Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-04-10, Page 2J. t =rin kT LN A 1-i 'fie 7 9. to ard- of from the otheir side of the bard1r. than 'any !o q fbqnd elsewhere let - tisi� on' ribsenta-1104 ThImas notL 0 to W. aqjuit- of 1116 publiclati of the p6st., X Besi 11110thod 012PIomCghimg. I.&-cliria iiuy jifIfte plon 11 .9 -:custom-3 ae WWI 'try, - 11,13 e out FIXTRILORDISA �d C I ers.) So r colic ut4 hsqe * ar as we irre -prkred,:�. il due d Lea -prand -The fbllowin;fis� -I tir. avail lm ial h 'dit �poll -what has hhopeiie& its all' so livill c v,, -:and speee as. Te the L Iq The Millowing somewhat :,sensh, le. 0 Ilitt, 100 - L k ition, by -atiy,ot.her. or of il llur6n 0, T uniniti -ate(t niisfottulie..7�--Businessk Ifes stitrer' ILL w6van'to render Canada. jortitl L addressed by. -4117.1 r 'pro ton e or h * me.4 or ay or r As the s e-twofti.foe p1cughing, bli� of wp fo: 1-gence is c Novid -perhaps, was�- mQV b tt Si, .1, lite ineans,-do ivh riculiural-tin . item e lilt -'L It, ERSI).W4��- While o a a. tiv-o -� . A!) d, Ich disquie -is been - occagio'ned.,and attractise its 'L iw'me -f6rJuidivitrious- enter- U roo4on, dated! estemd by u ,tie ie 8 0 1 1110 it ' , L cerrespon& --tTravelers visit �ed to which III and: tfilvitty people.' COIL16nded'-witli A e I In- Iota W, jl� - -ill curi of r. last w ee 0 1; loaf. lis' re e'#dd 0 J It(. Ouru 1101A ­tpenditure. It- s beely lit.of fdrin opeirations is lot 6 lio-iiias' -R , - I 'an e. a, rited-thah'id M T. f r permit me io say Mat I am Con_ havefbouglit wourd, b destiny, If ill .1 tele. ram -F had. been.raised i uld be -very ot pretend to be indilrerent. Dn tile 'wfe lol lid votilidin "-hapl hu lkte afiager of tlio,�.BAnk bf'Montr -nerous readers. atid- e�peciallr -We Catin lie GODER 01, F! ril 10, -ily, in M ather hand a llf.althy Illatriotic, spiiit li.�s �hc6n IiLt- us 'VijIC4,! _F'Ll e your tin a or d P1 - the boMis or Coles 6 --he entrusted - i . _ P,�iqplel iqretv.:f�re C I -to thi.-p-,mitioril of .11 If untliliffir Z*a . go Ard; doink illways the -duty tLhat forw. -ell 011ra.-� hartning, ic P-mintilli�y -jate t1ii -t6%vn who ik -f with Is S - a w . Myo - P I)iou-r I t ina -1 r at' at off adapted to tion, of L B- 116it oi Cedar Falls 10, to learn ot a to it det elope 1. 'ally AruD ON V I I III �1111 tltifalt�-riplgri nd re -�- anAdst tal. t4� !61 es, is not r Of partiianshi zo fisca"I and' respins'ible our- hot, rk­0i11'121-te* p'ar�icularl on JQV oard for - 'tbol e t e c it, 1wen brought into� 1) 1 ay. A Yove -atno all. all(i, v , to� heed tile prio rupt!ni-es nine) nio a - OA very In if, I tilt .1.1 wli' ell consisis -of a :,juss mo TIV II arifed- -elrl-- it 'allilvit he d ot c r O'v .011,try.has. beeli;exhib�tcd 'of wille"ll doldil.- 'Of .1 'u.nol' coura, t: tn.:��(rhe wanage f 11 'Londo'n --branch. ]on wise cotia pa'a-lotis pRicitt 0. 1 tile, ']!let v a is r better for gh. Artiong tit' 0 t e In i - have s4 'it takes 'ai-6 a Proive qualifications, I -Alor I 'we' 1) a, nuinorouls inventi the sts -mietitnes been'supposed to. be I om hoit. rentlemei esijuii4l i seat. "idA' li)ud Its 'ial cratherin� held in Stiatford ctilaille- lie" llecos.413r of institutWn. Wlifle-his policy `41 and Ja 01* !gboge -rondeiiine Alt a soc same -for the be-nefit -cl thefarmer, acold. Wet clill -e I b flieve. it or- aring .3.43' '&.curtah a an ortiatu,'Ilt Lo re and prolbut, appl-rose.) 6 to whei c b tltei-.;: elltotlr,,I,r ti 12 ";wty please -eye of -io 1pilex bool'S OnL ic..-past rour (loderich. lint �lt is a. Wj tile l:u,_1C16t is gre.1test wl ing machines, -this plou rh pl-DmiFeg lo. fter the. recent fair, the --in,, thet vchiiiteer sysiczn*aud. build- hav *v ..'4i"Itied, aird me. be -yeai ing up and, ill. U rank and a c ad t ss _ConSUlt6d. aintaillill'), aL well - or, iniz,4 �ntli. I . ­ , .., . lo I was tee -Afto-;- -.qpee&was7dC1iver . led by the 11on. r birair-'e-- e'gk ell paten h1tssill - : I 111514011fri COVIMOF 011-ANCtILT. individuals it 446-, 1 ii Jan. 9tb) .1 ias been placed'liqmid 8 Quo It7-is a I, -hwsa.- �vhieh I tru A 185�q) .4nd, *omis('s to effe -e systelli-of Illillti 1 8 0, alij Incre - speei ct Soo DZUeDoni L -EAie e 8 NG. -Th;' w has entikel d e grgat refbi-m in til lina tile soil pu -!A- a d qd4yAqq tb�benqfit]iis eiuployev.�, an in is wi it fie rioldin to death..-' The pr. ished i6z I We quote froni�thc Be.(t:. iiiz;pute. -istl y Xpedicn5y of-taki K d ]a i AS 1116 -ex - IS I P(Mrcr L a 0 by a _I 0 rec-o!r indlid 1;w.sprin r -et 01 iment Provei.by . per- solue .w p . .-n ).. On hold step 16 bous6iidate triti I Tli following casep 'Were L f i peaiA. in its regloo,,s ring bii'&- hAv oll'its trial fall -e should be c e: aiiii-tig mofiey- P r.s level 4bd laird, is To plourh not'less- thai Wl X sesi and I f v3llous Conditions it Italian.,or other rk in soils 0 rrived. and flacks'llff wild �dacks, PL!'reolls- - I held hi4e'J�S -tender - ­ . . . .1 s al witil leod ole,jurned overas -i I - -- -ALD MCDOX11.111, ith Ation; has-been brought hom-d' to the. minil exceeded the most. gui '-tpeLetatjo ; i. . . - ir ' will -its undoubtly ionded. tb ll� 4 no e -being stract exac tl �oa" Ilent, reporL a� -.Of obt. a Six in. these Provirices-by. Soule plan of COIIL�de His ordship Vice GUncellor 211oiviii; at at ft0n. DON t inches dept t wock, &o.' passing -to he Nort4, betoken 'the oil rising to; p4ny o -.c man .-more s e.- with i -d -down-r its friends ard it is thotight wi-111 supplant toud applause i reply fbr the Leg- every-tifoug-rhilul mair. (IIear Ale. f mr-busiriess elf de VA a+p��.iib!' u :across speedy-advdfit of warill weatU other p'ou&l, Clally, r owe tile 1 -61 le Council.�, jle' gaid.-Mr. Pri elitlemen,, quitting the fruitful sili)j r1ling ivid r* ffi��Il CUI- .1laiv in ase, espe ect 0 , c it 'ploug I a heavy I -and Gener-al 4 ift of thes fa tg find as., nianism, Let- title dwell fbir -a mottle 'te�llotle.�,s�I)ari.threeitichesdee), 'OL -as tern -a the' of jay6r. r3 ot n vi basbiria'Insurance, otnp,.,-, e&ide.4 I I 0.1r, ml.ah' C !&lid- gentlemart: -'.Under' ordinary, elrett lid Son 'D Country. Ti W to-preptire theJalld we! I s for this pl Ili - of F a Tiy. Bill fi1L3d,-t Aefendants to k cia pi int of view Ives jll�i [it I I - . r­-rompei stz!e in ' i� 'f c"ro clai -hich 1 Intre de2l to an bte, a So 1 o f of ell tile PO"ItA tow 4ces, Cnd. in ordin Ainies� tlliy filsk just coriductor 9�n' the .0 P_ tor ju).Taitiong other thing A fancy that it'-,Aill-.�cour linder-ull cirelmlStaneelf. t iSs i�,uran66-to- plain"tiffs UPOJIL A 006 f Jamaica -'aud'soi Vint; Q pe policy of IT umber'of Mr. Thomas' friends !.visited. t ulti)%ate orlj�epare so e ---:.the pukd.t ii a it .016ti'diing.youganno c L cr an expre�,;siuu of' le 'ind-dverathent of these-Proivitt-pes promisei 19�� in nipt, named �.well. -13y Lite process r recommend the - I Ind -in all soils -it wilt-run:On 1-hird -and ces is giver _h ast which hai itist e1cited alluded it ralvinti" the liture al�. 