Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-21, Page 4E111 -WEEKLY SIGNALO
T 11 E S
In Her Xajest r's Burro- GODERIC11 FANMQ 1=
e Court oi the Uni- AND
7", Counties of Huron ov _Vn0borlly'r
1-TIER"01-1. PA RTITI 0 -N UOIS 1Px 0
of twent nbabitaitis of the Counties of-Huro'
soon T thei'
XAZICY GOODS, AT THE after the expiration
A-\ D _y days
To raise by way of Loan the 8um and Bruce that he is still Manufacturing, kind h:
III:.\ -:.Y CoWrl:!: IIYN*1)31AX AND 'or the Of 'rom the date hereof application will be made on hand a number of hits
Twenty Tifousand Dollars to ibis court to appoint Jane Simpson, late
7 & V LV:
"M r purpos , e8 therein ntentioned. - Jane Gemmill of the Township of Tucker-
Aqsortments! -ro -rnr 11(i.VoR.41;LE, 771E Jr I'D C; ES ith, in the County o( Huron aforesaid, SUPERIOR FAONING'MILIS & pjjMpt.
In X -7j. =1
'T Suitabie"lor Holiday Gifts for both old arid WHEREAS the Corporatian of the'United mardian ofMary Gemmill, aged ten years; He would it y draw attentwn to hiiL
ytMII 1, j - ..-t. r. et i%ed .11; hunille pet -twit of tlli�. above nanied f"Hu�orl and Brube has re- kwhes 6 aged eight years; Jane Wls.ftsbewill, ut theill to free -from
r ll.or�ck Kenneth', 11VII11.11.111, of1he V 1".. I=- 4 Cotinllei 0 emmill, _Wbelt
3" 4ea", P -amps Alladq-10 '01*1
solved to Gr.,,Ie,, Gravel and.improve certait 'emmillt, aged- six 'Fears, andjarnes Gemmill, oats, cockle, 40524,
-'CASH.. Roads hwa3s, with the' bece9sari years ant children ofthe..-said and warranted.
0-a '91 -:CHEAP
fC.pia,Li, Provint _gnd Hig I; on r 'inf
6 Lu. 1,�k Y -C U C K. -es for, the swine, within the* sai4 C- Pik(% In! Is mpson and her late husband Gemmill On N Jon st" between vj�ctoyjajtreet
aad Cambria R-oad.
L.Ileary livii0man, late of`.l1nit.!,-.r,-%'-on, in the )f Huron. Jeceased.
r,.WW;b!p or (,olbo:,te, in the. c0lilltv of fill-
-A. JANE SIMPSON agent for themdeof Morgan's pre
VD-WHERSAWthe said -.improvem�nts all
.1nd was at, tile time t) ornpleted their T, ALL -"AND. WINTER n and tb Al�s
U R SUBSCRIBERS liavd nearly. e by her mittorneyJ B. Gordon,' one le. ancipatenICCITUTIVA-170R. w le - as;n
LA�ydoclvz il-Ile, of Lots a1m6st evefy 41ticle'll entirely within the County of Auro
t le - - -A h I
I iteall he- owner of the ree, STI �r�de, Tiz h-6 same is- to �be defraye. : " - .1 - ailed to giv I arm over ytj
. -k - it. fit the T STOGIi, which comprises - -ecessary for h -.ex `!� Da h dayof Apri, h gotteralstitislaction I
fit Illubt-n-jiltir I - - . pense of.makint, i ht:
of(, ll!-orile. in the, county of 1. tiron irrespective. f t
t . '1865. - - .
ruce'-th&. Loan or -Debt -wilt be. -
. I , - --- . 1 1110
NRY D3311
e,ed-stt riv half
on f'H- d ibe
�i* tot X .,, frout ot .1aitho paid by the. said C ri-tv 0 uron, an 'Goderldl-, APM42nd. IVAN.
