Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-07-04, Page 1ff 1864. �4are notified on A. D., in the tore. receiving 41ning an an ays?.trn� in, the Jay off June W21 2t t at �eve*-: =L0 Make AM D. 1��65i t the Fir uLder aad- ia irze Couuty r; n n. S W i fc, lor is ��Wer of Z416- ode 1WV T honja-% bd& -of ifte .V 4a HUron. Ot and Welt- M. of h-*rrin- law. the sevellthe we;ve oAr 7W"r reet izi kra paeuvUlarly - t wl�-4�am, Littfi f 4 bears d4se- �oaqan4L �!�l �tfij niho �%tireet, Pder -rower 0: L= d OV k- 'welt C& haye the right, titim in and to JU6 4he third Con-, fteloont.5 A 460 ourt; aous-e�ja the first dar- AL.D ca o is said t'vf6iAmt Sth raw"*MM. ,day of Auguez &*t4 u4ce cue-; su t Alex- Awa lakeiCiA. Ure4t f 140 r sine, in !�b& Lot . Or_ P&S abd t 0albW in Ink 0 L]uMiio,E,, Qirectorm Philosophyof Bathing. T',., -re '-i tho Lumar; body 2.70VOO und pores, fwill 2.000 to nt - tip it, 11 ni t­At*,V 1.. t1je squate itich in del.t, making mr, Y ei_-bt miles of human dra:na--7e; F'jre-61,,,b,hs uf.Lii' ii;.a is caten pa:yscs off tm-li these ard but (ine per eezit. of ll 1.erspira- Lie inattcr consitzts of'solid substances. 110 P tt. V clizinge in tLe muselles, ti&zurs and poics UC( Lr ia frorn oi,e to tlirce years, and in the I ent-He bcdv fiom six to serinyears. If this al be I`Ct.Li1.Cd, it CLIUSCS disease- o:d muteii N -D 11IT-RON AND BRUCE NDVERTI-S-ER 11 Y-41 C I N'. it is fe-al vi ras. Some eliseaes - are reli6ved OFFicr,-At'Art�iur',[;,,artlitt, almst instantly by opening the porwk; arrh w - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - 1A. -ais frequently sured; matter from mucus membrae is expelled through the 1 W. T. COX,E lit,3r and Proprietor. "The Greatest Pos-sible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." - 1 - - - -y h - LATE 0FST-1LN-I1FY-C11TN70:N lit. tubcee,'opium nd ni.eicut ve thbW Ro-i rmier,41 ore 77 been exuded. Whatever t1irough ll�e skiki tLe bt,ily cun expel, it CWTabiorb. ILuld the nd of your fin-r4fr in the slirits of jurl,eidinn, -30DERICH, C. W.- TUESDNY,, j it is absor -goeg throv:,-h fit DIR A. WORTHIN Ot ON 22 -5 0 PE li� A�XNT. IN AD JULY 49 :18-65. IVOL. 3.-i-NIO 88"' h( d anfT at- 1 may be daected by its ode).. coirstanu 13 -- -ed death haisdiling of a m -We hs pio,dut operatit-412! pon the. eye. n 0 el absorl,t.ou. Dr. Cmi.4c, stude t I r w47 Asti Cooper, once poisned n do�yvfikh? TvD ey I 0 1mir.ed a -red iiitQ a)jvi;;bbojiI1g 1--trer, H NEY TO E- ll d fur some time with� b;s -body d P T., EY i-jitirelv submenr(A -%hich lie left 'bfi ned on I -M 4- -cry, GO proved Far Pro . perty. wutery hospital and rsn home -eured. -A WILL aild t-ty- Mjish I B Law . , 000 UG baV6 repeatedly cured -of iiydrphobia, 11 0 1U CA 110 t -k-TO9 , rowa Atiirney, -DRU D R S a Gotir'T. 11011"d. - Insurawc Co.,: 0M .7 ()-T' by 