Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-14, Page 4, i7 voila of the- rtatiq Gies of Hutott and ru'e itnpleintteritanee rot lots numbers n me. tee and to- Me- directed against the lands, and tent-- -,and 0-et-eu. the eignth coni:essietri Weitere menta of Wilt tam Harr Sol,. at the sua. of Alex- _ 4_401.e -said towilahip, of Colborne. amfer Wrieht, 1 . have • sioz‘''d arid taken tieory_upoinutlaemiao thi,o-tre ever:at:on all the ri.zha. title and Mterest _of the on. or ab tut the nineteenth day of .Septein her in said defendant -et :or t0 101 -ateb.. lir neie,111‘. the he -year ofitur Lord Core Thousand Eight ft nn- fou..dh concesss:a..of the TiOriedefi 'area -trut Feet:4'9er hattino iirst duly mal.e and ".• .4 THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL.. Farm in Bosan IN CHANCERY; •- FOR -SALE• • oiR, J)?1-41U.Y.U. 'll:E iitNERoirers for s.ale orto let 1.1qt 241, 12tn -t a,.. ba.wnshipi •O" I 1.isaticotet, Couhavol bainbtoa. The fitriti eonsrsts el- . IN THE MATTER OF‘PAKTITION - KENNEDY IlYNDSIAN. . • AND • • HENRY cowry!: ItYNDDAN 7AND OTHERS..' A cvs Tun noTorL.inr.;,E% 11IJ. .1:777)GES ONE HUND2ED OF TIM C'01.711,1 OF CliziAF.RY: lornible- petition :of the • above named statron'of the a. T. Itaifteav. There is a LOC; of Exeter. in_ the County of Iloron and ProvInce 4XD 114-431E. of Canada, Provincial 'Land -Survz•yor, sheiveth RA H -V ott the tot. - - as follows' ' For particulars appl3-* to- - M. C. GORDON. Goderieli P.0 'WELL TIVItERED & WATEli'D I.. Henry Eltinernan, late of Lunderslott, in the Township of Coltiorae, in the Countv ot sixty of whielt are eared. and siomted near Kenuedy !teatime'', .of the Velage fin- 1ron an „.P -rot nue atoresaid, in .the'bine .of h death:he Owner. -of the • fee sitivAeor Lots IN:umbers four mattive, Late RoadEast, in the tow-n*111R of Colliorneott the County of Huron arid, Prot -iota: aforesaid, and of the easterly half -of lot Number t .vij, front of Maitland Terrace, west ofNorttr Ntr:eet, -in the town of Girderiell; .sitherseliamwm a; running- ember- four hun- dred and ['mete three of i he town phil of ti oderieh. An itst . • • (.7.27tt SKERIFY'S SALE 02 LANAI Unitedeonntres o r viirttie -of a writ' ot Huron and Bruee.. Fiera Faeras ts111e.1 out A mit he sa:d Henry Headmen was likewise at To:'wtt 'of tier NI'll''si-Y."'s`untY the: tune of his death erfruita blyent hied to I -.fee rick, in; the Coantyt of -Bruce; wierh lamis and‘ te*eeuj1t 1 shalt offer for sale at nor -office re the Court lions:- zu--the town 01 Cojerteh, _Tuesday -Abe -Met eatii day of uis, net, att le= hour or Twelee of frac (-lock, noon. 011-N MACD()N.‘ it. • vitt 11. OV"' 8. Pollock-. DeTinto „ -Sberill's thrice, 1st April. 1,435 , twirl sheJ his last _w ill and testament in writing- whiell zu the words add fig -tires IfelloWing, that . 1, Henry Ilvinintau,:of LH nderston. in the County °literati, District of London and Province ()flipper Canada,. do make and publish this Inv last will and testament.! 1 do hereby appoi, my dear wile Xligusta Harriet. Elizabeth Hyndinaii exeeutrix and sole -guardian to sitr elirldren,.and I do le- reby direct that in the -first place my exeentrie do providhe- e - for tpay. ment °fall my lawful debts. and in the next Plice- SHERIFFIS TV ti' LADiTi S that she shy ke Stnt able- provision for my dear - mother, Mrs. arah Elvialmatf, equal to the lite • • ra1ted Counties of )11- virtm• of a wr Ildrem and Bruce, Fieri [i rt- i•;sui.d 0111 To_tv it of Iler Majesves (*Oen ty Court of the 17tutt!..1 (-01-Mties of Huron rend annuity sterling- renounced in my favor and tl e liter: to of the farm 01 Gorgo.ide,:s the FOR QITALITY AND PRICE CANNOT BE SURPASSED parish of Largo aad County of Arr. in Seotland, .atelysohl et y her and ie e to John 'glair 111-nduran, Esquite. to Inv dear wife on euailition of her F MG WINTER GUIS AT TAE BALE CHEAP FOR CASH 4 HE SU13SCRIBERS have nearly completed their FALL AND WINT. ER STOCK which comprises almost every article necessary for the trade' viz GO SHELF, AND HEAVY 14ABDWARE, READY:. -RADE -C.14-0T11,111110:i.-:.- Ladies' • a _raise by -Way ,Loan the turn: of Twenty Thousand .Dollars- for , -the purposes therein mentiatied: IITHEREAS the Corporation of the United 11 Countieteof Buron and Bruce has re- solved.to Gra3e, Gravel and improve certain Reeds and Highways, with the necessary Bridges for the same, _wIthinthe said Couaty elHuron.