Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-04-11, Page 3asednesda. +ter viles- t' English 'cawing. w11 -qtr VIE ERIC IL Matted 1,12 vest fir-uo- b• held at nextrat let Sur: Huron sci that it or _ l twenty days= twill be made Stepson, lata`, pa of Tacker-- Do uckerD afoaresaid d ten years; lei ?ane. mea eletnmili, a of the said land Geslp PS -0- • S• one ke. dsy of l pri` sw63 6t CHO ewer of Sale rtgage made br tome Rumball. the Conty or firsitmat f Brie--. hick sand:: ed and:: made- globous ads - glo ous Ccs Ie. said Town of the Bank of said mortgage *corded i the of Goderichr the due asy- -laving been - notice sold by, 4 e a Nem the A$._ et n=�Tow , that it to say: grand kali rth thee: the =ball, afore. of the klw and&punt of Sale. 'glfer� 0 a writ: •I ExpostaaTasid kr sessietri. Comity Coact Cosirt oi Cows* ageism Ow Daad god 11. tiewarui aide o Ekter lie,X a l` th a right* in east tit t eSe gonia - street litoitb,. . 4 on elm 211 oatltsSu& Park Lards., . sad 35. lade ofeauhrdi!•' L. East ilk a feet of the NotesStreet* or* aids Lot IS Ea lots 31 sad >f k: teasi Nov ogles la this andetiolt,ost Tess- Enbreetyaesttat moon. KALD, skortisir `sunt til Thi Postlxmail tit fat. twit ~ I K.ggp COOL, during the warm weather, by ordering a nice suit of Spring and Summer clothing at the establishment of Mr. A. Smith, which has received a large stock of goods of the right. descrip- tion. See adv. SS Idder vs Ike 11. It. Co. • We learn by telegraph from London that thecase alluded to is our last nes been 'de f, t cided in favor of defts h r. Widder. The costs will be enormous. WIRE CLOTn S Liss. -The celebrated galvanized wire for clothes lines, u a substi- tute for rope, has now been in use in England and this country forsome time: and has proved itself superior to anything' known for dura- bility ura billy and -cheapnesr. I alt of rust or at is—salas ® 17:00 .: traw, per load ....-4100 (a) 5:00 SEAFOBTS MAIkKET$. [Reported for the Staxu. by Currie i 1cDougall & Co.] SZAFORTH, Agri .11 th, 1865. cwt n - mildew and to cold weather clothes . do not Flour (41barrel:00 )4:500:94 (mete toil air they do to rope. Is . is now -Fall Wheat, 1 bushel ....1 :90:80 0:-92 free agent Spring Wheat, bush. tt (� being introduced tbtotigh�Canada; as ge P S _. Oc40 - it' 0:00 inhere. canvassing this town. Itis furnished Oata .................. 40.; ..: 000 at2 ` cents r foot or 40 feet'for$l. Orders '• Barley - . • 0:05 . (a 0:80. ppee Hotel this week :.Peas.. - • will -be b the y attended during -Potatoes .. 0:30 - • 0:351 trill be dutyattendedtc. gay Cil ton). :-. .1¢ 00 a 18:00 Pork (V hundred) :. .. 6:00 - 7:00 Hides...... , .. 3:50` '3:50 Butter (V lb)... ...1..... 0,16 0:00 Sheepskins ......1i....: ..1:00 1:50 Eggs cil dozen} .. - 0:00 0.10 Timothy Seed_ .......... ;2.00 2:50 0:32 2- THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. TH1� MARKETS. . OODSItIcU, April 11th, 1865 ...$0:8 ® 0:87 . 0:77- (a� 0:80 .. 0:37 (1 0:40 Fall Wheat, Spring do Mats, Barley Feas.,.... Pork .... Beef, Lambs. fancies, each ..... tinese, do ..... thickens, pair . . flacks,_ do ........ 0 I (green) 2:75 ,lst.tter ....... • • • 0:15 Pc tatoca 0:35 vt .od 2:00 h;,ca 01_08 flay, � ton 15•.00 Apples ....- 440 .. O:55 0.00 5: 0 0:60 0:75 0:00 ...... 