Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-31, Page 1LLER s; II S p1Gs! W. Lands- ' com nary - • .1 Tu NG- - Mal_efac- •,1%re.-ce. from - and ' -dr w:trt-• -e-eacer - E vitt a_ wr:t :!"4:ziki., cut t'ut:ttly tece e end - the l'Est erne*. . :7:7;s -there?, cr-ts ft use in L czah c;;It.e tnds. !, I. '14: dral3t Ct'ztr,,,ty Brt:Cts' fete* lhornate,- ••, r ar_d t� L3 ; u;ses ,tet: t r troa t of' cr• v tike e CI.VR _ ar Tent- st It cialary • r -La Eas'i „ -cat ray - twri r 5' • - L'Otra •r „iv...1.00 the . t.l.` : its atm e!-ak-,irig:ed •t• st news - -coed art, - z• :ramie:fa- sesrelable • ets. and otains-a terest:og rue:es y usefut ta acme er of the akin... t de- _ erdrenra ; academe rough the rintrig. rt/ More. a ee Ali corm. .OF I Business Directorn. 1, A.. Ale 1.1‘...0 oral' CAN RE /NSULTED UP TO 10 A.M., \--/ at hes residence on North Street, next door 4ot,tI oft he residenceot Rev. Mr. EIwood. 10:1 . W. Shannon, M.D., DHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c.,&e., GOD ERICA, C. W. 13140-1 y - - McLean. M. 174 H YSICI A N, SURGEON, &c., (Late House Surgeon, Kingston HospItal).- - Orrice -At Arthur's Boarding Roust, fs6Ovr91 Godaric• wh, O. - Cole. - T. ATE OF STANLEY-CLINTON, HU Li acts Road. (Mr. Thwaites's former Store July 1,'62. DB. A. WORTHINGTON, pflYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c., wifl at- tend, particularly. to diseases ot and surgical operations upon the eye. Moyne: VILLAGr, Dec.15.1862. fve47-lv Ira 1.1ewits. pe A. RRI ST E R AND ATTORNEY -AT- L) _Law, and SOheitor-ia-Chancery, County Chown Attorney, GoderictiUanadaWest. office attlourt-House. . v14n40 Owner; et, - BARRISTER, rORNEL, CONVEY- . sacra, .tc.,haugston street,Goderich, COW- • tilithristr Sinclatie. B knIZISTEKS.SOLICITO4Si COistVP17- , Atactas, Otfice_s, Over the Store or. 1. V. Detfor Sou,Godcrich, and Queen Street, . Ktneardiue.- J. S.Stxdr.r.tit,Goderich.- A.SwAw-,Kincardine. 12:23 Zjr3Isieuterroot, RICARRISTER, A:Tf 0 it.NEY -LAW Notaries-Pubite, &e., West Street, Gilder cit./ IO:I John ARRISTER.A.TTORNEY, SOLICITOR . _ iri Chancery, Sce Office -Market Square. Corner ofKingston Street,Goderich. 9:42 • 14efriisy & isfat-terson. rtv-ARRISTERS ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW UP Notaries', Conveyancers, .te. Office Mc • Cafscorner, West Street, Goderich. • John 13-. ekcirdon, - A TTORNEYAT-LAW,- SOLICITOR IN Chancery, Notary. Public, Conveyancer, &e, Goderieh, Celli& West. Otfice-ort heSofith side of West Strelet,thIrddoorfrom the, tf.iittrt-HouserSonue. Nirdliata-a• A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR IN Chaererv,Notary Publie,Gortveyaneer,ikc. 44-oderich„ C.W.-Chfiee, over ff. Gardiner& Co'S hardware Store. ` vl5n29 - MoneY to tend on. Real Prlperty. . Shade Goodin, A TTORNEY, SOLICITOR, .&e.. Gori- aicu,C. 1)p Stairs Watson's- irzlocki- West St.; entrancy First Door west of asgow House. , • 'Toms Jir, Arockre,. TTORNIES, SOLICITORS', Jic.,'Gode :IL rich, C W.- Orfiee CR A.BI3'S NEW _ irons. Kawrs C. M^ORIC.- 4soderich.Angui.ttith, 1864. - svrItI3w31 ` il 1.. Tfoy(e. A TTOR.NEY.'SOLICITOR.&i. -OFFICE, _ Grables Now BtockiGoderielt, C. W. ` v15-swn51if Vatnerontie -117.1sood« flARRISTERS.:_vrTOUNEYS, CONVEY t.Pancers,Zze. Goderich and Clinton: , /CC. CAUBRON. 3. r Et-woom • . 00d5rich.Ciiitton Office in Clinton -7-a re w doors north of the Ft Office vI2n47 Wit/Istria - ATTORNEY -AT -UAW,. SOLICITOR- IN . Chancery, Conveyancer.&c ilratter_ioU, • t'. of Brute. . ,,.•• • Frederick Prolidfoot, . nAREttsi•Sit,, - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Coserea.Nertt,NoTAky PUBLic,&c.. Sotitharaptce, Co. Brace,, E.V.42-6m* Thotraivia-Werittxeratd. • AND HURON AND BRUCE ADVERTISER. /4 Every woman has a right to be of any age ' The temple of happiness stands ia • humble vale, but the tower sof greatness is built ago' a slippery precipice. Pamrknatibeleyweii think,scoMnsir dLieriacouglnikkoel:psmuseereca ill used to spilt in bis youth. rem • she pleases: for, if she were' to state her calf , age, no one would believe her. 6 /Somebody has found a new way of taking pictures, by which they can be taken better in the night than tn the daytime. A Schen- ectady daguerrotypist has missed several from thpefove f th raineosIhaetattivplan. hang door, anddeserft apr Henry Wars1 Beecher ascid Park Benjamin, - the