Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-24, Page 3lay the ice
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d131r11- CrfillIILIC
Bier John Duggan, Esq.-, Q. C., acts as
Counsel for the Crown at the presen t
Assizes, instead of Mr Beecher as we were
led to believe.
MEAN ROBBERY. -On Saturday night
last some mean scamp broke into the
School !louse in section 1, Goderich town-
ship, byelimbing through a window, and
stole a clock, slates, testaments, and all
the school .books on which he could lay
hands. A more paltry theft could not
have been committed.
Tui • ThEsnti7.-T1e !reshet has done
further damage here, At the ktrbOr
quay the ice in passing out of the river
tore away 01 the fiehing shanties, demo%
failed stiles. opened s breach through the
piers. rad played_the "mischief generally.
Considern'bre: damage was also "done to Mr:
-_klates datn: . At one time it w,as thought
.to away altogether,- but we believe
it dict not snifter so badly as was feared.
Still, however, it cost a good deal to
TON itoric.-;--We believe the steamer
• .Ernce 15 to be placed upon Jier ‘14941
coastroute as -soon -its navigation opens'
The Bruce is a staunch little boat, well
adapted_ for the coast- .trade .- Ample
noticeref her time of running, &e., will no
doubt be giweir at the proper dine.
We arOnfornied thatCat. 1.I`AuTay
has ptirehasied a steamer nailed the
-Bonnie Boat, about the site of the old
ValleyCity,, which itis his intention to
run between 'Sarnia • and Southampton.
She is represented as capabje of - running
ten* miles an hour, ;and beint, In; 'every
r^spect sea -worthy. - We hope there may
be enough traffic to- giie both boat. -a
profitable Inisineis.
On Tuesday eveuing (2110 was $t great
success. Thanks to vigorous adveitising ami
the exerlions ofthe 'Committee, the large hail
• •
was' densely 'tiled -there being; We should
-ser,littlestoirt 01400 persons present, com-
prising, as we hoiwta full representation- of
the "youth, beauty and respectibiluf !" of the
'owe and counties, military inci c1VLI mer-
eantile, legal aud. professional. The room
was Well Et upand was-haglsomely orns7
-_mented with banners- and hangings, a row --
4 " stacked" rifles preclaimiog the - fact
that the entertainment was under the MdrOe
age- of the 'military. Being „assize week.
- marry gentlemen fFolis, distant parts -of the
eountie• n favoredthe performers eica their
presence. _ - . .
The ente.teinment opened -witb a brilliant
rantasiisriporithe pian_a by Mrs. Cbariesworth,
;aniline_ ity..- " The Routrie blue *‘Flag." by
Mr_ II. Watson, suitained by a -lull chorus,
in a style fliat, must have thrilled the heart or
&Loy SOutherner who !night be lathe _ room.
Mc.-Piusertort came next in is popular Ger-
lune-sent. which he gave in geod,-solid style.
-.- Voices of the eight " liy Mrs. Chilesworth Sti:is wat.son-, Alma rendered with consider -
:6 -le pathos. The piano Aoia tty miss Galt
pros& that young lady to be possessed cat
musical talent of no mean, 'orclei. She was,
, loudly ap-pinuded. "Down Where the Elie
Bers'gre:v7. by: 3fr0Y...W4tson was wannly
encored. Ills younggentleman has a fine,
eiear,titroog voit:e, and as he slags in,
Ltime and so that the audience can underSiand
'thew'Airds, he is always fnvored with nclegree
of *ninth:in- seldom bestowed upoe the
Inffneging class of amateurs. "Softly and.
- s1cer4 'Music shouId flow," was sun g as a
- duett by the Misses Watson in beautiful style
and was losegy eircored. Min, McKenzie
- gave ."The May Deer.," in it very _ pleasing
style. Ifer voice, though, net very full or
pewerful, is remarkably Sweet and expressive.
The capital comic Irish songs by Mr.: Bene-
-diet would have been better with a p. violin
,accouspaniment„ his voice _being too weak` to-
-'cope_with the tones Of the piano. In the.
second partthegentlemen of the Glee Club
gave- g Row.Row " and "Brothel -el fainting
. at the door" . in their usual duhing style.
and were vociferously applauded andencored.
Mrs. Cfnirleswortli and Miss Lizars gave- a
plane and guitar duett, ...which was warmly
.received. ,Miss L'a gutter playing, for an,
-amateur, ie very good indeed. ""The Merry
dale at /V stood oldsong, was sting by
Mr. - a r, Os a geed, Old . hearty fashion,
well calculated to Call to mind the &eye of
yule_logit and. wassail_ *mil,- The -perfor-
- mance, a very pleasing one on the whole,
woltedni with . 4., G_ oil -Say e the Queen rr. t
, The grand pleat, weed oaths Occasion wits
kindly lent by IL- McDermott, Esq. • -
GoussIcti, March 24th, 1865.
