Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-05-30, Page 3`k=esteea
grcAring, by
t ttecessurilv
rvariarli is
to get fruit"
r aa &reseed
.1-pring, wig
smut. Fine
weeks fromi
I year. the
tare rod of
will yiphr
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t will yield
oaths after •
ts Raspbei- ct -
Two dozen -
re yielded
bear the
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. they begig
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.1 Bruce, at
,.I. John Mc-
) or -Stanley,
Guardian of
' :fey, Susan -
and 'Robe t
y, Margaret
of May,
vele 3e
dire notihod
Village of
Bruce,- ors -
urination of
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of his estate,
ei. rho under-
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the fact;
w1814,- .
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are. notifioa
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they are
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the value. '
the Whole;
truchera in
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manner of
We notice with pleasure that the Lon-
don •Evening Advertiser' has been enlarged
and others -se improved.
The press of local news in this issue
has crowded out a lengthy editorial article
and other matter.
. TH.E STEAMER BRUCE. -The steamer
lititee owing to an accident to her mchi-
nery on the 21th, yin be laid up here for
a week or two. We understand thit it
is the intention of IL,r enterprising owners
to have the boat thoroughly repaired from -
stem to'stern.
- has •been coneteuted a holiday throughout
. • Upper Canada. . As usual. atheltie and manly
TILE GRUB. -We are sorry to learn- sports. were engeged in aiid coritested in good
that the grub is workiti considerable earnest. The opening scefie was an advance
ing cavalcade of Calitheraniaue, as they are
trtisehiet in the grain fields in various
termed, exhibiting the most grotes.que up -
tarts of this County, some farmers hav- I pe,a,rance imaiineble. After their droll
•., dve
*nture t....briu rh the streets 'it- h.
tng had acres cut down clean and clear. a . . . <-, . I wle was
aniueing to ell, bet especially to the youth,
We trust the deOredations of the pest may ollowed the athietic vornests - and sports
le confined_ to a limited area. - Rolling when no less -Lean thirty•theee orizes were
the land..i. .
at night Isom(' to be a sure cure
I awarded to the successful coriipetiturs, in
. . lesspiorr wreathe)," throwing the stone, a
and we weuid advise tliose- whose crops ' - '
e steeple chase toot ewes: sack and. wht el.
, i
are endangered to try the pian.: barrow races. - '• Nlithwithatanding the driz,
__,-......---, zling rain during the.atternoon, such waa the
ardor of the multitude, that these. amuse;
-BEN'EFtra or Apviurrism"-6a Friday merits were engaged in with unabated eager.
'afternoon hist Dan. Lizus; Esq, adverfized ness tillh I f h d' I II
t e e use. o t e uv, iv len a re
a stra'r. cow in the S'emi-Weekly Sigma and tired thaw home's welt sa,tistied,
had the satisfaction of recovering her ,b1 that and soine quite happy,:
meaes next day. The adv. Only 'cost Mr. L. - .........
a few cents, and he is, antrtrally.enpugh,„quite ' Berceefir.n. May 29,1865
To the Editor 61the Dunn, Signal. •. .
pleased with the reeule of tiorinvestment.- Da. 6lit -ii.,,,eia , now read for a emei
We may state for the benefit of the public time with patience, but not teeth• any degree
The queen's Birthday at Wrox-
On the 24th vast., the anniversary of Our
Queen's birthday was ushered in at the
thriving village of Wroxeter, by the firing ot
cannon and other small arms, which was
continued at short iutervals during the day,
intimating to 'the inhabitants that another
year had run its rounds in the life of Queen
ictoria I. As the morning advanced- the
vallage was adorned with loyal flags streaming
in all directions, and a triumphal arch in. the
principal street, and great numbers of the
leiges were to be seen pourm, in. from ail
quarters to witness -and enjoy tit; amusements
and sports. of the day; for in this loyal
viliage the 24th of May hes of late years
been held as a gala day by the. inhabitants of•
• all clasaes, iYhti.fh, now we are happy to learn,
that, in consideration. of the hard tintes we
have clicadeu upon inserting small advertise-
ments. of that kied at gm:Ley reduced prices
dazing' the season.
0:". The River Thames is beginning to get
pure, as a roach or two have been seen in
the river of mud that was nearly opposite St.
Paul's Cathedral.
- •
Sprity, Wheat,
Fall do
Flour .
Lumbs .
f urkies, each
._;..iese do
May 30tb, 1865.
