Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-06-23, Page 3THESEMI-1YEEKLY SIGNAL. A Sbacking Marder in -Ireland. THr MOT WON11L1FLI. OF ALI. THE IN 0- - I)APS. 1:1. 11it: Zoist agazine f,)j (-)Ct�)6er. EXCURSION -TO 3&C)l VV X3.%TC;w 1, - jou7n3'-- the, inci- The '.4. there I- q- account o, the nismenc. denL--of a tearlru: murder ewe, whc4-tt)o- KICHM - ON SALE cum- 01 a iady whu had been tweirt veam In via lace recentiv iier Parian,town. Irplaud. M. it Inta: 0 MOWING MATCH in corinection with The Ktn,----; Cuunty C,-­at'cie, an Irish bv the Iev. 1:. A- �". lia­ett. 13. 1). :A Sen-ur the NDER and by virt" OrA Power 'of -Mae ol.'Kin-'s Cia:iege, Cambrid,e.' The ING 0,F Ucontained in three ftrerid- Mongagm made Msary paper, S:!iPi '.Lipper leapinirr and Gradbo- --Societ­ Py Auguste Die SL Aubjn� ol the townalp re brietiv, these:—Mr. Barrett ca";ed Arran,in the County of j3raft, On Friuiay. 26th. a inan. named "Actt rL Will take place on the farm f William Teoman, the iaty, found her sufferina iatenseiv,: Janet 1113 vrfe, (as to bar'nir dowe!). made I" 114yes WA a-rmted on a chaxyge w.haviva On 0 'N Steamer' HURD Blair, E-sj-, London,Road, at Kippen, it, the Canada Fermaneci Bawing ud .1CAV and. her own mesmeriser bein-Y absent, �e: I made awo with his wife. who had been WILL LEAN'E GUDERICH toJames&a&- ofthe said township af Am=. inumne stnee. the�Previous Moniay, and too her plice, and mesmerised the patient On Tuesday, 28th Jul Innkeeper, and 3rd to John Jacob Lebsen7jaiw On Monday, 3id day of Jul Y9 Wilhain-Benry Auby� wm be sW ty p a who. the some mkrith-s. He frequently pat her to 1 Y, [� At I o'clock-, hea the f6llovving prizes Atirtin-oit, Kinday, the- 3vd da y Pfisoner had aMece .. had gone Lo AT THREE 0'ciOCK 1.1; TEIE -AFT1 Ensop-N. wilt' be avarded, v4z. AT THE noun. atlsmith 116tel in The to &Meica. On that --day. however,H a-, es s.ee-. : a:id c-. one cceasion, when she Was 4 - alujiton, rarsu in-1he With the Fire Company from G.odericL, -and 60L.­wn =ade a fut confmion if his crime. Hit raff� in- n the taroat he ate sonw eess= of 0 I - - 0"ItuollMd otjberpeNsons-Alihing to take a LrIp to said az v mom"inz abiou-. 4 biaeg currant which, she said, �-ali lst prize. $6.00 2rd do UOO 3rd do th' on Tuesia moisten- a0m*- Termseashandayalsale. avt,` she ginaw to spent', Lie Fuurth of July. before vuu a, my ! - I 0 0. -partieulars apply x.) ed ISa �clock,-befbre he nt � tiv. he --ave dic For stomacti was contracted- now the st-�ma6 IS The, Hurtws wi:, arrive in Saginaw on: SISGLE--VOWERS, FEF.DMiCKFR6UDF00T. unfortunate -woman a kil, while'a km.) --ked stze. �ces not hr-r-traing arl y. and retuain througb I Qju a (:She � Tuesday in I I '100; 2 - nd..d - I ,, prize, , 0- V -her out of-ti-fe b;!d..and-' ' tliat sh�! ft:2 or. wj: a aand coud stt'her owu in-. the day umi' ht ceiebrtIUL, alld: o. $52.00--t. 3rd d Dated this 29thday of May, 186&. eturn to troderich. the Aour, and that hit; went to &eevk azalri. ter al co jiijq, then r' ndttion.)