Fall Wheat,. ...$0: 85 ®
Spring do 0:77 Q..4
Oats, .. 0:374 (al
Barley ..........0:55 (a)
Peas 0:00
Pork 5:50
Beef, , 3:50
Lambs 200
furkies, each 0:45
tisese, do 025:
tl'iickens, lil pair ...... 0:20
Ricks, do • ..... 0:00
tides (green). 2:75
Butter. . 9:15 (
Pctatoes . 0:35
I% ood 9:00
.1; igs 0:08 (4 -0:124
Apples 0:40 R 0:50
shay, 11 ton 15:00 18:00
Straw, per load._ .... 4:00 a 5:00
0:00 -
JP p
On the 14th instant, a man maned
Frederick Devi* came to his death- by the
tree io the neighborhood sOf the
vatic. of -Iluxtoc. Deemed raid another
• lei* were ekoppiuz Weather, and. that the
tree w hick they were chopping felt, it - struck
anetliextree,_oner of the pleats of !hick in ite
cassia te the -would struck Davis on. -the
back ofthe head, fracturing. the ..skult and
roduciaginstant deatb.-Citathriet Pktnet,
a from 4c per roll upwards,
told wANT pr -
'School Books arid -Stationary
AT T11}.: ' OFFICE,:
plied at • -
Toronto WholeSde Rates
By ordering from the 'Signal'Office you
Goderichr March 21sti 1365..
_ _
eTRAYED into the, premises of the under-
sigired, lot 15, N of te plot, Lake Shore,
Ashfieldearly in June Iasi. 2 white and one
black Sheep, which the owner is requested to
prove. pay charges, and take away.
Mar 1.4,_1865. w_7•3- JOHN' DEEN.
undersigned. Trustees. ot School Section
S. in the 1 ownship of C olborne.will
-receive tenders up. to •
Monday, the 3rd ofApril
At. NOna, for Lae ereetion or_ a New Thick
S.chool House -on lot 10, Sth con.,.E:D Cejborne,.
better known as Voting's Scbool-.1-louse. Plans
bud' speeifieations of said: Budding will be -ieeit
at George Houstorearesidenue,,any finite between -
the 27th and tune Of ietting. The -,said Trustees
do not bind tnemse.lyes• to aeeept the loWest
tender. Terms made . kneWn -on the day et
letting. .
ALSO:—Tend rs wil be received- nein] the
same plan, at the same thilet bysaid trustees, for
the erection of a frame building. • - , .
. . .GtiRDON YOUNG,' - - '-:-
Colborne. Starch 18th, 1665.. , - wS2t*
DUBS,UANT to a Power of Sale ecintained id
*I., a eel's -tee Mortgage, made between Kobert
Parker, of the Township of Arndt. in the County
et -Bruce. Yeoman, tif, the firif part aiid. William
Crawford, Robert -Henderson tuittiohniernieiron
all of the said townshtp,= Yeomen, Exieutors of
the Will of the late George • kllan, -of the teror.d
part:. will ne tei'd by Public Auction,at IiilberN the -Village of 81-e_iithauipton, in the said
county of Brace, ON -THE- 20TH DAY OF
APRIL NE -X,"1, , (1865). at 'moon, the following
lard and premises, namely; 1°111..4 in the 9th
core of the said Township of Arnie,' 109 acres,
good iievi log house and log barns, lariat 20 acres
ele iced. - "-
1 ERN'S. r -One-fifth cash and balanCe-in four
equal aunual ina---:-h,t1 ems,- witli six per .cent
-... . I
Farming Lands for Sale.
DART of lot No. 10, lst con., [Bayfield
I Gravel Read], Goderich Township, about
24 miles from Goderich Town containing 110
acres, more or less. The land has a beauti-
ful frontage on Lake Huron, with a gravelly
beach; will be sold in one lot, or as may be
agreed upon.
ALSO :-Part of lot 24, north of the
Bayfield /load, in the Township of Stanley,
between Bayfield and Brucefield, containino
74 acres of land, more or less, known as the:,
4ennockburn property.
These lands will be sold cheap.
Apply to G. M. TRUEMAN, -
Auctioneer & Land Agent.
