Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-03-21, Page 27
is im ioned. sppei� Whl-t' The Great We�terjk 8111,11*01,Y-
answers h
see larger bus
ine From time, the',
0 than to Pass 116
morial the.. proper, conch op the 13tb instj
the cplenda re a good
ra There we -many commit imme At God
-which seem to- have- -an immense ad- oat - appropri-le � seal, of The aWition of a4sobnoxious Paw Mr.- X W. Kinsharil--of moton. 'A 2PAEfqT10E` W-ANTED,71be
meats, orthodox and in wants.s�boytomleai
'Persons in the gaolp -some oftheiff.had v L er] rn the 'Tailorilit.
thie trade s, year or
-an -tho trains
but �y -the wealth. a kiss t What can the man port Systent'has had F- cheering Afikit
vantagtq over all competitors 1. plighted.troth is fine-iht,h4bein at
been tried tit the t�ccdt sessions and other 4 �oon the Great - Wei fersed. Apply �iioncelo
bale me ired, -do A kiu is out of the question, --Rai
just ul rn ilway,
i4i 'almost to MONISM
expertente'and Prestige they qu. cess. All
affiiiiekwith'insinity.,, He would.reco because of a shoembrush"-mustachi helo", a each day being crow ex Jill, Colbo on Tuesdoy AVUHAId.
d be one- At Sinith's I Me,
w le
tinily out- of pub) vi.e 21
to -he pub isre, have
drop grad _ Secure. bill a tbet' ins,as t lij mint be a, , 4he 21st more poment of ineffable blis ra a a Mr....tda. Roost infikeeper, aged
GODEIRIGH.. 0. %V.. AURCH 219 1865. fie�- 'I oftlan-citogo lunatic "d
mend. remove -eeied by firms of �smaller capital, less favo 1is beep'. reiurped to I e an businees The funeral kes place an
red rival *ould,cheerfallf lose are
io, ih dL those in whom,, the It 've the fact that - they 'SOII h 'b is - made but not i a tangible fo A - strong -feOling 57 -;e
e as),IUM an- determinatioi to a t and. Suc'h a-bargai.n raday, 23rd -at one delock,'p. m. r -r X
frals'PUTU aeJ,- the irepared of satisfaction is eZ
Ac�ranecmi!nt'to.ok a more' L harmless - orift itibb and such commodities known from-- one. I papets are y . li�it not "nine' . by
�-Col thee words,-' Wedi and h4ce . Tdoubt -very much whether now that the o triteti b , bee'n re -moved,
bf the land to the other;- In 0 . #I likely of , sewbeie th either in low and not doul. TO WNTRACTO
to to be.takett- tdre el am in the end 'the Lold die it, too, th merican Governmetit THIS 31ARMT& The negotiations wh�;lt are adveitise;,, w uld hold good
thenew establishments the,transaction 0
age' L . L i - -
ng 'in
There,were a tewac 8 Of indig'int Yhe former tire tavenious-to- pass- or e t *ill'be satisfied that adians are acti e 4
take place.between the Minist6rial depa- jail. of dignity. -a madner as pos- 0 qu! OPERICH, 3ra HE undersigied Tmaces , T
h Land. Si rch 3, in the Zvownehip vt
city the -latter at may be btiefly as disinterested and n ral 1865.
-very, i"A& jubli T tu.;DnEARY MUSTAC 01116
ution from., Canada thil'th linpirial in- the'-aol hich he'th ht cot No.' C ou6 out . obscurii eneral sp- -sibl towards both 0:87 T 'TC 191111CM lip to
e persons ib d as foMows couth,'and the Fall VrIteats.
In ievo thtirtheir ptMicity, is so Obvious- that it esen e as the g. e to um,
-bear improper. a commul y ih�telabor b�ll (dA 78
ni � undeiAand si�iet, ith this retention of the Fron t service men, after
ties cannot a obscured. I pearan e ... 0;77
authori -.have in imp -essar' b he first -in the tb abolition of ortant must c of the shoo biush v
ly unnee y t, th' at themselves on -Public t carefu the �Pasport System, m6t* Oats, ...... the 3rd .
inilpon the �future of this- country. A was so Pl6n,tiful, it was sure] that.they mus ru difference, thsV1 is 'parted' 0-374 0.40 to f
r the cornors I the also be evidence stronj ad -to estab. 0. 5 second, hav- 0 ;ly calculit '5. Utdr. i
the mon gal- attentijin o b� disregarded iddle and turned off ve Barley 0:60� !cW for Ine ereetwit ef 17
to commit paupers to QQUI r in rises setkosil
c in our own Mode 'of Governmen ith the long W 6t 10, a
pub attention suPPOse moutio,'jid that.. w hiii1cers, -whicit lish- this couirictio, Now that the trains.are Peas ........... ....... ar.00 0:75�-i House on4 D
AS OUngs oa4l -0
proper -course would be to- fttum �lug Of -in -immenietri all on, and that the spring 'is -opening, there is 0.00 -better knovin' Y
ve' brushedL
adjustment, T ex- rreated, it p4 I
Act o The forms 'an
-rendom some disti h they ba a rmanently. while are spar Pork 5:50
whence t e 'siic V the all _ef :50 send speeigeations of iCi itiee� be, we bracches of itilding -the un pal fact. nothing is more characteri. angle haviba its -apex' at thetip of, I ar- every reason to believe that. -4
Qy ble but them to ts. 3:50 van
ining diSculties not exhibit. marked improvement and at George 1(onston"s welive
Zel 6r's-nose' and'its b - on his -c Ilse bones' industry will 2.00 000
'be taken of and -furnished- world than the eaise with w"Iti -for, aw 0 illoi, i V, .