3:$0 (a3 4:50 210 /r, 0.00 0.45 0:50 025: 0:00 0: 0 "0:00 : 0 (t4 0:25 0:00 0:17 -0.37i 0:00 0:121 0:50 NOTIOBOFnEMovAL AN the hat MAY, the BANK OF MON TREAL will be Removed to the building at present occupied by the Bank of UPPER CANADA. F. W, THOMAS, Agent. Goderich, 17th March, 1865, sw59tdtf e 11. STAI1iLEY.: J16. isZFUL IKVE T`t Off. Mr. William Scobie, of this township -,has : invented a Flax Pulling ' -Machine,_ which promises to be of great value both to himself and:those engaged in the sulture of Flax. Reclaims that his invention will enable a boy to• pus and bind over an acre per day. Should • his expectations be answered, a great want !falba supplied. The iniention is to bepa tented immediately... - - Success to the Sheriff1s Sale of Lands. - S. tanley inventor . United:Oounties of DDY virtue of a writ `ot Huron; and Bruce, 1-3 Fieri Facias issued out' To wits' of" Her Majesty's County Court of the United Co -unties of Iluron and Bruce and to me dtreeted: against the lands and tene mentsof NesbittBiggaracid= George Biggar, at the suit of Oliver Mackletn, John. Thomas,. William Irving, jr....and James Macklenr, I have seized and taken in Executtoyi t and interest ofhe said defendants in anddo Lots the right : Numbers i.IS, 113, 114._-115, 116, 117 and 85, in the Village of BluGvale, also= that ter tain parcel, of. tract of lands known as the Mitt Block; and also that cels In parcel or tract of lands which is bounded on the North side by the Ryer Maitland, on the Sou h side by the Town line between the Townshi of Morris and Turn - berry. and on the East side b the West boundary line of Lot 119 to he extendeto the River Malt - land` with any water privi eges- which may be derived from the River Mai land `as far East as Clyde street, *Ilia the Cou try of Huron, which Lands and Tenements I shall otfei for sale at ray- .otfice in the Court House in the f own ot Gude- rich, on Tuesday the Thirteenth day -of -June next at the hour of twelve ot the _clock noon. JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff; Li. Zi B 5herint(K ee,G.xlericli,' vt6_ 2nd March. 1865. E - Clover Seed. . . ...9.00 .(. 9:00 Toronto Ma !tete. April 3. -Flour 4.50 a • :75. F all Wheat 93e a 96c. Spring do 90 a 94c. Barley. 70 a'77e,. Oats 42 a 45. Hair $12 to $17. SEAFORTII�I'.. This place is becoming a deserted vii Ise,- John McBride is supposed to have followed Montgomery, leaving many anx- ious friends behind. There is nothin , coaling in, the= farmers being • busy at borne, and • store keepers are idle. The wheat merchants are rampant mad,, for the want of cars to remove theirproduce. , Tut BtILLOCKKS CUuIQx.` The Vol- unteers here were inspected lately by Brigade Major Baretto. ''One Bullock, being the worse for liquor,was set to keep_ eentry - at the gate to him out of the -way. nay. Oii the ' Major's approach, -the sen- tinel.bellowed, "Countersign, or I'll run you through t" :making -a fierce -looking charge our the officer with his bayonet, who orderedhim to be arrested'. "-Gad; buddy:* said the prisoner, " if it was on the field-orbaattl rd run Linn through rt Puts.