Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-24, Page 1Humorous items. U U C-; I I I r -5 s Indus" must p. on r," ap the man said i -%,hen holdmitg the baby while his wife chapped wood. EDYToulAl. ArftxL,—Av editor annotinees a the arri'val of the t-elftb responsibility at the Z� house, and mailibe the following appeal the re' k- 4.4- after More snbwxibers wanted xnme"w G k.) I at this office." 1.).-4t- 1 v TuL­LEAs S.Lii) Tim .6mm—, III -Ger- NI. 13., rilan friend. how long bare Von been Mar - k,1 N A- .I- tv tuk about ; bw ven I ed- it WMB to We f ll y N. '�'- li` SE 0 ned VelAis am a ting I sildow dorl't likes J -ul -T"R. ON" rA- I) T LON, A -D f1l D B CE- XDVERTI P ubout as Iona as it never vofi. ()F F.:,b, 0 lV-xI;.0 W. - That cat has got a tu:d,­asid4 fneDd V I Vr. C'01v. sible Number." Jerroid, pumun-1, to a doullemir Javorite-� ' 'A M-N"'.Hr W. T. COX, Slitor aud Proprietor. The Greatest Possible Good to the Ore2tast Po�' a T:- I N �F Y— ('Ll X' yes,- Jerrold replied, &i the poor thing is subject to cat-arrh.11 TirpizxG Titim LAviN.—Andrew Jackson -0 58. vras once making a stump speecill in a coulIPY- DR A. WORTHTNGTON, G1 0 IDERICH CAR FRIDAY. TUARCH 24, 1865". VOL. .50 PER AN- JN A IY-t 0 V 1ust us be -WNW wil, at- iliagre out West. 0 IL Amos Kendall, who sat belibW -him, wh"i Ica' InV2 -A T d I -Tip'ew a lit -tit latin General; i1ieyw6rft operazzow, uyk- e L W47wo Ivv47-Iv satisfied without iu 13te Bew f New Dire -do -q. blaNv=x VtLLA orleams, " itittantly thmwjbt ZrA fow V Business Cyt. WERY SRI TMON - - el Ft OF k,411 up his speech hf -exclaiming ---E INT THE MATTB, he -knew and in a voice of thunder, lfferch=t TA110,ro. -P ATTUMNEY-AT. BETIVEEIV RRI ST E R, AN . ­ i writim sffie -qua- soul V116i Ah z4f I VIR TTG -S I i P.tTuicK 1rle%N`EDY VVYDNAN' ZARM 94ZARS, *03)ERICK, 't ­ 11 1 -EK IN THE 0017 DR ,r thevSw. - a .11011TI VLfLititle. : 0-NMISSION RT,OF Sohettor ant-rry, Coutiltv LAw. zZ INS— DRUOS, -invuum -AND 4 -.xLu shouts -8 JU$T c6uldbel or AReg ItED A —7 &0d f -1 �&SSV RANCE 3 AIKY -RA REU MI d [TESTElfN CQ -AP - . 4 , - . IN BrAi IlAmericaAssttraiiceqornpan�; Read - Farm and Twin Lot.* for -Sale. HENRY G0WPE1t.HY2;DXi!r n fkatm* r-" lf court House titry kenz Larx 4 Ifyou go * -in urchase xf -ASSOA-ed & WeR MI, C;.: Vfibme�,--� ties in- �)t& for -wale, or desiring'Lo offiees.Tdpato. Marine;Fireaud.LifeInsumpees e -to biff v6snoel. 'who priciuner in dock was "dw I tx 'F I wiP ple;Z'sendfallpat ' ulars. eflef-led on favorabletern THE C T111�337- H017VOR-ABLE MDGE, TOCK -()F Dtm-,manon.Feb. 20. IS57," r:3w OtTitie.m. Alr-J; R. Gontl aw rn� .,To, feudinx, him with forte mail f*rTv ja Tudgg wid Jur -0, , seV3.er=s-- -70*90 gt., ow of thi .613 thaltway, - i Z HA D -in a r, they'll bangtitie. I kn a 01V\ -L ARl H E humble petiti, MTLS A -OCT,, tow OF TEE COUR AN OF FWANC -y in od IToltis. CO3 