- - '- AND wHEREAS the said improvements ate entirely_ within- the County of liurou, and the expense of tnakieg the siAmeis•to Lie defrayed _by the .said 'County irrespective Of the County orBruce, the Loa!! or Debt., will be paid by the said County of Huron; and the Rate hereinafter' mentioned .wi.1 'be raised ,solefy upon the:" rateable property within the Said County Cif anion : AND -WHEREAS to carry into effect 4lie said 'melted- object will be net:eseaiy. for the said- Corporation to raise the slim 'of Twenty Theusand -Dollars, in the 'magnet; beWii.after •trieijtioned : AND witst.:EAs it it expedient to clefiee'the retpee- five amounts to be exp. -end -et -Pon each Line of Road intended to- he improVed, it shall be • expendel as eat out in the Meclule ,at the end of this-BiLaw and forming part of the sale. AND WHEREA'S.i't willrequire the sum of Three Thousand Two fluud.red Donuts to be reised annually by Special Rate for the payment ot thoseid [Joan or Debt and inter- est as also hereinafter mentioned. .AN» wmiaggts amount of the whole rateable preperty of the Baia Municipality • !irrespective- of aay future Increase in the same, apd irreepeetive of atm -Income to be - derived from;the temporary iltvestnient of the The READY-MADE ti'LOTHING is most complete and inantdaeturpd in: the part therenfoccenraing to the li-tet revised est and most- Fahionable. -Styie,, Assessment Rolls 'being for...the y_ear one - thousand eiglit hundred and:- sixty four was LADIES' MRS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY; Having itriporteil a large quantity Of - - - CEACOr-OJET:- r47-IRC03.1 TENGLA_INT)! - FUEL and Gents' Felt Hats, &c. They 'wish, particularly to draw attention totheir stock of DRY GOODS, which Brave, and to :ne direerel -ag.aint1 der tan Is ' and1 reiloOncuer 11( i- ri,glit ot dower., J leave (or -her , tenements of Riibert (ireer, at--th.• snits ot life the lo 7s So. i, 2i••3 -."Lake road east;townsbip • Ransom: W.. 4.(1 1111.. itiiheil Leech and I aine,• of Colturrae, Western Division; With all houses, - rerictiN, 1 have seiz,4 mut' taken in' execution buildings. furniture, plate, books, linen,' thrilling all the, righttitle alt 1 interest of the szid detinilarit -stoek: cattle -and uteia-ils of litishantby which - yi: ia and to let. nimuher-rive,-inth- ee..-.1ith co:lees:74m mthe me th ay fie on e saa_ e t i Me or neath ; all or the _tottinsliqv of. Howiek, ;in. tile Coisatlt ot rifler property, t.ltether feat or personat, I direct ifurraiL ; whicra hirais and tenements_ I sivototTer to -be equally divided among Any childreh share' for sate, at niv oll-e in the Court 1 louse irt, the and shire alike. 'Ind •-ive and bequeath - tf:e said - - toavit of Goderizqi ,i....o, Ttn....hty-,- the- Elevereh 111:4" S.0? U. -2,a. Llikez'llOait Ear,..ti,it nthehons-s da.1.7 of Jult. next, at Ow: hoar , of. Twe:ve in' the mid buildings thereon idler the death uf niy dear - - - • ' ' wile to my eldest see. Lastly,1 feave to mt.T.dear. jOIIN MACDONALD, ' _ mete fla• power of dividieg -a 11101Ig our eliddrea - Pontocic. DepA:TherOTf_..; ertif - rr t - its she may think preper the furniture. plate. &c.., ot wake -144w heed -tell e rent and reserve try nip: y.. Odiee. Goaerieh, . 1st April, 1S1WY ' W10 „ SER13SALT' OF LAND. self the meta fiv any writing under my hand to add"cotheils to. Ins- my last will and testament or - to make cpeeial nesfs 1 40 1\ to me • from tune to time flt ict1LQv. tviinetti" whereof hare hereunto set. Iler hnd at Lunders'ion atoresaki, the nineteentri-of Jint183.4, before the witnesses:William _Ross and Alex der „Douglas._ my 1ritiS.erVant. • rnite...1Countiesof virtue of a writ of Huron and Mace, - Ftert Fact -as re-utte , --To Wit: is,ored orit lfer Majesty's Coact of the Cowity ot Brant. and to .nie. dire(•ted ag.tinst and tette:Heats ot Walter Kenwtek„at- Ate stet oI William Mar in; 1 havi.,seized and taken ia Exerastion'allt1e right, tide and intereia of Lite- said defendant ia and to lot ainub-r oae ta toe tionli yoneeSSion stnith or Iiiiron Fowl in the Tow u;ltip of Tutkegneth„ iir the County or Huron, whirli lands and rt. -netnews lishall oiler for sale at tav tile1 oar' 111 the Town ofGoderich.,on -!rra .r.fay, the. .siath darJt'Yunb. next at the hourie' twelve orthe dock, noon. JOHN- ALI C DONALIV _ In- -R. Pota-ucx, Deputy S'ei '11 4, 4' Sherd -Ps 011ic3e„Goderh2itt • • .2711i Jait. Ih6-5. w5- 7 British Periodicals VIZ : • TILE LO.N DON QT.T.A.IITER1.1: , (rotiservatire. THE MUNK-arm REVIEW (wing 1• THE WESTAIINS. TER HEVIEvr (Radice.) - THE NORTH DitatSti R.EXIEW (Free:Church) AND-, • BilApicwooDisEbINtICP.Git .11..t.GAZINk:(Tor)--) The Atuerieart Publishe sew:mute torqprintthe aliove nutted perk dic.als, but as the cost qf printing has adithlett. the price orr epee near :y trWed and ttt:tf`4.kiettes.lecenses-.. ete.., largely increased they are votive:led tol advance their tecins as ftillows z • - - TERNIS FOR J 865. Foranycnie ofthe Reviews "orally siva ot the iteviews For any thrire of the Reviews For all four of the Reviews Por BFarkwo-liPs Vtatztztise . -For Blackwood anti due' For Riaeksvoed aiut aay two of the fru-view-4 For11` ackwojinuti three oithe lee- - Porn:ado-et:oda:m.411w tour Reviews :Subacribers it; the lin:Wirt winces wiltreatt addi- Ewa totaese pnees.twearytfoar eint,t a war Biactk,_ $ 1 Oa perannunt- 7.00 - Mao 12. " 4.00 "- '1.00 • 10.03 " 13.03 11 1.3.oct wood find-eightseatsa year for each trevie‘v to -cover the U. Postage. - • 'Fbe work% willbe prittiodoti greztyiniprarf.d quaPity yeti nlicais are very of paper. and wink: 344 (113 all Awl ientt !either witwaced in priee or rctlaceil ih - generally both -ice shall continue to e givfaithful copies of air The tauter emtittined in 04 o e'rie; nal etliti.nts--, . Henc. our pre-ent prices wilt he (=Kuria.; cheap_ for the_ turentut --finatter fartit4h,41, ast hose of aay of the coot- peting periotheatzia this eaantry... . . . Coinpareil With th.