Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-28, Page 1U11 everything is lazy, except theflies; andif ? a appears to Ee their particular province to* 7A A NY BE r.)NSULTEI) VP TO 10 A keen ass,govers G_ A t. Lcan , so t as & el at his restdonce on 114orth 4treet, next d00T t e par-sengerS) May not loft any of thq bealt. iNG ZlILL _qtwath oilhere,idt,necof Rev. Mr. Clwood- 10:1 fies of the scene I he longest journey mast4eyjs�njulffly *me to an end. and after ihree dap of &C.,�GOD "ally hard P witicit, G. W. 11 work, I reached the pleasing town C> ]LO -V 3 --40Q y *fA In Georgia. I was, howeverf in a ve=' ry bun) r. I was,annoyed at the bankeelfwatit E[Ygf Cf AN. SIT)RGEUN, &c., (Late of - tho gAt in al'ositig his disholmest clerk ur P House Sa4reon. Kingstoll , kiomepitai).— escape.uNowi when a man is in a bad humor n and haq r,—.4,t Arsher2s Soardang House, with a Journey- be, is obli ed to taki� be ig urstc AND HtTRO'.N—AND BRUCE ADY-ERTISER, Ag Gotleric -C. W. very apt to c US o ider'thetown-atwhighThe is !i, LS & Pumps. 13r. Cole" compelled to stay, ab the most odiou* part illf OV the world. I was no exception tothe n6ral- ru I hated Auusta, I dejestod to his Alitor and Proprietor. The Greatest Poslible Good to the Oreatest 19o'dsi�o Nuinber." 'r -ATH OF STANLF,,Y—CLINTON, HU W. --T. .!g tee W'heat froln- Lif Ptoi'ltbad. (34r. Thwaitealsforiner Store f M., - made to July I' 162. inated it. I—but I cannotlest now think,,,of ,?.der any utber word to epress. my abhorrence that unoffending So itm _qjty� w@nt DR. A. WORTHINGTON9, O. nth t(f Pria*;rect T:)HYSICTAN, SURGEON', &c., will at- tP the West hotel in -the 'place and ,entered JMY tend, particularly. to diseaws ot and stirgical A 68 name in the most Sairage manner. 4uglly JL - XNe IN AD' I GODFiRICH Ci W. FRIDAY. PRUL -289 18600 1 VOL.. 30 -NO `2.50 PER A ­Zta S Premmar gperations noon tfte eve' blottin the book in the bto%vicl VI&LAGE. 1jec. 15.1862. fw47-lv act, m4ch to the _dis- Igust of a precise lookit)z clezk,-��who atQ never ve' 4(jokin-, at me while I Made-4ajout od MARINE INSURANCE, A A ight of PLGrll. ery- If Ir 'LAex�rts. Business Mireddru. Al Jas I Oartook, of urp%r,,.,a d �r*er DODD, 'D, AT-TORNEY-AT- Coufpss utter that enial. zueal lla�cbarzu RRISTER AN 'British Amde 111STECTIVFs STRy, -39, Insurance C6,_ La�vjr, and, ;Soh40itor­in-Chanerrvv County came over the spirit f fq 16ato �Ajter men suine ne streeMe and eleg-aut hqW4. VALIP rin and L6tsfor Sale; pu eliaractei owmAttorney,.God ricIti- ad&XViit- Office !6F. TORONTO, Of course itis to, be expected in a lifi like 031MISIONER NI- THE COURT OF INSURANCE. 04, -AugustaasAot sue -ha veirj' bad place.- DIM GS - .:mari - I itettinfly. Segam to 6ink that -it _essed' tl4n40L' C DRUGS pm BL11ch,C=n1wrj%c. A Reg mine, I should Qften b0wexpij"ed to4anget of E S T E no rDepart t. a -dry kept of Fa CO�NIPANY' a peisonal it ii. -the- lot of all sh Arnerica Ass C GEORG1@.,RUhIBALL,­ of tes, will othotimes -work a Im. ies -desiring- itur -purrhable urance onipany; Head r, detective officers, andL have beedno dt Offl_cesToronto.. 1%fagyne, Fire and Lif . V Brifi i determined Iotild URESTER, T r o it N -i Ey.' eoNwE, Y. inilple"osentiftitio.-t-it.eii,lars. elneurances, ent. , Wftf go nd exp1ore the 607 re 9:9, Goderich,Aprif 215th'P65.1 .ycrKin.4-4ton $t' oderich� C.