—Dr.: I -Bu vct. I v Iiihe award of tbe Jipdg�es in regrard t6 the m matter tK.' ze" nounshmeat, su? Paten -Yese V 'A Big Time may, beexpected. I to be � ade kno'' oitnge und did no- think mre the L: i 0 - : ' I'C nibin*-d -machine- iiji u*d m Pasiien4eys Lo be promptly. on ft6- awole Agin in aboat W-112rt! hand 4­3,'unW. the, day of thE Re#pin., Alatch, foi. thc. fiLvr where. I'. W even sayz Iir. ftur dalla- a.�d took tea for,'her,—Anril FARN� fr the -round tr ". All eqnipetuors must eater to th and kr virtue or gtpo.wej -0( e geecretar:� A Morgage imade br ate dmner- au.' rjnL7er, �stw- tie 1. Thon," On ar before the. 12th of Jqfy E t Ia --itrauce fanEvrrr�iad George h both ue,za- u-. -and CAM. D. COLE. I , a.. I Nent her as.ee, two mr unibal-2 vj.* The P IT P-Jderieh. - I- -c ne Cunry at 9*6ron. "t.: -, SZ deal!. W, ou ae;, at- -n, t a &;� 4 quarter it. Godeficl:. Juno.: WJ1. ofie nou.r t tLe first Part. Alargare. juEter..�i�dHeji a­2ndpat her eiotlLe-,�a�;--- ht-.—:-. ritt. evemn­, tin fo- her as usa:ii. C� I - - r dc weTS3, of the second pa brotu-M. it eht- .4�z Whal I m 6 b,. ing, -artu a-savia it will bc thei t�:,e -JAMES *ad aw"- He aw.. d- W oinew, Cal r, The e;der, ofAvranches in Nor- he Emuireor France, 4CU4,11 havnig. 01! reali tat fer cae anotker mutt: UeSLI'Lau pu no -more T-tironto 1 49tok pl' bein r., ti ease COPY t1knele, n' Auc 'ou Sale 6' 'a d made in the due payment 1hereof t:,-:.. 490ld it'heAuction 3jari,(;tr0or8c I be ""e ie.ld bil" to ""'ec 7 -1-P W21 -3t da on Frjday�. the Aeventh y IdUlliF�:k. D., It66, at tweireo,,64ock, ev.. -at ten minutc-s nast sev, -ribe t;-.- T. 7)300�',�h ow d�s R - 1 e1w Ing -Ts - . I - t�-, The Wt. -L.Csda sav�i 1`1 ei., June lith UABU -east de of jt�th-S�.estrra itr profertv,lviz: Lot number U. ned - but -led ra", Ft . an,- said Town er Goderich, rod znw*f� V,Ii th^-1X!nca--d;.ne. R ad Urave;-4 an --=t: t wile to a Izrled s-vt- ;%Zwers. T -o, tor do -was cnarz�:,,, Wn.. IrA4--WU �Zl)d �whach-*amdaft t t-, Iday 41 Ap;.1, Due tk*W2nL aL. vouti CaEORCE M. TRUEMAN hurdred &Ld.a -0 lot 'O X. de of - r a: i it- e.1r. itructed hv. 31r- Thomas G loutfi-e4wt $ , lice wou.d alLaw numi outi-,%rest , to! thau2h,the wa-, not so as. mani- and 1 - tre - reft, in said b Paulic at a Lro, h, To- b* en sen t u�? a voltimr O! wae: tt �enctl, or� TO described in rom Jacob1AtscjXw L and -xi IU--arjug date the tuuth dav­ofM-rch- in !be c.rcum, THURSDAY ..=-edl. a coverre car wa4 a*4 tn 1, . It Bum 0 t. aw L 'e. -1; THE Oth'DAY OF- JULY P Tol r 6alt ace. Q. year Dife thousand vight h Y-itlft, Jked "der XONCr tl:" %�tte:- tame a d-en:i;- 1104111f, MaS$ -If s u;z at I -)'c� undrednd ic�rj reac!:ed the pu- juj- ta��L WL' jj�- 7. & C ale. Un- -Zae b,,t W'' - r foyrmin;; a- maz- T 0 a_ _ Well rera.yIRZ v�v.. _jd If. C. CA VEROK isnesed made t -le I Y. TH -C F- W2* f ARM, I -E' -Ot '�TIESI hai yof VALUALB.[[ solicitor orjio 7 - - ----------- the SL Lat HURON R Have r -,Di ament ip zApt - -s - . .1 - cato o.; ta I aursiav t. raft Wal' utter --v dein*isbed. be*" 0wril of L�jt. & Lake "Kincardine).P.Oad. ira 111��rts. watca'wert- nine.;, -I.,- acres Of, OF a: it WaL, 1 GODER 1101ITGAZE the xact E 16Doue secon Wi SUE be dicie u by u of smalv boats w1i.lMi wt'qv. Land ffiore`or about .4 afid'.haf: wn es i 6 aftqr Some MPT D by Mr X gal), ded b of Mr iseph Whiteh;W That al- INDElt atid br vMne of for_ ena. -)&rich. The gG himse'-'.