Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-05-30, Page 4r -r -FHE SEIMI-NVVEKLY S 16 NA- L 7 Valivable Piece of Land I Bayfield Gravd-load, Stanley.,GPU 0.9 kaNMr4(4** AU0 AND F10N SAjj P&�A.ILX F it" "r N-�. 17, o it o^ V 4.- 101.11 1114(AOILS f I y A 'BY, LAW tel't . Ir.l. I k-). , . - .2, - �-- — E 0 111,011, liz: A LIU A n-1 L9 T A 1 2 mill 11 E SU BSC f? I f*j It 13EGS ONS HtJNDRED ACF 30, ".,1 Ila,- 12th con. of 1;ooe it.? TO Mpoftm r-" - !T the inhabita PIR-Ot the'Counties el 1111ron LES yll tOwns ];I), conta,11.1;z fly To raise by iv;q of Lofin the su7n. ff ruem I till Brxlee L1144 het, still Alan utitclurilig, and Imal n6 elehronowi Terniss I&Wral. Aj­;v IQ 91v nore or t,:.4- upin m -11,1i Ilivi-v w TIC,-nfy J'A, art r -m )(I Doibirs for t1w C. M."r gir - -)US,l 1 1 kit, hand A number at .1us aeles c r M-1 - -4. -,4 -,aid' is - ill -I inmrticted fyv.ine irnprielilr. Mr. Jo'rr.. �lhott, to -sell IV I nblie Aut-tioa. or I -le SUPERIOR WNING MIRS & PdMPS-. IASI, 4:111 Wi I Ivi it -t� Ve mi4-; of h 71 T -t I Q* Ig , & -, ! 164' t Tli I D Exemams of 01v !�btalv of lad At#, it K tile t�)Wll of I'li-A-11 %,,I lia, lc HEIMAS.the Corporation of the Urit#--d I V, E. P.NT D. 1Y 51h JUT Y, I S6.1'., He Would Marlit:11larly draw *t"ItkillL, �16, big i.: V.. KlI11,11-lis 0"'1. 11.4, f I . d W G-omie.; of Runi"ti a44d 11totec. bas re. t Film holst'. fie will warnwitthenj tolive%k lietilf i;Ilved tw.Gr.0e, G I-AVe I tiod lin:-Irovo, vertain at Ila . e o'cl 20c; r. Ill., tllaL ver% s rtt. e6viale.,0108g; 'ke pumpi; lne&rtd� TAI L 0 13 11` - c I't., oll I It- f1;,tlTjj;,f S. *11;*, li valm"ole Farm. lit -Ing Ili, 4', all 61, of Ital-lit 1.1 1 15' 0 PH. 13 Ito: ds and Ili IrWaNs, with tile adwmramed 7� 1—,� 6AW Hllat:. towaship of eta lev, .11-cf.1 1141le fmil the W1, 1 .11 fo. :1 (it, SIU! -1 e rl,.-hl I 1r.. 6F, z� s for Ge skinte 4 X30- J& 13 -,&A- -All -e i�.ks-z its Ilipre. iq rtly�le itl Iho vi4 i.,ily. withill tile ill ifinge ot;Vnma,-6 milt -4 oj -pintim. land -N oi Farforyon Nets= st., b,0jj&,,n -Vic, id Cumax iii,;re,,r lio Item- ind Cowzbria Mcad. -1 1.0--ttiker-Or st-0111 llt)odl Id P, FGV'.�o in Fott-610,4, olu I'Vidllijs 771 TVM� tlrz ith - h piihliv cpi,cnilly that he ha;s --t Huron. ANI) immte*s 'lip s-sid Improvemplas tile of WI) JeW.-I rt- t le kin lite premiNr- art - for ED":, ttwcm�z,-�,vo lie 11;1- t Ile Wien her of ill.- r superio'fialtie barri. a t4q, lsou-e -inq a viiun-, At -so. agenl for tlie,-aleof Morgan!' elititety waffm -tile Coulity of Hurat., and iho "—remium Inlfanlk- ,face;. archura dt town, too jit. '.