Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-24, Page 4-j WEEKLY -8 THE SEMI- GN-AL9 -v T WW -M, -am;'AGa- i1m.-Mv STI W 0 PROVED CINIa artheR ILWAY 8 fl -FOR- -S-ALE T -TO 'a . _: 3,67'; to ne �-.A -401"Ke. 110' t0y j.j0TA 1, TXTION, e S Godiricb, for $150 e ch, a PER .09 AT ViSX11-LE DOW LV - - - - - - . . . . . C FAXeY i6di GOOD e .S At F! e Y'ars t AT THE clul to ToWn Tdilefty Some hirest In.. P D E � - A- L S -oilorl if re' red Apiply'to' r 1� B.'GORDA1qp X. C. CAMERO�V. H i Goderi6b. -09de6ck- April 8th.J864. sw0wll- Barristeri4c Q - 1;j I 'swS-tf P in .-Large Advartments oderi pt- -864.� T Cbf �Se LEA, ceived' 5uilable'tor Holiday G 4 �or both. oK And yodn;, 1415t bt�& ase App�j to D.:SHA DE GOO 4!W 'I `78Z St.1GODEMOH "icitorl, West Stivet's, I - �-!00 30D OW -20th Dee -C 0 -cAs -16 -Moripges- Wanted.,tt hrell DIXG, 9E, OLINT00100K STRE XT- T G K (Y. LAX CLIN T4$ !Rb�PdwrA�r. -1864-. GoderiAl s4864. lima rfIKE SUBS1331 wisbes to return tbank Feb�uarw 11211860ar jog JL to./jtfe*publi6Torpiftt favors remiyed- at th i -nee -v1X: T elf .0 C�h Balo 7 a most every-artid .0 ra e, -NE LEND bail �vould be intimat at be is -deter - comprises TMTOCK, W UBSCRIBERS have -nearly compIded tbRr. FALL, AND. INTER1 wilary -for the t d LAYCOMS' whi4. M .0 t:d 11 im AT le so 'wag APJ�W NAWEVE TT"Rlt "d -16Y Aviduel R ­ FIGHT 3PIE :.CMEXT-� -0 H IE� T contained itil X GRO �a faim t�-Fri;ci '01 ann, -E DRY— D CEIR I S .25 cents jie-r doze*. .0 complete f athan D. BlsA V1 4e town X4 -7 daish, and all other things in pro portion' Ali wGrk one nd the -Couny o- all SHELF AN . 1) Y DWAREp. a Warrawiw! - first wola HE JkV HAR Ign rd - Ddlars an vpwad& alApply to give But BA A W '3360k Tomb a No All kinds of-Frming,juiplements made to- aid b in t1w doe p�yjwal Anect' 01,10 aStaire I e ON .--MAD-E- CLOT JO -H 1N-McPHER9 -be sold an Th6 mos"sefut Aluivinae tor Partners there 4 CRABS!& nab pW37 11JEW KLOCK-— dode 0.1411 ft 1865. oderich *43 if 65 at Twelve'. G Be*, Sib, 1864* A.D. is tr 1hal viol WA41 GODE, much valuable information such as or. To -:Ment alikil AV 40dlbme, W.�Dq-ibonttW6 B memot 1W&T?91 -day 4 F* o - i% PUbl tains. space or f6r every dik,* in the year, tesides. -0 3 Post e � Ad S T.OTS five and At in iheFi gu 4=04 " - KINGS TOM STREW FfXNIP. DUTIES, nil es from iGodetieb.. Apply to wing j" ted In4rei. -,ill he follb ti" illu a -at BANKS1 Lighthouse st.. oderleb. MARY. Mgmy Harbor Mz% in the imd to" 466i December Ali.: 1864. w45tf Deed under Power of fW& ales -and- bd& Ha Us F: 61t U S So ry ary ludida Parll.akeit Blo They.winh n o, of yfarnwr -VarticulaO to draw attontio t their stock- V -PS9 w1i Erei Aod(d Aate.oxe. a a juy e GP.G.