...$1:08 t5 1.'12a
• 1:12 4 1:20
... 0:40 Q.4 0:45
5:50 et, 6:00
. .. 0:55 .0:60
0:00 4, 0:75
5:50 4; 0:00-
0:30 4 0:40
2 00 4 -0.00
0-.45 'Qs; 0:50
- 025: ti 0:00
lickens, ef.pair :0:20 0:00
I iacks, 0:00 0:25
2:75 a. 000
0:13 0:15
. 0:40 (0 0.45
2:00 (al 0:00
- 0:08 (ie•0:124
!tides (green)
btuter. .
• • .
(Graduate of McGill College, Montreal.)
1. comae e. Mee -At the Division Court
Office, Dungannon, C. W. w17
To Wool Carders, &c.,
A Good Openingi
gni E ur k-surted is desirous of forming a
businesMinnection with some pirann
ling to go into the Wool -Carding and Cloth -dr. -es.
ing business ;n Godericit. The applicant to find
cards. &c- and tne subscriber the power 1111d
butidi ng, both otwhichare is einnp.ete readiness
This is a splendid opportunity for any cspahle
man wishing one of the best openings et the kind
incanada. • Apply ,0 • • . .
•Goderich, C. W.
April 17th, 1865. • • wiltf
Mortgage Sale of Land
NDER and by vii tue: of o. poster of -Sale
hub 1.1 tea .-,, ........, ..13;00 (66 14:00 .-e contained in a ;Mortgage made by 'bones
- ' ' Uart . of the l'ownship of Yr awariosle in the
SEAFORTIrl MARItiETS. comity Of Huron, Yeoman, to George John
1 ' -- - .' Gater, of the Township of McKillop, in the
(Reported for the StaNAlihY Currie, McDougall & Co.) Said County of Huron Gentlemijn, (default
having been made in the due payment there-
• St.,tkoRTD, -May 28th, 1865. •• of,) Will be sord bv. Anctionton
Friday, the Twelfth 'day. of May,
Fleur -CV bareel) : $4:00 (2-- 4:50
Fall Witt -at, 111 bushel ....$1:00 (s.4 1:20
Spring Wheat, '11 bush- 1:00 •(ye 1:06
Oats . . . . . ,...e 040 (ee 000 .
Berley . ; . . . 0-00 "4 0:60
0:75 4 0:80
Potatoes ... 030 (g) 0:35
any ton). .... 1600 4 1800
Pork (1) hundred).....:. 6:00 7:00
Hides .. ... . .. 350 (tp, 150
Butter (1b).-............ 0:14 4 0:00
Sheepskins 1:00 1:50
Eggs (.0 dozen). . 0:00 (21 0:10
fimothy Seed. 200: -(ta_l 2:50
• 001 . -•- .• 0:30 4 0:35
-at satisfaction. your logic in suppoit of the Cloyer Seed • 9.00 (_4 9100
once creled Southern Confederate States 01 - • ...esessisee
America• hopeing you.- would comet to see
• your error, siid repent, you have rill most. worn
urn my patieuce. with the large majority of
MittaGe...*---. The beautiful phenomena
zttteriding mikages.on large bodies. of wa-
. ter have been witnessed .fromthis point
for several days. -Oa Sunday last vessels
which _must have heen fifty milei,distant
were obServ.4 passing and repassing each
other, but hanging saspnided • as.' it were
in an inverted position front a cloud near
the horizon. . On iy again *the
Michigan shore from near -fort 'Enron to
• Siginaul Ray was dis inctly visible, even
ta the indentations of the land, the sips
of sandy beach and the smoke issuing
from steam saw Some of thepoints
seen must have been , eighty or ninety
miles distant. The mirage Was witness-
ed by hundreds of our 'citizens.
MAN. -4 gentleman who holds &promin-
ent office in a certain Organizaticn
• the right thinning portion_of this community
with Each lugic, i thought it high. tune to let
you. know that,iedul nut suit this part
muCh less the eiviiisdwoerld, and hope you
will try to enlighten your subseribera with
something eISe more a2,reable t� their tastes,
and heneticial to society, it is it great ' pity
that a -man of your ability would speed his
time and talents in support of Jett Davis and
his associates in crane, the records of Libby
Prison, Andersoniille, Fort PlItaiv, and a
hoseto numerous .to mentioh goes to ahow
that these shanieless atrotities whieh have
excited a thrill uf horror in every Immune
-breast were•tke resiilt of a cruel, carculateiter
malignant, policy, such as could have been
getieraed bly in the minds of slarelloidefs
of the worst i:uste, iharge the whole suit ut-
this war, upon the ambitious, eduetited,'
plotting, political leaders ot the South,. they
bar,e shed an Ocean at b.oud they have dello-
tiited the South they have poured poverty
through all her towna and cities they have
bewildered the imagination .ot the t•eopte with
ph_aritastns and led teem to believe they Weie
fighting for their homes and liberty, -Whose
houses were unthreatend, and whose liberty
was in no jeopardy, these arrogant instigators
renewed. worse than' the
- styled " Wide-awake,'' not 'fifty miles of.civil war have
plagues of Egypt, not that the oppressed
from. London, a W., being ia Goderich tnight eo free but that the free might be
_last week on business, drank so "much dd
oparease , au then tins.3 gut nest and most
remorseless traitors, these high and cultured
-ginger-beer that'he became " tight as
men, with might and wisdom used tor the
fiddIer to use. a vulgar expressiondestruction.ret the Country; thiee must accur-.