La the 27th and-timef lettiuk. The *aid
.-Coalition dame,.to care. almosc. invariably rog. ess,—Hain Vies.
t necoessary. rrue., the 'Tra this-specids you wi, P .0.45 -0.450
furkies, do not Inemselves to accept
re we
The re on Boston. nscri�pt parted irvilie-c
entre tender. Terins. made 'knomra on By of
has made a ith rk e'hpad _,L .. - - I r . . I " L. -.; . . :925: '000
vigor�ouk effort -to secure a find.thO-Iiair of th tise do 0.0
of asqatili. with intent, .��Th' express:triiin, we fut OIL Too MUCII.,.- ting.
-dockettases -fashion,- und-yot WORKING YOUR
the *,NGE or Ti g 1 theii have -before you p i'mickens, ef pair 10:20,
ALSO.--Teadcrs "mived: 1W
a rye 8L - , ", * -0:0 - e-Conrederadoll es � Goded that is 0 025
which Was- iinderstand,--leav, man whose -brain power - could. run � in- A thiiigg say the-- I Wky Farm ---do-
tie aw resPe same planj, a
succeedest'lidt argon, ac-,. vinj the lightest -wheel of. UN; t thexame ti&ue,byA&idt
Provinces and has po�rti;l his -arm, iiagentent straw Without reydi Keep a4orking, -Norking, klides (green) ...... 2:75 -cl on -A a trame building.'
ip,, nd ndi vesst3.30p.m never done. the em
irri _a
th6 hipidIt, explained'by His Lordsh a mustache takes. a �very soji
i are all, idea. Stich 9:15
ng it, and you ill' as Barely as you GEO. K
now �tlii very serious question fills lotie if ilte-econnectioni d, it finds- iw worki OUSTON.
rad& jury retired to eitter upon, its will be agood
-,ki ALEX
of- th& the G soil fbr its due development.,, an 0:35
weeds every one- Potatoes. KIRKPATRICK,
min&orour publie men, In view Dngenial situa. work it so much
p .......... Q,
Yo 'by
made property. V1 ood :00
ime cluties. iourlsprucetclandy.tbe most el 2:00 64 '0 GORDOR YOU14
Me- by 1he'Marit -01� - 0� - of them. u will make a clean gwee jilarch Iftli, JVW.
jejectiott- of the khe c tion. lv� He is a chip In-pOridge, a notientJ179 0:08 Ig Colborne -be ases: for The Freshetss�` Now., 0:121
mW ratile brain mud.- all. unc a-- morking'- -loc much. 0;50
pCovinceN hat. c6-urose shall Canda There are some eighteen oMI 0 in y6ur,soil. Apples. ......
a- glib -tong. 0:401" 1
vou-:-to hav, all, ton -A tusion- c3unot' trial. let. e -t used,, by. the. rapidl sci6usly be, hanA.'otitthe trianruldit mustache how' much will that MORTIGA019 8-
A satikkitory conel The and. - 'I& Rooms to Let." ff, Straw
tame 7 mi — the weeds' killed 7 an perload.,6. --..4-00
0 1 vernment Ujs(Lordihip sent -f,ifnm- jewelry on -arrow. and cultiva
encel Jeremi h P;irk-- in iltat, there are yon not a ord to :00
bearriyeel at until the ffijmc� 0 ense budies of anovi havedoite Look. but for such a -man: as He -is just te
ieted hay. me throughout to - Uill' the fellow. ilothing-And: plow three times, and 4
11v at the sessions- of in-
rieat -get
aclas o buy almogt without end, Jo a eldL entirely SEAFORTH
hiabOm consult�d. The:Can Mit er,. co Pijitunately. -for. you P UASIUANT lo' -s Power vi Sale -"osto lead ii
forged an order for §I6-00,-tVf0QV Yeats Property,. Bridbres,'&c. Still greateeniiiehief cetcliton-to credit.
on -with i ideration an w small :. L . L ng. at re is free from wieds ? T e soil feeds the world; -a certain Mortgage, me& oetwiss. Itoliers
Uonfe I n he -is no gre ader, and M03
i�eniten- wrought- in - -the N�ithern States a ' XeDoozall,&C
(Reported for the iszoxAL by t
joniiieat in- th a man te4 too- Mae of the'lownship ofAyrsm. inAelDeamy
'impri e Provincial -has been cannot ati -it It to it; It Parter,
w3le—they, nlijhtt'set up thto nomi debt fdrne*apapera..
not likbly to run in
d that a vec inthendation ma'- being almost submenrecit-' fWuce. Yemen. of1w f , pwt,;& I �Wau - a&
Robert flenilersopand J4034maivem
of the cities �E is a 64 p iRTsM#rch20tb1 1865,:,
iument, and, the tiar�,�, and -34-te 0 ny Tug ROWDY - MUSTACII should bi,made his dspecial pet, as a tree Srj.r(
tha general Part' marli-e& is institution:' The tru' the -weeds'are gone ofth' saidTownslup., Yeomen, -- 00*mar
-child 1111
N7T -F01IL69 -will not only eme f ihe assioa
agiilitut�s -but goinavon-sense would- be. seat to. the Government to- have vOry or a ate George Allan
-but L It, and'undirm. Flour (V barrel) "34.1)0 Qv 4:50 the will of -the I
T a fighting characte air-ar. It
will oe *Oil by VU blic Once with t. 9-9 2
te�chft us that the m achinery would bQ the siiii term com he date of -1 - - W Fall Wheat, V bushel. rt berts
lav P Ctel.intbe Village of Southam to vaid
-in i of long hair in It grain w 'ill: give you 0
his- fi I rs't.commit _ tat for the -cr me. atid Concert ii standing -the isadiantairei ut,
ratia. Of the Episcopal ia-Vf a peitT b it 0:80
The Gr, titintole, he., &ops his round thick our Spring Wheat bish. -0:
�w Test for thw 00% costlyy oto -h -and-, more, grain.fOr the aiiate-labo 0:40 .00 county of ruce,'40N THE
hurch. Rect takes place to. closely Pogo the,
The - -mustache much
Ory �un4 Pat: as ible. r-- If Oats ......... 0
ollowed. thial rue, 2 fley 0.-60 APRIL NEXT,,(1865).at
VitI4r, far B&;rt of pulr evenescdnt u iitache I people f I md, -kept clean Bit pwinues naiady; lot Zia. 1 11101 it
6 r inm isthe Pro- also is worn short, b t what A mi . no:,bad lard and
rut -The fullom 0 '' - -Be a:75 h
pror6gation"of Parliamenti.- bb's Halt t bristles -l' W floar ininar- Peas Of t. e said Township of -:Am&, J
ARdthen'toait What & fares -,of grizzled hat an fields, there ivould 5
0:3a oanW log hofime and lot fames am"
f -taste--�
gramme ter - or0ign an Potatoes ....... 0:3
dintrable, that wa sliddla precisely --I rna 3 . - A@ 18:0. 'Cleared.