� LY CO CK. -TRI ANNOY, E Clxnt�ti -9th Do [w19 FOR OVALITY AIRD. SURP WED.. .1 -cember, 1864. above sale BAA The )tEADY-MADE C]�OTHING is most CbM letO an manttactured in the' the 4t!b of April ZA duse alld Mt for Sale 0 NX AX C311,. Jr yp 7 -21E ift X1 on, billad BAW es., iberinluldatirl 'elo'the pul BRICK (107"AG oil- c.:Southerly pir-- .0 ma most fashiondabld- Sty, rrHEsubscri -A gion of laot 880�. of Huron and Bruce -that he has Bost, nd JL and will make to order Carria A.; W R 141AWLTON STREET ows,, kil wbich will be Al 204afor .0 sh pr -OF SUPERIOR QUAL,l Having kniptin quantity.oV -33 WjT1r GOOp% COLD—- ]LADIEW FUAS apkrovejeredit. --On hand and for �wtvvhespt K and OUTSUILDINGS, 30 CUTTERS nd SLEICHS EXAVIRG MM& AF"B"lles Itoff-11OUL a A9 Book -Nader J HN PAS at present. 0 pecupied by Thoi., WeatheraW, *]be -has Ve -are enabled to sell them SHORE wiPrice 1phi w494 -03 atherig terlill I am M all. TWEILVE RUINDRED DOLLA1314 Books orallitrida. a ilassidw.m. DE out Printed Ketidinp, a, us go, TV, �ry Vbm" -:,WjtiLujti 0ae - T. WEA-THERALD, ;hju To sto i a, Cir -Goderiely a win mpoRrNTOTicz.,IAT sw46w2l- Jo"s UTML. CONNISEQUENCE Qfthe deat et to call n To at the- EMPORIUA aill b PLANING -MILL1 "-e WHLIA31 PEI' Do not f6r, when Will sp#ct t eir IVAL, Esq. or N h otW4.21LM A and st e -of Mwh -Door# aud on under th name 00a. %VzAT=CjL1.D. the buiinem heretofore carried, Godeiich,(Mtober 171h, 064. 4w]14 toi Fam- - sanq UnitedCountles-of Dr & Huron andBrul J3 Fjori ftelas is"" a" Robt ail Aet, F01k -their stom6rs owi6g accounts. tind notes. Iff 74 Van Towlt. 4- C), U 2T 33l, it Iwo Thti� wish to i timal tp that they at* -compelled to insist oil, PROMPT- PAYMENTS Court-ortheUsited sties 4; or bef MOD= mutbeelosedon ell ald,&00- ilast The line nt aaaHe UNDERSW sale'arto let, SU 110C 1 -ST DAY 1865. HAING COMPLETED Tjl= NEW OP le- RMY _BIN OUT N 'TUC idt the eglititlilleandliterest. of Tactorysareaul to t 'Le isll irll lebted -par to any qm-expe consists of urAjor Lambtoll - The tarin torlhe above firm are here (70 tot jo, toWnsfilp iDf BOSi I d4det, All 'L TO. f Fr9m thel in -the parties fix ST nebil xvingexperlen wai by uupfi�ij thak all notes -and book no'codurs over dha eleventhic6ricesslivitof 411l =A buto 6a rkmen,anda thelffiaticitheraselve ry And 0 :&.'Sor iwj-- i_ -AIR. firs"las"ete"ma7blue I - I due on the. ia the County of-Ruil a_ry o" in t ONS J V, DETL -R, JOHN F they can 40 on -jrd.cled WA be. tst day- -of-FE0!Y'next' that offer-forsalir al of which are cietlil and sittill near a RE, SEL ITG -OFV: thek4hole LI tbetOW0`ADf`4%oderx*boa - *bloom*, LOG beifianAed t6r tbeir-Solicitor' lot collection "W� stilbe UW 4N 4*1 theG�TRailwill Tiler kor, I Ael T _ve 0(460 - win ;,p ayLef AjPrA Thastodic o 2 D it ELLIN Ho VSH a gand7l will be soid Goderic -Sept 26- 1861. -clock, #ook BARN am tha lot. JOHN XM ONAW W-ATEIM!D eods- Getking A Gre"fles �-work wow- do wo To orparticularsapply to AT -Al F If consists of a largeassortment of Ploughs, Culti- -N- G OR SHORT CRFE Wicti. TLW BIGRED WO OL X. C. GORDON, va r3.Hafirowdstrawl;lItters, WO 'Godefich P. 0 N IRFULLY LOW PRICES mak in ions in their prom. SASM-1), RS &NOULD12 Ad, W27 M Air lzstllth,� THRESHING CHINES 111Cft 46 To e too zor itterit; (Gist got-aill, and-sugar-kettlesy wagg.on and pipe' prip, -Goderich 24th Jan. ass. 19 Creditors of do $W67 SIMU OF -9 Arl6r & BOX StOV 1865f e9, U`13S1QR1B'0!t . 