-a er, xw-�l ol-N, orth �treetj in the to %-.'a of -1 ai
ic� pvr doz
-DRY 'in 111i'o 'HE
tanaa a t A . - - - . aid
by -the A, County
a rk saitt, -n fit] or III C6
at it live, I.ifie Head Em ied at Goderich, this 14t _Ivc us tf� l;
[a .armpu Iman. Provituwafilru unty*ofiJ 0 & th
-GOOID-S' it -ate' hereinarter e ned wi;1 be r. ised
4. .. . - - le property tvithin the
I solely upon t e
iL r Ame
R SHE LF ND V ID)ARR said -County - of. if aron A_
& U �-.Vtt -car d'rec
IT . : MUM, -'Vtl,t t1je- v- 11-61thrialt %va, -e at
-A A, Tfl 4 the little tit- hvt� death jtjj!Vj to t.1 L Jj!o.
carry into f6ct the' sai
-m;-nae tr Fartners iiiere towir�bip ol'Colb( -CA 0 T H I NT e necessary. or --housa
itt the.e' L -ath, voncession LL
ot - I - I - - ited- ol;ject ij,
bvrs "tet% tt�n 'It b f -the said Corporation to
-Book Stare 1. wi A
Avestern 7 PL N
mle. . .. B14 AD ise the su - in of Twen L� 7 nd Dollars,
in I,- efutk
in the manner here in
t pt '11P :I tit. flen ry -I I% iidiiia ii-defilli-tej tldslifZ6 jr.after dritioned: 'AND
t.t. -S slftce Ik-I.. 1110110'r I ft Moor
the nin�tveiitlt day 01`.t5t'Tl&lab,,�r in WALMEAS it is expedient to defirie the eespec�
dar in -the yeai .year tvf0u.r Lord 6ve aniounts to be.e"endf4odeacti Lineof
in -t- r at.e and
.1 atti- . -to.i) rim-oved. it shall be
lll� la.'t %% [it and te.;Aame4t, I it .,writinx Road intended e - if] I I ' It
-following, that e.,�pendel as set -.out. in tli� 'Scb�edula at A e
tl� h1je tir-t dulivi�rx VF&
iiiidunisfor evert One, th'llf.41kod Olght I
hyalu, jt;�jrm..-t' ti;srzeh. as�
R ilat
1,q e to 'n& formin-pa:4 of the
penry Itynthaaa. ot tid rs n. S
end 441fis Bj a
qTA V11X DL, TIEI'51t same.
In the Cc
s it W"111requir
I Provillee of(Fliper ewiada,'do make and I)ttl)lNh A,=y WHEREA e iU sum-' of
ile Ali,- D
-t�vo Hundred Dollars -to;
--T dusabd AVINq� COMPLETE
tbv� niv I:i,,.t will aiivt tvsta;qi nt. I di) hereby
A S ot;.f ittv-dear w- It -,t et Zzatteth
OF IR A -A Three. Tb
a tj a�rri E
a p;i
gnt e n e -wp
4 D I M-uthnaft tryso!e ext�vutrix and iFae. irdian. �b 'raised a �tluliffly- t4 cial Rate, for the Faetoryarenb
Ir t-LUthell, all payment the said1oan or I.YLbt -and inter-. toanyrxte ir long 4eXperlOncitl W 't,18
dra U, %s, mid having;experien- -a )rkmen.-*n&t
ur-A ftl-e nly ext, orix do provide for III,! pay-
P 11"Sts, it 'at as
ei a- F1 I S nt. Froin the
d I do lit. reby diri-et that in tile Ladi and'�- ifi' e �Hat -tdji�jjtry & I me aly
r c oiled.
mt itofallnivIa- the next place also bereirafte m'nti
ne. Wful debts, and in'
tbe durit of Old whole:
A:RjD wnEr.EA$ in
jay (1 -1 that !hey can j a as
hIb1w pro,% �ioa f0i r -ey to dra* attenti6n t their stock ofDg V -GQQDS� wiliet' rateable. -propelity of Abe --said Uunicipality.
L o CK A If -,it it: e lite Th 0
GF -VYC, a,.
nftiture indrea th
irrespective of tiny
,same and irkesp�cctive ofaby income e
a Ne at tit tht-firta
Cotlitv ot'.A%-r, in -A D' PRICE CANNOYBE URPARSED'' d fr'OM.ttC.-t'eMPCTaTy'iliVCStment-ofth-o" AjanvEs1aUQt=rnt**C&*a&. FaIrtieshavijig
wrk- votild, do wel to
ti�e tk! J,,,!i n fil i I . - nartei mentioned or any
sin-kia- -fund here
v. t4�u;v thmv 3VI1V Oil of" tier The REaDY-31ADE CL OTHING is most complete and. inanttactured-iii -the
the: 1�ast revised A
t leve: for her part-tGr6a, to
roid vi;zt, tolylli-trip Assessment olls'.beinry --for the year one
thousand eilit hun.'red antT gix'ty.r�ur wag
tritititre. Ilatldtl� Whf(-1 hund--�d a A Ei-My-eight
-Stv es d
AT 8 PER CENT Met :,and IM 6st Fa bl.