11it ml i ' water. Tbirst I-fisitance C- � 0 in as often Goderich,:Gth une ISC-3.1 w19tf it! P lay e�il rel ved-br emersion,even Ili silvg r otricenrt ,r; Gordon.,: Law Chambers. led,4 the salt kobabsy being, exclud nGODERICH b6fled a long time in s* a slfgti IRE ND. LIFE. the'processof transudati Xu L cift ivater, 'With additin of alcined- potash, maK freshevery have impaitpil to the wtiter 4;uejv CT (C>ma mo zn� T 11011rislihig pSineillir. 14L- Goder;eh, Oetoler 13,TSC-3. CAPITAL�—TWO' MUION..- DOLLARS.- "" " a 0 VEY 0 Flee,. O of ties diatlie B er the" Store n i Is on. A JOR X -BRETTI 1CCU-7nitl(M �Znd, 85j000,000. thel ein daily, -taking ig s;ive ew, Tin, I I . (Successortolt.B.11 eyno . Q, ta fzs­ootA,u1s -oppe - . . - b , -v, ,a and C f of tc-a daj -rA one CL, W. -ual Income Exceeqs $2-500,000. ab syrup, gained 1;54 oonfiii of. tonic Is in as many- wet- ks, simply b l)o L _y absorb- tiv�tirccnees e(lbeted at M VIE d i �c a I EGMON.DVILLE' R Y -;aated from all tar itiou. Pe ratiun is elim. - cd. -the LOWE So tes, Pubtu ove -q for Safety. Parts f - t��. nemisly forted, niny.rom 7 at Sh.art iita RUGGIST, DISPENSING CHEMIST D —Am 10 SeV.rit tbe�sailace. be re-4doll -d to the cimu!ution 1! L . - - B Y. SOI C ITO 1, j - -, . - - and- if poisonous or 14juri s, wil -A Deale r,fn,, and 1niji6ttelot blood visits it 'B . " Chncery, v I -1 R G E R ON I'S A -.YD R A TES L'O I r R R It �arr lisease�:� ttji4i oy -eeps her side of the iuteriorcienti fffoS T ENGLRZ11 Ork ICE I r4� NW 0 IN ED 11AU 6 S c-ttd exterior.. uiI4 -LX :EZL 01 Xy -y- und-iiem ar. tillobstru L% 33 (IF TO ...IL-12ses Prompflj Settled Without -.1 : . .- . - ex.udes to the -:urfuce thc*zelrise miatter for, I14E-Qubs(-ril)er-,vouldant)oii�c�to the public re oval and, evaporation. A Ary, -1, hs n e Wall T that- --has on hand wmixed with sweet oil 4-orn the g,lapds, Refereno z to oard,of Di.rectors. .K je corner, %Vest Sticbet GLZerwh. ti:42 I and Br -TV L -91 ,-I, C11 LES TLE ITER9: r M.. C W alid �lust clogs the poies. -As ll- J)" CX atid.will mak,� too 'er arria, agons, fla'r AIXT$,0ILs�,C0L01tS,DYiE STUFFS, ro &C. -willdh jVjll.l)e ap 4(3wc>27flo - XX Agenti* . . . . - Id for casb Agent-- I I I I � 6 or cuticle have poms; as Arid bb P7 , as the f W 15. r . red credit. .0fi-hand an r saleheap,, A TT01 10 U T .4, A Got.] I SE 0 A -T-ILE INTE DICI WE 5 rms, itli the bodysbould be 'bathed at Imist er -thirds'many CUTTER6 and A ZICHS one- times as t40K turar EEPS, &0- &C L wird a I British Am, ricanAsc CARDr&Ns b, ou -kreet,* third,Aoor from the sla e ship the.smal-poz suddenly S.�TORB, broke t. Medical aid uts poweilt-4. 3part-Roir.Se ',Squai e. OHN FIRE &M,ARINE.- CO-DERIC Ordentfroml,\Iedica� men punchfally attende0to VittoriaS e6t; Goderich. - Every the idead in greit� numbers 1 ah - wMej Ld 71ITTV, l.,Zt1V v Trade res M i W311irt.lzx -17 APT -W49 i4st. 1863 were thrown -overboard. In the midst -of L B.