riev—tler 48 It �1114 I Asbes—pots. - - do Pearl& first To t;ON The a4vernxm. tavi e w weriu by a very, tered for severa: yew - that drad dzxea� Cc knowlt to hLA Iro all VFLL. & �Inr It eriptim used (free of 0 parilig " usmg the -3 cuar, for Co�vsvxrTlo� CaLm &W aL Thn=1 vb)ert ofthe adveruser benefit the affiicted. w eowcires to be 01­11�1 wilitri, kisremedy. &� rn3 wes"g Y= i L7a= ' tbe P will plase addre- Gel WWES; I Dr. L. 0. MONTAF1 Ifilst,or in ttie wred. tat -hes to grow on I never known to fall to any our demrou4 i Rtrvzs & Co.. -1b 2 (,NO Letters taken, STRANG] Vvery young lady al can hew GouneLhing c MUM [3311LB f&ee CT? Cb Th�* tm�aaf?, uoueaqg I addrew4heir abechecl ­&-ty-V 190the" &V way4s Worms L.Ozenr ter Worms w CUdrcc known and melanck-!; dezib amorig children I be too deeply unFrclis­ j,ccenguy of closey -, doing, aM anderlizar-do of thedwezze.tbo,%Wi�d QUIT - STAU�Xu nf the Very R Wea rw %whiell are cmsed by abitedextremaies. Gffe the nolpe- grinanig of Lt the beUy, " frequem vuldve fits; Pain M I falnurigs, ur-MIL hnhdW dreaml J%ay are pslauWle a --drive our t1m warrn eongltewly Clean" We Web the ficcemity of* auspleaunt Caummica- Medicine. "- Each box conu lqozTzzw A; LYMAN_, sole N. U&S"000ler.-a ,�k Cz aw =10dicizLe4lowc ElIA02.1.1 IL Griotersian vrho I D*UTKy, Prernamre M ul indiscreunn. will Co sendfree to ail who uet iriLkinglim sic4lic remi crers iwisiblazZ to pro5l can A* so by iAddmsld_-, IV*. We own It is a well attvs experience of th, Arabian Heave tk cim 11 for horses. the kind now or e 41iat it has Deen c2 the home has been laas. with the mc Ume baving been zmm, or so much plaint could scara such borsess have from 050 to $11 have Oreviously, I wnrth the differens: sider this; Heniember the skFature of A Nak Ly Troprietors for the edicise dealem SIR JAI C A to A "Thisinvalbable v ewre tot AU *kose pai to which Ike ferstaU =01IW4946*==N� anot-aspeedy cure ou 7TO *A ft1VV;X*nady Coe Stan? of G. I 4CA _64r 'Aw id Sky i is If, &�nes -of N4 Pam in tu Zk6k I emu -Lions palpstatw Whites, thaw FKis vow-sne4us-karefi imfe-bledy, a* not: spoity. orznvilting-13 4 01 direc�imv it e,-witiclit -ak< JQ B I tounyantilorized Q. 0 0-106"i0i; t — �aL_,7 _A1