%V- Dun4won.Feb.20.185-7. effected on faVorable termis. tion.to.the rule. In,the course Of my life I -till bed tiftio., -And- fnake inquir -aft# --th* -sutijeked seve P6 91fice-in Mr. J. il. Gaxiio-Os Law C"m- havebien ral times to extreme Abscoudin g hank rdbber;r JOHN JOHN BRETT2 periL . In d a following.i�tory I a aboutko in -AN,, J This young niate fonju;ss- for, BOW41, HALD It., Agt. give n iiDstance of such peril Ltd the reMer. so-Licuroit, coy.VEY UTLAND HOTEL.. GODERICH Tin'. SheeWro and. Coppe emea o* be t greaigst ii,iisfortuiiii tbat .1660 _� L r r the Store 0' Gojerich'Nov4U ae A,,,cc%iL* are. 0.fice,, ove J. 'One dav I was sent for by the-. Prdsident of the L . j could btfill him. I have C> -.'M- 3:31 Comm -r- __ I . ;neuti -tiortt'Son, Goderich, 4ke. ArRvelf --------- EQM0"NbV1LL-E C.W , Angle bud iemi- 4ined on the -rospbuph there, I found the.whole bank tivk1tuated 0 Es above is niost plc�.,tgan HOSKER -PROPRIETOR. - THE When lle-TILL, indbe trenry- to X state Of hall. During my investigation ibis bud lizif d & inmence 120 feet -*h. pverlooking the Har6o' ternation The sale hid -been �ridken r It I . & - - Stoveli,'Cultivatorol.. hr S41e. ' IT Ir 0 I, If A.T - L A W lira; into during the nigh� and a] I the - Specie, .,ab- blosomed, When he &a absconded -nk . antl La ce I-Inr6n;—go ards. Gaftle and US omD nv a a AVest Street, Goder t -Aepaidnh' 1116118 at.Short' . ately proceeded to.,ex- I'lew York, he took this flower with In Not ries Pubti RtimINValksattaelied., Board $I perday, d -i o seacted, I i inifealmor Pads. 25 ciants. vl3njo ifficulty In tmeinA kini v1V means of it I -bad no d -amine the sale, U�d found that the locks Ifad 'FIRE AND- LIFEWL to Augusta. There was poingthing . Vepuliar been forced; buts single glante was suffielent L _W,SbOWL ibe that it. hud been to ilwas a Is _A78'_ NO -TIL FIRN- rgf white ITOR, A 00Re ibout the rose 1 CA - - . , ­ ­ rced after it -PISPENSING CHEMIST URUSGISt I been. opened, orin other words that who. - n duuaielyattraeted heattej)1�0� _Sip A-ff in Chance.q. %-,c 01fice, �Iarket Square, PITAL—TWO. MILLION AOLLARS. a d fp 4of L CorneratKin--,sto.aStreet,(4-WeriaL. 9:42 _.W..R-0XET.ER -011' SA 1j"E -etora on the route. a mss the condL ever had taken the .1noney, had wisbed to sitttated on the� ravel Road' runniiig rroin Aelcumulamd Funds o ha rey the impression that it bad bepn forci d "Ow was to visit all the -hotels in tbecityi t G IFS -o latterso r.- Seabt rth tor4outhamptort, one nitle nrth of. Containi 1-40 Acres con, ng a y one trav- 0 Of crtitse 1. came if lie had been tbeM The irory fitst one nARMSTERS, A�rroaMY94-T-LAW, where it leads 6fttoNVco_Xeter, anit Q q Q D 11 1U CT -S T - n the Lo ers.from ilia outside. are I -nx, &c. Office Me one con id Nataries�, Conveyance q-TTUA ED o ndon Road, nin ' a -to the concluilon that so -me I-eatered, immediitely settledtheuesLtitiu j to omo xce OV - AtjgU and jonce Annual Inc' E eds $2 500,000. -the Villame of txetet. On t a'�(ib e mv mind that-Mutisel1ad jelt ots 0 he a net, West Street, Goderich. rfamei -- - - -4� ty, uected with the estbliabinent h4d tukpn the .f B bu, Southa.mpp ther6 iss' good While e t , bt oi-e I 16d made'& 4ingle nquiey� ore, Wa1hr R-A_TES -cousistent with-saft; lUir rooth. niacUlVaiLl 33rusheits I 'bit the ground a Silngd4j� le4f