—PhysiciaW*:P lyidii- -N rescrip,tiows ea CD -L1W, Sf ILI= netised terror and the :ne,,rbe Guderift.1an. 10. IS58. 49 Let us do as we c*, in our own country G 4erwh� erli, Gardiner& Ust's ; Z TTOR Y 1T Daf: a, C. W. c do D.'. Wilson Ross, B. A .. wilth the sick," and � rermisitort if trd-4ar ow e beirIg given I --d Y gently ts juto d - roperty. PARRITSTER. ATT0RN1:,Y-XT-L---kW `�'W C.- TRIE.LEAVEN Noney to Len oil- 4eal 2 t Vielu. remain fe w mititi LIGHT LIG1rT LIMIT! Zila -. I . & -114 Wa PuNlitt. aisc-d -1 e, (-,oljntr --T. and then r. Tient and jilac!4'thein era[ La e -d 11 T the sunlihtn h. evk tXtij rj*4 u -en -'K & COJAI. OILS rroa\--s-y, Bruce. ROU Che disease lert them and they -e- cure4. Wei Moak, West At. ; entrancti- First Door we. -a utf At Charleston, S C., durin the remit U Burning Fluid Lamp Oils. epidemic amoilZ reviral northern . 3100re, lFor Sale br who 'bad zomv hither. in cojuP;LnT:,, - but. Irpne 16 prevaiin- fever, atid joabAl�:T DE -A L - ks jr, IC11 I. -M P 1. escap.!pd 11 IC- c.,. G d it A TTOPME:4, SULMITO - IIN bathed frequenily. an -.Dev at 14"lit ma -X rxeh� G. Goderich, n. 17�1 b9.- 01r, THE = I - . . . f e -4-2 ay, tb iclothq;� worn by day- -The ;ut]L abo -e is uio�-t plea situgled oty. an t offonly the outerga,)mjents, slepti)3 1ligir c- ce nw feet high, -overlsiokinz th�- Harbor 1`1-1310t99 -,- -1 ATM S f HE peispiration, - Rtiddied. br. Currie*dfies'h IS61. -wIL03w3l To -ns, -ICPOOL & 1,0NID-ON ,'and TH E LIV15 waler gene and lby lo�g'ztid- ar6rul INValksattacIfud. Board siper-day, ingle -c. ra Cd FIRI: & LIFE INSUR�&YGE &b. rd N eals6rF,.-,ds..25 6ents. V15afoVIV experieu-ce,,be tomid-that bathing 4w -epj�d t or, cured most diseases. Vj. q.apstal X2,000,000, St -g.; -Accu-iutated-Fud. Goderich, 0. W. W t -Gra s �GODER Wo Ve M GODERMH 4& iY41 . : I - . . . . . . tr' rest 'T E L r Y S =1 0 $5,671 M Februafv 12.1864, 31it're, on receivingibe, news of ;h W"IM S. P. V1.1011ANIR 'WROX:MTER Arite�flue lieputlic, isguedit Brit.tania L1. I 11vasion of ill(, 1TT011- OIL pj. clam, ion to- bis "Ifellbiv eouet7 Itoad-junnifig from "ligbee 001l L, iapton, one. intle north of C HE undersignet. havi n appointee 7 Seafarth to south Summonin--thein to 11eir T`Agentfort�-e above highly mspecta le over the new Post Odice, Goderlk1- n . whereiticajj...j%otj"tu Wroeter., aritl anyone tray C./D fy Oil M. premi.um. '�f S, the proclamadi lins'-been wii)n . -­ — - 0 ` ;-* Compa -oaccerboth 0 elim, to nies4prepa�eat 0 1 J. F. CxTe Belmorej. 5 alker A -;.M. ROSS,, Aget'.. W ceivedy and all polmeal.pariteg are ato or any plavein, tha, -Goderich PL Ii ]-',A I. i 6 6 9 be imited in A deterp3i A tr (hreet' supjpqAt, Qe (Omdaut of McGill 0 ."y to Preg corCEIL.A. Offiee�-Atthe Division.Court, nW17 eit,6 -aotels- n all I rt!