Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-03-20, Page 2. • „„•,-•••• .1" ; .f y- • ••••• •-• - • , ••• ..• _ • ., A, ----"---r----- ---.- ,- ----- . . .,..- • ,-,-..--. , , -..„. ___I- 111:1•4111'..1E114 -..VG OP T RE Mrailiet. 111ethodisen' in AMerica within the last hundred ,.. •,.... -I 1111V0eit! ttill 77" + N A 1 ' • - SARNIss Sunday Byenin-4, " - 'year w. -es all erilleetede we heye received from . • • th Coent • Treasurer One hundred and ninety. _ - they now- nuniberel '2.100,000 und when _Me Dkeit'Stnime-e-Tht mdineretoits night five. dollars' aii4.eixteeu dents, aiid we,,,are.yet 1. na, -. LvyiN_uituRcite. : ,,yetirs. ,' From a- mere handful!, it had grown - 18t are . _ . , _ ag, , The Weslern Church, .-thiS Oitin it was rementheyed:that theise were ahoutthree 'Of the, sixteenth Nis passed ewaye the ,gyeat iudehted to the CoentY reueurer for -last - - • . ' • - •• to oblivion and- the years Comity rate -1110 ferther sum" of five - .h.e found that nearly 'one person etit of- e.vety .eighteenth is detest overi and yet a ana . • p un nes - Jut wes - re open -on - the eliet•eli.oriii -some w•ty. under its influence deubtful whether any pitee in our '$ro-ei _ GODERC c, lir -.Mani' 20 1866 ost adhetents- for every cOminueicant, weeld seveoteeth has -gee! la • h I II d 'ty live Penis e. tith hes been closet1 durine the - •I4 • . , ' • - • C dian uni re and t ree o ars an cm . - YOH TS ' 4116..... • ; - • -TII0A1A8 Me. e . • ' CANADA IN ARMS. . - , tee ecces foe_the pUrpese -of, erectuig five on the eOntinent 'eels...other meniber Vehinteer -lives 'to reetii•d the. tact: .• It - . _ •NlICHAFfe- Reeve • .f - ' leriea • • i• - Sunday and Monday last 'fl • 11 • . ga - Nor WaS elie harren ot ihe _means and ap- "history eau be found which in -point Hullet, Mereh 190, 1866. . ; e _ - L - . _ elinneeseieressary to. carryon the stapendoue . interest -the intense feelings ofthe people _ . that something ef the kind will shoitly he es-, ahem_ nglond. With many Ametican-iee. _ _ . sued by the -Secretary of State.rr itieiene, nothhig .10 toneidered emir a passpo4 to popularity, .or such a eureguarantee 4 ite effective Address, as a -fling at the "old e.otne try.'? ' Begin your speeeh with a spieyallugoe _ gTsb*e . District of this Rind, and you have situ • d - le an sten. Centre Andrew Wainne. has ordered a smics tive heering for whatever elee you lime to ot public Ineetheeie to be held each evening tide throueh hie. ill-starred Bill. The pith trf next week: ia Nuts of the city. of ail in his -allusion to Canada Wait ;that he neeforth- . . . , favor ot Irish nationality, mid- of supporting -the u nited btates woula treat us as friends-. _ V11...• • Sepheas aed 1Eneve The vihole t f " •" I Wereitetatalormerstatenietit that ncith- ies, which extend.aleng the two sides eed religioo enterCrieee of the:day. eatemored Aettenipt . ,113,11.101V: - • .! no as avi uraes--ineess weenet.e oureelyes iip. itho;eingazittos.. conetud. e wifn a grand de.monstrationon the ete be treated as _enennes ; and that as it, The 1ng-Cou so toroughly unite'our poplin._ one end-, arefitted ivitlt -great:neatness, The- ',tree chute, nailer the- able direction tAPPlause,i entbeelliebt-el FridaY, We hadetheen teld. :map reeea y,: _ dr 1111d by partiektio, whose -oppor- . • 0 • - • • tunities,weie ood tor iniowfog,that 'reined's . • • • 23rd The most nenninent Fenian Newfoundland and etova Scot' • . y n ti„ b mg, peel_ ges o mearatel nata _uy %vas o : *. _ • - I . - - er - • - tionars an'attack by •the .Fentans. "The and iire 'capable . of seatinet about. '250 of 31r. D. Kerr, did geed seivicelandrecewed • I d t be tickle celebritted - and dire • ft has bien currently eeported that a dar- Ointortl are .exPectiiii. t) address the meethess lb' de yi fi .h• • le • A _ • lc It. • ekeetal country an invasien F0-0 • -eineeal bh3w or the PoW-der inaeazine ati Bur- encoADTIoNs QtiveD • .:war should result isath G rest Bjitain -the a le- iseenea. -threcebout the . entire' .Previlice perSons, The interioreaSthe. ketarelt :-greet praise. •. - • . ..- • • - • • grace -del en lavrislun on ti lareeeacale of our hie -attempeevairaiadelesteedity-morning. to • ••.; • - . • -- • P: ..1 = -0 . • • - -l'roui epirit rovenge,fOrrandePP08-:.: inalon Ilstr.hts • . It s- • maeitzine .continns , ue • _ . o of the British Provinc.es wou be 4yrestedfore duting .the past week fullrestablish tl& Wallsenel has:- been- thoroughly t . • The eompany aeperated at 11 e ee , f , • - ever fram that Power. .11as -Mr. Ildorre ea, Th. Qb C/ 'et fT * • • e, _ . ec front e o ues ay says .--. _ „ e „„1 . . f nut 0 war mug - P . e e nit'q _ . . •• _ . • - - - . . tee...waleet iiii-isiesns of the very wiirzt- of men duly guarded ;•but it-lthe- ester, 'is true, it . St. Lewis -street. There we -re double guared.$7. " The Provinces would be „,ao-ne for ever eje, - , . _ 1 - fact. Everywhere Strong men, irrespen- the windows frosted, iiiiproved vente: .• . - - weenee-weones ton that as Canadians .the powder beloneine to', thewholesile emelt- 16 re understand that a e •t• f - Ilectedthat it is as ;treble for th le • . hour heine too' ate t dm t of addiesses from o • t •ofoker. Happily the day when fishnients in the city; nd. WSW supposed to be held yesterdayfOrenoon at Sewell's buildines „ the_ local cleraeymen whceoccupied , the. plet • • rive eon / States to lose something --as for 13ritainl-e tive a- creed -have- -gathered around the latione previded 'foie and ultoortlier f - • , - • t .1 orm. 9 Old standard; crying:7 "eil.:rat' usearneue, may, . we thiuk„ now- be coitsi iered the • _ . , - .; - - were t cousumated haspaesed over us- appeers that the surid had left for a short upon the" Asaistarit *Adjutant General's °Thee eels ; but whitOf the -South, id (sae of 'Ace . • . - • . • that WC :may -meet. ifini•foes should they 'neatest atruCture of the -kind- in. Goderieli - ger•Attention directed- to the navel:- _el p haps our appeatancent the point hae • eon, et the time. Of. nothiu of- ffi a war ? time and on then retertithey found a firee ' d • • • - •' • • g an o • - dire to- set ibot upon•Canailian- soil." - and we: Ale eatisfied that eo tee -ellen tisements of David. Glass, Eeq., of Len- vinced them that. tit nit tunes we atie eady and 1. A Jaen. eo ceise to the tnagasine.that m a few cial character transpired from the council. II simplyincerrect to say that 'becomes Every city, toy-Ile:And: has'furnish- Church, of. tne same size, in the 'Country dna. • . itubta, and enthusiastic leyalty -can compare -with . The _carpenter' eblettes out froin _one end of the liind To -the, work was done bY the- Messrs: Hai -risen other. ,The lying press