OR GENC- UU&SPEE CH * .,. - . - � : 0 mOnt for a coariesenittal,brutish mouth I ket---Ho bit i " for cle ton). . .161:00 A
-rHE'GOVERN f. How plainly it soaks of Standing in an Rlliy� culture iiiiuld indw6 careful culture; - The Hay'( &44 a a n .1cosir
A a ChaileslWarth. of to. TEUMS:-4joe-fifth e
-,What Britain -inteub- to do by us.. Fantasia. Piano solo, bir k club iii hand, waiting. for e inessin farm ten Pork (V himilred).. . 6:00 7.00
and others. "dar t 2 equal annual; instalmentai with
qt7 Bkc Match -18. � ad I imprOvemen of cl aili -a Bides. 1, 5
class at home he BetinieBlue Flag, D.Watson -,--knocir/ onAhe he atereSt.
I W . 8 to I oenefit US.
very large and indtiential some'luckless Wight to ny
It mewArd fly, Mri Pin- -plainly. - it givak -f on_ ea =a wautter -('V FREDERIC)
c f p a U p,,� r LEGTOLATIVE-CO When the Sivallows 0 How _�s ? coarse compan
1.00 tor, Ild
-1co4 down -upott US 'A race- -0:50
e Orton. 'and- bruta pusions, a W
At three o!clock big Excellener cwn lown -k nd,'- 41th What
OiCeS, of th6 b63.
'L ight, ress, 0:00 0.12 14 Uircli, IN3.
relatjons� hangerg who are, to be. Mrs esworth and ts.owner. as 6iir Woollen'Hanitftetu
p -on q do *a turn awayli-fr6m i
the bills - pused V Chad loathit
we wo
They 'in s;a - te, d after svklnct- onti.- wild oar or the- rattlett 2-50
an Mothy Seed '2Z
-moment. -.0. -0:32
at earliest ed the se 4� L - - - .9.
the Miss Wata uld. shuh, the. pe f s 061 _g6t ri4 of during the session,� thin clos Canada cau,ne x ttd pros r i he W
ans �e. ri-cutturat resources Cloer 9.00 $:50
Miss Gal
Piano S6109 -2
teg�us plainly that we have limikupOn with. the-foll6wing wieech.:. th6 Blue WIls, giow-, D. Watson. begin 'to depends solely� -on. It. ri
D,)*n where Buti mum stop here f6r'fcar I
and lumber,business. T
the Imperial bouqty la IOnA . th flux Gentlem istative councit, softl� L S Wly -should, flow., the -.9 -pook. y0is�g man, should itiseason ier- work is
aad moralize, which
-the Legislative Assembly n.L short! in itimmer an4 a4tumir the farmet; is onto
British, prol Gendenien oJ iaseiVatso' never; do, - The rich, comfortableo happy, to -F ill Wheat Xor*ap
f theLLeg 5.
atZ' ;m 0 lo, , Music'o, tion
en ;ec time for LGO a loy t4q prijile&mg of' t�y de6r Miss McKeiizie. ofsociety - should - Moralize, busil) 6nmaged in.. lathentig- food Mar. 20..k--Floar'
Iii -releasing you for Lihe.present from furth-. The M salaried members 1B e. 70 or
'btirth - - h catti e-, u ug, the winter; or. if he 92c a 94c. 90 a 92c. art
its ens, th ' imself and,
with -jut aying our sfi;kre of R -B&edict. tches -as W.O. Ilook- at e h
Or attendance in Parliament, t rejoice that I Irish Sun,-., not suchpoor wre heat 8 so -at the im- -a 12c. Osts -45 a 48.
ralsi Pe t wo Sh
-the time hat come at PAIII It. trust o w of m .... bing his land, Thil rty, olwt4 Ueff
and.1hat last when &'in able to conarumlateybu �U-pcon tt,tviiiz laid foibles,and f illies, and vanities of men and
0 of and
some clealy-defined. 001onial, policy ig, tne-foundIton fzr a morb iutirr e un"in,of Piano Daett, Mrs C. and Miss Galt. k- f minent risk eris of 116 seltoo VW
at jaitgh, in order that 10101. -not thin 01 in it on.
d tuat we Id It
Ifl�-havit hur m
t. thye F3
atson. thus.of livin E6 capital. Uerl aer Majest's. po4session of British- North Bird of Beauty, 3iliss V. W own-ao�udition and wei . - -T ]ELS so! alled the
h Row ' 64,-e Club. ;p6son whose nomaM ave no market for E 0
e6mmerce, he is objecte ALL AP. 0.