of a white . Pro entered -the bar-ropm; lind jh7e firztjfbi�g ame -'d x4luinling th� -spot,.1 fo-und low ordo 7E Instirances eAketed at the 16WRS! -nioner. Yoht:L 13. f= Of or any place in that directica, wi4l. firid ae F� Fr Houso"an 18a'r*n SOLICITOR IN dation-auctras he wity expecto top fin:d atfirm class -ty. -TTORNET-AT-1,1W, 4 - A good well* and -Ilk fifist young vence.rose. It is the. observat o I poticed w4a a faded P6venoe . rose op at city li,AOs; to all reipects. n -of M 11 id Very Ch-eap.L thin a that walses a good detective for it i 43L Chancery' ry Publtc� Conveyancer, chird.' It will be 'so The chairt the back of Wis ehii4r wus a news- rie - ALWAYS ON HAND cirity.6 - ­ . or I . - . &e�, G�ut h, Canada W`est. Office­bft MPIC So' paper. I Wolc it -up, nd Ty e ULD often . jyq% at'o'ce the most trivial ci 13 well tim rcumsttice whic SoUth'Side of W�kSt Street, third door from the LRIIEDICINKS land is 6f the be t. Clay loam &Rj on A'p4r ragraph containing *n ac Uns Of -first link in the chain. I did not ;jurtwHouse Squaie. OR His, iA bered. supplies the CQ RGE-ROYLTIAD-RATES LOW RA N rms Aicat k Up this row) tesf tior: ind - the bank rubber CARDER Te made known on anp ion, if by Pic eed appeat to 'UL New Tork jbitt rxs M0SZ'.K'VGL.TS.q OPFICES.- o., or on the ru iny. was; ove tb the fact tbat, wlWni _rbut letter pre-paid,'to'Exeter- p notice it. After: the oc If I iinytedia;ely struck- wi Tishing Friends-! _. I ­. .. I . ... 'Ordersfrom Nfethda! nien punctually, attende0to star to the scribex; The A TT0R'N'ZY-_A-T-L1W. SOLICITOR W or person -of --the Jefaulter was Ae T.IrC BVIL COVEtr GTH Losses -Promptl . Gettl d premi. went to the, 1'tesideht7s,�_ 3jr. Q,meroal .N Iment. I IL e Without at 1�.west T,ade P.,' r . S pkijerwas mudlati4, seemingly,accideln Publi4e,oavevaneer,& 30 apar .B.—Plipsivian's! Prescriptiods c Mly-dieft -A-McCONNELL, 7 A HUNDRED IND FIFTY FEETI Refeand: to Well Bra 4 over H. Ganfiner&Co?s a ard ofDir but ws, t6 Mar ike descj:1P%iO; ectore pensed. Wi-if on.'- said hmr what do you Exeter. � -�J: Ittrdware. Store. 06de�riLhlji : This paper -was the New York c 0 an. W. 18m' M ke out of `it?, 44 DAYS,- VHARLE -PLETCHER.- Do jod suspea anybody -I knew, it. had'only -:beeti 4pliver., 110318-V to 6 from its date lend on lt&3,1 w4 'proprietor. N., T_I.0 -1 Agent. connecte& yrith L in .. IGHTI�. d * AU_UtLta thatiftorning, walkedmpto.- 25hade C Goderi,'-h..V,'a'v, 1864. LIGHTF -LIGHT'!' Es the'bunk ?, I asked. thb bar and calle4 for spipethiiig to drinkc--, 'FY,-_6OLICIT01Z, 4:C'-- Q.ODE- CQ;==e' 'Cert-dinlynot. It -is impossible: t h elf C.W 't "'y Whilithe bur -keep -gria ji. I Aiid bo U uid haie r wai prep LL those -indebted to John H.. Wh ohim, carelessly.. 'HEIFI WOR rp. Stairg-Wal.%,on* Peldon. vujamitted4he rolibery ; it fijust -bay im dy c6nnectwd �iith the j5a k to t1s Xe:tanffle- _01 _e ."OCK & COAL S 'There was aoun aft hire tbi6 marn. entrance First Dobr West Of teek" � .1 .- . ij�� r- orth Bri RIM 9 A ate of the -Village of St -4 4gow ..Helens, in the uu -visit the uthe work of"burgiarsi Did 494 OHN HICKS Proprietor. This is -the J.'BUrning FlUid tjLMPWj5.. hof - Wawann sit a d,,g nz, -with very. bkck b 1nsurancE-4Co;, cellar where Ilidirobbersantered V air and dark p)es,; ��hd targestand. best Countrv. flotel in Weltern debtor, y� book or otherwise, are yea medium ei'lit, L lin and foutid that. the b - had beet Waif Of li� 6 as. se n aw aI (Thde Canada,inj charges as m6derate any H 3n on . 