4 rm, CUB orlifts -0 Tfied* to aWet at 6e RoW ines on T virtul -a writ- of- H S o -to- .-t- -public that 1dsnew pl�eml. and the kin P b'* into Aldli Jolt L e C 0 u C ea'cg q01 tB Fieti Faclas T Ruroa and resitt-i Ajoq&--jleqobd haAd To, Wit of nii majesty"s. t* _41% It of ethe Countyof Mut, slid to' me ilk -DO-LOR directed agapul the lands and vinements of -0 8114111.161.00faelifnery for f4wrist aitil 15 THLRF R M TH E SQUARE W, ther Etenw­lciia.,at'the quit of William Martift; To Owpenters & Buflders emu ig er* bt ILIt patties requiring tile -above art,,cles wo�ld -hikveftizedandtal.-en-inEt:ecuti6nal�th .1 if L A" d(i w to ialt and, inspect, the -stock at, onces as nt ndW ell n ih Wo6l.0arding Cloth' Dreiwin`ff a- d t interrst of the said dll 'W'-111 be opened on the first. of June, for tra "c ine e Of naming n vulailisuff a, in 6 tio'n-,vit is South: 'of thew well get -bargains. onnec FACTORY, who all orders and lot umber oiie-iwthe tenth concession Manufaciuring, busines h hi WOOL re E111 -R. RU NLC I M -ANI. Iturow Rbtd ia the Tom war d likewiseit varj"y of' aVal 'of ffUraul Ij hil k in the ab e busine ill be� punettia lly attende to. D. ISO- TM �Ww -a& A* Ono L % - . I ­ SSW-, _fl _W IIK- Daied the G tv, w le and tenements kov 01-SCOUNT FOR -LIRERAL 1. -ifivoilloeintheCoull 7 dliirsor sale at in 'God 'hoaTuesday� the gl the. aboft, R., Runeuni w7td*# in, thoiyb�wa of Tit reference to to carry f erle be prepare on the busineill Sto day of "na-mexto. at the 4ouz or twelve &-the M 'CRAMO Blou Ants �nd'; ql� g­ VKE:�ITURONI FOUNQPY 1 W:uhout DisttneUon irnst bell -CASH. clock, soon Shoriff -8 01IN -NACDONNALD le erectionl all kinds. at Ma ocifitiact for tb . iff 'kepro hand to ekellange forwbol.:'. Iffaviag thin- added atio ii - an - d year ly Skeiff, H4-- B� Chinery- -as Usual. i114 ace-. (-Wonl "Pun - on lisited< *#JBL j S.- Poetocr, Depulfil' A 'UPLF Hun and a =14M -11; wrow- X., t A90ffiw,,C b,- AG191CULTURAt, It. IEN". -CLAS Sheriff Toll S- I)OUBLE CARDWO To.wit of ail - -ea ting',atteasonable ratesfi)rCAb es S Stov audF CoUrVoftbe irtlwvo"tim rater's work to anv reasonable extent and -to rnediractail againa tU labb A" shdrt credit. to 4 establis Irdent, be Will be prepared. to execute s32w48 -Kortil CUB to the factory- themselves will be. F tended- tw If"NUB on a torners.comirl "d a rA -ticalar attenti n 1 9 eir- the suit of''Olive-i *"h4 -0 ad ac a -Adt of 1864. dod0r'cb,De0-2ta"'ls"% 'th or -SAI as formerly wil be -paid -to those fro ists' e *ishi seized -em ju OUNTY4 -and itak W. -�d i Vi :U -a !On tee of 0, IN THE'C 40� 0.