'WK-4v,.*hs7kil ed4h the 6 �h !lSt Xersn t 6rdial'and gratifyin' r tefiar ree one �61ance on - 0 wo trains. -miill keep cleaner, th-e' sod rot Wi t4 -w, -or othereoo- Ri exa,tailIku -oQ th' Huron. y, hi F r ida 0 t is gati . ps at Ho.tel b the. -c ll,ision of fl.- neveriust by the raiyoi do dent, 'orJo. ginept.-' Blake- tter,� us -.ell.- -would be� c raparativeli easy.�- .1 -and stand's If 'd'* your feeling i;fnctory'to.k!io%y the prospect of c(.ti- al -g "d ' gu y 151- n aftiortioo' .1 h rably with: fail to.all scit whare I v -v Z)fthp fell t -ast itrid Odsduted him Iric .-the ioil)�-And retaift -moisturd to- a Sul Surrounded by friends ii'the at era as 61.1 -11tened* coliside i4h in e, It e, it C a is ad ap -stated tbat be b arreate -u ur -or vlean. upt the cqst-�of.whiloh was ni boards wIll notsco �Q. mid TAI-acara, or planti& Q - - - - - , '. - .1 meta defeodaks, ZIP tion, for IvIrly- lates� o. In Fla' 4-t- much W'antbd i�i ie t futost-farmin- country. Ili the Province, with in ti.e last ti. o, 'N -"t;diti rs frioin tile- Lix a v weeks. Phe llore' hope'LfUl�'j C., fo r o an" r Eyre all. oppor L 11 . - I - - a' ploughin'g.' Itralls. thoualit the wh, s an hail' at any- this',clititate. and produce Niter crops than etidenceof -,�roarre d. prosperity. on. all- -Silter piovinces aie.r a 0 in- on a war� ra t I on. kooi;e-;-Luili -fi -817.5.00. .-Tlie� icles comp s ' the.sct that 35;0:of thetii hk'. started act is call d aney sidesiJ"Tnight conient myself with A declara, .'former period. � Front Nova Scotia - 11*11 rid,,n flfi s ti6fr of my sincoire-.kgratituaLe- for your uniform BrInis . wick-'. ive . I' -and New _pcoi 0 Pori!, f4l in- . desi" -aria - wil I iear -of -ehangre-�,'iii Du - n�, V K 1: expeid -wit bl-i� fortnance-of Mod for cowv4ance of land are 4-9ilver, ba4,�ti ke' itioti tili ChangegiL _&- ' - -r El�. I J- w...B, answick.. A FA`I�M vind.varied kindtleisi and bf-my isposition to, opiiiail, and. is- hllbd_iLu_ that -deferidant Wai L: -beatitiflil L he Wa� got it e ininds of ]a,. ion'%ook,-bii pro�m as usefit als We r, directing J i I �ay. frain Ifew I - 'We It 0 PkQnloteL your 0 'GI 1, do, `wh#t I- can t -interests and Iatures,.f a' pear to 'foreshadow - the aes X 'rhragie-- u plaifitifts'rid46 -ar,ru EN .51CAND 1n-isH:L1XDLORDS:,-�-Thb1 p in - - ; t sw-. Brigi d a vhich S. bject:0 men -ion tha0' �a A ailt- Wit-" Brunswick via,4Nov York." This afte me from. the well-known 17 -rimes, in no-Lipiniz- the -late ac'tidrt, for eject- 06ail -foui, wisties, s6 far as- either may be ef- 6eptalice; Of spine common ground of--adtioll ed- and. i3tandsforJudgment-'�' Tol M X , )I M to was trig t thb meet f6 1 7 as: terfti J'f�und gai't telcyrnint -sa fected. by'my action Ju.the leeri _ys- that Ilie- stea 8-CHVES*10 f the :Provinces. n osoph, & - CO.t- of -old 0 le oil: �o yl- lature. - I regarol -t -tI uni sfaWishme' t­r6f J. G, J No 'bill -ment broiig4 by Lord Mayo dirainst. an Ill . 6 -Assizes am mer Brit plainfiff. "Blake Q. Ci., and.,-11'aidonit1d: a 1 -Iiis� ; -also t il�; wI -tor voff-ratteation what the c'oun- Probably whatt -As know�u' as nt 7eatlewomau all --g.tate,.thus s a ifor; ums. up. the clad Mianotoriamah from Fortress Ron awe acquain� -Van Visrilark +6!ecall . f -a n fr�;? Glasgow, arrived to-d'y �.ys tho ( Toronto -fidre the fo wation. A :igainst- bfaek.. tv of'P6rth was when first 1. bee for defendh -Watson, llowing inscrip selferre mqy 11011t be accepted aS-*.It stitnds,. atid -differ6ricb'b6t%iFeen-Bil�lisli'and,..Irish land - Tor this I "�r vt rs an were with ble-Gre-, -.11offlion' il:t6 sdt Pres�nted- -io -T W-61fe t A despat@-. statesjitat the lo effeiil;ed by i, t;i with -it�-what. the. -ditiit:41ties I -fbr buel shall- no't -irrieve over-- lordi;' In the. coursd of �he debate on fbe' Upper lloi�.of -much. Provincial Baifjiiihont ,of Nei Drunswi*- ihe -annexalim whi -ia-ly settlefs . half tQ conten& and her -of lan"ds -in Bify-Mil,, And.-to!.Thomas E -sq;, a. suspen s Act [Ar.- Macl'arlatier--:- "here a tyj conveyance. s a-- u -an, 6f. e4acm nd 'T.H--.E:, Fit--O.N-Ti t k* atoll of-th� Habeas Corpu -one ta explai 'by it yesterday adopitd 'resolutions, ittain _80 a -w I is. federntion Wjeco) o- I am nqt. wedded io that Scheme in'a I s re-ard-by-his- '1866 Yji�g to�tbe Q-i6bee z farm pr its -have defendant , - i ­ . - . . . _, . ) Roebuc T�nssillm TO what'the exhibitions- of stack and. I �e --declared- a t;asf6e for. p19 k deGid. u�vr A. thd frilindi in. Hurb ve back -PitivATE BTLLt an chenw, Aen firit'tllpy or io any. other -sche a. that the V A. 'lad tor shouid'be a - allella aifs _Close -is dLd proprid v ducts moiinted to wl It. wi�d t. the'ar-uluitit, plaintiffs' tli�t It - I I - in to . footi O� attentilittl -Ja thi riving pl, d. f6�'r, - the*. ta� 'If -OM Lone Of ig fidw, tit -tee- great,,end--�--t1te- establish ant of Beitish At the hour appoill te plitped uppir wolifTereut n ft 'whic1*13 togreiheiwith, an a4dress asking.thgt tiatwil t to ounsel asked leave tor amend -the Bill- 61- 8th..'Aoril, - 3166, . . - . 11 11 Of tl -in'this. country, and it thd'-Iluesti6vp 1 -f U io, British NOA T& Vienna fill be& lea ilie".same class �ht'poiut to'ihe 4act that whA ? T " -P , . Prussia intend - t was then iPravitx,-1lI:1 union -be attained, I ill 91. tion the ge�' 'Must American Provinces be submitted fortheae. ng:tb wb at.thd conveyance was an .'iin;, qd, arose add Fr6m our-Spicntr-rcoriespoind6ilf. 4be confessed that voir arances -content.. This' is ndi-a tfinefor pet' thimies 'few &,glishmien �are iton of the Aperial Parham ant, was I little more "than. 6 wilderness, with. c1d. J- -subjects7 its patriot* nit a orialrd �,cvnnt of Setl- th read. the full' 11�alr .11 Signaill. Q lite a inber-of Provident one. and was obtaided y a owipg iw and far' between. blis become 'I Most- 'a of an this chalJ ft h f y -kind.. As good competent t6aecept e. With- fbrt- ADDRESS,— -piaicie- are.", dn r I n g,: t h e., out pretending; homever, to reduee the e us.1on. Lit .011 coin nd& some� n a ded to the A�nie7fiovernrue%t. su . ccessfoh of'fine arid ferfile fl�ruis, deft'by undue i ft- once and -1).--n flie'. clian(res I &--f I h mail, we can:. afr6rd each to Sure W can laim abloikousegl, and t thillir ina, Cause Whielf'.-is-fratiAlt 'with. "esd4y Ins 'right' to a few simple propo tion lirifty barllg,L standing in t� -SO�,- P14r*as intoileate&-sthridsfOr judginlint.' past -week.. Oil Tu t the company Of. of ften.ant- GODEHIGH,sth -16&i 186�7. .8PENCER RiFi. The Kin We -ztein* hu publ ­ .., .� - I wa`dt-T.6ronio. who have boa L at or Ilib'dociriness-of itsadvoeittes we Dc n a -e says The Canadian iovern - t has -pup. Mead of the 8 of ManyL be ' tiefits. I shatt'indeed b .,ut Si�'-It is with much - -i�tir Es.- gston *s Oriinitive.