'SL Chambert� j?or'Sa totified not to pal the pawe suppose you faw lim -We 1jed ok TT re 7 ORNTIE-4, SuLmITO &c. r. ord L b Oth to re the Qrkvkse filed A ' - r - I ric Oi6ev t,RABBIA NEW StaggeRrupr;ctor. Goods,ablifigfor om the it siae.". on to,this office., He dic ay IORDA �thau in b ;eeper; d,mot-st 1, rrhiges-Ijir Hai e, G �Iudeedl, but what 'do.yon, Mike out - I I - . -_ JOHN'H ALDAN, Jr." oderich,Jam-17.11M' JOHNNACDON but left wjjh.R .1_4s7 9. A LT1. about the safel' r. Theodurp Munsely -9.1 J'ark. I x,%c t.ro xir. so I - . I __ - $Aeriff .H. 4- 4. lock was force& after -the sall t#udenck,,,Au-usE21t4 IS64. Goderich. OrtoberIS,180. Thut the, e ShQr ri Office, Goderich, Was 'YADU, know 31r. Theodore 25th Feb.. 181 W5.td:. opened. P�rlcvil.16, then 3ES. yteq 4) fe T at some one co . unect ed wit h -the bank , it guilty of the robbery; w4he has endes wn5ly ntible-terms. pply to T_ y -rough cuitoin rICAT,,. &MECHAN' ap t is thi work of ZU RG 0 very reaso oured to make umws_ Nevir Bloult-, Goderiah,C-NF.' CABINET W WENDUSE Xojiey to Lend W bist do YoUr i rfl-OM that 7' d Jrr0R*,jEy. SOLICII rO R &e. OFFICE A vp WAL: On ..AND it pear that i' :A vei X�Kff ti) T. H. X 'bu � Ism. .BUt he has done-- h wtigit %tit. Al"Ast't F�i* rg k How,6 you n ayneron vz IMIwood. R.- L.- DOYLB11' C. W. W.0; ry ile's been tried. for his life :t dt VEY Y4� m' it be O' ]ROOMs''oter ATord Drut itore. tiaiiagedto-escapO an' cc. Goderich and Ctintoa� Crabb's n6wBI ek. u Ititaken deONU It - . . JIL . I You sitte lives in Pativeill w.*&-Vlv, 00G.. AND--- SUME WE)& r t. 'V, ELNVOOD. Goderieb. 91h4an. 1865.' January Ift. den w 11 %LC.GwF.Ro. J. Y w5O lyr, ."I 'o Id a6swc i all in the ehip - VS htS'L e 4Go4i*riCh� �,Ioyl: *t�to%% . .4 bJ, AIST RECEIViD AT� of the hank Withr my Jife,� r I tiries iaointaa—a Caw doors north ofthe Post Office. =-Zc theoom fie mi -a fr6m,jhe vtn4ge" N'I riphedi. ouuld lose r Hovr can I g6utheie.? With AL amil� "fo there can W 11101 ef Ire ut -n 1DrP MATT HIS �S#N- 0 do You ad' ter dii to� 1yArAvIIfj$�. NVIIIAM Vrasev�, abo the rutli of inj aageiion� 'a I%Telve m;1eh off, and,"tlipp-i (THE OLDAST IN THE COUNTY. Pq*fe.,7O4rVT, A 17TORNEY-A:r-L&W, SOLICITOR I -IN QO:PZRTM- Bul. how will you, Drove, it r?!' . Z. ]KINGSTON ST., .3T . ' am . . I ' his 110jige Tbat7m4Qns tole seen. v16n f5yly The next ilay I got a, hot so aUjqAW0Md I �%Potftru' D. GORD have jou fiftli-e'employof jh� I, dre h Car. 4) - - #ALM� If Ve. o- .9. I e* t eboise TwA* the jporter.'* - r , 'dead lame just;u Who him care oftlkeWej s i entered' i�.' con1d. pro er. 'I'de644p i a nss for flowers 71 k_-� 4oathamptca, Gtp Bruce. VOTAIEV PUBX-le-kc... Have ajiv of you clejk a special 400 antilactitres, ana lias now on mixnfi complete LE 41:_ relerjok ProudfoOt� e;ed n6fudh rA TTGI W, sFAR' M. FOR rtmeiit ot Furniture, at hii. Wareroojns� M the *ay on- f6ct, - 9fter, asso I That is a stran-ffA enquiriesms-to*yroad.jjetc, -�Oj iince ? 3t:Cd,6..A, Township.of te er-that-Alutijklnerillf to Munsel quosdon, Do Ivi S Ifiew.f. . - WEST STREET- GODERICA, MANUFACTURER. OT usk miles' -walk., 1-didiioi yposi aereS. _r 9 I � j .. - - - .