of Nei York and - 'Chicago mayeall it the -Penadian scare" - if they please hut the Fenian, leaders koow by this time that if thete venture upon invasion they Willemeet the hottest reeeption a let of fillibustms ever encoeun- . tend. TMs uprising in. Canada has eur- prised , the "-Fenian Brotherhood ;to .coMpletely that they - show salreadY nnutiltakable signs • of --discourngement, -ftr St-,-;Patilek's -.day, whickwas to `usher tn something terrible to ais, the de- .. monstrations of a .w-arlike n-ature were • . • . - • - . ' • • •. ' . • a Ple-. minutes it 'would have mined and done its was, however, -stated in the course.of the dy !mimed bY Great Britain, dorlag the-lare re. - wit!) -" hearts resolved and han a .affords precedent for the United end te retard the blessiags we'efe9Y. . :-A-t work. - I aim unable -to tisee ihe rumor to in well hifortned eirelek, ..that the volunteers hart past eight en . Friday- night the --various thecity. The .hlo wing up f :this ,roagaes, 'their billets • mid alieweite•paitiallye at least .souree, hut it is peverthelees, veep etirrent,' Will, in a day or two, be withdiswn from TILE .11031E EGUA.Rps - . -1/ - 11 APVIIP:d6S: :nine Would cause On immense d al of d‘rear.e. e -to attend' to their daily avocations. They • • etiivnenpba;aiitricase-kle.re is oreanitation is Still gain.. on .i•-i-eorous vill Infiniti were quartered' for the nielit at - . and 'Jae- Gordon,- -Ltea-. the- painting•hy ere - •• - will - however,: iontinue until further ordent •confitterr to the of a dention in Port . Huron, and the ascension of a feet rockets; and -the processions in the large Ameri.- - ean-cilies ivere Miserable fizzles:- Ca -- nada. the day pissed :without eyCn extra Street" fiett; eace and . harmotiy_ pervades 'all ranks, thents to the common sense -course of their Clergy, ell -.. • - ,teseleetable RoMatt Catholics,. have sheWn - bytheit• quiet demeanor aederespect. for the_laws of rite: countryi, that they- enot-for. a moment countepailee the saerie lie•PiOni- scoundrels who wiqh to introduee - en era of anarchy and- confusion. And now „ what' le .F-enierisrii to do 2. The -chimera of conquering Ireladd has been eiploded-ethe American 'Government- . - .„ evinces a laudable- deteemination to pre- . .--• 4revent. raiding upon the Cnn dian frontier, - ' 0 Messrs,' Ellard apd Manytt the - whole cost •Iy, tied since teriday lest," squads of tivelve the rt Hues° on arriving at which each - .2 • _ Precaittaons .at Ottawa. to reeeiv.e pay and rations • and in return will _ 0 _told by tee officers to- make themselves lei . The same 'pa er on Wednesda couple of houts.at least every daY to, dell. *conjecture. The Aineriban Government - inita was ervedoetaiith stoneehlankete 'end - • , _ of refitting Iteing .about 8700; 'twist of twin undet the cominand Weal) offieer petrel 1 - Strites,to allow the Fertiaps to 80 aheadisete , their ikheines, and recognise them at Velege etents _as' soon ; es they have actually teems, m. enced hostilities. " We shalt,for theprefeeste leave out of view the question ef according have to attend daily parade and eke a hellwerent riehts as that is a mere matter f e_vening, fur the firettime since e -the come They will elso. have, in'tur.a, to do imird Ana or maY not .40- that i We ao net for a Mosseatatal- • - Y . - were Placed an the five banks .: in. Oltati a. _ . patr'et d ty It.'s•heped the d• a h• h think -they will - but wliat they are d- - eausedthe men to;beplaced (manure service' that On Sindayenieit one or two .but on no. eendition were :they • te lay aside nienceinent of the Fenian ex- citemente enards - e . I -.. eneer w r - , , - °Me __„. be tee'retted - ' ' heir' ainmunitioi and as- notoriously ia allowing a largeportion of their. ofelie men iilaced,--unfartimately foe himself, :theiebelte contamitet t . , . every -man had -his sixty roinids. on- tont be- '-- - - -- eo y f ' h d th • • h. will heve lieffi_Ciently subeided- in ehe. couree . ,- • - . -. .: - „ . citizens to orgarrizeopenly and .Ostentatioulay -- . ' '' "C ' bele •ed 'n a under command -of Ensign.. ox, at i .. . . . . • - . - , •si ee eyone an op. emi ) ou eaneu ee aeto d- le - - e Al t -' ' ' d; • ' ' 'Capacity-. ' Sentry boxes-wete placed et the- . of ten - days or ---a fortnight to allow ii, still for the puepeses of engaging in :bastelmee Pio! 6 rine trepan arnis e . e men le t is diserderly...menner, but the 'prompt.actien DI: theatinowit of-cOmfort hewati iikelyto take- , - • • • - . . - • . - ' • • • fature. -The - 6 -tiara . is niabilY.eoinposed of tor the eld to him- will prevent such. an occerreece ie eio God-erich with a hundred wined. men' i ite I . . means o ;mites e eee me s were pretecte • - - • - • - ' -n --• :Finn the rain.. .. • - . . j ' - . _ , • - ' " .6_6 The ;tally:pert opposite fhe junction- - - - '_ - ,D'Auteuil randSt. Ann street has been bar- . .6-f, manner. They-have:in acted Organization.s- they are collecting fends -they are •purchsas . . e • . t --,,s me (them:like. eld soldiers : :- • _, • , , - • ' seen stretched theniselvei out on the "floor- - --.:A F N Ix Tan 60TR Itivixs. • - • - - . d d f - which sum. has 'already' been' rwised., by ;the town all'niht oin •.-end 0 end, _It is to 'comfortable as their position Would allow-- , • - P Ye; _ Subseription-and Otberivise.- Oer.SUnday- 'excellent •sehnons were pre-aeheal the- nt;),,rning., by Reif. „Mr. -eHuriltett, 111 la Of -.the' District,- in the ..afternoiin by Piof....Nelles -and in the evenin".. by ReV. R. Brewster. ' . The teaemeetieg ea -me Off ia tlid,capa- eious bzisenienteon Monday eveninie -and althorigh tickets were 371 cts.. each [the attendance was the largest we have teen Goderieh, about 500. perebas attending .