* Wt, ce. This inveiitivia �af from t&,.:fown 6f Gi to powerarsale:eopk� �cansenred to d,.. and hi, mt-, evenrua5v prove -o: wnpder-u. t4e K mcardint k0ad arp now. beintr taken br'-t thoulh the couge,il cannot airrce the� Ju talned'in a Mo!!gage joaae by W)Iinft the he ti� tht C;0-69-wur-oz of,tht: thp C.4guiv aivevo toward Gravi;?.nizfort�i petitiop of Jam& Watson and -Othert' of Gunn of I OfInvrhumn in the C "Ounty I of Bruce, oi the ii i j4 part,, -Una Lum",-hWWWe .,;net: tt� manu:ac!ttr,t- a about 30 aicre� de�i: of unt-. %T ­:L. !with. Oz� the T'arm there are. the- I own of Goderich. bat at the (for tIW Purpose barrjur kier dowjer), at e same in W­11�- W:tL tZli f enrourairin came tt� L� ac:ass dr--' creelcruns-thrbugh the, ti - -desir�us 0 Cr rone Part- and BArtholeiiiew,iRevirour iwujor -t- n he so as t..- ex ­.,de -at ary tim- -60d weh -uivbie a nature t6 the inhab tanis, -of in had rec - eatiy iom i tie lot. �i 4=d Pump near' tb. JE ia the -1 ne �x- osi r Ah -m g66d framf� Barns. Smble. these Con ties will giant !he sum I 0 0 0. Liquir,,ofthe thud -part. to 0-.01 mumt n -of Tug ..h in tne Lit mark- ayment thetol.. will be as ij he j, d daIr of 'i 'r. CL d lot % Lyie' fro!n � 4, re Wi sdmw -to ih� d th of 1 000 ftiet,. Or to a -STOCK OF. to arLy Company that. will �inik a test -well for r cornf�.Jrml��- 11,311 e, The crop of Hay tiow neave e rc;nved vv t, wita cheere traten subsided. ..oil A. LARGIE ep Exday Thd was mest and r 4(i tt 16Y'vms. . wil.:J* inch;dc'd in, the saie. o! 1 less depth. If oi* or sah - be sooner; blitained, tb (46).foriv-sixt.R, ism, at twelve -elo�k; the We mr, on- cl h anies commenc- Village 61 Inverirp"! v-, -viz. n e.i­+ 60and. 6z� T e trow. Cauada-Co to' or tit I e event. of Two C' mn to See tK ex . an, pre ae, ru:cze or wev*`� hsg tuacked tLe wheal se-,-" iiz.: one it. the C,��;itv of Britee And the &reet, in said 'We sha'. be of -�the purebas�, ouier in -the Co" uty of fl�r6n, the said sum ataining kv adja6agure- M q.j id loi8twa (9). 1p --SAC sa: in on Mort; -a -e fi he divided in I 'qual. rropattion betwee Soutti. Job feet -W asid four [4). *a a W.- It st jnthJ egaineviopeorieft nat prove- money an rema. :.Wo T by the ho Tea I aii2 a halfol landach, ft -- I _to ji,ej5� outaismg a 'L J- ie some competent ar. lentific as --e m4zh� t sai� w6`, the site 6" s-akinz !said well be oner directm- keev wiiere aCk b he admeasuretnent ;`;� CIL acdu-ev (r" lx'� June. 1365. Deed tiaoler!Rower vf$ale. -a floij -joai three fet be'dw tize-su'- e's - _Acres .t:Z ye. the said- Iffornianv to'zommetice Operations QLZ 4L I 11"'% F After dinniq.; al A112; 14E6 \ 'W s- -,u t: -e -,U'ZzL-e -..a - , 6 Its In a In. ,ge ;thif six. 0 bir-t the t;�ker of the - b -Z. Tre, i:. 1.11�= !a- wtea. We reCertified.