Semi Weekly Signal, 1867-01-22, Page 1Ir, It .0111y a Baby SWU.� ERIC, onlv a baby small, II it op firum the skies; L A asm pop. CONSUL Or UA. 99 AX IR laughin-a to it tiftlack".111 M 9TeTV da T% o su"lly eyes W any tLour afterwards,nigK virlit VZ114 "tielits Itu (Jnlv two (herab lips, or day. (Imbby nose; - . --- -0 TOr'fl� tll� tops Only it golden head. S R C�Urly 6%d sofi DR. n1C1-6A1X2 AND HTTR,ON� NND U- CE A, D V E R1. - -------- --- - BR 0n1v a tonLru that wagr:S; KUM - SUP.GF-0-1. CORG'.iEn 7 P a iittle bi-tein, =.= oniv r -r3:1tbst?osible Numbor." FnF,ty of iboughif ------- "The G eatest PoSelible!G00d to th3 C IV. T. COX, r-ditO-r and Pro Or.1y a lill'e heal .prietor. VEY kT Tr(ul,led with ntiagl h,,it0g_m_C1laneeryt -77 a, B Law, Amd ItadaWest. t itfice --- I I VOL. 0--.L 0- 41-20 Only tetider fl,�wer, * JAN, 1867. ;r.i9t uF to ifar Crow v14a4O GODERICH, C -Wit TUESD.,k1 a Court H$2.50 PER ANN. IN AD t 011!Y 1ye To love, tere. &T t.Godench,C.W itrac Story# IAR IVE TOP.19Y, CON�"'y L I ANG BrAxam .1 RISM"THISWEEK, C r Brcwlk's ,Z�d &jf4* iiiiiiitow, 6119illess AT THE kiver the 'Store of 11 -n (Concludd fioni &C� Geidencbw 1 'm sure wl-en I told Litedor % Sonti, tinEAr my -dekt, inother IS591 T-TEN11 Aintoul Brotherst ai4 obe BOXE-3 NEW she Says, He its a RM. I I 1 181;70 Now Is the time 180. A&TSTg1j, oue luity B 941AGITORS, CO' I Y OMIST, 118" The Livkpaol wid Lmidon C1 about it been foraf-r . yj E R C H AN T 8 E D. dead man, my dear' ; lor well she rememWr- J04a 0%VTAd0nL *Departmental, parliametitary,' C 0 M M ISSI 0 N' I S r M I 11"t 11-6'ry."ROLIMOR *F1tAVVoISXAVI&RST' 'T INSURANCE COMPAN LAUR RAI 11 LCS, I or 'A R R E S' ed Dr.Dodd,as nubody wuld ii't-save, 87 & 89 ST. to subscribe f Stiff ka, GrhA3,_-e7y% 9 2 AMID PATF-14T ACIET41TV -0 QNT1tP_1%L. rtoxEs EW I inees to' thcugh they weitt djwa on their -L -Werich - 131000,000 Invested "Fands OTTAW A.- a orl ootiai Zliments of Pro- Investedin. Canada, L250,000 Kin George uprin the throne, and him Advances mA .10hii Y1. Ca-4�10]n usine-s iviih vic Crown LautTlnd r -LAW, SOLF01TOR I- Trunsaets b owed bet- ,rakes out duce to Ltivern,)ril, Olas,o%v and other ports :Itt to have 1,Llw wig T -T o T V R Y - ' other 00vernatlent mpartments; BOXES NEW ey are s e'nt to. C an ad a cl,,-, ytz,.,, as d,d on conveyancer, - - in Great Britain. '--'Tn_r_TE SIGN Nij The e last., no doubit, tlry Publiv, Patents for linventions, 6bIRIA's IncorPo F110E DEPAivritwilvr ter, I)ut was ts.)iry for it at tL t. utfioe—n omponies by Letters Pat- ConiZnmonts of.kshes,- Butter, &c., re- S OF ration for d wrote a loveiy book in prison, AW fv'nv 50a.litsde of West street, thirtildoiar (90011the eat; 10invus and tnize- chame of sp INS L; RANCES FFl?9CTrLDr O l,t. MASSE C ROBLE �ACTION OF PRES. JOVINSON. ectfully sol&ited. CrRRKNT RAT, S. 1711 private ilitt duri ug the Sea- Sept. 3.1866. sw2 PROPERTY AT repetiviuce nev &c , for parlies M- BOXFS NE%Y which is ad-mitted to be one of the er come tab late 'is %yhat FARM RISKS AT Spk:Cl.