_ pearance, The ivar FCCG-me ateS YOGH' b means of in- impo t?. W. 0 '7' OTIN MY rtant that has yet islaiti In- bot& 'AYS Ok -nV7 AL"Iq H- &71 D oney to'LOicL Amedca. The lAnd fbrce� J. forming tbe.public that e has entbred and formerly intathe.Hotel'bus esim t st. estimated b -s- Standaid at V - . 11 I 0 X y the Buenos Ayrc -terms.:- Apply to. known as the Ful A , . , ver reaso 0 s where he. wi -0. 60 000 fliow oftbe alli�s��Bi the Aq4eh- '01' " co -N r"y- to, . A' " Q 11 s and-custor�iera Aacer,& Clint it be happy to receiT I r door. norih.ofthe �ublie,. and lsee-afe% Ura'uay--;;- --expicted lo - r -TL -.a Goderi THE: BVILDUMS-COVEA LENGTH OF ch,, June 6th,j 0 v19 fea&,soon 75300. 9tifievrea r ILIONEY TCj LEND. Inhe C of this.fol-ce has yet to be rai LN FIFTV FERT okil, Orr AL HUNDRD J. Parau force�rjg0rindyfnA&4W`jt 0. w50 Iyr�. Goderich, 9t1i Jan. C,ItAILLL TW -war -ML 41r� ii.-.ht,iher6fore�tliatitniaytaktviL-- 'r is tho T CT0P,.NT9Y-1T-L1W, SOLICT O'Et IN months before t -e Proprietor - !. - - aimbe -AGhaacery,:0-oaveyancer. JraP. AND qn, he allios aggressive. The combined' 17 titer porpli.atign C v� o I Brace. Yly reialaotel,7ilitchell -C.Av three tilliea countries so tar onintira 66A ihat that the suca-us of Oit-.JA"Ar �Df Parjh-Uay -adfoot' arriar e acetol Y 9 1 Z -IMPOITNT TIC Freder -I?ro ATTO it IN would svem to Le impossibe. ,Tj-w J?qpa T- C f A I r.'Bf. 'Ift guayatil 'Y6 ARY T -N -CO SEQUEN Eofthedeatho that fiv42,6m!� 1�roprietor. This i - the targe.4tntid bt�stCottntry Hotel ih-*Wextern I WE.A,,rjWjtALDt the, business h&etjfore. 6arricd maijT allies firl the northern pfovirices' �&�Ae on.underth--nameam stid"17 Xr--, e atine Reprlic, and in U)634uny as any Ganada,and 6harfares- tzs *ta;, -v.- ling for B �OMIIO GraQ" well Wjjl in Mitchell -- Proprietor. uood. i �C 11orties a now be the first to & 6rrjun by i� & -7 Robter jVjj I-Ij Vj\'CIAL I IuO HtLirSe, nd �;iuriag for flue, on PAr 0. E, 'a -C Lan,l tturvevor. and 'agany the slaws -rbrIn i Pal giv- itig. �e 3 ]EP 0 7LT Tq 1E) M .feet,(' nmuQt beclosedon br bef6fre'tho; lesideatLover would 4elnh Ibis-y4luable t it- frol 'rD ca issue ofthiwwar Toay have P -R TjICH Jbir a larr'c')OIjj04 -U civil K11 IN 169 all 1ST D AV OF�.A 11865 P GHT All partiem fiidebt�d to the above fli.in -are bere- LI -ZO GID F 0 A N 'bune. sand book ac(ountover Y. TA by notiflud that all. note, -0 -due on -I lid HE 9UBSCRTBEE WjSb0Si10 TCtU T to the pphtic for past favor.4 re&eived at their F vmy CONSTI)NrAtic.