-comm otminxto bvar. inci patent - 471-11 jlVAj17jt. wilah.-Nija t-xpwme 4A inItkiiie'th-- &-me is to lie defi-ayelf e*I ot re*tf VA "I Ix it a ant- 11 give cetieralsatr-Ntp.etiouil).f=mcis "-h 3 1 M F,,� STA UttAjjIv.xW u i iled it) r i'lit,not -.I hie ill exevnte t ver ove4alt 11)is. rl off fie f- tht- otd&i 1 '11 h1vaig �y lie, &,itc�olltllv- Irreslie. ti -m of' tile .11 a, bronailt to '11". n. t eadjug mr,-1 road, lilt- Ijil of tile lx�;t qf1plity, tnive uNitol tbem. eno%v seettrud facilitittfor Debt uill tie nod lv- )Lqt6rt-s I.. I e.-eea to Ile aliprpl-itit'-d. Vlotimy of B the'l,oatl at till - HENTRY DODD, e ­md bY Ih(- 15.t�i C.Ou'lly of Huruil,­ftlid ti 6 Far hV lmrllvotlar.� K -14 iY E i , litrri-ter. Giide; icil, or to I I R -te, hereinalt(Ir 4twittiont-4d wi I fie hil.,ed I J SPE031AL NOTICE. A. bF."I 1'"11333 A.- tut- able prolwi %iihitithe 'll-emis. Ridral And -rill be mado k-tiow all mitim, -rLL in *tiff County ot 't&oii: A,ii wat.imAs tol C. ti) fitir n4yertysm nit (l 2, d. j� ol,,Ot id Mr. BU' �'WS 300K-ST0 H, whe-re ver�thi of f ­ . I � . A 1. . ap6Lq;uplovng atate T)111 instatil. ttol in (11 tier to- SO I &I mistrid,-r- ij,to cirm,the' said la st.' 18 6 5, e to will I "cess.1 r Yi ir I lid - 11(;J a 'are otr wing 1, Ind., ered -for safe� bb loil tile.--- qti:L- T e, ty "I'lit im.nd in I tatrult. n.. .,rp 111, tht. is we tire ram if.,- to brin f "Her.,. lid Itavour he 'n ii I lie inaliner I eo is .I adramr-gejus termsz tuen .z in. itur I9.101 V -alk t7 - of tile, if 1;.,! alt!.Ak it m.e. lj,.tlii-iit to rf-si ec- i ti),(- filloulAs to lilt I xpllid d oil each Lilt,- I f r ble and -e-, Nvil-be Illyn i If Pr Ou -I he it iilmll lie- & tr C A S 11 lm'f�xeh ii.tl I'AMA111 0crit-1. -froirmiz. le NE .-TEINTH ONLY -1 o Cis, lto;sd intmd fl - I `i1i I' - r 11jiltiq- Z� IsJorTN -Afft & VO tilt-' IM TIT e'x vet 141 .1 a I - lie devote Iiiq alten1ion pritu-il olly'ju the. recti XUX lyi;mir of flF. A. 4�11111, ()i this Bj ir ;AA. fbt Mi [I tt,the best ell one Alt IM. rin;eW1Av-h little' it Am) wnFj,r%a;i'W.jtviIl -n-Tiiii-e 'thr, Sam- fit 5AI`.-ANCjE I.Pj Ali mat tile Three Thou;at'4-Two flundre4i Dollars- to will) tlic it [lclat.-torr. a Ke Mhe qual Alml-n-al fits ItaI4 fo� tl e whole til lAill tit ttlone upid Weli-, 47 :4 S7. thr� e Iorivi, lit. I ant I 0111113t IM S e I,i-el n4 -or —1 avi WItu interest at D per celat., To Re nnd'.intet: 0 7* live d i; -v in stus ailliot mentimied. Atl.i�ifeil o me hot -1 isa twa:-to,ry lyatine d welling: V ; . . . .. — If *-M f 0� 711 W. 1), -Itbout rel)y enablilicr i e a Awl) W11VILEAS -tile anilv*unt of the wbolt- ' A LSO " A mnMf farin of excellent 'I'mid. Tow-N-util' OF iiORRIS.