Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-31, Page 3THE- SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL.
IV C�;_Sotne oI t1w lii.�h papers assert author- $50, AGENTS- WAITEL,
u%.ely iliat Ilvr Nl-IjvlV Will P- -
:ki OTS ita aVa visit to NOTICEor REMOVAL Grape Vines for Sale di LET.- GODERICH FLOURISH
LIA ta-less, bus Ci 10 11111 Z 1'relandia the course,of tfie Present year. id,migned livill,hairts oil liand. for sale, al�otlt
T' 11iiii-11iniliddle of.tpril. a lame stock of Uralic Villw, Fifty DORM a.
'at ,�uceeft Sarnia Canadian SIyS large OUAr N the Ist MAY, the HANK OF MON I. the i )iluwing varietied
t1ties of turrentine -we now beina 44racted 0 THEAL will be liemoved to the fittilding 10Z%. tilt. t-LLrllcst u,id bt-st gml e known.
Impor- e entire CA. A1JIH(;.\DAC, li it al) -PROLIFIC
There i,.q no %vat news _01" from the o,d pilit tstull1l", in that"locality-7 at present occupied by the Bank of UPPER C0N1t'0RD. Spring Goods. 18650 AND ALL EXPENSES PAID40
�4t i.Asuo. The ctarcoal of the SLUMP pays th _1A 'F particulars apply, either'PW
o! I e Nortb�, taued siuce our la I Jkll'\ 4�*.o OR . further
cost,of Mi0lutacLuring the turpentiti
ihern that freshr 0 F. W, THOMAS, Alm.l.ailarg--stock ofveryfine 11i6m'rree4.(20(hffereW Fasurially or by mail with MOP to
e 11t:%:v&sar7 for The T (:ouncil niects to -night C::jp- A tel�gram`trom Melbour f Jan, Agrelit. varietws.) Switriaril wid Dwarf - Applc.-, t)%vart' l'uars & -J.
ow 0 1 31 . I Siberian Crabs, (5 vuricties.) fully to announce that the first instal ment. ot thelir Spring Da. A.
tion of geucral business. 26, says: A fine comet is visible sauth- Goda6ch, 17th March ISG5, sw59.tdtf FPHE SUBSCRIBERS beg respect
fior the transac 1,;Irti,-s tit:.41 nig ttay of the above would di, `01' w JL -order of Ashfield, Bei, fut 10�0, 0.
at'i u-ite addrew West. It is supposed to be tthWab-,Z' f 18431 for, -ward their nrders at once, or- call uilon the widersigil-
predicted by Itershell as returna6la-e' in twenty at his rt-,4denve, Eugt Street. u.,tierich.
41 Urn The. weather continues beautiful BELL.
I v -1 three quarter -years. — w9 416p WM. CAMP,
-n zhc- a*rn-val one an
.1 -prin.- w. Farmers arc bu-:.ily pre -
.W �e, and say's lik New York rost
on ney o -s sell -BOOT AN. D
C::Y-Tho payment at the ' L16-olvent Act of 1884-
akpear to have paring for early sowing. Navigati will Office of inu -rdei t from various I
0 n at the
be 34
parts of the coutilry ave ilas-,beea ceived and is now on exhibil
open in a few days. rdgus -'I,,--00 Per d.,v. " -7 _-,
_:#1- re
�*r Las bu$, one ITE Creditors of the undersigned are noti-
-t! that amount. W -A 02 N's 1111ILAW
'45cz,ence to the T he value of orders sent o�t from that city do Tfied to meet at the vffice of Frederick
n to- the not ave!1a e on., Proudfoot, 13arrister-at I'saw, in the Village A BY
W. WZI :kt—We'would direet attentio
-1 - of Gen Sherman's
b7itt— - .". r I To raise 1w way 01f Loall �tu *$A
-uce, on U
Of SOUtbanil toil, in the County of Bt
jue of Par' her kille L- AS%C%o
card of -Mr. John, Brett, Egmon� - cotion fleet ha
-,,-rts that. ve arrived at New York -teenth dai of' April,
a& THURSDAY, the thii !11 es' for thd
te' igi 31r. B. is a good worl-luan and Aeser�es in.- 19;578 bales of Upland and 4,104 of Sea -(l$6-6),At the hour of teno'clocat'a.m., complete in all the girades and Twenty Thousand Dotlars
�y ruco ii� next, Whieb moles their stock very
Island corton. There aie vet 11 vessels to Girts' - Mens' Boys, 'Youths, afid mmifion"L
an ezteusive.� patronage. arrive with 11 641- bales 6 board be for the purpose of Statements of his of LadteS'9 9 'posei 1herein-
TIOES. Our, prices will'
--r-terte says!it affairs, and of naming' an Asjaignee to whom Childs' 130jtOTS, &ND So
-receivect from Buffalo a AttOn is stored- at the gov-ernment Ware-. iderthe above WIM4 REAS -the..Corporation vf -the 111;44,
we now bl�we� I&- VV6 have . , (D - - -he may make an assigtiment, ui be toOnd very'low, quite in accordance
houses on Staten Island. . - - - . - I I I -of the times.L - Co ritiesof lauron. ;and Bruce list M-'--
0 etm - - . . vAth tl e -necessity
_rlt -pamphlet, endded, 11�,_Nbrdamericaaische e Commissioner of -act. u
at- the-- ez& t:j Thq ritport- of th Dated at SoutliamptQn, aforesaid, the 21st ed o - �Grade,_,Graval atud,li��WVe g�da
niedicinfiche z�itschrijff f6r -Shows that
is Trak- Agriiulture f day Ma .5. Roads -A d Higgh,
or tk U.