-- - ­- InS leat ifigas of tn�znjtness. iwra, has n*-:S,t - MZCe Its a-Vr1eaU`jLe- I PETER ADAMSO-, olvent Act r 'Fiaftib,om. Tht. crdvs,. in ese c.: u times thraw!n;r h titselt or t' -rotin�d , to Counties' Clerkj H *ten& Bruce, ffiffF ARTICLE Of lbu w2l St. VaTe. was taren awav Present a ma earance, aderi, ow Zfe nos_ + and biou-ii, to tae -town� we &4- to ifieet -at the Ia* that ef the larmers in! 0 t!e' a r-�4 W- ANT IN -Goderichl June 14th, 1665' Tl� was first and, 'o�i bein- opene S _DE Camer6bf-in the To" of Godeiick ja flw ti. reference -to mid',re Mat p�ove "re L disiaved' a most� 4"eterozeneoais c0hecten d., I -.!'—Uu 4dcerfler. R-Efly X County. of ]�Iarou:.oa TaekUy, tke foUrtb St thai beap ti f JAily, 1865, at -ten Of the r�lOo in Abe ged z dojj� foLr rot of and of Th4 I)r3u,- fir esL -dph he�r in the hou-4, d b4a-� Iz was se -wed or. the a to tiie to "Of Quite ar. excitement. occu. red at Cuiler'-C L 0-TH' IN .9 - I . ---i P: - Onk!TV AM bein-opened the s"lippers *hich- site wore � , . P L 'L . . d o- XG .. - - -he tali 'Bflliard�llo ins vestercj.tv� M-­Frede-nek Ami nft to WhOln any moke t came Out. �& smoothinZ zron ww, also in he Britt" -N. an -ammear citv, ecranienced can be PLik.0mised me' under�,tba abo" seL Dated atGodotrich in theDommiq 491rumn, oe% -r .7M =art:. o. Uwsack. It wasendent faxt IFO-R'C SH at , : a Fam# with another a. �CE had 4een thrusa in the O T -I this 12th day Of Junt it therefore became necesswv to rin ta- bot. ten& JOHN MNODX -ber thousand-. _X. CA] most -st-h- j:j - . - , - '�5 * - the unprecedented nuin. I . . . - $ .0 L, I L, 11 I - - . , . - piesented itaeif. for lindWMI�. JM� . . - it , t, and Of -en P Solicitor 'Serer. unure.. The head- was terribk battei�d, the ID 1 - .3�, 1 L - W , the two red ba' is m:'th� c'erner, vid made; A tom of the wh--a-- a.' iio IT s- wie --I- o I S Af red arid thoupaud fie huridt xtv�five -e-Te was nmriv- closgd with a cl-at. d there- Divisim To-. :rt thatt other rura on reco-. reate. cou was another jespe�rae eat or. tiv- k-af!t:-te Clothi4g MUM,. tun was mt`�e` The fii�de on a ful carom tab-' e.'and ]let nose was aiso, apparentiv broken. .-WL2 mul -h IaLd GODERICH ortcupied 'four ours atd.a half.�rCieTell SQUARE, Om blood on her face was quit& freb-In. whi h n recently w -is peared a& Lt Ifaid b4e hed- APPOINT mosdaytrae I wXENDERS wom -"is ler The appearanoz, pm—septed lit the bodvil­ tbelalty fix holding liw, itext iddap vf the RAT EzTEF.-xiNA.T,7).r.,A ser'rant -D 7thDwWon.Court, x*y&MmaLesdoftbelft cear Chat the Drisoul,er Lad . r, WTLL BE U 8'. T A -R -R I AA �-i m Aibany has hit -upon a new mode nf D confestied the tratim- as to tL - manner of - htr = day 19TI, OLM W. d-ei- '13' r:d 01. these H­ouseho.d nests. Getting Go-reFs, Farm,. near a�yfield, h. is she was dr��N-- and: the.' wur zer 'Or. her head were Such as cpa�td not be* in-' a sorrel Hor.se, with a white spo ,ut 6F patient--- wat the deproations Ge the., K R ;,1W price on hiSPORT LBE T ficted wita a W: euz OF W 4 Ta 'is milits.. ar2 haviti-ebserved ve old.