�U ald mile irom W-roxeter oa as find'uVrit6titin was t� VL r qVtX0rn-L% %yefqiter SUCH Aff h a flowerjq hishut tuid presencb,4ttid the ope AND PROVINCIAL Who im thib 3166sell'. _pierea, turn Oe next rest him. %,V4 Very worthy t0ttdg man�� You surely with Ific pr GRAVIEL, Ite Table Bedstea;ds, Hair$ J Land Survevor. Oifi�e.and SildeliCe'y Sofas Bareausf THE Cane and Woo'l-seated. Chairs,,4Qilt. 51�uldldg ]ROAD r I - , L ?1� I - - - enjn* vl5n3. 16 -in variety, &.qp(suspeij hi " atid Lookinz Glasses,L 1wjF batise udb�ijrnj .' encidgh ddei walkin x vle"affej . -1 I shall;16e �e: Acue. - X t T -0) R, ftb ry Mpc rised, a 5 Vas 94k *'heit, star so irl Ioe . It F t Cia aeres e" -h �kyi, .. I "' _1*1 nd t Home Manafacture and I;nPOrted-1 I. 92"Ar t be the' �rob r.' - .- - ', X a _ (t ?rove o nn diVir gnginee�, Cr -D 161k !" VINCIALL LAND SU 11VEYORrAND GLE walked F Wofe 3CIA"biV quite �d into , L6unges, Bedstea * -e AIR11 OtLastopish M repittatio Buteaus Sofa, d in od.e. el Hebmthi But I had informeit nivs& if iiejj:ae-_ fo I It Loply toacres eiLer, Book ixases,-_ atLrawevs - I j �.L . , . I � �j _. JB. L3f - .- . I PIOUS. 0 _ * W. . - elng 0. Li. has alwars. on hand -.a, corntilete as. variety, rdrobes,, .4 -enterTables, Dlninx Table. -bles, F. THOMAS Very Breafast Ts, "Ad. mi., 13. qf WtFIS5. Also, HEAR�Elg C well, we jbj%jI See. Where does n- esMq &,)rtment T6ileitTabtes, Wasti Stsn4A,-Cfiairsq7 and n1aT131 I 04. ­UW51-tf IL Itsoon, aparent, All kinds live V V a -g in ge 'a WA e' R-af thinge bad �%k6r*. jet artieles.too. n timeroui jo men tion. last SURVEYOR TO HIRE.. he, Land at an,& Conveyancer, Ktiteardin L mber and Coidwood, tat -(;n 'in ezw W hot t1jerzce.iW_iyroUUdtne - instead Of thFe djA line doit he go- to dirtiner 6eif I Mat changm forYarrilture.. A BEAUTIFUL .,ESTATE FOR SALE. IS being as it wat * 27th Oet, CW27 L IL j[..j Godriah. 1863 At two�o* 1000 A-airex In .'One' j3jbcjrf Just p6i6t set6t Promptly atieqded tq�. -UPHOLSERYonallitt him OULLto h 'go throu -9 mL. and rdid b _UR(JE16Y I&ILPROVED. came very and oonvenienti: rro 'RI -T aild .1. W11 see jou ALSta FECT situated the bank., atkof the RiverMaitland. o r*jtej�h from theoinocftli giuvM14-itiffsteol- 'PIT VIQ aloitiK the bit e diff'ereiiit of Illowit-riNd-A-k-j-di"A owleri-1, (a it" AM AN[) , Build- T PTTI%.Q TIZ9 A 17 I V f_4 VVH I'SLpas"UOTer. "Ut I still preasea On, faband bake U"ron Radwair, C,'%V.�' C amerou did as I requ�,Sted. The got op im A neat anddorrects as A Mr.R. re4pectfullyinvitegan examination-,oi uSj . itiag -had in- iec IiVwOlrd it the Huron, Auctiah M,artl Kin- jpX8X0LS, fir C. Apply-dbyletwIrpostpaid.u) young man I a a i kPetted was about 25 years of ow began t& get niiiij hist -tock. Warrailt&l to beRde of the WAl.ma­ JL n bay* W49 -r 00der e He was q�itehandzdjrue-; il,migbt -4ye ore L h erial anti workma.iship, and. at greatly reduced walked at I�ast two- hoUrS %f 4bi -prices. . Vall and compare, and � 1X- "Lofied beti)re: - f z. , been faniy, but bt...tbere we& hypo oing elsewhere. crift-caf look about his rAice. j glanced ear. T, Es N11 A- I Cordwood and all kinds. A' F nierl �To: tent or.:Le'ase. that I jouight engrave hii: By this -time the "broad road ladd de It' LAkDACE1tT, o r. a -pro *It himl so .0d -en it! ex0i, -a, 'QTS fiviiAnd She in the First Coneiision, coutilefiance in my memor ducetak ng ArIcot scluare., y.. and Shen X Goderich. OD uto. ir-T, warernonvon F1g.in Street. . . . . I . & ere 11just souietinigrong, '14 Wednesdaffrom 11 um -abo,�ttwo th-e street. -lilLd, township of Colborne, WeD., G�odotich. Mareh,24th. IN63. 