it rch, 186 n wap� with the
in VkRD FE, 16GUSON. same, within 4he Allaid, VOUBty'
I-tinde-2weimi6natli sup- there is an aggreg7ate increase , India ror
ch.", -we :Bridges for the
wheat, - rye,, oatss TDrOQT
tis-che. hei" ;i barley, buckiv heat a
P 'kRzAste said vement
all right. 9td W.11
is in. 18,6 4' 5 are
L gIvIng W&T� potatoesi of 124,412, 3,q blishel
Solicitor"tor Edward Per-ruson... IN
0 ratio-
�utirely vithiii the Count
ratna- 0 T arid i
I. and it' 40 this being in ihe
k VoA, Immumilamr—A Con -
mpo a the Frinich, 'journal
by t1te said lioui irmspeettre
n Chat t ; Swiss -_Col&dera�. f Bruce, the Lo4n or Debt will he' -
shet coataiffingfour. e0lum s of ieadi it is a fact
active t f Hurn and the
ly creatiing a national 1ENT of Wal Papers�. I by the jsaid CQUIIT40 . I U. .1 -
L'illis --LARGH �ASSORVN I i�. 0 paid Pit.
Inattei, takes nearly two- columns of local A� T� of about 14 per cent. �x"uwdf miikingthcwm� efrayet
s out a h fidsome Le 1?AP.-ERS Vi
4 rary wliol turn WALL- is to beid
Thii will certainly -be 'I-frQm,4c -ds, , . . . . . . . itate bereinalter InVy' 0
IX i
at a -M-LLO 'tbk
_&e with a- ems f ioux th Signal, without' So much t eet. per roll upwat kozy f a wha!y infand state becoin- Ys 0 it
-AT TffE -'OFr Sol
of the Swiss
lesbeading t ute power. The fla Aim WHEREAS
by your leavei" or com rilrii all the no said County fit' 11111`0111an. velties- in -this line - 0
g1VeL Us the em cross. on a m eNy York have also e4me- to It d into effect, the mid
t4e Fd&raI0L Ilavy, it is Sa bear -EVERYTHING ve
Th id _aL white Fro iViled 'oWje4 it
N' 9, cqmp
cr&. ds . very 0 f yot, dotet J�uy, it may be :worth
o l6beap 1 --Look iti.4adin's-,)eei,our'st'cic.eveli. i 11 betecessary forAhe said Cor0rationft
go wit
Inpu L. . t iaise -the sum
your while. -
I at heavy labricatitu'r Oit has been digeoircred it is expedient 'todefinQ res
h. WHEI&"S
NOVYLTH ]ITS 0 tin the Gre - Man*Zoutirt Island, ld Lake C d-bn
ERT HERT K2 WN at �.&T�TRE LOWEST PRICE �7 tive affigunts to be expende each Li
omething sublime ia tht, cool i dence
f Twenty Thousundc-
Wt 4� lear it in the'inainier hereit-sftqr menfioned,
1) _,,raoLNrx ov LAYE Sc oo o s .--nd- -Sthanarf
kv to be . improved, it ibal
w] Monza slope- & 0411 - f In-.
--from.the-s*race f86 W7 a -eaule at 40-
lt,te ptzt& Hur6a, flo ing from a Road intendud
SoRplow.—AIL anonpaouA correspodiqnt, 4
4 JUL% nelining towards -the 1�ake, ALE & RETAIL ton% in- th Sch
D� W m 20th March 5.
Glasgow House expendel as se
r of been. skiturned in of tu
if %;AL" -01il-ICE.
ears, it is
has senqus a numbe versbs ivirttenin Gtwhich, itap, AT THE i SIG, endf this BS4,aw auld forming losirt
t J ya with rq- same.
evern- a, pure state, and founc�
a gad Strain calling UP Pas A when tested, to be of C+
fo7r cous*rr dBliCHINTS supr The
AN -u wgpitic
Th w Thousand Two Ht
'r somw -A-b� Mess,,S.1] wich" -La Grave - of. plied at.,: re indred DdRan to,
td . - 0-
1!4wed to. be the fature. 'Ifthe production wdre poet t of �Jitwaaliie all' ; 1, be raw, sl*cia Ame Mir aw
-foytu ate discoverers, ,y -i Asit -will re u�iie' -um Adf
in but little T �q
t nad breath quality. 66 n, .144
nrei� afte ;.�by, of Ss6nd
a. St. Loui�, 4nd Bertheloil, !d annually by
ical we Should publish, it fo Toroo.nt6whole, sale -Ratesll said Loan or Debt and stmv-
for be glad to C hi,,h resn6ct-,%biiity,-- whu b e 11 OT -ICE payment of the
-rivilegre pf -workine
_-�T -N-
'Wallt. Of ad- Secured -the exclusive p, By,oyde'rin from the 4S fti eat se-4so heviiinafter mentioned
draf e --sake ofte sentiment. Ce YQU tu
& so and are or4a LIZ the amount of
ai7 a char-
tlle&eL oil spring WHEREAS
at"puiepose to com menW. L fewlday.5. feted copany for th� "SAVE BOTH TIME-� AND-TREIGHT. rateable ropert� the Assid uWa4val4y,
VlshTous.—We aregla& to7 10 Goderich, March 2 Ist,- 1,865. -tura Increme in t1w
operation's earlv in'the of ully fu
tke - lea lis ar that
V1 attentna toii respectable. familicg d irrespective of auT income to U
same, an
derived from the tempormy
Doit -otioned or may
3, - -s ed- liwire 'f Lanblo
a::n�hmber 6f hi Ulube's - -
EMI ITtim Ditorpmr, OFF.— le
Quebec special sy Letters -receiv Iffort Age8ale-
fiout Torontai Buffitlo, Statfoja 1fP T C+ D:
0 RK sinkint, fund me
me landstate that irt Xerecif according '-to t
t spend thp.surin r with- -tr,� cce,,lent sources in Es;gl he lost "visa
...... PS
to -direct th
at. h6,
-A more delightful summer rtsortis emilratitti were -not pir steps bv--%'71riUc of a power 7of Sale Assessment Roll 'bei for The yew 059
-auses are NDER an
to,Canadi. Se stted for. age inade by. Thornao
veral c.