- Ion n&w) u �l V I 0-2t mile.fient. erwn on� Vol one ill Rua 1, 30 1, III tile tile Ott) S011111 7- ill I-st cort�t 0aerez; use, file. ;ill(] irreb of jinv ineome 'to lie lear of o lot Ist vur COP.,, 0 U0r4eS- L tl. P stm-n*�Of tilt- it'll I log botim-,30-K-.20,aAd a t0 -1,t) - in the ti erdar it)z 1 0 okim, fa,id 'Iftef meliti011e or tiny otth a 21 in 9d ett., 10101 peres,'. Ili the V djage of* Pout A lbert- J qere of hichave v til I ltthere4 w i1qtj e act ui'ille aticot tnr' ill the Iasi re,% XOrth 21 in 4JA 10-07no lie -4 �4r tile vt-ar -one be.,i tavt�,n in Ilia otee, e a t e I'd ell aiiii ixi f-lur %A as' 2-3 ill 4h cojill, 1�00 Ae 'y k ei., Ternis ilk -i tit to sttit ptirel sers. For turthei �W' io givie lti tif a -c'al 1. Walers thereilt' ill do.,vell. tit -imi' two It And aiid,Ei `�o a st Lake S u X- -nfLut, -.-21 Eat pal liculaiappl% to R" Six I's TOW. .90 AOR 3� PP d, d It H A lof 1,ayintr the ititeiiiest at J 13. GO,RD-U'q,: Fsq. Lots 2 3 all, 4 in 14x -iu, e Or A\P)REM' MiOGH, Prt rietar. I-ThoSe-fitidahtdto Mm �rffl lass''call an'd settl I - creating lill equal annual silihillf.Fujid fol. T1 -)W all" FIRST RATE LAND 1 at onc, o t h r -,vv s e costs must�b---'incurred. N. —Ah iho -,�e itioubjed to itfe either I)v igoiv setilt: tile Ij orlsit.1; -toomit -are. requeglted lit 4at e and i- .4 lie: Terms easy.a.p.% r to, WI fljoill tie] II.V e 4al.Il lit cn., I ores T LAS 4 it will requii slwi it I H", it '41 and 32 -ill coll.t DO Nkl,D emises Or -ill the -Dotfar.itl ill seu A ril 31st, lt64. of I, r*tehilis if It iniff 'W9 1610 acre ch;p on the.pr r .3 on -act" ATAP.:KET Goderich, .7th- arch I SO rates nol tato4volie levi(.d 99 ;n ea, It Y*rar. vQn.j 109 Al'u-6k Corpopati4fi "W*r —A31L 1111112�� 411G� 4K3b-3LW- Lo t S3 il 3e.it Ly lid 34 in 10 1 Ob acres exilt:4, cierich. ADril -0t. 11-161. the --WO of Ille uni of Ifurmi and B-:ta;e, le TIU� 'SHIP F TURf, BERRY wL 0 A; jLr ago m 1. 