—The house or Daniel Moran %aught fire in the roof from a stove -pipe, in his absence, the first alumthe family received was from: seeing-two.carpenters runniegto extinguish the flame; in which theysucceeded. Itis wif being dangc- _ ronsly - ill at the time, made an attempt to leave her bed, and was near frightened - to death. . Newt* Batvlsa Review.: The following are the contents of the No. for March _-;The Rine and Progsess of` the Scottish Tourist 'Epigrams, Spain. ; Tests in the English lJn ivetsities; Topography of the Chain of Mont Blanc; Etyt&TS; in Criticism The Holy Roman. Empire; John Leech. Republished -Dy .L. Sctent Co., N. Y. =Sold it this office.-. WAWA.NOSH Fni .-We are icform'd .that the frame house of Mr. John McGratten;. lot 16,, con. 3,. was barned down on Sunday night last, about tLidntght.. Mr, W m. McGrattea and iiis. family, who occupied the house at the time, contrived to save a few artielea *of furniture, but moat of it was toot. The origin of the fire is unknown. The building and furniture was. insured for .$500 is the Royal. • $70 in cash. - belonging to lir. W. . McGratten was burned with the building. ER:lIileINRs "FROM 4 cts. PER ROLL At. the ' Sig ar' Office A LARGE SUPPLY OF indow :Shades ! ! CHEAP FOR CASH ATTHESIC AL OFFICE IOU WA 'T Ibt SCHOOL BOOKS . STATIONERY AT REDUCED RATES. Mortgage = ; - f Lands two attrg. - LINES • Ox TSL DELTE OF MICRO S. L11►D.- Sweetly,• baby, thou art slumb'ring,- - Peaceful in- thy grave so low; And tby parents now are. mourning For the one that sleeps below. Now they mss thee, litt'e darling, ' it hearttive lonely now W` , Eddy's sweet caresses• Fai ` gaudy outheir brow. • Olt= ie,was:little treasure, -With brighteyes of-asore hue : Racy lips and golden trbles, Fsllii g o'er his brow of, snow. 1'7ow the darling boy is sleeping 3s his shrew bed so loan; Yet they hope with joy to greet his#, . Ia >~ world thaea free from woe. Little Eddy is an angel,- Slow' hes with the angel band; ,& crown upon bis snowybrow, • Attd'aharp within hie hand. Yes, we Isnot,. that Jesus: wanted Oa* sante jewel in His: Crown ,And now his happy, happy spirit 'To the better land bath dawn. 'Godwk* Apcit 14th, legs. 1-4 ‘44 ce Pa et - Ira HOOP SKIRTS ! 12 DOZEN, NEW aTyL� SURPRISINGLY CHEAP, At the Glasgow House. D. BExx, & CO. .Goderich, 7th April, 1865. 5" r r 0 0� A 4t ��c©©c W ig 1 RF3M CA.sama �H Miss�s',GirlS',& , In Black and White Braids, at the HOUSE. GLASGOW .$ ,R JR.&CO. Goderich, 7th April, 1865. SECO MIST Our Spring Order of GraeVineaforSale • F 1E undersigned will have mire fes axle, abbot 1 the noddle of April, a larie .neck 016141, f Orape Vines, of tie following varieties : IONA the earliest and best grape known. pmrib l.L1, COACUR AINRONU C B RI PROLIFIC DELEWARF•, DIANA. Also, a large stock of very fine Plum Trees. (90 different varix.ties,) Standard and Dwarf Apples. Dwarf Pears ! Siberian Crabs, (6 vanett+es.) - DEW mult BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, rte, &o , &c., &.C•, In taarg`6 Assortments f Parties den_ tug any of the above would de well to I (omen' their orders at once, or call ppm the undersigu- Suitable(for Holiday Gifts for both old at his residence, East street, Oad[Etielt. I young, just received w9 4t$p - WM. CAMPBELL. JOHN BRETT, Tin, Sheet -Iron, and Copper Smith, EGMONDVILLE,C. W. Stoves, Cultivators, ae., for Sale. Repairing (Done at Short Notice. RM FOR SALE LOT 3, Con. A, Township of Honick, mile troth Wroxeter, on •H T- - E,GI;,AV EL ROAD. Log house and barn, - 92 ACRES,;28 CLEARED Apply tF. W..'1'EIUMASI Esq.,- B.