Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-31, Page 2N
log -
W- E E K, LY S I G.N A�L
TH E S E All
any 6 honora �ii iiieluber,wjiell he plains that fulgiled file- ulles IV �1 May 114"
-a that it is- the itjterj6siti�n �f two, talk 1ol ly and jo act 11olly. The Jloble I rd-' d
at ess the dep-,ir
the mo'st 4nol6ut kAtes of Earope- at the -head overn ;ov- 'rights of the'�himjwhl,
tLe lips of of lW
uni lit, at least -is rag 'bler -South -the res
4 a -for having1 -�-Rn admiasi6n Albli was ult of
1� 8X - ion to Whit ture of six not belim ible to recall it has become 'so by of tfie G�` nient.—Zojlgig�. ve ag]
lmitwdjfio i firmnessa, le
4, Possen from
expr nion. whicb, has fall 4
u r it -Bit, 0 couv Es hat nolile lord France and Adstriii; � IV ben. we all, -see 'these -,er a -,poqsi t any -feelin-Of
id -boand for the. Proviticiul Pebiten- t during
g,jhd ItuAt four yeafa es"sity
i initlosAle t6'--6ny that irnpelldd'this discussion becattse -vote nec 'will' f v or4an J
if a' auditor oNhoke tot olloi icJpali`6lifJVfC6M7j
y the allwion, imidellWe larry a itm
reu s-od-the bon, 1 in North A inerica- a- reat revblutioli, ii occur- ils- to be 13ad a
-try r the ebarge of--Di�guty Sheriff t"t, eat- -in any wity jus Hisadress appears
-unae. ' ___ .0' - -ouse of ld!iidim��i— bidrinto the dinussion'ot the Ir6lquestion,' -be intended
Jradi th" 11 to
T-,)110�k ana a posse- o ve or six con- ving, and that. whdii this is over-, �Undii wil t a Teost -sangui�c expectations ol li. Karlij,�
'. r,fi . na the rote ce iayc� lie-; I d 'f
and 1 -1 onlybe the beginning,- of votes— which -1 thought hadbe0a,141 y, lip se o
"L 186 5
_the a ot herq toafii,dit tc e&b�avbr ad to i
c -tranqg�ill4y is're- (hear, hear) -!4t is -cl ty of thd an - Olt. he estions whi -a
in a peace re appears, add dari; the du t di- ot L qu'
sen be;: e
and intimale % hem t
iscussio _ 11 we 'he Government, or -rather, I s I- .Ber, ZeDeplay Ale
Rou hould JiliCT
an f
stables. i Ve'r iail;jtiwd i",ainst -ilia h, establi U raPo
werdTist tied together i let!- throu'r'lloat �t li wildn a c es Se'to bi:lngr-Ahe matter under di' exe 6ofs
twd..�an- two re,4 y- etly for sayi the people -of some -of Canada and the atlainizicn
I I ' t influences and- (1164r, year t of iteir bbject.
and--, 6uted a, tifal ment of -tile Uni ad '9ta sb * d,� you ivill- find hose Quim niti
P troy'arneld b very re this --is'-perfe !cl�ar parts
-'I great strutrj�le' lint Ogi ll diffe
'CBS t a- contrary, :'am n
)DFTFE'-% 0: -th United Atates
-but espet;!ially since- we have. because, as he -admitted The Undon !)ait.# Xe�osay#
Cnoii,vh flotrii.. 't' Lbb to ni'ming ;iLvery-different objects. I have often many reasons,
-ep*ml after four yeara eXpO Iew n s in modest and fi
J.ijow In hen tat heard fr 'm the Governor-General of Canada himself, tha conauct' of tile. Canadia ov- i to
-wh 0 lines
oi tlIat�-uu itdstdtesin.6ti'anddistiii�,uishe(is camen,
As m hundreds of perse�s -depend, I reoLat at I stal.0 two Years N,1 that in the North 1 American Provinces, tbej erfiment has been such as -to be acknowledged The
any -er. tF 2.yMes"has an tditorn
NFEDER J*N �,.AT- IN -t -.W RUNS- � der ci -unistances A munibling bi a balance' of, poyer 1hearr"
B re f almost limprecedentL i'te
laltogrether tion, the S�gwdl- for news, we AT 0 a in 0, cs necaneirnation- aratefully by the Government of the United of the ' Shenandol&-at lklboura—e -- d
-Goi6rnment has con e.
ducted it- Europe. t be I a -
diffietiltb. that' I I �i -appeared to me always to am about to, call r an Rays,
Glob s �,Quebec, specia inistake whcgrC,�6 toolct ality ; and Ii fdr due, sliduld certaiiily object States As ii ftill -and complete fulfilment 6f the that ter -ipliear to heyl
-Vain a-�rreat comrtiander does u
deem it advisatle iq� this"isslic7to give X self with zreat-�neirgy alld-,discretion.:. -o.the distribu- I A -
Iged W�.hi `h can prolleirly
I th qys-.--11A 'telcgram: received i "nion that in the event of khe termi- of power to confine our vievis to Egrotio to th. 1 -8 non
the Aa - ofj!th*
ot tioil a taxation atry being exp6d. daties of ffieadly neighborhood- . (Hear, ask�d'zny indu ce c
0 . - refil
full repoit - of the debate in'th -Britislil .0 of op - i the Ameri,�, -fiould he speedily e se U4
bQea d neafflelissly on behalf of any nationality but, hear. The liongra6le gentlemarlsays there d' in and the Governor -bulk AMW
HoUge, Of, Ce 'herd en'sittarday froinr n lif -an war we s use we shall nu,d, perhaps)' joalol
redericton, NL. B.1
(Hear . 'bear.) --what I a exis ip-this coOntry a. avy"of the'united ,--thtat of st ritt-
f 0 h 'L Hdlt�& '-' 1 -
bneesL of 0 C0,1 llw 'find, that there are o4 her influences"in-' ther our. own. courimppen 40 9W
xamptis, upon the placed in any immediate d r, I utterly deKL oa-, spirit o ' b
tites4hat the el�ctibu re. urns wore all i'n' _first �of all is tbiS.� ffill States..
1p, 'Cana c st I i , lito collisionwith that Govepimplit ow -in -to qftarters of the iflobe "whigh will' interfew fike-to as -t a ily that asseki ft e itistructiollsoMe M
U U ra.) -'We feel no jealousv of th) United -buirial Diploma
w P4irliamdnt I olir c. nettioni.with Canad.t. tique of Paeugitiw-
The s NLU is 1 0 o. that de ply 11MA that rties In` the new (flear.) .4 do to-d.sturb, our calculations. : It seenis to -Ina Canada aftackL.tll& States Certainlyn.ot. (Chlie. The Al -
pa Ates -a6ok C-AmWa' - keepicFE * States. -On the- con"f 1--sm -BuTe
n n to 13 1 war c a Mexican governmen
teresta- :ever w hat ibis ' -in Ameri ;i, has rapidly priD�cipiit- Will the -St
Y loyal. Ca adian, -and We- -that or -an ofth
--not pretend nvik any opin - iowas d bman mast I' el `cd
WoUla: itand L,8 a ti- Confederates 'Pj 'It abQws 1 - every E nglis -1 -d t se na irmesident, Lincoln',"'
-t OfL view-Mto-�the ee . prcui
feel confident that 4 terances of' the what miy be he termination.. a vesea ated, the. chanwe.-: -us that the lan out of I r Certainly, not.