„: c..f"st of It oviziall ed*.tions- whieh I .at the' present. pre-iiiina co pig would be about 8100 a : ye,.ar...nof yrie -es ($1 5ittre exo;Tfittey late. add to this 1 1 he fact.that we wake too annual rim i11411VZ 10 the British i Pabliaheit tin- 'early s'•eeta air! copvright fa gorit -$t costinzug atitiii, n:ae [Jam. ISiril• nearly 82 so in cur- reticy:-.-and• wr trust th it in the scale we have tatooted we :ihalt be entirely justified by, our subscribers 11011 tie , reading public Tee- intere3tot theso Peri.rfrals to Atneriean realers ' is rather itterea:ed than diminished 'be Tee a rl ifsie:.; they contain_ ott our civil tVar. nali honiei sonv:Fitneq- tinoet- with prejudice. they oily gillcaosideriag their g.Ci,,a1. abilityand die dial...rent staiel-points trom sit-hieb -they . are written. be read titat studied whit advantage by the people of thiscountr,-, sr every creed and party. _ - - The Tour Rsviews for 1833,- • A -revs -copies or lite abore -remain on hand. and 14-i be sold at $0 tor the Whole tsar, or $2 for any one, . - -- trireatso.publish The -- - FARMER'S GUIDE, - By It Starlit:Ns.. of Edintairgli. and the late J. P. Noirriec of rale college. 2 vols. Royal . octavo,. 16. 0 pagesandnummus Engraviu,,s . •1 - p.111 all rth, t .vti vehunes-by 31all,postpaill,$5. LEONARD SCOTT te CO.,_ , Publishers, - No. 38 WalkerStreet.NeW York'. • 1 - (....zigro-d) ' ," ft: 1-11TIND. N . ' C41) U., .N1.11f1S5,: Wifiles;,. - .154 :A L IbX DO ( ;LAS, Witt:cats. 3. fhesaul late Henry Elvadman had eleven'. children, natur-tY : -Your Petitioner ',.Patriek- ken-, n ed v Li viviiian and the said- Ilensrv . owper livailma it, et-Spring:1de.. WeSt Kiliride. in Ayr- shire -in tbat part of the IiingdoinefGreat Britain and IrctriniteatledScotlaad,Niar.a Carol; ne I-1 viul-- -inati,ot the. same plate, spoister.. Isabella Flynt! - mini. of the. saire place,-spinsier, Elisabeth Mary II id 110111 011 lie saine place; sin aster. end- Anna Louisa HI -adman. ol the town of Stratford-, iti .the County of 1..: t: and Province atbresa id, Spnister, '.Argtista' Harriet.' Williatits .[atrinerly - Augusto Harriet Hyntitlitull nowthe-w.ie of Hailiv• "%17 if [films of Ihe &line plate, John-Byrn:limn, 'of ihe Village of Exeter.. TIT the 'County- of •Ilui or . atonistiiif, tieoree Widianz fly:admire, Supposz d to beam* in iding in Australia or New 'Zealand, who are ail orage, and Either., Blair tisuilinan and Aithur- tlyndourniamtv deeeased: • .. '4: The saki late- 1 leary..tryndmi n lett loin silt- ejeimr, ,yoar itetitioner and the ,sai i Hen rY Cow- per II %%I/titian. Maria Carolina HvntimattAsoli;t1la Hynderan , Elizabeth I 11..r1, Ifyildinan, Leu.zza dyntim in, Aug asta Barth t Williams n . [foriei•ly Augusta Harriet -.11ruilman] John 1-lyialmans, Georgc. William fi viola -tau; pis heirs - a hd. heiresses .7-.4t - taw , and .his widow Angaistri Harriet -.: Elizabeth FlYndinan, who has. a claitntor dower 'out • of the _said Iambi, aria . Who - Is intended to.. be and. - IS - made, a party to this.' pet Men, and Robert litur Ilyndtroin -a tol Arttitir tlynclinan; Who- have sinee died leaving no issii;;•. 5 la. the feark-Me thallgh:ljeight- hundred and tifty-sixa he alloVe tianied 1-4 nry Cowper- Hynd- Ana n paid to the:Canada Coinpany.:.: onb....lialf of hirnself and theinlier co-heirs ilia.] eo heire:istre, Law of thesaid late Henry, --yndinan t rie-bala nee Cit the:purchase money or the Ni,id lots- n withers - /title. len- 11! 34! a in the eighth concession, Western gitrismit. of 07e said lowierhi iv ot Col- borne, weeretip9a the said the, Canada C'orn pa ny exesaitee) t:09.VeVari0e-s 011he said. land to the said Henry Cowper lipid uiaa and the said Other co- heirs :pal co-lietresses-a r-Itt *vr,' a nd be ' and they are entitled 91,:ill the ar.reineationed jireznises as tenon -is i11. eti anon eaelt t eitig entitled to an equal proportion tl 6. The' sa 1 --ftenry. Cowper Hyruhrian is a Estite- of the said late Henry espect-of the amount 'so paid by 1,1 te the said., the -Canada Coin- . oll li •a-fing datethe twenty- first ber (me • thoosand - eight - hundred and sixty-Jo:1 and _ executed --by V- e said Raliy Williams' and Airgusta illarriet Willianis; the interest orate said' A tigurita -Itarriet Williams 111 all of thee afiaresalif lanthe-was charged- With .the tetvirient -if die !Mill ot six :hundred and seVenty dollars and interest.tir S'amilel Street • F Wier, at the town Of Strat bird.. ititlitg Comity of Perth. who is in causeroietice' thereol made a party' to. this- petitron. 