Goderich, March 14, 1865. w 7-1 m
THE Sale of the property advertised to take
1 place on the third day of MATC11 instant,
under a power of Sale iri n Mortgage Rom John
Lonsrwoith and wife to John W. -Seymour, is
adjourned to Monday. the :Oth day of April
next; at the Auction Mart of Thomson & Haste -
hunt, Kingston Sheet, Goderich, at noon.
Solicitor for Mortgagee.
Deter:AT, (succ.essor to T. Mont-
gomery,)tilooeneh, C. W.
Booms over Mr. F. Jordan's Drair Store.
January 1,9113.1865. w28-yly
THE Creditors 'ofthe undersigned -are notified
to meet at the office of Frederick Proodkrot,
Barrister at Law; in the Villageot Southampton,
in the County of Bruce, on Thursday, the sixth
day- of April nest, (1865), at the hour of ten
o'clock's. in , for the purpose of receiving state-
ments of his atthirs, and of naming an assignee
to whom ne may snake an assigntuent Miner tbe
above -Act.
Dated at Southampton, aforesaid, the 15th day
of March, 1865.. -
Solicitor for GcorgeCritig. srSisw56-2w.
Insolvent 4et of 1864.
. CLAM an Insolvent.
MEM creditors of the Insolvent- me notified
4- that he had made an uesignment of his
Estate and effects under the above Act to me,
the undersigned assignee, and they are
to farnish -me, within two -months from
thhi date;- with their claims, specifying the,
security they hold, if any, and the value of it,
and if none; stating the fact ; the whole at
tested ender oath, with the vouchers sup-
, port of such Claims.
(1 1S .
Dated at Goderich. in the County of Ile.
`ES for commissior_s in the
run. this Thirteenth day of Mareh, A. D.
V ,Service Ntilitia desirous of obtaining ad
mission to either of the Schools of Military 1186'). - - - -
in writing for suck purpose, throutth the Asdignee.
Brigade Major of the division wherein Iliey TOMS &MOORE, - -1-
Instruction, are required to make application. .
reside. . -Solicitors for Insolvent._ w7
Applicants must state their age, residence
Post office 'and native couutri -anti
, _ • .1
transmit. with their application,. a certificate
from a clergyman or magistrate in the local-
ity where they live as to moral character.
IV: POWELL, Lient.-C-01.
" D. A. Gen. M., :IS: C.
Quebec, Marcli-4th, 1865.
lortr,age Sale
64 Shans & Anchors, Rigging,
&c, in Steamer Bruce.'
TTN DE R. and by virtue ela P-swer- of Sale en -
Corset! on and Im.ining part -Of ecitain
Morigaee made by Thomas B.- VaiiEeery and
GeOrge7Rianhall,of the 'firiven of Goderieh, inthe-
c.',01intirof Huron, Forwarders, of the First part.
and V. Dolor and Samilerk1: Detler; -of the
Said Town -of Goderich, Merchants, or. the Se--
i•ond part, Which eaid.Mortgege is duly recorded
lift be Cnitoin House 'pi- the Port of _Goderieli;
default have* been made in the due payment
then of, andinthe prbvisiona therein contained,
a-m.11111e notice having Sect ed on all _parties
ertitled_to notice, will be sold by public licetiou
Oa Tuesday, •the,18t11 day V.1 Apri.t Lela,
at twelveo'clock. noon, at the Auction Mare of
Messes. Thosoion- Hazjeliiirst, On- King:den
street, in said Town of .thxlericli, the fo1lOwiniz.
.property, that is to say:_: Sixty -tour -;uediyideil
...Wares or.part-scf and in- all -.that Stra nier.;ealIed•
he ..iireee," th,eli the property Of -Vim Every 4-
Rtenball aftiresaul, now lying at thel'ort of Giide-
_rich aforesaid. together with all and einkular the
anchors,: rigging, furniture, tackle -anti apparel
thereunto belonging or in any wise apfiertaming.
Dec41 under -Power of Sale.
r- - M. C.- CAMERON-
Stilicitor ter Mortgagees.
. 8olicaor tor Mortgagees.
Southampten, 14 March, ISO. ,w3•4141$0
ortgage Sale
Thirty-two Sixty fourth share's
of the schooner, ship_or ves-
sel cqlled the "W. -31,;-_ Mer-
UNDER mil by Virtue of Power or'Saie eon,
_tained in a certain 1%1Ortgage- inade by
Thomas, B.Vinevery and George Ittonball, of. tlie
,TOwn of Goderich, in ti,e County a Huron,
Forwarders (tithe first part,- and John V. Deilor
and. Sanniehl. Hector, o(the aforesaid Town of
Godench., Merchants, of the second part, which
said liortgie,-e is duly recorded In the Custom
House of the Port of Dalhousie, default having
beenmade m -the due paymeut thereokand due -
notice having been sem ed on all p4rties eiditied
to notice, will be sold' by Public Auction, - on
Tuesday,the '18th day orApril next, at twelve
o'clock, noon, at the Auction Mart of Messrs.