VEY.! COMXERCIIAL- -.H -OUSE' U qodttrich.No�v.24- ISO-- IT. �P "'trick'Ketinedy Hvittlinan, 811be, VI'laie 414ever -mr, "Pued f IR--il and P-iovin liid..1.imv boy." C N I" - -C ofExeter. in the County of Z�e '411 Z - ; I . ([-&T1;.D.A Rlis-)- 4T —)o YL =0 A� W Cv. o 4P m sel, an- Iii --ealkwan tarzwi SOM ov coun nur tav Lstt-re offices *y -is own elp wnl i'ne tortoR.B.'Rey-no 13) WS: I(Succest as4fbI16 QfCanada, Provinvial: Ldnd SurveYof, ShVVL'ct!L and QueenStreet L)etor Soa. GoderwiLz a, I GODMICH-. I', Heniry Hyadman,Inte oi riancy Article -5, tch as them han-liqu, &gLd'- OrLul e �Aud a variety d -00P�p 31- lders'on, in th I I .- I : -0, ip'of - Coilboroe, in -the Co!unAl ot Hit- it BEG�z 'suleerely, -to -wash -car. V -4-- T.1 Insur ce,., . - & ft- :U I -Shirts'.0ollra Xebkti#�, 4e: d. IL ran und Province aforesaid, was at I ie ,me tif' S b of Lots v, itlL L's friends -an .1119 P%I it(' � I L. - � I I t::)- Ata meeting iii N�w Yaricz velta -A Nlianlo6rs-rotira- -1 fiie,. Laki Road-. I-asi, in t �Zenea' -LIFE.: 'E. t - Tfl 11 1 he lrave�' hsdeaththe-i)wrft:r ofthe feesimple FIRE NDI r was adopwirequestmg,the u s, E for- tile pam&! nine Vears- Rud W011.18.,.rlt�­k towiv�hio-of-Coll�orne- in thi�'Cotmty, cif Huroo Whicli he �s. prq?�red to pell Chpaji fq v ct�ylv half -QaSh. - I �a _J11111011.91 ship io -Charleston hwbw le arleS p st 'Rree*,Uoder enit"' ­� a-. Ixulte". lu­ - e 'Q aql Provitie­ afaresaid, �t ad or the ea, IL specanivy W, 't.letr 'Patro!.iage. I'Vey DISPENSIO CHEMISTA DRUGGIST -her G' Ila 10. *1 - tin;Robirt &Mderson.- itoed.-,ank: TAPITAL rtmee'. ibit -I w'm)wie,-nas be WO VILLION DOLLARS.- t of itlaild Te ahf e vo, Ilro. hets pon I -sxWof Fort Sunattr ffe It, Ovell, War t"Goderieb. Iricu Oct- 12- !"364- elilare u, Alivie tic-qiar. . I - . . T . -0 treet: in lite town o in R.T - i'N rt n W 61; wund, Co. e Andlutporteirof %*rst. 0 The 13th. .0 H Deal ria -krowil a3 our hun- Wy I at national banner - uare -NT E- U. G- S- A-tId I lie said'Hen- a . if - was, April, 1861 r HUGH CX ] ��Oretjandniiict�,Qir eofifictownplatorucideri wits InIlIttte(I Filadslot) $3,0001000. runitilig; nqlll�ber f 'N' V'ra N- U lirkip leti-or tand mmuz XTURN 11\T L f e , he eonipelted to lower At As A, ( c. Mar-ktit So UJ T "hi 1-. - Bi Oat. ry fivridiYA ALOR: Sept 22434, Aicution of the Iraitors*f South Vardlim 16imple and inherftanvt� of lownumbLi-s ie pecultur cowis. on r4IL Iller, e- X R63r, -1 G -000 - C ytte eds-.-$2,500 1 equit.j bly entitled I o 11 tAllimal EX Hhe tim afflus deal nit . Ten. ow of Abe lit eonre$,41Lin' Weilern I anct.iqlevew Ili- Lite ew, courts.;- A-4ftfatididumb ummiW LO -EL " -�ail - d at th IT flair- -.-.17obth. and' 1% 'uhall os D ArttusT-mts. 4TTOP-N-IM, Div Sion,%.)ftht'Sald t) p of -CL tp;ntorm the I eb -Aich larreny -and ajury-w"-rit B with'saTev. 