* Any person GO&, ial Karl M&. the e c , orehead, about 10 ais 3 sntaothin- 'of Bourbo.: whiz&y up.qu humafts, -she such informalion as will le;d -to irofi wh;ch was in tfie Sao with her b e. ng j o- k ver sma,.. and sweet. with ree Ve- -be suitibir rewarded. Musics! riaw -=(at pcobabi the instrument h-. which the t0 le bled e3aa2h fdr th traordinar-y t4e distaics-t- whick. he brougtz t four h urs , after. he went down and f:-mnd s --vend dved wa; pee tratted. It is =3st ex. crowd. and s . et the d:sh in ehe rel- A fe, Ba�fie' d, June. 6th, 186S.; L W -90.3t UESLOATI' TH,E 27thjnst*,� t1we boi:V� t'he pl-ace where it ww fon'nd being' about Oni fimousandvards from itehizh-iEa�- h lad to -be . crosse L I— Gray, elfluff the Part 11bert Readi en-aazed in thro derich FOR S' -A- E t yats -iorieus:v w Go YAT leum o Whic -=don' the­o-� Ing pwau, d han In-. one anotner 9T -P 1, -D tie road, wh-are t�z up t- - T�eee were ewdiv d skde, of t, diinl- I dia jol N DO+* =si of in. me r TOGH ukes Ili f Ow psiblic Oa,,U I= o-Wis -'he had to brin the Iyady five. hundied ;,,t4OC kotkiiied iett the Fftm;se$ A'XD RE WIU BE LET.A-T MF 1p� nt was he* -erin as sanie & id. U�, suff m wit" severe headache. 4 wit mdre. The y an inqut prisoner was r[ME abore.Contriany will rpceir6 teiders known as 4*, Fulton Nonsei lw6 he. be ha' to mceire ebarle of wiiful* murder.- to the first-Juiy f6r boring- for 4 a I., up Py it It, -V-F7- INGITA - " - - I -ow - . I I iaw the A and the seat fk trial on aIsirtuS. vv. "I I Petroleum - and Sal.t in Godench, At Godericb. - (in the morning of Che 2-')nd' feet. Exjpej�slre J.oKe -west, to. the depth Of one 0 11�T MSM. inCt.. the - 'wifi . ofi Mr... Fraze�, DePut)v` The contractor to pirovMe n1l materials and VVEDN-ESDAYI iffs Court gistrair. Of a. daughter., Teswfilai. in the Tbr&hire SlIen &c.. except for ingine power. labo�.' &c., Gradini,, and-Cdt--- Iffony re W te- tha amijun't per foot, with or rubbiu- at IAecli, 1�efo h--el,h--3use.barri.-tpr-a-."Law,- L Tetl6rs to sta The Clearing. ey an for extension of the Wipgham, Road. the mgb� assess6r,' 450 damaTeg without tubing, and the, size of the- bore. 'tin bin 1- : At fad residene of - the Brides mother, - 0 L There will also be lietat were awarded to Walter Shaw bab Tnftnu- perations to commepce by tbe� 20dt of July be, loa�bd I= im L to t�le th 14th factmr—ax, Ot Dewsbary. who was DI aintiff tawnz,hip off Goderich, on Wedinesdqy, . . next. Terideri to- &-- addr�ssed $30000 "' Sit - - Mr. John i ROUA-e-E HORTON. W in -it. b* thq ev. E. L. Elwood, *T&Mft cli township' to Coded* w1w and Gomerul and Win. Thackrah ilk June, IM. XL ten. Men: Best. �daq Provisioual"PresideaL. act a, r. J i xi� . - JOHN V- DET1,0111, E�giq., oi"� Salkellj'jr. of Gederi 2VA mpj orhter of the' -late Thomas im tindefended io ag-ainst Mess D the P Goderich., Canada. West. W48qp&2!b VW 18th off February the pWatiff le - Bes4 of the.sameplam.., I TioItie 13th, I PM wrote a tter for an t Ad -of JAPP to .Vids� &ran Jaite (;Omersal ask;Ag on the 21A -insti, att. thi! rwsidertft of the* rwes ['A TIONi- This is.to forbid all per4ous firterview- As the plaintff had. no intimacy b uncle; - R. Glass, - Esq.. Sarnia,- by ,: 29ffi INST.