'a America. 'l-itni:alicihappy.tothiiii�-.-tEat the. Row, 1-7 any young m
it. t
feelinam ot anufactured goods an hat there. is a
Brid.i7e, Mi humb
Yingr-money,the god the.niasses The oj, which you have ado zted has be.m cal- The as McKenzie. crave
c rae Ii d to C.inger color, I TTKDER
ity of tabour. he latter objection e i d by rktue at a Pawe�
e si' earnestness Duett (piano and uita0-Mrs--.C-. 'and Miss 'a ine inLe y will,' Mr. eltort:88 scare LARGE ASSORTMENT of WAII Papers t_r tsmd which the suit never sets is culated to -prove th neerity and pardon, a:nd I trust on -truism, that worke a, a La certain, M
my name a Be eurm Upod.- with whicli-you adhere td t -hei -1iiars.; omlsed,,keiep ciet lest 1. MaY. answer with t A frem4c per roll upwards, T
he. policy of pr ound whe t offeii.— htwnas B. voutevery And Goicorge I
bru re. r employmen
ion, and a snare,&. ity in,i�elation to1dreign c untrie, and The Merry. a3�s -of Old, Mr Pitolkerton..
set, down as a delusi P - sh Witt be f ill ve-a more� AT -THE ISIGRALOrFICEs Town f Goderich, im the ;Cou*t.*
f the shoe
�&11 beneath the it2clignation
yo' Lady rz Vere de V er�; Mrs Charlesworth. As f6r Dundre -40 would Tohe first we w detailed to ForwaWlers, of the firot pfid� AMJ64100
myth-whielt hai!Ao be paid'for out f the ur readiness -to_ any measures which Cla. d, iiry . Detlof',,Ofthe Alotee
he*door GleitClub.-. Fil 'who:described the suf- 0 a
ting at i I - and like Sterne, and Samuel
may be-foviud n9ceasaiy, for the - e-it.foe6eweiit Brother's - in ncit hurt afly-for theworld., 'more Ai V. Jench. Me of th� second
po":W, of erch 6 ming, e c to portray Go rchants,
ant princes." tive,
at, poli6 Barcarolle, Mro.,Charlesivorth. 0 a "I OV WANT IN
of th within the Provinces. W - will- take-
virifly the- horrors 4 sliver-, 0 said Noitgage is'duly
of thousands means 1111a I
P,jujoUsta with, tens I . ' 've 4 ille-port of Valbouges delksO VW
ce�t,. an4f , gmve English writers Qa -Uen- Made JUL,the due payment tbc*4
. q . I Ithahk you for tile provision you have made THF, ACH19 Its
centper To thie objection. Tali$ then, our imporistio,
Gentto. " of - Me Legislatipe.Aiiembly -AXIBRICAY VAR. o- I lods 'and, shbo,
men one branch of tmie t show the fallacy of
Sch 0 notice having been swvea OR all P tii"
trL 0. the lie service' of. the- city Poill 184—The Rich- -of Woollen manufactures. Let us go back a 'oft -
solemnly, declaie that whether the' Colm- - for can pub to notice, will be sold by Publi
Province. , The- sum which has been-ititiust, to -d ied. flow years that we ia�y have a clear' view THIC-Lowzsr riticzsp Toegjaytbe 18t1i day'df April. se$tj at -t%VWI
�By rooR. TOUNG '310f� Mond pipers. of , ay are recetv At 1.
Rule 13ritannia 'or Hail Colum'- n vote fQr' the -00", at flie AmettO1111 U44 Do- m-oomrs.
sing ed ro the G e went by ou onfecleiate C�ongress. adjourned the imm-ense-coniudiption of this clan of
The V TA1:L Th Hazrburst, onkin strioet, ubnrb. is affe'ted n We impo,
biar they permanen; 'de ace of the Province.- cannot c W
Tac 3111.1'ei.AY Mug aye. 6ods. P-ropedyd,
may go thithr retentim turns to -d 9 rta of then in HOLESALE& FLE oinson h- r.'- sine die aV3 d7clo6k , AT THE SIGNAL OFUCIR. said Town ot lioderilch,
-out to be, Un"mun4rative.: It is a. thousand fail. to bbee. r�kei d by our fellow'subjects in NORM
the -principle I think, that its Tery'Urce and ..$3,562,119 thirty-two JKVY
The PreqidOpt6f,th Jaiiiei River Ca- that isto t -ay
t C�n'adians are e
eEnalan(Las an- arnest- tb:a veud OW
-1W this f e is calculate Up. the Schooners xhip or
pitim eelitig should b formidable appeiiance fdriners of V� in, to. aid NT .5 1
case resp whilat they -d to stri . e nal calls, on the ir,-tn ;N. B.—COU RY MERCHANTS
Merrlttev� then The VOWPY -01 2161�0T
ing 6c, 1861
ressl -to Accept th onsibilhy,
ts shoul; -be cl,i,- -the -advao;�ag -67art of an.approach stimuli, - aror"aid, now I
--tth" hunk argumen of Reifish connection. terror into ihq h in repairing the canal. plied at
a in, papers say ....-4006
that. 1862 ..... a6.1derich, Aforesaid. I)ccd u. power..*1
an The Augusta, Oeomg
be'no that a
Of ec- heie c -doubt about'it _bi
themeansof"weakining the ties and Gentleme WholesaleUtes
It has been consi& & advisable:'th%f a. burly r�llow.r��nninm-swiftl W569
tiost an4 loyalty, that bind -the hearb � of ith A Offics, You, .5. L Itowardayou 1 --Stephens has been in�Georgia for ten _,669
r that he has not- been By ordering from the of Canada, u:drawn swo'rd in his h4do, �%ploihed*ith ad claos or more; yet.