Eig it i w r I
h n I on� 1 0
Of hit
Sixi-liundred and W�nety six doll�arg--'
A it, paying the interest and'
Some to-, i a - Taxyll: f F VAS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. �-H ving import4 6 lrge quant;ty of,'
g an
nual Sinking Fund for
L* eiIjj -illy, (a: �creatin -an "um
p-a-ying the pai sum o d -
d f Twenty-housall
tile 116tm i b r
ttiereon file deadi ofInN icwin require ai nNeyalso jD
tf I Spbcial Rate
G- i . ;_. - 3, e4ual annua
cur ell -to sell them— ---of four -tent Its of a, milll- in the-
--We- re enabled Dollar in ad
-1 -other levied C
ditior rates and taxes torl�e
furn ture. piatit.
" ". - - . . - .. o a] To Wnters&jBUH&"
Io year.
- �etit wid re. pach� N
AT kj, 17 my'liund io Tn
111UN, Be-Wilrefare-enacte )y rporation u
f the Unitid Coutilies--of 11 ron and Bruce
1"1" C iluent i rL WHIM -DEFY
T, AT,
w -for
Do not forg-tt to ctill' hen in To i sp ct thei 4- lt it shall lAwfill ORU AE
wn at 11PORTU..11' ind n e r the Wardell
or -time Wine st menti6ned
I f ' the r of flie said I
vulew y way jr URN 8
.4.1i 1, tilt clittl W belore tile raise at in
any pers(lit or, Pei S,
Ons,,b6dy ot-bodics coipow
Ch6a 0 1 -to advance the same JOHN FAIlit
0 - on to'c' b of Lo i - fro
pi 0. .:Go j,' Wit it DISHUCU021 1�� AM
rate w to ay be willi ir
ItV-%�D- N., I - .. I jr
Won ilie.ziedit of the Debentures
-heir whole t3"It
1)o y� mention6d,.a. in XE SBLLINQx FF t erneiii1lej 4hole the slim�
3- 1 hr SM11 -s the �f Twenly Thou$and Do]- A -Stock bf 1863 ney t6 intimate to their ettitoine: i nl�t6s'.ihatthey arq cQmptilled .
-ty: tbe.sama to -be paid into
eto insist on PROXi"T JIXYMEX
the hans rer of the United of 11 Tredsu 0 qjl 0 es
iiad- tb ca Bry Go. d
the purp
C6untitis aforesaid, for
_osos 4nd w b
'AT &Wit
-be awful for- the said
nlaa,of the Lt G*0003 CH[Ap That it sliall.
the-o6je t above recited.
as MR MW
TOTICE4 lllzlli� Y�t
A-110 tiny n in � a
�L IYU en to,cause . 19"MY, PAT= T
rd u --her of -belienivre W01
SUL'h_8UmS Of
o. inade for c oney as, ni4ybe No
tile a -One Hundred Dol. To make room forlte-rarions- i their mrem- -
uii,ed,' not less -thati n SEW1 X
-4 j req .
LT. Je V MXLOR SO 1.- tbatt befoi e Sprin
atrict wa;taiwi C, vr!% ar e a
It saidD bentums �ajj ise.
t e -C Ora- 1865., si(67 Havetakenthe First Prizes
lizin I nowthe Xv. b-sealedLWith 6 �seal of th6- said OF
tiGn ard signed by th� said Warden.'
11,xxter.,.in file' ot" -fill God Sen -26.' ISG4e
res-sball be
ND i 'john If Ild.,16 ;of -fit! 11L i th saidL Debdntu -GodeFich,24th :SET X
Iani �tjo jle Il)w I . t - - I - - - T Se�pjem!ber 141h, 35th, jt�t�sl&4
-made payabl.e in ten years at furthest, from
1-itil.,IS63 nver-allotheirss; jtnd also at -06 V
in Aw-tralm or IRoter- BlairlivAdina v _C -the day here'inafler-'mentioiied -for this BY hold in Itn Se
i jind 2Ub, IK% r1ijes 4jL
flyridnian, nip-v.dreease W- to take elrect eitherit-, Lo Indou in. jEng 2 23rd, and 22W
also awarded to as mc 0 e
land, or some pla in �,anau i bed siznat-
to, J! r- -0-0 9 La
-Office-on Li d
�hth=g L AR D 1 -N
itionerand ul-C - PLyo.viiicia]Exhibiti6ii4ieWinToranUilil1ii-2.4ad,
'the said Dellp
ed in atures, and shull have,
C te In a fo r
ror- SaIe pe! -y. 113-talmatT, Anta attt�'hed to -them �Cofipo --the payment 1861.