What- he did while "in that couclitioa is sed and detested of all_criminals that have
net mentioned, but we have - it on very 4reelehed mstiou neeillessIbloodand mole
ed the foundations of their tunes with hideous
good authority that he lest a. valuable crimes andcrueay, to once ..immaame .that
- gold watch during the course of his the perpetrators of sal criMes, watird -,o scot'
free IS beyondtee rcOmprehensitie (3-f the
wanderings., Itleould be interesting to civilized ,wourld not - ado -wing: that Jeff ,
know just ;there' the tritie:ciliake g4rit's Davls is the superini of many -either '
"tickerWag. tuaalv far less sox -tally the -least they could
expect would be continautent iu a dungeim
beer (with a -little drop_ of brandy it,- it) for ate. , : •
is considered stightly intoxicating and flopein.• vett will give this 'place yorlr.
should be eschewed by the admirers -Cif l'Ouabli---A-Pert r-elilaitIt
Y -ours. respectfully,
.11 r: _Dunkin. - A CrANADIA.N.
On Thursday the 23ih inst.; at Goderich)
C. W., 'the wile of Lewis W. Or•d, Esq., of a
Money- to Lend,.
Mortgages. - Apply to D. Shade Freight -for Ports on East 61:tiore of
u Gooding, Solicitor, Office over : R. Like Hurcni. .
Booth's store.
Godefieb, 18th May, 1865. sti-74‘f 74i FAST MN w-aBEL sTil,ABIER
A., D. 1865, at twelve o'Clock, ncion, 'at the
/tuition Marc Of •
On the Market Square,. tke Towil of Gode-
• lie's,. the collowing property, that is to fay :
All andsineular that ..ertain parcel yr tract
or land-ateeprernises situate lying end - being
in the Tosmihip of Wawanosli, in the County
of Huron, in the Province of Canada, being
'composed of the north east quer ter- ,Loi
Namher Forty-two in the Eleventh concession
ofthe said township of Wawenosh,contriiiiing
by ailmeesurement Fifty notes of land, he the ,
same more or less.- Terms cash. Deed --
-ander-Pe'wer of Sale .
-Vendor's Solicitor.
The above sale --is Postponed till Viday,
the 2nd day of Jane melt
• Ew16
CHERCII OPENING. -On Sanday last
• the new Primitive Methodist Chapel, on
the farm of Mr. Jno. Sturdy, 7th con. of
this- township, was opened for Divine
• Worship. TM Rev. Mr. Sitivi, N. C.
tainister of Goderich, preached an eloquent
.sermon at 11 a. in. from Psalms
la, 14, to a crowded congregation. In
the afternoon Rev. MF. Urei of the U. P.
Church, delivered an excellent discatirse
from I. Con, latter clause, of the 7th
verse,. and Rev. Mr. Rogers, of the M. E.
Church, addressed a large audience in the -
evening The church is built of brick, is
44ft:by 28. in size, and when , properly
finished will be a very neat aid commo-
dious structure.. It .owes its origin, we
believe, to the earnest, zee. ous labors of
Rev. John McCappin, Irish Missionary,
. who has laid those tor whose special bene-
• fit he labors in this section under lasting
obligations. Mr. McC. purposes yisiting
home this summer„but we Shal1. be glad
to hear of his beingtagain seat to Canada.