CumRaw to the: throne of Britain and deputation -from the- Go% P rorh and that they. h this
proce4te Loadon'1.confer with her ditional terro ossm"s piu4i theird. - f ope Total in 5Jy0a 122.801-645,* SAVE BOTH TIME AND FREIGHT-
shoutdL fdro
'f�ons of greatim- w no co
ate inisters. oit quest r to the
'&dous u-Mitioin of -their forefathert.' ilence'' ill t ritinue. 'G ericb, March 21
mustache. �It sayl with terrible emphasis: 8 'Here thea -M suvil a sufficient rOply Od 1265.
Vity effarts': are makin,� at Rich. - on that- there - uld be no demand.— is inatmew
Butit' �wrdw to conceal the-fiact, that to the colony.. -,. Whb'iR these gentle- L
is portance L a Orous, objecti
in 01 lored on t T any IneAng repTeSe torni 4 Tkomas and
a bl odthirsty, crueli relentlessp incaps- I I a - aIlls
-leading ind'a at -home either will not men shall Ue returned. I shall1om e '-d for the organizatio of - Go d i -him fit tile: I no �om a -rux '-or Mon L n Nor TO ET.
y -ofyour lg� , J;iuld, -
in again availing, mysef an ble of giving. or taking . quarter. totAl'quantity of w6liens used in the Province. -Une. near
laying beforp be. result Of thelK misiion.. -Ru - troopsq, taken Them is a ercely -a. (water -w. ho does not�
wilLhewyoninto sausage -meat." -The pa plo aow -1 AMR
noilstidentand U& Is M� ki
Orem Y�i t 0 L
The �-follovring ragra are THAT Hou
Jqwaal doodamIthat t4teru.Canada will LwisLATIVE AS9ENDLY.. elan soldiers are. the fisiriest rascals. in-, uni, 'home me& clothIL S4Me partially., but 6them Possession -1 at A ring
Wa Tocoram"re at I omaoc, 1p. Am
11 enemyi at T14 -House metat' noon.- A num. -boys who av met, them 'of i�
r e " - - I -
f�r �ihl fr6in the -Richmond Whig: -altogethen, and tbe'otful afid' unce do� Ki, PAM new be invfM by, a Pf fborm, andbur'brave MOBILZ's blarch 4o"This ctiy is strong and e- want muneraiiie Apply to
for -wool to Ar. preftlet
it, -to hills mabd -CADmp"*1Ug 01
COUI& ame nary has issued a labo 216t, 1865. L..
nC r L ongit Oxon in
r.,, in net t in V"
be belancasteen-ood
in CouneWwerer co urred It,-, the
there in en nitments from thw ave :on. such 'fields as lialslays. sud Inkerman, ly'nienaced. Geii M ur durii to a Goderich Marili
1 decl�sre th ht Of &it advaned. at add calling on, the pe�ple to
tn1toth tnni,r cattle, or ][.reply to Hon. Mi. Bell�-of Ruwelt, so.emal.. it the sig- irring. rem, it !�ordedi spu-" ven at hoine�- - Shecp
in- squadron of.,".these-
prepare.- for the expected Wicks- sin-, n thus restili ed. for men do not cam
Tel as no, change -whatdver in the- t bed de leave. to ra
Re Hon. Mr. Brown. and Ho M Cartier sai whiskered. and mi �NOTICE the ot
9M more. p e than they can diipo* lival!y = kom, -9 1
thmathere w Inons induces -inthing,bist sea. irges the m *in middle or carriage . . A
us Re berYK
VWW licy of t as of comfov I t -and' security.. Napo -eon The Exchan-e Co . mmi rda-V THE Court "k). ayff:lt i�t it not unnatural that Supposep hoWe r, a ready and remu tj of barrows, fumaing A al. wNIM110.9
PO 11 he Government on the.eubieet 0� asion yeste of. of Re ision or the nsr noew �mtivemarket be-fohlid for; the wool, With the desire to tamintida a Wonexion with the removal of the ZeAt'"Of Gore a of the sr- 1 Goden'ch, ill hold its first ingetmit at cutler.-barsess qualities of evening recelVed iftfUottmallil`
-r onld Ah� boys and girls of she the Von will be limpff
the wealth of the mo* L erstooill.the terror-inspirin of a lame, n- Mutt. of Pri- employment- for neil Room, Holmesville, on, blonday, POrt"Ra "of - their
giments, wore rival in the ay fok the . gien' is it nut ve.
the, tache,',for.-his beef _familyr as well as Ih 4th -deyof-A pril next, for thepurpoes Loft propriefoll
04 d for tolue Wwa
Sir& 4 ip Island and New Orleans
rest, bushies riz. gotiers.from. Sh the moot would be scold for
them of be very tong t and 2 evident that ear! appeals against Assessment, Us 191beiale.
ajor -be-aetti-to the '111
nq� -1 think it. won
62111 it, is on that or, the. British pubolie�L ld be "both: Chey are expected here. totwilay.- M the youni people-4ould JOAN SHAWT .-All- imm 11. Russell' the able una test' Cowell 6ifeet--such --atraligementi as more sheep would -be raisedp a de a foo. i irefit
-Dr., T4 will Township clerk.. 11kat amoBat I
-owe almoa everything to us, and tiffit an pr r f6i'some patriotic 111L& for thei in -the stitl mi�Ato. hitherto undreamed of Aii Ow"lietunsft Suitti 7W
correg n, a recent work on Cann" ers cap
will --embrace all prison tured- cles of refinei Merck 201h 1865, ofParliament bring in an amendment to,the be:au rivervott
-we ibutlitael'areturilfrolh would spring u
them:, -th 1ind our. importationaii
receive -% po' - I WIL
d �nts out Goderich as a. place at resemight. be, Vlunteer ct rencledag -�Ioe immediate or .1
A vOnes, of -such 'quota#ms Mow llolarih bandied. and teid of fallinW, MTO w6uld largel
'a a general as LK, Staidey, Man*
gro th of. a In% 0 rease atrY'?-- INSOUM. ACT 864,
should be fortifiad, i system. of tache pbliaf h -*Oaltb of the eon
ry "Port siyentytgiz -navy and ar y - exe
Usk and.begiMvia say -it is high,tidme w . - alied Irith the ine" would .....