poet and humourist, why he never came to Brooklyn to hear him preach. Benjamin replied, " Why. Beecher, the fact is, _I have • conscientious scruples against going toplaces - W. T. COX,Editor and Proprietor. " The 'Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." $2.50 PER ANN. IN AD GODERICH, C. W., TUESDAY MARCH 31, 1865, VOL. 3. --NO 60. of public amusement on bundays." "You came across my mind one day," said some one to Bruton, "and, iutpite of aU 1 could do, 1 couldnot pt you out of it." " Very likely," said Bruton, di have Ortett heard that it is to unusual thing, ,wlien -crow ing the desert,' to be lost -and never cite - trice ted." An eccentric party, -of which Douglas Jere rold was tme, agreed to have' a supper of seeepe heads. One gentle's:tin present ,-was _particularly enthusiastic on e exce Dee - the dish and shouted aahe threw down her y Imile end fork Weil sheep's -heads for ever say II" There's.e,goesin,' exclaimed Jee. A young and heatniful; but poor widow, 'was about to marry anted. rich widower. -- Her friends wished to know what the eras about - to Marry him for? She, feelingly 1..eptiedr .‘" %urelove-1 love theiroundtmeanmlithrt very ouse in which le lives." There is •Business Miactorp. John. COMMISSIONER' IN THE COURT OF Queen's Bench, Conveyan tier, Sze. A:Reg eitry kept of Farm and Town Lots for Sale, par- ties having tots forsale, or desiring to purchase will please send full paitenIars. DunKannon.Feli. 20.1857. • 9:9 - --- - COMMERCIAL HOUSE. (LATE DARIes.) EAST_ STREET- (10DERICH. THE- tINDERSMNED • BEGS- sincerely to thank- his trieads nna the travelling public generally tor rhe Yee: liberal patronage he has enjoyed`for the past nine years, and would re- spectfully tisk a eon t ;nuance of their patronage. Ilia new house traS been thootiughly repaired,and will be found complete in every partieular. JOHN DONOGII, . - -Proprietior Goderich- Sept. 26, 1864. sw7 MAITLAND HOTEL, GODERICII. 1D1 . WILSON:, • PROPRIETOIL -THE 11. above is rnost pleasantly situated on an eminenee 120 feet hieli. overlooking the Harbor and Lake Elcrort;---;-0ooci Orenarda, Gardens and Rural WaIks.atuiehed. - Board $1 perdav Sfealso r 'Reds. 25 eents. vl lOyle DAY -S' HOTEL., WROXETER,. TS Situated Oa the Gravel Rond running from Seafirrth stouthampton, one mtle north- ot where it leads oifto-Wroketer, and anyone tray- . elm"- to Belmore Walkerton Southampton, or any plaee in that• directic a , wid find acempino- dation sucn asheonly expects to findat first class city hotels, iq all respects.. • ICE ALWAYS- ON HAND Tom ors Trout -Fishing Friends! THE BUILDINGS Coil Eit A -LENGTH OF 1 HUNDRED IND FIFTY FEET t - -CHARLES DAYS, t w46 Propyietor, Coirsinereialliatel.Mitehell TOTIN HICKS Proprietor. This is the- e, tar*estand best Country Hotel in Welwyn Canada, and eharg•es as moderate as any Rinse in Mitchell. Stage Proprietor. Good stabling for 100 Horses. Hor-ses and Carriagea for Hue, on be Sherteat Notice 14-7 CABINET WAREHOUSE s*IVIL ENGINEER AND PROVINCIAL - ILand Survevor. `Qtfice and _Itesident:e, itinlitoaStreet,Godene..... 1,15113 A.. Bray, t)ROVINC/AL LAND SURVEYOR ..".ND L Enginee-,Clinton.• July 1, 161. flarnitri. - 7‘.(Virs ENG/NE, AND SURVEYOR Lana Itgent and Goavekancer,litneardinc Sist LANS AND SmcIFICATIONi of Rudd - I. :lack Spc.,*eot up in a neat and correct style. H - 1;31e0face at the urou Auction Mart, 'King ttt Street.(oderich. fsw yrin71-Y4y - I MI n, Ai A iN LAND &CENT, , Zarket Square, Iftederioh. Feuds-Cusp:Lae:err Wednesday,from stan .c• 3 n. 81:10 TROM N --dc HAZWILTEST, . Auction - Commission Merchant?, . canuroes-B Kingston. St., Godenele; . Ala wet r tcv_ .,Strong's iikei . IZ A, "ks Cl EL 1r la . ... c ALES of 1 ousehold Good4, Horses, Waggons: Ac 47-ar the eery Saturday at noon. Particular -mention. pa to the -Saxe of Bankrupt Stock, Farm Stock, lie. Cashadvancedbn goods left on Commission. Goods apFa*d, debts c-iliected. landlord'- siarrants sixecine& gagen(oreclosed,housestented, Division mol Court Swine imende.d tn. . Sales at the Bran& Aue. lion Mart:8 °oh, every Thursday. Calgary Sates attended to on mann:able tenni Gocktnelt, tirle120418(4. : . w'22-tyr -. Tic oNAILL Titessos,) , (THE OLDeST IN THE COUNTY. .GORDON,: CIA.13IINTt.rr AND UNDERTAKER,. Manufactures ana luta noxv•on hand complete assortment or Furniture, at his- Warercionis, WEST' STREET GOPERICH SUCE1 AR • Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads, Hair, Cane and. Wont -seated Chairs, Gilt Moulding and Looking- Glasses, in variety, ot Home Manufacture and Imported ! ! G. has always on head a eomPlete ns sortment of COE'FISIS.. Alio, HEARSES TO HIRE. - C...