2'- T�e said -Henry 14ndinandipirteJ fili-dire Mat he h'ac, RE110VIEUMothe shop under' i W I L 9 ON', 'PttOPRIET0R.. -in whether the m.tn Vag onotab thenjn�.tv"th da%�Lof September un i lie year ot vu.r Lord.one Thousand'-Eigh I I - filln_ it -e Torfv--Four, havilin, first Atil,ma,.e antl 1401 Ife Ina, rat'ce mp See' *tv V NT.!E'_; E. Le Johnson's 4 most pi�a 'ntiv s, Led tin al-� i of God -or by maiice- Wium—ws,rroved that 'le. 'JORSE and t 0 Harbot rieture allefy t]ilm -JR. Grorda hehad 'teizf inute for 3revi Ver, ul vireord- Her hei Iiis -tilanti i4emallient -in writina. Ibm 10-wom U iTbe same jury Wale r TTUT.-t EY -AT -LAW SOLICITUR a att R&;i rd. R.JTRS L6117FA VIA N c A R D iE N'S VE E D S, C is fl -I Ilie oil. puu;ie. -oayrvan Henry Hvndma rel�tion to his a davis of Rd r If srgaupp�v V15tiloviv T E.YGLr,-R OFFIVE S- �of - is tosay: f I ­ .. � offluroll L 16triCt 0 00 &i:-.. Goderxh, danada We f dn and ipro,6ed he praumfo zoui;sel (Yrder.-froinAfedlica.-mi' p perda - - - Di it. ol �tloor.i�rt; ,Atif Ti r I -It -rs� PtIT attlea 1 GOODS I guilty-, sses. Trom, . xlf -do bere "D.-WMER d this itiv last -will atid I - - : . . . . L fo k"W ista Harriet A writer in,13lackwood prof -O!" lef6i�6iG4 t a]3 of Directors F ibmad wim 0 TELr wppoi:�, -my dear wile Aug ode I th T, ride. �which he: !all q 49 -tcle guardian Very suitable lrth;6-0 ri the. alilh womah (ioderielijan. 10 1& -Jr nd d he Sava TCHER, Hvndman M Jady toLSell at -or -the ts-r I traytis Ibat they All Aketch i WFL "HAILLES ME -it. and I do h- relly direct 14iif im OXETER AUT NEY-A.TwLA.W. TN rt - epa Y. -ejn*r edL -do eAboirlesiffat- pr6vide �Iqr- th e!- Road, runinj� r0al first plart!. tim. exe4rutrix and @a. TIM peclae es, *eq -z III . -LIGHV, L IS64'L trismalbal 41" ,mile north of I W1 WESTL IG -HT-. IGHT1 a;lt�she,tfe a anone tra�v- t lit ices ro�-isinxi for mv deor ry .4 on., to Wroxter. ant wftere',Llead- mother, Al Sarah Hvnd equ�t to fhe'lile G $6 what th.ere is- of t rather I to 1,-n:(1 6R--,JLea1.Prn0erty- oierich.Uet. 113th 1 4 .111;;, tU e -e In vor ritish: aud sterlinc renount caafil d ones -are xeseiveed, lWaIder ones 204U%: ON-orth 3 1 nSUranef Co., R & CO L -OILS r 'Balmorey, A- men uvi, makAIT JU 104* e i)ton'..i I vc A and t) lit lite fa alof U413190sl t, ;f' the Shud I py and Gountv a blair r Ayr, in; Scotland, TIE t r zt, V tT(� i,.,x GOE- X t�Ey. 10 A EAL N or any Liminoth Purniu Fluid 14mp ons'. vsald iii-1wrand tne to Johil -livadinan, Ire,- to' 11 d 1) 1 d 1, -1. - -her ben disd6overed xUut ten Miles -fro* AIM - ins W eaLr�rjfe. oh".vonditiou of tGordo :LawChainbers. 4ve'for eft1ra.11" First Door we,, cat It t4is, Ill. t.,J I red* to. er.