of I�Iterqst. ptices: ho.
flarriet all
-V� That the _at
I Baid Debentures and Cou t 'u 200 ]PI&JURELS T! �ior -c Geon� Ither RIBERS would-ber- to inform his c4stoutcrs and-th-t �ublic that his- new prem 11 be out in . ei
1. aad �.Ikts %vtduw frII -S S i I -rency of this . Pro
ises 6h� E ast strcet2
'n _50,
-Gr� C- Pour i
flarriet Eiizlibeth 9ftidnian, who
4T ne a
id lands mon-y th I -ovi oil Of the said Wir
it el -din. for dower ow 0 �Ihe -s
PER._ -BB.R at olti ABRAHAN.
whol _Ou
;L, -and is I J9 be� . an dit the e am at of said Detet;ftir
is tition. air(] Robert IN ur sum
R F. D 0 0. 1 . . - L - - - - A, a party -to III A X T" QV E-- iall-not.lixeeed tlie;befo mentioned
-a andthey sball
d ied Wool Ctirdl
afilT.Fighu w -Side .1arlml; 9 um
ii _fll n i, Cloth Dressingi%gd
'illbeo c fit 't Of- Jutiej- rasac 111 e -iiiid - the -rate jot-inx-per
pe A on'the to r -t be hA&estat fter
-ith his- WOOL'FACTOR centum pe . r arint -�hich:'Jmteiest shall be
-ea r* on Y, w-1 ere all
trio bovell.Rilled Aulln; Manufactilrill businesS, 'in connection.
pun f h fir ds,.ilf Jan uItry �and first ;Grjiiric]6. Nor. 27 li�64 4W44wW
above busin- ill be a ble at
m -A it pald tor 1116 Colllp�fly till of wurk'ia. the ess w ittially attended to.-- -Likewise
111111�etftill the .0ther adid co - lietres- ses at- d;rV of j iiin in eachfaiid-ever
2(t year during
n 'of the - said Debentura at
the co tinuaned'- 3 rs- ere
ri WEIV. -g tbe� t ace wh the Debentures are, ma,de-
and 8 iR arn,
lothst Blankots'- toclu
W- h. vve,*terlj payable -
the Joseph WilliamsoWn
borile,,xvitereupon the ,:aid the-Ca-taa Company
Godeeick for wool. Havn thi V.' That for the
,Deee,inLer22-nd.."J5G4. Cr a
-kepton. hand to echallole. i.lfded'.another
Willbe -- I via,
JaL for hpayment
ary Cowper Wildman and the.said otfler co -
9 -1 A-' DI (I UT 1) tures and the inle eat at -the rate afdra-
E-T S CLA83 DDUBLEZ' Uffit D1 AC NE -and CONTR M -02v
-if become due ilrereoti. -an qual a
are entitted all the. ,I as it et al u n
ed t6 exec'te fatmei%'s wo0c -to a nfreni-onAle extent 'or wooden structures) wil
-SHE=F'FQ, SALE OF LANDS. -a 'ju rate f Our te-L IIIS of'S Inill *in �th� Dojlcr�,
to Ms estblishment, lie- W111L be prepaLr tL rates, and axes,
porlwn thtireof 0
P. addition all othe
to FaLetorv. thernselves will be promptly. tt -4
Penry Cowper I-IV dlnan,is� a. ..ended.,to. S -�pecificaiiousatinoder4AIpebar-W -ndway"As
-or et) I An"10C ttjrje�jogive" 11
p% be levied and ed in each- year �Musi-
trakeCoimtlea of V virtue - of' a r ate 'Henlry as formerl and particu L 1 111 tile V fisracRili. A
.re&tty of the Es,.tate, of tbe%sa V lar.