8 There are no other &Lot- or assets ot the said late_Henry - Ely nilnia it-„- nor are .ther-i any 1410.1115 whereont y•Ttur pi lifioner and t he saint other co, heirs -and co -heiresses -at -law of the said late . Henry 1.1viidman ean b supp.orted tave out of the orate...cis-of tire said iand%. • - - . - c 9.- The said nremisesare to a great exten, un- productive tn their pre4ent state- and thew eannot . be conveniontIy or alvantageotisly partitioned.: 10 It willhe'ackantageons for all parties in- terested, and it's necessery- for the support and - maintenance of' year petitioner awl thesa al other : 12 coheirs'and c -hhe: c4 -law ot tSaid late 'Jeffry-, Hyatt:it a that the aid premises shozild be sold and the proeeeds divided bet weenaiidapplted . for the benefit plan pi rt ies entitled theratid . You- pet:finiter. therethre prays [1]..That the stud preinises`may be sold and the pro- eeees paid to sad applied fur the benefit of the pOrties- interested therein. .._ (et And that lalur petitioner may bepaid his share of the proceeds ot such sale. [3] Ind that the costs of such- sale and of these pro.: ceertMga- tas.lietweeii soliener and client may be paid out oldie saurproce 'tIS. . • ` [4) And that th aizt premises Maybe partitforied.- ' Deena Ayr th purposesa afaresaid that all proper dir- retains may be gi venuirilai,eotties.taken. - [6].Aird-thatyour Petitioner may have sachfurther and Other reliefas shall in the 'itemises seem meet. creditor of 11 flyndinan tat Enid as afore pany. 7 By- (teed day of •Septea siiiking fend hereinafter Mentioned or any 'We ere enabled tasell theni AT. PRICES IVIIICH DEFY .COMPENTION Do not forget_to cell_ when in Town at the EMPORIUer, and inspect theft: tock 00 Eight millions Twit. hundred and Eighty eight thousand Six hundred and Ninety six dollars :- Aen wneeesfi for,. paying the interest and creating aitecral,annual Slaking Fundfor payine the said awn of Twenty Thousand Dollars and- interestis hereinafter mentioned, it will requireaneiiiial annual: Special Rate :of leer -tenths of a_mill in the Dollar in ad dition to all other rates Rud taxes to be levied in each year. -`1` • '''',."‘• Beit therefore enaeted bYthe Corporation of United Counties of Huron and Bruce, I. That itshall be 'lawful Ler the Warden I- ; Corporation to raise by way Of Loau, front for the tinte being of the said fast mentioned 1, S • any person or peMons, body or bodies corpo- rate who may be willing en advapee the'same . upon, the credit of the -Debentures hereinafter ;petitioned, a sum of money no e:teeeding in • ' They wish to intimate to their customers owing accounts and notei that they are compelled ilbe hi -insist on PROMPT PAYMENTS - whole the Sum of TwentY _Thousand I3ol. ... - TO SUSTA THEIR CREE AND SELL GOODS CHEAP V. DETLC1R & SON. w12 Goderieb, Sept. 26, 1864. aC. O • -4-- 1 lars'and to cause :the same_ to be paid into the hands of the Treasurer Of the United Counties aforesaid; for the purposes and with the_object obese reeited. - IL :That it shall be lawful for the said_ Warden to cause any efamber of Debentures to made for such t3ums ot minry as may he 'required, ,not less than One Hundred Dol. !ars each, and that the said Debentures shall he sPaled with the seal of the said Corpore- tion at signed•by the seid Warden. - IL That the said Debentures shall be made payable in ten years at furthest, from the day hereinafter mentioned for this By Law to hike effect either in London, in giig land, or some place in Canada to be desiinut- ed in the said Debenturesand shall have .ittached to thein Coupons for the payment of Interest. . T hat the saki Debentures and Cou- THE SUBSCRIBERS would beg to inform his customers and the public that hig new Prem pons shall be froide out 114 either Sterling ises ou East strtet, - _ money or Provincial currency of- this Pro • %ince, tit the option of the said W•irdenito THREE DOORS FROM THE SQUARE that the whole 'amount of- said Debentures „ - . • 9 shall not exceed the before mentioned suns will be opened on the first of June. for temsactine 'the Woel Cardin e, Cloth Dressing and of Twenty ThousanceDollars, and they shall FACTORY, bear interest at ard alter the rate ot stx per Ilanufacturintr busioess, in connection -vith.his W,OOL where all orders and work in the above husiness _will be punctually attended to. Likewise a vat tety of centum per annum, which interest shall be . - - • pa-Yable on the first day of Jiinuary 'and first_ day of July, in each and every year 'during the continuance of the saki Debentures ut the place where the Debentures are made payable. V. That for the puipase of formio e 13 Sinking Fund for the _pigment of the said Debentures and the interest at the rate afcre. said to become duethereon. an equal special ride of four temhs of it -mill in the Duller, sn ill ir addition to til other rates and taxes be raised, levied and collected in each year solely upon all the rateable pi operty. within the said County -of Huron, during the confine aiwe of said debentures or any of them. VI. That this Ily.'Law. 811 ill take effect and cone iiito operation upori the Nineteenth day of June, in the year of Our Loid One Thouiand Eight Hundred aed Sixty -Five. loths, -Blankets,, -ant. Stockilig--Yarn 3 will be kept on hied -to exchanee for wool. Having this year added another, • . - FIRST-CLASS DOUBLE. CARDING DIACHINE to his -establishment, he will be prepared to execute farmer's wort: to any reasonable extent on short tiotine. Customers comilig to the factors theniseLves will he promptly attended to as formerly, alai pArticular attention- will be paid to those froma dista,nce'wishing their I Work. peditiou1y _ N. 13. --While tlnnitfui tor the lioe.ral patronage of former year snberiber h;ipes by 3! rit:t. -itte -Akio to liniiners ana sparing no of his customers, to still receive a 'share of the same. 03- Retnember_the ilace- East Street, second door Goaerich. April 1911'., 1864 theatitive business, the Tense in meeting the -wants • in CRIBB'S BLOCK. • THOMAS LOGAN. wi2 Meted Coss for 1865, rr/fE WITNESS &about toenter on its 20th J. year as a candidate foe public favor on the same principles with_ Which it set out: its ann- beingto famish good reading Matter, • uniningled With ettetaciaa bittereess or ea rty strife. , The News_departineut contain% the latest news by telegraph,_ suatrat; ries of Re's -strum Canadian, British, and American papers; and selected arti- ele.s.On earrenteventsitioat the%leatting journals of the workl. The,Cotamereial department corriprisesrelialite prices. current, __reviews .ot the markets, and aieruiciat,intelligenee. The department or Fatally Read:ng contan ; copious selection of insiruetive and interesting matter, tate*. poetry,`.&e: - c (71 And your Petitioner will ever pray. * _EDWARD BLAKE. IN ClIANCEItY, are liviidman. •• per ITION: Take notice thi1t this petition wild be presented to The Coin of Chance on Moilday-the 29th_dayof next Mar at ten of the clock in the forenoon. Yours, . .._ .- . - BLAKE, KERR & WELLS ' Soticitors fur Petitioner. - Dated 151h February. 1865. . - 10 Ilenry Cowper Ifyadnian. Maria Caroling Ilynd.. . , num, Isabella tlyntlinan. Elizabeth, Mary ffyiniman.- 'Anna Louisa tlyntiman. A ugu.1t1 Harrea 1% iltiams.Raby 1% titian's. Joha Uvtutman. tieorge 'Witham Ilyndman tagnsfir Harriet tlytalman aud to all milers h l'Amingzui uterestin the estate in -Question. •VidijableAgrieultaraland Harticulturat articles , ' • are Copied trout thne to time. alrWir or w4 -3"n .The Advertising &Torment has many uleful etridimporteit -advertisentente, but admits none -Ofan =Moral or-toptrious tendency! rTne,Canaducit eteeeenger. (Ionia inieg I selec- tion ofthe best And moat interesting matter of the 4Wi1neese'is pahleiteed monthlyat 25ete per ann.. witi one copy granato club- of ten- At is `de- voted to Kellg.uni,M.. ralitv,Education;Ctoldrees needle', Temperance andAgrieelture; and con- seettetta - is allowed to pis* free througtt the Post e. TE R M S : Daily gd per auutter4- Montreal Witneas (ienti-Weekly) This is the same lot* that it.his esea since alre beginning. el per annum. t Witikesi grperannurn. Alf~af.Aseattfe;froPtiF.Pr a.amm-4 ..MIN 411 [ ativ.:..iiiji!Lloowe ..,1111 itji .1111441144L, - ,...,.. it11:4 , R111 1141 t 1IISTEAIVIIENOINE-.WORK 811 4 (III RU I. NI- A PI -*- aniifacturers of Grist And Flourin Circular, Diulay and Sasb.SamOr- ttefitrrl ' -figH IF4"3. rriaxt.A.sixiNc4- PERATORS Mowing and -Reaping Machines, )-Wood Sails; = _ 1:01=taijarAziGr. andi3liteksmitts' work done in aneat anasubstantialinanner) • Castings of any description made to order. Also, ail kiddi of mathurry _ ORTGAGE-SALE. seoaired on short notice. A lav.ge atO,ek of - COOKING, PARLOUR - AND EOX SOVS -Always Galant; SugariCettles,cWas,ron,and,Fipe Bites Xsotipatterna of the above are oftite-ihestapprOVed solitit an inspection :of olir stoolF before purchasing: elsewhere as we are offering the above at the lowest remunerative prices for caiihror or spi, p_roved 9,14 metal, Bran, q (Toe!, ilea al k orciduce taken irs-exoliatt _ oderich. October.1862. EFAULT-hatiing been mule in the payment of three several mot tgages given by Joyeph • Lawrason to the City of Lonclon tturldwg -oeiety upon- the lauds nereinatier mentioned The seine hesold, hyi.virtue el Power of Sale irt- said Mortgages,- at Niko AUctien ut the rooms ot AT".. "Mt 1 ruenlatt, Itig TlaW11-nr_. anderichs ion Thuiaday. the Vtli day of Apitl--neatt at turcive o'clock, taunt, Via: lot. number hvc ut the. •-end coneessain cit the rownibin of Goderich. In the county oil:tura% euntainieg O acres, inoreur eiuvdvauce.:Tqf eypone thi rd eash,thetalince eite•cOpy-gratisin eat:kite% for it chit.' 0 tea. Furth°r Partletthirg and cundilams °rsale n'aY imam aagmej.ciab seht.,1„rutt hot less that* be had at the Hine of sale,- or by previous epos. catioatothetaulersigned. - 10.Paperawitipetorwardid gratis to the vita* oaeftiettt.Of