­jr Rev. IP. MeDermid, Thoi or otherwise - negotiating. a- coujily cowil!Dfow Lwud.vowww The Cleaiina with the famil I de 1, pur-hasin F. Mcliean. rabbin- . Gradin- and tendants�,, who am the young liolfs brother--,, or Goderich,' t i Join Note riven hv the undersi--ned and Mbt o Margaret, eldestdanghter of 0 ttirrg. of the Road"frem the BriolLreat Dgiys' PROTSCE or rn ivae ,now -in favor orjohn Alitcheii '-as Te f Mil L J V DETLO sent a kiier to the, pla:mtiff: whi&. zppeared -Wm. R�Lv. Esa- of Godericb. Elliott, � I I ha Tav�m to Belmore--& distauci es. R a some CANAVA-1 Qf -'novaltiefor.thesaine.: GD9Vtj Of Jluron.one-t frh to haTe Come from, their iiqter, 1nd Which' received Camm X. Plow -YF . AJw'fivi or six miles Of the Road rannin& .-eu- nivited ANDREW McKEE. Of the UrfitW Counties f *st 1=9, - U.O& of -him to their house ta - thd nighi ofi TH.L.ATARKETS.- th, 186 Easterly -from said tavern thron-h -.Howickl S the, 23rd of FebrualT. Jtint 20 5 W21113t. anturon J�Id Broom. j his' -To hip.. Wns Appearance, -deter.dants TM OODERIC -1[1 im the the �ffn 1,1111DAYI- signed has in 1he of Sm artitik; 00MV4 j�emig, W I2 OTIOR io hertby ten that Se seize S_ TOU_h A him, and threw him. into a GoiizRicg, June -2M. 1865. �Ly -in ty-ate R 'd .-.F THt full of water, 2a which ther kept him three; Sp p[ond1d ffi, LLING 0 Agellow ex"AW ri - (a. Next, -the GRAVE a 4eed of vois 9 STE EIN be in the pm and Fall do ........ 1:1- ,90� juinitte& After th&tL the_T drej�Cfied him bv� ROAD IN PH 7 iiill let ed by bw Cmsditors.moid tWva Tve4sy,* Oe Water -tie 2unwofshose attached to a 640 (&- 0:45 -VillaafM of CREDiTON. And on 'eilghtewthAalpf'"y -Ses:4 Aft �w of lad tken pft Flour f him in tfiie water trougha second, (a 6.00 DEAUTIFULLY y clock in the forenoon, 4" m oem is eoorAW Sell. at 1) Goderich, being park lot hio.,14. can. .U., time sad firially kicked h* off the premises. Barley, ----- :55 0:60: tae 3rd be heard. lie will Apply to the Jefteof ac Mle:dff 111. Sale Of clmrge tkered( e&aetf ia1m.favor under Asid containing res of ;6xcellent laiic� with 'Dart of the' j1AY -MOADwriff beletin tke thesaidCoutiferat(xifirmiation Of UM INS- fjkZ 0 0 j thit he had big eve upon another fair ci�eature. i ZURICH.- For �—A .5.-30 a iAardf choice fru all in full of. IA large' Act. in York but he 'wished to giTe Gomeysal: the (�z O -Aft P 111141=01f T TM'Ve at a wdf 01 L . . - . L I A.� � nd C RT SELL aw HOU-S-El, ]DAV Sum $P f= eham*- In his action fa assultand bat. Lambs- 2;:.20 090 rha. whole of the a%ove Work to be let by And BMW OUSel Anc in c-ections of o Huron .11 0 K :50 6 & Lion ne mile each. § �A ICAM11tv A�JANMS P- W0.01) tho damaies at ruikies- each or to wis C L Vi 95: (&l. .0:00 Lira Th -hnn lindcaw" C '3S by 30 feeL and to me te "I" Z a� . - ... .. - � "Ask �: stone cellar, PLAN91 -SPECIFICATIONS&PRORLEs- I nds=lh� nae, -0 Iickens,,, 11 pair 0:20 -ji-0 With. 25 c;T r in of at to 'be r c ther outbuildw.015. -Typa F Most afflittive Vale. Pj ks. di�" 0:00 4�r. 0: gatu, Stable,'Shids aml o' May. be seen at the iffice of thesubt AarC Wt It of the 7 Press e, itKM9S1 ifodTawAkup -Of I75 be. old dn reasonable 'terms. CLINTWN- an wid after the 21st insti ;knd-on C6rpQM1i*ff:0 I tile! 2-- .0-.09 The Whole t, title 1W 3 ID -191 . - I () 7) Alf I-- AUM'. "WTVWrta A.aw^ a —,171- +.T- - I- f^- . the irround at the time of Aiction. "WOPUMV-17, ORDER. ; i. - , ,&ed X NT0-N'X Ora *V -t sieved out ---a ;;a ot. MI& at Mir of G=W- at, -I,,- AA tAkr­L 16 so and -!al cost- D..CULB3G&T$ Printer, Vre*%hWfqrj*A 0e third bToughtuewi� dated Boston, 19th, to th.