I id ttention -will be paid to thoge frot.n a distance ishing their BrWAP' fical
-Fiert is7i�ne tit -2 - . 1. * - � % - - - I . .. .1 . - -. - - paWand if a"wrts we
Huron a rid Uiui-e. B, al-noullt (I pili(j � by el the rateable propert I tess jurist po-t - aiiiad
the coutinu 'D- Harj a' *ad
f1vilin - an III ri�,SfiMt tit fill: id C6unty.o -y. ivitbi i
Tu -w it f Ifer Xountv 8"' s y F.Hu�oiii duti' - a
Itt;ii: a e-iadto the the Ca !ad the a ian o
moviev elsonot-released love -somw,
L N7V, L R�. .-]p Court, ofttlp*(�'Uit Grottatws of Huron antti;ojc� i t i: p 11 14 lust
&L &RTF xi,God
MoNqu 'RLY ------- VIERr, iP ance ofsaidebefittees oranyoh en( -and to lan& anit tene� be.106. THE LOND lerielliXiinton, lf"tw
7. -deed polt d I I Clar -first kf That this � By"Lawsh I. tak edt itud flayA ris, (healtftji�rmitting sokosw
fre(IL to tlle al e -elT #4d Cou
at lite �ujt ifAtv- day S:c;ptembe _it: - VI- EW (Whig
thowi —While th-m r IL itieral patrona-en Uformer vQars in the above bftsine-s,- ie TUEEDINBIVRGURISVI
oanti. sixty -i . our r one ad it N. R. lo pay*
antler lffrr--rbt, I have and exeCtited t�e oa-d Rally n to parin- no epense in meetinal and -come ittlo opeirafil6n upon the Nineteenth THE WE'SITARNSTER R+,VIIL %V hill may find it
�pes by S! ri;et, It .10 he Till', NORTIa-1114TISILL REV14W (PnO.Church.) Xo*,Qld]patr.onske ippeals With 0904002-fta. 10
ie, ill
and Ang ots, to etilt rj?e(-ive a shar f i th, One
oil a,11 tille aad itcre,:<-ofth .6riber It a - year', 4f 06, Lold
uta - Ilarriet Williams, tile is stom lug no,
t oitfiesaid Augusta -flarriet Williams in. of h jt�u ty-Five
intefe� from CRABB'S PILOCK-i hy�) nd Ei it Hundred ad Si� AND'
OIL C ust St, oor 0 . .
Ptem �ber the place.-. E. 13LACKWOOD EDINBURG031AGAZINE
ftfic.'afor"aill larlds ivas 1`9 -. ,
fourfee-ah ot-thi-- rown ia'the County- of artice; whieh nd a
Dun ut* jidborsoU016
�)f thesum Ot six'hundred- and spvt4ity THOXAS-'- LOGAN. ----- -
-I �;httn, �oilvr for sa-le at, my, datee- ut
re � 1. - t - I 'The ATnericaiiPub1iithetscoiitinuatorepFiiittbe above
palrot as the cost-offiinting j*qd6ubk& usannuu,4
the i�ourt House in the of C-0jerich. bli, *owit](O Pert April 19tl', 164 dp�rjLdicibi,bat -Du
it�ext. at t le If 4trtillord. in th h wha tIiepr1ctg-of&per nuar.3, t-rd4d.aAd miesAtities.licenses, to tii%rn 60 Jay of jujV,L hereof triad r to
ty c 4 t.otadvatice
_ Letc., increased they ife,61111ell
Tiour vi Twelvo n. 14] 0
iithei deboi or-a'-qem (if the TAL
TF. -A Fft- 1 -865s,
U.; B saidlait- f1enrV ffiritIman, nor a q G011
F nybucorthe Reviews ......... $4.00 e a0aurni MITMad.
S. Polloel-, Deputfy`�Iterifl��, pttitionerai d tl' C�r ME
saic' ate Seven ollArs� to te e X-p6tid
T6 it 0 - Thousand D For any twotilie Heyiew ........ Too AND-
rV 11"tilliall e. -.-Irlpi)OTted �%ZiVodttt of III Oil Z001- For a,,[ A tifibe Re ews ...... moo
Colborne -am
earee vi�
JIM For r ofihe eviews ........ 12.00
. . ......... . ...... ay.' I
ri) -j -n.--at -A. Allen a T er menci 9 The �aid preinisesareto a great exfeitf im. .4.00, 4K
PorBlackwoodandone evjew.� 11.00
and At -a-
R-Formackwoodand any twoof ilia
be tloa,�eniently or livantageou-4y partitioned.. - 'Four.Th-ousand D611ars 31411
t- Te Reviews. .............. 20.00. rin BIJ81NM
-%mt of 10 It LWill be: advantageous for-ati,parties itf- 1; fi� it -
Huron VZin0du1:'1tetgc,0#-1 0 xlece,*,ary fortlie support and
r y f lev en
dineed Stephen; between and E ForIllackwood. �ind three qUt e Re crown Litiods and otber-6
nmenci6trut-the liondou Road.. Views .'j.. ............. .