8759'' - -Plip Orthe town, of Whom I �.209ij �A sit otice to East. Broad- MARY HENLEY,. W d -call lit '.the - clerkA rq;idt;i!ce. infor 6-d-ine ihat -the - road-lo'Mr. The 'rjviE'L1V21tP4)0L L0,'.VD0X MunsWe b6tiwi0as p,iettv good all the -"--Y. -1, at an In FIRE k LIVE INSURANCE*00; LiAthouse at.. Gode fuu.d bat ir *its furnished in gorgeous style; tI F paused fur a momentirreanlute, and di&Aot to. M. 8110 milesliom�Qoderich- 'Apply- to j directed My step MONSON & HAZ R* --De eniber-56. 18.64'. eaus. . The doorasep f is.r.beyo.nd his in -ew _ened r i6 refftce. -mi st4v - or *ren - (LAX .XAILZ. TI1;)3tsO-f,) d old woman.' I inked know4beifie iod by ihi ro no w -b. come -h'4*A i7spstal,42,000,000, Stg,; Aqw.,tulated Fund. to see Mr. , rward. Ithsid' e AW Anction & Commission -Xerohntst. MA .$5,671i728. M WV UVU ][-SFJV - - 11pneef, but 'wasf course told th* Dlm,-T& ORMEIR ]EX- 4W at be was f dtitormined to'g'd --on, -Willt isittrid jbij Caero,Cr Mack, Kigstox. St-, Qoders4A j uOtathomd. But. my parposaassnoweted find my wuy�back. 1,had not r's �Rowi 13Y could never _P --Amd next Door to 'S BrIttanta Lik Assurance, 00. ofLoudon, E M TMENTAL by y vjsit� for in the bull, 11 is* a quantity proceeded ma AND -e flowe - in pots, and ani.611i them Coll- viticed thit I wus wAndering abolifitfA toreiL 7 FOR. SALE in art r tron Of I Tif 811491" Ilk JA fine' Provence rose. I eniployiil rV.119 underaigneit havir F been appointer f OTS Son^ range 0, in- the. township, of the riat of The underbrush -began bow' 40' -serious y 4f ffouseiipld xo6dt; -Ror#e*,%r7lragg,on9, ie- PgA90buta A nt, t Agent fordie aboVe 'I i ab I y -res Pectabl, - j Sisinley, $20 per s'pre -4, south,90 acres or eduyla Making iuq'uIrie'S,.h# 10 Ot private -givat dZ Sat thegnart, everi z;attiriray at itoon.' Varticular -Op pide ray progrem, and I found -posite the Market a ri _u�- �,ot 29; La' q East 10303B:MV life attentionx paid to, the z4ala of Bankrupt Stock, Fatm ownpanjes.iflireparedto actep; both Pi - a ke �-hore,Avhfield,0 per act of W.Runid, and f6und. t4at lie h'-e!4t*-6 4iiirtir - 4110i 2 in tue in eeping .on my leet. 'ancedoi Ltierisk' atmod,eralirate�6olaremlum. acreq ofimf vei,y extnavagen ftt*ek,*r_ - IG had W. D it in h,s 'habits altid also 0 11- - altiond Was jinythin,;- but a0ftv RINSACTS BRUMNES TH 7 $I k.r acia; WedtMy y y ro fjoods -40% tililfectecL latAlord1c k8fifiela Cove 0it on,that vej day he I -u,,south of th6_Durliam - C - pain 10 town luallAs and . tither -Goveriiineat -De. in theimicUt of 'a forest On- S - A tt All kin& of r.e i ri� done on, most red Is rjr - T lhouses rinted, = m 40'si,vis ot'loL 61, L I00artsu."illeAsan-alidectio. Salesatthellranch Au ed large sum of motie reas(inable le�rms. fload, ta�wasbip of Kincardineo -dollars per xcre.� partmontil, Takes otitPatant"br Inveittions. - wa"t last completq)y clypirconiiii, %I -* (orth,wreryThLuday. Apply 10 'Orttftsttqiitdkesebt;rteofPrivate7lliiiiiiiiri�ir.t,6e iii.the Munbs, Augnat 2a 1864. s*94 Wg,6� 4 HOS. WEX &C.., &a. for,. Pirkies. kq- reaj�xa&,f Goder fid ej and Vok r Seasionj revOitiV tn. next morning I went, to. the bank f6r the pur. Godlerich antils. avolwowbort; drW111r). -Prosidei it., a to the. himah. 