-..Larnber_and 'Cordwood taken in ex- change for Furniture. Goderich, 25th Oct. 1863 W27 RIFLES SHOT GUNS geISTOLSt 4Seee 211.- j . 1)- mcicsouttim„ *--- • F. T _ICMISED AIXTIONEER. RAYFrELD:, I- ' A4 Count* Cf. Raton. .8a/e5. ia village or country Paaetaidttratteudedte. - *9-1yrgo , [ - Alex. iraindley. _ICENSED AUCTIONEER- for HURON ..e -e a ed execs.- Sates punctually attended. to. Addremodinit. P.O. wb0-1yrgo - •-• John Varapbell, IlEtig OOMMISSIGINI AGENT ‘,..1 Coin tssioner in, Queen's Bench, tortakipg istrevanter..fice.,&e. Ofireena Broad • way' YiltaireofflineardineX.W. _ « Peter-eratae. FORWAHDFAt .AND COMMISSION Merekaittstersitauaori, C. W. .Noterand Accoinatii0411w4W-, Business of any kurel-ea- rusted to ' receive prompt attention. = vi40-1ilosx . k13E10111FOL ESFAtE FOR SALL ' 1.004 Amens in One 131Pcis 1.7cnin of ride:anti thellodedeti Station ofthe Bar- u_Alteetee IMPOOVELliattenaveretently 'situated' 1-a- atoaa banker the theerMaitlauct oppositethe 7f4essa4tionsts .c. 4V., . _ - Appir.iftii-lattarpon -• r A.D. GORDON; ESQ, wan : I Alatialtor. Gosfericit C. _ MARBLE WORKS - Main sued-, Exeter: P. & A. 'IWCONN ELL. MONITMENTS,-TOMBSTONES, Poits„ Arc., every desienption and style or estorkotanship. furnished on short aotiee,`and at the lowest prices. laberalredietion-madeforcash. 111 lulu ittusa TO Disigattof itoeuesents lea. May -be assistat the *bee. • g4dter fotannbse tat. iS44. • vrI2-Ir It SALE! AND , E :ORDER • 0. I'INTOSlL Opposite the Market. ez)e, All kinds of repairing done on most reasonable terms. -CI 4 Goderich, August 2n 1864. aw94 AB SNIT Merchant Tailor, ZABX:131' SQUARE, GODERICH HAS JUST RECEIVED A Large It Well -Assorted STOCK OF nui iND C1-001DS1 • And & vanetrotr sneyAmeies, Stich as S hirts ,Coltars ;Wee kties, Caps, kc. Which he is prepzred to sell Cheap for Cash. - Gueerich,Oet.lt./864.- mr12 LANDIti t1E •rOT 7 is the 1.Ith coil:- IV. D., is offered 13 for $10500. $250 Cash, babince in tinte. This land is of excellent quality, with -about fiffacres cleared, within 6 mile* of Goderich, 4 of which are gravelled. Aeply to - J. B. GQIIDON. Godericb, March 6, 1865. skir6-8w : Business a irectoru. INSURANCE. IXTESTERN ASSUILANCE-COMPANY V V. - British Amenea Assurance Compan yi Head Offices,Toron to Manne; Fire a nd Life I nsu ranc:e s. eflectederi favorable ternii: 1E7' Office in -Mr. . B. GoanoN'S Law Chtun• -ben. JOHN II ALDAN, Jr., Agt. Goderich . Nov 24 1660 OVAL P.: sumo() Comp'ny FIRE AND LIFE.' CAPITAL -TWO MILLION DOLLARS. ..,-1.i.lcuntzdaied Funds on,hand $5 000,000. Annual Income Exceed?" 500;000. _ utt-.1E Insur rteee effected at the LQ, ES7 I' RA -TES ctia usistent with_safety. • lir Life Insurance -Ample Seelrity. .1.AkcE .BONUS AND PATES- LOWER THAN MOST-iNGLINH OFFICES. Losses Promptly Settled Without ReferenG- to a Board of Diredors CHARLES FLETCHER, Agent. ,Goderi,di May, 1864. ` • _ • w 1 5 North British - -and Mercantile Insurance Go., Office in 41.r. Gordon's Law Chambers. JOHN- IIALDAN, Ir Goder;eh.Oetober 13,18E3. _sw12-1yr MATTI ROBERTSON, . 4'• qViriLki g rio - -1`,1,'14;1011,T+$0111-1111 ; *I AM:TRACTIVE:ER • or ALI. RINDS- OF JC suctris 0 Bureaus; Sofas, Lounges, Bedsteads in 'end.eas variety, Wardrobes, Book Cases, Alattras.ses, CenterTables, Dininz 'Tables Breakfast Tables, Toilet To.bles, Wash Stand-. 'Chairs, and many otheiarticles too "numerous to ineutio.n. Ail kinds • - 01 • -WC)C11) risU-11.1VINC4 Promptly attendedto--UPHOLSTERYon atlas branvhes. • UNDERTAKING tto .dre 9 Mr. R, -respeethilly invites an exenunation 01 his mock. 'Warranted to be made of the best ma- terial and workmanship. and at °natty ,redueed prices. Oall and com pare, and bcrsat.sfied belbre gotn,T e:sewhere. Cordwodd and all kinds of Farmer's Pro.. duce taken in eechange, ' _ I.Vareroom on Elgin Street: 81349 - Gociertch". Ma rch,24th . 