%I.LY REDC11t11,11, RATES Hddest;rve, Caflada's fl -auk -s for Arresting BUM sidin.- elsewhere. lhC8e cou',d not rest.thome T says. rTop.N-Ey-, SOLICTT W -0 REF ERE NCES: VALENCIA RAISINEBy Street and oak 4G. Up * LIF1C PERS 'In the cOurl'rY. I A N cmizr, er, let me go up to Bw 0g, Uo-,i.AXAMPUr.LL.001n- W- N.J. WiLs6N, Esq., QU,&RTER 13OXES Best Local PA 'S inisstonerof'Cro-11 Simeoe. WITH ALL alicut him, frl!w1sure as be's tavght f-4 \Vj"Olk Hos. J. CARLING, Lon- INO EXTRA Charg j XjH LAYERRAISIN81 of GlasZow House Lands. DRUGS, DRTJGS e fo %iy Serl cz-virm — & U� a� G ; 6icaii-h by ibis time, for they could in't never *44cso Esq., Ualln't- don. vice in Defence' of the C (0 A �'l T1 CC) N, 9 b" iiiiiii,io, ddus� am. KEGS NEW m'ith no money and as t7fred at lrom;ta j, N100re. a R. But.L. Esq.. Inspee enefit o ife L,ndeka ow=9 to do kc Gode ' to - I or TT O& M' E211TOWS, It P, Lrwts&' Sox,lorof As enciesCo!onial Li e olicies for the enefit 0 W W -**at AAR" by Swordg, 8ayanets, Rifles da"s I tmw jLife Awaranceco. ecure frora se ure RALM3 Toronto. SEEDLIM BAISINS) IG chfldren are s ver thei e was a Lind hearted woman, Creditors. And all the m,,!Iv kint's (if -arms aud war e hV tile Guaranteed other, for she r4ya 11111101111111M &*` 11111111111111W li�*93. A Pot t"y for $10(ioi, mat-,riils coffected in it was uly dear m 64. swioli3w3l Jtwru$t 7,71ill. ri Bonus Sysit in co.,ts at age 3(j $21.70a "�Y I -TALL tlia, you 'ad n't best o a mixin' yoursell up� li'li, 'MY ailsopkiiiii4iow vear. hoold it beL-ome payable alit r 5 yea rm I A'� one-itsurih of the Pretriminq art: retu rned'. lepith, BIRPLELS �NEW CURROTS. Be.,tiles a full epitome of all intaceting with no for, -cries, but I 'm proud on JEM. aT 4C> Z=L 3Z) A, 1V' A IN 1) -you ull the Suui assured -, if alter 20 �-eurs. oi ie-lia!f ary vearight feelin' for thid 9. Svmmm �,OLICITOR IN THE ABOVE, AT local news, we havespccil correspondents MOFFAT '_\1A',\-SI0N ! I(SuccessortuR.11,1teynolls) returned; ittler 30 veam. thr e-fouttils; lt.-T wy child fur to ha pail,ric Cori veyaneer,Sre - _tj wa,, c8 you have not seent' 17ha 5i. the 6um A&sured is doubled, an4 the heirsi k) loor la:y Lhju, (*,derwh, C - over &rrt"bafd1s1 I PRICES ITARD TO BEAT. in New Yor' Texas, Ifv-lnud, wil in Fol- the I"t fluee ye:�rs,'-toaether with a p . i menjS jea'lar as ally 10j10 IDLY $10001 ! I lirge variety of* nor yet your Store, crabws S, Proprietor. Tlids is th Vp-eiuims payable one month 1"`lter Proof ACHESOM & SMrTH. various parts of Ounada,,,who carefully to - bill -she says, &d I'll 10 UP to Buw a ou Real Pmerty TOHNT '11CF, okx3ney to L= otel In Wester c f dvath 1 j,t",estantl bes'Coun"Y k1tteas any H2us F.C. Resident �rvretarV, Goderichjt Oct- 23. 