in -a 316rit, ti�OUS VA11
U a -Upper. 6'' t T - kersinkli, in the CRIBER
no to, be fouad, in. Canada'.k e f4fly.: oore, of the Towns ip o uc B
this. In England all -clds:ies ar SO I
tz� Comity ot'Huron,_Yeornan, + ol,ttic fir�i part; to Eight millions Two hundred &a es -1 offerim, CD
Lord -is that we have n pto4d' and- the other C -Six bundred and Ninety-im"
c krg es A,,KD *%vu
he the- way, what a pity it res -to ein�tr e- jiltbie'rown.-of Goder,
willian') Esinond Grilic s61# ffiends and the ppbl c g�Oerally that be bas� thousand
lo h fins the intsoreft, Aaid�'
-tree, passl�i;, rants. rfie-hi-4h 1111t 1DEGS EAs fr
forhathing i0ber lake. It 'is jeh, ill the Count.y L.Of Huron. E -(defi
tea by stoam-rs to� Montreal' and QuAec'as -t I lit! title -payinent thereof)t IJ RE -0 -W ere rA I aviiisrheenmacle, in PENE n ating aii equal -annini., 81
t;� sold'on Tuesday, -186 day.tlf'Aprili
Wr,Q, the
theonething-1adiisp�niable to, a, viatering ork, is anat'lier can-, .4 1- , jayug the said saw of Twe t This6swA
IS65'.-at twel clock., no(ia-, at.the Dy
-it Purte D.
kc�,J the, AMY pla%: -1 1 -(-)f th' etni-ratits that have ai-rived. blollam and inter�st as hereinafter =e#ffftW4
la 14 were cabin Ali
ud'sincer the 14"Of Januar
it wilfrequire an4ual annual SPIWW.Rsts
and 1 412 st erago. Of these, 65 cUbin ti'd o4-Kingstoft street. in said Town offs oderich, thiti
priftolpca- irote BVILb 1XG.:-,k numkir of workmert are tollowill- propetty, tharis to sav: all and singu- of four-tenibsf a mi'll iD the IUIW Ina
21b, ste-crag'e, passen��,rs_carne-_to, batinda Or triet. of land -and ditio -to all 0
lar tira t certain parcel mtes".1"es to. bo 1#*41
ilemaving' the-.- idialiort-1
�It h6r AWN, at busily. engi�,ed'i� prein i ses ituate-, 4yi Ug and heinj in t lit, Townsi ip
qj,f,Kifiloss;,jti.tne.Ci)tiiity6fBi�ice, in the *aid n therefore ensbtidby 11w orpo"Ibea
-eut a by the conflagra�ion Y _k1l, b,
the goveram fromf the lots ra iage
fir ee, eontairwing loy; adineaiumment. hall an -door to 'Mr. BUTLES 30OK-STORE, here every
Ovin t Ing!
of Britilsbo. Next of AbeUnited [uron =d Bruceii
Counties of t
_T.6turn Inti, t ere, be the same .,more oi
is aft.
u .13ritigh- pa!li
-last winter. 1 S�Ory'& Am the -par e o 0 r tract oi land way That lt�ahalt be li"ftoi-lho Ww&i
Prior Q, the -I e've bait we_ in, in 1862 -there lkere. to _S�
I tr s -three a -tic"
le- c III -blr
petsans it I - Otherwise- known S or tbe f bein
to build 1 -frame, we bel Met1L_. -a flUILL the
Igping _ L� 4td it- the my.' Those of lilts ftinot I four e -_ g
U, _E to rain by iraqr-
icannot say what the otheir parties hxye e ell 01, tfie burlial 'Road, it
� -6 sid 11
th aopted Corpoistion
'appears were oid,-rud 19600 lashes, -arid n tb-i3 iouth. 1 Late ..arK - - _0 . X,dl - -Iiieh i;ajd
mine it. Owners zs. w of.Kinl;-Isq -any personor persons, body or bodies -torpot-_
� --'It is a - t ori�ijjlo.