1863. THE LI ViettPOOL LONDON FIRE 4 -LIFE INSURANCE CO-. Capttaf, £2,000,000,-Stg.; Abeumulated Fund. - - _ $5,671,728. Brittania Life Assurance Co. ofLondon; - THE undersignet ham)? been appointee Agen fortbe_above highly iesnectable Companies.leprepareete Recce; both Fireand Liferisks,at moderate ratesoi oremiuin. -- A . M . ROSS .A trete. Godeilch Bee 2net. I S F D R K TO F. NITSONES' OLD STAND WATCHMAKER JEW'ELER - WEST. ST.., GODEItIcle, Next door West :of Mr. Stotts, Saddlery. - LI. annis OF WARMS, CLOCKS' AND JEWELRY . REPAIRED ON SHORT -NOTICE, in the best Style & Warranted. £O £000D ASSORTMENT OF _ - old it Plaited Jewelry, Wtttelhes, - . - Clocks, ace ;gene-. - Constentlyon hind and warranted to as represented (not money refunded. - did -rich July 21.01. you rItIn31. TA-1LORI .A. .416, IME , ETURNS MOST SINCERE THANKS K h. for the very flattering eocouragement he his receivedeince he eomnienced business in Gode- rich, not being able to execute over one-half o the orders brought to Jinn last season; having now secured facilitte4for. • ttsin ess illirectorn. DRUGS, DRUGS • • CZ) Xt.1NT • - :(SuccessorldK.B„Reynolts) e d al -II ts,1 I •• . Couri-Hou_s:e.Syrstrre;Garler sell ;1 ISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST Deere rin , and Importer°, GENUINE. -D1.1 IT GS - Chemreate, Perfume, Flair rooth, aitr:1 /Vaal Ilrusbes . , ranirti3OILSi COLORS, DYE STUFFS , ,E10 RSE & GATT.T4E 3!EDICINES. 1 CHINCERY IN THE. MATT ELI OF PARTITION: BETWEEN • PATRICK KENNEDY HTSDRAN , AND' NOTICE. LL those iniebted to John H. Wheldon. II late of the Village of St. Helens, in- the - IIENDT COWPER IlYNDMAN Aso °VISAS., debtor, by book account or otilerivia are Township ' of Wawannosh, an aesconding ,„ hereby notified not o -pay -the same otterwi rpH E _humble petition - the .above named Sheriff's Office, Goderi- ch, OF -THE eg,URT OF CHANCERY; .SherifJL JOHN- MACDONAL:: TO THE HONORA.BiE, THE .117bGES • Patrick KinnedylIvndMan, ofthe Yelage 25th Feb;.. 1865.td of Exeter. in the Vounly of H-sron and Province - of Canada, Provincial Land Surveyor,. sheweth as follows : I. Henry Hyndman, late of LundersI_Ori, in the Township Of Colhoroe, in the Conroy ot Hu- ron and Province atoreSad,--was at the time of h s deal li the owner of the fee simele of Lots - ,...Nuirtbers blur and live, Lake Road - Eme, in the- towaship of Colhorne. in the County of Huron , and Province aforesaid, and of the . eriSt( rly half of lot N mnber vo, front of Maitland Terrace, west of.North street, in the town Goderieh,- otherwise known is running.-nithiber four hun- dred and ninety t h ice ofi he town- plca ofGederieh. And the said Henry Hynclinan was- likewise at the time of his deatli eqhitahly entitled to the fee simple and inheritapee of -lots n tunbers nine, ten and .eleven in the eighth concession, Western ofthesaid towioihip of Colborne. 2. Thesael Henry Hindman departed thislife on or aliaut the nineteenth .day Of September HI the 1•ear ofOur Lord Orie Thousand Eight Hun- dred and Forly-Four; having first duly ina..e tttid CARDEN SEEDS, AC., fibs pithl shed his last will anti testament in w.ntingl fro,afigedleal.meh pimetuallyattendOto is to *ay : 1, Henry Hyiniman, of Lunderston. which ism) the .words and figures following., that • iu the( ounty of Huron, District of -,London and at Lon•est &ode Ptrees. Physician's Prescortuins calyfttl. tih'iTs%.minveela°stf tjwPiPell raGandntaedsat.aindeonit7keIadnod -Phtielrelibsyh pensed. - Goderich„ Jan . /0.1868. ppoi::f, my dear wile Augusta Harriet .Eli cable h 49 • Hynctmaii my Sole executrix and vele atiardian to u ir children, and I do Iv reby direct thatin the first place my exeeutrix do provide `tor the pay- ment ()fall my debts, and in the.nekt place that she do make n Su -table provision for ni3• dent mother, Mrs -Sarah Hvedman; equal to the lite annuity ot £50 sterling renounc.ed my favor arid tle lite nig of the farm of (iergoside, :a the parish of Largo and County of Ayr in Scotland, lately sold by her and me to John Weir Hylidinan„ Empfire, to my dear wife on Condition of her renouncing right of I leave for her life the lots No. 1,283, Lake road east, township of Colborne, Western Division, with all honses, buildings, furniture, plate, books,linen, fanning stock, cattle and uten---ils et- husbandry whicb. may be on the same- a:. the tiine oil my death ; all ether prop.ertv, -whether real or peia:onal, direct to be equatly.ifivided among my children, .sibare and share alike and give and bequeath: the said lots