1866. W19 observe and record faiiUally many of the Yankee, Germqn, French & Strect %%itb yull mysvir,"t's is at very fjr C1111knisda.and hargs as ttloders liviu, near ujod witabling Co �10XTRSAL. jutcrestiug doings of tile uuL-ide wor' d. English Notio--s and INix-Niax, Stage er nettor. L L� 1= &c., GoDealcu, C. D-Ilitlitch,cit. I .0s Hue. on DISPENSIN*HfMIST & DRUGGGIST A. M. ROSS, Ag-nt for.Codeif�ivh; B. V. All of h�ch li,ive been ser t Po i,.) thr,,u,;b beiu' a clear *Wch& f0T CA RUST E 14,' 00 Horses. Horst" 14-7 Elliott, for Eireter j W. N Watson, fbirSeatorth. he ShorteAtN 6t kee ocaleno,andtintiorlerof w4l never bball forpt the all-ovetish trealtl C,,t to Bow btree mpied by the main J.:J.Lu G E N U I N E 11 -P- U GS Joff N, HARRIS'S No effort, will be Ppnred during 'I 867 as I felt when we t, stud my ige of Mzi%�_, AT LAW, 0 ,cm tba, &it W41L Bioclks to keep the Signal up to the standard it BY A. JOHNSTON, mityther abk-ed the uffiLer fit the door about Bcon %rCy4UC%:r,&,*,; _af kad ton am 6" p._dC 4C3VC)03D3E33E:t_XCU3: lfred ea-ts, GoLk-ch sw37 Ellair rai'tit. ­%t1A -'%I lill3em-4he" WTI has attained. where they are open for CUT-2flians to feast January 3. ISS6. W ITOTOGRAP LERY -is nabbed fast elfou'-'ll'" ga3if 111:111 thtir eveg upon, buy cheap, aud 0, he w. !�;Ad PAINTA.11ILS, CoLons, DYE STICIFS, OVER CHEAP CASH STORE keep as re:iLs of the 1, a waudetiti'alon0' the Old Keut 71ime am tvo *oak A JL a the matt, J. 1prisne F e n i a n C o I I a p s e. R,.,d.,, se;ect;ea " 46sice R HORSE& CITTLE MEDICI-NES A TT0Ev4EY-xT-L_kW, SJLICITO ch-%acery,,Con7eY­er-1V-c-'&c 'Goder- At John Fair and Companys' old sAnd, - Wherever is the ladj CARDENSEEDS, &C., &C- correrCourl 0 1 - - I ' sa vB the fellow, 'her& -*us 'i Where Jans HAuRis is now the man. Lady,' &*& Ive.st Z�Irc,et- S,�! w3 Of ull kitids from a Salt Bl,)ck to a machule dratraled-tail cretur, without a Vit of ah -0 to' 6 Isaac Dobson & sons. Qrderstrorn "dedica! men ponctuany attendeAt o 1.4 t* Additional st o hand, V. ock has come I t Cho sizzal 06016 Cad on real propet at 7 rude t ices. fur Tb rvadin g. Needles. as shrieks -d to her foot, S!uu, with' him, tP Ell. -la-ls P-scrt tjors eart-dull Jis. That will suit exactly the folk -of LLelaud The Weekly .1 vdry hii-re stock of Beautiful r)v Bo(,ks, mR. Bain, B. A. -esems frightrUINNheutbey took him awALY- IG ESTXBLISHFD A FACTORY ji-ensed. dcsc�laneous Books fbr Pi royms in God- GoderichiJan-10-IS38. J. Campbell, n is published at $1.50 a year , Vs. W here is a1w as for i mann tmecture of� 1? ElIaLE&-S, ALBUMSi C he 4 erieh the suhsr-ribers are prepared to attend LITT advance, and as the times are now crood How do I know 2" Says he. Real Good Winovy M I Cheap at �iness from hey let her be ii!onx with 161111 ?; to ali'orde, in their line of bu,. 