reinittanoe. • Alt etisantaintiatiows„ -ba addressed to Mon- Solicitorto the Vity ot London .101IN. D4MMA/4-4 Son. London, Starch- 26.r1S65. • - H. FLQCK, NOTICE. rIOUNTIES' CIA,11.K'S.OFFICE wili Je,3 ope evois.Ittedilestlapiottitlfor one . weci..10 tine each 'fleeting ta the, Uoflatiet, Connell. All corn inuapiation.4); the Countice:Uterk to be..diree„Ht- 10 Post Mike. • • ,-"ADAMSON; • *Tti2-td* "Cotinties' R PligN11181 GIVEN. on zpayinentiwitichintn itt inada-40-the Crow Leeds Deparimeat ettotkitploylooto., _ ; := . _ 004i1T111114 = iwolbser2T„ SC REFERRED TO IN THE FORE- - ----GOING. ' - . . - Seven Thoutand Dollars to be. expended on the Colborne and Asliffeld .Rdid, com- mencing at A. Alenli.Tavera, 'going' North- ward. - . -.• Four Thousand Dollars on the Mail Road, Stephen,likt, teen-lats Xen and Eleven, , 'commencing at the London Road. ' - One Thousand Dollar* on the Extension Iof thaHay Gel Road. - - _ . . „, .... . . . - . .... Three Thousand Six Hundred Dollars on ftie Seaforth Road,. -commencing at Days' Tavern, going North to. Belmore. ,.Two Thoosso F,onr-:igenclre& Pollars-nn the line between the Eighth ahd Ninth Con. cessious of liewick commencing at Day's 1 Tavern. - -I-- Two thousand Dollars en the Clinton aid Wilighain -Road, through Lots nienty-Three and Twenty Four.to the Concession Line be- tween:Abe Eigthh and Ninth, and thence along said Line to the Side 1...ne betweenLots_Twenty and Twenty One, and thence along said Side Linoto the I3oundary Line of the County of &ate within. the said County Of Iluron. NOTICE [HE above is a true copy of a proposed Br 1 Law to be taken into consideration by the Municipality of the United Counties of Huron and Bruce, at the County Court Room in the Town of Godetich in the County of _ Huron on the ./ Seventh day of June -1 9 1865, at the hour of three' o'clock, in the afternoon, at which time and place the mem. bers of he Council are hereby required to attend for the purpose aforesaid. PETER A DAMSON, Counties C1 e County Clerk's Office, ? Goderich, 22nd Feb; 1865. I 4 td Notice. r1 HE Court ntideviatn and for tearing, Appealapsfinst the .4!!clfulePtti &,., of 0lie,ciwipship orce.i bore% n.411 he ;fie@ itt - • 'T Sitiitlipttif.'the lour -011 -tee VEP,N*041't.:Or. 19th of April, 1866.--• _ 1iiireh 23rd, 1885. ' - w ta- Iliortgage Sale - - 9F Thirty-two Sixty fourth- shares of the schooner, ship_Or ves set cliled the "W.Mer- rittiT TTINTDElt and by Virtueof a P.iwer oiSate_con- li tabled in a ,certain Mortgage mad.." Thomas B.• Vaneverynnd George Rumba'', otiVe Town of Gt,dern-b,in tke _County 4f Buren, Forwarders of the first part, and John Dolor and Sannielli. Denier; of the atmesaid Town or Goderich. Merchants, of the aecond part, Which said Mottgage is.dahr recorded m the Custom - House (Vibe Port- of -Dalhousie, default having: been made itt the due perinea thereof, and due notice having been serted on ati put ios eittitted to notice, wdl be void by Public Auction, • 011 Tuesday, the lfith day -or April next,. at twelve o'clock, noon, at the Auction Mari or MessrS, Thomson & Hardehein4 on Kingston street, In said Town ot Goderich, the fo lowing property, that is to say : thirty-two sixty fonith shares of The schooner. ship or vessel, called . the mr.11 MerrittP-, then "the properly or VanEvery atoresitid, now lying at the Port of G-elench, aforesaid. Deed under power et sale. M. C. CAIIEROB, w8sw5fild tgolieitor forMorteagee. Mortgage Sa109. 32 Shares ,8c Anchors, .Rigging, &p., in Schooner Jenny Rumbali.' y TNDER and by virtue of a Povrer of -Sale:ee- l) domed on a certain Mortgage made. be '1 homes B. Van -Every and -George Rumba11, of pie Town of Goderieb, in the County or Huron, Forvvardersof the:First part, and John V. Deeor atel sanmel 11 Ditlor, of sa id Town ofCoderjtit, Merchants, ot the Second pa rte.which *aid Mort- gage is duly recorded in the Customs office, of the Town ot Coderieli aforesaid; default having been -made in the payment' thereof, and in the prow - :sides therein contaileil, and due notice having been served on ail parties enuled to nonce, will , be sold by Puplic Auctior, en " Tuesday, the .18jh -day of...April next, at twelVe o'clock noon, at the Auction Mart of Messrs. Thomson & Hazlehurst. on Kingston-st., in the said Town oftioderieh, the followiniprce• perty, that is to say. Thirty-two undiseitied Shares or naris of and in all thatVessel calleil Dig "Jenny Emboli," ilfen the proparty of VanEvery ltumball atoreiia , now lying at the Pori _of Gode- rich, atmesaut, together With all am' sinhnlar the anchors, rigging, furnitme. tackle auni apoarel thereunto belonriug or in any wise appertain- ing. Deed 'under Power of Sale. M. C, CAMERON, - Solicitor for Mortgagees. Mortgage Sale' F . - 64 Shares &Moats, Guns; Amu- - nition .Small Arms and Apputienan- _as, of "Steamer Ntagura. NI)ER and by virtue of a Power erSAle ' contained in a certain Mortgage made by Thpnas B. vanEvery and George