11hat I forTie iiiije )ein, lavineutiont-d. iii I abil Urav�ul JE> 11P, W r -U 11 W I Z -)C -1 .1letory of tife ia�id 6tirri lagg t Col. a iPOI lion to raige by, way may or i4i8ofis, -body orhudi,�s -eorpo A ��to PIT Ir, L V wl t% ow er, lo Mai, be williti-r wadiran'ct- tilt- s.,me r 1 11A;,'1CA L -es heroiltifter Ill oil I he credit 6fthel-De'heiitut MT, A, A THOM 3 Cr - to T. U. Main- Illellil i0fled; '4 stain ixf-'in diisir in ;3lil3ica-MF1*1114�14fould be ti i- iortn:1is CtI401111ei% 4ttdtlig, w A34 g o a ises Oil Eastsin tile Do]. wlto'd Ilid surn; 'f R00mt0VarKi.F..Tq-rd Iws Drue* 91 or e 1,trs, itistlAo eati8e ih­6 -.alaine to- lie Imaid into eNo GHK - FAIR, tile of- he- Tre sno-er i . !1. f he Utilied TH El SQUARE F R STORY.; &D T.I. % ith urijuses aud. fAIATFICT), Lit Ilie) I g)th aW -C L 0; hat it S11.111 -tile 'aw0il f, r the s;dd LIeSR. tit: (1.01,1111 t11 his WJ-J*L al -1, i;ders it"d - '1111 nd Iron Waic,.at bus, 411% u 0,-bPjitt,fVsL t 111h ol'illonty , . - L- -IR TlmsFwr, I L su* is M.f S St' GODZRIECH A' wzfry Piwer!�Ib. j� tlIF­ iiiAlie wit e all i�i Ir. tcict t I %T. Mail tu.. Lifieu ise.' vii: -it v� or to JI.Aill 1GM 6'e'lin nl)f -0ije till i jr.d -D, VOAZ HE '-'VBFGR"9ER,-wiAses to iett?rmhFt6I;s k%it it t'� L .44,id T *to The piibl(- for paill lkvor* Meeived-at theiri od Imn, Got' O�a AIM 1" ti -1-11it s;tlfl D �)tiiltiivs slia it 'or r iv Gioths., - Bh and 1 - Ila litlgs4 a nd mid to intimaie, that be ts-xieta- ; � : — 5' � . - t t � I -iot a d -g - 3 Tharsaiy n3x,-- �th-. 4th-,jnstint, . - - - .- . - , 1 1. - I rabs. air4,� toi.ed ljy lite s. tot %Vill den. -'jillnegi -to ,tit w : its e. n I ttiilr- lar, -wit I be kmr -ev "199" , IL- " ­ - 11 Lving t year.addi-d Alter -be I)- -vool. t On ll",d thm�ze for otrerpfior sale erttylel Kild vuludb,t: -%t U k of' VI.V 1-avalile. in let) yvdrs ILI E TLH. AN EVER. f -*..ta? AOUS- hkojCL, ION IN PF et�� e -It jeri.' t idan,jn.- ljiw,�to taklevfj* , - will sell !,oil a wa=nn ooliiipletc; for lizz.00 I tit -d &T I it or Lalatqll- 411t: fdrill UV FI V, CA latiol'. Or '401 in 6,11al-411 to heA Ilat . atie I -sl he%% -b q *Ute 01HRUNDED AC -110,031 --cmd.elh" in-, till 111 -1.11 -d to'X(W d Mar l ell ill I ho tzaid urvs. 'ai.d s;lilll h.LVL" -ted to glvo- c till: ii 4 t ',lie t'Actww- Ilwill-41.1 ve4�. Vill v -tttenil,-d- r; t n l6 tile jjgoyjn(_Ilt Led near I to th, ij far Loose I nrlebi ed ja� W1pe ll lit, Ill -IdWn, 9 allg!e wis-111ir their #imty of whiett are -cleared - a Da sittla. I a . . .- P1, - , - - * . . -ads Of F r in- lfn�lt-mentq-ln iale the Vi1age Of 84 1 otautift til If 1*61" '-r ' ' - _A If ki a in de to ()I 0. T. R�dtiw of lla�* Toj% 11, lty. Thertr a LOG t HUMSE Al i ';'h;tt tbels till DOwntures. uni 'Cou- . 