-Jews, 15.-00 Mo Talces out F*teau for, 11twastjopise-
ttere.sted and it -i -s cot
To 'kv it maintenance of your petitioner and t4c.,:aid other For lilaekwoodand the four. Re%
the Bxtension -a w te Biluduroletblilk
-a One 'Thousand Dd1lars on eborgeorpriv
('Otirt. of INL- United Counties -of l4uron alfd- eo-heirsaijdeo-7ht-iroS7�CS -sin the 13ritiolt#rovitice - lllrenutinhddl�
recte- -L the tan 1ion 11>these prices IUAMty-foiltr cents a War for
Bruce, an1to,:me d' agairls -lil'at'd (teary 116id i!an that the, *iofi "&C.; Wo.j. for rS
ot4lie ay rave, Road.
tenements, of -Robert, Gree at- 11W of Solct and the prot-,eMsdivided bet ween apiifidd
wood and figAt centsa Vair-for eAchAeview to cover lite U-)rcrC 11 a. orelsewberia. X031116
%r*� Robert tr- I he benefit ofall pariies 'ell tilled t Hundred Dollars on- U. po,.I.
'rerictiv;, f h-tvc -izettand Y4ia. pvttioutr prays Days,
the Seaf6rth -1?oad,.�comtnencing at The wotkiFwillbe"prititedonagr-tlyim.-q od
n, foriodi
inay lie and the pro- .. ........ 'Noh,46 Bel
alt the rig lit, title-hul intere;d ufth- Said deren (q.That th6 -aid Tavern 'irdim, more, qfpqpe�,and while oparlyalf Auteriviii
ailf it.) allil. eitherdvasaced !it price -or redured.lis alme-sad very,
_,)jietl fUr the of' the parties id addle, tot number iiath tHundiid Dollars on'
Tw&Thoiffi�Q( due. in th
of ho ()f� '-Lfir ille Gottutv of' g�t I NiSTE41VI-i NGINS-WORKS gat -C ithil
i[ej Xit(hyalt ytitiFpetwoner myP�-paid-hisAa,r 'of the line between jibe -.El isrhth andi Ninth Con- -of aU the jklatter containN e- rig.
4jundasch . ort e
ad 'tcn�tu shad olli lit prices will -be f
Huroul whictit land.,a. e. E fletice,our pro;4c tit.
cersions *f. Himiq'ki comme
f0r'Z�a1e:atnl,vo1Iiceiftthe Court tism' In 'tile that Lie eo,-ts �if nd ieiu-�-at Day's.' d'FlilafterfurijUbed, as-thoso �oraayo q'
Eleventh Tavern. ting.perfodicalsin this country. TH, 6 kett
t dav otfuy. next, the hour 0-f7welve of the offfir iitoeeeds U NL C- I'M AN �DiTl6r �10
own, of. -G A ruesday, thf W-11 R & -cost oftheriginatediflons. 1400�d workin-arder, oinparcil wl
ybepattiliorle(. Two Thousand D' lars. on the inton wid at the pri8sent premitun ion gold w6njo *$too a
proper ir� Winob"im- Ron ; tbrough Lots Twe fee ydair. MV. Add to *1#
the fact that we imakeuralitivillpsyrnen British
I Alld f1i'll our Petitionertilay.liave rand 'd TwertV Fofir-6 llie-Concesion Line, V- or earlyseets mid c6p)rrigfift ix,go1d-$1 For itle on re
a4 0 b; Town loollf
0 IT) (51 Ai0i'artlit-puipo- ar&aid thatall it d our,r ejj*�gjy 1_
Max be Ps. of Gri
'JOHN ifacture s and -x.Lourino'7L. ]ffMS
-ijT1 -�VB.- 161 vueliffirthe an
S1. ei 1. ryt Publishers f asmable, ummi.
tAreen the Eithh: -and' Ninth, and t& cotill-tisatthisliwe jan-18
�herff - for ther in the ptenias!ps A�exu hiect nce
019 nearly *2 50 in cur�
we Also,
a -oursubscriberp and ille
Ist Aprit, Lots * - Tw� nty and TwentyDnep -ind thence have adopted'
alc ,, - 0 ne betwebn renc aVintheicale the purcbm meW
-Aittlyouriletir tiner will everpray.. �Oir XU.1 ma said Line ti-jlte ISide V. wer all beentrelylustlUdV
culai? -and S sft Sa readiulf public
The inteicatef theso Periodicals to American readers C 0 OPM
-alongsaid Side LineoilbeBoundary Line al 01,3% A 0 11.1
K id -Co
re V -o race In the ai 1311V 'moo tinged
contain onour Civil War. and,though sonien
T 1 ON. of Iturbli.