1-3 we are most desirous of carryiDg out the OFFIC 1E 9 any part of Canada -ith promptrim .14 0 U T L E R,13�4111 CILNTS PER YARD. -pri LAW 122 cash riciple in all cases. ft " W She -11 be F'uw­_2'r03 ST"ET A ROLESALE ONLY. ;A Goderich, bee. 21, 1866. w48 Bless you, no." SUY& Ve- " afore h6 GOI)B ILI Cff- allowed to see 4�ai now AMCL, heli, ily Jef'rtiffities for _,%,jutacture -i t h"" y LIGHT! LIGHT IGHT amble them to compete' w1th GOD ELY. ICH f't and off healks. Ieel con dent. e TV f512011111L if h in 1he coun- SUPERV10% LtQttT AUDTAO FU yff,fteinm. Money lent on f f was -e,.titi' quite Sick 111114 giddl,'*O n1l' IN. &-Cainv lishment of the kind Dspated and defective any e Pj6trngs taken in every Style! and, in 411 REAL GOOD MUM shed on Tuesdai and reasi-nable tern I ROCK & COAL OILS, Editio., is pubii, 0 T I C E lea to reaj estate Quie try. vL xne 0 90A."71t, Win- itinsot weather. Porcelain ot Opalotype F riday afternoons, at $2.50 per year.— dear motiter to I - -wdd not 24, 1866. *W,3 aetojy in Cameron"s Block Pictures, find IcaEs JQ reet, next door to Huron Hot ?Bwmiug Fluid,Lamip 01 cruld u't 40 110, 9f Goderieb, De el, 40 I. wl like Lz 49rain'- ston ? I-STO�YPIA, - %Ve are happy to say that its airculti ELTOAR C!i0­ bear to go homei It see"Ded THE If tbo asalt eftesome For Sale by _T'ZtXC�L- has steadily increased since its commence- I 'LLL be received by ihe undersigned until again hat poor soul iii in Ctlan- ISAAC DOBSQN- & SON -8, F. JORDAN. Olt st;BEST SUN P10TUkE,P* ZO c:it;6- IPC�03L* TT-()j.Ni9Y T-LILW, !oaveyacer, zo., Goderith, C. W. 60 I \N pawic. C Godench-Jan-17,1b" Taken i' from 6j 50- -to 20 ent in 1862. was late in the day, and my mother sla�. azw, &*iwng X w3t w46tf n various Styles m WED'.\'ESDAY, the 23rd Janua*� next, December 11, 1856. edr to gret back tura,beite bilo, bu" L cual-'a, a. (coloTed in water colours or -oil- ?�atc,._�&phs taken oil reasonable IF 'D ... FDR THE as I should like at -d AAL to go -to ColdbathiFjo* ife-Size I IaOOD4 CANADI TWEL vwon; ,sud thro"tirtdiAf ibb id til. us 13 ftm is terms-reither Plain or colored as' k at the "i -PRICES LOWER th n ing 0 tanks.M.91 . * all wool, 7bets per ywd- C o u i�ty P rint w;4 alt-walu off there. B cauads. C_ Mr. I -I- - -0 L 2 N' D D. CA HI LL. *g.Sajjld n*t bow n6tUng Z&irt Me PD*t EY L I BE New Marb1h) Worlm ison, tllrl�! the Vur sevenk &L"M ab"t, VIMS Goderieb.Jane 1. 1366. y quires of Assessment Rolls, l,dj at the. pf ikvaumm vra-4er, Imported -ilesidenL as bhe had beca there imo-ar,�&ZOAjiskill fraw jeuw, 10 ar- i0LICITOR PolloCk's Blockii- About 10Q pieces Canadian and TO 10VERTISERS: tbr�e quires of them to be Non For fifty quires of Collector"s R01's- er -b3e,t1=e uniuvit, faug and plain when the could-see�the prilan c4lenin- or zd�pz sod 1k gffo O!DT 2.4iMmo THE SIGNAL presents ficilittes of a Three 6tidred copies of the Minutes a d . We turutd, away with & rAll" f8% C.). A.3race ouncil, to be cu. stitched, and fiolde t ankles, =a s gettit? dd*; VA dwre ja a, meau XFja]j1jejS high order. Our circulation is much' heill mod -up to you 110.11111ch fieTtight pages. .-reqifired Ju� az ivq was Aturbirk, aper published ato HAOM 11 "55, C " is Ae Toviti. greater than that of any p Alldv,,Atsemeuts that may be 'd sure enoRgh-, 41W wAsit 'CIAL 1,25 pqr cc bj�.the Council - &ND p ao Vl'.