Thothson & Hitzlehtirst, on Kingston street, ,in
said Town ot ,Goderieh, the . fo' towing ,properfY.
that is to say: thirty-two sixty foutth shares of
the schooner, ship or vessel Called the .6 W. It-
Menitt." then' the property ocVanEvery dc
Itutishalt, aforesaid; uow lying It the Port of
G.4erith, aforesaid, Deed under wirer =of isle.
. veSsw56td Solicitor for Mortgagee.
PHE underned- is instructed to sell on the
farm of Thomas and John Hartley, Sauble
Line. near Bayfiekl,_ -
ON THURSDit 1.1011IL 60, 1865
. To commence at 1 o'cloCk; p, rn:, the following
Farm Stock, &a:, viz: fifteenhead of ,cattle,
comprising four present ealvers, one yoke of.
excellent plough Caen in first-rate . COzidition,
-aged-1the balance steer.; and heifer* of different
age;42good horses rising &years old -.'one &good,:
heavy farm 'horse; the other, well adapted:for
service in saddle or carriage harness', 2 ploug
harrows, &lining milt, wagion,sleighi, stet -
cutter karnese nearly new, and
‘i portion of their huusetio turniture.
- melm.i-Fsetits ts New Iroir..-A 1m proprietors wilt be happy to eubrait the stile
ur writer Mates that the sc.ourgs ofiguas, i ace., to the inspection ot inteeding- purchase
and scarlet fever is raging firarfully 'Prvit'us Ipthe'l"
ter York.. - Many streets are, barricaded
and patrolled to warn pedestrians of their
proximity tn the pestilence. Streets . are
blocked to vehicles, and the „police stand as,
matinele near infected blocks- The presence
of the pestilence a attributed to the crowded
condition of tbe--tejtement homes. - Over
:25,000 people live underground in New York.
Jo- eighty-five *mimesis in a tinement
helm* sew ths St. Zlicholas are 310 persons
=tour persons to each room, eight by ten.
Itt another there ars nimTsix rooms and
5.7t peruke,. It is estimated that there are
t .hatdostt cake of sidall-poiis
Mew. k_
list, about I p. M., the
co DeolCeitout the deviate -re town, and for'
foar lhouregreat.anxiety was fat for our
in:idgeettkawaterhaviug risen, several_ feet
Inglelt-thilist-was- ever known before. The
bridge over the Grand River between Preston
arkBerlin carrkst/iltaKt 70411 have heard
ors* other damages.
***ahoy relearn iha Tailoring badness -
Abed the buboes utile trade a yeir :or so Pre-
AftlY at ogee to
0°4-44e1Vatfehl4t $1117/4
IERMS:-All sums under $4 cask; above
that amount 10 months credit on approved notes.
As the propeetoreare quitting farming, there will
be no et:terve.
. Auctioneer.
Stinky, March 20, 1$65, • w8-21*
_ _
32 Shares & Atcho:s, Rigging
&o., in -Schtionetr .`Jenny
• Rumbali.'
!DEP and -by Yiriue of a -Power of §:de el -.
dorsed on a certain Mortgage niatle bv
Thomas IL: Vag-a:wry and Georee;Rumball,- of ,
Inc Town of Goderich. in the County -of Huron,
FOtlearder.s. of the First part, and John V. Det:or
and Samuel H. Deticir, of said Th-whof Coderich,
Merchants, -O-1 the Secomd part, which sa4.1 Mort -
vivre is duty recorded in he Customs ollice,-ot the
to‘vn of Cotleriili aforesaid, default --ha% in, been
made in the payment therear. and in the provi-
*ions therein cOntained, and due notice haying
been served on all parties ent tied toCetice, will
be sold by Public Auctier, on
Tuesday, the 18th - day of April . next,
at twelve o'clock' noon,. at the Anteign Mart of
Messrs. Thomson dr 1 -fa zlehurst. on r Kineston
itt the said To -wit of•Goderich, the following pro-
perty, that Is to say, Thirty-two undivided Shares
,or uarts Walla in ail thatVes.selimIled the-.elenny
Rutuball," then the property of VanEvery
Riiniball atoreaa , now lying at the; P&L Of Gode-
rich. atmesald toeether with all ant' singular the
-ancluirs, rigging, furniture. tnekle aneapparet-
thereunto belonging or . in- any WiSe -.appertain-
Mg. Deed under -Power OfSale. -
witdl Solicitor for Mortgagees.