-h'antyi":at,4,"!j�eed " Toms for plff Blake Q. -0.---fbr-`def.-' Qiee'n a -0 a dtsapipo` 6d stock-'. of -whiCh much. �older district! inigglit i f w lie -cr . idation aw n men, F=9 fllieau wel that *a are d 'h �4u , tit' lastrfie motiths� left. antity or -Spencer RiflEz for d n we next meet we l4ve - net the pi6az Gordon, ts Yoiinc,�-�l filed y plff ti equ easily sh in what- the actual p6sitio, �ro-oll ne. , nre C.111- -assenibled-he -8 chaseda:iiii y joneifttera jecaglon o i be. proil&., (He;ir,- hear.) ThuE coli-,:!kureof exchanging c6tigratuldfions.'it tile "15 ni�igfieti`fii Ibsolv of -an Irish 14lidlord dZers 'rrow that Of an ttibution -to the Volunteers. one Pon of V"E Vefy. &I r. ihitriti in it trWAting the present. and- pas-,, I inight honest . ;onsuorimation of game give express on o a a ectionate self(i thei -Uin�A,.aad -an Wednesday - tile. %bege rifles 4101 !pgglish Jaudlord� and updu what prinia Mcie rZ bf rrusei Cona up . oil w plan -designed and fitt- R.0 -set asidg transfer -of t lit t; L breach loadin--.1--the �artrida;es. -do Wit rtaulate you. - Ifeen r grotinds, theref6re, it -is Soil., ablish a not require hat has I- e- cy"aud.Teci caps to explode t am. -and the implelfient it. All -sets Undid mQl' to the" tort itiel iotvaroli yoki by us in coin. A'oi as -also -a sim"r �tl graduafly -to* build u " thi Q ' a : ments ell a 0 t Jtmpapy, he a p on s c6iitinent- a: sz.-h6oiieri Lilly -.Pan ams'eth ifloli, -witli.-nitiony, 6f tWininibitmiti Of"Poldlir-7. 1 0 - est h coumlisheid i at - with yo r British ArneriCaunaliollality, '1[ * - with engthol-tiale:pr9ceeded to'the"ir It as- L As diitinction be 4 --their legal rights agains - 'mes w th eav ad), out offeadia 0,111 1 whiely. om. twee t -its:n6ighborh6od.- Anditisp f -it' even -ti iih-olit reloadin j -hip �ig Modesty or my own, Lutight. upon thmis ' -si (riven by fliO irisolve; nts -to: the d6fts L-Aw CII3 and,. peats S �-ened -wi h Irende to our nei,'rhboursi we may e to be. an- English Pon an bit s out Of IfEca-zr6wa up between th- lie most eTeoti�e w� hiir- -- SoMb, intim.4-6y their tenant, In tII6 first -p acd 'ence 6 our tes imony-to. yd.0 well'alarited proinoti ilivented ahid itt LimonEAS 2 Uti Cd. .'a- -security Por Oil Jattdl6rd a erally-�resides` On I` Ofe,xFbr- -constrUct'an estimate of the in� iih-theinstit onswIlielfhaVii madii Bii ant. a -pre iis property, Sul) A .113 M of. tit "is -generally. ority wa, uro�;- I daing 'in ter cimp;iny an thd Goolori6h men, Re a iftnarOr -to the Lou on Un qu fluene and prosuerity which' are -Store for griat, and f6ri-na' %exiAeut debt. The"Bill alloLain." that.the. ol inch a werl"a U -retain tile alliance our reas an Irish landlbrd -W,,e find in. th lion Tile detivit-Yi'6nergy., and number ol"the lirtillep� and Itilles we f the closini eiggagements.- -future' 0 ride and boastAn peace,'and I hope wilf long tra dntre. - 1341jk� war in samea -of the given in absentee.- P�rth and its PLO a a iiorli 4- - -- I ­ . , nt up to. resident,, -and often kill- habitual risre vi6w .6f lil7solvenay r was �Ialiy prl 4ractefized your-rislif r leaViL yate gentlenteu throughout -Cangdg 46d'wit i the, fdithfuluess' engrggy, S' Ivillo -tlie defula ' ' ir a -prev,iou.4 to L Thii represents fit, more thiiin u lossof 6xfjen-- --Teporb,-, -there It talent hich ell e perfib j* III carrier, the rr .,.Continue to be our' help iind hie" to- th6i no e3iflejand hio yasu­ (Ilea 11, bidihem.-fdrii t-, Tristi r, t,)'the- have . ld in' -war, and With the intent of gi A :for upwari&' of four yetu-s aliongst, list h 4 -with thes w h hwrel distinguis6d. the rs ',Oheers.) In'addition-W tile oiisi&rations as West. It C. 'Viijust pieference. Arp,,ged and stani well and-hlv,e also the �pleasurli ditureatid', a diversion ents, sto6ks of Am ds won for -you our esteem- and +64ect. Ili your moti�u, -to be us6d either for --hoar.) 'Such, I repliat, in ordinary circ of kriglish -Uvo been.-seto UM-- 'fiLY(yrit"r .6)urse which," spriti- froril-lar pockets for of ill, them.. down to the aild' Continental, trad 0 Mail*ay sporting oi- fbrdefellee 84�iild there tver-1 e A�duldnt. T6ms for plffJglake -Q. -hands-duth rity�was not exercised me'relly in. Ill be the line of* lily- remark -it of coin olie -a fits the absefice -of 4 "n. Suich a s on a., \iandtliaiin"' pepple Teltrese stanc0s, vfou, Icre pulses -of 113S in L f t the ilaterestg. of 13 -ah k, hat' 1 o ode�rich. Men pre'seriting necessi Service.- -0, or Yoitnw -LaW & -.CQ.) Maodpr;mo workitil- ou atiod. Va the'G iq o use the M' -a a d it Chiago. Th CoM_ - n y superinteu ance arid - eighb a no 0 -tercoursp which helps to- rem ve rtiany a r sport or- arfaie'.coul '9*. b&ttom of Occasidn ofthis niiure. And I Common. ambition; the'exi ienci�s. ilf our kind( ourly 'n` ThogeL*ho-hav d -Such 4Badly your. exertions .- were 1- .1; feet that. fbad 'dischaiged my- -duty if I had 'mercial - and industrial your piJivate. caplicity 0:6m9elve , :they t yet procure situation for insolvents,- w6ri re6ei�ed with Ahree rest alwily4-stfenfiouslybrought to -bear . toward_j roliginlr ]-urnents fo &W&I-ened ift your mirift' a deter'wituktion, to enfjtle�. to Careful at " 11 XcArthurvs.-Gordon-�-B 16 -chiers A IV I d not . tailtio illf, r SO a Compan thay were source of-digeord. - Ili the'second place. it is b ��)4 continue stedika sPed1fic the'unprovemen.t ind welf bein- of -th y at er contribute trenbral security� thai- AURWILL eL.tb* to -in your:ceurse And to malic -The -abrocraticili of. the 13 --tbe custom-itr Eti,,laad for the landlord M Reciprbeit� 'iVreaty -porformun-w ofai�reemcuV,1br transfbr'of. thi.i-�Momcnj L n . iar-loads Of w C when ihi�.tie 14*111M Con 1v his effeett" the exhibition of each - : , 11.1 ..' -glad to returd we to.th4r frieftfis -and-'fam- by providing thems'et er invol yeal as ..with t PXW e 0 iRd in' Culross jipro tnZ 22itt a -by Ackendant to nect'6d'us iogrother"" atemt to Ild. Sev d it ii ilie . but c'uu d not help pxpressiag re� tieceeditig ypar beit giv . iiiake i Lillis, while in Ireland where 21 ves changc* It -e not- priid' tit t' - -ld ere -they .4 arm� VA o be made at- all, they ate and moili complete than that oiaich- preceded ignore. � All'of us b'al"I tared ),.a ben, An)provemeqts:are t Frpments� ill Uil§ plaintiff )yhefi land.-u6nat-crited defbiidanf',�oit our. intention t6 offer yon tfie worthless gr6tatLpartin"f' %Ylth'ho jolly a la -Of fellows,. U- - - I - . . - - made bv the tenant. We do not stop ;o . an --by ithe Zol V A 11-:111MIliLE Dis6orsItT.--:!Seven b it. But, gentlemell,-we are ass6mblediri-eir- arisilig out otlhew* i ti 'o 9pera ion of till-\ treatv-.L - -av1n,,,,;L- -since obtaiii the, p- 'flzitterr, by o.verstating either your invea A etlmstahces�wh ruly be'desi],griated All'of u§ -hiive pr h ihould'thei over IiA to. difference ot custom- arwe� ; Orh ich can-no't t, atent and trOuld'Of and. a to' co;no back quire wheirce the -a 14Vors or thei results. . I � - - ­ i -. -.