The New Connexion' M. Choir, under the
efficient leadership of Mr James Thomson,
rendered excellent music* ietvice at, the
ehurch-opening recorded above.
ktiAL• ACC1D'ERT.. - Dennis Barry waa
lilted here last week bra, fall from a barn
few days ago. The rafter beieg broke
rather soon,- fell back, making Barry lose
-hie balance stud precipitating him -with
arioieuce to the earth_ killing him. instantly:
-Asi- Tux Faun or viz ttoms.-A. few days a;4o
two heavy Hams helotigin-, to the weleenutvii
Mr. Humphrey Siied; ot !flatten, happening
to Meet in the field, it tight took place, ea
whichre large Anor........ough. bred Leicester trot
his neck broke in the first round'. His •aii•
tagonist,waie heavy Cotswold. ' -- •
The telegraph SOlie days" since aunounced
tire death of Sir H - liyatolie, the Oharnprun
ut 1,Inglard:, .Anit English paper alluditig to
the -event says :i.'• le seems a .strange thing;
to hear of tee &ath .ot the Champion 01
Enstand 1 Neve theless that event mis actu-
atly occurred
r, igh the oecease of the klua
Ste. Henry • Dynko ite_, Bart., uf Scrivelsby
Conre Ltueolushire, who bete by descent
aud teadal tenure,. as owner of Scrivelsey,the
utie,atid office at •ellerechtary Graud Cnirin.
pion of Eu0iatid,',7 inherited by him from ine
Lords Manniou. of Scriveisbylie haat dis-
• cliarbred this °thee at the banquet in teerte
uiiiister Halt atthe coronation ot Kine Georee
IV. Tne dinv is to ride tato the 11illand
throw down a Mailed levee delyhig to coenuat.
any person -who sheet defier that the reanaut
's..ter_rtin is the lapftir ruler j adjoining house (Campbell's Victoila Hotet)
of this kie,?dos'
:As Inc Orin of the office had become ,siugu.
"`" P. was, paiiied to the. ground.
larly hicongruous tu um -present day, erne was ' , I am, sirr, • - ' :-
-.yea to much ridicule, it has since ueen due 147.1 En . Yours reepectfriliv,
euntiuued e. andit IS uudersentid that the tate '
THE Counties' Council for the United
Oonitres of Huron and Brice,- will meet
in- the Court Room, Goderich, on .'ruesday,
the sixtb-dav of J4e -nett
Counties' Clerk, Huron & Bruce.
Counties' Cleric's Offiee; ? .11.17td
- May 19th, 1865. - 5.
• 13 Xi lort,
11,Mi 'IliST ItECriviD „A I.A.C.GE STOCK Or
. •
Toy Books, Prave; Books of all kinds-,
• , Church Serve:ea., Hymn Books. .
- .
Ladies! CoMpantons.
CONCERTiblb8,1. ,
41.C,C.,3FR•raMOCOINITSeip "
• Audi -talons other articles, ail cheap:
Goderica. April 26 1565] •
over the new Post Office, Goderich._ siw18
. •
".Bonnie Maggie.
Commander, will run between
Agent Provinciel Insurance Co., Clinton,
- DEAR gut beg .to Thank the Provin itil
Insurance Con:pany of Canada. through you
for the very hcmorable manner in which that
Company bag satisfied my ',taint upon it, for
dainages to my printing inaterhils by removal
durine the late fire in Clinton: by whiech the
-champion nad reeeived bit baronetcy from
Lord Melbourne, in 1611, in .considereuon •ot
his havinr waived his right. to pettorin tosi
office atcHee -biopsy's corourstion. Th“
ceremony Nalr• siso omitted when
_IV,: was crowned. St:" Henry Dyeacike was
1 born tu-Idtil he was marr ed but, as it ate
iree_rs front Debrett that h,e has no heir& 11
seemotliut his aument.hereditary office intuit-.
. now become extittoU Sir kleury died at uhr
residence inLundon after - two dries' finless
from diptheri&.”
ACCIDEST---A. yottng Man of this Town
ship shot himself accidently last week. A
-coinrade's gun: (Mr. Ivey) carelessly fell
ataing his companioa'a gun on the trigger,
ar4 drivingthe ball through the fleshy part
of the arm. '
SUDDEIC DELT11.-Peter Maylan, Esq., at
tending stuaghbor's raising on Monday, the
22nd, was seized with a violent pain in the
breastand survives1-butafew hours. He had
a presentiment he would die of the heart
• .chsease. • -
• Stmts.-The ferment on and about the 10th
.con., of the township of Turnberry have been
very much annoyed for some titbit past by
Beare carrying off 'keep and pigs. One by
the name of James . Scott has suffered. eon-
Adoribly. Many farmers have to bring in
theirfioeks of sheep and house theist in the
. barn, ardoure deem it necessary .to steep
- in the oarn with then at nights. A Bear
Hunt wag got up 'shod time -ago to rid the
country of these pests4 but the. search for
them proved unanecessfid.