hink'the . I" ed'.Dr. is th. . M Shippin r, commerof business,-tmdo
defew. W`e t rn. every member of ` Volunteer corpsivi -in is city .1aft night,
the worst 4itite right, f i net all share inthe actijity .created by new fields undemigied am notified.
at or or it ig. n - - , , H-E,Creslitors of the
w* Aoad know the bei evi t that ibis Tie , to its intitase efficiency. - The ra I I
W rage OUILE, blarch 9i-�-A transporg don- forlabour. -But it is. said we cannot compete to meetaithe ofilce
pr7 . . T
froll tim- imperial abinet, itself. Blood able base fdr for1nemustachesis-g. tee amongst soldiers , red a e th in
point may become. an invalq taining 2000 it ente, the - bay yes- with Bri items of production. -Go Barristerat Law. inthe'Villaffeso,16ft a 0on
town or in'l
ron. than per aps rou.
he 'Grant's pass; into th ther in' OU
ibilifies are "a c )f Bruce on Thursday, 'the sixth. JW& ADAN -aow-just zo� Nam anit'sens, othe - claw, part% no e diffren tores ei
L-ikeLnn terda th (IQ), at the liour of us Aw- long admitted a T
Itavid operations on Its. Pay, - - I . 0 day'of April oexti
�qait -IMMORtbc mhowofthe-Ameri-. doubt, :,for the,- reasons stat 1j, I'%Iaroh 'l.--F9urteea'vesseIa -country,And ask w ether it is or is 'not the Vier -ilie 4f mw -
A ler but also be? 140BLL r, a.m., Ior the rpose of receiving state- eowJoes4*nd@r- harbor 6omprisef a basia -that could,'by.* �169clocl in
on AeVoda oftheL Thames, i�ufacture uts. of his, affaim aid of-manting on
-they wish to appear _i and-ni"11*1 more. word io the teet to-dziyj Mak- 01100 e GUgpw
to that the piply toph of this
a i7. Moderate giv'e' J11000111- 7
am Likes cause added Buchanan ih VO -t Of
expenditure7, �:IyJnL to whicb we haves t,turned oui attention, io-witom. fie inaymakesa a*Wgmm)�k�, New Tba i
con- of
MA mDa men 4 -tom we have at' to VerV, large:at5df 'of Zar the eyes of the ladies. havit seen is ifig 2 1. in- Big sidl The obnovi Act. II P
hi of the ci dr- Great namely, Canadian nd� has not P 'Zotothampotonsi aforesaids Aw. Iah day -HU& CO., -of Moa ton n -will be A" W Dated
R a - WUI. Loessfier U carin'd on y- prevails with the enemy in, the lower at I .
fidem in to a* nglasO through -her a aeant in the -regulars who, 'a hough his vits universal a werto he questio
ta it every hood made -here %re I td1 med to oti
boats, and the oommandi -heiihts at'h Ther!1 indication of an need it $I t -0E01U1tA1
at - avoc It %. -r
ation is to. kill . or. smom &W in
16d, would fauchpains wi hi - upper4i or"A. early attack. . The* ene oth them r It is-tliere-az FREDERfal; FROUI)FOOT-11
if tha popou!sr feelin
its. entftlice, if prop -Orly fbord -e as r my, have: fire4 a b lything 4-4
JW aeamwfii Smith school Of tsk: th a . So 'hinder with tor. &V yea#siad
hw ibets us from ding -at-& like mult for Georpj.lj,�dj. w&w.5&2w*
in the opinion of eminent erminders'be.-x at both-shoreii�,
ei'llowing cuitIL' he
ment an a giA wlth h jyzTtzvmLz,.
de, 11C a r e -brus 'rhi Drr Groafty
? risd
in so far it afeets as, qr whether while tenter extent
too the Colonial PORCY. ire U* Nar& 10, the higher class f goods and to a in h
ry Gibralter in.poi of streni-th On Wero� ed hed, sAi d
ed tiaile.f hidn-onque of yo --�To-dsjwQ have added Fayette g Adam. U s1:30 pint. NOTICE splendid- -art ry comp5 WillL no doubt curl iii'mook-ar I aw
t of cities that liffs &IIft, into Sui
laie 20,000, CEOs RX S`rzpi-�-The Hamito
'bopr ban . H � -
tons,' are. villi to the lie / .
ow Poor AVzRY NX
aVA seatti�4' populati Wee is said to
be ready at any time 'to win one of the frowsr, itzli,itondescripts, but thing of ex,,
manfudy to plant, British p'rin'. -the river yesterday toll Specistoileque I cortapondentsays:—. HK Sale of the prope"T 8aV*rtiwd to Into
Utteriekt- The navai .-and- or T I on'the third day -of March -i wat. AiLondon,
struggling military �Im- quisite grace, and.besuty -)?o fellow that an wi hdreiF aCrOGS
his lap dogi h night- He is on route der 10 age
let of Sals' Von Jobat
I an 44 tho town an ivnS0J= owr�, 0
cip1w Artudy an(I. permanent iipmAbb mustache *4 itia. pet, tio for Raleigh. The
portance of Godirich should be represent. U04 skirmis- d The Hod' 'Jac" Longwailh nd'doife to -ed t6o thv authorities. Why not a "it 'I Or
in through:the admiration of chambe'rinaids, as courl of attempting to *1111i3t; neiit, at the A*Wwo KIA of ThoUlSdU proqwr
94 tbeyvii'=4 be theeied by the ena and his gloty. It was Ahe link that bound COn notice of*, 'bill & e summar punishment MAJAZ
SmigemmA wA *p tO houses Occupiedby adjoirned to Monday. the *40& -da!r of-, Aloril
to a social wOm cl.chi*rti. 'he burned"& bridge OerOus - COUTI 'clo, at soon.