.-lid tit a otcs yollod in. Th., Lre is_ not 'a AS' Upon the her side� 6f the Adiindo a tommu- the emplire'of Maxie
Conred6ra.tes. The tot I �r meaning. of "Valance of power is a -min in -�nited- tat- otl
appears to irle-to be- -quite - - '.,propi,. . - o, --
n s, contest, its it. ror " , - , I 1� nity sprang from -fhe 'same-raceary as our-
Eugglish nutho tic ministerial and oppo- the �Rrovince as the xcedn't electio eigni 0 the questibn underdsetission but-evo-in sabluity for'-comfi- probably, iyhose voice Would haye tllotmai'
ir erem- The Arm 4Vav
W itinities in gergeral.agallist. y an4 I V In";Vig
a predogninant and partic selves . rising in the Ee�nle o'P civi tion,-Pud asm.0
-Ati6n wilt meet with, a' careful and iltelli .' - f i[jf1neace,-wh-4L'Wodld rebomalen(tor dosire Ill ch'better JxgweW
V tra J� is ultr Powergand that eS LL I
A nfed te ticket, a --little. tinder assuln'iii4.r-tliattliere.-3ult-iiiay'be JggjehL
n an
y'-ou, have -to take- Ili o your L consideratio' -roe of prospefity-aye, Czr6at R41tailn d,
IL of r, � "'l,
SentJ*rusal.. Accustomed as -mi uti 0 ant;cipat�gl by the bon. member &C-Brallf6id 04"n attack sh6uld be.md4e by the Unitid attaining every de tile power o *IRS-
jr � ft
are -to PM, -
16'000-- for Corif of the LU. S. 9 arid influen ces -thatlire not*to be,eount.; States on Canadti` with the vie-.v.,of its forcibl, , and powe *all 'as wealtbl. (Hear, myrep4-eatpdt Ille Unite=z - - L ...
I - I - dbelieVe that the citizens State -d States ^I t
ederatiq show-
te d in g5f m"ost legis- JL irely" deny ihIii the
the cruditi 'hiflild'd I do- no -lie Viii6n. - ere lgeqjr.),� 1 --therefore eat
-it. is �im, nexation to 't re, orihe CLVI war
-even tirely�.and com'pletely ed, a n. Some
a very-fivarable, resttlt as far iis pub of the XQrth, -ifen Mon,, thd European Powra (Hear Than it had werU jwo,,
)a wers, ai.we-know, beed in this country any feeling 0jeal-.
on, this side� the Atlan tic, tlie lkigh- rictorious, *ill.tect 'inclined to enterup . possible� noiwithstanditim what honorable have been dan onthe fron h�a -Theend,�f that war is zot ye; bat a§- 4aa
ti d d." rl 0 1 verynear a
A.011tunen is oncerne Ee1janadian people have been ofilly as�re-gards the Sitates.
CotrlLe - nd edl
ly-LWith a?oive ge'ritlemeamay siy about the ...char of ti r lately. t -baud hi all �Ijjiinaa -probtWity,.
idered attil statesman- another itru 1111mediate r acter
t6ned careDully-.cons rs
-f The South pool
net o w;aer. th e In truth 4U. spij@ii 91 M.9
iniferior in determin-atioij. --narasourced"to theUnited States�to conceal t6ttlieteisgi- an some memb of Ciii House, there Are menivr.ho4.diffbrinw ni-th
gentleman. hei e.
like. speeches. of! %Hr,--Disracd and Lord alltiray Acir dvnt nea a 4 ir theory' of goverumeR, everyw exic
r rant I the'Southern States of America— (He�r,hear) feeling aniong those influential - landowners to or -a great many. -men ar 6iit the richer classes pt la. Virgini%
atten. ford �ffic be of this coaliti, y. �When t0 refiiigees from the affii4ied,41j. thes -lipljrobatiloaL which tail, -only becauseall tho. bold -W&
Tallnerston cann?t fiil,ta dv-A the. ed there
I form that.opinion.1)ecause I believ& that ilie whom the� honorable gentleman, th6 � in I
BirAXTFOFD, MARcu'29 18'65. table, termined mert'iff Ilid South am conceit
hafbilstlie-ttial dn the,76flier-Jide'ott,
-d, rot rr4, it! -fam. 664pe�alidtv, of the re4e.� ft
'le of the Uoited,Stites are' eminliatip a for Bradtoi C Vi i re iai� Europe South tralea
racious 1
qag- !iSlr charao.ce.- -1 will not. aav -that 0 Virginia.
-ion' atic1convince thejudguienfoh pi�ddts The stock`�x jiussed here bon rable' men-Ifront- -tgo� South Many of litili-o�aijslom of government wliieh we in.
t press -t - rain, ' which people. Jdon't think , they are I ; n - of' a pecu J Ir
d6 not think ia the best orthe most couducive tip- jbL
at four o"e1o*ck this morning, was thrOwnJoff Tie bolsters
Of 'they look to -01 ngs,-of
of essential importance. Although there. sensible. to the irloiy. of -great dominion wrid d Ai,�dropb with :feeli-' whom' have.lefs7 that. country during their e ir,=
filess of thosI3 fdr �ivhoia 'it- iiw cf it; P' -by &cldFiqg at if wi&
the track about half' -past nine a tail e east of 1.0tibl'69, add- for whom- I'fael the greatm - 4 th,
ixtedded empire and -I epithets t to CIL J)
, �0 arty
'wore -a few who, like,31r.. Hovre,, *oWd- give th It' I vindictivenem, because
. o iien e -a-ro-: Jea ousy. or;
0 can. (Hear..) it that is an entitel liandred Ill 5 -men
e, in conseque w ich and - words 'of thah - kind oughi � not to be on and Tetreats into the,'
wlvl"'r on 1i lie elf
t At for bein, influenced -by Pas ons, i - but- 1. -m
this pla,2 -ice. of the egt tommiaserilt! n' tfie estaibliih6d
r- to' let the North �Awcrican Colonies. oil a flar ga r laden gill In' -�C'attle ffinas from om differtint thin., from the feeling which tile s NortIferti Georgia and
prefe w mber. maukind,and -particularly nations which wessarily aged with resfJect td. the: rela. ra f -the. South of wh ountain recrion - -of
unne sed (ae Easterli j7 -0 Lfy I __ -
pialiteen Ufcattlii,- one. -car of t"ato 'he F
flill, into the dims- of thegleatrepublie C, on 0 ween na ions is undeniable bonorable gentleman has sup? ar,
out I 'j" - L -'- -- . larwe numbers hay' eat -red Cadad i, and _0 oudemee, he van:de
joy such fi-ced -in as -they do, fflcir;-Ijear.) tions -bdt t, -but it ' . . a- - V
who have se
igs agid One of er -were throw off -the ae hear-�) No doubt, durib -this contest in
''without a -sigh of regret, it -will be seear But'they are a sagadoUSL people, and I don't t;lat-the:' Utifted Z"tates -look- to old Etirdp L emselvesin . our- of CaL and carry�oxl the war for 20 Yeim.
uracli-4nd sinashed upL- The cattle' car .. . I - 116:1 policy likely to- d ad Ameri there. � has bde;"6x and 'The fdilu J - nnoun ' d - f The& -Swil
me X with a 'Want of sympathy.- , They --have us 'with'tho.. Ui.-ft L perienc ' a re is a cc 0
arri d -that .the 'think theywould seize thettio i, at of a hai.s a the Xprthand
turned upside down and ..eleven. of. the'S
being thi moi lipath with a Codatry that is gv ;�Sltates-lvhen tneyeatered Cagirda the Cana- probabV.feltbolll I with -i-Llabifities
4*, �hat the 'condlasion L at was tion as t fairbrable f6jr the p- us sy. r eated and L Outh, Big1jeei mercliant, in 1ondon
-all, handir and'as a cattle ivere killle& Tke track iii, cleared i.-titatiOn a:f4%ust this country. eding.; This failure is
Rog a eels -bound iii w �ecutilln. of an egiterljriie�w�bich wotild reqn" s6tainey-by- i dians tre�ated thpin, with- far.too"mucli 6o'nsiderm. sOme But oi a.