ithpfej ice, -ula� still, ousideibig 4beir g
LAND -S. itiratherincreased thandituillislked,by thearticie ibey
the� County fR with' tor'li 8bftAj f�*
"ash—balauce -on ume,
Take notice that this )etnian, WH be presented to the ad they
I - - Huron UdBtuee, resid'IL e �Ylhe: 'It be -X
1T11itcd(.`ountje-,;-.of) D.Yvirttye. of a. wift-of C I . re patt; c
oirtai'Chan(Fe-rvon the 290t day.0fileXI.May avilitywill the different stinid-pohns Irom *11ich The properties wi. 11(l All Ali -a
BFieri Factarx. at tell ofthc eltickinthe fibreliatin. -.are written. be read and titudiod with adftutage
peopi 4alse. A go9d ;Wil -
etmit Court of- the ( ounty otl1rant. aud to me ors r fi
durect -id Sivilcit' fu'Pe tio.ner,; AN Ir
- 1 -1 IP -A NO TI
isiijefir out of Her Araje,,tyls ff-1WG1 WA.40 IEE S9, at two fbir -of their
To Wit 'R & WELLS, eof thiscouptryof-every creedaudi mny.
.^SKE KER GE I' houseattaclied to iaOh pWpgd -Aw
The Four Bevis or 1863. _, _ V __Y
arail-ist he fandi at on liand.
Ictiellients of Datedi5th Februafy,1865- 'A fewcopies of The abov ffmill, and,011 P17,10
ar m- re
'to fleary Corp�r Ilyndniani'Mria Carol! ne lTynd-' fjrHD,. ab6" is -a true -copy 6f a . proposed 0 begoldat 05 foetheylitilefouror $2formy one,
,have z- aid tiken in Execution all the rig. Ho
allcr It mt the -jift of,william-M
Wick, TORS T Ow 'CoAer1cb. Much 9116IM5.
We ils6pilblish ifie-
tta, t1viOrnati-, Blizabot, far� flyndinait, title and interest ofthe iMid defcodant in and'tor rall be taken into considli on by WS
soufh of w to ratl
XOW nicipa I y 'AR=' GUIDE.'
lot. numb-irottle, in the tetaft ing alld RiJiijAnk-Waldhine-st- Wood - lit '' f thd"United CcuoC
the Mui o teg of,
Huronluod4fix tile 'Jro%viis[tipi)t,Txlckcrsiitith, iii nd �4 hers having or ByHxvjtT5izPu9ws. ofFAnhurgh-and iftel. late Aj
L in the at I he Town of Godeiieh. County. of CE *7f
eat njv�otlieeia flaiiiet Ilywhilall - all: ot Huron and BrqcLe
-jahatt otfeirorsa7i Cw-ALWC3r 3P3X@ at the County Court Room NPRTOPF. Of'Viald C0lIege.._-j TUIL T I LOR I
-V7ETXarMX WZ 4 .017
in the Town- of Goderich. on Tit .*day,. the sixth Huron'--on,the 1 --by
ubrajiext, at the hour; oC twelvo of the. arid glib tantialmanner,. LEONRD SCOTT 'CO.) 230. &1630i ALACA4
6ss Ciistin�s rt�,,%de, an.d done in a neat. s
%Y, Of
nooix. Castins i3fany descrij h June, p6on made to 6rder. Also, all kinds ofinjichinery -Sevent d 4
re'D o ce,� Stock- ofL 1865, at thei. ur t1iiee oefocki in the Mo. Walkn 1!tr"t. 'few V'O&- 1405TWNCUE Tor
JOHX�A1ACDG'-\T ALD' aired on'short n 'd bo 1pf
-A P40tW01ffXW*W .
AV fdr*1h,--
E liftiarnooni at ur Ic ce SA 4 r iff" H B� . - I -
19ORTGACTE h' b iinii*andpla the mim-�
13�r 9. Por.Locx.* Deputy Sheriff. - 4- line., ite co�mnwiiea a-
eTa, e a -SALE OR ANJI(A
Sheriff Yis Otrwe, Goderich,, f tb dQu dil"are H=31FZ)S L
COMING PARLOUX AND� ROX STOVES' b -hitireby reqt�ired-to� 10 ex
Whq&6n and Pj' le epur ord
at. atten - forth 10 'h JAN 186, t- T pose-aforedid o 'h M
E f IFULT having. been maue it the Alwap eq h Lpe Boxes. As ot�tr pattetns o th above are
. 7 - -PETER AD) ITj ountles of Y. virtai! v WTI ,of jilat,
6otigW,*es'g1ven, vted
by Joseph-
ofthe rfto�t-aporoved kind of ouF todk before 1mr.chasing
soli6itam.,-iuspecdon HirOn -and Bruce, Men Facias ssued out
aiwn to"he Citr QfLondon-litfildine- So F ap Counfies"Clerk
hawr v . .