- M. N Fell .26.1%4. - hsw'v1tf Goderich. •_w FQR:SALE: OTS 1. 67 to 13,77 near the RAILWAY STATION Goderich for 3150 each : - Is to band,, the.. THIRD will follow next week, s House. At the : �- GIagoW =D. Kerr;. = Jr., & Co. Godericb, 7th. April, 1865. I PENED AGAI w7. FARM for BALE 1T THE CUSTOS BOOK CS GEO. CLINTON.19th December, 1864. FOR SALE, East half of Lot No. 17, con 3 Tt.wns_hipot"WAWAKOa t cotnpnsing . ONE HUNDRED ACRES, no clearance.' Terms liberal. Apply Iry the Executors ofthe Estate ofthe Tate Wet. Harriss Dungaanon`P. O. Dungannon, O:%. ts' ,1864. w37-tf THE SUBSCRIBER EGS to -inform hisand the generally ublic that he'bafs old friends. p RE -OPENED in At Five -Years -Credit, or longer if required..' Apply to DI. C. CAMERON. - Goderich April 8th, 1864. aw62w11 - UuNDER and by virtue of a Power of Sale .contained in a Mortgage _ made by James Hart, of the Township bf Wawanosh in the j County of Huron, Yeohian, to George John Gager, of. the Township • of McKillop, in the said County of Iluron, -_ Gentleman, (default having been made intdue payment there of,) will be sold by Auction on - Friday, the Twelfth day of Nay, A. D. 1865, at twelve o'clock, noon, at the • Auction Mart of - GEORGE M.i TRUEMAN, On the Market Squarel' in the Town of Gode- rich, the following pr petty, that is to ray : All and singular that ...rtainparcel it t of land and premises s t elate lying and_being in the Township of W wanosh, in the County ofHuron in. the Prov nce of Canada, being compose ofthe north east quarter of •Lot.. Number Forty-two in the Eleventh concession of the said township of R'awanosh,containing by admeasurement Fifty acres (Aland, be the same -more or less.; Terms. cash. Deed under Power of Sale. ' JOHN DAVISON, RIO] - Vendor's Solicitor. J SEEGIVILLER, TnNnEny.. L ownshlp .of Mullett. IN Text door- to Mr BUTLER'S 300K -STORE, where everything in UORS, &c., will be sold cheap for -CASH or in exchange for Dairy Produce. As - he- intends tends to devote_ -his .attention principally to the rectifying of .- LEATHER-...F1k10...0.S.1 • :ldce.B6 (}QDF,�ICH. G: i1HE Court of Revisfionand Appeal for this ♦ township will: beheld at the tavern of Mr.,. j►1�acnaf`ta the hotel is aawv a.��y R. poaglass, .gtnburo, on Setutdsy the 15th house, outhouses, arc.. day of Aprils lust., at 10 o',Clock A. M. • . • • a^.s small farm of excellent Ti#UMAS S'LOAN.- February 12.186x. For Sale at a Bargain. -- Thereby.ena�bling him to sell a DealersI IS, ' therein will tlo well to give flim -will' Please call and - ettle`. e Indebted to "him. _ Thos must be Incurred at once, otherwise costs e3. Y. d KIRK: . — crick 7th March, 1865. sw53. MARKET SQUARE, God , LAYCOCS'S Canadian farmers' Mivana, rr Prig 25 ants per dozes. CLO 11! Til! Book Store! The most useful Almpnac tor Farmers there's is published. It contains :space for andums for` every .