- effect Potatoes 0:40 � cao: 0.45 JAMES Two sol,�ent f illb6req TURC reeholders w .4�ly to reditoisof theundersispedammo"Wil DMI0011 Allf tht-40AMShip.01 11at moo horrible- �a� 2z0C' 0:00 on the Southampton. C. . of.odtraveandmar premises. cemon: Vasum ed from each Contractor as secd MS65 itt I in �Ehtrok eadlatirag. to Wee Ahe law 00M ef ffS09kAW '08 -0: 2a, ­ . i, . , - - ifth,4.M 0. ) 1 June -w2 I Ashfiejolin the uomsy *r, come to light yesterida in i place cafted, &= I Godericb,. 18th -the work. 6. 04t I - tompletion. of Ishall T0=iLXOore�intheTowoofCyPJew as. to&riorsaleAt MV*jift ju, the Rou`e-'n X 0 X. &:a rX on TueefiW, the f A=W1e*WoW?in,R0xbur�. The bodies ofjEay, ritoa,­: --- .11--O.O r liSM y of Ady, A. ]D,,* s 4nbe& JaYt*, Axed 14, a�d her brotherIaged 0TRALYM.frm the Premises of Wil ib town of Ct day tbaine, on -S of-AuguAiieXt,,1tt IJO bdlir.W t CW1Z *" I -comy 12 years, Were foued murdered the little girlti 12: AlKii, lot -12. 14iitlaod CA welvel y pnrow CO2 WT of rhoppiOg ancl deiring G -t, 3j. TRUEMAIN.Uuctioueer. r ta A. BA T. MARE; small, vlock,soon- noon. for --'the or T outraged an XTRA 3a 1.9 , Sad I 0 i - . - . - - rday, 10th in3l -offbind leg, I sore shoul- . j . atateswift I MolbW fint, bus fieodiLva d the G A E M4 .30" WACPONALD; 2&M Ten acres. �on the. Bafield. Road, 'five 12th.June, IS from parenits'of the[ .:W20 Freveb. windgqillon rmpecting- ber will be probabiy eommqftwd to hide! or SACdCH.& JL tlie diabolical risie Tiii uifles* GWerich. Apply to der.' Any itiformation "SIM *a MPAW- JB S POLLMM. CLARK, Ward omes.f Xfa=We Property! COLI Addrew Win Allin, Bea sAmid chik1ren re6k in the 11th T rewarded =UW L !:, - - I - t*.t"M GV&Ti* ;a do 1)ated at -h� Tbe- unfot- -Haron Road, wM-i3t* Ath. jk*� 1.860. w14 �§W, smid are hi IIreapectable. TNDM and by Ti 0. -icounty Of E*or7 *a- "inteM& A" i0filme )awer ,of ak 404" this moat terrible rtuft of a 1 -June 16thj 1,865. w2 a aff _U fOW,&M in th 1; L contajued in a Iffortgagge in de b,� John E A. 3) 1865- '�'w� eegazed inatbering -wild e t, weddi�� sad, saakin.- wreaths or e Danot,pfthe Town of kioderich. in tie County I -Mqney,'t6 Lendo MUM" RM. first parL. -Xar�- E.flen Dancy, -And &wezz, - W&ed f -oit AWjMrP01KL;Df B "X. ag the ruiti heir r barring twr&wer TA his WL'*, (for I UPON Mor��P& ''.4pply to D�a� Shade - L L i 'for laid -mestere f about them in the spot, 1whem otthe second Iart,, difault having be= Aaade In NAZZ 0-7 LAMM. Geo&n% &Aidtor. offim over., itheir bod�w were, discovered. heid ther6f. will be sold at. the L - R� is with Mr. D ne Palrinea-... ]W.L TrUeman'. Mattet BootWs store. ijcGKKG0A, BooZ;bjmk-r;&nd