-and perhaps 'girls. of higher quality
-ba%ery ofR6yaIL Artillery here ? _Pubic C�Uadisai§ into f0fei mii itaiy ' lee. Thia hurati.XieWin- Sueet, Godem
"d World L ight surreptitiously. Peep nA Ov at th sery am, powerfid Iffuglu , 111k our opinlony. is which he -in at 4 13
We an not witkout Vhe lee MOV11affs, intoi.but never -fully enjoy., sto b ad t cit Gen..Sbermsa act is very much, � ted At present inch' manit k�re, lay . men. are - wanting assis have to be t oider the--foieign
usTieffs is and )OP tw aw i1mm we hate faith too. I u perfe let. thij army never was Acto whic allows. them to'be act.
eay T be ct -it must
so ilk IM h=tft that nealloused by in better aimited. t6 bail.—T
iskeits.soas to hide completely FLOUR
gr ibWou� eivili sh a and el t listment
The It rain and thunjer of Sunday �hy alm
meet -the wh 40 Prd be 'e"Earic'" of eon- %OOF and731ondny morning fast had the the f&eial openia.-I or some. I can DERI
401111601mill inigily called mouth.— delayed, f LET
we camast-
effect of-stirtin- the. ice'in �- the riivar. A: I ca'n never look at an individual �thuw orna.. A. ft& r sold.' Viction rendered To uncertain. he Present
-our able
If Us* an& pm.* that, heit is" ciecarred at the� motith of the. in ithout beini, reminded -of tky' tour. One -.Ofoui saind bonfit 10111 i pruov es that any two Magis-
haj y per$ was. 0
ented- _rdposed�: law
ta SU wi *=%,all we 2. There completely sold.. -by. a g ntleman of the tratesa-z Stipen. i -or Recorder may, eon Goofte
in Iceland ddrict- the summer of "6 ;e'iDf $200 ra tv fixed At a fir
bor, and-,theL: water row so the other It seems that a vict. The penalty
, read), to "edfift to fidly you, behold re;resenied-, at vast expense of persussio
ft Mil"fan in tow, -iw risonment, witk further ew
"y -t- ' 065. W
ten ors4 us and iu the dim- distance. it 11call1dindividual"
that,- between nine and o'clock; on ..dark ever. andmix. months,
tion Wth.L
our sinnee frowaing doWa., in lofti grandeur, its wfie the white- scal r . ofre -to biti hiih, imprisonment if the", bus! isnot vaid. The
-Mond-ty mornin-i it- covered the, '"It for $25.
Will see it -sandy 'd the colored mall'ag done and cin. put in a force:
e -o' ' - ms And er6vices clOsAy deiiiied a It Bill is &)joa
weby, lnglait& gainst t e an
crag IT to ww"M awt anSP't arid sky-; -Its abaie lost - in. , the- depths'.of a The -sum
near the.. harbor entrance, and even- isked &I overts ScalpeiS a -day t46,0 500i." loadtbw intireiit her Auty� to stand, to
-forest and'its apex.toweting -into " toile. -and he
Qiay'. Ltirggi veisels were miterious 6rced.,- - apply
dooded th� order of
cigar -stub in its mouth, ad the illusion is. wh4: agreed to furnisk it with this L . -.Mace
most out, on dry I an. for oouw& itt working. out the wa L 8 1P le. read, 7.1 B Purcell,
eW Minutes� it dam- would be. -cons Thi Most Reve
therefou n ublished a
-probkmt now perp1@ZL c mplete. 'As the vaporous -poTo that, his take i became of Ui titmati has
In- op, but the 6 a a -4 roll away uo the The whi,
L age would -Iie to the thi ivistle tree top �u - Archbishop
ipp It Rio dscAdw- condemning r4latioul
athat done --whirl about ealin by purchase. and the, -F=
I'& &*T sawl, assist us by ttm wis- wit id aiid d this clouds '(of tobacco 'smoke.) . 'Place 'a aothir -9 ibult'd pemn�' 40i if 'fit The Fealaile 06241em do -TS�, :,A,-� D
�ow whMecdatessen mountuadin C n aulfins'sombriocloud'i you ed of the Nil
the ice t at lsi� with.s. roar andl plyin; hion with liquor Which Con6ladenLss follows Uss ben recelvOil I M- is J10Vr
shudder to I of th*-horribleo4ulphurous commenced
oper state
crash doing noi further. dam 'than Car— eaveras tha( might engulph the-- adv oystez*'go as to bring him to tbs pr. Finally, I love lrelan� 11 detim its indepen-,
JOPUING A881ZFA. - ryi into. the wayfarer- should heL venture fortravelliag.'. Whon this point. was reach- n ato for. the last -three'
Fog the steather'Brueoe; o ti entar he oot 10 1 , clieplore its"ead f
ot ouily; edt�tho
TIM ANiM for SholliL UfIIW Onntifoe two
gloomy depths -of the. forest. Now, itafted - in company on eazi� especially 'under the 11
Lake. Theforce of th enormous -M&M. majile -of of- dot --i CLA
I firmly- believe that thegrowth of itstion,.bst'. on ths bill be; act -A A 0 , cl's injustice, inhu
iM Although
per if be -would at 1 lisve'no faith that t
of ice must have been men for it ant 4oiorni" who asked the sea[
the upperiip I!y the sterner sex was. he R t1be
the gremotLe6stor, request - be miaes twir stock irpry -gonsplete in All
to Toodw
off larp in" on the data-ind carried M Intdoilt (eime bare-faceil them a 44 take head State centers, could govern' W -f * "
to of �&sa Jussw
the co I , , , : Chlig Bqev
chance. � On the utmry,i B
44 (Kw&!2t).at ipoi befo Hon. t- emphatically. One of the er- if it %:a
IF I . individuals would:ndt have so much'trouble in
way OLOW A14D F pf gen- -though still -growing.. Th . shaving it -ofrj I protest it co Hibernian's theit began talkial worse 4ccons
ng mass was -fier -condition wom than A,
-Tu".161mib". -nuaibe uld. not. have Irish -to- 'the F belie" irould'jive bet loaodAnfy
ht,bf extremil tim cir ',bilk " but 114 iaboily but -the 4w tndoao�Lsann Id Is
been intended that.Christian men should make vie
"ft of dw Ur, frout Toidilto, Up. am ze. what is at with 6050� f tbe.