In.. The Chridtian Guardian publishes the
full ltst of sitbsdrib.trs to the Victoria. Oolleee
fund for the removal: of the dent on teat In-
stitution. The proposal made by Dr. Aylei-
worth some time ago and sanctioned by tlie
Conference, was the to effect that an effort
should be made to raise by voluntary surr
sciiption an arnoriot sufficient to pay off the
College debt. Tee atnount requi ed was
000; and the plan adoptedwas to solicit sub-
scripuoni, the amount to be payableonly when
t e sun) whilst:lade up. We .are most g 'aired
to learn- that the subscriptions hate ex eeded
the amount required. footing up to $31,000 f
and there are s Ate circuits which have been
oner partially canvassed, and some which have
not been itierteef at all. The excellent regents
Dr. Aylesworth and the Rev. Charles Fish;
will contihue the'e good work, collecting tilt.
amounts Subscribed, and securing further sul-
seriptien Xowards the improventeut ofthe
buildinentetnd the creation of a permanent
endowment fund.; and every well wisher of
the educational progress 'afire country will
bid thein God speed. The Wesleyan body
have done themselves infinite credit in the
effort which they. have " matte to relieve the
University from the burden of dbbtee-Spec-
The expenses of the IT. S. government
after the -army is disbanded, it is estitnated,
will be four hendred millions a year? . It used
to be njtiety
Merchant r
(Weather permitting) • twice each week
until further notice. Leaving Sarnia every
Monday. and Thtirsday morning calla);at
Goderich, Kiocardine. Ineerhuron.
Port Elgin, Southampton. Returning will
leave 'Southampton eery Wedneiday and
Satire:lay morning.:Callin,, at above Ports.
Freight by- this route can be delivered'
quicker than by any ether, and at :rates- to
suit Merchants and Shippers.' For freight ,
anti pasiage apply to IV:: Seymolir & co.,
Aizents. Goderich ; Bobt: Campbell, Agent,
Itincal dine JameaBurwash, Agent, South-
W. ORR, .
EreiAt Supt.) Eastern diVision, :Hamilton.
_ .e
rAIG.s Ir4:31131:).
'WOUND en •the Beach of Lalse Huron,
about 3 miles from Goderich, an 20th of
April last, a,quantity Of -Pine 'Logi, marked,
I. P., W. and • •The owner is requested to
.prave property, pay expensesand take them
away. If not elaimed within nee monthfrom
this date they will be sold -by Auction.
Goderich, May.18, 1865... w17 3t •
Large 8c • Well -Assorted
STOCK -or •
A CONVENTION of delegates -end leadine
..ri---.Teroprant.te men at tits country, will be
held at -Clinton, on Wednesday. the 7th of June
to -consider the propriety of 'testing the Temper-
ance Act of 18u4 county, and for other
purpost,il relating to the cause t fTemperay.te,
By order of Manchester Convention.
av tali, 1865. •• w18 -2t
and Sum
- GODERICH May s1, 1865.
'1.2 ID 0 ZMN, 1\7 M'QV
r;;ACthe _Glasgow House.
D.'KERII, JR., 41c' CO-
Goderich 7th April, 1865.
Ii t the Queen's Bench,
-seven in the Maitland concession of the -
whin for right of way of ahereby gives
al .
the Buffalo and Lake that the Buffalo"'
In the matter of compen- IT 0 TICE-is
through lots Nos. 85, 86 Railway CompanY
and 87 in the Maitland -have paid iato the
hundred and ninety-six doliers and matrfive
11!,,,.Elniavitvirrveneeesninbitli; day of May, Huron Railway Company and Lake lisrosr-
ship of Goderich. in the BenckatTorosto.
convention of the Town- Court of Quesetes•
iriterest thereon, agreed to be paid for sensill
Peu.ts being the compensation and six moottet
lands for. right of way. being parts of lets
numbers eighty-five, eighty-six and eighty -
County of Huron. the sora of five-
tinodferPallderichyk in the emn'tY er
it or deed pollrbearilm *Dgf -adseleer'tlitinsin-
in the Year Or Our:.
Lord 11353• and executed by William Ford
arid Henry Ford of the said township of
Godericli, and made under the Act entitled
-!.An Act respecting Railways." and farther
nonce is'„eiven to all persons entitled to the
said lai:ds or 0 any part thereof, or -represent--
ing't r being the husbands of any .,,partiea so •
entitfeci,. to file- their claims into the *it
Court to the said compensate& or any part
thereof and all such claims 1611 be -mewed
• ai.d adjudged upon by the . said Coo*
pursuant so the Statute in the. behalf.
Dated thee llth day of May. 1865.
(Signed> ' L. HEYDES.
w17 3m ' Clerk of the Crown and Plows.
.811E1111178 SALE OF.