pi[ty -he t 10
xeceweh The numher of -Men in
TciL--,urveyed froii0vt -lititaber eighteen in CD I has wh o vjjyte willing to advaneii the mime
J2- f
o -e original block could not In -e-up- q -d witli, t4la-letter. DL durin redit of the D64nt#re�s herel%aftis*
outh of the ara Road, the & c�ban�e r Dairy ProduCe. upon the't
J. In -
a"'i ittralier inarke. B 0 3T I . - chcap CASH, or in, e)
ill be -�old
'ipally to lbe're'etifying -of, iiienfioned, a
cial' atteqtion pflile 'n 01
-v to restore I ownship of' 86M vfo
th6if minA, e ro itiloss, afore,�, -bVL One Jo
tProvin nds to- d u
I tile St. Civil As be inte, the whole the a rnof Twenty. Thouss d D
baiiaings as... -pQl �'s thGia at- It ie lee in ti� -, of'Goderich- and a- inap (or
at and beiow
dig- t of to cause the samo tobe Wd, Into
en p
I iii-L-bu, J%
n Avantk a boy it eartrilieTaio 1!�__ io t . tcar ofilie County o Counties at
a -de *d, for
A uud' VAII
Ti lie lars, and
'Labor is- 6eapFanlii, taking all I Ian -Qu: 6 ha. lie E �Vr A�VT E D. -tbe.halfPrtiiidedt theolli _lhe -hands ef the Tressurikr -of lik
-:1 _Itis�dan- rous_m1 -do, -thinl-- af 0
�eutr_A thi& thi i to consukrati6a), vie not 'It I HrUee.. -Deed er oresit the purpom MA
o itill ut a canvc, that'ints been. at. a year. or so pre
power. -:zale. ie t above recited.
-he don- ------ c
or as d Apply at wice to -'M -C 'IT, -he ob
building will Mone in e
iz-4 11he vro- C. AMERO ', Uat it'isball 1e. I t
-Ex-.uainer states. a awful f V MAL
Go&ficb� for ma.-ty year3 ta eame as at The 'Sir; tforfl A 'A'wh 14th cause any _numtie� )ebentures'
r of I
inques laie! in that place Qo' Warden t was rTht b 61',nd bim to sell -to inade forsuch sum of Inpuey 08 MAT
preseatf, tt the b�)dy of a Jucs who diud at re y ena
7 and
XT Ul d t' 1 thafthe and Atbentura
Hogg C-VC�` 41'rf -
A hailband of dece b marrie --in , it e, with th seal, -of the m -W Covoris.
la -e ri required, -not few thau NO 1\1r Lat. Te. fact that t
inn IS
_b1;D"DM&AL '"'
Ward- -loek-in- at tlhinL-saa Boston other.
re aftex her det WarldelL
idn; arid Aigned b,
I U. i'at C _y the imid � Adverkture h dre msthnces led to fit;- j)icioil 0 rIT tht
; of Tojoll r j.,' sjjl�v&c�rillers.w �ofthreesever
_ toe 'it G,;derich -,it - t -the. said Debenturies
sulted. as follows I returr d in ehe Hloss The viscera wore sent. Croft . � I - I awri-tsbn to I e In
Hotel), Lid Thurs- maleapalabb- ten irears z3.
on'Wed o I' c e AND 50 PO 13. UFAULT-liaving been-lint;e in the.pvinent
Ile one day, whic i'e D. Pr
aw es: n. -e ol, gtr itere' after nwetition6d7! Thewuiie
ii3tayliold oil thl�l 6tioned for -OW: By'
ay.- X.Pooty [i Spectq(.1eg to who detected -'the pr' tie I D 'y
Car� part Upon t ands- in
flim; ; cc . - I., .. - m
-I], and'i ereinafter
antl byviane of Pow ofSale itt sid
and the husT, 1. Gth Apt the
'Got niar.*.- we. and was telli0L".;j has bee.n e kni v. ilLbe sold,
�5, N1or,.za1_,e;,, at Publi - Aueti6iijit. (lie ri-joillii of
-the iext t.1i April" t be it . - ZZA , . I - 0 tiny 50 hot t
ale affect 4ther in lAndon' trial for wife muider at r in the.loWn atittlerich,on
d, or some place in Cani& 0
.27th dallof'..Apr h will
do yell, -to give Iiin a. Ian
14' how: muzb� lie remined 'her of -a ro4n-
ma Sound, all Lit ood, flesh. il ile"A at,twe Dealers t ein
ii6u UV
TWAR she used. to krzow' ia Warthart.— At' Z;b. 011lies tO b �d in the.said Debentakiel, Wild
so U 1 viz; ot uniaGer five in -tile 21id
0 O.A.lock, nn"�o -i(,e
A Soon the young man got: out,,.*ar1d. C:3F-'0-1 Lly aftertluoll itat, t, e Ili -hi it ark 4 pt paid. N
I'll - - - " 4 - - attached to theta Cospow fo� *0 101022A
fGtoilerivii i th
eoilgcj;�,loa tit, ibe Towain-hip 0 4et
!4a,-e� ta en gwtoz SINGLAIR & C.