�A. I le. - her hbu betu- explo IFor Sale bv. renounchig he i ri'a t -flow 'y ALWA -Ojf life 11), lol". -Vo- 1, 2i�, 7._G 3. Lakv roadea-,I,towillhip fbalfi juile Itmad-fiiand to. derich, Jan. 17, .1 h59, swi2_lvr -plate VTO -tober 13 ISES. L I r L - - - - w -IT U R' bididings.furnituie7, . Goder;rh� Qt je, Westerii I with 0 f all houseb, fartaing be, an immense subterranean lalle bot stock-� cattle and 61 hit-bandry. whlvh water� w 'Ails ebb" I beou The Same 11 t e 11111 ide. The' We W. (jifice —(-It -J.T, O'tt-FiSl r--- - - -- - -* -. I r . . -all it,.C4, C. iil ds in ijenth .., -a F01t SALE' &BBs A. ;lint' Or AU- T way H f R pri)p�rty, hether. ieal or It nal'. I direc T- iLENUT SON- to be equailly.4-videdaincing. mr--ch Mile in -sli ildren, share Appiy IQ' indiesfimm, X zaid W. Z G -RAE, the fag* t eylo: Len4�, 103w3l '%71) FIFTY FEET pitsir (=w1eitch.AuZuat2 as op , -pluee. ftuirned !a 7o. ad Eat, wit ft tile hooses 4im nable terms.-: A-V -lots -1. 283.'Liikt�-Ro- �w I'ther atsotaikit-tuine time. Goderichi N DAYS 0 �,ery. reaso Ply to on atfiefthe-,denth 6friny drar and -7 rQR1Nt:-y. SOLICIT(* &c. OFFICE. T�asllyj lf�ave to.my.dear The orld.74'. 'DOY in notiep, V. B:�L. LE, wife the �ow,�e�ofdivid�ngr a childrea tes thatt tm f 1864, _W4r_71 as tzhi� maythink pr,"r tile furniture. Plate. L RloCk� bs ercia'1311hitel,� -t ' given in that respect0ke 1i;VAJ 10M 'Or' of�wh -Zheh. e ten and veto iny- tl-is -and to United -.:itates upon lae u on -9tb San. 1965 riting. Linder mv h Prr Iseli the rq it y -any, -1 i my w or A LL'thos ill slid 1 Godericb. Tr Aiiament- e in&bted to -Z wo add-cWtvils to lit labt smate" fLthe -elens-i in' tht- VfAptil- MIT. This is the to iniii, spet�-ial beque-sts in 0 V1 e of St. H ici-. and r. k an� abS 0 din_ Goder J HN' H I C KS, P norieto time to tim0-ne(v.ssa"v� InwituelFswhere"t Township .,6f wamannosli, e n, By tbee-1 of the Fle-vv*Mr eeneral, Wexiert. -e ave hereunto �et Ili), iliand at Lunderston - I - hior llttanatla­and c arges AT a.fire,,7Fkjd, the nineleentli ot - 183-1, be 01 UP.ALO UderL Dou, and Uamages lar thle, on AN ei.. $Laze and Alexa. 586 persons 4eft I he untr, the dobiori by 'k accounfor theil are RE= I -it. (ioderich. .1. it o r as nuxierateat- it' WNS hereby- notified to pay.the same WhOrwise -Irehtnd for e year -18" it y sp to vlaa47 � TUXER than into this 100 rd mv faem servants t*in- an increase of 41,:00 off *0 1z T JOHNN-31ACDONALI). U or. W,' fo. InCe the d] A 6-b Ondericb, 7 -1 on ad eleven SlleriFs 4ritne TT( M5 A x 851 tow -P id hite-flin 1.499 r110118a (�fmivryancer, & ­ 1 Jk rv, tiviidwan Pitriel Ien n, name y.:: - oil -GODERIC13L Y r iletitioneir th Feb.. 1865. sod se"dit of utl- T A ftT nedv Hvilit-nan and the. safil Henry I SUCH -,Af`.. WeZrt Killride. in Ayr- ed on the iee at Weudovex� -ri-e1exick 13TOUU00t oBedstead-4n elldip;s am giureaus,! Sofas, Lou ft q1tire.in-that Part Two little girls, shters, A W rd 136o c 133A3qb, lwmw. _ATT()1'. STF kT d �tid Ieland called Aiattra4e& me H viid anci Ise"n �741, 1:5 Firelclust- Tdble's' , saine platv, *pinster�. Isabella Bin i. mail. tz and 111apl. r