4 OTI N McPHERSON'. an a -dh C1" jai� 9th. 1865' flr I,oI,fi till -be dile, out ill tithi[r). swrlilur Goderiell, Ami, W.3 7 lie I alm WELLrjoints. mc.0 &w.iTullifi), j',jI 1-(�Jjcl` I.f' thIS pro Aliff"o --W Lit, 'iqr- -itronttpa ri er v rs izv tile ahnvp himillpsq #116 N. B. b i.1 e- I It iful tor t1foli it n rd than mia this I VVIC(l ISO. I ILI. Ito- eLx tit nse I P YL n. Lux the wants thul,'thewho'e Atuoulat -of -said/, Delte'it I ores el jo it Q tilt X�ne -M. 0. GORDON '�of his, ­ � -� �. C, .. Iq OLC Shall ntJL,eXV4 he--riefore moilltioned ilult) em e te tid , K., . ? - . Slau jifrs:0fflep Cyrderic Ck e - - . , E . - - RL Godcri h F. It an bea�, tit 1, e- 4.at stmet, secu LOT rr-qn -2- (if Dollai-st, nd I hly Au, list 1.1ilh.. ISM m a' It -at tter, I 4 -*,to *of 'SIX l' GAN 'I- 11 - eb.. 1M. Id U I.; .25ih F' LO T11'0MAS WANT ARRIAGE Go-dericb, &-pril-I ih, 18G.4 I-2 pa'y b 'thu­fits LF 'a! Ilia rv, VljA dav ot Julvj i' -tell -aijA elfel-V Y'ear ILI h ri e. TIATG'- 14 fi;Ace' where' the- Delietitures are wade V S Aiz Fuu&'ftir the p ftijent; o"womid D RiY� -1 OUN U F"i�f G03DS eb and e Inter t at the I:: ll-Johu McDonaJd­&cn;* 7 A-a 4% 33 -1,X Z iMll -h qd ft -Large Asswtments 1 U -A V l,NT G COMP1,101 ILR NNW -)L THE Suitable for r1o4d.ty far boLu Old ug�i iiol.ely imagn all 1 -riber vould arl nouneei 6 the rpblit to tiVe 1i you!i-- imst received he -aid C,, u I it v., of Rta roll. (I ta; i, g, I he. con tin U T. of'ff,troln mar- Brave that -lite oil. hnild, to zpy exlenj# I TJ . ance of'said dilielittli'vs or an*y. of illent; -angll*will mak flar- due: 9 VIX11110"41 V lite Waj!at'lt, bjus �,�.atidbu�;tTgexperiener4worl-men anda ftllT '13) L iw. 4WIT41BOOK "T 0M Vf. it liall tale rows. &ew, Witte -fie sold e)Lleap OP f -cfus�-*ht mv 11tiw.rfla"I effect Ea. . . . . . allid come u.nn, the Ninev egith pro.ve4 --hand and for, it It �beap, itley 40' At (-at- of Our Lind. 04ie ember, 1861- d0 (if Julie lit tilt. y 11�ndred a' -.-d Sixty Ffve� CUTT R T.II0us4'nd L "VV#p-1rj3L, . . . ....... -PAS9 JOHN, .110RE !rl 114. ITZTEANI E N 1, Vi2lortia-Strect. (;odt:r;(;h. V4QrktV.Ot1Id 4d V' P, 1; lal. 1561. UL jr-k R, sz IDXJff "wale of landS. virlu writ ojS 14 Seven Th,:gusarad to be�, -2, ldurltb -R 0- Prfce 2-3 cents 1.).-,r dozen. Sh e- or a" ASH B Iffalay amr Sal W :and Ashliela Roid,- c it, Huron a-bd avials issued njut It TO 9 . I Circuld ;3, 1 -1 meft lmg aif a Tavrn, 'oiji r No tfh - Zook- St.' Ctinttofilie ILI It; r and to Four Tholiand D-.