0an4f. lie. p 'W,of repordn..prqg.qi res e w imad'uponiT ICH Q0DZR1 and advia. thq imm�aiioe arrest of y UPS Mutisel 9. - a I . teimined td pass the night thirof tpw certain thai it -was perfictlifujil .. e. oridek 0, "-County of.'flttron. Sale$. !a vs1lage or cotin4y -�u were right about' --that -way Waamlt attendedto. -DAARBLE, Ithe moott, _;9 . I . ... . RENO, AL in ",I,- to fird My till morning. ldb ICE,_qSED A.UGT f GMEER� El kYFIELt . 7 I said, Mr. Cam�r;o to Me, WORKIS ............ 806ping, position I 111011 t I Mair 'I 300X-B1NDIWG.�. -F. a entered his hii priva to room. the, BANJKL glimmer through the trees. f 14oked 9i ext" OR *e .1st MAY OF MON, You have come to -4fiat' cimclusion, have' _411e,,�* ]WupLdiey.� it sat ssk'reW 17 L TR E L.EA VE N wl e moied to the, u '11VROX ' ETAVING .W. C. TR_ E % L -b j1ding fj'iLnd became couvin�aied th r JOHN.313D AUCTIONEEa for ritiderrangernews with Mr. D. you �?, i repliedi th set. I immi and BiLvcz Sales punctualiv attended to. anufac- -the �ank of UPPER f adistely d;termihed to, nAe ­LJL 'MoGRUGOR, Book-7binder an4t M ai pAsent O'Cieupied'by ea. Aftir yoi had go�s yestikrday, -A0ress.86dwxn F.O. w,58-Lvr$o Tor it, bopfug to flud,*beltir lvrAii: h turinp Stationer.. �who has- lately ieturned. (rqm ith a jar$ -CANADA. caused his accounts io e iximined,=4 found Phila '-tphia. w i Ittock of Bindinc and I advatived in that direbtfdn', aiid se;6urjJh- W, TAOXAS, a terrible deficitt amounting. to $30004 1 ttber't r PANDIDkT-98 'foIr in be ed'-& 41tvidated-bouse buLt e"Utit 'Vqq i 6zm csaip6ei -wrial), I atn.Prip _red to.Fp, ivish Blank. commiial a t �Aly � , d . .1 =1 lot! . . - elulled him into the room atid'asked 10 a ' ; 80611cs, oraf] L-indi. size ind styles"with n`nd w'it h., .pa lv 134rvie.Xilftia, d6irdur a. obtaiving a&, Liini. . . - . - . ­ - a It wasa .abo4e,' an4ligig C nj94 a ten.Der. cent eheape� He'd. - - Godirich -Vaieb -.1965.- S*59tdtf n '.R." co.451'ssloy AGE T L, Printed H644i t 47th 9 etpla atiou-" I ry GEomikissiobiin Queen?s Bench,for taking ul itwelthe -�ofthe�&hools,df 'Wil'ta 0 T -he womt, thing. y a :hast Tor"to- prices. in as on Office-on8roi o coulA hae -do are4uii*d' 'to vaske. ipplication 'lei hesitated seekGg its sheiter. But wq will Lre intierrupited. _than atieildiniL *111.1r.Vilf3jeof KuCardjU�_.(%W' 9:9 ati . alsiction - pu#ocise, -throuh Vne as Ufte, ie tbe -Stolie& Dr itlA Altkindsof HindinquM tiv ng V rqpal to in wri it.,& f You ire dilif-r-he ejcSpqd.1. -*herein tboy I IL so ; for"t, 4 regoluiely' Iiodked, at 'A'a J66r Aw4r#-w2l JOHN RUTUER., Briiisdb Mujdiof thb dirgiou f oted its much. where liat he then the.4o gone V 00LjjWARDhl1- LND 009niSSION W:1 -resid gain and r opma *p& im -their 4 rill oxce e erchaut, l'jVx&ft'U..R6'j,L G.Vir. Notes. stid t ate Tomb3 Tablat%9 ge, rest Ineei 1,��utttsculle&ett. Business Of iny kind' en-. IQ I He left last night.by the Southo -I Wcouiftry* and Cair. 16a give me 1(dgidj -16r post.01fice addr isis, an hatti 1: pl. 14aedto him, will receive prouipt. attention. 7`0�1115, 4:64k. -at leas4 so we suspect. 