Iat radition'; an nt 11110"s feel- said. to have beeu chief
ve-oclock that irritafior� w"used 4y the &tural
o traffic about twel -mpthy -that.
groat resources and. i. t lj�y- look with a) is y expressed very openly opi -ieh two partiei quarrel have, that blockaa fed to tL
In9tter of natio 61 po�ljcy to, defend L reit exoirtions..' There. to-vdiel ations. The ly imused! �y Ion"
are other reastilis'Which induce me to dispu old 11' a* I --have al' ays A on era pm
hosdleta the Ufflied State-,, whose power lay in - e-runnink atC
-hem. ve -not-
'British Am6rican Colonies wit -h -the W Hear.) - It -is ltot The 'United Statez, �ha P oes not espa -either D. 7 Le'wis - -,merelaint JorAon I=' to of iArope whiern.-is n Civ
att _Pxarrow ESC:Lit non" J. A Aisia theif'6o-glduct. ,,d arty who d
PC p1lin 0 1;ave, not been 14fluienced in ob3erv6d
;�gralgist a suspended forinirae
power it is 4ible o know The Cana,, -,ireep. doin a both sides -also d
of the t�pir6, ji case in,, my jtgdmiient� up6a.- poins-� of such itilite clear, Ion impos a Syllable to say C hadai si e. is, to a certain de;
torin V. - .-
a 'Ali injur ejn, sadi m larme -amounts 'by the Confeders
va§i; im- ort of rowdv rhe -p rOna *' , Y� r giing th e cause of co aim
I - . - - - . a L. they govers
st between the 17111ited
-.oftbevi gh aebeci Ilarch. 29 1865., ortauto that -s' ..tor. what'rielations may exi dian ,eople foubd they. were w
1n, tte fw�e ery hi- round taken Q - v igilit- mind8i , And laint or of p4tcosy. -(Hear. boar.) -The m; Imiond, -on 11eir fiminew
donald : ossing tEe ic which'bas"been expressed at. public Meet- -dapen.- aTho ffon. J. A. Ilac -in er States,,'this country er Males"Ws
l and H ha e now- retui6ed to their r'
by leadin- mind *6 apprehend an . tjc� there. is.notwinfin in Canad atthismoment, North wishes us - to'declare on their iid. Ca, fl
fe; verpool,Trebolm J'=VJ - ter mods
1the- train,at, Point. ings :and'An. certain- journals in Americat; At] a the at'
eveni*i dendes- on the ;side of e., gt�
i -ate ay" le L
t tf e- Manchester' ided that the- .-South wishes ui to declare on theirs ; and, as del Sused aeceTtance, and alowd toU.
fro& Xr.- righ ind, *aking these larger: vie%is, the . i - it, wd- ouwK to t
ry narrow est -
Levi had a ve ai)6 from- rolkyn and.upon which.some people in this. country .1 befieve who lifis aily, kind f
we a perfect neutrality beteen
very 114"The in. which be i roke found. t eirconclusions, as . t vernal
r ii-flup'near may ber Abb a protested. -One draft. aloue'm for Mt M
politician Thei er Unitel States Clo cut -has mallest
h the possible -coligid that --dot, to -morrow or -next year,
let n 11 0 th--at any the ttio� s6me,shilit-degreib-of irritittion &row sterling!
th of very ' 646 1 f attackin now or The allowed catwe it want f Ad;
the: nd ith somb: ditrwult aeterL and opinions. of the but that we are, Qn. of events
t -r, g a was chat American peo- e. eve
powerful, burwhen the shrewJ, common- live to. futdre-ttne, on ticebutit of anything which has onbothsidesawimstus. earibear.1 But. audit isassessed that thirdraflis t - - -0; W,ruiliatelythe h6nefable geli- p1le. I -look - upon -those ei-oression of - opini n great ingporlance Ths question we.. h'
am ean My to -lie ov7er be A;re w 4ys.
t OL serious injury.. as.I.-sh sem strang ry-prepared to erauadakwith the. ho sense Palmers on and the brilliant, philo� � t a- au. &red u the transpired - betwodd Canada' and the Uni liorablo -expected.
Id look upon' i - and -ask ourse Yes is is this count 3tatda . ye
of which . we . ear so I? ma'ch-, renouti er.. t war in vi -House of Lords, oil �do 'that -among the greatulk a the I -n
atitic drinks ce h Amencan,dependeadiies and h4e comes Fhich geg�gticdla . the sophical Disraeli nnite. in - pointing out a. f h 70 taicitliere-are feelia
ave; olonies; or arq. Canada ii�ia;be made -a victim, it will ba a United S gg; delepet, than Lord Stratford de lledcli% -0rew sumfiod 40 ignd whieh, are such iite 6n the thir c we. it) retain that tie ? Now 1 3 - . ' ' ' �%r got up -beiWeen side ibf -the a -an -f -svf good will. toward the rrneg�ttations. rispeefmi
definite line of' polipy,�-a -'pblidy vihich 1�1 Ail titic- ("bear,. hear "d if these colorgiek exprejaed a wish to separate w the Government of that irritation eefin
hich teir ancestors were
e Government of London.
the coup -Kw
the ..-America 'codiie6 they Oreferred,to bea 114 wit
accordance w eL N lati-lier) 'and 1 -should as -soon suppose ibi lit tion and if b asbigi--tOtl and th boundazies of T rkey 'and Peisix, nd
ith the ot a vast t .
in ij connected [hear, hearj- and I a:m-satisfiedthat risks -of pe - e therefrom
ion of the real. -sorbed by the United Stateg, weL
0 t_ ter
r6wdy, rh6't 'riewas the irprest, and it Pecomes us,to enquiipe whether that f a disturbance -so
of thii people, poltroonery., -if Jt- r( -tbere� any hen, this u test shall h Russell expl ined,and slud ftt *
feelip'as of the American initiate our connection with- di-iflit git�a D Aable� JIB bod W rif6irtutiato con ave Lord a�
PABLIAMENTARY -DEBATE DNL T.H'E' -pebiple as that these 0 y and -with- 7 in I ie belie L UL
But if Ous -w -t 'the negiltiation ould be rAm
t'. all-- will cut b elm
0 A a war ? And I will ceased; hate*brits teimmali ved
a poor H a in favor of kae he natural
shows, itselk -a' 4t potitY ns,figgined-the aliment 'und nutriment out disastex;. on the ther hand, those Which
take the libia feeling of good wilt relationsh Joi
good uews-will have e-indie genemlly7-ac- - rty n e pw
trust the, nother icasori -,Why are', he vi -expressin by the o d f th .M0JXtJL
.60-. NCES -OF CANADA.. -a "
rq. -We DER ortheir bodies. ' Thereis iews tw"i h ar of tilis opinion, .-Lora V
ursewitlL tbeudoptd.-�-Tle. cept�&-ij t eir -sh t f that there, has nev6r been in - A4 " nistration ouffht to prevail'between the two tonswill In -the Woo �f 'Cotamons�,
this violent co h re oul-i be on the pat- o,
ofenhanci.I.K. 6u -droo iing - . .1 4 � . t"essineg the time of the pla ation
the eTbat . I n the United Sta taiZe t ce of Any- temprary ifrit
mocra" ftiiot�be coiifdund- C , ada and er -North '.A leaff I ston, in* reply 16- 20414rift, said he de of America mus an. thei6th *F -1 U - I -
seCUrileAL M -bt - -- Tell p to this --hour mo�e et re
th 'E6glish -mark ationaij wawhich the war may have occasioned. . Ellear. the was -kreed libor OW oh the $am
ld'Wod to. form a e
I I id deep desire
ad with the demooracy'.of the 0 d. It coloni s aL si at -lice With all' '.foreign L at _a, -ces, 16 f45A)e hear. -quite safiAe also -Abat Bug -
if d d develo,) its rei tireli.,favorab .1 canal worl I.