*wflars 6n tbb MaIM Road. meiiiq of Net-bilt Riligar -and Ge,ev'WRi rj L' 11 L ll_,�, - j It cont; Lots -TOW -alid. Eevell mitis, 5lialm,for 11ledlOT Cite suit Lhive Reklen" TO F+ -STND I ret use full Alin -iiae f.mr Farialexi; ther6 r 71!iq3,AItW 0(w ail!i6clums for every day in t tic, year; I cside., 0�t in iving.jr. and Jaives Mav h elainmene L Ho id; AV ieizednd-tolvelo jn+xrvutuln all the vrirht !QC'�Tj'e much'yalwMa ititrortnation, such as l -Extension.. ridinim�stol Ih One Thing, 11.1 -ill jit Ulna tile jy,.jG:r 115. '14L6,� 117 a e saill defrmUtitria amit tit lit avel Itoad-. Munims lid tio b Tost _e _of 'Bit] Thousand Six. Huitdrdd Dollars on e eL.,, a 13 Ve taill, or: tract fit "lands' kil-twil Its the' SjflRATORS A tile St -'a -fol. -Ill -continencill r orl"t, 'tit Tavel -miii SAVDISMMT FOR TKIWIRK. 3 I E TAT 0 RM A K 4t. W E L E711 Four Rundred ljo!]HI'S' till Side 1-61STS 0F.'BANK bwiiig and M�c 'I '*S Re i4g 3 ST.. GODE1 ICU jwi.wi I ­ .1 �1`h St-I)f 1� U he Ifin� 4 L�Xl 9 to y� L. iilto 1 D fioz�ific 40t b6VAMM, \Text -ei n. y 114114clary Parl a'mehta,-jy L &o' to. Sadl;' land,'Wl w4er b)ft od �sqlhr-tjwt as - - , * T wo-4.3 Ml a LT, OF 11ack6iiiiih'! w 6 r*k d.,, I I e Iti� n' d +tlsfi.-tho- Rret lars 4y 469�� 1:2-, ejjsembq4h4lice -AN ttTe 1 Clivole Areet. aftin -tire County at flurva. k ­ _Y� 4* nof L , I at j4y xerpa in'tike it) lilt! t ofif OTE -0. LA.YCOM WATM CLOUS t IV . an( �lj o 4, tig� -A] 'a Clintonv 19th Deeenll-er, N46 t. &V I a ire -shol. 0. e ar, st,.is-d �jl i�ljjfe -;fl;� -fee t', el n e#- -da.. -. '114 _t yt� Wa �e t IjL�L�,��'�fe al r t) tW e Iripm OX STO d, itu 'D As� nur he It I. JURN MA( DONAL Awto, P-ttleA Wnrq �P'11 Ila, OD OF A -ed we7­1 p and-,-Surtar -11�. -0 LL D of I lit- imi ilil, at 144iblij P4'%*04 j PkVP inseoty)"r _ _j. ;, f r itock. vell-P areufwid, clontleilrof Ir virtite of a writ Flea Ismimt 41til thf County it Ri W ifl,ifi ifilf said. Mare 6. -is �ve theahtivelit thii, lotv�em c 1 11 _qUutt%., Clacks. A or up t%.3 :io fie aser.presen es e mid a] I - Her' prove -kinds ull'. 7-7— PER 'ZENT 11 dt� ofthe Uuittld flito4t anti firlit e t - refunoted. E29 JaIrIf7th.4 ". - - - and tit me irm-iml tile land -4 and tene., On woldvir own 1kiv&-Of `V11MI111 E67rr �ol%. at the kt t ot lc h:tve -riz It anol ta..va, &:I Ol eirecut.on ;*It the ri,�ht. tl'tte OF Out 4 lEr GOMM;, 0 meopy -nf a p �MaMlqtpr, &c., Godeiieb. Ited HE Show- iw-" fiy of HeO tnit,_ :g:o;mMerati6n b jaitle U14 Hamm Wild Rrucci�Vv' 1-4ZLW to­lw� 11to It ual I -ilie I W: t I e 11 N - , I Iind teneergents, it wrd.AtKjn;m*jI,. It fI.