. -
.eartnersh_ila..Notice. .
MR. ADAM HOPE was, on the 31stiffec.
last, admitted a Partner of the Business
hitherto conducted 'tinder the- firms Of Peter
Buchanan of Glasgow i• Isaac Buell&
:nen Co;,f New York; and Buchanan,
Berrie k CO., of Hamilton whiek Beainessea
will -hereafter hi:cerritid on 14 the under-
signed, under the firms it Glasgow and
New York,aad -under that Of_Bucharcan,Hepe
it Co, at
TatIrr Goods and Grocery Basimisma of
Adani Hope & CO7,„-Lendock will bi retook&
to Hamilton,
and the andeireignet :00u.
throe theilaidware end -Heavy Goodsbusiness
at London, -iii coanectiou with their present.
partner there, .Me, DOS 3eralle11013tcoe4er
the firm- of Adam, Hope k Co. ,
fiaieilteJ e C. if • ntercii 13 iffst.'
TI1E-Courtof Revision for. the Township of
Ooderieh, 'will hold. its firstniceting, at
the Council Room, Hohnesville., on Moirday,
the 246 day of April next, forthe purpose of
hearing appeals against as4essinen1, &e.
Township Clerk.
w8 -:it
March; 20th 186,5,
..T0' LET..
TF1AT House and Shop now occupied by
1 Mr. R. Uglow. ..POsscssion ist Aprit
Apply to GEO: W. PARSONS.
Goderich, March 21st, 1,865. w8
(IAM enclosure of the SubserNer
S4 of let 19;10th con., W,alinitiosh. *hoot
the !piddle. -of September last, two Heifers
corning . 2- years old, one red and white the
other black and white.. The. owner is reques-
ed to prove property par charges and take
them away. :PEER- •RUTHERFORD.
St. Helens, Sich'14th, 1865. . -w7 3t
lnsOlvent Act 01.064:
HE creditors of the Insolvent are notified
J. that he bat made an,.e.e.eigetnent , of Ws
estate and effects under the above Act to me
the undersiened assignee, and they are requir-
e to. furnish me within two months from this
date with their claims, specifying the security
they hold if any, and the value of itt and if -
none stating the fact; the -whole attested an -
der oath, willitheyouchersin support of such
claims. • .
Dated at Snutliunptoe, in the County of
Bruce, this 14th day of March, 1865.
vi8 2t A. McgABB.
Mortgage - Sale!
64 SharOslk Boats, Guns, Amu-
nition, &nag Arms and Appurtenan-
ces, of Steamer Niagara.
IINDER.- and by virtue of a Power of Sale
U centaiised _in a lierta4 hfortgaga ado, by
Thrums vanFoiry mid Georga-Ranibill,
of the Town ot the County of
kluron,, 'Forwarders, of the First Party and
John V. Detloiand Samuel II. Detlor, of the
aforesaid Town of Goderich;liferehibnts, of`
the Second Part, which_ said Mortgage is
duly recorded in the Custom House.. -of the -
Poet ofMontreal ;,-dafault having been -made
in the due payment thereof, and due. notice'
having, been served On all parties entitled to
notliet ei4he'aeld hy Airetioa:-Oii
day of April'iteit,
it twelve Oreloch,;• V -eAtietion
Mart ot Xessra. Thomson Ilaslehuret,
on.-Xingstoestriet,iiisiid Townataodevieb,
the foliewin,,o. property, thetis
foui undivided Shares or parts of and in ail
that Vereel called the -"Niagara, then the.
property of VanEvery k Rambell; aforesaid,:
IOW lying:at the Port Of Godeneb, aforesaid,
together with all and singular the anehors„
rigging, furniteri,-tacile and-lippetel there-
unto belonging or in any wise appertaieing as
above mentioaed. Inca • under Power of
Sale. • _ _ - _
Solicitor -for -MOrtgagees.
u7r*-5-kettlikan4 tither :Apparatus.-- all
in good working_ orthlikf:illtnated in the
Town of Cadericho-,,,
Fo 410 ;fiti-teerapnairlitArms-IliMg gi40
for In** ttie parChOmjnoila'Ageletvirett
00-0110-E7R,A 14?
With *eis itetiahtirler letiertil*Werk„„.Tdrine;
„Thepropettiet will be soI4 setierattliiiind
at twothirdeotibeie good
ling boe MW4d t&'.oltri'prolierty. Ap
plyto -'• , J. B. GORDON,
GodeSichilllitrobalb.186* sw54 Ins -
0 4
For Sale °hail).
kf;;'tlithsrnC.tTrri::;r0': 41b Knife"'
_ t). CAMERON.-
atierieh.tieteher28. 1864.. freiltr
o *f110111. - it may Coneorn.