�An ex�chxn is deter yotin iud f a Jail, liand,,and would beg tQ intimate that lit poll J* tS�t day of Lnd A, vi:YAR&er, Xxnt�, FEVY ne'xt to mined to sell waggons -ARER n CHE aimed: that splendid oid wgA Itf F VER. 61 -7liestock-on ha d, will"be so. lufurined fthe suddvu deatti ofAer lo nded their Sohcitor� fo�, T J-1 A' Y. will e bi 44 L11 I Give it to me tha I. y n coi plep or S55,00 him and heriih his dear I TS. 8 and 9, range 0, in the wan --WR of- o Cd'' r . ' . * I I will sell You a wagp� ARCHITECT, 4- �]Lo b zsrnt;1F1('­A.T!0-N-; of Cd OR'SHORT CRF-DITI St cash,andrall other thin, ro ortioil. All work think tl:ii dxr girl Was outdope EI-QFXC ript a -TY. anley, $20 per acre L 5buth L90 acres' of s In- p. 11- 0 U- ot 6r - 'IL ' , 86 r pei a 'heft j6j�:e, fucans ;ts ot a large asicOment ffilo�gbi,Culti- I 29iLalk- ,;bore, AAjflelj -:ast V�ot up i a neat an le. CLOL-_\ . L I t d correct tv r THE : . " Lit - 01) P, S T I 1', ere ; I Ice a, tije qurogi Auction �art. I -(T vators.11arrctws.Strav� Cutt6rs flot,2 in.the houstlid miles iroin Utica, wbol # ().r *.. ... r 25 acrei. ofs-tutheaster yquarter o Warranted to.. glve S;A t n- y� z i - fl.� Ashfielid, $4 par acter; - i - - r and 90 -ken of- ina�e't ord 0 THRESHINGWACHINES-. 9 -the -inds ofFarmin- Implemen [,�w V11171", 4"%N - - one asked if she va �, lock from -her deifil D.: G D o er.. other's head as a Town Lots in Goderich, price $30.01) each an3 All JE As. atliusiamically _jC FoL-ash and suggar-kettles, waggon and pipe e Aliply t .1 0 HIN X M p wai Go w6w3 -e boxes, 08. NVBATHERALD� : 7 cut Whet buir;it will niu -such boa h X-.- 'I K St derteli,Jaa 9d U , MWER". T*AKF-R, LAND A kN oves - - ws-t dE Cooking, Parlor -Aaeket fsq:tlaxe, Goderich. Manufactures ana Tins now -on in, n4 a complete --Main- Street Exetdr ' lg assortment ot FurnitureA. at his Wareroomsjr ONDN Te ids 11 rn . a - . , A ocd -second-hand- D 4S - n sh -0 R NG of. bas 110elk Mu A. B riodicals T A I L W.lu � -M - jQeorz -F, - ! EETI. ODMIC,312 116neu�ve&4 viz- Vi -lot of ar-hin6ry j6r.(�' lzaw�'Mills. hatL ,,* L I and a ristand., 01S LONL appears.1 lie NO NLTTKBXTS, TOMBSTONE$, All partips.requiring'the above- articles would THE DON QUART�Rt;Y-�bVl*� XX 11164 F17 Post", &,e;, ofevery-description alid do well to call and itispect the titock at- cince'L as tried to prevefit the P"404ring vftiig "tjothois L- "30f I ;;,I, 1C Bords,teads Hair - Tur as, Tltireaus;: Tab! tyle of v�qrkmansliip, furnish�d bn ,r!,DiXBUR(jj -DETV]1NS ills xos,�rsuj LMEj ANKS by two individu.44- cis tLe bau;-% Who �knoghwi REVIE%l hairs, -ITHE; WNST.AHNSTIM r E L P S �Cane an(i Wda! %eated t-ouldin, 1.1 short notice- and at the I 6we' R. RUNNIAN. ENY�(Ffea.dharch.) Ito forthe very flotteringGOOragemeni he,bas 111m. back inio -the liver Md 'Eiovw-F, AO ty -as ABRITISH REV' s in Gode- riasses, in-varie Ot ralreduction,madeforr 11. ines MAL nd Iloolt ibe T1113 NOW1 receive4 "inco- he COMIJIL �ds '- � ldfr' ii afterwai oA h M. - lot-beiligable to execute over ne-�Jjaj UD TO I101roo 11 ;(T fthe a all 1S;jjL6& D oand '11lip