Et. Anot1wricW" WOK'09 1111U; WORKS mati oftbe same pla�,e- spIP-Ste t 0 izabeth Starv' I her sixtef. Aged Al also IsAk itif uesi4 TRELEAVEN tai!nuoa. A 11 rLaId. -,rn infln, othe ame p see. spincler. and Arms W 0 AND. Olt ler aitlfjitii6: Wo llllllier�011$ 10 14vildinau. of the It',will'of Stratf'*Ws in the- n- -to her resell 41111IS240d 1 D&,T ptlister. id Province itibi ;9Gi;of fbent WRO *Wna-' 01 -7- -Wountv�)�Pe L* At-giista Harriet Williams ;[ioriner3 and n6aUta fef %NI&O 'TL XADEA TO—ORDER ,,, T, � �. Zt- V T Iv Augusta of Rubv'Wiltinill'i The I)Ae LAW "Urvev an. allits, L HirHei H-vildmAnj FlOwflle Wite le Ryndni n, o6h e -17 il I a snowed ;tp for AelftAl 1910101 V, Prouiptly"atten d to �j Ujjton&feet,Goi6.Tf!4r- of the Sallie 0111M. J011111 W Ir sio,ttsaid. - I -- - - -ountV oat korsm bewMen br xi!ter,in file C 17 . L... ]ff i�g With' [A 0 nd -- fllpp�' tobe no d Yverleiggb, Bo a, re�idin-inAnitralm-0 a-VTN rNew'-Zealand, InVtte..q all eXaMI t,(,a PT Aw atair of age, and Roher:. Blairilyndluan and Arthur VRT AKING. &C. . ft William yndm�ri, fitt, OSH L -inee Cli�fttorl. Juty-1,16 V-� Crri; Ea- Rdt! f thf- be- fl'l*- n -e the e h*l moc Warranted to b 0�pposit Uail a -d- id I te r3, erjA -worl walliti. and Ait- rreativ reduirt sur - in, L an -f ay ia. d bt. 4t- Tit-- i Tvt T" 100, 5k I prives. - t an compare, un 'Cow sat�sfi6d before. a aid Hent -0 -yertiser has Teceivid _Wllere. per, U t:>.�A-11 kinds of repairing- 6ne. on 'most nduian. r­-Krneardt - a - tq.,-, Table- rmer'sPro- . :,- Hyndman, EliZabeyb. lary Land Agent an4 COnTevu Ire bS TaD113 all a nna i. Tam reasonuble.t&ms. be troops will xe I � - I -t - Wil -k flartit ------- nU. 'a -1864'- flyndulin, AULm4a- in fie� sjW�4 pel priva Gode "' h, Au My El- n 1-ireet. ric Johil. �-a- Wareroilm on I William r -Y tCormerly Aij� e tc n`!� in Ixeirs Re-imentiwas tried At Mostrmol vw at d c-onvicted f Alooerbon, W- aid -2­1-� AROPHITECT .0 mjet -Eli,zabeth. Hvild igAista Harr -P -savib tenced to.five ya&W -wal Wit. ot lild- ;;�5 i;i;d land.-. sen serolFf"TtON =1 .13PO N laim 10:r AQ*er -out of in a neat r intended' OUL rti�7nlarl v d-aw 'tile attention -of! hI E V) C and and lJobert 1311ir CAPIL—The 01oww It: IYI jitadv a part� to this pelitloil eir'-Lan& ivid --others, to Hyvdinan, -let. cap. .37, making bi-tter HyAdmll.and Artliur whi) have sit-, c Sap-- MAISM IE A k -:tilers on th GAB11NET- WARENOUS the Statute'23, V $5.671 a! DEPAqTMENTAL' . diec rig Two Issue. Ile I leavi and ito -in the -h hundred and provigion frthe-pulliis tmUt Iiii J' Hilly" Camerm had WAMW near one thousandeiz. Cowper Hvnd ling I lmber�L, the aliove Ht rr xx1 - lu lBrittania Life. Assiff-a `11alf Of `Y` It ue Co.- of LOkl' orisiinmentf persons stea 'fro" idinuer. P t 'TADA �mjglit. The idriver of* Mar Ole lit ar ATid e C A'�% e Paid -to t -Prit" -b X3xket Squ"e n d e rs i cl� e J air'lrf hPen appointee. ald latt offer Fifty Dollars to b Gotlerich. U n I I Law tile tin ane.e init�, ram Wit -filmy. 