is I
would perhitpif appear selfish and expose� Ca ada to be\. De cAdc jot formed. of the scum of,turb6lent cities, considerable State an Qui
--to America an� just cause
d 6 Ily &vorable to lagid yvilln6t give *ar
JhL , quis.11artinton intr4ioduced e
neither isit. mere y"a section of an. e agisted lind t6 preserird the patronage and aid bf- Emr- co liries, an mpecia
e from batar will not Oroceed from est already published.- I he
us tAy the dang ing a r -,mature - our , w n w peace wl, ment in tes tow, To-
er ofreceii . ebuk laiid'until thit hi3 e'sball th this I ern.- of cmplaint;.t
mildle class. %,hich.'sp66nlg%'te8 in stocks I . y, than the Gov I an ks
of which-Presidentlincoln i our side, d if -as the bon. gentleman thin ductions is 4,00 woni.. - T
U -pin
sonigbod. were we to hint thata, liberal In the house of Commons, oil the l3th calls that prodress. (L"Ouglehee lose oat-diapengletiev.' but cralrl a permaiietW i th:6 head. [Ilear,
rs and laugh. o
0 � . -- lj�ar]. I will uhd6rtake to say that -be est it does nojroeed from theirs 'we W" Jigmedo4
May. a - . in
tirch ter,) It -i ajerritoridIdemocra if I ly and frienid .1 i4'e:n. it we'll. WY
w ed expectation thr-ti'L i Mr. Gregory gave. notice It
�xpendjtlkro of British togeth�r of X !a be trie greatest w I foul 'I then
ey) a 41ito L' of W lie ihWi
i - bb conceived -for ict itivesti, r bat.- has taken place have "a
palled. atten use that epitket �without offendium tfie 6 -lit pul-ii cal bluudcr that call
byL F-ITZGEIZALD Us appearances for- the juoment� an ear] day, ask what �jteps -the gorernnw:t
ith. the, sud, voted ur awn 1egisla- * - 6i of adierse
ho6ofable wen"tteman opp _to relinquish and avoid -the respond be unable lto. point to. a single waed he.
-Colonel Je on
Will to"the repor osit�-. r, an
t of rvois (Flea
spent on the clef -m of Canad- 'b*fity P�esiderlt Linedla- has said,, or 1� sin -le ligge and in spiteflle PrOgri0glicatiOulf-Of 1111111111TY bad taken to protect the 'property af Bntliehi
the frien iolati5as. between "this-. c
ene- df--- l3try b'
fenoes of :v; A for laughter.) Aristotle, *he has t. -,lit us ino t. ere9ts In: C oj� igloaet e has done y-
twel inada and �ske o .5 - 0
- bear.) It, h.
the de he has written,' - w 04 -su Je
ce 'his fi-st- accession to power, that'. 2
means of' of the things we-.1inow, never -s id a at th-it. present nlothent. (Ilear,
be b&6fittin�, -oar traing at
inforination with reforence thereto. After . a - Sig) nd the Uiiied States wilt not inpur say real cl"e ofthe r.
iviseronethati.this--that tht- cultivatori of from7cousiderations' of expense, - we were, to
Clearing, himselffrom -false ittiputati6nS-in th,L to aduSer -of intpirruption. - (er But The Vivneb S�n -1-40 1"-- ger or passion or ill-lbeliti
ons we�now og: -North
md laboriu clasacs., g betrays that an, ate on
the soil are e4east inclined sedi on and 'quit the possew wapy in g
-6 U Ir aphs. eto uld 6e-ih
y LL -. 'I L- � - Tep 0why-weiho , not
(E[ear hear o , eing MCI]
vie ent courses. w b' - America -it-wouid be ultigid�itely, as - regard,, wards this country -which. some p3ople'be a
takin,4 -tha' dors&, and�-- diielaimin&- -an 176 L
-imagine influences tho.brm-ts of his joalinet. means-m,ongr power to. place ---gur fellow -6111- a d bate x n the September -10op
il 'hasl our-resources,un&lke 1,41 disas
-'VJME ST. ALBANS RAIDERS. latentioik to atfributeto, the F ederal- Gov— a territorial democra"ey, their characte %alth �as'fatal e
been formed and influenced in'- a. man
141 a is not for w zena, if I may, to call. t6m). in :Canada -and woutio between France and Ital
6ft,'Caaarl -Englagia-is ad
b irons a a p as could -possibly be .taken. 'he
the poDple, generally a spiri ner y 4i"warg if t the Northern provinces in, a state of dcf�giceq � Speeches.wereid;kde in defeaced-1
e- four need, not n, ar, te
ernment or to SU(T- unietp-di -thiak. that thes ot f States are -not for
-th6 pro ' -t y -with w"ich they.are co
JUU)9Z MUTH DEGMES- Df THEIR FAVOR. of -thiA-country.. he- PT -be atta,�kied-* (Hear poiAl tojy papae
i . hear.)' _e"
art,. whencie is the wa h_y and' Ahe'ym
'to have lost - it6d r to come ? fHearltear] and bythe pdrsuits'they�rd. wi and a...scase that frdin -.the f
ested c6rtain'po8jibl6L Col 7L - - ag 'recollect security for Ild
'ntipgencieSw�.ieh Ily of America -have Tliet�e isno better peace, t!aan fihe Pope w1file some 44.trA
bic ryears we, w�
of resp6nsibilily arising from the real" r 6fst the a ort! Why, going kfog - o
dge Smith. Of 3J64 -L might L lead 'to hostilities between' -this 01 . . 4. re strerje�th L to resist attack, usi
On� the 29th'inst. J a ch influence theii not beed considered -of: the -iinporz what occurred when the news arrived he' if ttack should the Italitin government was kviliced.
tieir' 'pos::essions- in.Ay -ma r.) That is no. provoca A Vienna rublished
tHear, hea potio praeoled,tu
pol tical con t. (Re 'And I beleve to whi -now iCititihed and which is -an f 4eims, to u th t English A='bhssador -to the AustxianWt;v
country au4 th3 United Stitesand'" nst of the first hot. come.
trod delivered judgment in, -the case 'due- ar.) ch th6r have s, .. -,-fired at Fort Sainre
ore A thjuk 4al wa t the 4th of April, add
iders v, e-sai: sait inchited t _ w ome in attain. i004
h :aL__- they are very muchm o fro - tlie fi-i I e- 1161t. they muyst
the SL11gana ra whibli; hiis been 'hich En U d L should. no' abou Edgl prQ'
e(liatel �after it, was annoniced that a wheriyea. employ -means to prevent. 3anger in w-
-her eyes nor disre-mard-it. certain p'r*oposAl the returninglaborera.1. their fields to: 'see do iot Nisicto 6moloy taunts, -but I farni: that imm kiii
r g that anger Vrt& L A I � 1. 1 1 1 Minster was*eoJAifjC'--- d and ljrritlidr-;�, Visional state of hings in 1" - Dde, ie4, pron
-k 'week. -m- fr the United youare proio
amade durinX the e'
�ee iit: Confer.�ace 'be� al.*ound theOibc.produqta� of t%e earthalid-to' opinion. from judgmejjts� which li, ve been 'DW y agai 1ded1heL)'i.,hj 1h
tbk household -4 to expres epai j.. of c ICA jDf lip P"
jadgment nearly four 6ours7in t , f sed 6y-me.,ucbers of Her Hajesty'g Gov- -States to this coantrY.. AIr..- Wlas. had
Th� the behold -hppiness nthose. re- th t ast.w.hom these procautions Schles Rt
regl' the. ColAefirvitti, agents- -and, atedliat, 0 as- -1 not . r,Lepresent the may be-iiikem j Heir, hear.] If -ti4aaimos1tY Holsteiiind -Grsii" ..... furittr the la prosei he ofthe
which they- tire 36 .,nucli atriched that) to in.nmefft st.-four -year& -- I - I
ties. U Umr 7"eri aje exiAts, these precautions 6an bave'-no ct -ed- by. Austria'and-Wabeia. the delivery, iinci it w ill ofco1=d,_b.e-JM nder thesa cire Go' it tit -northe n PrzaidentL he etfi!