e are( --the ab at the lowest remunerative., pi�ices'fbr cash, or 0* of Her MajefA's- Co rt I
jold, hy-virtite OF PoWerotSalen said provedrUredit ipr6duce taken ge.- lot Cootmon Plea;ilp and to. -me directed againtl
ountY. Clerk's -office, 4 td lands -and tenements of Joseph b]
oderieb, 22nd
aiPublie Auctioa W39-
Gode-rich.06tob-er.-186�toL.'- dant. at ]be iluit ofDauie EIiZdIjetIr Bra- g and
t.,--. M. 'rtliernam in the Toww or 0ixiciieh' . .. - -g
NOSH R e -1 . ieq else here, as w )ffering, Ove C To. W1
FA T% FOR- S.&LE. apt;n thelailds hel" ntioned ame W
broonis of --Old meta Brass Xopp� aud-all-kfikds-.6f Feli.; 1865. Mr-
A - Z . 1; ulutday. the 27th-4dav of -April- next,. -at
T1 John in ution all tim Andswfl-AAWJOTesba -POW - 0 - 40 *wond to nono ju Ote Aft*v*cs
IP I* th orth
r1M -un(Teragued offiers, for safe- the following if ,,Iiio ofG e o ep e To %Va mtegalvely itud-suca"
acies, more-ilr latomers
sl Mate& on -the �Urravdl Itoad I 1, 10 LANB� IN COLIS haltoflown lot -nurnberone,onC
omoc�-,, itoon, vtz: !of otiniber iivai in the 9nd
equity of,xederr�,#ion ant1
other interest 4the d,�ftitdiiit in ohd *POW
bd'rioh,, itt the
NOTICE0 illagel SDutbit -it A6 Cauqtv.-Of
the, Township of Wawadosh� cipally first�cl
j&V _
t* P
alleeift th ly, 04Y eq Nell
4ith inteir OUNTIES9 CLERVS OFFICE will be pe L 01 h sale a! my offift 'InThc Court aouse. in th
ofliavinent: -One loufth cash. -the---bal f0t &Ie 'Braci� Which lands and Iruemen Ishall Pr the ftnojt
c It. Wj ll rgbl' 01
WithirL'11 Jnfls�S of Gollerichl o ij� the - D bred 0 qrr"�, W of . which are -cleared. -every WedneFdav�nnd.for one 6250' cash, balance . in ime. t6ww0fGodcrjeb,vn Tutosdkty, Ihee foutth A-sy
C _e_L a Ite crip Vil t* dkiar�!�O�ua 5g IT)b
0ithoprernises. the -.e is; a g
�tiod Frame Barn 36L Further particulars and L'61filitions of sale ma iot the Uounties!,Council. All -eo R'A, LIBER&L PUREMIUK GIVEN -in -of excellent,qualuji- withibouti July amit, atthr., hour off tir f, vif,,tbe elock�'
This land is
witbi --6 in
;Houe,'young orehaW y preViOt- mun -4 fi)r the Coun ies9 Cleik to be diree ji'aments-whieb, ltau bt�,made to the Crowh
by 52lp, a good,Framt, It - -
be had at the time -of sale, 6 1 ppli -t te iles -of Godericb, 1110011
r Is 9 1 60 acres 0oaied.4 a bearingw A good pceek. runu;ng through the r 'JOHN MACDONALD.. bod
cation-ta the undersigned. Post Office- Land part ment In Land- 8-crip. Seecard--- 11' 4 of which A U. gravelled. -A -to
Fply othe
It AD Imenteque
Ltd- H MeNt XTIf
F 0. 4. H. FLOM --PETE
C untleto Clc7r
�-dlicitor toi'the City- ot toncloji
k 5B 15L v I UT
Tdder '�s Offic h
13 eriff -04 0 oil" Society- 6-$w
Building 'Quebec' March6, 1865, skw
Wil*itaoshL jjj:lfo� IS65. wl-lin Willi Mirc ISO
don, ... w9td Goderich. D -e. 4. w45sw27