\ at so much jiler4iue� IQ Sam of ex. Vitl ut lower than usual. in tile Counties, and we are at'all times TUrehe is" -dw--e 'it so 'ex- Sellool Examination Papem, at so much r boatiful ready to show advertisers ihat* it extends - rith her cl 3ak soaked thr,04611d he �ck Hmm. FrM* earn per fifty. 1,airs iiangim' down under -her bdnae� Md all to till parts U 11uron ana Bruce. atgo -unch per hundred for octave, beiiiI bedgub,idwiihattid. lrushesat�1!4 yin' 10-2 A' LARGE, LOT OF qu!afto and -half sheet. .9 to . 1� 'Certificates or taes,, at -so 0, my acar misus, wbePeror AM Pit a cou . _Rf land sold f --!Eft 1:=!bas for a _-IND-SURVEYOR wi� XUBIAS I. -P t�,Wm_ Agentailtd COnveyar-cery ELfacardmit. 'h per fto NICE NEW mueb-per hundred.' �4 Deetia ofland sold for taxes at 50 nine 'EST FAa Ml- I IT. ems. �'Iilr blouds,4r6in 374 cents. She five a tAurt, arcT -says, lot% cre frifiefiv", t t!:@ ott!�eron tLe 9080 OUR JORAY The AssesstneDt Rolis, Collectorls 9011sli ato-p MO.. 1, ti Coulleit willb r slw was W&4emelf Const"ale 01 tize United St ONUME-NTS, ffEAD91 8, Table E "O G� t, LteS Of tured And I se ler1je at �D - -_ . d the ARn )9, posts, &I ambs, of every deserip. 0 to tiu-aelivered at the Couq ry) y Clerl;;'s flite biteitaud then aly mulber cono up, �,Z,Lmd" o,­*re6jzj. or 0 I:>. tol on Which is entirely.seperate, is in -chsirgae as foll in . t is or. or k Aid.091 -0 1=ii :8 thin'. a "yw sasba 14 (3,rV - 10 a I Ro I r _e heiI d,,W.g - M. to 3 tion Slid style of workmat-ship, farbishe 01,11 O*S :-The A po very got) 0 lize h,3!2M froa, o'clock, a I lijills Woollen Mlls, Flout and short notice and at the lowest Drices. Libe. of experienced workmert, and our facill- Wfore the, 15,tb day, of - February -mrt ; the uu--ht to ure,4erse;i out- All orders -belore the 6rst-day -6f Wjjj w,sa f, _-dl[� -4a _1=613that o clock, P. M. Git Mill, rat reduction ualadp for eash: ties Stich t pl� paper Upis, Ma If$' 0 ena6le us to �qxecu6 aU C for _Roft'ou*r -3 so ORCHARD punctually attended to. Designs of Moon r4 -C Sil or lain or Fancy. Prifitin.,- at J91 llext!,' � the -minallos of Council �Milb'n 4euldij paell as made we chinee, Foundries and M=biue Shops, ments, &c., villy'be seen at the shetp. ' orders X four we.ej safter each:seseiou of theLCP;Iucilj dsin, lucky za ly g4K4 IL 1, r_".9 &c., ke" e wh u a G odenth. Dec. 19. 1865. jr I- F1 0 .-rilititredwed I)iPiCis.- aPdallthQot4eXPriu1J1nZ _e for I never.could have huld W _jjjj"e4 BUFFALO ROBFS at',ackueT C-Oacli, 101 Oil -V SURETIES u9ir yetcabs ic , ilftin & gtk_T T_ nfif ARGHTT Lubric were. -office; -Bto* Mafk-pt,Squarle, _"TLTor?,-5 of Built, tho at ab6A tw+ thirds -1tJ10._P4ce whdt �_ey SOL EPT z wo, my Azml� to rA .4 meat -of the 6�ot up in a neat and correct style m1yeracTurED By VS; _01cr or - %tart, Mar- quired for theue fulfill t�,I VIKAP"Ur zWe a, the qdroo Auction j 11". wiII-be m oul� twj� rooms j us taw VII 047 1 rn CS .4 1 cl1rom. V ilie, ke�' ber Loulse. very nieej,� 1*64, eceive tfaaaf _b" .,� the est aad theapt r 'tr 117,11 -In OCE up lu:;w 4td fine- NOTICR. 