Fedgial. authori'
-t4e -ofa n'ew*and'terkble jad�rmieqts upon,.t in Aiiierick atlif
impo h ew Confidenet, in Th, plun-,4 into'. - jnis2; o inspw!lg
k to have possible, for us t,6 publLsh more than the as of rtance- to. loo. fw- would i4therno.l. dertke anyfflag' of except that If eeLiverPoQlbrca49uffdmiar1 -1a:;ldiet
war. (dear, �heai. Lu t alth,m-h these its -prob -e I . .
./ fiene , o- I n -whose favor hey aromade. [Ilear,
are my opinions rall'y. c ot gojiceal -t -a' in.ost, part,; inco sistent., eL HM
Teeitincr -d' A at his succes. party. in
ThtileiratitIltidge, aft6r the' -lrcnc'a -, of _Canada, upon 'which On day -wo gortance� It: wasamiouneadL
the event of war the first. -blow, *ould ihat very. . &eat ha:Te w�retold by-an'emin�nt member oLthe Gov- h hear.] � If, -on th there be Ais -X RiellerEoti. SpElite CA XX41
ad R -ft Nosy York Lon a certain, day � and thiw haddL eitsrs.
from elf t . . , - -1 . .- A 110',
,yr m, 6- are
'$be facts, of- the, gas stated that lie -'had a U we no positiom to -attack, that A ;aitiou is 8 1111141
f lkert place in- America of lte imrs,: avldL: ern t e,4 Nit
idl -'and, as no ond would advise. that the i k w-tl at wben wto 6e1dj 4h & Co und tlteti�
ei. Cited have the glate of a% reptl K _!. 2, 1. . -y nent that the- Soutiv�ngigh "b aidtobave -or ibis country and steady. Wh tIVe
rk�t to e a the'evideti%-," and. -o, .dw -a lessened in - proportion as eat firni
h- b the hance of, it-ielf in a. -theie! ablinwes-I have.reaion to believe not we
,olony should beleft toA6fend id speeches �departiire fi N York
eas is diraiiii A. ow, I. vann
i all. JaL u a 0, 4th. s "Ice
ae in can cal I te the fit agree red 7,%'gd lo 4�
Then.h re de in 3 sL-ious have -b n ade� which nil to time'of ar iial here t ' -L
odi��ritics lapon, the point. e -qua-imLin, whielf --It would : be in -volved 4ar d . ill is�a UL led in t �Ir*. Ada . in .- rived in Lon i i ht7bodorable friend- fXr.- LOW4 -adianted'31- penq I varler,
I -. - - .- . - - - - welvd ]ion a r 'with my
y on aCCOUZ�t7fitaeo vhile in my opimon tliey ainount tio no, slippose that: a-di-,)1omati reco.;aition of -the
arg strti. 'the salel 0 11 . a with- b of -'Jay; and wh-c-ahe c ink'" that wbateye the4ifliculties
Lrla- -oini- 'im nectio, r are
,ded that the St-,Ites ;Ms to be ex:)ectcd.--'; Very.. on.on te 13L ipened in tl) inz
les,than: a Loliorable ithern
ly there v
Was, a CM1 wa io, 4- this- ciountryi he proceeded -to consHer o r- areat er thL Merrill he found. it a A -di M-.aties i�ndoubtedl ntay. a
r, not a rebell a in rs to, rac411 to the state of -siortly -alteriiards ail the
r sinem Je - -'lie id successfully resi ting, an �L if it slould
what we e. me.ins ofdefence, eont�iaed the p�oelamation- of. Litraffiy
--and--what Ho A I -
tbege�iM acceptition oftbattdrm�that 'North Am-eniva. whon. we'met ill. --this . us,p now,lost, to this lIouse. and,no. one, ?.dplores
or 6 should be our duty'ta c tkibuiw ieiiCof th be mad6 by America, va Ahotdd'regard the-
-tioi- of the world -losskmoie de6pl�-Ahau- mygelf-4jon6an defe
four years ago. That poi th it,
bplli�gorent rightstad%been4rantea-1a the he pinion the -proper:
IM 7 of i -Sfjutl -p a an,, wards its defences, the stateof which lie was then dividQd auion,r wi.a -did-p In Mily ee nada a trudertair
t we in -Y all the late S G wis . old us ibm he ot
threereat Pumrrs-t-first, the'U,LiOd States reco . g . nize. theexi . stence- (,f a- 61f-m6rt urse vould have -been to have ftit4uuttl -could not succeed in jitacilgipplishing IV
by a wo-
-that the de-scribbll, thinVonthe -a Canadaii
Confederate State, Ze teferred to the jf6posals hat ay- b6 Tin- Vuat.;-Tron and coppy- smuty
heldL C Mr.- Ada ardied. and- to 1ave -discusse'd the
'allwm r4de ommission �froin the ate kica SeC911diy, �CALlada and thpi. set of political. ifidep6adegice in the"S011the Well
rs inea' in, age report of Culudel Jc -of s 91 1 .
er with him inafrietidly manner, :Wheq- -defended, and I also feel that is.due lo -our, i,
tlements-n I depen-lencies, beloriting to our these'- inconsisibnt opinions . perplexid tho Matt
c -lo. I th L con rymen i It
a by - glit have bt-en i tit
aii.explargation, ali N D
Confedeiatte authorities thaf. they were and ai keA hat steps h d be take of -th e-' loyat,fellow. a thoae Nor! era FQ I L L FE -01 W
own Sovereign ard, MeYico't-- a- country and have shown - thav from . e first sVie- Governne'ritL'to t ese --pro- gri
ll�ot Canadian -citizens at the time �of` the parry, ou It punds upon wfiich the E4jjg,,lisb,Gcverameut: P1,071nel euire . that, jilt events, we
coun ai-alidid not possess�mudf th M -nt -have' never taken that view
4 tryAicl cert. e-Go'vera i 'at ' should malke the attemlit successfully- to ile- toVe
Ks ery- osals. and to tygment. the defensive. re- ba d felt thiemselyea bound to i - it. S .99 VAU1*VMX DO fOr Bab*
-aot then `0*0nituRted'was :P political piji� r -es
nidi4g"4hat the a . twhichin "of the iituation which -w6 ha a- -ri&ht -to ex e and fend her. fHea:r.] ' Not - voilcurrin".79 He� 60jrp, Frtiliy..' f Soil'! d�y 'wti- wore It thin- was clone -iii -an unfii ndlyjfiannerf there
)urceiof the colony. and. 11"hiekal eet )n'c d- to bdVieve fr a
was p OM fore, in the argum, ent of -myri glit -,honorable Rep" boile, Sifts
�l warfire, and that it- tho i1i the effect was to afrdrd great comfort at Rich-
c�mrly offe.of .1ec,
activdy-of tha Americians iii-foitifjin- -all -alm alledin flib wcrld., n evbry- gliest authority. in thu- Goverfikupt that
-W M
friend that Chnada cannot
Mond,. and generally to 6;rieve those people of a most dangerous v 414 -athy. one,='three divisrwislliere.* have been. th -ere, was oilitheir part the sympathy
their vuln ab- - -aints with P least of, all. do - jL soncur in Igis conciusica
a con-
eu iminense chan a �Ja t te a a ling in. ilia Arnerica.-who wale most anxious f
t. to hold that a whose. act- was mahifested by�iis ivaltoadther-negledting, he 'Uni d with those who -were strim, or the n&gdefen6e :,be impossibli
war li-15.ragei; for f er.hdad the min- micable rglatto -at' we I
titiustice of 4r eiidly.- mind ii as th assumi it
our, yearre, afid ieven it' drn States.- while on 'Oth' i forthwi to h bat troops. ST ia God rich, on
ent U
th defelyce of oar moat vulnerilbie- point,' I I . . . uh 30tti Inst'-s-searr-pi 14ei iftvww.