Rut:0401, of the Town ot Goderieh, .in the County of Huron, Forwarders. of the First Part; and John V. Detlor hug SaMuel IL Detlor, of the aforesaid -Town of 0;idetidlyMerchnnoi; Of 'the Second Part,- which said •:,Mortgage 'is 'duly recorded in the Custom House- of the Port of Montreal ; &fault haVinglieen made in the due, payment thereof, and due =notice hosing been served on all parties entitled -to notice, will be sold by Public:, Auction on Tueslaylth3181h day of April next, at twelve o'cloz:k, noon, at the Auction Mart ot Messrs. Thomson & Ilazleherst, on Ki niiton streetin siadTzmu ,of -Goderich, the following protierty, that is to say; sat" Vier undivided Shares or parts of and in -all that Vessel -called the i‘Niazara,' then the property of V anEvery, &Rumbalf, aforesaid. now lyuig mt the Port Of Goderir b. aforesaid-, together with -all and singular the anchors, rigging, furniture,• tackle and apparel -there- unto belonging oriu any wise anpertoining as above 'petitioned. :Deed under Power DI Sale. - • C. CAMERON. . w4Ttd1 Scala:or for Mortgagees. SII,ERIFI ':.4 SALt: OF LANDS__ ...._____ United Coantirs or juli Y virtue of it writ ki t cL1 Huron and Bruce,- ..1.3 Fri Paellas rustled opt T IVII . • 431. Her itlaje.sty v =Comity - Court (the tiiiiiedrininties of fluronandBrin-er and to etbrected against the lands 104 tenee- -founts of lingli Nixonst the suit of William Blackwell I hat -e Irvine() And taken ,11 -exceuticur all tile 7rigfir. titleand inteaest -of the said deiend-- _ ani in and telLie itorth igiita lot Eleven, in ilie- eleyenth e0nt.eati.:011 of the township of .1 -Taboret., in the t:oleity of•J uron„ witti the boildingstbele- sm erected ; whielh I.ands an tenements .1 ohalli offer for sale at my ulliee in -The (.411111' Howe Ink - tbelown of •Croderic),on Tuesdaythe .Eighteantr, day of Arsil _next.; atthe flour ot TAelve- etf tee - clock, -noon. - , - .4101IN MACDONALD* - • Sherif, If. 4 ,ir . By S. POLLOCK, Deputy Sherif. ... Sheriff/a 011ice,tioderieh. " • Jin. 12th,c11365, ( ..- At Insolvent Aet of1864.- fpuE 'Creditors of the undersigned are notie- 1- Thed to meet at the office a Fiedeliclg Proudfoot, Bnriisteratiaw, in the Vilingtrs of Southampton'intie County of 13ntee, ono THURSDAY, the thirteenth -day of Apriii next, (1it5) at the hour of fen o'cleek,a.ake. lor the puypose of receiving matemeets affairs, and of:namiag au Assignee to erVoinx he maymake an-assignmeut,undertlie atom" act. • paled nt Southampton aforesaidl the 2asst' day of March,.1-86r1., -- EDWARDFERGUSO/fk FREDERICK PROUDFOOT, Solicitor for Edward Ferguson, ivi.9tarr- _ Mortgage Sale of Lands -- JJ NDElt and by virtue of a Power of Sahr , vontanied in a Mortgagemade by Grorge- Stewartof the township of Vawano.b, in *ha 0011139rd. lixtron, Yeoniati of the ltit part, and Francis Stewart his Wife, of the seconff part, and Wilbam V. 13 nettofesaid Temple ship of Wawatiosle'...squire, of the third .partAdefaelt havin been made in tini se paytnent the of) will be sold on Wednesday, Twelfth day of Aprii.. A. D. 1865: Twelve of the elm*, SOOD7 the Auction Mart of _AL Trueman, MAR : ET SQUARE; VIODEItIOlf, 1 The olldwinz property, that is to say :10 1 nuI ei thirty-five 05), in the tillage of D frantlQn. in said Township of Wawan • ontannnz one quarter of an acre of la more or less, together with the buildings. thereon. -Deed under Power of Sale. IttA LEWIS; Splititor for Mortgagee. Gederich, Ilarch28, 1860. Insolvent _44.•=of .1864; . • IN THE liAtrel? OF COLL r -CLAIR an Inaateent- rriHE ereaitere t ti;e:Tesolvent are eetifiecr that lie has made an assignment of hie Estate and effect* under the Above aketto.nit, The undersixnedAnadgnee.,44..ther ara.ta-z- quired to furnish me, within two months front this date, With thew admit, speeiffing the security thty if any, at.d the ue of it, and if none, stating the fact tbe wbole nt- tested tartpertralb, with the Vonehetwin port of stall thtinta. - Dated -at Godericb. in the County of ft- r108o6.thie Thirteet.:th 4:1.7 of March, A, 6. CHRISTOPHER CRABB. .A.asigyee. TOMS *MOORE, Solicitors for Insolvent. -; SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAND" Halted Counties or ?i3 Y -virtue ors 'Writ et. To. Wit: ot Iler Maittityis iDttiit ol Common . teas, and to me directed egaiest *e t dant, at the Suit ol Dime Elizabeth Bragg John F: Jane, Tlaintift. r base seized end tali inExecution all the equity of redemption , other interest oldie -defendant la And 10 1110-1101111 half Often -it lot numberone,on Clarendon *retry Mortgage Sale of lianas.: Bruce; Which lands and tenement. 