- and interest ofthe ftid dolana -T OF EIOR SALE,. -East half ofLot -No con. 3 W Ile ankfultor the lfl)eral patrobageoffbimer-years ve.buiness, the f 1 . in the abo C 0 Hi 1% caux C'H'R I STM AL !�UNIITEI) 'T W 0,309 .4poinpra-m A. owil of W ract V1 !f tha, Unit& N;. B. b tbe ­ L - - . . . . - - . . . . I I . L. 1. .2 wants ja t at 3110 b 5s and -sparingrao expense in"meet es a cQuiti f jg f TINg- OF HURON -by st riet.attention to: usinei a -UNDFLEIP-ACRE-9 RESENTS ouhisicustomos, to sti I rece 11`6 time. �ONE A su IRRVOE. I a s a - fAbc 8 HOLIDAYP 41 OCIK -BL 'THE -MATTER OF 10BERT 11 ------- D:Y- 1[temember.the place- Bast'Street, second door fr" CROB no clearanal 'Teriss liberal. A toThe lialm e tie 'GAIRDNX8, A231 1XSOLVEN B6.oksj. Praver Bo L T. Oy�'r, To* Am.of all' kinds, Executers oftheYA"to ofthe lal in. Harris, borry.aud, Ito k L T' Church $ervices, JN oz� SO Ditaganal F, 0. oat, HEISl 'Gode'rich ril w12. f low, with ItauTer joyfle urw4l SATC E7WL lierel given tha the uni er- A1,131UMS.. Ciil strelet, Adis Abe V -00-W 11110.0 49 3 11P , - 44 oulpaillof" LadiesP C' 'ned big filed irt tho office.of this Oburt lenewents, I A0 4w! 319 'Wor 'Bo Si, naj�riij tit rumblem of his bKt -in the %6",w --a x coment Vir a i XE jil is the Court House ]Ry creditors who, am respectively -creditora.-for.: QA eoCZRTjXA -xLE ritrthtonTsesurst 'TAW and up, a MS a' of oni hundreA dollar'& wards ilind A M R,.jj presprit, th;6-folurAhs. in value of his bat an knd various other articles, all -cheap; vzry suit-- HU�R. :N- I liabilitiisto:hjadischarge,,,-andt T 0T 31- Con. A, Towtwl 0jill Shen I[O"Ay TMrj3Lfth DAYL OF Aft Ud Girrs Ad4 THE GRAVEL ROAD irt he foreabon, or as At ten of, tbje elock, A 7 -h --wel fAaden. with soon. at cutilel c9ill iie� "a 1earir- be; Will doply to the ildge ofth6 said -court for a confirm&- 12r. esents f6r the Little ralks-� A,? .AT_ BUn=j. -71-Apply tQ Tor U�de r the T t f diselmrg ies 0 a- thereb]r efteted ROBENT79. W. THOXAII� Zsq-, B-- 'GAIRDN Ell. F came pn POW Godiricha Dec. 19. 1864 * - 0- rd. . ....... Godel4l'i Pok so- 14". eingtollorl T as 'a,collZ �oiowl -with velettil trung PACER for P - iV�p g,and Buildiagplirposell Olin: 'S ISAM OF be supp ad -to iiny qitkutityj sod on reasons a The News y 0& 6, it Ainerio" RI" in lot�. � I &"-P1y,09TEAM4ENG1NE-W0RKS 0 'R Goilerich Veb. ft. 1,1411. wS. d. Bruce, im, Irw1owing 1AM& ape lea at "virtue of five Wrii&i of R U N-01 litew"Wo United [W W- r� & L 71 r A R- Fieri Facias: issued V.