ilin"irit a I -i-I to thu A m wqfl. Please -calt an of Interesti
M k County ot'lluron,-voiltailling _aicreo, hi'
at 0 Del ot rwise Costs set
id: Deb
T6t ibe entures and Con -
must beincurred
L wid, Tji. i
.-girl DD�nf; I r -mind you. at 0
in spectacles. Tering or-pa6ftctit: -one illird cash,ffie badancio -made out in either Sterling,
in 1 - s shall be
%�aybetiv& Nbourg h-tid Poit. -pon
In. .S;dthr - itm; monAr -or Provitici4l curte'UCY of this X�m
dyyou ai ialv�arlv Yes sl naia, nw, Further- particufars and sa.0 111111, of the jidd Ww*u so
the initir 1w, - - Y. so,
. :"� d"', L �. - t
or 6 a w
ie sd -a do rci uiedbyaorueNvorkepribirep. int -r VIlice, It the optiou
ore le M but bi---; -*u s�-nt to, tha e OF-- Ca o, h 18
, 11 =.- I I,- tile I ,�t tlet,-ar-d liad it 'understgfied'. It- 7th Ma tw53 th4t, ibe-whole *mount of m.d DelWar"
Iftry f6r stenlW 'barrel" P3, "t:td. t(i* e. LOCKj AU RKET -SQU A.Rg,, Go4ric 10 WL Of ina -re tr�cl-. . I - - , not txcte& the bift
jhd ruffiiI5 tl�, If. F it inSueh. posio. �qo,,Icitor tc, --the Citi 61 Loadoll Of Tjvveky Thouawd D-611
he C' ied thera, coi-mlool you aill, t, 111 in?" -e teg at it coli
-,dqne -otherwis-! t li�41 ittawt shall be
age- centum per-mmIiiii whif
-o%v offany London, March 25, IS65. (if fl; t'- not it 8oc after,
diddt.-pursoo, te io
6 lie -
Not**. Mort
it it, T�a f -ret was.. 'it a'd by-viitue.ofa, P -)w -of Sale en.. e kat 4"
Impalfwat Rumok.. - �should run T T. ps� D ton "Wye Matt It,
on wid ri of a certain d1ands. OF in ster to _11 ikid"
X" A. -Of J
ed Juic in titne-to prevelit's- 0 Jairf
I b�. rhoinas- B. VanEvrry and, th- -currency T.1tescoundie'sz are wete wat ir -of, tbe 4said'Pib6dtaft4
Jhe Xm6md Gazette,- gives the ni, '�h, in the -64 Shares Beiiz,� unLm:, Alni' -32 Shares 4 Andhorst RiggiAg
'11]�, , ean- M acw:Irrant for 'U NNDETand by virtue Of a Power e
their Lreest.. jits - be, -n jai' b the Deuntares fdo� not . - I O. pill te-it
us -Air eveningr I rumor that Cal,11a rL C3 if Huron- orwardem, of" the First part. us d
�Otlntv F nition -&Aall A.
C of -qp I - 1. .
issLed by- X. tIrilf sq., a -A it -is Detlor, 0 Z ade' t)y orge ble.
arl -iet in claw., anti iolili.�%% Detlor and -Sainuel 11� contained in a� "in a
Dur coutempor y lm3 i the In.: YL wi of edin. r t
motat ait-'th'e' -0 nosho. in'the r ar
'to jUL fll!e, __.�C U Ir
In ttie Stewart of the Township of.Wa* -,.Ud tor -00,: purpow -,Of -
spe:tor-Gen�ral of Vol utee.-Wilot 'Britiain, ig Mt;rtgi-,d. is the first part, 11 R andIT-vrlue oftTowdir oat 00 k;ikffa�
cond part, which saiiii du IV recorded County �f 114ro'n, Yeonyan. of U - d�rE inkmg Fullid for 4)
(if --the 'SeCOUd
liv virtue of I Power of Sale de"tov I)ER, and on * certalla AM
.r L Vie x1erich; e Mortgage ma Dee
i abio�itjo with the consntof the Imperial Gov. ctj�z4toin'�House dt' the Port of Ge nent and, is Stewart his --w1i Mures and tite Interest *1 i#Ao,%%r&
ice del' - been tnq Win the ne pRyi Tbatnas YanEviliry and Rumball, _Terhis'servi stolhe Canaula" ault hiWal, I in A.Certain &1i iinaide by 6W d and in the prov n31fru,nL eniielt of aid Towitv conta i ed- otne due ithereod, an ea
eiruoent;i, to o
isiong therein and -Wilhani of Godeirich. in the Cddr4 OftfurGIT9 said to bee
Goternm ent to, -complete the orgpuiz It ion of vauNvery and C porge )all, tile own
edl on all. parties of Wiwanosh,- E's1flire, of the third Th.-ijinas -B. of a mill in 06
of the :NVe liave Sth atiddud,notice having been seri, "of -tile Torwarders,' of th First part, and Jolui V. Deflor rate of four tentis d T
the 2 lolic AtLetion mado,im he-,d�e Ddlor,-of " Town p� 0AXlericho -tihulfin addition to sit other Was At., Goderich on Tuesday rtitled,to noti-e, be sold by pu pr4� ((tefat& having bee and Sajuuel.Jff,-
e, lWed in each ye
-that the rumor is well found be sold bu -9. of tbe'Fi,st Part, �d Wfii�61jjs4l 'U'Oft", ba raise
Art.- F R- -payme of) will Huzzoin, rward I of the
reisom to believe March in the wife of . I ut theret . be p4rt, d, levitid-MA
ledr and that. there is a prospect of our It 31 1. !" On. Ti'Aday the 18L4 -day, of ALpAl.r. 7 J. h V. Detlor %114 S13 -aided in file CuKon's office, Ot. thi! njjI 1h
S, Detl6i rol
It -upo
isduly re(
Mari of Wedile, County of �Huron durtrigthe eoft.1100*
atibehead o er.-force . AN) W, --day, -the - Twe fth 'day- of.4 iLf 9� I -
M 4;r, ofA Son. 7 at- 0 ore";*faulL4Aiyu_ the said
f our Mi!itla: aA Voaruw twel4e'olclock. nooli, at the Auction. itforesaid Toww Of
otice haylirig
65.'st". wO Te of- 'he cloqk R9 . on, Able Second P-41rt 'is made*iw-t wpv
knowa 4uv. i
a soldier whose acqu &-ilazlehurst.* on kin' -stun M
o T I` _Lge �Js Of them.