No. I, 2S3.,Lakee'Road East,..with the houses and_buildingsthereon lifter the (math. Of mydear wife inv eldest son- Lastly I leave to my dear wife the myna- of. dividing among our phildren as she may think proper the furniture. -plate. bre., of whiele-she has the li e rent and reserve to my- self the right by any writing Under my hand to 'GPDEltICH. to make speeial bequests at may appear to me add codicils to this my laSt will and - testament or Ii•oin time to time necessary. in witiresewhereof is:14r C.;) I have heremito set iny band at. Litailerston afOresaid, the nineteenth ofJune 1833, lbelore the witnesses William Ross. and Alexander Douglas. my farm -servants. _ (Signed) - HYNDMA.N. CA) WM. ROSS, Witness. . [Sd] - ALEX. DO' I: LAS, Witness- - CD • -- 3. The said late. Henry fivnchutin had eleven r=1 . children, Your petitioner Patrick ken - es. - nedY Hyneman and the -said 'Henry owper Hytidman _of Springside, West Kiliride.in Ayr. MOH . LJnnrl ceici shire in t hat part of the Kingclemof Great Britain and Ireland called Scotland,Mana Caroline Hynd- se • • h lie �f - LIGHT ! LIGHT r LIGHT! ROCK & COAL OILS iBurning -Enid, Lamp Oils. IFor Sale by F. 11,011DAN. Groderich,..lan. 17.14.9. ' 50 liforiey to Lend, oN very reasonable terms. Apply to B. L. DOYLE, hCrabb's new Block. Goderich, 9th Jan: 1865. . w50 lyr PAIR-3LE WORX-S, W C-TRELEAVEN ff Pa • S OflaS . inaii, of the s_aine-place, spinster, Isabelia Flynd inan.:of the Same place, spinner.? Elizabeth Mary: =0; Louisa Hindman, of the town otStratfOrd, in the Hindinan oldie same place; spinster. and Anne 4 County of Perth rind Provinee iforesa id, Spinster, Aegnsta Harriet- Williams [fprmerly An„eusta 1larrietHynclmanl -new t he -wife of Roby -Williams ot the same-- place, John Hyndman; of file Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, afiketiald, ars : George William Flyralman, supposed to be now re-icling in Aitstralia or New Zealand, who are all (Wage, atel Roller. Blair HYndinan and Arthur Hyndinan, now deceased. • 4. 'The said late Henry Ryndman left him sur- viving your petitioner and the said Henry -Cow- per Hyndman. Maria Hyndintin Elite betli Mitry Hynclinan ApiaLouisa dyndutitt, Atteusta Hariirt AND - (formerly Augusta Harriet -1-Ivinlinaii). John Hyr.dir.an, George William Hystilman, his heirs and beiressee • at - law • and .1 Ills widow Augusta Harriet Elizabeth ilythlinan who !PRE undersigned ollbrs for- sale the following has a claim tor. dower- 0111 ol the• said lands, prenness.i, situated. on the -Gravel J.tbliditt And _who ill intended to be . and • is . _The Township of wawanosh. . made a party to this petition, and Robed Ifitir Witin 11 Miles of Goderich 1 Hynd man and Arthur Hyndinan,-whe have MOM h dical letirtivtlittiegypeonrisaseu. eethe.usae.a erght h`undred and ominantthanptglaitaiehresnx,50of i0a gocidwhipetzerete0 Barn 36 fifty-six the above named Wary Cowper Hynd- by 52,- a good Frame House, young „orchard -- man paid to the Canada Company on bOhalf of bearing. -A good creek runitiag through the himsel f nd the other eo-beirs and co-beiresses att 'shit Apply to - -Law °rammed late Henry titidinan the balance HUGH MeMAT.H, of the purehatie money ot the said lots iminbers Lot ..3, nine. ten and eleven itt the' eighth concession, Wats anosh, Jan. 30,126.5. wl-lm Western Division, of the said township -of Col. Merchitnt borne, Whereupon the said the Canada Company executed conveyances ofthe satd hind 10 The said HenryCoorper Hyndroan and the ss id other !co- heirs and co -heiresses -at -law, and be and they are entitled to all the lifiorementioned prentises, as tenantsIpcommon each t Ong:entitled to an equal Pr6.T°P°. rlhiralailidere`Htri. Cowper -Hy-adman is a creditor of the Estate of the- said -fate Henry Hyndmirn ut respect cif the amount by • him as aforesaid 10 the said the ,Callad, COW.. pany. - - • . 7. By deed -poll Wiring dale the 'eurbitty -fine (ley ef Septeinber one thousand eight hundred and silty -lour and executed -by jte said Ratty Williams and Augissta Harriet- Williams, -the interest of the shit! Airman Harriet Williams in all of the aforesaid latids. was 'charged -With the payinent of the -sum ot six- hundred mid -seventy dollars and interest to. LS:mine) Street Pullin., of the town of Stratford. is the Coinity of Perth who Pettti.IIT°nh'ere are no 'other debt4'.0r -at-u-kebt of tbe. itililtary School._ is in coUserenee thereoz ntado a .party -to. this said late. Henry Headman, nor are there: any means isenereout rule petitioner andthesaid other co-heirs inereo-betriesses-at-law of the said late Henry Hyodman can b supported -save_Oinofthe P.meR-.."