� ELI J. Huron an To forale'a bds and Tene. and torifiA�sliil agwinst thr JA FOR. SA.LB-' of queen's- Rench Lawd Couft.01 Common Pie us andgett'urerg -of �'Gi tnd ReWil %ill William Proudibot, at till of -81 mentsof 0butaWn A ... ..... --- G Jarl Lukin Robinson and James Hende"on MR -ONL 1 e -ED ow the Worttr, and Jobs JITUAT a Wilmot, Sohn 68prollat, jQhR Sprosi,Jamilll circubw Xulay and sh U't6-Vd1fte of Bteter. Ott -t NP ve C tbere, is good Robinson and,James. flendemill- have ft A HINES interest of fhe saki delipildant, William Proudloo 'Ve a en andr taken in Execution all the � right, tille'riind J&D I L A" Tall UTAWCX$L ,X -m-­]Lot Xv.16 in and. so Its G al asill to tae: falloilving larill Lt�j -H - , - . . . I f ROV old ionin-the lownslujint Ainabill -A 'heap. the, 5th 0onqnss -c c.ontsiningene gal T" It - wilt - be sot& -very hundred acrethfiand,Wthesamel- r orch�ra, land of� 04 -welt, tiiA- mom ad 5. inr the 4th Lo,"sumbors39.4a is t"Clar Ioau& I - wdv 41111tere.okat cession. and lots, qjimbers.jj2,3r and 4'in, the n -hold HOME. 22qdj ptmb 0 Ot number 3 in- w ob e. r d -d. IU t=fil ftthaudJkbijlMwPnies: f To a0plicatiork, if. by- mberaj althetwe ­ild r' # � - =l kkll( nedssion, and I th 3th concesw similirharacter *ere so -awarded. e. -TOWN 151UP 0*1 slob, all in, the", gin �u - - - - -m, be thim same more or esep nleter or oul the 0ho0al[Exhilatrou ftvld-in1T0rAi6 Jul 1102 d tttb Provincial Nfidit hold at P NEI allonethwasudac XPW apdIoLnumberti.fitthe eieverith aotl %ing -AMCCON rCL aXaCbjUejj d 0 -T A the Township ol mum fee, more or'lessi -all in the. County or Krucle I F arricti.eontaining min oone, bau Ise th VJ rArJL Lslrllt*�09 which I shalt offer for sale at all o in 6 -jilithetown,of oll bd 7nes- IL IL WA2fZZR,& Co., Noitli, 1(lial court House, i5l, April 'next Ur di bra" -as age iniilidep anilllidkimiths!.work done in neat land subttantiatmanneril 1wo -a =-iri _for* odh -for* 1.1 in 44r 4 tvii of- In' sy t4e (Clurtlil r at. -die o lion n a to o W iuti�jx of All d"Crip atl�e!7 Orem twe. Ive of thil nooml kill rdir. _�O JOIMN ONA-LD no A l^rg@4kjW double -To� 81 wx 0 pply to iiii r 5 100 Slisil 041ce GiW d A4 or-J01W kLD, 010WA TA V-1 or pilj �r ftj TO kind, we -woi f9rj. W. law. Always 4p -ha -4r 131 Ill et am ran 0 'n mat" a 24th Dec. SW V45. 1c ti W lia&Pipp Aox As oqr.patte f114' 106 sc to b p irl on of our oftho Mao Prol Gred Old metv4 rl n id ex 4 1" t r njL '0 elsewhere,'= we are 01161 nemtr�e, �prieep or of vroduce 16kek F 01. SIAL jolt. Eas R house oal Hal and b 'F Tr OTS and I Ill tow "WX X _To �$Ojrjh. go, , � .. I -, - & , . acres e RAT w- LAND', L S* pe'i sere to lot 29, taste, Share, Ashfield, 361pilit-liew Easl VAM, BERALL PROIC qUarlef -of-let S'Ll 0, Terini emy, ap p1l; ral ac' a. th AMA: BURWAM� 4 0 rly IA;2*T:: Adage 1.94 per acre; este S-UTEMRLA W wp"I�iiilelff 0i y - , r 11 or 40,bws" OF10t 491,9. Cos. I j $OUIII Of the DoMam to Ada rd dollars PilL or Appi](jo< T LD FARM.9i t= 3- B SH 001 co-, COTO TI rHOS. WEATing FA IGALT, A w4bawl'! W43m -W -1' td W, a I Godorkh, ]he. 4. Go&r1c'kj April 3M, 1864. 14 t God;". Godericlh,-V. W.1, Jan. 31 -1865. Tw,