0 e Ahl lots atilobef-A Who *iltgive T-.0 'a hicli was kepusp illeckand 0** row d �.or the 'Ito a n -T ion, tij the rson or lWrsol 4qo.1a.M3B30"C—" 7 T ch in-fortuad9n, as Will lead Age cp,;tvoth Fireind en ill 1 lie co1wiction fany pe e. Olt isarimg JIUSI-VEiS WITH 81 nine. lien And aCC fim bLIJ ri, -aid Col- any of the e f T ram at tes o I r, rern 1 uri IAD i er; sks .1i I ingder DiVisi L -JML n1pittLy. ike�.cilttf`atetlts tar ny sa. THOXSGN & HA ZT.L%- -U-RSTt T �,j!.orfirivqte BI wilejet:fpon the iaid the Canada Cotapa he . id -Canada. Co IlRduritipthe f uted conve OF Driftr� VLancef ofilif id land t6 lite Allid Par�-es­ re ijtng in Tode:Tic d other to- T. MSC -and f4fling ion his face�, rpoelved Sevate anti tak& NALD eiec Henr�.Ctiwper Hyndinan. and tile sai ,XA]tr.T.�k TOO= (THE oLDAST IN THE COUNTY beirs and co -be -st -and d �A the farehelad. Mr- llsin� I'd ire� -s-arnlftx --be an -the zifi,"601ent Goderich, ath Ae **W itil WaSthfown L ant 0- mmialfioli - Xer&wts arentided to all joned �preinisies 25 Feb'yt 186-57a;, WL06 121 Auction & 301 L sin common e equ mwitikoat'*qwy. x- ir i]teh 'D li* -GORP10.1f, tenant,. 04im--razt!* Blqck GIC -:propo eCo A=A mext Moor to: Strong's lenry *hoe rtion- the of vp e I r H3 lftisb Peeiodicas confined .143 1& SO -Glut tter AND indman i,4 from Ili# Bri -d- Alie staie olthe.-siiiid Jatj� Ifedry M #x it- 0, - xz- FR.Ell CK K -Clr, it6r of tit ha" i M -S "so- bnond u ai4. 1W S ArA'C --AND UNDEROLVA IER#n� Ill resli,mt of the- uat &. paid b) -yndm sjid the Caaada Colu 0-.&L=*ff1oa&eha1A(;t;od4. Horium. S. P olhiplete 11,41 as aforesaid to the R Ly r,,- the rit:y rqvernaenl� f N hnu artureS,,allu itait novv on hAnd a C Ttmt.O.Nvoo ARTE 41&y� at OLD 647 ftal, -) -f rers C.1 attligzaa%, every Ell% ljuu�, at -bis Xaj;�rooin pany­ ITI! ­ L lives -of m4mig at- to -the 'gale of-It-Ankrlipt SmeW.aiir' TO F 10TSWES *Dl* LI-WHErMEW tention Paid l, !TFORM Eydeed poll. -Waringr &le -the twenty THE L B ) 1.) 'r : ILE ST So JBERIJEG4 TO I rStLREVMW .. ODEIR hundrVil JEW IFTC _Ch or lfha�Ivaieedoa- tqs - ulnuSSWI Urcli Ito" the counties �ffltirtin -G 'ba Ws" A 0= _Ial 6te&- itutdiW-Ir. thtQhhabitli I wsT� sir== Aity of -September one, thostmild 'eight %, -ana U . "id 'Rab armagerKforecto.-ee..)I.Ousi!S�ented. Drwou, 3ind Bi. 4V , r artief,sixti-iourand oree led b%� tie y erthat he iaegS atermled ittithe Brituch n umbor ofhls� 15rca As W115ams antl Au0sta 11arriet -Williams, the naA= - 'D Hii I. Williams in. BLACKtVOG ISEDINEVOGFIX&GAZY"M tSof reitLoftheArid Aigutda rrie _as JBillf"its, Tables, " Bed'steads, Hair I intel wi Ole kneN Bcw�a 214-4 M? vas chirged th the laic- er4m -and - Wool-iaeated-C&airs, Pilt Moulding ehW, ra MILLS P.0 _MtyeatV - Cane Iltor-thestifil-ot SIX fin e