of a militarr charadt-ar houll be'-aen., M -between that. c6untry and". -t dgland. : There' �O
S that war should 'terminate- as. --the hon6;able 'istwr .;Whose judg ponsu�h matters aa� are.ihipowne, -fizimmok . f�
hat Canada-: He'urged this -a a -mtterL he It's- nI - ask theth iiha neither dmilt the-argumeat nor as-seut to
mun, or: local law�t member for RradlordidAggsts, I e'aunot be- QA' we;, -ht'. and Iviii& was An3,rers
. , f . - R; , � - coupe, I M-pramrount nacessity, li Sal o -pressing An e p, GUS
icip4- -would be the"feii1ilias of th , eople � of this its conclusion.- and-1-atu an -4 64 %bete
eve -that we -shall see the samj society, and particularly -wifltch6d. bIr ftor6gri - countries, jo�fficeill be warded lot thoirArouble.
should re
k on the: -subject.
accordini, 6 --the un4erstoo.d. COu6try. if they. had suTered as the shipowners
n tht.-unless we set o: work Vi"ilantly -�xpressed opinioni of a totally -4ifferent char- . . . be no mistal, e� 1-8 rap*
-6-of government e*s I -shed --31 ---
foi tab", -or even, if OL suGied As -a rule � all
_tiot_ of America hate and that it tnavbe l'u'lly uiiairit,06d Ciat it is
-hb� -ter.'- Stir I blame Her Majesty's
Isw cif ana the As urtoti treaty and. came to7an erstaudini- Ali rm -be the samej cert'ainly the spirit %filt ac.
Jmmedia.te. und
their'Wiilia. ha4e been-drioen from the -ocean. northe intentfou of the Qovernmeat to lol-
LdeVa pohtical-refu�ee and, - liroportion t istegir -before- - Ci war Go' rnmenf becoLuio-in, a positiou--br,extreine
iStL vice my A A
must anada - to di6 re war par Y. -Vie ad M it 'honorable flflond*
be coitai r, ith C is be aLltered-as ex' e.A. civil Ve , low of par sale ok
Is the L t * tbelp, in,Amerlca-? I
-should bear' of We must-rec3l-- -mae L
en -titled 'the �eo$t-ofitff. commenced.. (Hear, h6ar.)" difficaltythey have e in akes andformedl,
the_v were therdfore -ountry. same L and withdrew our troops tiomVanada,:' it.. the ederiL .!Go* vernment opinions- incousisteut- with -each",oth believe,. there' iij a4d. -it thwl Part f 'th
leat that . even- er, ba y eel HA vatuaNe au -1 -Jigdgy situaw- f!P e,
A a war- Darty eighty yi-ars ago. --it the contraryJ OLUor I -d
means of ddf� a'ce -the conseqonces would whith ws Tindw IOWA of rXh.,fr0n1Wg Mile Uw-
should be- trittiEphant, it�,will haci- to eat 0 1 �, . - -4' - L _ and that OU#dVt*
hatld newretis-thecopsequence of those... . L I" S, -oL o
'N y
b-- f4taL anigily, is - a P"Arty bepresonte by.. . number of gekl 0 --
was -with, loud ng, qqes Ggve-�nmentbiudspa C
men who on that-begicb, and by EoM-e who
Mr. W - - FOns n.. 6bservib- that if dii6outented popul- n. I need out- dv 0
greeted -n
es e
�T the roil hat -ail this time -Iffer3f�Jeity'siwitgni a�e 6,iq, that we,shall. have the.Zsde4'Qa,- Ci-
under bein. de6iided as we'. tire dow- all i ' the Tt
T111i deciiioli with moat perpleki tions and with � discord their part� sit hered - [A; lau 'hJ Theygaii, n led, 0i &eeritjg-by,� peysoAa in' -the crowdeit couft. t-Ae -to .-Put* -aitich ti-�on. the er
vere ta thea--.stato.' of thd South n not wh Briiish notid Dufflig which "C4
everyttiiiii-�-:Wat we t
anada in 06adition of dodimullitjr, but the slave. poplation'will then they should, 4,,.with tlie-poSsibility ok dan'ge'vai States 6,4re: h6stile tw thi IL
After. 1kho cheering -ii the court had ceased, whollYfrontier of 0 A"'WA Z
can eat portid3w id *
to defendour tello'w-epuntrygden i6 CXna; t6wlsi-
'bli no lon-a'er slaves,- there will' be several. 'ha . iigm ave at fb6r' fitly"17W,mallotiteitt all 'da. (Hear. K coune iththatietaisateneW
_W we those rho wera roce sai larp bf tt tb"IK
hat. w -z 10 -As
as, the in complete defence� the expense. woala be jL _"L , e-Je heiir.�
- 1. - tilo L - I I I . - I S ofLanoth cis of flie"ri-lit hoadAble giot*Oi the Whole *ff
mi ion er race e years, �and arenow- ut io make-- an - offlort at
otinsel.- -forlhe prosed n as. -Mem A
on a very- small sdald,- -afid necessarily .-tridi ber for Ttim'worth. [4n J-Jhey
-with ill-tbc.*ki--rllt8 of freemen. and,, i pieva&4 in this- mutt be
ivested I am persuaded that the toe o. m ftu-on
-almost fabulous said. -the question mancipated an
tmiffort of the7.c 'i &JIj to, t.'rela � n -between Ahe d Ale lord at 4 -
__the ther ch whahor in thei pros,:!n tit) 3, a1re-th*,'towh,otfi which Va
(Hear hear.) Bgi� the xhi'lead- in Canada and in the United
ot. -he letter ofbti� law -is; c61jeerned, si L - y
_If jiliC 0. a!Yainst 2 -ad far as ited -'resources Altacglediollietbteiii1iliffbIf n ifter ali but very 6atter, . oif th . 6overr tit o1ri idlition, -only nseial both
;his codufry Lnd e 6u,, _a L . �rs. Ir. aik
th?r pfbwners. Mr. D61viii'state'd that he they will be�ulinn an-6quality-withthe Saxon� r1thatisIl- Suitts, - (Ho;%r hear) Xio douU
11hore ade.h. ashape.b."his. when he tells them
to call -L 4n tlid colony, to. liar- Own race, with,'whom they- e we are �pow foll6wing a sound Orin- Aum 4adww'lt A
can possibly, have no provid d poisoade the ho I* -
those who liaver4is"vorsd ld'�L indwinely locat4A one
in J"d am* Ji"
intendea'to, pr*4 'ift every ease�..- J.7'1d,,q rasonrees and spend her own money tin -her -117"the s&Z th4. t1te riolits, Of the tenant are he wrong --that, L
gym] We know from -, experience 'and n 1- -hear he Btatvs� the SaYA"'.
nlith gad pathy 8 of Siri 'that 1131 people f t -: United,
':d ff a car corine tion -
a i rena, n t�rmined io maidtai* inittlyAt
-that tl a rm e conutetion pmeti tholandlord [Hear i "this . count t f h *tit
owride&nee- if she desired th , stwee I
iis bebh�'the d te in&- �e that4here be c with dio exists it ry SpIrl
I cipated andthia colonies of -Her Majesty, founded . iarty-Jin the Uni L ted St -a -and
tlw.prisot�ers were remandaii "'Until 'shduIdontine.; But the. -real - %iestion thse'who are recent y emaif !the th;t *e are lookin vith it Dom kS- ow 30X im�
o'Y'war t0iiardt; iheifi, and U ceft*Ji)gbxr*40lo4 24 *hedii &c
Will not dall_it I was La war arty in the da s�--of Lord North.