• the etelfitletiCe.of the citizens ofIlit• town: - • hung over us like a feloyember mist. Little ttaebeen_playing the Fenian here. • He was state of this gate .cheraux de.frfse are -used tion which a regular Governmeni would make • lans f h h d .fh acme et a I dl owe I h F . ,„ . , • this elbjectrinnthYe 1-)mostr.explIceit °Lid villovIlirt different : institutions: during the day, by urt er re a anon o e uties .o t e vo un• ieoinans-, .whenthe ease: wee repOrted :-Yrin can picture to youreeii your eoutt -toom . f h' h th 1. - 1 d t'ere ' ;rood. reliable' mee aad it is 'their firm deter- Th - sap:. rica e . One o the lame and one of the ingarms and ammunitions of war -they are - others commenced in right earnest to- saloke London Prototype of yesterday _lineation to endeavor. by all meanie to seture as if it woe their les • s_0011 an iinmense eload `A bugler, 'tanned Murray, of the 60th titles, shme:iiii'bploassackagdesu; Sto. .Jiontn;oe, .Gthaete utativied:hlesd9 Alb -online foafettlh. me Iarkiisahg reevpenriblipp're-prtheray. • • t - •ought yesterday b,efore COI. Hawley, and. card parties too Were -formed and by their for stoppine the- ordinary thoronehfare which was intending, ever. And theyere'doe • T E F' R 0 N hearty laugh ieWas finite apparent thet our evidenee Of the folliming facts addueed : that ,_,-eiong, he, said Murray. eersed Her MajestY: the -the reinipartS-fin accumniation of. snow log a , wi in t re ni fates, er- - I - 'th• I U led --nd which might possibly interfere with the woeh. the United State% under- the. eyes of the Impending danger efleceed theni but little. -e" to partake of : the good thtngs_sO erall • - • • - -Tue balance tit the Mem devoted. the time te Queen, need Seditious and -treasonable lenge- hie ef the - - Newi from the GotlerIch 'Boys tenititioniejokes and son is.:The latter were in - age towards the British government, 'lied_ re, guhs h4s, been. cleared .:awa and Govenrment, and evithoat -the slightest cheek. • Is lib Y • - • -• the earapets, embrasures, lece are cleared ere is e paiul e to t m the cou•se ,hdped shortly 'to see the flag 'of grin and eve'', day. Out side the wails lienvy volute tt Britain pursued? She allowed the Florida,- provided,--1:ty i = At ter_ tea. the. - • • abundance. . The -tray hateatreeilar 1)44 From •ofir special eorrOponitent. ittars and stripes flout pWudly over the ram- teer eatrolsosarch through the'strietseduring Abibam. as te is.ses from her ports tO pray congregation releatered the body- ot the e 'led " oh -the "Bounty," wits elven- •would h 16 1 19 6 . P M. al • Wh h 1 I h• • I arp t II 6 1,-6 c oc .t. 77 h we- .7.ofie y.oft good ste-bear the thorut hein* .pirts of Great- 13ritain. Miirree, it - said, the-mghte - • , • 11 -upon .Amelican coMmercee'r that irethe Church and the scene' Pretnted.l.as neils e y ear Signal,- ur. a vent in Sarnia, .easy pearly the whole two compames pee ted - • ' ••• • .1- will be tr• - led by a court martial, when, n.,o ;" The et:1'0'st •order ap--pears ito prevail in- answer. But that ;see paralied. The priva- Most eelifenine one the_ stro aly-liehted has thn --s-fiti beeii ushered' in by a week- of it up and joined in most - heartily--aomeetew deabt, his corpus, denuded of- the Queen. s -'11' 1 t • - ' t - .- Th Id' d , e vo un eeeemi oninent. _ e so ters .an theirbosti appear, as ae'role; ta bes on the .teeis were got od in the most secret and - expanse beim; filled': With -W:11 d7es.ted the'iaost•disagreeable Weather thet hes' eVer 'Devoiishir.0' men Whie were -- Dresesit . nea.-nee'd"--t'cloth, wit( flout proudly down teltingsion- most friendly tering-. .,,We hate not heard ofa stealthy -.r. manner possible. So profoundly - - i - -. - been the unfortunate lot 0 1710ital8 to best -lb!. when -they shut their .leyes, theY mysterious was their Teal o'bjeett or :destine- emagelecrei.e.,-, to durance VilP• ASO Mae: itl)e-tO all the . ladies ,and.gent:cieete, havedureig- the sar ele. of thie t in, been the the land Of later. - _ - .- : - . - side-- 'Th - - Rev. Re INThitine pastor of the eance-re- jeet-to-•=alterilate showers -oe rain- !Ind" tow they Were in the halls of 'their' -ancestors- in eribe Of Barney Finnegans." ,. .1 e ' ' _ - - abiole complaint 'of a serious kind On either _ non that it was perfectly Impossible, legally" . e -upper part of - St. Lewis suburbs „ FIINIANS IN, BUFFALO. _ to pievent their neparture. attere_ mignt presents allthe appeatance of a team in mil- have been grounds to suspect, bat -to prevent ' r' -programme.. . ?our Correspondent soueht ont demo, the • - - - Ack-Fat.o, March. 17. •ta then' exeit, law required legal • evidence aud e•ation oedupied the _chair. e seid, in ...Singe moenine last 'at '9 o'cleck nieht the soft side of, a bench 'wherewith to .0 t ry. occupation twin. war -time, Senturale - - - - - - s e • opening !the proceedings, that ,.was Vie have assiimbled at parade tr. •three -rest_bis :weary !nubs and meditate tor a short ' t natty be seen posted at various points alontr *bat -coal net _ • cling opOn sulspien- . erea amount eif .extravaerane prate is " heard in -Fenian- narters en this city so . • • times a day for battalion:dril `With- the time on the extr %ordinary scenes before hie] • • d be had A , _ y' t divereifiedin nature, that net even a well. - I th t f th t t h are e ou er limes o e can onmen t ere b f • h Florida -btf f be oi the British Governateet seized and tried - proud and happy that he was surrounded whole ot the men oti tit' •d- b t b" --eth' h t' e eroun num erme - u so er in inc? In sue a line- % as et. - , groups o vo unteera in t e streets at the , u or war o evi nce . . - - h d run:lour eauld be dedueed Whatever • roscution. failed The Alexandra -was _ by friends whose detire it was te enlarge ns it does eight strong' companies, quite of - :the, question _ for just has .some aPe - streetscorners.aucl .,In the houses. Officere . • - . . • - ,ferinidahleline is presented-. If I may je ge nppy .1 e . and beautifYtheir place Of worship. Al- joke , relia eau be belie -ted -from bitr- • ; the meteor' duty hurry About in various die _ also eeized., and proceedings was commeneed , - - - - ay the:eeneirks ofthoie who witness their ee- sion prestnted- -itself • soine - rich ludinsi to the -absence of . so niany of our - • • ' - - ronni eit-poeition_s; and that•the rank and • • if b 'Id b b fad 0,, . • ere - °tutees' their streneth is quitd equalled by was got off at some poor fellels expeesened a , d. Ii• 'd a - :suitable ,to the ' twee_ the f-enian pia .may,be, it is ceetain that -move-from house to, house en their rounds ; twice seized Ana tfied• 1" -1•41h4 ralli were • teeming. - aeauist e- ers ut team,' anot er • kre e. • • - • frieade at the front defeading•ther coun- the . knewledge of -their various movements eou had- either te get up an laugh- or lay o better infoi•med than those out- ure alai yet believing them destined for 'Five- - 7 side. the, organizetioe. 'That au invasion of - - after auethee Canada is co- utemplated- is a forgone con--. teerine, the Government, from a desire te act try he satd that if attacked by Fenians, and_ other deties required of theni. ,I.stieduld and be Choked as I ;preferred the latter I ain like. the ladies .01.-G-odericb tO: he' on Our line "Ain iu hu'id'ef "the livinee 111 he Riliing in --Ireland th.