4intance witli the citized orany-
Tho nce of"d debentures
.3t of,Godertch, the,fibillowlim AID. use.71d 'ifie *iois-therejA 411OWI
town viour. the
e 281 areh,-by Revi---.W..Bryers.i-at iliat Ili to say: Sixty
661�hery of ngland haspl.e�eminary qualified t�U duty recorded n Ho on'all parti" elittled to notice, will. VI., �'Thlkt this BYX,!.,SW -sull to&&
Port of one
hi*16i the positi�tt. Olt th doutr6al j d�dfuult 1i lieen'tivade veV,,eablic Auctiati4j011 Xi itentli
Tell One of the'. Alloresidefice of th . e b 'de"s, m4ther, Jacob- A. parts of and, in all that Slealroer ealled and comean u Ito Lim
of Van Evpry & and,*-, ue-
thereto. , ay _L4 Of Anciaster, to - Alary jceo,, then in, tfie.6e *nie, t I ay -April neit,, _JL[
y the 181h 4f
G. d -notice _peto
la, the 14wa- Anti the Bri d
_lit Hbu �ed a
Oil _&&
Vort of Gi�(!& -ved 11 eties entitled to i TA I . _L - - - Y.FiTo.
rat�_-WXL-. rbe dtiow linin at the been set esda,
Rumball afor G 0 D 1ZLR I C 11 havi��, Thousand E
"T el r of -the late, , - E n
.,t0T1ehP;:rei1, daurhte ET-- 'SQUAR llittion Mart �df
iniig GLV G harthe M. Alt K -U t at-4he A
threft faresa h singul 1101:ice wil I be. gold by A etiou,. on a welve 6,ejoec n,
id, together wit all and Publi noo
rehobte, to the-cupyright of ibis, fine old The following propieity; that is.. to saI ot urst. on ot..,
o,Ash -talukle and appare son & Hazieh, 00 KLij1gSJ
iorS, riggiaw, furn-iture' Ilext
tau �Ielncident occurn. wise appertaining. lleadiy'; th- 181. da Goderich, the-liollowing,
the followino, � '0 or in, any ar thirty-fiv� (35), in-- tb6 village of
iencalled, th6leutito, belonking, numbe T y 4o' diVided8ham
-Wawinosb 6 1 ion perty, that in to saY,
WiStAfterseveral witaesies bad be DliLd under Tower of Sale. of
--said T.wnsh P twelve, ell the An IKETS. W.- C. CAMERU-N, Dungarindul, in iloali, noon, excZrivilt -fit Xit� T. Cook waa �4 int6, thj� box�, and -asked TH141 1'.MAr - I. --- I & HAleburst due quaiter of lid, hoikoo rtir -of VanEvery
0 ageesi COD "I
111111, tocrether -w-itb-- tlie-�bbildin
'otlericu 04 a -e 'ffdl, - thisil th& prope
(. it he could ptay the tu ? - A le was w7t $olictt r for Kong Ruinball; . .1064 1 1 __ �, _ . - d., - - ore. -or - less wn Of Goderich, Ltibe P -ort Of Gode-
slau- 9. ifi-siti&T .10DOWNIngo
-1860i 4 _61`1 ingAoq ii? singutirtba I)Elilleq, Brarch thereo'n. r owerof.$4-le- he that is -1 togot-
aiply. *4 hoilir irith all a'
Q0 26tbl
AT 4var of. .1 alilka� De.;d-uA P say; Sixty ri jig, 'T
IVe- 4V011A U..
my- Li rd. 1RALEWIS1 fo an -4fed- WIM Itprnal -
114101 Th;i�-f -and apps.rel
'Fall - o-85. 0.87 Shares. or pal ts f. and in. all urnity ,
�O I anehors, riggi Seveti TIK
D1901 r ii. -en i
2 b� Judme 11, --that Sprint, da: - _q)l, 0: t1wreatito belonglug or in 2n7
ILVPCM L Me to. that Vesel called Jhe rara 1, tb the
--aforesaid 'CM on th
Albert I -aeva to -very 014.9g. Solicitor ing. ati4er f4met-60100 e 61bomi. afid Anblield
be�- simple and easy. at11 toN
GLderich, Match 28i 18 5 pr4per o_(VauWerT'&R IE
'�iiiiotvthe'Port of ho iforeiiaid ieUar rpr Mortgagw. mencin
2*3*-. 64t the bow aod"'olin,) Will 0.5, ER OF COL at A. Allen'sTaTertil, N
Barl now eric
CLAIR -.19so
-v_ and haw locK t e wardL rY it?", .(This WIT
W-We41r iith-all add- sifi& r tbid'�ancho
SHERIFF1 FiriarThown,
F�Dr Idirther to Iqjj6l*�J
. n ,
It re-
-or al�i� notified
ived IV am of'laubter.� Cduiisil D hirniture; taralib 4pViLftl t
'0 rp[113,breditia O_ owrattol a 'a
what Is Oar. � Toftz�_Ies 4- 3- - ;0i Beef, .5CF. 4:50 Ais United C U
YOU JL - that he h"a an!`_tiis1l;i!tu6nt of iZonigi4ir or in an wl
decinte a ver &0188 issued out Ell Fieri F
a �$f 1 1. .