0 0.w - Q: I I Ires(difig, the.Coutities. -A, Wx an a I rip it U doo 11131 slucelather, -NIL. FU - may not -0- ati:Opted Po't evol I ! LANDAcENT. I.Mbneatingr oil in the market- disposed of his Thd* lo*est tender wp pk pi: bit of lem ith nry t, Goderielb. h this than w undursigned having M. is. I,,, rp. I I . unlessatistac serv4ce thro' -4 pe VL jr9t S - Wles3 friction wit THE siness to the es's ekj' tqr.T -quare, Ther y Harness Ila ate feceiVed' every we N, r W, its eseellent bod ..2 RE TER ADARSO and owinc, bquld 4ave Won aria Trtatsmt 4, Ts%dsCF­1s-ro` eq wedaesdayXroln 81:10 any oii;r med. While oil &Wilisatn Martin of this TvwL,, ber, to be- gret, br fieverii. A- �Cotmty Clerk 0 11 D. a smaller quantitv is eOusu his friends and customers tLut poor speak from ',a C;Z $4 . t., OActi -_ - county Clork, i jihe wasawfulbA was On th,13 other hand ta w49 f ",Its ti fiance of that patronage he his so long 14 M W tD 4 4 W UIVIS i d further- request that 811 Gild ic said it W;4# mit,rder- r 10 en b, 28. IT HIEVER 0 d enjoyed, and woul :all u early as O. sWNo O)ie ju,gauada BOUSL'110APOt T 'borzoabout . . h � I -a-, -, rj&her narve A.GEN 9 but rans sweet, and keeps th" bear -'s thoe indebted to him wilt C -dk b Eff K iSold by most resl no 4) "IM AW, 'VW S 'S -ca- Coot. at his , R.- a, 'O 5. jVh4 _W � d# t �Gvjwr* svimth -and d pay their intlebteduesS not, 1191 con Broad vrorking parts 0 Oate riligts Gener- possible an pectable dru',_ office at the old Harness Depot &I Merebants and oil Dealers in the cOutstrY. f1OEtACE HORTON- Ask for the Goderieb 16th Oct. 1866. I ION Company's * 011. 94 and OU E& AN 0 CO`M91F%S d LILbriG OU I the ery ow ill ar S lid F1011IX" C. W Brantfor jOH- D, 9 undersigned having purchased Belies and 31:RATFOF TH r k of Saddle * and entire Husine" of any kind en At JIM."In weaso blacager . 0) "Aw45,. -nx we I -IT Jhi = _= - - and n Pop.-, U *N,F attiodto ftkit Wit jv promptatten W23 -m9 T -M , Milt 40 �&Tgf W MN= _VW w40-1VSo&1 3,1866. ro deva"s big cuestwe, siz Brantford, Jai T U 1, . GuAbriok Corner, of-Mar3h- oftow" VE V s#`� -1 A W1 nU A,Mq"W4 Una. aud Al friu, aud vA W. M. SAVACE9 sp -ewYorL- Drafu-Green­ OTICE uya d saug; t aa kel-state notes, CiAL N j rate ot we did[VtoutO W4 us=mus, mun0j, 11bli., 4t v:kiI fully sit-pated vpPat- tftkoec tsous Sri selling P the �7 -� _ Tp rCHAs cerwa lie r A�c I 'J .1 14 - site- it IM9 WSAX, AM eoif ituron and,Bru�'e ':, �- L- C -e I o I U a . bMi Id rbe pulilk �jTrth,Bijid furl was -a 404' AY - RuTon and WgO118,114 to I under the Wse Pretence that -they are 01) o hat-bftn 90 loll D nll� �Ijefftt tjft� Qf 51r. jaelfrace- Horton, wb :91, 9 44� y. b, '1111-1 Nprse SIR TANZ NQTWZ tained fromi the St- ld cheap foreasb�Qr,j roWs,& .,wbich'Wilible�80 and filivorably knOWn in thO emllitc, -B-titiRs 0 ,,--TbrW= OR wart aad y uxon; iot aMessrs. james, Ste the U'Very to-pur. ",7 e "W"* -br 'MTV at se"dii, is to certify th no iue e only persons now is.tatetb�atwe are prepared' w,contiu !