a superior -race,. -because -anequivocal:- expression of opinion oa.7.tbei F lit
uffic r -
assault s heth ere *aa-'si ient reason -ho ALSO: 4n �the Vill;,,;
w err th 91 led for grounds,,oCquarrei.:,�,Th.wec*i �64 A%Wt A
.6aturday on the- second chargd- Bt th6 real polvet of 'the sn dtate's �oes
that might offend hofiot able geb I part $hat't6,.ih;at connection -they Old with
t emell oppo be gTrou
-belie iiant-orhostiliti can- I 4 ot- k such
tb iner.- - her mei6s-of de'fe ice at all. on
court site Jau�ghjj side in thht -elasi T talk of Amp, at bog t!vw�w di";*V-0
_VW kWbt to- T r sing an, infer fee not re' .-iitilnds in hiti
o- -hen: up. We,
He ed -that- theft es' 90, racej- but a race -that, ia otidginticalwit the be y unin %abs. a
94 arfied. national Bentiment ia perf tl ipaire
do -J' f iNevV'1o'rk---n;and wQd.- -them-* dif *e
not- grounds. nor shall va iftnt )-yi `,reirmi iiijerat *Ab
ea-� othe Nothing tends Ignore to the discontent if ithey -prove- that the -reporlt Mors T,
a n o
lhrt of the Unitea Stiatos were -unr iind rd
.- - - .r. popal spee r theAcindaiibiff gmillemall m,ho 49 to
a c ligs as ch vi. be L i years res- faithfur ib
sonable, tic!- uttorly grotindi -an that thq I pos- therlword'-pyen to 1hdm4ueh-.thi jusistitdowa %'true-gind e"I on
iind he� oft'lleople th shouid Se . in, which have been cir ulated of, late apply -tates. for the sake
The Fisher mobsinihe 1111iifed 1§ of
draw-fr6m -some, of the-facta'refarred Wby 'session -of pri4eges and - riAta -,�hich prae per-ullig,thi-feelingi. Uthe' 0 dnieikaid.wW1lj, -of the7de Imente of 1heL pe
e to A
itheibong ople Jof-the United W
ons a , Arer a ogeth pre-
guize and Which they do infotitjded;,� th eExicutivo or 'AWMFo DONOG1341
Er. - XoD6u&H'A Fishery Bilt was betcen Mr. kil Itisionsa isteut With tically are not. reeb, States there can be no well founded
�i-, rald cone, d -61114, itiot Ah eisilves'
t er
b- of not enjoy. :The -50 lire the elements- of polii, -reg6rydd�.-to-6ainbdn t if�:imli`[M4 us- R. B.A-All ihoij�e
and soniewbat modified pa ifie an - friendly. f art; lintit 2el pditicular cotifse of actid aension that the v pevall, wountagro =90" c d eelings on the �11 tia -iiio lik'your se _eace lj�p ar book to
season, As lit, add itispossible. that when in our grzat ftreorj-ad�i , a
the 4.1030 aiiger intenuo-, a.
that, Governuent, towardsL this cogintm.- eat disconte 'Uiiii oul��iva VntbotaActij lit "older 10SaV;e*Vt&.,,
r, men -party- 6f '�chinli �'gebtllihi&r'in uth"etw-een-l"
i is- over- th - --A - ' , " t up azain, next Aessioan f6r this wa . sid f sall.
elras our allibo rienda t1gen.1
the Oilt, will 11.0 yg�ao Much eano.egifirm the statememt' jny it'
ao" e ifiericati govern'
may -have to great -milises- 6 c C"U-
-juhtie �ttentioa shJuIld- be io ld there be7f diul with at regret 'what -has rred. R.�p�jiiai ---to :66 who have receivedjamorrT to -Why,the;,-hc asked, A his ourabtig friend, that the pte
are ve e
extraordinary - suspicion df Atueirica it -sympmby, from oine, pe sentv:-. I . : - 0%
norAiw this country -
to th6 following clapaes discontented popuation. To do this. -.s that- there' afe: twd c6ngeqFnce&,of'
�f late fi.jtait Upon and in this House. But the read twem ho wo, Goverwdents Xf ctly
It shall not be laful -to- fish for or -6atel sai the cessfully you must have a strong.,gov Dower is in ave. M1 Wi -haie
O(V- to ment. What- does yon . her -.Clasiv--Ilie -Audowners friendly and satiallict0i'T. C
-of t
arose.- he 6fforts � wo ein". opinion this topic the* hands. --of 446i
-between the aflioiltlil of Collf�,dera -that Me' 4n 7 we are con no.of *hat 6ur-duty
in - ai�yl mangler four. clasSi-li-"O�nO colis h country- no Ic t
omp, ain. to iiiije
�d tbe. -to the e d. tkut, we are prepared. iroughoui thO Vitere are --mil
to of - X6iemWr an, MU hiLve;&.centralizi6ggove,tnment.;.; ollQuies is, i;t. IS Of them.
d the f` irst day of a -eats and- sympathisers the ..other of at the Unitod-States-�hear hear,) -they 4
djagiS Of an �m I . .. lior rican to fulfit that di r wy1ch I doubt JAL_
Don-mber nor bf 'I Amei wovernment have f6iiad it nociiiis tin -it matins
prophe aV-1n--'-1usiited y kind_ 0( acted in a- aadlicidoir��eir ll
the 'iy have arinn �between
to h o. the ceatraliiini' pr Will condiucel to -the stren
beftegia the tUrtieth, day of May- and the firs inciple not
U L - ss ave recourse- t Ila ters that mi
urnwhao�oundte TiscoimT &LUERIBrox said However -snat
Vj been I r, us. -.1 6 fo t must pendence of th6 -BritiffkL JMpire-, kHear, MIREfollowing
lot Soptonher in, pper' Canula;� or. duriagtheAqeveuts.- The'governmen long;.t is., disc�lsslou way.
her1 r il� m �i 1)rdt�sted -;qainst have an army. -AU its cQmmand:ia'ord to 14ar.). . Fab
e a, he: oi J lie Atichim. ba wal
betweenthinstday of' er ne, -cannot r+ret that it has -taken. place t fift Jdat-of 16"llot; lit :,ikt
rashi�-intdau-e'nortuouse;Epe.- r.the otithae pat orw no aTgiug-Aeinatpresent�
a. 6 SOUSM - %
rder andL finiji that it on at
ofDowii6ir in, Lower 0suad , nbr 9, the n is be 1 -.Mr. BRIGHT -4 It pa the deba will be for- by the majbrity it, this.House but lg� log thi gi�una.f6r 9 - 'r. -di
and 01 te embers ROW*, U"
aj�jy a 11W 'Townsh,
are. the elemen that -can- useful,, tho-ugli -sayi while� I beed expresqed which ca �Ni) t ume- 000MA" i
11L of The agside� b6 St __W
f, xw degtroye1, defence of Qanad.7 to -.uphold. -hese i I am obliged two opinions hall
difficulties in 'the admit-theiMpor na quarteri to which-- cl -put f
Wdl g4o", for- salmon trout Or white- -fish nk G notfail. to produce ireat agistion brolia - J4 �vwp; Mr.. I) 8RAEtX T.tid r do not thl, 677 tanio of the"4 it bt al o b' WOW R 6 it th -ower
PIL first ig, that�WV suni upon thein which -we, 4o not drA � X. P;
C61onel: United Stfttes,_oV:0n if they come trium I think i - a one�of Thom" Ralffis" "I Vi fke to,
9"d irt Uil*r. Qwada, after the 20th dij - of ei�umdntjL after acing. the renort of phaut before the He*, that hey riglate... The w nut, but-Imy aqnotiace& to bp
ard s4.*
id;y, awl hate mieshiit. of at leist. thrdo, Jervi)fs apon the table,, to-uld. have.ex&.cted out otilie sir in. whic-theyareen importance e aliarly. dwelf -a d,Hfd I Maftpge- an&
by-tho'hou. eiailaj'� i*st-*oig* futm.*w may bq Hatinsta " T I I is" At
'tie f the' colonies use- it refoi -J&q gaged. some Its is.gjrtiht� be has been p- 0 jilt
lit #bg�%td. tf*
lot 4-i t1w �rak W
W eg,_ eXteasloa. measure; add nets that subject would not be ouched 406d, -in But, what is- the post I n 0 tt� the possibility of wwar -with onible Membet.whdhas do e W
Jind �ca
gat t4. tndndl
at Jidy tiM tlei�and .1 do not tbfik itcould have er Majesty.- in country ? the United y,.an earn6si -desire' that the 'm'6s"' -it to be for .,Sy.%. for the
mi, a this Hen. ieabf h I --gtatiis, and its deli _arises -.1 - �
a' wa within t4d. e I" - beenbroughtfoiward with greLternioderation Four years age, hen this- struggle from. this, that it- is diddult -to discU867,1ho t ounds nor ti 'the spawn� -brAe oiti V10111 i ity df it upir, rekiiiging 9 . OUIP be tnafMktu6dUi *een Gre rof
hono -the twobotfutnios; thistex6e stould me
thik d
U andl Xhit- -rouL than has he6u"show, itto ui,,hL* -If Iecollect there w littlein 0 0 r In 'Wild 81,1� a add tht United Statis 'Of Aiderida at thatters of this sQrt fourseres vaid'.