ALL ORDERS PENCHILLT ATTEA. DjSED1N.PUq(3H3jAGA2 ft -e,- It. R -o . l3i,&.0 - . - - - -kenson; ha:ving The ybdnircre �s it-MiT, (succetZ,t un iman wili, tbe-ordersbrotio0t to him Desigw --ci -may bat. Ix reierence tothe abot b 'f omery,) Guaiwichy 4G, %V- sof.Nlonumeats'& a now secured facilit �cEfor WAS be 'prep red to carry p'n the usiness o and-declarjug, that tempauion W wetoreliffiltihe aliove Quo. seen a The Kyndrivsn PnWisheisconth tthe-shop. hm dqzibkd- ieldidto �io'h am. vv- AM" lit, narried iierlt'e ci:;; Ae cost oft'nut"19 :Booms ovprXr.F.Jordan�sDrue orL -�61avc itif(ji D. G. ton- hand a e plete s� Exeters; october ist.. THE 13URON FOUNDRY 'oftheother.an' ., Z ­-�' - -licenses. .11 F rinds I"- te.j la,,, reased 'they. &e id 'ad% 4nde rfm and contract f��fjhe all't 0 ma 6 . it sual,?and.-Wflj L Stinply their terinj:45 fUllo%j,,6:'_ :170 HIRP, 6 I - r . ... .1 I . Tim lfxinLu. . nl)er and Cordwood tal, * x- Pb F UE S 8 0 S USIPION . January 13th tsUa. o ent orU0'.qFjffS. Also, 11 ARSES thpriceoflopw H T GUN"S chifiery on fROXISGIT & HAZLEHURST) C:jf- n in nd'en1plQYjLVg non but first- �lass tradecanen AGECICULTURIAL 1111PL-ENE, NTS. TERMS. FQ.RLA 865. a 'er 4p the ihAt city- ii: change for. -Furniture. Ana aq D. A.. believes his �vxperic ace as Ctitter corresifondf. of the 1wad (L.X-TF. .4AILL Tilastso stol stingsatreaso ble orCAS.H $4.00 pe.rannum- a fried oil Mie f r The police W27 res and ca. na rat6fi any o1ie � the . jKevl6Ws..*.; second to none in the Province, iavinge &.CL MMia -IS63 Do] Litytivo ottlij Keviews.... 0 31011 Kerchauts, - 27th Oct.. short 6redit. For liamilions Auction buslit"sexteninly andsuccess worse.. Besides th black, Insil Teitil-iiiry an, -iftbe Reviews ...... 'CWeri - -c.21st. 1864i -4-42*48 tzor -incipallytirst-c:lais,(-ustoniert - n"aving been i6b. De j, three ( evl-e e Presmittofgold wineltvit Camwr,q*�i B!oek, -St.,L Godertch fourorthe Revies ....... pi 4 d by the polic For alf erinque of t e wel al stablisbmen s in I ' - SN - 4.GD .Ctift ud sets of furs ei-e --j to gs For Blarkwoojj�� jqgazine ......... .3)oor Stron in us M1 fea ly states to U ade to tho, wives -And iiext For j&%voo3andoueReVi#W-­ 11,00 EdiubUrgh,rSeotland, 0 qf JPL , ad ite govern -is itaid For Bla meni force Bl.ekwoodand ny two of 1116 - discerning public that 0.00 A s ib 'B- tTSON3- ........ I AT PtO7 P flevie to be US implicate at -of 6e, c.tj. kw e C.- -utar ......... !,� ....... -tt CLOT �,tk- e . HING- CAN E XAD-F The indi Ito, ForBlac ood and three of ih R L'I. at the mart, every. z5aztirday- at stoott- 1aruc views '00 of-Bankrutit Fft-Ift R SALE ForBlacliw.6dndthe four I;. aroused. -and a petition is in circulatlo4 FAR.M.F0 111WIL BdtisliFrovinees Nvillreinititnaddi-� totlic best. Establish- .0 R. SAL E :Subscribers L'a the at fiisstabliebmentequal Ing f6r an year for Black- --------- 1: - lvom,N- Q1T cenis 4a - toeo ementi "raronto or'.51611treal. C-uo". app.mised, cslleeta& lanlortl1a; Rrrallu tionto these prieez f proth wood gnae4ht centsa year for cachReview ver AND' -HjWjc�, U. 8. Postage. 