�!hl dwn -to AGj s on the same rayorable- terms apprIqy -ble better" udisti"pali, "MCAL Itobert Gordan are tb par F notaboad:.libe [far my umeriez busiliell suthmized to sell treez.from . I I % � uhsaffbet-balt-Alid,; .-,with D-im Im, A&Spl- low W ch"efts as they have bitherto en, dee t Lkr Ated Th , W,Rnu ,conoxits priuN,4 Y_ or,. hikud. IsirpeaN I vi"I -ki � - , a-*- - it. n those Counties. f Tha, Subsentlierill have 0 L - , - - - 11, iif_ k D. W. ' 0 NVoi - bop, Market Sq a very larg Proptietr- S -Y 1644jiLy 40t,-41 is 6 wits 1-vir vient of P Tbe,Grcjkt,ds,,y.; in ve;y, good--ord TlAr r% Asma"s fAIR VI&MV to 25- May, 1866. A TR rin_U ls T M -P 'Ate, ;p - 71;111 - - � QtUrri* 0107 L94% �O -f ate threp,never. ttwo-w-'surpmei ir c8nap cte at1111 -alt order ill to fiH sulm IareretmVe XVICKY STYLE, W_ �w The pituaiiint f ST, undenigned, Agents for thii AMD .,4p"ZC;HANtQ" DENTI 10 * t Nurseries, Saddloss TrMl _Tft rted in either PIS in thdr ,nif, and as they m&ke their selee V, P1 _jax fad' If TENrH iftft - they fiv) Inepared -to offie 0 &c., which kjn,Ciff6Wb:i V�, - - �,itiu4 Gotd_sityer,or Vulean tions personally, their Ptr'ons nisy rely upon &e"" For terms up - N, ). MT- 6afoji.li& the.puj�j. -GZA4 J.te4 -fdr* 0,41prices, for cash. �AW Cr toHN, _­ Birrister,KerOut0i Sber on jeasotsabjq terms ittliall, no Pains wilL be 5PAyed to giv rb will do well t� coil and insp96 oace., West 541M ior Do _j M and ej� to Farwei t -�L 0 � �;-, bKk otier theroolt 0 r6ib -i4rebiiiiing else -W a. SjjWAWj_L GORDON. jVefli itook and ptices Iml 0 C-Ode=h Ajaw 1tv aildom oftered. t oBA is - _ , - 4 where, as such a ChoJUU& 1111. Z- IV& AV et 1, h op 71. to oil as 0, X, ke I (f LPO ­­ - - , -9, to ... EM. Appl ]told jordiiR �zl For, AACLR MONEY [at -14 it islaw ��'._ 'i #1 �� Odt. St reas allsitill _e cii 48 -T itui it rain W -a d MT lag tomban W-, ]jtr --- JI, - - ? - W j*�d Bent Ahait, N-001 posts" st, -bqr t di, In w, q d Godef b" eflooklog the " ei sucir. i ardianta a Alt-kihdll'10V-r� 04t"t - iniwlron;�Sjgeu bauniStOM j;6jj o_C owe -1c IgAt -00 I-�tritlrk you laN b 0-4 AlWa$111, DO li"� *611111 ojDFRr ISTARLIMMT -lag, f LnprT tfta� is �tlo row, M W--., 14"Ulg � 4- , eult , L I I � I -.7.1 � A - An -P vull, admion-A -.1ru - - - �% noW tur t 'Side* tw i V. - vitia, 0kim"Daur-611 I0 JL #�hqu T 4 Y jil& W -*i -Wju h Aw j4 rle,C ]so _Lwwwrl� ijt jorb,61 erieii ffiattlel]i Imow ;ips 0 r -Vj*l the aWK 4C WPERI0R4FkNNI4G "Uow t pa 10 01 be- iiiiiiiI Kim i"yer 4. �r 1b tX4ST D U Ii_8W islfio6al- " *104 IDE *hot f4W fkkT_E1L11cQ B TOR altsicoextel, chelits Uc PUMP* 1111111111416OF-v OUS War nbui b"r 4ia put -will, v,)�iborueueir bridge e 4id A'04106"t or' ama 0 MUT Ir C d=611--ai W-1. #0 Aget if Or 0 00110 01115111111 tb 04 ote i�. jjwo 2T, IDODDI ti *�� t:ibf)ential to the vit4otir* iiial. 9g&wj A7iPSild'J.91A 3 .bS 00 WZATVM