- signed finds it: his pauitul duty to .baveto
eatatmoftite4uhlic.-igkiiiiti7gtitiOtor.r Mff
hisiiRfei,%ny,eridit_Von ;hie eectittia,- aa , -1
boa:knell...ilk bed and Award without e aRY
es* li-katioer,110‘ *A. not 14:ratiPOltbrit
or-anyiniclidelits etaitrattedly
- - -
Seafottli, we-
1865. New Spring Goods. 1865.
HE SUBSCRIBERS beg respectfully to announce that the first instalment ot their Spring
order of
Has been received and is now on exhibition at the
LAspow HOUSE,"
Whig+ makes their Mock very complete in all the grades and qualities
of Ladies', Misses',-- Girls', Menet Boys', Youths' and
Childs' BOOTS AND SHOES. Our prices, will
be found very low, qiiite in accordance
with the necessity of the times.
From New Ynrk have ale° come to- hand., comprising all the noveltien.-in- this
goods --very cheap 1 Look -in and inspect our stock even if you don't -buy, it May be worth
• - :
your while. - 1
66 I-41TV10 A.1447P .1L1Fial Ir-AVM•99
ME, JR. & C9.
Glasgow House, 20th March, 1865.
BEGs to inform his old friends and the public generally that he has
Nex t door io 31r. BUTLEWS. BOOK -STORE, where everything -in
8rc., will be sold cheal.) for CASH or in exchange for Dairy Produce.
As he intends to devote, his attention prineivially to the rectifying of
Thergby enabling him to sell at
Fifty Dollars a Month!
Fcnt further particulars apply; either per
smelly or by mail with stamp, to
Da. A. J. ARCHER,.
Ashfield, Belfastp.o., C. W.
.. ,
To raise by way of Loge the suns of
Twenty 2'housand Dollars for de
purposes therein mentioned.
ll'EEREAS the Corporatiin of tWUnitell
11 Counties of Buron and Bruce has re-
solved to Gr;i1e, Gravel and improve eerteie
Roads and Highways, with the necessary
Bridges for the same, within the aid Comity
of Huron. , , _
wlen -weenele the>, said improvements ite
entirely within the Countrot Huron, and ihe
expense of making the a me is to be defrayed
,iy the said Coinity irrespective ef
County or Bruce, the ,Leas or Del* will be
paid by the Said County of Hero., aid the -
Rate hereinafter mentioaecl -wial be raised
solely upon the rateable property within' the
said County of littront • AID musses lex
carry -into- effect the "taxi recited object it
will, be necessary for the said Corporation te
raise the sum of Tweuty Tboasesd Dollars,
in the mainier hereinafter mentioned: Axis
WilEauSAS itis ex"`A.411 10 define ateremose-
'live amounts to be expended on each leee of
Road intended to be improvgd, it shall be
expended as set out in the Schedule at the
end uf this By -Law end foaming part of tie
same. .
- AND WID:REAS it will lipiTe--11* HUES of
Three Thousand Two Hundred Dollars te .
he rinsed annually by Special Rate for the
payment ot the Amid Moan or Debt MA 31111*
;. -
est as also hereinaftermentioned. ' '-
Aso WHEREAS the amount of the ,wlaele
rateable property of the mid Ituattipality
irrespective' of any future increase .is the -
same,. and irrespective of any income lo be
derived from the temporary investment ofthe
iiiikin„e: fund hereinafter mentioned or any
part thereof, according to the last revised
Assessment _Rolls being for the, year erne -
thousand_ eight bundredsand sixty four vras
Eight millions Two huudred aud Eisby.eighi
thousand Six hundred and Ninettemdelhusz
AND WIILREAS for paying lite interest and
Icreating as equaLannual Smiting And for
.payirig the said sum of Twenty Thousand _
Dollars end interest as hereinafter mestioned,
.it will require an equal annual Spiciid Rate
of four-tenibs bf a mill ie -tlie-Dellar in ad
diatonic), all other rates isnd taxestolm levied
iu each year.. . -
Be it therefore enacted by the Corporatist'
., toofrtlitheeUtininiteedbeCino74;estboef.64-11u7agte.eigeaBrs60:ar,
L That it shall. be lawful for dm Warden
Corporation te rami by Inky of Loan, fres*
any person ocpersons, body or bodies corpo-
rate who may be willingto advance theism
upon the credit of the Debeetnres *Ovate,
mentioned, a sum- of money -not exceeding -le "
the whole the sum of Twenty Thoemind Doi.
lure'and to cause the same to he paid tate
thehands of the Treastirer of VAS Iferlart_
Counties aforesaid, for the purposes, and,witk.
the object above recited. .