Matuffae� UN1DE%"WM �DF lmm IN x6w- tAucticitt Mart 40fC -4UMMIX hive bem mamg returned frinn t�quaie, Godenchon Friday, theseventh (7th)L odddeh, 18th May,� 1865. i*74tf turini Stationer. (Who bas Jatelv GAGE. *r& Of we&. day ofJoky, A- D. 1865'attwelve O;Iclock.ltoon, Phil -ft 1phli with a 'Huron Fad" i"Re Jgtge stockbf Binding and Tle ri Furnish Slask- - wmiwef Po*er Sak TO a IotuuntberjJ3091 �)the am prepared to woman was bratalt one thauxasd *m- Lw -01C fiid,s. sizesudtyles urithand'with- AJ- 4. Mortgage made by James McNabott axxt respectabL tinsdied and ii-ne, and lot ATMOLVENT AOT- urmi: 1864.: sooks ofall k rmrt*f the Usifted.Vevs6moffluvikneu, P tr*00&010111� .37 W4=W by jk r—bar of loyal Ameiican number (394),Ihree hundied ind Atnety-fimr, riated ifeadingsit at tcd iier. cent che��cr 'of "d me directed agai U�. line IRS& .Ad ten&- M tjj� toW=bip Go&.fi*. jo the =it r W out -P to V Deed under AZA ProTwice. tir Canadap (de- 'Othan t 47M crediteri�oiftbe4ndersigned are natifi. 'than Toronto ow . - Lxfisaola, Iowa, hot wwk� for sos- thO town- Ot GOdeiwt awnwaxL f dw Taws Godwjob. is be All H psd*&!, Her clothn were nei Power of Sale. iwkction will made 1P the due Oros, 01,11W %M Put, JAP"'M stage' RON, ed to uftt at the Law office of X. 0. haring bien be*paired t1beright, title and interest-qj t6esaid 4vileades jor ben siod ig -AtAfIr h&r_ ; ifrecorcharre; At was X. C.,GAME Cameron in the Town of-Goderich, in the w,46w2l vayment �� tbere6f) vill be-- . sold on wire, orprilwarke"WK bor4ower this C09&6n. sh. -An of -TaIT, miwd to lots'atten 1, F sams, torpi -the to*u, with a ft in ker WWA iib� for County of Huron, on Mosday the Third -day the 26ta D -j* of ttke.towasifi�p *rBmWeoatai&iugMD&crft-' 4 "d I*ftpk 8"r tr t" 8116111 fit- tke Rer little ofJuiy, A. D" 1M, at eleven of the clock ii�. �Weiqaorclock, i�)m, at the Anctioxi 41 ge of d=TUia� 13 of *p FAnq1jM.ffG To 1�&T the f f- tOWa -_10 1kiM, in Said County -Of &W9r. -- - mg.0 � . yean 0 of the purpoft. o rece offisorp JU-Tme mm bestan mid bi by tj&. n& "1119 ab,. Wt -j *dth blood. 4ts ements. of his affiiirs� 'and of na=' (;O&rkh tb,. .foiloi�g prop" that iff..-to kA-*mkqd M Car &jn&X tbe- fenesm� At., -of thi AN& ofP -in 'A-PrW?7­ XE -3 0 intimcgilli Hoaft lau#16ma torhom hid �mxy- malce. an. ass�i -j. -*A ssy;.Lotfow pn-,Tr ADAM day Alfimild Ca*61ic Church, WiU be let on 13� in. C-Oubt of L !V� OnTueed,T ment under the above AeL towss*. 'Of Goderk the y- tithe -f133) owe sea %**tyWtWW 4a um 0 Ior before the 15thrjuly -&Wr6us *f obtainive Xint-r t "A MaM altm Ntd at Emotiodiple in the. County of PARTM Of Rolli&y. aged 16, miot I* Uth. jpjA Van& -010"&img by A-dvow ,y,if br1dW*ftP6a, to 'eg� 4y of cedariorP v--ugsndBuildLngPWrpo@i Of -a dangefous.. tbk ' hth _ja* A. D, und, more or Ia& Terext bL Ae M, 0, A . JL4a besuppliedsZ"i4tiauthijAlkil i0ltl 'MOIL 20h, 1: _g IMed =der P01W0 "Res. OV. A. WABSERF A ­SMUJ1- ]k ftd *W nebed into fl* WOO& and bkw ,t Ein,91hriciv P. a . 1. . . . .. . .. - IL Ago N ais sw�ped fDr tho tAIMON, - NO *w& baim a e3ust Ak #W& =Mtd 011011.0r9lat r