-- . . ­ , uman -remains were found at an e;Lrb We4nesdiky Ofited by the mark 'h '14 r Ris that A:'exists i denyiifg I., L .. ont arii*a the trus'ed they might -enjoy and' reverses all coin out -to a convey- it is a o mori, and ata-tifile which way uith* -the-treaty furuihed for.everyt1ducr th the fiL tion. be &tled ext.raordinary. [Eleart our m ng 11 selli, - I wai f 110 roca rity netween 'the jig iff-. An account -6-kpres;ibii or-. , ­ i I 0� �ti4ls Jreeip I"d ye�Widay morain Uponnigan. an - r er has or could have to; 11,ar anec. 'Decree for plaint -'and Candid the smiety. ofitistsuch--obirtrados. Tivo com two .4 ere oil il?L M6no`g kenof what is -due 1ar- defendarif 1.119 re&re as re to, paeties,.' Ili thb- third place Amo.4tall leasea hear. last. few weeks have been pre ratalat'o'. and' N which *.a 4 i th of tl�eeity limits. TWO Of the b�arjek IV t -,& most -anxious by - any fa IETA eL to be -ta hile. we -rejuice- to n2org a y " -t fuil w.ze ;and iberemilridersula%- P convey:on all eve -w rrived to take the PIncQ .0i, �tiyoo lit which hose wep of t iih great exeitements, and have.taught thy reasonable Concession, tojecure-wriew on bon h zuterest,-' -andtagreements relatin�­Ojand and oil acco�nit of iv ry C th-2 dismemteredl eaft e.. mail wit, _to ii�i& In Ireland verbal of ligm thirikis Ji the 0 - ell 86hoil Infant and the- 'are' -and all ' outa�nred m than onamemorable, Itsson".. Evems- if not of- the'trealy,'at least (;f sl?we arra Ahe &over6ment, b6 a loss tol-ils Coin Iz notless thah half Lad bo eC The nge- 'Jh4t d'efendatil haa;7-`�ftid Bearinr rti-- mind ell thp.. Ueaford Ri&s.- - "The., first m6ritioned one -art, land , Mille a dozen h Sti body of matt an -Diintly, di _inter th eptitrac% lil d by Afigs and the in torest, to be.' cal- usifhInaSS'0-f-`y­ h 4xceedinylf. Alie no- doubt, ,..are Leiis, arms and Ilea less trunks were thft have ieminded us that the milldnial,.era, bw- ment'by %"vhich the slibstautial-fea�turgs:o the. ogrsojoVra erein -vam- ke that set not yet been reazbed. We. may not yet-ven- treaty should be'PTbIon(red.­,1 have, be6n will- afto:`-r, -the rqle and-w0tte -actitlli exception. cuh 6d. ls�-x montlis.after date of the'MaS 0113 re some experience in:battalio'n'Arill 1, 4 CQtItr wheneirposed recerved olk speets,', we' view ivith reirret; lit- premalpt -And for good -craek companies hore.m- Zome were ia va jdi. ,sword into the plough -aad am in farour of all that co 'd jum-. hecome one of the fn the fourth Pl;x�-o the. dern ad -a -,horrib!e­sifeht. turi. to beat the d0l - ill .4 ., ­ L - - -- I packed in sawdust, and Btates.Loo arrangement which & share" or� t.he "Stlear into the prun -hook - ly be expected to niedt the peculiar circums� ter s \,Topopt.� -;From tfi-e amount fon dt. prives ui your valil..; tenants Ili. Etioland is qtiit� as active as the n X. . . .. lie Rifies fe� i�ed'statd.ofdi-�coinpositioii, h f nori e ,sts anee aw Co-operation ev6n w ile otherg It itt-which our neigbbours,ur6 Pine . - 'I WN46 1) Menrurd opeupy thebarraas dem4rd.for, v, nay we tell ouiebildien tha -'-war sliall tance - s s dosts...up to and- ineltid.. Sit', ­ 1 -'664 farms ;.',.instead of which ill fi -yacatLid �y I - -Uompany- and-,thie- ed deduct �e Worodstocic � I I a appweritly teen taken from. the gravgl -How n payl -the. balance' we rej ol�e that -tile just di�crimivatioa of- the - . I Iveland"Where manufactures are-feii -and be- W the i�atly*.alarms But- there musi'be I'Amits to' incession. -ing ddre o me of Delewiw& Cw1hpiiny li'*0 taken �00-3sesdiou of I but. fawdays. Th- were­undou�tedlj C all of ? FabruArl iLh� iied The -e U M 'hielt-havabeen'sorinded-* have been just.f -are bouddaries �iu..neiiotiati _,the 13;j j� 4atit' riiies Las gel�ctdd you a's -y w -for land -is suoh a aLy N041? 'ai -1 - b ptac6farmers at- the me.rey of,landowners. in the Aissectidc, theepide oil. which dc c ant. L VOIIV�y trpllaitjiiff free an cl:. w Efatl.'s:'barracki' fornierly- been iiid zuidi& competition -to ght fro eU merite . dvalicemeat. . p byjke�-presenceofactllalda rel,,itisnot-for we the ant brou, cannot overstep withoul' ''A' the. ofthe accom�*,Iyitur pros�'nt-iind ps i3 it st, Jeop Izing el ,�'o -all.Adainbrances.-" -16 and wbrethris -Ieft without an ait nib -to say. For Inv own. parti interests We viould. uphold and. ' Poirh.� i1fis-differene really accounts for thle whilecon* a . , I . anies,were biirial,;-' The barrels wel-e D17ace3JU§t lit c cc 0. is ri we ludahre the hopp, - that you- -will kindly withrit put ilitobar a angest ie and 'it -not with referbiic6 to -its ititrin6c _It wood tile discover from -first to last, and in many instanceii much io be "takeii before, the master 001 upon lotil. S, among 11 --reration thaself respect- whibli, to -a.country as to a , 11 . . . 1, - Aurincy t he's 'mu�ih,'exa -b '-e& of". h" As thor 257 -,degtbs ft ti t of thp'G.Aerich, com� "14 lit auyoue:.,W.ho will take the th ed:,,,� of -.the that there: h6s bee ounts -racks lit all'ev& ts, 40,000. inlividual..-iabdycind. al, Price. And I am* trouble it) conceive' tile- 'effect of the -se warth,J) -as a meniori.tl- of -oiir roi;ard ecin 0 ititimate that our staiy. here made,� by a passer,�by, who &Jw'o. crus OpQon.., ihat at Oode46h.- -U al r�rg'rencci. otns ul would 8 t, -ed wi I at lia-lian le4by the.roa S ile pori juidthe Sanit in- the stairies-which lifive been, put sure you contidr with md izi the, wi- 'It lot. be pf long*du'ration. i86.faras the gond.ilCi6tis7-.F;iti)ar.t.frorri hist6ry and froin otber a, Withpest, shes,for ybuese f, rg I h6mas d djv a mo a sed fi U elvirielits wkidh inn f health. I -cha'nre of the and tliey wer-a- ff 'I f 14ndS WIL bwp t1­1SPrib6 otirw4ves, took they wouild i6 a tt terms pr6p-o by r plaintiff - Macara 'r defbild'ant. .31: tit eVeofition, i biii� been ' re iticlin d than we coald �t a C 1) he fb Vk therugelves� are b4ticertied, Jiistdry and from�qthar remmi C re Your sincere, -friends,- I te ke Ifialli td re.--4Td the Fenian orzanization, not -Mr. MO'rrill and'Itfs cominit'ce Without IC48*dud Petr -ie not, 01).Ject ta -r6alain 4,11 tlla�-first Of Hily, bilt oc or to thdse;faldilia� with the land- tenu the epide or sa a o 'as tndanL w rred just evening, rely t to,�- b6* mischievous; but- a s hiijai'liation. (Applause.) The administration in. Rullett ii�ort-;a�red' O�-Irela'ud- Ill adage to wonder.why aAed.11 b -46feudant's L. ji -6 od, - R,? by- that time -they-worild to -a matt 31w t as�--, navi c;a, -should'6ve beau clai6 fur , Irish mischievous Olt th conti- e. f c or J statfite capable of beirij is in power at Washirigtou'l belie f4th-er to Ahe plaiujiff. L 'or' ad file ve, is fiot-pn- a - or-. sale- eturn don.will then o.f kiru�terof�( -for- the -sub.scribers, Rajority bmhehes ofT business'.. -And ga-dening, opqra- 11 XASD with-CostS.L Usual-Tteferenc masior,at-, -this eountrp The�cldiln way be right 'or* it nent. [Elleari-hear.'I It. is. without' doubt a willing t6 tome to a fair arranuemaut - bu -ellatit'different f;om: tLat which -course, +0' well opbu, anr. their -y.artous IL d' pj:evails in -Uts a oowerfUIL orgavizatio -both . in the -United L the 7.ongrew,, ad. in Ae in? ( L 6�taat -siaties. iliid- in the old c6mitry-, powerful, I -firit p&ce by- li-ostilifi, 6 E� -Goddticli. T6ms. for plain ti klacdcrw glait'd, and- -in Tftay be wrang I it ce.1ainly is REPLY.