• friendly ivith the United 8tat act- - • • • • . .d . rh h. t -Pretaerated. Par eae e sion an that project• is. t e on_e t a . • • and -Canada is capable° turning.. out, me ln. ',rich, many brave heartit would of_inere,b when We are gohig ito 'the tipper pa hotirs passed slowiy-alone It is afi, II rade ground, alter getting WO won! front -our Moit - difficult Thing fer men accustomed to 0. . ee .a . a • . t keeps alive the enthusiasiteofrit least twe• • . front -England Contain the 'in- their leaviv ' be fotind to meet them, and aniongst these _ tueney, and thus „prevented _ t d 1 the Feniank As far as the- ditem Late PaPere eatly boeght the rams for, a laree suet of - • - anentetgeney, _ever . -100,000- go-od mete _ ebnimanderanteeek-ot -lose t _ p he coin aides all the comforts of a home to be all of a, ead., t lir s o what more couldthelGoverninent dol • hey _wteaslli did -their utmost to prevent piivateeti being •and-, true. he •only resource . left to _ . •-erp .. - would be- found the ;Home Guar .-- - - • - • • e • - . T , eo Ii o e in - e - lea could gneirlizee. dthirIttbsienbsuadctit;1 rttnpgro`tninlarecliajonnd • • . mildly struck up genie lively air, and to their den reconc: ed • to -such a change. he night lige-se f Ir I ici eoes,. the ders _ . I • 410; Was -uonsuell •ee gweebey Roberts Go. is to steal the (Lend Whine.) . . - - stirring yoiees we ra ip cheer ly ale e h not keep tip th'e excitement -another day. • . sent forth.froml3ritish ports, anduot vere and as the doors were of the ebeerninent, in. he "suspension of the • oui thought cir ;are like. Old Seed:tete . fit, -as.. epestantly opening; it admitted of gust') of .ahe reptile of mil tat nrena t on as Copus ket. Auticipatino* thepass• Canada las greateleedislieartenedthe bretheri Habe. fundseollected and • 'skedaddle as soon as Ittv. M Hadwen then:matte a brief ; - a Worthy member iernarked; forleiaier beet- Wind that Were Jimythilie but pleasant' • qeite • ' • • " ea i e . - inaill cases_simply because it was imposeiblit I d and the enthusiasm ie fist meltin0 out: .0 °f t.he . ee . evi n e tu e t only a awe law, the Iiish pOlice made arrests esu d ee :de en „eteelleifasb inofd, htel Alabalsaerhe -4' to cc d I • e - • •. speech, zeingratile-ing •the 'tat'esley wig in stakes or -fightin -1 ti;el satisfied whether &number of ehe,•men mem cousesineuce suf.' possible. we may he called for serious duty or not, eerie°. rent severe co s, . _ - • • - • Goderich on the gteat improvements tliey had effee el. _ under strict military eiscipline -will both through the windows; at six c oce t e or .. The Fenian movemen ne y -• _ Dublin of .150 of -the.b emen leaders, includ. it was toe late-wheit she had -already left.- " • - . • In -the caie ot the Georgia and another Yea.; • Id sees thena FENitniSNI ,DCTROIT inrrAonte prominent Federal army offiterse a. ItUART -SEZ‘SIONS. There were DO cases tried at the Ses-. sions of greet importance, either • civil or _ : ' _: The follow.ng is the Presentment of that the callieg eigether,of these' volindeers Right; :glad -we-Were at the first peep of dar . - peeitorr, 1 • t 'a edle isl mac"- the intended instirrection. The March I 7.- ala thus coinpletely .suprised and put down . sel,Mr. Adam's -himself failed- to get -evidence.' mes says d ha he Quartett.,--4-' Shall we know each other -molltn-Y it'11 d physica-y-eeeit, greet a vi ntape. came to retern to.our billets, Ines:Imre-40 leave tallied, The lie nited. Seaee teoeps• stationed with lefeienee to thiti vigorous -action tnat-- . • • -• • r r and yet subservient eventss owe i t 11 1, i • • • th -men In Vein« ing however sew friendeBarney in - • o persons. were sci° -Much astonished as 'le i.ea' Pnvars1 • - here are under orders to prevent any breach N ' • e remem reeether, -first, that the was sets -that preyed on American commerceisssed eaperior offieers, end: the exeeeiSes. neceSsery all the. company some e moat genuine o - e there . 'taught at n11 timeestriet, Oedience to !their capital kete. the N•itionla Anibeite. In whic4 of the neutratil laws, -A 'battery.- will _ be Ate Americans who have infested Dutdin for ' " d inost hearth The - . • - Prof. Nelks ea'id it affordellim .reat y! placed at shott eoneent the ferry deck, if a sonie';weeks past. Sleeping; quietly on the . tor all -Soldiery to observe I sure keeper of the Coute }Luse a friend no doubt crossine to. Windsor is attempted: a . pleasure at witnes.sina- the elorious eon! brine laetiee'benefits..on fill -those who'are of -our .Anigue rematklar, as we left,- your a . _ • 0 . • • 0 • . news of the Intended suspension -of, th t tont Lritish-pons so stealthily, or in au& completedisetiise, that it -was impossible to and full Of confidence- thnt:tbeS would have • c'• • - the Imperial Goverement did all that eras pore- - • here. . So far_ as regards_ our.bilicts on pri- ' lot of fine :ellows• but noiaeedells for a,' thet _ Foolans In Liverpool. ample .time to -piesetre fefight, they were detain them legally ; and, secondiY, that vate siiiiensehe men as- ii, rule are delighted Tto.- 4rtillery Company wlicieI heard -after-" • • ember- of the Hu- wards .were Itke.wise all together Inf. the areement. ble in comfeimity with lew.tO stop I ;Lee-. C - h Doe A Liverpool Corres;ii. on lent whoie- of antizii•-e41„- 04'4c:don of P the' Grand Jury :-" The Gratfded'urors ..sammation of the chairman's (generalship. upon their oath pteseet, that they have . • visited the gaol,. and find -it in is clean and ioinfortable condition. as such a place -can peslibly be. _pf the IS prisoners Incarcerated thetein, not one haa any com, Plaint- With-regerd te their treatmeni by Mr. Campaine,_ tbe effieleob Jailor, and Mr. Dixon his assistant. %Ye ate glad to -.learn -that the various clerg.ymeu of the- - toin have Divine seriice in the. Gaol ebapeleleteelely-to- the nialiife,sf of -the Prisbners, and thae_ the library .bOoks are carefully perused. The 'Grand • Itieors recommended- that the ptisorere '-`1thiston and Fisher;iii gaol for vagreney be 'discharged, the.r.- have - imPrn.vetk institatien 3- - and men -instance, Since their admission and express a desire. : ;-eited the Christian-ComMissiOn one of -the to ao for themselves. We are glad to ope -grandest efforts for ;rood since the birth of clerfst. 'The world, as tepreseate:i bY .the great crowned. heads and the- masses - . Fle spoke of the great body griard pbsses! sed by the town in the persons of the mar.ried ladies. With reatrd. to the in - vaeion by the Fenian% he would jest -state any. -American's who r ntighthe • that if people front ..the "States -came and _ took' our -Counter We" shoUld 'and take - - (Laughte4) He spoke selopeente ly of the actietty_s_er. Oter.hgee ireno way ____.... :-displayed so •coesp•ceously, -ar3 -Stich 7- • ‘; tomins as the preeept. The :great sleek -or „Chtistian activity_ was to- PrOmote penCe, geed- fellowship; and every -good andebee serve, th considerine die °Teat extent Of • Et. 0 - . the Om es so little cenuinal inisiaess has been b ught•befote the Grand Jury Oil -.this occasion, but we Cannot refrain froth 'of mankind wasaitt.the sideof• christian; ity. hoped, -in a short time, thafthe present Church would be toO limited for . 