y�,u ot, that; few RIMY !I& Aria "Vor on sue d 1ooking Gliasses,4.i n. vari PaVlne -an -inter'Lato alintlel. with one fo dolla it 04* icularIV draw attentidu �6 hi -- Re of8tratford. in the (;oUAtyfFerIhWho they -cimpellcd t4adw 1i 11issei1borbood a manuracture, aid - h the town Party, r -to �aZ� or IT ut or-naron. Sqleg -in vi & MLD- this - free Wheat front 110me are ps will vwicu Rke *Ink poo Pumps made tq. ord r e W HMAX feet. Re Isile'sz itiewit coo ndwarrant6d. ssr"t"41WfAtftt,1" allwfir& On hand W16ITr#o -WzS D Von* #� Victoriastreet T BI... GOV, G. It ttitilks" -Also, I" Saddldy Sort saidlate Heirry E[�Xdmzs e 01111i U et i slor am ,;,.- Forxny0aeDfthe:'Rryv--w5 ....... skine witi *plh bettvdg . I REAMES e -e-te, -art in tit f COP MI me-answitereoiii-vouipe-tition randthesaiadt jsg: AAUX. ]PAMOR17.�. Callyibr a; leires-ze t d6or WeSt Of Mi- StOtt-q T6 -HIRE- As co.heirs and �t�l f the Aald late, Vortiny theee 10M epme -can UPI Ty. � 12 ALM etofthe �aIISRA4UI Hen . Hvildlman ]FOalffowe(the k .'LALso igrint for the sate of Morgan's Premium C:Jw'Immher-&nd Cordwood taken 1j2 t17 Alom lut be sue" Wn 0"a V j'V1TLT1VAT-0R..1irhi,-h has nevcr Yet- proc_&Q9 ofthe said iandi. Fo� 4A0 .eft. aJ4, mera --WhiD ND- c)ian&re for'FarnitUire. Said isf-aaret04 gres. n W1Vd*ndoili:RevteW­.- '1," serlatch in o"i ve getteralsaWilicliGn. t0"far WACHES, CLOCKS A 9. I'he prem, I extenef For Blu* ailed to 9i w27 %att and ibeveirnnol For Blackirood WO MY ISO 0 a foot, Jile Will Alwy t"A hve med them' -NOTICE!� ric ............. Gode h.'Tft0M,- I= sly -partitioned sanimblyusa-vaL -We lie r-onveniently. -Al r - id, )& WLa or7advantaar -000 And 11111l Of e S �j boy HZIMY OD29 oin I" 10 -It WillAN iews ......... J01M 40ammpbe b I ;rthv support stad [nth 69t StYl. rratited. ­&priit n-- ilid.11164. 9. jeAe&ai;dj0s necessmvry c Nx ER A:L COMMSSION ;&GP"XT te 0, nid4tbesaidrther, Camraiasionerm, Qui5iwU Rench, fortakinj ALS inaintenanceoflrijurpetilloi)ara in the Britidill ituraddi- Ufa: x3lucids 6i the Saw ilite suliscribers. 'ram co-�Iieirs and coZeire-mes-AW to.lhvse price -a nVatty-few cwu 1w for B*&-.. -hould-be .,roodAudxig*twxts&yvWf - Aw- Plat0d e1rY Vilhumml kit Henry Rvad-nall that th6saidDrenlise&i - w Aoft"SIC 9T ORY & DA V ftLme to &C sold and iheTrx)medr-div*Oetybet4ween-410(lapplit�d., -u- k; posmic milt Consuintlyei andand ERS 1N be asrepresent *owe -NUFACTUREFU�. A -ND, DEAL -P rA NOTIC for the bettefiVrifull Parties, 'le t ot eitcry de - 'PC -title WA Tin, -274h, 1`81144 Latille-sala prt - nins-1 0 'WARDh1:t AN D- COMMISSIOIX -and'CastitiV Van - Stoves, flicit, nionq-rer 14-r tli�refore Pre 10 r reduced in eize--and Y4�� aMI564 to ir,�,pper and SheJ rrou.