- tions- will iri&ed. tuffliar in Zl shouliI, 'Atifflo Jadiat they form J-tsQ often asCumes� but.it FOR,SALE.. in- 141 �M Y�L Via 'next p'lace*by a bidat'ed..'- adhf-r*qnce to -def S. 0 meqn,-injunnib�rs,intheco mandofmone nfott for i fan�.' ebdant . q I I nolt �nruund lo!U have.fOL.-tay longer. , � I 104'!�; re -on vs ess it -is not absilrd L Zn, arid in ramifil;itions ei-tending: in e4ery diree- u'tra protbetic AvIge Of Si it. Axa Gli %TT L Ebiux-, .;-fit leavill-: As ��egwrd-' the limsible daii-pe of, a Fenian bs 0 Per-: �nest viaZs fu S.C. W ilson­�-),Kll �b�spe . heat.) IS as age of Danx7annor., fj-wX,6. 48 746'0erich. - A tioni so powerful, sp yenomons, so complet� (Hear For the�: forriiance o agreemerA. in q the vill -4,to listea-t&i6asbri. f f6r Aft S .,of- y6iiijosvii after a.,resideuce o' f invasion, it V�otild�app f f dar f6i Tiffs PRIX on tr ss adventurers, presdfit they will I hear erry. ThL'bondma n have b&nsatignine etkoiLlit to believe t- -more -in danger thin Sari presen d 'b Y. .31r. -D�uzi ly dir the cr6n ol of' ieekle 'E is I ,np o any terlus whi land� in Ta.rnb 1 8 gr h.,&tq. mueb and iOe'n t orcupie he He The. Pidince--i that I -do rot believe we have. vet seen the Ow we -clin off6r. lomr,this obstinacy wil before thei land w�4�-pa -will'of shoula they attem-)t to CaL gg its owned. a flo E.) sho' d War. %Ziih- ine'the rriOutith6ir threldlt-' �16,,4 ck afhells, whic the patty h"he,was bliniziter of the Church Of jelaud. Tls=�* influence ov a ell. ry informai 6- inhabitants -re-.especitklly of those 611kd very careful to k -tip during the plan G ea' --,,T of- it. .1 tented,1 and .,good -alipli, 'I tHpar.] Kom th' 0"Mallony last--re"mains.- to- be.se of its me keep slitit tn that the' Sicietary 'of was w uld be coimparatiy6ly asy warki ves4 'craq from Washingtorl'is, I n Andant coateildlid AaLt' the -plaintiff progravakne. IS' a,.66i, Is ing seasotio at bfth Alej I appreliefid fiothin f all iiii . 9.- is' I . i o. whom I have -bee ost'intimately ould Jet thea -out HEXRYffATAERS St. Hglent.: 'i 10, . L A 6r id �ig wifii w heneV'Ar agli. -that m9st-crazy.- the Treapury and .-friends -uf re pay the-amofint10 theTrowii.. Decree - follies, of the S ciprom y- rel y Opat6d- eiihe'rby Iftsidesk-or private're- SeAst either-armt, riwise t oiceasitniM4 to &njoy'.themselm inj& rard- -1W id or oth;' o enter. both it -,t? 01-41re !he JJL ­411,to a el, seeimr them i a irarden tCheers.1 The idea of transporting aFtEdUl m4iter t.G - lerioli'to by-4yorni�rht, with afliw.'haoidre n The Col6u' ft' t Upon experience to brino,'the i3on- sional Refereoce to -the 4 0, at lid, ut�unitil within thi past few days liir�s K11 Aergo sdt" a6ross -arm, m majority. to -thi:-i enquire Wh t,is ue on. the bond, of -der it, thoja the Ulantic: andlanding ihe a qai a nprepited for thispul�ic �testiition plund4-ind !destroy. -beford- �ufficiont*- 'assist- rsenses ; and. that, notivid one. dat,- iiiiPposed, of Qrse, th9y beloyired the J :161&�d.in fighting array, could only have StandinW Y-�of st moir faiure -of re -tsi a h6pe Our a "em. slid ol-faivoue 6ija F. carf.ag�. ance. a- called toseth�Ir W, rebef them. �c6u!d­b- to his r�ai- cent exoi Pudant-�unlcss def6o4ant -elects to accept y(Jur a Alit .411boi afid greately.enraged atthe 7 0 -1� ho had pai� be- mind -6f niadme can is his ' d. on e -go uction ofThis property, -he seizod' o originated. -willyetibl6l'done u haijbe- ipprobation- b az�d awa ift, them. and sont a:. v niI and c -entert4ined tfia66idkhinr re, thi'. �-ase is far.di destr 01 avoiL Only ja­ 8 123- with interest on thaf 'Sum. ffoll oth hav ifferent, its 6uly a, river irmance -to aL borno in djij as -'us from- a pe . ople*,� who SWKf I y 69nditi6n in, w . hich it Stbod tip to the emion although n2" t Iin�i 4wes's -f the winds - rest re the tra a to Ilid heal tbyand-frieud- '00i I Th case fboli.� f Re And d .1 ..866 wilhotti reference- 4i er 1 rd6d me will ever bje,' -d^ G Arneyicans, a chic bbor's newedcheers and I re t' and will de Its to his -11cig when ih-e� I' 1�a lilt'Ae refe' St, stimu- hive. in- mehy'Instances. 'shqsvn . (Chedrg.) Let us -do hothin�r t late me:td new xe*rtions ill that latger spblJre- -feelinzi of thel-*armest friendship, -and whit -a'M.e - ;-re mo, I re reible at on lhii other hand, we cannot afford. to treat- On 1714,ok defenda clectii:I6 to tal-e a rence' Itrii a D houser­Wlt ssa, T1 4 deifte, and of more than that to be VJL1 0 .'Unless the his. provin, fo th U TO.- C GTOIL Th Uffited hinder such- a Let us no"y of busiaess on. ielij:.atu `89, -:shortly to with' -ia-e -and icommercial'Ire the operation was 0 SC11114 ite go. contemptuously. � RTRA qu result. precip. "polit noxt da aver' -and utiffiendly action ra- ise ot a I? tdL . ititerinan -Skates G' nmentinterpows its: exthori 'CIC �s :3 - I eral dt. r ty, itate )Sta 'S -t(y duel'be is -have 4h i q ts, of 'the. idRr-: nf y to continue'sit. As a pleasing illustra. fe�es ed, and so-riii'for-sev are-li-k I r IyS, '�tld 'he T fie beir sentim6tits, 1. xv -rebael� -astonished at his -i-rh and, in. croad, ffifth enforces its- -laws for the a' new arrgum -hi 66. to.be't `4 -,wit� tion oflt ie ?wWji, or wLaken the ands of en m I and added to the am* fii�qulties , lol'o4ef was verin whici 0 - Ount id to'cont lid ill Mate' all incl - 46 13 maintertgnee of neutrality, undoubtedly it is those who are tryi I bor?s sfieuce and -yood nilture, ait he never teL tha t6 the undorsignig ng to, bling it itit6.6xistence. due'; andau (Yase"of its -appearing- on -the urin-t e-.filost,three in of my "ientre of -.I-_. has just,trampired between the Sealed 6ilders ad6frssed' IM641 1141 pose -P -- sent, ll in o if need be, to -ivi i I f no frifli'i� 'me last f aft'a'elar,�e- Or -than very-po:i ks for -the will ihI e- for theYettians. in th�t couiltir im I odi�e,.Ivere-o ., . . 0 ore to meet Ro, V to 00- At -the same: time, let us ieso. v reference - ttiatr - no * more than.1123 hamcter,. and when I t1ro -Peaple-.� 'S iiia it a n be re'ceived at illis offtee It cl' 1mion serious troubl�;, -- 'Whether this- - Prov- take care of ourselves Wittlout 'reference to' intei -1 wi fig lie expregs-ell it. w1le - ntil est- thereon' Pro 8 -' I recall'to your 'ma=iry he so busitioss, st'rebt", , - I fl,'7 11 SO.it- Imp - L New B'runqwick t -Ndva Scotia, or the i��th'riebruar'y,�-_Lj O(j,L ri ' as 617,'bA - biolie. 