Vnyted Count 'e4.1) BYvirtue of a writi of
Boron and 13ra• n
ce, . en Facies issued out
• to wit :ot Her Majc•ity2a u
Court of the United Counties in fi woe. and Bruce
and to we directed against the lands and tette-
Meats of Wiljian • Wilson, at the -suit of 1.11nles
Boswell Sleyenson and Aichib,ild Cook Suther-
land, 1 have -seized and taken in exc.-mina alllhe
rignttitl and interest of rhe said:
and to the squib halVe,s of lots numbers thirteen
and fourteen in the ninth Concession of the town-
ship of Morris. In theCuutyoI Huron', vihicli
len& and tenements 1 shell offer for mak at my
in- the Court -Wiese, in the town of Goder-
ich, on Tuesday the twenty-ninth Any of August
next, at the hour of ; welve or the eloav !loon.
- Sheriff, te B.
Shen If'se)ffice, Godench;
2301May, 1865 6 w18
• Aud vanetv of k aney Artielea, such as
. .
Shirts,Cloilars, Neckties, -Caps;.
ae., -
Which he is prepeeed to sell Cheap. flir
Cash. - ,
Gmsdrien.April 12.2865. .
AO • Of.1864.
l'HE creditors of the undersigned are TRW-
fied to -meet at tbe office of Frederick
• Whitt, attorney at law, in the village of
Clinton, in the county of Huron, en Monday,'
the fifth day of June next, at one o'clock in
the afternoon. for the purpose of receiving a
statem ,nt of his affairs, and of training in
assignee to whom he may make an assign-
ment wider the above Act.
,Dated at the village of Clinton, iss the
--County of Huronj this eighteenth days)! May,
A. pti 1865. -
Attoruey for Charles Dissent.'
- • .
ALL parties are hereby cautioned against
purchasing or riegoliating two notes of
hand, drawn in favor of-Jameslohnston, .the
undersigned, boils dated the lso day of May,
1861 and payable ten (10) months afterdste..
The first one for $16.90, giver try Guttlieh
Mueller and- &An Schnell; and the second
one for $8.50, given -by James McGuire and
John McDermott. The said notes' have been
stolen or lost, sad payment thereof is stop-
S -
Lot 26, South Boundary Of Stanley
tanley.t15th May, 1865. w16.3t.
In Black ;ail's! -Wnite Braids, at the
Goderich, 7th April, 1865.
Mortgage Sale ofliaxids
• TINDER and by virtue of a Povier -of Bahr
%.0 contained In a certain Mongsse esede
by toll- Sinclair. of the tGRfl dfG�dIflDb..
Butcher, of the fitst part, .(cletasilt harbor been
wade in the due payment theirrota there will be
'sold bv Atietien, on i hiusday, the -St% 410)T cf
.I.une„1.1),1665 at twelve o'clock, teen, at
the Auction Mart otjame. Smat11.44 the Nadu*
Square, in the town ot Godeneb, thc. following-
landsand wens:see, viz.: Lots one handled nett
eitty and one hundred and eighty-one fa Hie
town of Goderieb.coataining, together,by side
measurement half _an acre of land, more or
Peed -under -Power of Bale continued is mit
••Mortgege. ;
Of Our Spring Order of ,
fsio hand, the THIRD will follow next week,
At the Glasgow House.
D. Kerr, Jr.,
Godericb, 7th Apyil, 1865.
United Counbee of illito Y virtue of .s. Werit of
Huron and Bruce, _ILP Fieri .• sfued
• To wit.: - opt et Her Majesty's county
Court ot the United (jountica of Huron and Bruce,
and to me directed against Inc lands and tene-
ments& ofiaines Lothian- at the suit 9f t% Whim
Smith, 1 have seized and taken In execution -all
the right title mild intei est of Inc said *leaden'
in and to lots letters anti I) in the 9th eoncess .
of the toivnithip of 11 meet, iliatainint 200 acrea ;
huron, in said county o( Brum, mintaining 34 1
free in the Court House , in tne town
also emit site number 2 it. the village 1n,'acres,%abash lands and tenements 1 :Iliad oder for
sale at iny o _
-of, on Tuesday the first .day of August
next, at the hour of twelve oft he- clock; noon.
Sheriff; H.& W
Bv B.Pot.r.ocxeDePiay Sheriff.
• Soliestm for Mortgagee.
10th davef May A.D. 1865 - W.Ifitd
United Countiesof 11 I Yvirtue et' a Tint et
Huron and Bruce, D filen Firmer; lama out
To Wit: of Her bintesty/s 'County
Court or she flailed Counties of H. aeon ited Beate
• and to Inc -directed against the landt and iirne:.