'the crowdi who should flock to the .stande d of the Lord, -(Ipplauee.) Anthein.-"Behold'yeSliall seetheSoe of Man." _ 's • , Roy: Mr: Brewster congratulated the bongragatimTh the chaste, beautifel and certimodious.-Chareh they no* poesessed, and etraised the ladies for their excellent -tea land cakes, arid :the- singieg, of the which -he consideted "the best adapt-. .ed to etevate the noblest -sentiments of -the sOnlj Ile spoke of the great principle ..of lime and the 7 Wolidqrtitilad. stoma-- plislied in. the world, as set -forth. before. us in the scriptures and the history of the &teat merat reformations of the world AmOneit other' subjecte very ably! treated by; thae speakei; VMS Altat of =Sabbath Schools the, main. Work nf. which was teach ;hose prinaiples of- gospel truth whielr lay atthe hase of al' human: liberty and every noble. institution. Ile urged Upon -Canadians to - defend theingelves froth ell enemies and ever sustain the it; stittitions_ of Cute ancestors, -and under preeent eircumstatiees to aasert ih the ihee of the world, that, to": " Fenians " they " pever Shall he e4tires." (1'r,olong- ed applause.) - Music from choir, !‘ A hundred years.'.1-1 Rev.. Mr.- gurlbUrt *as introduced as eneld K. E. LoYalist. He eaid his pas - side for speech -making had pretty..well passed away, but would give the feelings. of hie heart ina plaineconversetretialwey. He profesied to be a liVe:tanedian as , f his -family had -been in the.country fir 80 years. No -d u b t, • Irishineti a n d Scetehinert - believed their !respective. . eountries the best in the world. If they really belieVed so, Why` did- they. come here at al11--: (Laug .) • Although Canada prec- sent poss net- distinctive Nationalitye ho d, few years there -would be a frision o the masses., and such:a Union "establiihedsl aid give her a place amongst the nations. Th speaker then %vela on -to eiPreising-ecir opinion.. that several cases of petty lareepy, &c., shotild have- been adjudicated upon- ,by the local magistraci without entailine such eXpense on the Cotinties. -.With regard -to the point in . lourThinoi's charge touching the law for the preventien of the spread of contageous ,,diseases, _we would_earnestlyitupresanKu the minds of municipal authorities the nee eeisity- of enforcing proper eanitaiy latioes durinht, the next levimonths. The -Grand Jury at the- present- aisle _ de- sirieto express a hope that the institution's. handed down to• us. by our forefathers May be fukly sustained, and -although , the sabject present egitating the conn- frr Watt' not allrided to ein your honor's Charge, which caused -Setne-little surPrise, knowing as.we do, your honor'S zeal for devotiOn to the Yolunteer service - we think it not impropet to glee eeprei- _sit*" to a feeling of gratitude at the septi - Mini of leyalty manifested by .the people ',of the Provtnee at the present me-anat..- We desire to thank the Co. Attorney for , the valuable assistance he renitered to us -when Called upon for: his advice.- ; . • W, T. COX, Foremen.- 111E- The -Spring Assizes opened to.day at 12 o'clock, before Mr. Jastiee Ilaorri- . son. All matters of interest will be report. edein our next. THE AMERICAN REPRINTS OF BRITISH. RE VIE WS& ".**, The arrival of the British ,Revieive . and illaticwoeds Magazine- fromithe,enterprising Messrs. Leonerd Scott 'it Coe *of • . New eYork. repitnds_ usahat the present is fevorable time -ta- make ,mention of works which thoughts read more extensively then -they-are et preeente-.'" By procuring. advaece " • siteets,;the resprintera ere enabled. to publish ' : the *views almost Simultaneously with their, appearance- in- Britain, add at it tithe ot the - cosi. - ii welt knosyn thaethe ablest minds ire Kerope are eneaged upon them -and that trittlitt:eneied departnients of Selene:it_ Literit: tura and Areethey preseet a more_ complete -7epitomee of what trapepires ile theWorld of • thought -than can be elitamed in any_ other - . menaer. 'We ere eetisfied that no iutelligent • e,„„- man Who Once tries. the aspertateet be-. Now they -number 9010 grudge -the trifle they cost per year, Oe be clothed with. fell poiwera-tcLb Without them aTi e reguler reeatal othelum. worship,God al they listed. - hardships endured -by the early For tome, ie.,. see adiertimment in another -column, forte tba da s of railwayaand stea not ready foe -the b.olde and unpreeedented he - au axe e said,for t e Am neap e with their quarters, one in roe Rifles in partienla4 a Well knewe law stu- -at an hotel did not _fare' the sa.five of etimmunicatiuns apropos cif Feniantem proved .The strangers were, .111; 'nest instanecer, leen mom Is .the ohjeet of the re-slan atlee• • dent la his entlitiairtne t deaeribe the lead • ctireee-for 11-itee.--es•erre We'rq fired' _that he is " l in the •searels ofthe "13ro.th-' of respectable appearance. -lrf hey,. lived in ...a • • • -• ion secret so profound y clark thet ries- he.enjciyeilt declared thet. far breakfast inidea ;number of rockets sene_np. froin :the orliood7_.%veiting to the Scotsman .says : ireapectble lod'iins. in the d • ts f th I n's - • " he.: had -beet .steekee:.'..tatitterreehtres, , ited -zee • ..linert an 44e, Tani:learnt; whMh §crgt• Walk_ . The Feniens iii- Liverpool Were never more I clean tow's.: :. . ' .7 '! . - - .' -.' - ' - - ..er witli-eoiWa5ridafila-spiiit tem -hie-eeoolness -'netive than tie the_ preient thee, and -ail, --- . The whole Ot. the - fortes ie this hieality -went to his men quietiv end toldjliew.tC two •L'verrioni is now- more. than eeer theeetil eee- • heve been:. plaeed -wider the command.' of 'Lied: Col; Jams Of Turtintos -tehO 1 helieve haSjaiti been gazetted, haVing fee soine pine held the rank 7of Qapti to the Torolito entuliii- .nthere, Ittejor Graheln.of the befeeare,ceirt pany it,* iieit la -command, aed LieuteCaune. 'eeli efe.-3.'oroliti nets' as- _le:elj ii taut. . I, bel ieye I -epeak ihe -*dim:eine: of the , whete force - when`.1ceily--that three oflipees never. Lived wh-b -40.0- more general satiefaCtion to their meti Beth_ cern pituieS , hovel -Wel -in doing . guerd und pioliet; dUtyth,is-week. -It wonld perhapS haVe syrneWhatAereus-ed_yeu to have.seen many WeIl knOWn faces-Airti'Ing ,pp and' doin before Abe bariacks aOlngjeatry44..: _--- • . - , _. on Tuesdaf-night,."Ben,"„ a-,..:eereorel and six inelent the leilleS were detailed lot speeia1 giard ,at the Kifway • Wharf. as -it rained,all nigIV: Ave-- no. doubt. this 'pioneer.