6ut in'th -mai of Sar- DAY the 26th in' tant. for the -constractid-W ince dafit Wition A 'a jr to look -at, it has not 0 or I -its in'th' a yeati, �,cdupled ni i :w ich. i Ichambers', 116iel- peue4-'that the C, olonel went -to., Llook fterjof SIXSMALL WOOD N LIGHT frOUSS the -caprice.- of bar neighborg­�-ro. Orsife the is. due -the 4&6 -is to, be Vs - d�, i Bel ' * .9 &0 " -whic"efell liftle i4laud of Prince Edward be tht- Object' e-ve'n teiior' of Olir !Way iri- their wi.th th irerdvollition o a ank's L de -and othe� buildli gi. Beinr 6bse�v his OWn Lhens one day, and T�und ve W espec e:ent� fill] esinfleitits* be con- ne- 'han�,�ed'with: th ts--of thIire'lefence the P6 - Atterlookin- and wofideriii- for -t 1-Ceepers. - DW .1inds itself ofatta k -whether a wri $ tive Of c f � ad by the TO WERS' ar�A nne Lig- c cessities or their le�;islati Q.Pos to --iliaking advinces-, I th'ino, y h ior�J-and to, turn of ilk J wiffaciclloww Port Haron Teople,.,they jmm�diatelv came LING:io Gei:4�1�n ay,,11dke H051)0 'WA saw t 11 IL, t -ho. -re, .,good� 0 . - I rine an Lake Superior. slarl lemplated-at any-or'ill these places.. with a to'profitible -ate un' tt� - v Ibe dedu-ct6d. Thc� amountpaylitilb to. be.* liad­.the seriobs iiattife'of the. ob -acies tviiir-h -across -w-i-th their 91 d fireme and o t he - ast: oatural/�'aqj,aii� nefiyhbor ng, at bless4, Pa Uu m6- warke yevent-the4read- n it It,... Awned uporil Plans and �snerifi�ations -May beseen at-Jw view. to a strong attack upon'the7weakest of tages with which,- -this ­Pro�vin*ee' i id witlii, , one -month. Eroin-thedaie of libsei m6; aiij,silc*6dis, that hag d I lini'l as-belvas heard' to. mostvalant to'l Plain i VIE thein -matters- nol purpose, (Heaf, haar.L) 'For a. . peiiod coune the reportL--;-the,, gengrzil diree �11 S,. tb inq;or'the4ime,:, an sol'eiythrou4 . h their.e in -1 have killed -mf heng and 'ffi I cc J3. P;J A& t for my Present u-5ual and I.attribate nearly eniirely to ylilurs 6 excl 0 s ofthe Department of PliblieWorim-ti Id rascal has eaten taeut all! ted fie pl' flf­i�- td- yo Q*r sound �C'ol`uuieieial kability, t J( that The possibility of the ihing is all that I am at- shall feet the :embarrassm inse arable 'tions to bii inser 0 tir 0ttawa, find, alsii.at tit ' ffi P irti ldach,�aivablg 'pr'operty Was savel from e'old 119'ralty -1* eo ce-ofJ46hu Delrs,� cT some- Timm up a n dest action..-. iteme it ha It 'er 4eard the last of those he d. Es: Post. office In a from a disfu bande- of -our at ods with pay Goid -anal t ity and �enero fdrbe'ra '66 in ree nis r After t o 611ccil . I us, -�an q- teltapting ti) izilliclite, a4el' thi'k that ag'pku--� it re on.'s* clistsjup ncloding, a,,,,, OVI nev *a to . ma' - f, itir t his ilfs -i rhiell Surroupolod- both d. a s scripti6n. of $206 w -a Tenders must be endoised Tdriders for de'n0menwe are bound to recogiiize it. [Ele -d shoot another.'- efor, at Toronto. ar, the.Un a Tates. 'Our-marketg. y or. 8 hearing, �Gord.od still 'Aiemiininsr a part To6 -d- what suEside ev r kno hear.]. The mauntrLin which our government seas" YL as. to be less lively, and Our prices- less re­� me And assishid, Me L to- Surmount them, ma a up -by-the-insu nee ag4lints aud othi the construction Of Liiiht House td -the cause. ersV boa reed,,nited it seems. tc! me am thatiliftil to talib my leave -"Of you at 1*% whos t 'Tile Dwpaitment will - weii -6ry-Canadiza RfAL.OF EFr. DATIS.-Ileliqble- I aifbr� -a . �- d ` d.prospbrity. rarnittee app6inte to natioh Itai belih received ar IV ashinaton from he lowest it I of ev And the .-It *a�; the l6n 'last'sitting- th;kt has . ever t Ike matterative than they- 'have been. But by A Its a -property lia beenin Marti applro�i -un )race Late dati-er, and a- T X notbe 6ou-tut* proper effitrit ivemay 9p. edily diltairt access- deason of Thelast cre across -the river- I --ca mannerin which the-efibits of the zovernmefit- to: Other ehanimls -of trade.; the products -occurred. in Goderich; -and; -.had it not- any teiider. year has iy ro "We in(1Aii,;abld a'�4 close arid'- th and- breadth of' lie 4armer It of the tn#n was, " No ': f -ealleas F. BRAUN. makyels throiigl�oui the fil prelsent itlto'th -Pori Harolf Fiiemen, 3y.order. have bee ir sustained by the people of Canada. which the, Athericanalia0e bought t ni--us -been fd r- lorkel RiCy4!ond1- to fhaeffeiiat that a movatifent is t . n o' a -jent' .7 the lanl,- OIL Oqt Lto obtain awritOfA c6r A 'on to won I ey" sWuld be reMeraliered by us- all wit4 patrio- and afEeziWards tiaveexpQrted Our-­-Idn'd a has ;eailized extreme prices"for all th# pro. - we.7 w t�&ie; ydut- Pus for lNesand we --the' very'. heavy work we 4 3' c -9:) Had - . . i 'lot the rel -as Of Jeffe- oti - D-Wis. 'The wrir him ducts-othis farm, alld"-in his- prosperity the oss-to work1fb�paj,.'b4t.LSjm I a rs DepArtmeut of Publi tie pride. (Loud 'beet there been ot� the_ &cretsy, Pure, It Selves exitort whillout their ilterveniiou'- and- before- part Chan- p y -as question �II6 either from the -United e NFarks. a of the Tic come�*a a 0 assistygn, in A tim a Is 1`3 7 Ottaira. we &it our-- �man, the merchant, the 1:n( -neiall 0 !Day IS negleetL or proarastartation, in hirh --plac %, or- in the end I befiev thdt- It find' professional a of tr6tibfa st t a t4go a - .. - Di t ief C�i rwo'od - 5 April 1866. c4or co nsel and liti -and -wit- irt J�d-:li' Uirle any Tick Of itromptitude and spirit oil the part sflves' 0 1 more prosoerous tbcn ever. (Rear, nesses c and'indeed:a1i ofus have fully shared. - It ly .:w.W discovered that otie:-of their Mimaote -to ing.0iifrom. a SOIL: ourt of the I 'w6ett apprehensions mi would �.lia;ve` -been hard. set The civil Olt hear.) ure w. a -:p ow be �--.stro4glj- urp� rovitipba will be: of the recip�i7oeity n wa eii I usly 1 4 hil laying the, trial of vis will a Ermanchial piopfe,. th; ,,Xbe union of the P A` irue that.the ferfilination' me isyl -But, the�e as i�ed by -an. assimiladon. of -prov) 0 have been realized. 'ben foil. �ef home ort.8aturday --'H.1's aqiior,left treaty,miq injuriouily affect -its'ScifA of L t h L o d 8 rinoe -tU JL that ffe-,c V"i., be -held- in this distii he in - ,u arm per a Ck argre a a rk� h' for Sarnia by the..Monday morning train. yetnot'-Tthi -,-to' thi extelttilitt will aatis� h P4 for Ctm ncia while part he g maritan neither. The,,overnment flag dischirged if tari tin iniRl. On-, et unde ffs, and free access'to"ih -.n ts o A a nk the di t� pen4ing akaiiiist him i -duty readily, boldly tetively rt9d,the peo marititria-:provid6esivitich will t4eiieefc1rw-a�rd,' Several 'Counsel.- who -welid expectedto, majoriij.Wiev for' a the supreme ar d -th its ny n pa9t-w c plle have;thus f Mill L - 111 .: bourt -of the -district.: o otlr,�-neicr bourg will ie.1110ider if his a 'This man I -am jscharged tfieiit 'with '%h rank &:nonc,,, - our besi.cuitomers.