1 silents of James Clarke, at the sun of Bober'
l'hompson, I have aeized -and taken in etectstiOn
alt the right, title and Interest ofthe said elefen-
dentin and to lot ntio.ber 324 as -the town of
., Uederieli, in the county of Huron, *Wet lei&
. and tenements I shall Mier for sale et my dice
in the Court Home, in the toinwof Gcleit telt. es
Tuesday, the firteepth day of August zest, atlas
hour of twehe of the cloet, noon.
.1011N MACDONALD', - -
Illbe.01111.41e1. .
Bv .8 POLLoCK, DeputySlienffi
.Sheriff's offree(inderiche t
10th May 1865. s
A LL persona aretereby lotified *bat otter
--C2. this date I will not hold myself wool,' ‘-
sible for stir debts contracted by my vritt.
Aary Bays, she having deserted ay 104-asii
beard ,withoittjust cause or prevocation.
T'p of Stephen, Co. Heron. .
May 18tb, 1865.
IdortgageSale opanda.
[TIMER and by Timm ors Poem )3
of •10
U contained in a certain Indenture of Mot*
loge, made by Bernard Daly of the village et
Egmondville, in the County of ;Harms. Ness.
ehant,-to Felix Tholepins. of ,thlt -township
of Mullett. in said county, Esquire, sad beer.
log date the fifteenth- day of April. A. D.
1864, will be sold by Public Amnion at she
auction roams of G. X. -Truism, la •
- Town of Goderieh. hi the County ef-Hunitts,*
on„Eriday, the eighth day of June. VW*
12 -o'clock. noon. the 'following load lad
premiers,. viz.: tillage Aot amber aevt-ii,
'west. siae of Centre street, in the village of
Eemotidville, conbaning one quarter of alt
acre of land, more or less, together with the
buildings thereon; default having been made
in the epaytnent. of the warmly& Ikea*
IN CONSEQUENCE of the death of Mr. M.M
Wavraeam.D.-the business heretofore earned
on tinder -tit name and etyle of
RObt. R111101M4in. & CO
18' 1LT-TsT ID # 8,
I most be closed on or before t
in the matter of CO.LIN SINCLAIR,
an insolvent- 1
TEIE Creditors of the Insotventare notified
tbo meet at the law office of,Messieters
TOMS & Moore, en the Town of ,Goderich, on
Nloeady the twelfth day of June, 1865, a1.
ten of the clock in the forencion, tor the
public eiaminatiein of the Insolvent, and for
the ordering of the &Ghia of his estate:gener-
• ally.•
es, Godench, C. Wq May 181h, 1865. w1 -2t
Solicitons -for insolvent.
. _ .•. .
-nits to forbid any dperson negotiating
Note given by tne •subser ber to John
White for twenty two bushels of _posaioes,
.10d beating date gawk 6th, .1865, aa the said
in over ppid. - -
Colborne - May I6th. 1865 - wtr'St
.• ,
Shea's Oefice, Godeneh,
25ihAtelir 1865- %
DART1,bff desirous of obtaining: First Glass
I. Cedar for 0. agent! Buildingeurporee can
besupplied in any quantity, eno on reasonable
terms, by sipplying to
J. • W. ELtIOT T.
Goderich.feb. Oth.1864 wS
Insolvent Act of 1864.
In the County Court ofthe United Caustic:
-- •
ry. Huron and liruc.e.
PRoythellt or CAssug. ) In the „matter of
e 'apt of Huron one CHAU W. nee -
of the United .Coanties •roati, an Ineol-
of Huronsud Bruce. yen
GTIC,E lireby given tha the under:
a signed hasfired in the office of this Court,
it deed of composition and diselirie execut-
ed by his Creditors and that os uerday, the
eiffiteeuthdasy ofJoly next, at ten of the
clock in the forenoon. or as soon As Maned
can be heard, he will apply to the Judee of
the said Court for a contirmaticin of tbe 41le•
charge thereof erected in his favor under said
4,0„itg, s .P. WOmitODIAtto. roey.
Stratford, May 10th, I sort, J 6%;., in
All parties indebted to the elsove firm are heris•
by noti_fied that all dnuoetesonennidebook a. ueuuitsoyer
• 1st- day of FEWY next,
will be handed ,to tbeir 8oheitor tor collo:et:en
•The Steele OR hand will be scud
it consists tit a largerarrierpnenterPloughseCulti-
vaiors.Harrows.retniwCutters. .
Pot -ash and sugar -betties, waggon and pipe
boxes, .