-Thset)sfalidh_ensaremidisel6:tr.etos great' extent. un- productive in theit.preient state and theveannot be conveniently or adVantageMislyparotioned. • . „ lb. 11 will be advantageous for ill -parties -in- terested and it is necessary for the support and Maintenance of Our petitioner and theeald other co-heirs and co -heiresses -at -law of the said late Henry, Hyndman that the Saillpremises-ehould be -84ridthaendbelatfi Ptrudefall.elrilvieirednbleatOdweethnP1T•ntdo-17Plied from *clergyman or iimoistrate in the local - You: petitioner therefore prays .ml•• -cf-. TaXtb3 Tablets -Table;. - _ 0 St C. cipqztticH C.W. 11.E.;ST -G-11, DEPARTMENTAL Parliamentary-'Agent,- 4;?trm333111 '01 rrRANSACTS" BUSINESS wart THE Crown Ladds and other Coverpment De- flarlimontS-; Takes out Patents for Inventions. -- Drafts a na kes chorge of Private Bag during the. Sion,&c., arc.. Sco . -for Parties residing in CrIzertartaci,a. or elie where. sw105 HUGH DUNLOP! _ • TEAll .ENGINE AND ' OILER ! FOR SALE UPOIN C.1-1,111Lal Apply . WE. GRACE. poderich, Nov.71h.1864. w4lsw.19 • Itsolvent Act of 1864 Province rf Conada,1 IN THE COUNTY County cf Briton, COUHT OF THE • one Qf the Untied ). UNITED VOUN Counties (If Huron 1 TIES OF HURON and Bruce. J AND BRUCE. IN THE MATTER OF ROBERT' II. GAIRDNER, AN INSOLVENT. OTICE is berely. given that the under- signed filed in the office of this Court onselait by a majority in numbers of his creditors who are respectively creditors tor gums of one !Mildred &Alan; arl upwards and who represent three-fourths in value of his liabilities, to his discharge, and that on MONDAY,. lOtk DAT OF APRIL NEXT, - At ten of ihe clock in the forenoon, or as soon as counsel can be heard he will app'y to the Judge of the said court for a confirma- tion of the discharge thereby effected in his favor under the BsaEidRTA cHt..GAIRDNER. Bayfield. Feb. ard.1865. GODERICH FANNING MILL. AND Yunap Factory THE SUBSCRIBERBEGS TO INFORM 1 the in habitaJte of thelCeunties cf Huron - and Bruce that he is mill Maaufaeturing, and has on hand a nuinber of his .• ' SUPERIOR FANNINGMILIS & PUMPS. He would particularly draw attention -to his Mills. as he Will warrant them tofree Wheat from oats, cockle. chess, ate. Pumps made to order and warranted. • a Factoryou Nelson- &neaten rictoriaarest and Cambria Roca. _ ALSO, agent for theieale of Morrran's premium and patent t DID VA IV R. whic.h has never vet failed to -give generalsatunaction to farmers who have used them.. HENRY- DODD, Godericb April 22nd. 1P64. .39 FARM FOR SALE IN WAVVANOSH -a - - EGS inform the inhabitants ot Goderict tnat he has REMOVEDui the shop under E. L. Johnson's Mitre Gallery, M A. 111E= Ig-QuA.xem , Where he hat a large supply of FALL oni_wlliTER GOODS! Very Suitable for iite-Cioderieb Trade.- which he is ready to sell awl THE LOWEST CASH PRICE. Oct. 18th 1864 mr67 POT 1811 AND SO F.A.ami 0 ZVI' 1 WITH 5 kettles and other apparatus, all vlr in good working order, situated in the Toivn of Coderich, For sale- on reasonable tern3s. Time given for most of the purchase money if required. A.Iso, a _ • • COOPERAGE! With tools suitable for general -work. -Terms. _ part Cash -balance on trate. , The properties will be sold -separately and at two thirds of their value. A good dwel- ling house attached to each property. .4 ply to - J. B. GORDON, Goderich. Godericlt, March 9th, 1865. sw54-101 1Ft Joseph WI ki Courts ctinveyatner, ribMilISSIONEii in IL L. Agent Divining Carrying OR IIIISMOSS- EXt811SlYely BuiLDEB, -anci, coNTRAFrort,, • • (For wooden -structures) I will furnish plans an andempioving none -but find -class trade/met. And a4 D. A. believes his experience is. Cutter it tgliecificati°115 St. umdeiate* charge"' land warrant . . . . . . . business extensively and successfully in liamift,m, :hvelifiliatednie.,:gtantieniSoinielirilltalandbail4jaAlltiDoletlilaerni, "intibruksi;d ICoartriTeltkirANafe nattle*eieeallia' Yrgt:rs'itilhaisr2Penziltiadat"ditTinii:".;w122ntlitt -da-PreseYn-filiinteltrignillYe second td note In inc Province, havingearried on um , must -be post...raj,.