0et-30 -b63 awlTw40-1 , f , t nQjkY alSoace .3ed offr4k *40 T- I Vourt Bkt,�gijje.;t�j.-x.jtended to-- .,,4aie!t ,it thft Branch Auc- OrT 3j- Con. Af TownWp..Qf` . 'L 1. , - ud _Y The Workswillbe-printedonagr6a I r oxeler,- oil mor ses. t*ou,gart;9mrprihj everyhuts&y. -1-A ii lie I om Wr -AmerfeA officals are ablainin, wy for 13cot. OP4])E Per, -and w'hilii iii-arly all a Pori led ta On, -4wranable term$ MA,Dra- TO�. ofm e�ajid very ei ed ,is si:� GRAVE 0�0#ty szles attex theraimamcedin priq,or reduio 3iIKtk1.zoPieS V Lj� 'enrllybth--.,thall,(iolithlue'Ogi"e-i:' TI L ROAD. g, adhiosts.� aU the matter C::jp--A ton OfS will nid-as clieap.-for 1he prices hertm 'lip L lie Pmiellt Log:housc -and bain� our aterrfurilishe& hthose 917 aily,of the com- AND amount ofma DLAUCTIONEEK PlAYFIELD 3 trY­- Brud6it lit T XA�CUFAGTU Cross, Of to petingperi9diealsindlis.-c- JLJ-Croantir of *raron'. sa,.es ia vxltn� or e0111,11TY %iiffi-lha eostorthe original editions. whieb S 00=43=34NGJW� rivif dealer of'Toi ol;to. yr.$o, - 92 ACRES, 28 -CLEARED Opposite te*Mirket. 'bout $100 U OFALL r-UNDS OF at the present prpmium ell goldwoula he = Apply to. 21g y Lam AOd 16 this. M, r'prieeg (815) are CRWO I AVING 'inade Vilb M D:j- From Montreal we learn' F. W., THOMA.8) Esq., B., the-fiet that . we niake.our annuaipayments tq-the Erktish McGlL?;G0.K 134 c- po and icoprigWo ok-L-iudtir and N'Aanufia licemen have beensa"a W� pubiishers for early sheet,; 56 j ,� D- AXCTIW it f'or 11 U. t�j- All kinds -of repairing done on., most Ooderich. Feb� 26. 1864. `:VU r -(;%o has lately returued from two IM cot EEL turinp Stationer, city Zetectives, Iduct tvko LEM arty $2 a ei erms, nW coAflnggu�sat this flioefJ��­l V . e. U, ItON T I?bila 4phia witha Qmph;yces guilty f i6 s.;v�je wesparictubIlyattendeato. reasonabl' t -re'ney--nn&NYe trtot. inat, 1 vo-adopted large aock­ of finding -an - d W50-1Yr$o - our tired to Furnish B12111,- SVCH As 7 Godeiicb�, August 2n 1864. subserilperr. -and the be it- -sented jther it terial), I am, prep Will, - Off� "roq%'B�dW IL .P. 0. Bedstea . dsin. endie,ss w�sha:ftbeeittirelyjxistified.by -vvith -nee, will prL readin- PUblic ers 000lts orall kinds.size itrid styles atid merieab Tend -13ureitus,L Sofa, ungeir, -erg Lo Book Cases, Mttrasses, The iMterestof theso Periodicals to jk dings� at ien' per centalwaper iquart ARM., )y theartitles they rinted Hea 2 .101M Camtivbej, variety, . Wardrobes, 1. is rather inemased. than dirdiuished I out Toronto prices ,onti t 9 FOR- SALE ftia d" -2111 6h.,,eonieflinestinged &ban ON A.GENT Centei� hl�les, iNainz'rables, Breakfast Tables n our C ivil Wai 3, thA� -eonsideri)ig -their great � A] IsofBtw 70fac ion 'Will' t .'ivTt!.Z (;1tv , Was A% L !