- 0-14ricti, Julie, the-liro- r1:12ancedinrice o 410a. x0higuAl otes aid �Wrq m-debtedto -Vtna- -by "4Ti -of 14 avelord so ilnucl Street, "erleh. edak#;*-­- -mdn -Depot,'% eat kLL'ow amillitat,,wilil Vleaw &oMauftemilkicia. -of imv k t lntere Au'll insitir he 8 .1. nolejor booL sted therein. Slot IMIG&FAilkilit Promp lork. 4 --fr2]AlldlhatVo�Urpe�atio-r�maybo-�PRO'biss'bslr'wQf Hence. of IML de -. - - r . _=y w49 jeds o(such stili� imch. tial'and of tbmw Pr- peting periodii:itlSlin V�Rl!nlry' I LO R1 T - 131 Andhit the'e-10- Of wilift -eli ntltillik.beltaidout perv, 13i#=st4f1heV09= &C.'r&-C'r Old Iran, Cor cepdinpa7fietweartatilicinorwad e _d With "w;uoat Oil -tit pm.miism m gold would be -about a 4W atillipresi. 41TATMa. pikin, aken -in M 11kiig-* Rap and,' Shae, �-.AIL The with I it*iy Jpw. A41d -40 out, delay.- year.-Oul -4 49 r, IWU 4 And tbi S , Ze� rilish ange- fortilf'Purix orepaid.fila proper.. tau the taettliatwe inialceourvulliml; - PLW ------------ Ng: Hi's x0s slxaz" 0 And al' rly itheets AM 106�01 -*9 blik like TIM, ect wmaybegi—Ijuidarcolinlitubm Publisheb for- es so", *W Ltteiint encoun 101 may kave swhfartherand rquiligiN41hi,5 a lita.-MUM) Aparly *2,00 Javiv- -AudilialL3 for 44bde- -f grwr N&Wribm menced busin t "MI L %d R' thi very lb qreinent hehap" to;Mr AWrev Do At All 4 le=ept 3SL . eas Our redponei tw b* & iball" %itic he com otht efalr *etnuIes.AeM4T4re1' IbM_r0urbs 10,Llbe 'Tjt1j'W' Ike bi 11 n P# et6ex W M Ahd your luipuer 11�ui P taMSOA IreadM the ord J081.bph, -W! ersbroruglit toMhUm I& ow- CCU d *ey ate Ne via" issoberincrOpedrt 10,qjglk in. B-- our Civil %VarowK1-1b0*h �lou. an4d jar' is "ew "evil* =a 111111. ed" an 200 7 1 Zeu tovef *i& the !AM wbia -Ibey.j finlML to lawool are pnem Ri1d ONTR&OTOR; - ; '0 flit for 3;h .UFO of U*. Wor -woo&rk 4111n rrant an&emplopig. uqne but WNW IW1 CHANCOR moftrate and Wit utter is iew Most rieftev as The Tour 0710" Mai M. Speeifioatid"at And smD. Abeheves hiarmpe wesewte'd ito lite All, letters on busi Fill be the tho same to, give sitisfactRu having 2 ­Afew 9W 0 *e4bo PR ketures) Will plans ntradesineiti. 1]1 S-16. 5 - ­ thi n-011116111.1fte. Province, carried on' Aloudayi fto-Ift 4% Isedond t4 'y inust be Post - paid, �nd,;i CoortoMhan on ioviv-andsvoeessfulivi"Itiall , A beaftWat*5 to -Ate canadbut Dour. mairkd husittedsex ell" at ICU4)f*e zwk ilik like-romaeoct. Ir4wili, Zzder* 0aWbbr'1xt.ts**. one iters'ana having been vramed.. -ofttai Irrit-ch7w costal Arm me fdw 30to aw �rinoipa ve at of Attablish to Sr Men 1�r lar iie&rieli, CH d and6c4atto J. T. _ebraluT 2 VdL Itc."a 4mu", -16 a i%i*g public that Ito tw*&W Coo T 9PEM -11xid it. tapay. a -to flinq Cowper to 'iftm jauuwl?wup�omm id U08ft - ]Leo& jC low -b- ft IRY1121111 0-Ars e 1111- - . IG MOTEW 100- 'F�r Alink -Jos-- iintellid L- - . a Willis WIT T A144MY MPROVEDAnd-ionveillitittl tied um. 1 " . 01A ja uvn&nn- tke-o-m �Aj. t1lid beat 4 9 t dat ban *PPOSUe $2050. gUACE. .-'--#,-4D WLU arthernotift. awnit ht Tara&W jJd to - A" W48 _tr oil -------------- ------ an