e� rt ihoivd-� witl at the Lov
1@ 0.00 etActto -m Huron. and
tatil'-and effiec nrder the-. Toft-14hiii k I can, Counsel -Do. 0:45, 0:
-are e -
the un, eirsigno assign e, 'r e Sale.'- -One Thoum,
It each 50. d And they., ewd iiiiiift fh td I) �=he. Z#"o
to think --arid castin Ge-ese, do 023. 3L, C.. CA 11" lGrael Ro"
hy- U446 lands and tenements,of Jo4epll Gilbert. d6rert-
Iiek i"V Pair -quire .to d
houthim-'with a k -20L d 'Turnish me, wi.thin two months from r ARoApp hSewatho Sam. - dyes "the -aj,t at the.. of J)rA"- _Rga i4gg
-sp Thr6e Thousand Six HuPdr6d
.elf .... .. �O� 0:00
, '00: this date,''with then - claims,
(Ro;xrs do' it en
v - -of. I - I - -
they -bold, if any; and die value
secur or. 1.8 A Tae going North 14
W S. 0 - 2.75 1) c Sb �eufyrth Road., conto
- i5 a"! ass' ytt am ecifyin
h67 is sit avo. yoti- ave 0 Doti",
a"'- ass-*- h - F i ane ha%ye-_4,;ejied-atid t
it, Johd
of redeml)tion and: 64ol ThirtYrf*0
bier is i�hlcbf t4eju(�g�e lid (greert) 0:00 statin- the fact the4hole at in Exe utii)nall tiie"equit.V 'the nor Ity fourth SharD
�*J;fett�atwlt ssstalI4 own orthe-daAendant in sind to to
0.15 rest -,INSOLVENT
at] 'hers -in 891 �alf 0�tio b4l!jone onelarendonstFeet, -jeliomerp 08' Two Tbo ve
ne ' )_ other ifite ship or
d it with 'the'�ou,4 vrn 10�)JUIJX Ad -the V
usand Four H"dft&
on nty ot of the under iignedre -C 'ine betirr*u JT
-law p�tatoes_ 0:35 h the C H... Nor
A- In t ey
�0 port -Of i d 66
Twenty t f M - .....1-1,00 S01 �iie ibel
$&I 11ousand' re ugees, men 0 1 stia i i om-r `1' HE Cre ltors to.
Who I)ated avQodettich.. itt-the County- of He, 3rt-e. �Which.lands and tenetnenV� ihe,offit:eof Ft
It - L - - aiript,
7n . 7 t �jeri&'Pr6uklfbo
black andhite r sate at Uy I to tgeet us of' Iiawickj, eammismag at Daf,#.
0:08 i,tha-Court Hous0lo- in � the
4ea ao4 ci�tldrcn; 0 9kck A D 'Batt; ' -Law. in tnevflla:,e�f uth �jrl -ot a P�jwer OiSsle coo- Taverm
on, this Thirtitiitl(day. �f for. sday,�.ihe fourt 6f -b�"#" at
18:00 . IV nOxt . , at the on
0:40 504 deri�h, cin Tire and bv Yinue
kadwRecte&at Fayetteville preytons to town ofGo 1j)ck in the UOunIY Of Bruce, on Thtirsday, the ti: ' N hour of f �he c_ .1 da _Z%our 01�lxtetirli U t all Eveld, in a -certain AortL,*$�,* T 1b0M11M1fisi* 'inas B -tbre Vtots"r-- I TU
'y ------ -1-5:00.- _CR G"i
catalre-of that plae-'by - Shdr4art's- -0 CHRISTOPRj�A 4". noon. in., for thol �,Tbo -Vaneveryan& rge Rumball,atthe W 1�la
5. 0 urpme.,
Ica. of *,zWng an thli county 0 Hilroni in;
inents Of
meat ua
_T6M,S &MOORE -Sherif make an a n, de Lie Foriwitrifers, of the
*A�jgp'* T -OW* Of -Cae Twenty Fw I& 1UP
ssinee. M�jo�ONALD A fftraw_�_ per lo, A-.100 ft,
part, zWJoba--V..Dv1lor an
tne Lat to whoin ne may
t6.,,whem transportion will beL Solicitors for I sol 'W _S -H. Detfor, of the n the- Hiift zn4 Nitth *W lbeoft,
ir 7 " cx� Nputy Sheriff. and Samuel atoremid Town of tiree
r Several hundred." n vent. abov#. A !srild., the 15th day ond part, whi
tailrera.. ot i6 Dated at L$ rehants, ofthe seec - id Li o *8 K&
eu... ., - . L oderi6t Godehelf, Me. ilon
-SALEt ol�ithitinpton
said Mottgag custom tress 31onroe-oii OXEN FOW *9 6f-*arc�,, MAIGI, Houve of t e isdulv rearried in the t bikving
Twenty lind- T*imq0-wj
wadili bit - he Pon f Dalhousie, 4defittif BoundwTne at
f a onIL
Side Uneto t1w
-w8sw56--;w1� notiee having been se6.W. oil all PArtielli dUtittl0d Oun orG the C