Cooking, ParlorikBox Stoves
A,loed second -band
and a lot ot aebitiery tor Geist awl pase-mila. _
Cenveyanceunclerfsooieesirtzisci4firiorksi• emiasesaut
Dated tills 4th dsy May. i. D,
United countwor tiT virtue at 4 Wwit el
Heron and Bruce, .11.3 treaditiontExpeeneiied
To wit: Fier; Filmes, tor resislase.
issusd out xf Mr Majeatv's docility Coed
ofthe Count r of Ontario Ilea c eget in Cone -
snout Pteaa, and to me directed ageism Shiia
La ado a nd tenements of:Stephen 11,trawfosil,741.
Lynch Staunton. Enoch C. DowliarLesid Voters
(4iiiatair, at the snits of lease IN Moment 111141
the Corporation of the Township el Eltieraliet 1
hare seized and 'Ickes in Executtoe all ilie AO*,
title and interest ofthe saidAlefendaitte,is and Illa
Peek feet N0-15,Lot No 11, and to the SotitilVait
of Lot No &Bast side ot Quern street Nora,
betas stilxlivisionief Park Lot No. 4 tit rhe vit.
!age of Paisfr); South hall 01 Lut 22 ost the alit
side of queen Streee8eneth reisley,", l'arir Let AN -
15 L,Lortfi aide of Cambridge steretear.d Block Or
%Vest shle of Queen Street,Nerth Paisley, /int IS
South side and 13- and 14 North side efC,
,street. Paieley; North hall-011ot L jot - 4
Heron street, Southampton i 50 feet ot the Xenia
part al 1-ta NO. 4, North aide eit High. Menet,
Southampton, Lo1s29 and .10 on the North vide
ofattrendon street, 'Southampton,: Lot le 'Pm
2,ide ot Norfolk Street, Soutkomplogi,140 ti $1,4
22 South bide of Lopesaeareet, Boulleareptos, all
intheConnty ofBrucel which leads suid tree.
ments.1 shall eller fo, wile at tort 414 4 Ow
-Court HOLM, • n the:Town of Gederielip O. Twos.
day the I wenty-Eighth day -of Fehreary,sesto al
the boar -4 'Twelve ot4be Clock, *son.
- . • SiteriliII *iv
By 8. Por.t.oce. reputyeberilt. -
. Merritt es Office.Godenek, i -
. 2.4th latitusiy,lb., ( *. awl
The shove sale is postponed till Tiesilej
the 4th day of April next. _ .
'This above sale is further pootOseit tin
All partmerequiring the stem articles would 'Tuesday the eih day allay WM. •Oil
40 Well TO Cull and inspect the stock st- once. as - .
they wen se tut rruis• e above isle, is further pirdpsosill*
BUSCLiAN. - imam., 280.
I, In reference to the shove, ic. Runeiman wilt
be prepered to carry ort ehtbeinnerwof
and contract for tbe eteetion Of all hinds el ete
. ehinery air esuaLest_d_Will simply
aunt* VLIrtritsl. tfil1P_LEseENTs
Stoves and esultingssat leaticialite ratesAir CASH
cr skr .credit.
6 eneteDec.21st.1804. i sw32w4S
Insolvent Act of: 18(W
rr HE Cretfriortl of the itarterisivert Ire edifie•
A 10 aloe Itt the: tavi odbre of .1 atnete Shaw
Sinclair, in the town OfOOdetieb.on timidity the
niuteentr, day- olitfile aekt, at tWelve o'clock,
n000, (woe prirpoasi ot recePringetaternenta of
hie affairs and rai meriting an itangnee to whom he
may mike an assignsues; usdertheAove Aut.
•_ 3o,riN REEVE.
St..i•SotieNiCkL3A;11t,s000tor- _
Clinton, eeltktri1, 1565.
ShOliff4-81aff 01.140141111e`
ifnita).Counties of (1)10 virtue sit assit et
Huron and Brikoat EP "Wei Feeble iseepeareet
to wit - Iter Makers -theory-
Caen of the 'United -Counties oil Herta mei
and tri me directed arraiiire the beset mei Pelee
merit, of Charles Iffitelte at lb* aiiM11IF sibs
Corporation-ofibeToeniship of italleld, Ibsen
teir.ed rind taken Stream:dos tit the tight. lido
end *taw of the maid dereadset no -14644
*eat hatfoi-lot tiember save, bi-the 414 4wiios- -
cession Eastern Division 01 -405
Arldield, he county ist tfurotrieoloomor ,00it
hundred acres. wide* leads astftelietassia JPbSI
Offer for sate at my ofice in the e cent leireareafe
the town ol Gelerich, on &Albs' rest day-.
of Augult next • at sae libitr or rims.* .1 11.
4C5441411!At DOWALD
- 154.0ticH.
-ien,•1 •
-2601A411;1041.. *- IC