- guard will 'toes reniemher their first a' nt y duty,- •-loeeteeniber ferisattiog flee inomeut the lug tiler .challengee;',Ott heating -soinething.imme sitouted out in 0:Idad voice "Who goes theel This' little .incident is ;1'fery fre.q.eenily the . . caase of much meeritn.ent timcing the men: . . I' .4.) a , Wednesday - :morn:in,/ .two ;trier° Compa. iiies arriied by the -Ge ty: It., One from Lie. can, and the other feiet Thatnesvillee. I.Their eble -appeerance ciiiiiinieri.ailWhe'sele them that slieueloceasion require it they would no douht.:be-able. te., give ee.rgetek. account -_- Of iheineeIyes,- eThey ale I:tietieve. stationed it eoint-,..Edwaiel the ter:Aqua of the G.' T. R. Toiday Friday, has btea-theneoet-exeitiog any glace we_artivedp.e2kt petradeethis morning the. Col. saal the" t ficin nitormation ieeeived -he had'reason fa believe that:thamen Would be-nederfire. before Moraiiik, ,akhOugli ehe men seemed"deeplyinipretieed with the lin., portant announcement, -.they ill nevertheless -wiiite4 their ehaktis in the-aie and. gave three. .reeeing_ .cheerie • l`kbia-afteraoon- we alt bed Siity-roandit o .billeartridie.Servedinit aine; end were infereied that wee should. be- Under arias ell iiielie- Xhe artillery, are alloteed to 'remain at theie private bingo .aerliaps _as a ieseeve if necessety,.- 04 tie-I:Liles are to be la baerieks .at -the •courftleuse. -Of eourse the -proceeding has. Oceasiehed ifi eorne_quare tete both anxiety andel**, but *es a geuerid fide the peopte-68eem reconciled tb : take events as- tbereome.. - , ., ... .• , - e , ._ - • - I droPped in this' evenieg to see thesAmer- ican.Censul.„ more .perheps °to_ See•-• if he .wai as jolly .aas ours _them -anything .eliw- bet- one werl brought ' ie enother,. and semi we had tk 40o0rat . arguinent- ore toe. .: present state of affairti,V. iobli4atioikaf nations:to-each other end -the. veriona constructions Of inunicipee law....-rwas happy to. hear from him- that the Detroit authoeitiett hate -day, --- called-net:A-he ,niilitaty ot theireity to do dute_oneheir fron- tier, dad ia. cerijaactjoa with ni peeteet .our eitizens from the:Violence of armed Mette- ThiS is Whitt, of eenrse-. UM What we Want and I 'feel -save. just as sopa tie the American Gov. - meet eguritantees to the'Imperial or Provin ()int -Guyettimeut • thei ;they well preeed Our borders -and act,..ur strictly to, iututamional law just so Sipa Wtli eli volunteer!' be allow . edte return:ta their knees end -het .befere:- Caiit; Rosa atrived -on, Wednescley -morning and took- ennimand- of hie'eonitiany, We Were alledelightedte -see Mine and- it is gratifying out and be ready in a nouute or so, every men .e of the eueseirators. • Delegatee eonistantiv . • -Waa in the tanks quite' reedy for any limner- arrive heree not only front different lets (,--r after tvinnatte,, eeady for sortie time . e th-a kiii,gdom; hut front North IrAmetio ee and arid no orders coming, t4e. !lieu fell -out eed though prudeatlyediscountenetieed, teturued teebarracks. • A mretings_ take'e„ plael coastantly, but ileYer -__Thue.the -_,,,eleat night' •pased _aNtrity:... with twiee ia the aanie hicalitte an order . to • befile samething like the eerie _history 61 -*Fort the police and the inforthera naturally' insep_ Sampter- dat•itig:, the tete where.. repOrta arable -trent ati_Irieh plot, .New recruits- are were_ coastantly -eirculaed -that nohodt Wee .eonst-antly enrelled,•-initimoney. seems to floW, : halt: The Usual,' paratke toelc.placeon, Sat- in -very freely, for thelotale chiefs" seem to urday -but the" weather liebige-extremely fie be u.nusually fluiih-.of ready caeh. A weekly -vire they wdre no.t.kepi To•day the coo:yam-mitten, is also -kept up with -Anted-de: Church parade- teek place thesaineeas leei -ricot.11 toe -past, or ;even :by the means of Sunday.. In the EpiSeopai -Chure4 au eiceie documents, het by peripatetic andia'starlors _ , _ • 'lent serinon • was preached -by the Rev. John who are constantly crossing. the Atlantic- bee Salter On obedieece to superier offieers. • ;tweet). Neyi Toth- and- 4verpeol. As therm -Durine the day. quite's nember of theanee, Feniene :idress well; aie of Average dr -ripped r ind being anything but welt it.1 educatioe, and alweys ....travel 7". Osi-clasti,” afforded Ine niUch pleasure tO twee. thein. tb4 h -ave 'hitherto eluded the suspicion Of the • ' ; PHILO JUNIUS. autherines by practisina-a deeree of retieence- . .• almost emiraculous fore an Irishmen.' Tile. letest noes" from the Fenian, heed quartvis Ameaiete, thet General Menetheee-th•- eX pietener abd-U.nited States mili- tary officer-ses-to he the Dictator of the Fen- ian Republie as at present organized. lle is to,.divide the, "„ Anne intO two corps., With one, Canada -is t& inveded, and with the other the Emperor Napoleons: to be assis f. SARNIA, Merch 1 711c- 18.M. M.r DEAR SIGNAIw-Si..Tatrick'S day in the Eve.ning;,:add no. sign_ of,• any Fe- nians yet. -_,Lest 'night -we-• -were Older arins. during, the whale night. : Several guni were fired 'and rackets Sent up in - Port Hdroni but we stippoee Wilts sent. in placing Maximlflian firmly on the throne up to -annoy km and to -keep -ne ill en ex'. Njuexicot eited'statel-ahoweveie When theguns weri f Iris of 11411prelailfiltli:eiNnavPasii.loeir elfhtnGgiraand, -fired and the rockets -sent apelit order to teettlein , ounding e Reptiblie in It•eland 4. Bediam, wehre posuivety assur d be eredited Ont got. the order te _stand to their ermt-the g ncy, our compaey .t !laugh thie will-ewer:41y the latest phase of the, Fenian-PeorelY1,2.ai- itt is be ready' forany enter e es though they had been used. to it, 'We such is devoitty 7eall.teedvebiyitst,h • k.:ti• fad::: „ I: men appeared to -take MAteraperfect cool each took a ettp..of peifee it the National ri"pil3t ofadieufiewatrAtndi folies, is 'neither dead -"nor eetbren " A - "4sea ef the 1,-.1otel, kindly prepared hy _the hostess, site:: , wig _logi the authordies,we 6 by the way, has fallen in -love- with are aLureclayill eda well- to relax:none of their ant med. . Our loin.. men are 'ill dete *Whine.' e'Alo Fear oi'the Finia,ni: - fiftytents a day. To night 7 of o r are on gttatil:at the Gre it aeestern 4Staintren - • _and the Bridge over the railroad..-I.pay the Feor.fellows-to-night, fot it isfreezing celd.'.. -Capt Ross has gent -the 'Mines - of all these•of oer Company 'who has no yet joined us to 'Meier Batrettoe- and he will see that they join the company at once.-- . Our -worthy Jufte made his -appearanoo -among .ds to•day, he had. his rifle and ae- cutreMents takeleft'rom,lim at 1POint ::Ed -- wards -74e _ was n -it . ip the dress of.