- T-bere ig a 'berongaged in e causes A some of stillhave-to- putchuse from -ma of our -formed wai-dari g i rA Our white 'I Olv­L. enthusiasm -which: has left. rtothincr� to,'be de- pro9pe'ct,-:to6, of-favour4ble. commemial- r� thb-1-eases- are. of -reat im , an( tie , e,* we wueat,- receive Ah --would, i;'Sir altei.Seott h related an-- lo�ter —Aniee eek.* indu ad to L -a re producti, alnoings( othe 1 money sired.. (Applausa.) I init a porta I a I 4ny one as ..peade man,' so raugeinentd* with the I -Vest Indies, a's a. 'con- bsen it &0 dui barlitp �i'lrools -arid lum' bari an(f. they id stly ioo, thi iderit, connected with thp threatened a toci naturally...9up Sti- in.c u6 iEk compatAble with - honor. I 'of' at-thead a ta the nker o m litary Auty, Irtilwag Idng as pe sequence ot the. labors the commission aof mill.bave to sii�erfhe' oss, ou th, me men w O*uI -is a give'the -alarm- itivasi n Of Engl9ndby, thq lirst Napdleoii,- in ul d w fetaryllas been pose duties. Awai he wiio*0res6ehca of Mould hands- of ]a' in -attempt to dis arly pirt-of tbis-centurv.. la a Sebti!h -OF Would do all1hiLt c6iiIa- honorably be done to' hiWourable Provirficial Bee and"bo d not atten air self im� s& d jus as COUNTY %i ass. flie. a atic L- Our -�Aiertbynecrociiition: the horrois-of retrulai We abstain from.any a .7 Gt,*�.rhnfent i Sepoill:;�ji# Co"i ta L r tuf shbres.: r the Borde h' master -the -head.; and if this exiiietation bl�-;fulfillad ominetits.cn. -the b.'our peace seaport -nea warfk4. � Nia,-i6 f,h- rthettand Say th Ca[Cat ' ' - , ' , ' L I ' , . �J ' 19 1 .1. L. 13- - - r, a a ip, y -upon a great. cases �7until JE[is out . . A a atin my- We may ate, - noti dfil res6rved`-:' -,-Ron'or. 46- Aioners to the i Mej Pr6v.inces,, the -86aile imp6rtdnt-chJ-oges*La:rd, fortae)i the,auth4titi a GRICULTURILL b tter fc�r - -to -take jace -with regar a . in an ofthe btLt- ies that hewas ebas a b�' All kinds k -r te -li&W aienues for tbd dispo al -QP'our sur'lilus -talion. -Col. artis and Li ell are bo thight be immediately expect pe -judg*i9t&waf*Sgtwe-en Oriiit B.6-tairt and mirket',for our- flour arid lumbe�. - but algi hiojudgirkl West Tudiefi-and So Americi lo, 96ek.-outi d to- the coinma a F a It fleet, *b'CL4 saitling for th6 har-, HE EkVibidion -of Stalli* ns An" Btills V-4' c' the Udited States w�uld be a scandal to tll� upon the deve!ppe ifient of* a7 diree ade S )r�r hiv was r Bottle Lieut, Cat b �d w h N -civilization of botlili 'seeing' how close' and which, will add Immensely- to -i a -wealth a of ad V m k' T.tik,6 Place a),. nj TIN 11tilery Co. coming - W r, produce Willdoubtless prodiletive of the' going to, Windsor:-' M4or! Richdr on a a ts appearande there. Being HoRsz diversifiedare the ties which make commercial. importance 6t th I '-and -lastly -Ed,- niallf"the gidn I beaeons-were 6ed, andin ia' -Goderich' Thursday�121h d� ese provinces h6mes piest resu ts,' W.godstock thdrix.frien4s. (Cheei-s.)- But -in. relatiori hap, when. we view 1'� now it comm'vrid'� at 01 J seion of wd4lt�.,- �ould,4 'ward, is t.6 receive t ie.rank of L4 0 s. , ad ew Ill this, yeornattry, the farmdrsp and J511004 the. ounde. here, while -Major G - - the Ins to While,- then,' a terininatijbii our late fairiletise'ace'e- i6 t 0c, fl invast theibreatened, Feniall on, these consid- of -.the recioroci admi pri ate telegram otin h 1,866. when the followin- Preldlu �-will A ty tte I14 --y t th., A. T I s.,that the., hap * piertinte ave-4.oen found for. USL�to suffer succeeds"Col.' Jarvi i 6veryTman in rAlstriet. -fit to Carry- arms eratidris hoe. no'plaee As against fillibust inconvenienee*.. we shall Jeiiiporaril t16 town rea awarded.- Best Stallion lor general purpoW anyL 10�j the-'blose of -the:Tre -may- V6 e ome o". g� am war will adeteed Maji dy 16 eni. mama 1 y 8ut- Ar Co. may. be L qxpect d -h L - a sty h of the Dele Co �y�ungt and,old, -were do-si '.mnrdere�rs, thie s,- inceri feri and'-woald contindelbyall. 16 ' '- , 1 -0.0, 2nd -best d 3id li,�st &V CiInt. Ross 1061 of and. B t norable Richardson 4t the'T Ant. !the ene'my,abotild -be ittiimptto 1 $10,. 1 - 0. L a as P1713ne lee� r ut 'to , a With 12-ited States, 'be made for giving- �he corps a cordial ad,. for t&1I*0I*J* tions-. will -tQ� b- ",iinfo Bull of any ass' $5A0. 2nd best'* 'diames-and I truft uteage eduesd course pepera O�L llaV6 -IL ji) .-not 0 -your means to strive for a ayi 4011. W rgnew�l Of some coin. 'bedn pleased t6-_aIIude t the" the ArLillqr.y Go.; 4 1 he e.i+porit el ar to be appointed . tirned tind sensibilities by apolyin,-i, these; terms to the werciat- arrau 'errient the 0 1114joe. - When -ft be6ame thi up -posed I fl ' ta hod 0 U gersonal lnier�qt I -have eihibited - in the wel-- to the rank of $4.00, 3rd best do S3.110 Th, A. ts -Om-Saturdq 1-. Ptig h.-Theevent, ho�ever, Ing pre -avil 1be IU& -a6cept Sweeaey as thOir Gineral I woal(l deprecate. 'everythingg like - despond. .1hre of the twin and -its inhabitan knOwn-.-by-the ni C mining must ti wl%tin rufflani. who b an was. n6t with -(eheers)--nas -acrainst. these, -1 iay-, I am hey, -.welcome hoine, Thq com iny will arrive thai6 06 -and espeichdly would -I aepi-ecate every. P wool i 6111y sity t6t when -1 -have been. able to Vas going tol�ive' U,R, quite a. 4aspooding' -out it ;a , the mal i�hd of the -County Socie'ry atldstopldthe MOW no A a - t .148 th A& A hi'Goder '61ock- traifi. s notlatet than every hill el all cur; d-1 ear, ich on the -5 o atipplement aity public olijn6t in lirog�pss bv fe ing prevailed, for by his ster oil -th-d o pasion I dived th;i I would deal M thing(r like urifrie4d1i legidlafidn. J(H lint. q6liiies- t-the-Fritish peo- We 7 averse to -all peace with.'the oara-e levineed ing place as ono ofyouwAvP8 wb4d deal -with sl�-wolf hear.) WhPthee the people -of 'thb. - U ft dj� . to defend their country Goderich 'Town; n ted my lab6l'S'L br otherviise,- the pleasure I-ba;e a a soldier arid his, bearing as A�lgentlema w4f, it.: P,6rter'd HiII ives abrainst 0 Ic I,- - nton, and Strifth's Hill_, nCi* ende awg�d Iiiniself to ihe a Soreic, invasid iand 10#affing your'hoiniesteacil and 'ra and States continue good -customers' - not, the, Aigoiinim zwei n Pi� Wvfl-ib ��at- the or F -0 a Sun da'y' .,mor- ex�eriencea in doing 'so has, beeh a full '-and- he'hm- ris. of thei ell to whole. batt' I- 0 -u hborly temper.-. -[L'a tiii - orest,:- t"aks- and: be. Tc-incierow- morlday -Toay be..-th result of -the- -Fenian seare2 war or y( Aestiroyins fill around.' (Loitill 1. must. inevitably conti'hue bur; neightlors 1 aZ t sufficieuvre ndso a lion MLOf,dla$$­0r part thrbughoutthe -Seasonas abote. -6'eiock: a firb� broke'-' d mr., very ha ithoput.distin With woul&sboot them d;wn if at hirge, ban Iwp' ldciultixatf�o I mini 1�st, aboat 1. w dis"It y. Wittit neig ho a . . - 1 presedtaccept my a we, c9n ver me shQrt sharp Leave them if t 'y I larcre 4hre f thew,%if caught; ad'-tbat by"so hey osm. to build a,. Chin- -0 q -story rame buildinir oilir;ce tote, G. X TRURK the, JLaWS ever-, �,Godezich, February Zth, 18668 leve Me Uishall )nfiect v;ith it'.the. d'rill for the season 'at* half past six- -iii latetylptevailing !