0-e bas COD atYS03 tmnsm% wit -wilesi, fruni Aug w4O- i di wit.vistrite in:th'e lots living aboat fifteen was to] Ild came in, *nd UW s6- from'& clorgym n -b" HI'Ce W. and it is -very likely he gone there,—N mtesize tnii ra 11-11 GDEM j vheivi-they I-SkAG Ft. I Gt ty . reim on, you must o ow him-' room otinode, W, p t 0M%.1V V JEDJLP OWEL14 lAeutXal. was buin TN Mr. dt er A I fird in�y an 'Ithe RK -S . I : � Pelf Mh4d,1911tthe-11111 t in m ha Idtwo persons - occupied, the Apartaielit. one that optne. -d ffie 46or td me was Sited wit;to FAXI he Should ve been. -ireh about fifty jears',6f of N N EI�10 �Gode -on ibe Huro Q an' in &Wt. and a A;, U U 'L IFNII 9 - str"t, - - - A, - " rre HE aAWLXY­_ TO It*, T j. 5atsuj denerills Office, ,0� lltofitt� & S I avknowledge I m the MILES n poo Roidj more -aux oas to have him c 0 ptured. a = If - po`Oirl counten ti6, Tei nd ,dc Xal�qUX"� T$,T0XRST0NES1' �,will pay you well,, . Atty A -1 9'r aad 1ho obscon 'tit I arm in osamuet �j will you 90. tione -other, thiao ; 4c6.jo"*err descriptiow TO LET OR SELL, 1%T.% Tb TIATT It wio,ibe new that 6 of the admiier do -1 was in Mr.' Mu ot f$Uv k AtTyW C workmanship -furnished on -GOD a thel*St 1i e jq ; 4, ale to . . eoff skwt notice;, iLita at the lowest prices., -9 -let sold FOR SAL opgrAto 1. , Myself on mtgood. *rope The above arm will b or on very I - Ltbaml was ipperativei, aq;I I WP -to under- zeductiominade forra.sh. to rum ig,0 -34, reasonable rm.. tv ike lbejourney. 1hat sagge afternoon at fir 4-44 Upte St a . Z-0 W ce PURTURET At",, a WATC BLAKEI t e; 'but w ron Road u,clo�u I had awtel oik = personol - - 1 * DeAwof Alloitiments e. !nay to' Hu y expedidon, did*itot now., we r N V E RSIGZJ E D -offers for ravelling in ju;y I - Who is tVejo: 6' 186 4wi I ais� n , t nahs , of' 13ogaiihiiit �,Gtideridl� R. I, A'.'. L tk�f r THANKIS Mot he ha* kp� in; GO&- oug-halt O PD; having IOL r M-4 Wmkm. %;Mitt 4 nall-tis o J, to answer py WAY g 'Couaty;or if T ext ,roor,rest dis tipf- rm L4 o Illie hot tuirlooks U it 21 J* sung Oe do ti i nt Ant 6f A fM"is 0,11 __ 10 into; 4�Wt -, . r vin jaw zie Z. fb�. nsdvo �t5 A X ]ENGIWI aulv=D 86 yaw ter o 4bt trwki��. - . I .110 ofjul - r j* STEA a%-bwy w T1 . ?a *j; _,Iloadj. 6yo 4 _10� for -ES, CLOM AND JEWELRY ed, are 0liam 'Fi* Mich lass4itudo AW�Ibey A_&lW_aqt *&Il hW AND' WATUff I AX CMitors of the underingn md d 41tudted- near #a !t at tbe Hotel of .1affivi Johnston,lon- iixtY;of -*blab 0146 i an KV -K - A. 14 Why, At. tw Te ri W There -AN , - # I 64ORT Not](ClIq JL tomiet 'T 'I D Slueftlevillageitnth ic stat nofibecr. -Rat is a Ltv 19T -111 k buying bee B0 is ontitrofunfoli, 10 h ER_ L 1..� - I I - - I . t ovilit f it*tthilll V40MOC14 My Ahr"t, Le prorko �PwzrZjAra, JW;T5Vf*. AXD��IF24mx ore Mi4mes Warranted. onel di the Ist let Mai IBW at I I 0, lu jkly" ilk, wing statements du*t in -a tb esy *kin.- Aqd a Tiaiw �f .1hift forew 40 Scalazi to a In-tho bOst Sty- 9 11 Zer* y"Wou ked ups and I fft.1 tbq tmickji�g �ftlftt jo,f thapurposi or- reesi word I repay-' was pio Wbere am yon so!nj * '7 LWO elaa. ry� -110 Poo 00WIL *M *it windo OW t#64119 "S Set k '10" 40WAI watehel�l i" 4 ii, I= ortils-affikirs *ad --ag ish 4 tt:, 10-A SALK Aigo� A taif =X=T07 tof*and I Wboo 11 6- w lea fizj ?lilt fa MADYA doutsinlyon Mod &Sd4wjg&"t* be tarephiiient Amodowal - . I I Villa' 00 Ift 4W -A*%; eml - W r the � psi An juiltow on joint 10� a rp vfhydrpp�o C An GodericT4. A *T.71[h"� VIVOK