• ftri,d if answers, are _ principally firsl-classeustomers.and keying been ntonev, eise not released. The above named mill anteeofthe clock intim forenoon. Yours, Culterm one or the PriaeiPat Egablisbme° * in attend Dungannon,Godeneb,Clinfon,Harparlter_ '''' - - - -BLAKE, KERR & wElariss. - Eihuhargh" Se°111449 he feade"IY stales "), --11 indBayfield Courtsi(health Permitting) 'oolong as _ : • - • 7 solicitors for petitioner.: ... CLOTHING - CAN .BE scAlar ,.....,...... intendtng opals „ - ' in:, . .1h,:heas oynsins,,, Elizabeth . mart Eyndmart; - • . hemtierldtipn:titirotets6hPeayippeal's with °modest-- cc; to ....,-Plufa",t .Heiliihry Cowper ff'yna.1815:itan:. Karla. c. ar0-11.0- e.B-- ..iyi- .- .. iliscerning public that . _. : ,.. . . . . Ann" Louisa flyndinark.kaga4ta Barnet .% iliiams_nr.by at his establisimentequattOthe best Eetablish-1131.-e. ‘e `e'. 33".13:112.11% 'Till_ 43'1,.. 2 ,Willeues, Jolla pyndman. George William'aludtuan, uremia Toronto or Montreal. •, - - - . ' - AddreiesDnigannon P. O. ttntdfurtbernotice. Aortal& RarnetHyrithmerand to sll others' having or . -4 .R.v.,•.' _swIlist40-1s. • .Duaginnoni Dec.19th, 1.116-4. - , ' - - ar411:1f ,elimungin Itireltintheestatrin nuevlion- - Irt.ani endannb•Urt.30 vsz - . VANDIDATES for CoMmissierS in the V Service Militia desirous of obtaining ad- inission to either of the Schools of Military , _ Instruction are required t� make application in writing. for such purpose,_- through the Brerade Major of tho division wherein they reiside. Applicants must state their _age, residence, Post office address. and native country, and transmit. with their application, a certificate DI That the said premises may be f old and the pro- ity where they live as to moral character. ceeds mid to and applied for the benefit of the parties hatenreAsttetdd gthhaetrein.your petitioner may be paid ills shot of the proceeds ofsuch sale. [3) And that the coats of such- sale and of these pro- ceedings as between solicitor and _client inay be paid out ofihe said proceeds. • - (4) And ihattbesaid premises maybe partinoned. (51 And,(or thepurpofes aforesaid that all proper dir- eciion.may be given and arconnistaken.- . ESJAuiI thatyour Petininier may havestichfarther ould other relief as shall lathe premises•seein meet. [II And your Petitioner will ever pray. • EDWARD BLAKE.. THE HAWJAY FA.RIVE 2 ilIEPS from -Goderich on the Huron TO LET OR SELL The above farm Will be let or setd on very reasonable taws. Apply to - J. I3LATM, - Moron Road. Goderich, March 6, 1865, w6tf - . - W. POWELL, Lieut. -Col. D.A. Gen. M IL C' • Adjutant General's -Office/ -- Quebec, March 4th, 1865. ' w7,3m Dr. PIDELPII, SUROWAL & MECHANICAL DferiTIST, (summary lo T.S.Ment- gomery,) tioaeneh, C. W. Booms over Xr. P ladles Drne Store. January 13113,1865. sw28-vir NOTICE. THE condor Revision for the Township of - I Goderich, will hold- its first meettnx at the Council Room, Holmesville, on Monday, the 24th day of April next, for thspurpose of hearing appeals against naleSsinrnt, kc. 1 - , 10)IN SHAW, . Merck 2%11,1864 r°11116114; Clerk. w8.3t 1 tam. Erobably cn wine he walks, en the platonic leve for you - There is non. 04ost -school girl foolishness in that. A sheriff's officer was litelysent-to executor A writ against Quaker. On _arriving at the - house be saw the who, in reply - to the inquiry whether' bet busbaud Val . home, atisiered in tee- affirmative, at The same linie tequesting tip to be sea -04, and her husband- would in eedily 'see line The officer Waited patiently sonic time; but the Quakeress coming into the teem, he remindt-d ber of ber promise that he should Beeler bus- ' hand. "Nay, friend, I -promised that be should see thee. He bag seen thee. Media . nut like thy .00ki; therefore be avoided thee, ant! has jeltlbe house by another path." - A party, who states -that he is frost Detroit. was arrested by Ilse Chief of Felice - in London on Friday evemnig, for laving iu his possession a die for coining, United Statel ten cent pieces.