- a Irolunteet, and -thegnard diaanned him. - 1 - - - - . . -. .SENDAY. ' mined --to get marrieeer in order to get ther- Morning hea again dawned, and the 17th. of Ireland gone, and still no attack from the -Fettiens. Assembled on parade at 9 Mi. Were marched to our Merlons churches. . The:Weather bas;moderated littleee•it 4 alio:wing fast. The.men _are ell in .'avol spir-te, irere at not -for negleitti;gtheir variou_eleusinesa.- Private John PriclhaM. has just received a tele _graph that his Child is dying; we all sym pathise hiM, leavei to -Morrow. matting on leave of_ abience of 48 hOurs t k 0 th t th f • tO be renested ifitecessary. o nw a e most per ect good feeling - Who should know the Feniane better than the New York Herald ft is the:real Fenian organ oi New York, and hal always patidered to the loie lived lot who . compose ehe " cite elm." Noir the Herald laughs at the cred- it:ley of anaclians, and- Makes mit that the - whole affeir iii a "-grab game" for .nionee. Says, the tietald of. Thursday t- :e Canada's fears are vaiii andeilly°. Fenian - ism -Will never hamlet.- .There tna much= money:in the instittition for it to accomplish any such object. One- branch in this city is now in thedatly receipt ot ten thousand. dole left, the other of three thouiand dollars.-- ethaps not than _hundred thousana dollara day is - stibacribed.' throughOut country. Will the keman leaders give up midis businesses thie to ge to Canada and meddle -With • villanous salttietre 7. • Would they. even go to mob celd; miserable; Grid. fortaken _country to Spend it, *Rh- nli -the world befure them where to .choOse. Oh no.. Canada -1S site.!! , • - tithe tieteld takes jug eStialate of the Ainerteae Fenian vagabonds, we shall- have more faith for `the future •-its predictions than we haye had in the past. -But the Her- ald ought to. know_I • - r rrc per subut14 , And they spent -their ° impessitile to say *hat they in:e:el to de,/ jie m°"°Y e°1?- their destination or Ohjective point a meekly , in hotels "And :taverns.- thrOuehout the city. e, eetee was ale -thing so ,pateet te. eyeseennee Almost .overy -. one ceptuied boasted some -A} rank in thu Federal armye !One was p-verle _ :11 naderstaadinge •.- And if to, has- ehe , inerjein -Goiernment _done all tine is „pose: table colonel,. two cie three -claimed to have ble zo put., than do- wn ? - It Ira not_ eieit - co:nine:tided brigales, and there was e whole .6, lifted a finger,. se jo sheak. unlike Brie score of captaies, •Of the one bundred and tee wee* on mere eespieiee, seized yoga, fifty arr,e-ted, .ribttut seventy. were -confined in Kilmainbarri prison, end the reMainder ie the .. iszel instituted legal proceedings, the Viiiteil Staees though •pertectly.' eogniZant Ot.,tha. Ileuntjo) Conrict Prison, and .it_ the arrests .hoeteie :project of its . c..wieass looks two, continue it win puzzle the authorities_ to find on. Where, there is theparailetwhicheete.- - aoal accemadation. Some -of the -seeties lesaiournals-constuntlytake for gst$4011-4.. . Tvhichetook place 04 Saturday were really - amusing., In- manyeaSeS the prisouers peep The condact -Ot. tireat Bimini, • dunes zilse American rebellion, wee in _perfect- harmony tested that:they Were Mere :victims ofeusple ion, and abjared_Feniainsin with considerati:e witieher repeated protessitine of neutrality and fiiendship- . If, -unfortunately, fierare _energy - Many seood -on their national - dignity, and gravely cautioned their capicis- and.Afabamas issued from her ports, -it wig that the Aniericiii_a_eitizen was not to be trifled contrary toter wishes within spiteof Ale lite most effortaol law to .pievent it. No Golfe with, and thel'resident *child exacta terrible vernment tea be held itsponsible fornot do- reienge.. Neither permission, expostulation, inn, what It: eennot. do. ‘,As to the united 'nor threats sped the eespected. The news 47' spreads with extraordinary rapidity, end thee S:ates,far- from being able to ind a -precedent the ecterie pursued:by England, we venture . fortunate strangers whose Dairies were nOt ou sey that there neter was a preeedentinany the list or whose :Io-elginti were unknown to Civilized -State, of one country permitting the policeremained_in Cover until after night- vast masses of its citizens to otgamee_ openly Trill,1 when an tinesual number of cabs were -and deliberately for years, for the rurpote 44 seenik driving . along the ' North Wall.' Th ° attackiu,g another country with wineli-# _ -muffed passengers stopped nowhere, passed on _friendly terms. their tival ballets; asked no. questions, Carried no luggage, and made all speed on, ," board the Liverpool steamers. Fortunately Chinese Rebellion* or them the police interposed no_ hindrance, - end as the partieg excarsionists.had suddenly The " China *ail," just -come to band by fOrgotten their Own rank and dignity they did the errival of the overlanl ins% says 1,,,, -"The nothiCeive any ovation. from the -crowd that news from the' north of China, is of minium? ing character. It appeats-that the rebels ba looked on Another detiounent of Federal officers fled on the mail train to Coek." and Shantug have succeeded in evading Time* these, An all probability, have already *fled trooPs„ and retired upon some -stronghold * by the Cunard steamer.. , - Henan; where 1114 tire hhely to So Into ter.quartees. .Froniall that we can learn, pl. The fossil:remains of a gigantic bird, estimatedto have stood' 25 • feet high, belie wet" API ear that. the rebel' were atill beed discoveted in seine beds Oflimestone at fr°Stk Tsang TWO -fen into the - Nelson in -New Zeeland. The remains C011- The'r-Itellionsin China are still eloelo east- sist of a head, minus the lower jaw, the di- anxiety- to the Government. Parts o mencions of which ate 3ft. 4in. by lit. 10in. tong; Bonin, lqaiteesie - Fukien, Kitangtug, ICwansi,end Szchnen,ate • .. NEIIIVILAtITY,-,- still in a state of civil _disorder, and grade:Atte -- - ---- - •"- : - rages are commitedby the marauder& Nig- - The '1,T^ ew-.'YFolerkin-fitlieera'9146•17ed -.Many other.'" and the neighlith.hciod are *awl' distaraell kindred sheets aie enjoying the present Feni:: eloPrij'adt:yi:7131Phellirevabio3 ac r°m-biasug reintrutvelariebeek elastie netitralitsi such tie she leanifeSted Chili . . lY becaug . as 4 h h t sal allege, Great Britain isnmade sto feel whatthaen. lifieiently to ensure the aafety ot foreign Al* - ._ omew tt c ecked abou Amoy, but not .-. an excitement amazine , e, ida calm except they. be beaeil, liresdo"' ing the rebellion, means. Ode enthusiastic- These 'rebels aud their associates -are MeV fo CoppeAtad journal iays "England's dj.