1 shall -eller in tile Village orSeutharoetotelp ilse.Coollty or lorsaie at my attire ni the Court House., in thie Itown -ofGoilerich, on Tuesday, the fourth (her of July next, at the hour oi twelve of the clock* noon. - JOHN'IlACDONALD. Huron And Brucel Merl Feriae iftbeed Ott • lands tenements of Joseph Gilbert, deka-, TINDER and by virtue of a power of Sale contained in a Morigage inade by Thomas Moore, of the Cownship of Tuckersmdb, in the County ot Huron; Yeoman, of the first Arad, lo_ William Esmond Grace, ul the 1 own of Goiter- ieh, in trig. County of Huron, Esquire, (default laving been Made 111 the 'tie payment thereof), will be sold 00 Tuesday, the Itith aday of April. A D. 1865, at twelve o/c:lock noon, at the Auction Mart ot Mes.sis. Tnoineon 4. Heel: burst, on Kingston street, in said Town of Godetieh, the Iullowiiig prcipeity, that is to say : all and singu- lar -that cei tam parcel or tract of land and premises situate, ly ing and being in thi.Townsiip of Knauss, in tne-Coenty of tti uce, in the said Province, coutairing by admeasurement ball an -acre, he the same more or less, which said parcel or tract- ot land And premitiee may be -otherwise knoven as follows, that is to ./f.y being composed of lora niunbers three and four on the south side lathe Durham Road. in the Village-bf K.itiless.which said Village of Rini' ss has beeli surveyed from lot number eighteen in the first rangcsouth otthe Durham Road, m the lownship of Kinloss, - aforesaid; by one John Denison, Esquire, Piovineial Lana Surveyor, Civil Engineer, &c., of tiodertch, and a niap or plan astir ey thereof deposited actoording to the statute in that behalf provided m the office of the Registrar Mile 'County ot Bruce. Deed under power of bale. M. C. CAMERON, w9td Solicitor for Mortgagee - Mortgage Sale OF 64 Shates'a Anchors, Rigging, - 4., in 'SteaMer 'Brum' isIDE.it and by vutue of: riltrer ofVrale en- Zersed . on And forming- part of a certain Mertgage made by Thomas R. YanEstrv and -George Rumbellott the Town ofOoderielhie the cJountv of Huron, Forwarders,0 the Fait 'part. •and Joon Y. Detlor anil Samuel' H. Patter., orthe_ said Town of Poderich, Merchants, of the Sez. cond pate, *It 'eh skip Mortgage is duly 'recorded. in die Custom genre of thi Port of tyoderich; default having been, tattle in the clue: payment ther 01', and in the provisions therein contained, and due notwelaving been seri ed on all parties extitled to notice, will be sold by public. At.e.tion On Tuesday, - the 18th day of April text at tweiveWelockenoitneattbe--iAtaton Mari of -Messrs. Thomson & liaziehuna, on Kingston , r : , ) forIMit Moak' TOWS of Goderieh, Abe, following property, that- is to, say ::$licty-lour undivided sharekor piiresot and inall, that Steamer vared the AciBrode,7tInin thin, rig of riltigvert le irZ Runibgll sforessid,.nrg it the P#stregierlfp- illhiereettillienteth tab and,iiirmealkirlebe anchors, riaging,.fartinttre, taeldi anti apparel tliNSOp twin any win flittecreeF" , !Dear ling 11' r f*de._ , _ ...... I. ...t 3, It . M ' : t 2C:,its AmEttox, sehd Sellettor for Mortgagees. , t ACRE'S olisk1(ot321.'-risete Raiff; ilift.7-' `'?21 A - _ . 1 • 41?". *air FIR* --Lpsco.! Terms euy.apeily. to smikerstor. - 2:113,0,47,ONALIY! V. CAMERON, - ' ,groderion. *Vioderich, wittle • " • = Shericall,&B By S. Pot.i. oex, Deputy E.berif. Sheriff. s thrice, Goaerich , 47t1i March '11565 MORTGAGE L - , WAL oNcittll.M., Di.i,440ANT to a Power of Sale rontain0 11. certain Mortgage, made between gi,heet Parker, of theTownship of Await. intheC of Bruce. Yeoman. of the first part,tied Crawford, Robert Henderson and John Ja all ofthe said 4 ownslup, Yeomen, Voreeptent the will of tbelate George Allan of 1 he part: will 00 sold by Piddle itifelionjatib flotel„in the Village ofSouthanon, YR the -County or Bruce, -(.1N I'M eoTfl-tror-or Ann. zsr,ExT. tib60. ar11006 the * la! dand tireinite se-namelet let a.8 e17 con.ol the said Township of &wig good new log tense and kir barns. cleared. - TERM -82.-01104n cask lUld'bilube ss tour equal annual instatinenhi, -with aim per cent iowrest. _ * • - FREINERICX1' Solicitor Southampton, 14 Match, 4b05. Partnership Notice. Am Am/auxin svai;ik -111. last admitted a Partner of the Basiseee hitherto conducted • under the ftrast-of Peter Buchanan ar,-go., ofMaigo*; man.* Co., of New 'VOA Raffia & Co:„ of Utunilton, wSic will .t.ereafter be carried tio-Isyillmjimisfor• signed. under the *anis firms in Massey esti New Iforketted andel that of Otsaistasot,Ilope A'Coott Munition. - -The 1)17 Goodman.' Groom lusimeeen or Adam' Hope is Co., London. Will bi .10 and the underaigeoi finite the Hardware and Heavy Goads et London, in cotineetion with- *eV palest parner-Gtere, Mr. Cbarles.lantes Holicandee the firm 91' Adam Hope Co. E E4 MT WE amIlton, C. W., itarcb 13 -?-.? bus CANDIDAZY.-1-,*er comalPtA.Igittio. V ServioaNditta deii/Viaa_ ~OS go' *Win* toeither nfihn.,fochekkie 0.4Mireterir PrettlietignOire Tegetred tn- It Sfritittt for .4914011e, '48118-1W ThiodA,Mttior if the Aigtigicfn be; reside. _Apprinimig oust stnti.lheir.. 1'ito,44nee'sOregand tretnegnite with their 1*W-ten" fogs tc*Tergreen. 40461-- ity wbere they es.to "nor& cloittieloca5 POWELIA, Liont;eot. t. limaAteli.11(., • taut slOrnsr- 1. b 404 S *TAW Reteth 13 Crow e 0.06 Vona, last t� 'vs a 4 g1.11 .1116-1