-Loarket Proloinve. Lord Powerfeout la introducing, at les own experse, the spawn Of white fish abd other freshwater fish from the AtneriClut lakes end Nova Scotia. Lochs Lomond, Tay, Awe; and our other lakes and rivets should. te stoceed with these. fine fish. • t3,* The rumour is revived that Ltral f'alinerston intends to retire from public lit; at the edose -of the present. Parliameatr aid that Earl Russel will succeed him es Prim*, Mittister„ marl Mr. Gladstone as leader ia the - House of Commons. • rr-During the past few days we hats noticed many fieids offal' grain, fro* *Ida the snow has quite disappeared, and/me:do we remember to have seen the graialn-Ifiniti and healthier condition. Eve:riling nevi ,.dwtheeepereques!wtofedeoewuthwtroleTattlialt3egut'otheErsethecouiWuaententitilleitis;40 rtr: perhaps as numb as his -ever been so in sinec season. Bat few farmers inv.. gam into fall wheat again, yet we endirstand what is sowed fir bow lu a very Ens contlitiei.' Thi grass also presents a beautiful green snarl auce .-2,170:pctuee Siaridavd, - A Cerreettetax.- aliens is Anew, la the hospital, in this city, old ..gentiesmut. who will shortly enter his one hundred -and sunk year. Bit name is John McCabe; skis - maker by trade, and an Irishman by 1bl:them* He is an cbject of much interest to visitor.* the hovitel; is rite 50eiable with all *he desire to enter int0 coniersatios witb h, and is reinarkably hale and hearty loin _mai - or hut/ears. The gauss ineetutiou suppeete a woman in_her aittetyninth Parc AP by the name of "Gikanciy," Itnit is qa favorite with the i ...oWes.-Lostsbet .jerstikft TES CILETELARD efthe Michigan r entml Railroad Line him been thoroughly overhauled, with* lila brushed upland can be *Apostate am=ses. their daily tripe between this port and Vlore - land in the course *fa few dsys- The commodious and beautiful bolitil that for the line last season will ply this yeart--the Mornine Stile sea the -City of - and the same popular officers . will be baba with delight by the travelling eke Min Viger, of the Morning Star,and Capeee, hIcliay, of the City of have JOS& a reputation for efficiency, rniv, ,116114' gentlemanly beating, that is known as Ara; the lame of the Michigan Peale:al Rensoll4wbjcb . srsoa estehohtairidthemiheliWw"ohottel:reteradedenooatenttiewof.: fiat trip will be made on Molds/ Mit blIthp Morning Star, and the trios thetestter WM* , regular.-Ddroft Free Prem. Tito Late lievionw.7_ LP- arsionfe7; • From the _flamingo:tilos& Stria The Rev. Wm. L. nowt*, M.44.• 140011 sudden death we announced is yeeteolayit issaC, was enter the most dietiagifeleil she honored. ministers of the Methodist 0hatelle, in the world. In the more youdiful .part 0E. hit ministerial hfe liewss otie oftbethiminoV - *tutors in the Wesleyan Theological tion, and on tbedeath of the Rev. George. Cubitt, was *Jested scram of the Wesleyan. Methodist Migezine-sehair whiels* Medi with marked abeity ap to bis demise.- Attbe British_Conterence 401863 he wis their Repreoentauvesoihe gss.satrs of the Methodist Episcopal Cher* eiefrt wube1dinthtyofPbmiadsipithi- Misy,1 1864. Ills sermons, -oddments sod before that venerable allaMaislit ',Assailed* hiai universal ackowsrledgileat of 15 ministerial ability; while his gesticasse yea' -Christian Courtesy won -As Isestrtser alt.etrIsitt came into the -circle of his tespairennete'. Hs prea:ded, acemiling.to the ist=of his . . own. Conference. littlish* Of ter W. IL Church int Canada, by whine matt* s' he will long be held 10 grateful and Alecto& ate memory. Meals° pnesecied at the ton. ferenee -of Eastern Bshitb Avaente misers isle - was not leas esteemed and loved: return to England be wasalmost awintatemily; chosen Preaident i op P--sAyft ceafertiacee* and notwithstanding the farigses ofeeittestes'• and toe conserving ewes amilattedit -office for =emit= IWO losisibs, as Illsoo-k" sentative and Prietdent, ise diseliersed reeeeneibleAludesof lie positios wit& wead rons_energy, and to the aescpsslified tion otitis break!". He was St OW ;Weil - year of bis ntinistiszyt sad Ire Oneenn9 $C** 1330ye tbau i56 or 56 yeas of rite; MoaW ler Ofthe Britiela'•Otinforiette was ever montel loaded with honors by kis bretkers, aid other we venture 10. aimed, wet bestirs "brit meekly and deservedly. Eta lode itisat bs greatety felt and universalltdepkWei, but name -will-descead to posionsransoorisove the 'lust," snuck will be s gge held In _ere -dating eeneasiorasee. • sympathist with toe Clineclt in the los. wbiab ;wisdom of ilk' -wiso sited* ISOS. IMISSISSeieft) any ot His netters. - she has oustamed, midis Ittosfedleg -