__ffieulty be semeeefeshoota oe the rebellion still ex*. , la Ikelttadia and America's opportunity,".while lag in Fukien, Kirenguisy a-64 Rungs'. The; : another hopes aeon to see. AlaAaman . afloat :combined limy eee Thoptugs eutouttte to fro* to illustritte_England'is policy agehit herself it *wieold he in tejustice to our neighbours net of whom perhaps 80,000 to 100;000 Men women and chile,' ,- °f th in and:1 kee2:17. Are ..Pad 'fig1"11 to say that the greet majority of theie resPee- men. t xble neitspapersscont this tiipeant -and un- Their ,condition is miserahle,and if tIol fiieudly tone; but the fact remainathat many Iwperialists could be induced A* pardon •sems . the ainnesty. The cause or the continweedieg1114 .sistently to • misrepresent Great Britain, to. 0 slout bat that most of them would await • s . journal/sof coneiderable iefluenee labour per- -n hiflame public feeling Sgainst her, and help of the troubles ifillienwoatrfltphoessmfbadietaccohne,sinidesenonfgthteheFaenntietteneteilt, less battles, And to their Indian/n*1 I. 114 of tbe soldiers signdoweiffiungera hilleaveintatelf:t10001.•111141-. . of genie of these newspaper% that they are welfare of the pelle. . playing Into -the -hands ot the Soath in this _ - - - - - - inatter=ethat this, hope by embroiling. gar A angst la work in his Tea** - the United States and Greet . Brit- alwayalooks down in the mouth. luny: to revive and make possible the disenion projects of the,Southerners. With the mewls- ifir A key that its ever/104y tango of Great Britain, would not ink., eie- probably be -the ease- of Great Britatn and - sewa.rd on the Feniana:- caeca -cern Itle e ut (R11,4, t once more . stir- me est= o - troik b d So h h d SeinmenAS • ' h •a• t and harmony prevails warmest as • - ris . to comPlete a viork which on' - lack ol isej • Iced thit tit ho teelltlr • " , - : • As in extra •precautiOn the. Sarnia Home - - Gadd, numbering . sixty fire. mere under.. the -Te the Editsr eff4e tifiroo instal, • - Capt. McKenzie the meeher, your last -weeks ist.ureof theTlurop give s. history; of e rly-ltethodiem ln Canada. wIll be under antis all night et the Town _ Signal appears the Auditors Report for the He remembered whee there were only- 6,000 Hell- ifact everything that prudeueeicould Township _of Hallet, tor the Year 1865e and eug_ . ; and altho beheyeethe Report to e correct with could hold. a poned's worth of church proeerty 111![Itary to be prepared for any einergengr--' regard to the money that his passed through - or °Yen ice much as whim ize matrimony. -- AS- we minter at half peit eight at the parade the.liends of -our Treaserer, it is neiettheless . -communicants, deproperty and !'st h rouud prevwes to iii-arehine te len racks and apt to mislead -Some Ratcfpayers, !imp, Methodists in Canada,and when none of them t"ietst has -been adopted b both civ't. ' I eiike4erstoa:featietuhed., lioayring.geod healtt-e• . hands of Treasurer.- Lwill just add for their it is uow a Dan Wino 1 must don't AS ly because it:8110M a balance 9 one hundred sel know Ile leen fr'oni Goderieh are we _and fifteen dollars, eleven. cents• (cash) en the. thee eta shortly the vastetndes made by • - - JUNIUS. jilfermation- .tliat pied° owe:faxes -ter hist , • :• -7% ,A despatch froin Washy:4,4cm to the . New York- W orld of Thureday !aye r7se• " Sir Fredreick Brace. haa ae biterView apin taday LVitli Secretary 8eward in regard eo-Fenian affaiiie :Mr: Sewaed assured •hins that It was nothing more than a seven days' weeder e and would die Out in it short time if left idone. The. British -Murder thought there ought to be some expression on thepart of the- governnient against it ; that if it was officially announced that the internment re. probated the Movements it wonld have a moat excellent effectjuat -now,- It is very pre IA :lilt / . y w remar Oee W ga „ power foreed thein to relinquish ; and if the for eamekes ore sire to zee -them' t - rebel States did so,under such eircumstaecei, urdema there could be no doubt that a setecessfal Ittr A cencertsingei laming e. memberment of tbe Union men in the States, a tune, subsequently tried his moms eaa ilow" tar -1118 violent anti -British -tone of Some acquitted himself. -7 of their journala Is no melte mere eontinu- „„ _ ain't, under a more plausible foree, of their Par ne Inan wan atteMpteu to luvi• pet -scheme. of dismembering the _United into the future had the !deer alammedia States'. - - - his face. ' -a 'ash • : : ,A propos of anteRri utterances, we_ are. DO are saidio ." ak with glut Id "t,be to . a - reminded that.. in introdticing his;4" Recipro- ler - gs call • itbet,* city" 13ill to the Congress the other day, Mr. -tailes Won proper _ Morrill spiced Iiisspeech with some brava49 49.• a stutup gatoK . • 7 r ; _3 ell An listed in the to be steer Ins - the Seventy-six Ole A -pal an officer the out paying his _Matthews, -1-7 Enfit0 , Darden:an Prenatar --viiirlisrettott, wit settelfree to all wit stakinsthe Asiatple 'Oren wisbiagfo '.eattyilatsohyaddre fSTRA..N Nrerry youttgial - ran bear something v,tarninall ffree.of ai ed. Those hav e bytt6t --Address iltdrobedi wr2-17.114 TO The advertiser, few;ieelcs bise. feted forserend y that Aread ittiovni lusfellow .T0 sit wag 4esire ..enetron Used ffrep imam: and using t vtias far Coxsume_r •Cot.a_sand.raltTla object:alike:dye benefit the atitieted. concaves to be in will -try Us re .mayprove a *. Parties wisitinetla please *Wren -W' trheA sitxcipered71:Es° Bruce. ;Libel be has ea:mei:rid effect me, the tit/demi_ . required to turn from *1st:late, v431:1 srtui er; tp 0 r ti di e si Yet le dill Ife eon/ tliispaseteciveuziteerill • - ewitt - UMW" or ASHFISL W A -mil Ile beldei." Iv Tuesday eileek A. 7m, nwal-be awe* Ferribi "Best Vire; - -"' -• • Peet alie Beet eed - The Directors dee-rein' D el lento the The Stallion ; reautred to s the steasco lit the Teuelinow-Nar insolven In the matter Insolvent. treditore- that he has ...estate and eff sae, -the teed required -to furs • trans this thsiseourity ofit; and if whole etteeted of suolloialmet, lleted*t AlifireeAenteenib WANTED -by hlaelonehtt a shop on As worli, be* 'township or led next _silos steady mad,. - -the andersigued -Office County of ' HU Maischester FAR* 1.1XN,good - - Cootsw of 1i poillettlac • .0 - irE44t- T.00-The Si -As the Ilth lust, oille sod 4 =rand letter Durrtia, **semi; keteltie5 Ito &I by lianas thew Godetielal n lioiricr To ist a modera thigers apply to • erSfet -TAW spas manicipw °oder-kb lug „t110 By law year In ecoordow piotti " the the Tow Ast TOWNSII belmidat lionaey the kb AAC,& ter tiso wjletIter be _maimed hi; - titaderich Town:1 liarCh 186