-a, -it wilij, - at all events -cc -the and7 - -decisive Oroatas, of God ese wall along -thei frontier and, e od. by Mqssrs.. J. & T. raoc.6 of �f nforce a saegni ead i then again. jat half p&t ten and 'haj'fL - ri rem our' kindo ELDA serve, 4similar P­ ve pas mait -,should be upheld., and the tarWivilrthy- of.-Jdpah.- By' !o duing, thi - -and U84 as a slatilgiii4r, -hoasi -re room -ha* kii6wn'.. 'I"thank-- 'ttivio. Withthilex�eption-of8e:irgt.13 NOW aW mini.of morning, Y the: happiest 4afs- I 13�44xvY­-. 4 A'bri.11t1marning toyourtait en-emieg of botk taugbt a lemon ofwhich they will inflict infinitely.more injury. upon- ihim.- en� selvl�s-tbanL shop, &c.- in c aneetio' ri- 6f'.y.our 'of �-n ri 0 et m to .- ifttA,- in: urgeht, need. . (Cheers )u gelitlethen;. f6r, thlil expreisi� Ii.double Oto Ity, wh i is noted for "Ithi upon CanaL lAtiathreii-kiiiplk-f%� Well, 's d da- (Heart hea- 0 it. with f4ee. f �al - r.) g66d-wish6hfbr-my witezand family. I -e;Lrly risfag,J know of no one who will re.iffli gOO o rt of R on f r fle Townithipor Pqrhaome. may confidently asauma that this Wba"ver be their course in this- -regard,.bilir -..Althoug hlaie w eviii sh. will lie holden. at 11he 'Sile to solicit. -at your hands., � 1 ng�'these cold mo*tniogg. Navig4tiou iO � I is 'a raal Irish shiny ag, like this fire a avour- mornifig,-John, hin- - a. ;my and'th' r- a a morni House bo Lot 27 cdn.,F�8 .8stards M On t promptly, a asual.� t ' suceeiiww .has been -open sever� lemn has Already to some extiknt beell duty- and our intiiests admit. ot ho-alistak - --e-ox'l a ad. to* Ahe uniform men were on .�heirlt. unnery. �b* .-the f rliy, this cha' Nistr6Vs Murphy, T Wawano 4 nothina 4amb. d counihiry --in mind av the olil i -puts we I that yon'have ever -bost R a I trips to. . an, 28th of April instant, aethe IlGur -of N 'faught, The univerW Antliusiam: with Already, i r pe4le -�relb-ti fokbearancoli and good *M gind6r ii in- - hir.' ugua at off than they : the debt which - could be done-. beyond g, bvinced tokirds- me. the thile I li�ed wid your fatherrest his'so 1, whah. the` appeal, -of ike Oovernment wa he 'is f To elt not by &rerio pe,to see yo 0 SPringi, in P� p, o' n6d fFerAs -spread e ininir'btLir(j 'fioni ti meto fini a ho -and from Datroit. SaveralL days last *eek* a daciii �er -M nivir d;ew. breath, and sQrra a to -the deiermin a tell us;.them.taxationfro"m "; - u- oppregse preven:tio Ahe sh 11 susto stio manifcs Elich fhey -su of here', and I fitimellbe flocks 6f 4fld rigeoni pasAedaver, in JAME� ACOTT` b 6in the flag ot bur bourl. felt not here. Therei- was a *time When ofthe #am s to the zid�io London craythar- ivirpas.§ed his dooi without a bit, oi� -the Ic - ow. g 1. i6all 'be -this--vicififty,: r6wn 'y all clames to we need se'ateely a h It lad unfa tering. resolve of might'h- ils. N Thib struathre with inost of its 4101i. o meot . you, t( a- hea betokirig, tr'ast an, earIv Title so' Xuh.W.' irr, At all hazards I avelooke& apon- their Iot a. cei tain. - 0-- 1 . . . . ­ . L,, ,.,,,rty and frieao� -sutl' Kiatress Murphy,` 1866.- W11 -1 every fit rk in. . - - . - - Y enjoy Ify mencemerit of a&ricaltihit offairs.' - The W-Awillosht April 'Ttil, - lour astI and past i--iits-wes- con L a - I ..- pallinga Rask out of his poek�,; "-would oa F a V IS 86w, eternal-, may -bei. -yours f'X1HIL0'JUN1V Awd fig b thiempdral.a A%F Wh So Ot Ou-r country which w6 Ilave nQV in - - ran-ce 0 of to fight as, becomes a man degree of envyibut that timlil'is p ipletely d6strojyed.'The-�,re. s6ki7of t46 hands 61k 6�e�` old w d4lisrhtful. and the men froin, i ' " ' anct home, his countr fbrev%r. Rcjbi do in'th a ather h are all iii.ei o down, to the rswil�r I D -- priet pl�Aially ovdred by .. imels. eilee 0 cinf� as I a eregtoratio ore loss *ill -.be pray,. gent am appiness ric tkust +a to ha t a Pfilt'lldtil I ro - F0 -ALI ionably not- been ofitbeir Union, I gee - nothin- good in their Gode c6flent h alth.: 'IT OR sa hk qUiiezj�bU uncliesti 13 tseffectupm the coun warf, and -may i0way. with the lie I th Add'beg to subscribe S. myself MO of myj.aeket but.11I.Pay-jon. fillifbii the sun 4111iifiM Wheers.) Th-eY havellearaed� at Jee'liurdens-upon their shoulders from- which. ORSale ortolAtl;)t NoS 2nacoopw- r yours voes'tiibed.' '.1LBurnt.heJfirdp; John, -until My rs"j. at Ak will mot quarrel 'A. NtES The Ne Z�ali 0 ;4y'for. the half pint you got - yesterday.' Alo -0ija4a, a -baso of op- we si-e -happily tee. We d2erican roverls--. arlii -Awar.ming JoiT OF 06LO W and 'n township of Alod to m e7 �d -30 -y Ill F -N -- war CO of W-0 LA&STM THOMAS. aliout f6ur willioo dley inast beght.by conquering it'i -with 'them thin, albeit�they enflo�qe.thj 101 at 19niland- t kno 1 dwellin a uilding.% *0 Uid" .0rations Jap-� over .1this 5.e 1611j, P veryth a Allril 6th 1066 l4ra, last ears by. a par. w - iekiti�,r� up -e h hadeally 1, Qo4 r 'anese-policy, of in ore' I - - n..hitercoll-rSe. year, s6ad gr wilada app� lroui` n6ther,4n.4 she was.an L OUld fiod carTier. bearing orebard,-and ar,n h At; liallientary rdturn to cost Britain, about, three ifidyollir fkthe� n) ratill I Ing thmughilid lot. f 0 'him was a dir�y washefOoma -niixtakea if tbey Urn 'not at -80 CO 'in is no _the ._Sh&p of hormid- attlo at- 9 6.11 -that impossible -to height0o, thd n OR d 11 mally, 'chiefly for' the A ood. J@jrW"thrit ar pealile as prompt. and bartem RiAher-let tie do 7!1� ­ .11 .. . � - Y. : A14 genti.eme willioni � 0 ars-"u hbva $110*0 -try and' tWei OPS.L -. in hauled w bulls , armi 'themi � the c7ontrast between this coun fignies. --'Be atterare expected to slid- I seed .1roarin, bi the Canadian POOP ro. - -% - % 4 hi ith f - - Or utensils. rellfeatintry in . ­ 1* :present d 'to'r �,Snd flup�oitoflltro A half a*�.milllon - , 9 thi-world' 94 Oft to a . first-rate dinner Pay to -the gallowsi-yoit ould thief of the worrla.�- APPI 'On the Premisci to azation for reolst4ofto,. Theirs a now be- big S h this. summerIl lit -conse- be added thi RO BERT 10HINS TOM mora to 11valn Oet usl-1 n ap:est. Tory. jiio7ideidih the style for. whieh.the Quebee fortifications.. Sohri sloped'doubleqnick tid2e u a -pe�rter ITU etree. (,' ibraitar -arid Malt� cost.'about as 'much do 16% eel *a(hrull Laross the!�pavexe ither, rrheir taxatiom IS- more pneyou nd veatioi qj� Godeacb; April 10tb, 1866.-- IRS JustlY iug rquied 11s.: V r till Wort lit; i n 0 .1 a, I - f n ear pla n 01 L mide out pr"( \ab ut we-- w 1_1 ia co !11 �.a I air del ebraL6 i ',Our spaa ..,will Cdn 'y V Z