0, �fkli . or -salmon as v1piry c min n betweeii t*o question *It. -g Vo w. 6.h. e. pfvoerved,, and th-
ia"- f4r*- -"Adhi4& -whita Wt. sbat occasion, in recalling a that -bound them. to this cioulltr
t have, f, on a paiticular The y. -was rat er in t1ji dfica7t16ii'o war than -or peae nd
:ne the we should,mi"
intain: ought to be capable oft friendlyLand amicable 4106 hundred *C4.
h4at )with inte,
;��eiefuqt 140 t 0-theiecollection of t6se� at -has Won The di
had. three itt6hes.extenaica whot)a he address-'. alipost-one. offort6ality ; bat wh 4why -zo*-;A)9fljra jus'b t—l* there is the co'�aeotiotk w e4ws between AIJ I aedh *W
_d adluftownt. -(Cheers�) lriw 111crem- *�k Asy
Aud 4ball uot'ozoeecl - 165 -feet in, ad the great irritati a i hick was. the r6sult,of the consequence.4 this i6atchanein-Yo, an iiiinis' , il b A epen ency of- country and pur - provinces on -the No rith- 50 op 3rimmirti ISM
rth. -Iva ecy Ohl., r i
'American confident so long as -the peopler beL
-ilia rivets the Waii of the: 0 71 -he L the . hodb�rable America You have now a powerful fed' country he as I eycon aue o
provide A Tredi era- Adjacent to t
_d, that,' in, 14pra, atill'if chargeable vith -M -conduct. of affairs, of -lb
used not gen. four' y.,ehrs- tion, -with the element ot natia*lityL at h NVAI the time or i
md.8% Clair, �MaYL be d6win oppositep inquired.'why rongly' there be a war party in the ]Uaitiid Statejt-� he osepioviws aredesirous of inajatdw� *itt acgery,thingtiat the lopour and ntera U111"- 3 iri, Itligth-', '.bit by- psirtylig e'
an,- pi vinced' Ahey ,count ther populati. 9Q0t;y4-tk2t ests them to -do U
$09 feei ]B hiiii bbiju allowed to p without thoie the mqtbir, C�otjuiryo-4 -of the Loun ry
milliotga. and.th6y are a very, -strong �empjatioq, to enter; inViolats �-the re.Ugous,of
17(doree)iud mallikidoage' a P Fe r pamtl 0119 beitg,4L wadi. whieh it was Con- Contlejong that L they 4W permit
me r
shall not b The honorable di e -who mairdsia, W, �0 AINi 14,
rt and an extent' Jnu46'6mtati6nJat9'A war with -B g!, r, eught -4ir killed, except *ith- a fpbsed. were neeei itiry for t1le havve- a d, in -ha;juk spqkoh hai niadevbat in one ftlll friendsh� between'the two couutde9..4L0Ud OuderiabAucAmUt-di
proper suppa istridt ore. f6rdle, of 1
Ar Of -dignity of the country; That appears territory equa at,
hoot anali", betW)iewthe thirtielk d ofthe it to the unapotoprinied -rOsorvis liod;be�auseitte�ig.tliitt�'t�uih, unadaIt
ui�y appear i but wiiii�,-Vtb�4k, phedks,), ta me t ell'. And aprieik-d- to me -still, to he a -of thwUnite&States; Thesearatheelemoke can InfliotLilgir 'as butnau no 6nstitdt(�4 A
Tuns in IL:Zwer eathumiliatiow-oat i eo
lm t vns; -eat
COVOLL w4 4t*
0 41311141 anid At the irell -L ^ -I- -Abe-Unitod Stat6s;. NEW -19 BY�mM' =h 31#
frolli. At, of -March, to th� ry dif&ult question -to Eaeet. (He sad piagpostics of now inflittinces, that ave time, tfectly known oderl
� thejrr & pe chl6wa IA. . - J 4 R iek Upper,0au4d4w* AS
of -Apn changeit the y. 'to -.all I V:i
With, regard. to the gagger, opinion oebaracter of the. countr' elllgg�fit nieAll ytlw -- - , ,
I "Though- he To wed a long' ionive of eents V11
a - 6 - teprove 11blia Uu:itoid. ftie -a-
'inse a clituse i -e .0 - it
0160W W -A hm likewisia rted America.ii sTuitg..expiesgod� b 4h mindant, . is, it without reason Jhat they do not feel l tpo add ic. mon, ordiw -- 18 Ao hitie beo'u�
t Qm wn,to,-h ji.` is- -co natty, � tliwe yt e -V i4oig t Poit:
P. P-MY04 **94 -Qr trutitteling -t#en,'-ou' state4mam, to wh reference 6 -been ade -of [be ambition which. -ekarac it is well iia� , , . so: it
Wizes � new S t om to, most grievously ill-treate h a
r4un t us -4 -that' there, is, -r--* M Any Q"
Rad in greatest, confidence, cow IVnited, State d that -in'thig I don't. agrei Tbi lon4bri- -Rues - effito -wi. 0 -ot ,llsq Isejilbiw'
Zlgluco Ries thadthe o powe histever of theia - - I
of. an 0 ex�y "TIL =
7� oubt 1; P&ft W Ideat L 'TJ 's, lawsl and
W may say t4at I have frequently exprvssed -.they way, Wcqmq', -we wil may, she Russia. of United Kingdom to defend 8uaceJjjfQJlyL 'Iff6ah'hiar -"It is d j0drm.,
-Agam i a
tJPWy9R'4*nn 111011' 000 n! n thk klousqj'and thit P70humau �atlko' ot, Ineow, 46 PV" wosgwr-y'pir -^I
similar oplifi they a Wei 1, %what is AW the con.- Wl&oty�O-C o
th New WoM itioli 'add otri
lease ay. says it,tsvealls hiev dispW
are -in all reip 1L- &-If!-
condur 4 in juid ditwit4f.X,040 Four-.�ye k.4 0 lvea6 UU 'of ateli morecompleNtf I hna al!�&
T. 'y
.1. eilt
'a which
use ing
the I
oht.--to� know. thatlAn
got 4erbose
re. ourselves,61lit ap9n t a _thoalg,�t JAMN 1NIALLAI A,
1deiw man or any set h" many
I Lo d erhy und,,.'myself. CHea 1wak out, 3fes�jco ii i4epublia. hiq t 46- fio '1k W
S& P*jrj0K-9r peollt� tootr�jlaj4 �fth i w, bq-have(�heenxcdodfiigly
-be 1 ugli.)' I won' f6llow.t he Tinos '.&4ants 'Jh t
hear.y IS f4ll_ 1 fa I do wtl�aL- govigmilient. '-Itis- w an empire, we may adt cillpd: upop tO ("Hear," and t W;� ions *Wb have Pi 6�
vithr recollection f etg� no tCt he gmors. T
tion; aud