d At one ime it was. feared.that grizzly bears or gorillas of themielves. ft is conversing un3erefood, the langda present. And therelbom conjure very
PCM'ak -*It UP -to as' "09 Of our W unsightly and opposed torl inew. was W14 has not been rOpoi-teda Thi result min respect for P* millie-would a rotity 0 t of all however, that � c thea Hiwr I ums nothino, to db with the
erneyerely, . f, u one of . 4sad ad
out ik radio" appoin" to'"t for ipw A aff Itives the!man in. air o , fe rty, to. Fen' n his daily avocation, *hie Accomp Ian&
h -ma
0 of. Cliftiono'being
Z tfie station here by -ti. B... URCELU
lba'aaws—Ni.. 11SO&W, if 1AAdoq—. 1% pla ut WT &map was to a SAW -Mi �ed round, -aid anted the pa
a- I considerAble pi 0 gi remeat - of the boi joined at -of Cincinnati
b7th we!
tt. lost
b" IWO. �Amvio Ist
soapL fo&tan�enug otableleather, itetting of' rtner of- the gal
ti of stave timber and- lumber. --m- It in tM ddetily causlit: h
The ""Ift Vadeiked. oftbe Grand cluan I tY ty^ or so6ething of iliat mb�ft lifton the-victiar-5
ce London - P -A' #tat* t at-& -hors&
r and his friendi, yelling POrlt Pe
is dWif 64- No bri4w.have,.:beea-- away thus for beer -It places the- owner in the 0:10- The
were -!iWeRt. at I buyer *am
a 'tilt jealliet. being!& J&rV
fair, which is very fortun te. he Bruci imminent d &6 yalation whenever pdrIeft
4TUY iser of 78iian the top 'at � hi in "t eittyy a a daysi -ar
wo;;t of all, sh mant. br6kw aWaY wd engaged a number of who- were to
TV 'he takes ia! fi-xAi zr�f tabor of
-ad, imd towed in i for d"i lifei but the Idend- was where t
u 0 a,&e afternoon Patty hil to Min
ZAj Ahwis�d�?', was= ast out behind an impe'netrable dkvaux�de sciiotid "COM
beare cou get were tiw work on a farm So it tbiy
f he , Id t clear had to
Wn onsmul friew -manities of social- held, and -
o* %Wahl 0 k4freirtlelft, . . )rk. over- $50- in." gmtiboask% which the wirivid-in Dotrooi-t W Openly pa
lifi. '- Him c4aversation Witrosiz a grol and f( them- to:
D026111 WV4 4uftsidio Akx ]RIAIM f istree, div" among them, -enlist in the FW*W army. - The
subterranexti r teas little children, Milemianlio 4 c4 were From New loo 'Wime exception, I Ihmij Jeff
7 W - - if 7"
in -Logioo. Wa. 11illar iS i4*19 OrdiAfy tibillber of i fits and causes ladies and commiteuced Ili &4ween, 12 and 1.5 years of Allf Tas Tlisoa4vordnopen ato to- tairie pate.,. And ingpliefint4UL hot** ete.l.of ot York hsvaa
taanaffL &_amomt. jeltrato knoWlodg6 them I - .* 1. .1vim The ra F -A "^oxseod POO the annual Own loo. suisposs one of . $hes* creatures td Crofton, ob f &Q@ with the Df
goods—very cbW
WOW- the. ga 0 $beLqu&I't' 0 -d ira lito POO
bd U dime ywwhile,
a bqsr� him imitift b f 1,yo *Wfnod to Lou . I
t dow,
-jupposit im poi t1w di X".7t, -hi 112ig, -his title of W-- and, as z'
ay S
in. d
W w
T bjr
to fAves. 111105 matipo A
Ot6m at' ressdevotion, sw oterval1ove into Of ba -d larys
ot- h milimr, howevert V
ossfair choik rivalst so a .
The. expense of.adverd tiag tit. tho,'6th edition lily roundue That - invaumA we- shoild -says mn Veyer Rothchil hail treeted a'
in puii�y-ind the peack in a and keepiag it. d
pro !!a1per 2=10965.
thm Up -L not a "ry fitable poe for the shur*at Mentsti6iel, Bucki� for the use of
Of "VA104T4Vdist Brk-annicais itaidto have' soll,beattiy`of tinge. b to be 1 was
f . _ *11*L * _, 1� and up Mi W8 I or
OR the. r*oty� - e on'sti e abibited by 300- 11rt vVeli citiow 11914 hiriz, il more a W, J09 !on tm=spe