- amufto fill tht: ft41,111ty U ill! te-m-flieuts t tit ill "ller. 14se 'Plic UL tilk. t0, W.t or 14,.r 4. W, of AlleCtunnes I not Willihm are: j. _Iktf# -in the tpwn Ul t, P air b ina le tt tjie .Wei. at d ot, tit 'nil Ild Hint e tC L -t lit. 14C V.U)i tt;;Vot utr, Rext. LTI Bi _(._It I , e it n ILL t it: a-6ainsi tilt- landA mit-f wil'­ Yo 01 tfidrovit oil L at' Jvijes 8iew fH thour or Twe V& iii-ap will plot. t; -,at, at Ion 11 V nb n W the �e Selz -d Wk -en uj:6itli-mio, so I �G It' DERIGH, & j lj,� 9.jCf.UN.AI,b uel4l. D I h i ire., fij. u I ijitt. title ikhal inler--b I ilfti' saidr W ho-sai 1.etend int tit 0 ellL digit Itir, froid mAle -Colith. Wall orl"t.mal ds oil Seventh 9 -ay e nd t -Of three. 'elo,-k' in th. e Qtjifkli tit. 'fie ji The tilt: intilatit'delay. ­ I - .. -65, at. the Iftivir o, ivolien. vourtly of Huron, (it Ile. lit t ivl r I Z . ; Ilor fbe zali; it illy of Ire' 1�* t-(;5 _111 tilt. ofL _Vn t . . I . . - ai)d Aeqg�aajeu go I -;b:tll :4. bffto a - r fill �C' 0 1 Ilds - I. fit r, flem tillun'r at whiektime- uud place I It - inr n Lig.-atiouse St,;,, tI;) g-ile sit in%" 0 Jt' -e - in the iiiiii 11mise.-In'the lown dfiolerh ofl of' ille Coped tire hereby reqi -eq 10 -the firiii a IV OrAidm­t _Th4o' Court Hal!�t ill tile. "Pumi tNe-et to Air A4deta:,Djiwg4 s. nem noon' af tilr alf I w e I vr, at lk- clock Ilot1q. virrit or i4q. -A E JOH.f NACDOV, LP 1of J ll -0 L tile:* %yon. A -1r, A' Coatitit-s' Clerk* 'i -LLE S ado, Y tA ('1110NA I D' Vier- F'Utjits jssUj:d 4, Lit SA 49 1 AG - all Q idnt thi?, 4a dir trips 1 --et 01144, God ainja 4 id L t wets croderk'h w1w4atzlit.-I 9 - r. 4 anj-efikagoi dUrj4M I& 14 BA COlit Gtideilich.,22rfid F L nal directed it., 9. - RS ..4 id f Jw-t�plt (;.Itself, dplz�ll-' 'ALT *VaWn Qjr j ,I,dtjtt Road. -I flITITItai' 2 1 k -TED -t $&oil h' I te 'Exoler.t n t je doo.vd: 11 ire e V1 I4la-lall.but "�kt�tv 01. dnd aoa Claretiatin. vireet. I 1;�- lid f n.- IT ARTMENTAL 'ST I . �i . .1 It o -A- QUA. -Y AND:. jar,) rL A tillift IL5 m4il tron) 'Jab 1,'* il I 'I i lid F. rh, m arl;;0,6 tit At �dlay oatfi` inarked I P., W IS .)Sps 's -of -ATW m,quarditv or, Pine 84m Tf Ag dtit L 'T -par twit aV;riilid st` lily, in It (;all t iie n in r -GJM 1GDOIALM Ilp ( .10 I 1'TT TT our of twelvd, at the iau ks o4UPS 647ill 16nwn -galit - n-. r 14 wr4Pr-,,-)ai.d, to a" RAN S I E 11 .- , - . . 31 MI to TAk wn-Lawl; and 6, to 4 aithitir 3artmonts Taiket, OUL P. t!q If XW I RAM 1LAsion, &e.. 3zc,. ku for Parties reptailling in I GMerich t sbip,��Y&h;'1865- WIS -;*d ""b Ar Mat h God�,, 41sw1l; OW11 4t; P A -W n New% of d t IC of