of tWm are in a des era 'for sale,"Two, -Yoke of in th6 due payment thew awndue
MOWOR; - rim Subscriber ofF NO
ive Irears old Men,ih good condition. - to notice, on L 81 OKES.-
It nr, be- Solicltoir,f
Aw etut laijilt Taknershio"for some time elils I rilifie sold 'by Publie A H 00 _j
-18thtl2lity of AprP _At,
4 be 14k e 1toft& i* ri to - b. Goderich 30's IM' )- twden Mattheff an Tueioday, the
T Doddi; - d. Joh
JWL Anew sub a ne eablak :9 a �INOT.Io E. -Me"rs.' NOTHE
li, th6 A h 1clock, noon, at the Auetwn Kan
tarincr _a0peals-
Orourt, of Revision oy e PMSOa 4 Riziehurst; on Kitigstun atm- 4, in
U. SAtfit will b6 r-ta,- Lifine. Poig leyv �IV� �r by�ruut &I Con'
from San Franeism I'lieland, as- Tannersi in th ViII910'- bf
or Jes& Schi oL ille, is this day 4 Goderich, the following JoriiiiijortY,
&�bie ttli 6 of any- heretofore Ben S&
-Findlay� 01,
L 8, con. 5, ibal is to bay: thirty-two sixty fouith -Altrm. of
on. the, beimi, one -and a -be col. house"bf picifie coliat, 0
of Apkil; t a the - -Vwpellk or VADEV ry is a f.a_
& �s'due�'to the, the 10 olel A the wh6oner. ship or visoilel -dilled the 16. W- H.
iftheff itit- -diamet0ii- cont4ining four Dodd n Ss;turdav M-eirrits.-I-1 the
flANDIDA.TUS for.. cominissiomt in the lected by Matthevi now lyl MPG" _01%
maw, coidu IHITLS date, sball be Rumhaft, sroref'a'd, n 'a PPA f It JAW to lie t4kOft into, V0ftA&;S`4,M*
-the Bil EX. otolacri, aforopid. J)eed the JAU616p;
V Service 31ilidw detiious of obtai"in- :ad-- ties of thd 8 we to_ e preset Unger PGWCr lot 1111110, lility of� thi Utitted Gm** vt
c6re, the whota� s0on,&,1y J.D
of the y party. Wija
HUroft and art�eejj_at The �Coattt3
-d the 96hooli of blitititry liquid;Aect-b
the waacow With_h�vy witres cover on to either of Line ef* our
Instructionj'are-'reqUired tG ici D, *SSW.%td
a wrk. qQatiag of codi-Ar an& asphaltilLIA,' ]i ition ban bi ith, dii, OfARIA
*6 the
thrQugh �the JOHN
film t in wFitinj:for such--purpom
nNounk at, -they' -DODD& Sop'he;a, , eVe]M
11-E R' -S*
1W cable - - ] tho division *berein- MATTHE
water. and Briade Major of
rest e. and or 'hearint,
'in la*ffi, -and weioi-t6"to It Y- HE, Court U �ReVW
1*�Mi% 4. Ulf -miles H )AY,
-.40 N C. HOLLI1
'd Vitne�m J of el ns* reiidendi, OR& _W WjON KE'L911-, a&-aina the -Aigessml -ec4stj -,a-* -
Appeili- ptry and t - . I . I vision or 11
shil ainst on at wWb Aw sod 1aw tbo *"W
�4e Toiin; , 'fT9, -�Q
W4 U* post office xWr�ts�,and;p"iire p9sy P of. 0�16iue wilf be,'bold
The -Anessmenti will be.-beld at J, 2AArAo
Tave a -in'theL Joeol- C on
iket"t -in discoverks or Petrolemp pp ication,.& H f
EATH i... - y,, T-th
of L EAlr4WOMIS 0 i, at the hair 16's Ta-eia-, d4on', &tur4a 13101111 a. The
-iiiergyman ormnri4tfst ters RSPAY
attesid for iiw pwww Afogro0f.
M109b TattId have been. round at �tbe Miwy; v 10 orenoan - 11 _-_ ___
owa, cter- .1 PEM ADAA",
0; inntfi Ve HAT ftiiiltis6 lifid, shop- tt�iiijr HS T
' ' - ;, � PROUTY.
ity *heri tki* lif-6 and at b�cf April 1865.iL
ssion, Ist Apt'
river, &S. C
elt, ailrerk , .. -M-1 Q.- 9� _ - count
_,W D. A.- qen U. U owe -Towuil,46 Clerk.. Opke,
1A&Tj&,osL iWd on. _74rapiCOL L m.'POWELUL
W March 27 1965.
wq_i 0 - I G A #A
SILI oa, the
arA alrett on -the p#4ifie - ei _BO, H.-FA,RS6NS- .1-
ODERI AdjutAnt App rt
r6 21si,
A- KE- -
-1 L
jx*ot the 0we c, March 411, 18
01�4" 44 i wi ia at) utild. �Fc _y 12II66fe QuPbe