-flay in the year, besides- much esides- much. valuable jnformation, sack_ ....t Cornea Regulations,. Pon STAMP DUTIES, LISTS .OF BANKS AID ii(iiriarl► k Pani* 7 Luis• very faun? .houid Igoe one. GEO. LAICOC Clinton, 19th December, 1814. (wit House- and Lot for Side.. SO�i$ BRICK COTTAGE *nate Southerly pre A. tion ,'Lut89it; _ AMILTON STREE'� AT, GOOD tt -HOUSE ani OUTBUILDINGS, atriteeeent occupied Writes. Weatherald,U..1 TWELVE irsogE1D -' ;Joy nsxt�ars apply ie T. WEAIRES.AGD,#io eritl i or WILLIAM PERCIVAL,, Eq.., Goieereb; October 17th. 8134. swi34f TO_ SELL' 01 Lir Good Firm'lot Within sena narks e A Village of �ptOa, acme cleared and fenced, with .a good log hens and barn. Terms libiieal. Apply (if h letter )is - JAMES A. BURWA tkitdintrailis D, MAC', Goderick, C. W., iaa. 311866• : win A RE SELLDTG OFF their whole DO Goods, Clothing- a Groceries virkooil'aliums rr HAT valuable and eligibly situated property • 1 in the ToWn of Goderich. fronting the Court House Square. and for eightemt years known as During which time it luta enjoyed one ot- thy THEsubscriher would announce to tbe public For Sale Cheap. 9th con. Huron. Amity to Coderich.October 28. 1864. • swill AT WONDZILIFITIAY Low PRICES I To make room for alterations in their prem. Goderich;24th An., 1865. sw67 TICE. note or book account, win phase CALL Office on U ease lit, Next to Mr. Dank's« Tor 200 BARRELS SAL $125 PER QUANTITY I R 0 r•Aloodea, at $2.50 -100 VOTINDIII wig. E. GRAM 1111PORT'lq 1_, OTIC1 TN CONSEQUENCE of thtf death of Mi. M.M. 1 WRA'ElIRRALD. the business heretofore denied VIDISSIX TOO JOT . James 00 A MIL is s of that busined. in the town. • .of Huron and Br ce that he has on band mug be dosed on or before the large por Connected with the hotel is a general store. , e and will make to o _cheap or cash or whole are built of' stone and brick; 47 X 37; three . rows, aro., which will bi sot stories frame d welling • CUTTERS and SLIE101H1 handsomely located one mile from (hideouts _en Township Clerk. the. Bayaeld Read, 30 acres in good state of wigtd cultivation, well fenced. 25 of Well are clear of stumps, with a hewn log house 30 )4 10, and a ceder log barn 40 X 24, sheds, . ALSO: -In the Village of Port Albert acre with dwilline hems. and stables, arc., ore °fibs best tavern stands in *ha. placerand haw long Terms liberal ; to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply to - GORpON, Esq. or - ANDREW-DONO-GH, Proprietor. er took aezount are requested tweet -hi the same Eitra Steer. CAKE into the & about the lstot between 2 and 3 -yea ituested to prove Pro tikei turn away. trogerich township March30, 1666. w9.3 tnises ot the subscriber vember last, Red Steer, old. The owner is re. rty, _pay widener., and MES ALLACE.1 Iffortgag3 e of Lands. uNDER and fly virtue of a Power of Sale w' contained int a Mortgage made by. Joe. :than D. Black, ofithe town of Godench, in the County of Boron, pentleman, of the first. part, to the° Huron bistrict Building Society, of she ',mond part, (default having been made in_ the due payment dared) will Taesday, the Seventh day of Felunary A. D. 1865, at Twelve of the 'clock, Maws, at the Auction Mart of KINGSTON STREET, GODERICH 3.risarr To COMM StIMDIL—A Garman WM. as Flap &elks stranger in Ma* laboring wader a fit of temporary insanity, made= attetipt at selfdestruction lionflay Tait" which nearly proved fatal.