IL . That .11 stall be lawful far the-imil
Warden to cause any eneiber of asbealaeol
. to made for such sum 01 wenn as may be
hequired, net less than One ' Hundred Da-
Iiries each, aud that thesmd Debentures shall
be srided with Mutual of the laid Carpet*
-1 tion, and signed by the said Warden. _
• III.- That the mid Debentures ABU inp
made payable in ten years at farthiati fro, '
the day hereinafter mentioned for this *
Law to take effect either in Loudon, is 141,. -
land, or souse place ia Canada tie iseieettt.
ed in the 'said D &
Debentures, sad di
ttached to them Coupons for the pegmest
of Interest. .
IV. . That the said Debentures -and fame,
DealerS therein Will do Well -to give" him -a van.
• _
Those Indebtod to him. will Please calkand settle
atonce otherwise costs must -be incurred. -
MARKET sQUA RE ,GOde !eh, 7th March, 1865., sw53
particulars, apply (if by letter pestpaid)
- -
Goderich, Feb. nit, : Signal")49ffinetf•
7 *
. , .
United Counties of)13Y virtue or two writs of
Huron and Bruce, JO Vend mini Esponas mul
' To Wit : _ lien Facials for -residue
issued out ' el Hi r Majesty's County Court
ofthe 'County et Ontario and Court .of Com-
mon Pleas, and to me diteined against the
Lands and ienemeinsofStephen D.Cmwford,F.IL
Lynch Staunton, Enoch C.Dowling dud Bober*
Gilmour, at the suits of Isaac N. Howard and
ri'lHE undersigned ollerefor sale the iollowing
1 prenitsts, situated on the Gravel Road ie
the Tewnship ot Wawanpsh.
within 11 lilies of Goderichl
containing 100 aerate. ',50 of which are cleared.
On the premises there is a good Frame Barn 36
by 52,-a good Franie House, young orchard -
bearing. 'A good creek runnotg through ibe
term. Apply to ...-
_ Lot -3, 4th eon.
.Wavianosh,Jaii-30, 1965.
0 MILES from Goderich _on the Huron
the Corporationot the Township ot Elderslie, 1, Road,
have seised and tiiken in Execution ail thie right,
title and interest of the ..aid defendants, in and to TO LET OR $ELL;
Park Lot „No. 15,Lot No. 9, and to the South half
of Lot No 6, East side of Queen street North,
being subdiiisions of Peek Lot No. 4 in the vil-
lage of Paisley; &Mihail of Lot 22 on the East
side of Queen Street South Paisley, Park Lot No.
16,Nurth side of Camnridge -street. and Block 35
West side of -Queen Street,North Paisley, 1•ot 13
South sidisad13 tad 14 North side ofigaintindge
The above farm irill be let or sold on very
*reasonable tcrers,. -41tPly toi. "BLAKE,
.Huron Road.
Ooderieli, Mareht; 1865. vrgtf
street, Paisley; North hall of lot L East sale of LAN
Huron street,Southampton,60 feet ot the North
part of Loeb.. 4 North side if High Street,'
• _
Southampton, Lois 29 and'.10 on the North _side!
sicle.qf Norfolk Street, Seuthamploit, Lots 21 and i
S°uthamPtin" L°t 18 East II I OT I i the 11 th W. D is offered
n cam. -., _
ofClurendoir street, .
in the County oi Bruce; whieh lalds,and tene- t This lend is of excellent quality' with shout
mental 1001 offer for sale at my -office in the
cOltri_ Hottee, lathe Tqvrit of ofsderiek,ois Toes=
daytheTwenty-Eighth day ofrebruoytiext;a1
...lherli.o,uri Twelve out 'he clock,
e' t ------ --; 'Sari/ N. 4., B.
22 South side of Louisa ti et, Southampton, all $150_0. $250 cash, halsoie time.
_ .
cla acres clonal, within 6 miles of Goderich,
_dot which atfe gravelled. At -ply to -
• 7 j. GOSPOY.
Gedericli„ March 4, 1865; ., skiv6-8w
. -• •
Hyt. Poi.toce, Deputy
-gbevesheoeke.- ()wench, t
25th January,1865:
The above sale isAmstpepecl.„141 Tuesday,
the 4th:day of April next.
tTtflE partnership for some time existing be-
tween Matthew R. Dodds and John B.