�fthprejudice. tbey-n oints-imm which they he rerirefree ofehArge- IPqislattire� New BrunswiclO luive thro ji Stands, Ch and mau�- C -8 cli,,jortaking Toijet.T�Ll)les 0'*0AL wp e on Broad otherarticles too allmelrouS to me abilityund the different stand -p 7U %hr a -r v�iiuen,beriwl"Jstudled with-adv9.0tagebyllie 13 TLEIt. Wa H 3w 6wt Z-& Bill for iriaiajue nfF -eebaa);R.- - Cdaunis4ionerin QueWs Ben All 'WAWANnQ- -C. & N re way. VillageoMaardine.G.W 4:9 of ofevoTyereedaud party- peqple;Dfjjjjsco'untry, regrO the of t his m(,wuvO;- AS A LARG B QUANT= OF L- 'Four RPVi6`WS for 1863'er ful trfid! .7petew. WjEkae. F.LE undersigned ofibrsf6r sile:the folloivi4 Thd ciat would have Mid a cxoo ()OA t hand,and�Wi perim Up4j0j.,STERY1jn alliti 'hT s, 'situated' on the Oravel -Road in A r fetv ples of the 8bGve re:anfcr, 011-W.&RD-brR A,X.D - COMMJSSIG-N Promptl attended to,' T. pramisa git, $2 any on C.-. �bdsold 1�jawp ex- .vEjtzujto,.q, (;.Vt, 'iVotg and branbhe!§� rtitwicsbip-jol Waw.aiffosh- forthefut0le f,:3- TI;e t7. S. krtny !�- beling still !red FMerchant, I land en ;L I . a6 h the� poeted soon to, sitisilt Accountscollecte& Busineu of any AKII 11 -Miles Jif Goderkh- i rusted to him, will receivi fGAC. 9 Writhin EPSG I tol. a pro . mVL attention, NDERTAK - late X 'P. Tirst Class 0 f P-16ared. 13ARTItS `.rhe.Mes6en;rer-,0f111e 0tariO le8ftOus of obtaining w40-1y$�.i ectinlry 6ontaining 100 0 and the r4 ,Invites an ejamination.01L At th Barn 36 BY RV. c.agand Buil purposeb can tame ding' arrante -d vtugs� reasonable ed with his f6toc M outreal, Dinwoodie, who abscond d to be made ofthe best -Ma- 0nfhcprern�iSesthqrejs.ft g0d F 0 -vols. Royal Ociavot 16-0 JL Ceday, Jor f by 52,� k 9 od. Frame Kouse,, yoting ;p L rehai and ujimerous Engra -ity�r --and on ;bjp,, and at greatIv reduced e.- a&. the applied m.jfiy quant At,sAe to �o terms on =�SSMNFM EV 'TAE, COUILT. -OF te ore Urin A good:=Oelc runn"Iri- 4h Papgoaio:$ifortl,6t%vov�9latEe�—by4-dd",T slPa4$& beg rial and 9 1100 of the bank's funds, was Ar1res nd W s d bef irin 0-, ngl* -the - ibmsej� 4H aaberi&q." A.] Call and compareft a G]ao L : I & C jj in St. jo CoaueeWsBenchjConvey Eteg prices RIVINOB r pply"to ONARD J. W. ELLIOTT. Frid h" -aud 14Tj kept of Pam jind Tawn Lots7for Sae going. elsorwhere. -Pro R urali MeAl T a 6ricli peb, oth.1864# -W2 1securcd. ­Agpnt. God jj: ()�jdwood and -all kindsof Farmer"s Lc 6. 38'%Valker t or siring to purey it �$, 4th c.L.; 1k t(ft Ujv7mg lais for sale, or dew wal� , *1 J - stice %NPW'Y ken in exchangpej 1�i - *1-1' IElgin Street. 507, auaA., n, .- 30, 196. 13- Wfkrerooin on DissizineinFeb. 20� IS57.' 9:9: IS63- sw I7