-.. me waa discovered us die garden attached to 41* 4.16achaar"_hetel, of this town, with hit lea ana arMily . cut hear' the Wrist, Moeda& i'colmaly sad. weak repel loss of Wool. Bowlbf was linesediately sent for al& simaNdad la stopping the tow orig. Mat* 11,004 -be oncide, over whom Mr mimosa most heve passed, will, it is now. narked waa eormaitted the following rperty, that is to say : Lot B -All those indebted , tO me either by note Number ten enticed and thirty-nine (1039) nerbor Flats. la tbe said town of Goderieh. Deed under Power ot Sale. • Solicitor for Mortgagees. - Dated' at my otainbera this 5th January, without delay in Order le save emus. 1865. waa Tbe above salais until Tuesday, peek* Ulla 711. foolish men assigns ills 4th of April at samplece and hoely sirmigira 11°31.'" "only k• Tk• aux. mu. further postponed till Godirneti, Apnl 31st, 1864. w9 td Township Notice. E Court of Revision, for bearing &Tab agit'oist Assessment, Ie., will be he d at the house of Mr. William McPherson, lot 11, con. 7, on Friday, the 21st day of April neat, at the hour of 1(1 o'clock in the forenoon. await meow ibt Os radiset, sees %tag a . - ----- Pim of fon* wed . end to his -the 18th ot OrAPrilt %sty at the ow tim* JAMES JOHNSTON, Turnberm March 27t11,A.D. 1865. w10 -2t INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864, 110111ir 41. 4IGr 11115a- NOP MU AND 1ST DAY OF ;APRIL, 1865. All parties indtibiedie the Above dim are here- by 110tifiell that all tiotesand book aecounts over - due oa the st clay' of FEErY next, inn beheaded to their Sancitor _t r collection The stock °whiled will bec'soal OR SIIORT-ORFDIT, ON -111PROVO T PER -Carriagertictory ittisild.viabtOrgi. a-'11/*Hrgearr028:11:16nitrailtWt tUrerig*, ingar4teitles, waggon end pipe tr1111 Creditors of the undersigned are rioti .1 fied-to meet at the Ace of S. 0 McCaur hay, solicitor. in the Village of 'Sehforik, in the County of Baron, on Monday the twenty- rth day of April, keD. 1865„ at twelve of the clock, wog, tor the purpose of receiving tatements of his affairs and of namiog. an assigbee to whom he may make an amp meet under Sic stove Act. Sated at &Worth, ia said County of Huron, heads and would begto intimate that be isdeter- mined-to sell waggons - CHEAP ER THAN EVER. 1 Will sell you a waggon -complete for 1155.06 reek, and all other flung, in_ proportion. Allwork Ail kinds of Patmlbs landements med. to order. OXEN 1419B SALE, neablesarroga4. for see, Tiro Yoke of Smite to Ina 11* 4Toira Iterty. Groderich,Sept.12,1864. UM, THRESHING MACHINES Cooking, PitlOr &Box Stoves, - A. geed wetted -band All parties requiriag the IltboVe articles would do well to Call and Inspect -the itock Ogee, as Frani* Rouse and STORY & DAVIS MANUFACTURERS AND. MMUS 41: stevoRrieserbs end comes* oa every AZ OIL 011. MONEY ,TO LEND Erect, Oil feinipa,lze..,Acc. Old 14ree4s, cot.. Pow, fraiwill4aP sad Sheepskuis takes la es. D FARM FOR SALE, Odnitaining 140 Acres QITUATED ow the London Bead, adjoining the Wisp of Enter,. AM dm above two is a good Ose neimird Dam 411 Gossriai,calklialissie.11116141110111: 1116"3"- R. RuNcimot. wit it to said ve,7 Amp, Tas LisPtIsTwaihiP°121ensa4,"..".11:100ossia‘GrilleWilitieLegige.. .17:d is of*. igoy loam anl this- idis:sesambfrfraaGalgteLitt. !cc 11"11111: A074:11. cow tate nem Goderielitowashi :roll 30, 156b. InOtt Tx reference to the above, IL ittieetman will ba prepered to carry ea the businessof and oontract for tha election of all kinds of Ma -chinery as usual. and will. simply - 1 Terms made bows on sepliestioe, if by letter pre.geii, to Tisotor_p. o. ow tits premiss. to- gietior. $50, WITS IWO ft ILIPTAsza "144 Obi -Pi witt ifhyletter DART.Int :Otiitettimr first Oleic Tlignigliarera, I% MUTT- •