Ireland, ria Tanners, in the Village. of Ain-
leyville, is this *day dissolved by mutual cos -
sent. -
All debts due tothe late firm s'hall be col- and T p •
pons shall be made net is either- Sterile(
money or Provincial cummay of dais Pro.
vioce, at the option the -said %sides**
that the whole amount of said Debentures
shall not exceed the before mentioall sae
of Twenty Thousand Dollars, and *Fr abaii.
bear interest as and aftertht roe st mr1
coddle per annum; which interest *NI
payable on the first day of Jsusary milk*
day of July, In each mid every year alatiell'
the continuance of tae mid ihbesturee
the lace where the Debeatarei are Ms*
e. _ _
That for the purpose of feminist
Sink;ng -Fund for the meant of the aa4
Debentures and the interest at the rate *knot
Mid to become due thereon, ati repeal specie'
rate of four tenths 'if it mill in ihe Detle%
shall in addition to all other =HO ,
be raised, liviedand collected in mirk yam
solely upon all the ratealrle repeeti ivies*"
the said County of Heron, dam% shosaniissar
ance efsaid debentures many of theiess- -
VL That this Blass* shall take" Abet
and come into operation iipoathe Meets.**
day of4unet bathe year of Ow tem%
Thousaud Eight, trendsed Ana simprv.m.
Seven Thousand Dollars ta be impel4*.
on the -Colborne and Ash6eki Road. eine,
tainring st-A. Allenb Tavern, geiag Mirth-.
FottrilaUirsqd Vellare 411 tite
Stephen, between Lots Ten sad Elmo%
commencing at the Tondo* Rood*, .
One -Thousand Dollar' on Se; Eftmeien„
of the liarGfareklio**- t -ti4
Three Theosead Ifeedeoll Do**, .
Sosfordt Rook cormsoacies
Tavern, going Nortlite Etilmors.
Two Thousand' Felt AtiedredrDollaa it* - -
die finebetween the Achill end Swift -1000-e-
cessions if Mouldy cenesieseisgr, at Dayik
Taunt. • •
Two Themand Dollars -OW the elesten
wieiboei Bead, through Lets -T
11--7‘r:.e.fIte, Vig:lik:b":"1,:g- , IIPPeals- ----- -1-ec- tagib:..31"71r2A0.-11"411:S. I 3RaELA4IND,Iliabill. ilesilet:encaltimen-tytlaBillotbrill°1:daithinta. C6neallialkilbatktio Illiticomti'
A. against Assessment will be held at the ties °file same to the present- date., shall be atm./aid Line to vie Iwo- -tom 1.1010._
.isionalEilf Mr.. Alexi Findlay; Let is, con. 51 liquidated by the same party. Wailess oar tof Twenty ins' Twesty.020. and opealea. Ill
on Saturday, the 8t1i of April, at 10 o'cloCk t hands this 641 day of Mat ch, 18-65. - look je-id s'ide Line to the - --i-' limit ot.
:-..-.7 ' - * - - ' • Ew D -
- -FINDLAY. . _ ' makTTH it °DM of iteroe, -
['wit 3r!' ' Townihip Clerk Monis. .--- ' Witnemes--JOHN 0- HOLLIDAY,
Insolvent ACt of 1864
Insolvent Act of 1864. -
Hatatesnd. effects under the above act toinee day, the first day an Inao1venS
-utiaNITAGmr-torEe7SaAS: wiStomiA..ininueginlneeatunde1:1086:orn-:ukehihroopTamtbloblven;Ilfs:deypeo inaudificy16.,:.:1411:marvitiassis.3:nri
theMundgeredrsiit:'ass°11ihgeeeelu"- sindventt heyire ,ii*m7reed- cecio:ksiwnotonstr, ifohrelithel7A:trpoDeffilicer n°efajfj:19;seet iffitiwneksigvw:
e • =MO
Dated at trse.Winege_etantee, Ate
statement of his affairs- and of naming.**
- S. SINCIAllto
tro wri44r.
!his Sate with )beit. elenits, iiipeciffufg the
nrity,tbeTbad. if awl wind the value of it,
!eind,if none,stingthefact -the whole at-
tested ender oath, with' the unctions, in sup
Port ortgolsolliNalr,
,Assigues. -
tharettbe S• 1866., rsw5hyr7:-2w
HEereditors ofihe ineleisigned are notified
grill.; above is a timeopy
I fakir to be taken_ into
ILaraeipidity of sii• 1Jssis4
12,54,:idlisv *WM,
of the -Coosa